North Canterbury News: December 23, 2021
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Wishing you asafe<br />
and happy festive season<br />
Wishing you asafe<br />
and happy festive season<br />
Thursday, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue 977 |<br />
Charlotte shares the joy of Christmas<br />
The story of Christmas ... Sam and Kristen Redman, of Rangiora, and their tenweekold baby Charlotte, admire the nativity scene, on the front lawn of the Anglican Life Rangiora<br />
Church of St John the Baptist.<br />
Three Waters concerns taken to Parliament<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayorshave returned<br />
from avisittoParliamentlast week<br />
heartened at the opportunity to voice their<br />
concerns about the Governments Three<br />
Waters reforms.<br />
They were partofagroup —<br />
Communities4Local Democracy, He<br />
HaporimoteManapori —made up of <strong>23</strong><br />
councilsrepresenting overamillion New<br />
Zealanders, whomet politiciansacrossthe<br />
party spectrum —Act, Greens, National<br />
and Labour.<br />
Membership is growing as local councils<br />
considerthe implications of the proposed<br />
ThreeWaters legislation, in particular<br />
losing control of about $60 billion of<br />
communityowned assetsacross the<br />
country. Kaikoura Mayor CraigMackle,<br />
Hurunui Mayor Marie Black, and<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon say the<br />
visitwas very successful.<br />
Politicians were told the groupis<br />
positiveabout change, but changeneeded<br />
to benefit their communities. Thisseemed<br />
to have been lost in the policy position of<br />
theGovernment.<br />
MrsBlack saysshe was proud to<br />
represent the ‘‘significant voice’’ of the<br />
HurunuiDistrictinanenvironment where<br />
thegroup was receivedwith respect.<br />
Merry Christmas to you all!Have asafe and Happy New Year<br />
from all the Rockgas <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Team.<br />
Forallyour LPG Cylinder Filling Needsand Industrial Gas Supply<br />
Holiday Period Fillingand Delivery Hours and Times <strong>2021</strong>-2022<br />
<strong>December</strong> 20 <strong>December</strong> 21 <strong>December</strong> 22 <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong> <strong>December</strong> 24 <strong>December</strong> 25 <strong>December</strong> 26 <strong>December</strong> 27 <strong>December</strong> 28 <strong>December</strong> 29<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern<br />
Darfield<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Oxford<br />
Rangiora<br />
Amberley<br />
Oxford<br />
Castle Hill<br />
Woodend<br />
Ashley<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Rangiora<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Ohoka<br />
Christmas &Boxing Day Holidays<br />
CLOSED<br />
Normal Hours<br />
<strong>December</strong> 30 <strong>December</strong> 31 January 1 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8<br />
Oxford<br />
Amberley<br />
Hawarden<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Rangiora<br />
Ohoka<br />
Ashley<br />
New Year’s Holidays<br />
CLOSED<br />
Woodend<br />
<strong>North</strong>end<br />
Darfield<br />
Oxford<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Oxford<br />
Amberley<br />
Castle Hill<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Rangiora<br />
Ohoka<br />
Ashley<br />
Woodend<br />
Oxford<br />
Darfield<br />
Cheviot<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
9am-12noon<br />
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Ph/ 03 327 4812 order online or download Rockgas LPG App to order. Call in and get your Small Cylinders and<br />
9kg cylinders filled for the BBQs, Lamps or Cookers this holiday period at Rockgas <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> 61Williams St Kaiapoi (Hours as above)
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Grow<br />
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<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
bestread<br />
newspaper<br />
Readership: 51,000 weekly<br />
Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />
to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />
and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />
&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />
news<br />
Robyn Bristow<br />
Managing Editor<br />
027 312 1581<br />
robyn.bristow<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
David Hill, Shelley Topp.<br />
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DaynaBurton<br />
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Christchurch: 03 364 7460<br /><br />
Operation gains organic status<br />
Kaikoura’s Puro NZ has been granted<br />
BioGroOrganic status for its outdoor<br />
cultivation, making it one of the world’s<br />
largest organicmedicalcannabis<br />
producers.<br />
The organic status was granted for<br />
Puro’soutdoor growing site at Kekerengu,<br />
on the Kaikoura Coast, by BioGro,New<br />
Zealand's largest certifierfor organic<br />
produce and products.<br />
Puro has beenworking with BioGro for<br />
the lasttwo yearstobecome certified as<br />
organic.<br />
‘‘We are the only organic medical<br />
cannabis producer in New Zealand or<br />
Australia and oneofonly ahandful of<br />
commercialmedical cannabis operations<br />
with an internationallyrecognised<br />
organic certificationlike BioGro, so this<br />
achievementputs Puroinavery elite<br />
group globally,’’ Puro managingdirector<br />
Tim Aldridge says.<br />
Growing organically has been partof<br />
Puro’skaupapa since it began, with the<br />
company investing heavily in its organic<br />
production systems.<br />
‘‘Our vision has been to set the standard<br />
for amedical cannabisindustry that is<br />
organic, sustainable, and environmentally<br />
conscious,’’ he says.<br />
‘‘First and foremost, we are organic<br />
because it’s the right thing to do for our<br />
people, our land, ourcommunity and our<br />
plants.<br />
‘‘Importantly, it also provides Puro a<br />
huge pointofdifference in globalexport<br />
markets, as we can take New Zealand<br />
cannabis to international buyers.’’<br />
Organically certified cannabis products<br />
are selling at apremium of up to 90<br />
percent in established overseas markets,<br />
compared to similar nonorganic products.<br />
Puro qualityand compliance manager<br />
Wendy Tillman says the company’s<br />
commitment to growing organically hasn’t<br />
been without challenges.<br />
‘‘We are avery newindustry here in<br />
New Zealand and one of veryfew organic<br />
Doors opened by deputation<br />
From Page 1<br />
She believes the deputation opened the<br />
doorfor further discussion.<br />
‘‘It would be great if we could get the<br />
Government to push pause, but Iamnot<br />
sure it wants to be that bold.<br />
‘‘But it would be wrong for us to not keep<br />
on trying,’’ she says.<br />
Mr Gordon, who is deputy chair of the<br />
group, says the conversations had with all<br />
the major political parties,including the<br />
Government and the Local Government<br />
Minister Nanaia Mahuta,were<br />
constructive.<br />
‘‘They’vealso said they want to continue<br />
to hear from us and we are lookingto<br />
organise further meetings next year.<br />
‘‘It’s important that the voice of over one<br />
million New Zealanders is heard.<br />
‘‘Our campaign launch has opened the<br />
doorfor future meetingswhere we can<br />
continue to push for betterquality reform,<br />
where our communitieshave asay,’’Mr<br />
Gordon says.<br />
‘‘Our action group will introduce fresh<br />
ideasfor better water.<br />
‘‘The difference will be that our fresh<br />
59 Carters Road, Amberley<br />
<strong>23</strong> DEC<strong>2021</strong>, 8AM-5PM<br />
CLOSED 24 DEC<strong>2021</strong>-4JAN2022<br />
Organic ... Medical cannabis seedlings growing in anursery facility at Kēkerengū,north<br />
of Kaikoura.<br />
growers worldwide, so we’vehad to break<br />
new ground in termsoffinding effective<br />
and appropriate products and processes<br />
thatdothe job whilefitting our organic<br />
approach.<br />
‘‘This has included exploring how<br />
organic fertilisers can help provide the<br />
nutrientsour plantsneed and introducing<br />
specific predator species on sitetocontrol<br />
the pests that threaten our plants, and so,<br />
reducing the need to use pesticides.’’<br />
Puro’s organicjourneyhasn’tjust been<br />
about the plants, she says.<br />
‘‘Achieving BioGro Organic certification<br />
has required an indepth lookatevery<br />
systemand process we work within at our<br />
Kekerengu site,from germination to<br />
growing and then through to the<br />
processing and packaging, so that ourend<br />
productretains its organic status.’’<br />
OrganicAotearoa New Zealand<br />
ideaswill be thosewhich have the support<br />
of ratepayers as well as being locally<br />
accountable and responsive.’’<br />
Kaikoura’sMayor Mr Mackle says it felt<br />
awesome to be apart of the movement.<br />
‘‘The meeting resultedinsome really<br />
supportive crossparty conversations.’’<br />
Group chair, Manawatu Mayor Helen<br />
Worboys, says the group wants to ensure<br />
all New Zealanders have access to safe<br />
drinking water.<br />
She says there is abetter way to achieve<br />
the Governmentsobjectivesand the group<br />
wanted to work in partnership with them<br />
on that.<br />
‘‘This is an inclusive campaign. It is<br />
about safe drinking water for all New<br />
Zealanders, whoever and wherever they<br />
are.<br />
‘‘More meaningful Mana Whenua<br />
representation is an important part of that.<br />
‘‘It’s also an apolitical campaign were<br />
completely focused on theissue regardless<br />
of political affiliation,’’says Ms Worboys.<br />
‘‘We are the elected local voice of our<br />
communities that are very clearly telling<br />
us that they don't want to lose control of the<br />
chairperson Chris Morrison has visited<br />
Puro’sKekerengu site.<br />
He says Puro is an exemplar of a<br />
company working with nature, creating<br />
highvalueorganic products that<br />
consumers aroundthe world are willing to<br />
pay apremium for.<br />
‘‘Puroare pioneersinthe medical<br />
cannabis industry. With their smart<br />
technologies, internationallyrecognised<br />
team and organically focused research<br />
and development workstreams, Puro is<br />
building adepth of knowledge that will<br />
benefit the wider horticultural industry,<br />
providingopportunities for agricultural<br />
diversification and regional economic<br />
growth.’’<br />
Puro’s focus is now on its indoor growing<br />
facilitiesand research centreatWaihopai,<br />
near Blenheim,with avision to commence<br />
organic certification for these facilities.<br />
assets that generationsofour ratepayers<br />
built up and paid for, being snatched away<br />
from them as part of the Governments<br />
plan,’’ Ms Worboyssays.<br />
‘‘We don’tbelieve that the best solution<br />
lies in putting our assets into what will be<br />
four of the largest companies in New<br />
Zealand and then denying our<br />
communities their say in how those<br />
companiesare run.’’<br />
She says Communities 4Local<br />
Democracy is taking aconstructive<br />
approach to the situation by<br />
commissioning expertadvice on<br />
alternative modelsthat might achieve the<br />
objectivesofGovernment and local<br />
communities.<br />
Three partner councils —Whangārei<br />
District Council, Timaru DistrictCouncil<br />
and Waimakariri District Council—<br />
recently filed aHigh Courtapplication<br />
seeking clarification of what ownership<br />
means in relation to their ratepayerfunded<br />
water assets.<br />
Betweenthem, these three councils<br />
have $1.76 billion in ratepayerfunded<br />
water infrastructure.<br />
Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
CALL ARTHUR 027 2451601<br /><br /><br />
Traffic signals get green light<br />
Southbrook’s thirdset of trafficlights is<br />
astep closer.<br />
The RangioraAshleyCommunity<br />
Board gave the greenlight to a<br />
recommendation from council staff that<br />
the council adopts the Southbrook<br />
Road traffic lights and authorisestaffto<br />
proceed to the detailed design stageof<br />
the project.<br />
The new lights at the Southbrook<br />
Road, Torlesse and Coronation Street<br />
intersection are expected to improve<br />
road safety on Rangiora’sbusiestroad.<br />
They will replace the kea crossing,<br />
allowing for asafe crossing for children<br />
and providing asafer way for traffic to<br />
enter and exit Southbrook Road.<br />
‘‘It’svery, veryexcitingtosee that<br />
those promised lights have been<br />
approved and we look forward to it<br />
being constructed,’’Rangiora New Life<br />
School principal Stephen Walters says.<br />
‘‘We feel our children will be alot<br />
safer having three places to crossthe<br />
road and we know childrenwill<br />
appreciate that choice,soI’m really<br />
please and very excited.’’<br />
The communityboardalso approved<br />
furtherimprovementsincluding betterdefinedcrossing<br />
points, painted<br />
roundaboutsand aright turn ban from<br />
Denchs Road on to SouthbrookRoad.<br />
Councilstaffworkedwith pupils from<br />
Rangiora New Life and Southbrook<br />
Schoolstotest the proposed measures<br />
and thisprovedtobeasuccess, Mr<br />
Walterssays.<br />
‘‘The council staff have worked really<br />
closelywith the two schools, so it’s<br />
really good to see those measures<br />
adopted.<br />
‘‘It’s good to see that sort of<br />
participatory democracy and it works<br />
well.’’<br />
The Widest Music Variety<br />
Friday 6pm & replayed at 12pm Sunday<br />
Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />
Board chairperson Jim Gerardsays<br />
he is pleased to see progress being<br />
madetoaddress road safety on and<br />
around SouthbrookRoad.<br />
‘‘With amix of large schools,<br />
businesses,residential homes and<br />
more than26,000 vehicles using the<br />
road,it’s longbeen clear that<br />
improvementsneed to be made.’’<br />
Public consultation was carriedout<br />
during November, withmost<br />
respondents supporting the traffic<br />
signals.<br />
Many respondents indicated they<br />
wouldlike to see alongterm strategy<br />
for Southbrook Road and the<br />
surrounding areaprogressed.<br />
Aworkingparty has been set up to<br />
develop alongterm strategyfor<br />
improvingtraffic flow,safety for both<br />
drivers and pedestrians, access to<br />
businesses and residents,public<br />
transport and cycling facilities.<br />
Keeping abreast of swimmers<br />
After teaching swimmingfor morethan a<br />
decade, Ali Gills stillgets inspired by<br />
seeinglearners of all ages progress in the<br />
water.<br />
Now sheisbeing recognised for her own<br />
progression, havingbeen namedthe Skills<br />
ActiveAotearoaApprenticeofthe Year.<br />
The annual title goes to an exceptional<br />
apprenticeship graduatewho has<br />
demonstrated talent, hardwork and a<br />
commitment to increasing the healthand<br />
wellbeing of New Zealand communities,<br />
through sport, recreation or performing<br />
arts.<br />
Ali says what makes swim education<br />
rewarding for her, is making adifference<br />
in the livesofothers.<br />
‘‘I findinspiration from my swimmers<br />
from all aquatic levels, especiallythe adult<br />
swimmers who overcome their fearsand<br />
strivetobebetter swimmersbyregularly<br />
attending lessons,’’ she says.<br />
Ali says if people havehad abad<br />
experience in the water at some stage,the<br />
fear can stay with them. Sheisinterested<br />
in the psychology of getting past the<br />
trauma, and turning the negative into a<br />
positive by learning to swim.<br />
‘‘It might be that someone has retired,<br />
and now they’vegot the time to tackle it.<br />
‘‘ Or they haveset themselves agoal to go<br />
on holiday and go snorkelling.’’<br />
Ali says one of her pupils has been<br />
comingtoadult swimming lessons for<br />
seven years. She is in her late eighties,and<br />
‘‘still learning’’.<br />
Ali started helpingout as avolunteer<br />
with the aquaticprogramme at her<br />
children’s school. Whenher eldest son<br />
Ali Gill ... At work beside the pool.<br />
began swimming competitively, her<br />
interest grewand she eventually applied<br />
for arole as aswim teacher with the<br />
Waimakariri District Council 10 years ago.<br />
She completed every teacherextension<br />
course she couldfind,which wasn’teasy as<br />
the courses sometimes weren’t available<br />
in her part of the motu.<br />
Whenthe SkillsActive Apprenticeship<br />
in Specialised Swimand Water Safety<br />
Teacherbecame available, it was the<br />
perfect opportunity for Ali to get<br />
recognised forthe coursesshe had<br />
completed,aswell as adding on somenew<br />
learning as well.<br />
‘‘The apprenticeship provided afuture<br />
learning pathway to become qualified in<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
an area that I’m passionate about. It has<br />
givenmeadvanced industry knowledge<br />
and expert skillsand its been agreat<br />
confidence booster.’’<br />
There were certainly challenges to<br />
completing the qualification, Ali says,<br />
including havinganolder computer, and<br />
fitting everything in with her family<br />
commitments, her swim teachingwork,<br />
and the otherhalf of her role as acustomer<br />
service representative for the aquatic<br />
centres.<br />
However, hernow adult son, who was<br />
her inspiration for her swimteaching<br />
career, proofread her assignments. Aliwill<br />
be presentedwith her Apprenticeofthe<br />
Year Award in February.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
May’ssevere weather impacted<br />
by climate change —report<br />
Climate change made the rainfall that<br />
hit <strong>Canterbury</strong> in late May more<br />
severe.<br />
Researchersstudying the effectsof<br />
climate changeonsevereweather<br />
events in New Zealand have found that<br />
the extreme rainfall that brought<br />
flooding to parts of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
in May <strong>2021</strong>,was 10 to 15 percent more<br />
intense as aresult of human influence<br />
on the climate system.<br />
The findings come from the MBIEfunded<br />
research project Extreme<br />
Weather Event Realtime Attribution<br />
Machine (EWERAM)that seeks to<br />
provide scientificanalysis and expert<br />
assessment about the role of climate<br />
change in the severity and frequency<br />
of extreme weather events.<br />
The project callsonthe skills and<br />
expertiseofresearchers from five<br />
institutions in New Zealand—<br />
Bodeker Scientific, MetService,<br />
NIWA, VictoriaUniversityof<br />
Wellington, and the University of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Extremerainfall in <strong>Canterbury</strong> over<br />
the period May 29 to 31 produced<br />
historicflooding,inwhich the Eyre,<br />
Ashley and Okuku Riversthreatened<br />
to, or breached their banks.<br />
The event was causedbyaslowmoving<br />
low near centralNew Zealand<br />
thatdirected an easterly flow on to the<br />
South Island,with asubtropical feed<br />
of moisture delivering prolonged<br />
heavy rain.<br />
Rainfall totalsof200 mm in two days<br />
werewidespread alongthe<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> foothills, peaking at an<br />
overall totalof540 mm, over the<br />
Rising waters ... The Ashley /Rakahuri River in flood on the morning of May 31.<br />
courseofthe entire event, at Mt<br />
Somersinthe headwaters of the<br />
AshburtonRiver.<br />
The event prompted MetService to<br />
issue aRed Warning and aStateof<br />
Emergencywas declared in response<br />
to the floodingand widespread<br />
impacts. The Insurance Council of<br />
New Zealand lists the insured losses<br />
from the event at $43.8 million.<br />
The research teams analysis of this<br />
event,using MetServices’ensemble<br />
forecast system, indicates that<br />
compared to aclimate system<br />
unaffected by human activities,<br />
around10%15% (dependingonthe<br />
regionconsidered)more rainfell.<br />
Alarge collectionofglobalclimate<br />
model simulations, taken fromthe<br />
weather@home project,was also<br />
analysedfor how the likelihood of<br />
suchaneventoccurring may have<br />
changedbecause of climatechange.<br />
It was foundthat these events are at<br />
least 20% more likely to occurtoday<br />
thaninpreindustrialtimes.<br />
While these findings are consistent<br />
withclimatescienceexpectations, i.e.<br />
thatthe intensity and frequency of<br />
severe precipitationeventswill<br />
increase as the atmosphere warmsand<br />
is abletohold more moisture. The<br />
characteristicsofany single event can<br />
varyasaresult of climateinduced<br />
changesonwhere the rain falls,and<br />
other confoundingfactorssuch as<br />
thresholds being reached (or not) that<br />
initiate such events.<br />
Vaccine pass<br />
requirements<br />
Vaccine passes are mandatory at some<br />
publicvenues around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
but not at others.<br />
While the WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />
voted on <strong>December</strong>10torequirevaccine<br />
passesatthe district’s libraries and<br />
swimming pools, the Hurunui District<br />
Council has decided not to make the<br />
passesmandatory.<br />
The exceptionisthe Hanmer Springs<br />
Thermal Pools and Spa, where patrons<br />
must be double vaccinated except for<br />
children under12 years and 3monthsor<br />
thoseotherwise exempt.<br />
The Kaikoura DistrictCouncil has<br />
resolved thatentrytoits main council<br />
building on West End willbebyvaccine<br />
pass only,exceptfor those with<br />
exemptions.<br />
Kaikoura’s council building includes<br />
the museum, library, councilchambers<br />
and offices and the Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> office.<br />
Vaccine passes are not mandatory at<br />
the Kaikoura Aquatic Centre, or the<br />
swimmingpools in Waiau and<br />
Rotherham.<br />
All three councils advise that visitors to<br />
council facilities are requiredtowear<br />
masks, sign in with QR codes and<br />
numbers are limited to allow for social<br />
distancing.<br />
Face masks are mandatory duringentry<br />
and exit at swimming poolsand sporting<br />
facilities, but not while in the water or<br />
engaging in exercise or sporting<br />
activities.For groups hiring council<br />
buildings, it is at the discretion of the<br />
eventorganiser whether vaccine passes<br />
are required.The government’s Covid19<br />
ProtectionFramework(traffic lights), at<br />
the orange level, where vaccinepasses<br />
are not required, events are limited to 50<br />
people. There are no restriction at orange<br />
if vaccine passes are mandatory.<br />
“your best move”<br />
Merry Christmas<br />
and ahappy New Year!<br />
We wanted tothank you for supporting us<br />
throughout <strong>2021</strong>, wehave loved every moment<br />
and can’t wait to see what 2022 brings.<br />
After this crazy, busy year<br />
we hope you get toenjoy<br />
down-time with those<br />
you love.<br />
From our Lime family<br />
to yours.<br />
0508 call lime<br /><br />
Free call 0508 2255 5463 |Lime Real Estate Ltd Licensed REA2008
Strong systems winning factor<br />
Lime Real Estate, the winner of the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Award’s<br />
Hellers Emerging Business, has been<br />
built from the ground up on strong<br />
systems, the judges said.<br />
Its innovative branding, strong staff<br />
culture and commitment were all<br />
elements that caught the judge’s<br />
attention.<br />
The award winners were announced<br />
on line, by host Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, after Covid19 protocols<br />
scuppered the celebration dinner.<br />
Managing director of Lime Real<br />
Estate, Brooke Azzopardi says they were<br />
very excited and stoked that all their<br />
hard work had been recognised in<br />
winning the award.<br />
‘‘It was unexpected.<br />
‘‘We have worked extremely hard over<br />
the past 18 months since we opened to<br />
be in this position,’’ Brooke says.<br />
Strong systems were put in place right<br />
from the beginning, says Brooke who<br />
started out in the industry at aged 17.<br />
She used her experience, and all the<br />
good bits learned over the years when<br />
setting up Lime Real Estate. Positivity,<br />
honesty and service are at the heart of<br />
everything Lime Real Estate does.<br />
“We specialise in providing an<br />
amazing customer experience with<br />
customer service being our passion and<br />
priority,” Brooke says.<br />
“We are an independent, 100 percent<br />
locally owned real estate brand.”<br />
The company has now opened a<br />
second office, located in Rangiora.<br />
This means the team can tailor the<br />
business to suit the needs of its growing<br />
business in the community by providing<br />
real estate services to clients in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Oxford,<br />
Amberley and everywhere in between<br />
plus the Christchurch area and even<br />
Strong culture ... The Lime Real Estate team.<br />
further afield, in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
The driving force behind Lime Real<br />
Estate is adesire to provide apoint of<br />
difference and put clients’ properties in<br />
the limelight.<br />
Lime Real Estate specialises in<br />
residential, lifestyle and rural sales.<br />
The team is also experienced in<br />
development project sales, and property<br />
management, and has become <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s leading independent real<br />
estate agency.<br />
‘‘Our whole team comes together with<br />
the common goal of providing a<br />
seamless and personal experience to<br />
every client,’’ Brooke says.<br />
“We opened our new business in<br />
Kaiapoi on the same day as receiving the<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
news of the Covid19 pandemic<br />
lockdown.<br />
“We essentially opened and closed the<br />
business on the same day.<br />
‘‘This was extremely nerve racking<br />
and upsetting for us as we were<br />
uncertain what our future would be.”<br />
However the plan “to stay open and<br />
generate what business we could to help<br />
us push forward,” has worked well.<br />
“We have the community to thank for<br />
this, for so graciously supporting us,<br />
believing in us and choosing to support<br />
local,” Brooke says.<br />
“We intend to continue working<br />
towards our core company value of<br />
‘‘supporting the community that support<br />
us”.<br />
5<br />
Bill to give<br />
voting rights<br />
ABill to grantmana whenua votingrights at<br />
the Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />
council table has passedits first reading in<br />
Parliament.<br />
The <strong>Canterbury</strong>Regional Council (Ngai<br />
Tahu Representation)Bill seeks to provide<br />
for manawhenua representation around<br />
the counciltable, by empowering Te<br />
Runanga oNgai Tahutoappointuptotwo<br />
members with full decisionmaking<br />
powers.<br />
‘‘We are thrilled that the Bill has passed<br />
its firstreading,’’ ECan chairperson Jenny<br />
Hughey says.<br />
‘‘This has cleared the way for the Bill to<br />
move to the Select Committee, whichhas<br />
now opened the submissionsprocessso<br />
people can comment on the Bill.<br />
‘‘TheSelect Committeeprocess is the<br />
pinnacle of consultation processes andis<br />
open to everyone in New Zealand.’’<br />
ECan works in partnership with 10 Ngai<br />
Tahu papatipu runanga, which hold mana<br />
whenua status withinthe council’s<br />
boundaries through acollective calledTe<br />
Ropu Tuia.<br />
Te Ropu Tuia cochairperson Liz Brown<br />
says the Ngai Tahu RepresentationBill<br />
reflects the rangatiratanga between local<br />
government and mana whenua.<br />
‘‘This Billallows us to build on the mahi<br />
of our tipuna(ancestors),who have<br />
advocated over many generations forbetter<br />
representation of mana whenuawhen<br />
decisions are being made within our takiwa<br />
(tribal area).<br />
Ms Hughey saysamong the benefits of<br />
mana whenua representation are greater<br />
efficiency in planningand consenting<br />
processes, reduced costsfor council and<br />
consent applicants, and improved<br />
enforcementdecisions.<br />
Submissions are now openwith the<br />
MaoriAffairs Select Committee.<br />
Submissions close of February 2.<br />
Ph: 03310 0247 •<br />
We areclosed from22 nd <strong>December</strong> till 10 th January<br />
HC TLS2145
6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Joanne Gumbrell<br />
Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly<br />
Advisory Group<br />
Join together for<br />
fellowship and fun<br />
Ibelong to U3Aandgotooneoftheir<br />
interest groups Singingfor Health.<br />
Together we sing oldsongsand hear<br />
thehistory of themfromour leaders.<br />
I’mnot asinger and Idon’t needtobe<br />
to go to this group.<br />
It is aboutdoing somethingwith<br />
others andhaving fun.<br />
This singing groupishelping with the<br />
growing need forsocial connection.<br />
Social mediasent me amessage<br />
whichsaid: LightUpLoneliness. Take<br />
actiontoend lonelinessacross Aotearoa<br />
by joiningthe movement at<br /> This is an<br />
initiative fromAge Concern.<br />
Here inWaimakariri,Presbyterian<br />
Supporthaveavolunteer visitor<br />
scheme.<br />
If youwant to be avolunteervisitor,<br />
or have someone visit you,phoneRoni<br />
on 03 261 2889<br />
I’minterestedinwhatthe Office for<br />
Seniors is sayabout housing: For a<br />
growingnumber of older people,<br />
accessing secure,safeand affordable<br />
longtermhousing canpresenta<br />
challenge.Thisaffectsthewider financial<br />
wellbeingofpeople forwhom NZSuperis<br />
their primarysourceofincome.Sincethe<br />
start of thepandemic, the number of<br />
people aged65+ who receive the<br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Good<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Dec <strong>23</strong> Dec 24 Dec 25 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 29<br />
Rise 5:46am<br />
Set 9:09pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
4:13am<br />
4:37pm<br />
Moderate Sturning<br />
SE<br />
Good<br />
Rise 5:47am<br />
Set 9:10pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
5:01am<br />
5:25pm<br />
Set 8:52am Rise 12:13am<br />
Set 9:58am<br />
Gentle Sbecoming<br />
moderate E<br />
accommodation supplement increased<br />
by approximately 12,000totaling127,522<br />
in March <strong>2021</strong>.Atitsworst, housing<br />
deprivation has consequences forolder<br />
people.They maylackaccesstohousing<br />
altogetherorhaveaccess onlytosubstandard<br />
accommodation.<br />
Agefriendly Waimakariri’s housing<br />
subgroupoflocal peopleare lookingto<br />
procure landand buildanAbbeyfield<br />
House.<br />
They areabouttobecome an<br />
Incorporated Society andbegin fundraising.<br />
An AbbeyfieldHouse consistsof1214<br />
studio unitsfor single people aged 65+,<br />
acommunalkitchen,dining andliving<br />
area, agarden andalivein<br />
housekeeperwho cooksmeals.<br />
Residentseat togetherand socialise as<br />
much as they wish.<br />
This alsohelpswiththe housing<br />
crisiswehaveinAotearoa as it frees up<br />
houses for others.<br />
nz.<br />
Maybethere is alonely person living<br />
nearyou who wouldloveaninvitation<br />
to joinyou for avisit, amealoran<br />
outing.<br />
NgaMihi Kirihimetemetetau hou.<br />
Merry Christmas andaHappyNew<br />
Year.<br />
Good<br />
Rise 5:48am<br />
Set 9:10pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
5:48am<br />
6:10pm<br />
Rise 12:40am<br />
Set 11:04am<br />
Moderate SE turning<br />
E<br />
Good<br />
Rise 5:48am<br />
Set 9:10pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Rise 1:05am<br />
Set 12:12pm<br />
Data not<br />
available.<br />
Rise 5:49am<br />
Set 9:11pm<br />
Rise 1:27am<br />
Set 1:20pm<br />
Data not<br />
available.<br />
Rise 5:50am<br />
Set 9:11pm<br />
Rise 1:50am<br />
Set 2:30pm<br />
Data not<br />
available.<br />
Rise 5:50am<br />
Set 9:11pm<br />
Rise 2:13am<br />
Set 3:43pm<br />
Data not<br />
available.<br />
Data not<br />
Data not<br />
Data not<br />
Data not<br />
SE 0.7 m E0.8 m E0.7 m<br />
available.<br />
available.<br />
available.<br />
available.<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
6:33am<br />
6:55pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Looking to the future<br />
Often the endofthe year, and more<br />
importantly the start of anew one,isa<br />
timetothink about whatisimportant and<br />
whatchallenges andopportunities we are<br />
going to faceinthe future.<br />
The farmingcommunityisfacing a<br />
tsunami of change in the form of new<br />
regulations, aimed at improvingand<br />
protecting theenvironment for future<br />
generations.<br />
Farmers aren’tlooking at what is<br />
coming andthinking ‘‘we’re not going to<br />
do this’’.<br />
Theyare looking at it and thinking‘‘how<br />
on earth arewegoingtodothis?’’.<br />
Thisdifferenceiskey.There isn’t<br />
resistance to change in therural sector–<br />
farmers have been responding to<br />
changing regulations,markets, economic<br />
and climaticconditions,and technology<br />
for generations –but thepace hastobe<br />
sustainable,and therules implementable.<br />
Believeitornot,this is no different for<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
We tooare facing this wave of new<br />
direction thatisnecessary to protectthe<br />
environment.<br />
And are thinking“how on earth are we<br />
going to do this?”.<br />
But we must. Andweneed to work<br />
alongside the wholecommunity if we are<br />
to succeed.<br />
In September, councillors confirmeda<br />
set of principlesfor working with<br />
communities under stress.<br />
The council recognises that the rural<br />
sectorisone suchcommunity.Some might<br />
evensay thecouncilisthe cause of the<br />
7:18am<br />
7:40pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
8:03am<br />
8:27pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
8:51am<br />
9:16pm<br />
stress:weare theones whotranslate the<br />
central government direction andthe<br />
desires of thewider <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
community into rulesand are the ones on<br />
theground who monitor and enforce<br />
compliance.<br />
It’s important to remember we arein<br />
fact alltrying to achieve thesame<br />
outcome.<br />
Namely astrong,sustainable rural<br />
sectorthatisable to support the<br />
environmental outcomesneeded to<br />
protect this beautifulregion for<br />
generations to come.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> doesn’t<br />
always getitright.<br />
As acouncillor Iamcommitted to better<br />
ways of working, building relationships<br />
andincentivisingbehaviourchange, and<br />
so are ourstaff.<br />
Thereisatension between carrying out<br />
ourregulatoryroleonbehalfofthe wider<br />
community, while also having empathy for<br />
thefarmers,orothers we interact with.<br />
However,Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> has<br />
aregulatory obligation to carry out our<br />
functions in atimelymanner.<br />
My hope for thecoming year is that we<br />
cantake learnings from ourexperiences<br />
andbuildonthe many past successes in<br />
theregion.<br />
This means we allcomefromaplace of<br />
good intentand asharedend goal,and we<br />
change the conversationtoone where<br />
everyoneisworking togethertoanswer<br />
‘‘howonearth arewegoingtodothis?’’.<br />
Wishingeveryone arestful holiday<br />
period.<br />
Community caring for community<br />
All <strong>Canterbury</strong> government agencies,<br />
not just health,have arole to play to<br />
ensure people aresupported and<br />
prepared for asignificant increase in<br />
the number of cases of Covid19 in the<br />
region,says Ben Clark,<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
Regional Public ServiceCommissioner<br />
for <strong>Canterbury</strong> and the Chatham<br />
Islands.<br />
‘‘It takes acommunity to care for a<br />
community, and Iknow there are<br />
hundreds of people working across<br />
health,wellbeing, mana whenua and<br />
NGOsocial services to ensure that<br />
anyone whocontracts Covid19 in<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> or the Chatham Islandswill<br />
be well supported,’’ he says.<br />
This is whether they are selfisolating<br />
in their own homeorinan alternative<br />
community facility, including managed<br />
isolation and quarantine facilities, Mr<br />
Clark says.<br />
SeniorResponsible Officer for Covid<br />
19 at the <strong>Canterbury</strong> District Health<br />
Board, Dr Helen Skinner, says most<br />
people with Covid19 are likely to have a<br />
mild illness.<br />
‘‘It’s important that people’s health<br />
andwellbeing is monitored by aclinical<br />
team as well as selfmonitoring while in<br />
isolation.<br />
‘‘It’s also vital that people isolating at<br />
home know who and when to call for<br />
help if their health deteriorates,’’ Dr<br />
Skinner says.<br />
“This weekwe’ve gone live with a<br />
Claire McKay<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> Councillor<br />
dedicated Covid19 Care in the<br />
Community page on our website.’’<br />
The site provides information on<br />
practical things to ensure people are<br />
ready for when Covid19 is more<br />
widespread in the community, along<br />
with guidance for those who are selfisolating<br />
and resources for community<br />
support providers.<br />
“If you’re heading away on holiday,<br />
have you made aplan to cover what<br />
you’ll do if you or one of your whānau<br />
catches COVID19?<br />
Where will you isolate? What about<br />
vulnerable people you know who might<br />
be older and live alone or have a<br />
disability –how can you support others<br />
you care about?<br />
“The new section on our website also<br />
provides linkstoinformation on what it<br />
means to be aclose, casual,or<br />
household close contact of someonewho<br />
has tested positive for COVID19 and<br />
there’s information on what to expect<br />
and who can support you afteryou’ve<br />
tested positive,” Dr Skinner says.<br />
‘‘The best thing we can all do now to<br />
protect ourselves is to be fully<br />
vaccinated, including having abooster<br />
dose if it’s six months since you had your<br />
second dose of Pfizer vaccine.<br />
‘‘When you leave the house<br />
remember: Mask, Scan and Pass –wear<br />
your mask, scan in everywhere you go,<br />
and showyour Covid19 pass when you<br />
need to.’’<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 8:34am 2.2 2:20am 0.7 9:17am 2.2 3:01am 0.7 10:01am 2.2 3:44am 0.7 10:46am 2.2 4:29am 0.7 11:33am 2.3 5:18am 0.7 12:00am 2.2 6:10am 0.7 12:50am 2.3 7:04am 0.6<br />
Mouth<br />
8:59pm 2.1 2:50pm 0.7 9:43pm 2.1 3:33pm 0.7 10:28pm 2.1 4:17pm 0.7 11:13pm 2.1 5:03pm 0.7<br />
5:51pm 0.7 12:22pm 2.3 6:39pm 0.6 1:14pm 2.3 7:30pm 0.5<br />
Amberley 8:34am 2.2 2:20am 0.7 9:17am 2.2 3:01am 0.7 10:01am 2.2 3:44am 0.7 10:46am 2.2 4:29am 0.7 11:33am 2.3 5:18am 0.7 12:00am 2.2 6:10am 0.7 12:50am 2.3 7:04am 0.6<br />
Beach<br />
8:59pm 2.1 2:50pm 0.7 9:43pm 2.1 3:33pm 0.7 10:28pm 2.1 4:17pm 0.7 11:13pm 2.1 5:03pm 0.7<br />
5:51pm 0.7 12:22pm 2.3 6:39pm 0.6 1:14pm 2.3 7:30pm 0.5<br />
8:43am 2.2 2:29am 0.7 9:26am 2.2 3:10am 0.7 10:10am 2.2 3:53am 0.7 10:55am 2.2 4:38am 0.7 11:42am 2.3 5:27am 0.7 12:09am 2.2 6:19am 0.7 12:59am 2.3 7:13am 0.6<br />
Motunau 9:08pm 2.1 2:59pm 0.7 9:52pm 2.1 3:42pm 0.7 10:37pm 2.1 4:26pm 0.7 11:22pm 2.1 5:12pm 0.7<br />
6:00pm 0.7 12:31pm 2.3 6:48pm 0.6 1:<strong>23</strong>pm 2.3 7:39pm 0.5<br />
8:45am 2.2 2:31am 0.7 9:28am 2.2 3:12am 0.7 10:12am 2.2 3:55am 0.7 10:57am 2.2 4:40am 0.7 11:44am 2.3 5:29am 0.7 12:11am 2.2 6:21am 0.7 1:01am 2.3 7:15am 0.6<br />
Gore Bay 9:10pm 2.1 3:01pm 0.7 9:54pm 2.1 3:44pm 0.7 10:39pm 2.1 4:28pm 0.7 11:24pm 2.1 5:14pm 0.7<br />
6:02pm 0.7 12:33pm 2.3 6:50pm 0.6 1:25pm 2.3 7:41pm 0.5<br />
8:41am 1.7 2:26am 0.6 9:<strong>23</strong>am 1.7 3:08am 0.5 10:07am 1.7 3:52am 0.5 10:53am 1.7 4:37am 0.5 11:41am 1.7 5:24am 0.5 12:05am 1.7 6:15am 0.5 12:55am 1.7 7:09am 0.5<br />
Kaikoura 9:08pm 1.6 3:01pm 0.6 9:50pm 1.6 3:44pm 0.5 10:34pm 1.6 4:27pm 0.5 11:18pm 1.6 5:12pm 0.5<br />
5:57pm 0.5 12:31pm 1.7 6:44pm 0.5 1:22pm 1.7 7:33pm 0.4<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
7<br />
Upcoming power<br />
line surveys<br />
MainPower will be carrying<br />
out aerialpower line asset<br />
inspections from Monday 10th<br />
January until Sunday20th<br />
February.<br />
The work will be conducted<br />
between Oxford and Kaikōura<br />
and is dependent on suitable<br />
weather conditions.<br />
So You! Boutique ... Abusiness with clear direction and aconcise strategy.<br />
So You! Apoint of difference<br />
So You!Boutique,which won the Percival<br />
Street Bakery Excellence in Retail Award<br />
at the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Award,<br />
is abusinessoperating in avery<br />
competitive marketplace with avery clear<br />
pointofdifference, the judges said.<br />
‘‘This business is seeing the benefits of<br />
having avery clear and concise strategy<br />
and directionbuilt around an<br />
understanding of its clientbase,’’ they<br />
said.<br />
The award was announced online by<br />
host Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> after<br />
the annualawards dinnerwas cancelled<br />
due to Covidprotocols.<br />
Debbie Albrecht,the owner of So You!<br />
Boutique saysitisreally nicetobe<br />
recognised and very emotional.<br />
‘‘We are reallydifferent from other<br />
stores. We offer avery personal service<br />
and we have an awesometeam who make<br />
that veryeasy to do,’’she says.<br />
So You! Boutique hosts events,<br />
workshops and fashion shows, and truly<br />
believes in helping women create ahardworkingwardrobe.<br />
Their12piece pack<br />
workshop evenshowsyou how to create<br />
over 60 outfits from just 12 items.<br />
Plus their personal shopping service<br />
makes tired wardrobes and ‘‘nothing to<br />
wear’’ athing of the past.‘‘It is afun, stressfree<br />
oneononepersonalshopping<br />
consultation,’’ says Debbie.<br />
So You! Boutique, in Conway Lane,has<br />
had to be resilient in the face of the<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> earthquakes and againduring<br />
the ups and downs of Covid19.<br />
‘‘But we are not goinganywhere. We are<br />
stillgrowing,’’ saysDebbie.<br />
Debbie saysSoYou! Boutique has a<br />
largecustomer basewho are very loyal<br />
and appreciate the personaltouch instore.<br />
She says she and her teamoffer good<br />
honest adviceand love working with<br />
women to help them feel fabulousintheir<br />
clothing.<br />
The inspections will be completed<br />
using acamera mounted on a<br />
helicopter flying at alow level<br />
close to the power lines.<br />
Electricity supplywill not<br />
be affected.<br />
Forfurther information, please<br />
contact<br /><br />
militaria and aviation<br />
extravaganza<br />
WaitangiWeekend<br />
Saturday 5th&Sunday 6th February 2022<br />
•BattleDisplays–<br />
morning&afternoon<br />
•Red HotNana’s<br />
•MilitaryvehiclesRides<br />
•Highland Dancing<br />
•Airforce Band<br />
•Food available<br />
•Suitablefor allages<br />
Full eventprogramme at<br /><br />
Raising funds to extend our<br />
existing display<br />
Getupclosetoa<br />
military vehicle<br />
anduniforms,<br />
weapons, aircraft,<br />
vintagecarsand<br />
living history.<br />
387 Seafield Road, Ashburton Open 9am to 4pm both days<br />
Adults $15 – Children $5 (15 and under). Family Pass $35 (2 adults, 2 children)<br /><br />
FOR LESS<br />
S A L<br />
E<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Lacando<br />
Collection<br />
500<br />
DAYS<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Lennox<br />
Collection<br />
3Seater $1089 $919<br />
2Seater $779 $649<br />
Sofa Bed $1539 $1299<br />
Charcoal<br />
Black PU<br />
Lending criteria, $50Annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Csapply. Standard Interest Rate<br />
(currently 25.99%p.a.) applies to anyoutstanding balanceatend of interest free period.<br />
Offer ends 20<strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Min spend and exclusions may apply, $55Establishment Fee or<br />
$35Advance Fee applies toLong Term Finance Purchases.<br />
Buffet Small $769 $699 Coffee Table $269 $219<br />
Buffet Large $1079 $899 Lamp Table $169 $159<br />
Hall Table $259 $219 Tv Unit $669 $559<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Lennox<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
Mesa<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
Bari<br />
Dining<br />
Chair<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Sling<br />
Bar stool<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Maui<br />
Recliner<br />
Available in<br />
Grey, Blue<br />
and Black<br />
3Colour<br />
available<br />
WAS $139<br />
$<br />
115<br />
WAS $129<br />
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115<br />
WAS $179<br />
$<br />
159<br />
WAS $189<br />
$<br />
169<br />
WAS $1279<br />
$<br />
1089<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Piha Extension<br />
Outdoor Table<br />
Black or White<br />
IN-STOCK<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Willis Chaise<br />
Outdoor Set<br />
SUPER<br />
SALE<br />
Raglan<br />
Egg<br />
Chair<br />
WAS $1899<br />
29<br />
$<br />
1729<br />
Marley<br />
Outdoor Dining Chair<br />
WAS $179<br />
$<br />
149<br />
WAS $2199<br />
$<br />
1699<br />
Available in:<br />
Chocolate,<br />
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WAS $699<br />
$<br />
649<br />
FREE<br />
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0800 268 264<br />
500DaysInterest free terms: In-storeonlypurchases $499 &over. Ends 31 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Exclusionsmay<br />
apply.Lending criteria, $50AnnualAccount Fee, fees, Ts&Csapply.StandardInterest Rate (currently25.99%<br />
p.a.) applies to anyoutstanding balanceatend ofinterest free period.$55 EstablishmentFee or $35Advance<br />
Feeapplies to Long Term FinancePurchases. See in-storefor full T&C’s
Whitebait spawn sites studied<br />
Whitebait spawning sites in<br />
downtownKaikoura have created<br />
plenty of interest.<br />
Results of arecent inanga /<br />
whitebait spawningsite study in the<br />
Kaikoura water zonehas helped<br />
build an understanding of how to<br />
protect and manage the futureof<br />
thespecies.<br />
Thestudywas conducted by<br />
Universityof<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
researchersand focusedon<br />
identifying the characteristics and<br />
conservation statusofspawning<br />
sites for whitebait species.<br />
It was the first of its kind to<br />
investigateinanga spawning habitat<br />
in nontidal river mouthsthat are<br />
open to the sea.<br />
There wasabig focusonLyell<br />
Creek /Waikoauincentral<br />
Kaikoura.<br />
Six otherwaterways were<br />
surveyed, including Blue Duck<br />
Creek in the north, Harnetts Creek,<br />
Swan Creek, Middle Creek, and the<br />
Kahutara and Oaro Rivers in the<br />
southern area of the zone.<br />
Inanga is the mostabundant<br />
speciesthat whitebaiters catchin<br />
New Zealand rivers, so is akey<br />
indicator of ecosystem health, the<br />
researchers said.<br />
The study will support actions in<br />
the zone to protect and enhance the<br />
habitatfor thisimportant mahinga<br />
kai species to give it abetter<br />
chance.<br />
‘‘We’rereallyfortunate thatthe<br />
University of <strong>Canterbury</strong> delved<br />
into our local awa (water ways)to<br />
learn more aboutour crypticinanga<br />
following the earthquake’s uplift,’’<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />
land management and biodiversity<br />
advisorHeathMelvillesaid.<br />
‘‘The uplift has caused aloss of<br />
tidal influenceonlocal hapua(river<br />
Urban whitebait ... Several spawning sites were found in downtown<br />
Kaikoura in the Lyell Creek.<br />
mouths), whichhas likely narrowed<br />
the window of opportunity for<br />
inanga to spawn successfully.<br />
‘‘By protecting spawning sites the<br />
species will have abetter chanceof<br />
thriving in our local awa,which will<br />
hopefully allow us, and future<br />
generations,tobeable to continue<br />
the tradition of whitebaiting,’’ he<br />
said.<br />
Spawning is the process of<br />
releasing the eggs and spermto<br />
reproduce.<br />
Whitebait use particular areas in<br />
the lower riverfor spawning, so<br />
identifyingand protectingthese<br />
areascan increase the number of<br />
eggs,juveniles and eventually adult<br />
fish,MrMelville says.<br />
Asurvey of Lyell Creek found<br />
several spawningsitesindowntown<br />
Kaikoura.<br />
University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
researchers Shane Orchard and<br />
David Schielundertook the<br />
research project. An unexpected<br />
heavy rain in February 2019<br />
triggeredwidespread inanga<br />
spawning activity at the studysites.<br />
‘‘Welearned alot from this one<br />
rainevent, anditallowed us to<br />
makeadditional measurements<br />
and learnmore about the next one.<br />
There was another unexpected turn<br />
of events with adry spell during<br />
March thatleftthe February eggs<br />
highand dry with no chance of<br />
hatching,’’ DrOrchardsaid.<br />
Thisled to the researchers<br />
working withECan to conduct an<br />
ecological engineeringexperiment<br />
to artificially raisewater levels at<br />
Lyell Creek, which was successful<br />
in triggering spawning.<br />
‘‘The results from throughoutthe<br />
project showed us justhow attuned<br />
thefish are to changes in the water<br />
level.’’<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
9<br />
Learn family secrets<br />
Everwonderedwhatyour<br />
ancestorsgot up to?The<br />
holidays might give youtime<br />
to catch up on alittlefamily<br />
history research.<br />
Withahealthy selection of<br />
museumsand archival<br />
repositories throughout <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>,why not visit?<br />
The RangioraMuseum is<br />
run by theRangiora and<br />
DistrictsEarlyRecords<br />
Societyand is based in Good<br />
Street. Formoreinformation,<br />
go to rangioramuseum.<br /> for opening<br />
hours.There is asmall<br />
admission charge.<br />
TheKaiapoiMuseum, in the<br />
Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic<br />
Centre, is openduringlibrary<br />
opening hours andisrun by<br />
the KaiapoiDistrictHistorical<br />
Society. Formore information<br />
go to<br />
Entry is free, but donations<br />
are welcome.<br />
The OxfordMuseum is on<br />
MainStreet andisrun by the<br />
Oxford Historical Records<br />
Society. Foropeninghoursor<br />
to contact the museumgoto<br /><br />
Forscoutingconnections,<br />
visit theNational Scout<br />
Museum at Blue SkiesGroup<br />
Accommodation andOutdoor<br />
ActivitiesCentre on Williams<br />
Street, Kaiapoi. For opening<br />
hours or to contact the<br />
museum,<br />
nz/nationalscoutmuseum.<br />
htmlorphone(03) 3857599.<br />
The Custand Districts<br />
HistoricalRecords Society’s<br />
museum is housedinthe<br />
former WaimakaririAshley<br />
Water Supply Board building<br />
in Cust.Phone 0272603063.<br />
TheKaikoura Museum has<br />
been openinthe Kaikoura<br />
CivicBuilding on WestEnd<br />
sincethe November2016<br />
earthquake.For more<br />
information, followthe<br />
KaikouraMuseum page on<br />
Facebookorcontact (03)<br />
3197440.<br />
Informationabout Hurunui<br />
district records can be found<br />
at<br />
community/library/heritage/<br />
nzandlocalhistoryresources.<br />
Records can be foundatthe<br />
HurunuiDistrict Library in<br />
Amberley,phone(03)314 8980,<br />
andatthe HanmerSprings<br />
Library.<br />
TheAmuriHistorical<br />
Society’s museum is located in<br />
Waiau. Contact<br /><br />
TheCheviotHistorical<br />
Records Societycan be<br />
contacted at<br /><br />
TheKowaiArchivesSociety<br />
is based in Balcairn andcan<br />
be contactedatkowai.<br /><br />
TheWaipara County<br />
HistoricalSocietyisbased in<br />
Hawarden andcan be<br />
contacted at harbridge@xtra.<br /><br />
ForHanmer Springs<br />
records, contact Rosemary<br />
Ensor at<br /><br />
INFOLINE 03327 6117<br />
My Vaccine Pass required to gain entry<br />
Read our terms &conditions at<br /><br />
CHAMPS!<br />
Boxing Day<br />
SUNDAY<br />
DECEMBER 26th,<br />
6.00PM<br />
OR Gate Sales open from 3pm on the day<br />
Admission Cost:<br />
Adults $25, Family Pass $50<br />
(2 adults & up to 4 children 15yrs & under)<br />
Seniors $10, Children $5,<br />
Under 5 years Free<br />
JANUARY7th &8th,6.30PM<br />
TRIPLE THE Action!<br />
OR Gate Sales open from 4pm on the day<br />
Admission i Cost Both Nights:<br />
Adults $20, Family Pass $40<br />
(2 adults & up to 4 children 15yrs & under)<br />
Seniors $10, Children $5,<br />
Under 5 years Free<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Christmasand NewYear Refuse and<br />
Recycling Arrangements<br />
Some refuse and recycling collection days are changing<br />
over Christmas and New Year. This also applies to some rural<br />
collection points.<br />
Monday 27<strong>December</strong> and<br />
Monday 3January<br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>December</strong> and<br />
Tuesday 4January<br />
Wednesday 29 <strong>December</strong><br />
and Wednesday 5January<br />
Thursday 30 <strong>December</strong><br />
and Thursday 6January<br />
No Collections -Public Holiday<br />
Hanmer Springs, Mt Lyford and<br />
Gore Bay<br />
Amberley, Amberley Beach, Leithfield,<br />
Leithfield Beach, Cheviot, Waipara,<br />
Scargill, Omihi, Greta Valley<br />
and Motunau Beach<br />
Waiau, Rotherham, Culverden, Waikari<br />
and Hawarden<br />
• Only Hurunui Council bags will becollected, these are available<br />
from various outlets inHurunui.<br />
• Bags must be securely tied and at the kerbside or council collection<br />
point by 8am.<br />
• Collection times may vary to normal, and the crew will not return to<br />
collect bags placed out late.<br />
• Refuse bags must not exceed 15kg in weight.<br />
• Bags split prior to the crew’s arrival and non-official bags will not be<br />
collected.<br />
• Bundles of cardboard will not be collected but can be recycled via<br />
any transfer station.<br />
Calendars lead to exhibition<br />
Jeff Raines,aself described ‘‘chocolatebox<br />
photographer’’ who has alove affair<br />
with Christchurch, now has an<br />
exhibition of his work.<br />
The formerSydneysider has put<br />
together acollection of his photographs<br />
for Christchurch —A photographic love<br />
affair,whichopened at the galleryon<br />
<strong>December</strong> 8and will run until January<br />
19.<br />
Jeff, who now lives in Kaiapoi, owns<br />
TurkeyBeach Productions,which<br />
produces calendars sold in New Zealand<br />
and all around the world.<br />
‘‘The photos always show the glossy<br />
image,showing New Zealandatits best,’’<br />
he says.<br />
Jeff began producingcalendars when<br />
he was living in Christchurch and ran<br />
the <strong>North</strong>lands Paper Plus store.<br />
He noticed that the bestselling<br />
calendar in the store was one with an<br />
image of Hanmer Springs on the cover.<br />
‘‘I realised the power alocal image has<br />
over anational or international one,’’<br />
Jeff says.<br />
He plannedtotravel around New<br />
Zealand photographingscenic places of<br />
interest for his calendars,but when his<br />
wife,Colleen,died in 1997, he was left<br />
with five children from 7to17years to<br />
raisesowas unable to travel far.<br />
He began photographinghis home<br />
town for the calendars.<br />
The Christchurchearthquakes in 2010<br />
and 2011 provided him with ahuge jump<br />
in sales and worldwide interest in his<br />
calendars, which are printed in New<br />
Zealand.<br />
‘‘Everyone was sending them to family<br />
overseas as all of asudden Christchurch<br />
had gainedworldwide interest and, of<br />
course, because so muchwas destroyed.<br />
We sold 37,500 calendars thatyear.’’<br />
Jeff said he has had great feedback<br />
from people about his calendars with<br />
one couple tellinghim they were so<br />
inspired by his images that they<br />
travelledtoNew Zealandtovisit the<br />
places on the calendar they had been<br />
givenasaChristmaspresent.<br />
He now produces calendars annually<br />
including arose calendar, aNew<br />
Zealand birdscalendar, aNew Zealand<br />
scenic calendar, aChristchurch<br />
calendar and alargeformat black and<br />
whiteone for the sight impaired. The<br />
calendars can be purchased from most<br />
PaperPlus stores, some independent<br />
book sellers and some Whitcoullsstores.<br />
What is accepted via the recycling collections if it is clean<br />
and loose in aCouncil recycling bag?<br />
• <strong>News</strong>papers, magazines, office paper and telephone directories.<br />
• Cardboard, greetings cards, junk mail, envelopes, and egg boxes.<br />
• Food, drink, and pet food cans.<br />
• Rigid plastic bottles and small containers, types 1, 2and 5with lids<br />
removed.<br />
What cannot be recycled?<br />
Soft plastics, plastics 3, 4, 6and 7, tetrapaks, polystyrene (including<br />
meat trays), plant pots, plastic strapping,clothing, food-stained paper<br />
or card, coffee cups, plastic lids, foil trays and food waste are not<br />
recyclable -ifindoubt throw it out.<br />
Do not put glass bottles in recycling bags, these can be recycled via<br />
any transfer station.<br />
Transfer Station Arrangements -the opening hours for<br />
Christmas and New Year are as follows.<br />
Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Friday 31 <strong>December</strong><br />
Saturday 25 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Saturday 1January<br />
Sunday 26 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Sunday 2January<br />
Monday 27 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Monday 3January<br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Tuesday 4January<br />
Wednesday 29 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Wednesday 5January<br />
Thursday 30 <strong>December</strong> &<br />
Thursday 6January<br />
Normal opening hours apply<br />
All transfer stations closed<br />
All transfer stations closed<br />
All transfer stations closed<br />
Normal opening hours apply<br />
Amberley transfer station will<br />
open 10am to 4pm<br />
Normal opening hours apply<br />
Normal opening hours apply<br />
Fun in the water ... Families will be looking forward to cooling off in water ways<br />
around the region this summer.<br />
Swimming sites monitored<br />
Taking adip in ariver or water way to<br />
cool off on ahot summer’s day is<br />
something we take for granted.<br />
Each summer from November to<br />
March, Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(ECan) monitors more than 100 of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s popular swimming sites<br />
weekly to check for water quality<br />
issues which can be harmful to people<br />
and pets, especially dogs.<br />
As at last week, 19 swimming sites in<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> were graded as<br />
suitable, while four were considered<br />
not suitable.<br />
Suitability of asite can change,<br />
depending on environmental<br />
conditions such as warm<br />
temperatures, sunlight, low or stable<br />
river flows, and high levels of<br />
nutrients.<br />
Before you or your dog swim, make<br />
sure you view the most uptodate<br />
water quality results from our weekly<br />
monitoring at<br />
All five monitored beach sites in the<br />
Kaikoura district remain good for<br />
swimming, including Armers Beach,<br />
Gooch’s Beach, Mangamaunu, Peketa<br />
Beach and South Bay, as do the two<br />
sites in the Hurunui district, Gore Bay<br />
and Motunau Beach.<br />
In the Waimakariri district there<br />
have been no changes since last year's<br />
grading.<br />
Pegasus township beach, Pines<br />
Beach, Waikuku Beach and Woodend<br />
Beach are suitable for swimming.<br />
The Ashley River/Rakahuri Estuary<br />
site remains unsuitable for swimming.<br />
In the Kaikoura district, the<br />
Kahutara River at State Highway 1<br />
remains good for swimming, but the<br />
Lyell Creek Lagoon remains<br />
unsuitable.<br />
The Hurunui River at SH1 is good for<br />
swimming, but should be avoided after<br />
heavy rain.<br />
Further upstream, the Hurunui<br />
River at SH7 remains unsuitable for<br />
swimming.<br />
The monitored sites in the Waipara<br />
River at the Boys Brigade pool and<br />
WaiauUwha River at Waiau township<br />
are safe to swim in.<br />
In the Waimakariri district, the<br />
Ashley River /Rakahuri sites at<br />
RangioraLoburn bridge, gorge bridge<br />
and SH1 are suitable for swimming.<br />
Pegasus Lake at Moto Quay is<br />
suitable for swimming, but Kaiapoi<br />
River at the boat ramp should be<br />
avoided.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
100%LOCALLY<br />
If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
If youfind thesame productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.Excludes trade and special<br />
quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelower than thatadvertised.
NEW<br />
DECK FOR<br />
SUMMER?<br />
SORTED.<br />
Join Mitre10Clubtoday!<br />
Forgardenand and DIYideas, advice &savings.<br />
From 1<strong>December</strong>,ifyou’d like to spend your Airpoints Dollars with us in-store or online,you’ll need to<br />
purchase aMitre10e-GiftCardfromthe Airpoints Store. Thereisnochange to earning Airpoints Dollars on<br />
purchases.Ask in-storeorsee forfull details.<br />
THE<br />
DECOR?<br />
SORTED.<br />
100%LOCALLY<br />
If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />
If youfind thesame productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.Excludes trade and special<br />
quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelower than thatadvertised.
NEWS<br />
14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Have aHurunui staycation<br />
The Hurunui Garden<br />
Festival attracted arecord<br />
number of visitors and<br />
highlighted the area as a<br />
special place.<br />
The October festival<br />
showcased six gardens in<br />
the district which also<br />
offered accommodation.<br />
The owners of Karetu<br />
Downs, Flaxmere Garden,<br />
Hurunui Homestead,<br />
Ribbonwood Country<br />
House, Cathedral Cliffs<br />
and Tipapa Historic<br />
Homestead are hoping the<br />
event will encourage<br />
Kiwis to return to Hurunui<br />
and consider it as a<br />
staycation destination all<br />
year round.<br />
Ann Newton, who owns<br />
Hurunui Homestead Bed<br />
and Breakfast with her<br />
husband Matthew, said<br />
Hurunui was agreat place<br />
to live and visit.<br />
‘‘We always tell visitors<br />
we live in the holiday<br />
destination, we don’t need<br />
to travel. Everything is on<br />
our doorstep.’’<br />
Ann recommends<br />
visitors take aroad trip<br />
around Hurunui for the<br />
quintessential <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> experience.<br />
‘‘We did aroad trip<br />
through Southland<br />
recently and it was<br />
fabulous.<br />
‘‘Everything is familiar<br />
travelling around your<br />
own country and that<br />
makes it very relaxing,’’<br />
she said.<br />
Colin Harrison, who<br />
owns Cathedral Cliffs Bed<br />
and Breakfast at Gore Bay<br />
with his wife Lynne, said<br />
they got ‘‘great feedback’’<br />
about the accommodation<br />
they were offering during<br />
the garden festival.<br />
They hoped more Kiwis<br />
would recognise Hurunui<br />
as agreat place for a<br />
staycation because of the<br />
annual event.<br />
Penny Zino owns<br />
Flaxmere Garden in<br />
Hawarden, which has been<br />
made agarden of<br />
international significance<br />
by the New Zealand<br />
Gardens Trust, with six<br />
stars.<br />
She said Flaxmere was a<br />
great place to visit and<br />
stay, but there were many<br />
other great places to stay<br />
and beautiful gardens to<br />
Special place ... Karen and Bruce Forrester, owners of<br />
Karetu Downs, in their garden during the popular Hurunui<br />
Garden Festival last October.<br />
visit in Hurunui as well.<br />
‘‘It has been said to me<br />
that Central Otago always<br />
gets the kudos for being a<br />
great tourist destination,<br />
but Hurunui has so much<br />
more,’’ Penny said.<br />
Coldstream Garden, in<br />
Culverden, and Loch<br />
Leven Garden, in<br />
Rotherham, have also<br />
been recognised by the<br />
trust, as gardens of<br />
national significance, with<br />
afive star rating.<br />
Penny has joined the<br />
owners of these two<br />
gardens in anew venture<br />
called Elegant Country<br />
Gardens, offering tours of<br />
the three gardens from<br />
September until April.<br />
For former Aucklanders<br />
Jane and Stewart<br />
Whiteside, who own<br />
Tipapa Historic<br />
Homestead at Greta<br />
Valley, Hurunui is a<br />
special place.<br />
The homestead is just an<br />
hour’s drive away from the<br />
hustle and bustle of<br />
Christchurch with ‘‘no<br />
traffic lights’’ on the<br />
journey.<br />
‘‘Visitors often feel they<br />
have entered adifferent<br />
world when the arrive. It is<br />
so beautiful, restful and<br />
calming,’’ Jane said.<br />
At Karetu Downs<br />
Farmstay Bed and<br />
Breakfast in the Waipara<br />
Gorge, owners Karen and<br />
Bruce Forrester, provide<br />
visitors with the ‘‘unique<br />
country experience,’’<br />
staying in the homestead, a<br />
separate cottage or in their<br />
own campervan on the<br />
farm.<br />
Amberley Hotel general<br />
manager James<br />
McPherson said people<br />
were slowly starting to<br />
realise Hurunui has so<br />
much to offer and was not<br />
just adrivethrough to<br />
Hanmer Springs.<br />
‘‘Amberley is agreat<br />
starting point. We are the<br />
gateway to the Waipara<br />
wineries, only ten minutes<br />
away, and all the local food<br />
producers ,’’ he said.<br />
The Hurunui district is<br />
also part of the Alpine<br />
Pacific Touring Route<br />
linking Christchurch and<br />
Kaikoura and taking in<br />
Hanmer Springs and the<br />
Waipara wine region, with<br />
options for wine tasting,<br />
dining, fishing, hiking,<br />
farm visits, picnics, rafting<br />
and jetboating, whale<br />
watching and avisit to the<br />
hot pools.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong>team<br />
would liketothank our readers,<br />
contributors and advertisers forall of<br />
your support again this year.<br />
We wish youall averyMerryChristmas and<br />
aHappyNew Year.<br />
We are nowtaking abreak forthe holidays<br />
and re-open on Monday10 th January.
Main Office, Libraries &Service Centres<br />
Amberley Office:<br />
Closed from 1pm on Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong> with normal opening hours resuming Wednesday 5 January<br />
2022.<br />
Amberley Library and Service Centre<br />
Will close at 1pm on Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>, and on statutory days. Will open on 29, 30 and 31<br />
<strong>December</strong> from 9am-5pm. Please note there will be no late night on 30 <strong>December</strong>. Normal hours will<br />
resume from Wednesday 5 January 2022.<br />
Hawarden Library and and Amuri Service Centre:<br />
Will close at 2pm Friday 17 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Open for school holiday hours on Wednesday 5 January 2022.<br />
Cheviot Library and Service Centre:<br />
Will close at 12.30pm on Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. Normal hours will resume Wednesday 5 January 2022.<br />
Hanmer Springs Library and Service Centre:<br />
Will close on 24 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>, and on statutory holidays. Will open on 29, 30 and 31 <strong>December</strong> from 12-<br />
4pm. Normal hours will resume Wednesday 5 January 2022.<br />
Water Supply<br />
Building Inspections<br />
Our utilities team continue to operate through-out the<br />
holidays, but with reduced staff numbers. Our 24hr<br />
call service is still available through the mainline to<br />
address anything that pops up (03 314 8816).<br />
The hot, dry weather over the summer holidays puts<br />
extra demand on our water resources and we ask our<br />
residents to conserve water where you can and keep<br />
an eye on water restrictions through our website<br /><br />
There will be no inspection service<br />
over Christmas and New Year, but<br />
business resumes from 5 January<br />
2022.<br />
If you are on a restricted supply scheme, we<br />
recommend you keep an eye on the water level in<br />
your tank, to catch any supply issues early.<br />
Rubbish and Recycling<br />
Hanmer Springs, Mt. Lyford and Gore Bay collections:<br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>December</strong> and Tuesday 4 January<br />
Amberley, Amberley Beach, Leithfield, Leithfield Beach, Cheviot, Waipara, Scargill, Omihi, Greta Valley<br />
and Motunau Beach collections:<br />
Wednesday 29 <strong>December</strong> and Wednesday 5 January<br />
Waiau, Rotherham, Culverden, Waikari and Hawarden collections:<br />
Thursday 30 <strong>December</strong> and Thursday 6 January<br />
Transfer Stations: Closed on Saturday 25 <strong>December</strong>, Sunday 26 <strong>December</strong>, Monday 27 <strong>December</strong> and<br />
Saturday 1 January, Sunday 2 January and Monday 3 January.<br />
Swimming Pool Hours and Summer Pool Parties<br />
Summer Pool Parties<br />
Rotherham<br />
Wednesday 12 January | 11am - 1pm<br />
Omihi<br />
Thursday 13 January | 11am - 1pm<br />
Culverden<br />
Tuesday 18 January | 11am - 1pm<br />
Waiau<br />
Thursday 20 January | 11am - 1pm<br />
The Hanmer Spring Thermal Pools and Spa<br />
The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa will be<br />
closed from 7pm Christmas eve and will resume<br />
normal hours (10am-9pm) from Boxing Day onwards.<br />
Merry Christmas,<br />
Meri Kirihimete!<br />
We all know it has been an extraordinary year, one unlike any of us would<br />
have experienced before (I’m sure we said the same last year). Despite this,<br />
or perhaps because of it, it is important that we all take time to reflect on<br />
Christmas in our own individual way.<br />
I always look forward to the season of Christmas. For me it is about spending<br />
time with my family and enjoying seeing so many people connect and share joy.<br />
Please keep an eye out for people on their own this Christmas and holiday<br />
period. This is a time for kindness and sharing.<br />
Thank you to our emergency services, medical teams and all other staff<br />
working and keeping us safe over this holiday period.<br />
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.<br />
Mayor Dan Gordon and Rupert<br />
Seasons Greetings<br />
Doug, Thomas, Sarah, Mark,<br />
Shirley, Wendy, Ray and Niki of the<br />
Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />
Meri Kirihimete<br />
Shona, Andrew, Andrea, John,<br />
Mark, Philip and Sandra of the<br />
Woodend-Sefton Community Board<br />
Wish you<br />
all asafe<br />
and enjoyable<br />
festive season with<br />
friends and family.<br />
We look forward to<br />
continuingtoserveour<br />
community through 2022.<br />
Extend best<br />
wishes for a<br />
wonderful <strong>2021</strong><br />
festive season to<br />
the communities of…<br />
Woodend, Woodend<br />
Beach, Sefton,<br />
Pegasus, Waikuku<br />
and Waikuku Beach.<br />
Merry Christmas and<br />
Happy New Year<br />
From the Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi<br />
Community Board<br />
The Rangiora-Ashley<br />
Community Board<br />
Would like to wish the community<br />
every happiness and asafe and enjoyable<br />
holiday period.<br />
Ngā mihi nui o<br />
Te Tau Hou ki akoe<br />
me tō whanau.<br />
Jackie, Neville, Al, Brent,<br />
John, Martin, Philip,<br />
Sandra and Chris.<br />
Merry Christmas<br />
and Happy New Year<br />
For afull list of Council Service holiday hours, including our<br />
libraries, pools and kerbside collections visit the Council website.<br />
<strong>2021</strong>/22 Christmas -New Year Period<br />
Your Guide to Council Services<br />
Swimming pools<br />
The Dudley Park, Oxford and Kaiapoi swimming pools are closed on<br />
Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.<br />
During the holidays, the following hours will be observed daily:<br />
Dudley Park<br />
Aquatic Centre<br />
47 Church Street,<br />
Rangiora<br />
Phone 03 311 8905<br />
Service centres and libraries<br />
Kaiapoi Aquatic<br />
Centre<br />
9Cass Street,<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 375 5041<br />
Oxford Community<br />
Aquatic Centre<br />
9Burnett Street,<br />
Oxford<br />
Phone 03 311 8921<br />
Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> 6am -3pm 8.30am -3pm<br />
Saturday 25<strong>December</strong><br />
Closed<br />
Sunday 26 <strong>December</strong><br />
Monday 27 <strong>December</strong><br />
10am -7pm<br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>December</strong><br />
10am -7pm<br />
Wednesday 29<strong>December</strong><br />
7.30am -7pm<br />
Thursday 30<strong>December</strong><br />
Friday 31 <strong>December</strong> 7.30am -3pm 10am -3pm<br />
Saturday 1January<br />
Closed<br />
Sunday 2January<br />
Monday 3January<br />
Tuesday 4January<br />
Wednesday 5January<br />
10am -7pm<br />
Normal hours resume<br />
10am -7pm<br />
The Rangiora Service Centre will close at 12 noon on Friday 24 <strong>December</strong><br />
<strong>2021</strong> and will re-open at 8.30am on Wednesday 5January 2022.<br />
The Waimakariri Libraries and other Service Centres will observe the<br />
following hours. Libraries are available by phone at 03 311 8901.<br />
Friday24<strong>December</strong><br />
Saturday25<strong>December</strong><br />
Rangiora Library<br />
141 Percival Street,<br />
Rangiora<br />
Kaiapoi Library &<br />
Service Centre<br />
Ruataniwha Civic<br />
Centre, 176 Williams<br />
Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 311 8901<br />
9am -3pm<br />
Oxford Library &<br />
Service Centre<br />
34 Main Street,<br />
Oxford<br />
Kerbside collections<br />
There are no changes to kerbside collections over the Christmas/<br />
New Year holidays.<br />
Rubbish bags and wheelie bins must be placed out for collection by 7am.<br />
Collection times may vary during the holiday period. Please contact<br />
the Council on 0800 965 468 if you experience any problems with your<br />
kerbside collections.<br />
Remember you can sign up for text alerts to remind you to put out your<br />
kerbside bins at<br />
Eftpos and credit card*<br />
payments accepted<br />
Southbrook Transfer Station<br />
&Resource Recovery Park<br />
284 Flaxton Road, Rangiora<br />
Phone 03 313 5499<br />
Oxford Transfer Station<br />
High Street, Oxford<br />
Friday 24 <strong>December</strong> 8.30am -4.30pm 12.30pm -4.30pm<br />
Saturday 25 <strong>December</strong><br />
Sunday 26 <strong>December</strong><br />
Monday 27 <strong>December</strong><br />
Tuesday 28<strong>December</strong><br />
Wednesday 29<strong>December</strong><br />
Thursday 30 <strong>December</strong><br />
Friday 31 <strong>December</strong><br />
Saturday 1January<br />
Sunday 2January<br />
(*Fee applies to credit card payments)<br />
8.30am -4.30pm<br />
8.30am -4.30pm<br />
(Normal hours resume)<br />
Noise control, dog and stock control<br />
Closed<br />
Closed<br />
Closed as usual<br />
12.30pm -4.30pm<br />
12noon -4.30pm<br />
Day and night please telephone the after hours service number and follow<br />
the recorded instructions:<br />
0800 965 468<br />
Please note this is an emergency service only.<br />
Snap Send Solve<br />
Requests will not be processed on statutory holidays or weekends. Please<br />
report urgent issues by phone.<br />
Sunday 26 <strong>December</strong><br />
Monday 27 <strong>December</strong><br />
Tuesday 28 <strong>December</strong><br />
Wednesday 29 <strong>December</strong><br />
Thursday30<strong>December</strong><br />
Friday31<strong>December</strong><br />
Saturday1January<br />
Sunday 2January<br />
Monday 3January<br />
Tuesday 4January<br />
Wednesday 5January<br />
Closed<br />
9am -5pm<br />
9am -3pm<br />
Closed<br />
Normal hours resume, no late nights.<br />
Late nights resume from week commencing 10 January.<br />
All urgent calls<br />
Urgent calls to any Council Service Centre during the holidays will be<br />
directed to our after hours answering service.<br />
Urgent calls: 0800 965 468. Follow the recorded instructions.<br />
For further information call the Council on 0800 965 468 or visit our website
NEWS<br />
18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Summer fun in the Waimak<br />
NC’stop five walking trails<br />
Waimakariri has plenty to offer locals and<br />
visitors alike thissummer.<br />
Whether it is shopping in the town<br />
centres or enjoying the natural<br />
environment, peopledon’t have to travel<br />
far to make memories.<br />
For thoselooking for some sun, sand and<br />
surf,the Waimakariri district boasts 10km<br />
of beaches, includingthe surfpatrolled<br />
beaches at Waikuku, Pegasus and<br />
Woodend.<br />
If you enjoy getting out on the water,take<br />
asplash at the new KaikanuiAqualand<br />
New Zealand aqua playpark at Courtenay<br />
Lake,Kaiapoi, withdeals available for<br />
locals.<br />
Whileyou are in Kaiapoi, you can get out<br />
on the river with Kore Hire for rowing and<br />
kayaking.<br />
The swimming pools at Kaiapoi,<br />
Rangiora and Oxford will also be open over<br />
the summer.<br />
For the moreadventurous, there is every<br />
opportunity to get out and enjoy natureat<br />
one of the conservation parks,orwalking or<br />
tramping in the foothills, or ridingalong the<br />
network of cycle trails.<br />
Thrillseekers can checkout New<br />
Zealand’sonly airboat with AlpineJet<br />
Thrills or enjoyanightout at Woodford<br />
Glen.<br />
Sporting individuals can enjoyaround or<br />
two of golf at one of the five localgolf<br />
courses.<br />
For the foodies,there are morethan 70<br />
cafesand restaurants spreadacross all the<br />
localtowns.<br />
Boutique shopping is amajor drawcard<br />
in Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Oxford and you<br />
can check out the local farmersand craft<br />
Surf’s up ... Enjoy some sun, sand and<br />
surf.<br />
markets aroundthe district.<br />
For thoselooking for somethingalittle<br />
quieter, the district has art galleries and<br />
museums to visit in Kaiapoi,Rangioraand<br />
Oxford.<br />
LaterinJanuarylook out for MuscleCar<br />
Madness, the Hartley School of Performing<br />
Arts summercamp and The Big Bounce,<br />
run by Big Brothers Big Sisters of <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
In Februarythere will be the inaugural<br />
Waimakariri Country Music Festival,the<br />
Made <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> TasteTrail, an Art<br />
Deco Garden Party(to celebrate the<br />
Kaiapoi GardenClub’s 100th anniversary)<br />
and the Swannanoa Country Fair.<br />
The fun continues intoMarch,with the<br />
Kaiapoi River Carnival expected to return.<br />
For more information visit<br /><br />
When it comes to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
walking tracks, Nigel Lavender and his<br />
team at The Sport Shop in Rangiora know<br />
all the best places.<br />
And now theyhavecompiled alist of<br />
theirfive favourite tracks.<br />
‘‘We are so lucky to livein<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> surrounded by so many<br />
awesome walking tracks with amazing<br />
viewsand surroundings,’’ Nigel says.<br />
‘‘We chose these because theyare<br />
accessible, and are an idealfamilyfriendly<br />
introduction to the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
countryside.’’<br />
Number one on the lististhe Mt Grey<br />
track, located in the Mt Grey/Maukatere<br />
ConservationArea, within the Ashley<br />
Forest, near Rangiora.<br />
‘‘Mt Grey offerssome of the best views in<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>,’’the team says.<br />
‘‘After atwotothree hour walk through<br />
forest and bushland to the summit, you will<br />
find yourself 930 metres above sea level<br />
with spectacularviews.’’<br />
TuhaitaraCoastalPark is number two on<br />
the listand can be accessed from Woodend<br />
Beach, KairakiBeach, Pines Beach,<br />
Pegasus Town and Waikuku Beach.<br />
‘‘This 24.5km track follows the coastfrom<br />
Kaiapoi to Woodend before finally ending<br />
up in Waikuku.<br />
‘‘Youdon’thave to do the fulltrack, you<br />
can justdowhateverlength suitsyou .’’<br />
The track is accessible for wheelchair<br />
usersand those pushingabuggy, makingit<br />
suitablefor the whole family.<br />
Next on the list is MearsTrack, with<br />
access only afew minutes drive from the<br />
Oxford township.<br />
‘‘This looptrack walktakes about 20<br />
Take astroll ... Waimakariri has plenty of<br />
walking tracks.<br />
minutes, making it an idealstroll for<br />
families with smallchildren.’’<br />
The track incorporatesalookoutand a<br />
seating area.<br />
<strong>North</strong>brookWetlands, near the Rangiora<br />
central business district, with access from<br />
Cotter Lane, is astormwater treatment<br />
facility for urbanRangiora and is alsoa<br />
favourite.<br />
‘‘This 1.5km circuit walk followsthe<br />
wedgeofthe ponds withviewing platforms<br />
alongthe way,’’ the team says.<br />
It is wheelchairand babybuggy<br />
accessible and bicycles are allowed on the<br />
track.<br />
Number fiveonThe SportShop team’s<br />
list is the Rakahuri TrailinRangiora’s<br />
Ashley/ RakahuriRegionalPark.<br />
‘‘This track was developedfor walking<br />
and cycling andisanideal placefor a<br />
family picnic,’’ they say.<br />
Thereare anumber of differenttrack<br />
options available in the park.
Lime &Super Spreading<br />
&Bulk& Cartage<br />
Amuri Transport<br />
(1989) Ltd<br />
•Livestock• v •Bulk• l Grain •Shingle•Coal• l • •GoldenBay• e Cement e ent •Daily• Freight Service<br />
•Fertiliser• Spreading<br />
a g<br />
Spreadmar a k Certifi<br />
ed<br />
TracmapGPS Certified|FarmlandsSupplier<br />
Wishing all our clients a<br />
merry &joyful christmas<br />
Merry<br />
Team Pringlewishesall past,<br />
present and futureclients a<br />
happy and safeholidaybreak.<br />
2438975<br />
Wishing all our customers<br />
aMerry Christmas and<br />
Happy New Year<br />
Thankingour customersand andwishing<br />
everyoneaprosperous2022<br />
Locally<br />
owned & Gary Carr 021 134 8514<br />
operated A/H 3148157<br />
Email<br />
<strong>23</strong>39210<br />
56 St Leonards Rd, Culverden<br />
Ph 03 315 3033<br />
Livestock<br />
Fertiliser<br /><br />
66 West End, Kaikoura<br />
From 7.00am Daily<br />
Phone 03319-6486<br /><br />
2439503<br />
Wishing all our clients asafe<br />
and happy festive season.<br />
Thank you for your support!<br />
2439317<br />
The freight truck will be on holiday<br />
from 22 nd <strong>December</strong> till<br />
10 th January2022<br />
Phone: Mel 0274 517 063 (Freight)<br />
0274 321 581 (Bus)<br />
03 314 4565 (H)<br />
We look after your needs like we look after our own!<br />
2439953<br />
We would liketothank all our<br />
loyal customers for their support<br />
during the year.<br />
Wishing everyoneaHappy<br />
Christmas and safeNew Year!<br />
19 Beach Road<br />
Kaikoura<br />
Ph: 03 319 5562<br />
E.<br /><br />
Matt Doocey<br />
MP forWaimakariri<br />
From my family to yours,<br />
wishingyou aMerry<br />
Christmas andahappy<br />
NewYear<br /><br />
03 3107468<br />
Authorised by Matt Doocey,<br />
Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.<br />
Our comprehensive range of products has a<br />
style tosuitevery home.<br />
For afree<br />
measure and<br />
quote<br />
contact<br />
Dave<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>3 5221<br />
Fairview Concepts Limited<br />
26 Belfast Road, Belfast, Christchurch<br />
03 3<strong>23</strong> 8887 or 0800 Best Windows<br /><br /><br />
from<br />
Merry Christmas!<br />
Close <strong>23</strong> rd <strong>December</strong>, re-open 17 th January<br />
2438804<br />
by Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
Four generations of Frahms since 1957<br />
TheTeamatOxford<br />
Butcherywish everyone<br />
aMerryChristmas and a<br />
HappyNew Year!<br />
Thank youfor <strong>2021</strong><br />
• Traditional old fashioned<br />
Bacon & Ham curing<br />
• Home Kill<br />
“Wesell only<br />
the very best<br />
NZ grownmeat”<br />
44 Main Street,Oxford.<br />
Ph 312-4205 AH 021269 1817<br />
Hours: Mon-Fri7am-5.30pm, Sat8am-12noon<br />
2440126<br />
Christmas Hours<br />
IS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22 nd <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
We will be closing Thursday <strong>23</strong> rd<br />
<strong>December</strong> reopening Monday January 10 th Tis the season for<br />
happy smiles!<br />
To all our patients, wewishwish you asafe and happy holiday season<br />
For emergencies during this time phone 021 633 0679<br />
2437662<br />
PAGPegasus Dental<br />
54 Pegasus Main St Pegasus<br />
03 920 4003 |<br /><br />
PAGSilverstream Dental<br />
4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream<br />
03 925 8003 |<br />
General Farm Maintenence -Dairy Conversions<br />
-Effluent Pond Construction<br />
• Excavators -5x<strong>23</strong> Tonne tracked excavators<br />
&2x14tonne wheeled excavators<br />
• Sakai 7tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />
&14tonne construction roller<br />
• On site screening of shingle products<br />
• 3x Graders<br />
• Transporter -permitted 47 tonne<br />
• Trucks<br />
• Komatsu D65 Bulldozerfor Pipelaying,<br />
Tracking and Land Clearing.<br />
• Cat615 Scraper<br />
2440263<br />
Shane Dwyer<br />
Ph 0274 661 025<br />
Wishing all our<br />
clients aMerry<br />
Christmas<br />
Blue Lewis<br />
Ph 0275 258 358
Burbidge Automotive<br />
Peter, Nikki, Scott, Tony,<br />
Simon &Jason wish<br />
everyone aMerry Christmas<br />
and aHappy New Year.<br />
Thank you for your patronage.<br />
Closed 5pm Thursday <strong>23</strong> r d <strong>December</strong><br />
and Reopens Monday 10 t h January<br />
325 Flaxton Road • Phone 03 313 3344<br />
2440304<br />
Prosser Quirke<br />
Accountants<br />
Chartered Accountants<br />
&Business Advisors<br />
Wisheseveryonea<br />
MerryChristmas and<br />
aHappy NewYear<br />
Closed 12 noon <strong>23</strong>rd<strong>December</strong>and<br />
Reopen Thursday13th January<br />
6Blake Street,Rangiora<br />
Ph 313 7824<br /><br />
2441695<br />
Wishes everyone a<br />
Merry Christmas and a<br />
Happy New Year<br />
Thank you for your<br />
loyalty in <strong>2021</strong><br />
Closed from<br />
25 th <strong>December</strong> until<br />
5 th January<br />
96 Williams St,<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Ph 327 8155<br /><br />
2440507<br />
<strong>23</strong>38969<br />
You’ll get the Best Results<br />
from the Best Lime!<br />
Our High Quality Agricultural Lime<br />
offers an outstanding<br />
99.3% level of Calcium Carbonate!<br />
We now also mix Lime, Mineral and<br />
Seed to Your Specifications.<br />
Wishing all our clients aMerryChristmas<br />
Call the specialists...<br />
022 500 6144<br />
Locally owned &<br />
operated in Waiau<br /> since1945<br />
Email<br />
Book in now for:<br />
• Round baling<br />
with aFusion baler<br />
• Medium square baling<br />
with on-board weight<br />
system &moisture meter<br />
• Vraking included<br />
• Wrapping to suit your<br />
requirements<br />
We wish our clients asafeand happy Christmas and<br />
ask the public to be safe on the roads especially<br />
around agricultural machinery.<br />
Pankhurst<br />
Contracting Ltd<br />
Phone 314-3595<br />
David 0274 337 004 Ben 0276 775 882<br />
<strong>23</strong>39211<br />
Management &Staff wish<br />
everyone aMerry Christmas<br />
&aHappy New Year.<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Look forward to being of<br />
service to you in 2022.<br />
Closed Stats only<br />
Breakdown &<br />
After Hours<br />
Service Available<br />
Phone 03 313 6361<br />
0275 200 711<br />
307 Flaxton Road, RANGIORA<br /><br />
2440742<br />
2440746<br />
Enjoy the taste of<br />
freshly produced<br />
real milk in<br />
a glass bottle<br />
•$3.00 alitre<br />
•Great milk -Great price<br />
•Sold on farm<br />
•Purchase 1litre bottles from<br />
dispenser or bring your own<br />
container<br />
•Cash Only -365 Days<br />
Self Service –7am to 9pm<br />
Geoff &Sandra wish all<br />
our customers aMerry<br />
Christmas &aHappy<br />
New Year.<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
We look forward to<br />
being of service to<br />
you in 2022<br />
027 630 2<strong>23</strong>0<br />
56 Ashley Gorge Road<br /><br />
Better for you and the environment<br />
2441782<br />
Fast, Friendly, and Affordable pest<br />
control around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Spiders, Ants, Flies, Wasps, Silverfish<br />
We wish<br />
everyone health,<br />
happiness and<br />
prosperity this<br />
Christmas and<br />
during 2022<br />
Call for a FREE QUOTE<br />
0800 667 778<br /><br />
THE<br />
NOT THE<br />
General Earthmoving<br />
TheLocal Earthworking Specialists<br />
•Subdivision roading •Entranceways<br />
•Driveways<br />
•Excavations<br />
•Horse Arenas •CountryLanes<br />
•Hot bitumen Chip Sealing<br />
•HoleDrilling (200mmto600mmAugers)<br />
Bulk Shingle Supplies<br />
•AP65<br />
•Screened Soil<br />
Wishes all clientsaMerryChristmas andaHappy New Year<br />
•RiverShingle<br />
•AP40/AP20<br />
Available<br />
during the<br />
festive<br />
season<br />
Guaranteed Workmanship&CouncilCompliance<br />
& C<br />
PhoneRobertMcAlister 0274340 315<br />
03 313 2276 Rangiora or 03314 9633 Amberley |Email:<br />
<strong>23</strong>39992<br />
Enjoy living again and<br />
become part of our family<br />
Wishing our community<br />
aMerry Christmas &<br />
Happy New Year<br />
Ph + 64 3 314 9250<br /><br />
9<br />
3<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong>!<br />
Allan A Pethig &Staff<br />
wish everyone a<br />
Merry M Christmas and<br />
aHappy a New Year<br />
Closing C 24th <strong>December</strong><br />
to o the 10th January<br />
y<br />
For emergencies please phone<br />
Phone 03 313 7144<br />
027 432 1534<br /><br />
PO Box 69, Rangiora<br /><br />
2441891<br />
Nick wishes everyone<br />
a Merry Christmas<br />
and aHappy<br />
New Year<br />
Closed Thursday<br />
<strong>23</strong> rd <strong>December</strong> and<br />
reopens Monday<br />
10 th January<br />
Thank you<br />
for <strong>2021</strong><br />
2441893<br />
13c STONE STREET,<br />
PH 327 8582<br />
Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for over 25yrs!<br />
•Sales, Servicing &Parts<br />
•All Makes &Models<br />
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faulttesting<br />
•Quality 2nd Hand Bikes<br />
&UTV’s<br />
•Repairs &Dismantling<br />
•Insurance Repairs<br />
2443073<br />
Wishing everyone aHappy and Safe<br />
Christmas and New Year<br />
163 Stokes Road, Balcairn<br />
Ph (03) 312 9844 or 027 205 5724 (AH)<br /><br /><br />
Linda, Karen, Leonie &Sue wish<br />
you the warmest greetings of<br />
this festive season &best wishes<br />
for happiness in the New Year!<br />
2442115<br />
Closed 4pm 24 th <strong>December</strong> and<br />
reopens 5 th January<br />
Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />
Saturday 10am –1pm<br />
Closed on Public Holidays<br />
and long weekends<br />
Ph 03 327 0576<br />
Your preferred choice of glazier<br />
Callum, Mark and<br />
Michael wish everyone<br />
aMerry Christmas and<br />
aHappy New Year<br />
Closed 24 th <strong>December</strong><br />
Shut stats only<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong><br />
Look forward tobeing of<br />
service to you in2022<br />
Drive safely<br />
63 Hilton Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Ph: 327 0700<br />
2442284<br />
<strong>23</strong>41993<br />
3<br />
Management&Staffwish<br />
everyoneaMerry Christmas<br />
&aHappy New Year<br />
ClubclosesXmas XmasEve at 8.30pm<br />
ClosedXmasDayuntilWednesday<br />
29 th <strong>December</strong>11am-tillwhenever<br />
Closed1 st January -4 th January<br />
Re-openonthe on 5 th January<br />
Normaloperatinghours<br />
Bistro ChristmasEve closing 7pm<br />
ClosedXmasDay&Boxing Day<br />
Thursday30 th open4pm<br />
Friday31 st open12pm<br />
Re-OpenThursday6 th Jan2022 at12pm<br />
113 RavenQuay,Kaiapoi |Ph03327 7884<br />
Members,Guests &Affiliates Welcome<br />
2441999<br />
The team wishes<br />
everyone agreat<br />
holiday &ahappy<br />
new year!<br />
Thank you for <strong>2021</strong> and<br />
we look forward to being<br />
of service to you in 2022<br />
Closed 12noon <strong>23</strong> rd <strong>December</strong>,<br />
reopen 10 th January.<br />
Emergency Glazier<br />
03 313 5335<br />
Call out fees apply<br />
24hrs 03 313 5335<br />
10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br /><br />
AM305<br />
600m 2 working area -55m 2 /h cutting capacity<br />
Maxincline 40% (22º)<br />
AM315X<br />
1600m 2 Working Area -73m 2 /h Cutting Capacity<br />
MaxIncline 40% (22º)<br />
5YEAR<br />
$<br />
2,549 RRP<br />
5YEAR<br />
AM310<br />
1000m 2 Working Area -56m 2 /h Cutting Capacity<br />
MaxIncline 40% (22º)<br />
<br />
5YEAR<br />
$<br />
3,079 RRP<br />
Prices refer tounits only.Installation kits sold separately.Installationcosts apply.<br />
Your LocalHusqvarna Dealer<br />
*Offer valid 01/09/21<br />
-31/01/22 with all<br />
Husqvarna Automower®<br />
models, while stocks<br />
last at participating Elite<br />
Automower® Dealers<br />
only.Free Cleaning and<br />
Maintenance Kit valued<br />
at $65. T&Cs apply to<br />
Husqvarna Care, refer<br /> for<br />
details.<br />
# Terms and Conditions apply,see HUSQVARNA.COM fordetails.<br />
The team andresidents<br />
wouldliketowish everyone avery<br />
HappyChristmasand New Year.<br />
Allthe verybestfor 2022.<br />
2442677<br />
$<br />
3,979 RRP<br />
Wishing everyoneaMerry<br />
Christmas and aSafeand<br />
HappyNew Year<br />
275FlaxtonRoad,<br />
Southbrook<br />
Ph:313 6640<br /><br />
2442582<br />
Please callustoday tofindout howwecan carefor your lovedones.<br />
Phone:Clinical Nurse Manager Elaine Mulholland, (03) 314 8326 ex 1<br />
36 Osborne Rd,Amberley
BOXING<br />
DAY<br />
DEALS<br />
Online from 7pm<br />
Christmas Eve<br />
The grown-up’sChristmas<br />
is comingearly this year.<br />
With2xAirpoints Dollars TM on all whiteware andSleepyheadBeds,<br />
plushugeBoxing Day deals acrossthe store.<br />
Online from 7pmChristmas Eve&in-storefrom8am Boxing Day.<br />
Left it ’til thelastminute?<br />
When it comes to gifts it’s thethought thatcounts.<br />
So,wedid some thinkingfor you. Head in-storeand the<br />
team will help youout -justintimefor Christmas Day.<br />
Some products on display in selected stores only -please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. ^Airpoints TM terms and conditions apply. See for detail.
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
<strong>23</strong><br />
Reading for the holiday break<br />
Harry Turbott: NZ’s first landscape architect, by Garth<br />
Falconer<br />
Landscape architect, teacher and environmentalist Harry<br />
Turbott (1930 2016) was at the forefront of the first wave<br />
of environmental design. From the early 1960s after<br />
returning from completing an MLA at Harvard, he played<br />
akey role in introducing these concepts to New Zealand<br />
Labour Saving, by M.J Cullen<br />
In this clever, witty and detailed memoir, Hon Sir Michael<br />
Cullen (1945 –<strong>2021</strong>) describes his<br />
lengthy political career, including<br />
his major economic policies.<br />
Elizabeth and Margaret, by Andrew<br />
Morton<br />
From their cloistered early life, through their wartime<br />
lives, into the divergent paths they took following their<br />
father's death and Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, this<br />
book explores their relationship over the years. This<br />
biography offers unique insight<br />
into these two drastically different<br />
sisters and the lasting impact they<br />
have had on the Crown.<br />
Apples Never Fall, by Liane<br />
Moriarty<br />
From the outside, the Delaneys appear to be an enviably<br />
contented family. Even after all these years, former<br />
tennis coaches Joy and Stan are still winning<br />
tournaments, sold the family business, and learning to<br />
relax. Their four adult children are busy living their own<br />
lives. But Joy Delaney disappears and her children are<br />
reexamining their parents' marriage and their family<br />
history with fresh, frightened eyes.<br />
The Coffin Confessor: Some Last Wishes Don’t Go<br />
Quietly to the Grave, Bill Edgar<br />
Imagine you are dying with asecret. Something you've<br />
never had the courage to tell your friends and family. Or alast wish atask you<br />
need carried out before you can rest in peace. Now imagine there's aman who<br />
can take care of all that, who has no respect for the living,<br />
who will do anything for the dead. Bill Edgar is the Coffin<br />
Confessor, aman on amission to make good last requests<br />
on behalf of his soontobedeceased clients. This is the<br />
extraordinary story of how he became that man.<br />
Empathy: The Human Side of Leadership, by Harold<br />
Hillman<br />
Empathy is no longer optional for leaders who strive for<br />
adeeper understanding and connection with their staff.<br />
Empathy is the ability to connect with another person<br />
based on your willingness to understand their perspective<br />
without judgement. This book demystifies empathy,<br />
breaking it down and making it real for leaders who<br />
appreciate the value of human connection.<br />
The Forager’s Treasury, by Johanna Knox<br />
In New Zealand's urban and rural wildernesses, there is an abundance of food<br />
just waiting to be discovered, if only you know what to look for. Foraged food<br />
is healthy, economical and sustainable, but the best part about it is the fun you<br />
will have finding wild food.<br />
Rita Angus, by Jill Trevelyan<br />
Jill Trevelyan won the Non Fiction Award at the Montana<br />
New Zealand Book Awards in 2009 for this magnificent<br />
biography. Now back in print, this revised edition brings<br />
the book up to date with new assessments of Angus.<br />
Use it all, by Alex ElliottHowery<br />
Buy less, buy whole, use it all This practical handbook is<br />
an invitation to reduce food waste while eating<br />
generously.<br />
These titles are available in both Waimakariri and<br />
Hurunui libraries. Find out more about recent additions<br />
to the library collection by going to the library catalogue<br />
at or or<br />
contact your local library.<br />
Kaikoura Community Market<br />
The Kaikoura Community Market is<br />
back at anew location the Kaikoura<br />
Memorial Hall at 32 Esplanade. The<br />
first market was held on Saturday<br />
(<strong>December</strong> 18) and it will held on New<br />
Year’s Day, Saturday, January 1, and<br />
then weekly from Saturday, January<br />
15, from 10am until 12.30pm or 1pm.<br />
Masks are mandatory, but vaccines<br />
pass are not required. Please scan QR<br />
code or sign in on entry.<br />
Early Records Society<br />
The Rangiora Museum, at 29 Good<br />
Street, will be closed Boxing Day,<br />
<strong>December</strong> 26, but will open on Sunday,<br />
January 2. from 1.30pm to 4pm.<br />
Vaccine passports required for entry.<br />
Come and have abrowse. Merry<br />
Christmas to all!<br />
Christmas cake fundraiser<br />
The popular Woodend Pegasus Lions<br />
Club’s Christmas cakes have sold out<br />
but the club secretary Anne<br />
Attenborough says people can still get<br />
acake and help raise funds for the<br />
Rangiora High School Leo Club, by<br />
purchasing their Christmas cakes at<br />
Rangiora’s Fools of Desire Cafe in<br />
Conway Lane.<br />
THIS<br />
WEEK’S<br />
THE BONE<br />
750ml (excludes Pinot<br />
Noir &Sparkling)<br />
15 99 ea<br />
Loose Product of New Zealand<br />
13 29 kg<br />
7 99 kg<br />
Prepack Product of New Zealand<br />
BENNE POTATOES 1.5kg<br />
Prepack Product of New Zealand<br />
COCA-COLA,<br />
LIFT OR L&P<br />
1.5L<br />
2FOR<br />
3 99<br />
8 99 ea<br />
6 99 ea<br /><br />
Specials availableSouth Island onlyfromMonday20th <strong>December</strong><br />
<strong>2021</strong>until Sunday9th January 2022 or whilestockslast. Wine<br />
andbeeravailable at storeswith an off licence. Wine and beer<br />
purchasesrestricted to persons aged 18 yearsold andover.
TODAY<br />
There’s no mistaking the muscular front of Triton<br />
as it breaks through the bush or powers down<br />
the highway.<br />
There’s a Triton model for you, visit Rangiora<br />
Mitsubishi to find your perfect Triton.<br />
*Prices listed are for Triton 2WD GLXR double cab, Triton 4wd GLSB double cab and Triton 2WD<br />
VRX double cab.Prices exclude on road costs which includes WoF, registration, 1,000km road user<br />
charges and afull tank of fuel.<br />
FROM<br />
GLXR<br />
$39,990 +ORC<br />
• Side Steps<br />
• 7” Touch Screen Smartphone<br />
Link Display<br />
•18inchAlloyWheels<br />
2WD VRX<br />
$44,990 +ORC<br />
• Factory-fitted black body kit<br />
• Black 18 inch Alloy Wheels<br />
• Leather-Appointed Interior<br />
$48,990 +ORC<br />
• Factory-fitted black body kit<br />
• Black 18 inch Alloy Wheels<br />
• Front and rear parking sensors<br />
29 Southbrook Road, Rangiora | 03 941 3175 |<br />
10 year /160,000kmPowertrain Warranty(whichever comes<br />
first) (non transferable). 5year/130,000kmNewVehicle<br />
Warranty(whichevercomes first) (non transferable).<br />
RANGIORA NISSAN, 321 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Ph: 03 941 3175<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Shed talk sparks on-farm conversations<br />
Arecent Shed Talk event in the<br />
Waimakariri zone provided achance to<br />
learn about mahinga kai, biodiversity<br />
and new regulations within the rural<br />
sector.<br />
Run by Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> last<br />
month, the event was attended by around<br />
50 industry professionals, farmers and<br />
community members.<br />
It was organised by the Waimakariri<br />
zone delivery team, Fonterra,<br />
Waimakariri Irrigation Ltd (WIL) and the<br />
Waimakariri Landcare Trust.<br />
Presentations were given in the Cust<br />
Community Centre by Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Pou Matai Ko (cultural land<br />
management advisor), Makarini Rupene,<br />
and biodiversity officer Zipporah Ploeg,<br />
along with WIL project manager Paul<br />
Reese.<br />
The event was open to all ages, with<br />
Oxford Area School agricultural student<br />
Elise Whitwell taking the opportunity for<br />
alittle education.<br />
‘‘I really enjoyed hearing about the<br />
history of Ngai Tahu in <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />
learning about the different kinds of<br />
environments that exist in the<br />
Waimakariri district,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘Visiting the farm and seeing the<br />
wetland was also really cool,’’ she said.<br />
‘‘It makes me think about what Imight<br />
want to do when Ileave school.<br />
‘‘I thought Iwanted to go into<br />
something to do with soil, but maybe<br />
biodiversity could be an option.’’<br />
Mr Rupene spoke about mahinga kai as<br />
arelationship to the natural<br />
environment, with afocus on local iwi<br />
and mana whenua mahinga kai values.<br />
‘‘It was really great to share some of the<br />
background to how Maori used to work<br />
the land for kai, travel the region and<br />
some of the more specific Waimakariri<br />
sites that used to be major trading posts<br />
for early Maori,’’ he said,<br />
‘‘I’m really lucky to be able to help the<br />
community and industry understand that<br />
mahinga kai isn’t too different from how<br />
many people think about farming now <br />
working the land, providing for our<br />
whanau and protecting all the things that<br />
exist in our environment.’’<br />
Ms Ploeg said the presence of<br />
tumatakuru /matagouri or kanuka are<br />
Wetland restoration ... Springvale wetland has been left to its natural state, aside from<br />
some weed control.<br />
indicative of ahealthy dryland<br />
environment.<br />
‘‘These plants provide food and habitat<br />
for some pretty special insect species<br />
such as the endangered matagouri moth<br />
(Acroclita discariana).<br />
‘‘There’s arange of wetland habitat<br />
across the Waimakariri zone too both<br />
swampy, highnutrient wetlands, and<br />
also lownutrient wetlands with<br />
sphagnum moss and sundew and<br />
bladderworts the only two species of<br />
carnivorous plants in New Zealand.<br />
‘‘That’s pretty special for Waimakariri<br />
Ithink.’’<br />
During the day the group visited the<br />
nearby Springvale wetland ,which has<br />
been left to its natural state for as long as<br />
the owners can remember.<br />
Ken and Shirley Robinson farm sheep,<br />
crop and dairy support, but have allowed<br />
around 12.5 hectares to remain as<br />
wetland.<br />
The wetland is considered an asset to<br />
the farm, and the wider catchment.<br />
It’s dominated by flax /harakeke,<br />
cabbage trees /tikouka, native sedges<br />
and awide variety of indigenous /native<br />
shrub, herb and fern species.<br />
The Robinsons have received<br />
biodiversity funding for weed control<br />
work of willows.<br />
‘‘Willows have invaded the site and<br />
formed acontinuous canopy over parts of<br />
the wetland,’’ Ms Ploeg said.<br />
‘‘By controlling the weeds now, the<br />
wetland values can be protected and it’s<br />
able to recover.<br />
‘‘Because the site has been allowed to<br />
remain in its natural state, it’s an<br />
exceptional example of what’s possible<br />
in the zone.’’<br />
RangioraToyota<br />
25<br />
Cultural learnings ... Participants hear<br />
from Makarini Rupene.<br />
2410273<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
&WILD GAME<br />
313 0022<br />
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•Autosteer GPS for<br />
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•Widerange of<br />
productsapplied in<br />
one pass<br />
•Deliverytruck available<br />
Reduce your<br />
urea cost by<br />
applying your<br />
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liquid form<br />
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2019 LandCruiserPrado VX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, NZ New<br />
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82,995<br />
2016 Ford Ranger XLT4WD<br />
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$<br />
39,995<br />
2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />
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•Camera, Leather<br />
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$<br />
63,995<br />
2016 Holden Trailblazer<br />
Colorado 7<br />
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•63,800km<br />
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44,995<br />
2015Ford Kuga Ambiente<br />
•1.5LPetrolAuto2WD<br />
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$<br />
19,995<br />
2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />
•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />
•DualElectricDoors<br />
•25,250kms<br />
NOW $ 34,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
WAS$36,995<br />
2016 Hilux SR5 Limited 2WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
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•SportsBar &Tonneau.<br />
$<br />
42,995<br />
2019 Ford Ranger Wildtrak<br />
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•Satnav, Camera<br />
•Only 39,150kms<br />
$<br />
62,995<br />
2018Hilux SR5Cruiser<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, leather<br />
•18” alloys,Tonneau<br />
•Only 37,250km<br />
$<br />
60,995<br />
2016 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
•7-Seater,Camera<br />
•Only 41,888kms<br />
$<br />
61,995<br />
Dario Egg Chair<br />
WAS $<br />
1099<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
699<br />
Valletta 6Piece Outdoor<br />
Lounge/Low Dining Set<br />
WAS $<br />
2699<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
2199<br />
Costa 4Piece Outdoor<br />
Lounge Set<br />
WAS $<br />
2199<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
1799<br />
Vermont 2Seater –Royal Blue<br />
WAS $<br />
1199<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
MELVE<br />
WHITE<br />
ON SALE<br />
Dante Gaslift Barstool<br />
WAS $ 159<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
79<br />
1/2<br />
PRICE<br />
ALL<br />
ON SALE<br />
Dallas Queen Bed<br />
– Oatmeal<br />
WAS $ 449<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
349<br />
Avery Single/Single Bunk Bed<br />
WAS $<br />
649<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
399<br />
Scantofindstore<br />
250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />
0800 TARGET (0800 827438)<br /><br />
Offers and product prices advertised here expire<br />
03/01/22. Sale Excludes Accessories.
SANTA<br />
SLEIGH<br />
WHANAU<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
TREE<br />
RIBBON<br />
ELVES<br />
BEACH<br />
SUMMER<br />
27<br />
Kaikoura’sFyffe House offers slice of NZ history<br />
Kaikoura’s Fyffe House has<br />
enjoyed abusy year despite the<br />
challenges of Covid19.<br />
House manager Ann McCaw<br />
says while the historic site has<br />
traditionally attracted tourists,<br />
the main target audience has<br />
always been New Zealanders.<br />
‘‘It has been abit quieter over<br />
the last few months, but we are<br />
expecting it to be busier this<br />
summer with Auckland opening<br />
up.<br />
‘‘We had areally good season<br />
last summer, thanks to the Kiwi<br />
travellers.<br />
‘‘We are so lucky, we’ve never<br />
put our marketing into tourism<br />
because want Kiwis to visit<br />
because this is their heritage.’’<br />
Ms McCaw says the house<br />
under went repairs over the<br />
winter to fix the upstairs<br />
plastering to make it authentic<br />
with how it was originally built.<br />
Mike Jackson, of Ohoka, used<br />
traditional plastering methods<br />
and materials, including lime<br />
putty and horse hair.<br />
‘‘The previous repairs had<br />
been done with incorrect<br />
plaster, so we were really lucky<br />
to get someone who knew the<br />
right materials to use.’’<br />
Fyffe House provides a<br />
snapshot of local history all on<br />
one site.<br />
The Heritage New Zealandowned<br />
house was built during<br />
the height of Kaikoura’s shortlived<br />
whaling industry, but the<br />
building and grounds also tell<br />
the stories of the three Pakeha<br />
families who lived there and of<br />
the Maori who occupied the area<br />
What remains ... Sasha Crawford, of Christchurch, looks at the remains<br />
of adead rat and other items found in the Cooper’s Wing while repairs<br />
were being made in 1999, during arecent visit to Fyffe House.<br />
before them.<br />
Evidence of Maori settlement<br />
in the area was discovered on<br />
the site of Fyffe House itself by<br />
whaler George Fyffe, who<br />
uncovered aburial site while<br />
digging foundations to build an<br />
extension to the house.<br />
He unearthed ahuman<br />
skeleton, two toki adzes and the<br />
largest moa egg ever found,<br />
which is now on display at Te<br />
Papa.<br />
Today you can listen to<br />
recordings at Fyffe House of<br />
stories of early Maori settlement<br />
in the area, provided by the local<br />
runanga.<br />
European settlement at<br />
Kaikoura dates back to the<br />
arrival of Scottish settler Robert<br />
Fyfe (spelt with one less ‘‘f’’ than<br />
his cousin George Fyffe) in 1842.<br />
Robert sailed into the bay and<br />
saw amother and baby whale.<br />
Realising there was money to<br />
be made, he signed up 30<br />
experienced whalers and<br />
returned to set up awhaling<br />
station.<br />
He purchased the boat Fidele<br />
and established atrade route<br />
from Kaikoura to Wellington.<br />
Sadly, the Fidele was<br />
shipwrecked in 1854 and Robert<br />
drowned, leaving afortune<br />
worth 6000 pounds (the<br />
equivalent to $4 million today).<br />
Just months before the<br />
shipwreck, Robert was joined by<br />
his cousin George Fyffe.<br />
George took over the whaling<br />
station, but by then whaling was<br />
no longer profitable in<br />
Kaikoura.<br />
Robert had also established<br />
New Zealand history ... Fyffe House will be open over the summer.<br />
Kaikoura’s first sheep station,<br />
which George leased and made a<br />
tidy income and accumulated<br />
more land.<br />
George assumed he would<br />
inherit his cousin’s whaling<br />
fortune, but after 10 years of<br />
legal wrangles, the funds<br />
eventually went to Robert’s<br />
sister in New York.<br />
George was left heavily in debt<br />
and committed suicide in 1866.<br />
The oldest part of Fyffe<br />
House, known as the cooper’s<br />
wing was built from Australian<br />
hardwoods around 1844 to<br />
provide quarters and a<br />
workshop for Thomas Howell, a<br />
cooper, who was employed by<br />
Robert Fyffe to make wooden<br />
barrels for transporting whale<br />
oil.<br />
This part of the house uses<br />
whale bones in its foundation.<br />
George Fyffe moved into the<br />
house and added the back<br />
bedroom and kitchen in 1857,<br />
and the middle and front<br />
bedrooms and the parlor in 1860.<br />
The Goodall family purchased<br />
Fyffe House in 1868. Joseph<br />
Goodall, apolice constable, had<br />
been transferred to Kaikoura to<br />
deal with ‘‘the whaling men’s<br />
drinking culture’’ and crime<br />
which was getting out of control.<br />
James Johnston, asettler,<br />
purchased Fyffe House in 1920,<br />
and it was rented to the Low<br />
family, who later inherited the<br />
house. The house passed to<br />
Heritage New Zealand in 1980.<br />
Vaccine passes are required<br />
inside the house, under the<br />
government’s traffic lights<br />
system, but there are no<br />
restrictions for people visiting<br />
the grounds.<br />
Christmas<br />
Word Searche<br />
LIGHTS<br />
NOEL<br />
CAROLS<br />
1: MEHCINY __________________<br />
2: TELEBRACE _________________<br />
__<br />
3: BIRDENGGARE ________________<br />
___<br />
4: STRANNEOM ____<br />
_____<br />
____<br />
___<br />
5: VANIYITT ____<br />
____<br />
____<br />
___<br />
6: NACLORIG ____<br />
____ ____ ____<br />
7: ESOKOCI _____<br />
_________<br />
8: TERWAH ______<br />
___________<br />
9: HGCRIN __________________<br />
10: ROCEDTAE _________________<br />
From the team at <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, we wish you<br />
all avery happy and safe holiday season<br />
For answers, see page 31
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at<br />
Communities 4Local Democracy<br />
Mayors representing more than amillion<br />
New Zealanders took their Three Waters<br />
concerns toParliament last week, marking<br />
the first step ofapowerful new local<br />
democracy campaign.<br />
Communities 4Local Democracy -Hehapori mō<br />
te Manapori is anewly formed and growing group<br />
of <strong>23</strong> councils from around the country. The group<br />
was created in response to serious concerns about<br />
the Government’s Three Waters reforms, and<br />
numbers are growing as local councils consider<br />
the implications of the proposed legislation –in<br />
particular losing control of approximately $60b of<br />
community owned assets across the whole country.<br />
More than adozen mayors and other elected<br />
representatives took the group’s message to<br />
meetings at Parliament with Labour, National, ACT<br />
and the Green Party.<br />
Waimakariri District Mayor Dan Gordon is a<br />
formative member and deputy-chair of the group<br />
and has the full support of the Council to advocate<br />
for abetter outcome for Three Waters reform.<br />
“Waimakariri residents shared their views with<br />
the Council earlier in the year –95percent of<br />
respondents to our engagement wanted the<br />
Council to opt-out of the reform proposal.<br />
“Since then the Government announced they would<br />
mandate reform but there is still time to present<br />
aconstructive criticism of this approach and table<br />
fresh ideas on how wecan achieve outcomes,”<br />
says Mayor Gordon.<br />
“Our action group will introduce fresh ideas for<br />
better water. The difference will be that our fresh<br />
ideas will be those which have the support of<br />
ratepayers as well as being locally accountable<br />
and responsive.”<br />
“No-one disputes the need for investment, but<br />
there’s abetter way to achieve the Government’s<br />
objectives and we want to work in partnership<br />
with them on that,” he says.<br />
Communities 4Local Democracy is taking<br />
aconstructive approach to the situation by<br />
commissioning expert advice on alternative<br />
models that might achieve the objectives of<br />
Government and local communities. It will be<br />
sharing its findings inFebruary next year.<br />
“The group currently represents over one million<br />
New Zealanders and we’re committed tohaving<br />
our voice heard. After all we are the elected<br />
local voice of our communities –communities<br />
that are very clearly telling usthat they don’t<br />
want control of the assets that generations<br />
of our ratepayers built up and paid for being<br />
snatched away from them.”<br />
It's Time <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Waimakariri District Council has partnered with a<br />
number of <strong>Canterbury</strong> Councils to raise awareness<br />
of how climate change will affect the region.<br />
The It’s Time <strong>Canterbury</strong> campaign to about having<br />
conversations about climate change. We want to<br />
provide information and resources so that people<br />
can take action to help reduce the impact of<br />
climate change as well as getting ready to adapt<br />
to the changes that are coming.<br />
We want people to understand what toexpect<br />
in the coming years, how we are responding<br />
to that and what are plans are, how they can<br />
make adifference and show your support for<br />
our climate change conversation. Pop onto<br /> tofind out more.<br />
Season’s Greetings<br />
The Mayor, Councillors, Community Boards and<br />
staff wish you avery Merry Christmas and aHappy<br />
New Year. We hope you have arestful break and<br />
look forward to seeing you in2022.<br />
Have you signed up for<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />
KNOW<br />
Tojoin visit:<br /><br />
Planning on heading out<br />
to enjoy the Districts<br />
beautiful beaches?<br />
Check you know the rules.<br />
Learn more at<br /><br />
Waimakariri,weneedtotalkabout ourchanging<br />
climate. We know this isn’t an easy topic.<br />
Or asmall one. But we have to start somewhere,<br />
so we’restarting here–with our region.<br />
Learn more at<br />
It’s time to talk about climate change, Waimakariri.<br />
Brought to youby:<br />
It’s time to<br />
turn on our<br />
Summer<br />
WaterUse.<br />
Let’s change theway we think about<br />
howweuse water during summer.<br />
Keep theWAI in Waimakariri.<br />
Give usyour<br />
feedback<br />
Don’t be<br />
foiled by your<br />
wrapping.<br />
Plastic foil wrap, soft<br />
plastic packaging like<br />
ribbons, bows, bubble<br />
wrap, cellophane and<br />
any soft plastic needs<br />
to go in the rubbish.<br />
How to know if wrapping<br />
paper is plastic foil:<br />
• It’s often shinyonthe inside<br />
as well as the outside<br />
• It’s hard to rip<br />
• It feels likeplastic<br />
If in doubt throwitout,<br />
or save it and reuse it again.<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
29<br />
Family fun in the sun in Kaikoura<br />
Kaikourahas plenty to offer<br />
families over the summer.<br />
Destination Kaikoura manager<br />
Lisa Bond saysKaikouraisthe<br />
ideallocation forasummerroad<br />
trip as thereissomethingfor<br />
everyone and thingstodoinall<br />
weather.<br />
Visitorscan do anything from<br />
view baby sealsinthe rock pools<br />
and at OhauPointtollamatrekking,<br />
swimming with dolphinsand other<br />
wildlifeadventures.<br />
On ahot summer’s day you can<br />
have apaddleatGooch’s Beach or<br />
take aswim at the new Kaikoura<br />
Aquatic Centre.<br />
Rainyday activities includeThe<br />
Mayfair Arts and Cultural Centre,<br />
whereyou can viewart exhibitions<br />
and catchamovie.<br />
For thoseare into history,take a<br />
look at the exhibitions at the<br />
Kaikoura Museum, learn about the<br />
history of whaling Fyffe House and<br />
car enthusiasts willenjoy avisitto<br />
Harmon’s classic car museum at<br />
Bernie’s Diner.<br />
The Kaikoura CommunityOp<br />
Shop has alsoproventobea<br />
popular visitor attractionand has<br />
raised close to $1 million in seven<br />
years, saysMsBond, who is alsothe<br />
op shop committeechairperson.<br />
‘‘We have peoplewho save up<br />
their clothing from their spring<br />
clean to bring it to Kaikoura andwe<br />
have peoplewho come fromafar<br />
becausethey’ve heardhow good we<br />
are.’’<br />
Kaikoura hasplenty of quality<br />
eating places, includingthe new<br />
King Tide Restaurant, which<br />
opened lastweek, and thewellknown<br />
Coopers Catch fishand<br />
chips.<br />
Walkingand cycling trails are<br />
always popularwith visitors, with<br />
the KaikouraPeninsula Trail a<br />
mustdo. There are bike tracks for<br />
all levelsofability,with the Middle<br />
Hill mountainbike trail being a<br />
popularchoice and Kaiterau trial<br />
has been getting rave reviews. To<br />
find out more aboutcycle trails, go<br />
to<br />
or for walking tracks go to<br /><br />
Forthe adventurous, there is<br />
kayaking, fishing and rafting on the<br />
Clarence. Naturelovers can visit<br />
the seal colonies or come and see<br />
the Hutton’s shearwaterbirds and<br />
the dotterels on Kaikoura<br />
Peninsula.<br />
Summer paradise ... Families are<br />
expected to flock to Kaikoura this<br />
summer.<br />
For familyfun,there is the<br />
‘‘Coastal Encounter’’ from<br />
Encounter Kaikoura,where visitors<br />
can ‘‘see more wildlifethan just<br />
albatrossordolphinspecific tours’’,<br />
or play around at Emporium mini<br />
golf,where mum and dad can enjoy<br />
acold beer.<br />
Barring any Covid19 lockdowns,<br />
thereare plenty of events to lure<br />
visitors to Kaikoura thissummer,<br />
including Music on the Lawnat<br />
FyffeHouse, Kegkoura and the<br />
KaikouraA&P Show.<br />
Planning the summer road trip<br />
As the summer holiday season<br />
nears, Waka Kotahi New Zealand<br />
Transport Agency is calling on<br />
drivers to be courteous and allow<br />
plenty of travel time.<br />
Acting director of regional<br />
relationships,Ross L’Anson, says<br />
motorists shouldprepare for roads<br />
to be much busier than normal.<br />
‘‘Congestion and delays are<br />
inevitable in peak times, but if<br />
everyone allows plenty of time for<br />
the journey, drives to the<br />
conditions and plans ahead there<br />
will be less frustration and<br />
everyone will be able to<br />
concentrate on arriving safely at<br />
theirdestination.’’<br />
He recommends using the<br />
agency’s digitalHolidayJourneys<br />
map, which shows predictedtraffic<br />
flowsduring the peak summer<br />
holiday period.<br />
Journey Plannerprovides<br />
detailed descriptions of the routes<br />
available, including the fastest<br />
route, where the electric charging<br />
locationsare situated and realtime<br />
information on delays,<br />
roadworks and road closures.<br />
Drivers should checkthat their<br />
vehicle is in working order before<br />
setting out on theirroad trip.<br />
‘‘Checkyour tyre pressureand<br />
tread, windscreen wipersand<br />
indicators,’’ Ross says.<br />
HolidayHours<br />
DECEMBER • No late nights<br />
Christmas Eve<br />
ChristmasDay<br />
Boxing Day<br />
Monday27<br />
Tuesday28<br />
Wednesday 29<br />
Thursday30<br />
NewYear’s Eve<br />
NewYear’s Day<br />
Sunday2<br />
Monday3<br />
Tuesday4<br />
Wednesday 5<br />
Thursday6<br />
Friday 7<br />
Saturday 8<br />
9am–3pm<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
9am–5pm<br />
9am–5pm<br />
9am–3pm<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
CLOSED<br />
9am–5pm<br />
9am–5pm<br />
9am–5pm<br />
Normal hoursresume<br />
(including latenights at<br />
Rangioraand Kaiapoi)<br /><br />
Holiday wellbeing tips<br />
Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
The past year hasn’tbeen easywith the<br />
ongoingimpacts of Covid19, and while<br />
Christmas can be atime of joy, it can also<br />
come with competing pressures and<br />
expectations.<br />
That is why it is so important to tune<br />
into the ‘goodstuff’the simplethings<br />
that matterthe most and helpusfeel<br />
good.<br />
Take time to notice and be gratefulfor<br />
the good stuff every day.<br />
Try to savourit, and play it back in<br />
your mindafterwards.<br />
It will increaseyour chances of getting<br />
through hardtimesand can makeyou<br />
happier in the good times.<br />
More thanChristmas gifts,the good<br />
stuffismade up of simple things and<br />
experiences thatwereallyvalue and<br />
remember, such as agame of backyard<br />
cricket,anicecream at the beach,<br />
spending time in nature or abarbecue<br />
with friends.<br />
This simple practice of noticingwhat<br />
makesyou feelgood and doing more of it<br />
is proven to support your wellbeing.<br />
Take noticeisone of FiveWays to<br />
Wellbeing,alongwith connect, giving,<br />
keep learning and be active.<br />
To connect, talk and listen,bethere,<br />
feel connected.<br />
Giving doesn’t need to be gifts,itcan<br />
giving your time,your words, your<br />
presence to createhappy memoriesfrom<br />
your everyday experiences.<br />
Keeplearning by seeingopportunities,<br />
embrace new experiences and surprise<br />
yourself. Be active by doing what you<br />
can,enjoying what you do and moving<br />
yourmood.<br />
Research shows that the Five Ways to<br />
Wellbeing build resilience,boost your<br />
wellbeing and loweryour risk of<br />
developing mentalhealth problems.<br />
Learn moreabout The Five Ways to<br />
Wellbeing on the MentalHealth<br />
FoundationofNew Zealandwebsite:<br /><br />
Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>Trust’s Rangiora officewill<br />
close at 12pm on Christmas Eve and<br />
reopen at 9am on Wednesday, January 5.<br />
Kaiapoi Community Support closes at<br />
2pm on ChristmasEve and reopensat<br />
10am on Wednesday,January 5.<br />
Forsupport over the holidayperiod:<br />
Freecallortext 1737 anytime to get<br />
supportfrom atrainedcounsellor.<br />
Parents can get freesupport from<br />
trained staffonthe Parents Helpline:<br />
0800568856.<br />
Young peopleuptothe age of 18 can<br />
receivefreetelephone counselling by<br />
freecalling Kidsline on 0800 543754.<br />
Other useful sources of informationare:<br />
All Right?<br /><br />
Mental HealthEducationand Resource<br />
Centre<br />
Parenting ideas and activitiesfor the<br />
holidays:<br /><br /><br />
Machinery Sales<br />
11 kVa Deluxe<br />
Blackout Generator EFI<br />
2446087<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
FALCONS &<br />
WANTED<br />
Suitable for<br />
dismantling or repairs<br />
Ph 313 7216<br />
2412522<br />
Was$3413<br />
Now $2263<br />
(subject to availability)<br />
www.BLAX<br />
.nz<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
ANY old cars, anything pre<br />
1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />
Classic Cars. Please call<br />
027 258 8366.
30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Public Notices<br />
WarMemorial Hall<br />
1Albert Street, Rangiora 7400<br />
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440<br /><br />
We provide free confidential budgeting assistance to<br />
individuals, families and whānau of the Waimakariri<br />
and Hurunui communities<br />
<strong>December</strong> office closure<br />
We’re taking awell-earned break over this<br />
Christmas holiday season.<br />
The office will be closed from<br />
midday,Thursday <strong>23</strong> rd <strong>December</strong> and<br />
re-opening on Monday 17 th January 2022.<br />
Our Committee, Volunteers and Staff wish you<br />
astressfree Christmas.<br />
Don’t spend more than you can afford.<br />
Stick to your shopping list.<br />
Spend time with family and friends.<br />
Covering the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts<br />
Phone 03 313 3505 anytime<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Affiliated member of the National Building Financial Capability<br />
CharitableTrust. RegisteredCharity Number:CC10710<br />
2427308<br />
Vector Free Marlborough Limited wishes to advise that a<br />
ground-based possum control operation will be taking place<br />
to keep possum numbers under control to prevent the spread<br />
of bovine tuberculosis to livestock. It is important that we keep<br />
possum numbers low, aswework towards eradicating TB<br />
from New Zealand over the long term. This operation will be<br />
conducted as apartofOSPRI’s TBfree programme.<br />
Description of control area<br />
Hanmer Basin: Located between the Hanmer Range and the<br />
Waiau River. The area includes the pastoral farmed flats south<br />
and west of Hanmer Springs township to the bush edge on the<br />
foothills at the base of the Hanmer Range.<br />
Amap of the area can be found on the Vector Free Marlborough<br />
website under the Current Operations tab.<br />
Operation date<br />
20 September <strong>2021</strong> to 31 January 2022 (approximate)<br />
Poisoning methods, poison used and nature of poison<br />
• Feratox encapsulated cyanide in the form ofacapsule,<br />
dyed green/blue, presented with feed-paste or similar<br />
attractant contained inside areusable bait stations 130<br />
cm above the ground.<br />
General warning<br />
The public are reminded of the danger that toxic baits and<br />
possum carcasses pose, particularly to children and dogs<br />
•Follow advice stated on poison warning signs<br />
•Donot touchpoison baits, bait stations or traps<br />
•Donot touchpoisoned possum carcasses<br />
•Keep children under strict supervision in the control area<br />
•Keep pets under supervision; do not let dogs eat poisoned<br />
carcasses<br />
Warning signs will be erected at all main public entry points<br />
and the public are reminded that it is an offence to remove<br />
any of these signs. Please follow the instructions stated on<br />
the signs.<br />
If you suspect poisoning<br />
•Contact your local hospital, or dial 111<br />
•National Poisons Centre 0800 POISON –0800 764 766<br />
•Inthe case of adomestic animal being poisoned, contact a<br />
local veterinarian.<br />
Forfurther information please contact<br />
Vector Free Marlborough Limited<br />
Free Phone: 0508 548 008<br />
Email:<br />
Website:<br />
OSPRI helps protect and enhance the reputation of New Zealand’s<br />
primary industries and currently runs the TBfree and National<br />
Animal Identification and Tracing (NAIT) programmes.<br />
2442817<br />
Ohoka<br />
Rugby Club<br />
Annual<br />
General Meeting<br />
Ohoka Rugby Club will hold its Annual General<br />
Meeting on January 31, 2022.<br />
Where: Mandeville Sports Club<br />
Time: 6:30 PM<br />
Nominations for office of President, Vice President,<br />
Secretary and Treasurer must be made to the<br />
secretary nolater than Monday January 17, 2022.<br />
AGM kits with all contact details are available on<br />
the club website:<br /><br />
And via the link on our Facebook page.<br />
All interested parties welcome.<br />
2446724<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Browns Rangiora<br />
Supermarket T/A New<br />
World Rangiora has made<br />
application to the District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Rangiora for the renewal of<br />
an Off Licence in respect<br />
of the premises situated at<br />
10 Good Street, Rangiora<br />
known as New World<br />
Rangiora.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to be<br />
conducted) under the licence<br />
is Supermarket.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday -Sunday 7am to<br />
10pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at 215<br />
High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of the<br />
licence may,not later than 15<br />
working days after the date of<br />
the publication of this notice,<br />
file anotice inwriting of the<br />
objection with the Secretary<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than a matter specified in<br />
section 131 of the Sale and<br />
Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />
This is the second publication<br />
of this notice. This notice<br />
was first published 16th<br />
<strong>December</strong> <strong>2021</strong>. 2444830v2<br />
Farming Notices<br />
TRACTOR & Lawnmower<br />
seats. Forklift -<br />
yellow, black, blue. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br /><br />
Pets<br />
minding service available.<br />
Experienced, knowledgeable<br />
person, small animals<br />
and large. Affordable rates.<br />
Waipara/Amberley area.<br />
Phone Karen 027 733 4892.<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
½PRICE<br />
DOG FOOD<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
313 0022<br />
2424357<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
BUYING estate type old<br />
china, crystal, collectables,<br />
vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />
313 1878.<br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
<strong>23</strong>12759<br />
WANTED<br />
and good quality<br />
second hand furniture<br />
Happytotravel<br />
Phone Rick 021 376883<br />
or email photo to:<br /><br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. For aquote. Phone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Livestock<br />
HOMEKILL & Wild<br />
Game meat processing. Ph<br />
313 0022.<br />
Firewood<br />
SPILT old man pine, 3.7<br />
$260. Ph 021 993 497.<br />
Religious Notices<br />
Ashley Community Church<br />
7pm Friday, 24 th <strong>December</strong><br />
39 <strong>Canterbury</strong>St, Ashley<br />
Donations/Koha welcome<br />
Supper to follow<br />
Service Leader Paul Askin<br />
Vaccine Pass Gathering requirements<br />
Bring your mask for safe singing!<br />
Event subject to change in Covid<br />
restrictions on the day<br />
Enquiries ph 027 289 1380<br />
2447047<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
School Bus DriversRequired<br />
We areproud to be atransportprovider forthe<br />
Ministry of Education in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
area. We arelooking forSchool Bus Driverstodrive<br />
morning and afternoon school runs andtechnology<br />
routes.<br />
Days of work areMondaytoFridayduring the<br />
school term. Extracharter work will be available at<br />
times.<br />
If youareorhave:<br />
• AClass 1or2licence and aPendorsement<br />
• Excellentcommunication skills<br />
• ATeam player<br />
• Health and Safety focused<br />
• Keen to contribute andacan-do attitude<br />
• Fully vaccinated againstCovid 19 as of the<br />
2nd January2022<br />
Then this could be ajob foryou. Support to achieve<br />
licensing maybegiven to suitable applicants.<br />
Please registeryour interest by emailing<br /> or ring03313 5453.<br />
We have extended our retail showroom and enlarged our drive thru, and now we need you!<br />
We are seeking applications from outgoing, friendly and enthusiastic people to join our team and havethe following<br />
SeasonalFixed Term positions available:<br />
Retail Sales and Retail Sales Support<br />
Team Members<br />
• Weekend work required.<br />
• Upto40hours.<br />
• Mustbecustomer focused.<br />
• Working inside and outside.<br />
• Mustbephysically fit and strong.<br />
• Will be required to climb ladders and use lifting<br />
equipment.<br />
• Will be required to pick, carry,assemble and deliver<br />
heavy products.<br />
• Work as part of ateam.<br />
• Beable to think proactively.<br />
• Work hard and smart.<br />
Customer Service Checkout<br />
Team Members<br />
Experienced customer service people preferred but<br />
full training provided.<br />
• Weekend work required.<br />
• Upto40hours.<br />
• Mustbecustomer focused.<br />
• Mustbephysicallyfit.<br />
• May be requiredtocollect trolleys.<br />
• May be requiredtoassist customers with purchases<br />
to their vehicles.<br />
• Work as part of ateam.<br />
• Beable to think proactively.<br />
• Work hard and smart.<br />
• Able to take aturnonany ofthe various roles in these<br />
positions.<br />
• Confident to act as our “greeter”<br />
McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policyinplace, apre-employment drug test and medical will be required<br />
If any of these positions sound like you, send your application and CV to:<br />
Seasonal Fixed Term Roles<br />
McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega<br />
PO Box 1003<br />
Rangiora 7440<br />
or email<br />
2445690<br />
Trade &Services<br />
PASSION! Local painter<br />
with 30 years of quality and<br />
integrity in all aspects of<br />
painting. Phone Mike on<br />
021 0903 8546.<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
arbour work, pruning, tree<br />
removal. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured and guaranteed.<br />
From $70 single<br />
story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />
021 0277 1927. Visit<br /><br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restoration,<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
Sew Good Services. For all<br />
your alterations, repairs,<br />
dressmaking, curtains.<br />
Phone 327 5535.<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
2091848<br />
GENERATORS Honda /<br />
Rato /Diesel, plus parts &<br />
accessories 027 262 2266<br /><br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
Reg Tradesman<br />
Interior,exterior.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />
specialising in decorating for<br />
over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />
Free quotes.<br />
Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />
Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />
Rob 03 327 7899<br />
or 027 432 3520 2227597<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 0<strong>23</strong><br />
2220615<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
PAINTER. Qualified local<br />
professional, Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 40<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, <strong>23</strong> Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9<strong>23</strong>0.<br />
qualified.<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized truck.<br />
From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />
Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br /><br />
2401953<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. — Ph. 03-<br />
4<strong>23</strong>-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />
drenching, feet trimming.<br />
For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />
Stu 027 315 6916.<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
<strong>23</strong>62002<br />
027 216 0000<br />
2225862<br />
TRUCK WASH. Mobile<br />
touchless on-farm foam<br />
wash solutions. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br /><br />
CRAIGS Trees<br />
(03) 327-4190<br />
Free Quotes<br />
027 2299 454<br /><br />
2434390<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
WATER PUMPS Trash,<br />
clean water, Honda or Rato,<br />
parts &accessories. Telephone<br />
027 262 2266<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> 21, <strong>2021</strong><br />
31<br />
Trusted Trades &<br />
Professional Services<br />
Guide<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />
Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />
Samsung andmore....<br />
“For best results be sure to useauthorised service”<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />
<strong>23</strong>3<strong>23</strong>43v2<br />
Butchery<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
2227889v2<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>0 9401<br /><br /><br />
2273277<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
2269<strong>23</strong>6<br />
Quarry Supplies<br />
2426159<br />
Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue808 |<br />
Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />
Engineering<br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
●CAP 65 ● CAP 40<br />
●CAP 20 ● Pit Run<br />
●Large Soakpit Boulders<br />
●Crusher Dust<br />
●Screened Sand<br />
●Horse Arena Sand<br />
Dean Hurley0274 336 993<br /><br />
2064 Tram Road<br />
<strong>23</strong>97712v6<br />
Glass &Windscreens<br />
pet doors installed<br />
from only $165<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
1902273<br />
Allan Pethig<br />
For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />
Phone 03 313 7144<br />
027 432 1534<br />
Fax 03 313 2144<br /><br />
PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
Electrician<br />
from $<strong>23</strong> per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all +gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
2009594<br />
2438377<br />
Tools &Equipment<br />
SALES<br />
PARTS<br />
Water Blasters, Log Splitters, Generators,<br />
Air Compressors, Water Pumps, Air Tools, Spray<br />
Equipment, Replacement Ag Seats, Small Motors.<br />
Free local machinerydelivery.<br />
Richard Black<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>owned &operated<br />
2435547v2<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
Plumber &Gasfitter<br />
Maintenance &Filtration<br />
Plumbing renovations/<br />
Plumbing alterations &New Build<br />
Cylinder replacement<br />
Gas hot water,Gas Cooking &more..<br />
Call James ph: 022 063 15 85<br />
To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email<br />
Christmas<br />
Word<br />
Searche<br />
Solution<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
$<br />
15,494<br />
$<br />
13,504 $<br />
16,000<br />
$<br />
17,394<br />
$<br />
10,494<br />
2018 SUZUKISWIFT<br />
64000kms, 1200cc, GreatSafety 55,000km, 1000cc, alloys,cruise<br />
Package, 6AirbagsLDW,Cruise control, heated,seats,keyless entry<br />
Control,LDW,FullAlloys, Automatic &start, traction control<br />
$<br />
11,394<br />
$<br />
12,990<br />
42,500km, 1400cc, air con, alloys,<br />
electric windows,reversing camera<br />
$<br />
13,994<br />
75,000km, 1500cc, alloys, electric<br />
windws,keylessentry,such a<br />
CLASSY ride!<br />
$<br />
13,494<br />
95,000km, 2400cc, 7seater,practical<br />
leather, alloys,electricwindows,room<br />
for all including the furryfriends!<br />
$<br />
15,894<br />
2016 NISSAN MARCH 12C<br />
29000kms,1200cc, Automatic,<br />
Full Electrics,Smartwee car!<br />
FROM $<br />
17,294<br />
FIELDER 1.5G<br />
1500cc, automatic, great fuel<br />
economy,rear camera<br />
$<br />
14,494<br />
fullelectrics, push-button start<br />
and what agreatcolour,87000km<br />
$<br />
36,999<br />
2014 HONDA FIT 13G<br />
50,000km, 1300cc, electric<br />
windows, keylessentry,very<br />
reliable vehicle<br />
$<br />
12,990<br />
44000kms, 1500cc, Automatic,Full<br />
Electrics,ImpeccableCondition!<br />
$<br />
19,999<br />
2.0I-L<br />
From 49000kms, 2000cc,Also<br />
Non-Hybrid, Choiceof4.<br />
$<br />
11,794<br />
1800cc, alloys, fullelectrics, great<br />
colour<br />
$<br />
8,750<br />
2014 TOYOTA HIACE<br />
1990cc,automatic, petrol, in very<br />
good condition<br />
$<br />
29,990<br />
2016 NISSAN NOTE X<br />
60,000km, 1200cc, lane departure<br />
warning, push start, reversing<br />
camera, fantastic in red<br />
$<br />
10,494<br />
SV6 Z<br />
6airbags, alloys, cruisecontrol,<br />
dual air conditioning,electric<br />
windows<br />
$<br />
13,394<br />
2012 TOYOTA RACTIS X<br />
30,000km,1300cc, greatfuel<br />
rating, keyless entry,traction<br />
control.<br />
2008 TOYOTA IST<br />
1770cc, 6airbags, alloys, Isofix<br />
mounts, push start, reverse camera<br />
2019MAHINDRA PIKUP 4X4<br />
36,310km, 2200cc, Diesel,6<br />
Speed Manual<br />
All prices include onroad costs, 12 month registration and new WOF<br />
2006 HONDA CR-V24G<br />
2400cc, dualair conditioning,<br />
alloys, keyless entryreverse<br />
camera<br />
85,000km, 1500cc, hybrid, cruise<br />
control, electric mirrors,push start,<br />
reversecamera<br />
*Safety ratings are from year ofmanufacture*<br />