Winter Enjoy 2022

City of Palo Alto's Winter 2022 classes.

City of Palo Alto's Winter 2022 classes.


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<strong>Enjoy</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Winter</strong><br />

Guide<br />

Activity<br />

Registration<br />

Resident<br />

2<br />

December<br />

Registration<br />

Non-Resident<br />

9<br />


<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Classes<br />

General Information ............................................................... Pg 1<br />

Pre-School ............................................................................... Pg 7<br />

Youth & Teens .......................................................................... Pg 11<br />

Adults ....................................................................................... Pg 27<br />

For Everyone ............................................................................ Pg 36<br />

The following programming hosted by the City of Palo Alto adheres to all City, County, or<br />

State health mandates. As of July 26, 2021, the City of Palo Alto has made masks/face<br />

coverings mandatory when inside a building for all individuals. The programs listed in this<br />

catalog are scheduled to take place as planned, but may change. For up-to-date<br />

programming, please visit our website: CityofPaloAlto.org/<strong>Enjoy</strong>Online or call us at<br />

650.463.4949<br />

Photos used throughout this catalog may have been taken in previous seasons when masks were not required.

O L I D A Y<br />

H<br />

A P P E N I N G S<br />

H<br />

Presented by the City of Palo Alto's Recreation Department<br />

HOUSE<br />


All Palo Alto residents and businesses<br />

are encouraged to decorate the<br />

exterior of their homes/businesses,<br />

front door/window in holiday themed<br />

decor.<br />

For more information, visit: www.cityofpaloalto.org/decoratingcontest<br />

All entries must be completely decorated by December 15th.<br />


All donations will go to local youth in<br />

need this Holiday season! We are able<br />

to accept donations of new and<br />

unwrapped toys, books, or gift cards.<br />


Donations can be dropped off<br />

Tues-Thurs from 8:30a-5:30p<br />




For more information, visit: www.cityofpaloalto.org/toydrive<br />

All donations must be dropped off by December 15th.<br />


PLAZA<br />

LYTTON<br />


TREE<br />

Gather up your friends and family and<br />

join us at Lytton Plaza on<br />

December 3 from 5:30p-7p for an<br />

evening of festivities.<br />

For more information, visit: www.cityofpaloalto.org/treelighting<br />

There will be a special toy donation box at our December 3 Tree Lighting at Lytton Plaza!

Onnnnliinnnne,, viiisiiitt: CCiiittyoooffPPaaaaaloooAlttooo...ooorg/EnnnjoooyOnnnliiinnneeeee<br />

Innnn persoonnnn aaaaatt aaaaannny oooff tthheeeee ffooollooowiiinnng reeeeegiiisttraaaaattiiiooonnn siiitteeeees:<br />

priiioooriiitty reeeeegiiisttraaaaattiiiooonnn daaaaatteeeees aaaaas weeeeell aaaaas tthheeeee reeeeesiiideeeeennntt<br />

reeeeeceeeeeiiiveeeee<br />

raaaaatteeeee aaaaas shhooownnn iiinnn tthheeeee Ennnjoooy PPaaaaalooo Alttooo caaaaattaaaaalooog...<br />

diiiscooouunnntt<br />

tthheeeee cooouurseeeee yooouu aaaaareeeee hhooopiiinnng ttooo reeeeegiiistteeeeer ffooor iiis ffuull,, yooouu wiiil<br />

Iff<br />

plaaaaaceeeeed ooonnn tthheeeee "waaaaaiiittliiistt..." \ooo paaaaaymmeeeeennntt iiis nnneeeeeceeeeessaaaaary<br />

beeeee<br />

paaaaarttiiiciiipaaaaannntts wiiill beeeee cooonnnttaaaaactteeeeed viiiaaaaa eeeeemmaaaaaiiil aaaaannnd<br />

waaaaaiiittliiistteeeeed<br />

244444 hhooouurs ttooo eeeeennnroooll iiinnn tthheeeee cooouurseeeee... Iff weeeee dooo nnnooott hheeeeeaaaaar<br />

hhaaaaaveeeee<br />

CCiiitty oooff PPaaaaalooo Alttooo iiis pleeeeeaaaaaseeeeed ttooo oooffffeeeeer saaaaaffeeeee,, sooociiiaaaaally<br />

Thheeeee<br />

iiinnn-peeeeersooonnn aaaaacttiiiviiittiiieeeees iiinnn aaaaaddiiittiiiooonnn ttooo mmaaaaannny greeeeeaaaaatt<br />

diiisttaaaaannntt<br />

sooociiiaaaaal diiisttaaaaannnciiinnng,, ffreeeeequueeeeennntt ffaaaaaciiiliiitty cleeeeeaaaaannniiinnng aaaaannnd<br />

iiinnncluudiiinnng<br />

hhaaaaannnd waaaaashhiiinnng,, aaaaannnd weeeeeaaaaariiinnng ffaaaaaceeeee coooveeeeeriiinnngs...<br />

saaaaannniiittiiiiiinnng,,<br />

ttooo ffooocuus ooonnn iiinnndiiiviiiduuaaaaal skiiill ttraaaaaiiinnniiinnng... Ouur iiinnnpeeeeersooonnn<br />

mmooodiiiffiiieeeeed<br />

oooffffeeeeeriiinnngs aaaaareeeee suubjeeeeectt ttooo chhaaaaannngeeeee aaaaas CCooouunnntty aaaaannnd<br />

guuiiidaaaaannnceeeee chhaaaaannngeeeee,, pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee chheeeeeck ooouur liiiveeeee caaaaattaaaaalooog oooff<br />

Sttaaaaatteeeee<br />

ffooor uup-ttooo-daaaaatteeeee iiinnnffooormmaaaaattiiiooonnn...<br />

claaaaasseeeees<br />

Stteeeeernnn CCooommmmuunnniiitty CCeeeeennntteeeeer<br />

Luuciiieeeee<br />

Miiiddleeeeeffiiieeeeeld €oooaaaaad...<br />

1113333000000555<br />

eeeeeaaaaachh Ennnjoooy cooouurseeeee iiiff ttaaaaaiiiloooreeeeed ttooo speeeeeciiiffiiic<br />

paaaaarttiiiciiipaaaaannntts,,<br />

ooor graaaaadeeeee leeeeeveeeeels... Eaaaaachh cooouurseeeee iiinnn tthheeeee Ennnjoooy liiistts tthheeeee<br />

aaaaageeeees<br />

ooor graaaaadeeeee leeeeeveeeeel reeeeequuiiireeeeemmeeeeennntts... €eeeeegiiisttraaaaannntts mmuustt mmeeeeeeeeeett<br />

aaaaageeeee<br />

reeeeequuiiireeeeemmeeeeennntts priiiooor ttooo tthheeeee ffiiirstt claaaaass mmeeeeeeeeeettiiinnng...<br />

tthheeeeeseeeee<br />

CCiiitty oooff PPaaaaalooo Alttooo oooffffeeeeers PPaaaaalooo Alttooo yooouutthh,, aaaaaduultts,,<br />

Thheeeee<br />

SD sttuudeeeeennntts,, aaaaaduultts aaaaageeeeed 66000000+ yeeeeeaaaaars,, aaaaannnd diiisaaaaableeeeed<br />

PPA<br />

aaaaa 2555% ooor aaaaa 555000000% diiiscooouunnntt ooonnn cooouurseeeees... Thhiiis<br />

reeeeeceeeeeiiiveeeee<br />

iiis vaaaaaliiid ffooor 111 yeeeeeaaaaar aaaaannnd caaaaappeeeeed aaaaatt $111555000000 ffooor<br />

diiiscooouunnntt<br />

ooor $3333000000000000 ffooor yooouutthh,, aaaaaduultts aaaaageeeeed 66000000+,, aaaaannnd diiisaaaaableeeeed<br />

aaaaaduultts,,<br />

€eeeeeduucttiiiooonnns aaaaareeeee ooonnnly aaaaappliiicaaaaableeeee ttooo nnneeeeew<br />

reeeeesiiideeeeennntts...<br />

aaaaacceeeeeptt caaaaashh,, peeeeersooonnnaaaaal chheeeeecks (mmaaaaadeeeee paaaaayaaaaableeeee ttooo CCiiitty<br />

Weeeee<br />

PPaaaaalooo Alttooo,, MaaaaastteeeeerCCaaaaard,, ¦ISA,, Ammeeeeeriiicaaaaannn Expreeeeess,, aaaaannnd<br />

oooff<br />

Registration<br />

Waaaaays ttooo reeeeegiiistteeeeer:<br />

Viia phoonnnne: CCaaaaall uus aaaaatt 66555000000...44444663333...444449999444449999<br />

Luuciiieeeee Stteeeeernnn CCooommmmuunnniiitty CCeeeeennntteeeeer,, Miiittchheeeeell PPaaaaark CCooommmmuunnniiitty CCeeeeennntteeeeer,, PPaaaaalooo Alttooo Artt CCeeeeennntteeeeer,, PPaaaaalooo Alttooo CChhiiildreeeeennn's Thheeeeeaaaaattreeeee<br />

To regiiister viiiaa maaiiil:Fiiill iiinnn tthheeeee ffooormm ooonnn tthheeeee nnneeeeextt paaaaageeeee aaaaannnd seeeeennnd aaaaa chheeeeeck aaaaaddreeeeesseeeeed ttooo "CCiiitty oooff PPaaaaalooo Alttooo..." Maaaaaiiileeeeed iiinnn<br />

reeeeegiiisttraaaaattiiiooonnn iiis nnnooott guuaaaaaraaaaannntteeeeeeeeeed aaaaannnd aaaaavaaaaaiiilaaaaableeeee ooonnn aaaaa ffiiirstt cooommeeeee,, ffiiirstt seeeeerveeeeed baaaaasiiis... PPaaaaaymmeeeeennntt viiiaaaaa mmaaaaaiiil mmuustt beeeee viiiaaaaa chheeeeeck...<br />

Maaaaaiiil cooommpleeeeetteeeeed ffooormm aaaaannnd paaaaaymmeeeeennntt ttooo tthheeeee ffooollooowiiinnng looocaaaaattiiiooonnn:<br />

PPaaaaalooo Alttooo,, CCA 9999444443333000000111<br />

I don't live in Palo Alto. Can I still register for <strong>Enjoy</strong>!<br />

programs?<br />

FAQ's:<br />

I'm a member of the Art Center Foundation. Does that<br />

qualify me for a discount?<br />

Yeeeees Seeeeeleeeeectt mmeeeeemmbeeeeers oooff tthheeeee Artt CCeeeeennntteeeeer Fooouunnndaaaaattiiiooonnn<br />

quuaaaaaliiiffy ffooor ooonnneeeee sttuudiiiooo cooouurseeeee peeeeer Fooouunnndaaaaattiiiooonnn mmeeeeemmbeeeeershhiiip<br />

Yeeeees Eveeeeeryooonnneeeee iiis weeeeelcooommeeeee ttooo paaaaarttiiiciiipaaaaatteeeee... PPaaaaalooo Alttooo<br />

Why does my child have to be a certain age or grade<br />

level in order to register for some courses?<br />

peeeeer yeeeeeaaaaar... CCaaaaall 66555000000...333329999...233336666 ffooor mmoooreeeee iiinnnffooormmaaaaattiiiooonnn...<br />

reeeeesiiideeeeennntts aaaaannnd chhiiildreeeeennn eeeeennnrooolleeeeed iiinnn aaaaa PPA SD schhooooool<br />

What happens if I am "waitlisted" for a course?<br />

Innn ooordeeeeer ttooo eeeeennnsuureeeee tthheeeee beeeeestt eeeeexpeeeeeriiieeeeennnceeeee pooossiiibleeeee ffooor aaaaall<br />

whheeeeennn joooiiinnniiinnng aaaaa waaaaaiiittiiinnng liiistt... As spaaaaaceeeee beeeeecooommeeeees aaaaavaaaaaiiilaaaaableeeee,,<br />

Are there any other discounts available?<br />

ffrooomm yooouu iiinnn tthhaaaaatt ttiiimmeeeee,, weeeee wiiill mmoooveeeee ooonnnttooo tthheeeee nnneeeeextt peeeeersooonnn...<br />

What are the safety checks in place for in-person<br />

classes during the COVID19 Pandemic?<br />

reeeeesiiideeeeennntts tthheeeee oooppooorttuunnniiitty ttooo aaaaapply ffooor ooouur Feeeeeeeeee €eeeeeduucttiiiooonnn<br />

PProoograaaaamm baaaaaseeeeed ooonnn hhooouuseeeeehhooold iiinnncooommeeeee... Thhoooseeeee whhooo quuaaaaaliiiffy<br />

viiirttuuaaaaal prooograaaaamms... Eaaaaachh claaaaass hhaaaaas beeeeeeeeeennn mmooodiiiffiiieeeeed ttooo mmeeeeeeeeeett<br />

aaaaall Sttaaaaatteeeee aaaaannnd CCooouunnntty guuiiidaaaaannnceeeee reeeeelaaaaatteeeeed ttooo CCO¦ID-1119999,,<br />

reeeeegiiisttraaaaattiiiooonnns... Fooor mmoooreeeee iiinnnffooo,, pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee caaaaall uus aaaaatt<br />

Spooortt prooograaaaamms tthhaaaaatt ttypiiicaaaaally iiinnnvooolveeeee cooonnnttaaaaactt hhaaaaaveeeee beeeeeeeeeennn<br />

66555000000...44444663333...444449999000000000000<br />

When do I pay for courses?<br />

All cooouurseeeees reeeeequuiiireeeee paaaaaymmeeeeennntt aaaaatt tthheeeee ttiiimmeeeee oooff reeeeegiiisttraaaaattiiiooonnn...<br />


POLICY: Participants will have 24 hours after the first session to<br />


and receive a refund. Late registrations will not be able to withdraw enrollment<br />

withdraw<br />

requests received prior to the 24 hours after the first session are elig ible for<br />

Withdrawal<br />

refund. Customers have the option to receive the entire program fee as credit on their<br />

a<br />

or pay a $15 processing fee per class, per child, for a refund.<br />

account,<br />

Participants will have until the end of the first session to transfer to<br />


program. Transfers are subject to space availability and the customer is<br />

another<br />

for any additional fees incurred. Transfers for late enrollments may not be<br />

responsible<br />

permitted.<br />

Refunds for camps that have been cancelled by the City are always<br />


refundable.<br />

100%<br />

POLICY: Families will have 5 days prior to the start date of the program<br />


workshop to withdraw and receive a refund. Withdrawals received after this will not<br />

or<br />

a refund. Customers have the option to receive the entire program or workshop<br />

receive<br />

credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing fee per program, per participant, for<br />

fee<br />

a refund.<br />

Families will have 5 days prior to the first day of the program or workshop<br />


transfer to another program. Transfers are always subject to space availability and the<br />

to<br />

customer is responsible for any additional program fees.<br />

Refunds for programs or workshops that have been cancelled by the<br />


are always 100% refundable.<br />

City<br />

Withdraw, Transfer,<br />

and Cancellation Policy<br />

All transfer and withdrawal request need to be received in writing within the time frames<br />

provided below. Email is encouraged and can be sent to <strong>Enjoy</strong>Online@cityofpaloalto.org<br />

Mailed requests must be delivered prior to the end of the allotted time frame and can be sent to:<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center, 1305 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94301<br />

In-Person <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2022</strong> Youth & Adult Policies:<br />

a refund. Withdrawals received after the 24 hour window will not receive a refun d.<br />

for<br />

Workshops & Virtual <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2022</strong> Policies:

City of Palo Alto Department of Community Services<br />

Children’s<br />


Mitchell Park 329-2400<br />

Art Center 329-2366<br />

Lucie Stern 463-4900<br />

Theatre 463-4930<br />

Cubberley 329-2418<br />

Jr. Museum & Zoo 329-2111<br />

Primary Adult Contact (Please Print)<br />

Last Name: First Name: Phone #<br />

Address: City: Zip: Email<br />

Course or Activity Session Information<br />

COURSE<br />

CODE<br />





M/F<br />

DATE OF<br />

BIRTH<br />

GRADE<br />



FEE<br />

Fee Reduction Program: ____Only register if fee reduction is available____Register at full rate once fee reduction limit has been reached.<br />

We will not let a child under the age of 14 leave class by him/herself unless the parent/guardian checks the “yes” box below:<br />

Please indicate if you grant your child permission to sign him/herself out.<br />

YES, I permit my child _______________________ to leave class by him/herself for every class meeting this quarter.<br />

NO, I do not permit my child_______________________ to leave class by him/herself for every class meeting this quarter.<br />

Photo & Video Waiver for all classes and camps provided by the City of Palo Alto:<br />

Photos and video footage may be used for publication including newsletters, press media, website, flyers, social media, and<br />

brochures of City of Palo Alto entities.<br />

YES, I permit my child/children to be photographed and/or videotaped while in a City of Palo Alto class.<br />

NO, I do not permit my child/children to be photographed and/or videotaped while in a City of Palo Alto class.<br />

Create a New Account/ Make Changes:<br />

Please visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline to create your new account or to make changes to existing <strong>Enjoy</strong>! accounts.<br />

For assistance, please call 650-463-4949.<br />

Payment Information<br />

Name on Card:<br />

_____ Check<br />

_____ Cash _____ Charge Total Amount: $____________<br />

EXP & Last 4 CVV:<br />

digits<br />

In-Person Seasonal Programming (all ages):<br />

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Participants will have 24 hours after the first session to withdraw and receive a refund. Withdrawals received after the 24<br />

hour window will not receive a refund. As with our regular withdrawal fee, the customer will have the option to receive the entire program fee<br />

as credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing fee per class, per child, for a refund. Due to Santa Clara County Health Ordinances, enrolling in<br />

multiple programs at a time is currently not permitted.<br />

TRANSFERS: Participants will have until the end of the first session to transfer to another program. Transfers are always subject to space<br />

availability and the customer is responsible for any additional program fees. Transfers for participants that enroll after the start date, a transfer<br />

may not be permitted.<br />

CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for programs that have been cancelled by the City are always 100% refundable.<br />


City of Palo Alto Department of Community Services (CONTINUED)<br />

Workshops & Virtual Seasonal Programming:<br />

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Families will have 5 days prior to the start date of the program or workshop to withdraw<br />

and receive a refund. Withdrawals received later than this will not receive a refund. Customers have the option to<br />

receive the entire program or workshop fee credit on their account, or pay a $15 processing fee per program, per<br />

participant, for a refund.<br />

TRANSFERS: Participants will have 5 days prior to the first day of the program or workshop to transfer to another<br />

program. Transfers are always subject to space availability and the customer is responsible for any additional<br />

program fees.<br />

CANCELLATIONS: Refunds for programs or workshops that have been cancelled by the City are always 100%<br />

refundable.<br />

WAIVER<br />

WAIVER: All classes require the signature of each registering adult or parent or guardian of any minor(s).<br />

I give permission to participate in the following programs, including any associated travel sponsored by the City of<br />

Palo Alto Community Services Department, for myself and/or child as named. In consideration for participation in<br />

the programs, I agree to the following: I understand that participating in the programs is a voluntary activity that I<br />

am choosing to participate in and is not required. I understand that there are inherent risks in participating in the<br />

programs which may be both foreseen and unforeseen and include illness, physical injury and death.<br />

I understand that there is a coronavirus pandemic in effect, that the City will provide the programs in compliance<br />

with the guidelines of the Santa Clara County Health Order in effect and any superseding orders of the State of<br />

California with regard to the coronavirus, and that despite the City’s compliance with such guidelines, the City<br />

cannot guarantee that there is no risk of transmission of the coronavirus. I understand that participants will be<br />

required to use safety gear consistent with such health orders, including, without limitation, face coverings and<br />

hand sanitizer, and will be required to follow social distancing guidelines and other safety protocols. I understand<br />

that there are individuals who may be medically exempt from wearing a mask or face covering throughout the<br />

class. I also agree that participants must be symptom free (no coughing or fever) in order to participate in the<br />

program, and will not have been knowingly exposed to coronavirus within the 2 weeks prior to participation in<br />

the program. Additionally, I agree to ASSUME ALL RISKS of participating in the programs. I agree to DISCHARGE<br />

AND RELEASE (agreeing to make no claim and not to sue) and HOLD HARMLESS the City of Palo Alto, its<br />

employees, its agents, its independent contractors, and volunteers working for the City, from any and all liability<br />

for injury suffered by me or my child arising from or connected with these programs. I understand and agree that<br />

this ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK, DISCHARGE AND RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS includes any claims relating to<br />

the actions, omissions, or negligence of the City, its employees, agents, independent contractors, and volunteers.<br />

If participant’s family member or someone in close contact with the participant (outside of this program) tests<br />

positive for COVID-19, or if participant tests positive for COVID-19, I give permission for the City to notify other<br />

people in contact with the participant (including other program participants, staff, and volunteers) that they may<br />

have been exposed to COVID-19. In doing so, the City shall not identify the participant or their family by name<br />

except as required by government mandates.<br />

I acknowledge that I have carefully read this liability waiver and understand the information herein, and that I<br />

agree to each of the terms and acknowledgments in this liability waiver.<br />

Signature:<br />

Print Name/ Date:<br />

Second Registrant’s Signature: (if two adults using same form)<br />

Print Name/ Date:

Paaaassaaaarrrellllooooo<br />

Rebeccaaaa<br />

66666177....3333355500009999<br />

CCCaaaaiiinn<br />

MMaaaarrrgiiie<br />

4446666633333....444999919999<br />

Pennaaaarrraaaanndaaaa<br />

CCChhrrriiis<br />

4446666633333....44499990000444<br />

Haaaarrrttttmmmaaaannnn<br />

CCChhaaaase<br />

333332229999....22244466666444<br />

oooooooooonne<br />

CCChhaaaase<br />

4446666633333....44499990000555<br />

vaaaann derrr waaaaaaaag<br />

MMiiinnkaaaa<br />

4446666633333....444999955533333<br />

(77999944466666)<br />

666663333366666....SSSWIMM<br />

paaaalloooooaaaallttttoooooswiiimmm....cooooommm<br />

\aatureeee Preeeeseeeerveeee<br />

Baaylaannds<br />

6611117...333311115566<br />

laars Preeeeseeeerveeee<br />

Estheeeer<br />

3333222299...2222422223333<br />

ooooof Olld Šrrraaaace Rd...., oooooff<br />

Ennd<br />

Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

AArrraaaasttttrrraaaaderrrooooo<br />

\aatureeee Preeeeseeeerveeee<br />

Foothiills<br />

3333222299...2222422223333<br />

Preeeeseeeerveeee<br />

Peeeeaarsonn--Araastraadeeeero<br />

3333222266...2222422223333<br />

nnoteeee thaat our faacciiliitiieeees maay haaveeee nneeeew oppeeeeraatiinngg<br />

*Pleeeeaaseeee<br />

or aareeee nnot oppeeeenn to theeee ppubliicc aat thiis tiimeeee,<br />

hours<br />

hours \ov 11112222--Deeeecc 111199:::<br />

Liimiiteeeed<br />

111100aam--1111ppm & 1111:::333300pp--55pp<br />

Frii--Sunn<br />

hours beeeeggiinn Deeeecc 22221111:::<br />

Reeeeggulaar<br />

111100aa--1111pp & 1111:::333300pp--55pp<br />

Tueeees--Sunn<br />

aappppoiinntmeeeennt onnly, ppleeeeaaseeee ccaall<br />

By<br />

eeeemaaiil for aassiistaanncceeee...<br />

or<br />

CSD Contact Info<br />

Proggraam Suppeeeerviisors:::<br />

Geeeenneeeeraal aannd Faacciiliity* Innformaatiionn:::<br />

Adult Fine Art<br />

Faaaannnnyy Rettttsek<br />

66666177....33333555222555<br />

Human Services<br />

Lucie Stern<br />

Community Center<br />

1333330000555 MMiiiddllefiiielld Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

faaaannnnyy....rrrettttsek@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Children's Fine Art<br />

Aquatics<br />

mmmiiinnkaaaa....vaaaannderrrwaaaaaaaag@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo SSSwiiimmm aaaannd SSSpooooorrrtttt<br />

4446666633333....444999900000000<br />

Tueeeesdaay--Thursdaay 8:::333300aa--55:::333300pp<br />

LSSSCCCCCC@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Palo Alto Art Center<br />

rrrebeccaaaa....paaaassaaaarrrellllooooo@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo<br />

Baylands Preserve<br />

133333133333 \ewellll Roooooaaaad...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

333332229999....222333336666666666<br />

Tueeeesdaay--Saaturdaay 111100aa--55pp<br />

AAllex Haaaammmiiillttttooooonn<br />

AAllex Haaaammmiiillttttooooonn<br />

333332229999....2224441222<br />

333332229999....222555000066666<br />

aaaarrrttttcenntttterrr@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo<br />

Children-Music, Sports &<br />

Special Interest,<br />

Adult/Senior-Dance,<br />

Fitness<br />

Community Theatre<br />

333332229999....222666660000222<br />

brrriiiaaaann....hhaaaaiiinnes@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Open Space Preserves<br />

14445551 MMiiiddllefiiielld Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

333332229999....222111<br />

aaaallex....hhaaaammmiiillttttooooonn@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

aaaallex....hhaaaammmiiillttttooooonn@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

funnsciiiennce@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Teen Services<br />

mmmaaaarrrgiiie....caaaaiiinn@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

22255500000000 Emmmbaaaarrrcaaaaderrrooooo Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

Mitchell Park<br />

Community Center<br />

333337700000000 MMiiiddllefiiiell Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

chhrrriiisttttoooooferrr....pennaaaarrraaaanndaaaa@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

333332229999....22244400000000<br />

Children-Dance, Adult-Dance, Music,<br />

Children's Theatre Performances<br />

CCChhrrriiis Luciiiaaaanniii<br />

4446666633333....444999933333444<br />

333333333300000000 Paaaage MMiiillll Rd...., Looooos AAllttttooooos Hiiilllls<br />

Tueeeesdaay--Thursdaay 8:::333300aa--55:::333300pp<br />

Cubberley<br />

Community Center<br />

MMPCCCCCC@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

chhrrriiisttttooooophherrr....lluciiiaaaanniii@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Adult Sports, Middle School Athletics<br />

1555333330000 AArrraaaasttttrrraaaaderrrooooo Roooooaaaad<br />

444000000000000 MMiiiddllefiiielld Rd...., Š222, Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

333332229999....2224441<br />

Openn....SSSpaaaace@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

cubberrrlleyy@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

chhaaaase....hhaaaarrrttttmmmaaaannnn@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

Athletic Field Reservations<br />

Children's Theatre<br />

1333330000555 MMiiiddllefiiielld Rd...., Paaaallooooo AAllttttooooo<br />

4446666633333....4449999333330000<br />

Monndaay--Friidaay 99aa--55pp<br />

pllaaaayyiiinngfiiiellds@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

chhiiilldrrrenns....tttthheaaaattttrrre@ciiittttyyooooofpaaaalloooooaaaallttttooooo....ooooorrrg<br />

ppleeeeaaseeee ccaall or eeeemaaiil for moreeee iinnformaatiionn...

Preschool<br />

Preschool<br />

7<br />

Clay for Preschoolers<br />

Parents or caregivers join their preschoolers in learning how to bulid<br />

and shape clay, together transforming their ideas into functional<br />

glazed and fired pieces. In addition to being fun for parents and kids,<br />

creating clay projects builds problem-solving and fine motor skills<br />

for young students. This class is for any parent or caregiver who<br />

wants to spend quality time with their preschooler in a creative and<br />

educational way.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 4-5 | Fees: $223 Residents, $256.45 Non-Residents<br />

*Caregiver participation required. No underage siblings or babies<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28507 | Fri, Clay for Preschoolers | Jan 21-April 1 | 1:15p-2:30p<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

*no class February 18 and March 11.<br />

28508 | Thu, Clay for Preschoolers | Jan 27- Mar 24 | 1:15p-2:30p<br />

Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Art Adventures<br />

Painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture - all with a dash of<br />

science and learning about the natural world - will delight<br />

preschoolers who are ready for a guided art class. Students learn new<br />

artmaking techniques in a fun and supportive environment. Caregivers<br />

serve as collaborators and assistants. This is a great class for older<br />

preschoolers who love to create and express themselves.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Ages 4-5 | Fees: $143 Residents, $154.45 Non-Residents<br />

*Caregiver participation required. Babies in arms ok.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28509 | Wed, Art Adventures | Jan 26-March 23 | 1:00p-2:00p<br />

Instructor: Sharon Reich | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

28510 | Thu, Art Adventures | Jan 27- Mar 24 | 10:00a-11:00a<br />

Instructor: Sharon Reich | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Discovery Fridays<br />

Discover a smorgasbord of science at the Junior Museum & Zoo.<br />

Each week, we’ll explore a variety of exciting science topics. Join<br />

us and learn about things that chirp, fizz, and zoom. Activities<br />

change each session, quarter and year, so you can sign up again<br />

and again and still have new adventures! Parent or caregiver<br />

must attend class with child.<br />

NO UNREGISTERED siblings allowed in class. (This is a<br />

preschool class. Kinders should register for Science Sleuths,<br />

listed in the ‘Kids’ section of this catalog.)<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $191 Residents, $219.65 Non-Residents<br />

*Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months,<br />

in carriers or strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28686 | Friday, 10am | Jan 21-March 25 | 10a-10:45a<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

28687 | Friday, 11:15am | Jan 21- Mar 25 | 11:15a-12p<br />

Capacity: 10 students max

Rainforests<br />

Create a rainforest in the Junior Museum and Zoo! Find out about the plants<br />

and animals that live in rainforests and taste some of the foods produced in<br />

this biome.<br />

Bubble & Fizz<br />

A floating bubble is a joyful sight. Held in this fragile, rainbow globe is a<br />

world of science. Come explore and experiment with elasticity and light,<br />

molecules and movement. Chase and pop and splatter your way through<br />

some bubble fun science.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

*Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in carriers or<br />

strollers o.k..<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28684 | Thursday, 11:15am | March 17-March 31 | 11:15a-12p<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

* Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in carriers<br />

or strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28677 | Thursday, 11:15am | Jan 13-Jan 27 | 11:15a-12p<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Eggstreme Science<br />

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Learn what makes a good egg,<br />

inside and out. Then, design a contraption to protect your egg and test it<br />

out. Be prepared for eggstreme fun!<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

* Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in<br />

carriers or strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28678 | Thursday, 10am | Feb 3- Feb 17 | 10a-10:45a<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Light Fantastic<br />

Join us to investigate light, explore colors and play with shadows.<br />

Experiment with prisms, lenses, lights and filters. Make rainbows and<br />

build shadow puppets.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

*Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in carriers<br />

or strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28683 | Thursday, 10am | March 17-March 31 | 10a-10:45a<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

The Science of Toys<br />

What makes a top twirl or a ball bounce? Make and experiment with toys to<br />

find out how they put the fun in physics every day.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

*Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in carriers<br />

or strollers o.k.<br />

Scoop on Poop<br />

Learn about animals from the inside out. Find out why scientists<br />

study scat (yes, poop), slime and guts. Parent or caregiver must<br />

attend class with child. Please, NO UNREGISTERED siblings allowed<br />

in class.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

*Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in iers or<br />

strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28680 | Thursday, 10am | Feb 24-March 10 | 10a-10:45a<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

28682 | Thursday, 11:15am | Feb 24-March 10 | 11:15a-12p<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Marvelous Marine Mammals<br />

Did you know that over 30 species of marine mammals live in and travel<br />

through our nearby coastal regions? Join us to learn about local ocean<br />

animals, including sea otters, seal, sea lions, whales, and dolphins. What<br />

do they eat? Who eats them? Do they have families? Discover the answers<br />

to these and other questions in a marvelous new class about mammals<br />

of the sea!<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Ages 3-5 | Fees: $78 Residents, $89.70 Non-Residents<br />

* Adult caregiver participation required. No underaged siblings. Babies under 12 months, in carriers<br />

or strollers o.k.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28678 | Thursday, 11:15am | Feb 3- Feb 17 | 11:15a-12p<br />

Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Preschool<br />


Preschool<br />

Story Acting<br />

Children are introduced to new and familiar stories that spark their<br />

imaginations and inspire them to leap into action as characters in the story!<br />

Children learn to use simple props, and how to tap their dramatic instincts<br />

to create larger than life characters from the book. Story Acting classes<br />

allow young children to explore the rich and exciting world of theatre. Class<br />

may be repeated. This is not a parent participation class.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Secret Garden<br />

Ages 4-5 | Fees: $115 Residents, $132.25 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor: Kathy Blumenfeld | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28643 | 3:45p-4:30p, Tu/Thu, Feb 8-24 | Feb 8-Feb 24 | 3:45p-4:30p<br />

28645 | 10:15a-11a, Sat, Feb 19-Mar 26 | Feb 19- Mar 26 | 10:15a-11a<br />

28644 | 3:45p-4:30p, Tu/Thu, March 8-24 | March 8-March 24 | 3:45p-4:30p<br />

A Day at Little Explorers<br />

Experience the joy of exploration in a developmental program for<br />

toddlers and preschoolers. <strong>Enjoy</strong> a school day of dramatic and<br />

sensory play, art, science, math, music and literacy centers. Adult<br />

participation required. Materials fee (which covers costs for arts &<br />

crafts and snacks) is payable to the instructor by the second class.<br />

www.LittleExplorersAdventures.com<br />

Peers Park | Peers Park Field House<br />

Ages 1 yr 5 months-4yrs | Fees: $400 Residents,<br />

$460 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor: Martina Entriken | Capacity: 15 students max<br />

*Caregiver participation required. No underage siblings or babies<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28468 | Friday Jan 14 to Mar 18 9:30am | Jan 14-March 18<br />

9:30a-11:30a<br />

Little Explorers Adventures<br />

Experience the joy of exploration in a developmental<br />

program for toddlers and young preschoolers. All weeks<br />

include a field trip to a nature, community, or cultural<br />

location, plus a school day with dramatic and sensory play,<br />

art, science, math, music, and literacy centers. Adult<br />

participation required. Materials fee (which covers field trip<br />

costs, arts & crafts and snacks) is payable to the instructor<br />

by the second class.<br />

Visit: www.littleexplorersadventures.com for more<br />

information.<br />

Peers Park | Peers Park Field House<br />

Ages 1 yr 5 months-4yrs | Fees: listed below<br />

Instructor: Martina Entriken | Capacity: 15 students max<br />

*Caregiver participation required. No underage siblings or babies<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28469 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Mar 16 9:30a* | Jan 10-March 16<br />

| 9:30a-11:30a<br />

*NO class 1/17 and 2/21. Fees: $720 Residents,<br />

$828 Non-Residents<br />

28470 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Mar 17 9:30a | Jan 11-March 17<br />

9:30a-11:30a | Fees: $800 Residents, $920 Non-Residents<br />

Kidz Love Soccer Info:<br />

To check if class is being held due to inclement weather, please call the<br />

KLS class status hotline: (888) 372-5803 or<br />

visit: https://www.kidzlovesoccer.com/class_status.php<br />

Tot Soccer<br />

Little tykes will enjoy running and kicking just like the big<br />

kids. Encourages large motor skill development through fun<br />

soccer games and introduces small children to the group<br />

setting. Each participant will receive a soccer jersey.<br />

Shin guards are required. KLS class status hotline: (888)<br />

372-5803<br />

Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field North<br />

Ages 3.5-4 years | Fees: $127 Residents,<br />

$146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff | Capacity: 30 max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28483 | Thu Jan 20 to Mar 3 4:20p | Jan 20-March 3 |<br />

4:20p-4:55p<br />

28486 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 5 9:35am | Jan 22-March 5 |<br />

9:35a-10:05a<br />


Pre Soccer<br />

Teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds<br />

self-esteem through participation and fun soccer<br />

activities. Children learn to follow instructions in a<br />

nurturing, age appropriate environment. Each<br />

participant will receive a soccer jersey. Shin guards are<br />

required. KLS class status hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />

Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field North<br />

Ages 4-5 years | Fees: $127 Residents,<br />

$146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff | Capacity: 30 max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28482 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 5 10:10am | 10:10a-10:45a<br />

Parent & Me Soccer<br />

Introduce your toddler to the world’s most popular<br />

game! As you participate together in our fun, age<br />

appropriate activities, your child will be developing their<br />

large motor skills and socialization skills. A variety of<br />

activities designed around the game of soccer will be<br />

played each week. The fun happens on the field, and in<br />

Parent & Me Soccer, parents are part of the action, not<br />

watching from the sideline!<br />

Kids will receive a soccer jersey.<br />

KLS Class status hotline: 888.372.5803<br />

Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field North<br />

Ages 2-3.5years | Fees: $127 Residents,<br />

$146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff | Capacity: 20 max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28477 | Thu Jan 20 to Mar 3 5pm | Jan 20-March 3 | 5p-5:30p<br />

28479| Sat Jan 22 to Mar 5 9am | Jan 22-March 5 | 9a-9:30a<br />

Kidz Love Soccer Info:<br />

To check if class is being held due to inclement weather, please call the<br />

KLS class status hotline: (888) 372-5803 or<br />

visit: https://www.kidzlovesoccer.com/class_status.php<br />

Music Together<br />

Did you know that all children are musical? In our<br />

research-based program, an innovative teacher guides 6<br />

children and parents (or caregivers) in singing songs of many<br />

cultures, dancing, and playing basic instruments to support<br />

music development. $70 curriculum/instrument fee per<br />

family due to the teacher, at the first class. This includes a<br />

CD, digital download, songbook, and parent<br />

education guide. For more information about our classes,<br />

please visit our<br />

website: music4families.net<br />

One parent or caregiver per child. Masks and social<br />

distancing are required for instructors, parents and youth<br />

(2 years and older).<br />

*Caregiver participation required. Siblings 8months and younger attend free.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Fireside Room | Capacity<br />

6 students<br />

Ages 1 months-4yrs | Fees: $313 Residents,<br />

$359.95 Non-Residents | Instructor: Drew Wanderman<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28441 | Tue Jan 11 to Mar 22 9:30a | Jan 11-March 22 |<br />

9:30a-10:15a<br />

28442 | Tue Jan 11 to Mar 22 10:30a | Jan 11-March 22 |<br />

10:30a-11:15a<br />

28443 | Tue Jan 11 to Mar 22 4pm | Jan 11-March 22 |<br />

4p-4:45p<br />

28444 | Wed Jan 12 to Mar 23 9:30a | Jan 12-March 23 |<br />

9:30a-10:15a<br />

28445 | Wed Jan 12 to Mar 23 10:30a | Jan 12-March 23 |<br />

10:30a-11:15a<br />

Preschool<br />


Youth & Teens<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

11<br />

Children’s<br />

Fine Art<br />

Youth Ceramics<br />

In these fun-filled classes,<br />

students of all ages learn to<br />

transform clay into unique<br />

decorative and sometimes<br />

useful objects. No previous<br />

experience with clay is required<br />

for our classes. Our instructors<br />

tailor the projects and skill level<br />

to each individual student,<br />

introducing new concepts and<br />

techniques throughout the<br />

quarter. Instructors continually<br />

introduce new themes and<br />

projects, so students can take<br />

classes again and again.<br />

Fun with Clay<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 6-8 | Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Fees for Fri or Thur classes: $178 Residents, $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Fees for Mon or Sat classes: $158 Residents, $181.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28472 | Mon, Fun with Clay | Jan 24- March 28 | 3:15p-4:15p<br />

Instructor: Kyungle Han *NO CLASS Feb 21 & March 14<br />

28488 | Thu, Fun with Clay | Jan 27- March 24 | 3:15p-4:15p<br />

Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick<br />

28480 | Fri, Fun with Clay* | Jan 21- April 1 | 3:15p-4:15p<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | *NO CLASS Feb 18 & March 11<br />

28497 | Sat, Fun with Clay* | Jan 22-March 26 | 10:15a-11:15a<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | *NO CLASS Feb 19 & March 12<br />

Beginning Ceramics<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 8-12 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28476 | Tue, Beginning Ceramics | Jan 25- March 22 |<br />

3:05p-4:15p<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | Fees: $208 Residents $239.20 Non-Residents<br />

28489 | Thu, Beginning Ceramics | Jan 27- March 24 |<br />

4:30-5:45p<br />

Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick | Fees: $223 Residents<br />

$256.45 Non-Residents<br />

28481 | Fri, Beginning Ceramics* | Jan 21-April 1 |<br />

4:30p-5:45p<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | Fees: $223 Residents $256.45 Non-Residents<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 18 & March 11<br />

28498 | Sat, Beginning Ceramics* | Jan 22-March 26 |<br />

11:30a-12:45p<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran | Fees: $198 Residents $227.70 Non-Residents<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 19 & March 12<br />

Saturday Afternoon Ceramics<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 11-18| Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor: Mo Moran Fees: $238 Residents $273.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28499 | Sat, Afternoon Ceramics* | Jan 22-March 26 |<br />

1:30p-3p *NO CLASS Feb 19 & March 12<br />

Thursday Evening Ceramics<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 12-18 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor: Kari Kirkpatrick | Fees: $267 Residents<br />

$307.05 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28491 | Thu, Evening Ceramics | Jan 27-March 24 | 6p-7:30p

Ceramics Studio<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Ages 10-15 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28474 | Mon, Ceramics Studio* | Jan 24-March 28 |<br />

4:30p-5:45p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21 & March 14<br />

Fees: $198 Residents $227.70 Non-Residents | Instructor KL Han<br />

28478 | Tue, Ceramics Studio | Jan 25-March 22 | 4:30-6p<br />

Fees: $267 Residents $307.05 Non-Residents Instructor Mo Moran<br />

Wheel Throwing<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Children’s Ceramics Classroom<br />

Instructor: Kathleen Gordon | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Fees: $267 Residents $307.05 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28485 | 2:45pm, Wheel Throwing | Jan 26- Mar 23 (W) |<br />

2:45p-4:15p | Age: 11-14<br />

28501 | 4:30pm, Wheel Throwing | Jan 26- Mar 23 (W) |<br />

4:30p-6p | Age: 14-18<br />

<strong>Winter</strong> Ceramics Independent Study<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 12-18 | Capacity: 10 students max |<br />

Instructor Mo Moran<br />

Fees: $139 Residents $159.85 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28484 | <strong>Winter</strong> Ceramics Independent Study | Jan 21-April 1<br />

Drawing & Painting<br />

From the drawing basics to advanced painting skills, classes at<br />

the Art Center encourage open-ended creativity and provide a<br />

supportive environment to take your art to the next level. <strong>Enjoy</strong><br />

a new class each quarter or take the same class again and again,<br />

instructors are always developing new projects. Please see<br />

cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline for individual class descriptions.<br />

Colorful Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Ages 6-8 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Sharon Reich<br />

Fees: $143 Residents $164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28531 | 3:15p Colorful Painting | Jan 27-March 24 (Th) |<br />

3:15p-4:15p<br />

28532 | 4:30pm, Colorful Painting | Jan 27- March 24 (Th) |<br />

4:30p-5:30p<br />

Drawing for Kids<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 6-8 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Paulina Shapona<br />

Fees: $143 Residents $164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28467 | Drawing for Kids | Jan 21-April 1* (Fri) | 3:15p-4:15p<br />

*NO CLASS February 18 and March 11.<br />

Painting and Printing<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Capacity: 12 students max | Instructor Stephanie Maples<br />

Fees: $143 Residents $164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28534 | Painting and Printing For Kids | Jan 21-April 1 (Fri)*<br />

4:30p-5:30p | Ages 6-8 | *NO CLASS Feb 18 and March 11<br />

28533 | Painting and Printing | Jan 21-April 1 (Fri)*<br />

3:15p-4:15p | Ages 9-11 | *NO CLASS Feb 18 and March 11<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


Drawing Comics<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Ages 8-11 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Paulina Shapona<br />

Fees: $127 Residents $146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28466 | Drawing Comics | Jan 24-March 28* (M) |<br />

3:30p-4:30p<br />

*NO CLASS February 21 and March 14.<br />

Kids Drawing Skills<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 9-11 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Paulina Shapona<br />

Fees: $143 Residents $164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 9-12 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Taryn Curiel<br />

Fees: $178 Residents $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28521 | Thu, Painting | Jan 27-March 24 | 5p-6:15p<br />

Drawing and Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 9-12 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Taryn Curiel<br />

Fees: $178 Residents $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28520 | Thu, Drawing and Painting | Jan 27-March 24 | 3:30p-4:45p<br />

28516 | Kid’s Drawing Skills | Jan 21-April 1* (Fri) |<br />

4:30p-5:30p<br />

*NO CLASS February 18 and March 11.<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

Drawing, Painting, and More<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 9-12 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Kari Kirkpatrick<br />

Fees: $143 Residents $164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28518 | 2pm, Drawing, Painting, and More |<br />

Jan 26-March 23 (W) | 2p-3p<br />

28519 | 3:15p Drawing, Painting, and More |<br />

Jan 26- March 23 (W) | 3:15p-4:15p<br />

Advanced Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 12-18 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Taryn Curiel<br />

Fees: $214 Residents $246.10 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28522 | Advanced Painting | Jan 27-March 24 (Th)<br />

|6:30p-8p<br />

Mural Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Capacity: 12 students max | Instructor Corey Pang<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28524 | Mural Painting | Jan 22-March 26 (Sat) | 1p-2:15p<br />

Ages 9-12 | Fees: $158 Residents $181.70 Non-Residents<br />

28523 | Mural Painting for Teens | Jan 22-March 26 (Sat) |<br />

2:30p-4p | Ages 12-18 | Fees: $190 Residents<br />

$218.50 Non-Residents<br />


Surrealist Pen & Ink<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />

Ages 12-18 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Lauren Volk<br />

Fees: $178 Residents $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28514 | Surrealist Pen & Ink | Jan 26-March 23 (W) |<br />

4:30p-5:45p<br />

Modern Brushpen Calligraphy with<br />

Crayola<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Meeting Room<br />

Ages 7-10 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Priti Dasot<br />

Fees: $60 Residents $69 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28464 | Modern Brushpen Calligraphy with Crayola*<br />

Feb 5 - March 5 (Sat) | 10a-11:15a | *NO CLASS February 19<br />

Modern Brushpen Calligraphy<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Meeting Room<br />

Ages 11-16 | Capacity: 12 students max |<br />

Instructor Priti Dasot<br />

Fees: $100 Residents $115 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28463 | Modern Brushpen Calligraphy* | Feb 5 - March 5<br />

(Sat) | 10a-11:15a *NO CLASS February 19<br />

Mixed Media,<br />

Fashion,<br />

& Photography<br />


Interested in trying a variety of art making techniques? Try<br />

one of our mixed media classes and enjoy new art<br />

processes. Possibilities include painting, sculpture,<br />

printmaking, collage, and more. Each week is a fun surprise<br />

and students are often heard entering the classrooms<br />

excitedly asking, “What are we going to do today?” Projects<br />

change each quarter, so students can take classes again &<br />

again.<br />


From designing new clothes to creating fabrics or reusing<br />

and upcycling what you have in order to make something<br />

new, these fashion design and fiber art classes explore the<br />

expansive world of textiles.<br />



Learn how to take the technology in your life into new<br />

creative realms. Digital photography classes start with the<br />

basic digital camera know-how and the elements of image<br />

creation including composition, lighting, and exposure. We<br />

will explore traditional printmaking processes and then use<br />

layering techniques to create amazing collages.<br />

Please see cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline for individual class descriptions.<br />

Art Club<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Capacity: 12 students max | Instructor Sharon Reich<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28529 | 2:30p, Art Club | Jan 26 - March 23 (W) |<br />

2:30p-3:30p | Ages 6-9 | Fees: $143 Residents<br />

$164.45 Non-Residents<br />

28530 | 3:45p, Art Club | Jan 26 - March 23 (W) | 3:45p-5p<br />

Ages 7-10 | Fees: $178 Residents $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Artists in Action<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Capacity: 12 students max | Instructor Kari Kirkpatrick<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28527 | 3:15p, Artists in Action | Jan 25 - March 22 (Tue)<br />

3:15p-4:15p | Ages 6-9 | Fees: $143 Residents<br />

$164.45 Non-Residents<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

28528 | 4:30p, Artists in Action | Jan 25 - March 22 (Tue)<br />

4:30p-5:45p | Ages 7-10 | Fees: $178 Residents<br />

$204.70 Non-Residents<br />


Youth & Teens<br />

Sustainable Sewing<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages: 9-14 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Stephanie Maples<br />

Fees: $158 Residents $181.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28526 | Sustainable Sewing* | Jan 24 - March 28 (M) |<br />

4:30p-5:45p *NO CLASS February 21 and March 14<br />

Fiber Arts<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 8-12 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Stephanie Maples<br />

Fees: $148 Residents $170.20 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28525 | Fiber Arts* | Jan 24 - March 28 (M) | 3:05p-4:15p<br />

*NO CLASS February 21 and March 14<br />

Collage Explorations<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages: 9-15 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Dawn Irvine<br />

Fees: $190 Residents $218.50 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28624 | Collage Explorations* | Jan 22 - March 26 (Sat)<br />

10a-11:30a | *NO CLASS Feb 19 and March 12<br />

Digital Photography<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio |<br />

Ages 11-16 | Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Instructor Cathy Gregory<br />

Fees: $214 Residents $246.10 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28465 | Digital Photography | Jan 24 - March 28 (Tue) | 3:30p-5p<br />

Textile & Fashion Design<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages: 11-18 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Natalia Shevchenko<br />

Fees: $214 Residents $246.10 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28517 | Textile and Fashion Design* | Jan 26 - March 30 (W) |<br />

4:30p-6p | *NO CLASS February 2<br />

Boho Chic Teen Weaving Workshop<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Meeting Room<br />

Ages 11-16 | Capacity: 14 students max<br />

Instructor Natalia Shevchenko<br />

Fees: $32 Residents $36.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28634 | Boho Chic Teen Weaving Workshop | Mar 19 (Sat) | 10a-12p<br />

Alternative Sketchbooks<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />

Ages: 11-14 | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Lauren Volk<br />

Fees: $178 Residents $204.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28513 | Alternative Sketchbooks Workshop | Jan 26-Mar 23 (W) |<br />

3p-4:15p<br />


Family Workshops<br />

Family workshops are the perfect way to reconnect after a busy<br />

week and to make some great art to display in your home. These<br />

one-, and two-day workshops are fun for the whole family.<br />

Each family member participating must register; kids must<br />

be accompanied by an adult, and adults must be accompanied<br />

by a kid. Please make sure you are able to attend all days of<br />

the workshop.<br />

Knitting Family Workshop<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Ages: 8+ | Capacity: 14 students max<br />

Instructor Connie Butner<br />

Fees: $53 Residents $60.95 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28637 | Knitting Family Workshop | Jan 29 - February 5<br />

(Sat)| 10a-11:30a<br />

Mosaic Family Workshop<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Preschool Classroom<br />

Ages: 7+ | Capacity: 14 students max<br />

Instructor Alejandra Hermandinger<br />

Fees: $63 Residents $72.45 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28633 | Mosaic Family Workshop | Sat Feb 26 10a-1p<br />

& Sat March 5 from 10a-11am<br />

Adult Visual Storytelling<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 16+ | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Instructor Daniele Archamba<br />

Fees: $250 Residents $287.50 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28562 | Creating and Publishing a Graphic Novel<br />

Jan 18-Mar 22 | 6:30p-8:30p<br />

Science Sleuths<br />

Dive into science at the Junior Museum and Zoo. Each week,<br />

we’ll explore a variety of exciting science topics. Join us and<br />

learn about things that chirp, fizz and zoom. Activities change<br />

each session, quarter and year, so you can sign up again and<br />

have new adventures! This class is designed for<br />

Kindergarteners. Preschoolers interested in similar content<br />

may enroll in Discovery Wednesdays or Discovery Fridays.<br />

Please NO UNREGISTERED siblings in class.<br />

Junior Museum & Zoo | Science Lab 1 or Outdoor Classroom<br />

Kindergarten | Capacity: 10 students max<br />

Fees: $257 Residents $295.55 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28689 | Wednesday, 1st-3rd Grades | Mar 2 - Mar 30 | 2:30p-4p<br />

Junior Museum Science Outdoors:<br />

Foothills Nature Preserve<br />

Join Junior Museum environmental educators out in the wilds<br />

of our beautiful Foothills Nature Preserve, and have countless<br />

adventures tromping through the trails and meadows. Learn<br />

about the unique plants and animals that call this special place<br />

home, and about the ecology that helps them thrive here.<br />

Masks and social distancing required. Students will meet<br />

outside the Foothills Nature Preserve Visitors Center.<br />

Programs subject to cancellation per changing County and<br />

State pandemic restrictions. In the event of cancellation,<br />

customers will receive a pro-rated refund. Sorry, no<br />

unregistered siblings allowed.<br />

Foothills Nature Preserve | Foothills Interpretive Center<br />

1st-3rd Grade | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Fees: $179 Residents $205.85 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28689 | Wednesday, 1st-3rd Grades | Mar 2 - Mar 30 | 2:30p-4p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


Youth & Teens<br />

17<br />

Junior Museum Science Outdoors:<br />

The Palo Alto Baylands<br />

Join Junior Museum environmental educators out in the<br />

wilds of our beautiful Baylands Open Space Preserve, and<br />

have countless adventures tromping through the trails and<br />

marshland. Learn about the unique plants and animals<br />

that call this special place home, and about the ecology<br />

that helps them thrive here. Masks and social distancing<br />

required. Students will meet in front of the Lucy Evans<br />

Nature Interpretive Center. Sorry, no unregistered siblings<br />

allowed.<br />

Baylands Nature Preserve | Lucy Evans Nature Center<br />

1st-3rd Grade | Capacity: 12 students max<br />

Fees: $179 Residents $205.85 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28688 | Wednesday, 1st-3rd Grades | Jan 26 - Feb 23<br />

2:30p-4p<br />

Walk With a Naturalist:<br />

Through the Baylands<br />

Join Naturalist, Corinne Debra, for a relaxing and fun<br />

family walk through the trails of our beautiful Baylands<br />

Open Space Preserve. Learn about the plants and animals<br />

that call this salt marsh home, and discover the interesting<br />

ecology that shapes this beautiful and unique landscape.<br />

All children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.<br />

Class meets in front of the Baylands Nature Interpretive<br />

Center, and program includes time out on the trails and<br />

time in the Interpretive Center.<br />

Baylands Nature Preserve | Lucy Evans Nature Center<br />

Ages 3+ | Capacity: 25 students | Instructor Corinne Debra<br />

Fees: $5 Residents $5.75 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28691 | Saturday, 10am walk | Jan 1 | 10a-12p<br />

28692 | Saturday, 10am walk | Jan 15 | 10a-12p<br />

28693 | Saturday, 10am walk | Jan 29 | 10a-12p<br />

28694 | Saturday, 10am walk | Feb 12 | 10a-12p<br />

28695 | Saturday, 10am walk | Feb 29 | 10a-12p<br />

28696 | Saturday, 10am walk | Mar 12 | 10a-12p<br />

28697 | Saturday, 10am walk | Mar 26 | 10a-12p<br />

Advanced Scene Study<br />

Explore advanced acting techniques in this challenging<br />

course. Students will focus on text analysis and making<br />

dramatic choices based on the text. Students participate in<br />

engaging exercises as well as hands-on scene and solo work.<br />

Director feedback provides students with a deeper<br />

understanding of how to rehearse a scene. Memorization of<br />

scenes is required. Scenes are assigned on the first day of class.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Magic Castle Stage<br />

Ages 11-15 | Capacity: 6 students max | Instructor Bill Olson<br />

Fees: $135 Residents $155.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28665 | 6p-7:15p, Wed, Feb 3-Mar 24 | Feb 3 - Mar 24 | 6p-7:15p<br />

Scene Study for Youth<br />

Students get to enjoy playing well-known characters from<br />

classic scenes in the children’s theatre canon. The focus will<br />

be on text analysis and making dramatic choices from<br />

uncovering meaning beneath the dialogue. Students<br />

participate in in scenes involving 2 to 4 characters. Director<br />

feedback provides students with a deeper understanding of<br />

how to rehearse a scene. Memorization of scenes is<br />

encouraged. Scenes are assigned on the first day of class.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />

Ages 8-11 | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Instructor Kathy Blumenfeld<br />

Fees: $135 Residents $155.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28652 | Scene Study for Youth, 5:30p-6:30p, Tu/Thu, March 1-24<br />

Mar 1-24 | 5:30p-6:30p<br />

Hip Hop for Kids<br />

Students will learn a broad collection of urban street dance<br />

styles. Hip-Hop evolved from Hip-Hop culture and includes<br />

elements from Jazz, Rock, Tap, African, American and<br />

Latino dance cultures. These cultures will influence the<br />

hip-hop style and technique learned in class.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />

Ages 8-10 | Capacity: 8 max | Instructor Tami Burton<br />

Fees: $132 Residents $151.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28659 | Hip Hop for Kids! 4:30p-5:10p, Wed, Feb 2-Mar 23

Bharatanatyam<br />

This course will introduce an ancient classical dance form<br />

from south Indian called Bharatanatyam. Children will<br />

learn the basic postures and steps, as well as some history<br />

and theory about this dance form. Adults are also<br />

welcome to enroll.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />

Ages 6-17 | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Instructor Aparna Seetharaman<br />

Beginner Fees: $135 Residents $155.25 Non-Residents<br />

Advanced Fees: $148 Residents $170.20 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28662 | Beginner I, 5p-5:30p, Thurs, Jan 20- Mar 24 |<br />

Jan 20-Mar 24 | 5p-5:30p<br />

28663 | Beginner II, 5:30p-6p, Thurs, Jan 20 - Mar 24 |<br />

Jan 20-Mar 24 | 5:30p-6p<br />

28664 | Advanced, 6p-7p, Thurs, Jan 20-Mar 24 | Jan<br />

20-Mar 24 | 6p-7p<br />

Creative Dramatics<br />

This unique class introduces children to theatre by<br />

focusing on their natural sense of play. The aim is to<br />

encourage inventiveness and originality by introducing<br />

children to creative building blocks such as pantomime,<br />

games, skits and more! Children learn how to use their<br />

voice, body, natural expressions and imagination to<br />

discover the exciting experience of performance.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Fees: $132 Residents $151.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28648 | 11:15a-12p, Sat, Feb 5 -March 26 | Magic Castle<br />

Stage| Ages 5-6<br />

28649 | 11a-12p, Sat, Feb 5 - March 26 | Dance Studio |<br />

Ages 6-7<br />

28646 | 4:40p-5:20p, Tu/Thu, Feb 1-24 | Magic Castle Stage<br />

| Ages 5-6<br />

28647 | 4:40p-5:20p, Tu/Thu, March 1-24 | Magic Castle<br />

Stage | Ages 6-7<br />

Broadway Goes Hip Hop<br />

The dynamic style of Hip Hop dance has found its way onto<br />

the Broadway stage in recent years in such smash hit<br />

musicals as In The Heights and Hamilton. In this class,<br />

dancers will learn exciting choreography set to the music of<br />

these meg-hit Hip Hop musicals.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />

Ages 8-12 | Capacity: 8 students max<br />

Instructor Joanna Haas<br />

Fees: $132 Residents $151.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28659 |Broadway Goes hip Hop; 4:15p-5p, Sat, Feb 5-Mar<br />

26<br />

Shaking Shakespeare<br />

Young Actors, welcome to the World of Shakespeare! The<br />

Bard’s language, characters and stories pervade western<br />

civilization. Who hasn’t been touched by the tragic story of<br />

‘Romeo and Juliet,’ or the melancholy Dane Hamlet? In this<br />

class, you’ll stage short scenes and individual speeches from<br />

some of Shakespeare’s most engaging plays, such as ‘Hamlet,’<br />

‘The Tempest,’ ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ and Romeo and<br />

Juliet.’ Instructor will tailor selections to meet the interests of<br />

students. A great opportunity to experience and learn<br />

Shakespeare’s writing as a performer!<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dance Studio<br />

Ages 10-15 | Capacity: 8 students max |<br />

Instructor Tessa Koning-Martinez<br />

Fees: $132 Residents $151.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28653 | 1:45p-3p, Sat, Feb 5 - Mar 26<br />

Vocal Lessons<br />

<strong>Enjoy</strong> these one-on-one, in-person vocal lessons. Participants<br />

will learn innovative singing techniques, and with the instructor’s<br />

guidance, students are able to select songs from a variety<br />

of genres, including but not limited to Broadway, country, pop<br />

and rock.<br />

Children’s Theatre | Dressing Room 1<br />

Ages 8+ | Capacity: 1 student max | Instructor Jennie James<br />

Fees: $320 Residents $368 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28666 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 2p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

2p-2:30p<br />

28667 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 2:30p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

2:30p-3p<br />

28668 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 3p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

3-3:30p<br />

28669 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 3:30p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

3:30p-4p<br />

28670 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 4:00p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

4p-4:30p<br />

28671 | In-Person Vocal Lesson, Weds., 4:30p, Feb 2-Mar 30 |<br />

4:30p-5p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


The classes on this page are taught by<br />

Communication Academy, for more information<br />

visit: communicationacademy.com<br />

Online Academic Writing:<br />

Student Publication<br />

Students explore the writing process and learn to write a<br />

polished manuscript, essay or story, for final publication! This<br />

camp emphasizes the revision and editing process to finalize<br />

and perfect a piece of writing. Students will work on a single<br />

piece of publication-quality material under the instruction of<br />

an experienced teacher. Taught at age-appropriate level.<br />

Max of 12 students so instructors can help develop their writing.<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

Academic Writing: Mechanics &<br />

Style<br />

Become a better writer through revision! In this<br />

in-person class, students will strengthen their<br />

vocabulary, write more complex sentences, and add<br />

details to their writing. Through fun and educational<br />

activities centered around the fundamentals of writing,<br />

students improve on revision, grammar, and spelling.<br />

Max of 12 students so instructors can help develop their<br />

writing. Material Fee: $20.<br />

Mitchell Park Community Center | Matadero Room<br />

Ages 9-11 | Fees: $325 Residents $373.75 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28433 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 26 2:15pm | 2:15p-3:15p<br />

Confident Public Speaking:<br />

Reader’s Theater<br />

Make reading come alive! Develop public speaking skills<br />

while becoming better readers! Students explore<br />

characterization and setting as they act out<br />

age-appropriate stories, nurturing confidence and<br />

creativity, learning to analyze and interpret characters<br />

while acting out plays, and improving their reading<br />

comprehension strategies. Small classes of 12 students<br />

allow for ample individual feedback from expert<br />

instructors! Material Fee $20<br />

Mitchell Park Community Center | Matadero Room<br />

Ages 9-11 |Fees: $325 Residents $373.75 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28434 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 26 1pm || 1p-2p<br />

Communication Academy | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Fees: $255 Residents $293.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28435 | Ages 8-10 | Thu Jan 20 to March 24 3:45 pm | 3:45p-4:45p<br />

28436 | Ages 11-14 | Thu Jan 20 to March 24 3:45 pm | 3:45p-4:45p<br />

Online Confident Public Speaking:<br />

Reader’s Theater<br />

Make reading come alive! Develop public speaking skills while<br />

becoming better readers! Students explore characterization<br />

and setting as they act out age-appropriate stories, nurturing<br />

confidence and creativity, learning to analyze and interpret<br />

characters while acting out plays, and improving their reading<br />

comprehension strategies. Small classes of 12 students allow<br />

for ample individual feedback from expert instructors!<br />

Communication Academy | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 8-10| Fees: $255 Residents $293.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28438 | Tue Jan 18 to Mar 22 3:45pm | 3:45p-4:45p<br />

Online Confident Public Speaking:<br />

Impromptu<br />

Ever been asked a questions you weren’t prepared to answer?<br />

Perhaps the most versatile speech type, this online LIVE class<br />

teaches skills critical to speaking on the spot in various<br />

situations! . This course teaches organization and delivery<br />

skills critical to speaking effectively on the spot. Students<br />

will learn to present themselves with confidence, organize<br />

their ideas quickly, and speak effectively. Small classes of 12<br />

students allow for ample individual feedback from expert<br />

instructors!<br />

Communication Academy | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 11-14| Fees: $255 Residents $293.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28437 | Fri Jan 21 to Mar 25 3:45pm | 3:45p-4:45p<br />


Young Mayors - Build a Magical<br />

<strong>Winter</strong> Wonderland<br />

Join us this winter for a 3-day camp to build a <strong>Winter</strong><br />

Wonderland under historical blizzard conditions! You will<br />

get to plan and build an entire city, deal with new<br />

challenges associated with what winter has in store, and get<br />

in the festive spirit to deck the newly established town.<br />

During our excitement-packed camps, children plan and<br />

create their own small LEGO civilization, thereby developing<br />

real-life skills and strategies! We teach kids to be<br />

responsible citizens and future leaders, one LEGO brick at a<br />

time! Tons of civic fun!<br />

Visit: www.kidizens.com/lego-fall-camps for more<br />

information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 6-10 | Capacity: 18 students max | Instructor Kidizens<br />

Fees: $325 Residents $373.75 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28303 | M, Tue, Wed Dec 20 to 22 9a-3p | Dec 20-22 | 9a-3p<br />

Robotics with the LEGO® WeDo®<br />

system Workshop<br />

Do you like LEGO®? Would you like to program your own<br />

LEGO® creations? If you answered yes, then this is the<br />

workshop for you! Come join us in this workshop from Brick<br />

Tech to learn, program, and build at the same time. This<br />

course will use the LEGO WeDo 2.0 system to help gain a<br />

better understanding of programming machines and robots<br />

in real life. Visit: www.bricktech.org for more information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 5-10 | Capacity: 20 students max<br />

Fees: $60 Residents $69 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28620 | Fri Jan 14 9am | Jan 14 | 9a-12p<br />

LEGO® Marvel® Vs DC® workshop<br />

It’s a race to save the world as the Avengers take on the<br />

Justice League. Which team of heroes will prevail? Students<br />

will build LEGO® projects that reinforce STEM concepts<br />

as they explore the multiverse of earths mightiest super<br />

heroes. Visit: www.Bricktech.org for more information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 5-12 | Capacity: 20 students max |<br />

Fees: $60 Residents $69 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28622 | Fri Mar 11 9am | Mar 11 | 9a-12p<br />

Design and Drive Using Lego®<br />

Materials Workshop<br />

Are you a LEGO® gear head? Then come learn all about<br />

vehicles with Brick Tech! Participants will be introduced to<br />

a variety of mechanical engineering concepts-from chassis<br />

types to aerodynamic design through hands-on building<br />

with LEGO®. Join us as we build, discover, and learn by<br />

engineering the motorized vehicle of your dreams!<br />

Visit: www.Bricktech.org for more information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 5-12| Capacity: 20 students max |<br />

Fees: $60 Residents $69 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28623 | Mon Mar 14 9am | Mar 14 | 9a-12p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


Minecraft® with LEGO® STEM basics<br />

workshop<br />

Come explore your favorite Minecraft biomes and<br />

structures with LEGO® Build houses and traps to defend<br />

against mobs. Build tools to mine, and help Steve defeat<br />

the ender dragon! Please note there will be no video games<br />

played in this workshop. Visit: www.bricktech.org for more<br />

information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 5-12 | Capacity: 20 students max<br />

Fees: $60 Residents $69 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28621 | Fri Feb 18 9am | Feb 18 | 9a-12p<br />

Minecraft Modding: Level 1<br />

Use the power of coding to create a world in Minecraft never<br />

seen before! In this block-based coding course, students will<br />

learn how to concentrate on logic and computational<br />

thinking to build advanced programming algorithms that tie<br />

in with the world of Minecraft. Learn how to mod Minecraft,<br />

create stories, build mini-games, reconstruct buildings, and<br />

turn blocks into gold! Students will have their own private<br />

servers to mod as well as the ability to play and collaborate<br />

together on a single server. A great addition for students who<br />

have taken our Scratch programming course.<br />

Material: Mac or Windows PC<br />

Note: Minecraft license not required<br />

Code For Fun | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 9-13 | Capacity: 5 students max<br />

Fees: $175 Residents $201.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28490 | Mon Jan 24 to Feb 28 5:30* | 5:30p-6:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

28492 | Mon Jan 31 to Mar 7 3:30* | 3:30p-4:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

Junior Programmers: Level 1 - Let’s<br />

Dance<br />

Learn to create your first programs using Scratch Jr.!<br />

Start with making a character dance to producing a full<br />

simulated environment. In this introductory sequence of<br />

projects for Scratch Jr., we gradually introduce a variety<br />

of practices and concepts while simultaneously exposing<br />

young coders to a variety of blocks and tools in Scratch Jr.<br />

Each project is aligned with the algorithms and programming<br />

standards developed by the Computer Science<br />

Teachers Association (CSTA).<br />

Materials Needed:<br />

1. Any 2 devices from - Computer (PC/MAC), iPad, Android<br />

Tablet<br />

OR<br />

2. 2 Computers (PC/MAC) or a computer connected to 2<br />

monitors<br />

Code For Fun | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 5-8 | Capacity: 5 students max<br />

Fees: $175 Residents $201.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28487 | Tue Jan 18 to Feb 15 3:30 | 3:30p-4:30p<br />

Roblox Game Design: Level 1 -<br />

Obstacle Course<br />

Roblox is an online game platform and game creation system<br />

that allows users to program and play games. Using Roblox<br />

Studio, students will learn how to create an obstacle course.<br />

They will then learn how to manipulate the virtual world to<br />

their liking, using the Lua programming language.<br />

Prior to starting the class, students will need to download<br />

Roblox Studio software on their computer and create an<br />

account.<br />

Materials Needed: Mac or Windows PC only, Roblox and Roblox<br />

Studio installed, WebCam, Stable internet connection<br />

with access to Zoom Video Conferencing, 3 button mouse<br />

with scroll-wheel.<br />

Code For Fun | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 10-14 | Capacity: 5 students max<br />

Fees: $175 Residents $201.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28495 | Mon Jan 24 to Feb 28 3:30* | 3:30p-4:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

28496 | Thu Feb 3 to Mar 3 5:30* | 5:30p-6:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />


Python Mastery Level 1: Learn the<br />

Basics!<br />

Start coding in Python, one of the most popular, intuitive,<br />

open-source programming languages. Learn how to draw colorful<br />

spirals and shapes with Turtle graphics module, while creating fun<br />

interactive projects using the Repl.it<br />

coding environment. This online course introduces Python<br />

programming with interactive sessions led by an<br />

experienced Computer Science teacher.<br />

Code For Fun | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 10-14 | Capacity: 5 students max<br />

Fees: $175 Residents $201.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28493 | Tu Jan 18 to Feb 15 5:30p | 5:30p-6:30p<br />

28494 | Tu Feb 1 to Mar 1 3:30p | 3:30p-4:30p<br />

STEM FUNdamentals with LEGO®<br />

Materials<br />

Level up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and<br />

tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-world concepts in<br />

physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed<br />

projects such as: Sailboats, Snowmobiles and Catapults. Design<br />

and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas.<br />

Visit: www.play-well.org for more information.<br />

Terrific Tiny Tennis<br />

Children, 5-7 years of age, play FUN activities and games on<br />

the “42 foot court” with low compression tennis balls. Lessons<br />

are designed to enhance their athletic and skill development<br />

in a success oriented environment. Small group lessons, only<br />

2-6 students per class! We recommend 21”-23” rackets.<br />

Ages 5-7 | Fees: $99 Residents $113.85 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK,<br />


28535 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 3:20p* | 3:20p-4p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28539 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 3:20pm* | 3:20p-4p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

28536 | Tu Jan 11 to Feb 15 3:20p | 3:20p-4p<br />

28537 | Sat Jan 15 to Feb 19 2p | 2p-2:40p<br />

28538 | Sat Jan 15 to Feb 19 2:40p | 2:40p-3:20p<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK,<br />


28540 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Jan 27 3:20pm | 3:20p-4p<br />

28577 | Tue Thu Feb 15 to Mar 3 3:20p |3:20p-4p<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Community Room<br />

Ages 5-10 | Capacity: 16 students<br />

Fees: $333 Residents $382.95 Non-Residents<br />

28502 | Thu Jan 6 to Mar 17 4pm* | 4p-5:30p *NO CLASS Feb 17<br />

Scratch Superhero: Level 1 -<br />

Put Your Costume On!<br />

Welcome to the world of Scratch, the most popular block<br />

programming language for young learners! In this course, discover<br />

the Scratch environment and start making games you can share<br />

with your friends and family. Try to catch a cat randomly moving<br />

on your screen, create a game where a shark needs to eat as many<br />

fish as possible, become a superhero by fixing code challenges.<br />

You will gain coding superpowers concepts like variables, loops,<br />

events, debugging and cartesian coordinates. You will also get to<br />

interact with a small group of exciting young coders to exchange<br />

ideas and solutions.<br />

Material needed: Mac, PC or Chromebook, WebCam, Stable internet<br />

connection with access to Zoom Video Conferencing. Students will also<br />

need an account on scratch.mit.edu created with parents prior to starting<br />

this class.<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Code For Fun | VIRTUAL PROGRAM<br />

Ages 8-12 | Capacity: 5 students max<br />

Fees: $175 Residents $201.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK,<br />


28541 | Wed Jan 19 to Feb 23 3:10p | 3:10p-3:50p<br />

28576 | Wed Jan 19 to Feb 23 3:50p | 3:50p-4:30p<br />

Quickstart Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Learn simple and<br />

efficient techniques on the 60ft court with low compression<br />

tennis balls. Emphasis on control, consistency,<br />

sportsmanship, and FUN! We recommend the 25” rackets.<br />

Ages 8-10 |Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK<br />


28580 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 4pm* | 4p-5p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28583 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 4pm* | 4p-5p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

28582 | Tu Jan 11 to Feb 15 4pm | 4p-5p<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK<br />


28584 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Jan 27 4pm | 4p-5p<br />

28587 | Tue Thu Feb 15 to Mar 3 4pm | 4p-5p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

28500 | Sat Jan 22 to Feb 19 1pm | 1p-2p<br />


Play Tennis the Stanford Way<br />

TTeennnniisss Ueessssssoonnsss<br />

Inndiivviidual<br />

and semi-private (1-4 players)<br />

Personal<br />

Tom Sarsfield<br />

Stanford/USPTAPro<br />

WhiitliinngeerSarsssfiieeldTTeennnniisss.coom<br />

?oourl¬ Ratee<br />

Diireectoor'sss<br />

Elite Pro Tom Sarsfield<br />

Stanford/USPTA<br />

Ueessssssoonnsss<br />

GroouŽ<br />

top-flight instruction from the staff of Stanford Hall of Famer John Whitlinger and<br />

Enooy<br />

Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield. All classes will consist of six hours of<br />

longtime<br />

with a max of 6 unless stated otherwise.. Terrific Tiny Tennis classes will consist<br />

instruction<br />

In case of rain, contact the recreation dept. at 463-4900, Monday through<br />


8:30am-5:30pm, within the hour before scheduled starting time for class status or<br />

Friday,<br />


NO<br />

DEPT.<br />

REC.<br />

day and time. However, Fridays (for weekday lessons) or Sundays (for weekend<br />

meeting<br />

may be used at the instructors discretion. NOTE:If an earlier class is postponed<br />

lessons)<br />

?oourl¬ Ratee<br />

*Proo'sss<br />

for one player, $5 per hour more for<br />

$85<br />

by the staff of Stanford Hall of<br />

taught<br />

John Whitlinger and longtime<br />

Famer<br />

additional person. (*$5 per hour<br />

each<br />

for 3 (three) or more hours paid<br />

discount<br />

408 745-6171 thomassarsfield@mac.com<br />

$100 for 1 player, $10 per hour more for<br />

additional player<br />

each<br />

at Rinconada Park #5-6<br />

Lessons<br />

in advance)<br />

*Foor leessssssoonnsss at Miitcheell Park #1-2, call<br />

Professionals<br />

USPTA<br />

Da Silva (408) 398-5543,<br />

Neil<br />

John Chan (650) 637-8809,<br />

Nguyen (408) 499-2433, or<br />

Hung<br />

Sarsfield (408) 745-6171<br />

Lisa<br />

of six 40 minute lessons. Students provide own rackets.<br />

*Foor leessssssoonnsss at Riinncoonnada Park #5-6,<br />

Leo Marando (831) 537-6234,<br />

Megan Bryan (650) 759-8433.<br />

vviisssiit WhiitliinngeerSarsssfiieeldTTeennnniisss.coom<br />

check with the instructor by visiting WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com for contact information. Or<br />

If at any time the instructor is absent, report to the next scheduled lesson for makeup date.<br />

foor mooree coonntact iinnfoormatiioonn.<br />

Payment for lesson(s) must be given to<br />

Unless notified to the contrary, make up lessons will be forwarded to the next normal<br />

instructor at the time of your first<br />

the<br />

Only checks payable to TOM<br />

lesson.<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

23<br />

to rain, all the following classes may also be postponed that day even if the courts<br />

due<br />

dry.<br />

become<br />

Quickstart Advantage Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Review and<br />

develop techniques on the “60 ft. court” with low<br />

compression tennis balls. More emphasis on depth,<br />

direction, and spin. Players should have prior Quickstart<br />

experience and/or instructor’s approval.<br />

Ages 8-10 | Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK,<br />


28590 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 5pm* | 5p-6p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28591 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 5pm* | 5p-6p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK<br />


28594 | Sat Jan 15 to Feb 19 2:30pm | 2:30p-3:30p<br />

will be accepted (no cash or<br />


card).<br />

credit<br />

Junior Novice Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! Develop the<br />

essential techniques with emphasis on control, depth, and<br />

direction on the 78’ court with regulation tennis balls.<br />

Lessons will also incorporate rules, sportsmanship, and<br />

basic doubles play. Ten year olds may participate with<br />

instructors approval.<br />

Ages 11-14 | Instructor: Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK<br />


28595 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 6:30p* | 6:30p-7:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28596 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 6:30pm* | 6:30p-7:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK,<br />


28597 | Sat Jan 15 to Feb 19 1:30p | 1:30p-2:30p

Junior Low Intermediate Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />

who are consistent on a slow pace rally but need<br />

to develop better depth, directional control, and use<br />

of spin. Review and strengthen stroke techniques with<br />

more emphasis on basic strategy and tactics. Ten years<br />

old’s may participate with instructors’ approval.<br />

Ages 11-14 | Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK<br />


28598 | Sat Jan 15 to Feb 19 1pm | 1p-2p<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK<br />


28599 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Jan 27 5pm | 5p-6p<br />

28600 | Tue Thu Feb 15 to Mar 3 5pm | 5p-6p<br />

Junior Intermediate Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />

who are consistent on a medium pace rally but needs to<br />

develop more spin, power, and/or variety. Refine stroke<br />

techniques, strategy, and tactics with performance<br />

enhancing drills.<br />

Ages 11-16 | Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK<br />


28608 | Tue Jan 11 to Feb 15 6pm | 6p-7p<br />

Kidz Love Soccer Info:<br />

To check if class is being held due to inclement weather, please call the<br />

KLS class status hotline: (888) 372-5803<br />

or visit: https://www.kidzlovesoccer.com/class_status.php<br />

Soccer 1 Techniques & Teamwork<br />

by Kidz Love Soccer<br />

Learn dribbling, passing and receiving, defense and shooting<br />

goals. Fun skill games are played at every session, and<br />

every participant will have a ball at his or her feet. This class is<br />

perfect for first time players while being fun and engaging for<br />

kids with some experience. Small-sided soccer matches will<br />

be introduced gradually. Each participant will receive a soccer<br />

jersey. Shin guards are required after the first meeting.<br />

Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field NORTH<br />

Ages 5-6 | Capacity: 30 students<br />

Fees: $127 Residents $146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28471 | Thu Jan 20 to Mar 3 3:30p | 3:30p-4:15p<br />

28473 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 5 10:50a | 10:50a-11:35a<br />

Soccer 2 Skillz & Skrimmages<br />

by Kidz Love Soccer<br />

Kidz will enjoy advanced skill building: dribbling, passing and<br />

shooting in a team play format. Each class will focus on<br />

scrimmages that emphasize application of finer technical<br />

points. All levels of play are encouraged to come out and enjoy<br />

the soccer fun! Each participant will receive a soccer jersey.<br />

Shin guards are required after the first meeting.<br />

Mitchell Park | Mitchell Park Field NORTH<br />

Ages 7-10 | Capacity: 30 students<br />

Fees: $127 Residents $146.05 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28475 | Sat Jan 22 to Mar 5 11:40a | 11:40a-12:25p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


Martin Luther King Day Basketball<br />

Camp<br />

This one-day co-ed camp by National Academy of Athletics<br />

will emphasize the fundamentals of shooting, ball control,<br />

defense, rebounding, passing, and conditioning.<br />

Additionally, campers will participate in contests, games,<br />

and other fun events. Campers are divided into groups by<br />

both age and ability.<br />

Cubberley Community Center | Gym A<br />

Ages 6-12 | Capacity: 40 students<br />

Fees: $89 Residents $102.35Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28446 | Mon Jan 17 9am | 9a-3p<br />

Danceability- Street Dance<br />

Danceability is a dance program for individuals ages 15+ with<br />

special needs.<br />

This program is all about having fun, exercising and feeling<br />

amazing! Each class will incorporate a fun warm up with<br />

simple stretches and learning new dance sequences to a<br />

variety of upbeat songs. Over the course of the program,<br />

participants will learn a full dance routine!<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />

Ages 15+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Kate Barnes<br />

Fees: $155 Residents $178.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28636 | Wed Jan 12 to Mar 16 6pm | 6p-7p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />

Presidents Day Basketball Camp<br />

Games, games, and more games! This fun, one day<br />

program by National Academy of Athletic features all the<br />

games including dribble knock-out, around the world,<br />

Pepsi hot spot, one on one, three on three, and more!<br />

Designed to let the participants have a day where play is<br />

the main focus. This program is a basketball players dream<br />

come true! Come and play with our experienced<br />

coaches as they offer quality instruction to all participants,<br />

but remember: this one is all about FUN!<br />

Cubberley Community Center | Gym A<br />

Ages 6-12 | Capacity: 40 students<br />

Fees: $89 Residents $102.35Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28447 | Mon Feb 21 9am | 9a-3p<br />

<strong>Winter</strong> Cooking with Junior Chef Stars<br />

Join us as we provide junior chefs with the tools necessary to<br />

create, cook, and learn. With new recipes, including <strong>Winter</strong><br />

Favorites, our curriculum covers nutrition, seasonal cooking,<br />

knife skills, the purpose of core ingredients, and the many<br />

cultural aspects of food. Your junior chef will develop critical<br />

life skills, all while making new friends and having a blast!<br />

Our recipes never repeat so sign up for multiple sessions.<br />

$90 Material fee to be paid to instructor at the first class.<br />

juniorchefstars.com for more information.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center<br />

Community Room & Kitchen<br />

Ages 7-13 | Capacity: 24 students<br />

Fees: $300 Residents $345 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28449 | Tue Jan 18 to Mar 15 3:30p | 3:30p-4:45p<br />


We're<br />

hiring<br />







Middle School Basketball 2021-<strong>2022</strong><br />

Practices take place Monday through Thursday and sometimes<br />

Fridays, after school, from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, 4:30-5:45pm or 5:45-7 pm.<br />

Games take place 2-3 times per week, between 4 and 7pm.<br />

Transportation will not be provided and parents/guardians will drive as far as<br />

Half Moon Bay. Please attend Parent Night to determine car pools.<br />

Due to the County and State Guidelines- participants, City staff,<br />

parents and spectators need to wear masks at all times while indoors at City<br />

and Schools indoor gyms and facilities.<br />

Cubberley Community Center | Gym A | 6th Grade<br />

Capacity: 24 students | Fees: $335 for all participants<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

25391 | Fletcher 6th grade boys | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

25392 | Fletcher 6th grade girls | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

25393 | Greene 6th grade boys | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

25394 | Greene 6th grade girls | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

25395 | JLS 6th grade boys | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

25396 | JLS 6th grade girls | Jan 24-Mar 24 | 3p-7p<br />

Youth & Teens<br />


Intermediate Wheel Projects<br />

with Miki Shim<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Miki Shim<br />

Fees: $320 Residents $368 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Adults<br />

27<br />

Adult Ceramics<br />

Wheel Throwing classes teach students how to prepare clay<br />

for wheel throwing, properly center clay on the wheel, and<br />

form various wares including bowls, mugs, vases,<br />

functional vessels and decorative forms. Hand-building<br />

classes teach how to use slabs and coils to make both<br />

functional pottery and sculptural projects. Classes titled as<br />

Ceramics teach both wheel throwing and hand-building<br />

techniques.<br />

All classes also teach surface treatments, decorations, textures,<br />

trimming, finishing, and glazing techniques. Firing<br />

and glazes are included in course and clay fees. Clay is<br />

available for purchase in the studio.<br />

Beginning Wheel Throwing with<br />

Joey Agcopra<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students<br />

Instructor Joey Agcopra<br />

Fees: $400 Residents $460 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28586 | Beginning Wheel Throwing with<br />

Joey Agcopra Jan 19 - Mar 23 (W) | 6:30p-9:30p<br />

Ceramics with Gary Clarien<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 15 students | Instructor Gary Clarien<br />

Fees: $400 Residents $460 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28588 | Ceramics with Gary Clarien Jan 22 - Mar 26 (Sat)<br />

10a-1p<br />

Ceramics with Lynne Meade<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students<br />

Instructor Lynne Meade<br />

Fees: $400 Residents $460 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28579 | Ceramics with Lynne Meade Jan 18 - Mar 22 (Tue)<br />

10a-1p<br />

28575 | Intermediate Wheel Projects with Miki Shim*<br />

Jan 24 - Mar 21 (M) | 6p-9p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Intermediate/Advanced Wheel<br />

Throwing<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Joey Agcopra<br />

Fees: $400 Residents $460 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28585 | Intermediate/Advanced Wheel Throwing<br />

Jan 20 - Mar 24 (Th) | 7p-10p<br />

Wheel Throwing with Hsin-Chuen Lin<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students<br />

Instructor Hsin-Chuen Lin<br />

Fees: $280 Residents $322 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28581 | Wheel Throwing with Hsin-Chuen Lin*<br />

Feb 10 - Mar 31 (Th) | 10a-1p | *NO class March 17<br />

Ceramics Drop-In Pass<br />

This pass allows students enrolled in instructed ceramics<br />

classes to use the studio this quarter during the open studio<br />

drop-in hours for a flat fee. Day passes are available for<br />

students who prefer not to get the quarterly Drop-In Pass.<br />

Pass NOT required for Self-Directed Projects students.<br />


THIS PASS.<br />

Drop-in Hours will be listed on your registration receipt.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Fees: $91 Residents $104.65 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28592 | Ceramics Drop-In Pass | Jan 18 - Mar 27

<strong>Winter</strong> Firing Service<br />

The Firing Service Program REPLACES the Curbside<br />

program. Firing Service is open only to students who have<br />

participated in the Art Center’s Curbside Program.<br />

There are no longer curbside hours for drop-off and pick-up.<br />

Participants must drop-off and pick-up their wares in the Art<br />

Center Ceramics studio during drop-in hours (see receipt for<br />

hours). Participants must appropriately shelve all wares to be<br />

fired.<br />

Glazes are no longer included. However, participants can<br />

continue to purchase glazes by the pint for $10, or may glaze<br />

during drop-in hours.<br />

Drop-in Hours will be listed on your registration receipt.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Fees: $180 Residents $207 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28593 | <strong>Winter</strong> Firing Service | Jan 18 - Mar 27<br />

Self- Directed Projects<br />

This course is for advanced ceramics students who have taken<br />

at least two previous ceramics classes at the Palo Alto Art<br />

Center* and want to access the studio during open studio<br />

drop-in hours for the entire session for a flat fee. Only work<br />

made in the PAAC studios will be fired.<br />

*No exceptions made to two-class prerequisite.<br />

Drop-in Hours will be listed on your registration receipt.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Ceramics Studio<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 36 students | Instructor Self<br />

Fees: $400 Residents $460 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28589 | Self-Directed Projects | Jan 18 - Mar 27<br />

Drawing<br />

This introductory class will give you the foundations you<br />

need to express your creativity through drawing and painting.<br />

Learn to see like an artist, explore media, create dynamic<br />

compositions, draw in perspective, and understand the use<br />

of light and shadow on form. This class starts with charcoal<br />

drawing while you learn the basics. You will end the quarter<br />

with an introduction to color theory and painting, learning<br />

the difference between oil, acrylic and watercolor. When you<br />

finish this class you will be all set for your next adventure in<br />

art!<br />

Beginning Drawing and Introduction<br />

to Art<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A | Ages 18+<br />

Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Richard Becker<br />

Fees: $252 Residents $289.80 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28568 | Beginning Drawing and Introduction to Art<br />

Jan 20 - Mar 24 (Th) | 10a-12:30p<br />

Fiber Arts<br />

Explore various fiber arts classes and workshops at the Art<br />

Center. This quarter two weaving workshops give students<br />

an introduction to coil basketry using traditional techniques.<br />

In the Cotton Rope and Yarn workshop learn the basics of<br />

basketry, or try Paper Rush to learn the twining method and<br />

wicker basketry techniques. In the Painting on Silk with<br />

Watercolor Batik workshop students will create a luminous<br />

silk painting or scarf with hot wax resist and watercolor<br />

techniques.<br />

Silk Painting with Watercolor Batik<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 12 students | Instructor Joy-Lily<br />

Fees: $120 Residents $138 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28642 | Silk Painting with Watercolor Batik<br />

Sunday, Feb 27 | 11a-4p<br />

Adults<br />


Adults<br />





Basket Weaving Workshop: Twining<br />

with Paper Rush<br />

Join artist Charlene Chow and learn the basics of basket<br />

weaving. In this two-hour workshop participants learn to<br />

make a basket using the twining method. Paper rush is easy<br />

on the hands and a great way to learn wicker basketry<br />

techniques. Materials fee is $10 payable to instructor at start<br />

of workshop and includes all the supplies you will need.<br />

Registration for this workshop is through the Art Center<br />

Foundation website:<br />

paacf.org/event/basket-weaving-workshop-twining-with-paper-rush/<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Sunday, Jan 30, 10:30a-12:30p<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 12 students<br />

Instructor Charlene Chow | Fees: $48 for all<br />

Basket Weaving Workshop: Using<br />

Cotton Rope and Yarn<br />

Join artist Charlene Chow and learn the basics of basket<br />

weaving. In this two-hour workshop participants will<br />

complete their own coaster or small bowl-shaped basket.<br />

Using cotton rope and yarn students will receive an<br />

introduction to coil basketry using traditional techniques<br />

that they can then try at home.<br />

Materials fee is $10 payable to instructor at start of workshop<br />

and includes all the supplies you will need. Students may also<br />

bring any standard size yarn that excites or inspires.<br />

Registration for this workshop is through the Art Center<br />

Foundation website:<br />

paacf.org/event/basket-weaving-workshop-using-cotton-rope-and-yarn/<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Sunday, Feb 13, 10:30a-12:30p<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 12 students<br />

Instructor Charlene Chow | Fees: $48 for all<br />

Painting<br />

We offer a variety of painting classes using oil paints, acrylic<br />

and watercolor for artists at all levels, novice to advanced.<br />

We are also offering Chinese Traditional Scholastic Art with<br />

Brush and Ink on Paper. This class teaches traditional<br />

calligraphy and Gentlemen’s painting, or the Four Noble Ones, a<br />

collective term referring to the different calligraphic<br />

representations of the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo,<br />

and the chrysanthemum.<br />

Acrylic Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 15 students | Instructor Richard Becker<br />

Fees: $300 Residents $345 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28569 | Acrylic Painting | Jan 18 - Mar 22 (Tue) | 10a-1p<br />

From Calligraphy to Painting,<br />

Scholastic Brush Works on Paper<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 16+ | Capacity: 10 students | Instructor Zhihong Yang<br />

Fees: $328 Residents $377.20 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28571 | From Calligraphy to Painting, Scholastic Brush<br />

Works on Paper Jan 19 - Mar 9 (W) | 7p-9p<br />

Painting: Beginning and Beyond,<br />

Thursdays 7 p.m.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Ann McMillan<br />

Fees: $300 Residents $345 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28572 | Paiting: Beginning and Beyond, Thursdays 7pm<br />

Jan 20 - Mar 24 | 7p-10p<br />

Painting: Beginning and Beyond,<br />

Fridays 10 a.m.<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Ann McMillan<br />

Fees: $300 Residents $345 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28573 | Paiting: Beginning and Beyond, Fridays 10am<br />

|Jan 21 - Mar 25 | 10a-1p<br />

Watercolor Painting<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 20 students | Instructor Richard Becker<br />

Fees: $300 Residents $345 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28574 | Watercolor Painting | Jan 22 - Mar 26 (Sat) | 10a-1p<br />


Visual Storytelling<br />

In this quarter’s class students will experience the excitement<br />

of creating and publishing a collaborative graphic novel!<br />

Students will learn how to develop a memorable story,<br />

applying the fundamentals of visual storytelling<br />

including storyboarding, thumbnailing, character design,<br />

picture composition, camera angles and shots, page layouts,<br />

etc. Additional topics covered are narrative art techniques,<br />

book layout, cover design, promotion, and publishing your<br />

work. Participants will then collaborate to organize their<br />

individual stories into a cohesive digital graphic novel and<br />

have an exhibition in the Art Center’s Studio Gallery in<br />

Spring.<br />

Creating and Publishing a Graphic<br />

Novel<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Project Look Studio<br />

Ages 16+ | Capacity: 12 | Instructor Daniele Archamba<br />

Fees: $250 Residents $287.50 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28562 | Creating and Publishing a Graphic Novel<br />

Jan 18 - Mar 22 (Tue) | 6:30p-8:30p<br />

Floral Design & Arranging<br />

Learn how to make your own beautiful floral arrangements<br />

for your home and table. These classes and workshops will<br />

explore different arrangement types and various elements of<br />

floral design through demonstrations and creating your own<br />

bouquets. Check out our series of seasonal workshops, too.<br />

Western Floral Design: 360 Degree<br />

Design (Beginner)<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 15 | Instructor Jennifer Hess<br />

Fees: $160 Residents $184 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28563 | Western Floral Design: 360 Degree Design<br />

(Beginner) | Jan 21 - Mar 11 (Fri) | 3p-4:30p<br />

Celebrating Chinese New Year<br />

with Flowers Workshop<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A | Ages 18+ | Capacity: 18<br />

Instructor Jennifer Hess<br />

Fees: $40 Residents $46 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28564 | Celebrating Chinese New Year<br />

with Flowers Workshop | Jan 30 (Sun) | 2p-4p<br />

Celebrating Valentines Day with<br />

Flowers Workshop<br />

Jewelry<br />

Learn the fine art of metalsmithing and jewelry-making in<br />

our fabrication studio. Our facility is outfitted with all the<br />

tools and equipment to take your jewelry making to the next<br />

level and beyond. Already an experienced jeweler or<br />

metalsmith interested in studio access? Join or Open Jewelry<br />

Studio community for access. Must meet eligibility<br />

requirements. Please contact the ArtCenter@CityofPaloAlto.<br />

org for more information and to schedule an assessment and<br />

orientation.<br />

Jewelry Fabrication<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio B | Ages 18+<br />

Capacity: 12 students Instructor Kelly Harrison Fees:<br />

$380 Residents $437 Non-Residents<br />

Palo Alto Art Center | Studio A | Ages 18+ | Capacity: 18<br />

Instructor Jennifer Hess<br />

Fees: $40 Residents $46 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28565 | Celebrating Valentines Day with Flowers<br />

Workshop | Feb 13 (Sun) | 2p-4p<br />

Adults<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28561 | Jewelry Fabrication | Jan 11- Mar 1 (Tue) 6p-9p<br />


TTeennnniisss Ueessssssoonnsss<br />

Inndiivviidual<br />

and semi-private (1-4 players)<br />

Personal<br />

by the staff of Stanford Hall of<br />

taught<br />

John Whitlinger and longtime<br />

Famer<br />

Tom Sarsfield<br />

Stanford/USPTAPro<br />

WhiitliinngeerSarsssfiieeldTTeennnniisss.coom<br />

?oourl¬ Ratee<br />

Diireectoor'sss<br />

Elite Pro Tom Sarsfield<br />

Stanford/USPTA<br />

Ueessssssoonnsss<br />

GroouŽ<br />

top-flight instruction from the staff of Stanford Hall of Famer John Whitlinger and<br />

Enooy<br />

Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield. All classes will consist of six hours of<br />

longtime<br />

with a max of 6 unless stated otherwise.. Terrific Tiny Tennis classes will consist<br />

instruction<br />

In case of rain, contact the recreation dept. at 463-4900, Monday through<br />


8:30am-5:30pm, within the hour before scheduled starting time for class status or<br />

Friday,<br />


NO<br />

DEPT.<br />

REC.<br />

day and time. However, Fridays (for weekday lessons) or Sundays (for weekend<br />

meeting<br />

may be used at the instructors discretion. NOTE:If an earlier class is postponed<br />

lessons)<br />

to rain, all the following classes may also be postponed that day even if the courts<br />

due<br />

dry.<br />

become<br />

?oourl¬ Ratee<br />

*Proo'sss<br />

for one player, $5 per hour more for<br />

$85<br />

Play Tennis the Stanford Way<br />

additional person. (*$5 per hour<br />

each<br />

for 3 (three) or more hours paid<br />

discount<br />

408 745-6171 thomassarsfield@mac.com<br />

$100 for 1 player, $10 per hour more for<br />

additional player<br />

each<br />

at Rinconada Park #5-6<br />

Lessons<br />

in advance)<br />

*Foor leessssssoonnsss at Miitcheell Park #1-2, call<br />

Professionals<br />

USPTA<br />

Da Silva (408) 398-5543,<br />

Neil<br />

Adults<br />

of six 40 minute lessons. Students provide own rackets.<br />

John Chan (650) 637-8809,<br />

Nguyen (408) 499-2433, or<br />

Hung<br />

Sarsfield (408) 745-6171<br />

Lisa<br />

*Foor leessssssoonnsss at Riinncoonnada Park #5-6,<br />

Leo Marando (831) 537-6234,<br />

Megan Bryan (650) 759-8433.<br />

vviisssiit WhiitliinngeerSarsssfiieeldTTeennnniisss.coom<br />

check with the instructor by visiting WhitlingerSarsfieldTennis.com for contact information. Or<br />

If at any time the instructor is absent, report to the next scheduled lesson for makeup date.<br />

foor mooree coonntact iinnfoormatiioonn.<br />

Payment for lesson(s) must be given to<br />

Unless notified to the contrary, make up lessons will be forwarded to the next normal<br />

instructor at the time of your first<br />

the<br />

Only checks payable to TOM<br />

lesson.<br />

will be accepted (no cash or<br />


card).<br />

credit<br />


Adult Novice Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class. Develop the<br />

essential techniques with emphasis on control, depth, and<br />

direction. Lesson will also incorporate rules, sportsmanship,<br />

and basic doubles play.<br />

Rinconada Park | Rinconada Tennis Courts 5 & 6<br />

Ages 15+ | Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28609 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 7:30p* | 7:30p-8:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28610 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 7:30p* | 7:30p-8:30p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Adult Low Intermediate Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players<br />

who are consistent on a slow paced rally but needs to<br />

develop better depth and directional control and use of<br />

spin. Review and strengthen stroke techniques with more<br />

emphasis on basic<br />

strategy and tactics.<br />

Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK (Ages 18+)<br />


28611 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 10a* | 10a-11a<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28612 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 10a* | 10a-11a<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK (Ages 15+)<br />


28613 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Jan 27 6:30p | 6:30p-7:30p<br />

28614 | Tue Thu Feb 15 to Mar 3 6:30p | 6:30p-7:30p<br />

Adult Intermediate Tennis<br />

Special service, only 3-6 players per class! For players (NTRP<br />

3.0) who are consistent on a medium paced rally but needs<br />

to develop more spin, power, and/or variety. Develope<br />

stroke techniques, strategy, and tactics with performance<br />

enhancing drills.<br />

Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Location: RINCONADA PARK (Ages 18+)<br />


28615 | Mon Wed Jan 10 to Jan 31 11a* | 11a-12p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 17<br />

28616 | Mon Wed Feb 14 to Mar 7 11a* | 11a-12p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21<br />

Location: MITCHELL PARK, (Ages 15+)<br />


28617 | Tue Thu Jan 11 to Jan 27 7:30p |7:30p-8:30p<br />

28618 | Tue Thu Feb 15 to Mar 3 7:30p | 7:30p-8:30p<br />

Advanced Players Tennis<br />

Longtime Stanford/USPTA Pro Tom Sarsfield will personally<br />

teach this dynamic clinic for Advanced Players (NTRP 3.5-<br />

4.5). Players will enhance their tactical and strategic play<br />

with competitive situational drills. Refine stroke techniques<br />

with Ball machine and Serving target drills.<br />

Only 3-6 players per Pro/court!<br />

Rinconada Park | Rinconada Tennis Courts 4, 5 & 6<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 12 students<br />

Instructor Whitlinger Sarsfield Tennis<br />

Fees: $149 Residents $171.35 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28619 | Sat Jan 22 to Feb 12 10:30am | 10:30a-12p<br />

Tai-Chi & Qigong<br />

This class introduces the Chen style TaiChi form(ancestor of<br />

all TaiChi styles), silk-reeling exercises, and Qigong.<br />

Practitioners will benefit from knowing the martial arts<br />

aspects and health benefits which may include improving<br />

lifelong physical wellness, mind-body connection, stress<br />

reduction, better joint mobility, physiological functions,<br />

concentration, body coordination, balance, immune system,<br />

physical strength & flexibility.<br />


Ages 18+ | Capacity: 30 students<br />

Instructor Loren Chin<br />

Fees: $97 Residents $111.55 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28448 | Thu Jan 6 to Mar 17 6p | 6p-7:15p<br />

Adults<br />


Adults<br />

Beginning Pickleball<br />

If you’re new or just getting started with Pickleball, this<br />

class is for you! You’ll learn: stance, basic footwork,<br />

positioning with dinking, volleying, serving, returning and<br />

transitioning forward. Player will also be taught basic<br />

doubles strategy through fun games and drills. Students<br />

should bring their own paddles, wear court shoes, bring<br />

water and wear a hat. All other equipment will be provided.<br />

Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts 1 & 2<br />

Ages 16+ | Capacity: 8 students<br />

Instructor Salvador B. Lopez Jr. PPR/ITPTA Certified<br />

Teaching Pro | Fees: $95 Residents $109.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28625 | Mon Jan 10 to Jan 31 11am* | 11a-12p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 24<br />

28627 | Wed Jan 12 to Feb 2 11am* | 11a-12p<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 26<br />

28626 | Mon Feb 14 to Feb 28 11am* | 11a-12p<br />

28628 | Wed Feb 16 to Mar 2 11am* | 11a-12p<br />

Advanced Beginning Pickleball<br />

This class is for a player who wants to keep on improving.<br />

Students will learn all situations as a pickleball player such<br />

as the serve, the return of serve, non-volley zone play and<br />

the transitioning forward through drills and match play.<br />

Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts 1 & 2<br />

Ages 16+ | Capacity: 8 students<br />

Instructor Salvador B. Lopez Jr. PPR/ITPTA Certified<br />

Teaching Pro | Fees: $95 Residents $109.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28638 | Mon Jan 10 to Jan 31 9:30am* | 9:30a-10:45a<br />

*NO Class Jan 24<br />

28640 | Wed Jan 12 to Feb 2 9:30am* | 9:30a-10:45a<br />

*NO Class Jan 26<br />

28639 | Mon Feb 14 to Feb 28 9:30am | 9:30a-10:45a<br />

28641 | Wed Feb 16 to Mar 2 9:30a | 9:30a-10:45a<br />

Intermediate Pickleball<br />

If you have learned pickleball and want to go to the next level<br />

then this is the clinic for you. Students will develop and learn<br />

play from the non-volley zone including dinking strategy,<br />

Block volleys, lobs, third shot drops and drives. Players will<br />

also be taught double strategy through fun games, drill and<br />

more. Bring your own paddles, water and a hat. Wear court<br />

shoes.<br />

Mitchell Park | Pickleball Courts | Ages 16+ | Capacity: 8<br />

Instructor Salvador B. Lopez Jr. PPR/ITPTA Certified<br />

Teaching Pro | Fees: $95 Residents $109.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28629 | Mon Jan 10 to Jan 31 8am* | 8a-9:15a<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 24<br />

28631 | Wed Jan 12 to Feb 2 8am* | 8a-9:15a<br />

*NO CLASS Jan 26<br />

28630 | Mon Feb 14 to Feb 28 8am | 8a-9:15a<br />

28632 | Wed Feb 16 to Mar 2 8am | 8am-9:15a<br />

Line Dancing<br />

Classic line dances featuring music from swing, country<br />

western, Latin, Ballroom, and Zydeco traditions forms.<br />

Emphasis on developing dance “presence” and poise as well<br />

as building skill and endurance. An outrageously fun way to<br />

stay in shape, make new friends, and energize mind, body,<br />

and spirit. Singles and couples welcome! No partners<br />

necessary.<br />

Beginners: This section focuses on absolute beginners and<br />

experienced dancers who want to review, warm-up or build<br />

dance skills. Easier dances taught at a slower pace.<br />

Intermediate: This section is designed for dancers who<br />

have had at least one basic line dance series. Attention to<br />

styling and a variety of dances will be taught. Skill level:<br />

advanced-beginners to mid-intermediate. Practice between<br />

classes is helpful but not required.<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom (Virtual option<br />

available) | Ages 18+ | Capacity: 25 students<br />

Instructor Donna Frankel<br />

Fees: $99 Residents $113.85 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28439 | Beginning Line Dance Tu Jan 4 to Mar 8 10:15am<br />

10:15a-11:15a<br />

28440 | Intermediate Line Dance Tue Jan 4 to Mar 8<br />

11:15am | 11:15a-12:15p<br />


Mindful Yoga & Meditation for<br />

Feeling Great with Surfer Mike<br />

Give yourself the gift of relaxation through mindfulness<br />

meditation, yoga and other mindful movement. All ages and<br />

levels welcome.<br />

* Calm the mind while developing present moment awareness.<br />

* Open the body through an inward self-inspired style of yoga.<br />

* Listen to your body and feel deep openings and inner body<br />

awareness.<br />

Renew, revitalize and learn to lower stress. Let go of aches, pains<br />

and feel great! Discover inner peace and well-being.<br />

Please bring your own mat.<br />

Surfer Mike has taught mindfulness meditation and<br />

mindful movement since 1997. He teaches adults, kids,<br />

athletes, dharma bums, people in pain,and surfers on the beach.<br />

He is a longtime student of Vipassana mediation, a certified<br />

teacher. When not teaching yoga, he can be found surfing. He<br />

has taught at Sutter, El Camino Hospital, physicians mindfulness<br />

at Kaiser, Insight Meditation Center and little house and Punta<br />

Serena...<br />

Great for continuing MBSR students. For more info:<br />

https://yoga-with-surfer-mike.business.site<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />

Ages 18+ | Capacity: 25 students<br />

Instructor Surfer Mike<br />

Fees: $80 Residents $92 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28635 | Mon Jan 24 to Mar 14 4pm* | 4p-5:15p<br />

*NO CLASS Feb 21.<br />

Danceability- Street Dance<br />

Danceability is a dance program for individuals ages<br />

15+ with special needs.<br />

This program is all about having fun, exercising and<br />

feeling amazing! Each class will incorporate a fun<br />

warm up with simple stretches and learning new<br />

dance sequences to a variety of upbeat songs. Over<br />

the course of the program, participants will learn a full<br />

dance routine!<br />

Lucie Stern Community Center | Ballroom<br />

Ages 15+ | Capacity: 20 students<br />

Instructor Kate Barnes<br />

Fees: $155 Residents $178.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

Passport to Retirement<br />

This class provides comprehensive information for any one<br />

planning for retirement. Learn how to overcome roadblocks,<br />

assess the costs, manage your income sources, select retirement<br />

plan distribution choices, and ‘inflation proof’ your income.<br />

Other topics include estate planning, social security, and<br />

lifestyle issues. Spouse/guest can attend at no charge.<br />

Mitchell Park Community Center | Matadero Room<br />

Ages 40+ | Capacity: 25 students<br />

Instructor Peter Evans, CLU ChFC<br />

Fees: $75 Residents $86.25 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28429 | Thu Jan 27 to Feb 10 6:30p | 6:30p-9p<br />

28430 | Tue Feb 1 to Feb 15 6:30p | 6:30p-9p<br />

Rejuvenate Your Retirement<br />

This unique and comprehensive course focuses on the issues and<br />

concepts important to retirees. In straightforward language,<br />

explained are financial strategies such as tax-efficient income<br />

planning, lifestyle preservation, inflation protection, and<br />

providing a legacy. Includes a 143-page workbook. Spouse/Guest<br />

may attend at no additional charge.<br />

Mitchell Park Community Center | Matadero Room<br />

Ages 55+ | Capacity: 25 students<br />

Instructor Peter Evans, CLU ChFC<br />

Fees: $58 Residents $66.70 Non-Residents<br />

Code | Session Name | Date | Time<br />

28431 | Wed Jan 26 to Feb 2 1p | 1p-3:30p<br />

28432 | Mon Jan 31 to Feb 7 10a |10a-12:30p<br />

Adults<br />

28636 | Wed Jan 12 to Mar 16 6pm | 6p-7p<br />


Drrroooop--iin fiitness cllass scheduulle<br />

noooote-- cllasses arrre oooongooooiing and suubject toooo change, pllease check oooouurrr websiite foooorrr the mmmoooost uup--<br />

pllease<br />

iinfoooorrrmmmatiioooon: ciityoooofpallooooalltoooo.oooorrrg/rrrecrrreatiiooooncllasses<br />

toooo--date<br />

Dance<br />

Carrrdiioooo<br />

McGooooniigall<br />

Kelllly<br />

9a--9:50000a<br />

Ballllrrroooooooommm<br />

LSCC<br />

110000a--1111:115a<br />


9a--9:50000a<br />

Ballllrrroooooooommm<br />

LSCC<br />

Aiillsa's Exerrrciise<br />

9:115a--110000:115a<br />

L6<br />

Cuubberrrlley<br />

Fuusiioooon<br />

Barrrrrre<br />

Whellchell<br />

Yuue<br />

9:330000a--110000:330000a<br />

Roooooooommm +<br />

Allmmma<br />

Dance<br />

Carrrdiioooo<br />

McGooooniigall<br />

Kelllly<br />

9a--9:50000a<br />

Ballllrrroooooooommm<br />

LSCC<br />

110000a--1111:115a<br />


8a--9:115a<br />


Aiillsa's Exerrrciise<br />

9:115a--110000:115a<br />

L6<br />

Cuubberrrlley<br />

Coooondiitiiooooniing<br />

Whellchell<br />

Yuue<br />

9:330000a--110000:330000a<br />

Roooooooommm +<br />

Allmmma<br />

9a--110000a<br />


iinclluudes a hallf hoooouurrr oooof aerrroooobiic dance mmmoooovemmments and a hallf hoooouurrr oooof uupperrr boooody strrrengtheniing wiith hand weiights, flloooooooorrr exerrrciises foooorrr mmmuusclle tooooniing and<br />

Cllass<br />

foooorrr fllexiibiilliity. Wearrr fiitness shooooes wiith gooooooood soooolles foooorrr anklle suuppoooorrrt and stabiilliity.<br />

strrretchiing<br />

­oogaaa 8loo Claaassssss::Cllass iis foooorrr peooooplle new toooo Yooooga, thoooose iinterrrested oooorrr neediing a gentlle prrractiice. Apprrrooooprrriiate foooorrr seniioooorrrs. Poooostuurrres arrre prrractiiced iin a<br />

Geenntlee<br />

llyiing and iin a standiing poooosiitiioooon toooo alliign, strrrengthen and iincrrrease fllexiibiilliity. Emmmooootiioooonall wellll beiing uusiing mmmediitatiioooon and brrreathiing techniiquues arrre allsoooo<br />

seated,<br />

"aaanncee:: A hiigh--enerrrgy, lloooow--iimmmpact woooorrrkoooouut set toooo Toooop 4440000 Dance and Poooop Muusiic. Each soooong has iits oooown foooolllloooow--alloooong foooorrrmmmuulla that coooommmbiines dance<br />

Caaardiioo<br />

and fiitness mmmooooves. Experrriience the jooooy oooof mmmoooovemmment, mmmuusiic, and sellf--exprrressiioooon whiille mmmaiintaiiniing oooorrr ellevatiing yoooouurrr fiitness.<br />

steps<br />

Caaardiioo "aaanncee:: A hiigh--enerrrgy, lloooow--iimmmpact dance--fiitness woooorrrkoooouut set toooo the hoooottest mmmuusiic frrroooommm Boooollllywooooooood fiillmmms and the U.S. Toooop 4440000 Muusiic Charrrts. The<br />

BoollyX<br />

exprrressiive, and fuun foooolllloooow--alloooong choooorrreoooogrrraphy wiillll get yoooouu mmmooooviing, sweatiing, and smmmiilliing. Get rrready toooo uunlleash yoooouurrr iinnerrr diiva and rrroooockstarrr!<br />

dynammmiic,<br />

Aeeroobiicsss:: A grrreat way toooo starrrt the day! Cllass iinclluudes a thoooorrroooouugh warrrmmm--uup, lloooow--iimmmpact carrrdiioooo actiiviity, iinterrrvall trrraiiniing, fuullll--boooody strrrengtheniing and<br />

Eaaarly<br />

wiith hand weiights, ballance, heallthy back exerrrciises and fllexiibiilliity iimmmprrroooovemmment. Allll choooorrreoooogrrraphed toooo mmmuusiic.<br />

coooondiitiiooooniing<br />

and desiigned foooorrr a mmmooooderrrate--hiigh iintensiity woooorrrkoooouut, buut I’mmm allways happy toooo hellp wiith mmmoooodiifiicatiioooons. Send an emmmaiill wiith any quuestiioooons:<br />

mmmediiuummm--fast--paced<br />

In--perrrsoooon iinstrrruuctiioooon iis TBD. Cllass wiillll rrremmmaiin viirrrtuuall.<br />

unniiumbaaa@gmaaaiil.coom<br />

Tootaaal Boody:: Thiis cllass wiillll prrrooooviide a fuullll--boooody woooorrrkoooouut foooorrr strrrength, fllexiibiilliity, and coooorrre coooontrrrooooll. Yoooouu wiillll llearrrn hoooow toooo uuse yoooouurrr oooown boooody toooo<br />

Piilaaateesss<br />

rrresiistance and buuiilld strrrength frrroooommm the coooorrre oooouut. Thrrroooouugh thiis athlletiic fuusiioooon oooof yooooga and piillates, yoooouu wiillll mmmoooove quuiicklly and poooowerrrfuulllly toooo develloooop<br />

crrreate<br />

agiilliity, coooorrre coooondiitiiooooniing, ballance, fllexiibiilliity, and soooo mmmuuch mmmoooorrre. Juust brrriing a mmmat, yoooouurrr beauutiifuull boooody, spiirrriit, and a toooowell. Yoooouu wiillll defiiniitelly woooorrrk uup a<br />

fiitness, whiille llengtheniing and strrrengtheniing yoooouurrr mmmuusclles foooorrr trrruully uuplliiftiing rrresuullts. Yoooouu wiillll uuse lliight weiights (2--33llbs, rrresiistance<br />

carrrdiioooovascuullarrr<br />

chaiirrrs, and smmmallll toooowells toooo challllenge yoooouurrrsellf wiith a coooommmbiinatiioooon oooof basiic ballllet techniiquues. Allways brrriing a paiirrr oooof lliight weiights, a toooowell toooo yoooouurrr<br />

bands,<br />

bands. Thiis cllass iis desiigned toooo teach yoooouu prrrooooperrr foooorrrmmm wiith hiigh rrrepetiitiioooon woooorrrk toooo buuiilld mmmuuscuullarrr enduurrrance. Grrreat ballance and coooorrre<br />

rrresiistance<br />

exerrrciises arrre iincoooorrrpoooorrrated iintoooo thiis woooorrrkoooouut. Execuutiioooon oooof mmmany diifferrrent exerrrciises whiille puuttiing emmmphasiis oooon toooone, strrrength and fllexiibiilliity<br />

stabiilliizatiioooon<br />

Boost!<br />

daaaiily droop-iinn<br />

$15<br />

foor 10 claaassssss paaack aaageesss 18-59,<br />

$75<br />

foor 10 claaassssss paaack aaageesss 60+<br />

$65<br />

paaasssssseesss caaann bee purchaaassseed<br />

Boooossst!<br />

ciityoofpaaalooaaaltoo.oorg/eennjooyoonnliinnee<br />

oonnliinnee<br />

cliick oonn thee meembeerssshiip taaab oor<br />

aaannd<br />

iinn-peersssoonn aaat aaanny reegiissstraaatiioonn sssiitee.<br />

Moooonday Tuuesday Thuurrrsday Frrriiday Satuurrrday<br />

Wednesday<br />

Piillates Tooootall Boooody<br />

BoooollllyX<br />

Zuummmba!<br />

Earrrlly Aerrroooobiics<br />

Whellchell<br />

Yuue<br />

9:330000a--110000:330000a<br />

Kelllly McGooooniigall<br />

Carrrlla Kenwoooorrrthy<br />

Jerrrrrriie Thuurrrmmman<br />

Cuubberrrlley L6 +<br />


Gentlle Yooooga Flloooow<br />

Gentlle Yooooga Flloooow<br />

Leiilla McGrrroooorrry<br />

Aiillsa Luudviik<br />

Aiillsa Luudviik<br />

Leiilla McGrrroooorrry<br />

ages 50000+<br />

ages 50000+<br />

Tooootall Boooody<br />

Claaassssss Loocaaatiioonnsss::<br />

LSCC Ballllrrroooooooommm: 113300005 Miiddllefiielld Rd.<br />

Cuubberrrlley L6: 444000000000000 Miiddllefiielld Rd.<br />

Allmmma Roooooooommm: 3344444411 Allmmma St.<br />



Viirrrtuuall! E--mmmaiill iinstrrruuctoooorrr foooorrr zoooooooommm lliink.<br />

Cllass descrrriiptiioooons:<br />

Aiilsssaaa'sss Exeerciisssee:: Stay iin shape and mmmeet new frrriiends! Thiis exerrrciise cllass woooorrrks everrry parrrt oooof yoooouurrr boooody, rrraiises hearrrt rrrate and tarrrgets mmmajoooorrr mmmuusclle grrroooouups.<br />

uused. A fiinall rrrellaxatiioooon perrriiooood coooonclluudes the prrractiice. Zoooooooommm iinviitatiioooons arrre sent weeklly. Mat, blloooock and strrrap arrre hellpfuull. Foooorrr Zoooooooommm detaiills, pllease coooontact:<br />

eeaaarliinngsss@hootmaaaiil.coom<br />

Emmmaiill: jeerriiee.thurmaaann@gmaaaiil.coom<br />

foooorrr Zoooooooommm Loooogiin detaiills. In--perrrsoooon iinstrrruuctiioooon iis TBD. Cllass wiillll rrremmmaiin viirrrtuuall.<br />

Zumbaaa!: Wellcoooommme back toooo the stuudiioooo and Satuurrrday mmmoooorrrniing Zuummmba! Let’s starrrt the weekend ooooff wiith soooommme heat and fuun: Zuummmba iis a lloooow iimmmpact carrrdiioooo woooorrrkoooouut<br />

-- set toooo uupbeat mmmuusiic and based oooon Latiin and iinterrrnatiioooonall rrrhythmmms -- that wiillll have yoooouu sweatiing and smmmiilliing and woooonderrriing wherrre the hoooouurrr went. Thiis cllass iis<br />

The foooolllloooowiing 33 cllasses arrre tauught by Yuue Whellchell, \EW STUDE\TS pllease emmmaiill ooooceanyy20000000033@yahoooooooo.coooommm prrriioooorrr toooo attendiing a sessiioooon oooorrr foooorrr the zoooooooommm lliink.<br />

sweat! Allll llevells arrre wellcoooommme.<br />

Baaarree 8usssiioonn:: Get rrready foooorrr a Barrrrrre--iinspiirrred fuullll--boooody woooorrrkoooouut that buurrrns fat and scuullpts lloooong, llean mmmuusclles. Enhance yoooouurrr fllexiibiilliity, ellevate yoooouurrr<br />

woooorrrk oooouut! Allll llevells arrre wellcoooommme.<br />

Tootaaal Boody Coonndiitiioonniinng:: Foooocuus strrrengthen mmmajoooorrr mmmuusclle grrroooouups wiith boooody--weiight uutiilliize a varrriiety oooof exerrrciise equuiipmmment suuch as duummmb belllls,<br />

Pllease brrriing yoooouurrr oooown 5--8 llb weiights. Allll llevells arrre wellcoooommme.

Rinconada Pool<br />

Discover<br />

Houseplant<br />

Propagation<br />

Love the way houseplants brighten up<br />

your home? Make more of them<br />

through propagation! Gamble Garden<br />

Director Corey Barnes will show you<br />

how easily you can expand your<br />

houseplant collection or share with<br />

friends. This workshop will include an<br />

overview of houseplant propagation and<br />

hands-on activity focused on the<br />

propagation of a select houseplant via<br />

air-layering.<br />

Thursday, Jan 27, <strong>2022</strong><br />

7p-8:30p<br />

$45 Residents $55 Non-Residents<br />

Instructor Garden Director Corey Barnes<br />

Ages 18+<br />

For more information visit:<br />

www.gamblegarden.org<br />

Hours of Operation:<br />

Mon – Fri<br />

6am – 4pm<br />

Saturday<br />

6am – 9am<br />

12:30pm – 5pm<br />

Sunday<br />

6am – 5pm<br />

Palo Alto Masters is<br />

open for anyone 18 and<br />

older who is interested<br />

in regularly structured<br />

workouts, competitions<br />

and team-centric<br />

swimming.<br />

Private Swim Lessons<br />

available with up to 4<br />

students per lesson!<br />

30 minute lessons with<br />

BBAF scholarships<br />

available.<br />

Monthly Memberships<br />

available for Lap<br />

Swimmers with<br />

discounts for Palo Alto<br />

residents and seniors<br />

60 years and older!<br />

For Everyone<br />


Seniors Table Tennis<br />

The Seniors Table Tennis Program is located at Gym A of the<br />

Cubberley Community Center. Cosponsored by the Palo Alto<br />

Table Tennis Club and the City of Palo Alto Recreation Division,<br />

the program is open for adults over the age of fifty-five (55+).<br />

The schedule for play is 10AM-2PM every Tuesday all year, except<br />

holidays.<br />

Palo Alto Youth Council (PAYC)<br />

The Palo Alto Youth Council (PAYC) is a group of 15-20 highly dedicated high<br />

school students who serve as youth ambassadors to the City Council. Their<br />

purpose is to foster communications and connections between teens and the<br />

greater Palo Alto community. To achieve its mission statement, PAYC is<br />

actively engaged in the community and identifies and addresses the key<br />

concerns that teenagers face.​ Some of the programs PAYC has implemented in<br />

recent years include the ‘Escaping Vaping’, ‘College Admissions after COVID’,<br />

‘Finals Study Cram Slam’, ‘Palopalooza’, as well as teen surveys and<br />

community service events. The PAYC is a great opportunity for high school<br />

students to conduct themselves as professionals and grants them the<br />

freedom to take on active leadership roles. For more information, please visit:<br />

https://www.mitchellparkteenservices.org/payc or contact<br />

YouthCouncil@CityofPaloAlto.org<br />

2021-<strong>2022</strong> Advisor: Chris Penaranda.<br />

For Everyone<br />

Mitchell Park Teen Center<br />

Membership<br />

In order to participate, Teens must submit a completed<br />

membership form signed by a participant and parent to Teen<br />

Center Staff on their first visit.<br />

$2 – Drop in per day<br />

$10 – Monthly Membership<br />

$70 – Yearly Membership<br />

For more information, including hours, expected closures,<br />

workshops, special events, and how to sign up, please visit:<br />

https://www.mitchellparkteenservices.org/thedrop<br />

Teen Advisory Board (TAB)<br />

The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of 15-20 highly dedicated high<br />

school students who plan and lead events for teens in Palo Alto. To achieve<br />

their mission statement, TAB develops ideas, implements teen programs, and<br />

encourages teen involvement.​<br />

Some of the events and programs TAB has implemented in recent years<br />

include ‘Tab’s Haunted Escape Room’, ‘Socks & Sockets’, ‘Boba & Brushes’,<br />

and ‘Palopalooza’. TAB has also participated in the City of Palo Alto’s<br />

City-wide toy drive and MLK Jr. Day of<br />

Celebration. TAB is a great opportunity for high school students to conduct<br />

themselves as professionals and grants them the freedom to take on active<br />

leadership roles. For more information, please visit:<br />

https://www.mitchellparkteenservices.org/tab or contact<br />

TeenAdvisoryBoard@CityofPaloAlto.org<br />

2021-<strong>2022</strong> Advisor: Chris Penaranda<br />

Think Fund– Teen Initiative Grants<br />

Fund your projects and ideas and make them come to life with the City of Palo<br />

Alto’s Think Fund! Get money for your idea, as well as mentorship and support<br />

in order to make your vision a reality. No idea is too big or too small. If you’re<br />

in high school and have an idea for a short-term or long-term project, meet<br />

with the ThinkFund Supervisor to discuss how you can transform your<br />

blueprint into a footprint! Teens bring their ideas and meet with the Think<br />

Fund Supervisor to further develop their idea into the form of a proposal.<br />

Proposals are reviewed by the Teen Services Committee, where they are then<br />

approved and moved forward into action. For more information, please visit:<br />

https://www.mitchellparkteenservices.org/thinkfund or contact<br />

ThinkFund@CityofPaloAlto.org<br />

2021-<strong>2022</strong> Think Fund Supervisor: Chris Penaranda<br />

The Palo Alto Recreation Foundatino (PARF) assists the City of Palo Alto Recreation Division by sponsoring<br />

and funding programs and special events that promote social, cultural, and recreational connections<br />

for Palo Alto residents, surrounding neighbors, and visitors. PARF enhances youth, senior, family and<br />

neighborhood interactions, and promotes recreation and wellness throughout the Palo Alto community.<br />

37<br />

Visit www.parecfoundation.org for more information.


All five branches are open for browsing, pickups, studying and computer<br />

use. Please visit bit.ly/PACLServices or call (650) 329-2436 for the latest<br />

schedule and hours.<br />


Events are subject to change. For most up-to-date event information and<br />

registration, please visit bit.ly/seePACLevents.<br />


Phone: (650) 329-2436<br />

Email: pa.library@cityofpaloalto.org<br />

Follow us @paloaltolibrary<br />


Need an idea for what to read next? Check out our Shelf Made service to<br />

get five titles recommended just for you by a librarian! Visit:<br />

bit.ly/enjoyshelfmade<br />


Sew Along: Make a Potholder!<br />

December 9, 6:30 PM–7:30 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Do you have a sewing machine but don’t know where to start? Are you<br />

looking to make homemade gifts for the holidays? Join us for our Sew<br />

Along! Following live step-by-step instructions over Zoom, you will make a<br />

potholder and gain the skills to make more. Registration required.<br />

Discover Gap Years!<br />

January 19, 6:30 PM–7:30 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Ever wondered if taking a Gap Year is right for you? Join Katherine<br />

Stievater, Founder of Gap Year Solutions, for a presentation and Q&A about<br />

the benefits of Gap time, and how to plan a transformational and<br />

purposeful Gap Year on any budget. Registration required.<br />

Shelf Speak Podcast<br />

Anchor.fm/ShelfSpeak<br />

The Teen Library Advisory Board has launched their very own podcast,<br />

Shelf Speak! Tune in for book, movie, and tv recommendations and to hear<br />

TLAB’s two cents on current events. Listen now on Spotify, Google<br />

Podcasts, RadioPublic, or Anchor. New episodes released monthly.<br />


Family Storytimes<br />

Tuesdays and Fridays 11 AM on Facebook<br />

Join us on Facebook for stories, songs, finger plays and more! Storytimes<br />

will still be virtual in <strong>2022</strong>. Please visit our website for the schedule.<br />

Little Ones Storytime<br />

Wednesdays, 11 AM on Facebook<br />

This storytime is targeted to children who have not yet turned two-years-old.<br />

It features lots of rhymes and songs as well as one book!<br />

Read Together Storytime<br />

Thursdays, 11 AM on Facebook<br />

Tune into our all-ages storytime based on our new Read Together Stotime<br />

Kits.<br />

Sensory Storytime<br />

Wednesdays, 10 AM on Facebook<br />

Check our calendar for dates<br />

Sensory Storytime is a fun, interactive, educational storytime designed<br />

exclusively for young children with autism or sensory processing<br />

challenges. We’ll engage the senses through music, movement, stories,<br />

and play in a virtual setting.<br />

STEAM Lab Saturday<br />

First Saturday of the month, 12 PM–12:30 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Join Librarian Alicia for a fun-filled live-stream of STEAM activities on our<br />

Facebook page.<br />

Teach a Librarian To Play Videogames<br />

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 5–6 PM<br />

Twitch.tv/PaloAltoLibrary<br />

Calling all Animal Crossing players! Have you ever wanted to teach<br />

someone how to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Now is your chance!<br />

Librarian Kasper will be streaming live. With zero knowledge of how ACNH<br />

works and absolutely no clue how to get started, Kasper needs all the help<br />

he can get. Subscribe at bit.ly/enjoyTwitch.<br />

Graphic Novel Book Club<br />

Second Thursday of the month, 7–8:30 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Join us every month for book discussions on a graphic novel, led by Danièle<br />

Archambault, Ph.D. (Linguistics). For adults and teens ages 16 and up. Check<br />

the library’s online calendar to find out what titles we’re<br />

reading. Email Daniele@DanieleBD.com to join.<br />

Teen Library Advisory Board (TLAB)<br />

Every Other Friday, 4–5 PM<br />

Do you have a passion for reading or libraries? Are you interested in<br />

serving the local teen community? Consider joining our Teen Library<br />

Advisory Board! As a member of TLAB, you will assist the library on<br />

programs, brainstorm creative ways to promote library materials, and be<br />

a part of our new podcast, Shelf Speak. Grades 8-12. If interested, please<br />

email Molly at LibraryTeens@CityofPaloAlto.org.<br />

Submit a Book Review<br />

Calling all teens, ages 13-18, we are offering volunteer hours for book<br />

reviews! Have you recently read a book you couldn’t put down? Write it up in<br />

a book review and we will feature it on the library website. For more information<br />

and to submit, visit bit.ly/teenspage and click on<br />

volunteer.<br />

For Everyone<br />


For Everyone<br />

39<br />

For Adults<br />

Sew Along: Make a Potholder!<br />

December 9, 6:30 PM–7:30 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Do you have a sewing machine but don’t know where to start? Are you<br />

looking to make homemade gifts for the holidays? Join us for our Sew<br />

Along! Following live step-by-step instructions over Zoom, you will make a<br />

potholder and gain the skills to make more. Registration required.<br />

ESL Conversation Group<br />

Wednesdays,11 AM–12 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Designed for adults 18 and up. Join us for an hour to practice speaking<br />

and listening in English in a friendly and informal setting. Registration<br />

required.<br />

ESL Book Club<br />

First Wednesday of the month, 7–8 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Designed for adults 18 and up. Join us to discuss<br />

award-winning books, relevant topics, and some classics in English.<br />

Registration required.<br />

Medicare Mysteries Solved!<br />

First Saturday of the month, 1–3 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Are you or a loved one getting ready to apply for Medicare and need some<br />

advice? Register for a monthly workshop presented by Sandra Karol, MS,<br />

RDMS, RVT and find out what type of plan will work for you. Email<br />

isail2@earthlink.net to register.<br />

Brown Bag Book Club<br />

Second Tuesday of the month, 12–1 PM<br />

Online Event<br />

<strong>Enjoy</strong> a bit of intellectual nourishment before lunch with members of the<br />

Brown Bag Book Club. Check the library’s online calendar to find out what<br />

titles we’re reading. Registration required.<br />

Graphic Novel Book Club<br />

Second Thursday of the month, 7–8:30<br />

PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Join us every month for book discussions on a graphic novel, led by<br />

Danièle Archambault, Ph.D. (Linguistics). For adults and teens ages 16+.<br />

Check the library’s online calendar to find out what titles we’re<br />

reading. Email Daniele@DanieleBD.com to join.<br />

Stay Woke: A Social Justice Book Club<br />

Second Saturday of the month, 11<br />

AM–12PM<br />

Online Event<br />

Interested in social justice and human rights? Are you looking to gain a<br />

greater understanding of the inequalities in the world around you? If so,<br />

this book club might be for you! Check the library’s online calendar to find<br />

out what titles we’re reading. Registration required.<br />


Digital Books, Movies and Music<br />

Get help accessing the library’s eBooks, audiobooks<br />

and streaming media on your devices. Visit library.<br />

cityofpaloalto.org/ehelp or call<br />

650-838-2977.<br />

iVOX: <strong>Enjoy</strong> this interactive storybook app for<br />

children ages 4-8 with your library card! Highlighted<br />

narration and animated 3D characters help readers<br />

build their skills in a fun, immersive environment.<br />

Visit: bit.ly/enjoyivox<br />

Heritage Quest: Access this comprehensive<br />

database rich in unique primary sources, local and<br />

family histories, convenient research guides,<br />

interactive census maps, and more.<br />

Visit: bit.ly/enjoyheritage<br />

Mango Languages: Have you always wanted to<br />

learn a new language? Choose from 70 different<br />

languages and English-learning tools available online<br />

or through the app. Visit: bit.ly/enjoy-mango<br />

You can access all these resources for free from home.<br />

All you need is your library card! To see what other<br />

online resources we offer, visit<br />

bit.ly/enjoyresources<br />


Looking for more virtual content from the Library?<br />

Visit our YouTube channel for storytime songs,<br />

read-alouds, and DIY videos at<br />

bit.ly/libraryYT.<br />

If you enjoy technology and Minecraft, check out our<br />

eLibrary channel at bit.ly/elibraryYT<br />

Support the Friends of the<br />

Palo Alto<br />

Library<br />

Over the past 10 years, FOPAL has donated over $3<br />

million to purchase much-needed books, media,<br />

online resources, equipment, and unique adult, teen<br />

and children’s programs for Palo Alto’s public<br />

libraries.<br />

For more details about donations and sales, visit<br />

www.fopal.org or call Janette Herceg, Director of<br />

Volunteer & Community Engagement at:<br />


The Junior Museum and Zoo is now open!!!!<br />

The staff of the Junior Museum are proud to welcome you to our new facility, now open!<br />

November 12-December 19, we will be open<br />

Friday-Sunday<br />

10am-5pm*<br />

Beginning December 21, we will be open<br />

Tuesday through Sunday<br />

10am – 5pm*<br />

*Closed each day from 1-1:30pm for surface sanitizing.<br />

Admission tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased through <strong>Enjoy</strong> Online or by visiting our<br />

website at cityofpaloalto.org/jmz.<br />

Indoor science exhibits invite children to playfully<br />

explore a variety of natural phenomena like<br />

gravity, inertia, force, motion, balance, energy, states<br />

of matter, electricity, and magnetism. Kids can play<br />

with simple machines, make a time-lapsed movie,<br />

cooperate with other kids to move balls through a giant<br />

ball machine, or make a ball machine of their own.<br />

They’ll also be able to explore objects from the<br />

Museum’s natural history collection, and there is a<br />

special place just for babies.<br />

Family Memberships and need-based discounts are also available.<br />

Featured<br />

Experiences<br />

Outdoors in the Zoo, protected by a giant overhead<br />

net, animals roam freely and safely with visitors in a<br />

beautiful, natural, and whimsical setting. Featured<br />

exhibits include the Big Tree, Treehouse, Meerkat<br />

Canyon, Raccoon Creek, Underwater Tunnel, What<br />

Lives in that Hole, Rabbit Meadow, Tortoise Hill, Macaw<br />

Tree, Flamingo Pond, and Wildlife Circle (where visitors<br />

can meet animals and talk with zookeepers).<br />

For Everyone<br />


Creative Attention:<br />

Art and Community Restoration<br />

January 22-May 21, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Creative Attention includes artists who present alternatives to our<br />

topsy-turvy world of stress and anxiety, through practices of mending,<br />

healing, restoration, belonging, sustainability, and resiliency. Some of<br />

the work looks inward— addressing past personal struggles with illness,<br />

addiction, and loss. Other artists turn their attention outward to connect<br />

with those who are suffering and to find solidarity in our shared adversity.<br />

Universally, what begins in the studio, alters the life of the artist, who in<br />

turn brings that change to the world.<br />

Alexander Hernandez, Beauty and the Binge,<br />

mixed media, 2020, 40 x 45 x 20 in., Courtesy<br />

of the artist<br />

The artists in this exhibition demonstrate their ability to tap into deep<br />

realms of the unconscious and release innate resources to persevere,<br />

recover, and heal others. Several look to nature as our ultimate example of<br />

eternal cycles—paying tribute to the cleansing aspects of water; the healing<br />

properties of plants; the language of flowers; and the interdependence of all<br />

beings. Some are teaching us about the remedies of stillness and<br />

meditation or offering comforting gifts of humor, memory, and tradition.<br />

By charting their own paths through adversity, these artists show us new<br />

ways of representing, processing, and ultimately solving the issues that<br />

surround us.<br />

For Everyone<br />

Creative Attention collects their novel solutions, bringing together works<br />

in a broad range of media that encourage viewers to slow down, and<br />

recharge, promoting community connections and restoration.<br />

This project was made possible in part by the<br />

Institute of Museum and Library Services.<br />

Friday Night at the Art Center<br />

Friday, January 28, <strong>2022</strong><br />

6-8 p.m., Palo Alto Art Center Foundation members’<br />

preview from 5-6 p.m. | FREE<br />

Celebrate the Creative Attention exhibition with a special opening celebration. <strong>Enjoy</strong> hands-on art activities, a specialty cocktail for<br />

purchase provided by the Palo Alto Art Center Foundation.<br />

Community Day<br />

Sunday, April 10, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Noon- 4 p.m. | FREE<br />

Our Community Day will celebrate healing and resilience with a variety of wellbeing activities and programs for all ages.<br />

More Creative Attention programs will be announced soon.<br />

Check our website: cityofpaloalto.org/artcenter for more details.<br />


ON BOATS<br />

MEN<br />

15 -30, <strong>2022</strong> (previiew Jannuary 14)<br />

Jannuary<br />

ON BOATS iis the tale oof tenn menn, foour booats, annd twoo<br />

MEN<br />

riivers, toold oonn stage enntiirely wiithoout booats, riivers … oor<br />

great<br />

Pack yoour gear foor thiis 21st-cenntury telliinng oof 19thcenntury<br />

menn!<br />

Ameriicann exploorer annd oonne-armed Ciiviil War veterann<br />

Wesley Poowell, whoo assembles a brawnny bannd oof<br />

Joohnn<br />

trappers, annd advennturers too exploore the waterways<br />

sooldiiers,<br />

the Ameriicann West. Innspiired by Poowell’s actual travel loog<br />

oof<br />

1869, Jaclynn Backhaus’s nniimble annd iinngenniioous scriipt iis<br />

froom<br />

laugh-oout-looud theater, perfoormed by a cast oof<br />

proovoocatiive,<br />

whoo iinnfuse Ameriica’s legennds oof male coonnquest wiith<br />

woomenn<br />

thriilliinng, gennder-fliipped sliice oof manniifest destiinny!”<br />

“A<br />

Tiime Out New Yoork<br />

-<br />


23 - May 8, <strong>2022</strong> (previiew Apriil 22)<br />

Apriil<br />

by the true chiildhooood experiiennce oof T¦/fiilm actoor annd<br />

Innspiired<br />

mediia iicoonn Geoorge Takeii (Mr. Sulu oonn Star Trek),<br />

soociial<br />

tells the stoory oof the Kiimura famiily, whoose liives are<br />


whenn they are foorced too leave theiir Saliinnas, Caliifoornniia<br />

upennded<br />

foolloowiinng the evennts at Pearl ?arboor, annd jooiinn 120,000<br />

hoome<br />

Japannese-Ameriicanns iinn iinnternnmennt camps dootted aroounnd<br />

oother<br />

Sam Kiimura seeks too proove hiis patriiootiism by fiightiinng<br />

Ameriica.<br />

hiis coounntry iinn the war, but siister Keii fiiercely prootests the<br />

foor<br />

treatmennt oof her peoople. Ann upliiftiinng testamennt too<br />

goovernnmennt’s<br />

poower oof the humann spiiriit, ALLEGIANCE foolloows the Kiimuras<br />

the<br />

they fiight betweenn duty annd defiiannce, custoom annd channge,<br />

as<br />

boonnds annd foorbiiddenn looves.<br />

famiily<br />

Community Theatre Partners<br />

Allll peeerrforrmaanceees aarreee heeelld aat theee<br />

Booook by Mark Aciitoo, Jay Kuoo & Loorennzoo Thiioonne<br />

Musiic annd Lyriics by Jay Kuoo<br />

Lucieee „teeerrn Šheeeaateeerr llocaateeed aat<br />

113300055 [iddlleeefieeelld €oaad in }aallo Allto...<br />

Wiinnter <strong>2022</strong> Liinneup!<br />

Info aand tickeeets aat paapllaayeeerrs...orrg orr Üy phoneee aat 655000...33299...00089911...<br />

by Jaclynn Backhaus<br />

“Attenntiioonn must be paiid. See iit annd cheer!”<br />

-New Yoork Observer<br />

a sly blast oof subtext.<br />

For Everyone<br />


Services provides a listing and map of local licensed<br />

Human<br />

accredited child care center and family child care<br />

and<br />

as well as school based after school care, go to<br />

homes,<br />

The City of Palo Alto also<br />

www.cityofpaloalto.org/childcare.<br />

funding to subsidize child care for<br />

provides<br />

income families, for more information, go to<br />

low<br />

.<br />

http://paccc.org/forms_and_resources/8-financial_aid<br />

you have any further questions, please call us at 463.4906.<br />

If<br />

Coomida at First United Methoodist Church<br />

La<br />

& Goo Meals<br />

Grab<br />

Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto<br />

625<br />

11:45am-12:15pm | Phone: 322.3742<br />

Monday-Friday,<br />

Coomida at Stevensoon Hoouse<br />

La<br />

E. Charleston Road | Phone: 494.1944 ext. 10<br />

455<br />

you a senior in need of free weekly groceries? If you are lowincome<br />

Are<br />

and 60+ years of age, or 55+ and disabled, you may be<br />

Pick up groceries every Tuesday at Ventura School, 3930<br />

eligible.<br />

Court Palo Alto from 1pm-2pm. Prior registration is required<br />

Ventura<br />

10am. Photo ID and proof of monthly income are required for<br />

at<br />

For more information, call 610.0800 ext. 416.<br />

registration.<br />

Fooood Clooset<br />

Doowntoown<br />

Downtown Food Closet provides essential food<br />

The<br />

Closed<br />

Saturday-Sunday:<br />

more information, please call: 650.325.3663<br />

For<br />

include FREE Breakfast (8:30am-10:30am), FREE<br />

Services<br />

(12:30pm-2pm), bus passes, case management,<br />

Lunch<br />

coffee & snacks, coin laundry, coin showers,<br />

classes,<br />

& Wi--Fi, emergency utilities & rental assistance,<br />

computers<br />

mailbox services, permanent housing assistance,<br />

lockers,<br />

referrals, and toiletries.<br />

shelter<br />

City of Palo Alto provides Information and Referral services to<br />

The<br />

you find assistance in a variety of resource areas.<br />

help<br />

Check out our website at<br />

1)<br />

www.cityofpaloalto.org/ResourceReferral<br />

Call us at 463-4906 - Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5pm.<br />

2)<br />

Email us at info&referral@cityofpaloalto.org<br />

3)<br />

Chidren<br />

Yooung<br />

resource website is brought to you courtesy of Palo Alto<br />

This<br />

Committee on Early Care and Education in cooperation<br />

Advisory<br />

the City of Palo Alto. It includes a variety of resources for<br />

with<br />

caregivers and educators regarding information on child<br />

parents,<br />

behavioral challenges, parenting education/support<br />

development,<br />

nutrition, educator resources and much more. To access<br />

groups,<br />

to www.cityofpaloalto.org/childresources.<br />

go<br />

Altoo Mediatioon Proogram<br />

Paloo<br />

www.paloaltomediation.org<br />

856-4062 | Fax: 408.720.0810 | E-Mail:<br />

Phone:<br />

PAMediation@aol.com<br />

answered, conflicts resolved, FREE SERVICES OFFERED.<br />

Questions<br />

and referrals for Landlords, Tenants, and Homeowners<br />

Information<br />

repairs, evictions, noise, privacy, fences, trees and<br />

(deposits,<br />

animals). Mediation and Conciliation of Disputes between<br />

hedges,<br />

tenants, neighbors, contractors, clients, businesses,<br />

landlords,<br />

employers, employees, co-workers, and others.<br />

consumers,<br />

Mediation? Mediation is convenient, confidential, informal, and<br />

Why<br />

Mediation enables the parties to resolve disputes<br />

effective.<br />

and offers an alternative to going to court or doing<br />

themselves<br />

nothing.<br />

For information about the Mandatory Response Program, a<br />

Note:<br />

conciliation and mediation service for tenants and landlords,<br />

special<br />

visit: cityofpaloalto.org/gov/depts/csd/hs/mediation.asp<br />

please<br />

Palo Alto Mediation Program is administered by Project Sentinel<br />

The<br />

Human Services<br />

"To promote and sustain a safety net of services to<br />

improve the quality of life in the community."<br />

Our Missioon:<br />

homeless and low-income individuals of Palo Alto,<br />

to<br />

Park, and East Palo Alto.<br />

Menlo<br />

Tue, Wed, Fri: 10am-2:30pm<br />

Mon,<br />

10am-6:30pm<br />

Thursday:<br />

If you are looking for assistance and/or services in the Palo<br />

Alto area, please call the Office of Human Services at<br />

463.4906 for a list of resources. Our in person services are<br />

Health Services<br />

Oppoortunity Services Center<br />

LifeMooves<br />

Encina Ave., Palo Alto<br />

33<br />

currently unavailable.<br />

Access high quality and affordable family-based health<br />

care. Contact Ravenswood Family Health Network at<br />

327.8717<br />

Child Care<br />

Information & Referral<br />

Monday through Friday from 8am-4pm.<br />

Here are some ways to access our resource information.<br />

Food & Nutrition Programs<br />

Coongregate Lunch Sites<br />

Senioor<br />

PICK-UP MEALS ONLY due to COVID related restrictions<br />

on congregate dining.<br />

Resoources foor Families and Teachers oof<br />

by La Comida de California. A hot, three-course<br />

Hosted<br />

served for you to pick-up. Asking contribution of $3<br />

meal<br />

ages 60 and over and their spouse ($8 for any guest<br />

for<br />

60 years) LaComida.org<br />

under<br />

2 sites in Paloo Altoo are:<br />

Monday-Friday 11:15am-12:15pm<br />

Broown Bag Proogram<br />

Senioor<br />

Please ask about COVID restrictions when you call to<br />

register.<br />

in partnership with the City of Palo Alto.

Lytton Plaza<br />

Tree Lighting<br />

Friday, December 3<br />

You're invited<br />

Visit: cityofpaloalto.org/treelighting for more information.<br />


<strong>Enjoy</strong>!<br />

n l i n e<br />

The quickest and most convenient way to register for<br />

O<br />

classes. Over 55% of all registrations are now being<br />

completed using <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online from the comfort of your<br />

own home! Have you tried <strong>Enjoy</strong>! Online yet?<br />

You can register for classes and<br />

activities from the comfort of your<br />

own home or office.<br />

No more waiting in line.<br />

You don't have to fill out a<br />

registration form.<br />

You get immediate confirmation of<br />

enrollment.<br />

You can check the availability of a<br />

class or activity online even if you<br />

don't have a User ID.<br />

You can waitlist for a class online at<br />

no charge and staff will inform you<br />

if a spot has become available.<br />

cityofpaloalto.org/enjoyonline<br />

Upcoming Registration Dates:<br />

Summmmmmerr Cammmpp 22<strong>2022</strong>2222<br />

Spprring 22<strong>2022</strong>2222<br />

Paaaloo Altoo Reeessideeenntss<br />

Paaaloo Altoo Reeessideeenntss<br />

Feeebruaaar¬ 3<br />

Maaarch 10<br />

Noonn-Reeessideeenntss<br />

Noonn-Reeessideeenntss<br />

Feeebruaaar¬ 10<br />

Maaarch 1

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