North Canterbury News: December 16, 2021
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Thursday,<strong>December</strong><strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue976 |<br />
Festive fun ... Conrad van Reenen (10, left) and his siblings Julia (7) and Fletcher (8) celebrate alittle bit of Christmas cheer at the end of their driveway.<br />
Santaand Rudolph ready to fly<br />
Living off the beaten track is no excusenot<br />
to have abit of Christmas fun, bring joyto<br />
the peopleand brightenuptheir day, says<br />
Mel van Reenen.<br />
And all youneed is astaple gun,<br />
anything red, acoupleofsheets, an apple<br />
bin and awoodencable drum.<br />
Add imagination and creativityand you<br />
have SantaClaus and his sleigh at your<br />
gate.<br />
The van Reenens liveonMendipRoad,<br />
off the LeaderRoad on the way to Mendip<br />
Hills Station, north west of Parnassus.<br />
‘‘You can’t just pop out to the moviesso<br />
you have to makeyour own fun,’’ saysMel.<br />
She loves Christmas, and has abit of a<br />
reputation for geeingupthe community.<br />
Theyhave livedatMendipRoad for a<br />
year, prior to which they wereinTasman<br />
where she made agiant Santaout of three<br />
apple bins.<br />
‘‘Itwas great fun,and friends helpedme<br />
make it,’’ says Mel who has an eye for a<br />
bargain.<br />
For her latestcreation, she took atrip to<br />
the Kaikoura second hand shop, bought<br />
anything redthatshe thought she could<br />
weave intoaChristmasscene, and afew<br />
other bits and bobs for about $20 and<br />
headedhome.<br />
Add the apple bin, awooden cable<br />
drum, antlersfrom astag shot on the<br />
property, and thereisRudolf, asleigh and<br />
the jolly man himself,who incidently is<br />
stuffed with wool.<br />
‘Everything is recyclable,’’ says Mel,who<br />
got alittlebit of help from her three<br />
children.<br />
Her creation has slowed traffic down as<br />
they look in awe at her handiwork.<br />
‘‘Itisamazinghow muchtraffic goes<br />
along that road,’’ she says.<br />
Mel has put out achallenge to the<br />
neighbours to createsomething<br />
‘‘Christmasy’’attheir gates. ‘‘That creates<br />
alittle bit of competition, and festivefun.’’<br />
Ph:03310 0247 •<br />
We are closed from<br />
22 nd <strong>December</strong> till 10 th January<br />
HC TLS2145
NEWS<br />
2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
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Readership: 51,000 weekly<br />
Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />
to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />
and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />
&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />
news<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
Managing Editor<br />
027 312 1581<br />
robyn.bristow<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
David Hill, Shelley Topp.<br />
advertising<br />
DaynaBurton<br />
Sales Manager<br />
027 312 0089<br />
dayna.burton<br /><br />
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Advertising<br />
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Tuckered out: agenerous haul<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community has<br />
again displayedits generosity withthe<br />
latest Toot for Tucker food drive last<br />
week declared asuccess.<br />
Organiser Bev Wright says she is<br />
thrilledwith the response across the<br />
seven participating towns.<br />
‘‘They’ve gone very well. Amberley was<br />
alittle bit down, but Kaiapoi, Rangiora,<br />
Oxford, Cust, Pegasus and Woodendall<br />
went really well.<br />
‘‘Covid19 has impacted on people in<br />
different ways,it’s put pressureonsmall<br />
businesses and on many families.<br />
‘‘So being abletohelp the foodbanks<br />
means we can support our communities<br />
through the busy Christmas period.’’<br />
Bev says Covid19 regulations created<br />
some headaches for local Tootfor Tucker<br />
organisers, forced to changed the way<br />
they operated with mask wearingand<br />
social distancing.<br />
‘‘It did stretch us for awhile, working<br />
out how we were going to manage it.<br />
‘‘A big thing about Toot for Tucker is<br />
the fellowship, but we couldn’t do that<br />
the same this year.’<br />
Volunteers at Kaiapoi Community<br />
Support (KCS), adivision of Community<br />
Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>,believed<br />
this year’s haul was on apar with last<br />
year, which was considered arecord<br />
haul.<br />
KCS coordinator Gabi Barlow<br />
organised the Kaiapoi food drive for the<br />
first time and was thrilled with the<br />
support.<br />
Morethan 100 volunteers turnedout on<br />
the night, including the Kaiapoi<br />
Volunteer FireBrigade, Waimakariri<br />
NZRT12,the GrayRaven Scout Group,<br />
the KaiapoiHinemoa HockeyClub,local<br />
businesses and localyouthgroups.<br />
‘‘I’m really happy and Ithink the<br />
Kaiapoi community has done an amazing<br />
job in spreading the joy of Christmas,’’<br />
Gabi says.<br />
‘‘We are really starting to see the<br />
impact of Covid on families, but this<br />
responseshowsthat in times like these<br />
we can see awholegroup of people come<br />
togethertosupport the community.’’<br />
The latest haul will get the community<br />
pantry through the busy Christmas<br />
period and into the New Year, Gabisays.<br />
In Rangiora, the foodwas delivered<br />
straighttothe Salvation Army, rather<br />
than laying it out at Dudley Park.<br />
RangioraSalvation Army Major Nigel<br />
De Mainesays 40odd cars participated<br />
in the food drives in Rangiora, Woodend<br />
and Pegasus ‘‘and most of themwere<br />
pretty chocker’’.<br />
‘‘It was one of those events where the<br />
whole family could be involvedand that<br />
worked out reallywell. Ithinkweare in<br />
aseason of uncertainty with what’s<br />
around the corner and there’s ahint of<br />
anxiety.But it’s Christmas and it’s great<br />
to be in acommunity like this where we<br />
look out for eachother.’’<br />
Food rescue ... Waimakariri NZRT12 volunteers were out in force on the streets of Kaiapoi<br />
during Toot for Tucker.<br />
All ages ... Waimakariri NZRT12 volunteer<br />
Irene Chalmers and Kyla Reid (7) collect a<br />
bag.<br />
NEWS<br />
Unloading ... Waimakariri NZRT12<br />
volunteers unload atrailer.<br />
All smiles ... Kaiapoi Community Support volunteers, staff and Waimakariri NZRT12<br />
volunteers are pleased with their haul in Kaiapoi.<br />
getintouch<br />
Editorial<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
Graphic Design<br /><br />
Distribution/Deliveries<br />
03 314 8335<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 2840 /03314 8335<br />
14 Ashley St, Rangiora<br />
Christchurch: 03 364 7460<br /><br />
Christmas Tree Festival<br />
Monday 6 th to Friday 17 th <strong>December</strong><br />
9am –4.30pm daily<br />
Waimakariri District Council Foyer,<br />
High Street, Rangiora<br />
✭ Raffles ✭ Wishing Tree ✭ Rememberance Tree<br />
Please remember to scan in, socially distance and follow all<br />
other covid-19 alert level two requirements.<br />
Organised bythe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Soroptomists<br />
Subdivision planned near airfield<br />
Anew subdivision proposed near the<br />
RangioraAirfield will deliver a‘‘wow<br />
factor’’ to the area, amember of the<br />
RangioraAirfield Advisory Group says.<br />
PaulWilliams, whoisalsoa<br />
WaimakaririDistrict councillorand a<br />
RangioraAshleyCommunityBoard<br />
member, believes thedevelopment<br />
willfuture proofthe airfield,make it<br />
safer, because of plans to extendthe<br />
runway,and helpmake it financially<br />
selfsustaining.<br />
The airfieldisowned andoperated<br />
by theWaimakariri District Council<br />
withassistancefrom the advisory<br />
group.<br />
‘‘Atthe moment the airfield is acost<br />
to ratepayers but my ambition is for it<br />
to be runprofitably andIbelievethis<br />
development can go alongway towards<br />
achieving that,’’ he says.<br />
The new development, includes<br />
nine,fourhectare residential lotson<br />
thesouthwestsideofPriors Roadand<br />
20 smallerlots on the opposite sideof<br />
PriorsRoad, closertothe airfield, for<br />
residential houses with hangars.<br />
Thereisalso provisionfor additional<br />
commercialhangarsinthe proposal.<br />
Theprojectisbeing developedwith<br />
aviationenthusiastsinmind by<br />
Fernsidecivil engineeringcontractor<br />
DanielSmith, of DM andADSmith<br />
Investments.<br />
Mr Smith met withthe advisory<br />
group latelastmonthtooutline details<br />
of hisproposal forthe area.<br />
‘‘Thegroup supportsthe proposal<br />
100percent,’’ Mr Williams says.<br />
Thedevelopmentproposal includes<br />
tarsealingand straighteningpart of<br />
Priors Road.<br />
Althoughthe proposal willincrease<br />
thenumberofsmall planes using the<br />
airfield, Mr Williams does notexpect<br />
thenoise level to increase<br />
substantiallybecauseofthe new<br />
development.<br />
‘‘Thehouses in the new development<br />
areall offthe flight path. Planes are<br />
alreadysubjecttonoise restrictionsat<br />
theairfieldbut theseplanesaquite<br />
small so it is not likea747 taking off,’’<br />
he says.<br />
‘‘We don’tget many complaints about<br />
aircraftatthe airfield becausethey all<br />
take offoverthe AshleyRakahuri<br />
River.’’<br />
Curly Cat: The tale of atail<br />
CurlyCat was bullied and teasedabout his<br />
tail.<br />
He tried desperately to rid himself of the<br />
taunts and evenresorted to ironing it —<br />
unsuccessfully —and washing it at the<br />
‘laundrocat’.<br />
But eventually an eccentric cat groomer,<br />
Barber Cat,sees the potential in Curly’s<br />
tail.<br />
CurlyCat is the eighth picture book by<br />
Oxford author, JenniferSomervell, who<br />
releaseditinOxford recently with her<br />
illustrator,Zerika van Jaarsveld.<br />
It has been lauded by Children's and<br />
YoungAdult Book Reviewer, Bob<br />
Decarchy, as ‘‘one of the picture books of<br />
the year’’.<br />
‘‘Anyone who has been bullied or teased<br />
will relatetoCurly Cat,’’ Jennifer says.<br />
‘‘He is mocked for his super long curly<br />
tail,and goes to ridiculous, and hilarious<br />
lengths to solve his problem.’’<br />
His friends try to protect him, but<br />
Barber Cat finally puts paidtothe poor<br />
cat’sridicule.<br />
Jenniferand Southlandbased Zerika<br />
decided at the end of 2020, that <strong>2021</strong> would<br />
need abook with lotsofhumour.<br />
‘‘Littledid we know,’’ saysJennifer.<br />
‘‘We thought 2020 was difficult, but this<br />
book’s journey to print was the roughest<br />
ride yet.’’<br />
Jennifersuffered aheathcrisis, from<br />
whichshe is stillrecovering, amonth<br />
before upload,putting the whole project in<br />
jeopardy.<br />
‘‘With extra help, we managed to get the<br />
book to printontime, onlytosee it<br />
languish in Singapore forsix weeks, as<br />
ship after ship was cancelled or delayed.<br />
‘‘Noonecould say whenitwould get<br />
here,orwhat the freightwould cost. And<br />
with Covidwedidn’t know if there would<br />
even be amarketwhen it arrived,’’ says<br />
Humourous tale ... Oxford author Jennifer Somervell and her illustrator Serika van<br />
Jaarsveld sign copies of Curly Cat,the eighth book by Jennifer.<br />
Jennifer.<br />
Like CurlyCat who had to accepthelp to<br />
have his tail accepted, Jennifer realised<br />
she had to havehelp getting the book to<br />
print.<br />
But she says it has all been worth it.<br />
“In theclassroom, thethemesare<br />
comingthrough powerfully to children –of<br />
accepting differences, of staying<br />
connected, the power of speaking kind<br />
words,and forgiving quickly.’’<br />
Laughter, happytimeswith the<br />
illustrator, andthe clear vision the pair<br />
had for book,keptthe project on track.<br />
‘‘Zerika and Ihad both been bulliedat<br />
school, and we feltthe bookwould bring<br />
comfort,and encouragepositive<br />
conversations.’’ Justasthe bookwas going<br />
to print, Jennifer’s animalthemed nativity<br />
story, ABaarilliant Adventure,had added<br />
to its silver medal, witharaftoffirst place<br />
awards in the PurpleDragonflyBook<br />
Awards.<br />
‘‘That gave us ahuge lift at the toughest<br />
timeinthe process. And yes, it was all<br />
worth it.’’<br />
Curly Cat and ABaariliant Adventure<br />
are availableatEmma’sofOxford, <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Books, Wee Kiwisand onlineat<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Caring for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Dr John Dehn<br />
Full Mole Checks<br />
using Dermoscopy<br />
Surgical Management<br />
and Aftercare<br />
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1890742<br />
Charlotte Watson<br />
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Vera Setz<br />
Audiologist<br />
MNZAS<br />
Alison Highman<br />
Ear Nurse<br />
RN<br />
The Team at Vera Setz Hearing<br />
wish to thank you for your<br />
support during <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Another challenging year, but<br />
we have got through it because<br />
of the continued support<br />
from local <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Communities.<br />
We are taking awell-earned<br />
break over the festive season<br />
and will be closed from midday<br />
on 24th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong> and<br />
re-opening on Monday 10th<br />
January 2022.<br />
Wishing everyone asafe and<br />
happy Festive Season.<br />
Call 03 423 3158 •Amberley /Rangiora /Cheviot /Hanmer •<br />
2440277<br />
RVCentral<br />
Rangiora<br />
General servicing<br />
Supply and fitting of:<br />
• Solar panels<br />
• Satellite dishes<br />
• TVs<br />
• Awnings<br />
• Motor movers<br />
• Diesel heaters<br />
• Self containment<br />
Tony Parish<br />
Caravan and motorhome 027 288 9915<br />
sales and service<br />
NEWS<br />
4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Water reforms<br />
pause welcome<br />
Hurunui MayorMarieBlack<br />
has welcomed the<br />
Government’s announcement<br />
that it will delay a‘‘critical<br />
piece’’ of the ThreeWaters<br />
Legislation.<br />
However, although she sees<br />
the decisionaspositive, she<br />
warnsitdoesn’t determinethe<br />
desired outcome thatmany in<br />
localgovernment want.<br />
But it was areflection of the<br />
solidarity exhibitedbylocal<br />
council’s throughout New<br />
Zealand in their opposition to<br />
the Three Waters Reform.<br />
“As one collective voice, a<br />
significantlylarge proportion<br />
of local councilshave<br />
expressedconcerns about the<br />
reform.”<br />
The Three Waters Entity Bill<br />
was to be introduced this<br />
month, after the government<br />
mandated the reformon<br />
October 27. This was despite<br />
promisingcouncils they could<br />
opt out.<br />
Last week the Government<br />
decided to pausethe reforms<br />
untilanindependent Working<br />
Group, has had achance to<br />
submit feedback in the new<br />
year.<br />
The Working Group was<br />
created in response to<br />
concernsexpressed by the<br />
localgovernment sectorabout<br />
the proposed model. The<br />
working party willexamine the<br />
model’s governance,<br />
representation and<br />
accountability.<br />
Mrs Blacksays the council is<br />
continuing to unanimously<br />
stand by the concernsithad<br />
raisedinaletter to Local<br />
Government Minister Nanaia<br />
MahutaonOctober 1.<br />
The letter outlined concerns<br />
about the reform notbeingwell<br />
designed, not fit for purpose for<br />
the Hurunui District,and<br />
based on financialmodelling<br />
which took awaycontrol from<br />
the people.Itwas also too light<br />
on details regarding the impact<br />
of the futureregulatory<br />
environment, theletter said.<br />
‘‘We askedthe government to<br />
push pause, and we expect a<br />
further pausetoachieve<br />
success.’’<br />
The Hurunui District<br />
Council has held formal<br />
consultationwith its<br />
communities over its plans to<br />
opposethe government’s<br />
proposed Three Waters<br />
Reform, with119 submissions<br />
received on the matterwhen it<br />
closedlast Sunday.<br />
Meanwhile Waimakariri<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon,has<br />
welcomed the Government<br />
delaying introducing the<br />
legislation to Parliament.<br />
‘‘Hopefully the Government<br />
will slow this reform down, let<br />
the new water regulator<br />
embed,and get backaround<br />
the table and talk to councils.<br />
Forcing this through is in noone’s<br />
interest,’’ says Mr Gordon.<br />
Amberley pool progress ... Despite delays in the delivery of cladding, contractors hope to have 80 percent of it<br />
up by Christmas along with the doors and windows.<br />
Pool opening pushed out<br />
The opening of the refurbished<br />
Amberley Poolisbeing hampered<br />
by delays in the delivery of the<br />
cladding.<br />
Whilethe $2 million<br />
refurbishment is making good<br />
headway, thereisafive week delay<br />
in the manufacture and supply of<br />
exteriorcladding materials from<br />
an Aucklandbased company.<br />
This is despite the cladding<br />
beingorderedfour months ago.<br />
Hurunui District Council<br />
community activator and project<br />
leader Roger Hornblow says that<br />
this will unfortunately affect the<br />
anticipated January opening date.<br />
‘‘These delaysare frustrating for<br />
the entire teaminvolvedinthe<br />
project, but our contractor and<br />
theirsubcontractors are doing<br />
everything in their power to make<br />
up for lost time,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘They are aiming to have80<br />
percent of the cladding up before<br />
Christmas and the windows and<br />
doorsinstalled.’’<br />
Mr Hornblow says eventhough it<br />
is as revamp, the end product will<br />
look likeabrand new pool.<br />
‘‘What we will be offering the<br />
communitywill be lightyears<br />
aheadofthe old pool in terms of<br />
facilitiesand programmes.’’<br />
Kaiapoibased Waghorn<br />
Buildershas been contracted to<br />
replace the roofing structure.<br />
The northeast entrance is also<br />
beingrelocatedtoprovide<br />
improved access and circulation,<br />
direct street approach and appeal.<br />
Pool access is beingimproved,<br />
the floor is being relevelled, and<br />
linedand anew changingarea,<br />
Experience the magical tölt<br />
of the Icelandic horse!<br />
toilets,showers andoffice spaceis<br />
beingadded.<br />
Mr Hornblow says it is hoped the<br />
pool will operate untilEaster once<br />
it doesopen, whichshould give the<br />
council agood gauge on<br />
communitysupport for the new<br />
facility.<br />
‘‘We knowcommunity use will be<br />
strong to start with, but we needto<br />
get through that honeymoon<br />
period and see what the normal<br />
use will be.’’<br />
The outsidepool will be<br />
demolished and the area<br />
remodelledwithapicnic area for<br />
families. Stage two is expected to<br />
add an outside children’s playarea<br />
to thesite. Thecouncil has<br />
contributed $1.5 milliontowards<br />
the project, with$100,000 raised by<br />
localgroup Save Our Pooland<br />
$400,000 from externalfunders.<br />
Horse treks around the Brooklands lagoon,<br />
Spencer park beach and forest.<br />
Ranging from 1 - 2.5hrs<br /><br />
or contact Inga on<br />
027 505 0542<br />
2410472<br />
Sunday 19th<br />
<strong>December</strong><br />
First Race 12.00pm<br />
Loads of entertainment for young and old including Santa,<br />
band, kid’s tote, Vaccine pass required -Adult entry $10<br />
First race in the New Year<br />
Saturday 1 st January<br />
First race 1.00pm<br />
Quality Harness Racing action |Kid’s Bouncy Castle<br />
Free entry -Country racing at it’s BEST<br />
Full Bar and Cafe Service available<br />
Vaccine pass required<br />
Hope for abusy summer<br />
Kaikoura’s tourist operatorsare<br />
hoping the opening of the<br />
Aucklandborderwill lead to a<br />
busy summer.<br />
With Aucklanders abletotravel<br />
again from yesterday(<strong>December</strong><br />
15), subject to being doublevaccinated<br />
or producing a<br />
negativeCovid19 test, Kaikoura<br />
businesses havebeen gearing up<br />
for an influx of visitors.<br />
Destination Kaikoura<br />
chairpersonand Dolphin<br />
Encounter business manager<br />
Lynette Buurmansays at last<br />
week’s DestinationKaikoura<br />
Christmas partythere was akeen<br />
anticipationofwhat lay ahead.<br />
‘‘We are just keentosee the<br />
future and see some business<br />
opportunities beyondwhat we<br />
have known for the last 18<br />
months.<br />
‘‘We havecourageand we have<br />
hope for the industrytorecover<br />
and reignite.<br />
‘‘Next year,hand on heart,<br />
should be better.’’<br />
DestinationKaikoura manager<br />
Lisa Bond saysthere has been<br />
plenty of interest from<br />
Aucklanders keen to escape.<br />
There is, however, anervous<br />
anticipationatthe prospect of the<br />
border opening in May to<br />
overseas tourists, she says.<br />
‘‘Whenever we post something<br />
on social media we get<br />
engagement.<br />
‘‘There’s alot of nostalgia about<br />
Kaikoura, if you have comehere<br />
before you wanttocome back<br />
with your kids.’’<br />
With the Sudima Hotel on track<br />
to open in September next year,<br />
Bring on the summer ...Destination Kaikoura chairperson Lynette<br />
Buurman (left) and manager Lisa Bond are ready for abusy season.<br />
there will be opportunities to<br />
attractnew business to the town,<br />
including conferences and<br />
corporate events.<br />
Alongside the main attractions<br />
such as WhaleWatch Kaikoura,<br />
DolphinEncounter and wildlife<br />
adventures, the town has a<br />
number of wet weather<br />
attractions.<br />
The Kaikoura Aquatic Centre<br />
opened last month and there is<br />
The MayfairArts and Cultural<br />
Centre,the Kaikoura Museum,<br />
Fyffe House and Harmon’s<br />
classiccar museumatBernie’s<br />
Diner.<br />
Ms Bond, who is also a<br />
Kaikoura district councillor, says<br />
there are so many excitingthings<br />
happening in Kaikoura.<br />
‘‘If you look at the Reimagine<br />
Kaikoura document we<br />
developed afterthe (November<br />
20<strong>16</strong>) earthquake,all those things<br />
we imagined backthen are<br />
starting to take off.’’<br />
But there is no escapingthe<br />
reality thatthe last two years have<br />
been challenging for Kaikoura<br />
tourism operators, who have been<br />
forcedtorethink their business<br />
models, Ms Buurman says.<br />
Ratherthan the usual summer<br />
boom period, operators have had<br />
to adapttoasteady flowof<br />
visitors throughout the yearexcept<br />
during lockdowns.<br />
While overseas tourists<br />
typically stick to aset itinerary,<br />
New Zealanders are able to take a<br />
long weekendatamoment’s<br />
notice or waitfor discounts.<br />
‘‘We don’t know what’s normal<br />
any more,’’ Ms Buurman says.<br />
‘‘Everything is different and it’s<br />
hard to plan ahead,’’ says Ms<br />
Bond.<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> 5<br />
Illegal paua catch<br />
stuffed in suitcases<br />
Adiverhasbeencaught with<br />
threesuitcases fullofpaua.<br />
MPIFisheryofficers<br />
patrollingtheKaikoura<br />
coastline caught the diver<br />
with 249 paua, nearly 50<br />
times the daily limit.<br />
Onehundredandeleven<br />
(111) of the shellfish were<br />
undersize. Thedailylimit is<br />
five blackfootpauaper<br />
person,withaminimum<br />
legalsizeof125mm.<br />
Thepaua fisheryopened<br />
on<strong>December</strong>1for three<br />
months, after being closed<br />
forfive years because of the<br />
20<strong>16</strong> earthquakes that<br />
caused seabedupliftand<br />
damage to the marine<br />
habitat.<br />
On Saturdaymorning,<br />
<strong>December</strong>11, at around5am<br />
aFisheryOfficerandtwo<br />
HonoraryFishery Officers<br />
were patrolling at the top<br />
endofthefisheryintheCape<br />
Campbell area near<br />
Blenheim.<br />
‘‘Ourpeople sawthis<br />
diver,alocal manfrom<br />
Blenheim,gathering the pua<br />
andstashing itinthree<br />
suitcases.<br />
‘‘When they approached<br />
him athis vehicle, he backed<br />
upthevehiclenear the<br />
water,dumped thecases in<br />
the waterbeforefleeing the<br />
scene, says MPIRegional<br />
ManagerComplianceFish,<br />
HowardReid.<br />
Police werecalledinand<br />
❛ Our message to<br />
people tempted to<br />
steal this precious<br />
kaimoana is not to<br />
test us.❜<br />
—MPI Regional Manager<br />
ComplianceFish,HowardReid.<br />
he was pulled overinhis<br />
vehicle shortly afterwards.<br />
‘‘The FisheryOfficers<br />
recoveredthepaua, which<br />
theman admitted gathering,<br />
Mr Reid says.<br />
The man had beendiving<br />
in theveryearlyhours of the<br />
morning so had gone to<br />
significant effort to evade<br />
detection.<br />
‘‘We said whenthe<br />
Kaikoura fishery openedfor<br />
threemonths that we had<br />
officers potentially out and<br />
aboutatall hours of the day.<br />
Ourmessage to people<br />
tempted to steal this<br />
precious kaimoana is not to<br />
test us,’’ he says.<br />
The investigation is<br />
continuing, and the man is<br />
likely to faceprosecution.<br />
MrReid says the longterm<br />
future of the fishery is<br />
reliantonpeople following<br />
theruleswhichare thereto<br />
protecttheresource.<br />
To reportanysuspicious<br />
fishing activity, phone the<br />
MPI 0800 4POACHER<br />
hotline (08004762 24).<br />
More than 200 house plans available catering<br />
from residential to lifestyle to duplex living.<br />
at 265 High Street, Rangiora<br />
CLUTHA 180<br />
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Ph Jamie Gwilliam<br />
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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Waimakariri<br />
Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Merry Christmas,<br />
MeriKirihimete!<br />
We all knowithas beenanextraordinary<br />
year,one unlike any of us would have<br />
experienced before (I'msure we saidthe<br />
same last year).<br />
Despite this,orperhaps because of it, it<br />
is importantthatweall taketime to reflect<br />
in our own individualway on what<br />
Christmas is about.<br />
Ialwayslook forward to the seasonof<br />
Christmas.<br />
For me it is about spending time with my<br />
family and enjoying seeingsomany people<br />
connect and share joy.<br />
When you arelookingtocrosssome<br />
itemsoff your Christmas shoppinglist, I<br />
hope that you will support local businesses<br />
and services.<br />
Please keepaneye out for people on<br />
theirown this Christmas and holiday<br />
period. Thisisatime for kindness and<br />
sharing.<br />
Thankyou to our emergency services,<br />
medical teams and allother staff working<br />
and keeping us safe over this holiday<br />
period.<br />
When we reflectonthis past year, Covid<br />
has stillfeaturedmore thanwewould<br />
wish.Weagain experienced lockdown and<br />
are now adjustingtothe new traffic light<br />
system that should hopefullyspell the end<br />
of lockdowns.<br />
We alsoworkedthroughasignificant<br />
floodingevent earlier in the year.<br />
Ihave missed the Christmasparades<br />
and activities this year,and attending<br />
school prize givings. These eventsare<br />
always favourites formeand Ido<br />
especially think of ourwider community,<br />
and especially our students, who have<br />
missed out on thesethis year.<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Fair<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Dec <strong>16</strong> Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 21 Dec 22<br />
Rise 5:43am<br />
Set 9:05pm<br />
Best 10:56am<br />
Times 11:18pm<br />
Set 3:45am<br />
Rise 6:19pm<br />
Moderate SE<br />
Rise 5:43am<br />
Set 9:05pm<br />
Best 11:41am<br />
Fair<br />
Times<br />
Good<br />
Set 4:10am<br />
Rise 7:22pm<br />
Gentle Sbecoming<br />
moderate SE<br />
This doesn’t diminish the efforts of our<br />
students. Congratulationsonall thatyou<br />
have achieved —weare proud of you. Let’s<br />
hope we’ll be in aposition to celebrate<br />
them together next year.<br />
The Governments reforms, especially<br />
Three Waters, the Resource Management<br />
Act (RMA)and Future for Local<br />
Government, havebeen an important<br />
focus for the council and will continueto<br />
be throughoutnext year.Legislationon<br />
Three Watersthat was to have already<br />
been introduced to Parliamenthas now<br />
been delayed,whichiswelcome news.<br />
Hopefullythe Government will slow this<br />
reformdown,let the new water regulator<br />
embed,and get backaround thetable and<br />
talk to councils.<br />
Forcing thisthrough is in noones<br />
interest. That’smyChristmas wish —<br />
hopefully Santa candeliver on this.<br />
It’s beenabusy year for counciland for<br />
everyone. I’m looking forward to some<br />
downtime, timearound home and some<br />
leisure reading.<br />
Ilove spending time around<br />
Waimakariri at our beaches, aroundour<br />
riversand enjoying our fabulouswalks.<br />
We are fortunate to have everything we<br />
could need on our doorsteps. And alittle<br />
further afield day trips to Hanmer,over to<br />
Akaroaordown to Geraldine are on the<br />
cards —all are enjoyable places to visit.<br />
Ihope you get somedowntime, take<br />
time to relax and make the most of living<br />
here in Waimakariri, the place we know as<br />
our home.<br />
On behalf of the Waimakariri District<br />
Council Iwish you allavery safeand<br />
happy Christmas and aprosperous 2022.<br />
The following property has been reported to the policeaslost in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> have you seenit?<br />
AGray/green wallet, black Apple iPhone XR,ablack leather wallet, a21<br />
carat gold necklace/Indian style, agreen “Anxiety” wallet with three zips,<br />
abrown leather handbag with twohandles containing an iPhone 7<br />
cellphone withafancycoverand cards, keys(Nissan/Suzuki/house/cycle/<br />
circular greendisc),awhiteApple iPhone, aNike light anddarkgrey duffle<br />
bag containing sunglasses/shoes/clothing and other belongings, ablack<br />
iPhone 8, andglasses in black shiny casewithRangiora Eyecare on it.<br />
The followingproperty is waiting to be claimed:<br />
Asilver Tissotwatch (Hanmer),ablack/grey/green/yellow Kmart bike<br />
(Kaiapoi),and ablack and gold Crest Goldscooter (Kaiapoi).<br />
Rise 5:44am<br />
Set 9:06pm<br />
Best 12:04am<br />
Times 12:28pm<br />
Set 4:40am<br />
Rise 8:23pm<br />
Gentle S<br />
Good<br />
Rise 5:44am<br />
Set 9:07pm<br />
Best 12:52am<br />
Times 1:17pm<br />
Set 5:<strong>16</strong>am<br />
Rise 9:22pm<br />
Gentle E<br />
strengthening<br />
Rise 5:45am<br />
Set 9:07pm<br />
Moderate SE<br />
Rise 5:45am<br />
Set 9:08pm<br />
Set 6:51am<br />
Rise 11:01pm<br />
Moderate SW turning<br />
SE<br />
Rise 5:45am<br />
Set 9:08pm<br />
Set 7:49am<br />
Rise 11:40pm<br />
Moderate SW<br />
becoming fresh S<br />
SE 0.8 mturning NE 0.8 mturning<br />
E1.7 m E1.2 m E0.8 m<br />
NE<br />
SW E0.8 m E0.8 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Humbling promotion<br />
Iwas humbledtobepromoted to the<br />
NationalParty front bench where I<br />
will retain the Mental Health<br />
portfolio, emphasising the<br />
importancetothe National Party of<br />
prioritising mentalhealth.<br />
As Nationals first Mental Health<br />
and Suicide Prevention<br />
spokesperson Ihave workedhard to<br />
establishthis roleinOpposition,<br />
and now my focusistoestablish this<br />
important role in the next National<br />
governmentasNew Zealand’s first<br />
Minister for Mental Health and<br />
Suicide Prevention.<br />
Iwas also pleasedtobegiventhe<br />
AssociateTransport portfolio,and I<br />
intend to continue to fight for<br />
improved roading, and safe effective<br />
transport corridors for theSouth<br />
Island, including the Woodend<br />
Bypass.<br />
The longawaited projectwas one<br />
Iwas able to discuss with NZTA<br />
Waka Kotahihead James Caygill<br />
when Imet with him in Kaiapoi. We<br />
discussed the median safety<br />
barriers northofthe Waimakariri<br />
Bridge, noisefor Sneyd St residents<br />
in Kaiapoi fromthe increased<br />
motorway traffic, maintenance of<br />
the on/offramps, and the T2 lane.<br />
Theseare issuesconstituents<br />
brought to me to raise on their<br />
behalf.<br />
We had avery positive meeting<br />
and Jameshas taken alist of<br />
questionsaway and Ilook forward to<br />
receiving thetransport agency’s<br />
1:42am<br />
2:07pm<br />
Set 6:00am<br />
Rise 10:15pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:33am<br />
2:58pm<br />
In the Electoratewith<br />
MattDoocey<br />
MP forWaimakariri<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
3:23am<br />
3:48pm<br />
Authorised by Matt Doocey MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />
responses andupdating the<br />
community earlynext year.<br />
Havingbeen contactedbya<br />
number of businesses and residents<br />
frustrated with poor phone<br />
reception and internet connectivity,<br />
Ihaveinvited Spark, Chorus and<br />
Enabletoameetingnext Monday,<br />
from 6pm at the MandevilleSports<br />
Club.<br />
Businesses aretelling me the<br />
problems are affecting their daytoday<br />
operations, while others are<br />
concerned aboutmaking calls in an<br />
emergency.<br />
This meeting will provide an<br />
opportunity to hear about the<br />
obstaclestoproviding fibrequality<br />
internet, and allowresidents to ask<br />
questionsand offerfeedbacktothe<br />
providers.<br />
It was apleasure to attend the<br />
RangioraHigh School prizegiving<br />
ceremonyatthe start of the month at<br />
the JamesHay Theatre in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Afterwhat has been achallenging<br />
two yearssince Covid19 began<br />
impacting school life,itwas good to<br />
see students,parentsand teachers<br />
come together to celebrate their<br />
achievements.There are somevery<br />
talented young adults out there, and<br />
Iwish all Waimakariri's schoolleavers<br />
the very best for abright<br />
future.<br />
From my family to yours, wishing<br />
you amerryChristmas andahappy<br />
New Year.<br />
Ruby reigns Supreme<br />
AYear 13 Rangiora HighSchool student<br />
Ruby Wilson has been awarded the <strong>2021</strong><br />
Waitaha<strong>Canterbury</strong> Youth Award.<br />
Ruby was awarded the Matt Doocey MP<br />
Supreme Awardfor Waimakariri and was<br />
arunnerupinthe LeadershipLab young<br />
ChangemakerAwards.<br />
It is the second time Mr Doocey has<br />
sponsoredthe Waimakariri award and he<br />
is thrilled Ruby’s contributions to her<br />
community were recognised.<br />
‘‘Ruby is agreatexampleofayoung<br />
leader reallyservingtheir community. As<br />
NationalsYouth Spokesperson, Iam<br />
closely involvedinadvocating for young<br />
New Zealanders and Ruby is an inspiring<br />
youngperson who has been proactive in<br />
raising Waimakariri's youth voice at local,<br />
regionaland national level,’’ Mr Doocey<br />
says..<br />
‘‘It is important that we acknowledge<br />
theircontribution to ourcommunities.’’<br />
Ruby has been amajor driver in making<br />
adifference in Waimakariri for young<br />
people.<br />
‘‘Throughher involvement with<br />
WaiYouth, as cochair of the Waimakariri<br />
YouthCouncil and her involvement in<br />
valuable youth development initiatives,<br />
including the Dudley Skate Park and<br />
YouthFriendlyCommunities, she is areal<br />
assettoour community.’’<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 3:34am 2.2 9:47am 0.7 4:22am 2.2 10:35am 0.7 5:06am 2.2 11:20am 0.7 5:49am 2.2<br />
6:30am 2.2 12:<strong>16</strong>am 0.7 7:11am 2.2 12:58am 0.7 7:52am 2.2 1:39am 0.7<br />
Mouth<br />
3:53pm 2.2 10:03pm 0.6 4:37pm 2.1 10:48pm 0.7 5:20pm 2.1 11:33pm 0.7 6:03pm 2.1 12:04pm 0.7 6:46pm 2.1 12:46pm 0.7 7:30pm 2.1 1:27pm 0.7 8:15pm 2.1 2:08pm 0.7<br />
Amberley 3:34am 2.2 9:47am 0.7 4:22am 2.2 10:35am 0.7 5:06am 2.2 11:20am 0.7 5:49am 2.2<br />
6:30am 2.2 12:<strong>16</strong>am 0.7 7:11am 2.2 12:58am 0.7 7:52am 2.2 1:39am 0.7<br />
Beach<br />
3:53pm 2.2 10:03pm 0.6 4:37pm 2.1 10:48pm 0.7 5:20pm 2.1 11:33pm 0.7 6:03pm 2.1 12:04pm 0.7 6:46pm 2.1 12:46pm 0.7 7:30pm 2.1 1:27pm 0.7 8:15pm 2.1 2:08pm 0.7<br />
3:43am 2.2 9:56am 0.7 4:31am 2.2 10:44am 0.7 5:15am 2.2 11:29am 0.7 5:58am 2.2<br />
6:39am 2.2 12:25am 0.7 7:20am 2.2 1:07am 0.7 8:01am 2.2 1:48am 0.7<br />
Motunau 4:02pm 2.2 10:12pm 0.6 4:46pm 2.1 10:57pm 0.7 5:29pm 2.1 11:42pm 0.7 6:12pm 2.1 12:13pm 0.7 6:55pm 2.1 12:55pm 0.7 7:39pm 2.1 1:36pm 0.7 8:24pm 2.1 2:17pm 0.7<br />
3:45am 2.2 9:58am 0.7 4:33am 2.2 10:46am 0.7 5:17am 2.2 11:31am 0.7 6:00am 2.2<br />
6:41am 2.2 12:27am 0.7 7:22am 2.2 1:09am 0.7 8:03am 2.2 1:50am 0.7<br />
Gore Bay 4:04pm 2.2 10:14pm 0.6 4:48pm 2.1 10:59pm 0.7 5:31pm 2.1 11:44pm 0.7 6:14pm 2.1 12:15pm 0.7 6:57pm 2.1 12:57pm 0.7 7:41pm 2.1 1:38pm 0.7 8:26pm 2.1 2:19pm 0.7<br />
3:37am 1.7 9:53am 0.6 4:25am 1.7 10:41am 0.6 5:10am 1.7 11:27am 0.6 5:54am 1.7<br />
6:37am 1.7 12:20am 0.6 7:18am 1.7 1:03am 0.6 7:59am 1.7 1:45am 0.6<br />
Kaikoura 4:01pm 1.6 10:07pm 0.5 4:46pm 1.6 10:52pm 0.6 5:31pm 1.6 11:37pm 0.6 6:15pm 1.6 12:11pm 0.6 6:58pm 1.6 12:53pm 0.6 7:42pm 1.6 1:36pm 0.6 8:25pm 1.6 2:18pm 0.6<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Get Christmas wrapped up at Arthur Burke<br />
A great selection of gifts, BBQs and supplies,<br />
power tools, gardening tools, supplies and plants<br />
and CCC gear available in store now.<br />
Hardware: Lindsay,Ann or Julie 3140130<br />
Arthur BurkeLtd would liketowish all of our customers avery Merry Christmas.<br />
Thank you foryour continued support throughout <strong>2021</strong> and we look forwardto<br />
seeing you all again soon. Haveasafeand happy NewYear.<br />
We’vegot your motoring sorted this summer<br />
Amberley Workshop: 314 0131 | Waikari Workshop: 314 4477 | Motorbike Workshop: 314 0134<br />
Bridgestone Tyres: 314 0137 | Parts Department: 314 0136 | Vehicle Sales: Tim 314 0135<br />
Motorcycles Sales: John 310 4132<br />
Sun 19 th Mon 20 th Tues 21 st Wed 22 nd Thurs 23 rd Fri 24 th Sat 25 th<br />
Closed 8am -5pm 8am -5pm 8am -5pm 8am -5pm 8am -3pm Closed<br />
Sun 26 th Mon 27 th Tues 28 th Wed 29 th Thurs 30 th Fri 31 st Sat 1 st<br />
Closed Closed Closed Open Hammer Hardware /Parts &Bridgestone tyres 8am -3pm Closed<br />
Sun 2 nd Mon 3 rd Tues 4 th Wed 5 th Thurs 6 th Fri 7 th Sat 8 th<br />
Closed Closed Closed 8am -5pm 8am -5pm 8am -5pm 9am -12pm<br />
Markham Street, Amberley |<br />
Established 1935<br />
NEWS<br />
8 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Vanessa is hooked on flying<br />
On Resene Premium Paints,<br />
Wood Stains,Primers,Sealers,<br />
Wallpaper,Decorating Accessories<br />
and Cleaning Products<br />
Come inand see us today<br />
at your local Resene ColorShop!<br />
Oamaru: 190 Thames St, (03) 433 1211<br />
or shop online at<br />
Conditions: Buy Resene Premium Paints, Wood Stains, Primers, Sealers, Wallpaper, Decorating<br />
Accessoriesand Cleaning Products and get the GST value (15% off the full retail price) off at Resene<br />
ColorShops and participating resellers.The discountreductionwill be calculated on the normal retail<br />
price OR if you have aResene DIY Card you can get the Save the GST value sale discount and an<br />
extra 5% off. Excludes WallPrint, decals, Crown, trade and industrial products, PaintWise levy and<br />
account sales. Paint offer also available atparticipating Mitre 10 MEGA, Mitre 10 and Hammer<br />
Hardware stores. Not available in conjunction with any otheroffer. Offer ends 1February 2022.<br />
Apilotwith afearofheights learnt to fly<br />
after an introduction to bushpilot flying<br />
in ashorttakeoffand landing (STOL)<br />
plane.<br />
Vanessa Martin, amember of the<br />
Rangiora Airfieldbased<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
RecreationalAircraft Club (CRAC), never<br />
thought shewould learn to flybecause of<br />
her intenseacrophobia. When her<br />
husband Glenn Martin, whoisalso apilot<br />
and CRAC member, firsttold Vanessa he<br />
wantedtobuy heraplane, shetoldhim<br />
she wouldnot be getting in it.<br />
‘‘I was terrified of heights andhad no<br />
desire to fly in asmall twoseatplane,’’<br />
Vanessa said.<br />
She changedher thinking afterGlenn<br />
convinced her to fly to Kaikourawith him<br />
for lunch one‘‘verycalm day’’ and<br />
graduallybuiltupher tolerance to flying<br />
as apassenger.<br />
‘‘I usedtoclose my eyesontakeoff and<br />
on landing and if Ireallyhateditwhenwe<br />
wereestablished at ahighaltitude I<br />
would put on darkglasses,closemyeyes<br />
and listen to music all the while wishing<br />
we wouldland soonerrather than later,’’<br />
she said.<br />
One dayshe flewwith Stewart Buftonin<br />
his STOL plane. ‘‘He introducedmeto<br />
bushpilotflyingand fromthatday on I<br />
was hooked,’’ she said.<br />
Vanessa'ssmall papillondog Mr Darcy,<br />
is alsohookedonflying.<br />
‘‘I tookhim out to the airfieldone day<br />
for aspecialtripinthe car. He sat in the<br />
cockpitofthe planewhile Icleaned it and<br />
wouldn’tget out whenIwas finished,’’ she<br />
said.<br />
‘‘SoIdecided to takehim up with me in<br />
the plane andheloved it.Ever sincethen<br />
he hasbeen my trusty copilot.All Ihave<br />
to do is pickupmypilot bag andwhoosh<br />
he is sitting in thecar ready to go to the<br />
Flying buddies ... Vanessa Martin, amember of the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Recreational Aircraft Club,<br />
at Rangiora Airfield in her Savannah Sshort takeoff and landing plane, with her copilot<br />
Mr Darcy.<br />
field.’’<br />
Thepair haveflown acrossCookStrait<br />
to the<strong>North</strong> Island,had daytrips to<br />
Kaikourafor picnics, landed on remote<br />
beaches andvisited friends who have<br />
airstrips on theirfarms.<br />
‘‘Ican’timagine not having him in the<br />
planewithme,’’ she said.<br />
Vanessalearnt to fly at Rangiora<br />
AirfieldwithGlenn and Stewart her<br />
instructors.<br />
‘‘Istarted in Glenn’s planeand then we<br />
bought my SavannahSbecauseIwanted<br />
to be aSTOL pilot and Ifinishedlearning<br />
in my own plane,’’she said.<br />
‘‘Getting over my fearofheights was<br />
gradual andittook alot of patience from<br />
both of my instructors who helpedmeget<br />
to the point of not feelingscared whenI<br />
was learning. Now, Ioftenjokethatafter<br />
flyingmyplanefor five years,Ihaveonly<br />
juststartedtoopen my eyesontakeoff<br />
and landing.’’<br />
Her firstflying lesson wasterrifying.<br />
‘‘It feltlike Iwas slipping on ice<br />
because Glenn’s plane is very smooth and<br />
respondstothe smallest corrections with<br />
the stick,’’she said.<br />
‘‘It tookawhiletolearn to makesmall<br />
corrections andnot overcontrol the<br />
plane.’’<br />
The hardest part of learning to flywas<br />
‘‘managingairspeed on finals in across<br />
wind with sweaty palms’’,but ‘‘nailinga<br />
perfectshort landing in astrong cross<br />
wind’’, was the bestpart.<br />
Repeir,aphoto taken by Michael Molloy, won the Champion Image Overall at arecent<br />
Rangiora Photographic Society competition. It was also awarded the Best in the Agrade.<br />
The wrong photo was published with the results of the Architecture competition last week.<br />
The error is regretted.<br />
Wishing all our<br />
customers a<br />
happy and safe<br />
festive season.<br />
Thank you for<br />
your support<br />
in <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
- Diane and the<br />
team at Bashers.<br />
Holiday Trading Hours:<br />
Thursday 23 rd Dec: 7am –1pm<br />
Wednesday 29 th –Friday 31 st Dec: 8am –1pm<br />
Wednesday 5 th –Friday 7 th Jan: 8am –5pm<br />
Saturday 8 th Jan: 8am –12.30pm<br />
Monday 10 th Jan: Normal trading hours resume.<br />
82 Carters Rd,<br />
Amberley<br />
03 314 8311<br /><br />
Helpingeach<br />
otherthrough<br />
COVID-19<br />
With more casesofCOVID-19 in thecommunity,it’spossibleyou and your whānau<br />
will be exposed to thevirus.Tomakesureyou’reready,have aplanincaseyou or<br />
someoneinyour house testspositive andneeds to isolate.<br />
Everyone whotestspositive forCOVID-19, andthose wholivewiththem,willneed to<br />
isolate foratleast 10 days to stop the spread of thevirus.Ifsomeone elseinyour house<br />
testspositivefor COVID-19,they’ll be advised howmuchlongertheyneed to isolate.<br />
Make aplan<br />
If you’re travelling andaway from home,knowhow youwill<br />
gethomeorselfisolate whereyou are.<br />
Whileisolating,you will need to have allofyour food and<br />
necessitiesdelivered. Youcannotgotowork, school, church<br />
or anycommunity or private events or gatherings.Noone<br />
outsideofthe peopleyou livewithcan visitorenter thehome.<br />
Most fully-vaccinatedpeoplewithCOVID-19are likely to have<br />
amildto moderate illnessand will fully recoverathome.<br />
Whocan helpout<br />
Be prepared in case you’re exposedtoCOVID-19. Speakwith<br />
aneighbour,friend, orwhānauabout thesupport youcould<br />
need.For instance,dropping off food andsupplies, andhelp<br />
withactivitiesoutside thehouse.Beingready is aboutpeople,<br />
conversations, connections andknowing what to do,soyour<br />
whānau andcommunitycan helpeach otherwhenneeded.<br />
Support whileisolating<br />
It’s normaltofeelanxious aboutisolating withCOVID-19.<br />
You’ll have asupport person whowillcontact youoften<br />
to check that youand your whānau aresafeand supported<br />
–evenifyou’retravelling andawayfrom home. Youwill also<br />
getatelephone numberfor 24-hourhealthsupport.<br />
If youneed morehelporsupport to manageathome,<br />
youcan access aCOVID-19welfare line.<br />
What you’ll need<br />
To helpyou getthrough,you willneed to have food,<br />
medications andsuppliesavailable to you. Find adetailed<br />
checklist to helpyou<br />
Check what supportisavailable for self-isolatingathome<br />
andfind morepreparation tips at
NEWS<br />
10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
FitFood awinning recipe<br />
Focused owners with clear<br />
strategies and systems, led to<br />
FitFood New Zealand being<br />
awarded the Made <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Food and Beverage<br />
Award at the <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards.<br />
The judges said FitFood was<br />
an expanding business, in a<br />
growing industry and had a<br />
facility capable of handling the<br />
budgeted growth.<br />
‘‘They are focused owners and<br />
aclear winner in this category,’’<br />
they said.<br />
The awards, hosted by<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
were announced online after the<br />
annual awards evening was<br />
cancelled due to Covid19<br />
protocols.<br />
FitFood New Zealand, owned<br />
by Jason and Karen Olliver,<br />
delivers delicious,healthy<br />
prepared meals throughout New<br />
Zealand.<br />
‘‘We were really excited to win<br />
the award. Our business has been<br />
going great, and it was nice to be<br />
recognised for that,’’ she says.<br />
The couple have owned the<br />
business for two and half years,<br />
quickly outgrowing their<br />
Ferrymead premises and moving<br />
to Rangiora where they now<br />
operate out of the former<br />
Continental Caterers kitchen<br />
facility (Kingsford Kitchens) at<br />
Southbrook.<br />
Karen says they had been in<br />
the hospitality and restaurant<br />
industry for about 15 years<br />
before buying the company.<br />
‘‘Ready meals are certainly the<br />
way of the future, and we were<br />
Ready meals ... Awinning business.<br />
ready to try something new,’’ she<br />
says.<br />
They started out with two staff,<br />
and themselves. Today they have<br />
17 staff.<br />
The company can deliver<br />
between five and 9000 meals a<br />
week, but at this time of the year<br />
it is alittle slower with only 5000<br />
to 6000 meals leaving the<br />
kitchens.<br />
Fitfood is ateam of healthconscious<br />
entrepreneurs,<br />
qualified nutritionist and<br />
professional chefs dedicated to<br />
easy healthy eating.<br />
It has its own executive chef<br />
who has worked all over the<br />
world. He plans the meals, and<br />
his team of six chefs help create<br />
highquality meals based on<br />
wholefood principles, and locally<br />
sourced natural ingredients. The<br />
meals are packed in recyclable<br />
packaging to maintain their<br />
freshness.<br />
‘‘Fitfood fits your lifestyle. We<br />
have meals suitable for everyone,<br />
whether you are aprofessional<br />
athlete, weekend warrior, gym<br />
bunny, working parent or timeconstrained<br />
professional,’’ says<br />
Karen.<br />
Auckland, Wellington and<br />
Christchurch are FitFood’s main<br />
markets, but it is also contracted<br />
by other businesses to provide<br />
ready meals.<br />
Bus routes cut<br />
in Waimakariri<br />
The frequency of three<br />
Waimakariri bus routes<br />
havebeencut because of a<br />
nationwide drivershortage.<br />
Immigration issues and a<br />
competitivelabour market<br />
werecontributing to the<br />
driver shortage.<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(ECan), whichmanagesthe<br />
Metro busnetwork,isnow<br />
runningthe Monday to<br />
Friday No.1Rangiora/<br />
Cashmereroute, the No.95<br />
Pegasus/Waikuku route, and<br />
No.97 Rangiora/Pegasus<br />
route, plusseveralothers<br />
outside thedistrict, to a<br />
Saturdaytimetable.<br />
‘‘The Saturday timetable<br />
has areduced frequencyfor<br />
mostroutes and some routes<br />
do notstartoperatinguntil<br />
later in the morning,’’ an<br />
ECanspokesman says.<br />
The onstreet devicesand<br />
the online journey planner<br /><br />
beenupdated to reflect the<br />
timetable changesand<br />
correct busarrival times.<br />
Thisalso reflectsthe late<br />
evening services not<br />
runningonselectedroutes.<br />
‘‘Over the last month we<br />
haveunfortunatelybeen<br />
experiencingsome trip<br />
cancellationsdue to<br />
nationwide driver<br />
shortages.<br />
‘‘Weknowuncertainty<br />
withcancellations is<br />
unsettling, so we have made<br />
the hard decision to make<br />
changes to ourtimetableson<br />
selectroutes.<br />
‘‘Thiswill hopefully give<br />
customers more confidence<br />
in ournetworkduringthe<br />
drivershortage,’’ the<br />
spokesman says.<br />
‘‘Atthisstage ouroperator<br />
has advisedustheyhave<br />
sufficient driverstosupport<br />
the Saturdaytimetable.<br />
‘‘Weare mindful that<br />
Covid19 couldcausesome<br />
challenges andwillbe<br />
closely monitoring driver<br />
availabilitytosupport any<br />
future changes that may be<br />
required,’’hesays.<br />
‘‘Wehave recently<br />
updated our systemssothat<br />
the onstreet devicesand the<br />
onlinejourney planner tool<br />
( reflects the<br />
correctbus timetable, and<br />
any cancelled trips will be<br />
removed from these<br />
channels.’’<br />
Anationwidebus driver<br />
recruitment programme has<br />
begun,but it is unknown<br />
how longthe drivershortage<br />
willlast.<br />
‘‘Wedonot anticipate<br />
being abletoreinstatethese<br />
services beforenext year,’’<br />
the spokesmansays.<br />
Start<br />
collecting<br />
today<br />
©<strong>2021</strong>KitchenAid. All rightsreserved.<br />
Visit forfull terms and conditions
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NEWS<br />
12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
•Stop, Rest and Revive<br />
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•Open 7Days<br />
2429201v1<br />
Monday -Thursday 8am –4pm<br />
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Enjoyarefreshing break with us while<br />
you are travelling over theholidays.<br />
Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear<br />
from the team at Red Post Cafe.<br />
Main Rd, Culverden<br />
Ph 03 315 8492<br />
2334470<br />
040 trainsNmodels<br />
School builds remain on track<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> school building<br />
projectsremain on track, despite the<br />
challengesofCovid19.<br />
OxfordArea School, Amuri Area<br />
School, Leithfield School and Tuahiwi<br />
Schoolall have majorredevelopments<br />
or new teaching spaces in the planning<br />
stages, Ministry of Education<br />
infrastructure and digitalHautu<br />
(leader) Scott Evans says.<br />
Meanwhile afurtherthree<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> schoolshave projects due<br />
to be completednext year.<br />
Amajorredevelopment at Oxford<br />
Area Schoolhas beeninthe pipeline<br />
since the governmentannounced a$10<br />
million revampofthe school in<br />
September2018.<br />
The redevelopment was set to<br />
replace 11 prefab classrooms, as well<br />
as provide anew library and<br />
administration blockand extensions<br />
and upgrades to the generalpurpose<br />
hall and the technology block.<br />
Project architect Athfield Architects<br />
completed the master planfor the<br />
redevelopment earlierthis year.<br />
It was presented to the school’s<br />
board of trustees by Athfield<br />
Architectsand project manager RDT<br />
Pacific in May and was described by<br />
principalMike Hart as ‘‘awesome’’.<br />
Mr Evans saysthe architect is about<br />
to start the next stages of design, with<br />
aconstruction contractor expected to<br />
be appointed in the second half of next<br />
year.<br />
OxfordArea School was established<br />
in 1978,with OxfordDistrict High<br />
Schoolmergingwith neighbouring<br />
primary schools.<br />
Next yearmarks150 years since the<br />
district high school wasfirst<br />
established, in 1872.<br />
‘‘There are buildingsonthe sitethat<br />
had alife before beingpart of Oxford<br />
Area School,sothe opportunity to<br />
03 307 0155<br /><br /><br />
Openbyappointment<br />
Mon -Tues 7am -4pm<br />
Wed -Fri 7am -4.30pm<br />
Sat 8am -3.30pm<br />
138 Percival Street, Rangiora | 310 6096<br />
2435650<br />
Mike Hart<br />
design and develop modern<br />
classrooms to teach studentsinthe<br />
21st century is very exciting,’’ Mr Hart<br />
says.<br />
Alead designer has been appointed<br />
to lead the redevelopment of Amuri<br />
Area School’s senior campus,<br />
including six new teaching spaces.<br />
Work is expected to begin in the New<br />
Year to consider options for the<br />
development including condition<br />
assessments of allthe buildings.<br />
AmuriArea School was builtfor 300<br />
pupils, but the role has exceeded that<br />
in recent years,meaning the<br />
redevelopment is long overdue.<br />
Design work hasbeen completed on<br />
the redevelopment of two teaching<br />
spaces, anew rollgrowthteaching<br />
Merry Chrtm and a safe<br />
and hey New Year!<br />
We have had achallenging yearwith covid-19<br />
but inaddition local government<br />
has been challenged with the<br />
proposed ThreeWatersReform.<br />
Future for Local Government<br />
and Resource Management<br />
changes, ALLremove local<br />
say and control ofcommunity<br />
assets. Whilst some change is<br />
inevitable Icontinue to<br />
work to protect YOUR<br />
rights andtoensure a<br />
local voice.<br />
Philip Redmond QSM<br />
Waimakariri District Councillor |Kaiapoi Woodend Ward<br />
space and anew libraryatLeithfield<br />
School.<br />
Enablingworks are underway and<br />
the Ministry aims to appoint the main<br />
contractor in theNew Year.<br />
TuahiwiSchool is set to receive two<br />
rollgrowthteaching spaces.<br />
These will be modular buildings<br />
manufactured offsite and are<br />
expected to be available in time for<br />
the 2023 schoolyear, Mr Evans says.<br />
Afurther three schools have<br />
projectslined up under theschool<br />
investment package (SIP)announced<br />
in <strong>December</strong> 2019,which provided a<br />
oneoff cashinjection of up to $400,000<br />
to 39 <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> schools.<br />
The schools initiallyhad adeadline<br />
of <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong> to spendthe money,<br />
Mr Evans says.<br />
‘‘Inresponse to Covid19 restrictions<br />
and market constraints, the date<br />
where projects mustbeindeliveryby<br />
has been extended to June30, 2022.<br />
‘‘This means schoolsnow have<br />
additional time for the procurement<br />
phase of their projects.<br />
‘‘The extension will be welcomed by<br />
schoolsgivingthem more time to<br />
engage contractors.’’<br />
WoodendPrimary Schoolisusing its<br />
SIP fundingtobuild acloakbay shed.<br />
WorkisexpectedtobegininApril<br />
and be completedthe following<br />
month.<br />
CustSchoolwill use its allocation on<br />
aplayground and outdoor learning<br />
area/deck.<br />
Workonthe playgroundstartedin<br />
October andhas been completed,<br />
while work on the outdoor learning<br />
deckwill begin in February.<br />
Kaikoura Primary School will use its<br />
fundingonapouwhenuaand signage<br />
for the front entrance.<br />
Workisunder way on thesignage<br />
piece, while design workhas begun on<br />
the pouwhenuawith construction due<br />
to begin in February.<br />
Speed limit rejected<br />
The speed limit on Oxford’s Main Street is<br />
set to remain at 50kph.<br />
The Waimakariri District Council voted<br />
last week to reject aproposal to reduce the<br />
speed limitto40kph,following public<br />
consultation.<br />
Councilstaff estimated it would cost<br />
around$450,000tomake the necessary<br />
infrastructure and trafficcalming changes,<br />
which had not been budgeted for in the<br />
Long Term Plan completed earlier this<br />
year.<br />
‘‘Themajorityofcouncillors didn’t<br />
support it, predominantly because of the<br />
budgetitwould require to bringabout that<br />
change,’’ Mayor Dan Gordonsays.<br />
‘‘But it was important to go through our<br />
consultation period and to get the viewsof<br />
the community, which were taken on<br />
board and considered.’’<br />
But councillorsdid agree to consider<br />
increasing funding to roading projects to<br />
meet some of the funding shortfalls from<br />
Waka Kotahi New ZealandTransport<br />
Agency. This will be considered as part of<br />
next year’s annual plan process and will be<br />
subject to public consultation.<br />
Staff proposed funding an additional<br />
$445,650 towards the minor safety<br />
programme and $637,392 towardsthe<br />
maintenance, operationand renewals<br />
programme,spreadover the 2022/23 and<br />
2023/24financial years.The appropriate<br />
place to consider the complete picture is<br />
through the annual plan process, says Mr<br />
Gordon.<br />
The Widest<br />
Music<br />
Variety<br />
Friday 6pm &<br />
replayed at 12pm<br />
Sunday<br />
Tune in nowtolisten on<br />
104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />
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2014 Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSi<br />
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PER WEEK<br />
$173.93<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$198.42<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$149.45<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2017 Mazda CX-5 20S Pro Active<br />
2000cc with 44,022kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />
Alloys, Auto Lights, Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
ESC, Factory Privacy Glass, High Grade 4.5, ISOFIX,<br />
I-Stop, Radar Cruise, Touch<br />
Screen Media, Reverse<br />
Camera, Traction Control. $32,990<br />
Clean Car<br />
Discount<br />
2018 Nissan Leaf G40KW<br />
Auto with 32,304kms, 360˚ View Camera, Alloys,<br />
Auto Lights, ESC, Bluetooth/CD/USB, Fog Lights,<br />
Climate A/C, Factory Privacy Glass, Heated Seats,<br />
High Grade 4.5, ISOFIX,<br />
Smart Key with Push Button<br />
Start, Reverse Camera.<br />
$34,990<br />
2009 Toyota Landcruiser Prado<br />
TZ 4WD 4000cc with 50,102kms, Auto, Alloys,<br />
8Airbags, CD Player, Centre Diff Lock, Chain Driven,<br />
Climate Air Con, Cruise, ESC, Factory Privacy Glass,<br />
Leather Seat Covers,ISOFIX,<br />
2018 Mazda CX-3 20S<br />
PRO ACTIVE 2000cc with 17,363kms,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags, Alloys, Auto Air Con,<br />
Auto Lights, AUX Input, Bluetooth, Chain Driven,<br />
Factory Privacy Glass, ESC,<br />
Fog Lights, Running Boards,<br />
Half Leather Seats, ISOFIX,<br />
Side Mirror, Smart Key. $39,990 Paddle Shift, Smart Key. $29,990<br />
$2<strong>16</strong>.54<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$129.86<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$304.70<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$172.47<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2017 Mazda BT-50 GSX 4WD<br />
3.2D 3198cc with 70,261kms, Auto Tiptronic,<br />
6Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, AUX/Bluetooth, ESC,<br />
Chain Driven, Cruise, Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
Fog Lights, Multi Functional<br />
Steering Wheel, Traction<br />
Control, Turbo Diesel.<br />
$43,990<br />
2015 Nissan X-Trail Hybrid 20X<br />
2000cc with 59,219kms, Auto, 360˚ View Camera,<br />
4WD, Alloys, Auto Lights, CD Player, Cruise, Dual<br />
Airbags, Dual Zone Climate Control, ESC, Factory<br />
Privacy Glass, Heated Seats,<br />
High Grade 4.5, ISOFIX,<br />
R/Camera, Smart Key. $25,990<br />
2020 Mercedes Benz X-Class<br />
X250 Power 4WD 2298cc, 27,289kms,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags, Alloys,<br />
Auto Lights, Bluetooth, Climate Air Con, ESC,<br />
ISOFIX, Leather, Smart Key,<br />
R/Camera, Tonneau Cover.<br />
$61,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Toyota Highlander GXL<br />
4WD 3456cc, Auto Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP,<br />
9Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, AUX/Bluetooth/CD,<br />
Chain Driven, Cruise, ESC, Heated Seats, ISOFIX,<br />
Leather, Multi Functional<br />
Steering Wheel, Remote<br />
Central Locking, Smart Key. $34,990<br />
Stadium Cars Rangiora 03 310 7940 |<br />
609 Lineside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora OPEN 6DAYS<br />
*Conditions apply. Not available with any other offer. Finance offer subject to credit and lending criteria.<br />
Finance calculation based on 60 month term. No deposit with an annual fixed interest rate of9.95%,<br />
includes an establishment fee of$225. See our website for full disclosure.<br />
*On road costs may apply to some vehicles
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Shed Specialists an award winning business<br />
The ShedSpecialists chief executive,<br />
Aaron Nesbit,is‘‘stoked’’the business<br />
won theSparkfor Business Innovation<br />
Award in the <strong>2021</strong> <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Business Awards.<br />
He saysthe wholeteamis‘‘buzzing’’due<br />
to the business being recognisedfor what<br />
its achieved, andthat itsprocesses and<br />
procedures weresetting it aside from<br />
whatotherswereoffering.<br />
The award wasannouncedduringan<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> hostedonline<br />
award ceremony, held after the<br />
awardsdinner hadtobecancelleddue to<br />
Covid19 protocols.<br />
The judgessaid theywere impressedby<br />
the business which was ‘‘built on<br />
innovation and charismaticleadership’’.<br />
‘‘Veryclear strategies, supported by<br />
strongprocessesand procedures, have<br />
set the business up for expansion<br />
nationally.<br />
‘‘This is abrand to watch on the<br />
nationalscene in thenearfuture,’’ they<br />
said.<br />
Overthe years Aaron hasworked across<br />
the globe in arangeoffieldsincludingas<br />
acommercialdiveronanoil rigand in<br />
the military.<br />
But creating The ShedSpecialists Co,<br />
whichspecialises in polesheds, hasseen<br />
him find his truepassion.Aaron’s love of<br />
construction, pairedwith hisyearsof<br />
experienceworkingwith people, has<br />
seen the companygofromstrength to<br />
strength. The ShedSpecialistisa<br />
franchise company, andhas franchisesin<br />
MarlboroughKaikoura and Tasman<br />
Nelsonareas, saysAaron.<br />
‘‘We arevery closetohaving one<br />
established in Southland,’’hesays.<br />
It is onlyabuildcompany, focused on<br />
howtobetter otherpeople’slivesfrom<br />
the clientstostaff, Aaron says.<br />
‘‘Noone elsebuilds ashed in two days,’’<br />
he says. Every shedisapproached with<br />
the same attitude albeitabig or small<br />
project.<br />
‘‘Every shedisdifferent, andwepride<br />
ourselves on bringing clientsthe best<br />
servicepossible whilesaving themas<br />
much moneyaspossible,’’saysAaron.<br />
He says theawardhad comeatan<br />
excitingtimefor thebusiness,asthe team<br />
focusedonupskilling and taking on extra<br />
irresponsibilities to allowhim to focus on<br />
growingthe business andgettingstuck<br />
into franchising.<br />
Build company ... Awoolshed built by Shed Specialists.<br />
17<br />
Land for new cemetery near Loburn gifted to the WDC<br />
Anew Rangiora cemetery, the adoption of<br />
the district parking strategy and the<br />
council’s annual reportwere amongthe<br />
itemsdiscussedatlast week’s<br />
Waimakariri District Council meeting.<br />
Councillors approved the establishment<br />
of anew cemetery on Dixons Roadnear<br />
Loburn, following an offer from the<br />
Robertson family to divest 12 hectares of<br />
the family farm to the council for no cost.<br />
Half ahectare will be set aside in the<br />
conceptplan forthe Robertsonfamily,for<br />
the internment of familymembers, while a<br />
pet cemetery is also proposed.<br />
‘‘It was verygenerous of the family and<br />
I’m pleasedtosee thatarrangementhas<br />
now been agreed to,’’ Mayor Dan Gordon<br />
says.<br />
‘‘And I’m sure there will be anumber of<br />
people who will welcome the opportunity<br />
for apet cemetery as afinal resting place<br />
for theirpets.’’<br />
Councillors have adopted the new<br />
district parking strategy, following public<br />
consultation held duringOctoberand<br />
November. It will provide guidance for<br />
council staff in managingparking issuesin<br />
the district, while issues around<br />
accessibilitywill form part of the council’s<br />
disabilityreview scheduled for the middle<br />
of next year.<br />
The council’sannualreport for the year<br />
endedJune 30, <strong>2021</strong>, was adopted showing<br />
asurplus of $31.8million. The surplus was<br />
$13.2 million higherthan expect and<br />
includeda$9.4million ‘‘accounting<br />
adjustment’’ for ‘‘interestrate swaps’’<br />
under the council’s treasury policy.<br />
It was alsoboosted by the shovel ready<br />
/stimulus fundingand vested assets<br />
transferred by developers, while<br />
development contributions were lessthan<br />
expected.<br />
‘‘Our council is in astrong financial<br />
position thankstothe workofour staff,’’<br />
says Mr Gordon.<br />
Readership<br />
growth<br />
UP 19%<br />
4PM -7PM<br />
50,000<br />
<strong>2021</strong><br />
40,000<br />
2020<br />
30,000<br />
20,000<br />
43,000<br />
Readers<br />
51,000<br />
Readers<br />
10,000<br />
0<br />
Source: Nielsen Consumer and<br />
Media Insights Q4-20 -Q3-21<br />
(Oct 20 -Sep 21)<br />
2437657v2<br />
The Entertainment Hub of The <strong>North</strong>!<br />
Bistro open Wednesday -Sunday<br />
113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi Ph:03327 7884<br />
JimBeam<br />
CanadianClub<br />
7% 330ml 6pk can<br />
ns $<strong>16</strong>.99<br />
EACH<br />
Smirnoff Ice Red<br />
(incl zero) 5% 250ml<br />
12pk cans<br />
$19.99<br />
EACH<br />
TuiBourbon;TuiVodkaSoda<br />
Barrel51 7% 250ml cans all 12pks<br />
$19.99<br />
EACH<br />
JimBeam&Cola<br />
CanadianClub<br />
(incl zero) 4.8% 10pk cans<br />
Cruiser<br />
5% 12pk bottle<br />
range<br />
e $22.99<br />
EACH<br />
Major Major<br />
10pk can rang<br />
ge<br />
$22.99<br />
EACH<br />
Effen<br />
10pk can / bottle<br />
range<br />
$23.99<br />
EACH<br />
Smirnof<br />
ff Ice<br />
DoubleBlack; Guarana<br />
& Flavou<br />
ured (incl zero)<br />
7%<br />
12pk can range<br />
$24 99<br />
$24.99<br />
EACH<br />
GR REAT<br />
PR RICE<br />
The<br />
more<br />
the merrier<br />
SUPER<br />
HOT<br />
SPECIAL!<br />
JamesonSoda;D ry<br />
375ml 10pk can range $27.99<br />
EACH<br />
$19.99<br />
EACH<br />
Cody’s 7% 18pk cans<br />
$29.99<br />
EACH<br />
THIS IS A<br />
MAJOR<br />
DEAL<br />
HOT<br />
Christmas<br />
DEAL<br />
Top Shelf<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Cream<br />
750ml<br />
$34.99<br />
EACH<br />
JackDaniels &Cola<br />
4.8% 330ml<br />
12pk bottles<br />
Long White<br />
15pk bottle range<br />
$38.99<br />
EACH<br />
$25.00<br />
FOR TWO<br />
Malibu 1ltr<br />
Kahlua (incl Salted<br />
Caramel) 1ltr<br />
Absolut<br />
Beefeater<br />
flavoured<br />
ranges<br />
Jameson<br />
all 700ml<br />
Teachers<br />
Russian<br />
Standard<br />
1L<br />
SouthernComfort 1L<br />
Finlandia1L<br />
StRemy 700ml<br />
$37.99<br />
EACH<br />
Chatelle<br />
CanadianClub<br />
(incl spiced)<br />
All 1L<br />
$34.99<br />
EACH<br />
$36.99<br />
EACH<br />
$39.99<br />
EACH<br />
Absolut 1L<br />
Bailey’s 1L<br />
Jim Beam<br />
1.125L<br />
Chivas12 700ml<br />
JamesonBlack<br />
Barrel<br />
700ml<br />
JBDoubleOak 1L<br />
Appleton<br />
Estate<br />
(Signature<br />
Blend) 1L<br />
Jagermeister<br />
700ml<br />
$70.00<br />
FOR TWO<br />
$39.999<br />
EACH<br />
$43.99<br />
EACH<br />
$49.99<br />
EACH<br />
$5<br />
$52.99<br />
EACH<br />
03 3137207<br />
03 323 8833<br />
D, MANUKAU<br />
69<br />
09 278<br />
12F<br />
0125<br />
09 250 4355<br />
09 268 2750<br />
03 314 7400<br />
TS &<br />
Promotion period between 1/12/<strong>2021</strong> to 31/12/<strong>2021</strong>. While stocks last. Promotion only available at participating stores.<br />
Please contact your local store to confirm whether theyare participating in the promotionand check the pricing in-store prior to purchase. Online pricing will vary.
Demand for sections in NC<br />
Small towns in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
have not escaped the surge in<br />
property demand.<br />
Sections at anew residential<br />
subdivision in Amberley, <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, have been snapped up<br />
so quickly that the developers have<br />
brought the next stage forward by<br />
almost three months.<br />
The Clearing, consists of what will<br />
eventually be a360home<br />
neighbourhood of various sized<br />
sections. It is 500 metres from<br />
Amberley’s existing town centre.<br />
Stage one of The Clearing was<br />
released on to the market on<br />
November 5, with offers closing on<br />
November 18.<br />
Since then, all 28 sections have<br />
purchase contracts on them. Sections<br />
sizes ranged from 400square metres<br />
to 1238square metres, with base<br />
prices starting at $190,000.<br />
Stage two, which is now on the<br />
market, consists of 47 sections and<br />
are being marketed through Bayleys<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Bayleys <strong>Canterbury</strong> salesperson<br />
Chris Jones said the unprecedented<br />
demand for sections in The Clearing<br />
neighbourhood and the high number<br />
of advance sales, meant the second<br />
selldown phase of the development<br />
was being brought forward to quench<br />
the redhot market demand for<br />
sections.<br />
‘‘The pace at which sections within<br />
The Clearings first stage selldown<br />
has been overwhelming.<br />
‘‘While we knew demand would be<br />
strong, and thought the process<br />
would roll into early next year, noone<br />
envisaged the degree of buyer<br />
inquiry which we've experienced,’’<br />
he says.<br />
The Clearing ... An aerial view of anew Amberley subdivision where sections are<br />
in demand.<br />
Interest in sections came from<br />
across the spectrum. There has been<br />
interest from locals wanting to move,<br />
but stay within Amberley’s existing<br />
township, from builders looking at<br />
sites to develop, and from longterm<br />
landbanker investors.<br />
‘‘It’s highly encouraging to be<br />
commencing not only the first stage<br />
of aproject on the due<br />
commencement date, but also to be<br />
able to dovetail the next stage of civil<br />
works simultaneously.<br />
‘‘The attraction of buying into a<br />
brand new subdivision in which to<br />
build anew home, bring up the kids,<br />
live and work from home remotely, or<br />
retire in, has certainly appealed to a<br />
wide buyer demographic,’’ says Mr<br />
Jones.<br />
The Clearing is being developed by<br />
UWC Ltd, owned by prominent<br />
Wellington developer Ian Cassels.<br />
Stage three of the development<br />
will be released when stage two is<br />
sold out.<br />
Mr Jones said design and build<br />
covenants are in place for all section<br />
sales to ensure land values within<br />
the development are underpinned<br />
for all owners and that ahigh quality<br />
of residence and urban design is<br />
built.<br />
Landscaping earthworks and<br />
infrastructure groundworks at The<br />
Clearing are due to begin next year,<br />
with section titles expected to be<br />
issued in early 2023.<br />
19<br />
Taste trail new<br />
to <strong>North</strong> Canty<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Anew <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>food and beverage event will<br />
take place in February.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Taste Trail will see ticket<br />
holders taking atikitour of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
region, stoppingatparticipatingfood and beverage<br />
producers for demonstrations, tastings and behindthescenesexperiences.<br />
The event on Saturday, February 19,has been<br />
organised by localfood and beverage provenance<br />
brand MADE NORTH CANTERBURY, an Enterprise<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ENC) initiative.<br />
The daylongevent promises to connect attendees<br />
with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> food and beverageproducers<br />
on their own turf.<br />
‘‘This is an amazing opportunity for loversof<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> food, wine and beer to spend aday out in<br />
our beautiful regionexperiencing the unique<br />
productsthat are grownand made here, and meeting<br />
the people behind those products,’’says ENC food<br />
and beverage businessdevelopment manager Amelia<br />
Norman.<br />
‘‘The breadth of products that are grown, reared,<br />
caught and made here in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is<br />
astounding, and we can’t wait to share some of those<br />
products and the stories behind them with our event<br />
attendees.’’<br />
Ticket holders will choose which of the six ‘Taste<br />
Destinations’they wish to visit and in which order.<br />
At each destination they can partake in tastings,<br />
tours and demonstrations, all includedinthe ticket<br />
price.<br />
The six Taste Destinations are Brew Moon Brewing<br />
Company in Amberley, Georges Road Wines in<br />
Waipara,Wash Creek organicbeef and lambfarm in<br />
Waipara, Harris Meats at BetterHalf Kitchen &Bar<br />
in Leithfield, Greystone Wines in Waiparaand Grown<br />
market garden in Sefton.<br />
Additional events and diningspecials will be on<br />
offer throughoutthe day at various points along the<br />
way including Amberley Farmers’ Market, Brick Mill<br />
Café inWaikuku,Fools of Desire in Rangioraand The<br />
Crown &Pantry in the Amberley Hotel.<br />
Tickets for the inaugural Taste Trail went on sale<br />
<strong>December</strong> 7and are availablefrom Event Brite. For<br />
more information visit<br />
Ramsey Single/Single<br />
Bunk Bed<br />
WAS $ 1299<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
Vermont 2Seater –Royal Blue<br />
WAS $ 1199<br />
SALE<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
makesa<br />
greatgift!<br />
Costa 4Piece Outdoor<br />
Lounge Set<br />
WAS $<br />
2199<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1999<br />
Xander Recliner<br />
WAS $ 799<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
599<br />
Keter Go Bar<br />
NOW $<br />
97<br />
ZEST<br />
RANGE<br />
ON SALE<br />
Dining Table –W180<br />
WAS $<br />
449<br />
Dining Chair<br />
WAS $<br />
175<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
399<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
125<br />
Melve White Queen Bed<br />
WAS $<br />
1199<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
Sono Boxed<br />
Queen Mattress<br />
WAS $<br />
599<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
399<br />
36 MONTHS<br />
Scantofindstore<br />
withqMastercard<br />
250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />
0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br />
*Available on Long Term Finance (LTF) purchases until 20/12/21. Minimum spend<br />
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apply.AnEstablishment fee of $55 (first LTFtransaction) or a$35 AdvanceFee (subsequent<br />
LTFtransactions) applies. StandardInterest Rate, currently 25.99% p.a. applies<br />
to any outstanding balance at end of interest free period. Rate and fees correct<br />
as at date of publication, subject to change. Mastercard isaregistered trademark<br />
and the circles design is atrademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.<br /><br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />
20/12/21. Sale Excludes Accessories.
Christmas<br />
1<br />
WEEK<br />
TO GO!<br />
64 PAGE<br />
OUT NOW<br />
NEW<br />
Dohzee<br />
Atomic or<br />
Magma<br />
Light Up<br />
NEW<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
Colour Change,Star Dust,<br />
Crunch SnowBallorSwirl<br />
NEW<br />
Dohzee<br />
Printed or Plain<br />
$<br />
29 99 ea<br />
$<br />
7 99 ea<br />
NEEDOH’S<br />
HAVE<br />
ARRIVED!<br />
Dohzee<br />
Furry<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
NEW<br />
National Geographic<br />
Science Kits<br />
Usually $24.99<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
SAVE<br />
$50<br />
%<br />
25OFF<br />
Slime/ Glitter/Gelli Baff<br />
Usually $14.99<br />
$<br />
11 99 ea<br />
Ultima Trike<br />
Usually $299.99<br />
Folding &retractable babyfootrest.<br />
Large reomvable sun canopy, adjustable<br />
fortilt &angle.Big rear carry bucket<br />
plus wide,soft, quiet EVArubber tyres.<br />
High-back, adjustable padded seatwith<br />
safety harness&removable headrest.<br />
Unique side opening &removable<br />
padded babysafety rails. Parents<br />
parking brakes on both rear wheels.<br />
• Wide grip adjustable push bar<br />
• Removable<br />
• 6Height adjustments<br />
• Dual foot brakes<br />
• Wide EVArubber tyres<br />
• Fixed rear cargo bucket<br />
• Smooth quiet ride<br />
• Growswith child from 12-36 months+<br />
• Alsoavailable in pink<br />
$<br />
249 99 ea<br />
Slackers<br />
Ninja Line<br />
or Swing Line<br />
Usually $239.99<br />
$<br />
179 99 ea<br />
%<br />
Mega Sketcher r<br />
Usually $49.99 9<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
Animal<br />
Sounds Hayride<br />
Push<br />
and Go<br />
Usually<br />
$24.99<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
$<br />
59 99 ea<br />
Build a<br />
Johnny<br />
$<br />
59 99 ea<br />
$<br />
59<br />
Big Scoop 15" Excavator or Dump Truck<br />
Usually $44.99<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
Talking Too ol Belt<br />
9 99 ea<br />
$<br />
59<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
Real Sounds<br />
Lawnmower<br />
Usually $69.99<br />
%<br />
29OFF<br />
$<br />
49 99 ea<br />
Sandpit<br />
Vehicles<br />
Usually $<strong>16</strong>.99<br />
$<br />
14 99 ea<br />
Phlat Ball<br />
Usually $39.99<br />
$<br />
31 99 ea<br />
Ice Hopper<br />
$<br />
14 99 ea<br />
Sequence<br />
Usually $49.99<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
SAVE<br />
$10<br />
All Blacks<br />
Team<br />
Vehicle Set<br />
Usually $54.99<br />
$<br />
44 99 ea<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
NEW<br />
The Floor<br />
is Lava<br />
Usually<br />
$49.99<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
Wach Neuson<br />
Excavator<br />
Usually $34.99<br />
$<br />
27 99 ea<br />
SAVE $10<br />
Twister with<br />
aSplash<br />
Usually $64.99<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
$<br />
54 99 ea<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
World<br />
Farm Set<br />
Usually $139.99<br />
$<br />
99 99 ea<br />
Nerf Sonic<br />
Howler<br />
Usually $19.99<br />
$<br />
<strong>16</strong> 99 ea<br />
You’reonMute<br />
Usually $49.99<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
NEW<br />
%<br />
29OFF<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
Vaulting<br />
or Horse<br />
Farm<br />
Gift Set<br />
Usually<br />
$24.99<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
Rope Park<br />
or Hideout<br />
Usually $34.99<br />
$<br />
29 99 ea<br />
Lakeside<br />
Lodge<br />
Usually $89.99<br />
Carousel &<br />
Surprise House<br />
Usually$34.99<br />
$<br />
27 99 ea<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
Loading Tractor<br />
with Water Tank<br />
Usually $69.99<br />
$<br />
54 99 ea<br />
$<br />
74 99 ea<br />
Royal Carriage<br />
Usually $54.99<br />
21%<br />
OFF<br />
$<br />
44 99 ea<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
%<br />
23OFF<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
Family Campervan<br />
Usually $99.99<br />
$<br />
79 99 ea<br />
Baby Amusement Park<br />
Usually $129.99<br />
$<br />
99 99 ea<br />
Horse Farm<br />
Usually $249.99<br />
$ 199 99 ea<br />
4M XL Science Kits<br />
Usually $39.99<br />
$<br />
34 99 ea<br />
Bracelets<br />
Assorted<br />
Usually $12.99<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
%<br />
23OFF<br />
Scientific Discovery<br />
Usually $69.99<br />
$<br />
59 99 ea<br />
%<br />
29OFF<br />
Crystal<br />
Dreams<br />
or Halo<br />
Charms<br />
Usually<br />
$34.99<br />
$<br />
24 99 ea<br />
Wednesday<br />
15 Dec<br />
Thursday<br />
<strong>16</strong> Dec<br />
Friday<br />
17 Dec<br />
Saturday<br />
18 Dec<br />
Sunday<br />
19 Dec<br />
Monday<br />
20Dec<br />
Tuesday<br />
21 Dec<br />
Wednesday<br />
22 Dec<br />
Thursday<br />
23 Dec<br />
Thursday<br />
24 Dec<br />
7 pm 9 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm 9 pm 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm 6 pm
%<br />
33OFF<br />
Pick Your Poison NSFW Edition<br />
Usually $44.99<br />
$<br />
39 99 ea<br />
Escape<br />
Room<br />
Usually<br />
$69.99<br />
$<br />
59 99 ea<br />
Color Shift<br />
Puzzle Ball<br />
Usually $14.99<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
Rubik’s<br />
Infinity Star<br />
Usually $<strong>16</strong>.99<br />
NSFW<br />
NOT<br />
SAFE FOR<br />
WORK<br />
Cards Against Humanity<br />
AU Edition Usually$59.99<br />
Family Edition Usually$54.99<br />
$<br />
49 99 ea<br />
Muffin<br />
Times<br />
Usually $39.99<br />
$<br />
34 99 ea<br />
TacoCatGoat<br />
Cheese Pizza<br />
Usually $19.99<br />
$<br />
17 99 ea<br />
$<br />
14 99 ea<br />
Throw<br />
Throw<br />
Burrito<br />
or Avocado<br />
Usually $49.99<br />
$<br />
44 99 ea<br />
Ride Ons Gator, Wave<br />
RiderorLil Dolphin<br />
Usually $19.99<br />
$<br />
17 99 ea<br />
Goggles up to 6 years<br />
Little<br />
Super Seal<br />
Goggles 6 - 14 years<br />
Ripper<br />
Junior<br />
%<br />
20OFF<br />
3DBop Bags<br />
Boxers or Animals<br />
Usually $9.99<br />
$<br />
7 99 ea<br />
Rectangular<br />
Baby Pool<br />
Usually $29.99<br />
Sunset Glow Pool<br />
Usually $19.99<br />
RideOn<br />
Stingray<br />
Usually $29.99<br />
$<br />
24 99 ea<br />
$<br />
12 99 ea<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
Little<br />
Ripper<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
Super<br />
Seal<br />
Junior<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
$<br />
24 99 ea<br />
$<br />
17 99 ea<br />
Float<br />
Bands<br />
Sizes 00-1<br />
available<br />
Phantom<br />
2.0Junior<br />
$<br />
19 99 ea<br />
Tropical Family Pool<br />
Usually $119.99<br />
Playcentre<br />
Rainbow Ring<br />
Usually $139.99<br />
$<br />
9 99 ea<br />
GET THE<br />
$<br />
99 99 ea<br />
$<br />
129 99 ea<br />
Water Wings<br />
Available in 3sizes<br />
1-2 years (11-15kg)<br />
2-3years(15-18kg)<br />
4-5 years (18-30kg)<br />
$<br />
49 99 ea<br />
NZ’sBiggestTOYWORLD<br />
Clarence St,Riccarton, Ph 03 3430330<br />
Specials in Christchurch Stores only –not online<br />
199 Marshland Rd,<br />
Ph 03 982 8697<br />
Valid until 24th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>, while stock lasts.<br />
HORNBY<br />
Chalmers St,<br />
Ph 03 281 8127
NEWS<br />
24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Council revisits Vaccine Pass requirements<br />
Covid19 vaccinepasses are required for<br />
entry at WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />
aquatic facilities, librariesand some<br />
large public venues.<br />
Councillorsvoted to adopt thechanges<br />
at an extraordinary council on Friday,<br />
<strong>December</strong> 10,following ahealth and<br />
safety risk assessmentbychief executive<br />
Jim Harland.<br />
Mr Harland said checking vaccine<br />
passesisthe bestway to ensure‘‘we can<br />
keepour doors open regardless of what<br />
traffic light we are at’’.<br />
‘‘This is the simplest waytoensure<br />
continuityofcouncil servicesfor<br />
residents andmake sure we play ourpart<br />
to minimisepublic and staff exposure and<br />
risktoCovid19.’’<br />
Mayor DanGordon backed the<br />
decision,but also supportedan<br />
amendmentbyCr Philip Redmondto<br />
ensureservices could be offeredto<br />
unvaccinated residents where it is safeto<br />
do so.<br />
‘‘Duringthe lastweekI’ve been<br />
speaking to alot of business owners and<br />
our community who are pleased the<br />
prospect of furtherwholesale lockdowns<br />
is athing of thepast under thenew<br />
framework.<br />
‘‘Itisnot an easydecision,but onethat<br />
is righttoprotect our staffand<br />
community.<br />
‘‘Wehave asked staff wherepractical to<br />
findwaystomakesurewecan continueto<br />
deliver services like we did during<br />
lockdowns.’’<br />
Children under age 12 willbeable<br />
access council facilities, subjectto<br />
government guidelines.<br />
Community andrecreationmanager<br />
Chris Brownsaysstaff will be authorised<br />
to use discretion to determinewhether<br />
children are under age 12.<br />
‘‘Withvaccinescoming for 5to12yearolds,<br />
we willconsider the government<br />
advicewhenthe timecomes.’’<br />
Mr Brownsaysservices like‘‘MyBook<br />
Bag’’ willbeavailabletounvaccinated<br />
residents and library staff will be<br />
available over thephoneand by email.<br />
‘‘Butthe pools are alittle bit different.’’<br />
Cr KirstynBarnettsupported the<br />
motion, but expressed concerns that<br />
childrencould be excluded due to their<br />
parents’ vaccinationstatus.<br />
‘‘Thereare some under12s who will<br />
miss outbecause their parents aren’t<br />
vaccinatedand they needtobe<br />
accompaniedbyanadult.’’<br />
DeputyMayor Neville Atkinson<br />
acknowledgedrequiring vaccinepasses<br />
forentrytopublic buildingsisabig<br />
decision.<br />
He said staffneeded to be sensitive in<br />
howtheyhandledsituations withgroup<br />
visits,asteenagers ‘‘can be pretty mean to<br />
each other sometimes’’.<br />
‘‘It’s reallyhard to do, but we are<br />
elected to make hard decisionsand this is<br />
one of thosesituations.<br />
‘‘Childrenare encouraged to visit<br />
libraries, but life can be cruel<br />
sometimes.’’<br />
Requirements forcouncil facilities:<br />
Vaccinepassesare required at all<br />
aquatic centres andlibraries, the Oxford<br />
and Kaiapoi Service Centres, the<br />
Rangiora Town Hall, MainPower<br />
Stadium,Kaiapoi Community Centreand<br />
Woodend Community Centre.<br />
Vaccinepassesare notrequired at the<br />
Rangiora Service Centreand thetransfer<br />
stations.<br />
Vaccinepassesare notrequired at<br />
council,committeeand community board<br />
meetings, butthere are capacity limits.<br />
One metredistancing, contacttracing<br />
and masks arerequiredatall venues.<br />
PublicEvents (indoor and outdoor):no<br />
limitsifvaccine passesare required for<br />
those 12years and older.<br />
If vaccinepasses are notrequired,a<br />
maximumof50people are allowed.<br />
Road programme set to end year ahead of schedule<br />
Kaikoura’s roading programme is ‘‘going<br />
great guns’’,MayorCraig Mackle says.<br />
Mr Macklewas hailing the hard work of<br />
staff and councilcontractors, with the<br />
council’s roadingprogrammeset to end<br />
the year ahead of schedule.<br />
‘‘It’s goingreally well. We are ahead of<br />
our work programmewhich is good,<br />
becauseour main driver this year was<br />
roads and footpaths.<br />
Around $1 million has been spend so far.<br />
Roading was abig ticket item in this<br />
year’s KaikouraLong Term Plan, with the<br />
council set to spend$4.7 million over the<br />
next six years to upgradethe district’s<br />
roadingnetwork.<br />
Urban footpaths are set to receive a<br />
boost from next year, with an extra<br />
$100,000 per year to be spent in abid to<br />
overcome years of under investment.<br />
Contractor Downer NZ Ltd has been<br />
working on the road resealingprogramme,<br />
with Ludstone Road and Red Swamp<br />
Road the only remaining roads to be<br />
resealed this year.<br />
These works have resultedinmore than<br />
11km of chipsealedroads being resealed.<br />
Around8km of second coat sealing was<br />
completedonSchoolhouse Road and Mill<br />
Roadtocomplete remediation works.<br />
Theresealing of roads is critical to<br />
protecting the road surface and<br />
underlyingformation, as the chip seal<br />
becomes brittle over time and results in<br />
increased maintenance costs due to<br />
cracking and potholing, Mr Mackle says.<br />
The skid resistance of the surface is also<br />
reduced due to wear and polishing /<br />
smoothness of the rock chip,soresealing<br />
improves road safety.<br />
Downers will be workingonasection of<br />
Red Swamp Road, from Mill Road south<br />
until <strong>December</strong> 23. The work involves<br />
overlaying and sealing the road and will<br />
occur during Monday to Fridaybetween<br />
6.30am and 6.30pm. The road will be<br />
closed during construction,but residents<br />
will still have access.
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
25<br />
Third time lucky for Amberley’sRock‘n’Wheels<br />
It was acase of thirdtime lucky<br />
for the organisers of Amberley’s<br />
Rock‘n’Wheels.<br />
The annual car show,which is<br />
usually held everyFather’s Day,<br />
on the firstSundayin<br />
September, was cancelleddue to<br />
Covid 19 lockdown restrictions<br />
lastyear and againthis year.<br />
But it went ahead at the<br />
Amberley Domain last Sunday<br />
and attracted agoodsized crowd<br />
despite showery weather at<br />
times duringthe day.<br />
The eventisorganisedasa<br />
fundraiser by Katrina Plattand<br />
her familywith all money raised<br />
on the day going backinto the<br />
Hurunuicommunity.<br />
Anything with wheels was<br />
welcome to take part at the<br />
familyfriendly community event<br />
and that policy deliveredawide<br />
range of vehicles for the show.<br />
‘‘Ifithas wheelsand you love it<br />
bring it along Katrina said,’’<br />
beforethe event.<br />
Vehicle numberswere down<br />
on the recordnumber of 450 at<br />
the 2019 event,but there were<br />
many standoutsonshow.<br />
These included MaxineRead’s<br />
teal and white 1953 Morris Minor<br />
in mint condition, Alistair Lobb’s<br />
tiny 1957 BMW Isetta, Jeff<br />
Walker’s 1951 Aston Martin<br />
Lagonda.<br />
Wayne Painterbrought alonga<br />
HoldenCommodore VL he<br />
rebuilt in memory of his brother<br />
Carl, who died last year, while a<br />
1958 Chevrolet Corvette and<br />
selection of stunning pedal cars<br />
built by Stu Scott, of Rangiora,<br />
were also on show.<br />
Wee charmer ... Maxine Read, of<br />
Christchurch, drove her 1953<br />
Morris Minor to the annual<br />
Rock‘n’Wheels car show held at the<br />
Amberley Domain on Sunday.<br />
Team work ... Katrina Platt (second from right) and her daughters Lisa Smart (far left), Tania Robinson,<br />
holding Lisa’s 8monthold son Jaxon, and Vikki Whyte were the organisers of the Rock’n’ Wheels car show.<br />
Tight fit ... Alistair Lobb in his 1957 BMW Isetta.<br />
Star attraction ... A1958 Chevrolet Corvette was one of the most popular cars at Rock’n’Wheels.<br />
Standing out from the crowd ... A<strong>2021</strong> LVV (low volume vehicle certified) Replica 32 Ford Roadster.<br />
Pedal power ... A1929 Blower Bentley replica pedal car built by Stu<br />
Scott, of Rangiora, for arelative Lindsay Wilson.
NEWS<br />
26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Lego first for Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> schools have<br />
put their problem solving skills to<br />
the test.<br />
Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> School hosted<br />
the first ever South Island First<br />
Lego League Championships on<br />
Saturday, <strong>December</strong> 3, with local<br />
schools among the winners.<br />
Teacher and organiser Brayden<br />
Johnson, aFirst New Zealand<br />
Southern partner, says organising<br />
the event was achallenge in the<br />
Covid19 environment.<br />
But 14 teams and 98 pupils from<br />
10 schools from throughout the<br />
South Island made it to Kaiapoi<br />
for the big day and 25 ‘‘fantastic<br />
volunteers’’ made it all possible.<br />
First Lego League is astudentled<br />
task to earn points, with extra<br />
points awarded to pupils who<br />
drive their own learning, Mr<br />
Johnson says.<br />
‘‘First Lego League is a<br />
competition that combines coding<br />
skills with inquiry and reallife<br />
problemsolving projects.’’<br />
‘‘For the <strong>2021</strong>/2022 season,<br />
teams were given the problem of<br />
cargo and were asked to design a<br />
solution to solve an issue in this<br />
area.<br />
‘‘To do this teams needed to talk<br />
to experts in their fields to make<br />
sure that their problems were<br />
actually able to be solved by their<br />
solutions.’’<br />
The teams create a<br />
presentation and gave speeches<br />
to judges to show their learning.<br />
The second part of the<br />
competition has students using<br />
Lego EV3 or Spark Prime robots<br />
and coding them to complete<br />
cargobased challenges on the<br />
board.<br />
This can include unloading a<br />
Testing ground ... Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> School pupils get excited while testing<br />
out one of their projects.<br />
cargo plane, moving acrane,<br />
moving cargo from point to point<br />
and creating ahelicopter drop.<br />
Mr Johnson says <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> schools made up<br />
around onethird of the teams in<br />
the competition and came away<br />
with most of the awards.<br />
The Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> Tech<br />
Knights took out overall honours,<br />
with the Kaiapoi Borough Orange<br />
Oranges placed second overall.<br />
The Pegasus Parallelograms<br />
won the ‘‘rising star’’ award, while<br />
the Pegasus Podz won the<br />
innovation project award and the<br />
Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> Tech Vengers won<br />
the judges’ award.<br />
The competition is set to be<br />
held again in 2022.<br />
Runnersup ... The Kaiapoi<br />
Borough Orange Oranges were<br />
thrilled with second place.<br />
Community support ... Southbrook School has an exciting<br />
new outdoor space thanks to community support. PHOTO: SUPPLIED<br />
Contractor gives to<br />
school community<br />
Southbrook School’s<br />
Environment and Fruit<br />
Forestscheme has been<br />
given afinancial boost.<br />
The Lionesses Club of<br />
Rangiora has presented<br />
$1443 to principalJulie<br />
Walls,tohelp fund aproject<br />
by SiconBlakely Contractors<br />
as part of agiving to the<br />
community scheme.<br />
The Lionesses Club,on<br />
behalfofthe school,<br />
submitted the proposal to<br />
Sicon to supportthe<br />
Environment and Fruit<br />
Forest scheme in the school<br />
grounds.<br />
The project involved<br />
creatingnew paths,<br />
upgrading the vegetable<br />
garden, improving the<br />
Nature Playarea, alongwith<br />
repositioning and cementing<br />
the play tyres to make them<br />
safe and friendly for the<br />
children.<br />
The funds were raised by a<br />
quiz afternoon run by the<br />
Lionesses Club.<br />
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2438975<br />
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Wishing all our clients a<br />
merry &joyful christmas<br />
Wishing all our clients asafe<br />
and happy festive season.<br />
Thank you for your support!<br />
The freight truck will be on holiday<br />
from 22 nd <strong>December</strong> till<br />
10 th January2022<br />
Phone: Mel 0274 517 063 (Freight)<br />
Fairview Concepts Limited<br />
26 Belfast Road, Belfast, Christchurch<br />
03 323 8887 or 0800 Best Windows<br /><br /><br />
from<br />
Close 23 rd <strong>December</strong>, re-open 17 th January<br />
2438804<br />
56 St Leonards Rd, Culverden<br />
Ph 03 315 3033<br />
Livestock<br />
Fertiliser<br /><br />
Locally<br />
owned & Gary Carr 021 134 8514<br />
operated A/H 3148157<br />
Email<br />
2339210<br />
2439317<br />
0274 321 581 (Bus)<br />
03 314 4565 (H)<br />
We look after your needs like we look after our own!<br />
MattDoocey<br />
MP forWaimakariri<br />
From my family to yours,<br />
wishingyou aMerry<br />
Christmas andahappy<br />
NewYear<br /><br />
03 3107468<br />
Authorised by Matt Doocey,<br />
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.<br />
2439953<br />
We would liketothank all our<br />
loyal customers for their support<br />
during the year.<br />
Wishingeveryone aHappy<br />
Christmasand and safe New Year!<br />
19 Beach Road<br />
Kaikoura<br />
Ph: 03 319 5562<br />
E.<br /><br />
Open throughout the<br />
holidays.<br />
Only closedChristmas Day<br />
and NewYear’sDay<br />
Merry Christmas and<br />
HappyNew Year<br />
to all our customers<br />
9High Street, Rangiora,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> |03313 0447<br /><br />
by Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
Four generations of Frahms since 1957<br />
TheTeamatOxford<br />
Butcherywish everyone<br />
aMerryChristmas and a<br />
HappyNew Year!<br />
Thank youfor <strong>2021</strong><br />
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Ph 312-4205 AH 021269 1817<br />
Hours: Mon-Fri7am-5.30pm, Sat8am-12noon<br />
2440126<br />
Thank you to all over 65<br />
that asked Rob Driver,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painter<br />
to do painting work for<br />
them and received big<br />
labour discounts<br />
Merry Christmas and aHappy<br />
New Year to all my clients<br />
Available over the festive season<br />
Taking bookings<br />
for the New Year<br />
Robin Driver<br />
03 327 7899<br />
or<br />
027 432 3520<br />
2440305<br />
Burbidge Automotive<br />
Peter, Nikki, Scott, Tony,<br />
Simon &Jason wish<br />
everyone aMerry Christmas<br />
and aHappy New Year.<br />
Thank you for your patronage.<br />
Closed 5pm Thursday 23 r d <strong>December</strong><br />
and Reopens Monday 10 t h January<br />
325 Flaxton Road • Phone 03 313 3344<br />
2440304<br />
General Farm Maintenence -Dairy Conversions<br />
-Effluent Pond Construction<br />
• Excavators -5x23 Tonne tracked excavators<br />
&2x14tonne wheeled excavators<br />
• Sakai 7tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />
&14tonne construction roller<br />
• On site screening of shingle products<br />
• 3x Graders<br />
• Transporter -permitted 47 tonne<br />
• Trucks<br />
• Komatsu D65 Bulldozerfor Pipelaying,<br />
Tracking and Land Clearing.<br />
• Cat615 Scraper<br />
2440263<br />
Shane Dwyer<br />
Ph 0274 661 025<br />
Wishing all our<br />
clients aMerry<br />
Christmas<br />
Blue Lewis<br />
Ph 0275 258 358<br />
Wishes everyone a<br />
Merry Christmas and a<br />
Happy New Year<br />
Thank you for your<br />
loyalty in <strong>2021</strong><br />
Closed from<br />
25 th <strong>December</strong> until<br />
5 th January<br />
96 Williams St,<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Ph 327 8155<br /><br />
2440568<br />
Window<br />
MarketPlace<br />
Ross & Staff wish<br />
everyone a Merry<br />
Christmas & a<br />
Happy 2022<br />
Closed from<br />
23 rd <strong>December</strong><br />
to 10 th January<br />
215 Waltham Road, Sydenham<br />
Phone(03) (03)379-6159379-6159<br /><br /><br />
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After Hours<br />
Service Available<br />
Phone 03 313 6361<br />
0275 200 711<br />
307 Flaxton Road, RANGIORA<br /><br />
2440742<br />
Book in now for:<br />
• Round baling<br />
with aFusion baler<br />
• Medium square baling<br />
with on-board weight<br />
system &moisture meter<br />
• Vraking included<br />
• Wrapping to suit your<br />
requirements<br />
We wish our clients asafeand happy Christmas and<br />
ask the public to be safe on the roads especially<br />
around agricultural machinery.<br />
Pankhurst<br />
Contracting Ltd<br />
Phone 314-3595<br />
David 0274 337 004 Ben 0276 775 882<br />
2339211<br />
2441111<br />
Amberley<br />
Des &Liz Hahn would<br />
like to thank all our<br />
customers, both past &<br />
future, we look forward<br />
to supplying firewood to<br />
you for next winter.<br />
Wishing everyone a<br />
Merry Christmas &<br />
Happy New Year<br />
0274 438 462<br />
2441002<br />
Wishes everyone<br />
aMerry Christmas<br />
and aHappy<br />
New Year<br />
Closed Stats only<br />
48 Church Street, Rangiora<br />
Phone (03) 313 5675<br /><br />
244<strong>16</strong>04<br />
Best Brands<br />
-Best Prices<br />
5Star Service<br />
Wishing all our<br />
customers aHappy<br />
Christmas and Safe<br />
New Year<br />
Rotation /<br />
Balance and<br />
Wheel Alignments<br />
from $89*<br />
*Bookings recommended, ts&cs apply.<br />
346a Flaxton Road<br />
Phone 03 310 6666<br />
0800 226 324 for 24/7 Service<br />
2441142<br />
Thank you from the<br />
team at Kaiapoi<br />
Collision Centre for<br />
your continued<br />
support in <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
We look forward to<br />
being of assistance<br />
to you in 2022.<br />
Closed 23 rd <strong>December</strong><br />
and reopening<br />
10 th January<br />
We can do any<br />
insurance<br />
or private work.<br />
Your Vehicle,<br />
Your Choice of Repairer<br />
Like us on Facebook<br />
191E 1 1E Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi.<br />
Ph/Fax (03) 327-7143 •Open 8.00am -<br />
5.30pm 5 p Mon -Fri &Sat by appointment<br />
Fast, Friendly, and Affordable pest<br />
control around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Spiders, Ants, Flies, Wasps, Silverfish<br />
We wish<br />
everyone health,<br />
happiness and<br />
prosperity this<br />
Christmas and<br />
during 2022<br />
2441782<br />
Call for a FREE QUOTE<br />
0800 667 778<br /><br />
136 Courtney Drive, Kaiapoi<br />
03 327 4599/021 322 892<br />
The team wishes everyone<br />
aMerry Christmas and<br />
aHappy New Year<br />
Thank you for your patronage<br />
Closing 23 rd <strong>December</strong> and<br />
reopening 10 th January<br />
244<strong>16</strong>98<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong>!<br />
Allan A Pethig &Staff<br />
wish everyone a<br />
Merry M Christmas and<br />
aHappy a New Year<br />
Closing C 24th <strong>December</strong><br />
to o the 10th January<br />
y<br />
For emergencies please phone<br />
Phone 03 313 7144<br />
027 432 1534<br /><br />
PO Box 69, Rangiora<br /><br />
2441891<br />
Gavin, Bec, Tim, Jackson,<br />
Dick and Calum wish<br />
everyone aMerrya Christmas<br />
and aHappy New Year.<br />
Closed 3pm Thursday 23 rd <strong>December</strong><br />
and reopen 5 th January<br />
183 Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Ph: 327 8780<br /><br />
Closed 24 th<br />
<strong>December</strong> and<br />
Reopens17 th<br />
January2022<br />
Shona Ayres<br />
NZSA,<br />
I.T.E.C. London<br />
Shona would like to thank<br />
clients fortheir valued custom<br />
andwishesthem aMerry<br />
Christmas &aHappy NewYear!<br />
Gift<br />
Vouchers<br />
Available<br />
Ph 327 7176 •021 0315604<br />•<br />
2Crampton Close, Kaiapoi<br />
Member of theBeautyTherapyAssociation<br />
2441892<br />
Management and<br />
Staff wish everyone a<br />
Merry Christmas and<br />
a Happy New Year<br />
2442679<br />
Closed 12 noon 23 rd <strong>December</strong> and<br />
reopens 10 th January, 8am<br />
03 3127703<br />
56 Main <strong>North</strong>Road,Woodend<br /><br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for over 25yrs!<br />
•Sales, Servicing &Parts<br />
•All Makes &Models<br />
•Qualified Motorcycle<br />
Engineers<br />
•Electrical &Mechanical<br />
faulttesting<br />
•Quality 2nd Hand Bikes<br />
&UTV’s<br />
•Repairs &Dismantling<br />
•Insurance Repairs<br />
2443073<br />
Wishing everyone aHappy and Safe<br />
Christmas and New Year<br />
<strong>16</strong>3 Stokes Road, Balcairn<br />
Ph (03) 312 9844 or 027 205 5724 (AH)<br /><br /><br />
Thank you to all our customers and<br />
suppliers. It has been another busy year!<br />
Your support is greatly appreciated, and we<br />
wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and<br />
a busy and prosperous New Year.<br />
Please note we will be Closed Friday 24 th<br />
<strong>December</strong> and Reopen Wednesday 5 th January<br />
at 8am when normal sales resume.<br />
Mon to Fri 8am –6pm Phone (03) 327 5127<br />
Sat 8.30am 12 noon Mobile 027 686 1922<br />
Closed Sundays and<br />
Public Holidays<br />
143 Neeves Rd, Clarkville, Kaiapoi RD1<br />
2 4 4 2 6 8 7<br />
BloomfieldCourt<br />
Retirement Home<br />
From our home to yours<br />
may your Christmas<br />
sparkle with moments<br />
of love, laughter &<br />
goodwill &may the<br />
year ahead be full of<br />
contentment&joy<br />
134 Rangiora-Woodend Road,Woodend<br />
Forfurther information phone Lyn-Nurse Manager 03 312 7088<br />
Email:<br />
2443784<br />
Thank youfor all your<br />
continued support, and may<br />
youhaveaMerry Christmas<br />
and Happy NewYear<br />
Year-round Beer Garden for<br />
indoor-outdoor dining or functions<br />
Bottle Store•Takeaways •Full Selection of Beers<br />
Enjoythe relaxed family atmosphereat:<br />
573 Upper Sefton Road.<br />
Phone 312-9851<br />
2343021<br />
AM305<br />
600m 2 working area -55m 2 /h cutting capacity<br />
Maxincline 40% (22º)<br />
AM315X<br />
<strong>16</strong>00m 2 Working Area -73m 2 /h Cutting Capacity<br />
MaxIncline 40% (22º)<br />
Wishing everyoneaMerry<br />
Christmas and aSafeand<br />
HappyNew Year<br />
5YEAR<br />
$<br />
2,549 RRP<br />
5YEAR<br />
$<br />
3,979 RRP<br />
AM310<br />
1000m 2 Working Area -56m 2 /h Cutting Capacity<br />
MaxIncline 40% (22º)<br />
<br />
275FlaxtonRoad,<br />
Southbrook<br />
Ph:313 6640<br /><br />
5YEAR<br />
$<br />
3,079 RRP<br />
Prices refer tounits only.Installation kits sold separately.Installationcosts apply.<br />
Your LocalHusqvarna Dealer<br />
*Offer valid 01/09/21<br />
-31/01/22 with all<br />
Husqvarna Automower®<br />
models, while stocks<br />
last at participating Elite<br />
Automower® Dealers<br />
only.Free Cleaning and<br />
Maintenance Kit valued<br />
at $65. T&Cs apply to<br />
Husqvarna Care, refer<br /> for<br />
details.<br />
# Terms and Conditions apply,see HUSQVARNA.COM fordetails.<br />
2442582<br />
2441889<br />
Merry<br />
Christmas and<br />
aProsperous<br />
New Year to you!<br />
from the Team<br />
Our office will be closed<br />
from 5pm Wednesday<br />
22 nd <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Re-opening 8.30am<br />
Monday 17 th January 2022<br />
Thank you for your<br />
Rangiora Promotions wishes you all avery Merry Christmas<br />
&aHappy New Year! May the Festive Season fill your home<br />
with joy, your heart with love and your life with laughter
Brand Mowers and Chainsaws<br />
manager retiring after 21 years<br />
Brand Mowers and Chainsaws manager,<br />
Gavin McClung is retiring this month.<br />
Gav has been managing the shop for<br />
the two years since the Brand family<br />
took over the business and the previous<br />
19 years for Malcolm Mead when<br />
the business was Mead Mowers and<br />
Chainsaws.<br />
‘‘We wish him well in retirement and<br />
hope he gets all the things done that<br />
work usually gets in the way of,’’ owner<br />
Tony Brand says.<br />
Steven Hunt will be the manager of<br />
the business when Gav finishes.<br />
‘‘Steve has been the workshop<br />
manager for the last 10 years,’’ Tony<br />
says.<br />
Brand Mowers and Chainsaws,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Husqvarna Crown<br />
dealer, inSouthbrook, Rangiora, has<br />
an extensive range of tractor, rideon,<br />
push and auto mowers, along<br />
with chainsaws, hedge trimmers,<br />
and weed eaters, to meet the needs<br />
of homeowners, landowners and<br />
commercial clients.<br />
Brand is also the agent for Masport<br />
and Karcher machinery, including<br />
industrial water blasters.<br />
The Husqvarna products come with<br />
afive-year warranty on all petrolpowered<br />
machines (conditions apply).<br />
Mower stock at Brand Mowers and<br />
Chainsaws includes robotic and battery<br />
Summer is here -give Brett<br />
acall to discuss your interior<br />
and exterior needs<br />
Day Bros<br />
Painters and Plasterers rs are<br />
able to<br />
handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with<br />
two different trades!<br />
We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong>wide.<br />
Residential and commercial<br />
properties.<br />
We specialise in: painting<br />
plastering roof spraying<br />
specialised coating system<br />
airless spraying water blasting<br />
Local, family owned business who has been in business<br />
for over 30 years. Members of master painters.<br />
Please contact Brett on 0275 340 878<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2387068e<br />
mowers.<br />
The growth in the demand for robotic<br />
mowers is steadily increasing.<br />
It doesn’t matter if your lawn is small<br />
or large, flat, or sloping, arobotic<br />
lawn mower can take care of them,<br />
cleanly and safely, particularly in steep<br />
country.<br />
There are seven mowers in the robotic<br />
range which are designed to cater for<br />
600 square metre sections through to<br />
5000sqm.<br />
‘‘We also have an all-wheel<br />
drive one for steep<br />
country, through to a<br />
large commercial<br />
model for those<br />
big contracting<br />
jobs,’’ Tony<br />
says.<br />
Customers<br />
are advised<br />
to come<br />
into Brand<br />
Mowers<br />
to discuss<br />
their needs,<br />
as amower is<br />
probably one<br />
of the most used<br />
pieces of power<br />
equipment they will<br />
buy.<br />
‘‘We have two acres of<br />
Need aQuality Builder in Kaikoura, Hanmer<br />
&Hurunui? Full Builds, Extensions and Repairs<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
We have offices based in Rotherham and Kaikoura.<br />
2325750v2<br />
Outdoor<br />
Residential and Commercial<br />
Installation, Repairs, Maintenance &Alterations<br />
Services we offer for all door types:<br />
New Garage doors: Sectional, Roller,Tilt &<br />
Cedar<br />
Partsand Maintenance<br />
Door Upgrades<br />
Supply and install automatic door openers for<br />
sectional tilt &roller doors<br />
Phone 027 207 6128 |03310 6577<br /><br /><br />
2257749v1<br />
Jobs Large and Small<br />
We are happy to help!<br />
Living<br />
Contact ustoday for a<br />
quote or to discuss<br />
your next project<br />
BGBeaven Builders<br />
03 315 6346<br /><br /><br />
2386035a<br />
grass opposite<br />
the shop where<br />
customers can<br />
have agoon<br />
different<br />
mowers as well as<br />
being able to demo<br />
machines on the customer’s<br />
property.’’<br />
See your<br />
experts<br />
in Rangiora!<br />
Gardens <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
PLUS<br />
We Install &Service<br />
Everything We Sell!<br />
Landscaping<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Free Quotes<br />
Phone 027 537 2733<br />
or 03 327 6850<br /><br />
Retirement calling. ..The staff and management at Brand<br />
Mowers and Chainsaws celebrated Gavin McClung’s<br />
upcoming retirement.<br /><br />
03 313 0408<br />
308 Flaxton Rd,<br />
Rangiora<br />
2325172v1<br />
Brand Mowers is closing for<br />
Christmas on <strong>December</strong> 24 and<br />
reopening on January 5.<br />
Youcan contact them at<br />, on their Facebook<br />
page or by phoning (03) 313 6640 or<br />
email<br />
We wish everyone aMerry Xmas and<br />
Happy New Year.<br />
TS138<br />
Husqvarna SeriesEngine -14.7hp-38"Cutting Width<br />
*<br />
Offervalid 01/09/21-31/01/22 at participating Husqvarna Dealers, only while stocks last.<br />
$<br />
3,735 referstomodel TS138.<br />
Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer:<br />
#<br />
Terms and Conditions apply,see HUSQVARNA.COM fordetails.<br />
Ph.313 6640<br />
275 Flaxton Rd,<br />
Southbrook<br /><br />
LAWN<br />
FROM<br />
$<br />
4, ,449 *<br />
It’s Summer!<br />
Maximise your<br />
water usage &<br />
reduce wastage<br />
by watering<br />
your garden in<br />
the evening<br />
-water restrictions may<br />
apply socheck with your<br />
local council<br />
Our readership has grown,<br />
nowthere’s 51,000<br />
reasonstoadvertise withus!<br />
<strong>2021</strong> Nielsen Readership Survey —<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong>vs<strong>North</strong>ern Outlook<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
50,000<br />
51,000<br />
Readers<br />
every<br />
issue<br />
25,000<br />
0<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern<br />
Outlook<br />
<strong>2021</strong><br />
Did not survey<br />
Thelatest <strong>2021</strong> Nielsen report<br />
is out and it shows that The<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong>isthe<br />
best read newspaper in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>for all people 15+.<br />
Thegraph attached shows<br />
average issue readership 15+<br />
on atypical week<br />
With our proven51,000 readers every issue —grow<br />
more customers, sales and profits for your business,<br />
call us now for afree advertising consult.<br />
Here’s whatour customers have to say:<br />
Advertising couldn’t be easier with the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, with awell laid out plan in<br />
place atthe start of the year along with flexibility<br />
of being able to be change ads at short notice.<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> has well prepared ads<br />
and great coverage around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Craig Schroder,<br />
General Manager, Arthur BurkeLtd<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport &Recreation Trust<br />
relies on NC <strong>News</strong> to get our message out across the<br />
whole region. NC <strong>News</strong> has the best in local grass<br />
roots content that captures the readers we want to<br />
keep inform about our Fitness Centres and the many<br />
programmes and events werun to support the health<br />
and wellbeing of everyone in our community.<br />
Tony Kean,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sport &Recreation Trust<br />
Phone - 03 314 8335<br />
Email -<br />
Office-14 Ashley Street,Rangiora<br /><br /><br />
*Source: <strong>2021</strong> Nielsen Readership Survey—<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong>vs<strong>North</strong>ern Outlook averagereadership each issue<br />
*Source: Nielsen readership survey Q3 2020 –Q2<strong>2021</strong> all people 15+
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Oxman draws competitors to local farm<br />
33<br />
Thepopularity of Oxman keeps growing<br />
with thenumberofparticipantstaking<br />
part in last Sunday’sevent 25 percent<br />
up on lastyear.<br />
‘‘It was quite abig jump, especially<br />
considering thefact that we lost agood<br />
10%to15% of participants whowere<br />
unable to competebecausethey were<br />
notvaccinated,’’said the Oxman<br />
organiser John <strong>News</strong>om.<br />
Theannual seriesofOxmantriathlon<br />
andduathlonevents start andfinish at<br />
Geoff andRochelle Spark’s farmon<br />
South EyreRoad, near Oxford.<br />
Oxman,whichbegan in 2019, has<br />
become apopularcommunity event<br />
with participants of all ages andfitness<br />
levels takingpart not justelite<br />
athletes.<br />
Theeventwas initially established to<br />
trytoencouragelocal farmersto<br />
participate to help with high rates of onfarm<br />
depression and it has proved an<br />
effectivetoolfor that.<br />
Theyoungestcompetitorinlast<br />
Sunday’seventwas 5years andthe<br />
oldest 80.<br />
It has also become asignificant<br />
fundraiser for the district withthe<br />
Oxfordand DistrictLionsClubrunning<br />
afoodtruckatthe event and parents<br />
from localschools volunteering for<br />
marshallingduties on the day.<br />
Firstplacedresults:<br />
Oxman FullTriathlon<br />
JaredMillar (first male)<br />
RebeccaClarke (first female)<br />
Oxman FullDuathlon<br />
SamManson (first male)<br />
LindyMillar (first female)<br />
Oxman FullAquabike<br />
Michael Crowe(firstmale)<br />
MichaelaRogan (firstfemale)<br />
Mini OxmanTriathlon<br />
Saxon Morgan (first male)<br />
Andrea Hewitt (first female)<br />
Mixedteams: Bunch of Souls (first<br />
finisher).<br />
Mini Oxman Duathlon<br />
SamAnderson (firstmale)<br />
FionaDowling (first female)<br />
Mini OxmanAquabike<br />
Rainer Pye(first male)<br />
HannahWilson (first female)<br />
JuniorOxmanTriathlon<br />
Olli Aitken(first male)<br />
Charlotte Chiles(firstfemale)<br />
JuniorOxmanDuathlon<br />
SebastianGray(firstmale)<br />
Abigail Junge (first female)<br />
Ox Run<br />
Michael Matthews(firstmale)<br />
Caren McKay (firstfemale)<br />
Ox Dash<br />
Finlay Sharpe (firstmale)<br />
KimSitjes (firstfemale)<br />
Ox Kids (89years)<br />
Thomas Wu (first male)<br />
ChloeSpencerBower (first female)<br />
Ox Kids (57)<br />
Grayson Bishop (first male)<br />
Louise Harrington (first female)<br />
Junior Oxman competitors ... Winner Olli Aitken (14, left) and runnerup Josh Young (<strong>16</strong>)<br />
enjoy the moment after the finish of the Junior Oxman Triathlon.<br />
Happy day ... Competitors head out of the irrigation lake during the Oxman longcourse triathlon.<br />
Mother and son ... Junior Oxman competitor Darragh Lynch (13, left)<br />
and his mum Mary Lynch, of Fernside, take amoment before the start of<br />
the race at Geoff and Rochelle Spark's farm on South Eyre Road, at<br />
Eyrewell near Oxford on Sunday.<br />
Food truck offerings ... Oxford and District Lions Club members Paul<br />
Black (left), of Swannanoa, and Wayne Youngman, of Oxford, cook some<br />
food during Oxman.<br />
Proud Dad ... Pete Chiles (right), of Christchurch, congratulates his daughter Charlotte (13), who was the first<br />
girl home in the Junior Oxman Triathlon.
FOR LESS<br />
SUPER<br />
Available in<br />
Green<br />
Blue<br />
Grey<br />
FROM<br />
$<br />
519<br />
Iris Sofa<br />
3Seater $999 $919<br />
2Seater $819 $759<br />
1Seater $559 $519<br />
SUPER<br />
Sumata<br />
Fabric<br />
Headboard<br />
SUPER<br />
Fen<br />
IN-STOCK<br />
Lacando<br />
Collection<br />
Queen $479 $449<br />
King $489 $459<br />
California King $589 $539<br />
Bedside $259 $239<br />
5Draw Tall Boy $779 $719<br />
3Seater $1089 $999<br />
2Seater $779 $719<br />
Sofa Bed $1539 $1419<br />
Charcoal<br />
Black PU<br />
SUPER<br />
Available in<br />
Black, Cognac,<br />
Grey<br />
Hansel<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
SUPER<br />
SUPER<br />
SUPER<br />
Available in<br />
Black,Natural,<br />
Walnut, Oak<br />
Kaiwaka<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
Available<br />
Deep<br />
Oak,<br />
White<br />
VIlla<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
Available in Cognac,<br />
Dark Brown,<br />
Grey<br />
Hans<br />
Barstool<br />
Dawn<br />
Collection<br />
WAS $219<br />
$<br />
199<br />
WAS $269<br />
$<br />
249<br />
WAS $189<br />
$<br />
<strong>16</strong>9<br />
WAS $209<br />
$<br />
199<br />
TV unit $929 From $839<br />
Cabinet $839 From $759<br />
Bedside $299 From $259<br />
SUPER<br />
Willis Chaise Outdoor Set<br />
ER<br />
Raglan<br />
Egg<br />
Chair<br />
SUPER<br />
Available in:<br />
Chocolate,<br />
Black, White<br />
500<br />
DAYS<br />
Piha Extension<br />
Outdoor Table BlackorWhite<br />
Marley<br />
Outdoor<br />
Dining Cha air<br />
Gunmetal &<br />
White<br />
WA S $ 219 9<br />
$<br />
1799<br />
WAS $699<br />
$<br />
649<br />
Lending criteria, $50Annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Csapply. Standard Interest Rate<br />
(currently 25.99%p.a.) applies to anyoutstanding balanceatend of interest free period.<br />
Offer ends 20<strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Min spend and exclusions may apply, $55Establishment Fee or<br />
$35Advance Fee applies toLong Term Finance Purchases.<br />
WAS $1899<br />
$<br />
1749<br />
W207-267 x<br />
D105 xH74 CM<br />
WAS $179<br />
$<br />
149<br />
FREE<br />
BATH ST<br />
WE ARE<br />
HERE<br />
MON-FRI9:30AM–5:30PM<br />
SAT-SUN 10AM–5:30PM<br />
0800 268 264<br />
500DaysInterest free terms: In-storeonlypurchases $499 &over. Ends 31 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Exclusionsmay<br />
apply.Lending criteria, $50AnnualAccount Fee, fees, Ts&Csapply.StandardInterest Rate (currently25.99%<br />
p.a.) applies to anyoutstanding balanceatend ofinterest free period.$55 EstablishmentFee or $35Advance<br />
Feeapplies to Long Term FinancePurchases. See in-storefor full T&C’s
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
35<br />
Golden OldiesCountry Music<br />
Join Smokey &Lorraine&their groupof<br />
musicians, entertainers&followers for a<br />
Pre Christmas SingSong, on Saturday<br />
<strong>December</strong> 18th from 2pm, in the John<br />
Knox Centre, cornerofHigh &King<br />
Streets Rangiora. Arelaxing afternoon of<br />
Christmas &Oldtime songs&music<br />
alongwith audience participation.Covid<br />
rulesatdoor apply,&Vaccine Pass must<br />
be shown at door for entry Admission $4<br />
whichincludeslight afternoontea For<br />
otherdetails contactLorraine(03)<br />
3273231.<br />
Big Dig postponed<br />
The Big Dig, the annual Amberley Lions<br />
Club eventfor children, has been<br />
postponed from <strong>December</strong> 27 due to<br />
Covid19. The club hopes to set anew<br />
date when the SouthIsland movesto<br />
greenunderthe new traffic lightCovid<br />
settings.<br />
Christmas PicnicTour<br />
The <strong>2021</strong> 8th annualChristmas Picnic<br />
Tour, originallyscheduled for this<br />
coming Sunday, <strong>December</strong> 5, has now<br />
beenpostponed until Sunday,<strong>December</strong><br />
19. The laterdate willallow peopleto<br />
obtain their vaccinationcertificates for<br />
those thatmay have not had the time to<br />
obtain thembeforethe original dateof<br />
the 5th of <strong>December</strong>.All details will<br />
remain the same as previously notified<br />
in regardstothe event. Avaccination<br />
certificateWILL have to be shown if<br />
asked for @the BetterHalf Kitchen and<br />
Bar,inlinewith the new Covid 19 rules<br />
implemented by the Government. Afinal<br />
reminder aboutthe event will be sent out<br />
on the 15th or <strong>16</strong>thof<strong>December</strong>.<br />
AmberleyBeachSurfcasting<br />
Competition<br />
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the<br />
Amberley District Lions has made the<br />
decision to postpone the upcoming<br />
competition,whichwas due to be held on<br />
January 30, until furthernotice.The<br />
decision willbereviewed in February.<br />
Council praises recycling<br />
Waimakariri’s recycling effortshave<br />
improved.<br />
For the first time in 18 months, all<br />
kerbside recycling from Waimakariri was<br />
accepted for processing at the central<br />
processing facility during October.<br />
Eco Centralprocesses recycling for<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s councils and rejects anyloads<br />
that contain greater than 10 percent<br />
contamination.<br />
Contamination usually consistsof<br />
unrecyclable items such as soft plastics,<br />
nappies and general rubbish.<br />
Last month was the first since April2020<br />
that all of Waimakariri’s kerbside recycling<br />
fell under that contamination threshold.<br />
‘‘Thisisasignificant milestone for us,’’<br />
says Waimakariri District Council solid<br />
waste asset manager Kitty Waghorn.<br />
‘‘A huge thankstoour residents for doing<br />
the right thing with their recycling, and<br />
continuing to improve since leaving Alert<br />
Level 4this year.’’<br />
Ms Waghornsays October’s random truck<br />
audits at Eco Central showed<br />
contamination levels below 5%, with an<br />
average of 3.5% over three separate audits.<br />
‘‘Thisisahugeimprovement over the<br />
7.2% average from August, which included<br />
one rejectedload,’’ she says.<br />
Waipara Downs Chardonnay ... David DouglasClifford (left) and Scott Berry toast to their<br />
success.<br />
Small vineyard wins big<br />
Asmall Waipara Vineyard is quietly<br />
making abig impact.<br />
Waipara Downs has won gold on the<br />
threeoccasionsithas entered the Japan<br />
Wine Challenge, with its Chardonnay from<br />
vinesgrown on free draining limestone rich<br />
soil,just north westofthe Waipara<br />
township nearthe Waipara River.<br />
Its latestGold was awarded in recent<br />
weeksfor its 2019 Waipara Downs<br />
Chardonnay, whichwas also judgedBest<br />
New Zealand Wine at theChallenge.<br />
Scottand Sally Berry, are thrilled with<br />
the win, and are very proudoftheir young<br />
winemaker DavidDouglasClifford.<br />
‘‘It is fantastic,’’ says Sally. ‘‘Waipara is<br />
really starting to get recognisedfor the<br />
winesitproduces,’’ shesays.<br />
International judges award the medalsat<br />
the independent competition, which was<br />
established in 1997 withthe aim of<br />
demonstrating the potentialofthe<br />
Japanese winemarket to overseas wine<br />
bodies.<br />
Waipara Downs, which has been in the<br />
Berry Family for 35 years, with the first<br />
plantings of Chardonnayand Pinot Noir in<br />
1986, received its firstGoldmedal in 2005<br />
for its 2004 Waipara Downs Chardonnay. It<br />
followed thisupin2020 with Gold for its<br />
2018Chardonnay.<br />
Sally saysthey onlybottleChardonnay<br />
and PinotNoir wine from the 4ha block<br />
planted 35 years ago.<br />
Around 600 cases of Chardonnay are<br />
bottled each year from handpickedfruit,<br />
barrel fermented for 10 months in French<br />
Oak. ‘‘It is our premium wine,’’she says.<br />
Scott, Sallyand David work the 25ha<br />
vineyard, which produces over 2000 tonnes<br />
ayear. All but the harvest from the 4ha<br />
blockiscontracted out.
36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
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2272726<br />
Farmers selective at ram sales<br />
Meat breeds have dominated at ram<br />
salesaround<strong>Canterbury</strong> thisseason.<br />
Strong meat priceshave given<br />
farmers more confidence to buyrams,<br />
says PGG Wrightson genetics<br />
representative Simon Eddington.<br />
Suffolk and South Suffolk rams had<br />
aparticularly successful run,with the<br />
season’s top priceof$<strong>16</strong>,500 paidfor<br />
the Suffolk ram at the <strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P<br />
Association elite ram and ewe fair last<br />
month.<br />
‘‘Theonfarm sales have gonepretty<br />
well overall and clearances have been<br />
good,’’ Mr Eddington says.<br />
‘‘Farmers have been looking closely<br />
at the tone of the meat,with the good<br />
lamb prices giving them abit more<br />
confidence.<br />
‘‘The fine wool sheep have struggled<br />
abit and buyers have been very<br />
selective.’’<br />
Last week’s Glenaffric ram saleat<br />
Waipara saw SouthSuffolk rams sell<br />
well, while demand was down for<br />
Corriedale rams, Mr Eddington says.<br />
The Gums ram saleatCheviot on<br />
<strong>December</strong>2saw Dorset Down rams<br />
producing the better result, but there<br />
was plenty of interest in the dual<br />
purpose breeds,with farmers looking<br />
closely at the micronwool.<br />
‘‘Farmers cometoasale knowing<br />
exactly what they want.’’<br />
Mr Eddington says the combination<br />
of strong meatprices and favourable<br />
weatherconditions bode well for the<br />
ewe fairs, which begin with the<br />
Hawarden Ewe Fair on January 28.<br />
‘‘It looks like earlyNovember rather<br />
than mid<strong>December</strong>atthe moment,<br />
it’s still green and that gives farmers<br />
some confidence and choice to make<br />
decisions.<br />
‘‘The good oneswill have made<br />
decisions already, butatleast they’re<br />
not beingforced into it.<br />
‘‘There’s abit of confidence out<br />
there at the moment, so now it’s a<br />
matter of getting the ewe numbers up<br />
again.<br />
‘‘We just hope there’s enoughewes<br />
out there for the ewe fairs.’’<br />
Calls for new carbon farming policy<br />
LIVESTOCK -Class 2or4<br />
We are looking for an Apprentice Livestock driver to join<br />
our rural transport company. GVT is based in Waipara,<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> servicing local customers and<br />
travelling throughout the South Island. In return we will<br />
help you develop your skills and progress you through<br />
your truck licenses as your experience develops.<br />
Keycompetencies:<br />
•Must have a clean, full car license for at least<br />
6months (eligible to sit class 2L) Class 4or5would<br />
be beneficial.<br />
•Live in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
•Have some rural experience driving tractors and or<br />
animal handling<br />
•Training will be given to the successful applicant<br />
•Duties will be varied and will depend on the<br />
successful applicant’s experience<br />
If you are interested in this job please send acovering<br />
letter and your CV to<br />
2443050<br />
Farmers and environmentalists are<br />
joining forces to call for anew policy to<br />
better manage carbonfarming.<br />
Beef +Lamb New Zealand (BLNZ) is<br />
adding its support to the newly formed<br />
Native Forest Coalition, which has<br />
called for changes to the Emissions<br />
Trading Scheme (ETS).<br />
In its present form, the ETS is driving<br />
the largescale planting of exotic<br />
forests for carbon farming.<br />
The Native Forest Coalitionhas<br />
called for the prioritisation of native<br />
afforestation over offshore projects<br />
and the weaving of native forests into<br />
ruraland urban landscapes.<br />
The Native Forest Coalitionismade<br />
up of the EnvironmentalDefence<br />
Society, Pure Advantage, the Rod<br />
Donald Trust, the TindallFoundation,<br />
Project Crimson, Dame Anne Salmond<br />
and forestry consultant Dr Adam<br />
Forbes, who has workedwith farmers<br />
in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Fish andGame New Zealandisalso<br />
backing thecoalition’s position.<br />
BLNZ chief executive Sam McIvor<br />
says it is getting harderfor the<br />
Governmenttodonothing aboutthe<br />
issuesthe coalitionhas raised.<br />
‘‘There are so many voices callingfor<br />
action,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘We need urgentsolutions now<br />
beforetoo muchmore damage is done<br />
to rural communities and so that we<br />
don’t miss real opportunitiestoprotect<br />
and enhance New Zealand’s<br />
biodiversity.<br />
‘‘BLNZhas beencalling for some<br />
time for urgent changes to the ETS, to<br />
stop the wholesale conversion of<br />
productive sheep and beef farmland<br />
into carbon farms.’’<br />
Mr McIvorsays the integration of<br />
trees on farms is abetteroption.<br />
‘‘Farmers knowtheir landbest.<br />
We’re not antiforestry, exotic planting<br />
can be integratedwhereappropriate,<br />
but it’sabout planting the right treein<br />
the rightplace.’’<br />
He says sheepand beeffarms are<br />
already home to 1.4 million hectares of<br />
nativewoody vegetation.<br />
Landuse changes overthe past 30<br />
years have addedtwo million hectares<br />
to the country’sconservation estate,<br />
the largest private sectorcontribution<br />
to biodiversity in New Zealand.<br />
‘‘All this despite the fact farmers<br />
can’t get recognition for muchofit<br />
under the current ETS rules,’’ Mr<br />
McIvorsays.<br />
‘‘There are serious imbalances of<br />
incentives for planting exotics versus<br />
natives. That’s why we’ve workedso<br />
hard to get awider range of<br />
sequestration recognised under the He<br />
Wake Eke Noa primary sector climate<br />
actionpartnership options.’’<br />
<br />
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Season’s Greetings<br />
We wish all our clients<br />
avery merry Xmas and<br />
Prosperous New Year.<br />
Noel, Jenny and Angus.<br />
Fencing -Barns -Stockyards<br />
Noel 0274 330 980 or (03) 312-8666<br /><br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Stud breeders call it aday after 50 years<br />
CustfarmersColin and LizSmith have<br />
madethe bigcalltoexit studbreeding<br />
after 50 years.<br />
Aquestionfromtheir stockagent<br />
Anthony Cox about whether they wanted to<br />
selltheir BankheadDorset Downstud<br />
planted the seed.<br />
Theyhad talkedabout this before,but<br />
the difficultparting wasnevergoing to be<br />
asimple exercise.<br />
For astart, there’s alot of history<br />
attached to number 46 in thestud bookfor<br />
the breed.<br />
Colin Smith saysthe more they thought<br />
about it,the more they becameconvinced<br />
the time wasright.<br />
The crunchcame at lambing time this<br />
year, he says.<br />
Colin (74)had aewe with twin lambs<br />
which were not drinking.<br />
After severalhip and backoperations,<br />
he struggledtoget them on to the trailer<br />
and that made the decisioneasyfor him.<br />
‘‘I thoughtthis is hopelessand we can’t<br />
carry on like this, so thatwas the<br />
confirmation we had to do something.<br />
‘‘Itwould’ve beennicefor someone to<br />
comeinand buythe stud, but that was not<br />
meant to be andCoxy is veryenthusiastic<br />
about this sale.’’<br />
So on January 21 theywill bidfarewellto<br />
the stud flock at adispersalsale.<br />
Justover 90 mixedageewes, 23 twotooth<br />
ewes and 38 ewe lambswill go under<br />
the hammer.<br />
Colin’s father, Andrew, bought ewes<br />
fromthe BoydClark family in Blenheim<br />
and registered the stud in 1964,after<br />
starting aSouthdown studinthe 1940s.<br />
Colin can recallthemasbeing big,<br />
upstanding animals, andmarvellingat<br />
their easeof lambinginthe early 1960s.<br />
He says theDorset Downs werevirile<br />
animals, producinglambswith‘‘getupand<br />
go’’.<br />
Theywerebigger framed sheep then<br />
and producedlargerlambs.<br />
Equally, the Southdownswere<br />
renownedfor producing twins and triplets.<br />
Commercial clientswouldoftenbuy two<br />
of each, to getmore meatontheir mainly<br />
CorriedaleorRomney flocks, he says.<br />
Whenhis father died in 1972,Colintook<br />
overthe studs and, eventually, puthis own<br />
stamp on thesheep.<br />
Thatwas theyear he andLiz got<br />
married.Both of her parents had been on<br />
farms and it wasaneasy transition moving<br />
fromChristchurch to WestEyretonand<br />
later to Bankhead.<br />
‘‘The DorsetsIalwaysthought were big,<br />
almostbadtempered,and they werein<br />
thatday, theywere prettyfiery,’’says Liz.<br />
Whether in the showring or the<br />
salesyard, Colin’s competitive instincts<br />
pushedhim to be the best he can.<br />
Thatstems fromhis rugbyplaying days,<br />
whenthe Oxfordseniorsidehad three All<br />
Blacks.<br />
‘‘You aretryingtobreed theperfect<br />
sheep but younever do,’’hesays.<br />
‘‘There’s no perfect animal likethere’s<br />
no perfect human being.’’<br />
Bankheadhas beenscaled down over<br />
the yearswiththe Smithsonly farming<br />
110ha now, andanephew leasing half of<br />
this.<br />
Aheritage homeofseven bedrooms<br />
dating backto1865was burnt downin<br />
2011.<br />
Colin and Lizwere in Akaroa at thetime<br />
whenthe blaze ignitedat2am from<br />
recently installedfaulty wiring.<br />
Justaboutall theirpossessions,<br />
including studrecords,were lost,and a<br />
new homehas since been built.<br />
Colin’s grandfather bought the property<br />
in 1911.His father took thisonin1947after<br />
adding another drylandproperty on <strong>16</strong>0ha<br />
of flatlandatWest Eyreton in 1929, where<br />
SALE DAY<br />
January 19 th ,<br />
2022 at 12 noon<br />
Contact:<br />
Willy Pears: 027 641 0055<br />
Andrew Heard: 021 272 7522<br />
Mt Cass Station<br />
Symonds Rd, Waipara<br />
243<strong>16</strong>31v2<br />
2334418<br />
37<br />
Record price .. . Cheviot farmers Ted (left), Jo, Mark, Ian and Trish Stevenson paid a<br />
whopping $17,500 for atwo tooth Dorset Down ram bred by Liz and Colin Smith, of Cust,<br />
at a2019 onfarm ram sale.<br />
sheep weremostlyrun.<br />
Cowswere milkedatBankhead untilthe<br />
year2000whenasuccessful partnership of<br />
25 years betweenColin andhis brother<br />
was dissolved.<br />
The brothersbasically swapped farms,<br />
withColin and Lizmoving to Bankhead<br />
and converted it to sheep.<br />
The Downs providedgoodsheepcountry<br />
and a30ha block over theroad was<br />
reserved forbeefcattle.<br />
Colin continued the Southdown stud<br />
until 2007.<br />
ADorset Down rammade the record<br />
price of $17,500 in 2019 at thecombined<br />
Gumsand Bankhead RamSale withthe<br />
Stevensonfamily at Cheviot.<br />
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38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
‘Hair sheep’ breed’sgrowing popularity<br />
Thereare morereasons than ever<br />
to considerdiversifyinginto‘‘hair<br />
sheep’’.<br />
Western Southland sheep<br />
breederTim Gow, whohas been<br />
runningthe MangapiriDowns<br />
stud organically since the mid<br />
1980s, saysdemand for his stock is<br />
increasingbothinNew Zealand<br />
andacross the Tasman.<br />
‘‘Hair sheephave taken offin<br />
Australia.’’<br />
Mr Gow has developed his own<br />
breed of hairsheep,which he has<br />
trademarkedShire.<br />
After seeing theWiltshire<br />
breed in England in 1985, he<br />
adopted it forits hardiness, good<br />
meat production, and selfsheddingfleece.<br />
TheWiltshire is thought to have<br />
descendedfromthe Persian Hair<br />
meat sheep taken to Britainby<br />
theRomans.<br />
It thrivedonpoorfeedand<br />
foragedacross largedistances<br />
during theday.<br />
WiltshireHorns arrived in<br />
Australiain1952and polled<br />
Wiltshires came to New Zealand<br />
about20years later,after wool<br />
prices collapsed.<br />
Mr Gow’s lateuncleScott<br />
Dolling,agenetic adviser in the<br />
developmentofthe Poll Dorset<br />
breed, often visitedMangapiri<br />
Downs.<br />
He identifiedanunusual ram<br />
lamb on thefarmin1998asa<br />
Persian Hairlookalike.<br />
Havinganalysed thestrain in<br />
Hair sheep ... The Shire hair sheep do not need to be shorn.<br />
the Gow flock,headvisedMrGow<br />
on howtodevelopitusing the<br />
GermanMutton otherwise<br />
known as the WhiteHeaded<br />
Marsh,which alsohas thePersian<br />
Hairstrain.<br />
It would havebeenhard to<br />
achievethe Shirebreed<br />
geneticallywith asingle strain,<br />
but thetwo strains ‘‘quietly<br />
mergedtogether’’ didthe trick,<br />
Mr Gowsaid.<br />
‘‘Wewentdownsomewrong<br />
avenues at times, but it worked<br />
out reallywellinthe end.<br />
‘‘We’ve hadgreat feedback<br />
frombuyers.’’<br />
He has met hisuncle’s<br />
challengeofbreeding longevity<br />
intothe flock and some of the<br />
eweshave lived to the age of 15<br />
and alot reach 10 or 11 years.<br />
Thisadds to theirappeal of<br />
never needing to be shorn,<br />
dagged, drenched, vaccinated, or<br />
dipped.<br />
Fertilityishigh, growth is<br />
quick,and meatyield plentiful.<br />
‘‘Theyhave eased our<br />
workload, reduced ourcosts,<br />
madefarmingeasier andreduced<br />
my backpain,’’ Mr Gowsaid.<br />
Restaurants favour the<br />
flavoursome, finetexturedmeat,<br />
and thethick pelts producealot<br />
of firstgrade leather.<br />
‘‘Shire sheep areintelligent<br />
and graze more independently<br />
thanothersheep,’’MrGowsaid.<br />
‘‘Theyare agile, moving quickly<br />
and easilythrough roughterrain.<br />
‘‘Theyexhibit an unequalled<br />
abilitytosurvive and thrive<br />
where other breeds wouldnot.’’<br />
Adevoted client basehas<br />
grown in the last30years,<br />
SHIRE ® (hair) &Wiltshire (shedding)<br />
Happy families ... The Shire ewes have had their lambs.<br />
rewarded by Mr Gow with a30<br />
percent discount oncetheyhave<br />
accumulated10yearsas<br />
customers.<br />
Oneofthe most loyalbuyers<br />
farmsintough conditionsinthe<br />
outer Pelorus Sounds.<br />
Thesurge in demand is partly<br />
duetopoorwoolprices, meaning<br />
sheepfarmersare focusing on<br />
producing meat.<br />
Asecond cause is adropinthe<br />
availability of shearers, largely<br />
because Covid19 travel<br />
restrictionshaveprevented<br />
shearersmoving between the<br />
northernand southern<br />
hemisphereseach season.<br />
Many<strong>North</strong> Islandsheep<br />
farmershavealready movedinto<br />
Wiltshireand hair sheep,<br />
because their shearing costs were<br />
higher thantheir woolincome.<br />
Merinofarmersare now<br />
investing in them because they<br />
can’t getshearers,MrGowsaid.<br />
To caterfor demand,Mangapiri<br />
Downs willholdanauction on the<br />
BidrplatforminlateJanuary.<br />
It will thencarry on with<br />
privatesales.<br />
‘‘Wewant to putthisSouthland<br />
hairtypeShiresheep breed on<br />
the map.’’<br />
Sharing<br />
shed used for<br />
festival<br />
2440090<br />
Reduced work, high fertility, hardy, fast growing lambs.<br />
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Phone Tim &HelenGow 03 225 5283<br /><br />
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3 RD ANNUAL 2-4 January<br />
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MERRY<br />
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opportunity to wish youand your familiesaMerry<br />
Christmasand safe andhappyholiday season. We<br />
look forwardtoworking withyou and our local<br />
community in the NewYear!<br />
We’reready to help whenyou need us.<br />
0800 7891011<br />
Fromallofus<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Amberley 14 Pound Street<br />
Picture Perfect<br />
In the very heartofAmberleyyou will find this picture perfect three bedroomhomewhere everythingisasneatasapin. The<br />
property will appealtoawide rangeofbuyers and first home buyers, investors and downsizersshouldpay particular attention.<br />
The north-facing open plan lounge with vaulted ceilings seesall-day sun, and the temperature is controlled all yeararound<br />
with aheat-pump. In the kitchen you willsee an efficient layout-and you will find apantry, electrichob,rangehood, wall<br />
oven,dishwasher-and afridge freezerwhich is included too. The bedroomsconsist of two doubles and onesingle. Themain<br />
bathroom has abath with aseparate toilet, andthesecond bathroom has atoilet and showerand includes the laundry.The<br />
washing machine and dryer stay too!Ifthe garageisnot enoughfor storage, the attic ladderprovidesaccess to agreatarea<br />
in theroofspace.Awonderful attraction for all buyers is the deck area. Sited on the westside of the house to capture<br />
afternoon sun and to provide shelterfrom breezes,itcan accommodatelarge gatherings,and alargeportioniscovered too.<br />
3 2 1 2<br />
Auction 12.30pm, Wed22nd Dec, <strong>2021</strong>, Main Power Stadium -<br />
289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora<br />
View Sun 19 Dec 11.00 -11.45am<br />
Web<br />
Aaron Clark<br />
M 027 873 5121<br />
E<br />
$9,583.20<br />
Raised for<br />
St John<br />
Agreat dayfor a<br />
greatcause!<br />
Property Brokers would liketothank<br />
the following people forsupporting our<br />
charity golf tournament whereall the<br />
proceeds went to our local St John.<br />
In accordance with COVID-19recommendations, social distancingwas<br />
adhered to when passingoverthe novelty cheque<br />
Kaiapoi Golf Club<br />
TruFold<br />
Abacus Heat Pump Cleaning<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern Outlook<br />
The Ottoman<br />
Robe<br />
FisFlowers<br />
I’AdoreHomewares &Gifts<br />
Studio Pilates<br />
Bells Auctions (R GBell &Co)<br />
Farmlands<br />
RangioraToyota<br />
Health 2000 Rangiora<br />
Molto Bella<br />
Coffee Worx Rangiora<br />
Five Stags Rangiora<br />
Hellers Kaiapoi<br />
Mitre10Rangiora<br />
New World Rangiora<br />
ArmadillosKaiapoi<br />
Unichem Pharmacy Rangiora<br />
LifePharmacy Rangiora<br />
PaknSaveRangiora<br />
Countdown Rangiora<br />
Gwamma<br />
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools&Spa<br />
ModBod Rangiora<br />
Cocoon Beauty and DaySpa<br />
Rangiora<br />
Tasteful Affairs Catering<br />
KATS -KaiapoiAlignment&Tyres<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
NEWS<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> 43<br />
RHS prizegiving goes ahead<br />
Rosebowl winners ... Sue McFarlane,(left) Jo Kent and Lynne John with a36hole total<br />
of 130 points.<br />
Success for Rangiora golf<br />
GOLF<br />
Rangiora’s champion womengolfers<br />
recentlywon ateamevent played against<br />
thechampionsofother clubs inthe<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> district.<br />
Jo Kent,LynneJohn andSue McFarlane<br />
representedRangiora, as the club’s senior<br />
champion,bronze grade championand<br />
bronzerunneruprespectively.<br />
They took full advantageofthe event<br />
being played this year on theirhome<br />
course,achieving the bestever results in<br />
this annual eventfor theRangiora Golf<br />
Club.<br />
The three Rangiora players wonthe<br />
prestigiousGrossStableford Rosebowl<br />
with a36holetotal of 130points.<br />
Lynne Johnand SueMcFarlanealso<br />
wonthe PatRennellSalver for thebronze<br />
pair with thehighest aggregatestablefords<br />
of 71.<br />
Individually, Jo Kentwas placedthirdin<br />
thesenior ChampionofChampions with a<br />
grosstotal of <strong>16</strong>0.<br />
This event waswonbyCatherineBell of<br />
Christchurchwithagrosstotal of 147;<br />
runnerupwasAlisiaRen from Russley<br />
with 154.<br />
Graduation ... Rangiora High School's Year 13 Graduation was able to go ahead at the<br />
Christchurch Town Hall on Friday, <strong>December</strong> 3, under the new Covid19 traffic light<br />
regulations. This year’s top academic prize winners were Jordan Doran (left, Cartwright<br />
Prize for Dux, Mainpower Prize and Cresswell Cup), Heyley Currie (Prime Minister's<br />
Vocational Excellence Award), Brooklyn Beach (RHS Top Maori Student Award), Freya<br />
Kersey (Macintosh Prize Runner up to Dux, Helmore Stewart Prize and Galloway Cup),<br />
Karen Stewart (principal) and Ruby GillClifford (Macintosh Prize Runner up to Dux and<br />
Lamb &Hayward Prize for academic/sport/cultural, leadership and service).<br />
Vaccine pass at YF contest<br />
Vaccine passes willberequiredofFMG<br />
YoungFarmer of the Year eventsnext<br />
year.<br />
New Zealand Young Farmers is<br />
operatingwithin the Government’s Covid<br />
ProtectionFramework and will be making<br />
My Vaccine Pass requirements compulsory<br />
at all Young Farmer of the Year events,<br />
chiefexecutive Lynda Coppersmith says.<br />
‘‘Like mostother businesses,<br />
organisations, and events, we have<br />
respondedtothe requirementsset out by<br />
the Government.<br />
‘‘Implementing My Vaccine Pass<br />
requirementsisnot only paramount for the<br />
safety of our communities,staff, event<br />
attendees and competitors,but also to<br />
ensure we can continue to host afantastic<br />
contest season.The last two contest seasons<br />
weredisrupted by Covid19, so we are all<br />
lookingforward to aseason with relatively<br />
minimaldisruptions for contest season 54.’’<br />
Call Aaronfor<br />
genuine, friendly<br />
service from amultiple<br />
award winning agent.<br />
Aaron Clark<br />
Residential, Lifestyle &Commercial SalesConsultant<br />
M 027873 5121 P 03 3138022 E<br />
Proudtobehere<br />
The Widest Music Variety<br /><br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />
Friday 6pm & replayed at 12pm Sunday<br />
Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at<br />
Vaccine Passes to beRrequired at<br />
Waimakariri Libraries and Aquatic Centres<br />
From 13 <strong>December</strong> Waimakariri District Council<br />
Aquatic Facilities, Libraries and some large public<br />
venues will require customers to show Covid-19<br />
vaccine passes on entry.<br />
The Council met on 10 <strong>December</strong> to adopt these<br />
changes following ahealth and safety risk<br />
assessment for customers and staff, getting<br />
guidance onhow to best implement the Covid-19<br />
Protection Framework, and putting in place safe<br />
operating procedures for all three ‘lights’.<br />
Chief Executive Jim Harland says “Last week we<br />
signalled that we may move to require vaccine<br />
passes for some of our customer facing areas<br />
aer some further investigation”.<br />
“What we’ve found is that the best option for the<br />
safety of our customers, as well as ensuring we<br />
can keep our doors open regardless of what traffic<br />
light we are at, is to require vaccine passes for<br />
staff and customers at our most popular public<br />
facing facilities.<br />
“This is the simplest way to ensure continuity of<br />
Council services for residents and make sure we<br />
play our part to minimise public and staff exposure<br />
and risk to Covid-19.”<br />
Council services will open under the settings as set<br />
out below.<br />
• Aquatic Centres: vaccine passes arenow required.<br />
Capacity limits based on one metre distancing,<br />
contact tracingand masks are required on entry.<br />
Leisure space, spa and changing rooms will reopen<br />
andbookingsare no longer required forAquarobics<br />
classes,lane or leisure swimming<br />
• Oxford, Kaiapoi and Rangiora Libraries: vaccine<br />
passes are now required. Capacity limits based<br />
on one metre distancing, contact tracing and<br />
masks are required<br />
• Oxford and Kaiapoi Service Centres: vaccine<br />
passes are now required as these facilities are<br />
based in the libraries<br />
• Rangiora Service Centre: vaccine passes are<br />
not required<br />
• Rangiora Town Hall, MainPower Stadium, Kaiapoi<br />
Community Centre and Woodend Community<br />
Centre: vaccine passes are required<br />
• Transfer Stations: vaccine passes are<br />
not required<br />
• Public Events (indoor and outdoor): no limits if<br />
vaccine passes are required for those 12 and<br />
older. These will be checked at the start of<br />
the event. If vaccine passes are not required a<br />
maximum of 50 people are allowed toattend<br />
• Building inspectors, field workers and<br />
contractors, alcohol licencing, dog control and<br />
other Environmental Services Officers will follow<br />
health and safety guidance and maintain one<br />
metre distancing, contact trace and wear masks<br />
as required<br />
• Other public-facing functions such as Council,<br />
Committee and Community Board Meetings<br />
don’t require vaccine passes.<br />
Algal Bloom Warning for Pegasus Lake<br />
and Silverstream<br />
From Friday 10 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Lake Pegasus<br />
is closed to all recreational users because toxic<br />
algae (plankton cyanobacteria) was found in the<br />
water and <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB’s Community and Public<br />
Health unit have now issued ahealth warning.<br />
Asecondhealth warning has alsobeen issued forthe<br />
Kaiapoi River/Silverstream betweenOhokaRoad and<br />
Hayson Drive.<br />
People and their dogs should avoid all contact with<br />
the water until the health warning has been lied.<br />
Samples of the water have been taken for testing<br />
with results to be confirmed later this week<br />
and signage will be put in place around the lake<br />
warning people of the risk.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> is monitoring the site,<br />
with <strong>Canterbury</strong> District Health Board being<br />
responsible for issuing health warnings. The public<br />
will be advised of any changes in water quality via<br />
our website and Facebook.<br />
Does Your Pool<br />
Fence Comply?<br />
Summer is here and it’s important pool barriers<br />
and fencing comply with the Building Act.<br />
From November to Marcheachyear we’ll be visiting<br />
properties to checkifapool is still present,the type<br />
and if the pool fence complies.<br />
We’ll leave anotice inthe letterbox aer the check, and<br />
note any items that may need to be addressed.<br />
Why we’re doing this:<br />
The Building Act requires us to inspect pool barriers<br />
regularly for compliance to the Building Code.<br />
Call us on 03 311 8906 if you have any questions.<br />
Register your pool at -<br />
keyword search Swimming Pool Registration<br />
Learn aboutspace,complete out-of-this-world<br />
challenges, win prizes and earn stickers every<br />
time you visit any Waimakariri Library over the<br />
summerperiod.<br />
Join Now<br /><br />
Turn it into<br />
compost.<br />
Bones, serviettes, wooden<br />
cutlery, paper plates<br />
and straws can go in the<br />
organics bin along with<br />
food scraps.<br />
—<br />
Find out more collection tips<br />
at<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
45<br />
Give usyour<br />
feedback<br />
YOUTH<br />
Development Grant<br />
Available to young people living<br />
in the Waimakariri District aged<br />
between 12 and 24.<br />
Applications are now open and will<br />
close on Friday 11 February 2022.<br />
For more information:<br /><br />
027 254 3940<br /><br />
Ablocked drain?<br />
New pothole?<br />
Fallen tree?<br />
Waimakariri District Council<br />
Use the free Snap Send Solve app to tell<br />
Waimakariri District Council about it.<br />
Visit our website to find out more<br /><br />
Concept design ... Expressions of interest have been received<br />
from developers interested in being involved in Kaikoura’s Wakatu<br />
Quay development.<br />
Fisheries reopen<br />
Kaikouraresidents have<br />
welcomed the opening of paua<br />
and kina fisheries for the first<br />
time since the November 20<strong>16</strong><br />
earthquake.<br />
MayorCraig Mackle is among<br />
thosetohave enjoyed afresh<br />
feed of pauasince the fisheries<br />
reopened on <strong>December</strong> 1.<br />
The fisheries were closed for<br />
five yearsafter the 20<strong>16</strong>quake<br />
caused extensive damagetothe<br />
marine habitat along the<br />
Kaikouracoastline, including<br />
significant coastal uplift.<br />
It has been reopenedfor<br />
threemonths as aprecaution<br />
untilFebruary 28.<br />
Waste<br />
Kerbsiderubbish collection has<br />
started in Kaikoura on<br />
<strong>December</strong> 2aspart of the<br />
changes signalledinthe Long<br />
Term Plan.<br />
Branded rubbishbags are<br />
available from Innovative<br />
WasteKaikoura, the New<br />
World, Caltexand Night 'n Day.<br />
Rubbish collections will be<br />
fortnightly, with collections in<br />
Kaikouratownshipon<br />
Thursdaysand at Ocean Ridge<br />
and South Bay on Fridays.<br />
Kerbsiderecycling<br />
collections have changed to<br />
fortnightly, in alternativeweeks<br />
to rubbishcollections for the<br />
Kaikouratownship, Ocean<br />
Ridgeand South Bay.<br />
Recycling collections in<br />
Hapuku, Oaro,Goose Bay and<br />
Peketa have ceased, while rural<br />
recyclingstations at Suburban<br />
Rangiora Bridge Club<br />
Grey Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South:<br />
Joyce Gray/DawnSimpson<br />
1,Selwyn Green/Pat Green<br />
2, Veronica Hall/Pam<br />
McAlister 3. East/West:<br />
Janice Pickering/Heather<br />
Waldron 1, Fern McRae/<br />
David McRae 2, Pauline<br />
Miller/Bunty Marshall and<br />
Ann Blackie/Denise Frater<br />
equal 3.<br />
Summer Pairs: N/S Judith<br />
Driver/Jan Roose 1,<br />
Jeanette Chatterton/Gaynor<br />
Hurford 2. Barry Smart/<br />
Lynda Cameron 3. East/<br />
West: Neil Marshall/Alison<br />
Price 1, Phillipa Watkins/<br />
Noreen Thompson 2, David<br />
Rainey/Richard Luisetti 3.<br />
Summer Teams: 1st Born to<br />
Win: Sue Solomons/Helen<br />
Thornburgh/Moody Shokry/<br />
Warwick Wyatt.<br />
Junior Evening: N/S:<br />
and Peketahave beenremoved.<br />
Innovation Waste Kaikoura<br />
has begun worktoestablish a<br />
transfer station, in preparation<br />
for the existing landfill reaching<br />
the endofits life.<br />
No decision has been made<br />
on whether Kaikoura will send<br />
its wastetoKate Valley Landfill<br />
or Bluegums Landfill in<br />
Marlborough.<br />
WakatuQuay<br />
The Kaikoura District Council<br />
has received agood response to<br />
its call for expressionsof<br />
interestfor development at<br />
Wakatu Quay.<br />
MayorCraig Macklesays a<br />
full range of expressions of<br />
interesthave been received<br />
from developers interested in<br />
developing the entiresite to<br />
thoseenquiring about being a<br />
tenant.<br />
‘‘It’s onlythe beginning. It’s<br />
very much kicking car tyres at<br />
the moment.’’<br />
The Kaikoura Marine<br />
Development Project team will<br />
considerthe expressions of<br />
interest, including talking to<br />
applicants, beforemakinga<br />
recommendation to the council<br />
by Marchnext year.<br />
Nearly $10 million has been<br />
received from the government’s<br />
ProvincialGrowthFund<br />
towards the project. The<br />
council’s preferred concept<br />
design expectedtocost around<br />
$20 million, so what gets built<br />
will need to be worked through<br />
with any successful developers.<br />
Annette Caldwell/Gail<br />
Dunlop andKerryn Lange/<br />
Karen Manson equal 1,<br />
Gerard McRae/Denis Milne<br />
3. E/W: StuartAtkinson/<br />
Wayne Hutchings 1, Murray<br />
Davis/Sharron Davis 2, Ann/<br />
Marilyn Eliet 3.<br />
Christmas Pairs:N/S: Derek<br />
Wilson/Richard Luisetti 1,<br />
Heather Waldron/Joyce<br />
Gray 2, RobinHassall/Sue<br />
McIlroy 3. E/W: Shirley<br />
Symns/Jeanette McIntyre 1,<br />
Gaynor Hurford/Liz Duke 2,<br />
Jenny Hassall/Pauline<br />
Miller 3.<br />
Waimakariri Gorge<br />
Women’s Golf<br />
Stableford: 18 Holes: F<br />
Nimmon andLScott 37,<br />
equal 1; SMardon and L<br />
Pottinger34, equal 3, L<br />
Smith 32, 5; KBattersby 31,<br />
6; RPilbrown 30, 7.<br />
Nine holes: Jallen 17, 1.<br />
Public Notices<br />
HOUSESITTERS available.<br />
Retired couple available<br />
over the holiday period<br />
while our own home is<br />
built. Ph 027 731 3004.<br />
Machinery Sales<br />
11 kVa Deluxe<br />
Blackout Generator EFI<br />
2446087<br />
Was$3413<br />
Now $2263<br />
(subject to availability)<br />
www.BLAX<br />
.nz<br />
Pets<br />
minding service available.<br />
Experienced, knowledgeable<br />
person, small animals<br />
and large. Affordable rates.<br />
Waipara/Amberley area.<br />
Phone Karen 027 733 4892.<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
½PRICE<br />
DOG FOOD<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
313 0022<br />
2424357<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. For aquote. Phone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
12v, Honda or Rato, plus<br />
parts &accessories. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br /><br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
BUYING estate type old<br />
china, crystal, collectables,<br />
vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />
313 1878.<br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
2312759<br />
WANTED<br />
and good quality<br />
second hand furniture<br />
Happytotravel<br />
Phone Rick 021 376883<br />
or email photo to:<br /><br />
For Sale<br />
KAYAKS new x2 for sale,<br />
sit on top with back rests,<br />
fishing compartments $450<br />
each or $800 for 2paddles<br />
and life jackets included.<br />
Phone 0272 291 126.<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Browns Rangiora<br />
Supermarket T/A New<br />
World Rangiora has made<br />
application to the District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Rangiora for the renewal<br />
of an OffLicence in respect<br />
of the premises situated at<br />
10 Good Street, Rangiora<br />
known as New World<br />
Rangiora.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Supermarket.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday -Sunday 7am to<br />
10pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 131 of the Sale and<br />
Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />
This is the first publication<br />
of this notice.<br />
2444830v1<br />
Firewood<br />
LOG SPLITTERS. Honda<br />
or Rato powered, plus parts<br />
& accessories. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br />
SPILT old man pine, 3.7<br />
$260. Ph 021 993 497.<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
ANY old cars, anything pre<br />
1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />
Classic Cars. Please call<br />
027 258 8366.<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 72<strong>16</strong><br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
FALCONS &<br />
WANTED<br />
Suitable for<br />
dismantling or repairs<br />
Ph 313 72<strong>16</strong><br />
2412522<br />
WANTED to buy Ford,<br />
Holden, Chrysler or<br />
Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />
other types considered, any<br />
condition. Please phone<br />
Tony 027 313 5000.
46 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Eagle JI Ltd has made<br />
application to the District<br />
Licensing committee at<br />
Rangiora for the renewal of<br />
an On-Licence in respect<br />
of the premises situated<br />
at 67 Williams Street,<br />
Kaiapoi, or the Tavern<br />
known as Kaikanui Tavern.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business to be conducted<br />
under the licence is Tavern.<br />
The days on which and<br />
the hours during alcohol is<br />
intended to be sold under<br />
the licence are: Sunday to<br />
Thursday 8am to 11pm,<br />
Friday - Saturday 8am<br />
-1am.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee, 215<br />
High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of the<br />
licence may, not later than<br />
15 days working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee,<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 131 of the sale and<br />
supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />
This is the second<br />
publication of this notice.<br />
This notice was first<br />
published on 9<strong>December</strong><br />
<strong>2021</strong>.<br />
2443765v2<br />
SECTION 101,SALE<br />
ALCOHOLACT 2012<br />
Eagle JI Ltd has made<br />
application to the District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Rangiora for the renewal of<br />
an OffLicence in respect of<br />
the premises situated at 67<br />
Williams Street, Kaiapoi or<br />
the Bottle shop known as<br />
Bottle OKaikanui.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Bottle Shop.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday - Sunday 8am -<br />
10pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 131 of the Sale and<br />
Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />
This is the second publication<br />
of this notice. This notice<br />
was first published on 9<br />
<strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
2443770v2<br />
Public Notices<br />
2440751<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Our office will close at 3pm on<br />
Tuesday, 21 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
and reopen at 9am on Monday,<br />
10 January 2022<br />
Merry Christmas and a<br />
Happy New Year!<br />
We have extended our retail showroom and enlarged our drive thru, and now we need you!<br />
We are seeking applications from outgoing, friendly and enthusiastic people to join our team and havethe following<br />
SeasonalFixed Term positions available:<br />
Retail Sales and Retail Sales Support<br />
Team Members<br />
• Weekend work required.<br />
• Upto40hours.<br />
• Mustbecustomer focused.<br />
• Working inside and outside.<br />
• Mustbephysicallyfitand strong.<br />
• Will be required to climb ladders and use lifting<br />
equipment.<br />
• Will be required to pick, carry,assemble and deliver<br />
heavy products.<br />
• Work as part of ateam.<br />
• Beable to think proactively.<br />
• Work hard and smart.<br />
Terrible<br />
<br />
Debt<br />
<br />
<br />
a free and<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Kiwisaver<br />
teach<br />
manage<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
the Waimakariri<br />
or Hurunui<br />
District<br /><br />
<br />
other agencies<br />
<br />
Sharon Grant <br />
<br />
<br />
Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />
Supported by: <br />
<br />
Registered Charity Number: CC10710<br />
Customer Service Checkout<br />
Team Members<br />
Experienced customer service people preferred but<br />
full training provided.<br />
• Weekend work required.<br />
• Upto40hours.<br />
• Mustbecustomer focused.<br />
• Mustbephysically fit.<br />
• May be requiredtocollect trolleys.<br />
• May be requiredtoassist customers with purchases<br />
to their vehicles.<br />
• Work as part of ateam.<br />
• Beable to think proactively.<br />
• Work hard and smart.<br />
• Able to take aturnonany ofthe various roles in these<br />
positions.<br />
• Confident to act as our “greeter”<br />
McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policyinplace, apre-employment drug test and medical will be required<br />
If any of these positions sound like you, send your application and CV to:<br />
Seasonal Fixed Term Roles<br />
McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega<br />
PO Box 1003<br />
Rangiora 7440<br />
or email<br />
2445690<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Due to increasing demand,<br />
Kip McGrath Rangiora is seeking<br />
experienced, qualified and<br />
enthusiastic primary teachers and<br />
especially an applicant able to<br />
teach math up to NCEA level 1for<br />
its Rangiora centre. Teachers will<br />
work with no more than 4students<br />
on individual programmes and<br />
must be excited about making a<br />
difference. All qualified applicants<br />
welcome, including vibrant<br />
retired teachers. Looking to make<br />
appointments now for 2022.<br />
Govt. vaccine mandate will apply.<br />
Further information from,<br />
and brief resumes to:<br /><br />
or by calling the centre Director,<br />
Dr. Grant Dykes (03) 313 3638.<br />
School Bus DriversRequired<br />
We areproud to be atransportprovider forthe<br />
Ministry of Education in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
area. We arelooking forSchool Bus Driverstodrive<br />
morning and afternoon school runs andtechnology<br />
routes.<br />
Days of work areMondaytoFridayduring the<br />
school term. Extracharter work will be available at<br />
times.<br />
If youareorhave:<br />
• AClass 1or2licence and aPendorsement<br />
• Excellentcommunication skills<br />
• ATeam player<br />
• Health and Safety focused<br />
• Keen to contribute andacan-do attitude<br />
• Fully vaccinated againstCovid 19 as of the<br />
2nd January2022<br />
Then this could be ajob foryou. Support to achieve<br />
licensing maybegiven to suitable applicants.<br />
Please registeryour interest by emailing<br /> or ring03313 5453.<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
WE would like to thank all<br />
the kind folk who came to<br />
my mother in law’s help<br />
when she fainted in Rangiora<br />
Countdown on the 7th<br />
Dec. It was very much<br />
appreciated and we wish<br />
you well for 2022, Robyn<br />
and Kathy Ackerman.<br />
Trade&Services<br />
PASSION! Local painter<br />
with 30 years of quality and<br />
integrity in all aspects of<br />
painting. Phone Mike on<br />
021 0903 8546.<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
arbour work, pruning, tree<br />
removal. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Lost and Found<br />
2442112<br />
PETER or Neil please<br />
return my brief case of boat<br />
papers. Ineed them, thank<br />
you. Leith 022 477 3075.<br />
Livestock<br />
HOMEKILL & Wild<br />
Game meat processing. Ph<br />
313 0022.<br />
Trade&Services<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
concrete<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $70 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />
021 0277 1927. Visit<br /><br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
2091848<br />
Total gutter / spouting<br />
cleaning and repairs. For<br />
Fast and friendly Service<br />
call <strong>Canterbury</strong> Spouting<br />
Services on 0508<br />
SPOUTING or 022 375<br />
8506. FREE QUOTES.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
423-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />
Trade &Services<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
2220615<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
drenching, feet trimming.<br />
For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />
Stu 027 315 69<strong>16</strong>.<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
2362002<br />
027 2<strong>16</strong> 0000<br />
2225862<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized truck.<br />
From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />
Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br /><br />
2401953<br />
CRAIGS Trees<br />
(03) 327-4190<br />
Free Quotes<br />
027 2299 454<br /><br />
2434390<br />
TRUCK WASH. Mobile<br />
touchless on-farm foam<br />
wash solutions. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br /><br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
WATER PUMPS Trash,<br />
clean water, Honda or Rato,<br />
parts &accessories. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br /><br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Arborist<br />
Automotive &Recovery<br />
Builder<br />
Butchery<br />
2435705<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Tree Services<br />
Tree felling, cutting and<br />
clearing service, including<br />
stump grinding<br />
Insured qualified and<br />
certified arborists<br />
0274 537 834<br /><br />
2070788<br />
• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />
• Vehicle Servicing &<br />
Repairs<br />
• Tyres &Punctures<br />
• Jump Starts<br />
•<br />
Towing &Salvage<br />
• Courtesy Car Available<br />
Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />
0272 588 366<br />
13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />
Swannanoa<br />
Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />
• New Builds &Renovations<br />
• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />
• Project Management<br />
• Bathrooms<br />
• Farm Buildings<br />
• House Lifting Re-piling<br />
• Shop Fit Outs<br />
2408831<br />
40+ years experience<br />
027 222 5078<br /><br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
2227889v2<br />
Computer Repairs<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
Ear Health<br />
2269236<br />
Bruce Evans<br />
131 Ohoka Road<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
03 327 3111<br />
021 293 6331<br /><br /><br />
Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />
Prompt professional services<br />
Engineering<br />
2276525v2<br />
Virus &malware removal<br />
New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
Painter /Plasterer<br />
HURUNUI Painting<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
2420841<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
▪ Painting ▪ Gardening<br />
▪ Fencing ▪ Lawn mowing<br />
▪ All General Maintenance<br />
Performed to the highest<br />
standard by a straight up,<br />
honest, Handy Guy<br />
No job too small!<br />
Flat hourly rate, no hidden surprises!<br />
THE<br />
HANDY<br />
GUY!<br />
Handyman<br />
Call Guy “The Handy Guy” Now<br />
0275 040 658<br />
Plumber &Gasfitter<br />
Maintenance &Filtration<br />
Plumbing renovations/<br />
• Qualified tradesmen, quick,neat and friendly.<br />
Plumbing alterations &New Build<br />
• Reasonable rates. • Interior /exterior painting.<br />
Cylinder replacement<br />
• Interior plastering &wallpapering.<br />
Gas hot water,Gas Cooking &more..<br />
• Spray painting &water blasting.<br />
P: Rod Hermes 027 414 0830 or 03 314 2391<br />
E:<br />
2394026v2 Call James ph: 022 063 15 85<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
1902273<br />
2438377<br />
2273277<br />
Garry WMechen<br />
Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />
Phone (03) 313-9192<br />
38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
* I S<br />
HOURS<br />
8.30am -12noon<br />
- Monday to Friday<br />
A V C<br />
For a/h repairs<br />
phone (03) 310-3044<br />
Plumbing<br />
For all<br />
general<br />
aspects of<br />
plumbing<br />
Discounts for over<br />
65 years old<br />
Fast friendly service<br />
All work guaranteed<br />
Aaron McCartney<br />
Certifying Plumber<br />
Cell 027 366 9091<br />
A/H 03 310 2137<br />
Free Call:<br />
0508 44EVER<br />
EMAIL:<br /><br />
2172994<br />
• Ear Health checks.<br />
• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />
• Removal of foreign bodies<br />
• Basic hearing aid care<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
Seamless Spouting<br />
• ACC provider<br />
• WarVeteran provider<br />
• No medical referral<br />
required<br />
Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />
Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />
Bookings: Online |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />
Email | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2324849<br />
Landscaping<br />
For all your landscaping needs<br />
All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />
Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />
and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />
Phone Jeremy 021 <strong>16</strong>9 9394<br /><br /><br />
23726<strong>16</strong>v2<br />
Supply and Install<br />
of Seamless Gutters<br />
10 year no leaks<br />
guarantee<br />
• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />
large colour range available<br />
• High grade and thicker material used<br />
• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />
• Undertake all insurance work<br />
• Independently owned and operated<br />
• Competitive pricing<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />
Call Danie 021 875 462<br />
2359362<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
Skip Hire<br />
Tools &Equipment<br />
Windows & Doors<br />
Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue808 |<br />
Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />
100% locally owned and operated<br />
Hardfill |Green Waste |General Waste |BuilderSkips<br />
Various sizes to suit all needs<br />
Commercial placement at competitive rates<br />
Call us directly on 021 280 1132<br /><br /><br />
Get 5% off your first skip order, use code WASTE5<br />
2431576<br />
SALES<br />
PARTS<br />
Water Blasters, Log Splitters, Generators,<br />
Air Compressors, Water Pumps, Air Tools, Spray<br />
Equipment, Replacement Ag Seats, Small Motors.<br />
Free local machinerydelivery.<br />
Richard Black<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>owned &operated<br />
2435547v2<br />
• New & Used<br />
• Timber & Aluminium<br />
• Windows & Doors<br />
8am-5pm Weekdays<br />
8am-2pm Saturday<br />
215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />
Ph (03) 379 6159<br />
Fax (03) 962 1012<br />
ncn1242200aa<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email
RangioraToyota<br />
2019Rav4GX2WD<br />
• 2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />
• Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />
• Only18,880km<br />
$<br />
39,995<br />
2012Toyota Yaris YR<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto, NZ New<br />
•Bluetooth &USB Connect<br />
•7-Airbags<br />
$<br />
8,990<br />
2015Yaris GX Hatch<br />
•1.3LPetrol5-speed manual<br />
•Camera, Bluetooh<br />
•NZ-new<br />
$<br />
10,995<br />
2019 Ford Ranger Wildtrak<br />
•3.2LTurbo Diesel 4X4, Alloys<br />
•Satnav, Camera<br />
•Only 39,150kms<br />
$<br />
62,995<br />
2019 Rav4 GXLAWD<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto, DualClimate<br />
•Keyless<br />
•Only 24,950kms.<br />
$<br />
45,995<br />
2015Toyota Ractis<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto, 45,550km<br />
•CD/AUX/USB<br />
Connectivity<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
NOW $ 14,995<br />
2014 Toyota Spade<br />
•1.5Lpetrolauto,<br />
•4-door/left side door<br />
•Climate,5-seater<br />
$<br />
13,995<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />
•60,000kms<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
2017 Toyota C-HR<br />
•1.2LTurbo PetrolAWD<br />
•Camera, Satnav, 5-door<br />
•NZ-new,44,7000km<br />
$<br />
29,995<br />
2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Rear Camera &Sensors<br />
•62,000km<br />
$<br />
18,995<br />
2010 MitsubishiLancerVRX<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />
•Alloys, Leather<br />
•80,750kms<br />
WAS$12,995<br />
$ NOW 11,995<br />
2017 Corolla GLXHatch<br />
•1.8L Petrol, Auto, Alloys<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•5-Star Safety, only47,700km<br />
$<br />
23,995<br />
2014 CamryGLSedan<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />
•7Airbags<br />
$<br />
12,995<br />
2015BMW320iM-Performance<br />
•2.0L TurboPetrol, PerformanceBrakes<br />
•M-Spec Exhaust, NZ New<br />
•Carbon FibreSpoiler<br />
•Only 59,200kms<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />
•Satnav ,Radar Cruise<br />
•Only <strong>16</strong>,500km<br />
$<br />
27,995<br />
2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />
•Alloys, Camera<br />
•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />
•2.0L Petrol, Auto<br />
•Camera, Bluetooth<br />
•5-Star Safety,only 25,300km<br />
$<br />
26,995<br />
2017 Toyota HighlanderGX<br />
•3.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />
•7-Seater,Camera<br />
•Towbar,Only 42,900km<br />
2017 HighlanderGXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol6-SpeedAuto, Leather 7-Seater<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Rav4 GXL<br />
•2.5LPetrolAWD,Camera<br />
2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />
WAS$14,995<br />
2018 Highlander GXL<br />
•3.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />
$<br />
•Camera, ClimateAir<br />
•Keyless,Towbar,Bluetooh $ •Alloys, Keyless<br />
47,995 •Cruise Control $<br />
44,995<br />
•88,900km<br />
31,995<br />
$ •Leather,Satnav<br />
,<br />
•88,500km NOW 13,995<br />
$<br />
52,995<br />
•RadarCruise, Only 47,750kms<br />
2019 LandCruiserPrado VX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, NZ New<br />
•Leather 7-Seater<br />
•Only 31,450kms<br />
$<br />
82,995<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Ford Ranger XLT4WD<br />
•3.2LTurbo Diesel, Camera<br />
• Satnav, Load Lid<br />
•Bluetooth<br />
$<br />
39,995<br />
2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />
•Camera, Leather<br />
•Only 37,150kms<br />
$<br />
63,995<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Holden Trailblazer<br />
Colorado 7<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel 4WD<br />
•Leather,7-seater<br />
•63,800km<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
2015Ford Kuga Ambiente<br />
•1.5LPetrolAuto2WD<br />
•ParkingSensors, Alloys<br />
•Only 51,750kms<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />
•DualElectricDoors<br />
•25,250kms<br />
WAS$36,995<br />
20<strong>16</strong> Hilux SR5 Limited 2WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
•18”Alloys<br />
•SportsBar &Tonneau.<br />
2020 Nissan Navara ST-X 4WD<br />
•2.3LTurbo Diesel, Half Leather<br />
•Keyless,Satnav<br />
•360 Camera, 14,700kms<br />
2018 HiluxSR5 Cruiser<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, leather<br />
•18” alloys,Tonneau<br />
•Only 37,250km<br />
20<strong>16</strong> LandCruiserPrado TX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel; Leather<br />
•7-Seater,Camera<br />
•Only 41,888kms<br />
$ $<br />
42,995<br />
$<br />
59,495<br />
$ $<br />
NOW 34,995<br />
60,995<br />
61,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2436485<br />
NOW OPEN<br />
Rangiora Motor Group’s brand-new premises<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora.<br />
ph: 03941 3175<br />
e:<br /><br />
Rangiora Motor Group are the authorised dealer forMitsubishi and<br />
Nissan in<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,has opened the doors at its new site at<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora.<br />
All the latest models from Mitsubishi and Nissan, plus arange<br />
of quality pre-owned vehicles.Also offering Full servicing forall<br />
makes and models along with WoF, tyre sales and wheel alignment<br />
services.<br />
See inside forfull story
Sales &serviceprovidedatsparkling newsite<br />
Afterthree years operating from atemporary location in<br />
High Street, Rangiora, the team at Rangiora Motor Group is<br />
thrilled to welcome customers to their brand-new, purposebuilt<br />
dealership at 29 Southbrook Road.<br />
It opened forbusiness on<strong>December</strong> 1, and asgeneral<br />
manager Steve Hammond puts it: “The wait was well worth<br />
it!”<br />
The 2500sqm site incorporates a700sqm showroom where<br />
the latest Mitsubishi and Nissan models are displayed,and<br />
an outdoor space toaccommodate awide selection of new<br />
and pre-owned vehicles.<br />
“Our dedicated Mitsubishi and Nissan sales team are here<br />
to advise customers on the best choice ofvehicle fortheir<br />
requirements,plus we can arrange all necessary vehicle<br />
financing and insurance at very competitive rates,with<br />
trade-ins also welcome,” Steve says.<br />
Forcustomers considering an EV,Rangiora Motor Group<br />
offers the fully electric Nissan Leaf and the two Mitsubishi<br />
plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), the Eclipse Cross and the Outlander.<br />
Complementary charging is available forall EV customers at<br />
the on-site charging station.<br />
The other key aspect of Rangiora Motor Group’s new site is<br />
the large, fully equipped workshop,which provides servicing<br />
not only forMitsubishi and Nissanvehicles,but forall makes<br />
and models of vehicle.<br />
“We supply genuine parts forall Mitsubishi and Nissan<br />
models,” Steve says,“with ourteam offully qualified master<br />
technicians able to undertake all aspects of repairs and<br />
servicing and Warrants of Fitness.”<br />
Rangiora Motor Group can also offer tyres forall types of<br />
vehicles and offerwheel balancing and wheel alignment<br />
services ensures optimum tyre performance and longevity.<br />
Acomfortable air conditioned lounge is offered for<br />
customers to wait fortheir WoForvehicle service to be<br />
completed. Customers can also have access to acourtesy<br />
vehicle while their own isbeing serviced, or alternatively,<br />
Rangiora Motor Group can provide alocal pick-up and<br />
delivery service. Afterbeing serviced, every vehicle is washed<br />
and vacuumed, at no charge.<br />
Prior to Rangiora Motor Group developing 29Southbrook<br />
Road, the site had remained vacant and unkempt forseveral<br />
years. “Itwas abit of an eyesore really,” Steve says, “so we<br />
were pleased to have tidied it up and weinvite customers<br />
to come and see us at our new premises to talk about their<br />
vehicle purchasing and servicing requirements.”<br />
See centre spread forour latest vehicle specials
The team members at the Rangiora<br />
Motor Group are all <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
residents from Rangiora and<br />
surrounding districts.<br />
“AsaRangiora-based business we<br />
want to support the local community<br />
by employing people who live in<br />
the area,”general manager Steve<br />
Hammond says.<br />
“We see it as being about locals<br />
helping locals,and away of repaying<br />
the community fortheir loyalty to us.”<br />
General Manager<br />
Steve has 20+ years inthe motorindustry,<br />
with 7years working with Mitsubishi.he’s a<br />
Mandeville local where he lives with his wife<br />
and three children.Onhis days off heenjoys the<br />
working on his lifestyle block.<br />
Sales Manager<br />
With 30-plus years’ experience inmotor<br />
vehicle sales,Wayne has knowledge and<br />
expertise that’s second-to-none when advising<br />
customers on vehicle purchase.AChristchurch<br />
native, he now lives at Pegasus with his wife<br />
and three children.<br />
Parts Manager<br />
Tony has recently joined Rangiora MotorGroup,<br />
bringing with him five years’ experience in<br />
motor parts sales. He lives inAshleywith his<br />
wife and four children, and when he’s not busy<br />
selling parts,heenjoys driving his off-road Can-<br />
Am.<br />
Vehicle Sales<br />
Andrew has been with the company for five<br />
years, the last two years at our old location.<br />
As aformertravel agent,Andrew understands<br />
the importance ofputting the customer first in<br />
every transaction. Away from work, he is an avid<br />
followeroffilm and theatre.<br />
Frontline Administrator<br />
While Caiti is new tothe motor vehicle industry,<br />
she brings an extensive administration<br />
background to her role.Originally from<br />
Queenstown, she lives in Loburn and enjoys<br />
playing tennis to keep fit.<br />
Workshop Foreman<br />
Master technician Dave has been with<br />
Mitsubishi for11 years, experience that is highly<br />
valued by the company. Originally from the UK,<br />
Dave is married,has three children, and lives in<br />
Woodend.<br />
Technician<br />
ARangiora local, our technician Garry is also<br />
new tothe company. As afully qualified WOF<br />
technician heisanother important memberof<br />
the team.On his days off hespends time with<br />
his three and ahalf year-old son.<br />
Vehicle Preparation<br />
Another new memberofthe Rangiora Motor<br />
Group team,Rob went to Rangiora High, lives in<br />
Loburn and plays rugby forAshley.
NOW OPEN!<br />
Rangiora Motor Group’s brand-new premises!<br />
<br />
To celebrate the opening of our<br />
new dealership and workshop on<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora<br />
Motor Group are offering a<br />
special priced Warranty of Fitness<br />
Inspection for $29.95*.<br />
Don’t have aWoF due soon, don’t<br />
worry,keep this voucher as we will<br />
honour this offeruntil 30th June<br />
2022.<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora.<br />
ph: 03941 3175<br />
WOF<br />
$29 .95<br />
e:<br /><br />
*Offer refers to Warrant OfFitness inspection on passenger class vehicles only.Any additional work and parts needed,will be at an<br />
additional cost and will not proceed unless quote isapproved. Rangiora Motor Group reserves the right to vary,extend or withdraw<br />
this offer. Offer is only available until 30/06/2022.