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Tribute to local virtuoso, Bruce Gardiner

Many will recall former UCT music department head’s flawless performances – more than 600

At about 3.30pm on

November 9, Bruce

Gardiner arose from

the stool in front of his

beloved Shimmel Grand Piano,

flicked the tailcoat of his dress

suit with the back of his hand,

bowed elegantly to his

appreciative audience and

departed this earthly stage to be

reunited with his beloved wife

Nell in heaven.

Thus one of East London’s

and indeed SA’s most

accomplished piano keyboard

virtuosos now belongs to the


Bruce died peacefully at

home a month short of his 89th

birthday and leaves behind his

medical doctor son, Ivor,

daughters Debra and Julia, eight

grandchildren, seven greatgrandchildren

and a multitude

of devoted fans throughout the

c o u n t r y.

His legacy will be

remembered here on the Border

for as long as the sound of the

great piano classics and lilting

keyboard melodies he so

flawlessly performed fill the

great auditoriums and, more

often, the humble church and

school halls in which he


Bruce was brought up in an

era of music when swing, big

bands and jazz were the order

of the day and if one listens

carefully to his popular music

renditions, one can detect the

influence of some of the great

popular keyboard artists of the

time such as Carmen Cavallaro

and Dave Brubeck.

He was born in the

picturesque little town of

Queenstown (now Komani) in

the north east part of the Cape to

Dr Ivor and Bernadine Gardiner

and was schooled at Queen’s

College, to which he returned

regularly throughout his life to

give fundraising concerts for the


Charles Beningfield

school and citizens of the town.

A severe illness at an early age

prevented any meaningful

participation in robust sport so

his mother, a pianist in her own

right, encouraged Bruce to learn

to play the piano. He took to it

like a duck to water and of

course, the rest is history.

As a schoolboy he put his

amazing talent to good use by

playing at assemblies and at

raucous inter-schools rugby

matches where he could be

found at the keyboard of a

honky-tonk piano to the great

delight of the crowd.

In those early days, the

young Bruce was in great

demand too for concerts not

only in Queenstown but in the

surrounding towns as well.

But Bruce Gardiner was not

only a performer of the light

musical genre, he was a

classical pianist of note.

After leaving Queenstown

he proceeded to Wits

University, where he obtained

his music degrees, and then to

London where he spent a year

acquiring his performer’s


Armed with a number of

formidable qualifications, Bruce

returned to SA and took up a

position as head of the music

department at the East London

Technical College.

In his leisure hours he

entertained East Londoners at

INTO THE SUNSET: East London musician Bruce Gardiner with one of his vintage

Cadillacs Picture: SUPPLIED

numerous soirees and at various

venues and church halls in the

city, often in partnership with

long-time friend and a former

student Lloy Brent.

A much admired party trick

with which Bruce would never

fail to wow the audience on

musical occasions was to

produce a tiny toy piano which

he bought at Slater’s Toy Shop in

East London, on which he

would render impeccable

versions of intricate numbers

such as tico-tico to the utter

amazement and delight of

everyone present.

He spent many happy years

in East London at this time in his

career at his Tainton Avenue

home with Nell and his three

growing children until Nell fell

ill in the early 1970s and the

family moved to Cape Town for

specialised treatment.

Shortly before the Gardiner

family left East London, his

friend Donald Woods, editor of

the Daily Dispatch at the time,

unobtrusively solicited

donations from the city’s

business community to

purchase a grand piano for

Bruce in recognition of his

services to music and


On the piano he had

inscribed: “To Bruce from the

citizens of East London.”

The instrument was

presented to Bruce on the last

evening of a series of farewell

piano recitals at the Guild

Theatre. It was still in his home

to the day he died and remained

a treasured memory for life.

Tragically, Nell succumbed

to her illness and in 1976 Bruce

took up the position as head of

the music department of the

University of the Western Cape,

where he became a revered

member of staff until he retired

in 1992.

During his sojourn in Cape

Town, Bruce became a South

African household name as the

featured pianist in the band

of Rollo Scott (also a former

Queen’s College pupil) on the

radio programme Over the

R a i n b ow, broadcast after the

6pm news on a Saturday.

His elegant style and

delicate touch enchanted

listeners all over the country in

the more than 600 shows in

which he appeared.

And for more than 30 years

he discarded academic

formalities when he entertained

guests in the beautifully

appointed “high tea” lounge in

the stately Mount Nelson Hotel

in Cape Town where he chatted

merrily with his many admirers

while his magical fingers

caressed the keyboard with

what he called: “the stuff they

like best” – a never-ending

medley of the great evergreens

from way back when.

And something about Bruce

that many people may not know

is that he possessed a collection

of vintage Cadillac motor cars

which were the pride and joy of

his life and which he personally

serviced and tuned up!

Bruce returned to East

London 15 years ago to live in a

cottage next to his son and

continued until very recently to

entertain local audiences and

being a highly respected

adjudicator for eisteddfods.

Few men can have left his

friends with more grace and few

can have left them with so many

happy memories.

So with incomparable Bruce

Gardiner at the piano keyboard

suffusing my lounge with lovely

old “down memory lane”

melodies including the

hauntingly beautiful and

appropriate evergreen, Ebb

Ti d e , I pen this tribute to a

much-loved Border musician.

On behalf of his legion of

admirers may I say: “Begone

now dear friend and may choirs

of angels sing thee to thy rest.

May your dear soul rest in

p e a c e .”



The East London

branch of the Union

of Jewish Women SA

(UJW) partnered with

Rotary Club Gately to

present 100 comfort

packs to


Woman's Support

Centre, which will be

distributed by

Thuthuzela Care

C e n t re s

(TCC) in


Qonce and


From left,

are UJW




Rotary Club






c o o rd i n a t o r


Vutu and


CEO Lesley


P i c t u re :


Let’s end a stressful year

with a ‘maca punch’

Maca is hardly known among

many, yet it is slowly being more

used in South Africa. When you

do see it, it is generally as a light

brown colour.

Maca is referred to as

‘Peruvian ginseng’ and this tells

us some interesting things. Maca

originates from a mountainous

area in Peru and it has effects

similar to ginseng.

This year has been stressful

and we need all the support we

can get, including the support

from ‘super foods’. Fortunately

maca is accessible locally in

powder form or in other

supplemental form from health

shops and pharmacies.

Maca has been touted as

improving libido, fertility,

memory, mental abilities, energy

and stamina. Stress tends to

decrease all of these aspects and

cause general imbalance in the

body. Maca is reputed for its

ability to balance the hormones

and to act as a useful adaptogen.

To help us face the new year

on a more balanced note, you

may find some use in maca with

its balancing effects.

Maca has some really well

known family members and these


Anastacia Sampson

include broccoli, cauliflower and


In Peru for many years, maca

has been utilized as a food and

medicine. Traditionally maca has

been used to boost warriors

before battle.

The root, which varies in

colour, is the main edible part.

Maca is now exported across the

world and enjoyed for its health

benefits, while research studies

are beginning to verify its claim to

fame as 'Peruvian ginseng'.

The flavour of maca is more

nutty and earthy, and perhaps not

appealing to many. However it is

easily added to breakfast

porridges, smoothies or any drink

or meal.

'Sporty' and active people

may find maca useful in

enhancing endurance and


Maca is nutrient dense and

best taken in small doses. It is a

power house in iron, copper and

vitamin B3. This is indeed a

'super food' and a great food to

end the year with and enter the

New Year with.

May you all you have a safe

and healthy New Year ahead.


The maca root can

have stress

relieving effects

Picture: VAHE




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