Connected By Threads

Gill Crawshaw has created an illustrated essay that tells a story of disabled women and textiles. She makes connections between textile art created by contemporary disabled women artists and needlework produced by women incarcerated in institutions of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Like those people who turned to genealogy during lockdown to research their family history, Gill aims to show connectivity between one generation and the next, highlighting kinship, shared practices and traditions, driven by her curiosity about disabled needleworkers and textile artists.

Gill Crawshaw has created an illustrated essay that tells a story of disabled women and textiles. She makes connections between textile art created by contemporary disabled women artists and needlework produced by women incarcerated in institutions of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Like those people who turned to genealogy during lockdown to research their family history, Gill aims to show connectivity between one generation and the next, highlighting kinship, shared practices and traditions, driven by her curiosity about disabled needleworkers and textile artists.


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Connected by Threads was produced as a Disability Arts Online (DAO) Covid Commission 2021.

To learn more about DAO’s mission to advance disability arts and culture go to www.disabilityarts.online

It is available in audio and easy-read formats.

Published November 2021

Design by alabamathirteen

Background Image: Raisa Kabir, NO PROTECTION (detail), 2020-21. Tufted woollen yarn

Photo: Tiu Makkonen

Image description: Close-up view of vivid red tufted panel. There are a few blue patches. Some uncut yarns in pink and blue

hang loose and longer against the red.

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