Tyson Health Flyer (JULY 2021)

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Play it safe<br />

In the summertime, you should plan<br />

your outdoor activities to avoid the sun’s<br />

strongest rays. As a rule, seek shade and<br />

remember that the sun’s ultraviolet (UV)<br />

rays are the strongest between 10 a.m.<br />

and 4 p.m. Kids can follow this rule easier<br />

by using “the shadow rule.” Tell kids that<br />

the sun’s UV rays are strongest when<br />

their shadow on the ground is shorter<br />

than they are.<br />

00078.01.03.721<br />

summer<br />

in the<br />

SOURCES: CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • American Cancer Society • FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration<br />

sun!<br />

Remember that certain oral and topical<br />

medicines, including antibiotics, birth<br />

control and benzoyl peroxide products,<br />

can increase the sensitivity of your skin<br />

and eyes to UV rays. Check the label<br />

on your medicines and discuss the<br />

risks with your doctor. Cosmetics that<br />

contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)<br />

also may increase sun sensitivity and<br />

susceptibility to sunburn. Look for the<br />

FDA’s recommended sun alert statement<br />

on products that contain AHAs.<br />

The American Cancer Society’s awareness campaign for skin cancer prevention<br />

promotes the slogan “Slip! Slop! Slap! and Wrap.” This catchphrase reminds people<br />

of the four key ways they can protect themselves and their children from UV radiation:<br />

slip<br />

on a<br />

shirt<br />

Tightly-woven,<br />

light-colored,<br />

lightweight<br />

fabrics will<br />

provide you<br />

with the most<br />

comfort and<br />

protection.<br />

slop<br />

on<br />

sunscreen<br />

Use a broad-spectrum (protecting<br />

from both UVA and UVB) sunscreen<br />

with a sun protection factor (SPF) of<br />

15 or greater to protect uncovered<br />

skin. For best results, apply the<br />

sunscreen 30 minutes before sun<br />

exposure and reapply every 1-1/2<br />

to 2 hours even on cloudy days and<br />

after swimming or sweating. Both<br />

selection of the sunscreen and<br />

re-applications are important.<br />

slap<br />

on a<br />

hat<br />

For the most<br />

protection, wear a<br />

hat with a brim all<br />

the way around that<br />

shades your face,<br />

ears, and the back<br />

of your neck. If you<br />

wear a baseball cap,<br />

don’t forget to protect<br />

your ears and the<br />

back of your neck.<br />

wrap<br />

on<br />

sunglasses<br />

Sunglasses protect your<br />

eyes and the sensitive<br />

skin around them from<br />

UV rays. Sunglasses<br />

that block both UVA and<br />

UVB rays offer the best<br />

protection. Wrap-around<br />

sunglasses work best<br />

because they block UV<br />

rays from sneaking in<br />

from the side.<br />

Meet Our Case Manager<br />

Angela Earnest, R.N.<br />

“I help our<br />

members<br />

live fearlessly<br />

by teaching<br />

them about<br />

the tools and<br />

resources that<br />

are available<br />

to them.”<br />

<strong>JULY</strong><br />

Angela, a BlueAdvantage<br />

Administrators of Arkansas<br />

case manager, has 13 years<br />

of nursing experience in<br />

medical surgery, oncology,<br />

skilled nursing care,<br />

hospice and outpatient<br />

clinics. Like all of our case<br />

managers, Angela enjoys<br />

telling members about the<br />

fact case management is<br />

available to them. Our case<br />

managers have knowledge<br />

and training to help you<br />

and your family navigate<br />

the healthcare system.<br />

When Angela isn’t helping<br />

members, she is the<br />

assistant cheer coach for<br />

the Mini Miner cheerleaders<br />

in Bauxite. She also loves<br />

gardening in her yard and<br />

spending time with her<br />

two children.

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