Central Valley Corvettes - February 2022

Central Valley Corvettes of Fresno - February 2022 Newsletter

Central Valley Corvettes of Fresno - February 2022 Newsletter


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What a great time had by all. Triangle Drive-in on McKinley for lunch and<br />

a great group of friends sharing their <strong>Corvettes</strong>.<br />

Volume 31 Number 2 <strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Corvette Club was<br />

chartered in 1991 for the owners of the only<br />

real AMERICAN sports car, the awesome<br />

CORVETTE. It's a social organization with<br />

activities that provide enjoyment for the true<br />

Corvette lover.<br />


6.30 P.M. ON THE 3 RD MONDAY OF<br />


FALLS CAFE, 4020 N. CEDAR AVE,<br />





MEMBERS.<br />

Club activities include monthly meetings,<br />

car shows, weekend Club activities,<br />

overnighters, picnics, road rallies, summer<br />

cruises, holiday get-to-gathers and more!<br />

Eligibility for membership in CVC is defined<br />

in Article III, section 1 of the bylaws in part<br />

as follows: "Membership in <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

<strong>Corvettes</strong> shall be open to all Corvette<br />

owners who are sponsored by a member in<br />

good standing. Additionally, a prospective<br />

member must, within a three month period,<br />

attend two consecutive meetings, participate<br />

in two club sanctioned<br />

social activities, pay current membership<br />

dues and initiation fees, and be approved by<br />

two-thirds vote of membership present at a<br />

general membership meeting by secret ballot.<br />

Sponsors shall be responsible for advising<br />

prospective member of results. All members<br />

must submit proof of personal insurance in<br />

accordance with California State Law upon<br />

application for membership, and all members<br />

must be a member of the association<br />

providing club liability insurance for<br />


A prospective member who does not have a<br />

sponsor will be provided one by the<br />

membership committee. Non-members may<br />

not participate in more than three meetings or<br />

two sanctioned activities as per CVC Bylaws.<br />

CVC membership dues are $67.00 plus an<br />

initiation fee of $35.00. Membership entitles<br />

two members at the same address voting<br />

privileges at meetings (provided they are in<br />

good standing) and membership rights.<br />

Please feel free to contact the membership<br />

chairperson, Julie Sons @ 779-1718 or any<br />

officer on the following page.<br />

Yosemite Falls Cafe @ 6:30 PM


Jeff Engelman<br />

907-1200<br />

super78@comcast.net<br />


Keith Garrison<br />

355-9549<br />

keithgar@aol.com<br />


Julie Sons<br />

779-1718<br />

juliebomb@yahoo.com<br />


Debbie Garrison<br />

355-9548<br />

keithgar@aol.com<br />


Dick Danielsen<br />

298-5229<br />

redanielsenr@aol.com<br />

Mission Statement / Officers..... 2-3<br />

A Word from our President.......... 4<br />

New Officers………………………... 5-8<br />

Birthdays & Anniversaries............ 9<br />

In the Headlights – Lisner’s………. 10<br />

Secretaries Minutes……………. 11-12<br />

CVC Activities............................ 13<br />

CVC Event Flyers................... 14-23<br />

Event Pictures….……………….. 24-31<br />

From our Sponsor, Ed Dena....... 32<br />


Mike Lebda<br />

905-9971<br />

mjlebda@comcast.net<br />


Chuck Laningham<br />

304-7662<br />

laningham@hotmail.com<br />


Linda Laningham<br />

304-7662<br />

laningham@hotmail.com<br />


Charlie Fosnaugh<br />

299-0547<br />


<strong>February</strong> Presidents message<br />

It won't be long before it will be perfect weather for a good drive. Looking forward to getting together<br />

with members on some fun runs. Got the fluids up to temperature on a good mountain drive in my '09<br />

recently. Boy, it sure felt good. I drove by Table Mountain Casio on the way. Wow! What an awesome<br />

expansion they are finishing up. It will be interesting to see what restaurant choices they have.<br />

In case I don't see you at the Triangle Inn run or Super Bowl party have a great Valentine's Day. It<br />

originated as a Christian “feast day” honoring martyrs, but has now become a cultural, religious and<br />

commercial celebration of romance. During holidays such as this I always think back to what we did in<br />

grade school during these special days. I can vividly remember exchanging those basic cards made<br />

from stickers with everyone. At one time we even had a mock post office to 'mail' our cards and letters<br />

to other students. It's funny what 'sticks' in our memory about such holidays and events.<br />

Finally, a quick Corvette Racing update:<br />

In 2021, the No 3 Corvette C8.R took the Drivers and Team titles in the GT Le Mans (GTLM) class of<br />

IMSA. The No. 4 Corvette C8.R came home in second place in the final point standings. Together, the<br />

two cars helped Chevrolet to its 14th Manufacturers title in GT racing.<br />

But in <strong>2022</strong>, the GTLM class changes to GTD PRO with more cars and manufactures being involved.<br />

Corvette Racing will also compete in the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC). Competing in<br />

six races across three continents, the WEC is a World Championship and is important for Corvette,<br />

Chevrolet and the team. One Corvette C8.R will run the full calendar in each series.<br />

Jeff Engelman<br />


Meet Jeff Engelman, CVC President<br />

After graduating from CSUF (Fresno State) in 1980, I<br />

started working for PG&E as an Energy Management<br />

Representative and Engineer. The projects at PG&E<br />

were a perfect fit for my major, Industrial Technology<br />

with an electrical/electronics emphasis. I worked on a<br />

large variety of projects: industrial electrical<br />

inspection, energy management and electrical<br />

under grounding, among others. I received several<br />

awards for the quality of my reports. I also worked for<br />

the City of Fresno as an Environmental Control Officer<br />

until retirement in 2016. I enforced federal and state industrial water<br />

regulations. I really enjoyed both jobs and worked in some way with literally<br />

most commercial and manufacturing businesses in the valley. One of the<br />

most interesting plants was the former Armstrong/Pirelli tire plant in Hanford.<br />

Raw rubber blocks come in one side of the plant and tires ready for your car<br />

exit the other end.<br />

During Christmas 2016 Stephanie and I were admiring the decorations on<br />

Candy Cane Lane. Well, out came Lori Dukes from her house to say, “Hello.”<br />

She noticed my Corvette Owners Association jacket and asked if we were<br />

interested in coming to a CVC meeting. We went to the next meeting,<br />

enjoyed everyone in the group and looked forward to the activities. Our<br />

new member application was signed in May of 2017. I have served on the<br />

Board of Directors as Vice President/Activities Coordinator and now as<br />

President.<br />

Stephanie and I met about thirty years ago through a mutual Friend. We<br />

married one year later. We have lived in our current house ever since with<br />

our latest cuddly cat named Ziggy. Hiking is a favorite activity for us. We<br />

belong to a local gym and work out as often as we can. Stephanie loves<br />

Zumba! The Monterey peninsula and Big Sur area are our favorite 2-3 day<br />

get away destinations. We love the scenic routes, hiking trails and<br />

restaurants in the area.<br />

My first Corvette was a 1978 Pace Car. I still love the C3 design, although by<br />

the mid to late 70's the performance was greatly reduced because of<br />

emissions regulations. I completely rebuilt the entire suspension to make it<br />

handle better and added an overdrive transmission. The car was a blast on<br />

twisty roads! These older cars can't hold a candle to the newer generations,<br />

but if properly updated is lots of fun to drive. Wish I still owned that car. I<br />

currently own a 2009 Victory Red coupe,

Meet Dick Danielsen, CVC Treasurer<br />

I have been a member of <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Corvettes</strong> for<br />

approximately 13 years. My wife Ruthie and I joined the<br />

club after Linda Laningham kept telling me I should buy a<br />

Corvette and join the Corvette club she and Chuck<br />

belonged to because the people in the club were really<br />

nice and all the activities were a lot of fun. Well, I bought<br />

a Corvette and we did indeed join the club. Ruthie and I<br />

enjoyed our club membership together for 11 years;<br />

however, sadly, she passed away in June of 2020. Linda<br />

was right, the club is composed of extremely nice folks<br />

and Ruthie really valued and appreciated the friendships she shared with club<br />

members.<br />

As far as my involvement in the club goes, I have served on the Board of Directors<br />

in the positions of Vice President for Public Relations/Membership, Vice President<br />

for Activities, President, and now as Treasurer. Also, prior to it becoming a part of<br />

the Vice President for Public Relations duties, I served on the Membership<br />

Committee. Additionally, I have planned many runs of various types and have<br />

also assisted others with the planning and coordination of their runs.<br />

I am retired from the U.S. National Park Service where I served in progressively<br />

more responsible public safety (law enforcement) positions for 32 years. I spent<br />

the majority of my career at Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA)<br />

where I was ultimately promoted to the position of Chief Park Ranger and was<br />

responsible for planning, coordinating, developing, and executing (through<br />

subordinate staff) all protection ranger operations within GGNRA. This involved<br />

such things as visitor protection (safety), law enforcement, natural and cultural<br />

resource protection, fire prevention/suppression, and emergency medical and<br />

search and rescue operations.<br />

As a collateral duty during my park service career, I served as a Finance Section<br />

Chief for 11 years on California National Incident Management Teams (teams that<br />

are assigned nationally to manage the suppression of very large, complex<br />

wildland fires and the mitigation of natural disasters) and have managed related<br />

fiscal matters costing more than 1 million dollars per day. Also in the position of<br />

Chief Park Ranger, I managed an annual budget of 2 million dollars spread over<br />

multiple accounts. I sincerely hope this qualifies me to hold the position of CVC<br />


Meet Julie Sons, CVC Membership<br />

My husband David and I became part of the<br />

CVC family in November 1995. A dear friend<br />

(Steve Smitha) was the Public Relations<br />

chairperson that year and he encouraged us to<br />

come to a meeting. Many of you knew Steve<br />

and he was such an amazing man but sadly he<br />

passed away of cancer in 2007.<br />

When I met David he owned a white 1984 coupe that he<br />

purchased when they first rolled out the new C4 model. I was<br />

told he was going through a mid-life crisis so I guess you can say<br />

I married into a love for the Vette. We were married in 1986 and<br />

in 1995 I surprised him with a new C5 Aqua Metallic Coupe for<br />

his birthday. After the new C5’s came out we really loved the<br />

look so we sold the ’95 to a friend and purchased a Navy Blue<br />

Metallic 6-speed Convertible. Of course when the new C6’s<br />

came out we repeated the same scenario and we now are on<br />

our fourth Corvette (C6) 2007 Le Mans Blue 6-speed Convertible.<br />

Bonus: If you can correctly guess how many miles we have on<br />

our current Corvette you may win a prize. Hint: She is young at<br />

heart!<br />

Together, David and I have a blended family. HIS: three<br />

daughters (April, Teresa & Penny) MINE: two daughters (Jennifer<br />

& Megan) and OURS: a son (Dave). They are all married now<br />

and we have a total of 9 grandchildren. Our oldest grandson<br />

just turned 21 and I just can’t believe how time has flown. I<br />

retired in April 2020 after a 40-year career at the VA Medical<br />

Center and shortly thereafter we purchased a new RV (2020<br />

Winnebago View). We are having a great time traveling to fun<br />

destinations and also driving to North Carolina where our son<br />

and his family now live. We don’t currently have any pets after<br />

we lost our dog Booch about a year ago.<br />

As always, enjoy the RIDE and save the WAVE.

Meet Keith Garrison, VP Activities & Debbie Garrison, Secretary<br />

Keith and I met at a car show at Fat Jack’s when it was on<br />

Blackstone and our first date was to a Corvette Run to<br />

Madera Speedway in May 1991. Keith brought his 17-yearold<br />

son Butch on the date, and I knew after that date he was<br />

the guy for me. Keith was in <strong>Corvettes</strong> of Fresno at that time<br />

and in October of that year we started <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong><br />

<strong>Corvettes</strong> with seven other couples. By January 1992 we had<br />

57 members. We married in May 1992 and had a Corvette<br />

Wedding at the home of Andy and Connie Anderson. The<br />

whole club participated from lining the driveway with all their<br />

beautiful corvettes to serving our 200 plus guests. Keith had a<br />

1958 Grey Corvette Roadster at the time and we still have it.<br />

We bought a 1981 Dark Blue Metallic Coupe with air<br />

conditioning after an extremely hot 2nd President’s Run to Felton that resulted with me<br />

have heat exhaustion. We went on many runs and adventures in that car including to the<br />

Grand Opening of the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY and all over California,<br />

Oregon, Hawaii, Arizona & Nevada. So many runs so much fun with fellow Corvetters.<br />

Keith and I have served on the Board several times and it has always been a great<br />

experience. Being on the Board or leading a run with another couple or other members<br />

brings you a whole other level of friendship that everyone should experience. This Club has<br />

been like family to us, and we have formed great friendships, some just a few years old<br />

some for more than 30 years. We have a Black 1998 Corvette Convertible that we have<br />

had for almost 20 years that car and Keith and I have been through so much together.<br />

We are both retired now, Keith from Sanger Unified High School as District Grounds<br />

Supervisor where he worked for over 25 years. Before that he worked for Kings View<br />

Hospital as an Industrial Therapist working with recovering addiction and metal health<br />

patients. Before that he had his own business as property improvement contractor. I retired<br />

from Algonquin Power, a natural gas power plant where I ran the office for 12 years. Before<br />

that I spent 30 years at various propane companies.<br />

We have two children Kelly & Keith (His) but mine now. Kelly is single and a commercial<br />

property manager and a golf enthusiast. Keith (Butch) is married and is currently working<br />

as a luxury foreign car mechanic. His wife Shannon is doing her residency to become a<br />

doctor at the University of Kentucky at Lexington. They have two boys (Our Greatest Joys)<br />

Corbin 19 and Carson 14.<br />

We have three dogs and a lot of cats; I rescue strays that are dumped and have them<br />

fixed most of them stay. Smart cats.<br />

Our favorite thing is going on corvette runs. We love RVing with our dogs and friends at the<br />

Coast. Our favorite restaurant at the coast is Brad’s; we love their clam chowder and their<br />

fish and chips. Our next RV trip hopefully will be this June when we travel back to Lexington<br />

to see Butch and his family.<br />

Looking forward to many more years enjoying <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Corvettes</strong>.

January is already in the achieve dust and it<br />

already appears the days, weeks and months are<br />

ticking down very quickly. I think that might be an<br />

age perception but doesn’t it seem that time is just<br />

flying by? I can’t get over how beautiful our<br />

weather has been and it is proven that people feel more happy and content<br />

when the weather is nice so get outside and do something fun. Don’t forget<br />

your sweetie this month as Valentine’s Day is fast approaching.<br />

In the month of January we had two new members join CVC. Welcome to:<br />

‣ Mitch Koligian & Margaret Tejerian<br />

We had 48 members attend the January meeting and we also had four<br />

visitors attend the January meeting. They are:<br />

‣ Garry & Dianne Woodward (’91 Aqua Blue Coupe)<br />

‣ Mike & Stacy Stanger (’21 Cyber Gray)<br />

On behalf of the entire club members we want to say welcome to <strong>Central</strong><br />

<strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Corvettes</strong> Club and we look forward to a fun filled activity calendar<br />

of events.<br />

At the end of the month of January our membership stands at 80 members.<br />

Happy Birthday to the following <strong>February</strong> Birthdays:<br />

Skip Severance Feb 01<br />

Sue Comer Feb 02<br />

Steve Rosen Feb 05<br />

Margaret Tejerian Feb 11<br />

Linda Laningham Feb 25<br />

Happy Anniversary to the following couples:<br />

Chuch & Linda Lanningham Feb 04, 1967 55 YEARS<br />

Bob & Kathy Marine Feb 09. 1974 48 YEARS<br />

Roger & Valerie Merritt Feb 24, 1963 59 YEARS<br />

Congratulations to Kim & Charlie Fosnaugh who won in the January<br />

Anniversary drawing<br />

Remember to support your club by bringing a raffle prize to donate and also<br />

wearing member’s badge and/or club shits.

In the Headlights<br />

With the Linsner’s<br />

Q&A<br />

Pam & Gary<br />

1. What is your favorite<br />

food/restaurant?<br />

2. When did you buy your first<br />

Corvette? How many have you owned?<br />

3. Where did you meet each other?<br />

How long have you been married?<br />

4. How many children/<br />

grandchildren do you have? Names?<br />

5. What line of work do/did you do?<br />

6. How do you like to spend your free<br />

time? Hobbies?<br />

Mike’s Pizzeria<br />

We purchased our Corvette in 2021<br />

We have been married for 46 years and met<br />

through mutual friends<br />

We have two children Breanne and Michael<br />

and two grandchildren Jack & Olivia<br />

(Pam) School Administrator; (Gary) Property<br />

Appraiser<br />

Traveling; SF Giants Games<br />

7. What is the furthest place you have<br />

ever traveled?<br />

Italy<br />

8. How did you discover CVC? When?<br />

On line in June 2021<br />

9. What would be your fantasy CVC run<br />

or your most memorable run you<br />

participated in the past?<br />

National Corvette Museum<br />

10. Do you have pet(s)? Names?<br />

Two dogs Gonzo and Winnie


MINUTES of JANUARY 17, <strong>2022</strong><br />

President Jeff Engelman called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Jeff welcomed the Members and<br />

presented Mike Lebda with a plaque in appreciation for his time as President. Mike presented plaques<br />

to Kathy Marine for her duties as Secretary, to Lynne Henenfent for her duties as Treasurer and Jeff<br />

Engelman for his duties as VP of Activities. LeighAnne Severance was not in attendance and will be<br />

presented with her plaque at a later date.<br />

Secretary Debbie Garrison – Read the Minutes of the December 20, 2021. Jeff called for a motion to<br />

approve the minutes. Charlotte Renna made a motion and Chuck Laningham seconded the motion.<br />

VP of Public Relations/Membership – Julie Sons introduced guests Mitch Kolligian and Margaret<br />

Tejerian to the Members as the potential members that will be voted at this meeting. Julie welcomed<br />

Mike and Stacy Stanger and her long-time friends Garry and Dianne Woodward as guests. Julie passed<br />

around the current roster to have members make any changes or additions, she will be updating roster<br />

and emailing it out to membership. She also passed around information on new club shirts. Julie<br />

announced the January birthdays and anniversaries. Congratulations Charlie and Kim Fosnaugh our<br />

anniversary gift card winners.<br />

Treasurer’s Report Dick Danielsen – Dick did the Treasury Report with an accounting of deposits and<br />

checks written and current balance. Copy is attached. Stephanie Engelman sold $290.00 in raffle tickets<br />

for the January meetings<br />

VP of Activities Keith Garrison – Keith talked about Run Idea hand-outs on the tables and mentioned<br />

that there is How to do a Run Sheet available. Keith gave a listing of current runs on the schedule and<br />

several runs were added. See the Activities List for a full list.<br />

Old Business – No old business<br />

New Business – Newsletter Update – Mike Lebda stated that the deadline for articles, reports, flyers or<br />

pictures is the 25 th of each month.<br />

Parliamentarian – Mike Lebda – nothing to report.<br />

Sunshine and Clouds – Linda Laningham polled the room for news from the members.<br />

Sergeant-of-Arms – Chuck Laningham – Collected $1.00 in badge fines.<br />

Next General Meeting – Yosemite Falls Café, Granite Park, Monday, <strong>February</strong> 21, <strong>2022</strong> at 6:30 PM

Next Board Meeting – The next board meeting is at the home of Julie Sons, Monday, January 24, <strong>2022</strong><br />

at 10:00 AM. Please let Jeff know if you plan on attending.<br />

Meeting Adjourned – Jeff called for meeting to be adjourned Charlie Fosnaugh made the motion and<br />

motion was seconded by Diane Tjerrild.<br />

Respectfully submitted,<br />

Debbie Garrison<br />

Secretary<br />

<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Corvettes</strong><br />

Raffle was conducted by Mike Henenfent and assisted by Chuck Laningham, Kim Fosnaugh and Mike<br />

Lebda.<br />

Raffle prizes were donated by Danielsen, Derringers, Dukes, Engelmans, Fosnaughs, Garcias,<br />

Henenfents, Hendersons, Kings, Kroeker, Laninghams, Lebdas, Linsners, Marines, Nulls, Olson, Peluso,<br />

Piercys, Renna, Rosens and Sons.<br />

Congratulations to our $50.00 winners the Garrahans and the Garrisons.



FEBRUARY <strong>2022</strong><br />

It was great to see so many of you at the January Meeting. We have a great start of Activities on the calendar<br />

so far with events proposed or scheduled for <strong>February</strong>, March, April, and May and three overnighters that are<br />

in the works.<br />

I would love to see every couple lead or co-lead a run or activity this year. A great way to start is with planning<br />

a dinner or lunch run to favorite restaurant here in town or in one of the surrounding towns. Let’s do it! And<br />

Debbie and I will help!<br />

Debbie has a lunch run at Triangle Drive-In on McKinley and Chestnut on January 29, <strong>2022</strong> at 11:00 AM we<br />

have 34 people signed up. Wear your Club shirt and bring your Corvette.<br />

It looks like Mike and Mary Lou’s Super Bowl Party is going to be fun; Football for the sports fan and dominoes<br />

for those that would rather play games. Food and fun what more could you want and a chance to win money<br />

too. Win, Win!<br />

The Never Too Late President’s Run at the end of March. Progressive Dinner proposed for April, Clovis<br />

Rodeo, Madera Raceway Run & Indy 500 Potluck are scheduled. See the list below for proposed activities.<br />

ACTIVITIES FOR <strong>2022</strong><br />

TRIANGLE DRIVE-IN JANUARY 29, <strong>2022</strong> GARRISON<br />

SUPER BOWL PARTY FEBRUARY 13, <strong>2022</strong> LEBDA<br />

CORVETTES & COFFEE FEBRUARY 19, <strong>2022</strong> MTN CORVETTES<br />

SPRING MOUNTAIN RUN MARCH 19, <strong>2022</strong> ENGELMAN<br />

NEVER TOO LATE PRESIDENT’S RUN MARCH 28-APRIL 1, <strong>2022</strong> LEBDA<br />

CLOVIS PARADE APRIL 23, <strong>2022</strong> FOSNAUGH<br />

CARUTHERS CAR SHOW APRIL 30, <strong>2022</strong> GARRISON<br />

COB GAMBLER’S CLASSIC MAY 12-14, <strong>2022</strong> COB<br />

MADERA SPEEDWAY-VUKOVICH RUN MAY 14, <strong>2022</strong> KING<br />

NEVADA OPEN ROAD CHALLENGE MAY 13-15, <strong>2022</strong> LINSNER<br />

PROGRESSIVE DINNER MAY 21, <strong>2022</strong> SONS, DUKES, LINSNER<br />


500 INDY RACE POTLUCK MAY 29, <strong>2022</strong> KING<br />



Lebda’s Super Bowl Party<br />

(Dominos for the Ladies)<br />

<strong>February</strong> 13, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Start time about 2pm.<br />

$5 per person to cover Hot Dogs,<br />

Non-alcoholic Drinks, and Chips.<br />

Signup deadline is the January meeting.<br />

That will also be the deadline for payment.<br />

If you would like to bring a dish or desert,<br />

indicate it on the signup sheet.<br />

Any questions call Mike or Mary Lou<br />

@ 559-369-6158<br />

PS. Don’t forget to bring Money.

Spring Foothill Run<br />

Saturday, March 19, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Let's get in a run to the foothills while they are still green. We will leave at 9:15 am sharp from<br />

the parking lot in front of Starbuck’s at Friant and Fort Washington Roads. We will take<br />

Auberry Road and Powerhouse Road to Bass Lake and on to El Cid Restaurant in Oakhurst.<br />

Nice drive with less traffic and only a couple of stop signs along the way to the restaurant.<br />

Reimer's ice cream is right next door for dessert. Hey! It's only a couple of days after St.<br />

Patrick's day, feel free to have a green beer in celebration. No run fee<br />

We did the same drive last April to Ducey's and everyone liked it. We will be in El Cid's<br />

banquet room.<br />

Contact me with any questions.<br />

Jeff Engelman<br />


March 28 th to April 1 st<br />

On March 28 th we will embark on a trip to some familiar and not so<br />

familiar places. You will need to have a full tank of gas and both warm<br />

and winter clothing. Your trip fee will include Hotel costs, event costs,<br />

and some meals. You will need to pay your trip fee by the <strong>February</strong><br />

meeting and there will be no refunds after <strong>February</strong> 20 th .<br />

Due to the cost of this run and the uncertainty of COVID the run will not<br />

be a total mystery.<br />

Monday March 28 th we will depart at 8am for the Aquarius Casino in<br />

Laughlin.<br />

Tuesday March 29 th we will depart Laughlin for Williams Arizona<br />

Wednesday the 30 th we will return to Laughlin for the next 2 nights.<br />

Thursday the 31 st we will go on an adventure.<br />

Friday the 1 st we will head home.


In the Clovis Rodeo’s<br />

Annual Parade!<br />

Saturday, April 23, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Meet at:<br />

Time:<br />

Caravan:<br />

Judy’s Donuts in The Trading Post Center on the SE corner of Herndon & Clovis Ave.<br />

Donuts & Coffee from 7:45 to 8:00 am - No later than 8:00 am, Saturday morning.<br />

We leave at 8:05 am to the parade staging area (Barstow, just west of Sunnyside).<br />

We MUST be in place on Jefferson before 8:30 am as they close all of the streets in the area.<br />

We will wait on Barstow approximately ½ to 1 hour until we are called on to line up.<br />

Parade Theme: “HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!<br />

Wear/Bring: You’re CVC Cap & CVC Shirt / “HAPPY DAYS” Car Decor, Water, Chair, Umbrella, etc.<br />

Rules:<br />

Lunch:<br />

ABSOLUTELY NO BURN-OUT OF TIRES. If one car spins its tires, we will all be escorted off<br />

the parade route and never be invited back again. No throwing of candy or trinkets.<br />

(Only walkers may hand out goodies). Yes, you MAY honk, wave, smile and sing!<br />

We will meet up after the Parade at Red Robin, SE corner Shaw/Clovis for Lunch / Ice Cream<br />

Contact: Charlie Fosnaugh at fosnaugh@comcast.net or 281-2876<br />

Please Sign up by the April 18 th Meeting!


MAY 12 – 14, <strong>2022</strong> IN LAUGHLIN, NEVADA<br />



Our host hotel is again Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort and Casino in Laughlin Nevada. The Resort is<br />

offering GAMBLER’S CLASSIC PARTICIPANTS a Special Room Rate:<br />

Standard Room: 2 Queen Beds w/ Mountain View<br />

Sunday-Thursday- 59.00/night plus resort fees & tax<br />

Saturday & Sunday- 99.00/night plus resort fees & tax<br />

Upgrades available for King or River View and Executive Room<br />

Sunday-Thursday- 59.00/night plus $10.00 + tax (King or River View)<br />

Saturday & Sunday- 99.00/night plus $50.00 + tax (Executive)<br />

To make your reservations, please call the hotel at 800-227-3849; OPTION 1 – CODE: C/GMBLR.<br />

Rooms are blocked for this event, but limited, so please book early.<br />

We have included a registration form your convenience; please fill out and return ASAP to ensure your<br />

slot in this classic event.<br />

Check out our attached schedule of events for a list of times and places of all the events for the three days<br />

of the Gambler’s Classic. Costs for the optional events are on the registration form.<br />

Events include a Fun Run, Poker Run, Scenic River Cruise, London Bridge Jet Boat Tour, Dinner River<br />

Boat Cruise and/or Private Cocktail Cruise and of course the Car Show.<br />

CORVETTES OF BAKERSFIELD welcomes you to join us and make some lasting memories among<br />

many Corvette Friends.<br />

CORVETTES OF BAKERSFIELD is a 501(c)3 – Public Charity and all proceeds from this event will<br />

benefit local charities the club supports. As a bonus, COB will, based on the number of entries give a donation<br />

to the two clubs with most entries in the car show to the 501(c)3 charity of their choice.<br />

Please check out our website for more information, CORVETTESOFBAKERSFIELD.ORG. If you have<br />

any questions, Please do not hesistate to call/text LINDA MCNITT @ 661-978-9518 OR by EMAIL:<br />


***SEE YOU IN LAUGHLIN – <strong>2022</strong>***







MAY 14, <strong>2022</strong><br />


LARRY KING 559-908-0495

Progressive Dinner Party<br />

Saturday, May 21 st<br />

Add date to your<br />

calendar. More<br />

information to come<br />

4:00 pm<br />

Appetizer/Salad<br />

The Sons’<br />

473 W.<br />

Muncie<br />

Clovis, 93619<br />

5:30 pm<br />

Entrée<br />

The Linsner’s<br />

2697 W. Sierra Ave.<br />

Fresno, 93711<br />

7:30 pm<br />

Dessert<br />

Lori Dukes<br />

492 W. Athens<br />

Clovis, 93619

106 th Running of Indy 500 Race<br />

Sunday - May 29, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11:00 AM<br />

Larry & Janet King’s Home<br />

1631 W Magill Ave, Fresno<br />

$5.00 Per Person<br />

To cover cost of Hot Dogs, Non-Alcoholic drinks & chips<br />

Sign-up Sheet for Appetizer, Side Dish or Dessert<br />

More Info at Meeting<br />

Larry – 559-908-0495<br />

Janet – 559-960-0659

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