Voyager's Return a Catalogue of Delights December 2021
An unusual mix of the eclectic, old and scarce; some of special provenance. Indulge, for you and yours and, if you need to look further, check our website for many items of similar pedigree.
An unusual mix of the eclectic, old and scarce; some of special provenance. Indulge, for you and yours and, if you need to look further, check our website for many items of similar pedigree.
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Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints<br />
Voyager’s <strong>Return</strong> a <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Delights</strong><br />
<strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Voyager returns with an unusual mix <strong>of</strong> the eclectic, old and<br />
scarce; some <strong>of</strong> special provenance. Indulge, for you and<br />
yours and, if you need to look further check our website for<br />
many items <strong>of</strong> similar pedigree.<br />
• Charles Darwin on the Variation <strong>of</strong> Animals and Plants<br />
• Scarce original engraving Mount Wellington, Hobart<br />
• Three Lives - Gertrude Stein— New Directions—Lustig Design<br />
• Antique French Surveyors Cross and English Microscope<br />
• Panarithmologia<br />
• Mawson’s Expeditions and Diaries — on Cassette Tape.<br />
• Special edition <strong>of</strong> Tender by Scott Fitzgerald<br />
• Sir Samuel Walker Griffith — Draft Dante Gifted to Qld Governor<br />
• Intriguing WWI Photograph Album<br />
• Early Australian Magic Lantern Images<br />
• Signed and annotated Ion Idriess<br />
• D.H. Lawrence in Australia and the “Kangaroo”<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
Voyager <strong>Delights</strong>
Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints<br />
Voyager is a different sort <strong>of</strong> bookshop … we are forever changing, adding the more<br />
curious to the curious, and selecting prize items for our collection. We don’t measure our<br />
stock by numbers <strong>of</strong> items but by variety and quality.<br />
It has been a pleasure producing this <strong>Catalogue</strong>. And we hope you enjoy reading it and<br />
that it gives you a sense <strong>of</strong> what we are about … Sometimes our selections are a bit<br />
cheeky … but we hope that makes it more enjoyable.<br />
if you have an order then thank you and we will attend to it with care .<br />
Items are available on a first come first served basis. We take orders by telephone, email<br />
and through our website. When ordering quote page number and title <strong>of</strong> item.<br />
Postage and packing will be charged at cost and care is taken to get the best rate<br />
available. All items are packed to a high standard and will arrive safely.<br />
We accept Visa, Mastercard and direct deposits to our account. And issue PayPal invoices.<br />
Items are sold complete and in good condition. Anything found to be not as expected may<br />
be returned within seven days <strong>of</strong> receipt for full refund.<br />
We are now exclusively Online and Occasional <strong>Catalogue</strong> on Yumpu.<br />
Enquiries or ring Voyager Bill 0411 875 508<br />
Website<br />
2<br />
Jean-Baptiste Charcot Medal - 1930<br />
Large commemorative medal to celebrate the life <strong>of</strong><br />
Jean-Baptiste Auguste Etienne Charcot (1867-1936)<br />
issued in 1936 under the auspices <strong>of</strong> Expeditions<br />
Polaires Francaises. Charcot Frances greatest polar<br />
explorer led two successful expeditions to the<br />
Antarctic during the Heroic era. He was a doctor and<br />
son <strong>of</strong> neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot.<br />
His first expedition from 1904-1907 in the Francais<br />
explored the west coast <strong>of</strong> Graham Land. This was<br />
followed by the 1908-1910 explorations in the<br />
Pourquoi-Pas? The subject <strong>of</strong> the edition <strong>of</strong>fered here.<br />
Later he turned his attention to the North and made<br />
scientific explorations <strong>of</strong>f Greenland and Svalbard<br />
again in the Porquois-Pas? He died when the ship was<br />
wrecked in a storm <strong>of</strong>f the coast <strong>of</strong> Iceland in 1936.<br />
This substantial bronze medal, 67mm in diameter and<br />
weighing 150 gm celebrates his life. It was designed by<br />
E.M. Lindauer, with a bust after Paul Richer. Richer,<br />
an anatomical artist, was a colleague <strong>of</strong> Charcot’s<br />
father and worked with him in illustrating medical<br />
texts. Richer’s sculptures are found in museums<br />
around the world including the Musee d’Orsay.<br />
The medal carries a bust <strong>of</strong> J.B. Charcot on the front<br />
acknowledging Paul Richer and on reverse and image<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Pourquoi-Pas? Among icebergs with Expeditions<br />
Polaires Francaises above and the ships name below.<br />
Very good condition with very strong relief.<br />
Price $390.00<br />
Special Antarctic Collectable Celebrates the life <strong>of</strong><br />
J.B. Charcot
3<br />
The Variation <strong>of</strong> Animals and Plants Under<br />
Domestication 2 Volumes – Charles Darwin. 1888<br />
Charles Darwin conceived this book in the early<br />
1850’s. It was to be his ‘Big Book”. However, in<br />
June 1858 he received a paper from Borneo by<br />
Alfred Russell Wallace relating to Natural<br />
selection … the race was on to publish so Darwin<br />
took the elements drawn up from his work on the<br />
Big Book relating to his views on natural selection<br />
and had Origin published to great success in<br />
November 1859. This book was published first in<br />
1868 and in the intervening years Darwin<br />
published other elements on Descent <strong>of</strong> Man etc.<br />
Regardless <strong>of</strong> the pilfering for his other works<br />
this work still remained his largest work and he<br />
later described the difficulty he had in finishing it<br />
… a true 4 year and 2 months <strong>of</strong> labour went into<br />
it over the years.<br />
Second Edition Revised published by Murray,<br />
London in 1888, two volumes 473 pages and 495<br />
pages after preliminaries. Illustrated throughout<br />
from wood engravings. Original “Murray” green<br />
cloth covered bindings, blind embossed front and<br />
back, gilt titles etc to spine. An attractive set bar<br />
some flecking to page edges.<br />
This work contains the first reference to<br />
“pangenesis” in which Darwin proposes that cells<br />
contain hereditary material which he referred to<br />
as “gemmules” which could be modified by an<br />
organism’s environment and passed on to the<br />
next generation. Debunked for good by Mendel’s<br />
theories … the similarity with DNA is dismissed by<br />
all an sundry but we quite like the idea.<br />
You may be curious about the focus on domestic<br />
creatures and plants … but Darwin was concerned<br />
about “Variation” and had been since the<br />
Galapagos Islands – there are again references<br />
here to the Beagle Voyage. He could see that<br />
whilst man had a hand in selecting changes in<br />
domesticated breeds … it was the environment<br />
that was making the changes not the man. “It is<br />
an error to speak <strong>of</strong> man “tampering with<br />
nature” and causing variability. If a man drops a<br />
piece <strong>of</strong> iron into sulphuric acid, it cannot be said<br />
strictly that he makes the sulphate <strong>of</strong> iron, he<br />
only allows their elective affinities to come into<br />
play. If organic beings had not possessed an inherent<br />
tendency to vary, man could have done<br />
nothing”. Simple but we like it.<br />
Incidentally, the principles behind pangenesis<br />
had been referred to as early as Hippocrates.<br />
Count Buffon had a crack at it as did Charles<br />
Darwin’s grandfather in his book “Zoomania”<br />
published in 1801.<br />
Price $740.00<br />
Darwin’s Big Book – what was left <strong>of</strong> it – Variation<br />
behind or in front <strong>of</strong> Evolution.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
4<br />
From Billabong to London - Mary Grant Bruce<br />
First Edition 1915<br />
A nice first edition published by War & Lock in<br />
1915. Octavo, 320 pages with several full page<br />
illustration. The odd mark but a very good<br />
copy .. the pictorial boards bright and colourful.<br />
Mary Grant Bruce wrote many books <strong>of</strong> this ilk<br />
none more loved than the Billabong series. Based<br />
around the Linton family <strong>of</strong> Billabong Homestead<br />
in Victoria. Here we have much going on in the<br />
bush before the family head for England … but<br />
war has broken out and after excursions in<br />
Durban and Las Palmas they find their ship under<br />
fire from a German warship. Surviving they<br />
make England and Jim enlists in the army.<br />
Mary Grant Bruce has a special place in<br />
Australian literature doing much to record the<br />
ways and goings on in the Australian bush, the<br />
use <strong>of</strong> the yarn and mateship … the ANZAC spirit.<br />
Price $70.00<br />
Readable and relevant Australian novel.<br />
Manuscript Letter – Italian Astronomer<br />
Giuseppe Armellini – Portorecanati – 1922<br />
<strong>Return</strong>ing pro<strong>of</strong>s and with suggestions <strong>of</strong><br />
a mathematical nature based on<br />
“derivate ordinaries”. Our calculus a<br />
little rusty … could be re Maxwell’s Laws.<br />
Giuseppe Armellini (1887-1958) was born<br />
and died in Rome. He was Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />
Physics and Astronomy at several Italian<br />
Universities and Director <strong>of</strong> the Rome<br />
Astronomical Observatory for over 30<br />
years. It was in the year <strong>of</strong> this letter<br />
[1922] that he took up his position at the<br />
Observatory <strong>of</strong> the Campidoglio which in<br />
1936 transferred to Monte Mario. A fire<br />
destroyed the Observatory in 1957 …<br />
inconsolable Armellini died the next year.<br />
Armellini published several works … the<br />
first, in 1911. He will be forever known<br />
for Armellini’s Law [1922 also] which<br />
determines mathematically the distances<br />
<strong>of</strong> the planets from the sun. Key is the<br />
Armellini constant “D” … which is 1.53<br />
but must start at minus 2 for Mercury.<br />
Curiosities exist in its application … from<br />
them Armellini is awarded the honour <strong>of</strong><br />
having predicted the large asteroid/ minor<br />
planet Chiron which was not confirmed<br />
until well after his death.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Armellini explained the Solar System –<br />
Manuscript letter with Scientific content
5<br />
(Australian) Settlers Camp<br />
Newton & Co Magic Lantern Slide – c1900<br />
Very good condition magic lantern slide from Newton & Co, Fleet<br />
Street, London. We date the slide to around 1900. New & Co were<br />
at 43 Museum Street London. They were the world’s longest<br />
established suppliers <strong>of</strong> scientific instruments being formed by Sir<br />
Isaac Newton’s cousin J. Newton in 1704. At the time <strong>of</strong> this slide<br />
the proprietors were still from the Newton family. The British<br />
Museum have Newton & Co out <strong>of</strong> business at Museum Street in<br />
1913, but other references have it continuing. The handwritten<br />
slide description included BGG who we presume is the<br />
photographer although we cannot find him in any records so far.<br />
An interesting moment in the bush, very dry conditions. We<br />
suspect that the two forward characters are having a break from<br />
working on the sizable log in front. The gent at the rear, heavily<br />
dressed suggesting winter conditions. Super detail on<br />
magnification. Standard British size in fine condition. We believe<br />
this slide and image is rare not being able to place it elsewhere.<br />
Newton & Co’s address is in sight <strong>of</strong> the British Museum in London<br />
and also opposite The Plough …a favourite Voyager pub.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Settler Camp we suspect in the Queensland bush<br />
Voyager = Thoughtful Gift
6<br />
Tender is the Night.<br />
F. Scott Fitzgerald<br />
There are two versions <strong>of</strong> “Tender”. Fitzgerald<br />
was unhappy with the result <strong>of</strong> his first writing<br />
published in 1934. And it was not very successful<br />
at the time selling only 12,000 copies.<br />
Before his death he revised the text and left<br />
numerous notes and mark-up’s as well as a<br />
complete re-ordering <strong>of</strong> the work. His friend and<br />
literary critic Malcolm Cowley took the notes and<br />
helped re-publish the work consistent with Scott<br />
Fitzgerald’s wishes.<br />
Octavo, 418 pages. Long introduction by Cowley<br />
explains the context and corrections. Pages 1<br />
through 392 represent the novel and at the rear<br />
through to page 418 notes on the manuscripts,<br />
genuinely interesting and informative.<br />
Fine condition with a complete fine unclipped<br />
dust jacket. We have followed this scarce book<br />
for years and never come across a better copy.<br />
In 1932 Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda was hospitalised<br />
with metal health issues. Fitzgerald lived near<br />
by and started a novel about Dick Diver a<br />
promising young psychiatrist and his wife Nicole<br />
who also was one <strong>of</strong> his patients. The story line<br />
mirroring his and Zelda’s own lives. The original<br />
issue <strong>of</strong> Tender used flashbacks making the<br />
narrative awkward to follow. This revised<br />
edition based on Fitzgerald’s notes and mark-up<br />
is in chronological order. Fitzgerald regarded<br />
“Tender is the Night” as his best work.<br />
Price $340.00<br />
First UK Revised Edition from Grey Walls Press.<br />
Unique dust jacket by Edward Pagram.<br />
A real treasure.<br />
Vendetta for The Saint<br />
Leslie Charteris<br />
Simon Templar (aka The Saint) is<br />
relaxing in Naples, eating his<br />
“Lobster alla Vesuvio” when he is<br />
interrupted by an unsightly brawl …<br />
it all turns very “Saintly’ after that.<br />
A Book Club first <strong>of</strong> type published<br />
in 1965 with permission from<br />
Hodder. Octavo, 192 pages, a very<br />
good copy in a super dust jacket<br />
designed by Critchard.<br />
Price $35.00<br />
The Saint disturbed from his Lobster<br />
– Watch for the Sign <strong>of</strong> the Saint! …<br />
He will be back!
7<br />
Three Lives — Gertrude Stein<br />
The first published and most readable book<br />
by Stein. She was living in Paris with her<br />
brother at the time <strong>of</strong> writing c1906 where<br />
she had Cezanne’s “Portrait <strong>of</strong> Madame<br />
Cezanne” above her desk. Picasso painted a<br />
portrait <strong>of</strong> Stein (for her) in the same style<br />
as the Cezanne at that time. Three lives<br />
comprises three independent stories <strong>of</strong><br />
working class women all living in Baltimore.<br />
This is a special edition published circa 1950<br />
by upmarket publisher New Directions (New<br />
York) with dust jacket art by collected<br />
designer Alvin Lustig, perhaps his best work.<br />
Octavo, 279 pages, with an introduction by<br />
Carl Van Vechten. A very good copy <strong>of</strong> a<br />
desirable work.<br />
Price $160.00<br />
Gertrude Stein and her Three Lives<br />
dressed in Lustig<br />
Lustig contemplating<br />
his next design<br />
The Final Hours [A Novel <strong>of</strong> the Night<br />
Life <strong>of</strong> Madrid] – Jose Suarez Carreno<br />
First English Language Edition – Typography,<br />
Binding and Jacket Design by Alvin Lustig.<br />
Published by Alfred Knopf, New York 1954.<br />
Octavo, 273 pages printed by the Kingsport<br />
Press Tennessee under the art instructions <strong>of</strong><br />
Alvin Lustig. It is interesting how the striking<br />
graphic jacket image has been repeated in<br />
blind on the front red cloth covered board. A<br />
very good if not better copy. Translated from<br />
the original Spanish by Anthony Kerrigan.<br />
The author Jose Suarez Carreno (1915-2002)<br />
was born in Guadalupe, Mexico but spent<br />
most <strong>of</strong> his adult life living in Madrid. He won<br />
several literary awards including the distinguished<br />
Nadal Prize in 1949 for this work …<br />
“Las Ultimas Horas”. At the time <strong>of</strong> printing<br />
few contemporary Spanish works were translated<br />
into English. Recounting the events <strong>of</strong><br />
one night only we see into the lives <strong>of</strong> a<br />
drifting street boy, a beautiful young working<br />
girl and a rich married man … and the night<br />
life <strong>of</strong> Madrid.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
A Night in Madrid – Carreno dressed in Lustig<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
A View <strong>of</strong> the Clearings at the Foot <strong>of</strong> Mount Wellington –<br />
Hobart, Tasmania [Vue des Defrichemens. Au pied du<br />
Mont Wellington (Ile Van Diemen)] -1833<br />
An original lithograph from a drawing by Louis Sainson (1801-<br />
1887) lithographed by Louis Leborne (1796-1863) and published<br />
as part <strong>of</strong> the great “Atlas Historique to Voyage de la Corvette<br />
l’Astrolabe under the Command <strong>of</strong> Dumont d’Urville”.<br />
Published in Paris by Tastu circa 1833.<br />
Lithographed on sturdy paper imprint size large 33cm x 22cm.<br />
Embossed stamp <strong>of</strong> publisher below title. Good condition albeit<br />
with some light foxing in the wider margins away from the<br />
image. A scarce Hobart image. We cannot find any record <strong>of</strong><br />
what the buildings represented, although from the extensive<br />
wall they could be the Cascades Female Factory<br />
Price $340.00 unframed – rare<br />
Finely engraved and detailed image up Mount Wellington<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
10<br />
The Complete Court-Keeper:<br />
or Land-Steward’s Assistant<br />
Giles Jacob - 1741<br />
A fourth edition; with large Additions and<br />
Amendments, and the Precedents in English. In the<br />
Savoy: Printed by Henry Lintot for Woodward,<br />
Browne et al. Octavo, 522 pages after preliminaries<br />
bound in original polished calf, red leather label<br />
worn, upper board refixed. The odd manuscript<br />
note including some land prices for 1749.<br />
Giles Jacob (1686-1744) was an early legal writer <strong>of</strong><br />
note. This was his first work the first edition<br />
published in 1713. He wrote numerous legal works<br />
all <strong>of</strong> which were quite popular. He also wrote<br />
poetry and plays lampooning Alexander Pope’s<br />
“The Rape <strong>of</strong> the Lock” with his “the rape <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Smock” rather low and bawdy. For this and similar<br />
he raised the ire <strong>of</strong> Pope who included him in his<br />
‘the Dunciad” <strong>of</strong> 1728 … “Jacob, the scourge <strong>of</strong><br />
grammar, mark with awe … Nor led revere him,<br />
blunderbuss <strong>of</strong> law”<br />
Otherwise the book was held in high regard for its<br />
ease <strong>of</strong> understanding … not common in the period.<br />
Set out in five broad sections.<br />
First, The Nature <strong>of</strong> Courts Leet and Courts Baron;<br />
with a general Introduction to every thing incident<br />
to them, according to Law and Custom.<br />
Secondly, The manners <strong>of</strong> holding Courts Leet,<br />
Courts Barron and Courts <strong>of</strong> Survey, with the<br />
Charge to the Juries; and the Form <strong>of</strong> Entring those<br />
Courts in the Minute-Books and in the Court-Rolls;<br />
with Precedents <strong>of</strong> great Variety <strong>of</strong> Presentments,<br />
Amerciaments, Estreats, Copies <strong>of</strong> Court-Roll for<br />
Life, and in Fee; Grants, Surrenders, Admittances,<br />
Licences, Forfeitures, and all other Proceedings<br />
<strong>of</strong> that Nature.<br />
Thirdly, The Manner <strong>of</strong> Keeping the Court Barron<br />
for trying <strong>of</strong> Actions; the Nature and Kinds <strong>of</strong><br />
Actions, and <strong>of</strong> the Pleadings; and Precedents <strong>of</strong><br />
Declarations and Pleadings, and <strong>of</strong> Process from the<br />
Precept or Original to the Distress or Execution;<br />
Pleas and Recoveries concerning Copyhold Lands.<br />
Fourthly, Precedents <strong>of</strong> Contracts, Conditions,<br />
Covenants, Leases for Life, Leases for Years,<br />
Assignments, Mortgages, Surrenders <strong>of</strong> such Leases.<br />
For those curious, an Amerciament is a punishment<br />
at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the Court and an Estreat is the<br />
copy <strong>of</strong> a Court Record enforcing a fine <strong>of</strong><br />
forfeiture. Entring is not a misspelling …<br />
Entring-Clerks had a role in the legal fraternity.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Property Law Giles Jacob - 1741
11<br />
A Voyage Round the World in His Majesty’s<br />
Frigate Pandora – George Hamilton<br />
The Pandora was sent to recover the Bounty and<br />
bring back the Mutineers. The narrative <strong>of</strong> the<br />
voyage is an extraordinary story told with a light<br />
and readable touch by George Hamilton, surgeon<br />
onboard. After having recovered some Mutineers<br />
the Pandora was wrecked on the Barrier Reef<br />
approaching the Torres Straits.<br />
One <strong>of</strong> a limited edition <strong>of</strong> 950 copies published<br />
by Hordern House in 1998. Octavo, illustrated,<br />
bound in quarter cherry calf with marbled paper<br />
covered boards. A faithful facsimile <strong>of</strong> the Voyage<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Pandora a rare 1793 publication connected<br />
to Bligh’s Mutiny on the Bounty.<br />
HMS Pandora was a sixth rate Porcupine class<br />
naval vessel. She was commissioned in May 1779,<br />
built by Adams & Barnard, Deptford. Pandora<br />
saw action in the war against France in that year<br />
and in the American War <strong>of</strong> Independence. She<br />
was then mothballed from 1783. In 1790 having<br />
heard <strong>of</strong> the Bounty Mutiny, the First Lord <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Admiralty, Lord Chatham despatched her, under<br />
Captain Edward Edwards, to recover the Bounty<br />
and capture the Mutineers. When they arrived at<br />
Tahiti, they found that a group <strong>of</strong> fourteen<br />
mutineers had broken away from Fletcher<br />
Christian and returned there. Some surrendered<br />
themselves, including Peter Heywood, others<br />
proved more difficult, but eventually all fourteen<br />
were captured and locked in a cell on board …<br />
known as Pandora’s Box. The Pandora visited<br />
numerous islands looking for the others ... but<br />
only managed to lose some <strong>of</strong> their own crew to<br />
desertion. They headed west for home, but the<br />
ship ran aground on 29 th August 1791 on the<br />
outer Great barrier Reef. She soon sank with 35<br />
men lost including 4 <strong>of</strong> the Bounty Mutineers. The<br />
survivors made for a sand cay and two days later<br />
sailed in four open boats for Indonesia.<br />
The wreck was found in 1977 jointly by John<br />
Heyer and Ben Cropp, after much competition to<br />
be the first to the spot. The Queensland Museum<br />
excavated the wreck under a team led by Peter<br />
Gesner who wrote the forward to this book.<br />
Price $190.00<br />
HMS Pandora ... the recovery <strong>of</strong> the Bounty<br />
Mutineers and its Shipwreck on the Barrier Reef.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
12<br />
Mawson’s Antarctic Diaries &<br />
Remembering Sir Douglas Mawson<br />
A audio tape (cassette) set <strong>of</strong> six –<br />
representing a five part radio series<br />
produced with the assistance <strong>of</strong> the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Adelaide Foundation.<br />
A Polar Exploration antique <strong>of</strong> the<br />
future. The programs were produced in<br />
the studios <strong>of</strong> Radio 5UV and broadcast<br />
in October 1990. The box set <strong>of</strong> tapes<br />
was released in 1991.<br />
After an introductory tape, two tapes<br />
cover the AAE expedition and two the<br />
later BANZARE expedition … a final tape<br />
summarises “Remembering Sir Douglas<br />
Mawson”. The producer and narrator<br />
was Helen Oliver with Colin Elix as the<br />
voice <strong>of</strong> Mawson. A distinguished list <strong>of</strong><br />
contributors includes Fred and Eleanor<br />
Jacka who compiled the diaries, Eric<br />
Rudd, Patrick Quilty and many others.<br />
Price $150.00<br />
An unusual yet special item <strong>of</strong><br />
Mawson memorabilia.
13<br />
Vintage Microscope Slide – Pollen from the Antarctic<br />
Nice condition, quality mount <strong>of</strong> an unusual subject –<br />
Pollen from the Coast <strong>of</strong> the Antarctic.<br />
Nice deep mount with well preserved coloured mount rings.<br />
We are unsure who the preparer was but would suggest they<br />
must have been a pr<strong>of</strong>essional given the mount in such good<br />
shape. The hand written label looks familiar to us but we still<br />
cannot pick the preparer.<br />
Location likely in the area<br />
south <strong>of</strong> South America …<br />
these pollen samples would<br />
have started life in warmer<br />
climes.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Unusual Antarctic Slide<br />
The Martyrs <strong>of</strong> Science, or the<br />
Lives <strong>of</strong> Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler<br />
Sir David Brewster – Special Binding - 1856<br />
Published by John Murray, London in 1856.<br />
Small octavo 216 pages after preliminaries.<br />
Bound extravagantly in full purple Morocco,<br />
with rich gilt decoration to both boards and<br />
spine, the upper board with the arms <strong>of</strong> Milton<br />
Abbat School … a fine prize. A little rubbed<br />
externally, bright throughout.<br />
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868) was a Scottish<br />
scientist, inventor, academic. He was Principal<br />
at St Andrews and then Edinburgh University.<br />
Newtonian devotee and master in optics (hence<br />
his interest in the subjects <strong>of</strong> this book) he<br />
discovered Brewster’s Angle and pioneered<br />
mineralogical observations with the microscope.<br />
Inventor <strong>of</strong> the stereoscopic camera and<br />
kaleidoscope. He has a crater on the Moon<br />
named after him … the ultimate accolade.<br />
Price $160.00<br />
Nobody has been closer to the stars<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
Michael Barn<br />
2nd Lieutena<br />
14<br />
Charles Royds<br />
Shackleton<br />
Hodgson<br />
Edward Wilson
e<br />
nt<br />
15<br />
Albert Armitage<br />
Skelton<br />
Eleven Lithographs intended for the rare Smith and Elder<br />
South Polar Times.<br />
Eleven lithographs originally drawn by Edward Wilson (Uncle Bill). The<br />
South Polar Times .. originally one hand made issue, typed up by Ernest<br />
Shackleton, illustrated principally by Wilson. In 1907 Smith and Elder<br />
produced a limited reproduction. We believe these items are unbound<br />
examples <strong>of</strong> Wilson caricatures for that publication. We have identified<br />
some and left others so as not to spoil the fun in identification.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Unusual fairly unique Polar memorabilia<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
16<br />
D.H. Lawrence in Australia –<br />
Robert Darroch<br />
First edition <strong>of</strong> Darroch’s most interesting account <strong>of</strong><br />
DHL Down Under. Published by Macmillan in 1981.<br />
Octavo, 130 pages, nicely illustrated, Near fine condition<br />
with the embossed stamp <strong>of</strong> Tasmanian writer, Robert<br />
Cox on the front free end paper.<br />
Lawrence was in Australian in 1922 during which time<br />
when in New South Wales he penned the worthy novel<br />
“Kangaroo”. A work that was once dismissed as imaginary<br />
but in fact based on a half-forgotten period <strong>of</strong><br />
violence and hatred in Australia. As in Europe fascism<br />
was building. His protagonist Richard Lavat Somers was a<br />
writer and maybe from that fact some believed the work<br />
partly autobiographical ... we doubt it.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
DHL out and about in Australia and the<br />
making <strong>of</strong> “Kangaroo”.<br />
The Identity <strong>of</strong> Captain Cook’s Kangaroo<br />
Captain Cook took back three kangaroo specimens all from<br />
the Endeavour Rive. The skull <strong>of</strong> one was in the Royal<br />
College <strong>of</strong> Surgeons, London until it was destroyed by a<br />
bomb in WWII. The only figure <strong>of</strong> original material is the<br />
plate in Hawkesworth, this was later copied even though it is<br />
a poor depiction. Then there is the painting <strong>of</strong> a skull by<br />
Nathaniel Dunce most likely one <strong>of</strong> Cook’s. And then a<br />
photograph <strong>of</strong> the RCS bombed skull, shown here.<br />
Price $30.00 Unusual kangaroos certified<br />
Kangaroo – D.H. Lawrence<br />
A second impression <strong>of</strong> the American first<br />
edition published the same month as the<br />
first – September 1923. Published by<br />
Thomas Seltzer, New York.<br />
Octavo, 421 pages, original blue-black<br />
cloth covered boards, gilt titles faded to<br />
spine. Generally, in very good condition<br />
albeit one page has a darkened patch from<br />
a previous paper insert.<br />
Lawrence made a number <strong>of</strong> corrections<br />
to the novel that are reflected for the first<br />
time in this edition. They did not make the<br />
UK first published by Secker.<br />
A little <strong>of</strong> the plot is set out in our note on<br />
the book about D.H.L. above. We will not<br />
give any more away.<br />
Price $140.00<br />
Early D.H. Lawrnce in Australia
17<br />
Red Kangaroo (Woolly Kangaroo) 1849<br />
Hand engraved and coloured on thick wove paper.<br />
Male, female and mature joey, drawn by distinguished<br />
Natural History artist Travies engraved by Fournier.<br />
Published in Paris as part <strong>of</strong> the Dictionnarie Universal<br />
d’Histoire Naturalle promoted by Charles Dessalines<br />
D’Orbigny a leading French naturalist <strong>of</strong> the time.<br />
Price $190.00 framed in gilt<br />
Nicely executed Kangaroo group … quite scarce<br />
Kangaroo Island Shipwrecks<br />
An excellent Roebuck production with<br />
endpaper maps <strong>of</strong> the Island with the<br />
positions <strong>of</strong> the many wrecks. Good<br />
photographic images and well researched<br />
Price $35.00<br />
Kangaroo Island more than a fair share.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
18<br />
Leichhardt’s Expeditioners<br />
In the Australian Wilderness 1844-1845<br />
Dan Sprod<br />
A limited edition <strong>of</strong> 750 this book by Dan<br />
Sprod provides enlightening detail from the<br />
journals kept by William Philips and John<br />
Murphy who participated in Leichhardt’s<br />
successful expedition from Moreton Bay to<br />
Port Essington.<br />
Well written, as with all <strong>of</strong> Dan Sprod’s<br />
work, dealing with the personalities and<br />
contributions <strong>of</strong> each party as well as the<br />
progress <strong>of</strong> the expedition. Nicely<br />
illustrated and with a good folding map in<br />
rear pocket. Never before published<br />
content makes this a must for those<br />
interested in Australian inland exploration.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Lechhardt’s party put on the record.<br />
Leichhardt’s Second Journey<br />
A first edition, published by the<br />
specialist, Halstead Press, Sydney<br />
in 1983. Larger format octavo, 58<br />
pages with illustrations, map and in<br />
very good if not better condition.<br />
Leichhardt’s second expedition,<br />
the one which relied on Bunce to<br />
write it up … Leichhardt perhaps<br />
not too impressed with his own<br />
achievements and behaviour. Here<br />
the previously unpublished account<br />
<strong>of</strong> Henry Turnbull which provides a<br />
nice balance to Bunce if you have<br />
read his version.<br />
Price $30.00<br />
Unique perspective to Leichhardt
19<br />
The Founding <strong>of</strong> Hobart 1803-1804<br />
The author <strong>of</strong> this fine book, Frank<br />
Bolt, was surprised that he could not<br />
find any book on the very early period<br />
<strong>of</strong> the settlement <strong>of</strong> Hobart. So he<br />
carried out his own research and self<br />
published this work.<br />
Large octavo, 320 pages, illustrated,<br />
folding plan; a high standard. First<br />
edition 2004 in as new condition.<br />
An unusual work in structure … Bolt<br />
explains his approach well in the<br />
lengthy “Preface”. Having assembled<br />
all <strong>of</strong> the exiting evidence his challenge<br />
was how to present it … landing on the<br />
idea <strong>of</strong> creating a faux diary <strong>of</strong> events<br />
on a nearly day by day basis. It works<br />
very well. After a further introductory<br />
“Prologue” the diary runs from page 38<br />
through to page 279. Within this there<br />
are separate “cut-aways” regarding the<br />
difference between the initial Risdon<br />
Settlement and the final Settlement at<br />
Sullivan’s Cove and the Cargo <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Collin’s Expedition.<br />
Notes on Sources are kept until the end<br />
and are extensive and useful as well is<br />
a list <strong>of</strong> the Pioneers <strong>of</strong> Hobart Town.<br />
And Meehan’s Plan <strong>of</strong> circa 1811.<br />
Price $80.00<br />
Hobart the early days revisited<br />
The Devil’s Wilderness<br />
George Caley’s Journey to Mount Banks in 1804<br />
A lovely copy being No. 163 <strong>of</strong> a limited edition <strong>of</strong><br />
only 375 signed by the editor Alan Andrews.<br />
Another Blubber Press beauty published in 1984. Caley was<br />
a botanical collector to Sir Joseph Banks. He wrote a<br />
detailed diary <strong>of</strong> his exploration through the Blue Mountains<br />
before Blaxland, Wentworth et al.<br />
The editor presents the diaries<br />
with 10 maps and many<br />
photographs referenced to<br />
the original writings. A special<br />
book in perfect condition.<br />
Price $80.00<br />
Caley limited edition in<br />
super condition<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
Art Deco Bookends – The Cellist<br />
Bookends - 1927<br />
Art Deco bookends made by<br />
Pompeian Bronze. Foundry mark,<br />
title and design number to rear.<br />
Based in Brooklyn, New York, the<br />
business registered 30 copyrights for<br />
bookends – the last in 1930. Peter<br />
Maneredi was the designer <strong>of</strong> these<br />
unusual cellist bookends.<br />
Standing 18 cm high 12 wide and <strong>of</strong><br />
substantial weight. Some rubbing<br />
and little knocks qualifying as a nice<br />
near 100 year old patina.<br />
Price $340.00<br />
Collectable period bookends.<br />
21<br />
The Duke <strong>of</strong> York’s Steps - Henry Wade<br />
First Edition 1929.<br />
A super scarce first edition <strong>of</strong> Henry<br />
Wade’s early novel. From the “Golden Age<br />
<strong>of</strong> Detective Fiction”.<br />
Published by Constable, London. Octavo,<br />
317 pages. Grenn cloth covered boards<br />
with embossed titles in black and spine in<br />
rather full form. Unclipped dust jacket<br />
with a few chips around the spine ends …<br />
generally all in very good condition. Jacket<br />
design by Monton Sale.<br />
This was the first in a series <strong>of</strong> seven novels<br />
featuring Chief Inspector Poole. The<br />
steps referred to connect the Duke <strong>of</strong> York<br />
Column with the Mall in London. A German<br />
Jewish banker seeks revenge for his<br />
mistreatment by murdering a fellow<br />
banker… Sir Garth Fratten. At the time the<br />
book was highly praised.<br />
Henry Wade was the pen name <strong>of</strong> Sir Henry<br />
Lancelot Aubrey-Fletcher (1887-1969)<br />
Lord Lieutenant <strong>of</strong> Buckinghamshire. He<br />
had a distinguished military a career in<br />
both World Wars and played cricket for his<br />
county. He was a founding member <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Detection Club.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Scarce First Edition <strong>of</strong> a very worthwhile<br />
detection novel.<br />
The Murder <strong>of</strong> Alma Tirtschke<br />
A Challenge to T.C. Brennan<br />
By Madame Ghurka Prenologist<br />
Colin Ross was accused <strong>of</strong> the 'violation<br />
and throttling' <strong>of</strong> a young girl, Alma<br />
Tirtschke, whose body was found near<br />
Gun Alley, Melbourne. Ross was found<br />
guilty and executed in April 1922. His<br />
defence counsel, T.C. Brennan, was<br />
convinced <strong>of</strong> his client's innocence and<br />
wrote the “Gun Alley Tragedy”. Madame<br />
Ghurka a phrenologist in the Eastern<br />
Arcade (key witness for the prosecution)<br />
wrote this extraordinary response to the<br />
deliberate and malicious lies Brennan<br />
made regarding Madame Ghurka.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
Very scarce response to The Gun Alley<br />
Tragedy Sensational Australian Criminal<br />
Case 1922/3<br />
A bit tatty but oh so rare<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
22<br />
Le Séance de Portrait -1914<br />
A beautiful “Pochoir” by Bernard Boutete de Monvel (1884-1949) for the<br />
Paris Gazette du Bon Ton published in 1914 one <strong>of</strong> the very first Bon Ton<br />
images. The Portrait Session. With a magnificent costume from the House<br />
<strong>of</strong> Worth (1858 – 1956). An afternoon outfit in brown velvet, lined with<br />
Chinese brick crepe and garnished with Virginia fox.<br />
Price $190.00 unframed — $290.00 framed in Voyager Bon Ton style<br />
Most stylish - definitely French<br />
Voyager t<br />
Bon Ton<br />
- If you w<br />
about Bo<br />
23<br />
he Home <strong>of</strong><br />
in Australia<br />
ant to learn<br />
n Ton and<br />
ive us a call<br />
J Gose - La Derniere Rose -1913<br />
A beautiful “Pochoir” by J Gose for the Paris Gazette du Bon Ton<br />
published in October 1913. La Derniere Rose (the Last Rose) and she is<br />
so svelte in her striking afternoon dress designed by Redfern. Very art<br />
deco for seven years before that period arrived. The ultimate in<br />
fashion print from a perfect era.<br />
Price $190.00 unframed — $290.00 framed in Voyager Bon Ton style<br />
Classy Early Bon Ton by Gose<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
24<br />
Captain Hornblower [A Trilogy]<br />
C.S. Forester<br />
Another super trilogy <strong>of</strong> Hornblower, set in his period as a<br />
Captain in the Royal Navy. Comprising … Hornblower and the<br />
Atropos; The Happy <strong>Return</strong> and A Ship <strong>of</strong> the Line.<br />
Published in 1973 by Book Club Associates by arrangement<br />
with Michael Joseph, London … a first <strong>of</strong> type. Thick octavo.<br />
572 pages and in very good if not better condition. Really<br />
nice for a book <strong>of</strong>ten read many times.<br />
Price $50.00<br />
Hornblower – a massive trilogy at the height <strong>of</strong> his career.<br />
More Hornblower<br />
on our Website<br />
Horn-Nosed Snake – 1792<br />
This Horn-Nosed snake was obtained<br />
from the Master <strong>of</strong> a Guinea vessel by<br />
the Rev Jenkins <strong>of</strong> South Carolina who<br />
presented it to the British Museum. It<br />
was supposed to be native <strong>of</strong> the<br />
“interior parts <strong>of</strong> Africa”. The full<br />
description by Shaw was sure to put fear<br />
into the mind <strong>of</strong> any reader.<br />
Copper engraved and hand coloured by<br />
Shaw & Nodder and published in London<br />
on in 1792 (marked in the plate). Shaw<br />
was in charge <strong>of</strong> the Natural History<br />
Department at the British Museum.<br />
Nodder was an artist who worked for<br />
Banks on his Florilegium.<br />
Price $190.00 framed<br />
Decorative snake … best on the wall<br />
Horne and Thornthwaite Microscope<br />
Triple compound objective - c1870’s<br />
A Victorian field or drum microscope by one<br />
<strong>of</strong> the most important London based makers<br />
and retailers <strong>of</strong> optical instruments in the<br />
19 th Century Horne and Thornthwaite. Their<br />
stamp inside the lid when in Holborn in<br />
1874, having moved from Newgate the year<br />
before moving to upmarket premises in the<br />
Strand the year after.<br />
The business sold microscopes, telescopes,<br />
cameras etc from 1844 until 1911. The<br />
history <strong>of</strong> the business is fascinating but<br />
unfortunately too much to go into here.<br />
There is an excellent summary online .. we<br />
can direct any interested parties.<br />
The microscope on <strong>of</strong>fer is in very good<br />
condition. The lacquer is possibly the best<br />
we have seen. The optics are pretty good<br />
and the compounding objectives combine<br />
nicely, swivel mirror unblemished. The<br />
mahogany box has its original clips and eyelets<br />
with a little ageing on the lid. Internally<br />
undamaged. Comes with tweezers.<br />
Price $220.00<br />
Super condition field microscope – known
25<br />
Science Fiction Classic – Limanora<br />
The Island <strong>of</strong> Progress – Godrey Sweven<br />
First Edition 1902<br />
Scarce first edition <strong>of</strong> this monumental<br />
science fiction novel. Published by Putnam’s, New<br />
York “The Knickerbocker Press” 1903. Octavo, 711<br />
pages after Preface, Glossary <strong>of</strong> Terms [Many new<br />
words invented by the author] and an erratum.<br />
Bound in original blue/black cloth covered boards,<br />
gilt titles to front and spine. A little s<strong>of</strong>t in the front<br />
hinge otherwise a very good copy indeed.<br />
An ethereal man with wings is shot down in the<br />
South Pacific. He survives to recount his long,<br />
fantastic voyage through the mist shrouded Riallaro<br />
archipelago. This is a sequel to Riallaro: The<br />
Archipelago <strong>of</strong> Exiles which describes how each <strong>of</strong><br />
the outlying islands supports a society a different<br />
mode <strong>of</strong> existence, satirical tones, and deeply<br />
Dystopian in nature. In Limanora, which stands<br />
alone, our protagonist arrives at the great central<br />
island <strong>of</strong> Limanora, home to a scientific Utopia<br />
created as an experiment in eugenics. Unfit to undergo<br />
evolution means exile. A calm efficient<br />
economy is described in some detail, and the many<br />
medical and technological advances [hence glossary<br />
<strong>of</strong> new words] … advanced computers, weather<br />
control, advanced transportation.<br />
Sweven was John Macmillan Brown (1845-1935)<br />
Chancellor <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> New Zealand.<br />
Widely supported by Science Fiction bibliographies<br />
and by Bleiler “one <strong>of</strong> the great masterworks <strong>of</strong><br />
science fiction … in imagination and pr<strong>of</strong>undity … it<br />
overshadows similar works and is probably the<br />
greatest <strong>of</strong> all early utopian novels”<br />
Price $160.00<br />
Limanora – Utopia in the South Pacific.<br />
“Sweven” looking a bit dour<br />
while contemplating Utopia<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
Sir Samuel Walker Griffith<br />
Literal translation <strong>of</strong> The Inferno <strong>of</strong> Dante Alighieri.<br />
A unique item, a printed DRAFT <strong>of</strong> S.W.G’s mammoth translation <strong>of</strong> Dante’s<br />
Inferno. More so as it is signed by S.W.G. as a gift to the then Queensland<br />
Governor Sir Herbert Chermside.<br />
Printed by Powell & Company, Adelaide Street*, Brisbane … Legal and<br />
Government Printers, in 1903. Octavo s<strong>of</strong>tcover, probably later basic<br />
re-enforcement to spine. 136 pages comprising in its entirety <strong>of</strong> The Inferno<br />
and a Title which is a repeat <strong>of</strong> the cover. Aged somewhat externally.<br />
Internally bright and clean with a few tiny closed tears to the inner crease<br />
<strong>of</strong> one gathering, nothing troublesome. S.W.G’s minor correction by hand in<br />
three spots. The final work, itself very scarce was published in 1908.<br />
Sir Samuel Walker Griffith GCMG QC (1845-1920) politician, Premier <strong>of</strong><br />
Queensland, Chief Justice <strong>of</strong> the High Court <strong>of</strong> Australia, and a principal<br />
author <strong>of</strong> the Constitution <strong>of</strong> Australia. In 1865 he gained the T.S. Mort<br />
Travelling Fellowship and spent most <strong>of</strong> his time in Italy becoming very<br />
much attached to the Italian people and their literature. This, the first<br />
translation <strong>of</strong> Dante by an Australian is a remarkable piece <strong>of</strong> work and,<br />
scarce, indeed unique in this form.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Gifted draft <strong>of</strong> a little known and important work by<br />
a leading light in the history <strong>of</strong> Australia<br />
27<br />
The Wild White Man <strong>of</strong> Badu<br />
Ion Idriess – First Edition - Signed<br />
Scarce first edition published Angus & Robertson,<br />
Sydney in 1950. Signed and inscribed boldly by<br />
Idriess on the title to his dear friend Frances Van<br />
Cleef, wife <strong>of</strong> a wealthy Chicago industrialist.<br />
Octavo, 232 pages, well illustrated with images<br />
from photographs, maps <strong>of</strong> the islands, end paper<br />
maps etc. Small chips and closed tear to otherwise<br />
very good dust jacket, clean inside a super copy.<br />
The incredible true story <strong>of</strong> a convict escaping<br />
from Norfolk Island and becoming the Chief <strong>of</strong><br />
Badu. See map on rear endpapers for some clues.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
Strange and exciting Farthest North –<br />
Signed Idriess First Edition<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
28<br />
Australia and the Antarctic<br />
The John Murtagh Macrossan Lecture – 1960<br />
Phillip Law<br />
Phillip Law (1912-2010) was born at Tallangalta and<br />
educated at Hamilton, Ballarat and Melbourne University<br />
where he achieved an MSc in Physics. During WWII he<br />
wished to join the RAAF but was persuaded to stay at<br />
Melbourne University working on weapons research. His<br />
first trip to the Antarctic was in 1947 and from 1949 to<br />
1966 he was Director <strong>of</strong> ANARE, heading a total <strong>of</strong> 23<br />
voyages and expeditions. Over the period over 5,000 kms<br />
<strong>of</strong> Antarctic coastline was surveyed and much inland. The<br />
Mawson, Davis and Casey Stations were established.<br />
A super lecture. Octavo, 22 pages, illustrated with charts<br />
and photographic images. Law describes the challenges<br />
and achievements … super detail in a succinct format.<br />
Price $55.00<br />
Scarce Antarctic Ephemera from Phillip Law<br />
In Search <strong>of</strong> Franklin<br />
An Arctic Voyage to Baffin’s Bay and<br />
Lancaster Sound in Search <strong>of</strong> Friends with<br />
Sir John Franklin. Robert Anstruther Goodsir<br />
Late President <strong>of</strong> the Royal Medical Society.<br />
A fine facsimile <strong>of</strong> the 1850 original,<br />
published by The Arctic Press, Plaistow &<br />
Sutton Coldfield in 1996.<br />
Octavo, viii, 152 pages in original blue cloth<br />
covered binding, black end paper, folding<br />
map showing the route taken. Limited<br />
edition individually numbered 350 <strong>of</strong> 500.<br />
The author a distinguished medic undertook<br />
an eight month voyage aboard the “Advice”<br />
under Whaling Captain Penny in search <strong>of</strong><br />
the missing Franklin expedition in 1849. The<br />
author’s brother, Harry Goodsir, was<br />
surgeon with Franklin. A good description <strong>of</strong><br />
Baffin’s Bay and Lancaster Sound as well as<br />
interactions with Eskimo, ice conditions,<br />
bird life, polar bears and whaling.<br />
Price 120.00<br />
Goodsir in the Arctic<br />
looking for Franklin and his brother
29<br />
Super Reference for<br />
Polar Exploration<br />
Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Exploration 1850 to 1940<br />
The Oceans, Islands and Polar Regions.<br />
An as new copy <strong>of</strong> this great work by the unique Raymond Howgego, published by the<br />
equally unique Hordern House in 2006. Part <strong>of</strong> a greater series <strong>of</strong> works likely not yet<br />
complete … but the modern era will be a challenge despite Everest etc. This one<br />
stands on its own partly because <strong>of</strong> the Polar emphasis …<br />
A comprehensive [understatement] reference guide to the history and literature <strong>of</strong><br />
exploration, travel and colonisation in the oceans, the islands, New Zealand, and the<br />
polar regions from 1850 to the early decades <strong>of</strong> the twentieth century.<br />
Large quarto, x, 724 pages, containing 521 major articles, referencing 3,000<br />
individuals, in over 700,000 words all cross referenced to primary and secondary<br />
sources ... indexes <strong>of</strong> persons, ship, bibliography 14,000 works) etc.<br />
The format is interesting, perhaps a little challenging … Entries begin with leaders <strong>of</strong><br />
expeditions and if there is more than one expedition these are dealt with as separate<br />
chronological entries i.e., Scott, Amundsen, Charcot etc. Major members then follow<br />
the principal … so Frank Wild for example follows Shackleton. Separate entries<br />
summarise activity by location e.g., New Guinea, New Zealand, St Helena etc.<br />
Raymond Howgego was teacher <strong>of</strong> physics before he gave that up to become a<br />
full-time traveller and travel writer. Possibly put down more words than any other<br />
living person. Seemingly can handle almost all European languages and Arabic and<br />
probably a few others. He still has an interest in amateur radio and fixing electronic<br />
items … we withhold his call sign, but you can find it if you try.<br />
Price $260.00<br />
Howgego the ultimate reference work and essent.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
Inter<br />
ph<br />
M<br />
Spl<br />
be<br />
Engla<br />
WWI<br />
serve<br />
used<br />
The<br />
SS C<br />
Pan<br />
Ve<br />
[sur<br />
Reno<br />
HMS<br />
sunk<br />
Austr<br />
sink<br />
R<br />
31<br />
WWI Maritime and Travel Photograph Album<br />
esting collection from WWI and shortly afterwards. Over 180<br />
otographs, taken by a marine <strong>of</strong>ficer, nicely presented in a<br />
orocco bound photograph album. Each photograph framed<br />
within white borders with added useful description.<br />
it into two distinct periods. The first, before January 1919<br />
ng mainly onboard the HMT Orontes a vessel that plied the<br />
nd – Australia route for the Orient line. With the outbreak <strong>of</strong><br />
, it became a troop carrier. The photographer may have also<br />
d on SS Derbyshire. Images <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> important vessels<br />
in the war effort and numerous images <strong>of</strong> views, landmarks,<br />
architecture, and people at various ports <strong>of</strong> call.<br />
second element post January 1919 is a circumnavigation on<br />
ufic which crossed the Atlantic to Nova Scotia, down to the<br />
ama Canal and across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia,<br />
Durban, Cape Town, and Home.<br />
ssels include … RMS Mauretania; Kaiseren Auguste Victoria<br />
rendered in 1919 and used to bring U.S. troops home]; HMS<br />
wn [in New York Harbour with the Prince <strong>of</strong> Wales on board];<br />
Carpathia [<strong>of</strong> Titanic rescue fame and later torpedoed and<br />
]; RMS Pannonia; SS Explorer; SS Demosthenes [sued to carry<br />
alian troops]; HMS Sydney [in Colombo Harbour just after the<br />
ing <strong>of</strong> the German Cruiser Emden]; SS Derbyshire [Colombo –<br />
angoon Line]; HMT Osterley; SS Cufic and HMT Orontes.<br />
Price $790.00<br />
Superb, interesting photographic record.<br />
Examples <strong>of</strong> the touring photos ...<br />
The Flatiron Skyscraper - New York<br />
Washington Arch – New York<br />
Statue <strong>of</strong> Liberty – New York<br />
Top <strong>of</strong> Woolworth Tower – New York<br />
5 th Avenue – New York<br />
Brooklyn Bridge – New York<br />
Boston views<br />
The Citadel Quebec<br />
Main Street Gibraltar<br />
A “Blimp” convoying<br />
A Glimpse <strong>of</strong> the US army<br />
Panama Canal scenes<br />
On route to Calcutta<br />
Homeward bound in the Bay <strong>of</strong> Biscay<br />
Cinnamon Gardens Colombo<br />
Cape St Vincent<br />
Hindu Temple South India<br />
Colombo Harbour<br />
On the Temple steps – India<br />
Native <strong>of</strong> South India<br />
Children <strong>of</strong> North India<br />
Hindu dockworker<br />
The Pagoda Calcutta<br />
Burmese Shrine to the God Dagan<br />
The Schegadon Pagodas Rangoon<br />
The Lake Rangoon<br />
A Burmese girl <strong>of</strong>f to the well<br />
Anzac Day 1918 some fancy costumes<br />
Sierra Leone West Africa<br />
Table Bay HMS Britannia escorting<br />
The first bugle call – “Cookhouse!”<br />
Scene in Native Quarter Durban<br />
Australian sheep Hamilton Victoria<br />
Sydney Zoo<br />
Wellington New Zealand<br />
Tahiti South Sea Islands<br />
Main Street Papeete<br />
Tahitian Friends<br />
Papeete from Crows Nest<br />
A Harbour view Tahiti<br />
A big dam Panama Canal<br />
Electric Mule Panama Canal<br />
Leaving Liverpool “Bon Voyage”<br />
Louisbourg – Cape Breton Island<br />
Snow scene St John Nova Scotia<br />
Lock gates and others Panama Canal<br />
“Star <strong>of</strong> Holland” mid -Pacific<br />
New Zealand memorial to Robert Scott<br />
Melbourne – picking up the Pilot<br />
Quarantine procedures in Melbourne<br />
Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane … and<br />
the way home via South Africa<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
32<br />
The Island <strong>of</strong> Elba<br />
Petrus Bertius -1603<br />
An original copper engraved miniature<br />
map. One <strong>of</strong> the most striking<br />
and coveted island maps from the<br />
early 17 th Century. Engraved by<br />
Pieter Van den Keere for the great<br />
geographer Petrus Bertius and published<br />
by Cornelis Claesz in Amsterdam<br />
in 1603 for the “Tabularum Geographicarum<br />
Contractarum Libri”<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Framed in gilt with gilt fillet as shown<br />
Charming sought after 400 years old<br />
Elba, Italy’s third largest island after Sicily and Sardinia sits 10kms <strong>of</strong>f the Tuscany<br />
coast near Piombino. At the time <strong>of</strong> this map it was controlled by the Spanish.<br />
Later falling into French hands the English exiled Napoleon here in 1814. Not sure<br />
what they expected as they left him with a garrison <strong>of</strong> 600 men. He spent ten<br />
months before escaping back to France and it all started again. The Italian’s did<br />
not get proper control until 1860.
33<br />
Fine Binding by Riviere<br />
The Lays <strong>of</strong> Ancient Rome – Lord Macaulay<br />
Published in the 1890’s by Longmans, Green,<br />
Reader & Dyer, London. Larger form octavo,<br />
210 pages with numerous illustrations drawn<br />
from the “antique” by George Scharf.<br />
A full red leather binding by the distinguished<br />
Riviere. Heavy gold work to boards and spine<br />
all edges richly gilt, marbled endpapers with<br />
gilt rolls inside board and along board edges.<br />
Riviere stamp discretely on the front endpaper.<br />
Very good copy that will make a smashing gift.<br />
Macaulay’s Lays are narrative poems about<br />
Ancient Rome. They were written when he was<br />
bored in India during his early twenties. They<br />
are regarded as a classic … Winston Churchill<br />
memorised them while at Harrow to shore up<br />
shortcomings in his academic achievements.<br />
Price $190.00<br />
Beautifully bound solid history …<br />
a Churchill favourite<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
34<br />
The Whole Course <strong>of</strong> Chirurgerie<br />
Peter Lowe<br />
Leather bound and beautifully gilt embossed<br />
all edges richly gilt from the Classics <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />
Library 1981. Originally published in<br />
1597 an edition from which this fine facsimile<br />
is produced along with engravings taken from<br />
the second edition <strong>of</strong> 1612. Peter Lowe <strong>of</strong><br />
Scottish decent practiced in Paris at the time<br />
<strong>of</strong> writing this monumental work being appointed<br />
to the King <strong>of</strong> France. His dedication<br />
is to James the VI <strong>of</strong> Scotland. The engravings<br />
are enlightening – instruments for cutting <strong>of</strong>f<br />
fingers and toes, siring or squirt for the care<br />
<strong>of</strong> hollow wounds, instruments to cut and knit<br />
the fistula in the fundament, portraiture <strong>of</strong> a<br />
man Rim-burst (ouch!)<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Chirurgerie in the 16 th Century<br />
advanced by Lowe<br />
The Peculiar Use and Signification <strong>of</strong><br />
Certain Words in the Latin Tongue: or, a<br />
Collection <strong>of</strong> Observations, wherein the<br />
Elegant, and Commonly Unobserv’d Sense<br />
<strong>of</strong> very near Nine Hundred Common Latin<br />
Words. William Willymott - 1713<br />
A scholarly book from the early eighteenth<br />
century. One that will give any reader a<br />
leg forward in the intellectual stakes.<br />
Published by R Bonwick printed at the<br />
Cambridge University Press in 1713. A<br />
second edition. Scarce. Octavo, 4, 374<br />
pages bound in original full panelled calf,<br />
spine with raised bands, worn and losses<br />
to ends. Joints tender but holding. Some<br />
long gone worming to the margin <strong>of</strong> a few<br />
<strong>of</strong> the last leaves. Otherwise a pretty good<br />
antiquarian copy <strong>of</strong> a very scarce item.<br />
Willymott was born at Royston,<br />
Cambridgeshire and educated at Eton and<br />
Kings College, Cambridge. He graduated<br />
B.A. M.A. L.L.D. in 1707. He was made a<br />
Fellow. He became an usher at Eton and<br />
founded Isleworth Private School. He sided<br />
with “The Pretender” which hampered his<br />
career. He took orders … living at the<br />
Rectory Milton near Cambridge. He died at<br />
the Swan Inn at Bedford … not a bad pub.<br />
Price $240.00<br />
Overcome your Latin with Willymott .<br />
Swan Inn — not a bad place to “Pack<br />
Your Bags” (Stipant Vobis Sacculos)
35<br />
Early 19thC — Heraldry<br />
An Essay on the Ancient and Modern Use<br />
<strong>of</strong> Armories; Shewing Their Origin,<br />
Definition, and Division <strong>of</strong> them into<br />
their several Species. The Method <strong>of</strong><br />
Composing them, and Marshalling many<br />
Coats together in one Shield.<br />
Alexander Nisbet – 1718<br />
Title continues … Illustrated by many<br />
Examples and Sculptures <strong>of</strong> the Armorial<br />
Ensigns <strong>of</strong> Noble Families in this and<br />
other Nations … To which is added, An<br />
Index explaining the Terms <strong>of</strong> Blazon<br />
made use <strong>of</strong> in this Essay.<br />
First Edition and scarce. Printed by<br />
William Adams Jnr for James Mack Euen<br />
(to be sold at his shop), Edinburgh 1718.<br />
Small quarto, 224 pages preceded by<br />
introductions and subscribers list. Seven<br />
folding plates <strong>of</strong> multiple images <strong>of</strong> arms,<br />
and an Index <strong>of</strong> Terms. Contains a<br />
detailed account <strong>of</strong> the reigns <strong>of</strong> British<br />
Royalty and the origins <strong>of</strong> their arms.<br />
Bound in original full calf, light browning<br />
and signs <strong>of</strong> old worming now long gone.<br />
Scottish historian Alexander Nisbet’s<br />
works on heraldry are considered the<br />
best on the subject.<br />
Carries the bookplate <strong>of</strong> Sir William Baird<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Nisbet the Authority and an early First<br />
Edition <strong>of</strong> his “Essay on Heraldry”<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
36<br />
Expedition to the Head <strong>of</strong> the Derwent<br />
and to the Countries Bordering the<br />
Huon in 1835 – George Frankland<br />
A delicious little gem from the Sullivan’s<br />
Cove published 1983 number 124 <strong>of</strong> a<br />
limited edition <strong>of</strong> only 155.<br />
George Frankland, quite a character, and<br />
his writing suggests a man that preferred<br />
the bush to the <strong>of</strong>fice. Published from his<br />
original manuscript as was his letter to<br />
R.W. Hay which sets out his intentions.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Limited edition Tasmanian collectable<br />
An Account <strong>of</strong> the Discoveries Made in the<br />
South Pacific Ocean Previous to 1764<br />
Alexander Dalrymple<br />
A quality production, Number 3 in the Australian<br />
Maritime Series published by Hordern House. A<br />
Limited edition <strong>of</strong> 950 copies hand bound in<br />
midnight blue Scottish calf with marbled papered<br />
boards. Designed by Margo Snape.<br />
First published in 1767 one <strong>of</strong> the rarest accounts.<br />
This is the first time reissued faithfully<br />
reproduced complete with seven fold-out plates.<br />
The original account used a reference on the<br />
Endeavour and mentioned by Banks and Cook.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Dalrymple lead Cook to Australia
37<br />
19thC Cased Brass French Surveyors Cross<br />
A very good example <strong>of</strong> a octagonal design<br />
surveyors cross in its original case.<br />
The solid brass body bright, undamaged and not<br />
over polished. Comes in two parts, the neck<br />
resting inside the head whilst in its box. Sighting<br />
threads intact. The box is in good shape and<br />
measures 13cm by 9cm by 9cm. The whole weighs<br />
just short <strong>of</strong> a kilogram.<br />
Price $240.00<br />
A nicely cased Victorian brass surveyors instrument<br />
Journals <strong>of</strong> Expeditions in<br />
Van Diemen’s Land 1833 —John Charles Darke<br />
A delightful limited edition by Sullivan’s Cove<br />
published in 1985. Number 20 <strong>of</strong> 175 copies.<br />
Charming fine gift like quality. The manuscripts<br />
are held by the Tasmanian State Library.<br />
A diminutive 43 pages Darke’s expeditions are<br />
set out in three reports …<br />
first, To the Peak <strong>of</strong> Teneriffe in 1833; secondly,<br />
South West <strong>of</strong> the Peak and finally, “Hobart<br />
Town Report” all reports dated 1833.<br />
There is an interesting editors note the “Peak <strong>of</strong><br />
Teneriffe” is Wyld’s Craig and the “Derwent’<br />
variously referred to is in fact the River Nive.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Beautiful things <strong>of</strong>ten come in small packages.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
38<br />
The Hound <strong>of</strong> Heaven<br />
by Francis Thompson<br />
A unique item in a beautiful calligraphic<br />
hand with watercolour illustration and<br />
title embellished in gold, illuminations<br />
throughout.<br />
Probably the most influential poem ever<br />
written, which is a bold call. 182 lines<br />
and made Thompson’s reputation. First<br />
published in 1893. Thompson (1859-<br />
1907) spent three years living on the<br />
streets during his twenties, was addicted<br />
to opium and suffered mentally. In 1888,<br />
after reading his poetry Wilfred and<br />
Alice Meynall took him in and supported<br />
him – they probably saved him. The<br />
Hound <strong>of</strong> Heaven resulted … described<br />
by the Bishop <strong>of</strong> London as “one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
most tremendous poems ever written”.<br />
The later influences in music, art, film,<br />
theatre etc are too many to begin to<br />
mention ... maybe just one … Inspector<br />
Morse (the intellectual detective) in the<br />
episode The Last Enemy.<br />
Uncut hand made paper, half title,<br />
frontispiece, title, blank, 10 pages,<br />
bound in cream paper covered boards,<br />
gilt manuscript title to front and decorative<br />
cord with tassels. Chip to cream<br />
paper cover and a couple <strong>of</strong> age marks<br />
and a hint <strong>of</strong> splitting, otherwise the<br />
whole in excellent condition. The<br />
artwork bright and fresh …<br />
the gilt sparkling.<br />
Price $280.00<br />
Perfect and unique item –<br />
what better choice?
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
40<br />
Traite des Bandages — 1809<br />
Traite des Bandages et Appareils<br />
a l’Usage des Chirurgiens Armees –<br />
J.B.J. Thillaye - 1809<br />
Jean Baptiste Jacques Thillaye was born at<br />
Rouen in 1752 he died at Paris in 1822. He<br />
was a leading French physician, Surgeon in<br />
Chief at the recently founded Hospital St<br />
Antoine and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anatomy at the<br />
Paris College <strong>of</strong> Medicine.<br />
Second edition <strong>of</strong> this rare work on<br />
bandaging, splints and accoutrements<br />
helpful to surgeons particularly in the<br />
army. Published by Crochard, Paris 1809.<br />
Contemporary binding <strong>of</strong> half leather over<br />
marbled paper covered boards. Gilt line<br />
compartments to spine with separate gilt<br />
title label. Octavo, xiv, 356 pages, 357-366<br />
(Table <strong>of</strong> Plates), 367-379 (Table <strong>of</strong><br />
Contents), errata, followed by nine<br />
folding copper engraved plates <strong>of</strong> multiple<br />
well executed images. Very good condition,<br />
super clean internally.<br />
Price $180.00<br />
French medical rarity now two hundred<br />
years old
41<br />
Panarithmologia:<br />
or The Trader’s Sure Guide Containing Exact and<br />
Useful Tables, Ready Cast Up, Adapted to the<br />
use <strong>of</strong> Merchants, Mercers, Bankers, Drapers,<br />
Goldsmiths, Grocers, Weavers, Haberdashers,<br />
and those that deal by Wholesale, or Retail and<br />
All other Mechanicks etc<br />
William Leybourn – corrected and enlarged.<br />
Published Rivington, Hawes et al, London 1772.<br />
Small octavo, unpaginated, re-backed in leather<br />
over early worn cloth covered boards raised<br />
bands, title and date in gilt.<br />
Pages showing age and use as usual and, with<br />
annotations and doodles characteristic <strong>of</strong> this<br />
book. Very popular in business during the 18 th<br />
Century first published late the previous. Then,<br />
constantly updated with final editions in the<br />
1820’s. William Leybourn was an accomplished<br />
mathematician and surveyor .. but it was this<br />
little delight that made him rich.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
An early and most useful guide for business …<br />
and a super title.<br />
Scott <strong>of</strong> the Antarctic<br />
A miniature jug by Royal Doulton,<br />
from their Explorers Series. Scott<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Antarctic in fine condition<br />
no marks or chips. Tiny in size ..<br />
around 6cm by 4cm. Designed by<br />
Stanley Taylor and issued as limited<br />
number <strong>of</strong> 2,000 in 1997.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
Scott remembered albeit in a<br />
very small way<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
42<br />
Disturbing Element [An Autobiography]<br />
Xavier Herbert – First Edition 1963<br />
A very nice first edition copy <strong>of</strong> Australian writer<br />
Xavier Herbert’s autobiography.<br />
Born in 1901 Xavier Herbert had a rather strange<br />
upbringing. He trained as a Pharmacist having<br />
worked in a chemist’s shop at the age <strong>of</strong> 14. He<br />
went to Melbourne to study medicine. Writing was<br />
a passion but he was in his thirties before his<br />
great work “Capricornia” was published to great<br />
acclaim. He was much admired by HG Wells.<br />
Xavier Herbert was the “Disturbing Element’.<br />
Published by F.W. Cheshire, Melbourne etc in<br />
1963. Octavo, 271 pages, a very good copy.<br />
Herbert published few works and his final novel<br />
“Poor Fellow My Country” published in 1975 won<br />
the Miles Franklin award. It is also the longest<br />
novel ever published by an Australian writer at<br />
1,466 pages and an estimated 852 thousand words<br />
Price $30.00<br />
Interesting autobiography <strong>of</strong> the elusive talented<br />
Xavier Herbert.<br />
The Eye <strong>of</strong> the Storm — White<br />
A fine first edition <strong>of</strong> Patrick White’s epic novel<br />
about the reality <strong>of</strong> family relationships. The<br />
book that earned White the 1973 Nobel Prize.<br />
Published by Jonathan Cape, London in 1973,<br />
608 pages, top edge blue. Dust jacket and book<br />
in perfect condition.<br />
$50.00<br />
White First and Best<br />
A Journey to the Interior <strong>of</strong> the Earth<br />
Jule Verne classic published by Ward Lock, London,<br />
published 1967. Octavo, 192 pages. Our favourite, more<br />
modern edition with the super dust jacket. Illustrated<br />
internally with line drawings. Very good condition.<br />
Often Journey to the “Centre” here the ”Interior” but<br />
we still come out in Iceland, where else?. Translates for<br />
the young in mind, the style <strong>of</strong> translation is unusual<br />
and leads to a bit <strong>of</strong> adult amusement.<br />
Price $45.00<br />
Verne – at the interior Centre
43<br />
Mining Cards by W.D. & H.O. Wills<br />
Very hard to find complete set <strong>of</strong> 50 cards circa<br />
1912 issued by Wills <strong>of</strong> Bristol and London.<br />
Very good condition.<br />
Seven cards <strong>of</strong> Coal Mining - Miner Holing; Miner<br />
Drilling and Blasting; Electric Coal Cutters;<br />
Electric Train; Taking Coal to Pit Mouth by Pony;<br />
At the Bottom <strong>of</strong> the Shaft; Sorting and Cleaning<br />
Coal and the all important Mine Surveyor.<br />
Cards specific to Australia include BHP Silver<br />
Mine Mechanical Feed and a General View <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Mine … Mount Morgan Gold (with it interesting<br />
story) and Digging for Sapphires in Queensland.<br />
The rest <strong>of</strong> the world is represented including<br />
Asbestos at Thetford Canada; China Clay at St<br />
Austell Cornwall; Copper at the famous Rio Tinto<br />
Mine Spain; Diamonds at Kimberley; Tin at Perak<br />
Malaya; Turquoises from Nishapour, Persia; Rock<br />
Salt in Cheshire; Rubies from Burma etc etc<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Large 50 card Mining set over 100 years old.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
44<br />
See Page 4 for Details<br />
Website:<br />
Contact: Voyager Bill at<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m