TW32C02 Trooper, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Huj 1917

In November 1917 elements of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked Turkish positions in the Palestinian town of Huj. Elements of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomany formed part of the attacking force, one of those is shown in this 1/32 scale model.

In November 1917 elements of the British Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked Turkish positions in the Palestinian town of Huj. Elements of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire Yeomany formed part of the attacking force, one of those is shown in this 1/32 scale model.


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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Instruction Manual<br />

<strong>TW32C02</strong><br />

<strong>Trooper</strong>, <strong>Warwickshire</strong><br />

<strong>Yeomanry</strong><br />


1914-1918 in miniature<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

A brief introduction to the<br />

<strong>Trooper</strong>, <strong>Warwickshire</strong> <strong>Yeomanry</strong><br />

During the 3rd battle of Gaza, the British army had advanced on the<br />

Palestinian Arab village of <strong>Huj</strong> where the Ottoman army (consisting of<br />

mainly Turkish troops with Austrian and German support).<br />

On the 8th November <strong>1917</strong> the offensive against the Ottomans had<br />

stalled due to artillery fire from a ridge of high ground to the south.<br />

The position was heavily defended with artillery, 300 infantry and<br />

6 machine guns. Unable to take the ground with infantry, the cavalry<br />

units available were called for.<br />

Elements of the <strong>Warwickshire</strong> <strong>Yeomanry</strong> and Worcestershire <strong>Yeomanry</strong><br />

formed-up and advanced toward the enemy, charging from 300 yards<br />

in to a storm of artillery and machine gun fire.<br />

There were three separate charges that day, resulting in the capture of<br />

eleven artillery pieces, four machine guns and seventy prisoners for the<br />

loss of twenty six men and three officers. One hundred horses were<br />

lost that day.<br />

The charge allowed the British to press home their main attack<br />

unhindered.<br />

Major Oscar Teichman, the Medical Officer for the Worcestershire<br />

<strong>Yeomanry</strong> wrote in 1936*;<br />

“The Charge at <strong>Huj</strong> had it occurred in a minor war would have gone<br />

down in history like the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclave.<br />

In the Great War when gallant deeds were being enacted on all fronts<br />

almost daily it was merely an episode, but as the Official Historian<br />

remarks, for sheer bravery the episode remains unmatched”<br />

*Rickard, J (3 September 2007), Affair of <strong>Huj</strong>, 8 November <strong>1917</strong>,<br />

http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/affair_huj.html<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Set Up<br />

Before you begin<br />

You will need a few tools, I recommend a scalpel with new<br />

blade, small tweezers, glue (I used super glue) and a glue<br />

applicator. The parts are very small so I wore optivisors for<br />

fixing the parts and I cut the photo etch on a glass board (as<br />

traditional cutting mats tend to bend with the part meaning<br />

that the etch can bend with the cut).<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 1 - Prepare the horse<br />

1<br />

You will note that the left portion of the horse has wire<br />

protruding from the hoof (1), it is important to cut around that<br />

wire and leave it in the foot as it is moulded in to the horse<br />

to provide stability when based.<br />

I have now cut away<br />

the resin casting block<br />

around the hoof.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 1.2 - Prepare the horse<br />

A<br />

B<br />

(A) By scoring around the hoof I have then worked away the<br />

resin to leave the rod inserted in to the horse intact. This can<br />

be trimmed later when you base the horse, but leave enough<br />

that it can be inserted in to your groundwork. Only his leg of<br />

the horse is planted, so this needs to support horse and rider.<br />

(B) I now prepare the two halves of the horse to be glued, here<br />

I’m using Roket glue by Deluxe (other adhesives are available)<br />

with an applicator. I find this helps accuracy when applying the<br />

glue. The plastic dish here is the lid off a long discarded tube<br />

of Pringles. This can be disposed of, I always keep pieces of<br />

plastic as temporary glue holders.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 2 - Fitting the bridle & reins<br />

In 1914 the British army were using a mix of equipment. The<br />

saddle was in the main the 1912 universal pattern saddle. The<br />

bridle and bit were part of the 1902 pattern equipment.<br />

This additional part is shown in the small photo-etch fret<br />

provided with your kit.<br />

I trimmed the two parts from the sprue with a scalpel<br />

with a new blade.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 2.1 - Fitting the bridle & reins<br />

The two parts were cleaned-up and placed ready.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 2.2 - Fitting the bridle & reins<br />

I did trim the part to allow a better fit, see the images of<br />

the actual horse , you can see how the individual parts fit<br />

together - see page 10, fig 1 & 2.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 2.3 - Fitting the bridle & reins<br />

Fig 1<br />

Fig 2<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 2.4 - Fitting the bridle & reins<br />

There are several ways to make the reins, you can use paper<br />

cut to size. I prefer to use Tamiya tape as it forms in to shape<br />

quite easily. Cut on a glass chopping board with a sharp knife<br />

and place in to shape. The string (included in this kit) creates<br />

the tether.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 3 - Fix the equipment<br />

You can see from this angle how I have applied all of the<br />

parts. Here I used the same Roket glue, fixing the equipment<br />

first but all the time testing the position of the rider. It is<br />

important that the rider is shown standing in his stirrups, he<br />

is not sitting.<br />

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1914-1918 in miniature<br />

Step 3.1 - Fix the equipment<br />

Here you can see the satchel has been applied, this is<br />

designed to look as if it is moving with the horse, so the<br />

pack itself is not clued to the body. This gives the figure a<br />

feeling of motion.<br />

Note, I have not at this point fixed the water bottle (with<br />

strap formed from Tamiya tape) or the neck protector to<br />

the helmet.<br />

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