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Sarah Jo


“Never in a million years would

I have thought that I'd be a


I graduated from UWI with a Bachelor's Degree Everything I have stated so far is positive and in

in Visual Arts - Fine Arts, which focuses on

alignment with where I'm suppose to be but don't

drawing, painting, sculpting, installation with a get me wrong I have my days (alot) where I fall

focus on contemporary/modern art.

short, I feel like quiting, I'm not consistent, everything

Being unemployed during my full-time art degree is very overwhelming. One thing I keep reminding

inspired me to create a means of gaining some myself though is that I'm only human and I'm trying

money "in the mean time". I didn't even know my best. My goal is to continue trying my best even

how to sew but grew up in a house with a sewing when I don't feel my best. Thank You guys for the

machine. I tried sewing by accident (stitching a support thus far .

ripped dress), got the hang of it, looked at some

YouTube videos on basic bag making and

decided to create my own design. I created a

few items and decided to take the step of

entering a market. The response was amazing

even with my then basic/simple designs.




Hosted their first

Seaside Artisan Market

at Rock Back on the bay

This issue features artisans from our first Seaside

Artisan Market. We have all been faced with the

challenge to survive in these daunting times.

Faced with a global pandemic, the world

economy had been shut down from

country to country and our little twin

island republic was not spared. Small

businesses struggled to survive after

being locked down for months, but

finally they had the opportunity to come

out and try to get a hold on the market

once again. Beaches were still closed

however we were able to be blessed with

this venue right on the beach front. The

experience was beautiful as all patrons

and artisans enjoyed the event by the seaside. They

all look forward to us having another one.

M. Thavenot


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