HGT Magazine #114 November/December 2021
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
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Issue 114
Nov / Dec 2021
$5 (INCL. GST)
November / December 2021 1
Monica Caulfield, a professional
astrologer since 2007, is passionate
about helping people develop tools of
awareness and purpose in life.
Sarah’s Haida Arts and Jewellery
Featuring Haida Artists from Old Massett
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387 Eagle Avenue
Old Massett, Haida Gwaii
Mon to Sat 10–5
Sunday 12:30-5
Contact: 250-626-5560 / sarah@mhtv.ca / www.sarahshaidaarts.com
Behind the scenes:
Craig Carmichael seeks broad
perspectives and connects the
seemingly unrelated to discover and
realize new potentials for better living.
Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset
resident, naturalist and writer. She
uses her skills to build things.
Dear Huckleberry, an observer of
human conduct and love interactions,
is passionate about finding creative
ways to navigate love, friendships and
familiar relationships
Jamie McDonald lives in Daajing
Giids Queen Charlotte and loves
being on the water, gardening and
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and proud
mother of two active boys. She is a
local StrongStart facilitator and has
lived in Gamadiis Port Clements for
15 years.
Lin Armstrong loves reading,
writing, jigsaws, theatre sports and
volunteering at the Thrift Store. She
lives in Daajing Giids with hubby Jack
and cat Lady Bean.
Owner/Editor in Chief: Shellene Patience
Assistant Editor: Shannon Hammond
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing
Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc. & Direct
Administrative Assistant/Social Media
Manager: Selena M. Adams
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping &
What's inside?
Reflections on food and birds.
8 16
On the cover: Cover art by Thomas Arnatt. Find the hidden animals! A child’s face, elder’s face,
goshawk, three salmon, two orca, a halibut, raven, crow, Ancient Murrelet, moon snail, two bear, otter,
pine martin, toad, Dusky shrew, seal and a Saw Whet owl.
Poetic relationship advice to give some hope.
Permaculture on Haida Gwaii.
Meet and greet with Joey Stylze.
Subscribe: Get the HGT magazine
delivered right to your post box and save
20% off the retail price. On-island for one
year (six issues): $24 plus GST. Off-island:
$33.60 plus GST.
Advertise: Haida Gwaii Trader is
committed to help spread the word of
businesses of all sizes with affordable
options for everyone. Rates start as low
as $40 per month plus GST.
Musings of a four-year-old.
Submit: We welcome you to send us your
family-oriented stories, news, illustrations,
cartoons, poems, etc., for publishing
Contact Information: Phone: 250-557-
2088 Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T
1R0 Website: haidagwaiitrader.com
Deadline for the January/February issue: content we layout: December 10 th .
Classifieds and print ready submissions: December 20 th at noon.
The views and opinions expressed by the various authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs or viewpoints of
Haida Gwaii Trader. © 2021 Haida Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.
2 HG November / December 2021 3
PC | Gerd Altmann (Pixabay)
Haida Gwaii Trader Values
We proudly serve the unceded
traditional territory of the
Haida Nation along with all
those who live, work and play
on Haida Gwaii. We offer
affordable advertising for all
local businesses and exemplary
off-island businesses whose
products and/or services are in
limited, local supply.
Our focus is to build, maintain
and enhance bridges between
the Haida people and fellow
islanders of all ages, genders
and income, between nature
and humanity, and between
spirit and ego.
We support basic, equitable
needs shared by all, including
social sustainability, clean air,
water and energy, affordable
housing, wellness, and
nutritious, locally produced
Letter from the Editor
The Season for Glad Tidings
By Shellene Patience
The season for glad tidings here at Haida Gwaii Trader is, well, always.
Glad is defined by many sources as an adjective meaning, “pleased or delighted” and
as a verb, “to make happy.” Gladness tends to inspire optimism. Optimism ignites
hope. Hope fuels inspiration and inspiration enlivens positive solutions. So, I pose,
as I peer playfully over my rose-coloured glasses, “Maybe glad is the new sexy?”
Tidings simply means, “news or messages,” which are, of course, of great interest
and focus for the HGT team and I. News not only informs us about that which is
around us but it also entertains, educates, inspires and connects us. It can also in
most unfortunate ways distract, frighten and reduce us. Our messaging goals are
firmly anchored in the former.
Being called the 4 th Industrial Revolution, the 5th and even 6th generations of
wireless technologies are a stone’s throw away. These revamped infrastructures
and advanced capacities are expected to be one hundred times, hold-onto-your-hats
faster than what we’re used to now. There will, of course, be ample, awe-inspiring
and beneficial progressions in industries such as telecommunications, healthcare
and sustainable and clean energy. At the same time, and not to be ignored, are the
inauspicious sides of all these “upgrades.” Things like the effects of data overload
and increased electromagnetic fields. Things like cybersecurity and the ethical
challenges of artificial intelligence. Things like disinformation. And a biggie, things
like the ongoing harvesting and selling of our personal data for profit by tech giants
like Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.
That is why we do what we do. We firmly believe that one of the key solutions to
managing all that is to come is to work together to focus on, invest in and promote
everything and anything to do with this place we call home. We
work for you: the people of Haida Gwaii. We care about you,
believe in you, and ever are delighted to hear from you.
May this holiday season truly expand your glad. From our
families to yours, joyous tidings of well wishes to all, now and
Shellene Patience
A Naturalist's Almanac
Reflections on Food
Fall is moving into winter and the birds are back. They were
washed in by the relentless storms of the past few weeks and,
while many have simply kept on going between storms, it
seems as though the winter residents are home. The food is
free, the temperature mild and there’s enough for all. Part
of the reason for this, of course, is the bounty of the sea. In
spite of all the prognoses of doom, the tides keep bringing
in new things.
There is a lot to be thankful for. The rain keeps the air clean
and the rainforest healthy. The winds blow away any stagnant
air and while we may get a little tired of their constancy
we can remember what Sam Simpson, the first Mayor of
Masset, once said: “We don’t live here because of the weather,
we live here because of access to the fishing grounds.”
The ocean is as rich for humanity as it is for the wild world,
and one does not have to go too far back in history to realize
just how much it provided. Its riches have been bartered
and traded for eons. Island people knew that some
seafoods, while plentiful, did not have the oils necessary
for a completely rounded diet and so the “grease trail” was
developed. It was a lifeline. Dried halibut from the islands
was traded for Oolichan grease from the mainland. It was
a cooperative venture as it was needed for survival, and
grease was an essential commodity. So, when the riches of
the island were combined with the wealth of the rivers on
the mainland, healthy civilizations developed. The wealthy
want more wealth, and humans, fleeing the exigencies of
European wars, migrated to where it could be found. And
here we are.
The Birds Go Through
The riches of the sea also provide for migratory and wintering
birds and it’s why they’re here. Last week over 1,000
geese landed in Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary when a dark
storm blew and the rain sheeted down. The murk got murkier
and the geese, almost a personification of the storm and
just as dark and lovely, streamed in, row upon row. As the
Article and Photos by Margo Hearne
Aleutian Geese blown in on the storms
storm strengthened, bird numbers increased until they had
landed in groups along the water’s edge. They sat quietly
and waited it out. When the storm eased some splashed and
preened in the rising tide while others fed on grass seeds
and poked about in the shorter stubble. Then the wind died
down and they flew away.
There were over 1,100 Aleutian Geese, those small geese
whose numbers are rebounding after years of depredation
by blue foxes that were dropped off on the Aleutian Islands
for the fur trade years ago. There were also 150 Lesser Canada
Geese, a handful of White-fronted Geese and over 100
Snow Geese. The major migration of Snows is on the Prince
Rupert side; the islands are just on the edge of it. An interesting
feature of the mixed flocks was the high-pitched calls
they made. They all sounded alike. Perhaps, as they travel
together, they learn from each other. The “local” Canada
Geese have their own distinctive, familiar call so when the
migrant flocks go through we know from the sound that
migration is underway and the seasons are unfolding as
they should.
Geese in the long grass
The Christmas Bird Counts are coming up.
Counts are island wide and all are welcome to participate.
Tentative dates and places are: Skidegate/Queen
Charlotte/Sandspit - December 18 or 19; Port Clements
- December 21; Rose Spit - December 23; Masset
- December 27; Tlell - December 29. Contact 250-626-
5015 or hecatebird@gmail.com for more information.
4 HG November / December 2021 5
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to nurture healing and
growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This column is not a substitute for working
with a licensed counsellor. Please seek professional help if you are struggling.
Dear Huckleberry, you can call me Ghost. I have become the ghost of the people I’ve lost, the dreams that are
gone, and the woman I was supposed to be. Life, choices, and a truck-load of un-resolved baggage have taken
away chunks of me, leaving just this carcass that is lost, confused, battling addictions, depression and my own
cynicism about my purpose in this world. Don’t bring out the straight jacket! I’m in therapy and on some medication
that is helping with the day to day struggles. I’m not here for the “you need help” pitch, instead I just need
one of your famous metaphors so I can hold onto it through my healing process. Maybe too much to ask, but I’ve
read your column enough to know I wouldn’t task anyone else with this challenge.
Dear Ghost, I’m honoured to take on this task and
maybe give you a space in the world, right in between
my words, where you give yourself permission to let go
of all this life story you have been dragging along with
you. But I’m sorry to say you got it wrong, my dear. You
are not a ghost, in fact you are more alive than most
people I’ve met. I see you, I see the aftermath of every
time your heart was broken, I feel the sadness and the
anger you hold against yourself, and I hear the echoes
of your screams begging for help since the first piece
of you shattered until the moment you finished writing
to me. You are most definitely not a ghost, but you are
surrounded by them.
Picture a big, beautiful apple tree in the middle of a
garden. When it was first planted there the tree was just
a twig without a clue of its purpose in this life or the
adversities it would face to fulfill said purpose. But it
didn’t matter, the twig started growing and suddenly it
had leaves. In the beginning those leaves seemed like
everything this twig could dream of, and it held tightly
to them until one day it wasn’t a twig anymore but had
grown into a tiny tree, so green and full of life. The tiny
tree thought, “This is it, this is who I’m meant to be.”
What the growing tree didn’t know was that just like
there are seasons to grow there are seasons to lose, and
autumn came as it always does... The tree watched the
wind ripping its leaves right off its branches, and those
it managed to keep started losing their green colour,
inevitably dying…The tree was naked and confused of
its purpose once again. And when it felt it couldn’t feel
more sad or more defeated, winter came.
It took this tree some time to understand that in order
to grow and bring to life newer, brighter and greener
leaves it had to let go of the others, that only going
through the seasons would allow for not only leaves to
grow on it, but beautiful, colourful apples too. And the
tree knew that someday it would have to let go of those
apples too, no matter how much it loved them, or how
much it hurt to let them fall. It also took the tree some
time to learn that the winter, although cold and lonely,
was the time it needed to reflect and say goodbye to
what was gone, and that by the time the snow was
gone, so were the fallen leaves and apples.
Look around you, dear. Are the carcasses of everything
you’ve lost still in sight? If so give it time, winter will
come…But if they are not, and it’s only the ghosts you
are holding onto, just remember this - new things are
coming for you too, spring is just around the corner, you
too have permission to grow, you have the right to let
Dear Huckleberry, over the years I’ve had several close relationships with people I dearly loved. Each one
proclaimed a genuine and deep love for me as well. As much as I’ve tried to think outside the box as far as love
partnerships go, I keep coming back to the truth that I’m a pretty old-fashioned person. I really dig romance and
friendship. Don’t get me wrong, good sex is great, but, especially as I get older, it only represents a small part
of what I most enjoy in a relationship. On my side, I thought that as long as I was honest, hard working, caring,
affectionate, compassionate, decent in the sack, an attentive listener, showed genuine interest in my mate’s
hobbies, did my part around the house, contributed financially, gave ample space for my mate to do what they
like to do and be respectful to their friends and family, well, all that was the stuff of a good companion. And
yet, each one of these people chose the emotional and sexual attentions of one or more other people and then
proceeded to lie about it. Fine. This day and age, I get that monogamy is not for everyone. I am a firm supporter
of people being true to whatever lifestyle works for them, so long as nobody is getting hurt. Have fun. Be happy.
But why the lies? If a person wishes to be single and have several noncommittal relationships, why not just do
that? Why enter into a relationship with a person who clearly stated that monogamy is something they wanted
and valued?
– Old-fashioned and Confused
Dear Old-fashioned and confused, I hear you loud and
clear, “the game” is rigged! But that’s the problem, isn’t
it? That we live in a world where relationships are played
as games, where playing by the rules doesn’t lead to
winning and where those you think are your teammates
turn out to be your opponents. Believe me, playing like
this you have a better chance at winning playing the
slot machines at the casino!
So lets start with your question, why the lies?
Objectively, there are many reasons why people lie and
cheat when they are in a good loving relationship, but
usually it can be boiled down to feeling undeserving
and fearing being discovered not good enough. I’m not
saying that all lies and all deceptions will go away with
some quick boost to fragile egos; that is a work each
person has to do for themselves. What I am saying is
that your ex-partners didn’t lie to you or cheat on you.
They cheated themselves out of a relationship with you
because of their own insecurities. They lied because
only a fool will lose something so good without at least
trying to hold on to it, even if they are not ready for the
commitment and love you give and deserve in return.
Now to you, Old-fashioned and Confused. Your
approach to love seems great, like you already have
the secret recipe for an amazing relationship. However,
there is a kink in your armour... Fear. A fear of rejection
that pushed you to become the person who offers the
best relationship prospect; who else could they choose
that gives as much as you? And a fear of abandonment
that pushed you to give without asking for the same
level of commitment in return. These unconscious truths
are not your fault and there is little you can do about
them, but what you have to remind yourself is that no
matter how good your love is, not everyone will feel
deserving of it and you have a responsibility to yourself
to make sure whatever sweet love you give, you will get
And there it is, a play by play of the game. You gave
because you were so sure of how much you had to give,
but the person on the receiving end was already not
sure of themselves or of deserving your love. And still,
you gave. Your heart will heal in time, and because that’s
what giving hearts do, it will find someone new to love
again. Be as old-fashioned as you like, with all the sugar
you add to it... Sooner or later, you will be playing this
game for the last time.
Have a letter you would like to
submit for consideration? Email
dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send mail to
Dear Huckleberry ℅ Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box
313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0
6 HG November / December 2021 7
Many baby boomer business owners are now retiring, and
many find themselves at a crossroads, trying to figure out
if they should sell their business or pass it along to a successor.
Cecile Houle and Jeremie Hyatt of Isabel Creek
Store found themselves at such a crossroad, and have been
successful at finding succession!
A Bit of History
Isabel Creek Store was started as a food buying club in 1989
by a collective of women who wanted to access healthy
whole foods to feed their young families. In 1990, Cecile
Houle and Gail Hyatt decided to take the food buying club
into the next dimension, establishing it as a store in the
current building. The store has been reliably providing
produce and groceries to the communities of Haida Gwaii
ever since. In 2004, after a difficult struggle with cancer,
Gail passed away and her husband Jeremie stepped into
the role of co-owner with Cecile. They did several building
improvements and saw the business reach new levels of
success through various other advancements in the years
that followed. In February 2021, when Jeremie retired to
climb as many mountains as possible, Mecca Huston and
Crystal Holdershaw stepped in as co-owners with Cecile.
I chatted with new co-owners Mecca and Crystal.
Jamie: What prompted you to become co-owners with
Mecca : When I was 14 years old, my very first summer job
was at Isabel Creek Store. Over the past twenty years, I’ve
Isabel Creek
The Next Generation
By Jamie McDonald
worked there off and on for periods, always coming back
because I feel at home with this place and the people that
move through it. After having my first child three years
ago, Jeremie started to express a desire to retire from the
business, and I saw an opportunity to channel my love for
the store and it’s ethos into a means to support my family.
When we took on co-ownership, my second child was 4
months old and although it has been a challenge to balance
family life with the business, I’ve felt unimaginably supported
by all the good humans that work at Isabel Creek
Store and I don’t have a single regret with the choice to
take this on.
Crystal : When I moved back to Haida Gwaii in 2008 with
my young kids, I looked for work in an environment that
was supportive, healthy and family friendly. For many years
my kids would walk to the store after school and now as
young adults, they remember the store fondly as part of
their growing up. After working at the store for 5 years I
became the store manager, and Jeremie and I would joke
that one day I should buy into the store. Years later he
asked me again but this time more seriously. I was hesitant
as it was a big jump, but once I found out that Mecca
would also be a co-owner with me, I was positive it would
be a good move. I am so grateful to have been given such
a great opportunity and am so happy to be working with
these amazing ladies.
When they first became co-owners, Mecca and Crystal sat
down and agreed on the following Mission: “To Provide
quality food to residents of Haida Gwaii and to provide
information and dialogue on food choices to promote
healthy living.” They also laid out the company values:
• To support local growers and makers whenever possible.
• To maintain a positive and healthy work environment
for our employees.
• To provide a living wage to all employees.
Beyond those more official statements, they are exploring
different ideas for making quality products more accessible
for all residents of Haida Gwaii. One of these ideas that has
come to fruition is their new personal shopping service.
When Covid guidelines for mitigating transmission came
down the pipes, they had to figure out some way to keep
their good food and small space accessible for those who
were vulnerable and/or uncomfortable shopping in person.
And so they began offering a personal shopping service.
Customers can email their grocery list, and employees will
put it together for them to pick up when ready. Grocery
orders can be picked up in person or delivered by Port Air
Cargo ($20 fee, call 250-557-4795 to arrange delivery).
Special message from Isabel Creek Store owners:
“First and foremost, the lifeblood of this business is our employees
and we’ve worked hard to find and retain some truly
great ones. Maryanna and Jill keep the engines running
and are deep pools of wisdom when it comes to healthy
living, growing food and living life intentionally. Also crucial
to the success of Isabel Creek Store are our customers.
So many new and old excellent humans come through the
store on a regular basis, and it’s been a wonderful opportunity
to learn from them and get to know them. We are all
grateful to have the support of the communities of Haida
Gwaii, and we don’t take it for granted.”
Congratulations Cecile, Mecca, and Crystal, and thank you
for stepping up for the welfare of our communities!
Store interior and till area, 1990
(above) and present day
Isabel Creek Store Limited
3219 Wharf Street, Queen Charlotte, Phone/Fax:
1-250-559-8623; email: store@isabelcreek.ca 1990 ad from The Observer
Store owners and staff, 1990
Isabel Creek co-owners (l-r)
Crystal, Cecile, and Mecca
The store building in 1945
History of the building:
• Built in 1939 as a doctor’ residence in this location.
• Lived in by several doctors throughout the years.
• Moved into by Isabel Creek Store by 1990.
• Warehouse built 2019.
• Mural completed 2020
8 HG November / December 2021 9
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At Northern Savings Credit Union, we aim to deliver
the best possible service experience to you, our
members. That is why we are investing in a new
banking system, which will go live this November.
The new system will modernize and simplify banking,
allowing our employees to spend more time doing
what they do best – helping you achieve financial
Our Banking System Conversion is happening
the weekend of November 19. During this time,
online banking will be unavailable. Please ensure
you are prepared and review our website and the
communications you receive from us to stay up-todate.
Here are a few common Conversion related questions
we have been asked by our members. If you have a
question that isn’t listed, please reach out to us at
info@northsave.com, we’re here to help!
Why are you making these changes and why now?
We know it’s an inconvenience to go through these
changes; however, our new system will allow us to
provide better service and keep your information even
more secure. We chose a system that provides us with
a great platform to continue to build on and provide
you with the new features you expect now and in the
How will I login to my online banking after
On or after November 22 you will use your Member
Card (or Secure Access ID, if you don’t have a Member
Card) and a new Temporary PAC to login to Member
How will I identify my accounts after conversion in
online banking?
To ensure you can easily identify your accounts after
the upgrade, we recommend that you rename them
using a nickname that is meaningful to you, such
as “Vacation Fund”. You can do this by going to “My
Accounts” and clicking “Rename an Account.” We
recommend doing this for accounts you are joint on as
well – such as a child’s account.
My mortgage, property taxes, etc. come out
automatically. Is this all going to be lost?
You can expect to have no changes to your automatic
payments. Everything you have set up will convert and
continue to be debited from your accounts.
Do I have to do anything about my payroll, Canada
Pension and OAS that are deposited automatically
every month?
There will be no changes to your direct deposits,
including pensions and payrolls. All automatic
direct deposits will continue to be deposited to your
accounts as they are today.
Masset’s Newest!
Have more Conversion related questions? Check out our
website for Conversion related information, including videos,
checklists, and an FAQ > www.northsave.com/AboutUs/
10 HG November / December 2021 11
Tahayghen students lead “profound” potlatch
celebrating Haida culture
It wasn’t a typical year at Tahayghen Elementary School (TES),
and, for Grade 7 students, it wasn’t a typical graduation either.
In June 2021, TES students capped off their school year by – for
the first time in recent memory – leading an exuberant outdoor
potlatch celebrating Haida culture. Gwaii Trust Society funded
this Masset-area project with a COVID-19 Grant of $10,000. In
2021, this grant has focused on projects that support mental
health and reduce social isolation among Haida Gwaii residents.
The pandemic has certainly led to feelings of isolation across
Haida Gwaii, and it has taken an emotional toll on kids and their
families. The K-7 student body is normally free to intermingle,
but necessary health regulations have kept students apart.
Extended families have had to stay physically distant. Some
grieve the passing of relatives they never had a chance to
memorialize with a funeral.
The lack of meaningful gatherings and an ongoing desire
to share Haida culture with the next generation led Haida
Language and Culture teacher Colleen Williams to suggest
holding a potlatch. Her colleagues rallied around the idea.
“[The potlatch] was really meaningful,” Williams says. “It took
a lot of time and energy from the teachers to do it.” Principal
Verena Gibbs provided strong support, as did school staff,
including a group of five who met weekly to plan the event:
Williams, Reid (Grade 7 teacher), Jenny Kellar (Grades 5/6
teacher), Kieran Wake (Indigenous Resource Worker), and
Midori Campos (Child & Youth Wellness Worker). “We worked
on it all year,” says Williams, and all students were involved.
Williams prepared students for the potlatch by teaching them
skills they would need to participate. “[From] kindergarten all
the way to Grade 7, I taught them how to say an introduction
speech in Haida.” Williams also started a drumming group for
all the boys in Grades 4, 5, and 6 in the Haida Language class.
She did this alongside Vernon Williams, who helped make the
drums. “I believe in building leadership in people,” she says. “I
want boys to be able to be strong leaders in the future.”
A student creates a drum during the drum-making workshop
Many Elders, knowledge keepers, and artists were invited to
give workshops. The 14 Grade 7 students each made their own
drums with renowned Haida artist Reg Davidson, who taught
them to paint using formline techniques. Other examples
include John Brent Bennett, who taught printmaking, Meredith
Adams, who brought her expertise in solar electricity to power
the potlatch sound system, and Alison Keery, who led a water
conservation project culminating in a choreographed dance.
Anyone who has been to a potlatch knows the feasts are
incredible. To prepare, students went on field trips to gather a
delicious feast from the land and sea. “Children are their best,
most incredibly kind, generous, gregarious, vibrant selves out
on the land,” says Reid, noting the importance of land-based
education that gets students out of the classroom and learning
about their connection with the rest of nature.
Grade 7 students from Tahayghen Elementary School gather
food on an outdoor field trip in preparation for the potlatch.
Students harvested chitons, butter clams, rock cod eggs,
octopus, seaweed, nettles, spruce tips, and salmon berries.
They also made jilts and crabapple jelly with Elders. Along the
way, students were taught about food sovereignty, traditional
harvesting practices, and the medicinal use of plants. Other
food, including k’áaw herring eggs on kelp, halibut, and salmon,
was provided as gifts from the Food to School program led
by Shelly Crack, as well as from local fishermen and the Old
Massett Village Council Adult Day Program.
At last, the big day arrived. On June 22, 2021, students, teachers,
and a few guests celebrated the potlatch outside the school.
Though families were not able to attend in person, the students
sent honorary invitations. The potlatch was streamed on
Facebook as well.
Food was eaten, songs were sung, and dances were danced.
Each student gave their introduction speech in Xaad kil the
Haida language (Masset dialect). The Grade 7 students also
gave longer speeches that included reflections and eulogies for
loved ones they lost during the pandemic. The students feasted
and gave gifts. Their drums came to life in a special ceremony.
One surprise (and thrilling) guest was Kiefer Collison of Big
Brother Canada fame, who spoke to the students and signed
“The most memorable moment is the kids just being able to
sing without my assistance, because they knew the songs, they
knew how to sing them,” says Williams. “For me, just teaching
them how to sing was a major part of the potlatch.”
“[The students] were impacted immensely in their well-being,”
says Reid, who noted transformation throughout the year.
“They wanted to be here. And it was because of what they were
building together.
“Colleen was incredible about running drumming circles all year
long, so the confidence in our drummers [...] was unmatched.
They were shining,” says Reid, “There were many hands that
took a role in helping bring culturally relevant experiences to the
kids so that when they got to step into hosting a potlatch, they
hosted a feast for matriarchs and chiefs.”
This event has historical resonance and shines a light toward a
just future.
“I think it was nothing less than profound, truly,” says Reid. “[...]
Part of it is that we speak to a colonial truth. So my students are
very well aware that they’re an act of resistance just being here,
and that speaking their language, and learning their songs,
and learning their traditional food gathering practices was not
supposed to happen [in Canada].”
Colleen Williams expresses gratitude for her colleagues and the
integration of Haida culture into the school in new ways. “I’d like
to say háw’aa to all the teachers and the staff members who
helped move things forward. [...] It was like a brand new year.”
Erin Reid now teaches Grade 6/7 at Tahayghen Elementary School.
Please contact her with any questions about the event at:
Gwaii Trust Society funded the potlatch at Tahayghen Elementary
School through the COVID-19 grant program. This program is still
available to Haida Gwaii non-profit organizations and governments in
2021. Learn more about the grant program and find out how to apply at
12 HG November / December 2021 13
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14 HG November / December 2021 15
Introducing an
Eight Foot Giant
A Number of Canadian Firsts
The next time you are passing by the RCMP
building in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte,
take a moment to really look at the new
installation in front of the detachment.
Standing eight foot tall and resplendent in
a Stetson hat and pink nails, the pole represents
a vision twenty years in the making.
The fact that the pole stands on the RCMP
lawn is testament to the dedicated work of a
strong Haida woman, Bev Yovanovich, Detachment
Clerk and Office Manager, who has
worked for the RCMP for twenty-five years.
Bev’s vision was to have an installation that
would be a reflection of the Haida Nation,
Haida culture, and an acknowledgement
that the detachment sits on the unceded
territory of the Haida First Nation.
Twenty years ago, Bev began sharing her
vision and gathering people together to
discuss and support the project. Twelve
years ago, the project was still in the early
stages with the funding proposal being
headed by Sgt. Willcocks. The project
turned into a huge learning process, as it
would be the first time anything like this
had previously been proposed. Funding
approval was received in late 2020.
The planning of the actual pole design
began in 2015. Brother-in-law Jason
Goetzinger helped Bev to envision what
elements the pole needed to capture. In
her own words, “The Totem is to be a
strong visual and tangible step in the
spirit of reconciliation. This is a way to
Article and Photo by Lin Armstrong
acknowledge and apologize publicly for past
mistakes and involvement by the RCMP
during dark pieces of our Canadian History.
It is also a promise to do better.” After
the design plan, Haida Master Carver Garner
Moody was asked to make the vision
a reality, and he did an amazing job transforming
the sketch into such a stunning pole.
Billy WNCY Yovanovich Jr., who ten years
ago won the contest to design an RCMP logo
for their Haida Gwaii vehicles and welcome
sign, painted the copper shield on the pole.
The shield is a supernatural being with its
tongue out and two goggles on its chest,
depicting speaking and watching out over
the Raven and Eagle, similar to the role
of the RCMP. The Raven and Eagle design
represents and symbolizes all of the
Haida clans and people. The copper shield
symbolizes the RCMP role and badge. The
Watchman holding the shield has been a
protector and guardian since time began,
watching out over the land, sea, air and
the people of Haida Gwaii, again reflecting
the current role of the RCMP.
Instead of a west coast style cedar hat,
Master Carver Garner Moody decided
on a Stetson, the iconic brown felt RCMP
hat, to reflect where the pole was to be
installed. The result is a culturally-appropriate
fusion of Haida design and RCMP
uniform. The pole is non-gender, has
long hair and pink nails to represent inclusivity
regardless of sexual orientation,
place of origin or culture, and is also to acknowledge both
male and female members of the force and staff.
On September 9, 2021, the first pole ever to be raised on
RCMP premises, in partnership and agreement with the
Council of the Haida Nation and the Skidegate Band Council,
was placed on an existing beam in front of the RCMP
building. Before being placed there, the pole was blessed
and traditional songs were sung by the Hitaaxuulang Gud
ad K’aajuu Friends Together Singing, and the Sgaana Dance
performed by Xaahuujuuwaay Cody Wilson. The celebration
marked a clear message to honour and acknowledge
the Indigenous population here on Haida Gwaii. Swelling
the ranks of local officers in red serge were, among others,
several members of the West Coast Marine RCMP in their
“boots and breaches” uniforms and Stetsons. And Assistant
Commissioner of the RCMP for British Columbia, Eric
Stubbs, formerly the local Sergeant, returned to Haida Gwaii
after sixteen years to take part in the ceremony.
During the ceremony, there was another first. The flag of the
Haida Nation was installed with the Canadian flag. After
the ceremony, cedar seedlings were given away in hopes
recipients would plant them to replace the tree utilized for
the totem. Seedlings were donated by Christina Lavoie of
Western Forest Products.
Bev, who is a member of the T’saahl Eagle Clan, acknowledges
with much gratitude, appreciation and thanks: the
Council of the Haida Nation, the Skidegate Band Council,
the Haida Artists, BC RCMP, local detachment members
Sgt. Greg Willcocks, Cpl Erin Stevenson, Cst Viktor Rau,
Cst Chris Carlucci, Cst Derek Murray, Cst Erin Willcocks,
members who were previously posted here and greatly
assisted in this historical event S/Sgt Scott Hromadnik, S/
Sgt Terry Gillespie, and Cst Dale Judd, Indigenous Policing
Services, Village of Queen Charlotte, and many community
members. The historic event would not have been
possible without the support, partnership and agreement
of all parties.
Later there will be a plaque and up-lighting added for the
pole. Naming of the pole is ongoing in consultations with
Haida Elders.
Final words go to Bev. “I feel it is important that our detachment
building and grounds be a reflection of the local
Haida culture and communities we serve. I also believe
this to be true of any detachment, wherever it may be. In
our efforts to accomplish this, the foyer now has painted
Haida panels reminiscent of a longhouse frontal entry, and
a Haida carved and painted welcome sign in both Haida
and English has been installed in the garden. The Haida
Nation flag has been raised next to the Canadian flag, and
we now have the beautiful Totem Pole to greet you. A pole
that has been designed and carved to represent both the
Haida and the RCMP. We are slowly changing the look and
feel of the detachment and hope that everyone, especially
members of the Haida Nation, people of Indigenous ancestry,
and the LGBTQ2S+ community feel welcome and safe
to attend this space.”
Sgaana Dance performed by
Xaahuujuuwaay Cody Wilson
Photo by Mary Helmer
16 HG November / December 2021 17
I was inspired to write this article by some of the common
permaculture practices I’ve observed all over Haida Gwaii.
For example, many locals practice vermicomposting, which
is the use of certain kinds of worms to facilitate composting
kitchen and yard waste. We even have our own local vermicomposting
experts at the Dirt Nerd Soil Company (dirtnerd.net).
Permaculture on Haida Gwaii
Article and Photos by Jamie McDonald
Permaculture comes from the combination of two words: Permanent
– that endures or persists through time, and Culture
– an activity that supports human existence. Bill Mollison and
David Holmgren first coined the term in 1978, in opposition to
industrialized methods and in congruence with Indigenous or
traditional knowledge. They defined “permaculture” as: “The
conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive
systems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience
of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of the
landscape with people providing their food, energy, shelter and
other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.”
Permaculture has three core tenants:
• Care for the earth. In other words, help all life systems
continue to exist and multiply. Because if we don’t have a
healthy planet, humans can’t exist at all.
• Care for the people. Allow people to access resources they
need to survive.
• Fair share. You should only take what you need, and reinvest
any surplus.
This approach guides us to mimic the patterns and relationships
we find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human
habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from
appropriate technology to education and even economics.
Living in a remote location as we do, the benefits of permaculture
become even more meaningful:
• Reduces waste by reintegrating any waste into the ecological
system as an input
• Costs less (no need for as many inputs)
• Reduces water usage
• Nature does most of the work
• Less pollution
• Less toxins
• More self sufficiency
• Applicable to existing systems
Stackwall at Jungle Beach
Backyard small scale gardening in Daajing Giids QC
You might have noticed some of Netonia Yalte’s beautiful
stackwall additions to many of our communities, like the
stackwall tower at Jungle Beach. This and other types of sustainable
building are key parts of permaculture.
Domesticated animals also play an important role in permaculture
practices, such as the many backyard chickens
on Haida Gwaii. Animal excrement is excellent fertilizer for
gardens, and some animals can be used strategically for pest
reduction, such as ducks for slug control or chickens for general
bug reduction.
Sheet mulching or lasagna gardening is a method of building
soil in your garden by adding layers of organic materials
that will “cook down” (decompose) over time, resulting
in nutrient-rich soil that will help your plants thrive. This is
beneficial for the environment because you’re turning yard
waste, kitchen scraps, and anything else you’d add to a normal
compost pile into organic fertilizer to grow new plants.
Many folks on Haida Gwaii can be seen collecting seaweed
(usually eel grass) that has washed up on the beach. Some use
it in their lasagna gardening while others use it as mulch for
their plants. Mulching with seaweed helps to suppress weeds
and lock moisture into the soil. Seaweed also contains nutrients
which, when fully decomposed, will act as slow-release
plant food.
How we use water is an important aspect of permaculture.
David Unsworth, a lifelong resident of Gamadiis Port Clements,
has been using rainwater for most of his domestic needs
for many years. “I used to be connected to a spring, but the
pipe broke and the spring is far from the house,” says Dave. “I
can’t connect to the town water for that same reason. Collecting
rainwater off the shop roof, combined with the use of a
pressure pump, has allowed me to have access to water.” Dave
has just recently purchased 1,000 gallon tanks in order to store
the water draining off of his buildings, and is planning on
connecting more of his buildings’ roofs to this system. While
Dave’s system is not without its drawbacks (for example, dry
periods in the summer have previously resulted in a lack of
sufficient water), the latest additions will allow him to have
access to an adequate amount of water year-round. Many of
the rental cabins and summer homes on North beach, which
are too far from Masset to connect with town water and have
no access to springs or wells, have similar rainwater collection
Fruit tree forests are often part of permaculture systems. A
local example of this is in HlGaagilda Skidegate, where three
years ago the Skidegate Band Council had 75 fruit trees planted
all over the village. As Missy McDonald describes, “The
main objective was to allow all members to have access to
fruit for preserving or eating without having to pay the current
expensive prices. There was a hope that our youth can
learn to preserve for elders and meal programs. That would
get youth encouraged to grow and plant their own food.” By
increasing accessibility, the presence of “community trees”
like these speaks to the Caring for people permaculture tenant.
If you are interested in learning more about permaculture,
check out this list of books: grocycle.com/best-permaculture-books
18 HG November / December 2021 19
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20 HG November / December 2021 21
All Things Music
Meet and greet with Joey Stylez
By Jamie McDonald
Although Joseph LaPlante, aka Joey Stylez, is a Plains Cree
Metis from Treaty 6 territory in Saskatchewan, his life has
been very nomadic. “As soon as I was old enough I took to the
road, and lived in many different cities: Vancouver, Toronto,
Montreal, Edmonton, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Windsor, Detroit…I
have a saying that I don’t belong anywhere but I’m
good everywhere.” His family brought him to these parts of
the globe, as Joey’s wife, Carsen Gray, is from Haida Gwaii
and has a strong connection to this place. Joey is happy to
call HlGaagilda Skidegate his home now, and enjoys all the
ways this land teaches his kids traditional values that aren’t so
readily available in the big city.
Joey’s family has a long history of being in politics and business…but
no musical genes! He took to music as a young
teen, influenced by a friend who would rap and do hip-hop.
He enjoyed poetry and used it to woo girls in his class. He
went to a “good” school, a “white” school, where he was the
only Indigenous person. He was surrounded by wealthy kids
who had no idea what his reality was. It was a challenge, but
it also allowed him to learn to navigate both worlds, which in
turn opened up many doors for him.
Growing up in the city, Joey and his circle of friends wanted
to be infamous in their neighborhood, and hip hop really
fed that need. As Joey says, “[Hip-hop/rap] was like gladiator
music, and we wanted to be the top dogs. I was drawn to
the bad-ass side of this type of music. I could tell my stories
through hip hop.” At the beginning, these stories mostly had
to do with his street life and his peers. Joey spent a lot of
time on the streets, and ran into some trouble with the law. “I
battled with darkness, I thrived in this darkness, I understood
it, I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone else…a lot of things
I thought were cool stemmed from dark places. There was a
lot of anger and misguided aggression in my music in those
Having been pursuing music for over twenty years and being
off the streets for seventeen of those years, he was able to start
making a living with music about fifteen years ago. His music
took him places and led him to start appreciating life and
family. “In all those years, my identity evolved from: I’m not
a rapper but a street guy that can rap a bit…then I’m not an
artist, I’m a rapper…then I’m an artist, not just a rapper!” In
this time, Joey accumulated a wealth of knowledge in fashion,
marketing, acting,
producing, mixing,
etc. “I had a little
talent but a lot of
ambition and drive
and self-belief and
discipline, and I developed
that works for me.”
As he says, “Your
skill level doesn’t
matter so much
‘cause you can learn
everything you need
to know if you have
enough drive.”
Photo by Patrick Shannon
Joey Stylez Discography
Trap Famous (mixtape) (2006)
Chief of the North (mixtape) (2007)
The Blackstar (2009)
“The Lost Filez” (2010)
Red Makaveli (2012)
Feather + Rosary (2013)
Medicine Man Mixtape (2014)
The Star Chief (2018)
Warrior Sun (2019)
Photo by Blessed Street
That drive brought him to start Ble$$ed Street (previously
Stressed Street), a music label that produces uplifting music
with an understanding of where the struggle comes from. Joey’s
label strives to use music to do good rather than for pure
personal gain. “I want to level up the artists I work with. I’m
always looking for new talent. Looking to lift people up and
shed some light in the darkness.” Right now, Joey is collaborating
with DJ Kemo (Vancouver) on an album called “Horse
Thieves and Bootleggers.” He is also collaborating with local
artist Will Russ aka Tycoon on a few songs, and on Haida
Gwaii drummer Shawn Gardiner’s solo album.
When discussing the process of creating music for his personal
music or collaborating with others, Joey mentioned,
“Sometimes the music comes first or the hook or the concept…it
depends on the particular project. For my own
personal sound, I’m influenced by the music. It makes you
feel a certain kind of way and I try to enhance the feeling it
gives you. I have producers that send me beats, I also work
with local artists playing live music…I like to try a variety of
approaches. I love the whole process. I am mission oriented;
I set goals, go through the steps and reach those goals. I love
the journey. I started with small goals and I’m slowly moving
towards bigger goals. My biggest goal at the moment is to play
a sold out show at Madison Square Gardens (as a main artist
or opening for someone).” Go for it Joey!
You can find Joey Stylez’s music everywhere on social media –
look for “joeystylzeworld” on Twitter and Facebook, or check
out Joey’s website at joeystylez.com
Ble$$ed Street Studios is open to mentoring, producing, and
collaborating, with all equipment for music videos, photo
shoots, live music, recordings, live stream concerts, and master
music. blessedstreet.net
This coming season, join the Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse
for The Studio Sessions. Funded by the Haida Gwaii
Arts Council, a number of local emerging and seasoned
performers have created short music videos of
their work, recorded by Jay Myers at Alkemist Studios
in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte. These offerings will
be released at the monthly Coffeehouse event. Until
such a time as we can safely gather in person, the
releases will happen online, on Ging Gang Hla tllGad’s
YouTube Channel. The next event is scheduled for
November 27 th , 2021. Each Studio Sessions release will
also host an Open Mic. You can upload your fabulous
submissions anytime to the Coffeehouse Dropbox
folder (see below for web URL. NB: please submit
at least 10 days before each online event you wish to
join!). The deadline for Open Mic submissions for the
next Coffeehouse is November 17, 2021. For more info
visit, haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com or search for Haida
Gwaii Coffeehouse on Facebook. The Dropbox folder
is at dropbox.com/request/3VDTe5Xy7CBY13tUwm0o
Congrats to the Minstrel Cramps, who just went
down to Vancouver in early September and recorded
their first album with Orchid Studios! You can find
this local bands’ music on bandcamp.com
Photo by Blessed Street
22 HG November / December 2021 23
Fibre Optics – It’s Happening
It has been called one of the most convoluted
networks imaginable. When it comes
to the current Internet on Haida Gwaii patience
is not only a virtue, it is a requirement.
Those of us who have been struggling with
slow and intermittent Internet service will
be pleased to know the wait for high-speed
Internet is almost over. Very soon there will
be at least two options of service providers
for islanders.
CityWest Haida Communications
Old Massett
Village Council
Skidegate Band
Council of the
Haida Nation
On October 15, 2021, a joint announcement
from the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN),
Skidegate Band Council, Old Massett Village
Council, and CityWest was made public. The
partnership agreement will see the communities
on Haida Gwaii connected to a worldclass
Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) network
through the newly-formed CityWest Haida
Communications Corporation (CWHCC).
The FTTH network will be owned by the
Haida Nation and powered by CityWest fibre-optic
services. The announcement goes
on to say that the agreement is the first of
its kind in the telecommunication industry,
an agreement that will also send a share of
the new company’s profits to the Haida Nation,
resulting in a direct financial benefit to
community members.
By Lin Armstrong
CHN President Gaagwiis Jason Alsop said,
“Developing last mile connectivity solutions
will be transformative for our communities
because of the many benefits that modern
fibre network solutions will bring, with the
capacity to meet our growing needs and
provide more reliable service.”
CityWest’s CEO Stefan Woloszyn said, “We
are very excited about this agreement because
it is more than a partnership - it’s an
opportunity for the communities to own
their own connectivity destiny for many
years into the future.”
Connected Coast
CityWest, along with Strathcona Regional
District are the proponents behind the
Connected Coast Network, a $45.4 million
investment in coastal connectivity funded
in part by the expanded Connecting BC Program.
The September 2020 expansion entailed
the provincial government creating a
$90 million grant to encourage investment
in broadband and cellular infrastructure
to benefit people in rural and Indigenous
communities throughout the province. CityWest
will receive $10.3 million for six coastal
projects, one of which is Haida Gwaii.
When completed the Connected Coast
project will deliver high-speed Internet accessibility
to 139 rural and remote coastal
communities, including 48 Indigenous
communities representing 44 First Nations
along the coast from north of Prince Rupert
Project partners of the Connected Coast project aboard the
CanPac Valour, Campbell River harbour, October 29, 2021
with an arm extending to Haida Gwaii, then south to Vancouver
and around Vancouver Island. Millions of metres
of sub-sea, high-speed fibre-optic cable, approximately
3,400 kilometers, will be laid by the subcontractor Baylink
Networks. The entire project is expected to be complete
in 2023. However, as construction progresses, points of
connectivity will begin to go live in a phased approach.
The first group of communities are projected to be connected
by the end of 2021 and the last group expected to
be connected in 2023.
The project is now completing the network design and
permitting phase. This includes geographical layout,
transmission equipment, fibre network, and consultations
with local governments, First Nations, and stakeholders
to determine the needs and opportunities, as
well as identifying areas of environmental concerns and
sensitivities. At this time there are two different providers
(Mascon and CityWest) going after a small population of
about 2,000 households and businesses on Haida Gwaii.
How We Got to Now (The Long and
Winding Road)
24 HG November / December 2021 25
GwaiiTel, a non-profit Internet Society, has a volunteer
Board of Directors appointed by representatives from
each of the communities on island. GwaiiTel is a middle-mile
broadband network service provider through a
mix of wireless and fixed technology and owns a network
of on-island physical infrastructures which are leased to
the ISP Mascon. As of 2016, with funding from the Federal
government’s Digital Canada 150 Fund and a grant
from Gwaii Trust, GwaiiTel now owns 110 kilometers of
roadside fibre network, the “backbone,” which was buried
underground to save maintenance costs. This renders the
network mostly immune to threats such as blow-down
trees, collisions with telephone poles, or telephone lines
What is a fibre-optic cable?
A fibre-optic cable is a network cable that contains
strands of glass fibres inside an insulated casing.
They are designed for long-distance, high-performance
data networking and telecommunications.
Compared to wired cables, fibre-optic cables
provide higher bandwidth and transmit data over
longer distances.
“Fibre is widely considered the gold standard of connectivity;
it’s the most expensive technology (hence
why it’s not widely deployed yet), but for overall
performance there is simply no other technology
that can provide the degree of stability or overall
speed that fibre can. It is not an exaggeration to say
that the standard of Internet that will be available
across Haida Gwaii will far outstrip what is available
in downtown Vancouver.”
– Tomas Borsa, GwaiiTel Board Member
being struck by industrial machines, all incidents that
have interrupted service. GwaiiTel installed service boxes
every kilometre and at every stream crossing, each of
which needed a separate permit, and provides spare fibre-optic
cable to temporarily repair any ruptures in the
The GwaiiTel network starts on the mainland. The signal is
brought to Haida Gwaii via microwave relay from a tower
on Mount Hays, near Prince Rupert. As noted by Gwaii-
Tel Board Member, Tomas Borsa, “The microwave radio
link from Mt. Hays is roughly 125km, making it one of the
longest in the world. The sheer distance, combined with
weird/rainy/foggy atmospheric conditions mean that it is
inherently unstable.”
Severe weather in January 2020 damaged the antenna,
feedhorn and shroud on the tower, resulting in a tenday
outage. Service was restored at 50% capacity using
a redundant feedhorn until a permanent fix was done by
GwaiiTel in March 2020. Also in March of 2020, the HlGaagilda
Skidegate to K’il Kun Sandspit microwave radio link
was decommissioned after a subsea fibre cable was successfully
laid between the two communities.
During the stay-at-home pandemic lockdowns, the average
bandwidth used on the islands grew by 25%. Network
slowdowns are generally due to congestion. The most users
are on between 6 pm and 2 am, as well as weekends.
According to Tomas Borsa, GwaiiTel cannot offer unlimited
bandwidth because unlimited bandwidth is technically
impossible on a wireless radio link system (unlike a fibre
network). Any revenue collected by GwaiiTel over and
above running costs are used for system maintenance,
licensing, and upgrades. Over the years Gwaii Trust, as
well as other funders, has granted money for radio equipment
upgrades to the system. GwaiiTel has been forward
thinking in maintaining the current system, which will be
preserved as a secondary delivery system should the fibre-optic
system ever go down. GwaiiTel owns the buried
cable to where the radio link crosses Hecate Strait. Mascon
connects the house links to the highway.
Of the new CWHCC, GwaiiTel Chair Sam Hall said, “Gwaii-
Tel is currently negotiating commercial terms for CityWest
access to the GwaiiTel backbone.”
Mascon/TELUS (Mascon)
Remember the Misty Islands TV Society (MITVS)? They
didn’t have high-definition cable, and customers used
dial-up. They started with a limited programming format
such as news and sports and needed to acquire
other programming from outside sources. MITVS sold to
Lavoie Wireless, as it was then known, who also bought
QCIslands.net from Jim Pazarena before incorporating as
Gwaii Communications (GwaiiComm), who then sold to
the current ISP, Mascon.
Mascon is a “retail” provider, an ISP and a wholly owned
subsidiary of Telus, which began offering services on Haida
Gwaii after acquiring GwaiiComm on Jan. 1st, 2020.
They have operated local cable companies throughout
BC from Salmon Arm since 1983, and have a division
called Airspeed Wireless providing high speed Internet
to those residing in remote locations outside of Mascon’s
fibre-optic network.
Mascon continues to upgrade their system. Further upgrades
would be reliant on a subsea cable. “Mascon is
looking forward to continuing to serve the residents of
Haida Gwaii and the benefits the Connect Coast project
will bring for the island communities,” says Karen Shutko,
Manager of Marketing at Mascon.
In 2019 Telus announced a $4.5 billion commitment to
extend new communications infrastructure across British
Columbia. Subsequently, their subsidiary Mascon could
now enhance the reliability of services. Telus has its own
line on telephone poles up and down the island, and its
own radio link in Masset. Mascon endeavours to deliver
the high standards of Telus operations. When the 110km
fibre in the ground was dug up and broken, (when the
bridges were being replaced on the stretch between Tll.
aal Tlell and Gamadiis Port Clements) Mascon repaired this
For more information check out www.mascon.ca, email
information@masconcable.ca, or call toll free 1-866-832-
Arriving on the October 15th, 2021 ferry, Telus was on
island with subcontractor white vans displaying Global
logos. The crew were splicing the pole fibres placed by a
previous crew in Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte. Telus also
bid on the Connecting BC program, but the company that
won the contract was CityWest.
CityWest is “Dropping-In”
A representative has been knocking on doors to explain
the services CityWest plans to provide to residents once
the undersea cable comes to Haida Gwaii. According to
CityWest’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Chris
Armstrong, the ship that will lay the cable along the coast
of BC and Vancouver Island is the CanPac Valour. She be-
gan her voyage in Trinidad, and as of September 24 she
made it through the Panama Canal and was on her way
to Campbell River to pick up the subsea fibre-optic cable
before heading north. The ship has now arrived in Campbell
River, and on October 29 a celebration was held there
aboard the CanPac Valour to celebrate the official start of
construction for the Connected Coast project.
The plan is for the cable to be first laid from the mainland,
across Hecate Strait and
then land in Tll.aal Tlell, not at
the north end as previously
thought. The laying of the cable
across the strait requires a
two-day weather window.
According to Daajing
Giids Queen Charlotte’s
Mayor Kris
Olsen, “This is massive.
It will allow us
to expand economic
improve education
over the Internet,
deliver e-health
services, all while
staying at home.”
In this first stage, CityWest
employees will be going directly to prospective
customers to give permission to bury a “drop” on their
property in advance of the hookup. A “drop” is the infrastructure
that runs from the street or highway to the customers’
premises. And the “Last Mile” is the actual hookup
of your home to the new system. CityWest has its own
network and connects to the Internet without the need
for any third-party involvement.
“This is massive. It will allow us to
expand economic development,
improve education over the Internet,
deliver e-health services, all while
staying at home.”
- Kris Olsen, Mayor of
Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte
Chris Armstrong says, “As soon as we know the milestone
dates we will definitely share them! In the meantime, we
encourage everyone to fill out the ‘Dropping In’ form on
our website- that is the key milestone right now.”
Once the “drops” are complete, customers on Haida Gwaii
will have access to faster Internet services as the Connected
Coast project brings broader bandwidth to the
island. According to Scott Simpson, CityWest Marketing
Manager, “This means that our
network will be real fibre optics
all the way to your door. All of
our Quantum Internet products
come without data caps
or overage fees.”
Here’s the most important
part of the whole project…
The government has provided
funding to CityWest to do
a “drop” FREE of charge if you
sign up now. The “drop” is all underground
cable from the road to your
home. This is not a commitment to use City-
West as your Internet Service Provider. When the new
system is available, your connection to the system will be
completed by an ISP of your choice. As described above,
this final connection to going “live” is known as “The Last
Mile.” You will also be able to keep your present phone
number. However, if you do not have the “drop” installed
on your property now and the window to do so free of
charge closes, it will be very expensive to sign up later
once the service goes live.
For more information go to CityWest’s website and scroll
down to access an information video. You can also sign up
Gwaii Trust Society forms a working
group called GwaiiTel, who later
becomes the GwaiiTel Society, whose
vision is connecting Haida Gwaii to the
global community. 2016
Lavoie Wireless becomes Gwaii
Communications Ltd., and purchases
Masset-Haida TV Society and later
Misty Isles TV Society and QCIslands.net
making them Haida Gwaii’s only local
provider of Internet and digital TV. 2018
The Mascon brand of Telus acquires
Gwaii Communications Ltd. 2021
Proposed ‘Connected Coast’ project completion
for all participating communities. On Haida
Gwaii, the “…first phase of construction for
Internet services – building a “drop” from the
road to the home [has begun]… (CityWest press
release Oct. 15/21).
GwaiiTel Society installs an in-
Federal and Provincial governments
Council of the Haida Nation and CityWest announce
ground fibre backbone from Masset
announce a $45.4 million investment
a partnership agreement and the creation of
to HlGaagilda Skidegate connecting
in the ‘Connected Coast’ project with
CityWest Haida Communications Corp. The fibre-tohome
GwaiiTel-owned fibre to deliver
CityWest being one of two funding
network will be owned by the Haida Nation
services along highway 16 to Daajing
and powered by CityWest fibre-optic services.
Giids Queen Charlotte.
26 HG November / December 2021 27
on CityWest’s website: citywest.ca/dropping-in or call the
office at 1-800-442-8664 and ask to speak with one of CityWest’s
wonderful customer service representatives. City-
West will furnish the people of Haida Gwaii with a choice
as to their Internet Service Provider. This project is made
possible by the federal and provincial governments, Indigenous
Services Canada, the Strathcona Regional District,
and Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT).
“Concurrent to the fibre projects discussed above,” states
Tomas Borsa, “there is also a third provider in the form of
Starlink. Starlink is the first company to launch with the
express purpose of providing high-speed, low-latency internet
to rural communities. Unlike the projects unveiled
by Mascon and CityWest, Starlink uses an entirely different
type of technology which relies on a roving constellation
of several thousand small satellites.” At the time of writing,
the fees sit at $649 plus shipping up front for the hardware
and $129/month. There would not be a contract for
unlimited Internet. The reception dish will require a near
perfect line of sight to the satellite. The company is open
to pre-orders on a first-come, first-served basis and expect
to have global coverage by 2023. Go to starlink.com
for more information.
Last Word – Sign Up for Both!
Given the opportunity, it might be a good idea to sign up
for both CityWest and Mascon/Telus fibre to the home. Either
of these Last Mile connections would then be possible.
Then it would be your choice depending on the cost
of their services. Also, thinking ahead, this could be an
important feature for a future buyer if you decide at some
point to sell your home.
The dual choice between Mascon and CityWest is not applicable
to Gamadiis Port Clements, Chinkundl Gandlee
Miller Creek or K’il Kun Sandspit, all of which are serviced
by Mascon fibre. CityWest will be servicing the currently
unserved part of Tll.aal Tlell and Taaw Tlldawee Tow Hill.
A note for those who have their email with
QCIslands Net...
QCIslands Net Ltd will be commencing an “email
only “ service with the domain names that they own,
that is: haidagwaii.ca / haidagwaii.net / hgqci.org /
qcislands.ca / qcislands.net / oldmassett.ca / emailh.
ca. Stay tuned for more details.
Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC
290-309 2 nd Ave W
The World According to Carter
Carter turned four this fall! The time is flying by. Next
year he will be in kindergarten! This year I’ve told Carter
that I’ll be preparing him for his transition into big kid
school. It’s going to be a tough time for us both and a lot of
arguments, but we will make it through with some laughs
along the way.
Carter: “Mom! That spider almost got me! He’s fast.”
Me: “Yes Carter, they have eight legs so they can go pretty
Carter: “Yah and that’s why they make webs too because
they have so many legs!”
Me: “Spiders make webs so that they can catch bugs to eat.”
Carter: “Oh mom, no, that’s ridiculous.”
Carter pointed at younger brother Connor’s handmade
mobile that was a baby shower gift.
Carter: “Where’s mine Mommy?”
Me: “You don’t have one, that was just for Connor.”
Carter: “Did the people run out of presents for me?”
Me: “Well no, that was given to Connor when he was born.”
Carter: “That’s not fair! I want to be borned again! I want
Carter: “Ahh! A spider!”
Brittany (cousin): “It’s fine Carter. It’s cute.”
Carter: “No. I’m going to smack that spider right in the
Carter asked me if deer were scared of him, and I told him
that they were. He replied, “But adults like me. And girls.
All my girlfriends like me. I have lots of girlfriends.”
Carter: “I have a runny nose.”
Me: “Oh? Where is it running to?”
Carter: “To my belly. It went right under my shirt down
to my belly.”
Carter: “Mom! I wrecked this book.”
Me: “Yes, you did.”
Carter: “This house will be destroyed too.”
Me: “Why Carter?”
Carter: “Because that’s what problems are.”
Musings of a Four-Year-Old
Article and Photos By Jasmine Beachy
Carter: “Mommy, I want some of those sharks like that are
at StrongStart. I want to take a bath with them.”
Me: “Sorry honey, those are for StrongStart only. Maybe
you will get some at Christmas.”
Carter: “Can I go to Chris’ place now to buy some sharks
with you?”
“You kiss him?! You kiss Dad?! Awe, blech! Gross!”
“I don’t like my bunk beds. They are crazy. I just like dinosaurs.”
Me: “Carter, find the remote please.”
Carter: “But Mom, I can’t find it!”
Me: “You were the last one that had it. Where did it go?”
Carter: “It’s in the raccoon’s mouth, and then the moose
ate it.”
Dad: “You chipmunk.”
Carter: “I’m not a squirrel, I’m a monster.”
“Mommy, can you put a baby into your tummy tomorrow
so you can grow one?”
Carter is still surprising us with the thoughts that come
out of his mouth. He is helping his little brother Connor
learn to talk too. Pretty soon I’ll have two chatty little boys
telling me what’s what and sharing their stories with me.
It may be a challenging time of their development but it is
also the most entertaining! If you have any funny children’s
stories to share, send them to Shellene at HG Trader at
28 HG November / December 2021 29
By Craig Carmichael
1 Email address essential
3 The original “Santa Claus” (with abbr.)
10 First developmental stage of fetus
11 Vista
13 Ancient Sumerian city in Mesopotamia
14 Burdens
17 Next to a hard place
18 Japanese electronics brand: right to left
19 A mobile surveillance equipment company
21 14th letter
22 At Christmas, the mood is ___
23 A risky activity, done for show
24 Exempli Gratia (abbr.)
25 A blank
28 Ostensibly Jesus’ birthday
33 French gold
34 Pennsylvania
36 Artificial Intelligence (abbr.)
37 Double (prefix)
38 Good footwear for hiking
39 Festive season activity
41 destination word
42 Warmth
43 Aircraft goes straight up and down (abbr.)
44 Another festive season activity
49 Car information code
50 Deep hole
52 Holiday dining
55 Quality sound
56 Landers of newspaper fame
57 Extra cold water
58 Most laudable behaviour
60 Bug
63 Finished
64 Meditation mantra
65 Maker of computer disks
68 Jewish year-end festival
69 British car feet
1 Between blue and cyan
2 Irish county, once a kingdom
3 Stockings
4 Smallest model railroad gauge
5 End of holiday season
6 Christmas song
7 Night bird
8 “Stop!” order on a ship
9 Box: This ____ __ (2 words)
12 A more natural day to start the new year?
16 Short for “on line”
20 Right over top of
23 Flat block or thick slice
25 Northwest Territories to Canada Post
26 __ Dreaming of a White Christmas
27 Direction to climb hill
28 Companies forming monopolies together
29 Strike
30 ___ Amin, dictator of Uganda
31 Another holiday season festivity
32 What to do with a crossword
33 von Bismarck who united Germany
35 Copy a gorilla
40 River in Switzerland
42 Hello
45 Force out of dwelling
46 Shortest path
47 Abrades material from surface
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.
48 Diagram of interconnectedness
50 Heap
51 An iffy way to spell “iffy”
52 Ultimate trust as being real, true
53 WWII coastal reconnaissance aircraft
54 Jumping muscle
55 One-liner comedian Youngman
59 Butting animal
61 Large flightless Australian bird
62 Promotion
66 Hey you over there! (or response to)
67 Both of us
Haida Gwaii Stargazers
By Monica Caulfield
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) We all know that you don’t always play well
with others, dearest Aries. This is not to be negative about it, only to
highlight your independent nature. But for the next couple months it’s
important to practice your compromising skills. You and “the others”
are going to be interacting more than normal so try and be on your
best behaviour. That way you can still run toward your goal of getting
what you want, while also giving your loved ones what they want too.
Keywords: bargain, negotiate, and diplomacy.
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Hope and success is on your horizon,
dearest Taurus. You are able to make peace with loved ones by speaking
the truth with a large dollop of understanding and kindness. This
is a time when your mission in life can truly shine. You just need to
get clear exactly what that mission is. Keywords: ambition, belief, and
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You have the ability, dearest Gemini, to
get your work done in a timely and efficient manner. There’s a reason
to care about this. When you focus on the tasks at hand, it frees up
your time faster, so suddenly, you have more free time for you. Free
time to do exactly what you say you’ve been wanting to do for some
time now. What is that? Finish your list, then you’ll figure it out.
Keywords: focal point, centre, and target.
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Play seems to be in order, dearest Cancer.
There’s lots of energy around you to enjoy the finer things in life and
to do this with your favorite people. What has piqued your interest
lately, but you’ve never quite found the time to start? You deserve to
do what makes you ridiculously happy, humbly grateful and extremely
loved. Keywords: passion, let-go, and dance.
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) What have you recently learned about your
family, dearest Leo? There’s fire on the mountain of family dynamics
and passionate purpose in your home life. This is neither positive nor
negative, but it might be intense with either scenario. There’s a desire
to cut to the chase and find out the heart of the matter. Superficial
talk is not going to fly at this moment. Take the time to listen to loved
ones, encourage brave talk and pick up any pieces that were discarded
on the floor. Keywords: prepare, alter, and convert.
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Ideas are flowing through you, dearest
Virgo. You typically can discern what is the most important stance to
take. It appears to be the time that you will need to think on your feet,
making decisions as you go without the time to thoroughly sit with
the question first. There’s many opportunities presenting themselves
and you are practicing making choices on the fly. Not your favorite
thing to do, but still worth learning. Keywords: meet, circulate, and
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Key issues that are from the past, are coming
back for another pass dearest Libra. Here’s an opportunity to give
them another look in order to fully heal. Your self-confidence can
soar after you are convinced that you’ve done everything in your
power to make things right. Be sure to give some of your attention to
your family and loved ones as they need to know that you truly care
for them. Keywords: devotion, tribe, and household.
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) You have mega energy to follow through
on your plans, dearest Scorpio. The passion you feel currently is off
the charts. Assert your independence and finish what you start. Your
ability to speak up is highlighted now and you might even be heard
by the masses. There may be a bit of friction surrounding your family
members but just know that this too shall pass. Keywords: communicate,
appreciate, and chat.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) The things that you hold dear are of
an unusual nature, dearest Sagittarius. It’s time to focus on all that is
coming and all that is here. You could benefit from aimlessly wandering
in the woods in order to get quiet enough to receive a vision that
is perfect for your life. The past is making itself known, as is the future
to walk toward. It’s only a matter of time before everything falls into
place. Keywords: destined, perspective and ideal.
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) You feel right at home in your element
now, dearest Capricorn. What is your mission in life and how have
you been heading toward it? You are out and about for all the world
to see. What role modeling are you doing to promote determination
and bravery? You have plenty of desire, now move onward to show
your great stamina and dedication. Keywords: courage, boldness, and
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You are facing two polar opposites, dearest
Aquarius. One side says research everything, keep reading about
your options, interview people, stay distracted. Never totally commit.
The other side says take a stand. Make a plan, stick to it, value faith in
your preferred path. Which side will you follow? This is key to your
happiness and fulfillment. Keywords: intention, outline, and aim.
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) There’s an intensity to your purpose,
dearest Pisces, that is more than you usually bite off. It’s okay. You are
prepared to take this on at this time. You are capable of great opportunities
that may fall into your lap. You must stay aware enough to
recognize them and not overlook the clues that are coming towards
you. It’s all in the master plan to have faith in the process and develop
a keen understanding of human nature. Keywords: vivid, profound,
and deep.
30 HG November / December 2021 31
In the Home & Office - cont.
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will
then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline
for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct issue.)
*Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products, services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.
In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/
Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Crock pot. Crock pot, $25. Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison@hotmail.com
Great Deals! Some Re-purposed Xmas Gift Ideas Too!! Wooden folding Renior easel, $75. Blue pottery hanging plant basket, $30. Garbage
bin 32L stainless with plastic liner, $50. Harrisville design easy weaver, great for scarves, $80. Tumbler model B rock tumbler, $200. Oriental
side table with marble top, $60. Dremel drill and attachments (4200 model), $90. Payment in cash or e-transfer. Contact for photos.
Call Kathy Pick at (250) 559-0045 or email kathypick@hotmail.com
Large Dresser. $250 Call Sarleana Wisla at (250) 626-7606 or email fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com
Cork boots size 12. $75 Call Fletcher at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com
Forced Air Furnace. Call for more details, 113 Raven Ave, Old Massett. Call Lilly Bell at (250) 626-7350, (250) 626-3559, or email info@
Glass Etched smoke glass mirror. Round mirror with original etching. Frame is red cedar. Diameter 23 inches. $100 Call
Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
Sirius car radio. $50 Call Sarleana at 250-626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com
Brand new pink Helly Hansen coat. Medium warm and cozy, hood is not detachable. $190 Call Karen at (250) 637-1910
or email karefoe@gmail.com
Lumbar Support Waterbed. Lumbar support pristine waterbed. Complete with a custom bookcase headboard. Self supporting
mattress with pillow top. This is waveless. $900 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
Canning jar lids (wide mouth). BERNARDIN (wide mouth/86mm) canning jar lids for sale. $7 a pack (12 pk). Only 144
packs left. I am in Skidegate but if there is enough interest from residents in Tlell, Port or Masset then I will arrange a
day to drive up to meet at a specific time in each community. Call/text Jason Cowpar, 250-463-4458 or email Jcow@live.
DVD - 6 Feet Under. The complete boxed set, used. Very funny and entertaining. $90 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@
Shop With Us Online!
Tidal Zone Silver Studio
Original Engraved Silver Jewelry
Small computer/art desk. Metal and glass top. $25 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
Small Plastic Containers For Sale: 3/4 Cup. I had to buy 500 of these to get them, but I do not need that many. Will sell up to 150 of them.
They come in packages of 50, but I can break them up. They cost 43 cents each. I am now offering them for 35 cents each. I measured the
volume with the lid on and came up with 3/4 Cup or approx 185 Ml. Regular dairy lids fit them, so there is no problem if you lose a lid.
Made in the USA, so I trust that the plastic is genuinely food safe. Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email crssldw@gmail.com
Harvik size 6 cork boots+ Maytag portable dishwasher. Your little feet (size 6 boot) decide to go to the forest and harvest
some trees. You want to keep your little toes safe from the elements of your chosen adventure. It comes equipped with
spikes in case you decide you want to test your skills in dancing on floating logs at the sort. After having a long day of
adventures, it would be nice to come home to clean dry dishes. Maybe you’ve decided to clean up your full sink and act
all grown up with having a cupboard that also cleans your dishes as you walk away from it. Thanks for looking! $460
Call Jamille Austrial at (604) 767-9564 or email jamaustrial@gmail.com
Women’s XL COAT. $60 Call Sarleana at (250) 626-7606 or email Fletchercollison1964071@gmail.com
Book Stand. 10-pocket wire book stand for floor (6ft. 8in. tall; 20in. wide). $250 new ~ will sell for $75 obo. Please phone (no cell phone).
Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net
Bedspread with pillow covers. Flower print queen sized light quilt with pillow covers $40 Call Shauna Huber at (250) 644-3567 or email
Mattresses x2 queen x1 king all with box springs. The mattresses prefer to go together. There is this type of immeasurable loneliness that’s
inexplicable when you’re apart from someone you’ve been with all this time. They guarantee to keep you from sleeping off the floor and
a warm cozy good night sleep. The king size will be available on the 1st of November. PM me for pickup. Thank you! $800 Call Jamille
Austrial at (604) 767-9564 or email jamaustrial@gmail.com
Enter our Xmas draw!
Earrings, rings, pendants,
bracelets, charms, hairpieces
and ear cuffs
Designed and handcrafted
by Local Artisan Jeweller:
Laura Dutheil
Stock on display in QC at
Funk It! and the QC Visitor
Custom orders
Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte
Find us on Facebook!
32 HG November / December 2021 33
Growing &
Living Together
In the Home & Office - cont.
Onkyo Receiver Klipsch speakers + Subwoofer. If you like loud music that shakes the floor and
wakes your neighbours up, you’re in luck cause they’re for sale. It has several HDMI inputs and all
the other outlets you would want to feel the vibrations of the sound. It’s too loud for us. Come and
get it and jam to the rhythm of the music. $400 Call Jamille Austrial at (604) 767-9564 or email
Ashly GQX3102 - 31 Band Graphic Equalizer. This is a great piece of gear. One
reviewer rated it better than a DBX. It was used for less than a month in a home
stereo. It is intended for commercial use. To use it in a home audio system, you
need Radial Engineering “J-Iso” & “J +4”, or equivalent devices, to convert the
signal voltages to home gear levels. At low volumes the stereo had never sounded
better, but it would overload the stereo at higher volumes. I was using it to get
rid of sibilance. Then I tried different tweeters and cables. Plan B worked, which
is why I am selling. It cost $590, all in, and I am selling it for $300. A European
power cord is included for your next world tour! Call Dave Crossley at (250)
559-8208 or email crssldw@gmail.com
Stained Glass Window Hanging. Reproduction of Manet’s Garden. Measures
16.75 inches by 23 inches. $200 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@
“Stained Glass” Window Hanging. Not actually made of glass but rather plexiglass.
17.5 inches by 27 inches. $80 Call Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
West End
Auto Sales
2009 Ford Ranger
Stk#6360 $13,250
In the Yard & Workshop - cont.
Dewalt Chop Saw. 10 inch compound miter saw. Original manuals. $225 Call
Ray at (250) 626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
Trademaster 10 inch table saw. Has a General wheel kit. 110 V 220 V original
manual. MUST make all arrangements to move for yourself. Owner will not risk
his back injury to help. Please bring friends with muscles. $225 Call Ray at (250)
626-3513 or email zooey10@massett.ca
Rifle for sale. Winchester Model 70, 30-06, stainless/synthetic, tasco 3-9 scope,
with case, bullets. Only shot a few times-like new. Need a PAL licence. $1,300
Call Brian Mulvany at (250) 626-5119 or email brian-mulvany@hotmail.com
VHF radios. Your choice. Kenwood and Icom. $300 Call Dave at (250) 559-4747
or email drellis@qcislands.net
Surveyors equipment. Compasses x2, inclometers x2, surveyors vests x 2,
increment borer hip chains with string, bear spray or paint can holder for belt,
and more. Buy all or just parts. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email
Line saw. Bosch line saw electric, $180. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595
or email echobay@hgqci.Org
On the Road
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/
Pet and Pet Supplies
2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo
79,150km/Stk#6972 $27,995
6X10 trailer. 2017 Cargo 6X10 Driven NaN kilometers 6”X10” enclosed trailer, v nose, LED
lights, side door, custom ramps, rubber floor, tie downs, tows great. $3,900 Call Mike at (587)
225-5437 or email Covequest@gmail.com
Dump trailer. Steel dump trailer to pull around your yard, in good shape. $150 Call or text Mike
Kolankowski at (587) 225-5437 or email Covequest@gmail.com
Heaters. 220v construction heaters, $65. Call Terry Tollestrup at (505) 594-5954 or email echobay@hgqci.org
Cement nails / powder fasteners. Cement nails, various sizes, total value $480.
Plus sizes 11/4”, 1 1/2”, 2”, 3 1/2”, 2 7/8”, 21/2” Hilti and ramset, $75. Call Terry
Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email echobay@hgqci.org
.270 rifle. Savage Axis rifle in .270 on a Boyds laminate stock and Zeiss Conquest
4.5-14x44 optics. Good condition. Comes with a box and a half of ammo and
a bore snake. PAL required to purchase. $700 Call Toney at (250) 637-1986 or
email the_cajun_ace@hotmail.com
Equipment For Sale. * 1969 D8 46A Cat complete with 13’6” Ublade single tilt
c/w D89A Hyster winch. Good running condition, $7,500. * 1975 D6C Cat complete
with angle blade, double tilt with cargo winch & brush rake. Good running
condition, $25,000. * (2) 1993 MT30 Moxy Rock Trucks c/w box liners plus
lower tailgates. Good running condition, $15,000 each. Please call Phil Shiels at
(250) 637-5614 or cell: 250-637-1353 or email shiels@qcislands.net
48” Chainsaw Bar. Old used cannon 4 foot chainsaw bar in 404 .058 gauge, comes with new
chain and has a spare 3/8 bar tip as well, bar in good condition, fits Husqvarna mount but can
be ground for Stihl. Great for an Alaskan mill. Call or text 250-626-8968, make me an offer. Call
Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or email chris421sd@gmail.com
Tub and Shower Faucet. This is a Euro Stream tub and shower faucet set in like
new condition. The package was only opened to look at it. The set was not what
I required for my project. $40 Call Harold Mackay at (250) 626-3305 or email
Disposable Tyvek Coveralls. $8 each, 3 for $20, large sizes. Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595
or email echobay@hgqci.Org
2019 Ford F150 XLT
38,380km/Stk#6363 $52,995
Time to winterize
your vehicle.
We have
winter tires!
“ No reasonable
offer refused!”
605 Ocean View Dr.
Queen Charlotte
Van For Sale. 2001 Honda Odyssey -Automatic -222,000km -Runs & drives well
-7 passenger -Needs minor brake work -70% on tires $2,750 Call Cyrus Stoltzfus
at (250) 557-4727 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Studded winter tires. Firestone studded mud and snow tires 185/65 r15 m+s 4
tires on rims + 1 spare rim. $100 Call Terry Tollestrup at (250) 559-4595 or email
Set of 4 Kumho studded winter tires. Size is 215/45/17 winter studded snow tires
Kumho brand, over 95% tread studded and mounted on 5x100 stud winter steel
rims. Old Massett, $400. Call Kevin J at (250) 626-6014 or email kevjager.Haida@
FULL SET RAV4 TOYO Winter Tires. Observe G3ICE, less than 1000km.
225/65R17 106T. Very clean, no punctures ever, balanced on included oil-sprayed
rims. In excellent shape. Check out TOYO website for more info. Selling new for
$1012, asking $700. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com
Esther. This is a 1984 Bedford MJ 4x4. Atlas Crane. Flat Deck. 6 Cyl NA Diesel.
Unstoppable. Has some minor issues. It needs a loving home. $10,500 Call Colin
at (250) 626-7631 or email Colindoane@gmail.com
Fifth Wheel/Trailer for sale. Fifth Wheel (Keystone Montana Mountaineer 346
LBQ, Year 2011, 34 feet) is in very good condition and fully furnished with additional
equipment. 2 bedrooms (1 queen size bed, 3 more beds with bedding), 1
and a half bath with a small tub, kitchen fully equipped with oven, 3 burner stove,
hood, microwave, kettle, toaster, hand mixer, kitchen scale, blender), Outdoor
kitchen with 2 burner stove and sink, 4 slide outs, aluminum wheels, 3 TV’s, 2
music systems, large storage areas, ceiling fan, air conditioning, gas heating and
electric heating (new), dehumidifier, self-retracting awning, double insulation,
two entrance doors and much more. $31,000 Call Sylvia at (705) 203-0344 or
email Vampiriasylvana@hotmail.com
34 HG November / December 2021 35
Authentic Screen Printing
On the Road - cont.
2013 F150 Crew Cab 4x4 XLT Trailer tow pkg with brake controller, reverse camera
and sensing beeper, power windows and locks, heated mirrors etc. Xtr package.
Very clean solid truck in and out. No accidents. Serviced regularly. $22,500
Call Jim Scott at (250) 637-5654 or email jlscott7637@gmail.com
Air Grease gun. New didn’t use but has marine grease in it. Needs an air compressor
to work. $80 Call Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email skocumshakers@
Kiwigrip anti-skid deck paint - Grey. We got this a few weeks ago but decided to go with another
type of paint. This is a 4 litre box composed of 4 separate one litre containers. Selling for $50 per
litre. One of them has been cracked open to check the colour, which I will keep unless someone is
keen to have it. I’d rather sell it all as one lot if possible since the box only includes the one Kiwigrip
paint roller. $50 Call Tyson at (778) 871-7817 or email tysonnehring@hotmail.com
On the Water
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! Price Reduced to $165,000 from $180,000 (CAD)
Akko Chan, 41 ft fibreglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained. Brand
new John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017 has 1800 hours on it, new gear, twin
disk, new exhaust, and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear included. Packs 600 gallons of
fuel. More information can be found at https://akkochan.northernrogue.ca/ This
vessel is ready to fish. Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-1997 or email info@
On the Water - cont.
Boat Bumpers - New Pair - 16 inch. Bought these for a boat, not realizing the boat
I was buying already had some. I don’t need them. Brand new tags still on them.
Asking what I paid. Selling as a pair. $45 Call Jason at (250) 637-1366 or email
SOLD! 42’ Tollycraft Yacht. Twin 454 Mercury power with Borg Warner Velvet
drives. Aft cabin stateroom with two-piece enclosed head and double berth,
large salon. Upper and lower control stations. Large, upper deck. Walk in the
cockpit and side entrance. This vessel requires upgrades to the generator system
(not running), refrigeration (does not cool), and the starboard engine appears
to be seized. Port engine runs strong. A diesel re-power would be ideal for a
long-term plan. The replacement cost today for a 42 footer Tollycraft is $650,000
plus. Surveyed in 2015 at $57,000. Rock-solid hull. Call Bill at 778-914-4487 or
250-626-3833 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com SOLD!
10 foot fibreglass skiff. Lightweight 10 foot fibreglass skiff. The beam is about 4
feet. It needs some work. This is a project I don’t need. Price reduced. $300 Call
Jack at (250) 626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com
34’ Aluminum Troller. Masset Services is selling our aluminum fish boat. Diesel
power, full electronics. Borg Warner gear. Needs TLC. Good runner. Strong
hull. Poor cosmetics. BUT, not $55,000, only $24,000. On the water in Masset.
Call Bill at 778-914-4487 or 250-626-3833 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Volvo Penta 151a marine engine parts. This is a reconditioned Volvo Penta 151a cylinder head for
sale. $1,000 call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.Net
Kids Zone
From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games
Boys Bogs size 1. Boys Bogs Classic Hockey Waterproof Boot wrong size only
worn once $75 Call Erica Reid at (250) 637-1777 or email erica_jean_ryan@
MEC Mountain bike. 2017 MEC Dash, aluminum frame, 7 speed Shimano rear
derailleur, front suspension. Headset bearings were repacked this month. Great
for kids aged 5-9 years. $200 Call Shauna Huber at (250) 644-3567 or email
Groceries & Liquor
Bakery & Deli
Home & Office Supplies
Gifts & Local Treasures
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accommodation
2 Acres Near North Beach - Magnificent 2 acre parcel backing on the Sangan
River and just steps to North Beach. This lot is level and private and offers
several prime spots to build your dream home or recreational getaway. This is
the only one available in this incredible location. Price $289,500 Call 250-
218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Dealer # 5958
1-800-313-7187 or 250-635-7187
Full inventory at www.terracechrysler.com
& www.terracetoyota.ca
4916 Highway #16 West Terrace, BC
*Must be mentioned before negotiations
Dealer # D50120
Call us at 250-557-2088
SOLD! 3 Bedroom Home For Sale - Port Clements. 47 Tingley Street, Port
Clements. 3 bed/2 bath, 2 story house walking distance from all amenities.
57’ x 100’ lot with a nice sized, semi-private backyard. Laminate floors in the
kitchen, dining room and living room. Downstairs workshop, laundry room,
rumpus room and large second bathroom with standup shower. Please call
250-557-4436 for a viewing appointment. Call 250-557-4436 or email max@
Private Offices For Rent – QC. Located in central Queen Charlotte, close to
all amenities. $400 per month, includes internet. Call 250-637-1849 or email
36 HG November / December 2021 37
Real Estate & Rentals -- cont.
Real Estate & Rentals - cont.
Organic Produce
Groceries & Dairy
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies
• Free Range Meats
• Organic Charcuterie Meats
• International Cheeses
• Foods for All Diets
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm
3219 Wharf Street
Daajing Giids/Queen Charlotte
Island BookkeepIng
Family Owned & Operated
Past and current tax filing
Day-to-day bookkeeping
Masset, BC
2 lots, office suite, studio and building
SOLD! 9 and 11 Yakoun Tremendous value...2 homes, 3 lots and a thriving
nursery business with heated greenhouses plus a workshop. Located in the
village of Port Clements asking $339,500 Both homes 2 bedroom and 1
bathroom each. Price $339,500 Call 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@
Beautiful family home overlooking Bearskin Bay - Three bedroom, three bathroom
house on .97 hectare treed lot in Queen Charlotte/Daajing Giids.. Very
private, with high-ceilinged, open plan living room, spectacular ocean view,
lots of room for greenhouse. Potential for BnB, separate suite, art or music
studio. Light and spacious. Great water access. Call for appointment to view.
Offers starting at $649,000. Call 250-637-1976 or email wjtrex@yahoo.ca
“Our house has SOLD, thanks to our ad on Haida Gwaii Trader.
Thanks for the awesome service.” - Mary Isaacs, Masset
SOLD! House for Sale in Masset 4 Bedroom House for sale in Masset, BC.
Call 250-626-7787 or email bcnewfies2@gmail.com
Ocean Front Cottage - Incredible ocean view! Location: 17 Water Drive, Port
Clements. 960 square feet. 3 bedroom (an almost brand new queen sized bed
included), 2 bath- shower on the lower floor and upper has a jet tub for two.
Large stone fireplace has heat chambers built into it to hold the heat and even
has a pizza oven with a door on it. Fiber-optic internet and TV. Sliding glass
doors off living room that lead out to oceanfront deck. Inspected by certified
building inspector and assessor. Price $385,000. Call 250-557-4566 or email
3113 Oceanview Drive, QC
Northern Rogue
IT Services for Haida Gwaii
Onsite/Remote support for:
• Computer Repairs
• Server & Network
• Data Recovery
Hardware and
Software Sales
Insurance for Home,
Auto, Business,
& Recreational
Masset: 250.626.3711
Queen Charlotte: 250.559.8426
House and Shop For Sale - Port Clements. 5 Bayview Drive, Port Clements,
access via Water Street or Bayview Drive. 850 sq ft, 2-bedroom, 1 bathroom,
3 year old open concept home with older 2-story addition. Fridge, stove,
washer/dryer, woodstove, heat pump, walk-in shower. Locally crafted alder
kitchen & bathroom cabinets. 1000 sq ft shop, woodshed, covered porch,
partially fenced yard. Contact via email is preferred for more information,
more pictures or to make an appointment to view. Dog not included. Price
$225,000. Call 250-557-2456 or email j.morris.pigeon@gmail.com
The Ground Coffee House and Gallery - Excellent, healthy business, includes
building, business, 2 lots and a rentable suite at the back, Fabulous opportunity
offered at $595,000. Call John Ismay at 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com
Residential Property with Commercial Zoning - Price Reduced Residential
property with commercial zoning (qualifies for a residential mortgage).
2-two bedroom 800 square-foot residences with ocean views and a 1300
square-foot studio residence. 300 square-foot art gallery. Building has been
completely renovated, including new windows, plumbing, and quality finishing.
Large semi-enclosed outdoor workspace, wood-fired sauna. Centrally located
next to shopping, hospital, and boat dock. Property currently generates
25,000 per year in income after all expenses including taxes, Hydro and loan
interest. Turn key. 3120 Oceanview Drive. $550,000 No subject to finance
offer. Contact Merlin Naylor, text or call (250) 626-7298.
Essential Worker Accommodations Long or Short Term - Port Clements and
Masset. Port Clements: furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartments.
Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat. internet, TV,
king size beds, laundry and parking is included. Well suited for worker accommodation.
Clean and secure building. Masset: several renovated housing
units. 3 and 4 bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable,
laundry and parking are included. Call for prices. 250-661-9012 or email
Another home sold by posting their listing with
Haida Gwaii Trader!
SOLD! Must See Home for Sale in Masset Large renovated 4 bdrm 1.5 bath duplex
for sale complete w/ landscaped back yard, garden, cedar fence and large
cedar deck. New IKEA kitchen w/5ft glass garden door onto deck, new appliances
and hardwood flooring throughout main floor. Has a large sunroom;
w/pellet stove and a patio door onto partly covered deck area. Basement w/
new stairs; W/D; storage; finished large room w/ egress window. Duplex has
new plywood & 25yr CertainTeed shingles. Amenities/marina short walk.
SOLD! Call 1-250-631-8426 or email sherries_e@yahoo.com
Beautiful 2-acre parcel near North
Thinking of selling??
Call me or drop me an email.
Full service realtor with unlicensed
assistant resident on island.
Re/Max Ocean Pacific | 282 Anderton Road | Comox, B.C. | Johnismay2014@gmail.com | www.Johnincomox.com
38 HG November / December 2021 39
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Wanted - cont.
Mascon Digital
Starter TV
20+ channels
24 Theme packs available.
Add up to 130+ Channels.
*Conditions apply
mascon.ca/ television
• November 15 th
• December 6 th & 20 th
*Please note: members of the public can physically attend Public Council Meetings in person.
This may change dependent on Public Health Orders.
Ford Parts Trucks Wanted. Used, old Ford F250 or F350 pickups wanted. Years 2002-2007. Can be
dead. We will pick up. Call Stephen at (250) 557-4594 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Hitch Wanted. 3-point hitch for a finish mower (54“ 72”), for a small tractor. Call James at (250)
557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Lathe. Looking for a bowl-turning lathe or large capacity spindle-lathe. 16” or larger, heavy duty,
self-standing, single phase or three phase. Call James at (250) 557-4579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Wood Stove. Looking for a used Blaze King or Blaze Queen wood stove. Call Grant at (250) 557-
4658 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Inflatable boat any size. Looking for an inflatable boat, zodiac style or other- Soft
bottom preferred- Please text or call if you have something for sale! Thank you!
Call Merlin Naylor at (250) 626-7298 or email uprootsalvage@gmail.com
Housesitting Wanted Dependable House Sitter Available. Retired shop teacher wanting to settle
in Masset for the winter. Arrived HG on my boat 6 weeks ago, happily staying with relatives, but
needed to give them space. Clean, responsible, good local references. Have lived with wood heat
most of my life. Comprehensive skill set. Willing to do some maintenance work. Would consider
modest rent for the right place. Call Roger Purdy at (250) 218-0699 or email rbpurdy@shaw.ca
Home purchase or rental. My name is Jamille and my partner’s name is Amita. Together with our
dog Izzi, we are still looking for our forever home. I have been on the island for 4 years with 1
landlord. We both are employed by the hospital. I am a nurse who has served the community
since I arrived on the island. We seek our forever home and would love to stay. I hope you can
help us. We are seeking either to rent or purchase. We have awesome references and great credit
ratings. Thank you for reading our ad. Hawaa! Call Jamille Austrial at (604) 767-9564 or email
Truck Cap. Hi I’m looking for a cap - 2015 GMC Sierra short Box Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or
email fotogwaii@hotmail.com
ISO new or used carboys. Hoping someone has some wine making carboys
kicking around they no longer need. Glass 3-6 gallon preferred. Thanks! Call
Frances at (250) 637-1759 or email Haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com
WTB - Lot in Tlell. I’m looking to buy a lot in either Tlell, Lawn Hill, or possibly
Port Clements. Prefer 2 acres or larger. Can be undeveloped or with a small cabin/house.
Thank you. Call Kevan Daniel at (260) 617-0245 or email kevan_daniel@hotmail.com
Looking for a used iPad mini at a reasonable price Call fotogwaii@hotmail.com at (250) 559-8877
or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com
Anything that just needs a new home!
FREE stuff. Desks, couch, bbq, other random free things. Call Charlotte Ray at
(250) 589-9912 or email charlotteray@me.com
FREE Protective case & screen protector for Galaxy S9+. Protective case & screen protector for
Samsung Galaxy S9+ phone. This stuff is specific to this model, so only take it if you have a Galaxy
S9+. Call Chris at (250) 626-9003 or email chris.ashurst@gmail.com
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/
Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Employment Opportunity. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a
full time Receptionist for our Queen Charlotte branch. If you are passionate about
improving people’s financial health and have experience with sales and service we’d
like to hear from you. Member Service: Processes a wide range of financial transactions
while offering a suite of deposit products. Ensures inbound telephone calls
are answered promptly. Presents a professional image to members and internal
customers. Other duties may be assigned periodically. Minimum Qualifications:
Education: High School diploma is a requirement Experience: Previous financial
services experience is an asset. Skills: Demonstrated sales and service skills. Ability
to prioritize and organize work within time constraints. Ability to communicate
and liaise professionally with members, potential customers, community groups
and co-workers while maintaining confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills and
experience in Microsoft Office. Call Santa Slubowski at (250) 628-0357 or email
During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Wash Your Hands, Be Kind, Be Calm and Stay Safe.
36 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-1pm
250-557-4295 • Need an after hours appointment? Please don’t
hesitate to call or email us. For any after hours public works
emergencies, call 250-557-4272
www.portclements.ca • office@portclements.ca
40 HG November / December 2021 41
Employment & Training - cont.
Community Service Listings - cont.
Deckhand Work Available. D & E Towing & Salvage, based in Port Clements, is
seeking a tugboat deckhand. Reliability, good work attitude, and physical stamina
are required for this position. Marine experience or certification is desirable,
but training can be provided. Hours will vary. For more information or to submit
your resume, please call or email Dave Unsworth, detowing@outlook.com or
phone 250-557-4222.
Employment Opportunity. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for
a full-time Member Services Representative for our Masset branch. This would
appeal to an outgoing individual interested in providing excellent customer
service and a career in sales. General Duties: Processes member transactions.
Recognizes member needs and promotes and cross sells credit union products
and services to members by explaining basic credit union products and services,
and referring more complex requests for information and assistance to appropriate
branch staff. Minimum Qualifications: Education: Secondary School Diploma
required. Experience: Previous sales and service experience is preferred or an
equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Skills: Excellent
written and verbal English communication skills. Working knowledge, skills and
experience in Microsoft Office. Call Santa Slubowski at (250) 628-0357 or email
Transition House Support Worker. Level: $23.90 - $25.19/hour Hours: Morning
7 am -3 pm, Afternoon 3 pm -11pm, Nights 11 pm-7 am, Variable shift work.
Location: Masset, BC, Applications Accepted by: td.hgspeace@massett.ca or
ea.hgspeace@massett.ca Provide support, security, information, education, crisis
intervention & referrals to residents & Help-line callers. Also responsible for
general upkeep & daily operation of the Transition house. NOTE: all duties will
be adapted to include COVID-19 protocols Casual Positions receive an additional
10.2% in lieu of sick, vacation & stat benefits. For more information, go to our
website at hgpeace.ca/employment, call Angela Foster at (250) 626-4664 or email
Community Service Listings
Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community
Hall, located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room, main hall, stage, kitchen - all
available for rent. Also available for rent are wooden tables ($5 each per day),
wooden chairs ($1 each per day), a complete place setting for 225 people, water
goblets and wine glasses, cups and cutlery, and white or black linen tablecloths,
etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for preparing for larger
events. Call Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.
At Your Service
Business Services/Business Products
Gwaii Taxi and Tours K’il Kun/Sandspit Airport Schedule (as of November 1 st /21)
Gwaii Taxi transports passengers from Daajing Giids/Queen Charlotte and
HlGaagilda/Skidegate to the K’il Kun/Sandspit Airport. As of November 1st/21
Air Canada flights are Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. TO THE
AIRPORT SCHEDULE (pick-up points and times) is: Taaw Naay Gas Station/
HlGaagilda at 7am, City Centre/Daajing Giids at 7:20am, QC Visitor Centre at
7:40am, and BC Ferries terminal/Skidegate Landing at 8am. The ferry leaves at
8:30am. Returning we aim to catch the 11:30am ferry. FROM THE AIRPORT
DROP OFF POINTS are the BC Ferries/Skidegate Landing, QC Visitor Center,
City Center/Daajing Giids, and then the Taaw Naay/HlGaagilda. One way fares:
Adults $55, Elders/Seniors $50, Child (2-12) $25 and Infants (0-23 months) are
free. To reserve your seats ahead of time, call Sherry at 250-876-1866 or book
online at gwaiitaxiandtours.ca
Port Clements Museum. We are open 2-4 Saturdays and Sundays including
holidays (except Christmas day). $5 admission for adults/teens. Will open upon
request outside regular hours for tours, school groups and visitors. For more
information call the museum when it is open at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca
to arrange. Current covid safety measures in place.
First Nations Economic Development
Employment, Skills & Training
Business Development
Employer Loan Benefit Program
Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you live in
the North end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. If you live in the South,
call Lou at 250-559-4568. At this time all meetings are virtual. Alternate contact,
email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Handcrafted soap
& body products
Happy Holidays!
From all of us at Haida Gwaii Trader
www.tricorp.ca Prince Rupert, BC
42 HG November / December 2021 43
At Your Service - cont.
Dear Huckleberry - Advice Column. Are you or someone you know in need of
relationship advice? Whether for you, your partner, a nosey family member or a
jealous co-worker, Dear Huckleberry will talk about the good, the bad, the funny
and the ugly with the goal of untangling relationship challenges of all kinds. A
resident of Haida Gwaii, the Dear Huckleberry columnist has 9 years experience
in the field of psychology, 5 years in family therapy and 2 years in Biodecoding
therapy. Advice will be built on honesty, surprising vulnerability, and a splash of
funny as well. Contributor Guidelines: The Dear Huckleberry columnist and its
contributors are 100% anonymous and to keep it that way, all submissions should
not include any identifying information (i.e., no names or places). Any words or
statements that conflict with this guideline will be edited out for privacy reasons.
Submissions should either ask questions or describe problems and can be as long
as desired. Due to publishing space limitations, if they are chosen to be featured
in a Dear Huckleberry column, they will be edited down to around 100 words.
Dear Huckleberry advice is not intended to replace any individualized mental
health programs. If you or anyone you know is in need of such services, contact
your doctor to discuss what options are available. By submitting your letters/
questions, you agree to waive any and all liability arising from any action taken
or potentially taken in response to or as a result of the advice provided by the
Dear Huckleberry columnist. Submission deadlines: JanFeb Issue: December
10th, MarchApril issue: February 10th, MayJune issue: April 10th, JulyAug issue:
June 10th, SeptOct issue: Aug. 10th, NovDec issue: Oct. 10th. Submissions can
be sent by email (as a Word document or in the body of the email) to: dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com
or by mail to: Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader,
PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Call Dear Huckleberry (c/o HGT) at
(250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Masset Services Pro Detail Shop. We’re open again for the season! CARS,
TRUCKS AND SUV’s! BASIC DETAIL: vacuum all carpets and upholstery, complete
interior clean, exterior wash and polish and polish all glass and chrome.
*Cars: $185 *Trucks & SUV’s: $205 DELUXE DETAIL: includes all the basic
detailing plus all carpets shampooed, all upholstery shampooed, ozone treatment
(removes odors, bacteria, and viruses). Overnight stay is required for drying.
*Cars: $235 *Trucks & SUV’s: $255 ENGINE DETAIL: $40 Call Jennifer Parr at
(250) 626-7089 or email office@massetrentacar.com
FOUND! Maul with Red Handle Found at Jungle Beach. Call me with the actual
location where you left it. Call Tery Haymond at (250) 637-1879 or email thaymond@qcislands.net
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar November/December, 2021
Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your not-for-profit event FREE OF CHARGE
Island Wide & Online
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you have a drinking problem, we can help. For South
end virtual meeting information call Lou at 250-559-
4568, for North end call John at 250-626-7557
Hlk’yak’ii – To Start a Fire
Until December 24 / Haida Gwaii Museum / #2
Second Beach Road
The Hlk’yak’ii: To Start a Fire art exhibition is part of a
Haida Gwaii grassroots movement to find new, local
and sustainable ways to meet our energy needs and to
move away from our dependence on diesel to generate
electricity. There have been decades of local resistance
against unsustainable energy sources over the years,
but we also recognize our dependence upon them, and
that solutions are required in order to bring change.
Exhibition can be viewed online at haidagwaiimuseum.
ca/hlk’yakii-to-start-a-fire or visit the exhibit in person
at 2 Second Beach Rd., HlGaagilda Skidegate. For more
information call 250-559-4643 or email adminassistant@
Studio Sessions
Saturdays, Nov 27 and Dec. 18 / 8-10pm / Online
Join in to listen to the Open Mic and the feature
performers Nano White and The Rain Makers! Presented
by the Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse online, on Ging Gang
Hla tllGad\'s YouTube Channel. This Studio Sessions
release will also host an Open Mic. You can upload
your fabulous submissions anytime to our Dropbox
folder (NB: please submit at least 10 days before each
online event you wish to join, as we need time to
put together the online Coffeehouse event!). Check
out our website or Facebook page for more info or
links to our Dropbox and YouTube channel. For more
information email haidagwaiicoffeehouse@gmail.com
or .haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com
Gaw Tlagee / Old Massett & Masset
Masset Market - including special holiday
Regular weekly market is on Fridays / 11am-2pm/
Across from the Co-op/Masset/Masks and hand
washing required before entry
For your holiday shopping, join us for our Christmas
events: Night Market Friday evening, Nov. 26th from
6-8pm and Saturday Xmas Markets, Nov. 27th and
Dec. 11th, both from 11-2. Come and check out our
wide selection of “make it – bake it – grow it” treasures!
We’re sure you will find a gift for everyone on your list
and at the same time, you’ll be supporting your local
artisan, handcrafter and farmer. It’s a win-win! New
vendors are always welcome! For more information
contact Natalie at 250-626-9181 or massetmarket@
Christmas Craft Fair 2021 - Masset -
Three Events!
Saturdays Nov 27 & Dec 11th & Dec. 18th / 12noon-
4pm / Howard Phillips Community Hall
Masks will be mandatory and will have hand sanitizer
setup all over the hall so please sanitize when entering
and leaving. Hawaa. Must follow Covid rules. Come
one! Come all! There will be all kinds of wonderful and
affordable gifts for everyone and of course, lots of delicious
food! Only 25 tables available for each day. $25
as this will just cover the cost of the hall. Tables must
be paid by November 19th if not paid by then your
table will go to the next person on the waiting list. $40
if you would like two tables.. Anyone who is selling
food must call Public Health in Prince Rupert to get a
temporary food license, Village of Masset says it is now
mandatory to get this done in order to sell food, here
is the number I was given to call to get your temporary
food license. 1-250-622-6372. For more information or
to book a table (while they last), call Cynthia Davis at
Wellness Services
Karen Walhout
Yoga with
Karen on
Haida Gwaii
Facebook: @InhaleSatExhaleNam
The Conversation - A Sea Change By
Dorothy Spencer
Until December 24th / Haida Gwaii Museum / #2
Second Beach Road
The Haida Gwaii Museum is thrilled to present the work
of ceramic artist Dorothy Spencer! Can't visit in person?
View or purchase items online at our Trading House gift
shop & gallery at haidagwaiimuseum.ca
Call us at 250-557-2088
44 HG November / December 2021 45
Daajing Giids / Queen Charlotte
QC Community Club Christmas Craft
Sat, Nov 20 & Dec 4 / 10am-3pm / QC Community
Hall / 134 Bay Street
40 vendors at each craft fair with locally handmade
products. Concession by Vi and Family. Loonie auction
and 50/50 draw. Face masks for vendors and buyers
are mandatory. Proof of vaccination will be required.
Vendors are fully vaccinated. For more information
contact Reine at 2505594792 or https://www.facebook.
com/charlottecommunityclub/ This is a QC Community
Club fundraiser - all fees collected for vendor tables go
to keep the QCCC going!
Queen Charlotte Farmers Market - two
Saturdays / 11am-2pm / Gather Food @ 223
Oceanview Drive and just outside the QC
Community Hall @134 Bay Street
Social distancing, masks and sanitizer or hand
washing before service. Start your week’s grocery
shopping at the market and support local growers
and producers. You can find greens, sourdough,
plants, transplants, locally grown mushrooms, a large
selection of baked goods, kombucha, and much more.
For more information call 250-559-9093 or email
Daajing Giids / Queen Charlotte - cont.
We would be honoured to hear
from you!
Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre Artisan
Saturdays, Nov. 20th and 27th and Dec. 4th/ 2-4 /
QC Visitor Center
A wide selection of wonderful gifts, all created by local
artisans. Jewellery, pottery, fibre and glass art and
much more! For more information call 250-559-8316 or
email info@qcinfo.ca
Happy Holidays!
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0
Phone: 250-557-2088
Magazine Submissions
• Letters to the Editor
• Stories
• News
• Photos
• Poems
• Cartoons
Newly Arrived for 2021
From the Incoming Tide
Custom Knife/Tool Sharpening
VHF/UHF Handheld
Coms-Li-ion Batteries
Smart Chargers
Button Batteries
Crossbows/Archery Accessories
and More
IF - Night Vision
Red/Green Lasers
Holographic Red Dots
Fiber Optics Red/Green Dots/Chevrons
Fixed 3 and 4 power Illuminated Red/Green Reticle
Variable Power Scopes
6 x 24 x 50 Illuminated Reticle
4 x 16 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle
4 x 12 x 50 Picatinny Rail Body Illuminated Reticle
Bright Zoom Tactical Lights with Remote Switching
25 x 75 x 70 Spotting Scope with iPhone attachment
8 x 50 Binoculars
and More
Available on the Island at The TRADINGPOST
921 3rd Ave
Village of Queen Charlotte
T. 206 259 6013
Website - Islandsretreat.com
Email - Eoffice@haidagwaii.net
grid tied emergency • uninterrupted electrical power supplies • 100
watts to 5000 watts 12 hour run times grid down • off grid uninterrupted
electrical power utilities • solar generation 18 hour run times • during a
6 hour on 18 hours off solar duty cycle • all systems are task balanced
46 HG November / December 2021 47
#2 Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay | 250-559-4643
Gifts for Everyone!
NEW HOURS Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm
*Dec 21-23 10am-6pm
SHOP ONLINE haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca
visit in person, or online at: haidagwaiimuseum.ca/exhibitions
A Sea Change . by Dorothy Spencer
#2 Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay | 250.559.4643 | haidagwaiimuseum.ca | haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca