Volume 27 Issue 4 - February 2022

Gould's Wall -- Philip Akin's "breadcrumb trail; orchestras buying into hope; silver linings to the music theatre lockdown blues; Charlotte Siegel's watershed moments; Deep Wireless at 20; and guess who is Back in Focus. All this and more, now online for your reading pleasure.

Gould's Wall -- Philip Akin's "breadcrumb trail; orchestras buying into hope; silver linings to the music theatre lockdown blues; Charlotte Siegel's watershed moments; Deep Wireless at 20; and guess who is Back in Focus. All this and more, now online for your reading pleasure.

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Eliana Cuevas, the Jazz Room, Feb 12<br />

Lorne Lofsky, the Jazz Room, Feb 19 Mark McLean, the Rex, Feb 23-26<br />

has been based in Toronto throughout her career and has released six<br />

albums of original music. Her newest, El Curruchá, is a collaboration<br />

with famed Venezuelan musician Aquiles Báez, and was released on<br />

Alma Records in 2021. Whether in the duo format of her new album,<br />

or in the quintet format in which she’ll be appearing at the Jazz Room,<br />

Cuevas is a powerful, accomplished performer, whose vocal prowess is<br />

matched by her deep melodic and rhythmic engagement.<br />

On <strong>February</strong> 19, the Lorne Lofsky trio takes the stage. Lofsky is<br />

one of Canada’s pre-eminent jazz guitarists, with a long and storied<br />

career that includes a coveted tenure in Oscar Peterson’s quartet,<br />

touring with Peterson in the 80s and 90s, and appearing on three of<br />

Peterson’s albums: The More I See You, An Oscar Peterson Christmas<br />

and the live album Oscar in Paris. Though 2021 was a complicated<br />

year for new music, Lofsky released a brand-new album: This Song<br />

Is New, which came out in April on Modica Music. Featuring saxophonist<br />

Kirk MacDonald, bassist Kieran Overs and drummer Barry<br />

Romberg, the album sees Lofsky rearranging some standards (Seven<br />

Steps to Heaven in 5, Stablemates in 7) and playing contrafacts over<br />

others (Evans from Lennie, a Lennie Tristano-style adaptation of<br />

Pennies from Heaven). At the Jazz Room, Lofsky will be joined by<br />

Barry Elmes and Kieran Overs, for what should prove to be a night of<br />

exciting, swinging music.<br />

The Rex<br />

At the Rex, live music is coming back strong in <strong>February</strong>. Their<br />

Juno series continues, with four four-day residencies throughout the<br />

month. The first, from <strong>February</strong> 2 to 5, features the Kirk MacDonald<br />

Quintet, with MacDonald on tenor, Virginia MacDonald on clarinet,<br />

Brian Dickinson on piano, Neil Swainson on bass and Terry Clarke<br />

on drums. Up next, from <strong>February</strong> 9 to 12, the Dave Young Quintet<br />

hits the stage, with Young on bass, Kevin Turcotte on trumpet, John<br />

Johnson on saxophone, Terry Clarke on drums, Reg Schwager on<br />

guitar (<strong>February</strong> 9 and 10) and Brian Dickinson on piano (<strong>February</strong> 11<br />

and 12). From <strong>February</strong> 16 to19, check out pianist Bernie Senensky’s<br />

Quintet and, from <strong>February</strong> 23 to 26, drummer Mark McLean’s<br />

Playground project.<br />

It’s hard to say what <strong>February</strong> will bring, but – in both this column<br />

and the club listings – I am assuming the best, and writing about<br />

currently scheduled shows. Only time will tell whether or not these<br />

shows will happen, so please be in touch with clubs directly to<br />

confirm. Stay safe, support your local clubs and musicians, and here’s<br />

hoping that we all see one another in person soon.<br />

For venue contact information, see In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz),<br />

page 31/32.<br />

Colin Story is a jazz guitarist, writer and<br />

teacher based in Toronto. He can be reached<br />

at www.colinstory.com, on Instagram and<br />

on Twitter.<br />

J u s t a n n o u n c e d ,<br />

c a n c e l l e d ,<br />

p o s t p o n e d ,<br />

r e s c h e d u l e d f r o m ,<br />

n e w d a t e T B A<br />



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Kirk MacDonald and his daughter, Virginia MacDonald, with<br />

Barry Romberg on drums, in a previous show at the Rex.<br />

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thewholenote.com <strong>February</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | <strong>27</strong>

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