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June<br />
Blood Pressure:<br />
Meet Our Case Manager<br />
Kathy Buckley, R.N., B.S.N.<br />
Manage your blood pressure!<br />
Diet<br />
Exercise<br />
Smoking<br />
Alcohol<br />
Weight<br />
120<br />
80<br />
Reduce salt and sugars. Say goodbye to highcholesterol<br />
foods (burgers, cheese, ice cream and<br />
junk food). Say hello to 4-5 cups of fruit and vegetables<br />
daily; one serving of fish two or three times a week;<br />
add more whole grains and choose low-fat dairy.<br />
Get 30 minutes of activity at least five times a week.<br />
Quit!<br />
Drink moderately. (One glass of alcohol a day, or none)<br />
Lose it! Even 10 pounds makes a difference.<br />
Try to keep your<br />
blood pressure<br />
under this number!<br />
1 in 3 adults<br />
has high blood<br />
pressure.<br />
Often there<br />
are no signs or<br />
symptoms.<br />
High blood<br />
pressure<br />
increases<br />
heart disease<br />
and stroke<br />
risk!<br />
High blood pressure<br />
doubles – and may<br />
quadruple – your stroke<br />
risk if left uncontrolled.<br />
“Education, empathy,<br />
and encouragement<br />
are key to working<br />
with members to<br />
help them achieve<br />
their wellness<br />
goals,” said Kathy,<br />
a BlueAdvantage<br />
Administrators<br />
of Arkansas case<br />
manager. She has<br />
33 years of nursing<br />
experience, including<br />
hospice, pediatrics<br />
and pre- and post-operative care. Kathy’s<br />
goal is to empower members to make<br />
healthy decisions that will motivate them<br />
toward overall wellness. In her free<br />
time, she loves working out at the gym.<br />