Cornerstone University Magazine & Annual Report 2021

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FALL<br />

<strong>2021</strong><br />

Introducing<br />

the new president<br />

and first lady of<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

STORY ON PAGE 05.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 01


05<br />

12<br />

28<br />


<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s<br />

12th President<br />

09<br />


A Heart for Understanding<br />

10<br />


Highlights from<br />

Inaugural Events<br />


Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño’s<br />

Inaugural Gala Speech<br />

20<br />


Faculty News and<br />

Campus Updates<br />


<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> and<br />

Grand Rapids Theological<br />

Seminary Financial <strong>Report</strong>s<br />

30<br />


<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> and<br />

GRTS are thankful for hundreds<br />

of friends who financially<br />

contribute to the school.<br />




Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño and his<br />

wife, Ellen, enjoy a candid moment<br />

in downtown Rockford, Mich.<br />

RYAN PRINS PHOTOGRAPHY © <strong>2021</strong><br />

BOB SACK<br />

Vice President for <strong>University</strong> Advancement<br />


Director of Marketing<br />

AUDREY WIERENGA (B.A. ’18)<br />

Copywriter<br />

CAROLINE CAHOON (B.A. ’03)<br />

Art Director<br />


Website Manager and Content Coordinator<br />


Bryan Esler Photography<br />

Ryan Prins Photography<br />

Shallom Kimanzi (B.A. ’22)<br />

Elijah Wallace (B.S. ’25)<br />


Bianca Jones (B.A. ’23)<br />

The <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> &<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> is produced annually by<br />

the Marketing & Communications Office<br />

at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>. Permission to<br />

quote short portions of this publication is<br />

granted as long as content is preserved and<br />

proper credit is given to the <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> does not discriminate<br />

of the basis of race, national origin, sex, age<br />

or disability in its policies and programs.<br />


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<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

1001 E Beltline Ave NE<br />

Grand Rapids, MI 49525<br />

©<strong>2021</strong> <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

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FAITH.<br />

VISION.<br />





The ideas that we offer to our<br />

students in the classroom have<br />

to be dead-on with who God<br />

is, with the Scriptures—what’s<br />

true, beautiful and good.<br />


12th President of <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />





strategies, apologetics, higher education pedagogy,<br />

a handful of notable memoirs and autobiographies.<br />

But tucked in between those books on Dr. Gerson<br />

Moreno-Riaño’s shelves are ones that speak<br />

more about the man sitting in front of them and<br />

where his passions lie. Kant. Plato. Even a book<br />

on medieval kingship. One of his favorite books is<br />

“Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard,<br />

a Christian allegory for the lesser prophets. Even<br />

more books still sit in U-Haul boxes in the corner,<br />

a casualty of moving an entire office from Virginia<br />

Beach to Grand Rapids in a matter of weeks.<br />

Moreno-Riaño isn’t only a leader—he’s a thinker.<br />

He’s someone who ponders what it means to be<br />

a Christ follower, a scholar and now a university<br />

president. He’s captivated by ideas and the power<br />

they hold. But most importantly, he is captivated<br />

by his Creator, who has given Moreno-Riaño a<br />

relentless passion for Christian higher education.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 05


Moreno-Riaño—a disciple, husband, father, son and<br />

leader—seeks and discerns the LORD’s guidance<br />

and serves under His sovereignty. His new role of<br />

university president is the acceptance of a calling<br />

from the LORD and a decision marked by fervent<br />

prayer, a spiritual practice he inherited from his<br />

mother and shares with his wife, Ellen.<br />

For Moreno-Riaño, his mornings often begin in the<br />

pre-dawn hours. It is not uncommon for him to stir<br />

awake at 2:30 a.m. with an urge to pray. As a man<br />

driven by prayer and seeking the LORD’s guidance<br />

in every decision, he knows when the LORD is<br />

prompting him.<br />

He learned the power of prayer from<br />

his mother. Ruby Moreno became<br />

a Christian because she saw the<br />

work the LORD was doing in<br />

her son’s life. And her life<br />

had never been easy. She<br />

was only 15 when Moreno-<br />

Riaño was born.<br />

“She was a child,”<br />

Moreno-Riaño reflected.<br />

Tears welled in his eyes.<br />

“We grew up together. She<br />

has told me many times, ‘Not<br />

only are you my son, but you<br />

are my friend.’”<br />

If prayer was hereditary, it would run in<br />

Moreno-Riaño’s family. He says he would not have<br />

come to faith if his grandmother had never attended<br />

an underground Bible study at the age of 17. The<br />

most important thing he’s learned from his mother<br />

and grandmother, Moreno-Riaño said, was to be<br />

persistent in prayer.<br />

Moreno-Riaño does not make decisions without<br />

first consulting the LORD in prayer—including<br />

his decision to become president of <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>. He will tell you that the opportunity was<br />

a move of God. Even after his first meeting with the<br />

board of trustees, he knew in his heart that the LORD<br />

was bringing him here. He knew the LORD was<br />

moving, and He was calling Moreno-Riaño to be a<br />

part of His work at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>.<br />

There are things<br />

that God can<br />

do that human<br />

efforts cannot.<br />



Moreno-Riaño’s journey to Christian higher education<br />

began long before his meeting with the board of<br />

trustees of <strong>Cornerstone</strong>. It’s a journey rooted in prayer<br />

and bolstered by bold requests and steps of faith.<br />

A journey, he says, that was entirely guided by<br />

God’s hand.<br />

Prayer led Moreno-Riaño to be called by God to<br />

full-time ministry. But one year of school at a Bible<br />

college left him feeling burnt out and distraught. In<br />

order to finance his education, he had to work full<br />

time at night. He remembers often falling asleep in<br />

class. His grades tanked.<br />

He returned to his home in Rochester, N.Y.,<br />

wondering what was next for him.<br />

Through the mentorship of a good<br />

friend, Moreno-Riaño realized that<br />

he hadn’t surrendered his desires<br />

to God—he wasn’t allowing the<br />

LORD to use all of him.<br />

Moreno-Riaño began applying<br />

to other colleges, but there<br />

was a problem—he wasn’t in a<br />

financial situation to afford it.<br />

He knew the LORD wanted him<br />

to pursue ministry, but how could<br />

he do that with no way to pay for a<br />

college degree?<br />

“I prayed, ‘LORD, I want to go back to<br />

school and serve you, and you know exactly<br />

how much money I need. But please confirm to me<br />

your calling on my life to serve you and provide to me<br />

the needed monies to save for school. You know how<br />

much I need; please provide this amount,’” Moreno-<br />

Riaño said, “‘and that will be the confirmation of your<br />

calling on my life to serve in full-time ministry and go<br />

back to school.’”<br />

He interviewed for a job in Rochester, N.Y., making<br />

eyeglasses for a Bausch & Lomb subsidiary. The<br />

man who interviewed him, a man that Moreno-Riaño<br />

described as a “French Canadian who smoked<br />

cigarettes like a chimney,” offered Moreno-Riaño a<br />

wage that was over and above what he needed to<br />

save for the initial tuition needed to jump-start his<br />

college education.<br />

“There are things that God can do that human efforts<br />

cannot,” Moreno-Riaño said.<br />

“I almost started to cry,” he reflected. It was all the<br />

confirmation he needed.<br />

06<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>

Moreno-Riaño then applied to two colleges, one of them<br />

Cedarville <strong>University</strong>. He showed up to his admittance interviews<br />

with the best—and only—suit he had.<br />

But there was another problem—after a year of Bible college<br />

burnout, his grades were less than ideal. He had a 1.2 GPA. “I<br />

was just glad it was above a 1.0,” Moreno-Riaño remembered.<br />

Cedarville gave him conditional acceptance—he needed to have<br />

a 3.0 GPA by the end of the semester, or he wouldn’t be allowed<br />

to continue.<br />

At the end of the semester, his GPA was 3.5.<br />

“I’ve learned that when there’s an opportunity, you take it and run<br />

with it,” Moreno-Riaño said. “Because they don’t come around<br />

that often.”<br />

While Moreno-Riaño does describe himself as “relentless,” every<br />

decision he makes is one that is guided by God’s will and a<br />

testimony of His goodness.<br />


Moreno-Riaño remained faithful in following his call to ministry,<br />

but he had other passions as well that began long before his<br />

acceptance to college. In ninth grade, Moreno-Riaño wrote an<br />

article for his school paper about his stance on a current global<br />

issue. A week later, his friend, whose name was—ironically—<br />

Patrick Henry, wrote a rebuttal to his essay. It made Moreno-Riaño<br />

realize that there was a war of ideas going on all around him.<br />

“I love ideas,” Moreno-Riaño said. “They represent something<br />

powerful about what’s right and wrong, good or bad.”<br />

Moreno-Riaño realized that he could marry his passion for ideas<br />

with his love for Jesus Christ and the gospel. Even in ninth grade,<br />

he was planting the seeds for what would become his career as<br />

a leader in Christian higher education. Later, at Cedarville, he<br />

majored in political science and pre-seminary Bible.<br />

“My academic adviser told me, ‘Don’t eliminate either of those<br />

passions. God gave both of them to you, and he’ll work it out,’”<br />

Moreno-Riaño said.<br />

He continued to pursue political science in graduate school.<br />

During a graduate seminar where his professor at the <strong>University</strong><br />

of Cincinnati and almost all of his classmates were atheists,<br />

Moreno-Riaño realized that the LORD had created him to<br />

participate in the public square of ideas, just like he had in<br />

high school.<br />

“I had these two passions in me,” Moreno-Riaño said, “The<br />

centrality of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, and the<br />

importance of ideas as representative embodiments of what some<br />

consider to be beautiful, true and good.”<br />


At the age of 17, Moreno-Riaño’s<br />

grandmother accepted Jesus Christ as<br />

her Savior in an underground Bible study<br />

in 1938. In Bogotá, Colombia, in the 1930s,<br />

a gathering like that could mean a death<br />

sentence. Little did she know that her<br />

decision would influence her family for<br />

years to come.<br />

Moreno-Riaño traces his faith journey back<br />

to her. His grandmother’s influence on his<br />

mother was what encouraged his parents<br />

to send him to an Assemblies of God school.<br />

That was where Moreno-Riaño first heard<br />

the voice of God in third grade. He heard<br />

God distinctly telling him to repent of<br />

his sins.<br />

“That day changed the trajectory of my life,”<br />

Moreno-Riaño remembered.<br />

He remembers hearing God’s voice again<br />

in Plaza Bolívar, the historic center of<br />

Bogotá, Colombia, while his father was<br />

buying shoes. In the plaza, an orchestra<br />

was playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5,<br />

and Moreno-Riaño recalls hearing God’s<br />

voice telling him, “You are hearing beauty.”<br />

It was a transformational experience for he<br />

realized that beauty carried great spiritual<br />

power, a power that transcends words.<br />

“I kept talking about it all day at the plaza,”<br />

Moreno-Riaño recalled, “so much so that<br />

my dad said we had to leave because I was<br />

embarrassing him!”<br />

If a 17-year-old girl hadn’t accepted Christ in<br />

secret in the 1930s, Moreno-Riaño might not<br />

be the man he is today. But, as in all things<br />

in Moreno-Riaño’s life, God’s perfect will<br />

played out.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 07

Moreno-Riaño’s ministry calling<br />

took him in an unexpected direction.<br />

God didn’t want him sharing the good<br />

news at the pulpit but in the classroom.<br />

“Places like <strong>Cornerstone</strong> are so important because<br />

the ideas that we offer to our students in the<br />

classroom have to be in complete concert with who<br />

God is, with His revelation of Himself and His ways<br />

in the Scriptures,” Moreno-Riaño said. “Because if<br />

they’re not, we could end up, God forbid, betraying<br />

the faith of the students who come here, which is<br />

something we should never, ever do.”<br />


For Moreno-Riaño, Christian higher education is<br />

the vineyard he is called to by the LORD. Being<br />

a university president was not his plan until God<br />

brought <strong>Cornerstone</strong> to him. But Moreno-Riaño’s<br />

deep understanding and passion for leading students<br />

came when he began teaching.<br />

After completing his doctorate, Moreno-Riaño<br />

returned to Cedarville as a tenured professor,<br />

knowing that the LORD wanted him to use both<br />

his faith and academic experience to teach young<br />

believers. The more he taught, the more he realized<br />

the unique opportunity he had as a professor at<br />

a Christian college. He had a classroom full of<br />

students who were hungry to learn from him and<br />

from each other.<br />

“This is it,” he remembered thinking. “This is what the<br />

LORD has given me to do.”<br />

After teaching at Cedarville for seven years, Moreno-<br />

Riaño went to Regent <strong>University</strong> to serve as chair<br />

of the Department of Government. In 2010, he was<br />

appointed dean of the School of Undergraduate<br />

Studies, and in 2014, he was appointed as executive<br />

vice president for academic affairs and chief<br />

academic officer at Regent.<br />

Because Moreno-Riaño believes in the power of<br />

ideas and the power of the gospel, he also believes<br />

in the power that Christian universities have to shape<br />

culture. After all, secular universities have been doing<br />

so for centuries. His journey in higher education and<br />

his faith in the LORD have now led him to be the<br />

president of a Christ-centered university.<br />

“One of the greatest and most enduring institutions<br />

that humans have created is the university,” noted<br />

Moreno-Riaño. “They outlast everything. And that’s<br />

because human beings have a passion for truth,<br />

wisdom and the task of bequeathing these to<br />

future generations.”<br />

When thinking about his role as university president<br />

and looking ahead to <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s future years,<br />

Moreno-Riaño is humbled by the tremendous<br />

privilege to lead such a pivotal university as<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>. He recalls the importance of being true<br />

to the founding ideals of <strong>Cornerstone</strong>—the gospel of<br />

and centrality to Jesus Christ. The importance of this<br />

founding vision and the role of university president<br />

in protecting and reminding the community of this<br />

founding vision cannot be overstated, according to<br />

Moreno-Riaño. He has said many times that serving<br />

in Christian higher education is one of the highest<br />

callings in which a person can serve—and he’s just<br />

getting started.<br />

“This is just the beginning, amen?” he said with<br />

a smile.<br />

And it is. A few U-Haul boxes are still unpacked.<br />

Some of the bookshelves in his office remain<br />

empty. Moreno-Riaño is still getting to know<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong>, and <strong>Cornerstone</strong> is getting to<br />

know him. Yet for such a time as this,<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> couldn’t be in better hands.<br />

08<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>

“FROM THE<br />



I KNEW<br />




HIM.”<br />

Ellen Moreno-Riaño has<br />

a soft voice with a slight<br />

Southern lilt, having grown<br />

up in Knoxville, Tenn. But when<br />

she speaks, it’s evident that she’s<br />

filled with<br />

the Spirit<br />

of God.<br />

Sometimes,<br />

tears will<br />

come to her<br />

eyes when<br />

she thinks about how God has blessed her family.<br />

She wipes tears away as she reflects on the day in<br />

January, over 30 years ago, when she met Moreno-<br />

Riaño for the first time. She had sat down at the same<br />

table with him and his friends in the dining commons<br />

at Cedarville <strong>University</strong>.<br />

The first thing Moreno-Riaño asked her was, “What<br />

do you want to do after graduation?” Ellen responded<br />

that she wanted to be a public school teacher.<br />

Moreno-Riaño happened to have cassette tapes (yes,<br />

cassette tapes) on Christian education and wondered<br />

if she would want to meet and listen to them.<br />

“But I said, ‘It’s not a date,’” Moreno-Riaño<br />

emphasizes as he looks at his wife with a smile.<br />

Moreno-Riaño<br />

proposed after three<br />

months of dating,<br />

and they were<br />

married the following<br />

December. This year<br />

marks 30 years of<br />

marriage for the happy<br />

pair, who are often seen<br />

holding hands or sharing<br />

adoring glances.<br />

“I tell my children, ‘Home isn’t<br />

a place. It’s wherever your mother<br />

is,’” said<br />

Moreno-<br />

Riaño. The<br />



couple are<br />

parents<br />

to six<br />

children,<br />

ranging from age 14 to 28, who live all around the<br />

country. Their youngest son moved with them to<br />

Grand Rapids and attends high school in the area.<br />

Ellen is just as passionate about Christian higher<br />

education as her husband. She has a deep desire<br />

to help people understand what it means to be a<br />

Christian and that every beautiful, wonderful longing<br />

you have is a reflection of God Himself.<br />

She says that her husband has all the right qualities<br />

of a university president—a desire for excellence in<br />

everything he does and a humility and passion to<br />

serve the LORD. Ellen is still not sure what her role as<br />

first lady looks like yet, but she has spent many hours<br />

in prayer about it.<br />

The next time they met, they talked about their<br />

faith and love for God. At the time, Ellen was a<br />

junior at Cedarville.<br />

“I was coming to the end of my college life,” Ellen<br />

said, “and I prayed, ‘God, there isn’t anyone here for<br />

me. If you want me to meet someone, you’re going to<br />

have to drop someone right in front of me.’”<br />

“I spent a lot of time in prayer for <strong>Cornerstone</strong> and<br />

my husband,” Ellen said. “It’s a wonderful blessing<br />

to be here. I am so thankful to the LORD for giving<br />

us an opportunity to take part in the great work<br />

of <strong>Cornerstone</strong>. It’s the culmination of a lot of<br />

hard work.”<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 09



On Oct. 22-23, the <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> community<br />

celebrated the inauguration of Gerson Moreno-Riaño, Ph.D.<br />

The 12th president was officially sworn in on Friday during an<br />

inauguration ceremony, which included greetings from various<br />

community members. On Saturday, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> hosted an<br />

Inaugural Gala, where Moreno-Riaño was able to give further<br />

remarks on his vision for the university. Most importantly, the<br />

LORD was glorified and magnified in every ceremony and<br />

celebration and will continue to be in the days to come.<br />

10<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>

pictured<br />

Top left: Dr. Moreno-Riaño receiving the presidential<br />

medallion during the inauguration ceremony.<br />

Top right: The Moreno-Riaño family at the Inaugural Gala.<br />

Middle right: Dr. Moreno-Riaño speaking at the Inaugural<br />

Gala.<br />

Bottom right: Dr. Moreno-Riaño with board of trustee<br />

members Steve Hawks and Carole Bos.<br />

Bottom center: GRTS alumnus Terrance King delivering<br />

greetings to the president during the Inauguration<br />

ceremony.<br />

Center: CCCU president Shirley Hoogstra speaking at<br />

the Inaugural Gala.<br />

Bottom left: Dr. Moreno-Riaño with student body<br />

president Maddie Marks at the student breakfast.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 11


FOR THE<br />

FUTURE<br />

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the transcription of<br />

portions of Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño’s speech that<br />

was delivered at the Inaugural Gala on Saturday,<br />

Oct. 23 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. His speech<br />

addressed faculty, staff, alumni, board members,<br />

donors and other members of the <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> community who attended. The plans he<br />

shared in the speech were discussed and fervently<br />

prayed over by the board of trustees of <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

and campus leadership.<br />

To watch the full speech,<br />

visit cornerstone.edu/inauguration.<br />





That’s one of the most fundamental questions we can<br />

ask ourselves, amen? And that’s what I want to ask us<br />

to think about tonight. Why <strong>Cornerstone</strong>, among all the<br />

other universities that exist? What kind of university do<br />

we need to be as we continue to build off an incredible<br />

legacy of 80 years and the work that has been done<br />

over the last decade with Dr. Stowell, the incredible<br />

work of the board of trustees, the beautiful campus and<br />

the beautiful location? What kind of place do we need to<br />

be? The reason the world needs <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

is because <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> is an institution<br />

where Jesus Christ has been, is and will be central in<br />

all its doings. That’s why we speak about an institution<br />

where we graduate influencers for Jesus Christ.<br />

12<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 13

And, ladies and<br />

gentlemen, may that<br />

always be the case.<br />

I always speak about<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> in the last<br />

three months as being and<br />

becoming the destination<br />

of choice in Christian higher<br />

education. That’s a high goal,<br />

right? I want <strong>Cornerstone</strong> to be top<br />

of mind for every family in our country. My<br />

vision—our vision—for this wonderful, great university<br />

called <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a graduate in every<br />

household of America. That’s big. It’s bold, but we<br />

have a great big God for whom nothing is impossible.<br />

So what I want us to do is think through that together.<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> is the destination of choice, the place<br />

that far outranks any other institution in the country.<br />

That when individuals think about Christian higher<br />

education, they’re thinking, “That’s the place we want<br />

to go.” That when the 35 million adults that have not<br />

completed their education look at this institution they<br />

say, “That’s where we want to go.” That those who are<br />

looking for a seminary education and for education in<br />

ministry think, “That’s the place we want to go.”<br />

What must we do to continue to build on our great<br />

legacy to arrive at that place? What kind of institution<br />

do we have to be to become that destination of<br />

choice? I want to lay out a number of things for us<br />

to think about. First, we have to be an institution<br />

of great moral courage, courage being the ability<br />

to discern what is right and wrong—what is true<br />

and what is not true—and defend it with our very<br />

life. That’s what courage is and the kind of institution<br />

that our country needs, that our churches need and<br />

that our homes need. It needs an institution like<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> that can educate men and<br />

women to have great courage.<br />

This is one of the things we must continue to be—to<br />

demonstrate great moral courage of the incredible<br />

faith that has been given to us. The faith of Jesus<br />

and the gospel. We must be fearless. Our culture<br />

right now is being torn apart by fear and anxiety<br />

everywhere you go. I’m sure you remember, during<br />

the first few weeks of the pandemic, how terrifying it<br />

We must also be a<br />

beautiful community that<br />

mirrors the kingdom of<br />

God ... a place of great<br />

hospitality, a place where<br />

everyone is welcome.<br />

was. I would drive the<br />

streets of our home in<br />

Chesapeake, Va., and it<br />

really literally looked like<br />

a zombie film. I remember<br />

sitting in my home literally<br />

for four weeks and feeling like<br />

the world was falling apart. It’s<br />

fearful and it’s anxious out there,<br />

is it not? And yet amidst this, we must<br />

remain completely fearless and have incredible<br />

courage and great faith and trust in God. I remember<br />

when my children were young, I would say to them,<br />

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not<br />

on your own understanding ... and He will direct your<br />

path” (Proverbs 3:5-6). It’s easy to say, is it not? It’s<br />

much more difficult to do.<br />

And for our university to be the destination of choice,<br />

to be the place where men and women come to<br />

acquire a world-class Christian education, we must<br />

be men and women of courage and not yield to fear<br />

and anxiety. Not because we have the strength in<br />

ourselves, but because God is our rock; He’s our<br />

refuge, a very present help in trouble. He is the<br />

one who covers us with favor as with a shield; it is<br />

He who makes His way straight for us where there<br />

seems to be no way.<br />

We must also be a beautiful community that<br />

mirrors the kingdom of God. This means<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> must be known as a place of great<br />

hospitality, a place where everyone is welcome, a<br />

place where everyone wants to come and wants to<br />

remain and wants to graduate and wants to come<br />

back. A place where no one feels left out because<br />

of how they look or where they come from or their<br />

economic background. That’s what we must be<br />

because that is what the kingdom of God is and that’s<br />

what Jesus has done for us. He didn’t just die for<br />

some; He did not just love some. He died for all, and<br />

He loved all.<br />

And we must endeavor and labor daily to commit our<br />

hearts, to love God with all of our being and to love<br />

our neighbors. This is hard work by the way, ladies<br />

and gentlemen. I’ve realized that one of the virtues<br />

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FALL <strong>2021</strong>

of God that we seldom ever talk about is God’s<br />

great humility. The fact that God reaches down and<br />

continually pursues us nonstop every day. And yet,<br />

it’s so easy for us to forget that, to stiff arm God and<br />

to neglect the duties that His grace places on us.<br />

It’s hard work. God, help us. We have an incredible<br />

obligation and incredible opportunity for our<br />

university to be not just the destination of choice, but<br />

the place that everybody wants to come to.<br />

Oftentimes in the last few days, people have told me,<br />

“You’re the first minority president of <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>.” I sometimes say, “I’m just glad that I made<br />

it to be president.” And I’ve sensed a great outpouring<br />

of love from day one on this campus. But we can do<br />

more. I had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Julián<br />

Guzmán, president of the Urban Church Leadership<br />

Center, the other evening with a number of African<br />

American and Hispanic pastors in the community. By<br />

the way, I’ve used my Spanish more here in Michigan<br />

in the last three months than I have in 40 years in this<br />

country. And after that meeting, some pastors came<br />

to me and a number of them said to me, “Help us<br />

have our children in your school.” And we’re going to<br />

do it. We’re going to do it in great ways.<br />

I say that because as a minority, as a Hispanic, it<br />

has been God’s grace and goodness to me that has<br />

brought me to this point and the goodness of people<br />

of all walks of life who’ve invested in me. Next week,<br />

I celebrate 41 years in this country. Now, the LORD<br />

blesses me with the opportunity to serve as president<br />

of a wonderful university. It’s only by God’s grace and<br />

dozens of people—African American, black, brown,<br />

white, American, European American—you<br />

name it, whom the LORD brought into<br />

my life and influenced and poured<br />

into me and helped me.<br />

I’ve often stood back and<br />

said, “Only your grace, oh<br />

God.” And that’s what we<br />

need to be doing too.<br />

When I speak about a<br />

beautiful community<br />

that’s diverse and that<br />

represents every walk<br />

We will do more together<br />

to ensure this university<br />

continues to magnify<br />

the name of Jesus and<br />

represent the kingdom in<br />

all of its beauty.<br />

of life, I often equate it to living in a family. Life is<br />

beautiful, but family life requires work and humility.<br />

It requires that we roll up our sleeves and pray and<br />

listen. It’s hard work. It doesn’t come naturally to<br />

anybody. <strong>Cornerstone</strong> has a tremendous history of<br />

doing that. And yet, we can do more. And we will do<br />

more together to ensure this university continues<br />

to magnify the name of Jesus and represent the<br />

kingdom in all of its beauty, to continue to be the<br />

destination of choice.<br />

I think our university must also continue to ensure<br />

that we’re committed to truth and not ideologies.<br />

There’s a significant blurred line between those two<br />

things in today’s culture. What is ideological and true,<br />

and what do we, as Christians, pursue and give our<br />

lives to and defend? This dawned on me two years<br />

ago, working through Matthew 4 and the temptations<br />

of Christ. It dawned on me looking at the chapter that<br />

two of the three temptations that Jesus Christ faced<br />

were to misuse His identity as the Son of God for<br />

personal gain.<br />

I think that is the great temptation that we face in<br />

the church and in Christian universities today. I think<br />

there’s a great temptation that we face to misuse our<br />

identity in Jesus. In John 14, when Jesus speaks to<br />

the Samaritan woman at the well, it’s an incredible<br />

conversation where identity comes up in a central<br />

way. Who truly worships God: Jews or Samaritans?<br />

There were two central ideas—identity and worship.<br />

And what did Jesus say? The Father is looking for<br />

“the true worshipers who worship Him in spirit and<br />

in truth” (John 4:23-24). That’s what we must<br />

endeavor to do. The truth will set us free.<br />

It’s the truth that students come to<br />

our university for. Praise God<br />

that our university has stood<br />

over 80 years, committed<br />

to truth and committed<br />

to the centrality of<br />

the gospel. We must<br />

also be a university<br />

committed to what I<br />

call moral formation,<br />

spiritual formation and<br />

character formation.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong><br />


It’s wonderful to hear our speakers tonight speak about the beauty and power<br />

Christian education. I discovered that as a little boy in Bogotá, Colombia, where my<br />

mother and father enrolled me in Colicchio Berea. There was chapel every day. And<br />

I remember the importance of biblical education as a child because it was in third<br />

grade in that school that the principal preached a sermon that called for an invitation.<br />

As I bowed my head, the LORD spoke to me and said, “You do not know me.” I’ll never<br />

forget that day.<br />

I began to understand Christian schools are really good. Christian schools magnify the<br />

LORD. Christian schools teach and preach. Christian schools help you to think about<br />

what is good and what is bad and right and wrong. I understood that Christian schools<br />

are also a place that’s safe to learn, to be challenged, to be prepared.<br />

Then I went to Cedarville <strong>University</strong> and encountered the beauty and power of<br />

spiritual formation through the gospel—through Christ, through faith-learning<br />

integration—and realized the beauty and importance of coming to a Christian<br />

university where students are thinking about Christ in a community of learners and<br />

having their character and their hearts shaped by the LORD through the love of<br />

faculty and staff.<br />

pictured<br />

Top left: Campus pastor Shafter<br />

Roble during a recent chapel<br />

service.<br />

Right: Staff participating in a day<br />

of prayer before classes began.<br />

Bottom left: President Moreno-<br />

Riaño meeting with a group of<br />

Kingdom Scholars.<br />

I’ve had the privilege and blessing in the last three months to meet lots and lots of<br />

students. And I can share this with you, ladies and gentlemen, that almost every single<br />

question that I’ve been asked by these students has been a question about spiritual<br />

formation. They asked me about academics. They want to ask me about the latest<br />

theory in sociology or biology, or they want to know, “How do we live?” I had one<br />

student say, “I have five siblings, and we don’t get along. Can you help me? Can you<br />

give me advice on how to be a good sister?” I had another individual, a student in the<br />

Kingdom Scholars program ask, “What is your favorite attribute of God and why?”<br />

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FALL <strong>2021</strong>

That’s profound.<br />

These students<br />

come to <strong>Cornerstone</strong><br />

for the wonderful<br />

education we provide<br />

to them. The wonderful<br />

degrees we offer, the incredible<br />

experiences. But I will tell you<br />

that at the end of the day, a lot of these<br />

students are wanting to know the answer to this<br />

question: How do we live? What does it mean to be<br />

a good human being—a good mom, a good dad, a<br />

good spouse, a good man, a good woman? Many<br />

years ago, Stanley Fish, a higher education scholar,<br />

wrote a book on this issue of formation. And he said<br />

that’s not the job of universities. That’s not right.<br />

For many years, the Pew Research Center has run<br />

studies on higher education and asked this question<br />

to parents and to adults. Do universities teach the<br />

most fundamental, important things about life?<br />

The answer is that a high percentage of Americans<br />

don’t believe they do. Ladies and gentlemen, praise<br />

God that for 82 years, our university has been doing<br />

spiritual formation, and my prayer is that it continues<br />

until the LORD returns. As we give students great<br />

academics, great faculty experience and great<br />

laboratory experiences, those individuals are going<br />

to leave, and they’re going to live their lives out as a<br />

particular kind of human being.<br />

A destination—the destination of choice—university<br />

is one that has great courage grounded in God,<br />

grounded in trust in our LORD, grounded in great<br />

humility, grounded in great love for one another<br />

and grounded in incredible commitment to truth<br />

and a humility to pursue it, to defend it, to share it<br />

with love and compassion but also with conviction.<br />

That destination of choice university is also one<br />

that believes and cares for the most important,<br />

fundamental questions of life that our students<br />

are asking and have nowhere else to go, but they<br />

come here seeking those answers. And, ladies and<br />

gentlemen, I pledge to you, that is who we’re going to<br />

continue to be.<br />

The task that is before us to<br />

build on a great foundation,<br />

to move forward to a great<br />

future—is going to require an<br />

incredible amount of prayer.<br />

But lastly, it is not<br />

something that I<br />

can do alone. It’s<br />

something that requires<br />

all of us to do together.<br />

It’s something that will<br />

require incredible amounts of<br />

collaboration, incredible amounts of<br />

prayer. There is no other way. It is going<br />

to require an incredible amount of prayer—deep<br />

prayer, serious prayer. When we call on God and ask<br />

God to pour His spirit on us, to transform our hearts<br />

and minds, to give us wisdom and to give us help. We<br />

don’t have it on our own.<br />

I’ll never forget one day being at a large church,<br />

which shall go nameless. I was sitting in the pews<br />

and the pastor came up and said, “Our church is so<br />

good, so well-organized and so well-planned that if<br />

the Holy Spirit went on vacation, we’d do just fine.”<br />

The temptation for us is to think that our planning<br />

and our organizing are going to lead the way to a<br />

great future. It’s not going to happen. God has to<br />

be central to us. That’s the beauty of this institution<br />

committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The task<br />

that is before us—to build on a great foundation, to<br />

move forward to a great future—is going to require an<br />

incredible amount of prayer.<br />

I call on all of us to pray like we’ve never prayed<br />

before for our wonderful university. That God will<br />

protect it. That God will guide it. That God will bring<br />

great resources to our university. That God will help<br />

us to remain humble and diligent, full of courage<br />

and full of love. And that’s why I want to ask our<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> family, friends, alumni, faculty, staff and<br />

board members—let’s commit ourselves to prayer.<br />

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your support.<br />

Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your love.<br />

Thank you for your hospitality to my family and to me.<br />

Thank you for your love for this wonderful university<br />

called <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>. More than anything,<br />

thank you for your faithful commitment to Jesus<br />

Christ. To Him belongs all honor and all glory and<br />

all praise forever and ever. Amen.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong><br />


75+ DEGREES<br />




Your support of <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> creates endless possibilities. When you give,<br />

even as little as $5 a month, your contribution can help fund a scholarship, start a new<br />

program or purchase new equipment.<br />

We are committed to our mission of preparing men and women to serve Jesus Christ in<br />

their vocation. We value your support in this endeavor. Your gift to <strong>Cornerstone</strong> is what<br />

makes that mission a reality.<br />

There are many ways to give to CU, including:<br />

+ Cash in Your Coffee: pledge $5 a month and receive a free coffee mug.<br />

+ Endowed scholarships.<br />

+ Legacy or gift planning.<br />

+ Non-cash gifts.<br />

And many more.<br />

Learn more about giving to CU by contacting<br />

the Advancement Office at 616.977.5439.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>

ANNUAL<br />

REPORT<br />



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FALL <strong>2021</strong>


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 21


AWARDS<br />

In May 2020, Dr. Max Botner, assistant professor of<br />

New Testament at GRTS, received the prestigious<br />

Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award, which recognizes<br />

the written work of young theologians around the<br />

world. Botner received the award for his doctoral<br />

thesis titled “Jesus Christ as the Son of David in the<br />

Gospel of Mark.”<br />

Dr. Sérgio da Silva, professor of psychology,<br />

was awarded the TUG Faculty Excellence Award.<br />

His gracious and collegial spirit and his scholarly<br />

expertise impact so many on campus—faculty and<br />

students alike.<br />


Dr. Laurie Burgess, associate professor of education<br />

and chair of the Teacher Education Division, was<br />

named an Impact Academy fellow in <strong>2021</strong> through<br />

Deans for Impact. Deans for Impact is an organization<br />

that is committed to equipping deans and directors of<br />

teacher education programs across the country.<br />

In July <strong>2021</strong>, Professor Jeffery Degner, assistant<br />

professor of economics, accompanied three<br />

undergraduate students who attended Mises<br />

<strong>University</strong> at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Ala.<br />

Degner was a research fellow at the Mises Institute<br />

and wrote an article for Mises Brasil Interdisciplinary<br />

Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economy. His<br />

article was titled “The Biblical Ethic of Free Market<br />

Exchange.”<br />


Dr. Nola Carew, associate professor of social work<br />

and chair of the Social Science Division, obtained<br />

a grant from the Council for Christian Colleges and<br />

Universities to study Christian leadership in a multifaith<br />

world and support <strong>Cornerstone</strong> students in<br />

engaging with others who are different from them<br />

while deepening their own faith.<br />



Dr. Jim Blumenstock, dean of Asia Biblical<br />

Theological Seminary, co-authored a chapter in<br />

“Identifying as Christian in an Alien Public Arena.”<br />

Dr. Rachel Hammond, associate professor of<br />

business and chair of the Business Division,<br />

presented “Developing Social Presence: Teaching<br />

Relationally and Creating Community in the Hybrid/<br />

Bimodal Classroom” at the ITLC Lilly Online<br />

Conference in May <strong>2021</strong> and a seminar titled<br />

“Professionalism in the Workplace” at the Acton<br />

Institute in June <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

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FALL <strong>2021</strong>

Dr. Desmond Ikegwuonu, assistant professor of<br />

music and director of worship arts, released several<br />

worship songs in various languages in conjunction<br />

with PFC worship.<br />

Julia Petersen, M.F.A., assistant professor of<br />

creativity and innovation, presented “Reimagine:<br />

Using Design Thinking to Bring Innovation to Honors<br />

Programs” at the Mid-East Honors Association<br />

Renewal Conference in 2020 and “Using the 5<br />

Principles of Design Thinking to Increase Student<br />

Engagement in Disciplines Outside Their Major”<br />

at the Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences<br />

Conference in <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Dr. Michael Pasquale, professor of linguistics and<br />

chair of the Humanities Division, was invited by LCC<br />

International <strong>University</strong> in Lithuania in December<br />

2020 to teach an online workshop on developing<br />

community in the classroom and was joined by over<br />

150 teachers from Africa, Europe and North America.<br />

He also co-edited the <strong>2021</strong> volume of the International<br />

Journal of Christianity and English Language<br />

Teaching.<br />

Dr. Nicole McDonald, professor of psychology,<br />

provided training to a local Christian school utilizing<br />

her expertise on students with disabilities and mental<br />

health challenges.<br />

Dr. James Sackett, assistant professor of kinesiology,<br />

presented twice for the virtual American College of<br />

Sports Medicine. He also published an article in the<br />

April <strong>2021</strong> edition of Frontiers in Neurology.<br />

Dr. Michael Wittmer, professor of systematic and<br />

historical theology at GRTS, published two books in<br />

<strong>2021</strong>: “The Bible Explainer” and “The 5-Minute Visual<br />

Guide to the Bible.”<br />


pictured<br />

Clockwise from top left:<br />

• Dr. Sérgio da Silva<br />

• Dr. Rachel Hammond<br />

• Dr. Desmond Ikegwuonu<br />

• Dr. Kim Hofstra<br />

• Dr. Max Botner<br />

Dr. Kim Hofstra, assistant professor of education,<br />

completed her Doctor of Education in organizational<br />

leadership and development through <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s<br />

Professional & Graduate Studies. Her dissertation<br />

was titled “The Impact of Leadership Behaviors on<br />

Teacher Self-Efficacy During the Implementation of<br />

Scripted Curriculum.”<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 23




During Sept. 20-22, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> received a<br />

site visit from its regional accrediting body, the Higher<br />

Learning Commission (HLC). The three-day site visit<br />

was a component of the university’s reaccreditation<br />

process which happens once every 10 years. Five<br />

trained peer reviewers appointed by HLC evaluated<br />

the university on five criterion or best practices for<br />

higher education institutions, including university<br />

mission, ethical conduct, teaching quality, evaluation<br />

methods and institutional effectiveness.<br />

“For <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> to fully live into our<br />

identity, mission and vision, we must be growing<br />

and transforming on an ongoing basis,” said Dr. John<br />

VerBerkmoes, executive vice president for academics<br />

and dean of GRTS. “The reaccreditation process with<br />

the Higher Learning Commission, which includes<br />

a self-study and site visit, provides a wonderful<br />

opportunity for deep reflection on the uniqueness of<br />

our mission, critical evaluation of our operations and<br />

renewed commitment to quality improvement in all<br />

we do for the glory of Christ.”<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> anticipates HLC’s final decision on its<br />

reaccreditation prior to the end of November.<br />



<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s newest graduate program—<br />

the Master of Public Administration—was fully<br />

accredited by the Higher Learning Commission this<br />

spring. The Master of Public Administration empowers<br />

emerging and aspiring nonprofit leaders to make<br />

effective decisions that lead to sustainable change in<br />

their communities. The first student cohort launched<br />

in September.<br />

To request information about enrolling in the M.P.A.<br />

program, visit cornerstone.edu/mpa today.<br />



<strong>Cornerstone</strong> launched a new Bachelor of Science<br />

in computer science program this fall with full<br />

enrollment. This major develops students’ skills in<br />

problem-solving, logic and creativity—skills that are<br />

imperative for the 21st century job market.<br />

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in<br />

the computer industry are expected to grow 16% by<br />

2028. CU faculty aim to help fill this growing industry<br />

sector with graduates who are prepared to influence<br />

their culture for Christ as skilled professionals<br />

in technical, analytical, consulting, teaching and<br />

research vocations.<br />

The computer science major is part of the newly<br />

established Computer Science, Engineering &<br />

Mathematics (CEM) Division.<br />

To request information about the computer science<br />

major and programs in the CEM Division, visit<br />

cornerstone.edu/cs.<br />

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FALL <strong>2021</strong>




In January <strong>2021</strong>, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> unveiled plans for a Bachelor of Science in<br />

Nursing, a highly competitive program for students who are passionate about both<br />

health care and their faith.<br />

The BSN program has been an evolving project at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> for several years. With an<br />

urgent need for trained, qualified nurses in West Michigan and across the country, the<br />

program was developed to provide undergraduates with rigorous training informed and<br />

bolstered by a biblical worldview. Through both, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> seeks to cultivate nurses<br />

who are not only competent but also compassionate.<br />

pictured<br />

Top left: Nursing student Catherine<br />

Ouma (BSN ’24) learns on one of<br />

the nursing center’s dynamic AI<br />

mannequins.<br />

Top right: Mannequins in the adult<br />

ward of the Mary De Witt Center<br />

for Nursing.<br />

Bottom left: Misty Emmons,<br />

assistant professor of nursing,<br />

annoints Ashlyn Wilkinson’s<br />

(BSN ’24) hands with oil in the<br />

Nursing Division’s Blessing of<br />

the Hands Ceremony.<br />

“Nursing is a profession that requires both competence of skill and compassion of heart,”<br />

said Dr. Maria McCormick, chair of the Nursing Division. “Consistent with the culture of<br />

<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong>, our BSN program offers a strong commitment to high academic<br />

performance as well as a seamless integration of the Christ-centered worldview. This will<br />

provide students with an education that will prepare them to be medically competent<br />

and culturally empathetic nurses.”<br />

The nursing program is housed in the Mary De Witt Center for Nursing on <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s<br />

campus. This facility provides students access to innovative technology rarely<br />

found at other nursing schools, including robotic mannequins from world-renowned<br />

manufacturer CAE that respond in real time to nursing interventions, medication,<br />

injections and more.<br />

The BSN degree at <strong>Cornerstone</strong> was approved by the Michigan State Board of Nurses<br />

in January and the Higher Learning Commission in July <strong>2021</strong>. The first cohort of nursing<br />

students began their program this fall.<br />

To request information about the BSN program, visit cornerstone.edu/nursing-major.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 25



On Saturday, Aug. 28, <strong>Cornerstone</strong> welcomed<br />

home 429 new students, its largest incoming<br />

class in the institution’s history. Coming from<br />

over 18 states and 17 countries, the incoming<br />

class included a record-breaking number of<br />

student-athletes and legacy students who<br />

have at least one parent who is a CU alum.<br />

“It was such a joy and privilege for our<br />

campus to welcome this year’s class and<br />

also see God’s faithfulness throughout<br />

this challenging year,” said Dave Emerson,<br />

executive director of admissions and<br />

international recruitment.<br />

At the annual Arrival Day worship service,<br />

university president Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño<br />

addressed the students and assured them<br />

of his commitment as university president to<br />

cultivate a love of Jesus as they study in CU’s<br />

Christ-centered and student-focused learning<br />

community.<br />


HOMECOMING & FAMILY WEEKEND <strong>2021</strong><br />

On Oct. 22-23, alumni gathered for the first time in two years for Homecoming &<br />

Family Weekend. Festivities included pumpkin carving, the Alumni & Friends 5K, a<br />

pancake breakfast with the president and a slow-pitch softball game with alumni<br />

softball players. Over 450 guests visited campus throughout the weekend. Activities<br />

also included the inauguration ceremony of Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño and the<br />

dedication of the new Steven J. Cochlan Wrestling & Training Center.<br />

“The Alumni Association was so blessed to host Homecoming & Family Weekend<br />

once again in <strong>2021</strong>,” said Dennis Graham, director of alumni relations at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>.<br />

“It was great to see so many new and familiar faces on campus having fun with their<br />

families and reconnecting with classmates and professors. The weekend is always<br />

a unique opportunity for alumni throughout <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s 80-year history to come<br />

see everything that makes our university great.”<br />

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FALL <strong>2021</strong>



<strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> athletics added men’s wrestling to its roster beginning in the <strong>2021</strong>-22 academic<br />

year. The wrestling program is <strong>Cornerstone</strong>’s 20th sport.<br />

The addition of the program included a new wrestling facility located near De Witt Field. The Steven J.<br />

Cochlan Wrestling & Training Center, named after former <strong>Cornerstone</strong> board member Steve Cochlan, was<br />

dedicated on Oct. 23 and is in use by the first men’s wrestling team.<br />

Inaugural men’s wrestling coach Chris Williamson is excited about his team and the opportunity to<br />

launch this program at <strong>Cornerstone</strong>. Williamson joins <strong>Cornerstone</strong> after six seasons as an assistant<br />

men’s wrestling coach at Liberty <strong>University</strong> in Virginia.<br />

“The opportunity to start a program at a school like <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> was exactly the right<br />

opportunity for me and my family,” Williamson said. “CU is positioned to be competitive in the WHAC<br />

and the NAIA right away. I am beyond excited to build a program that not only excels on the mats, but<br />

exalts Christ through the sport of wrestling. Wrestling has the unique capability of connecting the<br />

spiritual and the physical like almost nothing else can, which is why it makes perfect sense that a place<br />

like <strong>Cornerstone</strong> <strong>University</strong> would host such a profound sport here once again. My family and I are<br />

so grateful to Mr. Cochlan for his gift that will allow CU to build up men for Christ through the sport of<br />

wrestling in a beautiful new facility. It is my hope that this program will continue the high standard that<br />

CU has set for Christian athletics within the NAIA.”<br />

For more information about wrestling and the recruitment process, visit cornerstone.edu/wrestling.<br />

pictured<br />

Top left: Interior of the Steven J. Cochlan Wrestling<br />

& Training Center.<br />

Middle right: Steven Cochlan, CU president Dr. Gerson<br />

Moreno-Riaño and former president Dr. Joe Stowell cut the<br />

ribbon of the training center.<br />

Bottom left: Steve Cochlan with coach Chris Williamson,<br />

the Williamson family and members of the CU men’s<br />

wrestling team.<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 27


Condensed Statement of Activities For the Year Ended May 31, <strong>2021</strong><br />




Restricted by Restricted in<br />

<strong>University</strong> Radio Purpose or Time Perpetuity Total<br />

Net Student Tuition and Fees $ 22,246,796 $ — $ — $ — $ 22,246,796<br />

Contributions &<br />

Government Grants 2,876,938 3,377,006 5,348,419 213,570 11,815,933<br />

Investment return<br />

appropriated for operations 59,873 — 448,878 — 508,751<br />

Auxiliary Services 6,466,410 113,587 6,579,997<br />

Other Income 586,170 — (369,010) — 217,160<br />

Total Operating Revenue $ 32,236,187 $ 3,490,593 $ 5,428,287 $ 213,570 $ 41,368,637<br />

Non-capital Net Assets<br />

Released from Restrictions $ 4,088,985 $ — $ (4,088,985) $ — —<br />


Academic & Student Services $ 20,478,215 $ — $ — $ — $ 20,478,215<br />

Management & General 4,306,976 — — — 4,306,976<br />

Physical Plant Operations 3,682,513 — — — 3,682,513<br />

Auxiliary Services 2,906,659 1,713,860 — — 4,620,519<br />

Fundraising 552,597 658,262 — — 1,210,859<br />

Total Operating Expenses $ 31,926,960 $ 2,372,122 $ — $ — $ 34,299,082<br />

Increase (Decrease) in Net<br />

Assets from Operations $ 4,398,212 $ 1,118,471 $ 1,339,302 $ 213,570 $ 7,069,555<br />


Depreciation Expense $ (3,104,386) $ — $ — $ — $ (3,104,386)<br />

Investment return net of<br />

appropriations for operations 216,731 — 1,887,403 — 2,104,134<br />

Contributions restricted for<br />

capital campaign — — 2,738,052 — 2,738,052<br />

Capital Net Assets Released<br />

from Restrictions 2,998,677 — (2,998,677) — —<br />

Total Increase (Decrease) in<br />

Net Assets $ 4,509,234 $ 1,118,471 $ 2,966,080 $ 213,570 $ 8,807,355<br />

Condensed Statement of Financial Position For the Year Ended May 31, <strong>2021</strong><br />

ASSETS<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />


<strong>University</strong><br />

Cash $ 15,050,370<br />

Receivables, Inventories, & Prepaid Expenses 5,302,217<br />

Investments 17,310,138<br />

Fixed Assets, net 70,988,142<br />

Total Assets $ 108,650,867<br />

Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses $ 2,723,550<br />

Deferred Revenue and Deposits 2,173,777<br />

Notes Payable 631,825<br />

Long-term Debt 6,679,529<br />

Other Liabilities 322,300<br />

Net Assets 96,119,886<br />

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 108,650,867<br />

28<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>




20.1%<br />

Auxiliary<br />

Services<br />

8.9%<br />

Contributions &<br />

Government Grants<br />

2.0%<br />

Other Income<br />

69.0%<br />

Net Student<br />

Tuition and Fees<br />

1.7%<br />

Fundraising<br />




9.1%<br />

Auxiliary<br />

Services<br />

11.5%<br />

Physical Plant<br />

Operations<br />

13.5%<br />


AID<br />

Management<br />

& General<br />

64.1%<br />

$1,655,954<br />

Athletic<br />

Scholarships<br />

$818,338<br />

Incentive<br />

Scholarships<br />

Academic &<br />

Student Services<br />

$627,087<br />

$35,418<br />

Seminary<br />

Scholarships<br />

$8,928,483<br />

Academic & Needbased<br />

Grants<br />

$255,528<br />

PGS<br />

Scholarships<br />

$554,034<br />

Funded<br />

Scholarships<br />

Other Grants & Scholarships<br />

PHOTO CREDITS: RYAN PRINS PHOTOGRAPHY © <strong>2021</strong><br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 29


DONORS (June 2020 to May <strong>2021</strong>)<br />


Allison Abbott<br />

Katherine Abshagen<br />

Ralph and Mary Abuhl<br />

Thomas and Harriet Adams<br />

Joseph and Abbey Afienko<br />

Howard and Roberta Ahmanson<br />

Geren and Melissa Albury<br />

Steven Alderman<br />

Dominic Allen<br />

Liza Alvarez<br />

Jen Anderson<br />

Alberta Andrus<br />

Paul and Cynthia Anthes<br />

Elizabeth Antvelink<br />

David and Karen April<br />

Randy Arntson<br />

Kimberly Atwood<br />

Peter and Gail Atwood<br />

Jeff and Emilie Azkoul<br />

Rick and Wanda Baarman<br />

Gloria Baker<br />

Jeff and Lynne Baker<br />

Zachary Baker<br />

Randall and Donna Bakker<br />

Ben Balbach<br />

John and Barbara Barber<br />

Troy and Linda Bateson<br />

Stan and Ellen Beach<br />

Tim and Cheri Beals<br />

Phillip and Lois Beard<br />

Phil Beemer<br />

Kenneth and Vicki Behr<br />

Dennis and Nancy Bekken<br />

Todd and Rhonda Belden<br />

Desmond and Pauline Bell<br />

Joseph Benedetti<br />

Patricia Berens<br />

Ryan and Linda Berghorst<br />

William and Jodi Besaw<br />

Douglas and Karen Beverage<br />

James and Darlene Biddle<br />

Frieda Bierma<br />

Regan Billings<br />

Brandan Bishop<br />

Karen Black<br />

Michael and Katelin Blum<br />

Denton Bobeldyk<br />

Jeffrey and Jodi Bodtke<br />

Tom and Arlene Bodtke<br />

Michael and Sheryl Boes<br />

Bill and Nora Bolthouse<br />

Carole and James Bos<br />

Lawrence and Rose Bos<br />

Jeffrey and Lisa Bouma<br />

Richard and Emily Bouvier<br />

Tom and Sonia Bouwman<br />

Nick Bowen<br />

Mike and Rebecca Bradley<br />

Jason and Emma Braford<br />

Janelle Branch<br />

Lindsay Brand<br />

Khary and Jennifer Bridgewater<br />

Doug and Elizabeth Brown<br />

Joshua and Sarah Brown<br />

Julie Brown<br />

Craig and Sandra Brueck<br />

Andy and Amanda Brummel<br />

Marcus Brussee<br />

Sara Brzezinski<br />

Stephen and Laura Burmaster<br />

Elizabeth Burton<br />

Doug and Crystal Busch<br />

Jim and Jan Bush<br />

Mike and Beckie Buwalda<br />

Galen and Jeannette Call<br />

Fernanda Calzada Munoz<br />

Nathan-Jesse Campbell<br />

William and Virginia Campbell III<br />

Michael and Nola Carew<br />

Michael and Patricia Carlon<br />

Shirley Carroll<br />

Delores Carter<br />

Philip and Cathy Carter<br />

LeRoy and Isabel Case<br />

June Cassada<br />

Bobbie Chandler<br />

Ben and Linda Chapman<br />

Ronald and Brooke Cheney<br />

Rob and Lori Clark<br />

Rosalie Clark<br />

Valerie Clarkson<br />

Steve Cochlan<br />

Richard and Nancy Cole<br />

Cecil and Bernita Colthorp<br />

Daniel and Randy Comden<br />

Nick and Laura Conran<br />

Ron and Lori Cook<br />

Jeremy and Kayla Cordell<br />

Paul and Salome Correa<br />

Joseph and Melanie Corsten<br />

Rick and Traci Costen<br />

Jeff and Pat Cousins<br />

Cory and Melissa Cox<br />

Jim and Denise Cox<br />

Gregory and Nancy Cragel<br />

Vic and Deborah Crater<br />

Brad and Sherri Everett<br />

Duane and Mari-Clare Culver<br />

Kevin and Tina Lee Cumings<br />

Cameron and Amanda Currie<br />

Arda Cushman<br />

Margo Cuthbert<br />

Wayne and Diane Dalman<br />

Robert and Diane Davies<br />

Thomas and Susan Day<br />

David De Roo<br />

Mary De Witt<br />

Donald and Judith DeBoer<br />

Mark and Heidi DeKorne<br />

Doug and Maria DeVos<br />

Douglas DeVries<br />

James and Lucille DeVries<br />

Don and Minnie DeWitt<br />

Mike and Sally Dillenbeck<br />

Paul and Nancy Doane<br />

John Douglass<br />

Madison Drew<br />

Carl and Karen Dufendach<br />

Gail Duhon<br />

Sherwood and Kathleen Dusterwinkle<br />

Scott and Renee Dwyer<br />

Kevin and Amy Dykema<br />

Kurt and Michelle Dykema<br />

Lee and Karyn Eck<br />

Leroy Edwards<br />

Richard and Jean Eggleston<br />

David and Shirley Egner<br />

Brian Eldridge<br />

James and Nancy Engen<br />

Darryl and Kathy Ernst<br />

Jeremy and Amy Ervin<br />

Tucker and Kara Fahlen<br />

Jim and Shari Farrell<br />

Mark and Anne Fifer<br />

Frederick and Shirley Fleischmann<br />

Wayne Foote<br />

Bruce and Terri Fowler<br />

Jimmie and Debbie Fox<br />

Martha Frahm<br />

Michael Frankey<br />

Todd and Ann Frass<br />

Tamara Fry<br />

Jim and Marcy Fryling<br />

James and Mary Fuchs<br />

Terry and Carolyn Fulk<br />

Brian and Lori Fulks<br />

Jeff and Connie Furness<br />

Eric and Anne Gaertner<br />

Clark and Debra Galloway<br />

Gretchen Galloway<br />

Spencer and Sonya Galloway<br />

Todd and Judi Galloway<br />

Aaron Garner<br />

Jane Garner<br />

Raymond and Carol Gates<br />

Brian Gilbert<br />

Judy Gill<br />

Jeff and Tori Gillesse<br />

Natalie Gittus<br />

Claudia Givens<br />

Robert and Margaret Goldthorpe<br />

Dennis and Debra Goodrich<br />

Dan and Esther Gordon<br />

Jim and Bonnie Gordon<br />

Al and Bethany Gortmaker<br />

Dennis and Rebecca Graham<br />

Michael and Christine Grano<br />

Anthony and Emily Gratson<br />

Abraham Groat<br />

Tony and Kandy Groll<br />

30<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>


Devoting our full selves to the shared, steadfast purpose of<br />

life-changing education that leads students to reach their<br />

God-given potential.<br />

+ Ranked 12th among Top Performers<br />

on Social Mobility Among Midwest Colleges<br />

(U.S. News & World <strong>Report</strong>, 2020)<br />

+ $12.1 Million<br />

awarded in financial aid<br />

Jordan Grooters<br />

Carolyn Hope<br />

Chase Kleinheksel<br />

Jeff and Betsy Lipinski<br />

Frederick Gross<br />

Todd and Mary Hotovy<br />

Harold Klukowski<br />

Chris and Christine Loiselle<br />

Ian and Erin Grotenhuis<br />

Todd and Peggy Housenga<br />

Terry Knaus<br />

Mike and Emilee Long<br />

Carrie Gulliford<br />

Scott and Kari Huckaby<br />

Paul Knibbe<br />

Timothy and Kimberly Long<br />

James and Jeannette Gunn<br />

Amanda Hudak<br />

Bill and Pam Knott<br />

Gerald and Beth Longjohn<br />

Maureen Hale<br />

Dwayne and Tiffany Huff<br />

Greg and Leslie Koczan<br />

Marj Longjohn<br />

Jeffrey and Logan Halsted II<br />

J C Huizenga<br />

Ronald and Patsy Kooistra<br />

Kevin and Ashleigh Looman<br />

Ben and Rachel Hammond<br />

Zak and Taryn Hulst<br />

Rick and Carolyn Koole<br />

Mark and Dorothy Looman<br />

Benjamin Hannah<br />

Michael and Rebecca Humm<br />

Michael and Kimberly Korpak<br />

Chad and Jane Lubbers<br />

Heidi Hansen<br />

Carol Hunter<br />

Paul and Jody Koutz<br />

Rachel Luce<br />

Brian and Alison Haraburda<br />

Marc and Joyce Hunter<br />

James and Corinne Kraayeveld<br />

Dean and Amanda Luurtsema<br />

James and Judy Harbeck<br />

Kevin and Kelly Hutchinson<br />

Jack and Carol Kragt<br />

Bill and Wanda Luurtsema<br />

Zachary and Megan Harbison<br />

Luan Hutchinson<br />

Peter and Carol Kramer<br />

Cynthia Lyons<br />

Tim and Marilyn Harms<br />

Ben Huyser<br />

Jim and Kathie Kregel<br />

Jacob Lyons<br />

Catrina Harr<br />

Richard and Sharon Ibarra<br />

Mary Krieger<br />

Danny and JoAnn Atwood<br />

Denise Hart<br />

Anita Isenga<br />

Don and Mona Krise<br />

Tricia Magrames<br />

Arthur and Betsy Hasse<br />

Jonathan Jack<br />

Ronald and Marilyn Kronemeyer<br />

Kelly Malone<br />

James Haveman<br />

Brenda Jansen<br />

Benjamin Krueger<br />

Drew and Abby Martin<br />

Steve and Annie Hawks<br />

Gary and Nancy Jennings<br />

Stanley and Joann Lachowicz<br />

Ty and Katelyn Mason<br />

John and Linda Hayden<br />

Thomas and Carolyn Jesse<br />

James and Nancy Lacy<br />

John and Ruth Matazel<br />

Holly Hazekamp<br />

Lysle and Carma Johnson<br />

James Lagina<br />

Amanda May<br />

Dewey Heetderks<br />

Paul and Pam Johnson<br />

Dan and Laura LaMore<br />

Andrew and Brooke McClain<br />

Laura Helveston<br />

Sharlene Johnson<br />

Benjamin Lanning<br />

Dudley and Libby McCready<br />

Richard and Kathryn Hemenway<br />

Robert and Amy Kamphuis<br />

Matthew Larsen<br />

James McCrum<br />

Austin Hendrick<br />

Russell and Mary Kaufman<br />

Gentry and Elise Ledbetter<br />

Matthew and Nicole McDonald<br />

Mikayla Henke<br />

Kristin Keelean<br />

Noah and Paige Lehmann<br />

James McEwan<br />

Michael Herrema<br />

Phil and Carrie Keith<br />

Chris and Megan Lenhart<br />

David and Kay McFarlane<br />

Ralph and Connie Hetchler<br />

Bill and Juanita Kellaris Jr<br />

Sheila Lenhart<br />

Mark and Michaelene McGinnis<br />

Gregory and Sharon Hewitt<br />

Ned and Juliet Keller<br />

Agnes Lina<br />

Jim and Marcia McKinney<br />

Sarah Hiemstra<br />

Brad and Darcia Kelley<br />

Gordon Lindsay<br />

Dave Mehney<br />

Rick and Lynda Hoeksema<br />

William and Rosemary Keys<br />

Zoe Lindsay<br />

Kimberly Meiste<br />

Mark and Wendy Holtvluwer<br />

Brenda King<br />

James and Lisa Link<br />

Al and Kay Meredith<br />

Larry Hoover<br />

April Kirchen<br />

Doug and Judi Lipinski<br />

Philip and Mia Merrell<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 31

Shari Meyering<br />

Wally and Midge Olsson<br />

Joe and Alice Rea<br />

Scott and Nora Sanders<br />

Karl and Jean Millard<br />

Bradley Orr<br />

Trey and Ellen Reed<br />

Daniel and Suzan Santos<br />

Daniel and Sabrasue Miller<br />

Desirae Ortiz<br />

Kedron and Amelia Rhodes<br />

Denny Sauers<br />

Dan and Anna Miller<br />

Rick and Lonnie Ostrander<br />

Bradley and Joy Richards<br />

William Schaefer<br />

Kelly and Debra Miller<br />

Dave Oswald Jr<br />

Jason and Marci Richardson<br />

Brian and Karen Schankat<br />

Mary Miller<br />

Barry and Jean Palmerton<br />

Steve and Beth Rider<br />

Jeremiah Schimp<br />

Joyce Moore<br />

David Park<br />

Donald and Beverly Riedel<br />

Dale and Jennifer Schmatz<br />

Julie Morehead<br />

Bruce and Jean Parsons<br />

Jane Riker<br />

Allan and Vicki Scholten<br />

Donald and Bette Morren<br />

Bryan and Lauren Pasciak<br />

Brent and Christine Ritsema<br />

Jane Scholtens<br />

George Morren<br />

David and Sharon Pasciak<br />

Randall and Mary Ellen Ritsema<br />

Norman and Elvira Schuen<br />

Michael and Nancy Morren<br />

David and Anne Pasquale<br />

Sidney and Carol Roberts<br />

Bill and Kristil Semrau<br />

Rick and Sandra Motz<br />

Michael and Monica Pasquale<br />

Brian and Grace Robinson<br />

Jessie Seven<br />

Mark and Joy Muha<br />

Curtis and Alyson Peterson<br />

Leona Robinson<br />

Deborah Shelley<br />

Martha Muir<br />

Amy Phillips<br />

Kathryn Rocha<br />

Leroy and Darlene Shively<br />

Dawn Mumford<br />

Mark and Regina Pierce<br />

Robert Rodenhouse<br />

Thomas Short<br />

Randy and Kelly Murphy<br />

Andre and Cheryl Pierre Jr<br />

Roger and Anne Roode<br />

Kevin and Julie Shuneson<br />

Kenneth and Kerisa Myers Jr<br />

Kevin and Janet Pike<br />

Carl and Marilyn Rosema<br />

Thomas and Wendy Siefert<br />

Kevin and Jamie Nast<br />

Bruce and Chelsie Pobocik<br />

Randall and Diane Rottschafer<br />

Brian and Bonnie Simmons<br />

Laurence and Christine Nelson Sr<br />

David Pohl<br />

Jason Roys<br />

Joe and Kathy Sindorf<br />

David and Deborah Nemitz<br />

Stephen and Lori Popp<br />

Richard and Susanne Royston<br />

Emily Skinner<br />

Peter and Shawn Newhouse<br />

Rich and Ruth Postma<br />

Robert and Christine Rozelle<br />

Christopher and Jennifer Slagter<br />

Kim Nguyen<br />

Shannon Pothoven<br />

Nathan and Tricia Ruffer<br />

Kimm and Tammy Slater<br />

Thomas and Amy Niergarth<br />

Justin and Cathi Powell<br />

Tracy Russell<br />

Joe and Sandra Slaughter<br />

Jim and Maartje Niewenhuis<br />

David and Mary Pray<br />

John and Cheri Ruzza<br />

Kevin Slowik<br />

Noel and Rhonda Nixon<br />

Michael and Valerie Probst<br />

Edward Ryzenga<br />

Andrew and Nancie Smith<br />

Kurt and Sandy Norgaard<br />

Gary Proos<br />

Bryce and Anna Sack<br />

Colleen Smith<br />

Lorraine Nyenhuis<br />

Gary and Bonnie Pyles<br />

Bob and Debbie Sack<br />

Megan Smith<br />

Jason and Amy O’Dell<br />

Austin Rakestraw<br />

Aaron and Allison Sagraves<br />

Steve and Nancy Smith<br />

Laura Ohman<br />

Nancy Ranger<br />

Kenneth and Kathryn Sampson<br />

Tyler Smith<br />

Carlton and Vicki Olson<br />

James and Jayne Rauwerda<br />

Brian and Chrissy Sandberg<br />

Josiah Sohlden<br />


Generous in identifying and meeting the needs of<br />

diverse students that allow our students to thrive.<br />

+ 15:1<br />

+ 18:1<br />

TUG student-to-faculty ratio<br />

GRTS student-to-faculty ratio<br />

+ 14-22<br />

students per class offered at PGS<br />

32<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>

Roger and Jan Spoelman<br />

Douglas and Lauri Sporte<br />

Ross and Rojean Sprague<br />

John and Catherine Squires<br />

Arie and Mary Staal<br />

Judith Staats<br />

Brad and Tami Stamm<br />

Jonathan Stewart<br />

Scott and Sheila Stewart<br />

Alan Stock<br />

Richard and Rebecca Stone<br />

Joe and Martie Stowell<br />

Muriel Strickland<br />

Jonny Strube<br />

Emily Stump<br />

Howard and Sandra Suitor<br />

Robert and Kristie Summerfield<br />

Tom and Louanne Summerfield<br />

Danny Surgent<br />

Erin Swinger<br />

Douglas and Linda Taatjes<br />

Benjamin and Joanna Taylor<br />

Lois Taylor<br />

Matt and Kristy Taylor<br />

Marion and Susannah Ten Hoor<br />

Virginia Terrell<br />

George and Leah Tesar<br />

Stephen and Penny Tessler<br />

Josh and Alyssa Thayer<br />

Kori Thompson<br />

Adam Thornhill<br />

Samuel Tillema<br />

Brad and Thalia Tilma<br />

Chad and Jodi Timmer<br />

Mark and Leah Tremaine<br />

Linda Troxel<br />

Glenn and June Troyer<br />

Jerry and Marcy Tubergen<br />

Mya Udell<br />

Jeremy and Shannon Underwood<br />

Karen Underwood<br />

Ronald and Rebecca Underwood<br />

Carol Van Andel<br />

Nelda Van Horn<br />

Mike and Debra Van Kampen<br />

David and Mary Van Solkema<br />

Ronald and Joan Van Zee<br />

Ronald and Carol VanAntwerp<br />

Mike and Renae VanAst<br />

Benjamin and Chelsea Vanbiesbrouck<br />

Todd and Carole VandeGuchte<br />

Chester VandenBerg<br />

Roger and Susan VanderHeide<br />

Mark Vanderjagt<br />

Tyler VanderVen<br />

Steven Vanderwey<br />

James and Cherry VanderZee<br />

Gary and Anita Vanderziel<br />

Donald and Wilma VanDerZwaag<br />

David and Gracie Vandyke<br />

David and Nancy VanHouten<br />

Nate and April VanPutten<br />

Scott VanSingel<br />

Randy and Deb Veltkamp<br />

Andrew Venema<br />

Timothy Venema<br />

Dan and Megan Vos<br />

James and Jenni Vosburgh<br />

Kirk and Marie Vredevelt<br />

Eric Wagenmaker<br />

Mikayla Walker<br />

Matthew and Alissa Wallace<br />

Melissa Walters<br />

Seth Walters<br />

Samuel Wanner<br />

Alan Warner<br />

Bryan and Sandra Warner<br />

Wayne Watkins<br />

Anthony and Kim Weber<br />

Ted and Julie Weber<br />

Norman Weener<br />

Tom and Janet Wessels<br />

Bill and Margaret Wheeler<br />

Jack and Priscilla White<br />

Margaret Whitesel<br />

Lois Whittemore<br />

Steve and Katie Wideen<br />

Audrey Wierenga<br />

Doug and Dion Wierenga<br />

Matthew Williams<br />

Cynthia Willman<br />

Sam and Cynthia Wiltheiss<br />

Stefanie Wise<br />

Daniel and Stacey Woodall<br />

Michael and Dianne Workman<br />

Douglas and Rose Wrung<br />

Wade and Alicia Wyant<br />

Steve and Susan Wyse<br />

Andrew Yankee<br />

Keith Yates<br />

Jessica Yonkers<br />

Laura Yonkers<br />

Sandra Young<br />

Mark and Sarah Zichterman<br />

David Zondervan<br />

Lee and Karen Zuidema<br />

Glenn and Eileen Zwart<br />

Ryan Zwier<br />

Dave and Bea Zylstra<br />

David and Jennifer Zysk<br />


4 Oaks Wealth Management, LLC<br />

All-Flo Plumbing LLC<br />

Applied Imaging<br />

B&V Mechanical Inc<br />

Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund<br />

Belden Brick & Supply<br />

Bouma Corporation<br />

C2AE<br />

Campus Labs<br />

Center for Physical Rehab Inc<br />

Champion Teamwear<br />

Chick-fil-A at Grand Rapids South FSU<br />

Compass Coach Inc<br />

Council for Christian Colleges & Universities<br />

Cousin’s Tasty Chicken<br />

Credo Communications LLC<br />

Culver CPA Group<br />

Dan Vos Construction Co<br />

Eckhoff & DeVries Painting and Wallcovering<br />

Engle Family Charitable Fund<br />

Farm Bureau Insurance Jeremy Underwood<br />

Fidelity Charitable<br />

Fieldstead & Company<br />

Financial Advisory Corp<br />

First Companies<br />

Gilson Graphics<br />

Growtrust Partners<br />

Guidestream Charitable Gift Fund<br />

Hurst Mechanical Inc.<br />

Independent Media Institute<br />

Integrity Business Solutions LLC<br />

ITS Partners, LLC<br />

JH Realty Partners<br />

Knibbe Investment Management LLC<br />

Kraft Business Systems<br />

Lake Michigan Credit Union<br />

Landscaping with Perfection<br />

Lubbers Painting LLC<br />

Lumbermen’s Inc<br />

Meijer Inc<br />

Miller and Miller Incorporated<br />

Modernistic Cleaning & Restoration<br />

Moss Telecommunications Services<br />

MYESCO<br />

North Cedar Attorney Holdings LLC<br />

Olsson Investment Group LLC<br />

Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan<br />

Paul Damon & Associates<br />

Pepsi Bottling Group LLC<br />

Plastic Mold Technology<br />

PNC Financial Services Group<br />

Red Wagon Advisors<br />

Request Foods Inc<br />

Richard E Wiggins CRUT #2<br />

Ridgefield Company LLC<br />

Ridgeview Industries<br />

River City Mechanical<br />

Rowe Professional Services Company<br />

Signworks of Michigan Inc<br />

Strategic Stewardship Partners LLC<br />

Team Gazelle<br />

The Christman Company<br />

United Way<br />

Vredevoogd-Brummel Insurance<br />

Weather Shield Roofing Systems<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 33


Serving students through dynamic learning opportunities<br />

that are responsive to market demands and student needs.<br />

+ 12<br />

health care majors.<br />

+ Only <strong>University</strong><br />

with an honors institute dedicated to creativity.<br />

+ 25<br />

+ 5<br />

Programs and 15+ individual courses offered online.<br />

new graduate and undergraduate programs started over the last<br />

two years to meet market demand.<br />


Barnabas Foundation<br />

Bateson Charitable Lead Trust<br />

Beatrice A Idema Revocable Trust<br />

Darius D Nutt Trust<br />

David and Carol Van Andel Family Foundation<br />

Donald & Donna Ecklesdafer Charitable Remainder<br />

Trust<br />

H & A Edwards Trust<br />

Harold R & Clara Weaver Charitable Trust<br />

Jerry and Marcia Tubergen Foundation<br />

Mojo Foundation<br />

Monticello College Foundation<br />

National Christian Foundation<br />

National Christian Foundation Greater Chicago<br />

National Christian Foundation West Michigan<br />

Onequest Family Foundation<br />

Press On Foundation<br />

Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund<br />

Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.<br />

Samuel L Westerman Foundation<br />

Schwab Charitable Fund<br />

Sullivan Scholarship Fund Trust<br />

The Douglas and Maria DeVos Foundation<br />

The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust<br />

Zichterman Family Foundation<br />


Thomson Reuters My Community Program<br />


Eastport Baptist Church<br />

Highland Hills Baptist Church<br />

Magnify Church<br />

34<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong>


SEMINARY DONORS (June 2020 to May <strong>2021</strong>)<br />


Ralph and Mary Abuhl<br />

Richard and Linda Antonini<br />

Gloria Baker<br />

Randall and Donna Bakker<br />

Tim and Cheri Beals<br />

John Bell<br />

Michael and Jeanne Belth<br />

Bruce and Lynn Bishop<br />

Tom and Arlene Bodtke<br />

Brian and Gina Bolger<br />

Bill and Nora Bolthouse<br />

John and Carol Boruta<br />

Khary and Jennifer Bridgewater<br />

George and Mary Brzezinski<br />

Everett and Ruth Burkey<br />

Doug and Crystal Busch<br />

William and Virginia Campbell III<br />

Scott and Heidi Campbell<br />

June Cassada<br />

Donald and Jan Chapman<br />

Christine Coggins<br />

Cecil and Bernita Colthorp<br />

William and Sharon Commons<br />

Joe Curtis<br />

Philip and Brenda David<br />

Thomas and Susan Day<br />

Mary De Witt<br />

Connie Dean<br />

Keith and Cheryl DeBoer<br />

Doug and Maria DeVos<br />

Luke and Kimberly Dickson<br />

Graydon and Jennie Dimkoff<br />

Madison Drew<br />

Carl and Karen Dufendach<br />

Paul and Karen Edwards<br />

Eric and Cheryl Elmer<br />

James and Nancy Engen<br />

Timothy Farley<br />

Dan and Joan Farnol<br />

Allen and Theresa Ferry<br />

Mark and Anne Fifer<br />

Linda Froehlich<br />

Daniel and Julie Gallivan<br />

Dan and Esther Gordon<br />

Gary and Cassandra Hankins<br />

Roger Harrison<br />

John and Charlotte Hilber<br />

Joel and Colleen Hill<br />

Joseph and Sharon Hilyard<br />

Robert and Esther Howder<br />

Richard and Sharon Ibarra<br />

Robert and Deborah Jeffers<br />

William and Michelle Jones<br />

Lee and Shirley June<br />

David and Coila Kennedy<br />

Brenda King<br />

Colette Kirby<br />

Mary Krieger<br />

Don and Mona Krise<br />

Wilfred and Darlene Kuhnell<br />

Richard and Amy Langton<br />

Arlyn and Marcia Lanting<br />

Dallas and Senita Lenear<br />

Robert and Shirley Lenz<br />

Tom Martin<br />

Dave Mehney<br />

Robert and Cheryl Mol<br />

Nathaniel Moody<br />

Michael and Debby Nelson<br />

David and Deborah Nemitz<br />

Peter and Shawn Newhouse<br />

Robert and Bette Jo Nienhuis<br />

Michael and Jean Oele<br />

Peter and Karen Osborn<br />

Bruce and Sue Osterink<br />

Rick and Lonnie Ostrander<br />

David and Sharon Pasciak<br />

Patrick and Nan Patterson<br />

Bill and Jillane Payne<br />

Peter and Patricia Pell Sr<br />

Paul Pennington<br />

Jean Perrini<br />

Mark and Regina Pierce<br />

Edward and Dona Powell<br />

Harold and Bonnie Price<br />

Donald and Beverly Riedel<br />

Leona Robinson<br />

Bill and Gloria Rudd<br />

James and Rene Salerno<br />

Eric and Connie Sattler<br />

Karl and Jill Schmidt<br />

Ken and Karen Schmidt<br />

Maurice Scruggs<br />

Michael and Imelda Shannon<br />

Martha Shrubsole<br />

Thomas and Wendy Siefert<br />

Ryan Simmons<br />

Andrew and Nancie Smith<br />

Colleen Smith<br />

Roger and Jan Spoelman<br />

Richard and Rebecca Stone<br />

George and Leah Tesar<br />

Daniel and Amy Treier<br />

Mark and Leah Tremaine<br />

Donald and Ruth Trott<br />

Jerry and Marcy Tubergen<br />

David and Beverly Turner<br />

Milton and Betty Ubbink<br />

Steve and Laura VandeLune<br />

Hank and Joyce VanderWerp<br />

Robert and Jan VanDyke<br />

John and Kelly VerBerkmoes<br />

Roger Wade<br />

Paul and Marilyn Ware<br />

Ted and Julie Weber<br />

Norman Weener<br />

Steven and Kayla Whitham<br />

Lois Whittemore<br />

Steve and Susan Wyse<br />

Darrell and Cindy Yoder<br />


Barnabas Foundation<br />

The Douglas and Maria DeVos<br />

Foundation<br />

Fidelity Charitable<br />

Guidestream Charitable Gift Fund<br />

Jack and Wynnita Joy Westerbeek<br />

Family<br />

Foundation<br />

Jerry and Marcia Tubergen Foundation<br />

Lilly Endowment Inc<br />

National Christian Foundation<br />

National Christian Foundation West<br />

Michigan<br />

Onequest Family Foundation<br />

Raytheon<br />

Steelcase Foundation<br />

WaterStone<br />


Aboite Baptist Church<br />

Ada Bible Church<br />

Kent City Baptist Church<br />

South Church<br />


FALL <strong>2021</strong> 35

This year’s Arrival Day welcomed 429 new students to<br />

campus, complete with welcome signs and 90-degree heat.<br />

STORY ON PAGE 26.<br />

SHALLOM KIMANZI © <strong>2021</strong>

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