Pegasus Post: October 28, 2021

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Locals<br />

Supporting<br />

Locals<br />

THURSDAY, OCTOBER <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />

Residents call for name change<br />

of new Avondale foot bridge<br />

• By John Cosgrove<br />

CONFUSION OVER a new foot<br />

bridge’s name has prompted calls<br />

for its renaming.<br />

The call for a new name comes<br />

after a barrage of online comments<br />

and queries by residents<br />

groups and individuals seeking to<br />

rename the new Avondale footbridge<br />

because of the confusion<br />

caused by there already being an<br />

Avondale bridge nearby.<br />

Residents from Avonside, Burwood<br />

east and Shirley are being<br />

asked to come up with a possible<br />

name for one of the three new<br />

pedestrian and cycle bridges over<br />

the Avon River scheduled for completion<br />

early next year.<br />

The Medway St and Snell Pl<br />

bridges replace previously earthquake-damaged<br />

bridges, and will<br />

reconnect the pedestrian/cycle<br />

route that runs across the Avon<br />

River, while the new Avondale<br />

bridge provides a connection to<br />

the future Eastern Reach wetland<br />

restoration area.<br />

Burwood East Residents Association<br />

secretary Gae Johns said<br />

the new Avondale footbridge was<br />

originally called the Aranui bridge<br />

on regeneration plans but, when<br />

referred to later in council documents<br />

it’s name had changed to<br />

Avondale.<br />

“This is very confusing as there<br />

is already an Avondale bridge<br />

there,” she said.<br />

“It is a bridge which enables<br />

another connection between red<br />

zone areas of two suburbs, namely<br />

Burwood and Avondale.<br />

• Turn to page 4<br />

CONNECTION: The new Avondale foot and cycle<br />

bridge is on site, but the structure still has a bit of<br />

work to be completed on its approaches.<br />

Right – An artist’s impression of the new bridge<br />

when finished.<br />


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2 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

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Effective Ad packages start from just $99<br />

(inclusive full colour ad, creative setting,<br />

photography and proofing).<br />

No contracts required.<br />

Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Linwood • Avonside • Richmond • Shirley • Bexley<br />

Burwood • Dallington • Wainoni • Bromley<br />

Aranui • Avondale • New Brighton • Northshore<br />

Queenspark • Parklands • South Brighton<br />

17,598 homes every week.<br />


Frank Greenslade<br />

Ph: 364 7441<br />

frank.greenslade@starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

John Cosgrove<br />

Ph: 021 195 0<strong>28</strong>4<br />

john.cosgrove@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Circus troupe<br />

Today, Friday and Saturday, 7.30pm<br />

Roy Stokes Hall, 146 Seaview Rd, New<br />

Brighton,<br />

Christchurch Circus Trust troupe<br />

shows are a thrilling and spectacular<br />

adventure through dreamscapes and<br />

nightmares. An ensemble of wicked<br />

witches, grotesque gremlins, flying<br />

ghosts, spirited dolls, zany acrobatic<br />

pranksters, creepy creatures and terrifying<br />

towering monsters on show in<br />

New Brighton. PGR, recommended<br />

for ages 8 and older. Tonight’s<br />

performance will be a filmed dress<br />

rehearsal. Tickets at www.eventfinda.<br />

co.nz/<strong>2021</strong>/spooky-circus/christchurch/tickets<br />

SeniorNet New Brighton<br />

Monday – Thursday 10am-noon<br />

202 Marine Pde, New Brighton<br />

Go along and learn how to use<br />

modern technology and the internet,<br />

such as your computer, smartphones,<br />

tablets, laptops, and discover how to<br />

capture and send digital photos, apps<br />

and programs. Bookings required.<br />

Phone 382 6048 to register.<br />

Dallington Clean Up Day<br />

Friday, from 10am-noon<br />

46 McBratneys Rd, Dallington,<br />

This event is part of the annual<br />

Keep New Zealand Beautiful Clean<br />

Up Week. The purpose of Dallington<br />

Clean Up day is to get around the<br />

neighbourhood and clean up rubbish.<br />

Help the Conducted by the Dallington<br />

Residents Association to keep the<br />

Aranui Bike Fixup, Thursday, 3pm, Breezes Road Baptist Church, 153<br />

Breezes Rd. Take your bike and have it fixed and learn repair skills. Second<br />

hand parts are available to replace things that are broken. For more<br />

information, check out the Facebook group. Aranui Bike Fixup is free. If you<br />

have unused bikes that you would like to donate the group would welcome<br />

them.<br />

suburb looking beautiful. Meet at the<br />

Dallington Community Shop on the<br />

corner of McBratneys and Gayhurst<br />

Rds. Take gloves, a bag and a map<br />

will be supplied. Free.<br />

Dallington Car boot Skip Day<br />

Saturday, 9am-noon<br />

174 Gayhurst Rd, Dallington,<br />

It’s that time of year again. If spring<br />

cleaning, take a boot full of rubbish<br />

down to the Trade Aid car park on Skip<br />

Day and we will take it away for you.<br />

The skips will be available until noon<br />

or until they are full. Conducted by<br />

the Dallington Residents Association.<br />

Don’t take concrete, bricks, sand or<br />

soil, stones, shingle, plaster wall linings,<br />

compost, lard, tyres, hazardous waste,<br />

liquid, chemicals, asbestos, whiteware,<br />

lounge suites or large furniture. No<br />

loaded trailers, utes or trucks.<br />

Parklands Toy sale<br />

Saturday, from 10.30am-12.30pm<br />

75 Queenspark Drive, Parklands<br />

The Parklands Toy Library is having<br />

a sale of withdrawn and donated<br />

toys and books. Grab some bargains<br />

as everything is priced to go. There<br />

will also be a $1 sausage sizzle. Profits<br />

from the sale will be used to replace<br />

worn out or broken toys and to expand<br />

collection areas.<br />

Lions Club of Christchurch<br />

<strong>Pegasus</strong> monster garage sale<br />

Saturday, 10am-2pm<br />

332 Linwood Ave<br />

The annual fundraiser for the Lions<br />

club attracts up to 3000 people to<br />

forage through the hundreds of stalls<br />

and items on sale. Covid alert level 2<br />

restrictions will apply.<br />

Up to<br />

50 % Off<br />

*Call for Terms<br />

& Conditions<br />

Off<br />


Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 3<br />

New liquor outlet prompts calls<br />

for city-wide alcohol policy<br />

• By John Cosgrove<br />

CALLS FOR a city-wide local<br />

alcohol policy are mounting<br />

following the approval of the<br />

latest off-licence application.<br />

In spite of 50 written objections<br />

and presentations from concerned<br />

citizens and community<br />

board members, a new Bottle-O<br />

off-licence will<br />

open within the<br />

next six months on<br />

Prestons Rd.<br />

Coastal-Burwood<br />

Community<br />

Kelly<br />

Barber<br />

Board chairman<br />

Kelly Barber<br />

said he was not<br />

surprised by<br />

the decision and while the city<br />

council has some “good by-laws”<br />

governing public drinking, it is<br />

time for it to step up and create a<br />

city-wide alcohol policy.<br />

He said without such a policy,<br />

which many other cities have,<br />

it is basically impossible for a<br />

community to stop a liquor outlet<br />

from being opened.<br />

Under the Sale and Supply<br />

of Alcohol Act 2012, councils<br />

can develop local alcohol policies<br />

(LAPs) to influence the location,<br />

number and trading hours of<br />

businesses licensed to<br />

GREEN LIGHT: A new off-license has been approved on Prestons Rd, in spite of 50 written<br />

objections.<br />

sell alcohol.<br />

Barber and fellow community<br />

board member Linda Stewart<br />

attended the hearing and told<br />

the Christchurch District Licensing<br />

Committee that the board<br />

doesn’t usually comment on<br />

applications for new licences or<br />

renewals, but in this case there<br />

was “surprise and concern” from<br />

the community.<br />

He said the board was concerned<br />

about the number of alcohol<br />

outlets within a five-kilometre<br />

radius of the proposed site.<br />

Barber told <strong>Pegasus</strong> <strong>Post</strong>:<br />

“People told me it was very hard<br />

to stop a bottle store opening and<br />

a lot of the information we heard<br />

[at the hearing] was against<br />

the application.<br />

“I feel that if a community<br />

wants to stop something in their<br />

area, their opinions should be<br />

taken into consideration.<br />

“Without the city having a<br />

guiding alcohol policy, at the end<br />

of the day all they are doing is<br />

looking at the point of law and<br />

the point of law pretty much says<br />

you can open a bottle store as<br />

long as you fulfil the criteria,” he<br />

said.<br />

The criteria includes trading<br />

only between the hours of 9am<br />

and 10pm, and no alcohol to be<br />

sold or supplied on Good Friday,<br />

Easter Sunday, Christmas Day<br />

or before 1pm on Anzac Day.<br />

Other discretionary conditions<br />

include no advertising of alcohol<br />

products on the outside of the<br />

premises.<br />

City council community support,<br />

governance and partnerships<br />

acting head Matt McLintock<br />

said the number of written<br />

objections was considered at the<br />

hearing.<br />

“One of the objectors appeared<br />

and was heard, along with<br />

the local community board<br />

chairman [Barber]and one of<br />

their members [Stewart] who<br />

presented their submission<br />

in person at the hearing to<br />

convey the concerns of the local<br />

community.<br />

“The application for an offlicence<br />

was granted subject to<br />

conditions as detailed in the<br />

decision,” McLintock said.<br />

The application was not<br />

opposed by the district licensing<br />

inspector, the police or the<br />

medical officer of health.<br />

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Who knew there is so much more<br />

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Who knew there is<br />

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Think a quick dust or vacuum of your heat pump<br />

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Taking the<br />

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than<br />

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the filters?<br />

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vacuuming<br />

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Think a quick dust or vacuum of your accessible heat pump bathroom modifications),<br />

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clean<br />

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We are able to complete to a<br />

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create a healthier home, go to www.airify.co.nz.<br />

Or get in touch today on 0800 24<br />

www.southbuildltd.co.nz<br />

74 39

4 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

No bridge renaming process established<br />

• From page 1<br />

“Some of our residents have<br />

queried the reasons behind<br />

the naming of this bridge, as<br />

have we.<br />

“Perhaps it could reflect<br />

the areas on both sides of the<br />

bridge rather than a suburb<br />

name,” Johns said.<br />

Coastal-Burwood Community<br />

Board member Bebe<br />

Frayle asked city council<br />

officers at a recent meeting,<br />

if a process for the naming of<br />

the Avondale Bridge has been<br />

Anzac Fronds<br />

back in<br />

place ready<br />

for unveiling<br />

established.<br />

Council officers advised<br />

her that no process has been<br />

established.<br />

They then advised the<br />

meeting that if the Burwood<br />

East Residents’ Association,<br />

other groups or individuals<br />

wanted to propose names for<br />

the bridge, they were welcome<br />

to send their suggestions<br />

through to council for consideration<br />

when the naming<br />

process is established.<br />

Names mooted so far have<br />

With only weeks to go before their<br />

official unveiling, the large metal<br />

fronds located at the intersection of<br />

Anzac Drive and New Brighton Rd,<br />

are attracting interest from passing<br />

motorists. Repurposed to honour the<br />

Anzac story, the new-look fronds will<br />

align with the Poppies over Gallipoli<br />

sculpture on the corner of Anzac Drive<br />

and Travis Rd. The Anzac Fronds were<br />

originally installed on Anzac Bridge<br />

light poles, and have been in storage<br />

for several years. PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN ​<br />

included the Amelia Rogers<br />

memorial or Evan Smith memorial<br />

bridges.<br />

All three bridges have been<br />

funded by earthquake appeal<br />

trust at a cost of $11.5 million<br />

and will be single-span, made<br />

from steel truss, with concrete<br />

decks and sliding, and jackable<br />

abutments to avoid lateral<br />

spread.<br />

Right – Artist’s<br />

impression of the new<br />

Snell Pl bridge.<br />


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Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 5<br />

Jordan’s community garden idea<br />

grows after getting green light<br />

• By John Cosgrove<br />

HELPING OTHERS is a calling<br />

for Chisnallwood Intermediate<br />

pupil Jordan Wilson.<br />

If he’s not helping his grandfather<br />

clear fallen branches from<br />

his farm, or giving his dad a hand<br />

around the house, the 12-year-old<br />

is helping others at school.<br />

In June, while cycling from his<br />

home in Shirley to school via the<br />

Avondale red zone, Jordan had a<br />

brainwave.<br />

Why not get a small part of the<br />

huge open spaces there and build<br />

a garden to feed those in need.<br />

“I wanted to do something, so<br />

I started asking people online<br />

what I had to do to get a small<br />

plot of land there to grow vegetables<br />

on – a community garden.”<br />

Jordan said he was eventually<br />

put onto Land Information New<br />

Zealand.<br />

“It turned out to be a lot of<br />

paperwork but everyone loved<br />

the idea,” he said.<br />

His proposal was given the<br />

green light by LINZ in July, and<br />

Jordan became the youngest person<br />

to be granted a temporary<br />

land use licence for the Avon<br />

River corridor regeneration area.<br />

(Since 2016, LINZ has made<br />

former residential red zone land<br />

available to community groups<br />

and organisations for more than<br />

3000 short-term projects, events<br />

or land uses.)<br />

From then, Jordan’s small<br />

community garden project<br />

grabbed the attention of sponsors,<br />

community organisations<br />

and high profile supporters, who<br />

donated materials and time to<br />

help him achieve his goal.<br />

“City councillor Phil Mauger<br />

donated the timber, Citycare<br />

staff helped me construct the<br />

first four garden beds,” Jordan<br />

said.<br />

When the soil for the beds was<br />

delivered, Jason spent a tiring<br />

afternoon moving it by himself<br />

from the side of the road to the<br />

HANDY<br />


Chisnallwood<br />

School pupil<br />

Jordan Wilson,<br />

12, with his<br />

community<br />

garden<br />

beds in the<br />

Avondale<br />

red zone.<br />


COSGROVE ​<br />

beds in a wheelbarrow.<br />

Now there are six beds on site,<br />

and Jordan is propagating plants<br />

at home for the coming growing<br />

season.<br />

“I’m hoping to have tomatoes,<br />

carrots, lettuces and cauliflowers<br />

in the first crop. Now that we<br />

have a water system in place I<br />

will soon be transferring them to<br />

the beds,” he said.<br />

Water was always going to be<br />

an issue, as all infrastructure has<br />

been removed from red zone land.<br />

Jordan’s father Matthew<br />

Wilson said his hard-working<br />

son spends hours each day either<br />

tending the beds after school<br />

or online answering the many<br />

emails and messages he gets<br />

from his Avondale Community<br />

Garden Facebook page.<br />

“His grandmother even came<br />

down from Blenheim to help<br />

him with his seed propagation<br />

over the school holidays,” Wilson<br />

said.<br />

Chisnallwood Intermediate<br />

principal Justin Fields said setting<br />

up the garden was a huge<br />

undertaking for anyone, let<br />

alone a year 8 student.<br />

“Jordan set up this garden<br />

because he wants to give to the<br />

community.<br />

“Even when faced with<br />

bureaucracy, he pushed on and<br />

won. He shows that any tamariki<br />

with leadership can find a place<br />

in this world,” Fields said.<br />

Jordan said: “It feels good to<br />

be doing something good for the<br />

community, and now the hard<br />

work starts as I have to figure out<br />

how to distribute the food once<br />

it’s grown.”<br />

Trust Law Expert<br />

Zara Tonks joins<br />

the team at<br />

Summit Law<br />

Zara is a Senior Associate of our firm<br />

and a trust law expert. She studied<br />

law at the University of Canterbury<br />

and was then admitted to the Bar as a<br />

Barrister and Solicitor.<br />

She has over a decade of legal<br />

experience and has followed her<br />

passion for tailored and personal<br />

solutions to protect intergenerational<br />

wealth making sure individuals<br />

and families position themselves<br />

well, whatever their circumstances,<br />

especially as legislation is updated.<br />

She arrived at our firm after years in<br />

a large accountancy firm where she<br />

ran the trustee services part of the<br />

business. She has a broad range of<br />

experience in trust establishment<br />

and management, and succession<br />

planning for a wide variety of clients<br />

from individual family to large wealth<br />

international investment trusts.<br />

Summit Law is located at The<br />

Sails,just along from the Ferrymead<br />

Countdown. The firm provides advice<br />

in most areas of general practice<br />

with an emphasis on residential<br />

conveyancing, particularly for first<br />

home buyers looking to get their first<br />

step into the property market. Other<br />

areas of advice include wills, EPA’s,<br />

estate administration, relationship<br />

property and some commercial<br />

transactions. Summit Law is the local<br />

“go to” law firm in the eastern, hill<br />

and seaside suburbs. Summit Law<br />

welcomes all enquiries.<br />

More information can be found on<br />

our website www.summitlaw.co.nz<br />

Summit Law, Units 7 & 8,<br />

1025 Ferry Road, Ferrymead<br />

Ph. 384 3880 www.summitlaw.co.nz<br />

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6 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Group has large range of women’s products<br />

• By Tina Grumball<br />

IF THERE’S anything the<br />

women of the MacFarlane Park<br />

neighbourhood centre can do<br />

better than friendly smiles or<br />

great baking and coffee, it’s<br />

fighting period poverty.<br />

After struggling with it herself,<br />

and listening to fellow women,<br />

Shirley resident Toni Orchard<br />

set out to provide another option<br />

than staying at home or lining<br />

themselves with bulk rolls of<br />

toilet paper.<br />

“That’s why I started it – to<br />

make sure everyone’s on an even<br />

footing,” she said.<br />

Along with Debbie Delany<br />

and Jenna Huffam, Orchard<br />

launched the ‘Supporting Sisters/<br />

Tuahine Tautoko’ to empower<br />

women and their periods.<br />

“You have to empower<br />

women,” Orchard said.<br />

“We want to include everybody.<br />

It’s not about what nationality<br />

you are, what ethnicity you<br />

are – it’s for everyone.”<br />

In their mission to include<br />

every woman, they provide a<br />

wide range of products, through<br />

various donations, ranging from<br />

maternity, regular pads and tampons,<br />

super pads and tampons,<br />

and liners.<br />

The initiative has been running<br />

for about a year now, but<br />

Orchard does not have numbers<br />

on how much product has gone<br />

through because the service<br />

that some people take a lot, while<br />

others take one or two.<br />

Community worker Sharyn<br />

Burnett said women were<br />

welcome in, with no shame or<br />

is confidential, and they don’t<br />

63<br />

measure<br />

x<br />

how many<br />

180<br />

women are<br />

coming in.<br />

However, she said they have received<br />

‘really good feedback’ and<br />

From left to<br />

right – Toni<br />

Orchard, Jenna<br />

Huffam, and<br />

Debbie Delany.<br />

judgement.<br />

“When you’re older, things<br />

don’t happen as they should,”<br />

she said reciting a story about<br />

an older lady coming in because<br />

she’d been caught out.<br />

The Supporting Sisters initiative<br />

is not the first to identify a<br />

problem.<br />

It comes after the successful<br />

installation of a similar scheme<br />

by the Auckland Council and<br />

the non-profit organisation The<br />

Period Place.<br />

Earlier this year, the New<br />

Zealand Government joined<br />

Scotland and England to provide<br />

free sanitary products to primary<br />

and secondary schools.<br />

This came after a 2017 survey<br />

by KidsCan that showed 53.1 per<br />

cent of those interviewed found<br />

it difficult to access sanitary<br />

items due to cost at some point.<br />

Provided with the sanitary<br />

products are two pamphlets<br />

written by the Shirley Community<br />

Trust nurse to give some<br />

education for those who need it.<br />

“Some girls, if they’re not comfortable<br />

talking to their mums,<br />

or they’re on their own with<br />

their dad and he doesn’t know<br />

what to do, at least they can<br />

come to the centre and figure<br />

out what works for her and what<br />

doesn’t,” she said.<br />

•If you need sanitary<br />

products, or just need<br />

someone to talk<br />

to, the MacFarlane<br />

Neighbourhood Centre<br />

is open on Monday,<br />

Wednesday, and Friday,<br />

9am-3pm.<br />

Up to<br />

50 % Off<br />

*Call for Terms<br />

& Conditions<br />

Off<br />


Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 7<br />

Sports funding award<br />

for Bromley School<br />

• By John Cosgrove<br />

DETAILING HOW Bromley<br />

School pupils would benefit<br />

from an injection of cash<br />

won the school a major sports<br />

funding award.<br />

When Bromley School principal<br />

Scot Kinley called a selection<br />

of pupils from the school into a<br />

special assembly there was first a<br />

sense of anticipation then plenty<br />

of excitement.<br />

‘‘They entered to find a<br />

videographer standing there in<br />

front of the TV,” Kinley said.<br />

“They soon got pretty excited<br />

when they discovered they were<br />

being filmed for an online presentation.”<br />

The children soon discovered<br />

their school had won a $10,000<br />

sports grant as the first ever<br />

South Island winner of AA Insurance’s<br />

Big Little Sponsorship.<br />

“It was a big surprise for the<br />

children, and everyone was<br />

further surprised when teacher<br />

Cathy Baker was selected for<br />

a tour of Eden Park at a later<br />

date,” he said.<br />

Because Auckland is in Level<br />

3, AA Insurance had to make<br />

the announcement a virtual one.<br />

The children gathered in<br />

their bubbles for the reveal<br />

party that began with a prerecorded<br />

video from Campaign<br />

PEDAL POWER: Bromley School principal Scot Kinley<br />

makes a smoothie on stage during the revel party held<br />

at the school to announce that they had won a $10,000<br />

sports funding grant.<br />

Ambassador former All<br />

Black Keven Mealamu, AA<br />

Insurance’s head of brand and<br />

marketing Melodie Vickars, and<br />

Eden Park chief executive, Nick<br />

Sautner.<br />

Organisers said they received<br />

over 3200 nominations from<br />

771 school nationwide and were<br />

impressed at how the Bromley<br />

nominations talked about<br />

providing more opportunities<br />

for students by upgrading<br />

sports equipment and using the<br />

funding to get teams to regional<br />

events.<br />

“Some very excited children<br />

talked about how the money<br />

could be used and then we all<br />

went outside for the reveal party<br />

which was held for the whole<br />

school during the morning tea<br />

break.<br />

“They had smoothie bikes<br />

on a stage and everyone had<br />

the chance make smoothies by<br />

human power and enjoying the<br />

party,” McKinley said.<br />

WINNING TEAM: Richmond Bowling Club’s women’s fours<br />

team, skippered by Bev Morel, retained the South Island<br />

women’s fours bowls crown. They are (from left) – Jan<br />

Shirley, Tania Woodham, Bev Morel and Theresa Woodham.<br />

Another South Island<br />

crown for Richmond<br />

RICHMOND CLUB’S women’s<br />

fours bowls team, skippered<br />

by Bev Morel, has retained the<br />

clubs’ South Island women’s<br />

fours bowls crown.<br />

At the Ashburton tournament,<br />

Morel’s team of of Jan Shirley,<br />

Theresa Woodham and Tania<br />

Woodham played in tricky<br />

wind conditions to record a<br />

21-15 victory over Julie Dalley’s<br />

Hornby Club team of Liz Rossiter,<br />

Kay Wallace and Sonia<br />

Butler.<br />

Dalley’s team had looked<br />

promising for the first 10 ends<br />

leading 12-6 but Morel’s team<br />

fought back as they had done in<br />

the previous tournament, buoyed<br />

by a four and a five on the 14 th<br />

and 16 th ends, to move away to a<br />

comfortable win by five shots by<br />

the 18 th end.<br />

This was the closest winning<br />

margin Morel had faced over the<br />

four matches her team played<br />

in during the tournament, her<br />

previous wins were 22-9, 21-13<br />

and 25-14.<br />

The annual club tournament<br />

attracted 44 entries from around<br />

the South Island.<br />

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8 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong>

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 9<br />

Sweet treats for dessert or a snack<br />

With daylight<br />

saving here, there’s<br />

a promise of<br />

summer and warm<br />

temperatures to<br />

come. These cold<br />

desserts are plentiful<br />

for when visitors are<br />

due<br />

Cheesecake slice<br />

Serves 10<br />

Ingredients<br />

Base<br />

2 packets Super Wine or plain<br />

Digestive Biscuits, place in food<br />

processor<br />

2 teaspoons cinnamon<br />

250gm butter (melted)<br />

Process the biscuits into fine<br />

crumbs and tip into large bowl,<br />

add cinnamon and butter and<br />

mix together thoroughly. Press<br />

crumbs into largest springform<br />

pan (or even bigger container if<br />

one is available) that has been<br />

well greased and lined baking<br />

paper, chill in the fridge while the<br />

filling gets made.<br />

2 teaspoons vanilla paste<br />

6 eggs (beaten)<br />

Zest of four lemons<br />

Directions<br />

Beat caster sugar/cream cheese<br />

until smooth, add sour cream,<br />

vanilla paste and eggs, mix well<br />

until smooth and well blended.<br />

Add lemon zest and mix<br />

through thoroughly. Pour mixture<br />

over base, place in oven on a biscuit<br />

tray to allow for any spillage,<br />

and bake for 1hr and 50min, or<br />

until golden, puffed and set in the<br />

centre, turn oven off and leave in<br />

oven to go cold (overnight is fine).<br />

When cold, cut into wedges.<br />

Blueberry cheesecake<br />

Serves 6<br />

Ingredients<br />

125gm cream cheese, place in<br />

mixer bowl with<br />

1 egg<br />

¼ cup caster sugar<br />

30g butter<br />

1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste<br />

1/3rd cup blue milk<br />

1 cup self-raising flour (sifted)<br />

125gm (1 punnet) blueberries<br />

Filling<br />

2 cups<br />

263<br />

caster sugar, place in<br />

x 180<br />

mixer bowl with<br />

1kg cream cheese<br />

500g sour cream<br />


Use<br />

blueberries as<br />

a garnish for<br />

cheesecake<br />

or as an<br />

ingredient.<br />

Directions<br />

Mix cream cheese/egg/caster<br />

sugar/butter/vanilla bean paste<br />

together for 2-3min until light<br />

and creamy.<br />

Add milk and beat on low to<br />

combine, add flour, mix through<br />

thoroughly, then fold blueberries<br />

through.<br />

Melt butter onto and drop large<br />

serving spoonfuls of batter onto a<br />

hot surface. Cook through.<br />

Whipped cream cheese topping<br />

Ingredients<br />

125gm cream cheese, place in<br />

mixing bowl with<br />

2 tablespoons caster sugar<br />

2 teaspoons blue milk<br />

2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste<br />

Extra blueberries<br />

Directions<br />

Beat cream cheese/caster sugar/<br />

milk/vanilla bean paste for 1-2<br />

minutes until fluffy. A little more<br />

milk may be added to make<br />

the mixture more spreadable, if<br />

desired.<br />

Easy pavlova<br />

Serves 6<br />

Ingredients<br />

8 large egg whites, place in mixer<br />

with two cups caster sugar,<br />

1 desert spoon malt vinegar, 1<br />

desertspoon vanilla essence<br />

Directions<br />

Beat a full speed for 12-15min<br />

until very stiff.<br />

Mould mixture into shape<br />

on a well greased tray that has<br />

been lined with at least two<br />

thicknesses of baking paper and<br />

splashed with a tiny amount of<br />

water.<br />

Bake at 150 deg C for 30min,<br />

then reduce temperature to 100<br />

deg C or 1 hour.<br />

Let it go completely cold in the<br />

oven.<br />

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10 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />





1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

216<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />


WordBuilder<br />

116<br />

6<br />

O L P<br />

L G A<br />

words of three or more letters,<br />

How many words of three or more<br />

including plurals, can you make from the six<br />

letters, using including each letter plurals, only once? can No you foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

make from the six letters, using<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

each only once? TODAY<br />

No Good words 10 beginning Very Good 13 with Excellent a capital 17<br />

Solution 115: ash, ashy, fay, fays, flash, FLASHY, flay,<br />

are allowed. There’s at least one<br />

flays, fly, half, has, hay, lah, lash, lay, lays, sal, say,<br />

shaly, shay, shy, sly, slay, yah.<br />

six-letter word.<br />

Good 10 Very Good 13 Excellent 17<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14 15<br />

16<br />

DEC<br />

1<br />

17 18<br />

19<br />

20 21 22 23 24<br />

25 26<br />

27 <strong>28</strong><br />

29 30<br />

31 32<br />


No.116<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

S G N C H L O B Z J E A P<br />

33 34<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

X M R W D Y Q K U T F I V<br />

Decoder<br />

Across<br />

1. Land surrounded by water (6)<br />

5. Vocation (6)<br />

10. Cause of someone’s<br />

downfall (7)<br />

11. Ancestry (7)<br />

12. Bicycle for two (6)<br />

15. State of starvation (6)<br />

16. Competition (7)<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

O T R<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

8 22 9 1 15 15<br />

17. Listen (4)<br />

18. Military dining room (4)<br />

19. Budding (7)<br />

20. Curved structure (4)<br />

22. Difficult (4)<br />

25. Unbranded (7)<br />

27. Lasso (6)<br />

<strong>28</strong>. Force to do something (6)<br />

31. Squirm (7)<br />

32. Bombardment (7)<br />

33. Emphasis (6)<br />

34. Scabbard (6)<br />

We’re<br />

dOnaTinG<br />

$4<br />

$1<br />

26 5 2 20 16 4 10 21 10 2 1 10<br />

10 10 20 1 10 2 23<br />

13 5 8 5 13 2 3 16 6 3 4 25<br />

R O T<br />

8 9 5 19 10 13 4<br />

9 20 25 10 13 23 18 5 10<br />

25 13 24 9 12 9 25<br />

4 1 1 12 7 3 17 1 4<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />

FrOm every<br />

subscriPTiOn<br />

FrOm every<br />

maGaZine sOLd<br />

TO The PrOsTaTe cancer<br />

FOundaTiOn nZ<br />

Down<br />

2. Training meeting (7)<br />

3. Solution (6)<br />

4. Work station (4)<br />

5. Composed (4)<br />

6. Landing area (6)<br />

7. Shifty (7)<br />

3 8 13 7 12 15 16<br />

18 20 9 19 10 4 12 13 1 11 1 13<br />

8. Grab (6)<br />

9. Niche (6)<br />

13. Tower on a mosque (7)<br />

14. Small axe (7)<br />

15. Distraught with fear or rage (7)<br />

20. Permits (6)<br />

21. Relating to the heart (7)<br />

23. Side by side (7)<br />

24. Intensify (6)<br />

25. Collective term for group of<br />

geese (6)<br />

26. Rough (6)<br />

29. Twisted (4)<br />

30. Wading bird (4)<br />

www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz<br />


Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Each Enter number the given represents letters into a different all squares letter with of the matching alphabet. numbers. Write the<br />

given The challenge letters into now all squares is to work with out matching which letters numbers. are Now represented work out<br />

which by the letters other are numbers. represented As you by the get other numbers. letters, enter As you them get into the<br />

letters, the main write grid, them and into the main reference grid and grid. the To reference keep track grid. Decoder of the<br />

uses letters all you 26 letters have of found, the alphabet. cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

15 25 11 20 26 24<br />

25 16 15 24 19 4 18 25 3 13 24 14<br />

22 24 12 19 3 25 24<br />

24 9 16 9 17 18 14 25 5 5 24 5<br />

A D D<br />

21 5 8 5 24 15<br />

26 19 12 10 10 11 10<br />

20 13 25 19 14 17 12 20 16 24<br />

14 7 9 1 4<br />

21 3 9 15 21 6 10 18 9 15<br />

3 11 12 23 12 12<br />

12 2 25 15 24 20 26 20 14 14 9 2<br />

16 12 10 9 12 10 19<br />

15 25 3 15 19 24 14 14 20 19 13 24<br />

6 6 10 10 24 10<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

D<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

A<br />


No.115<br />

8 13 5 14 10 4 6 20 4 3 9 18<br />

1 16 13 25 14 26<br />

The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />

by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />

the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />

letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />

Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />

117<br />

116<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

L E X G A F J I M R N V B<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

P Z O U Q T C H Y D K S W<br />

Rugby News magazine is proud to be collaborating<br />

with the Prostate Cancer Foundation.<br />


117<br />

For every retail copy sold, and for every new or<br />

renewed subscription made between September<br />

20 - November 3, <strong>2021</strong> we’ll be donating to a<br />

much needed cause.<br />

Subscribe today and let our award winning sports<br />

journalists bring the atmosphere from the field to<br />

your home!<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 1. Island, 5. Career,<br />

10. Nemesis, 11. Lineage,<br />

12. Tandem, 15. Famine,<br />

16. Rivalry, 17. Hark, 18.<br />

Mess, 19. Nascent, 20.<br />

Arch, 22. Hard, 25. Generic,<br />

27. Lariat, <strong>28</strong>. Coerce, 31.<br />

Wriggle, 32. Barrage, 33.<br />

Accent, 34. Sheath.<br />

Down: 2. Seminar, 3.<br />

Answer, 4. Desk, 5. Calm,<br />

6. Runway, 7. Evasive,<br />

8. Snatch, 9. Recess, 13.<br />

Minaret, 14. Hatchet, 15.<br />

Frantic, 20. Allows, 21.<br />

Cardiac, 23. Abreast, 24.<br />

Deepen, 25. Gaggle, 26.<br />

Coarse, 29. Bent, 30. Ibis.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

ago, all, alp, gal, galop, gall,<br />

GALLOP, gaol, gap, glop,<br />

goal, lag, lap, log, lop, opal,<br />

pal, pall, poll.<br />

Sudoku<br />

subscribe and suPPOrT a GreaT cause!<br />

www.rugbynews.co.nz 0800 77 77 10

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 11<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

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Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

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mind if it needs some TLC<br />

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Cashed up buyer. Phone<br />

021 372 479<br />

HOME WANTED 3-4<br />

bedrooms. Looking in Nor<br />

West areas, Beckenham<br />

or Somerfield. Prefer<br />

permanent material brick<br />

and post 1990 build. Don’t<br />

mind if it needs some TLC<br />

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12 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

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2.4 auto, 5/hatch, 143,000kms, back camera.<br />

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$3,995<br />

1.5 auto, 4 door, low 111,000kms, drives well.<br />

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$3,995<br />

1.5 auto, alloys, 175,000kms, new WOF.<br />

2005 HoNdA fit 5/HAtCH<br />

$3,995 1.3 auto, 143,000kms, new WOF,<br />

not perfect but drives fine.<br />

2007 toYotA BB 5/HAtCH<br />

$6,295<br />

1500cc, auto, 149,000kms, versatile unit.<br />

NZ NEW<br />

REdUCEd!<br />

NZ NEW<br />

2011 toYotA VitZ 5/HAtCH<br />

$7,995<br />

1.3 auto, 92,000kms, alloys, economical.<br />

2008 toYotA CoRollA gx<br />

WAS $7,995 NoW $6,995<br />

1.8 auto, NZ New, 157,000kms, alloys.<br />

2010 SUZUki Sx4 glx 4 dooR<br />

$8,995<br />

2.0L, Auto, 108,000kms, nice car, alloys.<br />

2016 toYotA CAmRY 4 dooR<br />

$12,500<br />

NZ New, 2.5 auto, 154,000kms, nice car!<br />

loW kmS!<br />

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SUPER loW kmS!<br />

NZ NEW<br />

2015 NiSSAN lAtio 4 dooR<br />

WAS $9,495 NoW $8,995<br />

1200cc, Auto, low 66,000kms.<br />

2014 NiSSAN NotE 5/HAtCH<br />

$11,500<br />

1.2, auto, low <strong>28</strong>,000kms, 4 Star safety, extras.<br />

2007 NiSSAN tiidA ti NZ NEW<br />

$6,995<br />

1.8 Auto, 115,000kms, one owner, alloys.<br />

2008 NiSSAN mARCH 5/HAtCH<br />

$5,995<br />

1.3 automatic, 105,000kms.<br />

REdUCEd!<br />

NZ NEW<br />

REdUCEd!<br />

2013 NiSSAN NotE dig-S<br />

WAS $9,995 NoW $8,995<br />

1200cc, auto, low 49,000kms.<br />

2007 SUZUki SWift glx<br />

$6,995<br />

1.5 auto, NZ new, 112,000kms.<br />

2008 mAZdA mPV 23t S/W<br />

WAS $10,500 NoW $9,995<br />

2.3, auto, turbo, 7 seater, 130,000kms, nice unit!<br />

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$4,995<br />

1500cc, auto, 124,000ks, sporty look.<br />

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View our cars at www.dougdrake.co.nz

Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 13<br />

T H I S IS US | OU R LI F E | OU R ST O R Y | O U R H O M E<br />





14 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

H O M E<br />

Yes, you can have it all; New Brighton’s newest boutique development offers<br />

elegance and beachside living on a family-friendly street. These 6 HOMES are<br />

all set over two levels with the living on the ground level and bedrooms and<br />

bathrooms on the first floor, with an additional guest toilet on the ground floor.<br />

Open-plan lounge, dining and indoor-outdoor flow allow for seamless<br />

entertaining. Each kitchen features ample storage, contemporary appliances,<br />

stone-topped benches, and natural timber reminiscent of the coastal<br />

surroundings.<br />


On the upper level, you'll find three generous bedrooms and two bathrooms.<br />

The master bedroom features a private ensuite and walk-in-wardrobe while the<br />

two bedrooms are serviced by a centrally located bathroom.<br />

Situated in New Brighton’s much sought-after beachside neighbourhood, living<br />

here allows you to have a family HOME in your own slice of coastal paradise.<br />

Located on one of the area’s most family-friendly streets, the location boasts<br />

multiple schooling options; with New Brighton Catholic Primary School only a<br />

short stroll away, Shirley Boys and Avonside Girls High School are just 2.9km<br />

away, and it is 1.6km from Rawhiti Primary School.<br />


021 363 944<br />

kieren@homechch.co.nz<br />

HOMES 5 & 6 Overlooking the cricket grounds<br />

offers over $759,000<br />

HOMES 1 & 4 Offers over $699,000<br />

HOMES 2 & 3 Offers over $$685,000<br />

Coastal lifestyle<br />

Modern design<br />

Zoned for SBHS & AGHS<br />

Backing onto Rawhitit Domain<br />

Minutes walk from He Puna Taimoana Hot Pools<br />

Tight knit community<br />



Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 15<br />

H O M E<br />


New Brighton Redevelopment Pushes Ahead<br />

Several small local developers are pushing ahead with smaller boutique developments, the first of several planned for<br />

the coastal suburb. Demolishing old run-down homes and making way for new beachside homes.<br />

Whilst developments in town have a lot of townhouses crammed onto a section with limited to no car parking spaces the<br />

developers in New Brighton are appealing to families, couples and anyone looking to downsize without compromising<br />

space, practicality and style.<br />

Two of the most thoughtful developments are Coastal Sands located at 143 & 144 Marine Parade and 50 Lonsdale Street<br />

overlooking the New Brighton Cricket grounds.<br />

Coastal Sands offer Contemporary two-bedroom, three-bedroom and four-bedroom architecturally designed apartments<br />

that allow for luxury modern living all offering garages and off-street parking.<br />

Four bedrooms - Offers over $1,050,000<br />

Three Bedrooms - Offers over $750,000<br />

Two Bedrooms - Offers over $640,000<br />

50 Lonsdale Street New Brighton’s newest boutique development offers elegance and beachside living on a familyfriendly<br />

street. These three bedroom HOMES are all set over two levels with the living on the ground level and bedrooms<br />

and two bathrooms on the first floor, with an additional guest toilet on the ground floor.<br />

All three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one car garage HOMES start from $685,000<br />

The renewed surge in interest from developers comes from the value on offer that so many builders and developers in<br />

Christchurch have overlooked in the past.<br />

With anchor projects such as the playground, He Puna Tai Moana Hot Pools, New Brighton Surf Life Saving Club as well<br />

as Shirley Boys High School and Avonside Girls High School there is an absolute surge in interest in living by the beach.<br />

Whilst locals know that New Brighton is the place to live and raise your family Fast forward two years from now and it<br />

will be sought after by people not only Citywide but also Nationwide.

16 Thursday <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />


211 PINE AVENUE<br />

$629,000<br />


$551,000<br />


$690,000<br />


$760,000<br />


$725,000<br />

103A ORAM AVENUE<br />

$629,000<br />



021 156 5884<br />



021 363 944<br />



021 <strong>28</strong>1 1220<br />



027 465 6797<br />



022 375 9971<br />


1 8 6 MA I N RO A D , RE D C L I F F S<br />

03 930 1323<br />



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