Writing on the Wall: Winter 2022
The quarterly newsletter of Wall Residences: a Virginia agency who provides services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Services include sponsored residential, group homes, community engagement & community coaching, nursing, therapeutic consultation, and behavioral support. This issue highlights recent achievements of residents, providers, staff, and the agency as a whole during the final quarter of 2021.
The quarterly newsletter of Wall Residences: a Virginia agency who provides services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Services include sponsored residential, group homes, community engagement & community coaching, nursing, therapeutic consultation, and behavioral support. This issue highlights recent achievements of residents, providers, staff, and the agency as a whole during the final quarter of 2021.
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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Writing</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Wall</strong><br />
<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Service & Celebrati<strong>on</strong>:<br />
Observing <strong>the</strong> winter holidays. Page 6-7<br />
3<br />
All in <strong>the</strong> Family<br />
Mo<strong>the</strong>r - S<strong>on</strong> Providers Janet Young and<br />
Jared Nepal <strong>on</strong> being called to this career<br />
4 5<br />
Remembering Neal<br />
A tribute poem by Provider Brieann Hale to<br />
<strong>the</strong> impact of a life lived<br />
New Training Program Coming So<strong>on</strong><br />
A trauma-informed approach to caregiving,<br />
with mindfulness at <strong>the</strong> center
Director’s Corner<br />
John Wea<strong>the</strong>rspo<strong>on</strong><br />
The final Rate Model Proposal has<br />
been released and despite recommendati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
from <strong>the</strong> Virginia Sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
Residential Provider Group,<br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences and multiple o<strong>the</strong>r<br />
agencies <strong>the</strong> proposal for Sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
Residential Services did not include<br />
<strong>the</strong> same formula used during <strong>the</strong><br />
refresh for determining <strong>the</strong> Home<br />
Payment. Due to this decisi<strong>on</strong> most<br />
Sp<strong>on</strong>sored Residential providers will<br />
receive a cut in pay <strong>on</strong> July 1, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
The Governor’s proposed budget<br />
was released <strong>on</strong> December 17th, and<br />
included funding that was based <strong>on</strong><br />
recommendati<strong>on</strong> from DMAS and <strong>the</strong><br />
rate model. This is <strong>the</strong> rate model that<br />
will be in place for <strong>the</strong> next 3-5 years<br />
and any updates to rates will be based<br />
<strong>on</strong> it. The rate model fails to recognize<br />
that Direct Support Professi<strong>on</strong>als<br />
(DSPs) outside of <strong>the</strong> Sp<strong>on</strong>sor (Host)<br />
Family exist within homes or that<br />
Sp<strong>on</strong>sors have to increase <strong>the</strong>ir pay to<br />
staff just like all o<strong>the</strong>r agencies when<br />
prices and minimum wage goes up.<br />
Currently <strong>the</strong> service is receiving<br />
<strong>the</strong> temporary rate increase from <strong>the</strong><br />
American Rescue Plan Act funds<br />
which is in place until July 1, <strong>2022</strong>. In<br />
<strong>the</strong> proposed budget most sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
providers will actually experience<br />
a 3-5 % cut in pay <strong>on</strong> July 1, while<br />
group homes will receive a substantial<br />
increase for serving <strong>the</strong> same pers<strong>on</strong><br />
in <strong>the</strong>ir residential service.<br />
Sp<strong>on</strong>sored Residential will c<strong>on</strong>tinue<br />
to fall fur<strong>the</strong>r behind o<strong>the</strong>r residential<br />
payments with this model as changes<br />
are made in <strong>the</strong> next 3-5 years. The<br />
proposed model includes differences<br />
of more that $100/day for serving<br />
<strong>the</strong> same pers<strong>on</strong> in a Group Home<br />
vs a Sp<strong>on</strong>sored Home. The model<br />
proposed by <strong>the</strong> Virginia Sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
Residential Provider Group did not<br />
expect parity with group homes, but<br />
asked that DSPs be included and<br />
recognized in <strong>the</strong> rate model which<br />
would have lead to increases over<br />
<strong>the</strong> current temporary ARPA rate and<br />
safe from cuts. We are beginning to<br />
reach out to members of <strong>the</strong> General<br />
Assembly to educate <strong>the</strong>m about <strong>the</strong><br />
discrepancies for Sp<strong>on</strong>sored Residential<br />
within <strong>the</strong> proposed rate model<br />
and <strong>the</strong> risk of cuts to sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
providers if <strong>the</strong> current recommendati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
are followed. Our representatives<br />
need to be reminded that DSPs<br />
exist within <strong>the</strong> model, though <strong>the</strong>y<br />
are not included within proposed rates<br />
for Sp<strong>on</strong>sored Residential and that <strong>the</strong><br />
current model will not suffice when<br />
changes are made due to increases in<br />
minimum wage. The regulati<strong>on</strong>s and<br />
expectati<strong>on</strong>s of DBHDS and DMAS<br />
are that DSPs exist within <strong>the</strong> model<br />
but <strong>the</strong>y c<strong>on</strong>tinue to fail to recognize<br />
<strong>the</strong>m when it comes to rate setting.<br />
It looks like it will be ano<strong>the</strong>r busy<br />
sessi<strong>on</strong> advocating for Sp<strong>on</strong>sored<br />
Residential Services!<br />
I am excited to welcome Valerie Cooper as <strong>the</strong><br />
newest member of <strong>the</strong> Board of Directors for <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences! Valerie has decades of experience<br />
in <strong>the</strong> rehabilitati<strong>on</strong> field as an Occupati<strong>on</strong>al<br />
Therapist and Manager. In additi<strong>on</strong>, she has<br />
been a c<strong>on</strong>tracted residential provider with <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences since 2013. Welcome Valerie!<br />
Diversity Corner<br />
Though Dr. King is most remembered for his “I Have A Dream” speech in Washingt<strong>on</strong>, DC in 1963,<br />
his work toward equality through n<strong>on</strong>-violence started l<strong>on</strong>g before that. He led <strong>the</strong> M<strong>on</strong>tgomery, AL<br />
bus boycott in 1955. He became <strong>the</strong> first president of <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Christian Leadership<br />
C<strong>on</strong>ference, which worked to promote equal rights in voting, educati<strong>on</strong> and labor laws by<br />
strategically organizing protests. We can c<strong>on</strong>tinue Dr. King’s dream of equality for all by<br />
incorporating <strong>the</strong> principles of inclusi<strong>on</strong>, respect, and peace<br />
with every<strong>on</strong>e we encounter.<br />
All in <strong>the</strong> Family<br />
For l<strong>on</strong>gtime provider Janet Young<br />
and new provider Jared Nepal, caretaking<br />
is a family business. Janet, a<br />
former realtor, and her husband Kenneth<br />
bought and renovated <strong>the</strong>ir home<br />
with <strong>the</strong> idea of caring for <strong>the</strong> elderly.<br />
Their drywall installer told <strong>the</strong>m about<br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences. Janet met with <strong>the</strong><br />
agency and so<strong>on</strong> was introduced to a<br />
hospitalized man in need of a home<br />
and caretaker. Janet decided <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
spot to become his provider and a<br />
week later brought him home. That<br />
was <strong>the</strong> beginning of her journey in<br />
2008 as a <strong>Wall</strong> Residences provider.<br />
Jared, her s<strong>on</strong>, was ten at <strong>the</strong> time.<br />
Within a year, Janet was licensed as a<br />
four bed group home and specializes<br />
in complex referrals. “We are <strong>the</strong> kind<br />
of provider, we stick to it no matter<br />
what,” she says. “The people <strong>the</strong>y look<br />
at and say, ‘Where will <strong>the</strong>y go?’ We<br />
say, ‘They will come here.’” She said<br />
she doesn’t see impossibility or w<strong>on</strong>der,<br />
“Can I do this?” Instead, she sees<br />
a need she can fill and a life she can<br />
impact for <strong>the</strong> better, creating chosen<br />
family al<strong>on</strong>g <strong>the</strong> way. Jared expands<br />
<strong>on</strong> his mo<strong>the</strong>r’s statement by saying,<br />
“You get <strong>the</strong> opportunity to support<br />
people to live <strong>the</strong>ir best lives. You see<br />
how people come in and <strong>the</strong>n you see<br />
how <strong>the</strong>y leave.” Watching that positive<br />
growth is what <strong>the</strong>y both love best<br />
about <strong>the</strong>ir work as providers.<br />
create a log of every senior center in<br />
M<strong>on</strong>tana and was a representative for<br />
a guardianship reform program. His<br />
roots called him home, however. “By<br />
18, I knew I’d be a provider, but after<br />
Americorps, I was all in.”<br />
At just 24, he is <strong>on</strong>e of <strong>Wall</strong> Residence’s<br />
youngest providers, and like<br />
his mo<strong>the</strong>r, he is ably supporting<br />
individuals with complex needs. “You<br />
make a living and you do it in such<br />
a dignified way,” Jared notes. “It’s<br />
<strong>the</strong> perfect job. You get paid, yes, but<br />
you also get <strong>the</strong> emoti<strong>on</strong>al reward of<br />
doing something you love.”<br />
Jared is not <strong>the</strong> first of Janet’s backup<br />
workers to become a provider. In<br />
fact, he is <strong>the</strong> sixth! This w<strong>on</strong>derful<br />
mentor shares, “I want my back-up<br />
workers to flourish. I show <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong>y<br />
can become providers too. I help<br />
<strong>the</strong>m get <strong>the</strong>ir home ready.” She sees<br />
<strong>the</strong> positive impact of this lifestyle<br />
<strong>on</strong> her family too. “To do this work,<br />
you have to have compassi<strong>on</strong>.” She<br />
believes in <strong>the</strong> benefit of this care<br />
model for families of individuals as<br />
well, menti<strong>on</strong>ing parents and siblings<br />
who now worry less about <strong>the</strong>ir loved<br />
<strong>on</strong>e because <strong>the</strong>y know <strong>the</strong> individual<br />
is loved and cherished by <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
providers. Jared agrees. “They... <strong>the</strong><br />
individuals and <strong>the</strong>ir families... <strong>the</strong>y<br />
know we care about <strong>the</strong>m,” he says.<br />
Being providers has made <strong>the</strong> two<br />
closer as mo<strong>the</strong>r and s<strong>on</strong>, as well.<br />
Doing <strong>the</strong> same type of work means<br />
<strong>the</strong>y understand each o<strong>the</strong>r’s day to<br />
day life in a very real way.<br />
As for that life and career choice, it is<br />
<strong>on</strong>e <strong>the</strong>y foresee c<strong>on</strong>tinuing for years<br />
to come. Janet says with a laugh, “I<br />
could not go back to being a realtor. I<br />
love what I am doing!”<br />
~Angie Covingt<strong>on</strong><br />
Jared grew up interacting with <strong>the</strong><br />
individuals his mom supported and<br />
was licensed as a back-up worker at<br />
18. He echoes Janet’s words about<br />
family, lifting up Neal who has lived<br />
with <strong>the</strong>m for 14 years. “He’s like<br />
my uncle. He’s family.” After graduating<br />
from VCU, Jared moved to<br />
M<strong>on</strong>tana as part of Americorps, a<br />
service organizati<strong>on</strong>. He worked with<br />
Adult Protective Services, helping<br />
Fr<strong>on</strong>t: Neal, Jordan, and Ruth Ann. Back: Provider Jared Nepal,<br />
Provider Janet Young, and Back-Up Worker Kenneth Young.<br />
Remembering Neal<br />
Provider Brieann Hale and her family recently suffered <strong>the</strong> loss of<br />
Russell “Neal” Ball, who had been in <strong>the</strong>ir home for over 10 years. She held<br />
a memorial for him at her home, planting a red maple tree (his favorite) in<br />
his h<strong>on</strong>or. She shared this beautiful poem she wrote in tribute to Neal for <strong>the</strong><br />
less<strong>on</strong>s he taught and <strong>the</strong> joy he brought her and her family.<br />
As a caregiver I’ve learned many things<br />
Things I thought I understood, things I thought I knew<br />
I’ve learned how to listen, with not just my ears, but also my heart<br />
I’ve learned that often listening plays <strong>the</strong> very biggest part!<br />
I’ve learned how to walk, sometimes with <strong>the</strong> strength for two<br />
I’ve learned, while walking, to c<strong>on</strong>sider: In whose shoes<br />
I’ve learned how to share, and I’ve learned how to give<br />
I’ve learned to love each <strong>on</strong>e’s very special story <strong>the</strong>y live<br />
Yes, as a caregiver I’ve learned many things anew<br />
Things I thought I understood, things I thought I knew<br />
I’ve learned how to set goals, and how to go with <strong>the</strong> flow<br />
I’ve learned how a smile can help heal most any woe<br />
I’ve learned to have hope, ya know, a little goes a l<strong>on</strong>g way<br />
I’ve learned to lean <strong>on</strong> HIS grace, His mercies are new each day!<br />
Yes, truly, as a caregiver, I’ve learned many things anew<br />
But, how do I say “Goodbye?” My friend, my buddy, my sweet Neal.<br />
www.wallresidences.com<br />
Neal with provider Brieann Hale, who was his caretaker for over a decade.<br />
New Training Program Coming So<strong>on</strong><br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences Training Department<br />
is excited to announce that our new<br />
Crisis Management and Resp<strong>on</strong>se<br />
Training (CMRT) program is in<br />
progress! Its key comp<strong>on</strong>ents are<br />
trauma-informed care and mindfulness.<br />
Both help us recognize states of<br />
high arousal in <strong>the</strong> people we support<br />
– as well as ourselves. This is important<br />
because trauma causes physical<br />
changes to <strong>the</strong> brain resulting in<br />
over-interpretati<strong>on</strong> of threats, which<br />
in turn result in fight, flight, or freeze<br />
reacti<strong>on</strong>s.<br />
Individuals with developmental disabilities<br />
are two to four times more<br />
likely to have had traumatic experiences<br />
than those without developmental<br />
disabilities. People cannot think<br />
or rati<strong>on</strong>alize when <strong>the</strong>y are having<br />
a trauma-triggered resp<strong>on</strong>se, because<br />
<strong>the</strong> most developed part of <strong>the</strong>ir brain<br />
is not working. Regular practice of<br />
mindfulness helps bring brain functi<strong>on</strong>ing<br />
back to more optimal states.<br />
It improves our ability to co-regulate<br />
with o<strong>the</strong>rs, which helps heal trauma.<br />
Mindfulness also assists us to assess<br />
situati<strong>on</strong>s calmly instead of reactively.<br />
Evidence from research supports <strong>the</strong><br />
many benefits of mindfulness. People<br />
with developmental disabilities who<br />
practice mindfulness reduce anxiety,<br />
aggressi<strong>on</strong>, self-injury, emoti<strong>on</strong>al<br />
outbursts, and incidents that require<br />
physical restraint and/or use of PRN<br />
medicati<strong>on</strong>. They increase happiness,<br />
learning, hope, and <strong>the</strong> quality of<br />
relati<strong>on</strong>ships with staff. Caregivers<br />
who practice mindfulness increase<br />
satisfacti<strong>on</strong> with <strong>the</strong>ir work while<br />
decreasing stress levels and <strong>the</strong> use<br />
of physical restraints. There are so<br />
many ways to integrate mindfulness<br />
practice into daily routines and <strong>the</strong><br />
time we are already spending pro-<br />
viding services. It’s a win-win for<br />
every<strong>on</strong>e!<br />
O<strong>the</strong>r topics in <strong>the</strong> CMRT curriculum<br />
include relati<strong>on</strong>ships, inclusi<strong>on</strong>, health<br />
and sensory issues, <strong>the</strong> crisis cycle, assessment<br />
of risks in different envir<strong>on</strong>ments,<br />
and most importantly: self-care.<br />
The physical skills are similar to those<br />
people may have used in <strong>the</strong> past, with<br />
a greater focus <strong>on</strong> n<strong>on</strong>-verbal dynamics,<br />
preventi<strong>on</strong>, self and envir<strong>on</strong>mental<br />
awareness, threat assessment, and<br />
holding <strong>the</strong> pers<strong>on</strong> in place while<br />
moving ourselves. Special thanks<br />
go out to Kevin Hiatt, BS, for his<br />
extensive work <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> physical skills<br />
development within this program.<br />
We aim to transiti<strong>on</strong> from TOVA to<br />
CMRT throughout <strong>2022</strong>. We hope to<br />
see every<strong>on</strong>e so<strong>on</strong> for an in-pers<strong>on</strong><br />
class (as safety allows). Be well!<br />
~Rebecca Ledingham<br />
Group Home Door Decor C<strong>on</strong>test<br />
The residents and staff of <strong>the</strong> Bo<strong>on</strong>sboro<br />
and L<strong>on</strong>gwood group homes<br />
enjoyed a Thanksgiving Door<br />
Decorating C<strong>on</strong>test. Staff partnered<br />
with individuals, with <strong>the</strong> winning<br />
teams enjoying prizes of fun outings<br />
for meals, movies, or bowling. C<strong>on</strong>gratulati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
to our winning individuals<br />
and <strong>the</strong> staff who assisted <strong>the</strong>m:<br />
Bo<strong>on</strong>sboro<br />
First Place:<br />
Titana Palmer & Shelisha Turpin<br />
Runner-Up:<br />
Belinda Dean and Brittney White<br />
L<strong>on</strong>gwood<br />
First Place: Kathilla Clark<br />
Runner-Up: Linda Anders<strong>on</strong> L<strong>on</strong>gwood’s winning door Bo<strong>on</strong>sboro’s winning door<br />
Merry<br />
&<br />
BRIGHT<br />
Know Some<strong>on</strong>e Who Could Benefit from Our Services?<br />
The <strong>Wall</strong> Residences Admissi<strong>on</strong>s team has staff in all parts of <strong>the</strong> state to resp<strong>on</strong>d to your referral needs and<br />
answer questi<strong>on</strong>s about <strong>the</strong> services we offer. We work quickly to find <strong>the</strong> right match for l<strong>on</strong>gterm success<br />
while striving for <strong>the</strong> quickest placement in services possible. The Admissi<strong>on</strong>s Team is here to serve you.<br />
www.wallresidences.com<br />
Alex Jacks<strong>on</strong><br />
Admissi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Director<br />
(434) 610-7578<br />
Emily Eagle<br />
Central Virginia, Danville,<br />
Charlottesville, Staunt<strong>on</strong>/<br />
Waynesboro/Lexingt<strong>on</strong><br />
(434) 907-5067<br />
Ashea Green<br />
Nor<strong>the</strong>rn<br />
Regi<strong>on</strong><br />
(202) 760-6411<br />
Brooke Keen<br />
Roanoke, NRV,<br />
SWVA<br />
(540) 541-8563<br />
Lisa Schalasny<br />
Eastern<br />
Regi<strong>on</strong><br />
(804) 380-4309<br />
7<br />
Individuals,<br />
Providers, Back-Up<br />
Workers, Family<br />
Members, and Staff<br />
celebrated <strong>the</strong><br />
holiday seas<strong>on</strong>.
Healthy Habits Pay Off for Jamie<br />
Jamie moved in with provider Masambe Tate<br />
in 2018. At <strong>the</strong> first appointment with his<br />
Nutriti<strong>on</strong>ist, she let <strong>the</strong> two know that it was<br />
important for Jamie’s health that he lose weight.<br />
Masambe didn’t want him to do it al<strong>on</strong>e, so<br />
toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> two followed <strong>the</strong> instructi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
<strong>the</strong> Nutriti<strong>on</strong>ist provided. They began to eat<br />
healthier and drank plenty of water. They<br />
also began walking twice a week for about<br />
30 minutes each time. Masambe notes that<br />
Jamie really stuck to <strong>the</strong> directi<strong>on</strong>s given by<br />
<strong>the</strong> Nutriti<strong>on</strong>ist to pursue this goal.<br />
Three years later, you can see at right <strong>the</strong> results!<br />
In December of 2021, Jamie hit his goal weight,<br />
having lost 60 pounds! Masambe says, “I’m<br />
extremely proud of him!”<br />
Well d<strong>on</strong>e Jamie! You’re looking great and we<br />
hope you are feeling even better!<br />
Digital<br />
B<strong>on</strong>us<br />
An extra peek at all <strong>the</strong><br />
fun had around <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences this fall<br />
and through <strong>the</strong> winter<br />
holidays. For <strong>on</strong>going<br />
news and photos,<br />
c<strong>on</strong>nect with us <strong>on</strong><br />
Facebook and/or<br />
Instagram.<br />