VL - Issue 42 - January 2022

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IF YOU READ THIS magazine<br />

regularly, you know I was<br />

recently released after having<br />

served 31 years in the Florida<br />

Department of Corrections. I’ll<br />

tell you, I had lost hope of ever<br />

getting out, but I still believed<br />

that the God who had given me<br />

eternal life knew what was best<br />

for me, even if it wasn’t what I<br />

wanted at the time.<br />

Psalm 37:4 promises, “Take<br />

delight in the Lord, and he will<br />

give you the desires of your<br />

heart.” The desire of my heart<br />

was to get out of prison. I wanted<br />

that more than anything<br />

else, and I worked hard at it. I<br />

filed multiple motions with the<br />

court, trying (unsuccessfully)<br />

to prove that I was not guilty of<br />

the robbery charge against me.<br />

God wanted me to trust Him<br />

to get me out in His timing.<br />

Proverbs 3:5–6 says, “Trust in<br />

the Lord with all your heart<br />

and lean not on your own understanding;<br />

in all your ways<br />

submit to him, and he will make<br />

your paths straight” (NIV). I had<br />

a lot of learning and changing<br />

to do, but as I read and believed<br />

God’s Word, He began to use me<br />

for His purpose.<br />

Gradually, the desires of my<br />

heart changed and, as I aligned<br />

myself with God’s plan for my<br />

life, I began writing articles and<br />

stories—hundreds of them. To<br />

my amazement, God has used<br />

those stories to reach people<br />

all over the world and on both<br />

sides of prison walls.<br />

As I learned to trust Him, God<br />

began blessing me in ways that<br />

I never dreamed could happen.<br />

He had already set me free from<br />

a life of sin and bondage, but<br />

then, when I least expected it,<br />

He miraculously opened the<br />


prison doors and allowed me<br />

to walk out. And now, every day,<br />

He shows me His will for my life<br />

as the blessings continue.<br />

God used circumstances to<br />

teach me to trust and obey. Just<br />

like a metalworker uses fire to<br />

refine and purify a precious<br />

metal, God used my circumstances<br />

to refine and purify me.<br />

Obeying God requires surrender<br />

and trust, and it can<br />

be hard to do, especially if it<br />

means giving up something we<br />

want. We shouldn’t expect our<br />

obedience to God to be easy or<br />

to come naturally, but how we<br />

look at it can make a difference.<br />

We can push back and complain,<br />

or we can try to see how<br />

God is using it to stretch us into<br />

the people He wants us to be.<br />

Genesis 22:1–19 gives us an<br />

incredible story of obedience<br />

and trust. There, God tested<br />

Abraham by asking him to<br />

hand over his only son, Isaac, as<br />

a sacrifice! Most people would<br />

consider this request over the<br />

top, but Abraham had already<br />

learned many tough lessons<br />

about obeying God. Though<br />

I’m sure he was shocked and in<br />

agony at the command God had<br />

given him, Abraham gave swift<br />

obedience. Seeing his faithful<br />

trust, God stopped Abraham<br />

from completing the task and<br />

spared Isaac’s life. After that,<br />

God made and fulfilled many<br />

promises for Abraham, all because<br />

he was willing to trust<br />

God and obey His commands.<br />

I had to learn to trust God’s<br />

timing and His ability to provide<br />

too. God is in control of<br />

everything. He changes the<br />

hearts of people and the circumstances<br />

that surround<br />

them. Today, on the outside, I<br />

can see how true that is, and I<br />

watch and pray for God’s will to<br />

be done in my life.<br />

Committing everything<br />

to Him means trusting that<br />

He cares for me more than I<br />

care for myself. I had to wait<br />

31 years for God to open the<br />

prison doors, but I know that<br />

the long wait was for my ultimate<br />

good. Many of the things<br />

I want to do now take time and<br />

patience, and I must trust God’s<br />

timing to accomplish them—<br />

but I know that He will make a<br />

way for them to happen.<br />

If you learn to obey Him, God<br />

will use your life for something<br />

good too.<br />

ROY A. BORGES served 31<br />

years in the Florida Department of<br />

Corrections, where he realized his<br />

need for a Savior. While incarcerated,<br />

Roy ministered to others through his<br />

writings, over 300 of which have been<br />

published. He now lives in Tampa,<br />

Florida, and is a member of the<br />

Victorious Living writing team.<br />


<strong>Issue</strong> 01 / <strong>2022</strong><br />


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