Australian Polity, Volume 9 Number 3 - Digital Version

Australia's hot topics in news, current affairs and culture

Australia's hot topics in news, current affairs and culture


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his or her duty, first in the ordinary, every-day affairs of

life, and next in those great occasional crises [and we

know a bit about that] which call for the heroic virtues.”

Together and individually we are each responsible for

building and sustaining community, and we each have

something unique to bring. Because community begins

with the individual, not the state, not the marketplace.

It begins with an appreciation of the unique dignity of

each human being. It recognises that each individual

has something to offer and that failure to appreciate and

realise this, as a community, means our community is

poorer and it is weaker. In short, to realise true community

we must first appreciate each individual human being

matters. You matter. You, individually.

happens when people are defined solely by the group

they belong to, or an attribute they have, or an identity

they possess. The Jewish community understands that

better than any in the world.

My message is simple: you matter, you make the difference,

you make community. And together with family and

marriage and the associations of clubs and community

groups, faith networks, indeed the organisations we’re

here celebrating tonight, and so much more, they are the

further building blocks of community on that individual,

providing the stability and the sinews of society that

bind us one to another. And upon that moral foundation

of community we build our institutions of state. Within

that moral context we operate our marketplace.

In this context I would also argue we must protect against

those forces that would undermine that in community,

and I don’t just mean, as I’ve recently remarked, the social

and moral corrosion caused by the misuse of social

media, and the abuse that occurs there. But I would say

it also includes the growing tendency to commodify

human beings through identity politics.

To your great credit, this event is an affirmation that

morality always starts with individuals seeing the dignity

and need in each other and deciding to act. You are

demonstrating by your own actions that morality can

never be outsourced, because when it is we rob ourselves

of that precious agency and we deny the strength and

goodwill that comes from building community.

We must never surrender the truth that the experience

and value of every human being is unique and personal.

You are more, we are more, individually, more than the

things others try to identify us by, you by, in this age of

identity politics. You are more than your gender, you are

more than your race, you are more than your sexuality,

you are more than your ethnicity, you are more than your

religion, your language group, your age.

You matter. Community matters. In a democracy, it matters

especially. It’s a tremendous source of strength and its

why foreign actors seek to sow discord online, in many

other ways, inflaming angers and hatreds and spreading

lies and disinformation. Of course, the right to disagree

peacefully is at the heart of democracy. But democracy

is a shared endeavour, and civility, trust and generosity

are the currency that mediates our differences.

All of these of course contribute to who we may be and

the incredible diversity of our society, particularly in this

country, and our place in the world. But of themselves

they are not the essence of our humanity. When we

reduce ourselves to a collection of attributes, or divide

ourselves, even worse, on this basis, we can lose sight

of who we actually are as individual human beings - in all

our complexity, in all our wholeness and in all our wonder.

We then define each other if we go down that other

path by the boxes we tick or don’t tick, rather than our

qualities, skills and character. And we fail to see the value

that other people hold as individuals, with real agency

and responsibility. Throughout history, we’ve seen what

The Hon Scott Morrison MP is the Prime Minister of Australia. This is

an edited extract of his address to the United Israel Appeal Dinner,

Randwick NSW, 29 April 2021.

“At the heart of our

Judeo-Christian heritage

are two words: Human

dignity. Everything else

flows from this.”

20 Australian Polity

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