November Gazette Final

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Girgarre <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

<strong>November</strong> pg3<br />

Co-ordinator’s Catch-up<br />

Hello everyone,<br />

We had our AGM last month and I would like to thank all of the returning committee<br />

members and a sad farewell to Loraine Warde and Robert Axen - Thank you<br />

for your service, every effort you have made has been appreciated. Also thank you<br />

to John Zobec who attended our meeting to assist with the proceedings. Current<br />

committee; President Duncan Rodrick, Vice Richard Ashe, Treasurer Jenny Bassett,<br />

secretary Marlene Rodrick. General committee members; Wendy Burke, Dale<br />

Donehue, Douglas Johnstone, Sue Solty and John Warde.<br />

Covid update; as of the 29 of October all workers at The Cottage must be fully vaccinated. Workers include:<br />

Employees, volunteers, contractors, students on placement. Patrons or clients of The Cottage must<br />

also be fully vaccinated unless you have a written medical exemption or are under the age of 16. we are<br />

unable to deny access to essential services, so will be operating on a click and collect and phone service<br />

system for those who are not fully vaccinated. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require assistance<br />

5854 6482. Please note the above applies to Victoria, rules may vary from state to state.<br />

We have had so much happening here at The Cottage, that I can not wait to share with you, so make sure<br />

your grab the next edition of the <strong>Gazette</strong>. Speaking of the next edition, please note it is a combined December/January<br />

edition-so if you wish to publicise any January-February information, have it to<br />

girgarregazette@yahoo.com.au by the 25 of <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Australia day-see pages 22 and 23 for information.<br />

Closure-Please note we will be closed for 3 weeks over the Christmas holidays. Monday 20 th December<br />

until Monday 10 th January, 2022-food parcels will still be available, except on Public Holidays-phone Kezia<br />

on 0404 686 344<br />

So much is coming up, that I have created little advertisements throughout this edition-so it is easier to<br />

digest all of the information. 2022 is looking to be a much happier and busier year. So read carefully,<br />

contact us for more info if needed and remember we are really looking forward to seeing you soon.<br />

Take care, Bye for now, Kezia

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