SSMC FY20-21 Impact Report
At Smart Start of Mecklenburg County, we are approaching our work with the optimism inherent in the young children we serve. We do our work, not in isolation but with and through our partners in the community. To ensure that all children turn five ready to thrive, we focus our efforts on three areas: 1. We invest our human and financial resources in the early childhood community. 2. We collaborate and convene people and groups around data and research to drive solutions. 3. We seek innovative ideas, solutions, and practices to advance opportunities for the youngest citizens in Mecklenburg County. Continue reading to learn about our impact within these three pillars during FY20-21.
At Smart Start of Mecklenburg County, we are approaching our work with the optimism inherent in the young children we serve. We do our work, not in isolation but with and through our partners in the community. To ensure that all children turn five ready to thrive, we focus our efforts on three areas:
1. We invest our human and financial resources in the early childhood
2. We collaborate and convene people and groups around data and research
to drive solutions.
3. We seek innovative ideas, solutions, and practices to advance opportunities
for the youngest citizens in Mecklenburg County.
Continue reading to learn about our impact within these three pillars during FY20-21.
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2020<br />
20<strong>21</strong><br />
J O I N O U R<br />
M I S S I O N<br />
A B O U T S M A R T S T A R T<br />
O F M E C K L E N B U R G<br />
C O U N T Y<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg<br />
County mobilizes resources,<br />
forges partnerships, and<br />
supports families to improve<br />
early childhood health,<br />
education and development<br />
and ensure children are<br />
prepared for kindergarten.<br />
Our four areas of focus are<br />
early care and education<br />
quality and accessibility,<br />
family support, health, and<br />
early literacy for children<br />
birth to five. Smart Start of<br />
Mecklenburg County is<br />
committed to standing as a<br />
reliable source of support for<br />
our county's families. We<br />
thank you for helping children<br />
turn five ready to thrive.<br />
Education is the foundation for all we do in life, it<br />
shapes who we are and what we aspire to be.<br />
Creativity fuels innovation, and it's what all states<br />
should strive to instill in the next generations.<br />
- Governor Jim Hunt<br />
Founder of Smart Start
O U R Y E A R<br />
I N R E V I E W<br />
It would be easy for the beginning, middle, and end of this letter to address the<br />
pervasive and lingering effect of COVID on our community. It is there. It is<br />
obvious. Yet, unlike last year, it is a piece of the narrative and not the whole<br />
story.<br />
As science broke through and vaccines emerged, we saw the hope of a return to<br />
normal. Due to many reasons, we are not at the end of the saga that is our<br />
pandemic-laden world. Yet, we are optimistic. We are hopeful because we see<br />
what is possible with our very own eyes.<br />
At Smart Start, we are approaching our work with the optimism inherent in the<br />
young children we serve. We do our work, not in isolation but with and through<br />
our partners in the community. To ensure that all children turn five ready to<br />
thrive, we focus our efforts on three areas:<br />
1. We invest our human and financial resources in the early childhood<br />
community.<br />
2. We collaborate and convene people and groups around data and research<br />
to drive solutions.<br />
3. We seek innovative ideas, solutions, and practices to advance opportunities<br />
for the youngest citizens in Mecklenburg County.<br />
Here are just a few examples of our impact within our three pillars:<br />
INVEST<br />
Allocated funding for <strong>FY20</strong>-<strong>21</strong>, which includes $33 million in state, county, and<br />
private funds to 18 local agencies providing 26 activities to families and<br />
children ages birth to five.<br />
Provided free training opportunities for the evidence-based Parent-Child<br />
Interactive Therapy for local clinicians.<br />
Fully funded the local WAGE$ program, improving the quality of early care<br />
and education for young children.
Hosted the inaugural Partner Powered Conference for our funded partners<br />
and programs.<br />
Published our study of children with special healthcare needs, titled Taming<br />
The Octopus.<br />
Establishing our first Early Childhood Solutions group.<br />
In partnership with Read Charlotte, launched the Ready4K platform in<br />
Mecklenburg County.<br />
Hired our first Chief Early Education Officer as a crucial step in moving<br />
towards universal pre-k.<br />
Saw continued growth in the MECK Pre-K program, with 105 classrooms<br />
currently in operation.<br />
Launched our first round of Innovation Grants in the spring of ‘<strong>21</strong>.<br />
Jake House<br />
CEO<br />
MaryBeth Simon<br />
Board Chair<br />
*FY<strong>21</strong> accomplishments reflect activity conducted between July 2020 - June 20<strong>21</strong>
C O N T E N T S<br />
T U R N F I V E R E A D Y T O T H R I V E<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
05<br />
06<br />
07<br />
08<br />
09<br />
12<br />
Financial <strong>Report</strong><br />
Health Programs<br />
Invest Highlight: Funded Partners<br />
Family Support Programs<br />
Collaborate & Convene Highlight: Taming the Octopus<br />
Early Care & Education Programs<br />
Innovate Highlight: Innovation Grants<br />
Literacy Programs<br />
<strong>Impact</strong> Highlight: Grant Success Outcomes<br />
Community Engagement & Funders
H E A L T H P R O G R A M S<br />
All children deserve access to<br />
high-quality physical and mental<br />
health care, early identification<br />
of developmental delays and the<br />
intervention services necessary<br />
to catch them up, and healthy<br />
models for good habit<br />
formation. Therefore, Smart<br />
Start partners with programs<br />
that empower parents with<br />
information related to brain<br />
development and developmental<br />
milestones, promote the<br />
adoption of innovative,<br />
evidence-based therapies by<br />
Charlotte providers, and expand<br />
access to services and<br />
treatments children need to turn<br />
five ready to thrive.<br />
P R O G R A M S<br />
Sound Beginnings - Charlotte<br />
Speech & Hearing<br />
Child Care Health Consultants –<br />
Mecklenburg County<br />
Guiding Parents to Services – Smart<br />
Start of Mecklenburg County<br />
Early Childhood Intervention -<br />
Novant Health Presbyterian<br />
Medical Center<br />
Polliwog Project – Thompson<br />
P A G E 0 2
P R I S M A I N C .<br />
I N V E S T H I G H L I G H T<br />
F U N D E D P A R T N E R S<br />
For over 27 years Smart Start of Mecklenburg County has worked as a network<br />
of agencies across North Carolina allocating funding for programs that positively<br />
influence early childhood development and adult opportunity. Today, Smart<br />
Start of Mecklenburg County allocates $33 million in state, county and private<br />
funds to 18 local agencies providing 26 activities to families and children ages<br />
birth to five. Our four-tiered strategy includes the following points:<br />
01<br />
02<br />
03<br />
04<br />
Positively impact policy, practice, and investments<br />
for all children birth to five and their families.<br />
Supportive home environment and communities for<br />
children ages birth to five.<br />
Children are healthy and developmentally ready for<br />
kindergarten.<br />
Children have access to high quality, nurturing early<br />
learning environments.<br />
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P R I S M A I N C .<br />
F A M I L Y S U P P O R T<br />
P R O G R A M S<br />
P R O G R A M S<br />
We recognize that the<br />
responsibility for a family’s<br />
success does not rest solely with<br />
the family; it is shared with the<br />
systems within the community<br />
and culture that either help or<br />
hinder a family’s ability to<br />
succeed. Therefore, Smart Start<br />
invests strategically at all levels.<br />
This includes our partnerships<br />
with local agencies and early<br />
childhood experts, our<br />
convening work within the<br />
community, and on a systemslevel<br />
by identifying the gaps and<br />
barriers within our support<br />
networks and advocating for<br />
change and additional<br />
resources.<br />
Nurse-Family Partnership –<br />
Care Ring<br />
Child Adult Relationship<br />
Enhancement – Safe Alliance<br />
Safe Journey – Communities In<br />
Schools<br />
The Basics Mecklenburg –<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg<br />
County<br />
Parents as Teachers – YMCA of<br />
Greater Charlotte<br />
Family Education & Support -<br />
Thompson<br />
Early Childhood Prevention &<br />
Early Intervention –<br />
Mecklenburg County<br />
P A G E 0 4
P R I S M A I N C .<br />
C O L L A B O R A T E &<br />
C O N V E N E H I G H L I G H T<br />
T A M I N G T H E O C T O P U S<br />
Taming the Octopus:<br />
An Overview of the<br />
Systems of Care for<br />
Children Under Age 5 with<br />
Special Health Care Needs<br />
in Mecklenburg County<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County published our study of children with<br />
special healthcare needs, titled Taming The Octopus. In Mecklenburg<br />
County, an estimated 7,000 to 12,000 children under the age of 5 are at<br />
increased risk for a chronic, physical, developmental, behavioral, or<br />
emotional condition that requires care or services beyond that generally<br />
required by children. The organizations and systems in place to meet<br />
those needs are various, complex, and sometimes expensive, which<br />
unintentionally leaves caregivers and children falling through the cracks.<br />
In the fall of 2020, the board of Smart Start of Mecklenburg County<br />
commissioned a study to outline the complex systems of care for<br />
children with special health care needs (CSHCN). As a result, Taming the<br />
Octopus: An Overview of the Systems of Care for Children Under Age 5 with<br />
Special Health Care Needs in Mecklenburg County, was published. The study<br />
identified gaps in services, barriers to access, and suggestions for ways in<br />
which Smart Start of Mecklenburg County can improve the system of care<br />
for CSHCN.<br />
.<br />
P A G E 0 5
P R I S M A I N C .<br />
E A R L Y C A R E &<br />
E D U C A T I O N P R O G R A M S<br />
P R O G R A M S<br />
Smart Start recognizes the high<br />
cost of poor childcare and<br />
invests 80% of its funds<br />
accordingly. These funds are<br />
used to educate families on how<br />
to locate good childcare and<br />
increase access to high-quality<br />
childcare for low-income<br />
families through subsidies and<br />
accessible, high-quality preschool.<br />
Funds are also used to<br />
offer teacher training and bonus<br />
payments for teachers intent on<br />
attaining higher education levels<br />
and supporting childcare<br />
centers' licensure and safety<br />
with technical assistance.<br />
Charlotte Bilingual Preschool<br />
NC Pre-K – Charlotte Mecklenburg<br />
Schools<br />
Early Childhood Teacher Education –<br />
Central Piedmont Community College<br />
Lakewood Preschool Cooperative<br />
MECK-Pre K – Smart Start of<br />
Mecklenburg County<br />
Quality Every Day – Child Care<br />
Resources, Inc.<br />
Resource and Referral – Child Care<br />
Resource, Inc.<br />
The Learning Collaborative<br />
WAGE$ - Child Care Services<br />
Association<br />
Directors Leadership Academy – Child<br />
Care Resources, Inc.<br />
Child Care Subsidy – Mecklenburg<br />
County<br />
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P R I S M A I N C .<br />
I N N O V A T E H I G H L I G H T<br />
I N N O V A T E H I G H L I G H T<br />
I N N O V A T I O N G R A N T S<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County is known for its allocation of state,<br />
county, and private funds to local early childhood serving agencies. In<br />
order to increase impact and innovation, Smart Start of Mecklenburg<br />
County granted over $115,000 in one-time funding for innovative projects<br />
addressing gaps in services for families and children ages birth to five.<br />
The grants focused on rapid cycle, evidence-based or evidence-informed<br />
projects that will lead to the identification of outcome disparities for<br />
vulnerable families and the fall-out of pandemic response on preschoolaged<br />
children. The 20<strong>21</strong> grant recipients include:<br />
Atrium Health Foundation<br />
Bridging Healthcare and Community Settings for Infant Health<br />
Charlotte Bilingual Preschool<br />
Reading Bridge<br />
Myers Park Pediatrics<br />
At-risk Newborn Intervention<br />
National Black Child Development Institute<br />
Addressing Exclusionary Practices in Early Childhood Education<br />
Using a Systems Change Approach<br />
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P R I S M A I N C .<br />
L I T E R A C Y P R O G R A M S<br />
Children need daily access to<br />
high-quality picture books and a<br />
loving adult to share them with.<br />
Therefore, Smart Start provides<br />
access to engaging children’s<br />
books, with practical<br />
suggestions for parents, so that<br />
caregivers can share them in<br />
loving, everyday interactions<br />
that expand a child’s<br />
understanding of the world.<br />
P R O G R A M S<br />
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library –<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County<br />
Raising A Reader – Child Care<br />
Resource, Inc.<br />
Ready4K – Smart Start of<br />
Mecklenburg County<br />
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G R A N T S U C C E S S O U T C O M E S<br />
P R I S M A I N C .<br />
I M P A C T H I G H L I G H T<br />
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P A G E 1 1
C O M M U N I T Y<br />
E N G A G E M E N T<br />
3,059 FOLLOWERS<br />
1,350 FOLLOWERS<br />
4,202 FOLLOWERS<br />
330 FOLLOWERS<br />
F U N D E R S ' 2 0 - 2 1<br />
We are grateful for the continued support from our lead institutional funders.<br />
P A G E 1 2
Turn Five Ready to Thrive<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County<br />
(704) 377-6588<br />
601 E. 5th Street, Suite 500<br />
Charlotte, NC 28202<br /><br />
SmartStartMeck<br />
SmartStartMeck<br />
SmartStartMeck<br />
SmartStartMecklenburgCountyCharlotte<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County<br />
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.