Tyson Health Flyer (AUG 2021)

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Back-to-school<br />

time!<br />

Don’t forget shots!<br />

Immunizations protect your children from harmful diseases<br />

like chicken pox and flu, which can be life-threatening.<br />


GRADES 1-5<br />

GRADE 6<br />

GRADE 7<br />

GRADES 8-9<br />

GRADE 10<br />

GRADE 11<br />

GRADE 12<br />

Booster doses: Measles, chicken pox, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping<br />

cough (DTaP vaccine), polio<br />

Only the annual flu shot<br />

Diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (DTaP vaccine), meningitis, HPV (Gardasil) #1 of 2<br />

HPV #2 of 2; Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations at age 12<br />

HPV, if dose missed in 7th grade<br />

Meningitis booster<br />

Annual flu shot<br />

Men-B (meningitis) (May be recommended as a booster)<br />

your<br />

child<br />

should receive a<br />

flu shot<br />

every year.<br />

Meet Our Case Manager<br />

Robin Hill, R.N.<br />

“Always<br />

with me,<br />

always<br />

with you.”<br />

<strong>AUG</strong>UST<br />

Robin, a BlueAdvantage<br />

Administrators of<br />

Arkansas case manager,<br />

has 12 years of<br />

experience in home<br />

health skilled nursing,<br />

extended care and<br />

cardiac care. As a case<br />

manager, Robin’s goal is<br />

to assist each member<br />

in providing educational<br />

information and<br />

information on available<br />

community resources,<br />

while working with the<br />

member’s physician and<br />

other healthcare team<br />

members to maximize<br />

their health benefits.<br />

In her free time, Robin<br />

loves rock concerts and<br />

spending time with<br />

her grandson.<br />

Some states and school districts require vaccinations for hepatitis B and other<br />

diseases. Check with your local school district and/or doctor for more information.<br />


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