2022 Revo ACU British Motocross Championship Championship Regulations

The Official Championship Regulations for the 2022 Revo ACU British Motocross Championship Fuelled by Gulf Race Fuels.

The Official Championship Regulations for the 2022 Revo ACU British Motocross Championship Fuelled by Gulf Race Fuels.


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<strong>2022</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong><br />

1<br />

<strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB RULES – 28.01.22 (V5)


(Including Youth <strong>Championship</strong>)<br />

General Undertakings and Conditions .................................................................... 3<br />

01.1 BRITISH MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIPS .................................................. 4<br />

01.1.1 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s ......................................................................... 4<br />

01.1.2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Meetings............................................................................. 5<br />

01.1.3 Format of the Meeting ........................................................................................... 6<br /> MX1 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> – 4 Class Schedule .......................... 6<br /> MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> .......................................................... 6<br /> 125/250 <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong> ........................................................... 6<br /> 85BW <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ....................................................... 6<br /> WMX-85SW- 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> – All class schedule.... 7<br /> 85SW <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ....................................................... 7<br /> 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ......................................................... 7<br />

01.1.4 <strong>Championship</strong> Criteria .......................................................................................... 8<br />

01.1.5 MXGB Youth <strong>Championship</strong> Races & WMX <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Races ........... 9<br />

01.2 ENTRIES, RIDERS AND TEAMS .................................................................10<br />

01.2.1 Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> ................................................................................ 10<br />

01.2.2 Acceptance of Entries ......................................................................................... 11<br />

01.2.3 Age of Riders ...................................................................................................... 14<br />

01.2.4 Rider Replacements ........................................................................................... 15<br />

01.2.5 Reserve Riders ................................................................................................... 16<br /> MX1/MX2/125/250/WMX/85/65 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s ............ 16<br />

01.2.6 Starting Numbers ................................................................................................ 18<br />

01.2.7 Non-Participation in a Meeting – Medical Exemption .......................................... 19<br />

01.2.8 Rider Apparel ...................................................................................................... 20<br /> Starting Number ......................................................................................... 20<br />

01.2.9 Rider Behavior and Assistance ........................................................................... 21<br />

01.3 MOTORCYCLES, CLASSES AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS ........................25<br />

01.3.1 Motorcycles and Classes .................................................................................... 25<br />

01.3.2 Front Number Plate ............................................................................................. 26<br />

01.3.3 Side Number Plates ............................................................................................ 28<br />

01.3.4 Other Specifications ............................................................................................ 29<br /> Transponders ............................................................................................. 29<br /> Engine Measuring....................................................................................... 29<br />

01.4 OFFICIALS AND PROCEDURES ................................................................30<br />

01.4.1 General ............................................................................................................... 30<br />

01.4.2 Officials who hold an <strong>ACU</strong> Licence ..................................................................... 31<br />

01.4.3 Jurisdiction .......................................................................................................... 32<br /> Race Direction ............................................................................................ 32<br />

01.4.4 Race Director ...................................................................................................... 33<br />

01.4.5 Clerk of the Course ............................................................................................. 36<br />

01.4.6 Publication of Decisions of the Race Direction .................................................... 37<br />

01.4.7 Steward of the Meetings ..................................................................................... 38<br />

01.4.8 Publication of the Decisions of the Stewards (Appeals)...................................... 39<br />

01.4.9 Chief Technical Steward ..................................................................................... 40<br />

01.4.10 Timekeeper ......................................................................................................... 41<br />

01.4.11 Environmental Officer ......................................................................................... 42<br />

01.4.12 Medical Officer .................................................................................................... 43<br />

01.4.13 Flag Marshals ..................................................................................................... 44<br />

01.4.14 Official Signals .................................................................................................... 45<br />

01.5 RUNNING OF THE MEETING .....................................................................48<br />

01.5.1 Administrative Control ......................................................................................... 48<br />

01.5.2 RHL Ltd Passes .................................................................................................. 49<br />

01.5.3 Preliminary Technical Control ............................................................................. 50<br />

2<br />

<strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB RULES – 28.01.22 (V5) Sound Control ............................................................................. 51<br />

01.5.4 Circuit Control ..................................................................................................... 52<br />

01.5.5 Practice / Practice Restrictions ........................................................................... 53<br />

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<strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB RULES – 28.01.22 (V5)

01.5.6 Practice / Free<br />

Practice ............................................................................................................... 54<br />

01.5.7 Qualifying ............................................................................................................ 55<br /> MX1 / MX2 / 250/125 Class ........................................................................ 55<br /> WMX / 85BW / 85SW / 65cc Class ............................................................. 55<br />

01.5.8 Designation of the Reserve Riders...................................................................... 57<br /> MX1/ MX2 / 250-125 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ............................... 57<br /> WMX / 85BW / 85SW / 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ................... 57<br />

01.5.9 Start Practice ...................................................................................................... 58<br /> Concrete Start Pad ..................................................................................... 58<br />

01.5.10 Autograph Session / Rider Interviews ................................................................. 58<br />

01.5.11 Waiting Zone Procedure ..................................................................................... 59<br />

01.5.12 Sighting Lap ........................................................................................................ 61<br />

01.5.13 Start Procedure ................................................................................................... 62<br />

01.5.14 Starting Order ..................................................................................................... 64<br /> MX1 / MX2/ 125-250 / 85BW/ 85SW / 65cc / WMX Starting Order ............. 64<br />

01.5.15 Races .................................................................................................................. 65<br /> MX1/MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s .............................................. 65<br /> 125/250 <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong> ......................................................... 65<br /> 85BW / 85SW <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong> ................................................ 65<br /> 65cc <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong> ............................................................... 65<br /> WMX <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> ........................................................................ 65<br />

01.5.16 False Start .......................................................................................................... 66<br />

01.5.17 Stopping of a race ............................................................................................... 67<br /> less than 2 laps completed ......................................................................... 67<br /> two laps completed by the leader but before 50% race time completed ..... 67<br /> After 50% .................................................................................................... 68<br />

01.5.18 Classification at the end of a race ....................................................................... 69<br />

01.5.19 Sound Control ..................................................................................................... 70<br />

01.5.20 Results / Procedure ............................................................................................ 71<br />

01.5.21 Results / Awarding of Points ............................................................................... 73<br /> MX1/MX2/125-250/WMX /Expert/85BW/85SW/65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s ........................................................................................... 73<br /> Manufacturers <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s ....................................... 73<br /> Results / Final Standings ............................................................................ 74<br />

01.5.22 Results / Presentation and Publication ................................................................ 75<br />

01.5.23 Prize Money ........................................................................................................ 76<br />

01.5.24 Prize-Giving Ceremony ....................................................................................... 77<br />

01.5.25 Protests ............................................................................................................... 78<br />

01.5.26 Fuel Control ........................................................................................................ 79<br />

01.5.27 Anti-Doping and Alcohol Tests ............................................................................ 80<br />

01.6 TIME TABLES .................................................................................................. 81<br />

01.6.1 MX1/MX2/125-250/WMX/85BW/85SW/65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s 81<br />

01.7 EVENT CANCELATION .................................................................................... 82<br />

1.7.1 Event Cancellation .............................................................................................. 82<br />

01.7.2 Final Round - Cancellation .................................................................................. 82<br />

01.7.3 Reserve Date - Cancellation ............................................................................... 82<br />

01.7.4 Change of Date ................................................................................................... 82<br />

01.8 CONTACTS .............................................................................................. 83<br />

FRONT NUMBER PLATES AND LOGOS ......................................................................... 84<br />

FRONT NUMBER PLATE ............................................................................................................ 84<br />

4<br />

<strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB RULES – 28.01.22 (V5)


All riders, teams, officials and other parties participating in the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s undertake, on behalf of themselves, their employees and agents, to<br />

observe all the category provisions listed below:<br />

1. <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code<br />

2. <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong><br />

3. <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Technical <strong>Regulations</strong><br />

4. <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong><br />

5. <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Course Guidelines<br />

6. <strong>ACU</strong> Environmental Code<br />

of the current year, as supplemented and amended from time to time (hereinafter<br />

collectively referred to as the “<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>”).<br />

It is the responsibility of each rider and/or team to ensure that all persons involved with<br />

their entries observe the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> at all times. The<br />

responsibility of the rider, or any other person having charge of an entered motorcycle at<br />

any time during a meeting is jointly and severally with that of the team.<br />

All persons concerned in any way with an entered motorcycle or present in any capacity<br />

whatsoever in the Paddock, Waiting Zone, Repair and Signalling Zone or on the circuit,<br />

must carry an appropriate issued pass at all times during the meeting.<br />

Actions judged by the officials responsible to be contrary to the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> - or judged to be unsportsmanlike or against the best interests<br />

of the sport or the meeting in question - are subject to disciplinary actions as provided by<br />

the <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code.<br />

5<br />

<strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB RULES – 28.01.22 (V5)


1. <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s<br />


01.1.1 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

For <strong>2022</strong> RHL Activities is the rights holder of the <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd. <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

- MXGB<br />

These <strong>Championship</strong>s are organised according to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>, <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code, and <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>, Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong>, Final Instructions or Official Announcements<br />

made.<br />

In addition to 01.1.1:<br />

Individual <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s for riders and manufacturers:<br />

a) MX1 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

b) MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

c) <strong>British</strong> MX2 Manufacturers <strong>Championship</strong><br />

d) MX1 <strong>British</strong> Expert <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

e) MX2 <strong>British</strong> Expert <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

f) WMX <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

g) 125/250 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

h) 85BW/SW <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

i) 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

j) <strong>British</strong> MX1 Manufacturers <strong>Championship</strong><br />

A series of <strong>Motocross</strong> meetings counting towards the Individual <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s will be organised.<br />



2. <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Meetings<br />

01.1.2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Meetings<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meetings are run under International <strong>Motocross</strong> permits<br />

issued by the <strong>ACU</strong> and are inscribed in the FIM Calendar & FIME Open Calendar.<br />

These meetings must be staged on circuits that have been approved by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd and<br />

comply with the <strong>ACU</strong> Requirements for Safety Precautions at all <strong>Motocross</strong> Events held<br />

under an <strong>ACU</strong> Permit (See Booklet <strong>2022</strong>).<br />

Organisers are responsible for providing all facilities and personnel to ensure the safe,<br />

smooth and efficient running of the meeting.<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meetings begin at the scheduled time for technical<br />

control and end when all of the following have occurred:<br />

a) The final results have been approved by the Race Director<br />

b) All deadlines for lodging protests/appeals have expired; and<br />

c) All technical controls have been concluded.<br />

If a protest is lodged, the results will not become official until the time limits for protests<br />

and appeals have elapsed or any relevant protests or appeals have been settled.<br />

The race control must remain fully operational until the end of the protest or appeal<br />

period. All officials, marshals and medical staff must remain at the circuit, available to the<br />

Race Direction or the Stewards, during that period.<br />

Where Protests or Appeals have not been concluded the Podium Presentations will be<br />

conducted on provisional results.<br />



3. Format of the Meeting<br />

01.1.3 Format of the Meeting<br /> MX1 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> – 4 Class Schedule<br />

MX1 Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1X Free Practice 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice Q1 15 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Races 25 minutes + 2 lap 40 riders<br /> MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

MX2 Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1 X Free Practice 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice Q1 15 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Races 25 minutes + 2 lap 40 riders<br /> 125/250 <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong><br />

125/250 Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1 X Free Practice 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice 15 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Race 20 minutes + 1 lap 40 riders<br /> 85BW <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

85BW Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1X Free Practice 5 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice Q1 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Races 14 minutes + 1 lap 40 riders<br />



3. Format of the Meeting<br /> WMX-85SW- 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> – All class schedule<br />

As listed above in,, and and to include all classes<br />

WMX Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1 X Free Practice 5 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice Q1 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Races 15 minutes + 1 lap 40 riders<br /> 85SW <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

85SW Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1 X Free Practice 5 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Race 14 minutes + 1 lap 40 riders<br /> 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

65cc Duration Maximum number<br />

per session<br />

of Riders<br />

1 X Start Straight Practice up to 3 minutes 45 riders<br />

1 X Free Practice 5 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

1 X Timed Practice 10 minutes 40 riders plus 5 reserves<br />

2 X Race 13 minutes + 1 lap 40 riders<br />

Race Direction will decide any amendments to the scheduled timetable.<br />

Any decision to implement an amendment to the scheduled timetable will be made by<br />

Race Direction.<br />

In the event of a tie in the voting the Race Director will have the casting vote.<br />



4. <strong>Championship</strong> Criteria<br />

01.1.4 <strong>Championship</strong> Criteria<br />

The winner of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s is the rider who has obtained the most<br />

points from all the races of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, irrespective of the<br />

number of races they have completed.<br />

The winner of the MX1/MX2 <strong>British</strong> Expert <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> is the rider who has<br />

obtained the most points from all the races of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>,<br />

irrespective of the number of races they have completed.<br />

In case of ties, the number of better places will be taken into account.<br />

If a tie still exists, the points scored in the last race of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

will determine the order of placing in the final standings. If necessary, the points scored in<br />

the last but one race of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> will determine the order of<br />

placing in the final standings, and so on...<br />

The <strong>British</strong> Expert <strong>Championship</strong> will exclude riders irrespective of class who have finished<br />

in the top 10 overall <strong>British</strong> championship positions from the previous year, or in the top<br />

5 overall <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> positions from 2021, It will also exclude any rider who has<br />

competed in a World <strong>Championship</strong> Solo <strong>Motocross</strong> event in the previous two seasons or<br />

who contests a World <strong>Championship</strong> event in the current year, (if this happens any points<br />

scored by that rider will be frozen at the point in which the rider competed at the GP). It<br />

will also exclude any rider who has finished in the top 5 overall positions from the previous<br />

two years European <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s. If a rider does not wish to be included in<br />

the Expert <strong>Championship</strong> they may withdraw themselves.<br />

For the Manufacturers’ <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, only the highest placed<br />

motorcycle of each Manufacturer will gain points, according to their position in each Race<br />

of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>.<br />

In case of ties for the Manufacturers’ <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, the same<br />

conditions as for the riders will apply to determine the winner of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>.<br />

In the case where a rider participates on motorcycles from different Manufacturers, it is<br />

the make of the motorcycle with which they have obtained the most points that will<br />

appear next to their name in the final standings, without, however, modifying the<br />

calculation for the Manufacturers’ <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>.<br />

The final <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> standings cannot be considered definitive until<br />

the time limits for protests and appeals have elapsed, all protests and appeals have been<br />

settled and a final decision has been taken by the competent bodies.<br />

All <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Champions are required to attend the official annual <strong>ACU</strong> Prize-<br />

Giving Ceremony.<br />

1<br />



5. MXY2 / Club Support Races<br />

01.1.5 MXGB Youth <strong>Championship</strong> Races & WMX <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

Races<br />

Priority must at all times be given to the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> MX1 / MX2<br />

programme. If necessary Race Direction can change the time schedule of these<br />

alternative races and/or other activities or cancel them.<br />

1<br />



1. Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong><br />


01.2.1 Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong><br />

The Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> (SR) must include all supplementary regulations to the<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code and Appendices as well as details relative to the particular<br />

meeting. They must in no case modify the <strong>ACU</strong> regulations.<br />

Two copies must be sent to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Department no later than two months<br />

before the date of the meeting for approval by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd.<br />

The SR must be drawn up in conformity with the standard model established by the <strong>ACU</strong><br />

<strong>Motocross</strong> Department.<br />

No amendment may be made to the Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> after its approval by <strong>ACU</strong>.<br />

However, in exceptional circumstances, an amendment to the Supplementary<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> may be authorised provided that it is approved by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd and subsequently<br />

brought to the attention of all persons concerned.<br />



2. Acceptance of Entries<br />

01.2.2 Acceptance of Entries<br />

Entries to a <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meeting will be accepted for riders who:<br />

a) Register to contest the whole <strong>Championship</strong> and compete the registration by 29th<br />

February <strong>2022</strong> All registration fees must be forwarded to RHL Activities Ltd<br />

The registration fee is £249.00 for MX1/MX2,125/250 Youth, 85BW, and £199.00<br />

85SW, 65cc and WMX. The registration fee is non-refundable under any<br />

circumstances.<br />

By registering for the <strong>Championship</strong> any rider who rides at any other event at<br />

home or abroad on the same day as a championship meeting may be fined and all<br />

championship points frozen. Riders may only be released by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd for FIM/FIME<br />

Prize Events with prior written request.<br />

b) Are in possession of the appropriate <strong>ACU</strong> or FMNR <strong>Motocross</strong> licence (see Art. 01.2.3<br />

Age of Riders);<br />

c) Are authorised by their FMN;<br />

d) <strong>ACU</strong> One Event Licences are not available to registered riders in all classes.<br />

e) <strong>ACU</strong> One Event Licences are available to non-registered riders in all classes.<br />

Riders can take part in one or two <strong>Championship</strong> classes on the same day, but not youth<br />

and adult, or during a season.<br />

Where the timetable consists of the Club Support races riders entered for the MX1 / MX2<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> will also be permitted to enter the support class races subject to<br />

criteria.<br />

Riders should enter for the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, always using the<br />

official/specific <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> entry form on which all the requested<br />

information regarding the rider, team, sponsor and make of motorcycle must be<br />

indicated.<br />

Entry Fees are shown below<br />

Two Day Events<br />

Tier 1 (Payable 14 days before the event at midnight) - £110.00<br />

Tier 2 - £125.00<br />

Wild Card £149.00<br />

One Day Events<br />

Tier 1 (Payable 14 days before the event at midnight) - £105.00<br />

Tier 2 - £115.00<br />

Wild Card £139.00<br />



2. Acceptance of Entries<br />

A detailed table of Tier pricing for each specific round to be provided to riders via the RHL<br />

Communication System.<br />

For the event scheduled in Ireland <strong>ACU</strong> licence holders must purchase Personal Accident<br />

Insurance direct from the <strong>ACU</strong> to comply with the FIM requirements for Insurance and<br />

Start Permission. The cost for this is £195.00 – Adults and £100.00 - Youth (under 16 years)<br />

All entries should be made online via the RHL Activities online entry system.<br />

No entry shall be considered complete unless a fully complete entry is received<br />

accompanied by the appropriate fee.<br />

Registered Rider spaces are not guaranteed once Tier 2 opens, spaces will be able to be<br />

allocated to Reserved Rider and then Wildcards.<br />

Riders who register for the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s and cannot take part are subject<br />

to the provisions of the <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code 7.18 irregular entries and RHL Terms<br />

and Conditions.<br />

Reserve Riders<br />

Reserve riders can enter at any time, however their entry will not be confirmed until 24<br />

hours after the entry deadline date shown in Tier 1 of the above chart for the relevant<br />

round of the <strong>Championship</strong><br />

Wildcard Riders<br />

Wildcard riders can enter at any time. Spaces will be allocated in order of priority of<br />

receipt of a fully completed application. Wildcard rider entry spaces will be confirmed<br />

within seven days of the entry deadline date shown in Tier 1 of the relevant round of the<br />

<strong>Championship</strong>.<br />

In addition to 01.2.2:<br />

The number of entries to each race is limited to 40 riders in the MX1 class, 40 riders in the<br />

MX2 class, procedure is the same for the entire <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>. The<br />

following riders will be allowed to enter:<br />

a) A maximum of 40 (MX1) and 40 (MX2) riders registered by the <strong>Championship</strong><br />

Promoter;<br />

b) A maximum of 40 (125/250) (85BW) (85 SW) (65cc) (WMX) riders registered by the<br />

MXGB Promoter;<br />



2. Acceptance of Entries<br />

c) In all classes, the entry secretary may also at the official closing date fill spaces<br />

with Wild Card riders to replace any non-starters, injured riders, or available spaces.<br />

Wild Card riders will only be allowed to compete in a maximum of 3 events<br />

irrespective of class and then they must convert to a Registered Rider, upon which<br />

all their points will be retained towards the <strong>Championship</strong>. Any rider wishing to<br />

compete as a Wild Card Rider who has already competed in 3 rounds will be allowed<br />

to enter, but will not show on the official results, he will be treated as a Ghost Rider.<br />

The closing date for registered rider’s entries is as per the Tier one date.<br />

If at any point in time after the publication of the entry lists, the total number of entries<br />

should not reach 40 (MX1), 40 (MX2) 40 (125/250) 40 (85BW) (85SW) (65cc) (WMX) the<br />

Entry Secretary is entitled to enter more riders to reach the maximum authorised.<br />

In addition, up to a max of five reserves will be accepted as stipulated in 01.2.5<br />



3. Age of Riders<br />

01.2.3 Age of Riders<br />

Riders are only allowed to participate when the rider has attained the minimum age, as<br />

indicated below:<br />

- <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, MX1 class: 15 years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, MX2 class: 15 years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> 125/250 Class: 125cc 13 years<br />

- 250cc 14 years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> 85BW Class: 11 Years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> 85SW Class: 9 Years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> 65cc Class: 6 years<br />

- <strong>British</strong> WMX Class: 15 years<br />

The limit for the minimum age will be determined by the rider’s age on the date of the<br />

event.<br />

Any rider upgrading before the required minimum age is reached will be subject to<br />

disciplinary action unless officially upgraded by the <strong>Motocross</strong> Committee.<br />



4. Rider Replacements<br />

01.2.4 Rider Replacements<br />

If a team rider has to withdraw due to injury the licenced Entrant may substitute a rider<br />

in the same class provided he/she does the substitution at the same time as the<br />

withdrawal. The rider being substituted must meet all the criteria of the championship<br />

conditions.<br />

However, Teams must remember that it is a rider who is accepted by virtue of their<br />

registration, so if the original rider still wishes to participate and meets the criteria (ie.<br />

enter on time with full payment), the possibility of an automatic replacement rider,<br />

within a team will not be possible.<br />

Passes are not transferable. If a rider leaves a team for any reason after the first round<br />

and does not wish to compete in the championship they should immediately return their<br />

passes to the RHL Office by Recorded Delivery.<br />

If the RHL sanction a rider replacement, a fresh set of passes for the new rider will not be<br />

issued unless the original passes have been received by the RHL Activities.<br />



5. Reserve Riders<br />

01.2.5 Reserve Riders<br /> MX1/MX2/125/250/WMX/85/65 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

A Reserved Rider is a rider who is eligible to take the place of any Registered Rider who<br />

has not entered/cannot participate in a race. The Reserve Rider Registration Fee is nonrefundable,<br />

once paid, even if the rider has not ridden all year within the <strong>Championship</strong><br />

Reserved Riders are not guaranteed an opportunity to participate in the Race/Series.<br />

Each class will have up to a maximum of 5 paid reserve riders. These riders will be notified<br />

in order of priority immediately after the Early Bird entry fee deadline, of any spaces that<br />

become available within the Series, in line with the Reserve Rider release date. If a<br />

Reserved space becomes available with the Series, a Reserve Rider will automatically be<br />

converted to a Registered Rider within the Series.<br />

A Rider who wishes to be classified as a Reserve, must pay the annual registration fee.<br />

Reserve riders on registering for the <strong>Championship</strong> will be allocated a First Reserve,<br />

Second Reserve etc., up to five places.<br />

They will be eligible for any sponsor/RHL related loyalty packages, as per Registered<br />

Riders, however they are not guaranteed a ride.<br />

Reserved rider can enter a round of the <strong>Championship</strong> at any time, however a place will<br />

not be allocated to them for a particular round, until the Reserve Rider Release date, which<br />

is the same as the Wildcard Release Date. Reserve Riders will have priority over Wildcard<br />

Entries. Please refer to R4 for Release Dates.<br />

During the year, if a Rider withdraws from the <strong>Championship</strong> and there is a Reserved Rider<br />

within that class they will automatically be converted to a Registered Rider and will then<br />

be subject to the <strong>Championship</strong>/RHL Terms and Conditions of Registration.<br />

A Reserve Rider who turns up at a Race meeting may be allowed to race, if a space<br />

becomes available. The decision to admit one or more Reserve Riders to a race will be<br />

made when the first rider enters the Start Gate Area and the Waiting Zone is closed. At<br />

that time if a space is available the Reserve Rider may race, if not the Reserve Rider must<br />

leave the Waiting Zone immediately.<br />

A Reserve rider will accumulate points for any race meeting they are able to participate<br />

in, within the <strong>Championship</strong>.<br />

A Reserve Rider who was not allowed to start in the first race can do so in the Second or<br />

Third block of racing if a space becomes available, providing the Rider presents themselves<br />

in the Waiting Zone at the stipulated time.<br />



5. Reserve Riders<br />

A Reserve Rider who took part in any of the first block of racing is not guaranteed a space<br />

in the second or third, if all the Registered Riders are in the Waiting Zone.<br />

All Reserve Riders who turn up at a Race meeting, without a Guaranteed Space will<br />

participate in the Free Practice session and Time Practice Session, along with the<br />

Registered Riders and the guaranteed Reserve Spaces already allocated prior to the Race<br />

meeting.<br />

If no space is available at the time of notification a Reserve Rider entry can either opt to<br />

have their money back straight away, or wait to see if a space becomes available nearer<br />

the date/over the course of the weekend. If no space available, monies will be refunded<br />

on the Tuesday after the event.<br />

All reserve riders will participate in the Free Practice session and Timed Practice Session<br />

Q1.<br />

Reserve riders times will always be separated and shown at the bottom of the practice<br />

times. The order of reserves will be made after Timed Practice Q1 and will be determined<br />

by the positions in Timed Practice Q1.<br />



6. Start Numbers<br />

01.2.6 Starting Numbers<br />

Every rider participating in an Individual <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> will be<br />

allocated a permanent starting number for the season by RHL Activities this must be<br />

used at all events, including on race shirts.<br />

Fines may be imposed to any rider not wearing the correct number on his machine / shirt<br />

at any time during the meeting.<br />



7. Non-Participation in a Meeting<br />

01.2.7 Non-Participation in a Meeting – Medical Exemption<br />

Riders who enter a <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meeting and who cannot take part<br />

are subject to the provisions of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

Riders who do not inform both RHL Activities and the Organisers of their inability to<br />

attend prior to the meeting by midnight on the Monday before the event and supported<br />

by a Doctors certificate to be received by Wednesday prior to the event will not be<br />

considered for a refund of their entry fee.<br />

Medical Documentation can be submitted by Email or Phone to:<br />

Email: secretary@rhlactivities.com<br />

Phone: 07773 817282<br />

Notifications by phone or email without the accompanying documentation, whilst<br />

noted on the RHL correspondence system, will not be deemed for medical exemption.<br />

If the rider has entered a particular round and cannot ride for any reason, but uses their<br />

passes at the event, they will not be considered for a refund under any circumstances.<br />

A rider who is present at a meeting and who does not take part in the practices and/or<br />

in the races and/or leaves the meeting must always inform the officials of the reasons<br />

for their non-participation.<br />

During an event a rider must always attempt to succeed. If not, they shall not be allowed<br />

to continue the competition and is liable to be penalised.<br />



8. Rider Apparel<br />

01.2.8 Rider Apparel<br />

It is the responsibility of each rider to select a helmet and apparel which will provide<br />

appropriate protection.<br />

In all races and official practice complete protective clothing produced for motocross<br />

racing, knee length boots and gloves shall be worn by each rider. It is advised that<br />

motocross jerseys should provide protection against abrasion to the body and arms and<br />

that motocross jeans are padded at the hips and knees.<br />

Competitors are advised not to wear hand, face or body jewellery/piercing which could<br />

prove hazardous in the event of an accident. The mouth should be kept clear of anything<br />

likely to cause blockage of the airway in the event of an incident, e.g. chewing gum. This<br />

includes removing false dentures. It is not advised that bulky hard objects such as tools<br />

etc. are carried in pockets or on the person. Goggles or visors of a non-splinterable type<br />

must be worn at the commencement of each race. Spectacles, if worn, must be nonsplinterable.<br />

It is compulsory that riders/passengers wear, as a minimum, back and chest<br />

protectors, soft shell body armour is acceptable, incorporated within the suit or worn<br />

separately. It is advised that all riders should wear a body belt/kidney protector.<br /> Starting Number<br />

Riders must wear their starting number on the rear of the race shirt conforming to the<br />

following:<br />

Height of number<br />

Between figures<br />

140mm<br />

15mm<br />

The number must be in strong contrast to the background colours.<br />



9. Rider Behavior and Assistance<br />

01.2.9 Rider Behavior and Assistance<br />

Riders must at all times adhere to the provisions of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>. Every rider by entering or being entered or nominated, thereby<br />

acknowledges that he is bound by the National Sporting Code of the <strong>ACU</strong> and these<br />

<strong>Motocross</strong> Standing <strong>Regulations</strong> together with any Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> or<br />

Conditions and Final Instructions to be hereafter issued, to all of which he undertakes to<br />

submit and, moreover, renounces any right to have recourse to any arbitration or tribunal<br />

not provided for. All safety precautions for the <strong>ACU</strong> motocross events are available in a<br />

separate publication from the <strong>ACU</strong>. By Registering for the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, you<br />

have agreed to comply with the <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code, the <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>, Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> and any Final Instructions issued along with the<br />

RHL Terms and Conditions.<br />

At any time during the meeting, on request of the Technical Steward, the riders must<br />

present themselves and/or their motorcycle(s) and/or equipment to the Technical Control.<br />

At all times during the meeting, a rider will be responsible for keeping their motorcycle in<br />

conformity with the rules.<br />

Riders and their team members must adhere to their own Health and Safety obligations<br />

with regards to the conduct of their mechanics and their equipment.<br />

Riders are responsible for the actions of their team members. The Rider will be held<br />

responsible for anyone who does not adhere to the rules within their party and will be<br />

subject to a loss of points for the entire round at which the incident occurred.<br />

Riders and team members are forbidden to ride any motorised vehicle and/or bicycle on<br />

the track outside the official practice/qualifying sessions and races.<br />

Riders and team members are forbidden to ride any motorised vehicle and/or e-bicycle<br />

and or pedal bike in the paddock / public areas.<br />

Riding of machines in the paddock on race day is strictly prohibited. Machines should be<br />

pushed with dead engines, Riding of machines at a slow pace can be permitted if<br />

designated lanes are provided. Any rider or member of their entourage found riding a<br />

machine in a non-designated area will be penalised by a fine of £50.00<br />

Riders must obey the official flag signals and the boards which convey instructions.<br />

Riders must ride in a responsible manner which does not cause danger to other<br />

competitors or other participants in the meeting.<br />



9. Rider Behavior and Assistance<br />

Riders must always start all sessions from the waiting zone.<br />

When the riders are on the course, consultation between them and team members is<br />

restricted to the approved signalling and repair zone, contact via pit boards can be carried<br />

out from any public area. Riders who stop along the course to consult with others may<br />

hinder the progress of other riders, and such action will be considered as outside<br />

assistance.<br />

Radio communication with riders is strictly forbidden.<br />

Receiving any outside assistance will be considered as an attempt to gain an advantage<br />

for which the penalty may be disqualification from the respective race or a penalty by<br />

Race Direction.<br />

Once riders come under starters orders outside assistance is forbidden and any violation<br />

may result in disqualification or a penalty by Race Direction. Please also refer to the<br />

following addendum.<br />

Outside assistance may be permitted under the following criteria:<br />

If carried out by an Official in the interests of safety.<br />

If carried out by a third party directly under the instruction of an Official.<br />

Officials may not assist riders in restarting their motorcycles. Any repairs or adjustments<br />

must be made by the rider, working alone without tools and any outside assistance.<br />

Marshals should not leave their Marshal Point to assist riders.<br />

Riders should use only the course. However, if they accidentally leave the course, they may<br />

continue by safely re-entering the course without any outside assistance, without gaining<br />

an advantage, from the closest point to where they left the course, they must not<br />

accelerate excessively.<br />

Course cutting is forbidden. The penalty for attempting to gain an advantage by course<br />

cutting may be disqualification from the respective practice/race. Further penalties may<br />

be imposed by Race Direction.<br />

An area must be reserved for repairs and signalling during the practices and races. Only<br />

mechanics, signallers, representatives of the industry and essential officials bearing valid<br />

passes are permitted in this area. In this area Team Members must wear tidy attire, no<br />

bear chests, and no open toe shoes/sandals.<br />

Designated pass holders only<br />

No Smoking<br />

No Dogs<br />

No Alcohol<br />

No persons under the age of 16yrs unless competing within that race<br />

No Pushchairs or Babies<br />

No Pushbikes<br />



9. Rider Behavior and Assistance<br />

During free or timed practise, riders may enter the working area to receive assistance or<br />

to modify, adjust or replace any part of their safety apparel or motorcycle. Refuelling is<br />

permitted, but must be done with dead engines.<br />

During a race, Riders may enter the Working Area to receive assistance or to modify,<br />

adjust or replace any part of their safety apparel or motorcycle except the frame.<br />

Refuelling is permitted, but must be done with dead engines.<br />

Riders must not stop on the course during Free Practice or Timed Qualifying. (see 01.5.6)<br />

No replacement of safety apparel, refuelling or mechanical service may be carried out on<br />

the course or outside the working area or waiting zone during practice, qualification or<br />

racing.<br />

Where a work area is used the entrance and exit areas should be clearly marked with<br />

suitable wording. Riders must adhere to the direction of flow; failure to do so may render<br />

them liable for disciplinary action by the Race Direction.<br />

Riders entering the Working Area must come to a complete stop. Violators will be<br />

disqualified from the practice/race in question.<br />

Riders who stop their engines in the working area may be assisted in re-starting their<br />

motorcycles.<br />

Riders who enter the paddock during a race, or practise session will not be allowed to rejoin<br />

that race or session.<br />

Riders returning slowly to the signalling and working area or paddock should take care to<br />

avoid the racing line and interfering with other riders.<br />

Start Area – Mechanics and officials are allowed in this area, once the waiting zone has<br />

closed the start area must be evacuated by everyone other than Riders and Officials.<br />

Start Pad – Metal Gate and 3 metres back from the gate, only riders and officials are<br />

allowed in this area. Riders are not permitted to touch the start gate.<br />

Mesh Start Pads – This must remain free from soil / sand at all time. Riders are not allowed<br />

to interfere with soil / sand where the gate is placed. Riders are not permitted to touch the<br />

start gate.<br />

Riders or team members are not allowed onto the start pads past the backstop once they<br />

have entered the waiting zone for their race.<br />

Riders must position their bikes central on the start pad.<br />



9. Rider Behavior and Assistance<br />

Riders must not "groom" the surface directly in front of the start pad under the dropped<br />

gate.<br />

Both wheels must be on the start pad prior to the start.<br />

Once a rider has taken his position at the starting gate, they cannot change it, return to<br />

the waiting zone or receive assistance prior to the start.<br />

Riders, who do not succeed into bringing their motorcycle in the waiting zone in the<br />

permitted time, following a sighting lap, will be excluded from the race.<br />

Riders who have mechanical problems in the waiting zone, but do not succeed in repairing<br />

their motorcycle before the riders proceeds to the start gate, must follow the instructions<br />

of the officials. Once the gate has dropped they can enter the starting area and resume<br />

the race. The penalty for violation of this regulation maybe disqualification from the race<br />

in question.<br />

Riders having problems at the starting gate must wait for assistance until the gate has<br />

dropped. Once the gate has dropped, their mechanic(s) may assist at the gate. The penalty<br />

for violation of this regulation is disqualification from the race in question.<br />

When crossing control lines, the rider must always be in contact with the motorcycle.<br />

The rider’s concerned (top three positions in the overall standings in the meeting and<br />

other participants invited at the discretion of the Organiser) must take part in the Prize-<br />

Giving Ceremony.<br />



1. Motorcycles and Classes<br />


01.3.1 Motorcycles and Classes<br />

Individual <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meetings are open to motorcycles as defined<br />

in the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

a)MX1: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, over 175cc up to 500cc for 2-stroke engines<br />

and over 251cc up to 450cc for 4-stroke engines;<br />

b)MX2: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, over 120cc up to 250cc for 2-stroke engines<br />

and over 175cc up to 250cc for 4-stroke engines:<br />

c) WMX: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, solo machine120cc 2-stroke or 175cc<br />

fourstroke upto 450cc two or fourstroke.<br />

d) MX125: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, over 120cc up to 125cc 2-stroke engines<br />

e) MX250: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, over 125cc up to 150cc 2-stroke engines<br />

and over 175cc up to 250cc 4-stroke engine.<br />

g) 85cc: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, 70cc to 85cc 2-stroke engines and 125cc up<br />

to 150 4-stroke engine<br />

h) 65cc: motorcycles of Cat. I, Group A1, 60cc up to 65cc s-stroke engine and 85cc<br />

upto 110cc 4-stroke egine<br />



2. Front Number Plate<br />

01.3.2 Front Number Plate<br />

The motorcycle’s front plate must always display (see diagrams):<br />

a) The background colour, in accordance with the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong><br />

b) The number of the rider, in accordance with the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> hereunder, as well as the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing <strong>Regulations</strong>;<br />

c) The area on the plate must have a minimum height of 200 mm and cover the<br />

complete width of the actual plate, with sufficient area to take 3 digits (ie 888) as<br />

specified in the <strong>Regulations</strong>. This area is considered the front number plate;<br />

d) The Logo’s as shown on the diagram must be displayed and must have a minimum<br />

clear space of 5 mm between the logo and the number Failure to do so will result in<br />

the rider losing 5 championship points from their overall <strong>Championship</strong> points<br />

total. This will be applied for ech round that a rider fails to comply.<br />

The background colours and figures vary according to the class. The following colours<br />

schemes shall be used:<br />

MX1 White Background Black Number<br />

MX2 Black Background White Number<br />

WMX Black Background White Number<br />

125cc & 250cc Black Background White Number<br />

Big Wheel 85cc Green Background White Number<br />

Small Wheel 85cc Red Background White Number<br />

65cc Black Background White Number<br />

The numbers must be clearly legible for the spectators and officials. Reflecting numbers<br />

are forbidden. The following minimum dimensions must be respected on the front number<br />

plate:<br />

- Height of the number 100 mm<br />

- Width of the Number 70 mm<br />

- Width of the stroke 25 mm<br />

- Space between two numbers 15 mm<br />

In addition to 01.3.2:<br />

The motorcycle’s front plate must always display:<br />

a) At the first meeting of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>: a front red number<br />

plate with white numbers is compulsory for and must be displayed by the reigning<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Champion when competing in the class in which they won their<br />

<strong>British</strong> Title.<br />

b) From the second meeting on, a front red number plate with white numbers is<br />

compulsory for and must be displayed by the current leader in each class of the<br />

<strong>Championship</strong>.<br />



2. Front Number Plate<br />

c) If riders are tied on points leading the championship the red plate holder will be<br />

determined by the greatest number of highest places.<br />



3. Side Number Plate<br />

01.3.3 Side Number Plates<br />

The motorcycle’s side number plates must always display:<br />

a) The number of the rider, in accordance with the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> hereunder, as well as the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

The numbers must be clearly legible for the spectators and officials. Reflecting numbers<br />

are forbidden.<br />

The following minimum dimensions must be respected on the side number plates:<br />

- Height of the number 100 mm<br />

- Width of the number 70 mm<br />

- Width of the stroke 25 mm<br />

- Space between two numbers 15 mm<br />

In addition to 01.3.3:<br />

The motorcycle’s side number plates must always display:<br />

a) The background colour and<br />

b) The number of the rider and<br />

c) Optionally, publicity of the rider’s/team’s sponsor(s).<br />

There is freedom of design and publicity, but incorporation of the rider’s number clearly<br />

into the graphics is compulsory.<br />



4. Other Specifications<br />

01.3.4 Other Specifications<br /> Transponders<br />

All registered <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> riders should own their own transponder for which it<br />

is their responsibility to ensure that it is fully charged as per the manufacturer’s<br />

instructions and fitted to the machine used in all practices, qualifying sessions and races.<br />

Transponder types<br />

The timekeepers can issue a transponder to riders who do not have a transponder at the<br />

event for a hire fee of £10.00; fitting brackets will cost £5. The rider will be required to<br />

leave a Driving licence or Credit Card which will be returned when the transponder is<br />

handed back on the day of the event.<br />

The timekeepers will invoice riders who lose a hired transponder at the replacement cost<br />

of £250.00 + VAT including administration fee’s.<br />

The organisers and timekeepers will take no responsibility for the results of riders who<br />

fail to fit a transponder or fully charged transponder to their machine.<br />

Transponders can be purchased from HS Sport Ltd at Unit 5, Radnor Park Industrial<br />

Estate, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4XN – Tel: 01260275708<br /> Engine Measuring<br />

Engine Measuring will be carried out at random in accordance with the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong><br />

<strong>Motocross</strong> Standing <strong>Regulations</strong> at every event. Any rider refusing to have an engine<br />

measured or failing the test will result in the loss of all <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> points.<br />

Any rider selected at random for engine measuring will be required to make the engine<br />

available on site for the <strong>ACU</strong> appointed Technical Official to carry out the measuring.<br />



1. General<br />


01.4.1 General<br />

The management and supervision of meetings, as well as the judicial procedure, are the<br />

responsibility of the officials appointed by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd, RHL Activities and the Organising Club.<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Ltd & RHL Activities has the right to renew or cancel an appointment whenever<br />

necessary, dependent upon which body was responsible for such appointment.<br />

An official shall not be a rider, sponsor, team manager or mechanic to a rider participating<br />

in the meeting.<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Ltd, RHL Activities and the organising Club shall appoint officials whose aptitude and<br />

integrity for the position they can fully justify.<br />

These officials must be in possession of a valid <strong>ACU</strong> licence for the appropriate discipline<br />

and function.<br />

Official <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd approval is only given after the officials have proved to be competent<br />

according to the special requirements for each discipline.<br />

The <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Department organise seminars obligatory for certain officials. The<br />

official must have successfully completed a seminar organised by the permanent<br />

Department in question.<br />

Participation in a seminar is required every three years. For seminars held in November<br />

and December, the validity of the licence will start as of 1 st January the following year.<br />

At a meeting, the holders of <strong>ACU</strong> licences are required to present their licences to the<br />

Secretary of the Meeting at signing on.<br />

All officials and marshals must remain operative with all the required equipment for the<br />

meeting in place and available at the circuit until the end of the period provided for the<br />

lodging of protest and appeals.<br />



2. Officials who hold an <strong>ACU</strong> Licence<br />

01.4.2 Officials who hold an <strong>ACU</strong> Licence<br />

Any of the following officials, when on duty at <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s, must be<br />

a holder of the appropriate <strong>ACU</strong> official’s licence which is valid for the current year:<br />

- Race Director<br />

- Clerk of the Course<br />

- Assistant Clerk of the Course<br />

- Chief Steward<br />

- Chief Technical Steward<br />

- Timekeeper<br />

- Safety Officer<br />



3. Jurisdiction<br />

01.4.3 Jurisdiction<br />

Except for the Stewards of the Meeting, all officials and their assistants are subject to the<br />

authority of the Race Direction.<br /> Race Direction<br />

All registered Race Direction at each event will comprise of the following:<br />

Race Director<br />

Clerk of the Course<br />

Deputy Clerk of the Course<br />

RHL Activities Representative<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Appointed Steward<br />

The first Race Direction meeting will take place on Race Day at 7.45am unless otherwise<br />

arranged and communicated to the Race Direction members.<br />

In addition, please refer to <strong>ACU</strong> NSC 6.04 and <strong>ACU</strong> NSC 6.08.<br />



4. Race Director<br />

01.4.4 Race Director<br />

The <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Committee will appoint a Race Director for the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s (MX1/MX2/125/250/85/65) in accordance with NSC 6.02<br />

1. A Race Director will be appointed where appropriate by <strong>ACU</strong> Head Office only when<br />

an Event Management Committee and/or a Race Direction has been established for a<br />

particular National or above meeting or Series of meetings (SR’s or championship<br />

conditions refer).<br />

2. The Race Director is responsible for ensuring the proper observation of the regulations.<br />

Only after authorization by <strong>ACU</strong> Head Office, the Race Director will act as the Senior<br />

Clerk of the Course with overall responsibility for ensuring the correct and efficient<br />

running of the practices and races.<br />

3. The Race Director shall work closely with the Clerk of the Course and where<br />

appropriate, the Promoter. The Race Director may delegate responsibilities to the Clerk<br />

of the Course as he deems necessary.<br />

4. The Race Director is also responsible for all communications between the Event<br />

Management Committee/Race Direction and the <strong>ACU</strong> Stewards.<br />


1.The Race Director having been appointed in accordance with article 6.02 shall be<br />

responsible for:<br />

1. The overall responsibility for the general conduct and control of the events on the<br />

circuit, including judicial, in accordance with the <strong>Regulations</strong> and the programme.<br />

2. The Race Director must be present throughout practicing and the competition in order<br />

to carry out their specific duties. Their duties are concluded when the results have been<br />

finalised, the protest times having expired, all protests dealt with, and any post event<br />

inspection of machines or components have been completed and reported upon. The<br />

Race Director may delegate their powers to a responsible person. Responsibilities and<br />

duties are:<br />

1. Ensure that all legal requirements and relevant regulations are complied with and that<br />

all equipment needed to do so is at hand as appropriate.<br />

2. Ensure all other Senior Officials are in place.<br />

3. The control of practices and the races, adherence to the timetable and, if they deem<br />

necessary, agreeing with Race Direction to modify the timetable in accordance with the<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />



4. Race Director<br />

4. The stopping of any motorcycle in accordance with the <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

5. The stopping or neutralizing of practice or races in accordance with the <strong>Regulations</strong> if<br />

they deem it unsafe to continue and ensuring that the correct restart procedure is<br />

carried out.<br />

6. The starting procedure.<br />

7. The use of Safety cars/fast intervention vehicles.<br />

8. To ensure Race Control is adequately staffed and the staff are fully briefed on<br />

procedures.<br />

9. To ensure all trackside Officials are in place and carry out their duties in accordance<br />

with the <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

10. Inform the Chief Steward of any major incidents.<br />

11. Together with the Clerk of the Course, ensure the conditions of the track licence are<br />

fulfilled prior to the start of the first practice session or race and report to Race<br />

Direction.<br />

12. To ensure that any judicial action is taken as necessary.<br />

13. Together with the Clerk of the Course, to ensure that all medical, first aid, fire and<br />

ancillary services as may be required by the Permit Issuing Authority are on duty.<br />

14. Liaise with the Secretary of the Meeting in order that the circuit, competitors,<br />

sponsors, teams, press and commentators can be kept fully informed of all relevant<br />

information by means of event bulletins.<br />

15. Ensure that every serious incident or accident during practice or the races is recorded.<br />

16.Ensure Race Direction is satisfied with arrangements and have all documentation<br />

they require.<br />

17. Arrange meetings with Race Direction as considered necessary.<br />

18. Arrange any riders briefings that are considered necessary and ensure all riders are<br />

aware of such meetings.<br />

19. To ensure that all judicial proceedings are properly convened in accordance with the<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> and as part of Race Direction, adjudicate on all Protests and ensure an<br />

appropriate record of decisions is made and handed to the Secretary of the Meeting.<br />

20. Together with the Chief Technical Officer to ensure that each machine carries the<br />

proper identification marking in accordance with the programme.<br />

21. Ensure that procedures are in place to verify that the correct rider is on each machine<br />

and marshal the machines as necessary.<br />

22. Oversee the start of all races liaising with the Clerk of the Course and Start/Finish and<br />

start line Officials to ensure the start procedure is correctly adhered to by all<br />

competitors, teams and officials.<br />

23. Be responsible for the verification of the identity of all riders and passengers, and<br />

that each of them has been correctly entered and that none of them is disqualified,<br />

suspended, excluded or otherwise ineligible from taking part in the competition.<br />

24. To receive reports of the Timekeepers and other Officials, together with any<br />

information as may be necessary, for the determination of the results.<br />



4. Race Director<br />

25. To ensure that any Codes of Practice or Conduct in force at the time are complied<br />

with and that all necessary permissions have been obtained and essential services<br />

notified where required.<br />

In Addition: Powers of the Race Director<br />

Subject to the provisions of <strong>ACU</strong> NSC article 6.02, a Race Director may at their own<br />

discretion:<br />

1. Postpone the start of a meeting or competition for reasons of safety or force<br />

majeure.<br />

2. Stop a race or competition prematurely for reasons of safety or force majeure.<br />

3. Prevent any rider or passenger from starting if such action is considered to be<br />

necessary for safety reasons.<br />

4. Order the removal from the circuit, course or venue any person refusing to obey<br />

the orders of an official, or otherwise discipline such a person.<br />

5. Report to Race Direction any rider / passenger or any other person considered<br />

guilty of misbehaviour or breaches of the code or unfair practice or failure to<br />

comply with the Code or Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong>, who have not been<br />

disciplined under article 6.07.4<br />

6. Prevent from starting any rider / passenger who is considered not qualified to<br />

start.<br />

7. Order any rider to be flagged off the circuit at any time during practice or race<br />

whom they consider for any reason to be a potential source of danger, or whom<br />

they consider is in breach of racing discipline or the sound control regulations.<br />



5. Clerk of the Course<br />

01.4.5 Clerk of the Course<br />

Subject to provision of <strong>ACU</strong> NSC 6.02 the Clerk of the Course is appointed by the Organiser,<br />

with the approval of <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd. The Clerk of the Course is responsible to the Stewards of the<br />

meeting and to the Organiser for the good management and conduct of a competition<br />

held in accordance with this Code, its Appendices, the Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> and the<br />

Official Programme and for the direction and control of all Officials necessary for that<br />

purpose.<br />

. Their essential duties are listed under <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code 6.06<br />

Subject to the provisions of <strong>ACU</strong> NSC article 6.02, a Clerk of the Course may at his own<br />

discretion:<br />

- Postpone the start of a meeting or competition for reasons of “force majeure”<br />

- Stop a race or competition prematurely for reasons of safety or force<br />

majeure<br />

- Prevent any rider or passenger from starting if such action is considered to<br />

be necessary for safety reasons.<br />

- Order the removal from the circuit, course or venue any person refusing to<br />

obey the orders of an official, or otherwise discipline such a person.<br />

- Take such disciplinary action as they may deem necessary on any rider,<br />

passenger or other person found guilty of misbehaviour, or breach of the<br />

code or unfair or failure to comply with the Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> /<br />

<strong>Championship</strong> Conditions. In speed events any verbal notification of a<br />

penalty must be confirmed as soon as possible in writing. The document<br />

must give details of an offence as well as the penalty.<br />

- Report to Race Direction any rider / passenger or any other person<br />

considered guilty of misbehaviour or breaches of the code or unfair practice<br />

or failure to comply with the Code or Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong>, who have<br />

not been disciplined under article 6.09.4<br />

- Prevent a rider or a motorcycle from starting, or order their withdrawal from<br />

the meeting if they consider such action necessary for safety reasons.<br />

- Order the removal from the circuit, track or venue and its vicinity of any<br />

person refusing to obey the orders of an official in charge.<br />



6. Publication of the Race Director/Clerk of The Courses Decisions<br />

01.4.6 Publication of Decisions of the Race Direction<br />

All decisions of the Race Direction necessary for the running of the meeting as well as the<br />

results must be published as soon as is reasonably possible.<br />

Any judicial decision pronounced by the Race Direction must be notified in writing directly<br />

after the hearing.<br />

Whenever possible at the meeting, the party (parties) involved must be notified orally. The<br />

decision of the Race Direction must be notified in a written document (see standard <strong>ACU</strong><br />

Forms)<br />

Whenever the party (parties) involved is (are) notified in writing at the meeting, the<br />

following procedure must be respected:<br />

- The party (parties) concerned by the Decision of the Race Direction must sign for<br />

receipt on a copy of the Race Direction decision/ acknowledgement of receipt.<br />

- The name of the person who receives the decision, their position/function, the<br />

venue, date, time of receipt must also be mentioned on this acknowledgement of<br />

receipt.<br />

- The copy of the Decision of the Race Direction, signed for receipt by the party<br />

(parties) concerned, must be added to the Report of the Chief Steward.<br />



7. Steward of the Meetings<br />

01.4.7 Steward of the Meetings<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Ltd will appoint the Chief Steward.<br />

Minimum quorum for a steward panel is one.<br />

The Minutes of all the Steward meetings must state in detail any penalties imposed, the<br />

decisions taken concerning any protests received (copies of which must be attached), the<br />

details of any accidents which may have occurred or any possible irregularities observed.<br />

The Minutes are to be prepared by the Secretary to the Steward and must be signed by<br />

him/her and the Chief Steward.<br />

A copy of these Minutes must be sent to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Department within 72 hours<br />

after the meeting.<br />



8. Publication of the Decisions of the Stewards<br />

01.4.8 Publication of the Decisions of the Stewards (Appeals)<br />

All decisions of the Steward necessary for the running of the meeting as well as the results<br />

must be notified in writing directly after the hearing.<br />

Whenever possible at the meeting, the party (parties) involved should at least be notified<br />

orally. The decision of the Steward must be notified by a written document (see standard<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Forms).<br />

Whenever the party (parties) involved is (are) notified in writing at the meeting, the<br />

following procedure must be respected:<br />

- The party (parties) concerned by the Decision of the Steward of the meeting must<br />

sign for receipt on a copy of the Steward of the meeting decision/<br />

acknowledgement of receipt.<br />

- The name of the person who receives the decision. Their position/function, the<br />

venue, date, time of reception must also be mentioned on this acknowledgement of<br />

receipt.<br />

- The copy of the Decision of the Steward of the Meeting, signed for receipt by the<br />

party (parties) concerned, must be added to the Report of the Chief Steward.<br />



9. Chief Technical Steward<br />

01.4.9 Chief Technical Steward<br />

The Chief Technical Steward, appointed by <strong>ACU</strong> Ltd, with the agreement of RHL Activities<br />

must oversee the control of the motorcycles and equipment in accordance with the <strong>ACU</strong><br />

rules and the Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong>. This Official will be present from 2.00pm on<br />

the day prior to Race Day.<br />



10. Timekeeper<br />

01.4.10 Timekeeper<br />

Appointed Timekeepers must be qualified to use the timekeeping system of the meeting.<br />

If requested to do so by the riders, the Race Director / Clerk of the Course may ask the<br />

Chief Timekeeper to examine their results and show them the recording of their lap<br />

times.<br />



11. Environmental Officer<br />

01.4.11 Environmental Officer<br />

The Environmental Officer, appointed by the Organiser, shall be responsible for all<br />

environmental aspects and shall in particular:<br />

- Ensure that the <strong>ACU</strong> Environmental Code is respected.<br />

- Have access to all information concerning the meeting, and they must remain<br />

available for the duration of the event.<br />

- Draw up a report on the basis of a check-list prepared by the relevant <strong>ACU</strong><br />

Department and send it to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Department.<br />



12. Medical Officer<br />

01.4.12 Medical Officer<br />

The Medical Officer (MO), appointed by the RHL Activities Shall be responsible for all<br />

medical aspects and shall in particular:<br />

- Ensure that the <strong>ACU</strong> Medical Code is respected.<br />

- Inspect all medical/paramedical services in sufficient time before the start of practice<br />

and racing each day of the meeting.<br />

- Ensure that all medical/paramedical services and staff are in their correct place and<br />

ready to function.<br />

- Ensure that all medical/paramedical services are briefed prior to the first practice<br />

session, as well as debriefed after the meeting.<br />

- Give information and recommendations to the Race Direction on injured riders and<br />

all aspects of the meeting which may have potential medical consequences.<br />



13. Flag Marshals<br />

01.4.13 Flag Marshals<br />

The minimum age for Flag Marshals is 16 years. They are appointed by the Organiser and<br />

must have participated in a briefing with the Clerk of the Course or Chief Marshal.<br />

For each Flag Marshal post, the Organiser must establish a list with the names of the<br />

marshals occupying the post.<br />

The Marshals must be identified by uniform shirts or bibs of a neutral colour. There must<br />

be a minimum of one Marshal per post: One or more additional Marshals may be<br />

necessary at specific areas on a circuit.<br />

After a meeting, the Flag Marshals must remain available to give evidence until the<br />

protest/appeal time has expired.<br />

Marshals should not leave their Marshal Point to assist riders.<br />



14. Official Signals<br />

01.4.14 Official Signals<br />

Official signals shall be given (prior to the start of a race).<br />

Signal<br />

10 Minutes – Waiting Zone gate closes<br />

“Waiting Zone is Closed”<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

10 Minutes – Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

3 Minutes - Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

Board, 15 seconds (15”)<br />

(At the start)<br />

Meaning<br />

Reserve riders who are not allowed to start<br />

in the Race must leave the waiting zone.<br />

The entrance from the paddock to the<br />

waiting zone is closed.<br />

The access gate from the waiting zone to the<br />

circuit is opened.<br />

Riders leave for their sighting lap in any<br />

order<br />

Riders depart the waiting zone under<br />

starters orders to the start gate.<br />

The riders prepare for the start.<br />

15 seconds until the starting procedure<br />

enters its final phase.<br />

Board, 5 seconds (5”)<br />

(At the start)<br />

The starting gate will drop between the next<br />

5 to 10 seconds.<br />



14. Official Signals<br />

Official flag signals will be given by means of a flag measuring 750 mm high by 600 mm<br />

wide as follows:<br />

Signal<br />

Meaning<br />

Red flag<br />

All riders must stop.<br />

(All false starts must be indicated by waving a red flag)<br />

Yellow flag, held stationary<br />

Yellow flag, waved<br />

Danger, take care, incident ahead.<br />

Great Danger, prepare to stop, no<br />

overtaking. A significant reduction in<br />

speed must be seen, therefore<br />

jumps should not be attempted.<br />

Blue flag<br />

Warning, you are about to be lapped.<br />

(The blue flag must be used by supplementary flag marshals, specialised for this flag only).<br />

Green flag<br />

Under Starters Order.<br />

(The green flag can only be used by an Official during the start procedure).<br />

Black Flag and a board with the riders<br />

number displayed<br />

Black and white chequered flag<br />

White with Red Diagonal Cross<br />

Raised and Motionless<br />

White with Red Diagonal Cross Waved<br />

Rider in question to stop.<br />

Signals the end of practice,<br />

qualification or the race.<br />

Medical Attention required at post<br />

Medical Crew & Officials in attendance on<br />

live race track. Proceed with extreme caution,<br />

riders must significantly reduce speed and<br />

roll each jump individually with no overtaking<br />

until past the area of concern.<br />



14. Official Signals<br />



1. Administrative Control<br />


01.5.1 Administrative Control<br />

Riders entered in a meeting will be required to present their <strong>Motocross</strong> licence, starting<br />

permission from their FMN, and/or to sign an individual entry form during an<br />

administrative control carried out by the Organisers.<br />

It must be reported to the Race Direction whether all the riders present at the meeting:<br />

1) Hold a current <strong>Motocross</strong> Licence and be on the list of expert riders* (*MX1 / MX2) or<br />

National / International licence issued by the A.C.U., the S<strong>ACU</strong> or an International<br />

licence issued by their FMN.<br />

2) Have been authorised by their FMN to participate in that meeting.<br />

3) Have duly completed the official <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> entry form.<br />



2. RHL Ltd Passes<br />

01.5.2 RHL Ltd Passes<br />

The <strong>ACU</strong> MXGB <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s are covered by an Agreement issued by<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Ltd.<br />

For security and practical reasons, only passes issued by RHL Activities are valid. Passes<br />

remain the property of RHL Activities at all times.<br />

The passes issued to a rider are not valid if the rider is not entered in the individual round.<br />

.<br />



3. Preliminary Technical Control<br />

01.5.3 Preliminary Technical Control<br />

Prior to practice, a technical control must be carried out in accordance with the procedure<br />

and the times fixed in the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> and/or the<br />

Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> of the meeting.<br />

The technical verifications must be held on the site of the meeting.<br />

During these technical verifications, a rider may be required to provide and sign a written<br />

declaration asserting the conformity of certain parts of his motorcycle.<br />

During the meeting and per class, riders are allowed to use only those motorcycles<br />

(maximum two) presented at Technical Control.<br />

Each rider must present one motorcycle in their name and number at Technical Control.<br />

There are two possibilities for a second motorcycle. Technical Control will record the last<br />

6 digits of the frame number of each motorcycle presented.<br />

1) Riders may present at Technical Control a second motorcycle in their name and<br />

number;<br />

2) Teams may present at Technical Control a second motorcycle to be used by two or<br />

more riders. In this case, the team presenting the motorcycle, must inform the<br />

Technical Stewards of the names and numbers of the riders eligible to use this<br />

motorcycle;<br />

Machines will be selected at random for Sound Testing when presented at Preliminary<br />

Technical Control.<br />

At each round a Technical Control Card will be handed to the Rider/Mechanic when you<br />

are carry out the Registration/’Signing On’ process at the welcome office.<br />

The information contained on the Technical Control Card is automatically populated from<br />

the Rider Application and will have the following information:<br />

- Name<br />

- Race Number<br />

- Transponder Number<br />

- Bike (s) and Frame Number (s)<br />

It is the riders responsibility to ensure all the information is correct. If any of the<br />

information is missing it is the responsibility of the rider to complete the relevant missing<br />

information, prior to attending the Technical Control Area.<br />

Riders may change motorcycles at any time except during a race.<br />

The final choice of motorcycle to be used in a race must be made 4 minutes before the<br />

start of the race in question.<br />



3. Preliminary Technical Control<br />

At any time during the meeting:<br />

1) On request of the Technical Steward, a rider must present their self and/or their<br />

motorcycle(s) and/or equipment to the technical verification;<br />

2) A rider will be responsible for keeping. their motorcycle and/or equipment in<br />

conformity with the rules;<br />

3) The Race Direction can disqualify a motorcycle, the construction or condition of<br />

which is considered to be or may become a source of danger.<br /> Sound Control<br />

Sound Tests will be carried out in accordance with the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> and <strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> Sound level control.<br />



4. Circuit Control<br />

01.5.4 Circuit Control<br />

A circuit control will be made by the Race Director, Clerk of the Course, RHL Activities<br />

Representative and the Chief Steward the day preceding the practices.<br />

If deemed necessary, by either the Race Director, Clerk of the Course, RHL Activities<br />

Representative and Chief Steward a second circuit control may be carried out at a time<br />

to be agreed.<br />



5. Practice / Practice Restrictions<br />

01.5.5 Practice / Practice Restrictions<br />

Unofficial riding on a <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> circuit by riders competing in the<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> is prohibited within 28 days of the date of the meeting.<br />

On Race Day riders and team members are forbidden to ride any motorised vehicle and/or<br />

bicycle on the track outside the official practice/qualifying sessions and races.<br />

There will not be a test area for motorcycles at any event.<br />

In addition to 01.5.5:<br />

Riders may be invited by RHL Activities & the event organisers to participate in an<br />

organised Press Day prior to a championship round.<br />

<strong>ACU</strong> Ltd must be advised of the Press Day and at least 6 riders invited to attend on the<br />

specified date and time. Riders will not be allowed to complete a full lap of the track.<br />

Riders will be required to sign on and must wear their official team/race clothing. RHL<br />

Activities & the Organisers must officially invite local media and championship media<br />

sources to attend on the specified date and time.<br />

Riders may be required by RHL Activities to carry on-board/helmet camera’s, reasonable<br />

access and assistance to the technicians to facilitate mounting and adjustment must be<br />

given.<br />



6. Practice / Free Practice<br />

01.5.6 Practice / Free Practice<br />

The official Free Practice sessions of a <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meeting are part<br />

of that meeting and cannot be considered unofficial practices.<br />

Riders must always start Free Practice from the waiting zone.<br />

All the riders present at the meeting must take part in the Free Practice and must complete<br />

at least 1 lap.<br />

Any rider found stopping on the circuit during Free Practice or Timed Qualification for any<br />

reason may be liable for a penalty from Race Direction.<br />

In addition to 01.5.6:<br />

In the MX1 class, up to 45 riders may take part in the Free Practice. In the MX2 class, up<br />

to 45 riders may take part in Free Practice. In the WMX, 125/250 class, 85BW, 85SW and<br />

65cc classes, up to 45 riders may take part in Free Practice.<br />



7. Qualifying<br />

01.5.7 Qualifying<br />

Free Practice and Q1 are considered as one qualifying session; therefore any penalties<br />

which may be issued will not be applied until the end of the Q1 session.<br /> MX1 / MX2 / 250/125 Class<br />

Qualifying in MX1 / MX2 / 250/125 class will be solely through Timed Practice.<br />

Up to 40 riders (plus 5 reserves) may take part in Time Practice. Of these 40 riders,<br />

40 riders will qualify for each of the classes above, <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Races.<br />

These 40 riders will qualify according to their best result in Time Practice. In case of ties,<br />

the second best times will be taken into consideration. Reserve riders will remain as<br />

reserve riders for all races and will only be promoted to a place when in the waiting Zone.<br />

The riders will qualify according to the following model:<br />

MX1 / MX2 / 250-125 Finishing Positions Result<br />

Timed Practice Q1<br />

(15 minutes)<br />

1 to 40 Advance to the<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong> Races.<br />

Gate positions 1 - 40<br />

If all Timed Practices are cancelled for any reason, the following procedure will be used:<br />

MX1 / MX2 / 250-125 Finishing Positions Result<br />

Heat<br />

(15 minutes + 1 lap)<br />

1 to 40 Waiting Zone positions for the<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong> Races<br />

In collaboration Race Direction will decide upon any modifications to the time schedule<br />

and qualifying criteria.<br /> WMX / 85BW / 85SW / 65cc Class<br />

Qualifying in the class will be solely through Timed Practice.<br />

Up to 40 riders (plus 5 reserves) may take part in Time Practice. Of these 40 riders,<br />

40 riders will qualify for each of the classes above, <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Races.<br />



7. Qualifying<br />

These 40 riders will qualify according to their best result in Time Practice. In case of ties,<br />

the second best times will be taken into consideration. Reserve riders will remain as<br />

reserve riders for all races and will only be promoted to a place when in the waiting Zone.<br />

These 40 riders will qualify according to their best result in Time Practice. In case of ties,<br />

the second best times will be taken into consideration.<br />

The riders will qualify according to the following model:<br />

WMX/85BW/85SW/65cc Finishing Positions Result<br />

Timed Practice Q1<br />

(10 minutes)<br />

1 - 40 Advance to <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong> Races. Gate<br />

positions 1-40.<br />

If all Timed Practices are cancelled for any reason the following procedure will be used:<br />

WMX /85BW/85SW/65cc Finishing Positions Result<br />

Heat<br />

(10 minutes + 1 lap)<br />

1 to 40 Waiting Zone positions for the<br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong> Races<br />

In collaboration Race Direction will decide upon any modifications to the time schedule<br />

and qualifying criteria.<br />

In addition to 01.5.7<br />

If a rider(s) fail to record a time in Timed Practice they will be placed at the end of the<br />

riders who record a time. If more than one rider fails to record a time the lowest<br />

numerical order will be placed ahead of the next rider.<br />

Should a practice/qualification session be halted riders must obey the instructions of<br />

Officials. Riders will be directed to the work area where they will remain until the session<br />

is able to re-commence. The continuation will be of the time remaining and the clock will<br />

recommence when the first rider departs the work area. Race Direction reserve the right<br />

to modify the remaining time in any manner which they deem to be appropriate.<br />



8. Designation of the Reserve Riders<br />

01.5.8 Designation of the Reserve Riders<br /> MX1/ MX2 / 250-125 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The reserve riders will be the riders who are listed as reserves on the official start list.<br />

MX1 / MX2 / 250-125 Positions Result<br />

Timed Practice Q1 Fastest Reserve First Reserve<br />

(15 minutes) Second Fastest Second Reserve<br />

Third Fastest<br />

Third Reserve<br />

Fourth Fastest<br />

Fourth Reserve<br />

Fifth Fastest<br />

Fifth Reserve<br /> WMX / 85BW / 85SW / 65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The reserve riders will be the riders who are listed as reserves on the official start list.<br />

WMX / 85BW / 85SW / 65cc Positions Result<br />

Timed Practice Q1 Fastest Reserve First Reserve<br />

(10 minutes) Second Fastest Second Reserve<br />

Third Fastest<br />

Third Reserve<br />

Fourth Fastest<br />

Fourth Reserve<br />

Fifth Fastest<br />

Fifth Reserve<br />



10. Autograph Session<br />

01.5.9 Start Practice<br />

An opportunity for practice starts; of up to 3 minutes will be provided to the riders.<br />

Start practice is optional.<br />

Mass starts are forbidden.<br />

In addition to 01.5.9:<br />

- MX1: Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- MX2: Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- 125/250 Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- 85 BW Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- 85 SW Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- 65cc Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One Group/Maximum 45 riders)<br />

- WMX Immediately before Free Practice<br />

(One group/Maximum 45 riders)<br /> Concrete Start Pad<br />

If Mesh Grid start pad is in operation it must be used during the Start Practice session. The<br />

start pad may be cleaned between Practice Starts.<br />

01.5.10 Autograph Session / Rider Interviews<br />

Riders will be required to participate in an autograph session arranged by RHL Activities<br />

Press Officer & Event Organiser.<br />

The autograph session / Rider Interviews will take place in the Team awnings for at least<br />

15 minutes.<br />



11. Waiting Zone Procedure<br />

01.5.11 Waiting Zone Procedure<br />

The following procedure will be used in the waiting zone:<br />

20 minutes before the start The entrance to the waiting zone is open<br />

10 Minutes – Waiting Zone gate Closes<br />

“Waiting Zone is Closed”<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

10 Minutes – Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

3 Minutes - Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

The entrance from the paddock to the waiting<br />

zone is closed.<br />

Reserve riders who are allowed to take part<br />

will be notified. Reserve riders who are not<br />

allowed to start in the race must leave the<br />

waiting zone. After Reserve riders have been<br />

promoted; late riders who have missed<br />

“Waiting Zone Closed” time will be allowed<br />

to take part if there are<br />

any remaining spaces. Those late riders will<br />

go to the line after all other riders have<br />

taken their places.<br />

Late riders arriving at the closed waiting<br />

zone will go to the line in order of their<br />

arrival at the closed gate. i.e. last (latest)<br />

arrival last gate. Should multiple late riders<br />

arrive at the same time then they will be<br />

placed in order of their qualification time.<br />

No rider will be admitted once the first rider<br />

departs for the Sighting Lap.<br />

The access gate from the waiting zone to the<br />

circuit is opened.<br />

Riders leave for their sighting lap.<br />

Riders depart the waiting zone under<br />

starters orders to the start gate.<br />

The riders prepare for the start.<br />



11. Waiting Zone Procedure<br />

In addition to 01.5.11:<br />

The Waiting zone consists of two parts 1. Waiting Zone (behind or close to the start) and<br />

2. Holding Zone (Specified Area).<br />

Each rider may bring two motorcycles to the Waiting Zone, the motorcycle that will be<br />

used for the sighting lap must be placed in the Waiting Zone. If a second motorcycle is<br />

brought it must be placed in the Holding Zone (both motorcycles must have<br />

transponders). The rider / team are responsible for the security of the machine placed<br />

in the Holding Zone. Also see 01.5.12<br />

Provided a rider’s machine is in the Wating Zone before it closes the rider may leave the<br />

area if they wish. As sighting laps are optional, the rider will maintain his position in the<br />

waiting zone if he is not retuned by the start of the sighting lap. If he returns whilst the<br />

riders are still feeding out, he may participate in the sighting lap. If a rider has not<br />

returned when the riders are allowed to the line (under starters orders) he will not be<br />

allowed to take his qualified place and must go to the line in last position apart from<br />

those riders placed last who have missed the Waiting Zone closure.<br />

Once the Waiting Zone has closed, only riders and officials will be permitted in the start<br />

area. Additionally, at all times only riders and officials will be permitted on the start pad.<br />

The Start Pad is described as the area including the gate and 3m back from the gate.<br />

Riders must use the toilet facility provided in the Waiting Zone. Violation of this may result<br />

in a fine of £50 from the Race Director / Clerk of the Course. This penalty will be deemed<br />

a statement of fact.<br />



12. Sighting Lap<br />

01.5.12 Sighting Lap<br />

Before each <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> race, the riders will be given the opportunity to make a<br />

sighting lap.<br />

Participation in the sighting lap is optional.<br />

Once a rider has started their sighting lap, they must continue in the direction of the<br />

course.<br />

If a rider has a machine issue they are allowed to return to the Waiting Zone by the<br />

quickest route. However, they must ensure the failed motorcycle is in a safe position<br />

before doing so. They must not receive outside assistance<br />

After their sighting lap, riders must return with their motorcycles directly to the waiting<br />

zone using the access gate indicated.<br />

In addition to 01.5.12:<br />

The following procedure will apply:<br />

10 Minutes – Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

The access gate from the waiting zone to the circuit<br />

is opened.<br />

Riders leave for their sighting lap in any order<br />

7 Minutes – before the start The entrance to the track is closed. No further<br />

sighting laps are allowed<br />

4 Minutes - before the start The entrance from the track to the Waiting zone is<br />

closed. All riders should be back from the sighting<br />

lap. Riders may use their second motorcycle when it<br />

has been placed in the Holding Zone. They may join<br />

the Waiting Zone up to the moment when the riders<br />

are called under starters orders. Riders arriving<br />

after this time will lose their initial starting position.<br />

The rider’s team is responsible for taking the<br />

second motorcycle (the one not being used) back<br />

to the paddock immediately after expiration of the<br />

possibility to use the second motorcycle.<br />

3 Minutes - Whistle Sounded<br />

(In the waiting zone)<br />

Riders depart the waiting zone under starters<br />

orders to the start gate.<br />

The riders prepare for the start.<br />

Sighting laps will be at the discretion of Race Direction.<br />



13. Start Procedure<br />

01.5.13 Start Procedure<br />

The following procedure will be used:<br />

3 minutes before the start: Whistle Sounded.<br />

Riders depart the waiting zone under starters orders<br />

to the start gate.<br />

As of then:<br />

Once the first rider has taken their positions at the<br />

starting gate, a green flag will be displayed, riders<br />

are under the starter’s orders.<br />

Only the riders, the television crew and the essential<br />

officials are allowed in the starting area.<br />

15 seconds before the start: The 15 second board will be displayed.<br />

The entrance from the waiting zone to the starting<br />

area is closed.<br />

Riders who have mechanical problems in the waiting<br />

zone and do not succeed in repairing their<br />

motorcycle before this time, must remain there<br />

until the gate has dropped. Once the gate has<br />

dropped they can enter the starting area and<br />

resume the race. The penalty for violation of this<br />

regulation is disqualification from the Race in<br />

question.<br />

Riders having mechanical problems at the starting<br />

gate must wait for assistance until the gate has<br />

dropped. Once the gate has dropped, their<br />

mechanic(s) may assist at the gate. The penalty for<br />

violation of this regulation is disqualification from<br />

the race in question.<br />

5 seconds before the start: The 5 second board will be displayed. The starting<br />

gate will drop between the next 5 to 10 seconds.<br />



13. Start Procedure<br />

Starts must take place from one row. Mass starts will be made with engines running.<br />

Once a rider has taken their position at the starting gate, they cannot change it, return to<br />

the waiting zone or receive assistance prior to the start.<br />

A “15 seconds” sign will be displayed from the moment the riders are in line. The<br />

“15 seconds” sign will be displayed for 15 full seconds.<br />

At the end of 15 seconds, a “5 seconds” sign will be displayed and the gate will drop<br />

between 5 and 10 seconds after the “5 seconds” sign is first shown.<br />

In addition to 01.5.13:<br />

The area in front of the starting gate shall be prepared in a consistent manner providing<br />

conditions as equal as possible for all riders. No one except the essential officials, TV<br />

camera crews and photographers shall be allowed in this area. No grooming of the area<br />

is permitted.<br />

Also see 01.2.9<br />

If during the start procedure, the process needs to be halted for any reason, this will be<br />

shown by the raising of the red flag the riders will no longer be under starters orders and<br />

will return to the Waiting Zone, to await further instructions. The start procedure will<br />

recommence as soon as possible. There will not under normal circumstances be an<br />

additional sighting lap, however Race Direction reserve the right to amend this should<br />

they decide accordingly.<br />



14. Starting Order<br />

01.5.14 Starting Order<br /> MX1 / MX2/ 125-250 / 85BW/ 85SW / 65cc / WMX Starting Order<br />

The riders select their gates for the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> races based on the<br />

results of the Q1 Timed Practice excluding 125-250cc class (see below)<br />

The starting order is as follows:<br />

a) The first rider to proceed to the start gate are the riders who qualified in Timed<br />

Practice. The Pole Position winner will be the first at the gate, followed by second<br />

fastest, third fastest and so on.<br />

b) If they are admitted to the race, the reserve riders leave the reserve area and<br />

proceed to the starting gate, after the qualified riders, in order of priority.<br />

c) Late qualified riders, if they are admitted to the race, leave the reserve area and<br />

proceed to the starting gate, after the qualified riders and reserve riders in order of<br />

defined in 01.15.11<br />

In addition to<br />

For the 125-250cc class the first rider to proceed to the start gate is the rider who qualified<br />

in timed practice pole position in 125cc followed by the rider who qualified pole position<br />

in the other class in 250cc followed alternatively by the second fastest in each class third<br />

fastest and so on.<br />

For example: 125cc fastest 1 st to the gate, followed by 250cc fastest, followed by 125cc<br />

second fastest, followed by 250cc second fastest and so on or alternatively 250cc fastest<br />

1st to the gate, followed by 125cc fastest, followed by 250cc second fastest, followed by<br />

125cc second fastest and so on<br />



15. Races<br />

01.5.15 Races<br /> MX1/MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

In each class, the races will be run over of 25 minutes plus one lap (maximum 40 riders).<br /> 125/250 <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The races will be run over 20 minutes plus one lap (maximum 40 riders).<br /> 85BW / 85SW <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The races will be run over 14 minutes plus one lap (maximum 40 riders).<br /> 65cc <strong>British</strong> Youth <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The races will be run over 13 minutes plus one lap (maximum 40 riders).<br /> WMX <strong>British</strong> <strong>Championship</strong><br />

The races will be run over 15 minutes plus one lap (maximum 40 riders).<br />



16. False Start<br />

01.5.16 False Start<br />

In case of a false start, there will be a re-start.<br />

A red flag will be displayed to the riders.<br />

The riders will return to the waiting zone and the re-start will take place as soon as<br />

possible with the same riders.<br />

In the case that the restart will take place immediately riders may only exchange their<br />

machines in the waiting zone.<br />

In the case that the re-start will not take place immediately riders will return to the<br />

waiting zone to be instructed if they can return to the paddock and if so a change of<br />

machine will be allowed. The final choice must be made 10 minutes before the restart,<br />

when the waiting zone will close.<br />

A reserve rider who has not been admitted to the initial start cannot be introduced after<br />

a false start.<br />



17. Stopping of a race<br />

01.5.17 Stopping of a race<br />

Any part of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meeting can be prematurely stopped for<br />

urgent and/or safety reasons or other cases of “force majeure”. In that case, a red flag<br />

will be displayed to the riders:<br /> less than 2 laps completed<br />

- If a race is stopped before the leader has completed 2 laps there will be a<br />

complete restart. Riders will return to the waiting zone and await an official<br />

announcement. A restart will take place as soon as possible.<br />

- Changing of motorcycles will be allowed.<br />

- If one or more riders are deemed to be at fault for the race being stopped, they<br />

may be disqualified from taking part in the restart.<br />

- Reserve riders (if any) may take part in the restart of a race if one or more of the<br />

original starters are unable to take part or are disqualified.<br />

- After the first restart any further re-starts will be at the discretion of Race<br />

Direction.<br />

- If a race is not completed, Race Direction will declare it null and Void. No prize<br />

Money will be paid.<br /> two laps completed by the leader but before 50% race time completed<br />

- If a race is stopped after 2 laps but before 50% has been completed by the leader<br />

there will be a restart. Riders will return to the waiting zone and await an official<br />

announcement. A restart will take place as soon as possible.<br />

- Changing of motorcycles will be allowed.<br />

- If one or more riders are deemed to be at fault for the race being stopped, they<br />

may be disqualified from taking part in the restart.<br />

- The starting order will be determined by each riders race position at the end of the<br />

lap preceding the last lap completed by the leader. i.e if the leader has completed<br />

the second lap and is working for the third laps, the starting order would be set<br />

with the order from the completion of the first lap.<br />

- Race position is defined as the riders scoring positions, not position on the track.<br />

- Riders will be restarted from a staggered standing start in the starting area.<br />

- Riders will be lined up in a staggered formation beginning on the straight at a start<br />

line located by the first turn, starting with the rider that was in first position and<br />

continuing back towards the starting area.<br />

- Riders not ready to take their position in line will be placed last<br />

- Once all riders are in position, the start official will raise a green flag to indicate the<br />

start will be within 30 seconds. The start official will then lower the green flag to<br />



17. Stopping of a race<br />

signal the start. Any movement of the motorcycle prior to the lowering of the green<br />

flag will be deemed as a jump start, furthermore riders may not overtake the rider<br />

in front of them until they pass the designated starting line.<br />

- Any rider that does overtake the rider in front of them before the starting line will<br />

also be deemed to have jumped the start and will be penalised accordingly.<br />

- Eligible riders who are unable to participate in the re-start due to stalled motorcycle<br />

or continued repairs may join the race from the starting area at any time during the<br />

race<br />

- Riders who were not actively participating in the race at the time the red flag was<br />

displayed are not authorised to take part in the re-start<br />

- The race will be re-run over the remaining race distance.<br />

In the event of multiple red flags occurring Race Direction reserve the right to limit<br />

the number of restarts.<br />

- Full championship points will be awarded<br /> After 50%<br />

After 50% of the published race distance, excluding any additional laps, has elapsed<br />

- If a race is stopped after 50% of the race time has elapsed the result will be<br />

declared on the last completed lap.<br />

- If a race has to be stopped after the leader(s) has taken the chequered flag they<br />

will be classified as having finished the race. The order of classification for those<br />

riders who have not taken the chequered flag shall be based upon the order of last<br />

crossing the finishing line prior to the showing of the red flag and only competitors<br />

who are racing at the showing of the red flag and have completed 50%, rounded<br />

down to the last full lap, of the overall race distance will be classified.<br />



18. Classification at the end of a race<br />

01.5.18 Classification at the end of a race<br />

The order of classification shall be based upon the number of laps completed and order<br />

of finish; i.e. all riders finishing on the same lap as the winner will be classified in the<br />

order they cross the finish line, followed by riders with one less lap, then two laps and so<br />

on. Riders must cross the finish line within 5 minutes of the arrival of the winner, i.e.<br />

riders have 5 minutes to complete the lap or it will not be counted in their result. The<br />

procedure to determine the classification in the results of riders who do not complete the<br />

lap within 5 minutes after the arrival of the winner will be according to the number of<br />

laps completed, and in the event of a tie, according to their finishing order at the end of<br />

the preceding lap. Riders must complete 50% of the race winner, rounded down, to be<br />

classified as a finisher.<br />



19. Sound Control<br />

01.5.19 Sound Control<br />

Should a machine become excessively noisy during a practice or racing session in the<br />

opinion of the Race Director or Clerk of the Course, a board displaying “Noise” together<br />

with the offender’s number shall be shown to the rider in question at an appropriate place<br />

on the circuit. Once passing the board the rider has two laps in which to enter the work<br />

area and effect satisfactory repairs. i.e. the rider may only pass the board on two<br />

occasions. If the rider fails to enter the work area during that time they will be shown the<br />

Black Flag and disqualified from the race in question. Under these circumstances no Sound<br />

Test shall be undertaken.<br />

In either instance, if there are not enough laps left in the session or race for the above<br />

scenario to take place, the rider will still be shown the board whereby they are advised to<br />

effect a repair. However, if they fail to do this, the machine will automatically be sound<br />

tested at the end of the session or race.<br />

Immediately after each race, three or more motorcycles, chosen at random by Race<br />

Direction prior to the start of the event and relevant to qualifying, may be checked for<br />

compliance with noise regulations. (see<br />

The motorcycle shall be deemed to be in parc ferme conditions immediately it passes the<br />

chequered flag until it leaves the course at the official exit point and no one, except an<br />

official of the meeting may touch the machine until released by the Chief Technical Officer.<br />

In addition to 01.5.19:<br />

Other motorcycles may also be checked at the request of the Clerk of the Course or Race<br />

Director at any time.<br />

All results of any technical testing will be recorded and retained for a minimum 12 months<br />

from the date of the test.<br />



20. Results / Procedure<br />

01.5.20 Results / Procedure<br />

All official outings of the riders on the circuit (see Art. 01.1.3 Format of the Meeting) must<br />

be timed, with the exception of Free Practice, with the results displayed on monitors in the<br />

official Work / Signal area.<br />

Timing shall continue until:<br />

- 5 minutes after the end of each timed qualification session;<br />

- 5 minutes after the arrival of the winner of the race in question.<br />

The winner of a race is the rider who crosses the finish line, while the chequered flag is<br />

being displayed, first.<br />

Races are officially ended at the completion of the lap at which the chequered flag is<br />

displayed to the winner.<br />

The riders who follow the winner will then leave the track at the official track exit after<br />

crossing the finishing line.<br />

The time at which a motorcycle crosses a control line shall be registered at the moment<br />

the foremost part of the motorcycle crosses the line.<br />

When crossing control lines, the rider must always be in contact with the motorcycle.<br />

All riders participating in the Timed Qualification will be classified by the fastest lap time<br />

set during the session.<br />

All the riders participating in the races will be classified by the number of laps completed<br />

and order of finish and; i.e. all riders finishing on the same lap as the winner will be<br />

classified in the order they cross the finish line, followed by riders with one less lap, then<br />

two laps and so on. Riders must cross the finish line within 5 minutes of the arrival of the<br />

winner, i.e. riders have 5 minutes to complete the lap or it will not be counted in their<br />

result. The procedure to determine the classification in the results of riders who do not<br />

complete the lap within 5 minutes after the arrival of the winner will be according to the<br />

number of laps completed, and in the event of a tie, according to their finishing order at<br />

the end of the preceding lap. Riders must complete 50% of the race winner, rounded down,<br />

to be classified as a finisher.<br />



20. Results / Procedure<br />

If the chequered flag is mistakenly displayed later than the official time/distance, the<br />

finishing order shall be determined by the running order at the official time/distance.<br />

Under any other circumstances, such as mistaken display of the chequered flag before the<br />

official time/distance, the finishing order shall be determined by the running order at the<br />

time the chequered flag is displayed.<br />

The Race Director shall appoint an official who will counter sign, with a statement of the<br />

time of day, all provisional results prior to publication.<br />

The results will not become official until the time limits for protests and appeals have<br />

elapsed.<br />

The Race Director will approve the reports of the Timekeepers and present them to the<br />

final meeting of Race Direction.<br />



21. Results<br />

01.5.21 Results / Awarding of Points<br /> MX1/MX2/125-250/WMX /Expert/85BW/85SW/65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

Points will be awarded to riders in each <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> Race according<br />

to the following scale:<br />

For the MX1/MX2/125-250 & Expert<br />

25 points to the 1 st 10 points to the 11 th<br />

22 points to the 2 nd 9 points to the 12 th<br />

20 points to the 3 rd 8 points to the 13 th<br />

18 points to the 4 th 7 points to the 14 th<br />

16 points to the 5 th 6 points to the 15 th<br />

15 points to the 6 th 5 points to the 16 th<br />

14 points to the 7 th 4 points to the 17 th<br />

13 points to the 8 th 3 points to the 18 th<br />

12 points to the 9 th 2 points to the 19 th<br />

11 Points to the 10 th 1 point to the 20 th<br />

WMX/85BW/85SW/65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s the points will be awarded to<br />

riders according to the following scale:<br /> Manufacturers <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

For the Manufacturers’ <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>, only the highest placed<br />

motorcycle of each Manufacturer will gain points, according to their position in each race<br />

of the MX1 / MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>.<br />



21. Results<br /> Results / Final Standings<br />

In each class, the winner of the <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong> meeting is the rider who<br />

has obtained the most points; the runner-up will be the rider who has obtained the second<br />

best number of points, and so on, irrespective of the number of races they have finished.<br />

In case of ties, the number of better places will be taken into account.<br />

If a tie exists, the points scored in the last race counting towards the <strong>Championship</strong><br />

meeting will determine the order of placing in the final standings of the meeting of those<br />

riders who scored points.<br />

A minimum of three rounds must be held to have a Champion title.<br />

All rounds count towards the <strong>Championship</strong> Series.<br />



22. Results / Presentation and Publication<br />

01.5.22 Results / Presentation and Publication<br />

The results must clearly indicate:<br />

- Title of the meeting<br />

- Date and venue of the meeting<br />

- Class.<br />

The results must always include the following information:<br />

- Position<br />

- The number of classified riders<br />

- Name and first name of the riders<br />

- Team of the rider<br />

- Motorcycle of the rider<br />

- Track Distance<br />

- The winner’s average speed<br />

- Fastest time & Laps completed<br />

The Track Distance must be supplied to the Timekeepers by the Track Inspector or RHL<br />

Representative.<br />

The results of the qualifying sessions and races must be communicated to Race Direction.<br />

At the final meeting of Race Direction the results must be approved.<br />

The final results of the meeting must be sent to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Department.<br />



23. Prize Money<br />

01.5.23 Prize Money<br />

The minimum prize money for the MX1 and MX2 <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> <strong>Championship</strong>s will<br />

be per race payable on the following scale:<br />

1 st - £500 6 th - £90<br />

2 nd - £400 7 th - £80<br />

3 rd - £300 8 th - £70<br />

4 th - £180 9 th - £60<br />

5 th - £105 10 th - £50<br />

Holeshot Prizes will be voucher/product to be advised in the Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong><br />

To receive prize money all competitors must be classified as a finisher.<br />

Each race meeting prize fund – if a round of the championship is run with “Covid 19 – no<br />

spectators” enforcement in place, there will be no Prize fund for that round.<br />

All prize money will be paid after all time limits for protests and appeals have elapsed by<br />

cheque or BACS.<br />

All Prize Money must then be paid within 7 days of the meeting, but always subject to<br />

time limits for protests and appeals.<br />

There is no prize money payable to <strong>British</strong> Expert <strong>Championship</strong>s.<br />



24. Prize Giving Ceremony<br />

01.5.24 Prize-Giving Ceremony<br />

A Prize-Giving Ceremony based on the provisional results must be held at each meeting,<br />

conditions and time permitting.<br />

The top three positions in the overall standings in the meeting must take part in the Prize-<br />

Giving Ceremony. Any infraction of this rule will be penalised, including any planned media<br />

activities after the prize giving ceremony.<br />

In addition to 01.5.24:<br />

The Prize-Giving Ceremony will take place as per Programme<br />

The following persons must take part in the Prize-Giving Ceremony for MX1/MX2 classes<br />

- The rider winning the meeting;<br />

- The second placed rider in the meeting;<br />

- The third placed rider in the meeting.<br />

- The <strong>Championship</strong> Leader after Moto 2<br />

Any other rider deemed appropriate by RHL Activities Ltd<br />

The Following Persons must take part in the Prize Giving Ceremony for <strong>British</strong> Expert<br />

MX1/MX2, WMX, 125/250, 85BW, 85SW classes<br />

- The rider winning the meeting;<br />

- The Second placed rider in the meeting<br />

- The third placed rider in the meeting<br />

The following persons must take part in the Prize-Giving Ceremony for 65cc class<br />

- The rider winning the meeting;<br />

- The second placed rider in the meeting;<br />

- The third placed rider in the meeting.<br />

- The fourth placed rider in the meeting<br />

- The fifth placed rider in the meeting<br />

based on the provisional results.<br />



25. Protests<br />

01.5.25 Protests<br />

Protests must be lodged according to the <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting Code and the<br />

Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong> and be accompanied by the correct fee of £150.<br />

Protests entailing dismantling a motorcycle must be accompanied by an additional fee of<br />

£250 for Four-stroke machines and £150 for Two-stroke machines.<br />

Protests entailing a fuel control must be accompanied by a nominal testing charge of<br />

£600.<br />

In Addition to: 1.5.25<br />

Statement of Fact<br />

Any offence or breach of the rules contained within the Sporting Code, the relevant<br />

discipline regulations, or appendices, or any supplementary regulations; howsoever<br />

caused if witnessed by a senior event Official shall be deemed for purposes of<br />

disciplinary procedure as a “Statement of Fact”.<br />

Senior event Officials will include: - but not be limited to; Race Director, Clerk of the<br />

Course and his Assistants, and Chief Marshal.<br />

Any such Statement of Fact shall not be subject to protest or appeal.<br />

Statements of Fact shall also include the decisions of Starter and Finish Line Judges, and<br />

Sound Inspectors as already defined within the Code.<br />



25. Protests<br />

01.5.26 Fuel Control<br />

A fuel control may be carried out at any time during a meeting, according to the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong><br />

Fuel <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

Fuels must comply with the <strong>2022</strong> <strong>ACU</strong> Fuel <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

When fuel is tested as a result of a protest the protest fee must be accompanied by a<br />

nominal testing charge of £600 and the losing party will be liable for all the testing costs.<br />

In the event of the protest being upheld the nominal testing charge will be returned.<br />

Smoking or the use of mobile phones in refuelling points is forbidden.<br />

All results of any Fuel testing will be recorded and retained for a minimum of 12 months<br />

from the date of the test.<br />



27. Anti- Doping and Alcohol Tests<br />

01.5.27 Anti-Doping and Alcohol Tests<br />

Anti-doping and alcohol tests may be carried out according to the <strong>ACU</strong> National Sporting<br />

Code.<br />

.<br />


1.6 TIMETABLES<br />

01.6 TIME TABLES<br />

01.6.1 MX1/MX2/125-250/WMX/85BW/85SW/65cc <strong>British</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong><br />

<strong>Championship</strong>s<br />

Timetables will be issued for each event and will be published in the Supplementary<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

MX1 and MX2 timetables may alternate at the discretion of the Race Director / RHL<br />

Activities Representative.<br />

Times may vary if local circumstances prevail.<br />




1.7.1 Event Cancellation<br />

If a round of the championship (1-7) is cancelled in its entirety for any reason, it may be<br />

re-scheduled for the reserve date. This may not be at the same venue. If for any reason<br />

two or more rounds are cancelled there is only provision for one round to be re-run which<br />

will always be on the reserve date.<br />

01.7.2 Final Round - Cancellation<br />

If the final round of the championship is cancelled in its entirety, due to reasons beyond<br />

the control of the <strong>Championship</strong> Promoter, the event may be re-run on the reserve date<br />

scheduled in the <strong>2022</strong> calendar, provided the date has not already been allocated to a<br />

cancelled round.<br />

01.7.3 Reserve Date - Cancellation<br />

If the final round of the championship scheduled on the reserve date is cancelled or<br />

abandoned the event will not be re-run.<br />

01.7.4 Change of Date<br />

Whilst every effort is expended by the Promoters and Organisers in securing Dates,<br />

sometimes changes have to be made due to circumstances beyond the Promoters and<br />

Organisers control. In the case of a date change. Riders have 48 hours from notification<br />

of date change to withdraw from that round, with no financial penalty incurred for that<br />

round of the Series.<br />

In addition to 01.7.1:<br />

The event will not be re-scheduled if any of the following occurs:<br />

<br />

<br />

The championship classes MX1 / MX2 has already<br />

been won in its entirety at the previous round<br />

On the day a proportion of the Event Timetable<br />

has been run<br />


1.8 CONTACTS<br />

01.8 CONTACTS<br />

RHL Activities Ltd<br />

Email: info@rhlactivities.com<br />

The Bryn Garage<br />

Penpergwm Tel: 01873 840640<br />

Abergavenny Fax: 01873 840172<br />

Monmouthshire, NP7 9AT<br />

www: rhlactivities.com<br />


Gareth Hockey<br />

Email: gareth.hockey@rhlactivities.com<br />


<strong>Championship</strong> Secretary<br />

Rider Administration<br />

Technical<br />

Email: secretary@rhlactivities.com<br />

Email: rider@rhlactivities.com<br />

Email: technical@rhlactivities.com<br />


RHL Activities Ltd<br />

Email: timing@rhlactivities.com<br />


RHL Activities Ltd<br />

Email: events@rhlacitivites.com<br />


Social Media/Press<br />

Email: media@rhlactivities.com<br />

Tel: 01873 840660<br />




MX1 / MX2 / 125/250 / 85 / 65 / WMX<br />


The Number Plates must adhere to the <strong>ACU</strong> <strong>Motocross</strong> Standing <strong>Regulations</strong> and must<br />

have compulsory Logos as above<br />

All the logos that you need can be found on the RHL Website.<br />


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