2022 Weston Beach Race Regulations

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REGULATIONS <strong>2022</strong><br />


21 ST – 23 RD OCTOBER <strong>2022</strong><br />


WBRv1 – Supp Regs

INDEX<br />


‣ Administration<br />

‣ Announcement & Jurisdiction<br />

‣ Fees & Payment Dates<br />

‣ Programme<br />

‣ Passes<br />

‣ Prize Money And Trophies<br />

‣ Important Dates & Times<br />


‣ <strong>Race</strong> Class – Age Eligibility<br />

‣ Licences – Start Permission<br />


‣ Rider Numbers<br />

‣ Parc Ferme<br />


‣ Transponders<br />

‣ Electronic Timekeeping<br />


‣ Rider Registration<br />

‣ Technical Control System<br />

‣ Technical Control – Section 1<br />

‣ Technical Control – Section 2<br />


‣ Pits Layout And Access<br />

‣ Pits Terms Of Use<br />

‣ Pits Safety<br />

‣ Bike Recovery<br />

RACING<br />

‣ <strong>Race</strong> Course And Start Of <strong>Race</strong><br />

‣ Racing<br />

‣ Flags<br />

‣ <strong>Race</strong> Infractions<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs

INDEX<br />

‣ Code of Conduct<br />


‣ Medical Exemption<br />

‣ Medical<br />


‣ Environmental<br />

‣ Work With Us<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



RHL Activities Ltd<br />

Email: info@rhlactivities.com<br />

The Bryn Garage<br />

Penpergwm<br />

Abergavenny Tel: 01873 840640<br />

Monmouthshire NP7 9AT<br />


Auto Cycle Union Ltd (ACU) Email: admin@acu.org.uk<br />

ACU House<br />

Wood Street<br />

Rugby<br />

England CV21 2YX Tel: 01788 566400<br />


HS Sports Ltd Email: westonbeach@hssports.co.uk<br />

Kinetic House<br />

Varey Road www: www.transponderhire.co.uk<br />

Congleton<br />

Cheshire CW12 1UW Tel: 01260 275708<br />


<strong>Race</strong> Secretary RHL Activities Ltd E: secretary@rhlactivities.com<br />

Rider Administration RHL Activities Ltd E: rider@rhlactivities.com<br />

Technical RHL Activities Ltd E: technical@rhlactivities.com<br />


Premier Camping RHL Activities Ltd E: events@rhlacitivites.com<br />

01873 840640<br />


Social Media/Press RHL Activities Ltd E: media@rhlactivities.com<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




The <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> is a World Renowned International Endurance <strong>Beach</strong> Cross.<br />

The event is in its 39 th Year<br />

Event Site:<br />

<strong>Beach</strong><br />

<strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare<br />

North Somerset<br />

BS23 1BE<br />

RHL Activities Ltd are the Organisers and Promotors of the Event.<br />

DATE<br />

The event date is the 21 st – 23 rd October <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, Marine Parade, <strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare, North Somerset, BS23 1BE<br />


An Endurance <strong>Beach</strong> Cross held under the National Sporting Code of the Auto Cycle Union, ACU Handbook <strong>2022</strong>, the<br />

Supplementary Regulation and Terms and Conditions of RHL Activities Ltd.<br />


ACU WBR2201<br />

FIM 490/52<br />

FIME 30/877<br />


All classes are open to any eligible rider holding a current licence issued by the following bodies:<br />

‣ ACU (Auto Cycle Union)<br />

‣ SACU (Scottish Auto Cycle Union)<br />

‣ National or International issued by the FIME – Issued with a Start Permission<br />

‣ Copies of Start Permission documents issued by the FMN must be submitted within seven days of receipt of entry<br />

application<br />

‣ Riders may purchase an Auto Cycle Union Day Licence during application – this is non refundable.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs





Class<br />

Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight Online Late Entry<br />

Midnight<br />

12.03.22 05.06.22 06.08.22 24.09.22 14.10.22 18.10.22<br />

Solo – Under 40’s 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00<br />

Solo – Over 40’s 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00<br />

Quad Solo 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00<br />

Quad 4x4 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 170.00 180.00<br />

2Man 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00<br />

Sidecar 170.00 180.00 190.00 200.00 210.00 220.00<br />




Class<br />

Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight Midnight Online Late Entry<br />

Midnight<br />

12.03.22 05.06.22 06.08.22 24.09.22 14.10.22 18.10.22<br />

Youth 65 119.00 124.00 129.00 134.00 139.00 145.00<br />

Youth 85 SW/BW 119.00 124.00 129.00 134.00 139.00 145.00<br />

Youth 125/250 119.00 124.00 130.00 135.00 139.00 155.00<br />

Rider entries received after midnight of the 24 th September <strong>2022</strong>, will not appear in the Official <strong>Race</strong> Program<br />


‣ Electronic application received<br />

‣ Payment received in full<br />


‣ Entry fees are non refundable except under medical exemption<br />

‣ Entry fees are non transferable<br />

‣ Entry applications are non transferable<br />

‣ Incomplete/inaccurate entry applications – no response from applicant within required time scale of being asked for<br />

requested information<br />

‣ Online entry system automatically expires applications that have been marked with Errors. Applicants must ensure they<br />

provide the information requested or will automatically forfeit their entry fee upon expiry<br />


An Administration charge of £25.00 + VAT will be incurred by an applicant, if upon submission of the electronic entry, the following<br />

changes have to be made. These changes must be notified no later than midnight 24 th September <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

‣ Side Car Entrants/2 Man Quad – change of passenger<br />

‣ Change of Class (plus any additional fee relating to the specific class and the pricing bracket at that time)<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Schools Day<br />

Times May Alter<br />


Residents Afternoon Tea<br />

Schools Day<br />

Press Day<br />

Times May Alter<br />

Times May Alter<br />

FRIDAY<br />

Training Day<br />

10.00am – 13.00pm – Times May Alter<br />


Class Time Duration<br />

Youth 125/Open 09.00 – 10.30 1.30 hours<br />

Youth 65CC 11.00 – 12.15 1.15 hours<br />

Adult Quad and Sidecar 13.00 – 16.00 3 hours<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Class Time Duration<br />

Youth 85SW/85BW 10.00 – 11.30 1.30 hours<br />

Adult Solo 13.00 – 16.00 3 hours<br />

<strong>Race</strong> schedule subject to change<br />

Times – weather/event dependent<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs

PASSES<br />


‣ 1 Rider Identification pass – picture – RFID enabled (Radio Frequency Identification Card)<br />

‣ 2 Mechanic pass<br />


‣ 2 Rider/Passenger Identification pass – picture/chipped<br />

‣ 2 Mechanic Pass<br />

In the event the Health and Safety Advisory group, within the local authority request a reduction in numbers within the<br />

pits, due to Covid 19, one of the mechanic passes will be replaced with an event entry pass. This will be outside of RHL<br />

control.<br />


The Rider, Mechanic and Event Passes will allow you access to the event site all weekend.<br />

The Rider/Mechanic/Event passes will be clearly identifiable to the <strong>Race</strong> that was entered to restrict access to the Pits Area<br />

to the day of your race.<br />


Additional Mechanic passes cannot be purchased.<br />


Any rider who loses their rider pass, may forfeit their right to race.<br />

Replacement Rider passes cannot be produced at the event site.<br />


In the event a Mechanic pass is lost there will be a charge of £180.00 payable for a replacement substitute pass.<br />

The pass will not be granted until all security information is verified. The Rider/Responsible Adult, in the case of youth riders,<br />

is the only person able to obtain a replacement Mechanic Pass. Any Rider who requests a secondary substitute pass through<br />

loss, will be treated as suspect request and dealt with under the RHL Fraud Policy.<br />


RHL cannot be held responsible for any lost Rider or Mechanic passes. You are advised to keep these passes safe. It is the<br />

responsibility of the person receiving the pass/passes to ensure their safety.<br />

Riders/Parents/Guardians who carry out the Rider Registration process are urged to ensure they are given the correct passes<br />

at the time of Rider Registration at the event site, as mistakes cannot be rectified once you have left the Rider Registration<br />

window that you were processed at.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th<br />

Overall Adult Quad (Q1,Q2,Q3) £600 £350 £250 £150 £100 £80 £70 £60 £50 £40<br />

Side Cars £200 £150 £100<br />

Overall Solos £1500 £1000 £750 £300 £200 £175 £160 £150 £140 £130<br />

All prize money will be paid directly to the paypal account used when paying for your online entry.<br />

2 Man and Side Car prize money will be paid in full to the paypal used when paying for your online entry.<br />

In the event RHL does not hold your paypal information, the RHL accounts team will contact you direct for your bank details.<br />

All prize money will be paid within 7 days of the last race of the event.<br />

Solo Adult overall winner - Free entry into following year <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> if entered prior to 31 st July <strong>2022</strong><br />




Solo – Two Wheel 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 65CC 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Solo Lady – Two Wheel 1 st 85SW 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Solo Over 40 – Two Wheel 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 85BW 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Solo Quad 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 125CC 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Solo Quad Lady 1 st Open 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Two Person Quad 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

4 x 4 Quad 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Side Cars 1 st 2 nd 3 rd<br />

Any Trophy not collected at the event will be taken back to the RHL Offices. It will be the responsibility of the Prize winner<br />

to arrange collection or delivery to their designated address.<br />


Spot prizes will be announced during the year<br />


Saturday<br />

Sunday<br />

1 hour after finish of last race of the day<br />

1 hour after finish of last race of the day<br />


Trophy presentations will be carried out on the weekend, based on the Provisional Results. The results will be subject to<br />

photographic, video and timing investigations and any amendments will be carried out for the final publication within 14<br />

days of the race weekend.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


RIDER ENQUIRIES – Situated At Welcome Office<br />

Friday - 21 st October <strong>2022</strong> 08.30am - 17.30pm<br />

Saturday - 22 nd October <strong>2022</strong> 08.30am - 17.00pm<br />

Sunday - 23 rd October <strong>2022</strong>2 08.30am - 16.00pm<br />


Friday 08.30am - 17.00pm<br />


Friday 08.30am - 18.00pm<br />

Saturday (Extenuating Circumstances only) 30 mins after racing<br />


Friday 08.30am - 17.00pm<br />

Saturday 08.30am - 17.00pm<br />

Sunday 08.30am - 17.00pm<br />


Within 30 mins of race ending<br />

RHL Event Offices located by Parc Ferme<br />


Released if not utilised Midnight 31 st July <strong>2022</strong><br />


Notification Deadline Midnight Sunday 2 nd October <strong>2022</strong><br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




Maximum Starters Age Capacity<br />

Solo Under 40 1002 15 – 70* Upto 1000cc 2 or 4 Stroke (MX SR2.2)<br />

Solo Over 40 Over 250cc 2 Stroke<br />

Over 250cc 4 Stroke (ESR 5)<br />

Solo Quad Q1 Upto 500cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 850cc 4 Stroke<br />

Two Man Quad Q2 Upto 500cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 850cc 4 Stroke<br />

500 15 – 70*<br />

4 x 4 Quad Q3 Upto 500cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 1000cc 4 Stroke<br />

Side Cars Upto 750cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 1000cc 4 Stroke<br />


Maximum Starters Age Capacity<br />

65cc 150 7 – 10 years Upto 65cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 110cc 4 Stroke<br />

85cc Small Wheel 9 – 12 years Upto 85cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 150cc 4 Stroke<br />

200<br />

85cc Big Wheel 11 – 14 years Upto 85cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 150cc 4 Stroke<br />

125cc 13 – 17 years Upto 125cc 2 Stroke<br />

200<br />

250cc 14 – 17 years Upto 125cc 2 Stroke<br />

Upto 250cc 4 Stroke<br />

AGE<br />

The age is as at the 1 st January <strong>2022</strong><br />

*Riders over the age of 70 at the 1 st January <strong>2022</strong> have to have approval from the ACU (Auto Cycle Union)<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




All classes are open to any eligible rider holding a current Licence issued by the following bodies:<br />

‣ Auto Cycle Union (ACU)<br />

‣ Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU)<br />

National or International licences issued by the following:<br />

‣ National Motorcycle Federation (FMN)<br />

‣ European Motorcycle Union (FIME)<br />

National or International Licences must be accompanied with a Start Permission<br />


A Start Permission is an assurance from your Governing Body to the <strong>Race</strong> Governing Body (ACU) that you have the<br />

appropriate licences and insurance to the level required by the FIM/ACU.<br />

Start Permissions can be obtained from your governing body, in the country in which you live<br />

Start Permissions must be emailed to secretary@rhlactivities.com<br />

All Start Permissions must be submitted within seven days of receipt of online application<br />

Entries will not be processed until the Start Permission has been accepted by the ACU.<br />


United Kingdom resident riders can purchase a Day Licence during the online entry application process at a cost of<br />

£15.00.<br />

Day Licences can be purchased by Competitors over 70 during the online entry application process however RHL<br />

Activities Ltd will have to seek permission from the ACU prior to issuing of the Day Licence.<br />

Day Licences are non refundable and non transferrable.<br />

The Day Licence are kept on file and copies lodged with the ACU. A rider may request a copy by email to<br />

secretary@rhlactivities.com<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Rider numbers can be selected by the competitor during the online application process.<br />

Rider numbers will be confirmed and shown on your Rider Profile Information which will be emailed out to all<br />

riders as confirmation of their entry.<br />

Rider numbers once allocated cannot be amended.<br />

Rider numbers must be clearly displayed on the FRONT NUMBER board and SIDE PANELS of the bike<br />


Solo riders who finished within the top 100 in 2021 will have their position number automatically allocated to<br />

their Rider Profile for utilisation in <strong>2022</strong><br />

Quad riders who finished within the top 25 in 2021 will have their position number automatically allocated to<br />

their Rider Profile for utilisation in <strong>2022</strong><br />

Seeded numbers will be automatically released back in to the online entry system, if they are not utilised by the<br />

above riders by midnight of the 31 st July <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



The Parc Ferme is split in to colour coded areas, which dictate the races. Each colour coded area is broken down into rows<br />

and when a Rider receives their Welcome Pack, their Technical Control Card will clearly state their Area and Row, in which<br />

they will be required to place their machine.<br />

The Parc Ferme placements are allocated by our Rider Administration Team.<br />

Spaces within the Parc Ferme are allocated in order of priority of receipt, along with experience and race history.<br />

The results from the previous year for the overall top 100 Riders in the Solos and top 50 Riders in the Quads, will be allocated<br />

in order of application, with priority given to anyone who entered before 31 st July 2020. All applications thereafter will be<br />

allocated according to experience, race history and space left within the top 100. Top 100 spaces are not guaranteed.<br />

Parc Ferme placements, once issued cannot be amended.<br />


The Parc Ferme is a sterile area where the Rider will park their machine directly after being processed through the final stage<br />

of Technical Control.<br />

Riders will hand over their fully completed Technical Control Card to the Parc Ferme team, upon entering this secure area.<br />

Riders must ensure the following prior to placement of their machine in Parc Ferme:<br />

‣ A fully charged Transponder is affixed to their machine prior to entering the Parc Ferme.<br />

‣ The machine is race ready<br />

‣ The machine is fuelled<br />

Once a rider has put their machine into the Parc Ferme, they will not be able to enter until the day of their racing.<br />

On the day of racing, Riders will be permitted to enter the Parc Ferme circa 5 minutes prior to racing.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



‣ You will need an electronic transponder timing device to compete.<br />

‣ Riders who do not have their own Transponders must hire within seven days of receipt of online entry application.<br />

‣ Online Entry applications will be automatically updated for participants who hire a transponder.<br />

‣ Your <strong>Race</strong> number cannot be issued until your application shows a valid Transponder number.<br />

‣ Entry applications will automatically expire seven days after commencement of processing if no<br />

transponder.information provided, with forfeit of fees as set out under fees and payment dates.<br />


‣ Riders can use their own Transponders if they are manufactured by AMB/MyLaps.<br />

‣ If a rider wishes to use their own Transponder they must enter their Transponder number during the application<br />

process<br />

‣ Mylaps MX AMCA transponder are not compatible and cannot be used<br />


The <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> Timing partner is:<br />

HS Sports<br />

Tel: 01260 275708<br />

Email: westonbeach@hssports.co.uk<br />

www.transponderhire.co.uk<br />


‣ Hire Before Midnight Saturday 24 th September <strong>2022</strong> - £35.00<br />

‣ Hire From Sunday 25 th September <strong>2022</strong> - £45.00<br />


‣ £150.00 – secured against credit card.<br />

‣ Security lifted upon safe return of Transponder.<br />

‣ If Transponder not returned Deposit will be taken by Timing Company as payment for lost Transponder.<br />


All Hired Transponders will be collected on the day of Registration at the event site from the Timing Building, located at the<br />

event site.<br />

They must be collected AFTER a Rider has carried out Registration Procedures and prior to entering the Parc Ferme.<br />

Hired Transponders will be fully charged upon collection from the Timing Building.<br />

All Hired Transponders must be returned to the Timing Building, as soon as you complete your race, to release your deposit<br />

charge of £150.00 on your credit card.<br />

There is a test loop set up at the entrance to Parc Ferme to ensure the Transponder registers with the Timing system. If your<br />

Transponder fails to register when passing through the Timing Test Loop area, you will not be allowed to proceed through to<br />

Parc Ferme.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


TIMING<br />

‣ Electronic Timekeeping will be used throughout the duration of the <strong>Race</strong>.<br />

‣ You will need an electronic transponder timing device to compete.<br />

‣ A Timing Loop will be placed at the finish area.<br />

‣ There will be no manual lap scoring during the event.<br />

‣ It is the sole responsibility of the Rider to ensure their machine is affixed with a fully charged Transponder<br />


There will be split sector timing.<br />

The <strong>Race</strong> circuit will be split into time monitored sectors. This is for the purpose of carrying out reviews and investigations<br />

into inconsistency of lap times.<br />

Results may be amended accordingly as a result of these investigations and may result in disqualification of any person whose<br />

lap time results show an inconsistency based on the analysis of the split sector times<br />

In the case of evidence provided to the <strong>Race</strong> Team by the Timing department of a rider who shows anomalies in their lap and<br />

split lap times, will be investigated for possible race infraction.<br />

A Rider who is found to have course cut, swapped machines, swapped transponders or carried out any other illegal race<br />

action will be automatically disqualified and their name and results removed from the Official published Results.<br />

All Riders who have been disqualified will be published by RHL and the reason for their disqualification. These Riders will<br />

automatically ben disqualified from entering the <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> in the following year.<br />


There will be a large Timing Screen situated opposite the Transponder and Timing Building located on the lawn side of the<br />

promenade.<br />

Timing Screens are also situated within the VIP Bistro<br />


This is available through the following:<br />

‣ http://www.theresultslive.co.uk/weston-beach-race<br />

‣ https://speedhive.mylaps.com/LiveTiming<br />

RHL APP<br />

Riders and their party are asked to download the RHL App. This is the fastest way to have up to date information in connection<br />

with the event, from change of timetable, results, public announcements etc.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Welcome Office<br />

Friday 21 st October <strong>2022</strong><br />

Entrance to Event Site<br />

08.30am – 17.30pm<br />

All Riders will receive a Welcome Email, which will have their Rider Profile attached. This is an important document and<br />

MUST be either printed off and brought to Rider Registration or be available in electronic format to enable you to carry out<br />

the Rider Registration.<br />

Rider Registration is administered from a Large White Double Deck Artic Unit, located at the entrance of the Event Site.<br />

There will be designated windows clearly identified, for different race classes and race numbers. Please ensure you queue<br />

in the correct lane to go to the correct window, to carry out your registration process. If you go to the wrong window, the<br />

person who is working there will not be able to help you as they will not have your rider records.<br />


Once you have located your window, please show your Rider Profile information to the person who is working that section.<br />

They will check the details and then carry out the Rider Signing on procedures and issue the following to yourself:<br />

‣ Technical Card<br />

‣ Rider Pass - This is an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Card)<br />

‣ Mechanic Pass(s) - Please check you receive the appropriate passes<br />


This will be activated at Registration. You will need this to carry out Technical Control and to enter Parc Ferme.<br />


In exceptional circumstances, Riders can elect to nominate a person to carry out Registration and Technical Control on their<br />

behalf. If this is the case the person who will be carrying out the procedures for the Rider will need to bring the following:<br />

‣ Rider Profile Information<br />

‣ Photographic ID of themselves (the person who is acting on behalf of the Rider)<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


SYSTEM<br />


Your Technical Control Card will be issued to you at Registration on the Friday prior to the event.<br />

‣ <strong>Race</strong> Number<br />

‣ Class<br />

‣ Parc Ferme Place<br />

‣ Frame Number<br />

‣ Transponder number<br />

Please ensure the information printed on this document is correct.<br />

RFID RIDER CARD – (Radio Frequency Identification Card)<br />

Riders must show their RFID Rider Card along with their Technical Card at each section of Technical Control. This will be<br />

scanned at each section along with the Technical Card being completed. The RFID chip will be pre programmed to recognise<br />

the order in which the Rider must carry out Technical Control.<br />


This is split in to two sections<br />

‣ Technical Control 1 Helmet, Boots, Body Armour - Immediately After Welcome Office/Friday Only<br />

‣ Technical Control 2 Machine - Outside Parc Ferme<br />

Please ensure you hand your Technical Control card to the Technical Officers at each section, as this must be completed and<br />

stamped<br />

If your Technical Control Card has not been updated by our Team, at each stage it will be classified as invalid and you will not<br />

be allowed to put your machine in to the Parc Ferme<br />


You must ensure you carry out this part of the Technical Control process prior to having your Bike checked.<br />

Area - Entrance to Event Site<br />

Please note change of venue on the Saturday to Entrance to Parc Ferme<br />


Area - Entrance to Parc Ferme<br />

Technical Control MUST be carried out in the order above. Riders cannot pass to Technical Control 2 until they have carried<br />

out Technical Control 1 and had their Technical Card and RFID Card scanned. Failure to adhere to this will result in the Rider<br />

being turned away at Technical Control 2 and having to restart the process in order.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


SECTION 1<br />

Riders must carry out Rider Registration Procedures, prior to proceeding to Technical Control. The Rider Registration Team<br />

will scan your RFID Rider Card at Registration to make it live for the event.<br />


Your helmet has to be physically inspected, which means a member of the RHL Technical Team will have to handle the Helmet.<br />

The helmet will be inspected as follows:<br />

‣ Rider will put the helmet on the table as directed by the Technical inspector<br />

Helmets bearing the ACU gold or silver stamp, in good condition and properly fitted must be worn by all competitors<br />

In line with ACU Sporting Code any Helmet that fails Technical Control will be confiscated, an identifying stamp affixed and it<br />

stored in a Secure area, for collection at the end of the event. The Rider will be given a unique reference card for collection<br />

of the Helmet at the end of racing from the RHL compound.<br />

A Rider who has failed this section of the Technical Control will have to produce another Helmet before carrying out the<br />

remainder of the Technical Control procedures. A rider who fails to do this will automatically exclude themselves from racing.<br />

Confiscated Helmets will be transferred to the RHL Event Offices, for collection at the end of the event.<br />

BOOTS<br />

You will be asked to put your Boots on the table for a visual inspection. Appropriate knee length Motocross/Enduro Riding<br />

Boots<br />

GLOVES<br />

Appropriate Motocross/Enduro Riding Gloves – These do not form part of the Technical Control<br />


You will be asked to put your Back and Chest Protector on the table for a visual inspection.<br />


Please ensure this has been completed by the officials prior to proceeding to Technical Control Section 2 – Machine and your<br />

Rider RFID card scanned.<br />


These do not form part of Technical Control, but Riders must be aware the use of ‘Tear Off’ lenses on goggles is not permitted<br />

within this event site.<br />


The use of ‘Tear Off’ lenses on goggles is not permitted within this site.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


SECTION 2<br />

Please ensure you have carried out Section 1 of Technical Control, prior to proceeding to this Section. You MUST complete<br />

section 1 of the Technical Control process prior to carrying out Section 2 of Technical Control<br />


Please ensure your Technical Card has been updated with the last four digits of your frame number, before presenting your<br />

machine to the Technical Officers.<br />

The following should be noted, as these are items that will be looked at during the scrutineering process.<br />


If the primary transmission is exposed, it must be fitted with a guard as a safety measure<br />

All Sidecars and Quads must be fitted with Cut Out Lanyards<br />


Direction indicators and Wing Mirrors must be removed. Other glass and plastic lenses must be taped.<br />

Side stands must be removed<br />


These must be clearly displayed on both the Front Number Board and Side Panels.<br />


Sound Testing and Engine Measuring may be carried out during this section of Technical Control<br />

Any rider whose machine fails the Sound Testing or refuses to have their Engine Measured will be classified as failing Technical<br />

Control and will not be allowed to race.<br />

The maximum sound level is 96 DBA for 2 stroke machines and 94 DBA for 4 stroke machines (based on static test method)<br />

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The Pits are located on the beach, directly alongside the Tropicana Café – Marine Parade<br />

The area will be fenced off and security will control the access points.<br />

No person under the age of sixteen is allowed into the pits area, unless they are racing. Competitors under the age of 16<br />

whilst allowed in the pits for their race will not be allowed in the pits outside of these times.<br />

LAYOUT<br />

The Pits will be marked out with clearly defined access lanes. Riders will be permitted to set up their work areas, around<br />

these lanes. The lanes must be kept clear and free from work tools at all times. Space is limited.<br />


‣ Access to the Pit Area is via Security Pass Control.<br />

‣ Only those persons wearing the Passes shown on the Pass Control Board will be allowed into this restricted area.<br />

‣ Our Security are there for your safety. If you do not have the correct pass you will be refused entry<br />

‣ Any person found to be carrying a wristband will have it immediately confiscated and will not be allowed to<br />

proceed to entry to the Pits Area<br />

‣ Only those persons with Mechanic or Rider passes can enter this area on the day of their racing. The passes allocated<br />

at registration will dictate the days Mechanics/Riders are allowed in to the Pits. Persons accessing this area<br />

acknowledge they are entering into a restricted area and acknowledge Motorsport Can Be Dangerous and RHL<br />

cannot be held responsible for any injury that may occur whilst within this area<br />


‣ Mechanics can set up in the Pits on the morning of their race.<br />

‣ The Pits will be open from 07.30am.<br />

‣ You will need to access the event site through pass control at the Main Entrance.<br />

‣ Access will only be granted to those persons who are in possession of a Mechanic or Rider Pass.<br />

‣ Persons entering this area must have appropriate footwear. Flip Flops and open toe sandals are prohibited.<br />

It is the rider responsibility to ensure they allow enough time to park their vehicle and set up their pits area, in time for racing.<br />

It is recommended a minimum of two hours be allowed, before the start of the race you are competing in.<br />


The RHL Event Team are there for your assistance, we expect them to be treated with the same respect as you expect to be treated.<br />

Any incident in which a member of our Team is verbally abused, threatened or assaulted will be treated as a Criminal Act and will<br />

be dealt with accordingly.<br />

Persons involved in carrying out physical assault or damage within the event site, to any member of the RHL Team/members of<br />

public fellow riders or property within the Event Site will be escorted to the RHL Compound by members of our Security Team,<br />

where they will arrange for the Local Police to come on site for the person(s) to be handed over and charged as necessary.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Please ensure you adhere to the following within the Pits Area<br />

‣ NO Smoking<br />

‣ NO Alcohol<br />

‣ NO Standing on elevated objects or climbing<br />

‣ NO Dogs in the pits<br />

‣ NO Pushchairs or infants or babes in arms<br />

‣ NO Persons under the age of 16 unless a competitor and then only at the time of their race<br />

‣ NO Wheelchairs or mobility scooters/aides<br />

‣ NO Open Toe Sandals or Flip Flops<br />


‣ Spill mats must be used within the Pit Area<br />

‣ Spill mats must be used and in position during re fueling<br />

‣ Tyres must be taken home by the Pit Crew<br />

‣ Waste Oil and Coolants must either be deposited in the Waste Units provided or taken home by the Pit<br />

Crew<br />

‣ Strictly no Tear Offs<br />

Any Rider or team found to be in contravention of the above, will be fined an Environmental Fee of £500.00 plus<br />

VAT and may not be allowed to compete within the 2023 Event<br />


The maximum space per Rider for any Temporary Structure is 3m x 3m. Any Persons setting up a Temporary<br />

Structure must ensure it is secured to the ground correctly.<br />

In the event of winds and bad weather Temporary Structures may not be permitted and you will be asked by our<br />

Health and Safety Team to take down any Temporary Structures.<br />


Strictly no generators of any kind within the Pits Area<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs


PIT LANE<br />

This is not part of the Pits. Pit Lane will be clearly marked with PROHIBITIED AREA NOTICES. Refuelling, goggle change, mechanical<br />

work etc., carried out in this area will be classed as Outside Assistance.<br />


Riding in the pits is restricted to a speed limit of 5mph or less.<br />

Any rider found to be in breach of this speed limit will receive the following:<br />

‣ 1 st Breach – 1 Time Lap Deduction<br />

‣ 2 nd Breach – Instant Disqualification<br />

Reporting by RHL officials of riders breaking the speed limits, will be treated as a Statement of Fact<br />


Refuelling can only take place in the Pits. Under no circumstances will refuelling be allowed to take place at any other area of the<br />

race site. Spill mats must be used and in position, during re fueling.<br />

In line with Local Authority/FIM guidelines BSI (British Safety Industry) - approved cans/quick fill cans to be used<br />

.<br />


There is a clearly identified area to the PITS for signalling. This is a controlled Access Area, with only rider and mechanic passes<br />

allowed in.<br />


It is a condition of entering the pits area that these persons enter acknowledging the risks of Motorsport and absolve any persons<br />

connected with the promotion and or organisation and or conduct of the event, including the owners of the land and the riders<br />

from any liability arising out of accident causing damage or personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise) whilst within this area.<br />

Persons entering the Pits Area acknowledge they are entering an area which could cause harm and acknowledge they will<br />

conduct themselves in a manner to ensure they do not put themselves in the way of machines entering and leaving the area and<br />

also will not climb on fences or stand on any temporary equipment.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



The <strong>Beach</strong> Recovery team are there to recover any broken down bikes and their rider along the race track and return them<br />

to a safe area.<br />

If a rider experiences mechanical problems during racing, they MUST:<br />

‣ Make their way to the centre of the race circuit with their machines– this is the spectator area – please proceed with<br />

caution. There is strictly no riding in this part of the race track area. Any rider found to be riding his bike in this<br />

area, will be instantly disqualified.<br />

‣ To access this area a marshal, race official or member of the incident crew will break the Crowd Control Barriers to<br />

allow you to exit off the live race track to this area.<br />

‣ <strong>Beach</strong> Recovery will either be informed by radio of your position, or will visually see you, through the continual<br />

patrols of the live race track, for broken down machines.<br />

‣ <strong>Beach</strong> Recovery will load two wheel machines on to a trailer and tow three and four wheel machines. Riders will sit<br />

on their respective machines and both rider and machine will be taken to the designated drop off point which is<br />

opposite the Pits.<br />

‣ Riders must get their machine back in to the pits prior to commencing any work on the machine.<br />

‣ In the case of a machine being recovered with no rider, the machine will be taken to the RHL compound for<br />

safekeeping.<br />

‣ To retrieve the machine from the RHL Compound the rider will need to show his rider pass and answer security<br />

questions associated with their application.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




A purpose built course, made up of jumps and rhythm sections. Length of the full course is approximately 7k.<br />

The course is split into sectors, each with its own <strong>Race</strong> Crew and Marshals as set out in Racing<br />


‣ Youth races will use part of the race circuit.<br />


‣ Adult races will use the whole of the race circuit and their race will be 3 hours.<br />

‣ There will be no ‘overflow gates’ at the first few dunes, everyone has to complete the same course.<br />


‣ A copy of the Riders Briefing will be contained within your Rider Welcome Pack<br />

‣ An onsite Riders Briefing will take place 15 minutes prior to your race, directly opposite Parc Ferme.<br />

‣ All Riders must ensure they attend the briefing.<br />


‣ Riders will be admitted to the Parc Ferme circa 5 minutes prior to racing.<br />

‣ Riders will be escorted from the Parc Ferme by the RHL Lead Quad, via a Sterile Fenced, Security Controlled lane,<br />

through the event site, leading to the Start Gate, located on the <strong>Beach</strong>.<br />

‣ Under no circumstances must any Rider overtake the RHL Lead Quad, whilst being escorted down to the Start Gate.<br />

‣ Any Rider found to be in breach of this will be automatically excluded from results.<br />


‣ On arrival at the starting area, located on the beach, Riders will assemble behind the Heras Fencing Start Gates, in<br />

order to ensure that all riders are ‘on the beach’ for the start.<br />

‣ Please note the first Riders on to the beach, may be subject to a waiting time of up to 10 minutes whilst the remaining<br />

riders leave the Parc Ferme.<br />


‣ Once all riders have reached the beach, the starters Red Flag will be replaced by a Green Flag.<br />

‣ There will then be between 30 and 60 seconds until the Start Gates open and the race will commence.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs

RACING<br />


The event is run under the following:<br />

‣ Auto Cycle Union for <strong>Beach</strong> Racing and <strong>Beach</strong> Cross<br />

‣ Auto Cycle Union National Sporting Code for <strong>Beach</strong> Racing and <strong>Beach</strong> Cross.<br />

‣ Supplementary <strong>Regulations</strong><br />


‣ Designated Assistant Clerk Of The Course<br />

‣ Sector Marshal<br />

‣ Marshals<br />

‣ Incident Crew<br />

‣ Electronic Timing<br />

Overall control of racing is carried out by the Clerk of the Course.<br />

Please remember the marshals and race officials are there for safety. It is not their job to pull you up and over a dune. Marshals<br />

must be able to signal obstructions to warn oncoming riders. Abuse of any Officials to include Marshals by a Rider or any person<br />

associated with the Rider will result in exclusion from the overall <strong>Race</strong> Results and a ban from entering the 2023 <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> and<br />

in extreme cases a lifetime ban.<br />


‣ Riders must not ride their machines through the Medical Lanes or through any of the Tunnels leading on to the <strong>Race</strong><br />

Circuit<br />


During these races there will be designated race team personnel who will assist in the picking up and assistance of the youth riders.<br />

No parent/responsible adult related to the Rider will be allowed on the live race track. Failure to adhere to this may result in the<br />

rider being classified as receiving Outside Assistance. In the event of a severe racing incident the person connected to the Rider<br />

must approach the nearest <strong>Race</strong> track official, who will then radio through for permission to enter on to the live <strong>Race</strong> Track.<br />


A Noise Board will be displayed with the rider number, at the finish. You have one full lap to pull in to the Pits to fix the problem.<br />

Failure to adhere to this will result in disqualification.<br />


All Competitors completing one lap will be included in the results. The races are youth 1.5 hours long and adults 3 hours long.<br />

At the start of the race the clock will show the respective 1.5 hours (youth)/3 hours (adult). Once the leader has passed the<br />

finish line after the respective race time has been displayed by the race clock, this will indicate the finish of the race. Finish<br />

positions are dictated by the amount of laps each rider completes.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs

FLAGS<br />


A Yellow Flag is used to warn you of oncoming hazard.<br />

Please slow down and adjust your position on the course for your safety and that of others, including medical teams and other<br />

riders.<br />

RED FLAG<br />

In the event of a serious incident occurring, the race may be held under a Red Flag until the incident is either clear or the course<br />

is re directed. This will likely be a series of Red Flags across the top of a dune or near the incident.<br />


Any rider who is disqualified will be Black Flagged on the finish line and their race number clearly displayed on a number board.<br />


There will be a series of White Flags in static position along the Start Straight, to indicate the sterile Medical Lane<br />


In the event of an incident requiring medical attention a Medical Flag will be waved along with a Yellow Flag to indicate to the<br />

riders there is medical team on the track within that sector. Please slow down and adjust your position on the course for your<br />

safety and that of others, including medical teams and other riders.<br />


Please remember the marshals and race officials are there for safety. It is not their job to pull you up and over a dune. Marshals<br />

must be able to signal obstructions to warn oncoming riders.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Any Marshal or <strong>Race</strong> Official who observes course cutting will report the rider number immediately to the Assistant Clerk of<br />

the Course, within the sector that the incident occurred, who will in turn notify the Clerk of the Course and <strong>Race</strong> Control.<br />

<strong>Race</strong> control will notify Timing to delete all results and the Rider will be shown as disqualified on the official race results.<br />

The event is filmed and photographed throughout the course of the weekend. Any filming footage or photographs that are<br />

presented to RHL within 14 days of the last race of the event, which shows a Rider Course Cutting, Breaking of Fences, Outside<br />

Assistance, Changing of Bike or Change of Rider in the case of Solo entry for 2 or 4 wheel machines, will immediately be<br />

disqualified.<br />

Any rider reported by an official or photographed or filmed to be deemed to have course cut or deliberately breaking the<br />

track circuit fencing, will be disqualified from racing.<br />


Under No circumstances, must any race machine be ridden through the crowd. This will lead to automatic disqualification<br />

from the race. Riding of a race machine Off Track will also be classified as a Malicious Threat to the event site and will be<br />

dealt with under the RHL Malicious Threat Policy.<br />


Any rider found to be deliberately destroying track circuit fencing will be held financially liable for the replacement of panels<br />

damaged at a cost of £120.00 plus VAT and will automatically be disqualified.<br />

This is Mailicious damage only and would occur where riders deliberately course cut by riding through or over these circuit<br />

fences.<br />


Any member of the public found to be assisting a rider along the race track, from breaking of fences to goggle changes, will<br />

be deemed as Outside Assistance and will result in the rider being disqualified and all points removed from the race results.<br />


Any Rider found to exchange machines during racing with another Competitor to gain unfair advantage will be automatically<br />

excluded from the results and will not be able to compete within the 2023 <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong>.<br />

The Rider will be mentioned on the published results with the reason why they are not including in the overall result, setting<br />

out their name, class, number and the reason for disqualification<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



Any offence or breach of the rules contained within the Sporting Code, the relevant discipline regulations, or appendices, or<br />

any supplementary regulations; howsoever caused if witnessed by a senior event Official shall be deemed for purposes of<br />

disciplinary procedure as a “Statement of Fact”.<br />

Senior event Officials will include: - but not be limited to; <strong>Race</strong> Director, Clerk of the Course and his Assistants, and Chief<br />

Marshall.<br />

Any such Statement of Fact shall not be subject to protest or appeal.<br />

The offence(s) shall be dealt with under section six of the National Sporting Code sub sections 6.08 and 6.09. Powers of the<br />

Clerk of the Course and <strong>Race</strong> Direction.<br />

Penalties which may be given by the above named officials in 6.08 and 6.09 are outlined in NSC section<br />

Statements of Fact shall also include the decisions of Starter and Finish line Judges, Sound Inspectors as already defined<br />

within the Code.<br />


The RHL Event Team are there for your assistance, we expect them to be treated with the same respect as you expect to be<br />

treated. Any incident in which a member of our Team is verbally abused, threatened or assaulted will be treated as a Criminal<br />

Act and will be dealt with accordingly.<br />

Persons involved in carrying out physical assault or damage within the event site, to any member of the RHL Team/members<br />

of public or property within the Event Site will be escorted to the RHL Compound by members of our Security Team, where<br />

they will arrange for the Local Police to come on site for the person(s) to be handed over and charged as necessary.<br />


If you have any concerns during the event weekend, please speak to a member of our security team, they will be easily<br />

identifiable.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



The deadline for refund on an entry under Medical Exemption is midnight on Sunday 2 nd October <strong>2022</strong>. The refund will be<br />

subject to a £35.00 plus VAT Administration Charge.<br />

ACU Day licences are non-refundable and do not come under the Medical Exemption refund Policy.<br />


Upon notification of request for Medical Release Riders will be emailed to ask for Medical Documentation in the form of any of<br />

the following documentation.<br />

‣ Doctors Note<br />

‣ Hospital Letter<br />

‣ Official Headed Medical paperwork<br />

Medical documentation must be submitted within 72 hours of date of email from RHL for request of information.<br />

Medical Exemption release will not be considered until the above documentation is received. Failure to provide the information<br />

within the designated time will automatically close the request and render the application as not received and not eligible for<br />

Medical Exemption.<br />

Medical documentation can be submitted by any of the following means:<br />

Email:<br />

Post:<br />

rider@rhlactivities.com<br />

RHL Activities Ltd, The Bryn Garage, Penpergwm, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 9AT<br />

Mobile: 07773 817282<br />

Notifications by phone, or email, without the accompanying documentation, whilst noted on the RHL Electronic correspondence<br />

system, will not be deemed as received for Medical Exemption.<br />

The date of receipt of documentation will be recorded as follows:<br />

Email:<br />

Post:<br />

Date and time email received<br />

Date of receipt. All RHL post is date stamped the day it is received. Postmark will not be used as date of receipt.<br />

Mobile: Date and time documentation received<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



In line with the ACU handbook, a full medical team will be on site for the duration of the event.<br />

There will be a fully equipped medical treatment unit located at the area of the site, known as Royal Sands and is accessible<br />

through a security manned access point.<br />


There will be a designated Treatment Area for all riders who sustain injury during racing. This will be clearly defined.<br />

On the race track there are a dedicated medical access points along with a medical drive through tunnel, for ambulances<br />

and medical vehicles.<br />


Any competitor and or mechanic or any member of their party that is treated by any of the medical team whilst on site,<br />

acknowledge that the medical team, will share the following information with RHL Activities Ltd, for their event records,<br />

these to include:<br />

Name, Address, Age, Gender, Rider Number, Location on Track/Event Site, Injury Sustained, Treatment Received and if<br />

Hospitalised, the Hospital transferred to, along with any other information our Health and Safety Officer, or our medical<br />

providers, deem necessary, in reporting of any incident.<br />

During assessment, the medical team may ask for only one member of the Riders party to be allowed within the<br />

assessment area, whilst the initial examination is taking place.<br />

Any rider or member of their party who is treated within the Medical Area or is looked at on the <strong>Race</strong> Track, acknowledges:<br />

‣ The Medical team will share the medical information with RHL, who will pass this on to the ACU if requested.<br />

‣ RHL may share information held within its records, in line with its GDPR guidelines, with the Medical team.<br />


If a Rider is involved in an incident which results in him being diagnosed by the Medical Officer/Paramedic as suffering from/<br />

suspected concussion, the Rider is not permitted to participate any further in that event.<br />

RHL will notify the ACU and the process of dealing with concussion will be dealt with as set out in ACU Handbook <strong>2022</strong> section<br />

8.12<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs



For a few weeks in October, the Seaside resort of <strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare, which is host to the <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong>, is transformed<br />

into one of the largest off road motorsport events in the United Kingdom, attracting upto 2,000 riders. The town of <strong>Weston</strong><br />

Super Mare can double in size when the <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> is held.<br />


<strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare <strong>Beach</strong> and its surrounding habitat is recognised by Natural England and RHL Activities Ltd endeavor,<br />

within their working relationship with North Somerset Council to adhere to the regulatory requirements this entails.<br />


Part of our work with North Somerset Council is restoring the sand levels of the <strong>Beach</strong> at <strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare, which gets<br />

eroded away during the year. We work closely with North Somerset Council, with re distribution of the sand along the Bay,<br />

whilst ensuring not only during the build of the race track, but during and on breakdown the impact on the balance of the<br />

sediment across the bay, has a non significant impact on the natural environment of the race track. The <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong><br />

is part of the <strong>Weston</strong> Bay <strong>Beach</strong> and Dune Management Plan and we are proud to be able to work with the local Council in<br />

this very important environment and maintenance plan, of the historic beach and surround areas.<br />

The scale of the event is such that it is easy to forget, for the rest of the year, the beach and its lawns and promenade are<br />

home to holiday makers, joggers, dog walkers, donkey rides and all the activities naturally enjoyed within a seaside town.<br />

IMPACT<br />

For the <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> to be sustainable, we all have a duty to make sure the beach, its lawns and promenade on which<br />

it is built, is looked after. With between 50,000 – 80,000 people visiting and working across this temporary event site,<br />

reducing and controlling the impact the <strong>Weston</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> has on its environment is a huge task. This is a task we embrace,<br />

but we cannot do it without the help of all those involved within the event, from the person who builds the track to the<br />

Spectator that comes to the event.<br />


RHL has invested in the training of its team to understand the importance and implementation of change to protect the<br />

environment and the areas we visit. RHL is working closely with the Federation of International Motorsport(FIM)to<br />

encourage diversification and change and for the first time in the history of the <strong>Beach</strong> <strong>Race</strong> there will be a new environmental<br />

operational department being made up of RHL team and members of the FIM.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs




PLEASE USE THE TOILETS PROVIDED - Urinating outside of these facilities, can result in contamination of<br />

the local water supply, killing of local wildlife and serious compromises the future of the event.<br />

PLEASE USE OUR RECYCLING UNITS - It is not okay to drop litter on the ground. Help us by placing your<br />

waste into the correct recycling bins. Remember you drop something on the beach, it can be washed away in to the<br />

sea, contaminating our waters and natural habitats and the wildlife within.<br />

LITTER – We have a dedicated team who work throughout the event, hand picking litter and depositing in the<br />

recycling units.<br />

CAMPING VILLAGES - Ensure you put all your rubbish in the recycling units. Dispose of chemical waste in the<br />

correct containers.<br />

PLASTIC CUPS - Our Caterers, traders and bars are encouraged to use bio degradable/reusable containers to<br />

serve food and drinks<br />

PLEASE ONLY USE WHAT YOU NEED - Bring your own recycling cup, to use if buying coffee/tea, from our vendors.<br />

They will be more than happy to use your cup. Do you need to use four napkins, rather than one. Think waste, think smart.<br />

SINGLE USE PLASTIC BAGS – Do not use plastic bags – promote the use of own bags or sustainable packaging.<br />

2023 will see the total ban of single use plastic carrier bags being distributed within the event site.<br />

CABLE TIES – Think do you really need to use these, is there a more environmentally friendly alternative, like reuseable<br />

bungee straps. If these are used and left on the ground, you will incur contaminated waste fees, with a<br />

minimum charge of £350.00. We don’t want to charge, work with us, review, adopt and implement, avoid the costs.<br />

BIODEGRADEABLE WIPES – Think do you need to use wipes, even Biodegradable wipes, which quickly<br />

breakdown into micro plastics, are problematic environmental pollutants.<br />

WATER– There are Standpipes on site, which have been treated in line with Water <strong>Regulations</strong> and Guidelines.<br />

Bring a reusable water bottle, use them. Standpipes have a chemical security seal on them, do not tamper with<br />

these, they will render them useless and incur a minimum fine of £2,500 by Bristol Water as it will be deemed as as<br />

contamination of the British Waterways.<br />

COMPETITORS – Work with us, in ensuring the sustainability and longevity of their event at its historic home of<br />

<strong>Weston</strong> Super Mare.<br />

WBRv1 – Supp Regs

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