Common Ground - Islam and Buddhism
Common Ground - Islam and Buddhism
Common Ground - Islam and Buddhism
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dence. He served as Professor of <strong>Islam</strong>ic Law <strong>and</strong> Jurisprudence at<br />
the International <strong>Islam</strong>ic University Malaysia (IIUM, 1985–2004);<br />
<strong>and</strong> was Dean of the International Institute of <strong>Islam</strong>ic Thought <strong>and</strong><br />
Civilisation (ISTAC, 2004–2006). Currently he is Senior Fellow at<br />
the Institute of Strategic <strong>and</strong> International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, a<br />
Senior Fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan, <strong>and</strong> also<br />
Senior Fellow of the Royal Academy of Jordan. He serves on the International<br />
Advisory Board of thirteen academic journals published<br />
in Malaysia, the United States, Canada, Kuwait, India, Australia <strong>and</strong><br />
Pakistan. Professor Kamali has served as a member <strong>and</strong> sometime<br />
Chairman of the Constitution Review Commission of Afghanistan<br />
(2003); as a United Nations consultant on constitutional reforms in<br />
Afghanistan, the Maldives, <strong>and</strong> Iraq; <strong>and</strong> currently advises the United<br />
Nations on a new constitution for Somalia. His books Principles of<br />
<strong>Islam</strong>ic Jurisprudence, Freedom of Expression in <strong>Islam</strong>, A Textbook of<br />
Hadith Studies, <strong>and</strong> Shari‘ah Law: An Introduction are st<strong>and</strong>ard text<br />
books in English speaking universities worldwide.<br />
* * *<br />
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf was born in Walla Walla, Washington, <strong>and</strong><br />
adopted <strong>Islam</strong> at the age of eighteen. Subsequently, he migrated<br />
to the Middle East, where he spent more than ten years studying<br />
<strong>Islam</strong>ic sciences on the Arabian Peninsula <strong>and</strong> in North <strong>and</strong> West<br />
Africa. He returned to the United States <strong>and</strong> during the last twenty<br />
years has been teaching <strong>and</strong> writing in the U.S. He is the author of<br />
Purification of the Heart <strong>and</strong> has translated into modern English<br />
several classical Arabic texts <strong>and</strong> poems, including The Burda: The<br />
Poem of the Cloak <strong>and</strong> The Creed of Imam al-Tahawi. Through his<br />
numerous lectures <strong>and</strong> media appearances, he has been active in the<br />
ongoing public discourse about <strong>Islam</strong>, nationally <strong>and</strong> internationally.<br />
He currently is involved in establishing Zaytuna College, the<br />
first accredited Muslim college in America. He resides in Northern<br />
California with his wife <strong>and</strong> five boys.<br />