North Canterbury News: October 28, 2021
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Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue969 |<br />
Teamwork for agreat cause ... Amberley MenzShed and Volunteer Cancer Support Group members are joined by <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Cancer Society area coordinator, Gabrielle<br />
O’Connell, (second from left, rear) and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Cancer Society fundraiser and events manager, Tiffany Wafer, (second from left, front).<br />
Daffodils helping grow awareness<br />
Huge yellow wooden daffodils are<br />
helping grow the profileofCancer<br />
Society <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Crafted by Amberley MenzShed<br />
members, the daffodils, along witha<br />
bunch of smaller ones, were to have<br />
bloomed during the annualDaffodil<br />
Day street appeal fundraiser in August.<br />
It was hoped they wouldenhance the<br />
presence of collectors, brighten the day<br />
for people out and about, and providea<br />
funtalking point.<br />
But DaffodilDay had to be cancelled<br />
because of the Covid19 lockdown<br />
restrictions.<br />
The large daffodils will now haveto<br />
waituntilnext yeartobloom, whenthey<br />
willbeused by the six <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> volunteer Cancer Support<br />
groups during the 2022 Daffodil Day<br />
street collections.<br />
There are also planstouse them at<br />
other local Cancer Societyevents and<br />
promotions.<br />
The smaller variety will, however,<br />
lendtheir support to the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> centre, providing avalued<br />
source of income.<br />
Theyare being sold for $25 eachand<br />
are available at the centre’shome at<br />
143 Percival Street, Rangiora.<br />
While Covid19 has taken its toll on<br />
the project, it has failedtodampen<br />
spirits.<br />
Those involvedsay the effortsofthe<br />
MenzShed members,and the society,<br />
which embraced the project, has<br />
provided a‘‘winwin for everyone’’.<br />
Cancer Society <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
fundraisingand events manager,<br />
TiffanyWafer, saysthe organisationis<br />
extremely grateful for the support from<br />
fantastic local community groups like<br />
the MenzShed Amberley, in raising the<br />
profileand awareness of the Cancer<br />
Society<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> and its work<br />
and support in the community.<br />
Amberley MenzShed member and<br />
daffodil project manager Chris<br />
Constable says working on the project<br />
was beneficial to the MenzShed<br />
members, the Cancer Society and the<br />
cancerpatients the societysupported.<br />
‘‘It was awinwin for everyone and a<br />
very enjoyableprojecttowork on,’’ he<br />
says.<br />
‘‘We have been delightedtobe<br />
working with the CancerSociety on this<br />
project, as we see it as athoroughly<br />
worthwhile activity for both themand<br />
us.<br />
‘‘Theyneed the publicity and<br />
potential promotional valueofthis sort<br />
of thing, while we need the ongoing<br />
activities which are apart of such a<br />
relationship.’’<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
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Plaque to honour WW1 service<br />
The Rangiora War MemorialCenotaph<br />
will be the firstinNew Zealand’s historyto<br />
honourthe war serviceofanimals,<br />
alongsidethe listed menand womenthat<br />
served.<br />
Agraniteplaque will take prideof<br />
placeonthe rearface of the Cenotaph in<br />
central Rangiora, and will be unveiled by<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon, on<br />
November 19 at aspecialservice.<br />
The unveilingwill followaparade from<br />
the Rangiora RSA of dignitaries, including<br />
RSA president Ian Thompson, supporters<br />
and animals.<br />
The plaque carries the logo designed by<br />
local Okuku artist, Stephanie<br />
Skjoldebrand,in2015 for the Birch Hill<br />
Station WWI Memorial Ride. It hasbeen<br />
crafted by Decra Art, in Christchurch, and<br />
is the result of tireless workbya<br />
passionate group of animal loversto<br />
honourand remember the serviceof<br />
animals, none of which received any<br />
recognition for the important part they<br />
playedinthe WWI 1914 to 1918.<br />
Skjoldebrand’s logohas alreadyfound<br />
its way to the Pozieres memorial in the<br />
Somme Valley in France, in an<br />
internationaldisplaytohonour the WWI<br />
service animals.<br />
It willnow takeits rightful place on the<br />
Rangiora cenotaph, thanks to $1460 being<br />
raisedfrom the local community during a<br />
Birch HillStation Remember the War<br />
Horse Ride in 2018, and the hardwork of<br />
Thereza Rosanowski, Okuku,Ann Wilson,<br />
Cust, and Clare Hammond, Mt Thomas.<br />
It honours the 10,000 New Zealand<br />
horses, alongwith donkeys, mules and<br />
camels, and around2000 dogs,cats,<br />
canaries and pigeons.Dogs served as<br />
mascots, sniffed outbombs and found<br />
injured soldiers, cats caught ratsinthe<br />
trenches, canarieswent into tunnels to<br />
identify the presence of gas and the<br />
pigeons flew through gunfire or mustard<br />
gas taking lifesavingmessages.<br />
‘‘These animalswere alsothe soldiers’<br />
best friend on their darkest days. They did<br />
not really receiveacknowledgement until<br />
recentyears,’’says Thereza.<br />
She says theirloyalty was<br />
unquestionable, their human partnership<br />
Quality Collision Repairs in the<br />
Heart ofAmberley<br />
Plaque of honour ... This logo, honouring the WWI service of animals, will be etched on<br />
to aplaque and placed on the Rangiora War Memorial Cenotaph at aspecial ceremony next<br />
month.<br />
unforgettable, and their sacrificehuge.<br />
As Rangiora prepares to honourthe<br />
animals, Purple Poppy Day has been<br />
established in New Zealand, Australia,the<br />
United Kingdom and the United States on<br />
February24, to jointly show respect and<br />
acknowledge all animalsthat diedduring<br />
conflict. ‘‘Itgivesmeasense of peace,’’<br />
saysThereza. She says Anzac Day honours<br />
the men and women who sacrificed their<br />
lives for peace. But there was now aday to<br />
honour the animals.<br />
Unfortunately the groupwas unable to<br />
organise the plaque to coincide with the<br />
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February date, but discussion with the<br />
localRSA and president Ian Thompson,<br />
alongwith Mr Gordon, has culminated in<br />
the specialceremonynext month. The<br />
cenotaph,which was built on land donated<br />
by Charles Leech, in 1924, is amemorial to<br />
thosewho fell in WW1.Itwill be given a<br />
spruce up by stonemason PeterDunn for<br />
the ceremony. Alarge stone monument at<br />
the Birch Hill cemetery in memory of the<br />
horses of the 8th Regimentofthe NZMR<br />
that died in the WW1 wasofficiallyopened<br />
by LieutenantColonelEdward Bowler<br />
Millton in 1937.<br />
Plan change decisions in early December<br />
The drawn out saga of PlanChange 7and<br />
2, are set to come to aconclusion.<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>(ECan) is<br />
required to decide whethertofinally<br />
adoptPlan Change 7tothe <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Land and WaterRegional Plan and Plan<br />
Change 2tothe Waimakariri River<br />
RegionalPlan by December9.<br />
They were notified in July 2019,<br />
following extensive public consultation by<br />
the Waimakariri Zone Committeein<br />
developing the zoneimplementation plan<br />
addendum. The process was further<br />
delayed earlierthis year when<br />
Environment Minister DavidParker<br />
granted athree month extension to allow<br />
ECan to consider the implications of the<br />
Overseer review by the Ministryof<br />
Primary Industriesand the Ministryfor<br />
the Environment. The decisionfound<br />
Overseer had ‘‘overarching structural<br />
problems’’. ECan’s independent hearing<br />
commissioners have delivered their<br />
recommendations on the proposed plan<br />
changes. They will be made public as part<br />
of the meetingagendawhen ECan finally<br />
considers whether to adopt theplan<br />
changes.<br />
The regionalcouncil is due to meet<br />
again on November 18.<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
3<br />
Save $100 on the Lawnmaster<br />
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Ashley fury ... Afire volunteer keeps akeen eye on the Ashley/Rakahuri River from the Cones Road Bridge, as flood waters continued<br />
to rise during the May 31 flood. The severity of flood damage to some properties meant the question of ‘‘retreat scenarios’’ was pondered.<br />
Retreating afuture possibility<br />
‘‘Retreat scenarios’, where land is<br />
damaged so much it is deemed<br />
uneconomic to restore, may need to be<br />
considered in future disaster<br />
recoveries.<br />
Waimakariri District Council<br />
recovery manager Simon Hart says<br />
council staff engaged with government<br />
agencies and the insurance industry,<br />
following the May 31 flood event to help<br />
determine whether some properties<br />
were economically viable to be<br />
repaired.<br />
A‘‘retreat scenario’’ is where<br />
properties with land damage are<br />
deemed uneconomical to restore, such<br />
as the residential red zone following the<br />
2010 and 2011 earthquakes in Kaiapoi.<br />
‘‘It’s amassive issue. The discussion of<br />
‘retreat scenarios’ is anational level<br />
conversation and Ithink it will be<br />
something councils will need to<br />
consider in the future,’’ Mr Hart says.<br />
‘‘As the discussion evolves, things will<br />
become clearer how this might work in<br />
the future, but for now we have to do the<br />
best valuation we can and make<br />
decisions on acasebycase basis<br />
alongside communities and the<br />
appropriate agencies.’’<br />
Legislation such as the Climate<br />
Change Adaptation Act and the revised<br />
Resource Management Act should<br />
provide some clarity in time, he says.<br />
‘‘It’s adifficult conversation to have.<br />
Someone who has just had their home<br />
flooded is faced with the anxiety of ‘is<br />
someone going to come along and tell me<br />
Ican’t live here any more’.’’<br />
When these issues arose after the May<br />
31 flood event the council sought advice<br />
from Land Information New Zealand,<br />
the Department of Conservation, the<br />
Department of Internal Affairs, the<br />
Insurance Council and the Ministry for<br />
the Environment.<br />
‘‘The indication we got was that this<br />
event wasn’t considered to be significant<br />
enough to trigger that and the insurance<br />
companies said there would still be<br />
insurance available following this<br />
event,’’ Mr Hart says.<br />
The prospect of climate change and<br />
sea level rise means ‘‘retreat scenarios’’<br />
may be triggered in future events. But<br />
Mr Hart says the experience of red<br />
zoning in Kaiapoi after the earthquakes<br />
shows these are complex decisions and<br />
‘‘the impact on people should not be<br />
understated’’.<br />
‘‘As Simon Markham stated from the<br />
Kaiapoi experience, the focus has to be<br />
the people.<br />
‘‘What is in the best interests of the<br />
people who reside in those locations?<br />
That has to be the starting point.<br />
‘‘It’s such asignificant thing to move a<br />
community who have been through a<br />
significant event. It’s one thing to say<br />
‘we’ve got afinancial package’, but<br />
people have neighbours and support<br />
networks, workplaces and routines and<br />
all those other things that are part of<br />
people’s lives.’’<br />
The experience of the earthquakes<br />
and the May 31 flood event has shown<br />
that while the event itself may not cause<br />
significant harm to people, ‘‘the harm<br />
can happen during the recovery’’ to<br />
mental wellbeing due to the ongoing<br />
dealings with agencies and insurance,<br />
Mr Hart says. ‘‘It needs to be aholistic<br />
approach and not just the handing over<br />
of acheque to rebuild ahouse.’’<br />
Retreat scenarios ... The severity of flood<br />
damage to some properties meant<br />
questions were asked around economic<br />
viability.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Roundabout planned at Rangiora crash site<br />
Aroundabout willbeinstalled at one<br />
of Rangiora’smost dangerous<br />
intersections, but not until2025 at the<br />
earliest.<br />
Acrash at the intersection of<br />
Lehmans andOxfordRoadslast week,<br />
between atruckand autility,<br />
highlightedthe dangerthe<br />
intersection poses.<br />
The drivers escaped with moderate<br />
injuries, but around 100subscribers<br />
were left without internet connection<br />
afteraChorusbroadband cabinet<br />
became avictim of the crash,<br />
damaging it beyondrepair.<br />
Moneyhas been budgeted by the<br />
councilfor 20252026 and 20262027to<br />
buildthe roundabout,says Karen<br />
Lindsay Lees, aWaimakariri District<br />
Council communications and<br />
engagement officer.<br />
It alsorecentlyfeatured in areview<br />
on proposed new speed limits across<br />
the district. Public feedback closed on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 18.<br />
Data from thatreview is still being<br />
analysed. However, the Rangiora<br />
Ashley CommunityBoard recently<br />
approvedareport recommending<br />
‘‘Give Way’' signs be replacedwith<br />
‘‘Stop’’signs at three locations in<br />
Rangiora.<br />
‘‘These include the intersectionsof<br />
Lehmans Rd at Fernside Rd, Lehmans<br />
Rd at JohnsRdand Elm Driveat<br />
Oakwood Drive,’’ Karen said.The<br />
intersection at Lehmans Rd and<br />
Oxford Rd is alreadycontrolled by<br />
‘‘Stop’’signs on Lehmans Road.<br />
The Lehmans Rd intersectionshave<br />
had numerous nearmisses and<br />
accidents over the years including the<br />
latest crash.<br />
Chorus communityrelations<br />
manager Jo Seddon said the cabinet<br />
had to be replaced after the<br />
electronics in it weredecimated. It<br />
was replacedtwo days after the crash.<br />
Apower pole on LehmansRd, close<br />
to the intersection, was also damaged<br />
during the crash withdowned power<br />
lines causingapower cut in the area.<br />
The intersection was closed to<br />
trafficwhile MainPowerreplaced the<br />
pole and powerwas restored later that<br />
day.<br />
Restored connections ... The replacement<br />
cabinet installed last Tuesday which<br />
restored internet to more than 100 homes<br />
and businesses in the area close to the crash<br />
site.<br />
0800 DEUTZNZ<br />
Work in progress ... Downer workmen prepare to remove the broadband severely<br />
damaged in the collision at the Lehmans Road/ Oxford Road intersection in Rangiora last<br />
Monday morning.<br />
Battered and broken ... Wiring and parts of the old cabinet were scattered in apaddock<br />
after the collision.<br />
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2018 •2019 •2020<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Rewriting disaster management in Waimak<br />
5<br />
Multiple natural disasters in recent<br />
yearsmay cause arethinkofhow the<br />
WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />
managesdisasterrecovery.<br />
Afterleading the council’s May 31<br />
floodrecovery efforts,and responding<br />
to Covid19 lockdownsand storm<br />
events, recovery managerSimon Hart<br />
has proposed the council rewrite its<br />
recovery plan,whichwas written in<br />
2002.<br />
The review would also consider<br />
lessonsfrom the district’s recovery<br />
from the 2010 and 2011earthquakes,<br />
when strategy and engagement<br />
manager Simon Markham was<br />
recovery manager.<br />
‘‘Theplan we have is fundamentally<br />
OK, it covers all the normal aspects of<br />
recovery and it was referred to<br />
initially afterthe earthquakesand<br />
afterthe floodevent.<br />
‘‘It refers to CivilDefence recovery<br />
options and it takes you through how<br />
to set up variousstructures.<br />
‘‘Butwehavelearned alot and<br />
gathered amountain of material in<br />
recovery documentsover the last 10<br />
years.’’<br />
The earthquakeexperience<br />
provided lessonsonscaleand<br />
duration, which proved to be greater<br />
than anticipated, and gave the council<br />
the opportunity to thinkabout ‘‘how<br />
recovery happens’’.<br />
The Covid19 experience, on top of<br />
the earthquake recovery, has raised<br />
the importance of considering how<br />
people areimpacted, what agencies<br />
are likely to be involved and ‘‘how do<br />
we look aftersocialwellbeing?’’, Mr<br />
Hart says.<br />
‘‘We stillhave adepthofknowledge<br />
with Simon Markhamand other senior<br />
managers who worked through the<br />
earthquakerecovery, so while that<br />
knowledge is still herewewant to<br />
capture those learnings.<br />
‘‘If Simon Markham and Iaren’t<br />
aroundwhen the nextbig event<br />
happens, we want to leave something<br />
for the next recoverymanager so<br />
they’re not having to trawlthrough<br />
mountains of documents to findwhat<br />
they need.<br />
‘‘SimonMarkham has created<br />
documents which havebeen<br />
implemented aroundthe worldfrom<br />
the experience of the earthquake<br />
recovery in Kaiapoi, so we willlook to<br />
includethat in the recoveryplan,<br />
rather thanjust having aset of<br />
documents.’’<br />
The reviewwouldalso consider the<br />
National Emergency Management<br />
Agency’s ‘‘director’sguidelines’’,<br />
which incorporate government<br />
legislation.<br />
Mr Hartsays the important thing for<br />
arecoverymanager to rememberis<br />
‘‘that the nature of recovery is<br />
continually evolving’’.<br />
‘‘What you write up in the firstweek<br />
as your priorities are likelytobe<br />
significantly different by weeks four<br />
and five.<br />
‘‘What wassignificantinweek one<br />
may be resolved very quickly, but then<br />
there’sthings like wellbeing,<br />
underground infrastructure and rural<br />
lifestyleblocks (as in the flood), which<br />
may not be immediateemergency<br />
situations, but become more<br />
important as the recoveryprogresses.<br />
‘‘Your underlying arrangements and<br />
the actualtasks will be continually<br />
evolving, so you needtohave a<br />
recovery plan which is agile.’’<br />
Under the recoverymanager, the<br />
counciltypically callsonother<br />
‘‘pillars of recovery’’ or expertise as<br />
needed,such as economic,community<br />
Simon Hart<br />
and social, rural sector, infrastructure<br />
and natural environmentsrecovery.<br />
For economic recovery expertise,<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is called<br />
upon,whilethe council’s community<br />
team leads communityand social<br />
recovery,with the Ministry of Social<br />
Development also abletobecalled<br />
upon.<br />
Future recoverymanagers may need<br />
to manage simultaneous events,Mr<br />
Hart says.<br />
‘‘If you think aboutthe floodevent in<br />
May, then therewas afloodinBuller,<br />
the windevent in June andacouple of<br />
Simon Markham<br />
months later we wereinlockdown and<br />
there were other events regionally<br />
and nationally.<br />
‘‘It’ssomething we need to consider<br />
through the recoveryplan that it’s<br />
likelythat the next big event may not<br />
be the only event in town or the biggest<br />
event in town, and we may be working<br />
with agencieswhich are dealing with a<br />
numberofdifferent events andon<br />
different scales.’’<br />
Mr Hartwill be preparing aproposal<br />
for councillorstoconsider as part of<br />
next year’s 2022/23 Annual Plan<br />
process.<br />
“your best move”<br />
Now is agreat time to sell your<br />
property -homes across <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
have been selling ataWHOPPING<br />
average of 32.12% above RV!<br />
We are here ready to help you achieve<br />
the BEST sale price possible and until<br />
30 November <strong>2021</strong> we will:<br />
• Pay $1200 towards aremovalist to help<br />
you move<br />
• Pay $500 towards acleaner to<br />
complete your final clean<br />
• Provide $600 worth of marketing to<br />
best promote your property<br />
0508 call lime<br /><br />
Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |Data sourced from REINZ for the months ofJune &July<br />
<strong>2021</strong>. Lime Real Estate takes noresponsibility for the accuracy ofthis data. This statistic excludes rural<br />
properties, bare land and properties with no current RV.|T’s &c’s apply: limerealestate/readysetgo
6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Around the electorate with<br />
Electoral law review<br />
Labour Minister KrisFaafoi’s decision<br />
earlier this month to commissionareview<br />
of electoral law is franklyabsurd for two<br />
reasons.<br />
The first is that New Zealand is<br />
currently battling through restrictions,<br />
businesses throughout thecountry are<br />
beingstarvedofincome, people are locked<br />
up in their homes, the immigration system<br />
is amess and the New Zealand economyis<br />
losing $1 billion aweek.<br />
But despite this, the Minister is more<br />
interested in electoral law changes than<br />
the pressing issues at hand.<br />
Secondly, the Justice Select Committee<br />
in Parliament,whichhas opposition<br />
members on it, is already undertaking an<br />
inquiry into the 2020 General Election<br />
alongwith the 2019local body elections.<br />
So the question is, why would Minister<br />
Faafoi want to spend more taxpayerfunds<br />
on asecond review? What is the real<br />
reason this was suddenly announced?<br />
It’s adistraction. When the Government<br />
is in trouble it diverts attention any way it<br />
can.<br />
In Minister Faafoi’s review, it promises<br />
‘crossparty engagement and participation’<br />
but it really needs to promiseNew<br />
Zealanders therewill be no law changes<br />
without agreement fromotherpartiesin<br />
Parliament. Istrongly believe that the<br />
votingage shouldbekept at 18. Thatis<br />
when most peoplebecomeindependent,<br />
finishschool, move out of homeand go to<br />
university or seek fulltimeemployment.<br />
It makes logicalsense then,tohave the<br />
votingage at apoint where peoplemake<br />
this transition.But regardless of what I<br />
think,any changestothe voting age,term<br />
limits, or even the MMP threshold, should<br />
all go to referendum.<br />
The Government has ahabitofdoing<br />
thingsbystealth, like the He Puapua<br />
reportand Three Waters, but they won’t<br />
get away withthis. Our democracyisfar<br />
too important for any single political party<br />
with aParliamentary majority to be<br />
tinkering with.Infact, whatshould be of<br />
concern forNew Zealanders, is that the<br />
current Government is abletorush<br />
through legislation underthe guiseof<br />
urgency using theirsheer weight of<br />
numbers without due consideration.<br />
This can onlylead to bad outcomes and<br />
reinforcesthe old adage that ‘power tends<br />
to corrupt, and absolutepower corrupts<br />
absolutely’. This applies no matter the<br />
political persuasion.<br />
Iamcertainly opentodiscussing change<br />
to electorallaw, and in fact,welcome any<br />
engagementonthe issue.<br />
Vaccination the key<br />
Getting aroundthe districtIcan feel the<br />
tension.<br />
And it’sall Covid uncertainty.<br />
Deltaiscomingand we all knowit.<br />
And as Iwrite this for the papers<br />
deadline, aBlenheim case is<br />
announced.<br />
The Governmentistelling us moreof<br />
what theyare going to do, and the key is<br />
gettingvaccinated.<br />
The 90% target is not goingtobeeasy.<br />
And it needs to be aminimum, not the<br />
finalgoal.<br />
Kaikouramade greatprogress –thank<br />
you to the Health Centreteam and all<br />
thosesupporting them.<br />
Now its even more importanttoget as<br />
many of the rest across the line.<br />
Iget it that it’sachoice.<br />
But it’s achoice that has serious<br />
consequences.<br />
The main danger is Covid’s impact on<br />
people’s health, andthe pressure that<br />
will put on local and regional health<br />
services.<br />
And the lateststatistics show Delta’s<br />
not justfor the elderly,it’s also affecting<br />
20 to 40yearolds and children.<br />
Covidisimpacting on our businesses<br />
and jobs.<br />
Getting around, people are worried.<br />
It’sbeen tough as we havenot had<br />
visitorsafter lockdown like we did last<br />
year —many were fromAuckland.<br />
Now we are close to summer season<br />
and if we canget to 90%, our local<br />
businesseswill needtooperate vaccine<br />
certificates.<br />
Thoseofyou who have not got the jabs<br />
yet because you been busy, please make<br />
it top priority.<br />
And for thosewho have been<br />
hesitating pleaseget advice from the<br />
likesofthe medical centre people.<br />
The restrictions that will apply to the<br />
unvaccinated are becomingmuch<br />
clearer.<br />
Localevents are affected.<br />
The Trotting Club had to make ahard<br />
call.Good luck to The Hop whichis<br />
trying to run arestricted version<br />
complying withevent restrictions.<br />
Let visitors know about Crayfest over<br />
the next couple of weeks.Ispotted a<br />
couple of dishes that I’ve got my eye on.<br />
Maybecelebrate your vax with anight<br />
out. Let’s do our part. And let’ssupport<br />
each other.<br />
Disadvantaged elderly<br />
DearEditor,<br />
Iread withinterest you article<br />
regarding digital disadvantage to the<br />
elderly (<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />
September 23).<br />
The followingnight on the news we<br />
havereport on the increase of<br />
homelessness among our senior<br />
citizens.<br />
It seemstomeit is notthat long ago<br />
theywere discussingways to keep us<br />
all healthy, happy and independent.<br />
Iamnot surejust howitworks —alot<br />
don’t haveorwant acomputer or<br />
eftpos card,but Iknowyou have to do<br />
it thatway,or go to yourbank and pay<br />
youraccounts.<br />
Wait, Ilive rurally andnolongerdrive<br />
so thatmeans annoying my verybusy<br />
family.<br />
Use acellphone Iamtold.<br />
Oh there hasbeenastorm or amajor<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
earthquake, lines are not available<br />
andanyway, Iforgot to charge it.<br />
Is my corded phone going to be any<br />
goodwhenpower is downfor along<br />
time? I’m not sure.<br />
We cannot afford to rent.<br />
Alot of us do notunderstand modern<br />
technology,we cannot payour bills by<br />
cheque,and we arefeelingleftout and<br />
isolated.<br />
Thelatest survey tellspeoplethere a<br />
more and moreofus suffering<br />
depressionand what can we do about<br />
tit.<br />
All the availablesocialevents —<br />
swimming, exercise classes, movies —<br />
all cost moneywedon’thave.<br />
We arenot going to get up at 6amto<br />
joinkeep fitwithLes Mills on TV.<br />
Thereare alot of veryunhappy senior<br />
citizens out ther,e and Ithink we<br />
deserve better.<br />
Yours,<br />
Yensie Eder,Oxford<br />
Amberley<br />
DearEditor,<br />
There was arecent promotion for the<br />
townofAmberley whichcovered a<br />
numberofaspectsthatmake it a<br />
destination.<br />
Ireally have nothing against<br />
Amberley, Ilive here, and lovethetown,<br />
the peoplewho livehereand am pleased<br />
to see apromotion to try to entice<br />
visitors.<br />
However, Iwould takeissuewhen the<br />
townispromoted as agatewaytocycling<br />
adventure,itisnot.<br />
Twotrails arementioned,the Hurunui<br />
HeartlandCyclerouteis just that,a<br />
route. It is on somesealed roads anda<br />
lot on unsealed.<br />
The unsealed areoftenveryrough<br />
going and dusty withvehicles, including<br />
loggingtrucks, oftenpassingatspeed.<br />
Certainly notaroute for afamily day<br />
trip.<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Oct <strong>28</strong> Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 31 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3<br />
Rise 6:17am<br />
Rise 6:16am<br />
Rise 6:15am<br />
Rise 6:13am<br />
Rise 6:12am<br />
Rise 6:10am<br />
Rise 6:09am<br />
Set 8:08pm<br />
Set 8:09pm<br />
Set 8:10pm<br />
Set 8:12pm<br />
Set 8:13pm<br />
Set 8:14pm<br />
Set 8:16pm<br />
Ok<br />
Best 6:42am<br />
Best 7:33am<br />
Best 8:23am<br />
Best 9:11am<br />
Best 9:59am<br />
Best 10:47am<br />
Best 11:36am<br />
Ok<br />
Ok<br />
Ok<br />
Fair<br />
Fair<br />
Good<br />
Times 7:07pm<br />
Times 7:58pm<br />
Times 8:47pm<br />
Times 9:35pm<br />
Times 10:23pm<br />
Times 11:11pm<br />
Times<br />
Rise 2:22am<br />
Rise 3:03am<br />
Rise 3:39am<br />
Rise 4:09am<br />
Rise 4:35am<br />
Rise 5:00am<br />
Rise 5:24am<br />
Set 11:05am<br />
Set 12:07pm<br />
Set 1:13pm<br />
Set 2:23pm<br />
Set 3:34pm<br />
Set 4:47pm<br />
Set 6:02pm<br />
Gentle SW becoming Gentle Sbecoming Moderate SW turning Moderate SW turning Moderate Sturning Moderate SW turning Gentle SE becoming<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate E<br />
S<br />
S<br />
SE<br />
SE<br />
moderate E<br />
E0.8 mturning<br />
E0.4 m E0.6 m E0.5 m<br />
S SE 0.7 m SE 0.6 m E0.6 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
TheAmberley to Leithfield‘‘trail’’ is<br />
again on existing roads. It is abeautiful<br />
rideonaniceday and reasonablysafe,<br />
butit is not amadetrail,again justa<br />
route.<br />
In the winteritisoftenimpassable as<br />
there is asection which isn’t atrail at all<br />
andcrosses theKowai river which, in<br />
thewinter, haswaterflowing, sometimes<br />
alot of water.<br />
Yes, in the summeritisrelatively easy<br />
to cross asthe river bedisdry but<br />
covered in rocks.<br />
Amberley has littlesafe cycling, andin<br />
comparisontoChristchurch, and the<br />
evennearer Rangiora, offers virtually no<br />
truecycling trails.<br />
If you want purposemade,off road,<br />
safe,cycletrails go to Rangiora or<br />
Pegasus, there are many kilometres of<br />
them.<br />
Yours,<br />
Mike Gilbert<br />
Amberley<br />
1<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 11:07am 2.1 4:50am 0.8 11:53am 2.1 5:37am 0.8 12:20am 2.0 6:25am 0.8 1:07am 2.1 7:14am 0.7 1:54am 2.1 8:03am 0.7 2:42am 2.2 8:54am 0.6 3:33am 2.3 9:46am 0.5<br />
Mouth<br />
11:34pm 2.0 5:27pm 0.8<br />
6:15pm 0.8 12:40pm 2.2 7:03pm 0.7 1:<strong>28</strong>pm 2.2 7:48pm 0.7 2:17pm 2.3 8:34pm 0.6 3:06pm 2.3 9:21pm 0.5 3:56pm 2.4 10:10pm 0.4<br />
Amberley 11:07am 2.1 4:50am 0.8 11:53am 2.1 5:37am 0.8 12:20am 2.0 6:25am 0.8 1:07am 2.1 7:14am 0.7 1:54am 2.1 8:03am 0.7 2:42am 2.2 8:54am 0.6 3:33am 2.3 9:46am 0.5<br />
Beach<br />
11:34pm 2.0 5:27pm 0.8<br />
6:15pm 0.8 12:40pm 2.2 7:03pm 0.7 1:<strong>28</strong>pm 2.2 7:48pm 0.7 2:17pm 2.3 8:34pm 0.6 3:06pm 2.3 9:21pm 0.5 3:56pm 2.4 10:10pm 0.4<br />
11:16am 2.1 4:59am 0.8<br />
5:46am 0.8 12:29am 2.0 6:34am 0.8 1:16am 2.1 7:23am 0.7 2:03am 2.1 8:12am 0.7 2:51am 2.2 9:03am 0.6 3:42am 2.3 9:55am 0.5<br />
Motunau 11:43pm 2.0 5:36pm 0.8 12:02pm 2.1 6:24pm 0.8 12:49pm 2.2 7:12pm 0.7 1:37pm 2.2 7:57pm 0.7 2:26pm 2.3 8:43pm 0.6 3:15pm 2.3 9:30pm 0.5 4:05pm 2.4 10:19pm 0.4<br />
11:18am 2.1 5:01am 0.8<br />
5:48am 0.8 12:31am 2.0 6:36am 0.8 1:18am 2.1 7:25am 0.7 2:05am 2.1 8:14am 0.7 2:53am 2.2 9:05am 0.6 3:44am 2.3 9:57am 0.5<br />
Gore Bay 11:45pm 2.0 5:38pm 0.8 12:04pm 2.1 6:26pm 0.8 12:51pm 2.2 7:14pm 0.7 1:39pm 2.2 7:59pm 0.7 2:<strong>28</strong>pm 2.3 8:45pm 0.6 3:17pm 2.3 9:32pm 0.5 4:07pm 2.4 10:21pm 0.4<br />
11:16am 1.7 5:01am 0.6<br />
5:45am 0.6 12:29am 1.6 6:31am 0.6 1:14am 1.6 7:18am 0.5 1:59am 1.6 8:07am 0.5 2:46am 1.7 8:57am 0.4 3:36am 1.8 9:49am 0.4<br />
Kaikoura 11:45pm 1.6 5:38pm 0.6 12:02pm 1.7 6:24pm 0.6 12:49pm 1.7 7:09pm 0.5 1:36pm 1.7 7:54pm 0.5 2:24pm 1.8 8:38pm 0.5 3:12pm 1.8 9:25pm 0.4 4:02pm 1.8 10:13pm 0.4<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Sand dune project is hands-on<br />
Aunique TuhaitaraCoastal Parksand<br />
dunesprojectaimstoreestablish a<br />
coastal forest sequenceofindigenous<br />
vegetation to mitigate againstclimate<br />
change.<br />
Theproject steers away from hard<br />
engineeringand concrete seawalls.<br />
The<strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus Bayproject,<br />
whichbegan in 2020, is acollaboration<br />
betweenthe Te Kohaka oTuhaitara Trust<br />
andthe CoastalRestoration Trust of New<br />
Zealand(CRTNZ).<br />
It is partofthe Te Kohaka oTuhaitara<br />
Trust’s 200 year vision to restore thepark<br />
land,coastal communities andprovide<br />
opportunities for mahinga kai(food<br />
gathering).<br />
Greg Byrnes, the generalmanagerof<br />
thepark,whichisrun by theTeKohaka o<br />
TuhaitaraTrust, saysthe trust sees<br />
strengthening thedune systembetween<br />
theAshleyRakahuri and Waimakariri<br />
rivers as aprioritytomitigatethe<br />
increasing threat of storm, seaand sealevelrise.<br />
Thehopeisthat theprojectwill<br />
eventually restore the area to what would<br />
have existed therebeforehuman<br />
settlement.<br />
MichaelBergin, of the CRTNZ says the<br />
TuhaitaraCoastal Parkprovidesaunique<br />
area forthe project.<br />
``We have gotoverakilometre long<br />
transectabout 50 metres widewhere<br />
thereisnoinfrascructure, no roads, and<br />
thereisnohousing or carparks.<br />
‘‘This is quite rare now because<br />
historicallywehave allgoneand putour<br />
houses up on the topofthe dunes because<br />
that is wherethe seaisand that is where<br />
theview is.’’<br />
This seaside developmenthas occurred<br />
despite the sanddunesprobablybeing<br />
themost volatile anddelicate of allthe<br />
ecosystems in NewZealand, Michael says.<br />
Planting day ... Te Kohaka oTuhaitara<br />
Trust trustee Rex Anglem during a<br />
community planting day in the sand dunes<br />
in <strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus Bay in Waimakariri's<br />
Tuhaitara Coastal Park recently.<br />
``Theyare not natural buffers.<br />
‘‘Natural vegetation will present afar<br />
moreresilient buffertoerosionevents,''<br />
Michael says.<br />
However thePegasus Baysitedoes<br />
present difficulties reestablishing<br />
vegetationbecause of itsexposed, harsh,<br />
saltladen coastal location andoften dry<br />
summers.<br />
``Oncecover hasgoneitisverydifficult<br />
to reestablish,soatthe moment we are<br />
goingthroughthoseearlysuccession<br />
processesofoftryingtofind which<br />
species, whichfirstnurserycrop, will<br />
bringthat initalshelterand shadeand<br />
prevent weedgrowth to providenice<br />
habitat for other moredelicatespeciesto<br />
eventually come in,’’ Michaelsays.<br />
Managing theweedsisabalancingact<br />
because they keep thenative plantsaway.<br />
‘‘Then of course every second year we<br />
seem to be having droughts,largely<br />
perhaps induced by climatechange, so it<br />
is arealmission.’’<br />
Duringarecent planting day at the<br />
park, Michael,who is from Rotorua,<br />
joined Greg, Te KohakaoTuhaitaraTrust<br />
trustee,Rex Anglem, andcommunity<br />
volunteers, planting spinifexand pingao<br />
in the foredune sectionofthe coastal<br />
forest sequence.<br />
‘‘These arethe onlyindigenous species<br />
suitedtothat exposed, harsh coastal dune<br />
margin,’’ Michaelsays.<br />
‘‘The arevery effectiveinbuilding a<br />
resilientnatural buffer along our coastal<br />
sand dunesacross the upperSouth Island<br />
andall of the <strong>North</strong>Island beaches.’’<br />
In themid to backdune areas of the<br />
coastal forest sequence otherindigenous<br />
coastal ground cover such as shrub<br />
hardwoodand tree species suchasngaio,<br />
akeake, harakeke and ti kouka,have been<br />
planted.<br />
‘‘We havealso establishedaseries of<br />
monitoring plots across thesite to assess<br />
thesurvival and growth rates of the<br />
plants,’’ Michaelsays.<br />
‘‘Thiswill allow us to determinewhat is<br />
working and which species do bestinthis<br />
very challengingenvironment.’’<br />
Theresultsofthe project will be<br />
disseminated and distributed to provide<br />
recommendations to thepublic and<br />
community groups,pluscoastal and<br />
environmental managers to useand apply<br />
in their ownareas.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
7<br />
Nina Valley<br />
award<br />
The Hurunui College Nina Valley<br />
Restoration group has been<br />
recognised by the <strong>Canterbury</strong>Aoraki<br />
Conservation Board, winningthe<br />
Schools Award in its awards.<br />
Thegroup received a$500 grant<br />
fromsponsor Glentanner Park (Mt<br />
Cook) ltd.<br />
Each yearthe <strong>Canterbury</strong>Aoraki<br />
Conservation Board acknowledges<br />
and celebrates theconsiderable<br />
conservation work beingdelivered by<br />
communityand school groups across<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
‘‘The level of commitment and<br />
enthusiasmfrom theselargely<br />
volunteer groups andtheirsuccesses<br />
for our native species are just<br />
amazing,’’says chair Paula Smith.<br />
‘‘We had entries fromall over<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.All the entries were of<br />
such high calibre that we wishwe<br />
couldgive allofthem an award.<br />
‘‘This is conservation leadership<br />
andmahitobecelebrated,’’she says.<br />
Working together in the Nina<br />
Valley of the LewisPass over thelast<br />
13 years,thisdedicated groupofhigh<br />
school students has installed and<br />
maintained extensive predator<br />
trapping lines.<br />
There are over 200 traps forpest<br />
control as part of supporting roroa<br />
(great spotted kiwi) and whio (blue<br />
duck) in the Nina Valley.<br />
Making the experience available<br />
forall student volunteers, regardless<br />
of personal access to gear, is a<br />
priority for project leadand teacher<br />
TimKelly, along withensuring<br />
availability to appropriate health<br />
andsafety gearfor thischallenging<br />
environment .
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Spending patterns normal<br />
Waimakariri spending patterns<br />
have returned to ‘‘normal’’<br />
followingthe latest lockdown,<br />
accordingtorecentspending data.<br />
Figuresfrom Marketview, based<br />
on Paymark eftpostransactions,<br />
shows retail spending patterns in<br />
theWaimakariridistrict are<br />
similartothe lasttwo years,<br />
followingthe latest lockdown.<br />
Theoverall retail spend for the<br />
year to date was back to tracking<br />
3% ahead of last yearbythe second<br />
week of <strong>October</strong>.<br />
‘‘We did see asignificant<br />
increaseinspend for 24 hours<br />
before the lockdown and the trend<br />
almost exactly mimickedMarch<br />
2020, and then we saw adip in<br />
spend, but it wasn’t as bad thistime<br />
around,’’ Waimakariri District<br />
Council business and centres<br />
manager SimonHart says.<br />
‘‘Alot of our businesses have<br />
become more slick,they’ve got<br />
better processes in place and<br />
they’reoffering onlineoptions.<br />
‘‘Overall areasonably good<br />
result, andabig well done to our<br />
business communityfor showing a<br />
high level of innovationand<br />
resilience, and to our residents for<br />
supporting their localbusinesses.’’<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
hasreported thatbusinesses<br />
appeared to be better prepared<br />
andwere aware of what<br />
government support packages<br />
were available.<br />
While last yeartherewas abig<br />
bounceback in retail spend<br />
followinglockdown, this time the<br />
bouncewas not as high due to<br />
ongoing Alert Level2restrictions,<br />
Mr Hart says.<br />
Retail spend ... Innovation, resilience and people supporting local, has<br />
kept the spend in the Waimakariri district on apart with the past two years.<br />
‘‘The levels in Delta have<br />
changed. Last year alot of people<br />
wentout and spent moneyonhome<br />
improvements, buyinganew car or<br />
going on anational holiday rather<br />
thangoing overseas.But Idon’t<br />
think we are seeingthe same post<br />
lockdownspikethis time,Ithink<br />
people arejust settlingback into<br />
their routines.’’<br />
The Waimakariri District<br />
Council has aCovid19 recovery<br />
plan, whichwas prepared<br />
following lastyear’s lockdown, but<br />
it has not been needed, Mr Hart<br />
says. ‘‘We were lookingatitand<br />
having conversationstosee if we<br />
needed to run that again, but the<br />
lockdownwas alot shorter and we<br />
got the sense from our<br />
conversations withEnterprise<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> that there didn’t<br />
seemtobeaneed for any major<br />
recoveryeffortsfrom this end.’’<br />
While the localeconomy<br />
remains resilient, there is still<br />
uncertainty with severalmajor<br />
events includingthe Rangiora<br />
Showbeing cancelled. How the<br />
nextfew months playout will<br />
determine whether the recovery<br />
endures, Mr Hartsays.<br />
‘‘After Christmas we will<br />
probably get more of asense of<br />
how the country has responded,’’<br />
he says. ‘‘There is still alot of<br />
uncertainty, but Ithink New<br />
Zealanders are pretty good in that<br />
we would rather look aftereach<br />
other rather than excessively go<br />
out there and reclaimthe<br />
freedoms we had. But it will be<br />
interesting to see what the new<br />
normal lookslike.’’<br />
Petition gets<br />
broad backing<br />
Ambulance officers and<br />
frontline police are among<br />
those who have put their<br />
name to apetition calling<br />
for helpaddressingarise<br />
in mental healthcallouts.<br />
More than 800 people<br />
have signed apetition, set<br />
up by Waimakariri MP<br />
Matt Doocey and Rangiora<br />
resident Matt Hennessey,<br />
which calls on the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> District Health<br />
Board (CDHB)toestablish<br />
acoresponse team.<br />
‘‘What is validating is<br />
seeing the broadspectrum<br />
of people backing this<br />
initiative,’’ Mr Doocey<br />
says.<br />
‘‘We’ve got emergency<br />
responders tellingusthis<br />
is desperatelyneeded for<br />
them, but we’ve also got<br />
familymembers, and<br />
peoplewith their own<br />
mentalhealth struggles,<br />
sayingthis could save<br />
lives.’’<br />
Mr Hennessey initially<br />
approached Mr Doocey<br />
abouthow the police could<br />
be better supported to deal<br />
with emergency callouts<br />
wherementalhealth<br />
issues were afactor.<br />
Subsequent meetings<br />
with Rural Area<br />
CommanderInspector<br />
PeterCooper revealed20<br />
per cent of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
police callouts are for<br />
people in mentalhealth<br />
crisis, up almost one third<br />
between 2018and 2020.<br />
‘‘In<strong>Canterbury</strong> thereis<br />
growing concernthat<br />
police, who are not trained<br />
in psychology, are being<br />
heavily relied upon to<br />
providefrontline mental<br />
health support.’’<br />
Amental health coresponse<br />
servicewould see<br />
amentalhealth<br />
professional joining<br />
emergency respondersto<br />
attend to mental health<br />
emergency calls.<br />
Mr Hennessey says this<br />
would provide better<br />
support for people in<br />
distress,and ensure<br />
frontline responders were<br />
making best use of people,<br />
skills and resources.<br />
AtrialinWellington,<br />
launched in Marchlast<br />
yearand subsequently<br />
extended, proved the case<br />
for acoresponseteam<br />
approach.<br />
Police did agreatjob, but<br />
it was vitally important the<br />
mostvulnerable,intimes<br />
of crisis, got the best help<br />
frommentalhealth<br />
professionals, Mr Doocey<br />
says.<br />
To sign the petition go to<br />, and search coresponse<br />
callout.<br />
Monday 1 st – Thursday 11 th November<br />
9am - 4pm<br />
UP TO<br />
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every week
High quality garage doors<br />
add security and value<br />
Providing high quality New<br />
Zealand-made garage doors is a<br />
top priority for Hamish Gearry,<br />
the owner-operator of Abel Garage<br />
Doors.<br />
The stylish garage doors he<br />
supplies add to the look, security<br />
and value of his clients’ properties<br />
and come with atwo-year warranty,<br />
on the doors and motors.<br />
Hamish has more than thirty years<br />
experience installing garage doors,<br />
doing residential and<br />
commercial work, including<br />
installations, repairs, maintenance<br />
and preventative service work.<br />
He services awide area, covering<br />
Christchurch and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
including Kaikoura.<br />
He gives free quotes and<br />
consultations and specialises in<br />
delivering tailor-made solutions for<br />
his clients.<br />
‘‘We take the time to ensure that<br />
we discuss all your options and find<br />
the most suitable door for<br />
your home or business,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘Our friendly team can help you<br />
make an informed decision.<br />
‘‘We will inspect your garage and<br />
fittings, answer your questions,<br />
and find asolution tailored to your<br />
particular needs,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘We offer afast, friendly and<br />
efficient service.’’<br />
Abel Garage Doors can provide<br />
sectional, roller and tilt doors all<br />
made with top quality New Zealand<br />
steel and Italian-made motors, plus<br />
Cedar garage doors, supplied by<br />
Christchurch company Magnum<br />
Doors, are also available.<br />
Hamish can<br />
also<br />
supply and install<br />
automatic door<br />
openers for<br />
sectional, tiltt<br />
and roller<br />
doors.<br />
This<br />
includes<br />
replacing<br />
motors<br />
and new<br />
automatic<br />
door opener<br />
installs.<br />
‘‘We<br />
professionally<br />
service nearly every<br />
Outdoor<br />
Living<br />
Hamish Gearry ...Owner of Abel Gawrage Doors has over<br />
30 years experiece in garage doors.<br />
brand of<br />
residential and<br />
commercial<br />
garage door<br />
opener,’’<br />
Hamish says.<br />
He is available 24/7<br />
for emergency work and<br />
can do quotes for insurance work.<br />
Abel Garage Doors is based in<br />
Belfast.<br />
Hamish can be contacted for<br />
garage door requirements by<br />
phoning him on: 027-20761<strong>28</strong>, or<br />
(03) 3106577, or emailing him at<br /><br />
See your<br />
experts<br />
in Rangiora!<br />
2386035a<br />
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<br />
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Phone 027 537 2733<br />
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Services we offer for all door types:<br />
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Partsand Maintenance<br />
Door Upgrades<br />
Supply and install automatic door openers for<br />
sectional tilt &roller doors<br />
Phone 027 207 61<strong>28</strong> |03310 6577<br /><br /><br />
2257749v1<br />
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NEWS<br />
10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Scooter training run<br />
Waimakaririresidents are being<br />
invited to take apink scooter for aspin<br />
this weekend.<br />
To mark the start of asix month trial<br />
of commercial hire escooters in the<br />
district, Flamingo Scooters is offering<br />
community training days this weekend<br />
for anyone wishes to learnhow to use<br />
the scooters or simply enjoyafree<br />
ride.<br />
Training dayswill be held in the<br />
council’s Rangiora service centrecar<br />
park on Saturdayfrom10am to 1pm<br />
and in Charles Street parkand ride<br />
site, next the Kaiapoi New World on<br />
Sundayfrom 10amto1pm.<br />
The trial will run from November<br />
until April next year,with escooters<br />
available for hire in Rangiora,<br />
Kaiapoi, Woodendand Pegasus.<br />
The escooters will be abletotravel<br />
most places withinthe natural town<br />
boundaries and betweenRangiora,<br />
Kaiapoi and Woodend usingthe<br />
Passchendaele Memorial Path and the<br />
RangioraWoodend Path.<br />
WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />
business and centres advisor Vanessa<br />
Thompson says the trial will allowthe<br />
council to explorethe impact of<br />
commercial hire escooters on public<br />
spacesand to see if there is aplace for<br />
this technology as an alternative<br />
transport solution.<br />
‘‘One potential benefit is that the<br />
successful uptake of escooters<br />
alongside other alternative transport<br />
options, could help alleviate pressure<br />
on town centrecar parking and reduce<br />
transport emissions,’’ she says.<br />
The SelwynDistrictCouncil held a<br />
similar trial in 2019which was deemed<br />
asuccess, with22,000 escooter trips<br />
taken throughoutthe trial’s duration<br />
and permitswere issued to bothLava<br />
and Lime to continue operating<br />
commercial hire escooters.<br />
In the pink ... Training runs are on offer this<br />
weekend on aFlamingo Scooter. PHOTO:FILE<br />
Council staffhave discussed the trial<br />
with localaccessibility, youthand<br />
olderpersongroups, with some of the<br />
feedback incorporatedinto the trial<br />
with the inclusionofspeed<br />
restrictions and nogo zones in busy<br />
pedestrian areas<br />
Flamingo Scooters will be<br />
responsible for covering the<br />
infrastructure and operational costs.<br />
More information about the trial can<br />
be found at<br />
scooters.<br />
Kaikoura shows the way<br />
Kaikouraisleading the three <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>districtsinfullyvaccinated<br />
rates against Covid19, with68% of the<br />
vaccine eligible population fully<br />
vaccinated as of lastMonday(<strong>October</strong><br />
25).<br />
This compares to 66 per centofthe<br />
vaccine eligible population in Hurunui<br />
now fullyvaccinated,and 64 per centin<br />
Waimakariri,MinistryofHealth<br />
figures show.<br />
Eighty fiveper centofthe vaccine<br />
eligiblepopulationinWaimakariri<br />
have hadtheir first vaccineshot.<br />
Hurunui is nextwith84per cent and<br />
Kaikoura has 82 per cent.<br />
Nationwide, 87 per centofvaccine<br />
eligibleKiwishave had their first<br />
vaccineinjection but only 71 per cent<br />
arefully vaccinated,which is still<br />
considerably belowthe 90 per cent the<br />
Governmenthas saidisrequired<br />
beforeisolation restrictions canbe<br />
eased.<br />
Book printing flaw awindfall<br />
Aminor printing flaw in abook run has<br />
provided alucky windfall for schools in<br />
Samoa, Fiji and Tonga.<br />
The flaw in Just Imagine: ADrawing<br />
BookFor Children,byWoodendartist and<br />
children’s book author, Joanne McDougall,<br />
meant the bookscouldnot be sold and<br />
weredestined for the landfill. But instead<br />
of that Joannecame up withamuch better<br />
idea.<br />
‘‘A bit of fluff on aprinting plate meant<br />
there was aminor flaw,and rather than<br />
dumping perfectly functional books in the<br />
landfill, Caxton Pressallowedmetoget rid<br />
of them,’’ she says. ‘‘Four hundred and fifty<br />
copieshave goneuptothe Pacific Islands,<br />
to be giventoschools or needy children,<br />
thanks to Rotary International.’’The books<br />
wereloaded intoRotary International<br />
containers destined for Samoa, Fijiand<br />
Tonga.<br />
‘‘Rotary International fill containers<br />
withmedical and educational supplies<br />
and transport them to places in need,’’<br />
Joanna says.‘‘Itisreally cool. Various local<br />
church groups and charities do muchthe<br />
samething on asmaller scale, thoughtheir<br />
focus is generally more local.There is a<br />
hugenetwork of people and organisations<br />
working behind the scenes to help people<br />
and make the world abetter place.’’<br />
Joanne McDougall<br />
Just Imagine: ADrawingBook For<br />
Children,provides basic drawing lessons<br />
supplemented with practice pages.Itcan<br />
be purchasedfrom Joanne by contacting<br />
her on 021 064 5688 or orderingacopy at a<br />
bookstore. Joanne has donatedafree copy<br />
for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> readers. To go<br />
in the drawtowin acopy of the bookemail<br />
your name, address and phonenumber to<br /> by Thursday,<br />
November 4. It will be drawn on Friday,<br />
November 5, and the winner will be<br />
notified by phone.
<br />
<br />
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If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
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Free tinting<br />
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If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
If youfind thesame productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.Excludes trade and special<br />
quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelower than thatadvertised.
NEWS<br />
14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Support for rehomed greyhounds<br />
Acountrystyle high tea hosted by an<br />
adopted greyhound and his new forever<br />
family is being planned to raise funds<br />
for Greyhounds As Pets (GAP).<br />
The November fundraiser is the idea<br />
of West Eyreton’s Amanda Scott<br />
Richards.<br />
Her son Enzo (9) did his own<br />
fundraising for two years to raise the<br />
$380 he needed to adopt agreyhound,<br />
now called Zinzan, from GAP earlier<br />
this year.<br />
GAP marketing team leader Emelia<br />
Lake is thrilled with the initiative to<br />
raise funds for GAP’s national<br />
rehoming programme.<br />
``It is really amazing that Amanda<br />
has stepped up and offered to do this<br />
for GAP.<br />
‘‘Our amazing adoptees never cease<br />
to surprise us with their ongoing<br />
support and kindness.''<br />
The casual country style high tea is<br />
planned for November 21 between<br />
11am and 3pm in the West Eyreton Hall.<br />
The tea will feature arange of homebaked<br />
sweet and savoury treats, served<br />
with tea or coffee.<br />
There will also be live music and<br />
raffles, plus the chance to take part in a<br />
silent auction to purchase agreyhound<br />
painting by Swannanoa artist Ros Beck,<br />
who is also agreyhound owner and has<br />
donated one of her paintings for the<br />
fundraiser.<br />
The auction will be run via the GAP<br />
Facebook page for one week.<br />
It will start on Saturday, November<br />
13, and end aweek later, says Emelia.<br />
An email will be sent out to everyone<br />
who has purchased aticket to the high<br />
tea before the auction goes live to invite<br />
them to bid and also let them know that<br />
Best friends ... Enzo ScottRichards (9), of West Eyreton, and his sister Poppy (7), play<br />
with Zinzan, the greyhound Enzo fundraised for two years to purchase from the<br />
Greyhounds as Pets (GAP) charity.<br />
if they win they can take the painting<br />
home on the day, as it will be displayed<br />
at the event.<br />
‘‘This will also open up bidding to<br />
other hound owners in <strong>Canterbury</strong>, and<br />
beyond, who are unable to attend the<br />
event, as we think this will give the<br />
painting the best chance to raise agreat<br />
amount of funds,’’ she says.<br />
‘‘It also means that we can share Ros's<br />
work with awider audience as Iwould<br />
say there may be afew hound owners<br />
who would be interested in purchasing<br />
her work if they don't win the auction.<br />
‘‘We have run lots of auctions on our<br />
Facebook page (https://www.facebook.<br />
com/GAPNZ) before and they are<br />
always asuccess.<br />
‘‘We are really looking forward to this<br />
one.’’<br />
The event will have two booking<br />
times, 11am and 1pm.<br />
Tickets are $25 per head, can be<br />
purchased at the GAP website<br /> and need to be<br />
bought in advance as only 100 will be<br />
sold and there will be no door sales on<br />
the day.<br />
The fundraiser is also an opportunity<br />
to celebrate GAP’s 15th birthday this<br />
year and the success the organisation<br />
has had since it was established,<br />
finding forever homes for more than<br />
3200 retired greyhounds.<br />
Project offers<br />
life lessons<br />
Dodgeball and school work seeman<br />
unlikelymix.<br />
But at <strong>North</strong>LoburnSchool its proved to<br />
be arecipe for success, withthe schoolnow<br />
having its own dodgeball arena.<br />
Towards the end of 2020senior pupil,<br />
HarryKendrick, held asausage sizzle,with<br />
the proceeds earmarked foraGaga<br />
Dodgeball Arenafor the school.<br />
Gaga is aform of dodgeball where<br />
players start in an octagon shapedcourt,<br />
hitting and rollingthe ballwith their hand<br />
to eliminate other players.<br />
The schoolwas successful with an<br />
application to the Ministry of Education for<br />
ashareofaspecial pool of funding<br />
enabling it to build adodgeball arena.<br />
The funds were used to employ ateacher,<br />
buy materialsand complete the<br />
constructionofthis project.<br />
Six students were nominated by their<br />
teacherstobeinvolved in this project.<br />
They selected students who they felt<br />
wouldbenefit fromthe exciting project,<br />
and enjoy all aspects of getting completed<br />
—Crew6was born.<br />
The programme had astrongfocus on<br />
differentiated and appliedlearning. It<br />
encompassed reading, writing and maths<br />
and led towards the completionofan<br />
authentic outcomeadodgeball arena.<br />
The project helpeddevelop selfmanagementskills,<br />
embracedschool<br />
values, encouraged cooperation, and<br />
weekly reflection.<br />
Aspects of the programme involved<br />
discussing, drawing up expectations,<br />
planning, modelling, preparing,<br />
purchasing,contacting, constructing and<br />
presenting.<br />
Crew 6isextremely proud of the end<br />
product,and can leave it as alegacy at<br />
Tihiraki/ <strong>North</strong> Loburn,when they move<br />
on. It will also be somethingthe community<br />
will enjoy for manyyears to come.<br />
another favourite charity has won afree solar system<br />
the<br />
solar for good<br />
project<br />
it’s time to<br />
let the sun in<br />
to celebrate the opening of our<br />
new solar hub in Christchurch<br />
we asked you to nominate your<br />
favourite local charity<br />
congratulations<br />
Edible <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
winners of a$30k solar system<br />
to find out more visit<br />
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Vana 3+2<br />
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Marley Outdoor Dining Chair<br />
Gunmetal&White<br />
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Avalible in:<br />
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WAS $179<br />
$<br />
149<br />
Sardinia Living<br />
Collection<br />
NovaBedroom<br />
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Buffet $1429 $1269<br />
Hall Table $719 $629<br />
Coffee Table $839 $739<br />
Bedside $239 From $219<br />
Bedframe $939 From $889<br />
Under Bed Drawer $179 From $169<br />
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WAS $979<br />
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NEWS<br />
16 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Award for local winery<br />
Waipara winery Muddy Water Wines<br />
has taken out the <strong>Canterbury</strong> region<br />
award in the <strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P<br />
Association’s annual wine<br />
competition.<br />
The winery’s Muddy Water<br />
Chardonnay 2018 was one of the<br />
regional winners in the Aotearoa<br />
Regional Wine Competition (formerly<br />
the New Zealand Aromatic Wine<br />
Competition).<br />
The annual competition is normally<br />
held in <strong>October</strong> ahead of the New<br />
Zealand Agricultural Show, which has<br />
been cancelled for the second year in a<br />
row.<br />
More than 240 of New Zealand’s best<br />
wines were judged by apanel of<br />
judges, chaired by Jim Harre of<br />
Waipara.<br />
Several changes were made to this<br />
year’s competition, including the<br />
requirement that at least 85 percent of<br />
the grapes are produced from asingle<br />
New Zealand region.<br />
‘‘The changes made to the show are<br />
reflective of the reemergence of the<br />
traditional concept of an A&P show, to<br />
showcase and highlight the best of<br />
produce,’’ Mr Harre says.<br />
‘‘Embracing this concept of a<br />
traditional A&P show, this year we<br />
invited all New Zealand regions to<br />
enter their wines and compete against<br />
each other with the criteria being, 85%<br />
of grapes need to come from aspecific<br />
region.<br />
‘‘We’re delighted at being able to<br />
showcase the different varieties each<br />
region excels in.’’<br />
Panel lead judge Terry Copeland<br />
says the diversity of wines, regions and<br />
styles is ‘‘a real testament to the depth<br />
of the New Zealand wine industry’’.<br />
Marlborough winery Spy Valley<br />
Wines took out the supreme champion<br />
wine in show ribbon with its Envoy<br />
Johnson Vineyard Riesling 2015.<br />
Mr Copeland described the<br />
champion wine as ‘‘a great example of<br />
arecognition of anew and emerging<br />
lighter alcohol style and bottle age<br />
when the majority of wines are<br />
consumed young’’.<br />
‘‘It shows areal maturity in our wine<br />
perception of when we should be<br />
drinking our wines.’’<br />
Other <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> medal<br />
winners included:<br />
Gewurtstraminer: Bronze Medal:<br />
Torlesse Wines, Torlesse<br />
Gewurztraminer, 2020.<br />
Pinot Gris: Bronze Medal: Mount<br />
Brown, Mount Brown Estates Grand<br />
Reserve Pinot Gris, 2020.<br />
Riesling: Silver Medals: Mount<br />
Brown, Mount Brown Estates Riesling,<br />
2020; Mt Beautiful Winery, Mt.<br />
Beautiful Riesling, 2018.<br />
Sauvignon Blanc: Silver Medal:<br />
Mount Brown, Mount Brown Estates<br />
Sauvignon Blanc, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Chardonnay: Silver Medal: Mount<br />
Brown, Mount Brown Estates Grand<br />
Reserve Chardonnay, 2020.<br />
Sweet Wines: Silver Medal: Torlesse<br />
Wines, Torlesse Shadowy Kym, 2017.<br />
Rose: Silver Medal: Tiki Wine &<br />
Vineyards, Tiki Single Vineyard <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Pinot Noir Rose, 2020.<br />
Bronze Medals: Mischief With Wine,<br />
Mischief Waipara Rose, <strong>2021</strong>; Mount<br />
Brown, Mount Brown Estates Rose,<br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Pinot Noir: Bronze Medals: Hanmer<br />
Springs Wines, Hanmer Springs Pinot<br />
Noir, 2018; Mt Beautiful Winery, Mt.<br />
Beautiful Pinot Noir, 2018.<br />
Red Blends: Bronze Medal: Torlesse<br />
Wines, Cabernet Merlot, 2016.<br />
Old style ... Alan Vliet Vlieland, of West Eyreton, leads his Clydesdale stallion Goldenlane<br />
George at the 150th anniversary Ellesmere A&P Show on <strong>October</strong> 16.<br />
Top award for local breeder<br />
Alocal stallion claimed top honours<br />
when Clydesdales made awelcomed<br />
return to the Leeston Showgrounds<br />
earlier this month.<br />
Clydesdales were meant to be afeature<br />
of the Ellesmere A&P Association’s 150th<br />
anniversary celebrations, until Covid19<br />
scuppered plans.<br />
Last year’s 150th show was cancelled<br />
due to Covid19 uncertainty, while this<br />
month’s second attempt ended up being<br />
an exhibitor only show spread over the<br />
three days to comply with Alert Level 2<br />
restrictions.<br />
Clydesdales were present at the<br />
original Ellesmere A&P Show in 1871,<br />
but it has several years since Clydesdale<br />
classes were competed for at the show,<br />
even though one of the association’s<br />
oldest cups was for Clydesdales.<br />
Clydesdale classes were judged on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 16, with West Eyreton breeders<br />
Alan and Margo Vliet Vlieland claiming<br />
the breed’s top prize.<br />
The couple’s Clydesdale Stallion<br />
Goldenlane George won best presented,<br />
best male Clydesdale and supreme<br />
champion Clydesdale.
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
17<br />
An evening celebrating Kaikoura’syouth<br />
The contributions of Kaikoura youth were<br />
celebrated on Saturday evening.<br />
The Kaikoura Youth Council presented<br />
awards to 20 young people across 10<br />
categories.<br />
InspiringChild Award: Chelsea Annen<br />
and Georgie Kavanagh.<br />
Chelsea often helps out at the library,<br />
assisting behindthe counter,putting books<br />
away or whatever else is needed and is<br />
active in swimming, netball and at school.<br />
Georgiealsospends her time helping out<br />
at the locallibrary,assisting with events,<br />
issuing booksand helping to run activities,<br />
and she performedinapromotionalvideo<br />
for Kaikoura.<br />
Entrepreneurship Award: Hailey Timms<br />
and SiennaBelle Norton.<br />
Hailey and SiennaBelle both<br />
participated in Te Ha oMatauranga’s Fast<br />
Fail youngentrepreneur programme this<br />
year.<br />
Hailey createdacandle and wax melt<br />
business, securing sales withinfive<br />
minutes of walkinginto abuilding.<br />
SiennaBelle came up with the ideato<br />
make rings from small bits of rock and glass<br />
foundonthe beach.<br />
Contribution to Arts: Hanatia Timms<br />
Waihirereand Mananui Te Karu.<br />
Hanatia is avocalist who enjoys singing<br />
waiata as away to embraceher mauriand<br />
feel connectedtoher culture.<br />
Mananui wrote slam poetrywhich he<br />
performedatthe Matariki event at Hapuku<br />
School.<br />
Hauora Award: DanielleBond and<br />
Ruslan AtariaIvannikov.<br />
Daniellehas beenlearning new skillsas<br />
abarista, volunteering at the library and<br />
embracing her Maori culturethroughKapa<br />
Haka.<br />
As head boy at Kaikoura High School,<br />
Ruslan has been demonstrating leadership<br />
and looking out for the wellbeing of others.<br />
RuralLiving Award: Mary McGarry and<br />
Awards evening ... Kaikoura Youth Council<br />
secretary Theo Rae (left) and chairperson<br />
Maia Kahu address the crowd.<br />
Reuben Kinney.<br />
Mary and Reubenhave been sharing<br />
theirskills on the land, and Reubenisa<br />
level3raft guide.<br />
LeadershipAward: CheyenneLaugesen<br />
and Moki Manawatu.<br />
Cheyennehas been working at the<br />
KaikouraDistrict Council and has been<br />
active in the Mayor's Taskforcefor Jobs<br />
Tuia MentoringProgramme, which aimsto<br />
develop youngMaori.<br />
Moki has shownleadership throughTe<br />
Ha oMatauranga’s youth employability<br />
programme and the BlueLight<br />
EmpoweringYouth programme and as a<br />
member of the Kaikoura High School rugby<br />
team.<br />
EnvironmentalAward: Tuhawaiiki<br />
McDonald and Josh Doughty.<br />
Tuhawaiiki has participatedinthe<br />
Mayor’s TaskForce for Jobs ‘‘VinesFree<br />
Programme’’and is now working on the<br />
Jobs for Nature Project.<br />
Josh has been volunteering with the<br />
Banded Dotterels group and the Hutton<br />
Wellbeing award ... Ruslan Ataria<br />
Ivannikov (left) and Danielle Bond receive the<br />
Hauora (wellbeing) Award.<br />
Shearwaters Trust.<br />
Volunteering Award: Amber Fissenden<br />
and FreyaLister.<br />
Amberisacoachwiththe Kaikoura Judo<br />
Club,whileFreya volunteersatSunday<br />
school at theKaikoura New Life Church.<br />
Customer Service Award: Savannah<br />
Manawatu and Zachary Wilson.<br />
Savannah is the Kaiawhina runanga<br />
office assistant at Takahanga Marae, while<br />
Zachary has beenworking on the checkout<br />
at Kaikoura New World.<br />
Adult Who Supports Youth: Mani<br />
Columbus and LaurenMartin.<br />
Manisupports localTeKura distance<br />
learning students at the local library, while<br />
Lauren runs Kaikoura’snewly established<br />
rainbow (LGBTQI+) group ‘‘Proudly<br />
Kaikoura’’and is aGirl Guide leaderand a<br />
netballumpire<br />
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140<br />
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NOW $<br />
1999<br />
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999<br />
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$<br />
95<br />
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275<br />
Queen Bed<br />
NOW $<br />
799<br />
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299<br />
Lincoln 4 Seater<br />
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2699<br />
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Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Out and about in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
19<br />
Taking flight again ... Albie Roxburgh, aged 11, in aswing made for him when he was<br />
five years old, in the garden of his Leithfield home at The Old Vicarage, owned by his parents<br />
Eryn and Andrew Roxburgh. The garden was part of the Leithfield Garden Tour which was<br />
held last Saturday and Sunday to raise funds for the Leithfield Public Library. PHOTOS:SHELLEY TOPP<br />
Supreme champion ... Richard and Wendy Farquhar, of Dunedin, travelled up to the<br />
Rangiora Showgrounds on Saturday to win supreme champion suri alpaca with Paru Nui<br />
Fyfe at the exhibitors only <strong>North</strong>ern A&P Association’s show.<br />
Keep him close ...<br />
Junior herdsperson<br />
judge Amy<br />
Hoogenboom offers<br />
some tips to<br />
competitors.<br />
Garden beauty ... A<br />
bearded iris in Jenny<br />
and Colin Bryce’s<br />
garden during the<br />
Leithfield Garden<br />
Tour.<br />
Birds eye view ... Afloral cross at the<br />
entrance to St Paul’s Anglican Church in<br />
Leithfield, which was part of the Leithfield<br />
Garden Tour.<br />
Day out in the sunshine ... Niki Hulston, of Oxford, left, and Ginny<br />
Waghorn, of Amberley, called in at The Old Vicarage, owned by<br />
Eryn and Andrew Roxburgh, during the Leithfield Garden Tour.<br />
First place ... Nicola Green, of Fernside, and her<br />
donkey Daisy after claiming first place for best jenny.<br />
Caption7<br />
In training ... Hillary Cooper (16), of Oxford Area<br />
School, won the senior handler class in the junior<br />
herdsperson competition after leading her Wagyu<br />
Friesian cross steer, which she has in training for the<br />
2022 Future Beef New Zealand ‘‘hoof and hook’’<br />
competition, in Hawkes Bay in May.
20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
DairyNZ supports vaccine<br />
DairyNZiscalling on rural<br />
communities to getvaccinated.<br />
Asocial media campaign launched by<br />
DairyNZisstrongly encouraging rural<br />
communities, particularly farmers, to<br />
get behind thenationwidedrive for<br />
Covid19 vaccinations.<br />
New data releasedbythe University<br />
of Otago suggests vaccinations are<br />
around 10 percentlowerinrural areas,<br />
puttingour farms, rural communities<br />
and supply chains at risk.<br />
‘‘Unfortunately, the biggest push for<br />
vaccinationshas fallenright in the<br />
middleofthe busiest time of yearon<br />
farmwith calving, lambing, then<br />
mating,’’ DairyNZ Covid19 response<br />
manager Hamish Hodgson says.<br />
‘‘But nowisagreat time to nudge our<br />
teams to take the opportunity to get<br />
vaccinated.’’<br />
DairyNZ hassupportedfarmers<br />
throughout theCovid19 pandemic,<br />
providing good practice onfarm<br />
information including what would<br />
happen if astaffmember got Covid19<br />
onfarm, along with broader advocacy<br />
worktominimise the staff shortage.<br />
‘‘With around halfofdairyfarms<br />
shortstaffed,it’s critical everyone<br />
The Right People andEquipment forthe Bulky<br />
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staysingood health andfarm teams<br />
canalso help protect the wider<br />
community, by being vaccinated,’’ Mr<br />
Hodgson says.<br />
‘‘If someone in the farm team gets<br />
Covid19,itwillbemuch more<br />
disruptive than acoupleoftrips to<br />
town.<br />
‘‘Getting vaccinated is thesingle<br />
most important thingyou can do to<br />
protect your farmbusiness from Covid<br />
19.’’<br />
In addition to pressures onfarm,<br />
people living rurallyare usually<br />
further from vaccination centres and<br />
have unreliable phoneorinternet to<br />
book appointments.<br />
‘‘Some rural areas haven’t had easy<br />
access to vaccination sites, which<br />
makes it difficult when things are busy<br />
onfarm,’’MrHodgson says. ‘‘We are<br />
encouraging moreruralspecific sites<br />
to be setup to help give farmers and<br />
theircommunities better access.’’<br />
DairyNZ’s social media vaccination<br />
videofeaturesarange of famous Kiwis,<br />
from comedianTeRadar, Prime<br />
Minister Jacinda Ardern, political<br />
leaders, farmers, farming leaders and<br />
theirfamilies.<br />
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Scotching carbon myths<br />
Scientists now have proof that scotches<br />
the widely held belief that intensive<br />
dairy farming adds more carbon to stony<br />
soils.<br />
Afiveyear multiagency study led by<br />
Landcare Research is based at dairy and<br />
dryland units at Lincoln University’s<br />
Ashley Dene Research and Development<br />
Station.<br />
Climatesmart agriculture principal<br />
researcher Dr David Whitehead said<br />
they wanted to see if they could help<br />
farmers reduce nitrogen losses and<br />
secure carbon stocks on stony, shallow<br />
soils.<br />
‘‘The impression out there is that if you<br />
start with adryland site and irrigate it<br />
and supply fertiliser then you will build<br />
up soil carbon. Of course, the crop grows<br />
much better and there’s alot more<br />
animal feed available, but we found if<br />
you don’t manage it carefully with<br />
grazing and cutting and irrigation, we<br />
can lose soil carbon from those sites.’’<br />
Higher carbon levels helped to retain<br />
water and nutrients and made soils more<br />
resilient to extreme climate events,<br />
while absorbing carbon helped reduce<br />
the warming effect, he said.<br />
Studies included monitoring irrigated<br />
and nonirrigated lucerne crops.<br />
Large lysimeters —deep columns<br />
containing undisturbed soils and crops —<br />
were used to capture water and nutrients<br />
draining out of the bottom.<br />
Sophisticated technology measured<br />
the carbon exchange.<br />
Dr Scott Graham said they found all the<br />
additional plant growth was being fed to<br />
animals either on site or elsewhere at the<br />
farm.<br />
‘‘The big takeaway message was that<br />
the sites were losing soil carbon, not<br />
gaining, under irrigation. So where<br />
everybody’s perception is that irrigation<br />
would increase soil carbon because you<br />
go from this dry and dusty place to this<br />
nice green paddock, it’s not actually the<br />
case.’’<br />
The dryland system was plus or minus<br />
one tonne of soil carbon per hectare per<br />
year, whereas the irrigated site was<br />
losing one to three tonnes per hectare<br />
per year. That was aresult of more<br />
intensive harvesting.<br />
Dr Graham said there were also extra<br />
nitrogen losses with irrigated lucerne<br />
crops.<br />
On the dryland site about 7kg30kg of<br />
nitrogen was being lost per hectare each<br />
year, compared with irrigated losses of<br />
40kg100kg.<br />
Abenefit of lucerne being grazed on<br />
site was that the cows left some carbon<br />
behind in the crop, whereas more was<br />
removed in cutandcarry crops, Dr<br />
Graham said.<br />
However, animal excrement led to<br />
three times more nitrogen leaching when<br />
it was grazed, so this was atradeoff, he<br />
Digging deep ... Scientists John Hunt (left)<br />
and Scott Graham check the instruments at<br />
the field site at Ashley Dene Research and<br />
Development Station.<br />
said.<br />
Lateseason irrigation was also found<br />
to produce more nitrogen and carbon<br />
losses when soils were wetter. Scientists<br />
suggest this could be reduced by<br />
irrigation management, especially in late<br />
summer, with better weather forecasting<br />
and moisture sensors.<br />
Dr Whitehead said farmers took the<br />
messages on board at aworkshop that<br />
growing irrigated lucerne on an intensive<br />
farm wasn’t the best use of the land.<br />
The lucerne crops were replaced last<br />
year with agrass combination of<br />
perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, red<br />
and white clover and plantain.<br />
Another part of the study looked at<br />
different species mixes grown in smaller<br />
lysimeters with cow urine added to see<br />
how much came out at the bottom.<br />
Winteractive plants such as oats and<br />
Italian ryegrass absorbed nitrogen in the<br />
critical autumn and winter period.<br />
Fodder beet in animal diets was also<br />
found to reduce leaching.<br />
Dr Whitehead said acombination of<br />
these could be useful for reducing losses.<br />
Plantain was also found to make cows<br />
urinate more often, resulting in lower<br />
amounts of nitrogen returned to soils and<br />
reduced leaching. Scientists hope next to<br />
explore if improved grazing management<br />
and the use of widely spaced trees in<br />
rolling hill country on sheep and beef<br />
farms will build up soil carbon and<br />
reduce losses.<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
21<br />
Investment needed ... DairyNZ is calling for more research and development funding to<br />
support farmers in meeting emissions reduction targets.<br />
Research funding needed<br />
DairyNZ is callingfor more investment in<br />
research and development,following the<br />
release of the Government’s Emissions<br />
Reduction Plan discussion document.<br />
The document, Te hau marohi ki<br />
anamata Transitioning to alowemissions<br />
and climateresilient future,acknowledges<br />
Kiwidairy farmers have the world’s<br />
lowestcarbon footprint, DairyNZsays.<br />
It also reinforces agriculture needs<br />
research and development and extension<br />
investmenttobe more sustainable and<br />
meet Government targets.<br />
‘‘The approachendorsesHeWaka Eke<br />
Noa –the primarysector, Government<br />
and Maori partnership–asakeypathway<br />
for farmers and growers to play our part<br />
in reducing emissions alongside all<br />
kiwis,’’ DairyNZchief executive Dr Tim<br />
Macklesays.<br />
‘‘It’spositive to see the Government<br />
recognising the importance of He Waka<br />
Eke Noa. The partnershipisachieving<br />
milestones to measure, manage and<br />
reduceemissions.<br />
‘‘But we also needadaptable<br />
regulations so farmers can start usingnew<br />
technologies as they become available.<br />
We’re lagging behind other countries in<br />
the toolstofight climate changeright<br />
now, because the flexibility is not there.’’<br />
DairyNZ is callingonthe Government<br />
to start reporting on the warming effect of<br />
the differentgases, as well as emissions,<br />
which it saysaligns with international<br />
climate change science and would<br />
improve decisionmaking by being<br />
grounded in evidence.<br />
‘‘Addressing climatechange requires<br />
an economywide shift. The document<br />
sets pathways for all sectors and all<br />
greenhouse gases such as longlived<br />
carbondioxideand shortlived methane,’’<br />
Dr Mackle says.<br />
Under the Government’s Fit for aBetter<br />
Dr Tim Mackle<br />
AGS compacted Track Lime has cementing<br />
properties for strong lane foundations. It<br />
provides an even, smooth &durable lane<br />
surface that contains calcium &isbacteria free,<br />
promoting hoof health &reduces herd lameness.<br />
Improve cow flow to &from the shed with a<br />
stable &comfortable surface.<br />
New lanes &existing lane maintenance, we<br />
supply from our own quarries, provide cartage<br />
&earthmoving services for your lane work &<br />
general earthmoving needs.<br />
World Strategy,DairyNZisworking<br />
alongside Government, industry,Maori<br />
and the science sector to develop ashared<br />
research and developmentplan to<br />
accelerate new mitigations to reduce<br />
methane and nitrousoxide emissions for<br />
farmers.<br />
‘‘Our workwith the Strategy will<br />
provide guidance on wheretoinvest<br />
additional funding to get emission<br />
reduction technologies in the handsof<br />
our farmers,’’DrMackle says.<br />
The new Emissions Reduction Plan<br />
document recognisesreducing emissions<br />
onfarm is aboutsupporting farmers<br />
through change, by increasing extension<br />
services and farm planning investment.<br />
‘‘We want to understandthe<br />
Government’s extension proposals so we<br />
can inputinto how they will bestmeet<br />
farmers’ needs,’’ Dr Mackle says.<br />
Since 2019, DairyNZ’s nationwide Step<br />
Changeprogramme has supported<br />
farmers to reduceemissions and improve<br />
water quality.<br />
Don’tcompromise<br />
your cow’sfertility<br />
Fertility is acomplex matterthat<br />
involves paying attention to body<br />
conditionscoring, heatdetection,<br />
genetics, AB technique,bull<br />
management,transition period, as well<br />
as cow health and nutrition.<br />
Thisappliesregardless of your<br />
farmingsystem.<br />
Getting cows off to thebestpossible<br />
start in early lactationiscriticalon<br />
every dairy farm. It is essentialtoensure<br />
thatthe nutrient intake of thecow is<br />
adequate to meether needs.Poor<br />
managementduring this important<br />
stage canleadtoreducedintakesand<br />
losses in body condition score (BCS),<br />
leading to fertility issues, which can<br />
haveasignificant impact on adairy<br />
farm’s bottom line.<br />
Alltech’sOnFarm Management<br />
Programme focuses on animal nutrition,<br />
particularly in threedifferentways,that<br />
willoptimize dairy cow fertility:<br />
1. Close the energygap<br />
In early lactation, cowswill inevitably<br />
be in anegativeenergy balance. This<br />
means they are notabletotakeinas<br />
muchenergy as they requirebecause<br />
their peakmilk yield occurs before their<br />
peakindry matterintake.Therefore,<br />
theywill lose acertain amountof<br />
condition. Managing cows appropriately<br />
can minimiseBCS loss during this<br />
period. Oneway to do this is by feeding<br />
adietthatwill encourage intake and<br />
provideadequateenergy.<br />
Often in early lactation, cows will<br />
benefit fromthe use of rumen protected<br />
fats thatcan encourage both fertilityand<br />
milk production when fed adequately.<br />
2. Maximiseimmunity and health<br />
Early lactation is typically aperiod of<br />
stress forthe cow,asthere are several<br />
physiological and nutritional changes<br />
duringthistime. It is criticaltoensure<br />
thatcows haveanoptimal immune<br />
status duringearly lactation to<br />
maximize fertility.<br />
Trace minerals, such as selenium,<br />
copper and zinc play akey rolein<br />
maintaining ahealthyimmune system;<br />
if there is adeficiencyineither, the<br />
possibility of anoestrus becomes more<br />
likely.<br />
Research hasproven that feeding<br />
Bioplex®and SelPlex®,anorganic<br />
formofminerals and selenium from<br />
Alltech, leadstothese minerals being<br />
betterabsorbed,stored andutilised by<br />
the animal.<br />
3. Lookafter therumen<br />
Do youwant<br />
more from less?<br />
• Betterabsorption, less<br />
excretion<br />
• Optimise animal health<br />
and performance<br />
• Aids fertility and profitability<br />
Energy solutions ... Alltech has options<br />
to help you get the best out of your cows.<br />
Matt Cassineri<br />
Therumenisthe engine that drives<br />
thecow. The keytogetting morefrom<br />
feed is to ensurethat the rumenis<br />
working as efficiently as possible.<br />
Therumenisnot designed forabrupt<br />
changes.<br />
If turned out abruptly,itis likelythat<br />
thecow’sintake will not be enoughto<br />
meet her energyrequirements.This will<br />
have anegativeimpact on herBCS.The<br />
increase in starch and sugarlevels in<br />
thediet duringthisperiod, will cause a<br />
decrease in the pH levels in therumen.<br />
The use of YeaSacc® from Alltech<br />
hasbeen proven to promoteahigher<br />
rumenpHwhen fedtocows on grass in<br />
early lactation (AlIbrahim et al.,<br />
UniversityCollege Dublin,2013). If you<br />
wouldliketohave amoreindepth<br />
conversation aboutAlltech’s OnFarm<br />
Advantage programme,please callme<br />
on 027 2084606oremail: matt.<br /><br />
2370532<br />
• Uses Bioplex® and Sel-Plex® trace minerals which are better absorbed, stored and utilised by the animal<br />
• Istailored for New Zealanddairy herds<br />
• Safe,well proven, traceableand consistent batch afterbatch<br />
• Feed for PERFORMANCE<br />
For more information call your local Alltech representative or call 0800 ALLTECH.<br /><br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
23<br />
Young judges exhibit their skills<br />
Young peopletook centre<br />
stage, as exhibitor only<br />
competitionswereheld at<br />
the RangioraShowgrounds<br />
on Saturday.<br />
Withthe <strong>North</strong>ern<br />
(Rangiora)A&P Show<br />
cancelleddue to Covid19for<br />
the secondyear in arow,<br />
junior herdsperson,cattle,<br />
gumboot throwing, alpaca<br />
and donkey competitions<br />
wereheld in separate<br />
bubbles in abid to keep the<br />
showing tradition alive.<br />
Competitorsfrom<br />
Ashburton, Oxford Area<br />
Schooland members of the<br />
RangioraHigh School cattle<br />
showteamlineduptobe<br />
tested on their handlingand<br />
stockjudgingskills,with<br />
RangioraHigh School<br />
principal Karen Stewart<br />
attendingtosupporther<br />
students.<br />
‘‘It’s beengood to get it<br />
going and I’ve enjoyed<br />
watching thekids,’’ organiser<br />
PhilWorthingtonsays.<br />
‘‘It’s amazing the bonds<br />
theyget withtheiranimals.’’<br />
Junior herdsperson<br />
competitionjudgeAmy<br />
Hoogenboom offered some<br />
tipstothe young competitors<br />
and agumboot throwing<br />
competitionwas tossed in for<br />
goodmeasure.<br />
Oxford Area School sisters<br />
Hillary (16) and Elizabeth<br />
(11)Cooper were thesenior<br />
and junior herdsperson<br />
sectionwinners,while<br />
Champions in their field ... Judge Amy Hoogenboom (left) and Rangiora High School principal Karen<br />
Stewart (right) congratulate the junior herdsperson champions including senior class winner Hillary<br />
Cooper (16), junior class winner Elizabeth Cooper (11), both of Oxford Area School, and intermediate<br />
class winner Emily Pye (14), of Rangiora High School.<br />
RangioraHighSchool’s<br />
Emily Pye(14) wasthe<br />
intermediatesectionwinner.<br />
After lunch24beefcattle,<br />
entered by breedersfrom<br />
Ashburton, Oxford and<br />
Fernside, wereput through<br />
their paces.<br />
By far the largestsection<br />
was the alpacas, with 122<br />
animalsmustered fromasfar<br />
north as Blenheim andfrom<br />
Dunedin, Waimate and<br />
Fairlie in thesouth.<br />
Dunedincouple Richard<br />
and Wendy Farquhar<br />
claimed supremechampion<br />
surialpaca withParu Nui<br />
Fyfe.<br />
OrganiserMartinBennett<br />
was pleased with theturnout,<br />
withbreeders justhappy to<br />
haveashowafter an<br />
uncertain18months.<br />
‘‘It’sabit differentthis<br />
year, withabit of adifferent<br />
vibe,’’ Mr Bennettsays.<br />
‘‘There’snot many shows<br />
doing anything, so we are<br />
reallygratefulthe Rangiora<br />
A&P was kind enough to<br />
allow us to exhibit.’’<br />
Mr Bennett says asidefrom<br />
the cancellation of A&P<br />
shows,Covid19 has caused<br />
minimaldisruptionsfor<br />
alpaca breeders,with life on<br />
the farm‘‘just carryingon’’.<br />
‘‘Wehave seenexportsof<br />
animalstoEurope slow<br />
down, butthat’sprobably<br />
moretodowith Brexit.’’<br />
There werealso15donkeys<br />
entered, whichshow<br />
president Graeme Greensays<br />
is closetothe usual number.<br />
Withhorse competitions<br />
not helddue the challenges<br />
of complying withCovid19<br />
restrictions,therewas plenty<br />
of roomfor the donkeys.<br />
‘‘It’sprobablythe onlytime<br />
we will be in the top of the<br />
ring,’’ Mr Green says.<br />
‘‘It’sjust abouttrying to<br />
keepitgoingafter we missed<br />
lastyear’s show.’’<br />
Red meat sector seeking new recruits<br />
Anew initiative aimstoprepare young<br />
people for ared meat sector career.<br />
Beef +Lamb New Zealand (BLNZ) has<br />
signedafundingagreement with the<br />
Growing Future Farmers Essential Farm<br />
SkillsProgrammetohelp attract and<br />
train more young people in the sector.<br />
The programmeoffers arange of<br />
specialised industry training and<br />
development opportunities across the<br />
country including formal New Zealand<br />
Qualifications Authority (NZQA)<br />
qualifications.<br />
The agreement will give enrolled<br />
learners aboost of $500 each in <strong>2021</strong>,<br />
while the programmewill receive a<br />
$25,000 cash injection.<br />
‘‘The futuresuccess of our industry<br />
reliesonattracting talented and<br />
motivated young people and equipping<br />
them with the skills to be successful,’’<br />
BLNZchief executive Sam McIvor says.<br />
‘‘Farmers have told us how important<br />
building the next generation is to them<br />
and emphasised that they wanted us to<br />
focus on initiatives that would build<br />
practical capability behind the farm gate,<br />
so BLNZ is implementing that approach.’’<br />
Growing FutureFarmers chairman<br />
John Jackson says BLNZ’s support is a<br />
significant step in the growth and<br />
development of the programme.<br />
‘‘The success of this initiativeisvery<br />
muchdependent on supportfrom wider<br />
industry participants as it relies on our<br />
farmer trainers who sponsor our students<br />
in the workplace as they learn.<br />
‘‘Currently, we have 45 student trainees<br />
on farms throughoutNew Zealand and<br />
are expecting to start afurther 70 first<br />
year students in February 2022,’’ Mr<br />
Jackson says.<br />
The funding is part of BLNZ’s<br />
investmentinto recruiting,trainingand<br />
retaining peoplefor the red meat sector.<br />
‘‘As well as havingour own initiatives,<br />
BLNZ collaborateswith and provides<br />
funding supportfor other sector<br />
organisations to attract, train and retain<br />
the talent we need to drive the sector<br />
forward,’’ Mr McIvor says.<br />
For more information about BLNZ<br />
recruitment initiativesgotobeeflambnz.<br />
com/peopleandtraining.<br />
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24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Putting Kiwi farmers in the driving seat<br />
Back in 1981, three Wairarapa<br />
farmers decided to create a<br />
system for farmers to improve<br />
the way they manage their<br />
farming business.<br />
At that time, recordkeeping<br />
was very much about looking<br />
back, using accounting<br />
methodology.<br />
The company founders<br />
wanted to be able to look ahead,<br />
to plan for the next season.<br />
This radical approach proved<br />
to be highly successful.<br />
Forty years later this<br />
business, now known as Farm<br />
Focus, is still going strong.<br />
Key to the company’s success,<br />
is that its specialised software<br />
meets farmers’ specific<br />
management accounting<br />
requirements, but also makes it<br />
easy to transfer transactions<br />
into taxfocused accounting<br />
systems used by accountants.<br />
Chief executive Brian Eccles<br />
has been involved with the<br />
company from the early days,<br />
and says that while software<br />
has changed massively over the<br />
40 years, the successful formula<br />
established all those years ago<br />
still holds true.<br />
Managing cashflow through<br />
great planning was important<br />
then and continues to be vital.<br />
‘‘Running afarm is full of<br />
uncertainty,’’ says Brian. ‘‘That<br />
can come from weather, pricing<br />
changes or awide range of on<br />
and off farm regulations.<br />
‘‘Plans help you manage<br />
adversity because you can<br />
quickly pivot when the plan<br />
isn’t quite working.’’<br />
Technology is constantly<br />
evolving and the company<br />
continues to invest in major<br />
upgrades to ensure the product<br />
is relevant in the modern<br />
world.<br />
It is currently supporting<br />
customers to move from its<br />
previous application,<br />
Cashmanager RURAL, to its<br />
new cloudbased application,<br />
Farm Focus.<br />
‘‘Not everyone loves change’’<br />
says Brian,‘‘but once customers<br />
begin to see the value of<br />
investing in the new they never<br />
look back.’’<br />
Customers moving across to<br />
the new platform, such as<br />
Hawkes Bay farmer Caroline<br />
Smith, notice the<br />
improvements.<br />
“Cashmanager RURAL was a<br />
great package in its day but<br />
farming practices and<br />
requirements have changed<br />
greatly over the years.<br />
‘‘Focus’s automated<br />
technology makes budgeting<br />
much easier which has<br />
definitely helped cut down time<br />
spent in the office.’’<br />
Caroline says the ability to<br />
Farm Focus ... Brian Eccles is keen to support kiwi farmers.<br />
budget three or four years<br />
ahead has been especially<br />
helpful during Covid and<br />
drought events.<br />
‘‘It’s way easier to look ahead.<br />
It has given us confidence in<br />
our planning and shows we can<br />
weather the storm’’<br />
Brian says that while the<br />
world is full of generic<br />
accounting systems designed<br />
for city businesses, asystem<br />
like Farm Focus, uniquely<br />
designed to meet the special<br />
needs of farmers, is extremely<br />
rare.<br />
‘‘What might be ideal for an<br />
accountant might be entirely<br />
unsuitable for afarmer.<br />
Software like ours that can<br />
drive improved management<br />
can increase revenue<br />
massively. Potential savings in<br />
accountancy costs are minor by<br />
comparison’’ says Brian.<br />
In addition to marking 40<br />
years in business this year,<br />
Farm Focus is also celebrating<br />
its recent win in the Cyber Gold<br />
category at the Wellington Gold<br />
Awards.<br />
‘‘This award really belongs to<br />
our customers as we wouldn’t<br />
be where we are without their<br />
support. Helping New Zealand<br />
farmers to stay at the top of<br />
their game and retain their<br />
number one spot in the world is<br />
what drives us!’’ he says.<br />
Happy<br />
birthday<br />
to us!<br />
We’re celebrating that we’ve<br />
been successfully supporting<br />
New Zealand farmers for 40 years.<br />
Here’s our 40th birthday gift to<br />
new customers.<br />
Go to<br />
to redeem your goodies!<br />
Farm Focus: Financial management<br />
software for New Zealand Farmers.<br />
Promo code: BIRTHDAY<br />
Offer valid while stocks last.<br />
Call 0800 888 080<br />
New customers<br />
receive FREE<br />
3months<br />
subscription to<br />
award-winning<br />
Farm Focus<br />
+<br />
Our first 100<br />
new customers<br />
receive the<br />
Farm Focus wet<br />
weather jacket.<br />
RRP $450*<br />
And<br />
receive aFREE<br />
$160 Allbirds<br />
shoe voucher<br />
*Does not apply to existing Rural or Farm Focus customers<br />
*Terms &conditions apply
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Greta Valley 40 Valley Road<br />
Weekend retreat or builder's dream?<br />
Perchedonasunny elevation and surrounded by grazing pasture, you're the last stop at the end of theroad! This 5.02ha<br />
property offersablankcanvas for those withvisionand adesire for thequiet life and the enjoymentofsweeping vistas!With<br />
an existing11.9mx11.8m Totalspan shedon-siteoffering 140+sqm of total floorarea, complete with anin-built living space<br />
including bedroom &ensuite, andwith the<strong>North</strong>-facing aspect, you can enjoyfull sun throughout the year.Large bay<br />
garaging providesoptions to park your caravan,campervanorboatand moreorconsider the space for storage and/or<br />
workshop potentialwhile buildingyour dream home. Completewith 3phase power,satellite dishand internet connectivity,<br />
the existingstructure provides you with all theessentials to make thisyour weekend destinationortemporary base whileyou<br />
build.Far enough awayfrom the hustle and bustle of daily life, you're only 20mins drive away from the nearbytownship of<br />
Amberley, or youcouldberelaxing on the beachin Motunau. Alternatively, with an hour'sdrive you're either in central<br />
Christchurchorsoakingthe worriesoftheworld away in the thermal pools of Hanmer Springs!<br />
1 1 2<br />
Auction 11.00am, Wed 10th Nov, <strong>2021</strong><br />
View Sun 31 Oct 3.00 -3.45pm<br />
Web<br />
Dayan Muntz<br />
M 021 432 926<br />
E<br />
Rangiora 241A King Street<br />
Ahidden oasis<br />
Wakeuptobirdsong in this private 4bedroom familyhome nestledamongst native trees, featuringcaptivatinggables,<br />
Oamaru stone and timber reminiscentofacountry farmhouse. Freshly paintedthroughout with brand newquality carpet,<br />
upgraded kitchen,sunny openplan dining area, officenook, andlarge living withlog burner and wetback, this welcoming<br />
homehas lovely spaces for the wholefamily. Enjoy gorgeous views upstairs from all bedrooms,including masterwith walk-in<br />
wardrobeand atticfor storage,whiletwo toilets and aseparate laundryadd convenience for familiesand visitors.Wander<br />
outside into thepavedentertainingarea leading to alandscapedgardenand spacious backyard, terrific forfamily games.<br />
Savour thefruitfromyour owntreesand grow your own vegetables in the raised beds to enjoy arealtaste of the "good life".<br />
Enthusiasts will lovethe double garage and largeextended carport providingsafe options away from the road,plus a<br />
basketball hoop and play area for familyfun. All this in apopularnorthwest location zoned for AshgroveSchool, so close to the<br />
town centre yet incrediblyprivate andquiet down its own separatedriveway -atrueoasis.<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
4 1 1 2 2<br />
Auction 12.30pm, Wed10th Nov, <strong>2021</strong>, (unless sold prior),<br />
Rangiora Town Hall Function Room (upstairs)<br />
View Thu <strong>28</strong> Oct5.00 -6.00pm<br />
Sun 31 Oct 1.00 -1.45pm<br />
Web<br />
Kirstyn Barnett<br />
M 021 312 230<br />
E<br />
Big win for Ohoka<br />
Aclassy century by openerDaniel<br />
Lyons paved theway for an Ohoka<br />
demolition of Weedons in the topflight<br />
of countrycricket at the<br />
weekend.<br />
There werealsobig winsfor<br />
Darfieldand Sefton duringround four<br />
of the CRV Ambreed CountryPremier<br />
OneDay <strong>2021</strong>/22 competition last<br />
Saturday.<br />
At Mandeville, the home side batted<br />
first against astronglookingWeedons<br />
XI andimmediately got on the front<br />
foot. Openers Lyonsand Rhys Mariu<br />
shared in a90runpartnershipbefore<br />
the former New Zealand Under19<br />
captainfellinthe 15th overfor arunaball48.<br />
Lyons continued, however, bringing<br />
up histon andguidingOhoka through<br />
to 230/8 in itsallotted 45 overs.<br />
Relentless pressurebythe Ohoka<br />
bowlers ensured Weedons never<br />
challenged, withnobatterpassing17.<br />
Extrastopscoredwith 21 as Weedons<br />
wasbundled out in 30.2 overs, falling<br />
to aheavy 135run defeat.<br />
SeftonDomain witnessed a<br />
remarkableindividual displayasthe<br />
homeSeals sidetippedover<br />
Southbrookinalowscoring slog.<br />
Southbrook was rolled forjust 66 in<br />
its firstinnings, with onlyexBlack<br />
Cap Shanan Stewart(11) making<br />
double figures.<br />
Seftondoyen JeffJones continued<br />
his latecareer earlyseasonform,<br />
snaffling afivewicket bag.<br />
Defending the tiny total, Southbrook<br />
soonfelt in thegame, however,<br />
reducing anervy Seftonto30/6 inside<br />
10 overs.<br />
But in the matterofmoments, the<br />
gameswung, and wassoon over,<br />
thankstoastunning displaybynewseasonrecruit<br />
AmandepArora.<br />
Arora,who joined fromRiccarton in<br />
the offseasonand has impressed with<br />
his effortless strokeplay,tookthe<br />
gametoSouthbrook, andwith afew<br />
lusty blows ended thematch.<br />
He nearly overtook Southbrook’s<br />
score on his own,smashing an<br />
unbeaten60off just <strong>28</strong> balls in a<br />
staggering display, and helpingSefton<br />
to afourwicketwin.<br />
Darfield claimedasolideightwicket<br />
winover Ellesmere rivals<br />
LeestonSouthbridge on the back of a<br />
manofthematchshowingbyRyan<br />
Hughes.<br />
Hughesclaimed four wickets as<br />
LeestonSouthbridge limpedto170/9<br />
in thefirst innings.<br />
He then teamedupwithJesse Frew<br />
in an unbroken159runpartnershipto<br />
sealthe win in the32ndover. Hughes<br />
finished on 81 not out,while Frew was<br />
unbeaten on 77.<br />
In thefourthgame, Cheviot played<br />
Lincoln whileOxfordRangiora had<br />
thebye.<br />
Short scorecards<br />
Ohoka 230/8 (D Lyons 101,RMariu 48,<br />
WHamilton 25; JRichards 4/32,D<br />
Nightingale 2/37) beat Weedons 95 (M<br />
Burns 3/6, GBelcher2/12, RMariu<br />
2/19).<br />
Southbrook 66 (J Jones 5/10, TWaller<br />
2/18)lost to Sefton 69/6 (A Arora 60no;<br />
DSingh 3/22, LBlom 2/5).<br />
LeestonSouthbridge 170/9(S<br />
Chamberlain55, CBeatson33; R<br />
Hughes 4/60,LFoulkes3/26) lostto<br />
Darfield172/2(RHughes 81no,JFrew<br />
77no).<br />
SPORT<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
27<br />
Masterclass on the Kaiapoi River ... Members of the Cure Boating Club and other rowers<br />
taking part in the club’s Rego Row initiative to attract new members and to reacquaint<br />
rowers with their passion for rowing.<br />
Initiative brings rowers back<br />
Members of Kaiapoi’s CureBoating Club<br />
say theirnew premises provide an<br />
amazing facilityfor the Waimakariri<br />
community.<br />
The new clubrooms, at 136 RavenQuay,<br />
alongside the KaiapoiRiver, also havethe<br />
best water views in Kaiapoi and have<br />
provided the club with an opportunity to<br />
expandits masters rowing squad.<br />
With this in mind the club recently held<br />
atwoday ‘‘Rego Row’’ programme to<br />
showcase their facilities to new rowers<br />
and attractnew members.<br />
The ‘‘RegoRow’’ sessions provided an<br />
introduction to the club and information<br />
on rowing options in the districtfrom<br />
rowingfor fitnesstorowing competitively.<br />
The club’s masters coordinator,<br />
Catherine Kappelle, of Kaiapoi, said the<br />
programmewas for adultrowerslooking<br />
to improve their rowing skills and others<br />
who may not have been involvedinthe<br />
sport for sometime but were keen to start<br />
rowing regularlyagain.<br />
‘‘Not everyone who wants to learn to<br />
row is interestedincompetition,’’<br />
Catherine said.<br />
‘‘As aclub we are interestedin<br />
accommodating awhole rangeofrowers.’’<br />
The ‘‘Rego Row’’ sessions were held on<br />
two Saturdays this month and led by the<br />
club’s master rowers, starting with time<br />
on the indoor rowing ergometers followed<br />
by outdoorrowing practice in the boatson<br />
the KaiapoiRiver.<br />
‘‘Rowing is agood way of keeping fit,’’<br />
Catherine said.<br />
However, competitive rowingrequires<br />
ahigh level of commitment, with training<br />
on the water up to fiveorsix days aweek<br />
near the peakofthe seasonand regular<br />
trips away to regattas.<br />
People interestedinbecominga<br />
member of the club can do so by<br />
contactingatthe club’s website:<br /><br />
From theWaimakariri River<br />
in thesouth to Kekerengu<br />
in thenorth, the<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
hasgot it covered.<br />
Reaching<br />
48,000<br />
readers<br />
every week
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at<br />
Thanks for Sharing Your Feedback<br />
The Councilwere pleasedwith the amount of<br />
feedback about speedlimits in and around our towns.<br />
Almost 300 people provided feedback onthe<br />
review that covered 84 roads in and around Oxford,<br />
Cust, Kaiapoi, Ohoka, Rangiora, Woodend and<br />
Pegasus, as well as some unsealed roads around<br />
Tuahiwi and Ashley.<br />
Feedbackincluded things likeasking forspeeds to be<br />
reviewed on roads outside of areas we were seeking<br />
feedback on, comments or suggestions includingnew<br />
footpaths, parking spaces, additional measuresto<br />
reduce speedand concerns around enforcement.<br />
Staff will now prepare areport to go to each<br />
Community Board in November and then to the<br />
Council in December. Any changes to speeds will<br />
be implemented in early 2022.<br />
Wally the Whale Welcomes You<br />
Wally the Whale and the Waikuku Beach paddling<br />
pool is once again ready for visitors over summer.<br />
The poolhas beendrained,washed, filledand<br />
balanced npreparationfor the openinglast weekend.<br />
Remember to take sunscreen and ahat as the<br />
shade sail won't be installed until aer Guy Fawkes.<br />
There is aCovid-19 QR code on the gate, and<br />
please remember totry and maintain distance<br />
between yourself and other family bubbles.<br />
Are We Good to Grow?<br />
There is still time to give usyour feedback on the<br />
Proposed District Plan.<br />
This is the ‘rule book’ that manages how people<br />
use, subdivide and develop land including what and<br />
where they can build, and what kind of activities<br />
they can undertake.<br />
With the Waimakariri being one of New Zealand’s<br />
fastest growing areas, up to 15,000 houses may<br />
be needed to accommodate our population which<br />
will near 100,000 over the next 30 years.<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon encourages the community to<br />
have their say on the proposed plan that will shape<br />
development and growth for the next ten years.<br />
Feedback closes 5pm Tuesday 26 November.<br />
Have you signed up for<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />
Tojoin visit:<br /><br />
WANT TO<br />
TRY AN<br />
Flamingo are hosting free community training<br />
sessions in preparation for asix-month trial of<br />
hire e-scooters in Waimakariri.<br />
Learn howtouse theFlamingoScootersapp to ride and<br />
parke-scooters safely.<br />
Rangiora –Saturday 30 <strong>October</strong><br />
10am-1pm, Rangiora Service Centre Carpark<br />
Kaiapoi –Sunday 31<strong>October</strong><br />
10am-1pm, Charles Street Park and Ride Site<br />
(next to New World)<br />
Find outmore<br />
In arecent parking survey, our community<br />
told uswhat they saw asthe key parking<br />
issues for Waimakariri.<br />
Respondents wanted it to be easier tofind parks<br />
in town centres and have options for parking<br />
longer than two hours. They wanted parking<br />
to remain affordable, while also supporting<br />
alternative transport options that could reduce<br />
the need for private vehicles.<br />
We’ve now produced adra District Parking<br />
Strategy which plans for the future parking<br />
needs of our growing District and wewant<br />
your feedback.<br />
Have your say<br />
English Language Classes<br />
Is English your second language?<br />
Come along toourour classes to improve<br />
your speaking and listening skills.<br />
We cover some interesting topics in afriendly<br />
and welcoming space with opportunities to<br />
socialise with your classmates too.<br />
When<br />
Every Saturday, 13November to 11 December <strong>2021</strong><br />
10am-1pm<br />
Where<br />
Rangiora Town Hall Function Room<br />
303 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Cost<br />
Classes are free<br />
For more information or to register<br />
Julie Cloughley |Tutor<br />
Email:<br />
Phone: 027 403 8245<br />
For more info<br /><br />
Windy<br />
weather?<br />
If you think your bin could be blown over,<br />
consider putting it out on the morning of<br />
your collection day, before 7am, and bring it<br />
in as soon aspossible after collection.<br />
—<br />
Find out more collection tips at<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
29<br />
Give usyour<br />
feedback<br />
Temporary Road Closures<br />
The Natural Health Service, by Isabel<br />
Hardman<br />
In 2016, Isabel Hardman's mind, in her own<br />
words, ‘stopped working' as she fell prey to<br />
severe depression and anxiety. She credits<br />
her better health to her passion for exercise,<br />
nature and the great outdoors.<br />
Simple Comforts, by Mary Berry<br />
Mary Berry shares over 120 of her ultimate<br />
food recipes, all made simply and guaranteed<br />
to get smiles around your kitchen table.<br />
Being the Supervet, by Noel Fitzpatrick<br />
Noel shares the moving and often funny<br />
stories of the animals he has treated and the<br />
unique ‘animal people' he has met along the<br />
way.<br />
These titles are available in both<br />
Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries. Find out more about recent additions to the library collection<br />
by going to the library catalogue at or or contact your<br />
local library.<br />
The Council has received applications for<br />
various events to temporarily close the<br />
following roads for the periods shown.<br />
Rangiora Celebration Night<br />
19 November <strong>2021</strong> | 2.30pm -10.30pm<br />
High Street from King Street toAshley Street<br />
Durham Street from Blake Street to<br />
High Street<br />
Percival Street from Alfred Street to<br />
High Street<br />
Victoria Street from Alfred Street to<br />
High Street<br />
19 November <strong>2021</strong> | 8.45pm -10pm<br />
Alfred Street from Toyota car park to<br />
Percival Street<br />
Percival Street from Queen Street to<br />
Alfred Street<br />
Cust Rally Sprint<br />
<strong>28</strong> November <strong>2021</strong> | 7am -6pm<br />
TippingsRoadfrom168 Tippings Road to<br />
Ashley Road<br />
Ashley Road from 172 Ashley Road to<br />
Tippings Road<br />
Terrace Road from 825 Terrace Road to<br />
Ashley Road<br />
Glews Road from 102 Glews Road to<br />
Ashley Road<br />
Pegasus Half Marathon<br />
5December <strong>2021</strong> | 7am -6pm<br />
Pegasus Main Street from Infinity Drive to<br />
Kawari Drive<br />
Detours will be in place for all events.<br />
The closures are in accordance with<br />
Section 11(e) of the Tenth Schedule of<br />
the Local Government Act 1974 and will<br />
apply to all vehicular traffic with the<br />
exception of the Fire Service, Ambulance,<br />
Police, Council vehicles and other vehicles<br />
authorised by the Council.<br />
Classic Cars<br />
The 10th monthly classic car<br />
gathering will be held on Sunday,<br />
<strong>October</strong> 31, at the Better Half<br />
Kitchen and Bar, on the corner of<br />
State Highway 1and Ashworth’s<br />
Beach Road, Leithfield.<br />
Do not be put off by the weather as<br />
there is acosy log fire indoors<br />
where you can enjoy brunch or<br />
lunch.<br />
We expect numbers to grow as the<br />
weather warms up. Suggested<br />
time is from about 10am to about<br />
2pm.<br />
Rangiora Golf Club<br />
Nine hole competition: Stableford /Hidden<br />
Partners: Ralph Sinclair &Ann Martin 45, Ross<br />
McQueen &Lyn Leech 43, Hudson Deane &Jan<br />
Moffat 41, Dennis Brook &Jenni Brook 40 c/b,<br />
David Klopper&Jenni Brook 40 c/b.<br />
Rangiora Bridge Club<br />
Grey Pairs: Robyn Dawson/Colleen Adam 1, Dawn<br />
Simpson/JoyceGray 2, Gaynor Hurford/Helen<br />
Paterson 3. Presidents: Dawn Simpson/Julie<br />
Elliott 1, David McRae/Sue Solomons 2,Judy<br />
Hayton/Noeline Goodgame 3.<br />
Junior Night: <strong>North</strong>/South: Ian Rouse/Isabel<br />
Better Half opens at 9am for those<br />
wishing to start the day off with<br />
cooked breakfast.<br />
Christmas Cakes<br />
The Lions Club of Woodend<br />
Pegasus are selling Christmas<br />
cakes, which are an ideal<br />
Christmas gift or in ahamper for<br />
family, friends, work colleagues<br />
or clients.<br />
The popular cakes are $22 each.<br />
Order early to avoid<br />
disappointment. Proceeds will go<br />
to various community groups.<br />
Contact Anne on 03 313 6124.<br />
AND BE THE<br />
FIRST<br />
Advertise with<br />
us and get<br />
noticed<br />
today!<br />
Phone us today on 03 314 8335 or email<br /> to find out how we can help!<br />
Waimakariri Country Music<br />
Festival Fundraiser<br />
The festival committee is hosting<br />
aday of country music presented<br />
by local and visiting musicians<br />
and singers as afundraiser on<br />
Saturday, November 12, from<br />
11am to 4pm at the Rangiora<br />
Showgrounds Pavilion.<br />
There will be an open mic, come<br />
along and enjoy yourselves and if<br />
you can sing, give it ago.<br />
There is a$5door charge.<br />
Contact: (03) 3278920,<br /><br />
Goodhew1,Liz Calder/Lindsay Sigglekow 2, Val<br />
Atkinson/StuartAtkinson 3. East/West:Terry Davis/<br />
Louise Davis 1, Marilyn Eliet/Janet Apperley 2,<br />
Anne Bagrie/Judith Robinson 3. PlatePairs:<br />
Maggie Johnston/Janice Pickering 1, Jeff Bergman/<br />
Rhondda Bergman 2, Victor Paul/Sue McIlroy 3.<br />
AmberleyGolf Club<br />
Men and Women, President verse Captain:<br />
President won 3up.<br />
Two’s: DVan Turnout, KPepper.<br />
Excel Design Longest Putt: RClifton.<br />
Mid Week Men: BBateman 42, GWilliams 38, D<br />
Esler 38, DFlewellen 37,.G D’Avergne 36, PWylie<br />
36.<br />
Two’s: PWylie, MCarson.<br />
Nine Holers: LGU: HAstel 34, VCrooks 39.<br />
Men: NCarpenter 40. OPatchett 40.<br />
Public Notices<br />
08 -11November<strong>2021</strong><br />
Thegeneral public is to be advised thatNZArmy<br />
Training will be conductedinthe Burnham, West<br />
Melton Rifle Range and the Oxford Forest areas<br />
over the period 08 –11November <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Theexercise will involvepersonnel of the 2/1<br />
Battalion RoyalNew Zealand InfantryRegiment<br />
from 1(NZ) Brigade,Burnham. Theexercise will<br />
involvethe movementofupto200 personnel and<br />
vehicles by dayand night.<br />
Training will involvesmallarmslive, simulation<br />
and blank firing ammunition as well as explosives<br />
and pyrotechnics.The exercisewill involvemilitary<br />
activities being run by dayand night. Activities<br />
will be run overan80hr period starting at 0600 on<br />
Mondaythe 8thand finishing middayThursday<br />
the 11th.<br />
Formoreinformation please contact<br />
WO2J.van Arendonk on 021 941 453.
30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Public Notices<br />
The Trust advises that it received<br />
one valid nomination, being James<br />
McGuckin, for a community trustee<br />
from the Waipara Community Area,<br />
therefore James McGuckin will be reelected<br />
as the Waipara Community<br />
Area Trustee.<br />
2430342<br />
WE NEED<br />
Help us to do this again by donating books,<br />
magazines, dvds, cds, puzzles &records.<br />
Rangiora Charitable Trust<br />
Rangiora A&P<br />
Showgrounds Pavilion<br />
156 Ashley St, Rangiora<br />
If you want us to collect<br />
your books, call:<br />
Book Fair<br />
26th &27th<br />
November <strong>2021</strong><br />
027 472 4439<br />
Vector Free Marlborough Limited wishes to advise that a<br />
ground-based possum control operation will be taking place<br />
to keep possum numbers under control to prevent the spread<br />
of bovine tuberculosis to livestock. It is important that we keep<br />
possum numbers low, aswework towards eradicating TB<br />
from New Zealand over the long term. This operation will be<br />
conducted as apartofOSPRI’s TBfree programme.<br />
Description of control area<br />
Hanmer Basin: Located between the Hanmer Range and the<br />
Waiau River. The area includes the pastoral farmed flats south<br />
and west of Hanmer Springs township to the bush edge on the<br />
foothills at the base of the Hanmer Range.<br />
Amap of the area can be found on the Vector Free Marlborough<br />
website under the Current Operations tab.<br />
Operation date<br />
20 September <strong>2021</strong> to 30 December <strong>2021</strong> (approximate)<br />
Poisoning methods, poison used and nature of poison<br />
• Feratox encapsulated cyanide in the form ofacapsule,<br />
dyed green/blue, presented with feed-paste or similar<br />
attractant contained inside areusable bait stations 130<br />
cm above the ground.<br />
General warning<br />
The public are reminded of the danger that toxic baits and<br />
possum carcasses pose, particularly to children and dogs.<br />
• Follow advice stated on poison warning signs<br />
• Donot touch poison baits, bait stations or traps<br />
• Donot touch poisoned possum carcasses<br />
• Keep children under strict supervision in the control area<br />
• Keep pets under supervision; do not let dogs eat poisoned<br />
carcasses<br />
Warning signs will be erected at all main public entry points<br />
and the public are reminded that it is an offence to remove<br />
any of these signs. Please follow the instructions stated on<br />
the signs.<br />
If you suspect poisoning<br />
• Contact your local hospital, or dial 111<br />
• National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON –0800 764 766<br />
• Inthe case of adomestic animal being poisoned, contact<br />
alocal veterinarian.<br />
Forfurther information please contact<br />
Vector Free Marlborough Limited<br />
Free Phone: 0508 548 008<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
OSPRI helps protect and enhance the reputation of New Zealand’s<br />
primary industries and currently runs the TBfree and National<br />
Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) programmes..<br />
2427302<br />
Public Notices<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
BVM Rae Ltd t/as New<br />
World Kaiapoi has made<br />
application to the District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Rangiora for the issue of<br />
an Off-Licence in respect<br />
of the premises situated at<br />
52 Charles St, Kaiapoi or<br />
the Supermarket known as<br />
New World Kaiapoi.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or<br />
to be conducted) under<br />
the licence is Retail -<br />
Supermarket.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday -Sunday, 7am -<br />
10pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the issue<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 105 (1) of the Sale<br />
and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
This is the first publication<br />
of this notice.<br />
2429868v1<br />
CLUB<br />
Day Care Centre<br />
For The Elderly<br />
AGM<br />
MONDAY<br />
NOVEMBER 8,<br />
<strong>2021</strong>, 1.30PM<br />
Darnley Room,<br />
Kaiapoi Community<br />
Centre,<br />
24 Sewell St Kaiapoi<br />
24<strong>28</strong>784<br />
Got atrade<br />
or wanting<br />
to buy or<br />
sell<br />
something?<br />
Advertise<br />
in our<br />
classified<br />
section<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda on<br />
313 <strong>28</strong>40<br />
Local Democracy<br />
Reporter<br />
-<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Jobtype: Fixed term–24months<br />
Location: Rangiora<br />
Closingdate:<strong>October</strong>29, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Are you an outstanding reporter looking for anew challenge and wanting<br />
to serve your community?<br />
Allied Press, with the supportofRNZ andNZOnAir’sPublic Interest<br />
Journalism Fund,ishiring ajournalisttojoin Local Democracy Reportingin<br />
2022 and2023 from the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> office in Rangiora.<br />
Youwillbecoveringlocal authoritiesand otherpublicly-funded<br />
organisations, but alsogoing out and talking to thepeopleaffected by<br />
theseorganisations’decisions, sharing their stories, and comingupwith<br />
your own stories on similartopics.<br />
Your focuswill be providing great publicinterestjournalism coveragedaily<br />
throughoutthe <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> regionincluding Waimakariri, Hurunui<br />
and Kaikōura. This is amulti-mediarole so experienceinvideo,audio and<br />
photography would be an advantage.<br />
Youwillreport to Allied Press’<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> bureau chief. Youwill<br />
receive extra trainingand support from RNZ, and your workwillbemade<br />
available at the sametime to all of the programme’smedia partners,<br />
including RNZ.<br />
This could be ajunior,intermediate or senior roledependingonthe<br />
successful candidate. We arelookingfor someone with as many of the<br />
following qualities as possible.You don’t need allofthese to apply,but you<br />
do needtohave at leasttwo years’reporting experience (although in some<br />
caseswemay also consider exceptionalapplicants with only one year’s<br />
experience).<br />
•Able to spotastrongstory and makeitcome alive for your audience<br />
•Able to meet the highest standards of accuracy,fairness and balance<br />
•UnderstandingofTeTiritioWaitangi<br />
•Someknowledge of local government<br />
•Excellent writing skills<br />
Thisisafull-timerole for afixedterm(throughto31December2023).<br />
Assistancewith relocationcosts may be considered.<br />
Applications close<strong>October</strong>29, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Please submit your CV along withyour cover letter and worksamplesto<br /><br />
Visit RNZ’swebsite for more<br />
information about the LDR service:<br />
Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 |<br /><br />
Public Notices<br />
Waimakariri Country Music<br />
Festival<br />
<br />
Admission: $5 per person<br />
Venue: Rangiora Showgrounds,<br />
Ashley St<br />
Date: Friday 12 th November<br />
Time: 11am –4pm<br />
Bring cord charts<br />
Food for sale<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
2429909<br />
Rotary ClubofRangiora<br />
Charitable Trust<br />
EDUCATION AWARD <strong>2021</strong><br />
The Rotary Club of Rangiora awards agrant each<br />
year inmemory of aformer member, Alex Murray,<br />
to assist ayoung person about toleave school to<br />
undertake further training at an education centre,<br />
polytechnic or university.<br />
The grant, to a value of $5000, will be awarded<br />
to ayoung person living ineither the Waimakariri<br />
or Hurunui Districts. The grant is to assist with<br />
course costs and/or study materials (excluding<br />
accommodation costs) over the first two years of<br />
tertiarystudy.<br />
We are calling for applications for this grant for study<br />
to becommenced in 2022.<br />
The application form may beobtained by emailing<br /><br />
Applications willclose on Thursday 18 th November<br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
24<strong>28</strong>463<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Log Fires<br />
Pellet Fires<br />
Heat Pumps<br />
Sales<br />
Service<br />
Installations<br />
Free Quotes<br />
03 343 1651<br />
472 Blenheim Rd<br /><br />
PASSION! Local painter<br />
with 30 years of quality and<br />
integrity in all aspects of<br />
painting. Phone Mike on<br />
021 0903 8546.<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
arbour work, pruning, tree<br />
removal. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
TIMBER<br />
WORKER<br />
We are abusy Sawmill in<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> looking<br />
for an enthusiastic Timber<br />
Worker to join our<br />
team.<br />
This is a full time permanent<br />
position.<br />
If you want to be part of a<br />
great team, are keen to<br />
learn &have agood work<br />
ethic, please contact us<br />
today.<br />
Send your CV to Maree:-<br /> or<br />
phone 03 3274830<br />
Trade&Services<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
Interior &exterior repairs,<br />
maintenance & upgrades.<br />
Solar, satellite, awning<br />
installations. Sheetmetal,<br />
light engineering &welding<br />
services. Professional<br />
coachbuilder specializing<br />
in the RV industry 25 years.<br />
Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />
Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $70 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />
021 0277 1927. Visit<br /><br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
Sew Good Services. For all<br />
your alterations, repairs,<br />
dressmaking, curtains.<br />
Phone 327 5535.<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Trade&Services<br />
BUILDERS Father &son<br />
team. Amac Builders are<br />
available to help you with<br />
your building needs. High<br />
standards, low overheads.<br />
No job too small. Check us<br />
out on fb. Amac Builders<br />
Ltd. Phone 027 318 4400.<br />
Total gutter / spouting<br />
cleaning and repairs. For<br />
Fast and friendly Service<br />
call <strong>Canterbury</strong> Spouting<br />
Services on 0508<br />
SPOUTING or 022 375<br />
8506. FREE QUOTES.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 54<strong>28</strong> or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />
roof painting, water blasting,<br />
moss treatment,<br />
repointing, gutter cleans &<br />
snow straps, and more. Free<br />
quotes. Please ph Nathan<br />
027 516 6609.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
& Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />
drenching, feet trimming.<br />
SWEEPS For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />
Stu 027 315 6916.<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
2091848<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
2225862<br />
Reg Tradesman<br />
Interior,exterior.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />
specialising in decorating for<br />
over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />
Free quotes.<br />
Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />
Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />
Rob 03 327 7899<br />
or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 1<strong>28</strong> 9867<br />
Paving<br />
Patio &Pathways<br />
-New or Existing<br />
Free Quotes<br />
–Competitive Pricing<br />
Blair Gibson<br />
027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
2253902<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized truck.<br />
From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />
Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br /><br />
2401953<br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary up to<br />
NCEA level 3. In centre<br />
(Rangiora) or interactive<br />
online from your home.<br />
Each student onanindividually<br />
tailored programme.<br />
Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />
been serving the local community<br />
for 30 +years.Give<br />
us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br /><br />
Trade&Services<br />
2362002<br />
027 216 0000<br />
Wanted To Rent<br />
property wanted, with land<br />
for horses, within 15<br />
minutes of Rangiora.<br />
Extremely conscientious,<br />
professional &responsible,<br />
no children or dogs,<br />
respectful care taken of<br />
property and grounds.<br />
Experienced in gardening,<br />
pasture management and<br />
animal welfare. Seeking<br />
privacy and independence.<br />
All options considered at<br /><br />
½PRICE<br />
DOG FOOD<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
313 0022<br />
2424357<br />
Personal<br />
SEMI RETIRED, kind,<br />
caring man looking for a<br />
loving relationship.<br />
Seeking agenuine, caring<br />
woman in her 70’s, light<br />
drinker. Ph 020 4129 5331.<br />
Pets<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
Livestock<br />
HOMEKILL & Wild<br />
Game meat processing. Ph<br />
313 0022.<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
BUYING estate type old<br />
china, crystal, collectables,<br />
vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />
313 1878.<br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
2312759<br />
Garage Sales<br />
Rangiora. 30th <strong>October</strong>,<br />
1pm start (no earlier). Furniture,<br />
whiteware, clothing,<br />
bric-a-brac, make an offer.<br />
RANGIORA 161 Oxford<br />
Road, Saturday 30th <strong>October</strong>,<br />
gates open 8.30am.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. Also spraying. Free<br />
quotes. Ph 021 111 4322.<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
ANY old cars, anything pre<br />
1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />
Classic Cars. Please call<br />
027 258 8366.<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
31<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
FALCONS &<br />
WANTED<br />
Suitable for<br />
dismantling or repairs<br />
2412522<br />
Ph 313 7216<br />
WANTED to buy Ford,<br />
Holden, Chrysler or<br />
Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />
other types considered, any<br />
condition. Please phone<br />
Tony 027 313 5000.<br />
Motorcycles<br />
SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />
services, local family<br />
business based in Mandeville.<br />
Repairs, servicing,<br />
WOF etc for all road bikes,<br />
classic bikes, farm bikes &<br />
more. Collection service<br />
available. Ph03312 0066<br /><br /><br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
Butchery<br />
Chiropractic Services<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />
Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />
Samsung andmore....<br />
“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />
2332343v2<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
2227889v2<br />
Dr Jess Ross<br />
ACC RegisteredDrChiropractic<br />
Monday &Thursday |03313 0350<br />
Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />
Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br /><br />
027 868 2574<br />
ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />
Select Health<br />
51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
2344089v2<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
2273277<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Glass &Windscreens<br />
Allan Pethig<br />
For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />
Phone 03 313 7144<br />
027 432 1534<br />
Fax 03 313 2144<br /><br />
PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />
Electrician<br />
2269236<br />
Engineering<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 <strong>28</strong>21<br /><br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 <strong>28</strong>40<br />
Landscaping<br />
For all your landscaping needs<br />
All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />
Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />
and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />
Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br /><br /><br />
2372616v2<br />
Quarry Supplies<br />
2426159<br />
●CAP 65 ● CAP 40<br />
●CAP 20 ● Pit Run<br />
●Large Soakpit Boulders<br />
●Crusher Dust<br />
●Screened Sand<br />
●Horse Arena Sand<br />
Dean Hurley0274 336 993<br /><br />
2064 Tram Road<br />
2420841<br />
▪ Painting ▪ Gardening<br />
▪ Fencing ▪ Lawn mowing<br />
▪ All General Maintenance<br />
Performed to the highest<br />
standard by a straight up,<br />
honest, Handy Guy<br />
No job too small!<br />
Flat hourly rate, no hidden surprises!<br />
THE<br />
HANDY<br />
GUY!<br />
Handyman<br />
Call Guy “The Handy Guy” Now<br />
0275 040 658<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
1902273<br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
from $23 per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all +gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
2009594<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 <strong>28</strong>40 or email
RangioraToyota<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2017 Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />
•Bluetooth, Camera<br />
•Cruise Control, 37,100km<br />
$<br />
22,995<br />
2013CorollaGXHatch<br />
•1.8L Petrol, Auto<br />
•Bluetooth, CruiseControl<br />
•7Airbags<br />
2015Yaris GX Hatch<br />
•1.3LPetrol5-speed manual<br />
$ •Camera, Bluetooh<br />
13,995 $<br />
10,995<br />
•NZ-new<br />
2019 Corolla SX Hybrid Sedan<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol<br />
•SafetySense, Satnav, Keyless<br />
•Only7,200km<br />
$<br />
33,995<br />
Holden Spark LS<br />
•1.4LPetrolAuto, 5-Door<br />
•Bluetooth, Cruise Control<br />
•49,050kms<br />
$<br />
11,995<br />
2015Toyota Ractis<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto, 45,550km<br />
•CD/AUX/USB<br />
Connectivity<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
NOW $ 14,995<br />
2014 TOYOTA SPADE<br />
•1.5Lpetrolauto,<br />
•4-door/left side door<br />
•Climate,5-seater<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Camera ,Bluetooth<br />
•4.5-Star Safety<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
2015Mazda6GSXSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrol, Auto<br />
•Satnav, Cruise, Head Up Display<br />
• Keyless<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Rear Camera &Sensors<br />
•62,000km<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2015BMW320iM-Performance<br />
•2.0L TurboPetrol, PerformanceBrakes<br />
•Exhaust, NZ New<br />
•Only 59,200kms<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2017 Corolla GLXHatch<br />
•1.8L Petrol, Auto, Alloys<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•5-Star Safety, only 47,700km<br />
$<br />
23,995<br />
2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />
•60,000kms<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, 5-Star Safety<br />
•Satnav,Alloys<br />
•25,250kms<br />
$<br />
26,995<br />
2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />
•Satnav ,Radar Cruise<br />
•Only 16,500km<br />
$<br />
36,995 27,995<br />
2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Alloys, Camera<br />
•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L Petrol, Auto<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•5-Star Safety,only 25,300km<br />
$<br />
26,995<br />
2014 CamryGLSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />
•7Airbags<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />
•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera<br />
•82,300kms<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
NOW $ 14,995<br />
2012CamryGLSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•CD&USB Connectivity<br />
•Bluetooth<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />
•Alloys, Keyless<br />
•88,500km<br />
WAS$14,995<br />
NOW $ 13,995<br />
2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />
•Alloys, Leather<br />
•80,750kms<br />
WAS$12,995<br />
NOW $ 11,995<br />
2016 HiluxSR5 4x4<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
•Sat Nav<br />
•Cruise Control<br />
WAS$46,995<br />
NOW $ 45,995<br />
2019 LandCruiser Prado VX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Facelift<br />
• Leather, Safety Sense<br />
•Only31,300kms<br />
$<br />
82,995<br />
2019 Nissan Navara ST<br />
Double Cab<br />
•2.3LTurbo Diesel 6-Speed<br />
•Manual, Camera $<br />
• Satnav 45,800kms 45,995<br />
2016 Holden Trailblazer<br />
Colorado 7<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel 4WD<br />
•Leather,7-seater<br />
•63,800km<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
2019 Ford Ranger Wildtrak<br />
•3.2LTurboDiesel4X4,Alloys<br />
•Satnav,Camera<br />
• Only 39,150kms ,<br />
$<br />
62,995<br />
2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />
•DualElectricDoors<br />
•25,250kms<br />
WAS$36,995<br />
NOW $ 34,995<br />
2016 Hilux SR5 Limited 2WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
•18”Alloys<br />
•SportsBar &Tonneau.<br />
$<br />
42,995<br />
2018NissanNavaraRX4x4<br />
•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />
•Alloys, Bluetooth<br />
•Only 58,100kms<br />
$<br />
41,995<br />
2018 HiluxSR5 Cruiser<br />
•2.7LTurboDiesel, leather<br />
•18” alloys,Tonneau<br />
•Only 37,250km<br />
$<br />
60,995<br />
2018 HiluxSExtra Cab<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Manual<br />
•2WD,Camera<br />
•Only 50,100kms<br />
$<br />
34,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2422155<br />