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Locals<br />
Supporting<br />
Locals<br />
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />
Sculptor uses touch to<br />
turn memory into art<br />
Julie Tuihana<br />
uses her<br />
eyes to help<br />
guide Donald<br />
Gibson’s hands<br />
to sense the<br />
shapes and<br />
the surface<br />
of the stone.<br />
• By John Cosgrove<br />
FOR DEAF and blind sculptor<br />
Donald Gibson of New<br />
Brighton, it’s all about the touch<br />
and memory as he turns a large<br />
piece of Mt Somers limestone<br />
into a bird.<br />
A distant memory of seeing<br />
a seagull gliding on a breeze at<br />
the beach, when he was much<br />
younger and had partial sight,<br />
allowed him to make a detailed<br />
clay model of it. Now he’s<br />
transforming that memory into<br />
a large stone sculpture.<br />
But it won’t be a short-term<br />
exercise as Mt Somers stone<br />
is hard, much harder than<br />
Oamaru stone.<br />
Its very denseness allows<br />
artists to get clean, sharp lines,<br />
making it highly valued for its<br />
quality and durability.<br />
A fully-sighted artist would<br />
rip into it using a variety of<br />
power tools, helping the bird<br />
emerge from within the stone,<br />
but for Gibson, using only his<br />
hands and a small number of<br />
tools, his many friends expect<br />
it will take him several years to<br />
complete, but he’s got the time.<br />
Every day he sits in the New<br />
Brighton community garden<br />
space at the Rawhiti Domain,<br />
tapping away with his chisels.<br />
• Turn to page 5<br />
Up<br />
to<br />
16¢ off<br />
all supermarket discount dockets<br />
INStANt 6¢ off<br />
Super Gold Card Discount<br />
LpG RefILL 9kG foR $28<br />
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6 hours $30 12 hours $50<br />
Terms and conditions apply on all promotions<br />
AMI - Southern Response<br />
EQ Claim - DRA<br />
Settled pre 1 October 2014?<br />
Get more $$ No cost to you<br />
50 YEARS<br />
• Part Boats & Hulls<br />
• Turn Key Packages<br />
• New Jet Units<br />
• Custom Fabrication<br />
• Expert Advice<br />
• Spare Parts Retailer<br />
• Jet Unit Refurbishment<br />
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• Insurance Repairs<br />
• Impellor Reconditioning<br />
175 Wainoni Road, Avondale<br />
Phone: 03 388 4373<br />
Email: | Ph: 027 434 5489<br />
Peter Tonkin<br />
03 962 0505<br />
2 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Advertise locally and<br />
target customers most<br />
likely to shop with you!<br />
Effective Ad packages start from just $99<br />
(inclusive full colour ad, creative setting,<br />
photography and proofing).<br />
No contracts required.<br />
Your local community newspaper connects<br />
neighbours in the following suburbs<br />
Linwood • Avonside • Richmond • Shirley • Bexley<br />
Burwood • Dallington • Wainoni • Bromley<br />
Aranui • Avondale • New Brighton • Northshore<br />
Queenspark • Parklands • South Brighton<br />
17,751 homes every week.<br />
Frank Greenslade<br />
Ph: 364 7441<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
Emily Moorhouse<br />
Ph: 021 910 788<br /><br />
GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ph 379 1100<br /><br />
what’s on<br />
this week<br />
Mahi Toi #3<br />
Thursday, 4-5.30pm<br />
485 Tuam St, Phillipstown<br />
The third part of a four-week<br />
programme discovering traditional<br />
Maori arts and crafts with the<br />
Otautahi Sports Association. Go and<br />
learn how to make a pair of poi with<br />
Tuahine Kowhai. All ages welcome.<br />
Afternoon tea is provided. Please scan<br />
in on entry, sanitise often and 12 yrs+<br />
must wear a mask inside please. Gold<br />
coin koha accepted.<br />
FASTBALL 45 – is back<br />
Saturday from 5pm, Sunday from<br />
noon<br />
Mizuno Ballpark, Pages Rd,<br />
Softball NZ is excited to announce<br />
the return of the Tradestaff<br />
FASTBALL 45 National softball<br />
League for the upcoming season.<br />
The PCU Devils and Kaiapoi Queens<br />
will be the teams to watch during the<br />
opening weekend of the Tradestaff<br />
FASTBALL 45 National League<br />
this weekend. Both teams won the<br />
Halswell FASTBALL 45 tournament<br />
during October.<br />
Love Tennis <strong>2021</strong><br />
Sunday, 10am-4pm<br />
Burwood Park Tennis Club, Burwood<br />
Park, 55 Cresswell Ave<br />
The annual event sees tennis clubs<br />
open their doors and courts for<br />
members of their community to come<br />
along and give tennis a go for free.<br />
With activities for all ages including<br />
coaching sessions and court play,<br />
mini games, barbecues and much<br />
more, there’s so many reasons to go<br />
along and give tennis a go.<br />
Unlocked: The Critique Group<br />
Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 5pm.<br />
Eastside Gallery, 388 Worcester St<br />
Seven artists from the Critique<br />
Group present work produced this<br />
year, partly in lockdown, that has<br />
been informed by its fortnightly<br />
critique sessions. Free.<br />
SeniorNet New Brighton<br />
Monday-Thursday 10am-noon<br />
202 Marine Pde, New Brighton<br />
Go along and learn how to use<br />
modern technology and the internet,<br />
such as your computer, smartphones,<br />
tablets, laptops, and discover how to<br />
capture and send digital photos, apps<br />
and programs etc. Bookings required.<br />
Phone 382 6048 to register<br />
Dogwatch Market Day,<br />
Saturday , 10am -2pm, 236<br />
Dyers Rd, Bromley. Everyone<br />
is welcome to the Dogwatch<br />
Sanctuary Trust-hosted<br />
market day, the best place to<br />
get your Christmas shopping<br />
started, with pressies for<br />
your dog and your dogloving<br />
friends and family.<br />
All welcome, but please leave<br />
your dogs at home, this is a<br />
dog-free event.<br />
Belle – A Performance Of Air<br />
Thursday 6.30pm to 7.30pm and<br />
8.30pm to 9.30pm<br />
Roy Stokes Hall, 146 Seaview Rd, New<br />
Brighton<br />
Movement Of The Human invite<br />
you to Belle – A Performance Of Air<br />
before it premieres at the Aotearoa<br />
NZ Festival Of the Arts in 2022.<br />
Free to the public with support<br />
from the Ministry of Culture and<br />
Heritage. Belle is an exhibition-style<br />
performance event that utilises and<br />
harnesses the skills of exceptional<br />
aerial specialists in collaboration with<br />
dance artists, performed with live<br />
music by Anita Clark composed in<br />
collaboration with brothers Eden and<br />
Jol Mulholland. Free.<br />
Not-for-profit organisations can<br />
send their What’s On listings to<br /><br />
Discounts offered for<br />
2nd birthday celebrations<br />
Specialist shoe store The Shoe Room in Upper<br />
Riccarton is celebrating its second birthday, and to<br />
mark the milestone they are running a week-long<br />
discount promotion.<br />
From Monday, <strong>November</strong> 22 through to Saturday,<br />
<strong>November</strong> 27, customers are invited to participate<br />
in a Lucky Dip, in which they will receive discount<br />
vouchers ranging in value from 20 per cent to 50 per<br />
cent for any purchase made on the day.<br />
The locally owned business was established by<br />
Podiatrist Charlotte Russell in <strong>November</strong> 2019 to<br />
complement her podiatry clinic Feet First, located in<br />
Main South Road.<br />
Carol, left, and Maxine display examples of the<br />
new summer collection at The Shoe Room.<br />
Charlotte freely admits, it has been a hard two years.<br />
“We opened just a few months before the first<br />
lockdown and with the ongoing Covid restrictions it’s<br />
been difficult. But we are still here and very excited to<br />
celebrate our second birthday!”<br />
Despite the pandemic-related problems retailers<br />
have faced, The Shoe Room has established a loyal<br />
customer base, which Charlotte attributes to the<br />
service and personal attention customers receive<br />
from the team.<br />
“That’s our point of difference. The shop manager<br />
Maxine and shop assistants Carol and Maree are<br />
friendly and welcoming, so they are able to build<br />
a rapport with customers by providing that allimportant<br />
personal service and expertise, making<br />
sure customers get shoes that fit correctly, are<br />
comfortable and look fabulous on their feet.”<br />
Now, with the arrival of spring, The Shoe Room has<br />
received an exciting new range of footwear for the<br />
warmer months ahead. The selection includes the<br />
popular Archie jandals from Australia. Made from EVA<br />
rubber, these jandals mould to the shape of the foot,<br />
making them very comfortable and easy to wear, plus<br />
they are available in several fresh, summery colours.<br />
Among the other quality brands on display are<br />
Frankie 4, also from Australia, and the ever-popular<br />
Ziera, with many styles designed to accommodate<br />
orthotics.<br />
The Shoe Room is located at Unit 3, 355 Riccarton Road, opposite the Lone Star.<br />
Opening hours are Monday 10am - 5.30pm, Tuesday to Thursday 9.30am - 5.30pm,<br />
Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm, Saturday 10am - 3pm. Off street parking available.<br />
P. (03) 929 0927 E.<br />
Customers are offered discounts on any purchase<br />
from the wide selection for The Shoe Room’s<br />
birthday celebrations.<br />
Customers are invited to choose their new summer<br />
footwear during next week’s birthday celebrations<br />
and take advantage of the Lucky Dip discounts.<br />
The Shoe Room is located at Unit 3, 355 Riccarton<br />
Road, opposite the Lone Star. Opening hours are<br />
Monday 10am-5.30pm, Tuesday to Thursday<br />
9.30am-5.30pm, Friday 9.30am-4.30pm, Saturday<br />
10am-3pm.<br />
A convenient off-street parking area is located behind<br />
the shop, with access from Auburn Avenue. Dedicated<br />
Shoe Room parking spaces are right by the back<br />
door.<br />
For online shopping visit<br />
Fashionable • Functional • Footwear
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 3<br />
Anzac fronds ‘unfurled’ in ceremony<br />
Donate an hour of your time<br />
to help save a life.<br />
FOUR ANZAC fronds have<br />
finally found a new home.<br />
A ceremony to mark the<br />
unveiling of the Anzac fronds in<br />
their new position at the Anzac<br />
Drive–New Brighton Rd intersection<br />
was held on Monday. The<br />
fronds, which were originally<br />
placed on Anzac Bridge in 2000,<br />
have been in storage since 2011,<br />
following the earthquakes.<br />
Mayor Lianne Dalziel hosted<br />
the official “unfurling” of the<br />
fronds, which are made of preweathered<br />
steel.<br />
Celeste Donovan, who was<br />
recently elected Coastal Ward<br />
councillor, was also sworn in as a<br />
member of the Coastal-Burwood<br />
Community Board at the event.<br />
Bishopdale Reformed<br />
Church<br />
90 Highsted Road<br />
Wednesday 14 April<br />
3:00pm – 6:30pm<br />
Burwood Community<br />
Christchurch Baptist on Burwood<br />
9 Burwood Road<br />
Thursday 25 <strong>November</strong><br />
Board chairman Kelly Barber<br />
said the fronds hold a special<br />
place in the hearts of local residents.<br />
“We are really pleased to have<br />
these unique pieces of art back<br />
on display in our community,”<br />
he said.<br />
“Their return represents<br />
another positive step in the<br />
Annee,<br />
recipient<br />
Eat & drink plenty before you<br />
GIVE 2:00pm THE GIFT – 6:00pm<br />
donate IF FORWARD.<br />
& bring ID.<br />
Eligibility criteria applies.<br />
IN PLACE: The ceremony for the unveiling of the Anzac<br />
fronds was held on Monday. Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Aileen<br />
Trist cut the ribbon, watched by Rāwhiti School kapa haka<br />
group.<br />
recovery of our eastern community<br />
and having our new Coastal<br />
councillor sworn in at their new<br />
site is a nice touch.”<br />
“The board and residents are<br />
very grateful to Waka Kotahi<br />
New Zealand Transport Agency<br />
and everyone associated in any<br />
small way with their restoration.”<br />
The four fronds sit in concrete<br />
Physiotherapy<br />
Associates<br />
Finding Solutions<br />
bases along the reserve land at<br />
the corner of the roundabout,<br />
connecting them with the Poppies<br />
over Gallipoli sculpture on<br />
the corner of Anzac Drive and<br />
Travis Rd.<br />
Funding for the redesign and<br />
installation of the fronds was<br />
provided by Waka Kotahi and<br />
the board.<br />
Diane Johnstone<br />
(formerly QEII Physio)<br />
Is merging with<br />
Physiotherapy<br />
Associates<br />
will be working from Wainoni Rd<br />
Ph 03 389 7196<br />
86A Wainoni Rd<br />
Email:<br /><br />
SuMMER SPEcialS – NEw ShiPMENt aRRivEd!<br />
$3,999<br />
Ultra Frame pool<br />
32ft x 16ft<br />
$1,799<br />
Ultra Xtr Frame round pool<br />
16ft x 52” - Sand filter incl<br />
127 Blenheim Road | 03 343 9820 | No rainchecks.<br />
OPEN: Monday - Friday 8.30am-5pm, Saturday 9am-4pm & Sunday 10am-4pm<br />
$2,199 $3,299<br />
Ultra Xtr Frame pool<br />
<strong>18</strong>ft x 9ft<br />
Ultra Xtr Frame pool<br />
24ft x 12ft<br />
Matipo<br />
blenheiM<br />
clarence<br />
Matipo<br />
pool<br />
chlorine<br />
10 kg<br />
$99<br />
para<br />
4 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
The face mask that doesn’t cause fogging<br />
NO FOGGING: New Brighton<br />
Stitch-O-Mat facilitator<br />
Julie Donaldson stumbled<br />
across the mask cure-all in a<br />
YouTube video clip.<br />
• By John Cosgrove<br />
FOR THOSE who wear glasses,<br />
Covid-mandated face masks<br />
are a daily nuisance as they<br />
constantly cause specs to fog up,<br />
but a solution is on hand.<br />
New Brighton Stitch-O-Mat<br />
facilitator Julie Donaldson said<br />
she recently stumbled across the<br />
mask cure-all in a YouTube video<br />
clip and was so impressed she<br />
sent the link to fellow facilitator<br />
Samantha Fay.<br />
“She made one within a couple<br />
of hours and thought it was a<br />
brilliant idea. We then both<br />
made some and offered them for<br />
sale in nearby charity shops,”<br />
Donaldson said.<br />
“They were snapped up and<br />
many people said they were life<br />
changing, as they stopped their<br />
glasses from fogging up when<br />
wearing masks.”<br />
Since then, Donaldson has<br />
been teaching people how to cut<br />
out, create and sew the layered<br />
cotton reusable masks, which<br />
have a extra material flap on<br />
their design that stops<br />
fogging.<br />
“It’s been a very popular<br />
sewing exercise and there is a lot<br />
of interest in making them<br />
at each of our sessions,” she<br />
said.<br />
Stitch-O-Mat is a community<br />
organisation that helps people<br />
with their sewing projects.<br />
Facilitators are available onsite<br />
for a couple of hours most<br />
days, including Sunday, to help<br />
those who want to use their<br />
facilities or learn how to sew or<br />
repair damaged clothing.<br />
Donaldson said Stitch-O-Mat<br />
has been in the Surfside Mall<br />
at New Brighton since Easter.<br />
They had to move from their<br />
original site inside the old New<br />
Brighton School, which has<br />
been scheduled for demolition<br />
to make way for a housing<br />
development.<br />
Level One Restaurant & Bar<br />
Spend your<br />
holidays locally<br />
Level One’s boutique bar has<br />
launched a series of signature<br />
cocktails paying homage to the art<br />
of mixology in preparation for its<br />
new Cocktail Lounge opening this<br />
Summer when the cocktail list will grow to<br />
cover new inventions and the classics.<br />
The food menu is thoughtfully curated and<br />
appeals to most palates seeking sour, bitter,<br />
salty and sweet. Seafood will be featured<br />
this Summer, imagine a bottle of chilled<br />
chardonnay, ceviche and mussel pots on the<br />
sun drenched terrace.<br />
Your ‘Local’ providing you with the<br />
‘Level One experience’<br />
1/215-217 Marine Parade, New Brighton | Text or call: 021 249 3646 |
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 5<br />
‘His art work speaks for him’<br />
• From page 1<br />
To observers, many said they can now<br />
see the obvious shape of a seagull rising<br />
from within the 23 million year-old stone<br />
chunk.<br />
Gibson, well known in the district for<br />
his stone sculptures, moved to the garden<br />
site after his original base at the former<br />
New Brighton school site was scheduled<br />
for demolition to make way for 65 new<br />
homes.<br />
Helped by fellow sculptor Julie Tuihana,<br />
Gibson uses Tuihana’s eyes to guide his<br />
hands, to feel the curves, to sense the<br />
shapes and to not cause injury to himself.<br />
As one quickly understands when you<br />
meet Gibson, his hands are his only means<br />
of communicating with the world.<br />
Carer Maree Bone acts as his voice using<br />
a special form of sign language he learnt<br />
before his sight impairment advanced<br />
Two children’s climbing<br />
boulders will be moved<br />
to QEll Park as part of the<br />
planned playground area.<br />
The proposal to install the<br />
climbing boulders at QEII<br />
was approved at a Coastal-<br />
Burwood Community<br />
Board meeting. The<br />
boulders, currently sitting<br />
in the central city on the<br />
corner of Manchester<br />
and Lichfiled Sts were<br />
first installed in 2016<br />
near the bus interchange<br />
before being moved to the<br />
East Frame in 20<strong>18</strong>. The<br />
community board is looking<br />
at concept plans for the<br />
installation of the boulders<br />
by the end of <strong>November</strong>.<br />
too far.<br />
She uses her fingers to touch his fingers,<br />
hands, arms, face and shoulders – and the<br />
pair talk about everything.<br />
“He’s pretty good at communicating<br />
with people and creating art works,” Bone<br />
said.<br />
“His art work also speaks for him as he<br />
makes these wonderful clay shapes, which<br />
he then uses as the base models for his<br />
larger stone pieces.”<br />
She said before Gibson lost his sight he<br />
was right into photography and many<br />
forms of multimedia art.<br />
“Losing his sight didn’t stop him, he<br />
just carried on with his passion for art, he<br />
knows what he wants and has been working<br />
with stone for over 30 years,” she said.<br />
Gibson said he welcomes visitors to the<br />
garden, to call in and have a look at what<br />
he is doing.<br />
SEllInG wEST cOAST<br />
Buy any 2 Souvlakis<br />
& get a FRee<br />
Scoop oF chipS<br />
*with this coupon. Expires 11th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Ph: 388 2531, QEII Shopping Centre, 251 Travis Rd<br />
Mon - Wed 11.30am - 8.30pm (Tues from 4.30pm), Thurs - Sat 11.30am - 9.00pm<br />
Sun 12noon - 8.30pm, Daily break 3.15 - 4.30pm<br />
Silent Auction<br />
of Art<br />
Fundraising<br />
Bid on Art at a price you nominate<br />
OPENING 6th <strong>November</strong>, CLOSING 25th <strong>November</strong><br />
Hours 10am to 4pm, 7 Days<br />
Phone: 382 0045<br />
Shop 4 / 78 Carnaby Lane, New Brighton<br /><br />
Gosh its fast approaching<br />
that magical, happy, exciting<br />
time of the year - the lead up<br />
to Christmas and the summer<br />
holiday season. I really love<br />
December, although there is<br />
never enough hours in the day<br />
for all the things I need to get<br />
done. While it’s a chaotic time<br />
for us, it can also spell disaster<br />
for our pets. Below are some<br />
Christmas dangers to keep a<br />
watch on.<br />
Here is a list of FOODS to look<br />
out for<br />
1. Chocolate is poisonous<br />
(tachycardia , seizures, vomiting, diarrhoea) so<br />
make sure you don’t leave chocolate under the<br />
tree or in easy to reach places as chances are, it<br />
will be found. Chocolate contains the stimulant “<br />
theobromine” which is lethal.<br />
2. Christmas pudding and fruit cakes contain<br />
raisins (grapes) which are toxic to your pets<br />
kidneys leading to lethargy, vomiting and thirst.<br />
3. Alcohol and caffeine are also toxic too. Alcohol<br />
can be found also in Christmas cakes and as little<br />
as one ounce of alcohol can kill a cat.<br />
4. Avocados contain persin which causes<br />
symptoms from vomiting and diarrhoea to<br />
cardiac arrest.<br />
5. Macadamia nuts cause vomiting, weakness<br />
and tremors.<br />
6. Onions and chives contain disulphides which<br />
damage your pets RBCs.<br />
7. Pits and seeds of plums, peaches and apples<br />
have a substance that degrades to cyanide<br />
which is toxic. Large stones can also cause<br />
intestinal blockage.<br />
8. Xylitol (an ingredient in chewing gum) causes<br />
HYPOglycaemia in dogs and can lead to seizures<br />
and liver failure in severe cases.<br />
9. Corn cobs should never be allowed to be<br />
chewed on as they will obstruct in the small<br />
intestine requiring surgery.<br />
10. Turkey, crackling, salmon skins, fatty meats,<br />
sausages can all cause vomiting and diarrhoea<br />
and may lead to pancreatitis.<br />
11. Blue cheese contains<br />
Roquefortine C, which is very<br />
sensitive to dogs.<br />
Other potential hazards<br />
include<br />
- Christmas decorations that<br />
can be swallowed.<br />
- SNOW Globes as they contain<br />
“Anti Freeze”. 1 tsp is lethal to<br />
a cat.<br />
- Cover up cords used to light<br />
the tree to avoid an electric<br />
shock or any tongue/ gum<br />
lacerationsl<br />
- Secure the tree so if scaled by<br />
your cat, it wont fall over and crush<br />
the cat.<br />
- Keep tree lights and candles away<br />
from pets to avoid shocks and burns.<br />
- Pine needles are toxic if ingested<br />
and can cause internal puncture<br />
wounds.<br />
- Sparkley tinsel is attractive to cats,<br />
but if ingested will require surgical<br />
intervention as it gets bound up in the<br />
gastrointestinal tract.<br />
- Wrapping paper - if enough is ingested it will<br />
obstruct the bowel.<br />
Heading into this festive season, make sure you<br />
have their vaccinations, flea and worming up<br />
to date, so if a vacation stay is likely, their health<br />
McMaster & Heap<br />
Veterinary practice<br />
The lead up to CHRISTMAS….<br />
Open 7 days<br />
Cnr Hoon Hay & Coppell place<br />
phone 338 2534, Fax 339 8624<br />
e.<br /><br />
won’t be compromised. We<br />
have a warm, well ventilated,<br />
very clean and quiet upstairs<br />
CATTERY if you fury friend<br />
needs a place to be cared<br />
for while you take a summer<br />
holiday. Do thorough research<br />
before selecting a a boarding<br />
facility to make sure its the<br />
right fit for your pet.<br />
Avoid HEATSTROKE by never<br />
leaving your dog in a car with<br />
inadequate ventilation. Four<br />
windows opened a fraction<br />
doesn’t qualify. Dogs can also<br />
suffer heatstroke left in a yard<br />
with no water or shade, if exercising heavily in<br />
the heat, dogs being muzzled for long periods in<br />
the heat or being exposed to a hairdryer for too<br />
long. Dogs with a restricted airway (such as the<br />
brachycephalic breeds, pugs, boxers, bulldogs)<br />
are at an increased risk again.<br />
A dogs body temperature can elevate quickly<br />
in a car getting up over 41 degrees. A dog in<br />
heat stroke is agitated, breathing rapidly, has dry<br />
dark red gums, can be disorientated and can<br />
seizure. Animals have only a small amount of<br />
sweat glands located in their footpads making<br />
sweating minimal, so their primary way of<br />
regulating body temperature is by panting. Safe,<br />
controlled reduction in body temperature is<br />
achieved by pouring cool water completely over<br />
the dog, and then draping wet towels over and<br />
taking regular temperatures.<br />
Holiday house plants decorate a room but can<br />
be lethal to pets. Most cause intestinal upsets<br />
or renal disease. Some common plants to watch<br />
for are lillies, Azaleas, Ivy, Mistletoe, Holly and<br />
Chrysanthrmums.<br />
Toys and batteries are a no go too. Ingested<br />
they can cause renal damage and pancreatitis<br />
if they contain Zinc. Intestinal blockage is also<br />
a real possibility - not an expense you want on<br />
Christmas morning at the After Hours.<br />
There are more folks out and about enjoying<br />
their dogs, so please keep social distancing, and<br />
keep a close eye on doggie interactions. Dog<br />
fight wounds can be real nasty<br />
and require an anaesthetic to<br />
debride and close.<br />
Also make sure your pet is<br />
MICROCHIPPED and registered<br />
on the NZL database in case of<br />
misadventure or wandering off.<br />
On an aside, Macy (our <strong>18</strong><br />
month old Lab) and Maximus<br />
(our 7.5kg Ginger cat) both<br />
underwent surgical operations<br />
recently, successfully I<br />
might add. Macy had<br />
her big girl operation<br />
- Ovariohysterectomy”<br />
and Maximus got into<br />
a nasty altercation with<br />
a newcomer to the<br />
neighbourhood, which<br />
resulted in a corneal<br />
laceration. Very lucky<br />
his dad is the EYE vet.<br />
Steve operated after work<br />
one night by suturing a<br />
conjunctival graft over the<br />
lacerated cornea. Max now<br />
has full sight back in both<br />
eyes and no more “heats”<br />
for Miss Macy.<br />
Merry Christmas to you all and THANKYOU for<br />
supporting McMaster & Heap during a trying and<br />
difficult year living with Covid and trusting Steve,<br />
Michele and our brilliant team with your special<br />
furry friends, who we adore I might add.<br />
Dr Michele McMaster<br />
McMaster & Heap
6 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
6 WEEKS<br />
TO<br />
GIFTS<br />
With the current SLOW shipping to avoid<br />
disappointment please make sure you don’t<br />
miss out!! Secure your Christmas pressie<br />
books and gifts early!<br />
Will<br />
by Will smith and mark manson<br />
The ‘Event’ Autobiography of the Year - a brave, inspiring and wildly<br />
entertaining memoir full of self-help lessons for readers, from one of the<br />
world’s most charismatic and much-loved actors. One of the most dynamic<br />
and globally recognised entertainment forces of our time opens up fully about<br />
his life, in a brave and inspiring book that traces his learning curve to a place<br />
where outer success, inner happiness, and human connection are aligned.<br />
Along the way, Will tells the story in full of one of the most amazing rides<br />
through the worlds of music and film that anyone has ever had. This memoir<br />
is the product of a profound journey of self-knowledge, a reckoning with all<br />
that your will can get you and all that it can leave behind. The combination<br />
of genuine wisdom of universal value and a life story that is preposterously<br />
entertaining, even astonishing, puts Will the book, like its author, in a category<br />
by itself.<br />
Shackleton - A biography<br />
by ranulph Fiennes<br />
An authoritative biography of Sir Ernest Shackleton from polar adventurer<br />
Ranulph Fiennes. In 1915, Sir Ernest Shackleton’s attempt to traverse the<br />
Antarctic was cut short when his ship, Endurance, became trapped in ice.<br />
The disaster left Shackleton and his men alone at the frozen South Pole,<br />
fighting for their lives. Their survival and escape is the most famous<br />
adventure in history. Shackleton is an engaging new account of the<br />
adventurer, his life and his incredible leadership under the most extreme of<br />
circumstances. Written by polar adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes who followed<br />
in Shackleton’s footsteps, he brings his own unique insights to bear on these<br />
infamous expeditions.<br />
Shackleton is both re-appraisal and a valediction, separating the man from<br />
the myth he has become.<br />
The Spirit of Cardrona: Where Dreams<br />
are Hatched<br />
the inspirational story of the cardrona distillery<br />
by desiree reid-Whitaker<br />
‘Ever since I was really little, I have dreamed big dreams. It’s nice to imagine what<br />
could be, and leave it at that. But I’ve never been that sort of dreamer. I’ve always<br />
wanted to take one of my dreams, find just the right one-and turn it into something<br />
real.’ The Spirit of Cardrona is the story of how former dairy-farmer Desiree<br />
Reid-Whitaker and her husband Ash took a risk to realise a dream of setting up<br />
a world-class distillery. Their quest to produce a single-malt whisky that would<br />
compete with the best whiskies in the world is classic story of Kiwi persistence,<br />
sacrifice and self-made success. It’s also a modern-day tale of living off the land in<br />
the high-country. The Spirit of Cardrona is an inspirational business story that will<br />
appeal to anyone who loves a bold, brave and brilliant entrepreneur.<br />
Last Shot<br />
by Jock Zonfrillo<br />
A coming-of-age memoir of addiction, ambition and redemption in the highstakes<br />
world of Michelin star kitchens. From reckless drug addict to one of<br />
Australia’s top chefs and television stars: MasterChef judge Jock Zonfrillo’s<br />
powerful life story will shock and inspire. Jock’s life spiralled out of control<br />
when he tried heroin for the first time as a teenager while growing up in 1980s<br />
Glasgow. For years he balanced a career as a rising star amongst legendary<br />
chefs with a crippling drug addiction that took him down many dark paths. On<br />
New Year’s Eve 1999, Jock shot up his last shot of heroin before boarding a<br />
plane to Sydney, where he would find passion and new meaning in life in the<br />
most unexpected places. There would be more struggles ahead, including two<br />
failed marriages, the closure of his prized restaurant during COVID-19, his time<br />
on-country, and some very public battles. This is his unforgettable story.<br />
Clare Reilly: Eye of the Calm<br />
by clare reilly<br />
An exploration of New Zealand painter Clare Reilly’s life and work. The<br />
mixture of autobiographical writing and gorgeous paintings subtly shows<br />
how Reilly’s art and experiences are entwined. Her themes cover the issues<br />
of habitat destruction and renewal, depicting native New Zealand birds in<br />
the landscape as metaphors for joy. In an increasingly troubled and fast<br />
paced world, Reilly’s work offers the viewer a place to reflect on the healing<br />
qualities of nature and gather a sense of revitalisation. ‘Eye of the Calm’<br />
was an exhibition title used by Reilly as an expression of her life’s work.<br />
This expression is continued here with an insight into her beginnings as an<br />
artist and her subsequent career. Reilly has a strong connection to coastal<br />
New Zealand and a great love of the country’s wildlife. A beautiful, meditative<br />
exploration of a life and a life’s work.<br />
1005 Ferry rd<br />
Ph 384 2063<br />
while stocks last (see instore for terms and conditions)<br />
Great to see<br />
so many Familiar<br />
Faces aGain<br />
Barry & kerry
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 7<br />
Clean up a way of giving back to the river<br />
PROACTIVE: Shirley Boys’ High School rowing<br />
team, which undertook a river clean up, and<br />
some of the rubbish they collected.<br />
• By John Cosgrove<br />
PICKING UP rubbish from both<br />
sides of the Avon River around<br />
the Kerrs Reach area was a<br />
community project undertaken<br />
by the Shirley Boys’ High School<br />
rowing team.<br />
The river clean up was, as they<br />
saw it, a way of giving back to<br />
the river, a place they use heavily<br />
during the summer rowing<br />
season.<br />
Shirley BHS outdoor and<br />
physical education teacher Roger<br />
Miller said it was a good idea by<br />
the students.<br />
“The concept in itself is an<br />
interesting one, as often people<br />
who partake in leisure activities<br />
– for example, mountain biking,<br />
fishing, surfing – use the natural<br />
environments around them, but<br />
what do they give back to these<br />
places?” he said.<br />
“This message of kaitiakitanga<br />
is one we are trying to get across<br />
to not only our sports teams,<br />
but all of our students at<br />
Shirley Boys’ High School.”<br />
He said the boys sought help<br />
from organisations such as the<br />
Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai<br />
Trust, which supplied the team<br />
with equipment, such as needle<br />
containers, as they tackled<br />
the clean up on both sides of<br />
the river near the rowing club<br />
buildings.<br />
“A total of 25 lads from the<br />
school’s rowing squad took part,<br />
and we took about two hours to<br />
collect the rubbish from both<br />
sides of the Ōtakaro.<br />
“We wanted to show people that<br />
youth are keen on giving back to<br />
the land, and this also may inspire<br />
other sports groups, including<br />
other rowing teams, to do the<br />
same,” Miller said.<br />
It’s our<br />
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specialists in bicycles, e-bikes and adult tricycles<br />
Evinci and Surface 604 E-bikes, and Malvern Star kids’<br />
bikes now in stock. Drop by for a test ride and some<br />
friendly, hassle-free advice.<br />
New Brighton Cycles<br />
Surfside Mall (beside Bin Inn)<br />
P 027 626 9758 | Open: Tues-Sat, 10.00am-5.00pm
8 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Community tool shed now up and running<br />
• By Fiona Ellis<br />
AIMING TO fix a community<br />
problem, Steve Jones-Poole has<br />
not just one tool at his disposal,<br />
but more than 200.<br />
He is the co-ordinator of the<br />
recently opened Shirley Tool<br />
Shed, which lends tools to the<br />
community for a yearly membership<br />
cost of $20.<br />
Jones-Poole said it was a high<br />
social-housing area, and people<br />
may not have access to affordable<br />
equipment for DIY and repair<br />
projects.<br />
“People just don’t have access<br />
to tools that they need to maintain<br />
their properties,” he said.<br />
“Someone could walk in there<br />
with nothing and walk out with<br />
everything they need to build a<br />
deck,” he said.<br />
House-cleaning equipment,<br />
such as mops and brooms, were<br />
also available to borrow, as was<br />
gardening equipment, from<br />
rakes to weed eaters.<br />
Since a jigsaw sliced through<br />
a wooden ribbon to officially<br />
open the shed two weeks ago,<br />
membership had been quietly<br />
building.<br />
“Our first hire was somebody<br />
who had a property inspection<br />
coming up. They hired the vacuum<br />
cleaner so they could clean<br />
the house, and they’ve since been<br />
back and got gardening tools and<br />
mowers and that sort of thing.”<br />
Jones-Poole said the shed was<br />
“doing exactly what we hoped”.<br />
It was also a good community<br />
connection point that would<br />
reach a new demographic,<br />
he said.<br />
“Some people won’t go and sit<br />
down at the community cafe, but<br />
they’ll come along and talk tools.”<br />
Jones-Poole was “very pleased”<br />
that the tool shed was now up<br />
and running.<br />
A Shirley Village Project community<br />
activator, the shed had<br />
been a goal of his for a few years,<br />
but time had been needed to<br />
organise the project and secure<br />
donations and equipment.<br />
“We’re working with residents<br />
to identify what’s important to<br />
them in the community and<br />
what they would like to see<br />
FIX IT: Shirley<br />
Tool Shed<br />
co-ordinator<br />
Steve Jones-<br />
Poole says the<br />
not-for-profit<br />
project is<br />
meeting a<br />
community<br />
need.<br />
SLOAN <br />
change and help and support<br />
that to happen,” he said.<br />
Located at 33 Briggs Rd, the<br />
tool shed is open on Wednesdays<br />
from 4-6pm.<br />
• To become a member, visit<br /><br />
Seconds<br />
Available<br />
Factory Shop<br />
238 Port Hills Road,<br />
Heathcote<br />
corner of Port Hills and Chapmans<br />
shop hours<br />
Monday to Saturday<br />
8am - 5pm<br />
Sunday 9am - 4pm<br />
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to win applies to NZ addresses only and is for 6 issue periods and higher.
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 9<br />
Fresh spring veges signal warmer days<br />
Spring bouquet focaccia<br />
Ingredients<br />
3 tsp active dry yeast<br />
1 ½ cups hot (not boiling)<br />
water<br />
4 cups high grade flour<br />
1 ½ tsp Himalayan salt<br />
Olive oil (for drizzling)<br />
Rock salt (for sprinkling)<br />
Selection of spring<br />
vegetables, such as asparagus,<br />
spring onions and colourful<br />
baby carrots.<br />
Directions<br />
Place yeast, hot water, flour,<br />
Himalayan salt in a stand<br />
up mixer with the K attachment.<br />
Beat slowly to start then<br />
increase the speed and beat<br />
another 2-3min until it stops<br />
being sticky and starts to come<br />
together. It will be a wetter mix<br />
than traditional bread dough.<br />
Scrape the dough into a<br />
oven proof round or oval dish<br />
drizzled with a lot of olive oil<br />
then decoratively place veggies<br />
on top.<br />
Think about a bouquet of<br />
flowers while you are doing it.<br />
Drizzle with more olive oil and<br />
set aside for an hour to prove.<br />
Once it has doubled in size<br />
(at least), drizzle with more oil,<br />
sprinkle with salt and pop into<br />
a pre-heated 190 deg C oven for<br />
around 30min until browned<br />
on top but the veggies still hold<br />
their colour.<br />
Eat with all the yummy things<br />
(like asparagus lentil salad with<br />
walnut sauce).<br />
Spring asparagus and<br />
lentil salad with walnut<br />
sauce<br />
Ingredients<br />
•Walnut and garlic sauce<br />
1 cup toasted walnuts<br />
2 slices white bread without<br />
crusts<br />
1/4C olive oil<br />
3 cloves garlic<br />
1 C milk (use soy)<br />
Juice 1 lemon<br />
Salt and white pepper<br />
•Salad<br />
1 bunch of blanched<br />
asparagus<br />
2 tins brown lentils, drained<br />
1 punnet cherry tomatoes<br />
3-4 handfuls baby lettuce,<br />
baby spinach or rocket<br />
•Dressing<br />
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil<br />
2 Tbsp lemon juice<br />
1 tsp maple syrup<br />
1 tsp grainy mustard<br />
1 clove garlic, crushed<br />
Salt and pepper<br />
Directions<br />
Place all ingredients for the<br />
CIRCLE: When creating your spring tart, place your<br />
vegetable slices on their side in the filling tightly together<br />
in a circular pattern until you reach the edge.<br />
walnut sauce (except lemon<br />
juice) in a high-speed blender<br />
and let soak for 30min. Add<br />
lemon juice and blend until<br />
smooth and thick. Season to<br />
taste, then chill.<br />
Layer all salad ingredients<br />
together (except baby greens)<br />
and pour over the dressing and<br />
let sit for about 30min for the<br />
flavours to develop. Add fresh<br />
greens just before serving.<br />
Serve salad with walnut and<br />
garlic sauce and bread.<br />
Spring tart<br />
Ingredients<br />
Pastry of your choice<br />
•Filling<br />
2x tins chickpeas<br />
1x 270g jar sun-dried<br />
tomatoes in oil<br />
3 Tbsp tahini<br />
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary<br />
2 Tbsp capers (optional)<br />
Zest and juice of 1 lemon<br />
½ tsp salt<br />
•Topping<br />
1 eggplant<br />
1 carrot<br />
1 zuchinni<br />
1 x purple or orange kumara<br />
Fresh herbs and flowers to<br />
garnish<br />
Directions<br />
Roll your pastry into a large<br />
circle and line your tart tin and<br />
prick a few times with a fork.<br />
Add all the filling ingredients,<br />
including the oil from the<br />
sun-dried tomatoes, into the<br />
food processor, and blend until<br />
smooth.<br />
Taste for seasoning and pour<br />
into your pastry-lined tart tin.<br />
With a vegetable peeler or<br />
mandolin slice, thin strips of<br />
your veggies. Working from the<br />
inside out, place vegetable slices<br />
into the filling tightly together in<br />
a circular pattern until you reach<br />
the edge. Brush with olive oil and<br />
bake for 30min or until pastry is<br />
golden brown and the vegetables<br />
are cooked through but not<br />
browned (it’s still nice if they are a<br />
little crunchy/raw).<br />
Drizzle with oil, fresh herbs and<br />
flowers and eat in the sunshine<br />
with friends.<br />
All sale suits $199.99.<br />
T&Cs apply.<br />
The Latest Craze<br />
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Swiper Shower Tops new designs, not only look great but with our cut<br />
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HUFFER<br />
Men’s shorts 1 for $29 or 2 for $49.<br />
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While stocks last.<br />
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Phone or e-mail us today and we will<br />
email you back our latest installation video<br />
showing you how easy it is to fit your<br />
own shower top.<br />
NEW<br />
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Web:<br />
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10 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
SUDOKU<br />
Every row, column and box should<br />
contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />
WordBuilder<br />
119<br />
6<br />
D E O<br />
T M E<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
8<br />
219<br />
How many words of three or more letters,<br />
How including many plurals, words can you of make three from or the more six<br />
using each letter only once? No foreign<br />
letters, including plurals, can you<br />
words or words beginning with a capital are<br />
make allowed. from There's the at six least letters, one six-letter using word.<br />
each only once?<br />
TODAY<br />
Good 16 Very Good 19 Excellent 23<br />
No Solution words 1<strong>18</strong>: ace, beginning acne, aeon, with bacon, a ban, capital banco,<br />
are bane, allowed. BEACON, bean, There’s ben, boa, at bonce, least bone, one cab,<br />
can, cane, canoe, cob, con, cone, ebon, eon, nab,<br />
six-letter<br />
neb, nob, oca,<br />
word.<br />
ocean, once, one.<br />
Good 16 Very Good 19 Excellent 23<br />
9 10<br />
11 12<br />
DEC<br />
11<br />
13 14 15<br />
16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19<br />
20<br />
21 22 23<br />
24 25<br />
No.119<br />
14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
J V W Y Q B G I Z E L O X<br />
26 27<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />
U R P F N C D K S T H A M<br />
Across<br />
1. Badger (6)<br />
4. Critical situation (6)<br />
9. Farm building (4)<br />
10. Cruel and inhumane (10)<br />
11. Toxin (6)<br />
12. Memento (8)<br />
13. Adamant (9)<br />
15. Bundle (4)<br />
16. Overtake (4)<br />
17. Fervency (9)<br />
21. Splendour (8)<br />
22. Lose (6)<br />
24. Unremitting (10)<br />
25. Eager (4)<br />
26. Fashionable (6)<br />
27. Thin covering (6)<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />
O N<br />
14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
E<br />
Decoder<br />
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />
10 11 13 19 14 21 12 20 4 19 17 16<br />
14 12 19 22 17 21<br />
21 25 19 22 17 5 12 10 7 21 26 12<br />
Down<br />
1. Small army unit (7)<br />
2. Cavity connecting with the<br />
nose (5)<br />
3. Died out (7)<br />
15 23 10 11 14 <strong>18</strong> 11<br />
5 24 21 15 9 7 19 12 19 4 25<br />
5. Tenant (6)<br />
6. Neat, orderly (9)<br />
7. Twinkle (7)<br />
8. Desolate (13)<br />
14. Fulsome (9)<br />
16. Faultless (7)<br />
<strong>18</strong>. As a group (Fr) (2,5)<br />
19. Din (7)<br />
20. Defeated (6)<br />
23. Slice thinly (5)<br />
All puzzles copyright<br />
19 21 25 1 10 17<br />
24 21 14 5 25 9 1 5 2 21 1 10<br />
17 16 16 25 <strong>18</strong> 14<br />
T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br /><br />
14 11 4 12 1 21 15 15 11 17 21<br />
21 11 5 21 15 25 15<br />
E<br />
Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />
letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />
Each Enter number the given represents letters into a different all squares letter with of the matching alphabet. numbers. Write the<br />
given The challenge letters into now all squares is to work with out matching which letters numbers. are Now represented work out<br />
which by the letters other are numbers. represented As you by the get other letters, numbers. enter As you them get into the<br />
letters, the main write grid, them and into the reference main grid and grid. the To reference keep track grid. Decoder of the<br />
uses letters all you 26 letters have of found, the alphabet. cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />
N<br />
9 21 10 1 12 10 23 7 17 12<br />
17 1 4 26 12 16 12 21 10<br />
24 21 19 2 12 2 21 12 5 16 11<br />
3 1 2 24 10 5 21 24<br />
11 23 24 13 7 23 4 21 23 9 23<br />
10 5 1 3 1 12 5 9 9 19 12 22<br />
W<br />
I<br />
N<br />
12 9 7 <strong>18</strong> 10<br />
20 23 2 13 12 5 14 1 13 19 24 23<br />
5 15 3 23 23<br />
12 20 5 25 13 23 9 22 23 2 25<br />
16 11 17 1 7 23 11 1<br />
21 3 2 23 7 1 6 10 21 25 5<br />
5 12 9 10 17 24 11 15 6<br />
20 17 8 23 2 25 9 23 5 23<br />
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />
N<br />
14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
W I<br />
No.1<strong>18</strong><br />
SALE NOW ON!<br />
Amazin’ spring Specials!!<br />
80%<br />
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Warmer KiWi HomeS<br />
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*Eligibility criteria apply<br />
• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />
option of heat pump for your home/business<br />
8 21 11 19 5 21<br />
O<br />
• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 19 years to Cantabrians<br />
• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />
(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />
Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />
PHONE 03 366 0525<br /><br />
“A local team for local people”<br />
5 17 17 19 6 5 15 24 21 25 11 12<br />
The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />
by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />
the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />
letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />
Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />
letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />
Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />
120<br />
119<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />
L C R Z N V E O U T J P W<br />
14 15 16 17 <strong>18</strong> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />
S M K G Y I D A H X B Q F<br />
SOIL AND<br />
120<br />
Crossword<br />
Across: 1. Pester, 4. Crisis,<br />
9. Barn, 10. Tyrannical,<br />
11. Poison, 12. Keepsake,<br />
13. Insistent, 15. Bale, 16.<br />
Pass, 17. Vehemence, 21.<br />
Grandeur, 22. Mislay, 24.<br />
Relentless, 25. Agog, 26.<br />
Trendy, 27. Veneer.<br />
Down: 1. Platoon, 2. Sinus,<br />
3. Extinct, 5. Renter, 6.<br />
Shipshape, 7. Sparkle,<br />
8. Brokenhearted, 14.<br />
Insincere, 16. Perfect, <strong>18</strong>.<br />
En masse, 19. Clamour, 20.<br />
Bested, 23. Shave.<br />
WordBuilder<br />
deem, demo, DEMOTE,<br />
doe, dome, dot, dote, emote,<br />
meed, meet, met, mete,<br />
meted, mod, mode, mot,<br />
mote, ode, ted, tee, teed,<br />
teem, tod, toe, toed, tom,<br />
tome.<br />
Sudoku<br />
PHONE: 03 384 6540<br />
<strong>18</strong>3 DYERS RD, BROMLEY ● OPEN 7 DAYS<br />
Weekdays 7.30am-5pm. Weekends 8.30am-3pm<br />
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 11<br />
Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />
Public Notice<br />
Public Notice<br />
Ki te kore nga putake<br />
e mākukungia e kore<br />
te rakau e tupu<br />
If the roots of the tree<br />
are not watered the<br />
tree will never grow<br />
Are you highly motivated, relational, community<br />
minded and looking for a wero. Well, here is an<br />
opportunity for you to develop your existing skills and<br />
grow your experience further.<br />
The Haeata Community Campus Board is inviting<br />
applications from our whānau community to join the<br />
kura’s Board. No experience necessary as full training<br />
will be given for free.<br />
The Board mahi is rewarding and the opportunities to<br />
grow your leadership skills are huge. The Board value<br />
members’ commitment and offer a package which<br />
includes tamariki care during meetings, opportunities<br />
for professional learning and development and fully<br />
funded attendance at annual conference. As well, the<br />
Board offers a hui attendance fee of $100 per hui.<br />
If this sounds like you, send an expression of interest<br />
to our Board Secretary -<br />
Looking forward to working with you and for you!<br />
Arohanui, Whaea Peggy<br />
Public Notices<br />
Minor amendment to the enrolment scheme<br />
of Queenspark School<br />
The Ministry of Education is proposing a minor amendment to<br />
the enrolment scheme of Queenspark School. This is to update<br />
the home zone to better identify which properties are within the<br />
zone.<br />
This minor amendment clarifies the zone boundary – both written<br />
and drawn. To view the map and written description, please go to<br /><br />
There are no changes to any individual’s eligibility to enrol as a<br />
result of this minor amendment.<br />
The enrolment of out-of-zone students is governed by the<br />
provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020.<br />
Comments can be made to<br /> by 17<br />
December <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Real Estate<br />
HOME WANTED 3-4<br />
bedrooms. Looking in Nor<br />
West areas, Beckenham<br />
or Somerfield. Prefer<br />
permanent material brick<br />
and post 1990 build. Don’t<br />
mind if it needs some TLC<br />
- anything considered.<br />
Cashed up buyer. Phone<br />
021 372 479<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
TOOLS Garden,<br />
garage, woodworking,<br />
mechanical, engineering,<br />
sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />
buyer, ph 355-2045<br />
TOOLS Garden,<br />
garage, woodworking,<br />
mechanical, engineering,<br />
sawbenches, lathes, cash<br />
buyer, ph 355-2045<br />
ADD SOME<br />
COLOUR<br />
Trades & Services<br />
GLASS & GLAZING 2017 LTD<br />
• PET DOORS<br />
• MIRRORS<br />
322 7999 OR 021 CAT DOOR<br />
(228 3667)<br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience. UK trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers Bay.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying, restretching.<br />
Phone John on 0800<br />
003<strong>18</strong>1, 027 240 7416<br /><br />
Prompt & reliable<br />
registered electrician<br />
with 24 years experience<br />
for all residential and<br />
commercial work, new<br />
housing and switch board<br />
replacements. Phone Chris<br />
027 516 0669<br />
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi<br />
engari he toa takitini<br />
It is not my strength alone, but the strength<br />
of many that contribute to my success<br />
The Ministry of Education has been working with<br />
Haeata Community Campus to establish an amendment<br />
to our current enrolment scheme to include a special<br />
programme - Special Programme - Māori Medium<br />
Bilingual - Te Reo Māori.<br />
A special programme is defined in Section 10 of the Education<br />
and Training Act 2020 as one that has been approved by the<br />
Secretary of Education for the following reasons:<br />
i) it provides Māori language immersion classes that take a<br />
significantly different approach in order to address particular<br />
ākonga needs;<br />
ii) it would not be viable unless it could draw from a catchment<br />
area beyond the school’s home zone;<br />
iii) entry is determined by an organisation or process that is<br />
independent of the school.<br />
Haeata Community Campus requires an amendment to our<br />
enrolment scheme to include a special programme based on te<br />
reo Māori me ōna tikanga.<br />
Criteria for Enrolment<br />
1. Special Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori<br />
Ākonga who meet the criteria for enrolment in the Special<br />
Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori and live<br />
within the Haeata Community Campus home zone must be<br />
enrolled ahead of out of zone students.<br />
2. Out-of-zone ākonga who meet the criteria for enrolment in<br />
Special Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori<br />
have priority in enrolment above all other out-of-zone ākonga<br />
while Special Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo<br />
Māori places are available.<br />
3. All ākonga who live within the Haeata Community Campus<br />
home zone will have an entitlement to attend the kura. This<br />
amendment does not change the home zone already approved for<br />
Haeata Community Campus.<br />
The Haeata Community’s Campus board feels it is very important<br />
that it hears and understands community perspectives before it<br />
establishes this amendment to the enrolment scheme at Haeata<br />
Community Campus – especially the wording of the proposed<br />
special programme.<br />
The information listed below is available on the kura’s website<br />
and from the reception desk. Please take the time to read the<br />
information and to participate in the consultation process.<br />
The amended enrolment scheme to include the Special<br />
Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori will<br />
commence from 01 January, 2022.<br />
The purpose of an enrolment scheme is to assist the Board to<br />
manage the risk of overcrowding, provide a fair and transparent<br />
process for enrolment and to ensure the best decisions are made<br />
around the use of schooling facilities across the network of local<br />
schools.<br />
Click here for the purpose and principles of an enrolment scheme.<br /><br />
whole.html#LMS258123<br />
Special Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori<br />
Haeata Community Campus - Zone Amendment Draft<br />
Special Programme - Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori<br />
Trades & Services<br />
★Garden Clean-ups<br />
★Pruning<br />
★Lawn Mowing<br />
★Garden Maintenance<br />
Call us today for a FREE quote<br />
PH 0800 4 546 546<br />
(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />
& all camera tapes<br />
converted to DVD or<br />
USB. Video taping<br />
special occasions, www.<br /> ph 03<br />
338-1655<br />
Trades & Services<br />
ROOF<br />
PAINTING 24/7<br />
Rope & harness<br />
a speciality,<br />
no scaffolding<br />
required,<br />
30 years of<br />
breathtaking<br />
experience.<br />
20% OFF other<br />
roof quotes<br />
Exterior staining,<br />
exterior painting,<br />
water blasting.<br />
Moss and mould<br />
treatment $300.<br />
Phone Kevin<br />
027 561 4629<br />
Kōmanawa - Bilingual Programme<br />
Haeata Community Campus operates the following special<br />
programme; te Māori Medium Bilingual - Te Reo Māori. The<br />
criteria for acceptance into this special programme is as follows:<br />
All prospective ākonga will need to demonstrate a commitment<br />
to te reo Māori me ōna tikanga as observed by Kōmanawa and Te<br />
Roopu Whakahaere.<br />
Whānau must demonstrate a strong commitment to using te reo<br />
Māori me ōna tikanga in the home.<br />
Entry is determined by our Kaihautū Māori and Te Roopu<br />
Whakahaere who sit in support as Mana whenua of Haeata<br />
Community Campus.<br />
If there are more applicants than spaces available in the<br />
programme, places will be balloted according to the criteria set.<br />
The number of ākonag who are able to join te Māori Medium<br />
Bilingual - Te Reo Māori is limited to 10 ākonga at each level of<br />
the kura - year 1 - 13.<br />
For ākonga who meet the commitment above, priority for<br />
acceptance into the programme is in the following order:<br />
1. Ākonga residing within the Haeata Community Campus home<br />
zone and with siblings who are currently enrolled.<br />
2. Ākonga who reside within the Haeata Community Campus<br />
home zone.<br />
3. Ākonga from Haeata Community Campus’ contributing<br />
Kōhanga<br />
4. Ākonga residing outside of the Haeata Community Campus<br />
home zone and with siblings currently enrolled at kura kaupapa<br />
Māori in Ōtautahi/Christchurch.<br />
5. Ākonga with extended whānau connections, for example,<br />
cousins.<br />
6. All other applicants. If there are more applicants in any priority<br />
group than places available, a ballot will be conducted. Priority<br />
will be given to those where Haeata Community Campus is their<br />
closest geographical bilingual te reo Māori provision.<br />
What happens next?<br />
Email your feedback to<br />
After consultation is finished, the Ministry of Education will<br />
collate all feedback and process this information to ensure it<br />
meets the requirements of the Education and Training Act 2020<br />
(Schedule 20, Clause 5).<br />
If the Ministry is satisfied that the enrolment schemes meet<br />
these requirements, the enrolment scheme will be finalised and<br />
provided to the Board.<br />
Arohanui, Whaea Peggy<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />
• Scrap metal buyers<br />
• Canterbury owned & operated<br />
• Top prices paid $$$<br />
• Open Saturday morning<br />
Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br /><br />
03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd
12 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong>
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 13<br />
6 NEW HOMES<br />
PRICED FROM $689,000<br />
Built To Enjoy | Located For Lifestyle<br />
*Fixed build price guaranteed<br />
14 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
H O M E<br />
Yes, you can have it all; New Brighton’s newest boutique development<br />
offers elegance and beachside living on a family-friendly street. These 6<br />
HOMES are all set over two levels with the living on the ground level and<br />
bedrooms and bathrooms on the first floor, with an additional guest toilet<br />
on the ground floor.<br />
On the upper level, you'll find three generous bedrooms and two<br />
bathrooms. The master bedroom features a private ensuite and walk-inwardrobe<br />
while the two bedrooms are serviced by a centrally located<br />
bathroom.<br />
Presenting an enviable beachside lifestyle and ultimate convenience with<br />
whispers of coastal design throughout be one of the first to own a piece<br />
of a development situated on a family- friendly street surrounded by<br />
others who live and breathe the coastal lifestyle.<br />
HOMES 5 & 6<br />
Overlooking the cricket grounds offers over $759,000<br />
HOMES 1 & 4<br />
Offers over $699,000<br />
HOMES 2 & 3<br />
Offers over $685,000<br />
021 363 944<br />
Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong> 15<br />
H O M E<br />
Endless Possibilities And Incredible Views<br />
4 BED 3 BATH 2 CAR<br />
531 M2<br />
(MORE OR LESS)<br />
Modern, warm, architecturally designed and incredible ocean<br />
views; the perfect assets for that special family home you have<br />
been searching for. Set out across two levels, this is the<br />
ultimate HOME for large and extended families. It allows<br />
family separation when required and is begging for frequent<br />
visits from close friends and relatives.<br />
DEADLINE: 6PM, 1 DECEMBER <strong>2021</strong><br />
The top floor exhibits an expansive open plan living space<br />
complemented by a superb kitchen - where the chef of the<br />
family can watch the surf roll in while preparing a feast for the<br />
family. There is also a master bedroom that boasts a large<br />
ensuite, walk-in robe, an abundance of storage and exquisite<br />
port hill views.<br />
The ground floor boasts an additional master suite, complete<br />
with a private bathroom and spa bath, walk-in robe and access<br />
to the garden. There is also a fully self-contained space on the<br />
ground floor, including a kitchen, bathroom/laundry, living<br />
room and private balcony access. The self-contained space can<br />
be arranged with one bedroom, or it can have the option of<br />
two bedrooms that are completely isolated from the main<br />
home.<br />
Call Kieren Gray for further information - 021 363 944<br />
4 HAMEL LANE<br />
$725,000<br />
$630,000<br />
103A ORAM AVENUE<br />
$605,000<br />
$650,000<br />
$620,000<br />
16 Thursday <strong>November</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
$1,250.00<br />
Refer any listing to us and upon the successful sale of their property, HOME Christchurch Ltd will make<br />
a donation on your behalf. The donation will be made to a local group or club within your community<br />
or a NZ charity of your choice.<br />
021 156 5884<br />
021 363 944<br />
021 281 1220<br />
027 465 6797<br />
022 375 9971<br />
1 8 6 MA I N RO A D , RE D C L I F F S<br />
03 930 1323<br />