WWBA December 2021/January 2022 Newsletter - M

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<strong>WWBA</strong><br />

news<br />

DECEMBER <strong>2021</strong>/JANUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.wwbany.org<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> HOLIDAY SPARK REVIVED!<br />

Jennifer Netrosio Johnson, Jessica Piperis and Jill Oziemblewski<br />

O<br />

n <strong>December</strong> 8, <strong>2021</strong>, one<br />

hundred <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

and guests once again<br />

filled the beautiful ballroom of the<br />

C.V. Rich Mansion, of The Woman’s<br />

Club of White Plains, to celebrate<br />

the spirit of the holiday season and<br />

the end of a challenging year. The<br />

energy of connecting in person with<br />

colleagues and friends, law students<br />

and new lawyers, was widely appreciated<br />

and truly a joy. As in years<br />

past, many wore red and joined for<br />

a group photo. Unlike years past,<br />

but critical to our gathering safely for<br />

the festivities, all wore masks as we chatted, networked, and shopped.<br />

Thanks are due to extraordinary party organizers Jennifer Netrosio Johnson<br />

and Jessica Piperis, who worked creatively and devotedly to arrange both practical<br />

and celebratory details, including a spirited raffle and food stations with<br />

“to go” options, and also developed a backup plan in the event public health<br />

developments led us to pivot to an online party platform.<br />

As always, the <strong>WWBA</strong>’s Annual Holiday Party presents an exciting opportu-<br />


DECEMBER <strong>2021</strong>/<br />

JANUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />

Retirement Assets in<br />

Divorce Proceedings CLE<br />

(page 4)<br />

An Interview with<br />

Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

(page 5)<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> News<br />

(page 8)<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

(page 10)<br />


Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

continued on page 6 ➥<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> BOARD OF<br />


<strong>January</strong> 5, <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> BOOK CLUB<br />

<strong>January</strong> 19, <strong>2022</strong><br />



#METOO ERA<br />

<strong>January</strong> 20, <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>January</strong> 25, <strong>2022</strong><br />



JANUARY 27, <strong>2022</strong><br />



As you are<br />

reading this, New<br />

Year’s Eve has come<br />

and gone. The<br />

champagne bottles<br />

are empty, the confetti<br />

has been swept<br />

away, and many of<br />

the New Year’s resolutions<br />

(I’m talking<br />

Amanda C. Fried<br />

to you, my hard-to-kick sugar habit)<br />

have already been broken. But as I<br />

write this in mid-<strong>December</strong>, I am still<br />

deep in thought as to my goals for <strong>2022</strong><br />

and, because I am a big proponent of<br />

accountability, I thought I would share<br />

a few with you.<br />

1. Be Kind. Especially to Yourself<br />

ourself.<br />

I recently saw a TikTok (mock away, folks,<br />

but go watch @tylerjhorvath) about replacing<br />

your self-critical monologue<br />

with an NBA-interview-style dialogue.<br />

It goes something like this:<br />

Critical Brain: Some people are saying<br />

you might be a failure at this job.<br />

What do you have to say for yourself,<br />

hm?<br />

Response: People are, uh, entitled to<br />

their opinions. We focus on what we<br />

can control, you know?<br />

It is easy to speak ill of another,<br />

particular when that “other” is yourself,<br />

but we are all doing the very best we<br />

can in this exhausting are-we-donewith-COVID-yet<br />

world, and a little grace<br />

goes a long way.<br />

2. Ask for Help. I am...um...stubborn.<br />

And a bit of a control freak. But part of<br />

“doing the very best I can” means knowcontinued<br />

on page 3 ➥<br />

Page 1<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association is a Chapter of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York

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<strong>WWBA</strong> Member <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

DECEMBER <strong>2021</strong>/JANUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />

Published Monthly by the<br />

Westchester Women’s<br />

Bar Association, a Chapter of<br />

the Women’s Bar Association<br />

of the State of New York<br />

~ <strong>2021</strong>/<strong>2022</strong> Officers and Directors ~<br />

President AMANDA C. FRIED<br />

President-Elect ELIZABETH Z. MARCUS<br />

Vice Presidents<br />


Treasurer<br />


Corresponding Secretary JILL OZIEMBLEWSKI<br />

Immediate Past ast President<br />


Elected Directors Westchester Board<br />



State Directors Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York<br />




Executive Director ELISABETH CAMPOS<br />

© Copyright <strong>2022</strong> Westchester Women’s Bar Association. All rights reserved.<br />

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) only and do not reflect the official position of the Association.<br />

Editor-in-Chief: Jill Oziemblewski • Designed and Printed by IPM Media Group, Inc. (516) 809-0501<br />

<strong>2021</strong>-<strong>2022</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> Committee Chairs<br />

S T A N D I N G C O M M I T T E E S<br />

By-Laws ............................................................................... Kim Berg<br />

Corporate & Commercial ................ Lisa M. Bluestein, Virginia Trunkes<br />

Criminal Law ................. Elizabeth Gazay, Amy Puerto, Christine Paska<br />

Families, Children & the Courts ........... Joy S. Joseph, Lauren Morrissey<br />

Amanda Rieben<br />

Grievance/Ethics ................................................... Deborah A. Scalise<br />

Judicial Screening ........... Hon. Sandra A. Forster, Kimberly C. Sheehan<br />

Judiciary ........................................................ Hon. Linda S. Jamieson<br />

Lawyering & Parenting .......................... Joelle M. Burton, Jennifer Gray<br />

Legislation .................. Natanya L. Briendel, Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

Matrimonial ...... Robin D. Carton, Andrea Friedman, Jennifer Jackman<br />

Annual Dinner ............................................... Robin D. Carton, Amanda Fried<br />

Jennifer L. Gray, Jennifer Johnson<br />

Annual Dinner Souvenir Journal ....................................... Andrea B. Friedman<br />

Appellate Practice ........... Lisa M. Denig, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Heather Gushue<br />

Archive & Historian ................................................................. Susan L. Pollet<br />

Awards ......................................... Elizabeth Barnhard, Deborah Farber-Kaiser<br />

Bankruptcy ............................... Wendy Marie Weathers, Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Breast Cancer Awareness ............. Adrienne J. Orbach, Hon. Sandra A. Forster<br />

Collaborative Law ......... Kathleen Donelli, Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Lynn J. Maier<br />

Community Outreach ................ Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith, Deborah A. Scalise<br />

Construction Law ............................................. Aisling Brady, Rachel Geraghty<br />

Continuing Legal Education .................................................. Ann M. McNulty<br />

Cyber Law ........................................................................................... TBD<br />

Diversity and Inclusion .. Jacqueline Hattar, Stephanie Melowsky, Janeen Thomas<br />

Domestic Violence ........................ Marian Genio, Beth Levy, Stacey Neumann<br />

Education ................... Allison Morris, Julie P. Passman, , Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Elder, Health Law & Reproductive Rights .... Elizabeth A. Cumming, Moira Laidlaw<br />

Employment Law ........................................................... Kim Berg, Sara Kula<br />

Environmental & Land Use Lucia Chiocchio, Jennifer L. Gray, Katherine Zalantis<br />

Gender Dynamics ................................................................................ TBD<br />

Holiday Party and Boutique .............. Jennifer Netrosio-Johnson, Jessica Piperis<br />

Immigration ................... Karin Anderson, Elizabeth Mastropolo, Mayha Ghouri<br />

Insurance ............................................. Michelle Kolodny, Julie A. Mickiewicz<br />

Intellectual Property .............................. Elizabeth M. Barnhard, Theresa Nugent<br />

Judgment Enforcement & Collections ...... Daniel F. Florio, Jr., Michael Giannini<br />

Litigation .................... Angela Giannini, Jacqueline Hattar, Rebecca McCloskey<br />

Long Range Planning ...................................... Lisa M. Denig, Linda Markowitz<br />

Mediation ..................... Hon. Sondra M. Miller, Abby Rosmarin, Lisa M. Denig<br />

Mentor ............................................ Kim Berg, Sherry Bishko, Christine Paska<br />

Past Presidents ...... Angela Giannini, Deborah Scalise, Hon. Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

Practice Management ................................................. Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

A D H O C C O M M I T T E E S<br />

Membership ............................................ Sherry Bishko, Marian Genio<br />

Networking ........................................ Jennifer Netrosio, Jessica Piperis<br />

New Lawyers ............................................ Katie Wendle, Aisha Scholes<br />

Professional Development .. Susan Edwards Colson, Stephanie Melowsky<br />

Programs .......................................... Natanya L. Briendel, Amy Puerto<br />

Public Relations ............................................................ Lisa M. Denig<br />

Real Property ....... Anne R. Aicher, Allyson Lanahan, Robbin E. Sweeney<br />

Sponsorship .............................. Susan Colson, Deborah Farber-Kaiser,<br />

Meredith Kenyon<br />

Taxation ........................................................... Patricia Rusch Bellucci<br />

Trusts & Estates ........... Nancy J. Rudolph, Karen J. Walsh, Lonya Gilbert<br />

Pro Bono ..................................................... Marian Genio, Natalie Sobchak<br />

Social Media ........................................................................................ TBD<br />

Technology/Website .................................... Theresa Nugent, Janeen Thomas<br />

Wellness ........................................... Jennifer Netrosio, Susan Mills Richmond<br />

Women in Leadership ........................................................................... TBD<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Representatives<br />

Network of Bar Leaders ............................................ Angela Morcone Giannini, Robin Carton<br />

Pace Board of Visitors .......................................................................................... Lisa Denig<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Foundation President ......................................................................... Susan S. Brown<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Representative Director to the WCBA Board ........................................... Jennifer Gray<br />

WBASNY Vice President .............................................................................. Shari R. Gordon<br />

WBASNY Judiciary/Courts Committee ......................... Gail M. Boggio (Rep), Lisa Bluestein (Alt)<br />

WBASNY Nominations Committee ......................... Lisa M. Bluestein (Rep), Gail M. Boggio (Alt)<br />

WBASNY Awards Committee ...................................................................... Deborah Scalise<br />

WBASNY Chapters-Membership Committee ..................................................... Sherry Bishko<br />

WBASNY Family/Matrimonial Law Committee .............................................. Jennifer Jackman<br />

WBASNY Fundraising Committee ............................................................... Andrea Friedman<br />

WBASNY ERA/Women’s Civil Rights ........ Kim Berg (Co-Chair), Susan Mills Richmond (Member)<br />

WBASNY Labor and Employment Law Committee ..................................................... Kim Berg<br />

WBASNY Legislation Committee ................................................................. Natanya Briendel<br />

WBASNY LGBTQ+ Committee ................................................................. Adrienne Orbach<br />

WBASNY Domestic Violence Committee ............ Susan Pollet (Co-Chair), Alayne Katz (Member)<br />

WBASNY Press and Public Relations Committee .............................. Angela Morcone Giannini<br />

WBASNY Children’s Rights Committee .................................................................. Joy Joseph<br />

WBASNY Long-Range Planning Committee .................................................... Linda Markowitz<br />

WBASNY Diversity Committee ...................................................................... Janeen Thomas<br />

WBASNY CLE Liason Committee ................................................................. Ann M. McNulty<br />

WBASNY JALBCA Committee .................................................................... Sandra A. Forster<br />

WBASNY Convention Committee ............................................................... Adrienne Orbach<br />

WBASNY Equal Opportunity in the Profession Committee .......................................... Kim Berg<br />

WBASNY Sex Traficking Committee ....................................................... Sarah Ross-Benjamin<br />

WBASNY Access to Justice Committee .......................................................... Rachel Halperin<br />

WBASNY Collaborative Law Committee ........................................................ Kathleen Donelli<br />

WBASNY Education/Title IX Committee ......................................................... Sarah Richmond<br />

WBASNY Health Issues & Reproductive Rights Committee ................................ Sara Hechtman<br />

WBASNY Intellectual Property Committee .................................................. Elizabeth Barnhard<br />

WBASNY Women’s Judges Committee .................................................... Lisa Margaret Smith<br />

WBASNY Criminal Law Committee .................................................................. Sherlyn Pulver<br />

9th Judicial District Representative .................................... Lisa Margaret Smith, Amanda Fried<br />

Page 2<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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President’s Message<br />

from page 1<br />

Turn to page 9<br />

for a fun little<br />

crossword puzzle<br />

that shines a<br />

spotlight on some<br />

of our members<br />

and their<br />

extraordinary<br />

accomplishments<br />

(and turn to the<br />

back page for<br />

the answers).<br />

ing that insisting on doing it all by myself<br />

is, not only foolish, but impossible. Thankfully,<br />

I do not have to. I have the most<br />

incredible Board of Directors and a dream<br />

of an Executive Committee. The moment I<br />

dare to ask “Could someone...”, I hear a<br />

chorus of “Don’t worry, I can!” roaring back<br />

at me. I know that the Thanksgiving column<br />

focused on gratitude, but I continue<br />

to be amazed by the endless support.<br />

3. Be Fearless.<br />

(Here’s lookin’ at you,<br />

my fellow Swifties!) Like so many others, I<br />

am affected by what the masses refer to as<br />

Seasonal Affect Disorder, but what I prefer<br />

to call the Winter Doldrums (a childlike<br />

throwback to the Phantom Tollbooth), and<br />

it is easy for me to get stuck in the overwhelming<br />

drudgery. But, as my mother recently<br />

reminded me, life is about living and<br />

not about surviving, so it’s time to take<br />

some chances and risk a flop (or ten). This<br />

month, we’re trying something new – a<br />

non-scientific experiment, if you will. Turn<br />

to page 9 for a fun little crossword puzzle<br />

that shines a spotlight on some of our members<br />

and their extraordinary accomplishments<br />

(and turn to the back page for the<br />

answers).<br />

That’s all for this year, folks. It looks<br />

like I’ll be saving the sugar-craving battle<br />

for 2023. Ice cream, here I come! ◗<br />

Editor’s Note<br />

“When there is nothing left to lose, we find the true self – the self that is whole,<br />

the self that is enough, the self that no longer looks to others for definition, or<br />

completion, or anything but companionship on the journey.”<br />

~ Elizabeth Lesser<br />

Making Dates and Getting Published<br />


❑ Deadline for newsletter submissions is the 10th of the month prior to publication (submissions<br />

received after the deadline are subject to the discretion of the editor).<br />

❑ Send submissions as email attachments to Jill Oziemblewski at jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com.<br />

❑ Articles should be 1,000 words or fewer. Remove all pagination, headers, footers or other<br />

formatting, other than bold, underline or italics. Authors are encouraged to submit photographs<br />

for publication with their submissions and include a short biographical statement with<br />

their submissions.<br />

❑ Materials submitted allow the <strong>WWBA</strong> a limited copyright and full permission to reprint the<br />

material in any <strong>WWBA</strong> publication or on its website without additional consent.<br />

❑ Photographs must be high-resolution (150 dpi or more) and the subject and all persons in<br />

each photograph must be fully identified.<br />


❑ First visit the <strong>WWBA</strong> website: www.wwbany.org and click on the calendar at the home page to<br />

view scheduled programs. Conflicts in scheduling will be assessed on a case by case basis, with<br />

priority for early submissions.<br />

❑ Contact Jill Oziemblewski at jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com to schedule a <strong>WWBA</strong> sponsored<br />

or co-sponsored program, including committee meetings, CLE programs, etc.<br />

❑ Once you have reserved the date with Jill Oziemblewski, proceed with planning your program<br />

and creating your flyer.<br />

❑ Flyers must be approved by the Programs Committee. In advance of the 10th of the month,<br />

please send your flyer to the Program Committee Co-chairs for review and copy the Executive<br />

Director. Once approved, please send your final flyer to the Executive Director, Elisabeth Campos<br />

and the President for publication on the website calendar and the newsletter calendar. The<br />

final flyer will also be emailed to the membership.<br />

❑ We will also consider publicizing programs from outside organizations that may be of interest<br />

to our members.<br />

❑ Post-event: You may report on the success of your program and provide photographs of the<br />

speakers and participants that can be included in an upcoming newsletter. Send your submission<br />

to Jennifer Robinson, following the guidelines above.<br />

Contacts<br />

Jill Oziemblewski, Corresponding Secretary and <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor-in-Chief: jill_oziemblewski@yahoo.com<br />

Natanya L. Briendel, Programs Committee Co-Chair: tanyabriendel@gmail.com<br />

Amy Puerto, Programs Committee Co-Chair: amy.puerto@yahoo.com<br />

Amanda C. Fried, President: president@wwbany.org<br />

Ann M. McNulty, CLE Chair: ann.m.mcnulty@morganstanley.com<br />

Elisabeth Campos, Executive Director: executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

A d v e r t i s i n g R a t e s<br />

Full Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $525.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $575.00 per issue<br />

Half Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $275.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $300.00 per issue<br />

Quarter Page Display Ad: 5-10 Issues - $165.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $180.00 per issue<br />

Business Card Ad: 5-10 Issues - $60.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $75.00 per issue<br />

Classified – office space, furniture/equipment, employment & situation wanted (up to 5 lines)<br />

Members - $50.00 first issue; $25.00 each succeeding issue; Non-Members - $75.00 per issue<br />

Back Cover (3/4 page)<br />

5-10 Issues - $650.00 per issue; 1-4 Issues - $700.00 per issue<br />

Deadline for all ads is the 10th of the month prior to publication. Ads are subject to space limitations.<br />

Contact Jill Oziemblewski at secretary@wwbany.org for any questions regarding advertising.<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 3

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Matrimonial Committee CLE Instructs on Distribution<br />

of Retirement Assets in Divorce Proceedings<br />

So Much to Gain, So Difficult to Ascertain<br />

Jill Oziemblewski<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Corresponding Secretary<br />

On <strong>December</strong> 15, <strong>2021</strong>, the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />

Matrimonial Committee presented “What<br />

Judges Expect You to Know When Dealing<br />

With Retirement Assets,” a focused,<br />

virtual CLE program on the significant but<br />

often grossly oversimplified and misunderstood<br />

area of handling the discovery and<br />

distribution of retirement assets in divorce<br />

proceedings. The program, with over 40<br />

attendees, was moderated by Andrea B.<br />

Friedman, Esq., co-chair of the Matrimonial<br />

Committee and a partner at Friedman<br />

& Friedman, PLLC, Attorneys at Law. The<br />

speakers were Denisa Tova-Liebman, MBA,<br />

a Certified Financial Planner, Certified Divorce<br />

Financial Analyst, Certified Qualified<br />

Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)<br />

Specialist, and Founder and CEO of TOVA<br />

QDRO & Retirement Valuation Consultants,<br />

LLC, and The Honorable Lewis J.<br />

Lubell, Justice of the Supreme Court,<br />

Westchester County, and Supervising Judge<br />

of Matrimonial Matters in the 9th Judicial<br />

District.<br />

The program first addressed the level<br />

of due diligence required to properly secure<br />

a client’s share of retirement benefits,<br />

emphasizing the importance of correctly<br />

identifying retirement plans from the beginning<br />

of negotiations, ideally in the preliminary<br />

conference order, and determining<br />

the optimum time to value them. Practitioners<br />

were advised to identify each type<br />

of retirement asset individually, specifically,<br />

and accurately. The speakers discussed<br />

the use of discovery, particularly the issuance<br />

of subpoenas and the undertaking<br />

of depositions, as significant tools for revealing<br />

whether and what retirement assets<br />

exist and for determining which portions<br />

were pre-marital or marital. Judge<br />

Lubell mentioned that it was not rare for a<br />

court to refer the latter determination to a<br />

neutral professional, and added that the<br />

issue may be resolved as part of a stipulation<br />

presented to the court.<br />

The program next instructed on how<br />

to avoid mistakes in settlement agreements,<br />

covering topics such as the importance of<br />

asking for the right information during<br />

negotiations, and, correspondingly, verifying<br />

that the information is accurate; when<br />

to utilize “the Majauskas formula”<br />

(Majauskas v Majauskas, 61 NY2d 481<br />

[1984]), or the coverture formula for determining<br />

a spouse’s share of pension benefits;<br />

the dangers of oversimplifying the<br />

division of retirement assets with equalization<br />

language; and the intricacies of addressing<br />

survivorship benefits.<br />

Finally, the speakers discussed recent<br />

case law that might affect the analysis of<br />

marital vs. non-marital retirement assets.<br />

The program concluded with all speakers<br />

addressing questions from the attendees,<br />

which was immensely helpful to all those<br />

who attended. ◗<br />

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Page 4<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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An Interview with Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

Susan L. Pollet<br />

Chair of the Archive and<br />

Historian Committee<br />

Q: When and why did you<br />

become involved in the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>?<br />

A: In 2010, when I moved my<br />

career back to Westchester, I<br />

was immediately invited to join<br />

the <strong>WWBA</strong> by my mentors<br />

Jody Fay and Dawn Kirby. I<br />

was welcomed with enthusiasm<br />

and support. I sought<br />

inclusion and collaboration<br />

with other attorneys, which I<br />

found to be invaluable.<br />

Q: Which activities and positions<br />

of the <strong>WWBA</strong> have<br />

you participated in?<br />

A: Upon joining the <strong>WWBA</strong>,<br />

I immediately became a member<br />

of the Bankruptcy Committee.<br />

Shortly thereafter, in<br />

2011, Past President Lonya<br />

Gilbert appointed me as a<br />

Co-Chair of the Bankruptcy<br />

Committee along with Susan<br />

Mills Richmond. One year<br />

later, I was appointed to be<br />

Co-Chair of Law Practice<br />

Management along with<br />

Jamieson Keiser. We collaborated<br />

with the Westchester<br />

County Bar Association in<br />

numerous activities including<br />

presenting and attending CLE<br />

classes. I also have had the<br />

pleasure to attend several<br />

NYSBA and WBASNY events<br />

supporting <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

honored at them.<br />

Q: What would you like to<br />

see the <strong>WWBA</strong> accomplish<br />

in the future?<br />

A: Like many local bar associations,<br />

collaboration is key<br />

to fostering and maintaining<br />

relationships. This past year<br />

has taught us that. Isolation<br />

is debilitating. Expanding the<br />

Mentor/Mentee program<br />

would be a great accomplishment.<br />

To be a mentor to the<br />

“Sharing experiences and having the<br />

opportunity to work together allows the lift<br />

to not be so heavy. It may sound cliché – we<br />

can do so much more together than we can<br />

alone, professionally and personally.”<br />

next generation of lawyers is rewarding<br />

and invaluable to the<br />

practice of law. Sharing experiences<br />

and having the opportunity<br />

to work together allows the<br />

lift to not be so heavy. It may<br />

sound cliché – we can do so<br />

much more together than we can<br />

alone, professionally and personally.<br />

Q: Please tell us about your<br />

legal career.<br />

A: My legal career began in the<br />

Kings County District Attorney’s<br />

office in 1996. Having gotten<br />

the taste and love for the courtroom,<br />

I transitioned to private<br />

practice, where I have represented<br />

both institutional lenders<br />

and borrowers in all aspects of<br />

the mortgage banking industry<br />

and residential foreclosures for<br />

over 20 years. As a result of the<br />

relationships that were fostered<br />

over my decades of practice, I<br />

am now a partner in an amazing<br />

law firm – Clair Gjertsen &<br />

Weathers, PLLC – which is a collective<br />

tribute to the legacy Ira<br />

S. Clair built over the last 40<br />

years. We primarily focus on<br />

foreclosure defense, consumer<br />

bankruptcy and landlord tenant.<br />

We guide foreclosure defense<br />

clients through the legal process<br />

while educating them about their<br />

options and reducing their anxiety<br />

of the unknown. We have<br />

filed hundreds of Chapter 7 and<br />

Chapter 13 cases leading to discharges<br />

in the SDNY and EDNY,<br />

and in Connecticut. I am also<br />

a Court-Appointed Referee for<br />

Westchester, Rockland, Orange,<br />

Putnam, Dutchess County<br />

Foreclosure Actions.<br />

Q: What advice do you have<br />

for new lawyers entering the<br />

profession?<br />

A: I have three pieces of advice,<br />

the first is that it is important<br />

to have mentors. Find one<br />

or two people who really care<br />

about your getting the right experience<br />

and being there and<br />

available for questions. I<br />

wouldn’t be where I am today<br />

without having those certain<br />

people in my life pushing me.<br />

The second piece of advice is to<br />

show up and listen. The skill of<br />

listening is key to understanding<br />

your clients so you can be<br />

an effective advocate. My last<br />

piece of advice is to keep yourself<br />

busy and take advantage of<br />

all the experiences and opportunities<br />

available. While I was<br />

in school, I worked, and I aimed<br />

to have different experiences to<br />

learn from. I was always juggling<br />

and balancing. I would<br />

attend CLEs as a student and<br />

network with attorneys. Take advantage<br />

of what the Bar Association<br />

can do for you and what<br />

you can do for the Bar. Put your<br />

name out there and network.<br />

Don’t be afraid; get involved!<br />

Q: How have you balanced<br />

family responsibilities and your<br />

legal career?<br />

A: That’s a good question! I<br />

have had tremendous support<br />

through my networks while I<br />

balanced being a single mom<br />

of two daughters and managing<br />

law firms. Having lost my<br />

mother and biggest cheerleader<br />

when she was only 57 years old,<br />

I was determined to make her<br />

proud. My mom and dad sacri-<br />

Wendy Marie Weathers<br />

ficed their lives to instill the<br />

importance of education and<br />

I am so grateful for their love<br />

and support. Now, the balance<br />

is easier since my girls<br />

are 19 and 16. Having ownership<br />

in a firm allows me to<br />

balance my priorities. I also<br />

think that the pandemic taught<br />

us all the importance of family<br />

and work balance.<br />

Q: When you are not lawyering,<br />

which community activities<br />

and other interests do<br />

you pursue?<br />

A: I have always been in pursuit<br />

of public service and volunteer<br />

work. In the past year,<br />

I served as the President of the<br />

Westchester County Bar Association<br />

(WBCA) and initiated<br />

the Community Recovery<br />

Task Force, which provided<br />

resources to aid in the economic<br />

recovery by discussing<br />

topics like what happens if<br />

you’re furloughed, information<br />

about PPE, PPP, small<br />

business loans, etc. I love<br />

spending time with my girlsthey<br />

keep me young, trendy<br />

and humble. And when I am<br />

not with them, I have fun with<br />

my significant other-hiking,<br />

day trips on a motorcycle,<br />

cooking, and gardening on<br />

my first zen garden. ◗<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

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<strong>WWBA</strong> HOLIDAY SPARK REVIVED!<br />

from page 1<br />

nity for holiday shopping<br />

among artisan vendors and<br />

resellers, each displaying<br />

colorful and unique designs,<br />

jewelry, clothing, scarves,<br />

handcrafted soaps and<br />

more. This year we supported<br />

eight local businesses<br />

in this endeavor and truly<br />

benefitted from their presence<br />

at the party and the<br />

opportunity to buy creative<br />

gifts, mostly for others if<br />

some for ourselves . . .<br />

The <strong>WWBA</strong> Holiday<br />

Party Committee, along with<br />

President Amanda Fried and<br />

the entire organization,<br />

wishes to extend our heartfelt<br />

thanks to each and every<br />

vendor who showed up<br />

to serve our community, to<br />

each and every sponsor who<br />

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made the event possible (recognized<br />

on the following<br />

page), and to our many<br />

members and volunteers<br />

who supported the effort.<br />

Wishing you all a<br />

happy, healthy, and prosperous<br />

New Year. ◗<br />

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association<br />

Gratefully Acknowledges<br />

Our Emerald Sponsor<br />

Sterling National Bank<br />

Our Platinum Sponsor<br />

Walsh & Amicucci LLP<br />

<br />

Our Gold Sponsors<br />

Goldschmidt & Genovese, LLP<br />

Gould & Berg, LLP<br />

Keane & Beane, P.C.<br />

Rosenthal & Markowitz, LLP<br />

Sigma Valuation<br />

Our Silver Sponsors<br />

Carton & Rosoff PC<br />

Financial Research Associates<br />

Glassman & Brown, LLP<br />

Leason Ellis LLP<br />

Shari R. Gordon, Esq.<br />

WFG National Title Insurance Co.<br />

Our Bronze Sponsors<br />

Black Marjieh & Sanford LLP<br />

Clair Gjertsen & Weathers PLLC<br />

David Evan Markus, Esq.<br />

Gerald DeFeo, CPA<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 7

Chapter News and Announcements<br />

Announcements & Notes on Members<br />

❑ Lisa M. Denig, Esq., has been appointed as Counsel to New<br />

York State Chief Judge Janet DiFiore. Denig, a past president of the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong>, was formerly the Special Counsel for ADR Initiatives for the<br />

Courts Inside NYC and also served 8 years in the Westchester County<br />

District Attorney’s Office.<br />

❑ Patricia L. . Angley, , Esq., Senior Staff Attorney at the Legal Services<br />

of the Hudson Valley, was recently appointed as Adjunct Professor<br />

for the Equal Justice America Disability Rights Clinic, under the<br />

auspices of John Jay Legal Services, Inc., at the Elisabeth Haub School<br />

of Law at Pace University for the spring <strong>2022</strong> semester. Patricia is looking forward to<br />

working collaboratively with <strong>WWBA</strong> membership for the benefit of the law students participating<br />

in this clinic.<br />

❑ The law firm of Cuddy & Feder LLP is pleased to announce that <strong>WWBA</strong> member<br />

Kristen M. Motel Esq. – an associate in the firm’s Land Use, Zoning & Development,<br />

Energy & Environmental, and Telecommunications and Cannabis Law groups – was<br />

honored with the <strong>2021</strong> Millennial & Gen Z Award, presented by Westfair Communications<br />

on November 18, <strong>2021</strong>. Millennials represent half of the workforce, and it is<br />

predicted that by 2025, Gen Z will make up about 27 percent of the workforce in the<br />

world. The Millennial & Gen Z Award celebrates this new era in the workforce and<br />

recognizes those who are leaving their footprints in the technology and business communities<br />

of Westchester and Fairfield counties.<br />

Kristen will be a featured speaker at the upcoming <strong>January</strong> 27, <strong>2022</strong> CLE program<br />

on Cannabis Law. She has previously served as a <strong>WWBA</strong> Vice President and State<br />

Director. Currently she is a member of the Environmental & Land Use and New Lawyers<br />

Committees, and she mentors Pace Law School students to positively impact the development<br />

of the legal profession. To read more about Kristen’s practice, experience, and deep<br />

involvement in leadership initiatives, please refer to: https://www.cuddyfeder.com/newsevent/kristen-motel-to-receive-westfair-communications-millennial-gen-z-award/.<br />

The <strong>WWBA</strong> congratulates its members on these terrific appointments<br />

and notable award, and we wish them well.<br />

❑ On October 2, <strong>2021</strong>, a small group of <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

joined together in White Plains for the Women’s March for Reproductive<br />

Rights. The March, which was held in hundreds of<br />

cities around the United States, featured speakers from state and<br />

local government, Planned Parenthood, and other women’s organizations.<br />

❑ Susan L. . Pollet<br />

ollet’s second children’s book, entitled “William<br />

Wondered Whether Worrying Was Worth It,” was just published<br />

in time for holiday shopping and to spread good feelings. The<br />

book ponders a list of certain things that William’s family worried<br />

about when he was an infant, toddler, and preschooler. The<br />

illustrations show each of those worries, with a corresponding<br />

solution. After contemplating it all, William decided that some<br />

worrying was worth it because it showed how much his family<br />

loved him, and he, in turn, learned how to love them from their<br />

good example. Susan hopes the book brings joy to all-children<br />

and parents alike.<br />

Susan’s other titles, all available on Amazon, include: Not<br />

so Surprise Endings; Grey Divorce: From Pain to Peace; Women<br />

in Crisis: Stories From The Edge; Through Walter’s Lens; Lessons in Survival: All About<br />

Amos (Available on Amazon #WritingCommunity); and Juliette Rose’s Dream of Becoming.<br />

◗<br />

Become a New<br />

Member Today<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP TODAY<br />


JUNE 1, <strong>2021</strong> TO MAY 31, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


<strong>WWBA</strong> Membership includes<br />

membership to the Women’s Bar<br />

Association of the State of New York<br />

(WBASNY).<br />

<strong>January</strong> 31, <strong>2021</strong> is the closing date in<br />

order to count the <strong>WWBA</strong> members<br />

towards our certification to WBASNY and<br />

assure our number of delegates.<br />

Renewing before this date will allow our<br />

Westchester Chapter (<strong>WWBA</strong>) to continue<br />

to be a strong presence in our statewide<br />

organization (WBASNY) while you will<br />

enjoy its many benefits, events,<br />

newsletter and CLE programming.<br />

Hélène Côté, Sherry A. Bishko,<br />

Elisabeth Campos<br />

It is easy to renew by going to the<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Website at www.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.org.<br />

You can use a credit card or<br />

PayPal to make payment.<br />

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association News

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Westchester Women’s Bar Association New Members<br />

The Westchester Women’s Bar Association proudly welcomes our newest members:<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />



Student<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Mirman Markovits & Landau<br />

291 Broadway, 6th Floor<br />

New York, NY 10007<br />

sgoldstein@mirmanlawyers.com<br />

<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> CROSSWORD<br />



Graduate Awaiting Admission<br />


Pace Women’s Justice Center<br />

78 North Broadway<br />

White Plains, NY 10603<br />

klanci@law.pace.edu<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


Graduate Awaiting Admission<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />

This crossword puzzle, created by our President, Amanda C.<br />

Fried, shines a spotlight on some of our members and their extraordinary<br />

accomplishments. The answers are printed on the back page.<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. <strong>2021</strong> Holiday Party mastermind #1<br />

6. Author of "William Wondered Whether Worrying Was Worth It"<br />

7. Hosting this year’s <strong>WWBA</strong> Talent Show<br />

9. Current <strong>WWBA</strong> President-Elect<br />

11. Winner of <strong>2021</strong> Holiday Party raffle<br />

12. <strong>January</strong> 27, <strong>2021</strong> <strong>WWBA</strong> program speaker<br />

13. <strong>WWBA</strong> Member & Lead Speaker Hot Employment Issues for <strong>2022</strong><br />

DOWN<br />

2. <strong>2021</strong> Holiday Party mastermind #2<br />

3. President of <strong>WWBA</strong>F<br />

4. <strong>WWBA</strong> Candidate for WBASNY officer position<br />

5. <strong>WWBA</strong> Holiday Party platinum sponsor<br />

8. <strong>WWBA</strong> Member Nominated for WBASNY Marilyn R. Menge Award<br />

10. <strong>WWBA</strong> Member & General Counsel to NYS Dept of Health<br />


Student<br />


Student<br />


VERN, , ESQ.<br />

Bond, Schoeneck & King<br />

10 Bank Street, Suite 1120<br />

White Plains, NY 10606<br />

jsovern@bsk.com<br />


NYS Academy of Trial Lawyers<br />

41 Alexander Avenue<br />

White Plains, NY 10606<br />

mstern@trialacademy.org<br />


Student<br />


Law Office of Maurice Dean Williams<br />

1319 Adee Ave<br />

Bronx, NY 10469<br />


Graduate Awaiting Admission<br />

<br />

Westchester Women’s Bar Association News<br />

Page 9

<strong>WWBA</strong> Schedule of Upcoming Events<br />

COMMITTEE DATE/TIME PLACE TOPIC RSVP (also online at www.wwbany.org)<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Board of Directors 1/05/22<br />

Meeting<br />

5:30 p.m.<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Book Club 1/19/22<br />

6:00 p.m.<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Employment Law<br />

Committee in collaboration<br />

with Federal Bar<br />

Association, Southern<br />

District of New York<br />

Chapter<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> Domestic Violence<br />

Committee in collaboration<br />

with The Pace Women’s<br />

Justice Center, and Hope’s<br />

Door<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> in collaboration<br />

with White Plains Bar<br />

Association and Westchester<br />

County Bar Association<br />

WBASNY Board of<br />

Directors Meeting<br />

1/20/22<br />

5:30 p.m. to<br />

7:00 p.m.<br />

1/25/22<br />

1:00 p.m. to<br />

2:00 p.m.<br />

1/27/22<br />

5:30 p.m. to<br />

7:30 p.m.<br />

1/29/22<br />

10:00 a.m. to<br />

3:00 p.m.<br />

Zoom<br />

In Person (White Plains)<br />

or Zoom<br />

Zoom<br />

Zoom<br />

Zoom<br />

Zoom<br />

Book Selection: “Black<br />

Like Me” by John<br />

Howard Griffin<br />

Grab Them By The<br />

Workplace:<br />

Understanding Sexual<br />

Harrassment in the<br />

#MeToo Era — 1.5<br />

CLE credits in<br />

Professional Practice<br />

and/or Diversity<br />

pending approval<br />

This program examines<br />

the complex dynamics<br />

underscoring domestic<br />

violence and the tragic<br />

cases that led to the<br />

development of the<br />

Westchester County<br />

Domestic Violence<br />

High Risk Team<br />

New York Adult Use<br />

Cannabis: What You<br />

Need to Know—2.0<br />

CLE credits in<br />

Professional Practice<br />

Email Lisa Denig to RSVP or for<br />

the Zoom link at<br />

lisadenig@yahoo.com<br />

See www.wwbany.org for QR<br />

Code to Register<br />

FREE<br />

RSVP by 1/24/22 online at<br />

www.wwbany.org or email<br />

executivedirector@wwbany.org<br />

FREE to WPBA, <strong>WWBA</strong>, and<br />

WCBA Members ($20.00 for Non-<br />

Members)<br />

RSVP by 1/21/22 by email to<br />

asienty@hollislaidlaw.com<br />

<strong>WWBA</strong> is a chapter of WBASNY, which is an approved provider of CLE credit. Full and partial scholarships for CLE programs based<br />

on financial need are available. For information on the guidelines and procedures for applying, please contact the person running<br />

the program. All requests are strictly confidential. All programs are for transitional credit unless the program states otherwise.<br />

Unless otherwise indicated, events are for <strong>WWBA</strong> members and invited guests only.<br />

The opinions expressed by any program presenter are the presenter’s own, and do not reflect<br />

the official position of the <strong>WWBA</strong>.<br />

Answers to the <strong>WWBA</strong> Crossword Puzzle printed on Page 9:<br />

1. Jen Johnson 2. Jess Piperis 3. Susan Brown 4. Shari Gordon 5. Walsh and Amicucci 6. Susan Pollet 7. Allison Sloto<br />

8. Lisa Bluestein 9. Elizabeth Marcus 10. Kathy Marks 11. Jill Oziemblewski 12. Kristen Motel 13. Kim Berg<br />




Connect<br />

with<br />

us<br />

THE <strong>WWBA</strong> MEMBERSHIP PERIOD FOR<br />

<strong>2021</strong>-<strong>2022</strong> BEGINS ON JUNE 1, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />


ODAY AT<br />

WWW.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY<br />

.<strong>WWBA</strong>NY.ORG<br />


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