Nineteen Fifty-Six Vol. 2 No. 3 The Evolution of Black Media
This is the February 2022 Issue of Nineteen Fifty-Six magazine. The theme "The Evolution of Black Media" highlights the history and cultural significance of Black magazines.
This is the February 2022 Issue of Nineteen Fifty-Six magazine. The theme "The Evolution of Black Media" highlights the history and cultural significance of Black magazines.
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You do matter. <strong>The</strong> numerous achievements and talents<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> students deserve to be recognized. As <strong>of</strong> Fall<br />
2021, 11.16% <strong>of</strong> students on campus identified as <strong>Black</strong> or<br />
African American. <strong>Black</strong> students are disproportionately<br />
underrepresented in various areas on campus. <strong>Nineteen</strong><br />
<strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> is a <strong>Black</strong> student-led magazine that amplifies<br />
the voices within the University <strong>of</strong> Alabama’s <strong>Black</strong><br />
community. It also seeks to educate students from all<br />
backgrounds on culturally important issues and topics<br />
in an effort to produce socially-conscious, ethical and<br />
well-rounded citizens.<br />
Tionna Taite<br />
Nickell Grant<br />
Ashton Jah<br />
Tyler Hogan<br />
Madison Davis<br />
Jolencia Jones<br />
Ashlee Woods<br />
Farrah Sanders<br />
Rachel Parker, Lyric<br />
Wisdom<br />
Anaya McCullum, CJ<br />
Thomas, Tonya Williams,<br />
Lyric Wisdom<br />
Karris Harmon, Asia<br />
Smith, Christian Thomas,<br />
Jordan Strawter<br />
Danielle S. McAllister,<br />
Farrah Sanders<br />
<strong>Nineteen</strong> <strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> is published by the Office <strong>of</strong> Student <strong>Media</strong> at <strong>The</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Alabama. All content and<br />
design are produced by students in consultation with pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff advisers. All material contained herein,<br />
except advertising or where indicated otherwise, is copyrighted © 2021 by <strong>Nineteen</strong> <strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> magazine. Material<br />
herein may not be reprinted without the expressed, written permission <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nineteen</strong> <strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> magazine. Editorial<br />
and Advertising <strong>of</strong>fices for <strong>Nineteen</strong> <strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> Magazine are located at 414 Campus Drive East, Tuscaloosa, AL<br />
35487. <strong>The</strong> mailing address is P.O. Box 870170, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487. Phone: (205) 348-7257.<br />
Pictured in the cover is Jalyn Crosby. Cover photography by Anaya McCullum.<br />
John H. Johnson was the creator <strong>of</strong> the Negro<br />
Digest, Ebony, and JET. His entrepreneurship<br />
inspired much <strong>of</strong> the media scene within the<br />
<strong>Black</strong> community. When he initially had the<br />
idea to create his first publication, the Negro<br />
Digest, he recieved a lot <strong>of</strong> discouragement.<br />
However, his mother believed in him and<br />
allowed him to use her furniture as collateral<br />
for a $500 loan. By having only one person<br />
believe in his vision, Johnson was able to<br />
create the Johnson Publishing Company<br />
along with three <strong>of</strong> the top <strong>Black</strong> magazines<br />
in history.<br />
“<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
time for a Negro magazine,<br />
the time for a Negro Digest or<br />
an Ebony or JET, had come and<br />
nothing could stop it if-and it’s a<br />
big if – the idea could find a man<br />
or a woman who willing to do<br />
anything or almost anything, to<br />
make the time come.<br />
- John H. Johnson<br />
”<br />
Growing up, I loved reading Ebony, JET,<br />
and Essence. I was always delighted when<br />
the latest edition <strong>of</strong> these magazines were<br />
delivered to my house. While getting my hair<br />
done at the salon, there would <strong>of</strong>ten be stacks<br />
<strong>of</strong> older editions <strong>of</strong> these magazines for me<br />
to read. Truly, these magazines played a big<br />
role in instilling confidence within me as a<br />
young <strong>Black</strong> girl in the South.<br />
I truly love Ebony, JET, and Essence. But<br />
if I had to choose, Ebony magazine would<br />
probably be my favorite. This is because<br />
Ebony paved the way for JET and Essence<br />
magazine. Ebony magazine was one <strong>of</strong><br />
the first publications to display all <strong>of</strong> the<br />
beautiful aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> culture.<br />
For this magazine issue, I wanted to<br />
highlight the history <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> media along<br />
with it’s evolution. During <strong>Black</strong> History<br />
Month, I felt it was important to honor <strong>Black</strong><br />
publications such as Ebony, JET, and Essence.<br />
In fact, the front cover <strong>of</strong> this magazine issue<br />
was inspired by Ebony’s vintage covers.<br />
I am excited to present the February 2022<br />
issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nineteen</strong> <strong>Fifty</strong>-<strong>Six</strong> to you all. I<br />
hope this magazine issue inspires you and<br />
educates you about the history and evolution<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> media.<br />
TABLE OF<br />
I MISS YOU, A POEM 13<br />
1956magazine<br />
1956magazine<br />
1956magazine<br />
April 8!<br />
Visit to apply and register!<br />
It is the policy <strong>of</strong> the Alabama Community College System Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees and Shelton State Community College, a<br />
postsecondary institution under its control, that no person shall, on the grounds <strong>of</strong> race, color, national origin, religion,<br />
marital status, disability, gender, age, or any other protected class as defined by federal and state law, be excluded<br />
from participation, denied benefits, or subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment.
Ebony Magazine was founded by the late John<br />
H. Johnson in 1945. Johnson, a prominent <strong>Black</strong><br />
entrepreneur, developed Ebony with the intent for<br />
the publication to be modeled after Life magazine, but for<br />
a <strong>Black</strong> audience. Under his company, Johnson Publishing,<br />
he envisioned a publication for the <strong>Black</strong> audience that<br />
would fill in the gap <strong>of</strong> coverage from white publications, in<br />
highlighting the achievements and positive news concerning<br />
the <strong>Black</strong> community.<br />
“[Ebony] will try to mirror the happier side <strong>of</strong> Negro life<br />
— the positive, everyday achievements from Harlem to<br />
Hollywood,” Johnson said. “But when we talk about race as<br />
the <strong>No</strong>. 1 problem <strong>of</strong> America, we’ll talk turkey.”<br />
Johnson wanted Ebony to speak frankly about issues <strong>of</strong><br />
race and not pretend that it isn’t an issue and speak to an<br />
audience that was not given the acknowledgement and<br />
understanding <strong>of</strong> their issues as their white counterparts.<br />
Ebony magazine was a welcome addition to the <strong>Black</strong><br />
community, seeing images and ideas that resonated with<br />
many <strong>Black</strong> people gave a positive feeling <strong>of</strong> inclusion. <strong>The</strong><br />
magazine became apart <strong>of</strong> all parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> life as explained<br />
from a 2019 New York Times article stating, “Starved for<br />
affirming images, African-Americans made Ebony and<br />
its sister magazine, Jet, fixtures in homes and businesses<br />
— particularly beauty parlors and barber shops, where<br />
customers typically read while waiting to be served.”<br />
Controlling their own narratives and images was uplifting<br />
and empowering for <strong>Black</strong> people, especially during this<br />
time as the media landscape <strong>of</strong> the white press treated <strong>Black</strong><br />
people as less than or non-existent. <strong>The</strong>ir treatment <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>Black</strong> community can be described as the “degenerating<br />
sense <strong>of</strong> ‘nobodiness,’” coined by <strong>The</strong> Rev Dr. Martin Luther<br />
King Jr. This is a feeling that you do not matter and are<br />
not worthy <strong>of</strong> the respect <strong>of</strong> a title <strong>of</strong> Mr./Mrs., which only<br />
solidified this feeling <strong>of</strong> despair and distrust among the<br />
<strong>Black</strong> community towards the white press.<br />
Johnson sought to change this by being that publication for<br />
his community to trust and enjoy. <strong>The</strong> popularity <strong>of</strong> Ebony<br />
magazine went further than the familiar, positive imagery<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> people as explained by former Johnson Publishing<br />
Company Senior Editor, Dr. Margena A. Christian from a<br />
2019 WGN 9 interview, “Ebony and Jet [were] finding stories<br />
that others had no interest in. We showed the humanity <strong>of</strong><br />
African-Americans, and we were doing more than just trying<br />
to enlighten people, we were working to uplift and empower<br />
them.”<br />
This sentiment is reinforced by a comment in a 2021 NPR<br />
article by Clint Wilson, a journalism pr<strong>of</strong>essor at Howard<br />
University, “If we go back to the founding <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Black</strong> press,<br />
there was a hunger, a thirst to unify as a community.” This<br />
need for unification showcased itself in different ways as<br />
Ebony reframed the relationship between its <strong>Black</strong> readers<br />
with advertisers as well as history.<br />
Johnson’s motive to portray <strong>Black</strong> people in a positive<br />
light began with smiling images <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> women cover<br />
models along with homes <strong>of</strong> middle and upper class <strong>Black</strong><br />
families. This convinced advertisers that including <strong>Black</strong><br />
people in their advertisements would benefit them, by the<br />
1970s’ advertisements for Coca-Cola and Virginia Slims<br />
incorporated <strong>Black</strong> faces.<br />
<strong>The</strong> inclusion <strong>of</strong> history was prominent on the magazine<br />
covers and within the publication during the 1960s’ Civil<br />
Rights Movement with the May 1965 cover featuring Dr.<br />
Martin Luther King Jr. hand in hand with his wife Coretta<br />
Scott King along with 50,000 others as they marched in<br />
Montgomery. Ebony continued to highlight Dr. King’s<br />
journey until his death with his final cover image being<br />
Coretta at his funeral in April 1968. Articles with then<br />
executive editor, Lerone Bennett Jr., penning a column titled,<br />
<strong>Black</strong> Power, gave an in-depth pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Stokely Carmichael,<br />
former chairman <strong>of</strong> the Student <strong>No</strong>nviolent Coordinating<br />
Committee (SNCC).<br />
By the 1980s’ Ebony was reaching 40% <strong>of</strong> African American<br />
adults, unmatched by any other general publication. But,<br />
as time went on circulation began to dwindle going from a<br />
monthly print schedule to double issues once each month.<br />
This led into the digital age in 2016 when Johnson Publishing<br />
sold Ebony and Jet to private equity firm CVG Group.<br />
But again, with issues <strong>of</strong> circulation coupled with complaints<br />
<strong>of</strong> unpaid wages, Ebony filed for bankruptcy in 2019. What<br />
may have seemed like a permanent ending, was rewritten<br />
into a new beginning when in December 2020, Ebony was<br />
bought for $14 million by Bridgeman Sports and <strong>Media</strong>,<br />
owned by retired Milwaukee Bucks forward Ulysses “Junior”<br />
Bridgeman.<br />
After a relaunch on March 1, 2021, Ebony returned with a new<br />
mindset and motto, “Moving <strong>Black</strong> Forward.” While being a<br />
digital publication, they are continuing to focus on issues<br />
relevant to their audience now with the promotion <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong><br />
generational wealth. Through highlighting small <strong>Black</strong>owned<br />
businesses in select cities <strong>of</strong> Atlanta and New York<br />
in the form <strong>of</strong> a “block party” streamed on the magazine’s<br />
Youtube channel they are continuing the inclusion and<br />
acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Black</strong> community in areas where<br />
they were being overlooked or forgotten.<br />
Even now by reintroducing themselves to a new generation<br />
<strong>of</strong> readers, the Ebony legacy is still remembered and valued.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> other magazines they’re not geared towards African<br />
Americans, just a general audience ,” UA student Auriel King<br />
said. “You probably won’t see too many [African Americans]<br />
in there. But with Ebony, that’s all that you see, which is<br />
great. So, no matter your shade or size, you’re for sure going<br />
to see someone who looks like you in that magazine because<br />
that’s who they cater to.”<br />
King, a Senior majoring in Human Development and Family<br />
Studies, recalls seeing Ebony magazines around her home as<br />
a child and receiving issues in the mail monthly. <strong>The</strong>ir eyecatching<br />
covers are what she remembers most, showcasing<br />
<strong>Black</strong> entertainers in a glamorous light and allure.<br />
<strong>The</strong> appeal <strong>of</strong> Ebony magazine moving forward are the<br />
plans <strong>of</strong> continuing to incorporate their core audience and<br />
their needs through different mediums. <strong>The</strong>se include the<br />
relaunching <strong>of</strong> Fashion Fair cosmetics and recently the<br />
special limited edition print issue that was released on<br />
February 11th which featured HBCU Stem Queens gracing<br />
the cover.<br />
With such a storied history, Ebony magazine encompasses<br />
the cultural influences and significance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Black</strong><br />
community. Stepping forward into a new era as stated in<br />
a 2021 Chicago Tribune article by Ebony CEO, Michele<br />
Ghee, “Our commitment is not to any city, but to the <strong>Black</strong><br />
community. “We know who our boss is and our boss is them,<br />
and their opportunity to have the truth. And we want to<br />
provide that.”
THE PATH<br />
STARTS<br />
WITH YOU.<br />
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resources to help you monitor and<br />
manage your own mental health.<br />
Download the WellTrack app and<br />
register with your crimson email address.<br />
BEAUTY &<br />
<strong>The</strong> creation and cultivation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> culture is one<br />
<strong>of</strong> the most compelling stories <strong>of</strong> our beauty and<br />
resilience in the modern world. An integral piece<br />
<strong>of</strong> this story is the storyteller. <strong>Black</strong> media has evolved<br />
over years while keeping one centralized goal in mind:<br />
“For us, by us.”<br />
Essence magazine has represented <strong>Black</strong> women and their<br />
voices for over 50 years. This award-winning magazine<br />
began as a resource for the <strong>Black</strong> community by placing<br />
fashion, lifestyle, and beauty at the forefront.<br />
<strong>The</strong> idea was birthed in 1968, when Edward Lewis,<br />
Clarence O. Smith, Cecil Hollingsworth and Jonathan<br />
Blount founded Hollingsworth Group. This would later<br />
be named Essence Communications, Inc. Originally titled<br />
“Sapphire Magazine”, the founders aimed to have the title<br />
reflect the gem-like beauty and resilience <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> women.<br />
Luckily, they changed the title after discussions about the<br />
harmful Sapphire stereotype and readers’ likelihood to<br />
associate the magazine with the disrespectful trope.<br />
<strong>The</strong> magazine came about during the era <strong>of</strong> “<strong>Black</strong><br />
capitalism.” <strong>Black</strong> capitalism is a Nixon-era political<br />
movement among African-Americans. This narrative was<br />
built around the idea <strong>of</strong> generational and community<br />
wealth being developed through ownership and<br />
development <strong>of</strong> businesses. Many <strong>Black</strong> media giants were<br />
birthed or rose to new levels <strong>of</strong> prominence because <strong>of</strong><br />
this belief such as <strong>Black</strong> Entertainment Television (BET<br />
for short).<br />
In May <strong>of</strong> 1970, the first issue <strong>of</strong> Essence Magazine was<br />
ready to grace the shelves. According to Lewis and Smith,<br />
the lifestyle publication was supposed to be aimed at<br />
“upscale African-American women”.<br />
For this publication to be successful it needed to be<br />
backed by staff that understood the experience <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong><br />
women. Many figures that supported the magazine’s<br />
humble beginnings had little-to-no prior experience in<br />
publishing and journalism. This includes Susan Taylor.<br />
Taylor caught wind <strong>of</strong> a budding magazine focused on the<br />
experiences <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> women and contacted then Editor-<br />
In-Chief Ed Lewis. Taylor had no editorial experience but<br />
was a licensed cosmetologist. At the age <strong>of</strong> 23, she was<br />
hired as Essence’s first ever beauty editor.<br />
<strong>The</strong> monthly magazine saw notable success and by 1975<br />
had amassed around $3.5 million in advertisements. Its<br />
January 1977 issue had about 550,000 issues circulated.
Power struggles between the founders and creative<br />
directors ensued in the mid 1970s. By 1977, Gordon Parks<br />
Sr., creative director for Essence, took legal action. Parks<br />
cited that he was entitled to more creative control and Ed<br />
Lewis was prohibiting other input. Cecil Hollingsworth<br />
and Jonathan Blount, who left over management disputes,<br />
backed Parks push for more executive control. Parks<br />
eventually left the publication.<br />
By 1981, Susan Taylor had been promoted to Editor-In-<br />
Chief with Ed Lewis still presiding as CEO <strong>of</strong> Essence<br />
Communications. Essence’s popularity continued to grow,<br />
only being rivaled by other <strong>Black</strong> focused publications<br />
like Ebony and JET Magazine. <strong>Black</strong> women felt as though<br />
they could relate to the stories as well as the celebrity<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>iles being shared in each issue.<br />
As the era <strong>of</strong> “<strong>Black</strong> capitalism” was seemingly coming<br />
to a close, certain heads <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> media were selling<br />
companies to white-owned companies. Berry Gordy sold<br />
Motown records in the late 80s to a holding company<br />
and Robert Johnson sold BET to Viacom in 2000. In 2005,<br />
Essence sold all <strong>of</strong> its assets to Time, Inc. making it no<br />
longer <strong>Black</strong> owned.<br />
This sparked polarizing opinions. Some applauded<br />
Lewis for creating the amount <strong>of</strong> revenue he did, citing<br />
him as a shining example <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> capitalism’s ability to<br />
bring pr<strong>of</strong>it to our community. Others cited the irony <strong>of</strong><br />
basing his success in capitalism while he pr<strong>of</strong>its <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> the<br />
experiences <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> women, only to sell the company and<br />
ostracize <strong>Black</strong> women further.<br />
Essence continued to produce issues and events focused<br />
on <strong>Black</strong> women. This includes the continuation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Essence Music Festival, which started in 1995.<br />
In 2017, Time Inc. decided to sell Essence Communications<br />
Inc. to Shea Moisture founder Richelieu Dennis.<br />
Dennis launched Essence Ventures, LLC. to handle the<br />
continuation <strong>of</strong> the magazine. Essence magazine was<br />
<strong>Black</strong> owned again and still is as <strong>of</strong> today. Chief Content<br />
Officer Derek T. Dingle labeled the transaction as<br />
“groundbreaking” and added that this is an example <strong>of</strong><br />
how African-American entrepreneurs “can execute with<br />
vision and wherewithal to return valuable institutions to<br />
African American ownership.”<br />
Currently, Essence still rests as a cornerstone <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong><br />
media. Erykah Murray, a recent graduate <strong>of</strong> UA, remembers<br />
having Essence delivered to her house growing up.<br />
“It was a cool thing growing up and seeing women that<br />
look like me on the cover <strong>of</strong> magazines. <strong>No</strong>w I’m older and<br />
I’m planning to go to the Essence Festival,” said Murray.<br />
“I’ve heard about [the festival] so much, I just needed<br />
to experience it and I’m excited to see <strong>Black</strong> beauty,<br />
excellence, food, music—all <strong>of</strong> it really.”<br />
Essence came from humble beginnings, developed a deep<br />
history, and established a strong relationship with the<br />
<strong>Black</strong> community. It serves as a long-standing reminder<br />
that <strong>Black</strong> women and their voices matter.<br />
I Miss You<br />
We lost time and space<br />
I let you go,<br />
You let me fly free<br />
Maybe one day we’ll see<br />
But right now,<br />
It’s just me<br />
Though I don’t feel peace,<br />
I feel you in the breeze<br />
<strong>The</strong> journey <strong>of</strong> becoming a transgender or gender<br />
non-conforming individual is difficult, especially<br />
for <strong>Black</strong> individuals.<br />
For many that have transitioned, what they knew about<br />
transgender or gender non-conforming people along with<br />
how they were viewed by society came from depictions<br />
<strong>of</strong> them in the media. <strong>The</strong> caricature <strong>of</strong> these groups <strong>of</strong><br />
people combined with the demonizing <strong>of</strong> them in media<br />
affected the ability for transgender people to accurately<br />
tell their stories.<br />
In the Netflix original documentary, Disclosure, the long<br />
history <strong>of</strong> transgender misrepresentation and the fight<br />
for change is addressed.<br />
On Oct. 27, 2021, the University <strong>of</strong> Alabama’s Women and<br />
Gender Resource Center (WGRC) held a screening <strong>of</strong><br />
Disclosure, followed by a Q&A session with guests from<br />
the Birmingham AIDS Outreach organization. Program<br />
coordinator Elizabeth Lester talked to attendees over<br />
zoom about the importance <strong>of</strong> having this event.<br />
Lester wanted to bring in people from these respective<br />
communities to share their stories. <strong>The</strong> guests from the<br />
Birmingham AIDS outreach organization were Sinseriti<br />
Banks and Lauren Jacobs <strong>of</strong> the Magic City Acceptance<br />
Center.<br />
“October is LGBTQ History Month, and I knew that I<br />
wanted to do a program that raised awareness around<br />
trans and non-binary representation,” Lester said.<br />
<strong>The</strong> documentary delves into the long history <strong>of</strong><br />
misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> transgender and gender nonconforming<br />
people in media. A central theme discussed<br />
in the documentary was the mystifying <strong>of</strong> transgender<br />
people.<br />
“I think, for a very long time the ways in which trans<br />
people have been represented on-screen have suggested<br />
that we’re not real, have suggested that we’re mentally ill,<br />
that we don’t exist,” actress Laverne Cox said.<br />
Creating mystery around who transgender people really<br />
are allows the media to play on the fear this mystery can<br />
bring. Within this fear, inaccurate characterizations <strong>of</strong><br />
transgender people begin to exist.<br />
<strong>The</strong> silent film, A Florida Enchantment is one <strong>of</strong> the most<br />
prominent examples. In this film, the female character<br />
takes a pill that turns her into a man. Her housemaid takes<br />
that same pill. What is different is how each character is<br />
depicted after transitioning to a man. <strong>The</strong> housemaid, a<br />
white male wearing blackface, is an angry, monstrous and<br />
vengeful <strong>Black</strong> person. <strong>The</strong> white female becomes the<br />
image <strong>of</strong> what a man should become in society. <strong>The</strong> roots<br />
<strong>of</strong> misrepresentation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> transgender people lie in<br />
racism.<br />
Films like A Florida Enchantment depicts transgender<br />
people—especially ones <strong>of</strong> color—as violent people<br />
incapable <strong>of</strong> emotion, effectively dehumanizing them.<br />
<strong>The</strong> dehumanization <strong>of</strong> people in this community has<br />
allowed the media to create feelings <strong>of</strong> fear towards trans<br />
people, especially trans people <strong>of</strong> color.<br />
When transgender people aren’t the villain, they are<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten depicted as outcasts or odditities that don’t belong<br />
in society. Because <strong>of</strong> this, transgender people become<br />
the butt <strong>of</strong> several jokes. Guest speaker Sinseriti Banks<br />
discussed the pain this can bring during the Q&A section<br />
<strong>of</strong> the event.<br />
“It hurts,” Banks said. “You always stick out like a sore<br />
thumb, you’re the topic <strong>of</strong> the conversation, sometimes<br />
the butt <strong>of</strong> the joke.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> act <strong>of</strong> mischaracterization doesn’t start and end<br />
with transgender people. As the documentary points<br />
out, the film industry has a history <strong>of</strong> dehumanizing<br />
<strong>Black</strong> men. <strong>The</strong>se jokes <strong>of</strong>ten depict <strong>Black</strong> men as either<br />
hypermasculine or overly feminine. <strong>No</strong> nuance or depth<br />
are given to these characters and the majority white<br />
audiences enjoying these shows or movies no longer have<br />
fear <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> men.<br />
In the 1989 film Glory, a <strong>Black</strong> soldier raises his hand at a<br />
white woman with no regard to her life while storming<br />
the town <strong>of</strong> Darien, Georgia. In the scene, Colonel James<br />
Montgomery refers to his unit as “little monkey children”<br />
that need to be controlled.<br />
“Stop treating us like we’re animals at a zoo or we’re dogs<br />
at the Humane Society that you have never seen before,”<br />
Sinseriti Banks challenges. “We’re human.”<br />
While this is a historical nonfiction movie, the idea<br />
<strong>of</strong> hypermasculine <strong>Black</strong> men is still prevalent. <strong>The</strong><br />
colonel—a white male—sees himself as the owner <strong>of</strong><br />
the men in his regiment. Throughout the long history<br />
<strong>of</strong> the media, white people are controlling their <strong>Black</strong><br />
counterparts. <strong>Black</strong> and transgender people can only be<br />
what their white counterparts view them as. In the media,<br />
minority groups <strong>of</strong>ten have no control over their identity.<br />
It doesn’t stop at the hypermasculinity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> men,<br />
either.<br />
In comedy, it’s common for men and women to dress up as<br />
outlandish characters for sketches. <strong>The</strong> problem with this<br />
is that most <strong>of</strong> these characters are <strong>Black</strong> women depicted<br />
by <strong>Black</strong> men.<br />
In the hit comedy sketch show In Living Color, actor Jamie<br />
Foxx <strong>of</strong>ten played Wanda Wayne in sketches. Wayne—a<br />
loud, brash and <strong>of</strong>ten aggressive <strong>Black</strong> woman—was<br />
a crowd favorite. Foxx wore bright colored dresses,<br />
blonde and curly wigs and bold makeup <strong>of</strong>ten.<br />
To most <strong>of</strong> the audiences viewing the show, Foxx was<br />
just playing a go<strong>of</strong>y character. But to others, Wanda<br />
Wayne was a dark reminder <strong>of</strong> how society viewed <strong>Black</strong><br />
women.<br />
“If I’m not laughing, is it a joke, you know,” Writer Tiq<br />
Milan said in the film. “It [transgender jokes] lends<br />
itself to this idea that we’re just comedy, that we’re just<br />
some kind <strong>of</strong> freaks, that we just playin’ dress up in<br />
order to make other people laugh.”<br />
Comedians dressing up as women and making<br />
lighthearted jokes about real issues the transgender<br />
community faces further distorts the stories <strong>of</strong><br />
transgender people. <strong>The</strong>se jokes makes transgender<br />
people feel seen but misunderstood.<br />
Disclosure provided attendees with a deeper<br />
understanding <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> transgender people in<br />
media. After the film, both Lauren Jacobs and Sinseriti<br />
Banks had thoughts they wanted to leave the attendees<br />
with. Jacobs talks about the influence Alabama has in<br />
this movement.<br />
“I love any moment that proves to people that, as<br />
Alabama, we are part <strong>of</strong> this conversation, we have<br />
always been a part <strong>of</strong> this conversation, we have always<br />
had our own queer and trans history, it’s just that<br />
people don’t <strong>of</strong>ten pay attention,” Jacobs said.<br />
<strong>The</strong> job for cisgendered people now is to start paying<br />
more attention to how they view and depict transgender<br />
people, especially those <strong>of</strong> color. Understanding the<br />
impact the media has is a step in the right direction. It<br />
must be followed by a change <strong>of</strong> heart.
JET<br />
JET<br />
Picture yourself walking into a <strong>Black</strong>-owned beauty<br />
salon in the mid-2000s. <strong>The</strong> smell <strong>of</strong> Blue Magic<br />
grease and hot combs are a welcoming scent. You<br />
sit in the waiting area, thinking about how sore your scalp<br />
may be after this. <strong>The</strong>n you picture your freshly done hair<br />
and remember that it’ll all be worth it. As you wait for a<br />
chair to free up, you peer down at the stack <strong>of</strong> magazines<br />
in front <strong>of</strong> you. To your surprise, JET Magazine has a new<br />
issue out. You pick it up and can’t wait to flip through<br />
each page.<br />
This level <strong>of</strong> anticipation for JET Magazine was and still<br />
is felt by readers for 70 years now. Armyll Smith recalls<br />
having the magazine as a c<strong>of</strong>fee table staple in their youth.<br />
“I remember it was so cool to look at growing up. Maybe<br />
I didn’t understand some <strong>of</strong> the news because I was so<br />
young but the culture. <strong>The</strong> culture carried. I wanted the<br />
hairstyles, the clothes; I wanted to order the CDs they<br />
recommended. It was a whole movement,” Smith said.<br />
To look back at its genesis is to realize how monumental<br />
a magazine like this was. JET Magazine began publishing<br />
in 1952 under John H. Johnson’s publishing company.<br />
Johnson is considered a legend in paving the way for<br />
<strong>Black</strong> media.<br />
“It’s impossible to overstate the significance <strong>of</strong> Johnson<br />
publications in telling the story <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> America,” said<br />
Donovan X. Ramsey, head <strong>of</strong> the Instagram account @<br />
blackmagcovers.<br />
JET marketed itself as the “Weekly Negro News<br />
Magazine”, covering the quickly unfolding Civil Rights<br />
Movement. <strong>The</strong> name “JET” stuck with Johnson because<br />
he wanted it to symbolize “<strong>Black</strong> and speed”. He cited<br />
that news moved so quickly. <strong>The</strong> publication’s aim was to<br />
provide “news coverage on happenings among Negroes<br />
all over the U.S.—in entertainment, politics, sports, social<br />
events as well as features on unusual personalities, places<br />
and events.”<br />
JET garnered national attention with its coverage <strong>of</strong><br />
Emmett Till’s murder. Images <strong>of</strong> the teenager’s brutalized<br />
body as he lay in his casket circulated throughout the<br />
nation by way <strong>of</strong> JET. This contributed to bringing<br />
national attention to the violence <strong>of</strong> the Jim Crow South<br />
which propelled the growing Civil Rights Movement<br />
forward.<br />
Taking their growing audience into consideration, JET<br />
continued to cover the Civil Rights Movement as well<br />
as other social justice movements. From 1970-1975, JET<br />
gave physicians the platform to discuss scientific facts<br />
surrounding abortion and reproductive rights.<br />
<strong>The</strong> magazine covered news on happenings among<br />
African-Americans all over the U.S.—in entertainment,<br />
politics, sports, social events as well as features on unusual<br />
personalities, places and events. Celebrities and notable<br />
figures graced the <strong>Black</strong> and white covers.<br />
JET also became well known for its centerfold feature,<br />
“JET Beauty <strong>of</strong> the Week.” Polarizing to say the least, JET<br />
Beauty <strong>of</strong> the Week has been a centerpiece <strong>of</strong> the magazine<br />
since its inception. Each issue featured a beautiful <strong>Black</strong><br />
woman and a short bio about herself. <strong>The</strong>se women had<br />
ranging career paths such as beauty consultants, college<br />
students, aspiring politicians, and musicians.<br />
JETSome<br />
<strong>Black</strong> women who gained success later in life<br />
credited the centerfold piece as their start, from the<br />
likes <strong>of</strong> television beauty Willona Woods to Blaxpoitation<br />
icon Pam Grier.<br />
<strong>No</strong>liwe M. Rooks believes that the platform “brought<br />
<strong>Black</strong> female bodies into the mainstream” and<br />
challenged beauty standards set by mainly white pinup<br />
girls at the time.<br />
Others criticized JET’s depiction <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> women.<br />
Beauties <strong>of</strong> the Week were largely photographed in<br />
bathing suits from 1959-1993. <strong>The</strong>se centerfold features<br />
were accompanied by a bio <strong>of</strong> the Beauty and her body<br />
measurements. Critics grew concerned citing the<br />
importance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> beauty being visible but not being<br />
based on objectification.<br />
JET also came under fire along with the popular Essence<br />
magazine for promoting colorist ideals. A 1955 issue<br />
included an advertisement for Nadinola, a bleaching<br />
cream. <strong>The</strong> ad depicted a light-skinned woman as the<br />
center <strong>of</strong> men’s attention.<br />
In a study conducted by Vanessa Hazell and Juanne<br />
Clarke, it was concluded that JET and Essence magazine<br />
between 2003 and 2004 still allowed Eurocentric and<br />
white standards <strong>of</strong> beauty to be promoted through<br />
their hair care ads. Many <strong>of</strong> these companies featured<br />
models that were either white or adhering closely to<br />
white standards <strong>of</strong> beauty.<br />
In June 2014, JET released its last physical issue, opting<br />
to move to fully digital. Two years later, Johnson<br />
Publishing sold JET and its sister magazine Ebony.<br />
Clear View Group, a Texas-based and <strong>Black</strong>-owned<br />
equity firm, still owns both publications in 2022.<br />
In 2021, Michele Ghee was appointed CEO <strong>of</strong> JET &<br />
Ebony. In a Los Angeles Times feature, Ghee recalls the<br />
lasting legacy <strong>of</strong> the brands and how instrumental they<br />
were in the creation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Black</strong> media blueprint. Ghee<br />
plans to bring the publications back into their former<br />
glory by tying on tried-and-true ways to new solutions.<br />
Today JET can still be found on, producing<br />
content for us and by us.<br />
JET magazine has cemented its place in the history<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Black</strong> media as an influential giant. It gave voices<br />
to artists that the industry forgot and news that the<br />
mainstream ignored. With its many supporters and<br />
creative staffing, hopefully we see the magazine fully<br />
restored to its former glory: “<strong>Black</strong> like it never left.”
FROM<br />
ALUMNI<br />
21<br />
+<br />
am writing this letter to pass on some advice that<br />
I will, hopefully, help you successfully navigate undergraduate<br />
life at the University <strong>of</strong> Alabama. <strong>The</strong><br />
points I will touch on are based on advice I wish<br />
someone had given me prior to the fall <strong>of</strong> 1977 entering<br />
my freshman year. <strong>The</strong>re are so many topics that<br />
come to mind but I’ll stick to the ones below.<br />
An impressive GPA is the first indicator <strong>of</strong> a strong work<br />
ethic. Also, your GPA is usually one the first things future<br />
employers take note <strong>of</strong> to determine your potential for<br />
success in their organization. <strong>The</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Alabama<br />
will challenge you academically and it doesn’t get easy<br />
as you advance from your freshman to your senior year.<br />
At times it may feel like you’re in the ring with three<br />
heavyweight boxing champs at the same time just trying<br />
to survive. But the strength <strong>of</strong> will and determination to<br />
stay up late at night and work on weekends to complete<br />
assigned tasks will serve you well as an undergraduate<br />
and in your pr<strong>of</strong>essional career. Work hard and surround<br />
yourself with high achievers. <strong>The</strong>re are a number <strong>of</strong><br />
academic support resources available at the university.<br />
Seek them out and utilize them to the fullest. Make it<br />
a goal to become a permanent fixture on the Dean’s List.<br />
Don’t hesitate to get involved. Join a fraternity or sorority,<br />
sing in the choir, join the BSU, or any <strong>of</strong> the many other<br />
organizations on campus. This is an opportunity to be a<br />
part <strong>of</strong> a group and develop as a leader. As you advance<br />
academically and pr<strong>of</strong>essionally you will be asked to<br />
participate in groups to solve problems and/or reach a<br />
common goal. Gaining this experience early in your<br />
academic career will arm you with the skills needed to be a<br />
contributing member <strong>of</strong> the group and take on leadership<br />
roles in any academic setting or organization. Some may<br />
say this is too much to take on and maintain a high GPA.<br />
But believe me you can do it by setting achievable goals<br />
for yourselves and holding yourselves accountable for<br />
accomplishing your goals. Later in your pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />
lives the ability to multi-task under pressure will serve<br />
you well. So don’t shy away from these challenges during<br />
your undergraduate years. Embrace them and grow from<br />
the experiences.<br />
In my pr<strong>of</strong>essional career mentors were responsible for<br />
my greatest career advances. I was extremely shy as a<br />
younger man so seasoned leaders took me under their<br />
wings to ensure my success. I would advise you to be more<br />
assertive and aggressive to ensure your academic success.<br />
You don’t have to wait until you graduate to start the<br />
mentoring process. Start now by surrounding yourselves<br />
with high performing achievers in your peer group,<br />
upperclassmen and alumni. Seek out those who have<br />
walked the path you are now following to gain insight on<br />
what will make you successful and the pitfalls to avoid.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re are resources on campus that support mentoring<br />
so explore those avenues. Also, I know there are many<br />
alums who would be more than willing to mentor young<br />
students. <strong>The</strong> roadblocks you are experiencing now are<br />
not new. <strong>The</strong>y have frustrated others. Don’t hesitate to<br />
seek guidance from others who previously overcame the<br />
challenges facing you now.<br />
This is the advice I wish I had received prior to my freshman<br />
year. Although I had a successful career, I could have<br />
achieved a lot more both academically and pr<strong>of</strong>essionally<br />
had I applied myself more while an undergraduate at the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Alabama. Good luck and Roll Tide.<br />
Cordially,<br />
Greg Floyd<br />
Class <strong>of</strong> 1981<br />
As an educator in the state <strong>of</strong> Alabama we are<br />
blessed to be a part <strong>of</strong> the Teachers Retirement<br />
System. We pay into our retirement plan and if<br />
we switch schools or go into another school system the<br />
money that we have put into our retirement plan stays<br />
with us. Most job fields do not provide a benefit as nice as<br />
that. <strong>The</strong>y do, however, <strong>of</strong>fer some form <strong>of</strong> a retirement<br />
plan with different option and though I cannot suggest<br />
you stay at a job long enough to be fully vested or reap<br />
the benefits that they may <strong>of</strong>fer I do highly suggest as a<br />
newly young eager employee that you do your research on<br />
retirement planning and not put it <strong>of</strong>f.<br />
I know at this age; retirement is not at the forefront <strong>of</strong><br />
your mind but, time is your best friend when it comes<br />
to saving for your retirement. CNBC did a case study for<br />
people who start saving for retirement at age 20.<br />
Investing $100 per month will grow to more than<br />
$160,000 when you are ready to retire in 47 years. At $500<br />
a month, the same 20-year-old would retire with more<br />
than $800,000 if they stuck to their saving. If you bump<br />
that number up to $1,000 per month, your total will grow<br />
to over $1.6 million for retirement.<br />
$1.6 million dollar sounds nice, and you have the<br />
opportunity right now to really set yourself up for a more<br />
comfortable life when you get older. Allowing you to<br />
not be forced to work so hard in your golden years. Take<br />
control now so you can have control later. See the big<br />
picture and Good Luck!<br />
Larron White<br />
Class <strong>of</strong> 1997<br />
A<br />
s<br />
I reflect upon my life, here are three things I wish<br />
I had been given at 22 years old.<br />
• Mistakes are good<br />
• Know and understand yourself<br />
• Life is an obstacle course<br />
Elbert Hubbard stated, “<strong>The</strong> greatest mistake a man<br />
can make is being afraid <strong>of</strong> making one.” Mistakes in<br />
life are lessons that provide you with opportunities for<br />
personal growth and insight. In fact, I believe the keys to<br />
a successful life must include your ability to learn from<br />
your own mistakes and those <strong>of</strong> others. To do this you<br />
must be willing to reflect <strong>of</strong>ten on your mishaps. Think<br />
to yourself, what can I do differently next time? You need<br />
to relive your experiences, not to shame yourself, but<br />
as a way to avoid repeating them. Remember, you will<br />
not always make the right decisions in your life, but you<br />
should always make the best decisions based on what you<br />
know and understand at the moment. Growth is on the<br />
other side <strong>of</strong> your fear <strong>of</strong> failure.<br />
Self-awareness is a must while going through life.<br />
Develop the ability to understand and articulate those<br />
things you will not tolerate. As the saying goes “If you<br />
don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.”<br />
Whereas knowledge will only take you so far, genuineness<br />
and sincerity are character traits that will win people<br />
over when it counts the most. Society can be cruel but<br />
remain true to yourself. Whenever you find yourself in<br />
a situation where people do not have your best interest<br />
in mind, be willing to cut ties and move on. You may ask,<br />
how do I discern the intentions <strong>of</strong> others? Just listen!<br />
You are more in tune than you think.<br />
Life is an obstacle course. It’s filled with hurdles and<br />
challenges designed to impede your progress. You will<br />
be tested by employers, colleagues, and friends who,<br />
at times, will cause you to question everything about<br />
yourself. <strong>The</strong>se experiences will make you stronger<br />
when you are able to forgive, learn from them, and move<br />
forward. Enjoy the special times you experience in each<br />
<strong>of</strong> your relationships with people that matter. Even<br />
though financial hardships or a divorce, put God first<br />
and learn from the experience. Fortunately, you have the<br />
choice to view every experience in life either negatively<br />
or positively. I urge you to look at the positive with the<br />
foresight that life is an obstacle course.<br />
In closing, learn from your mistakes, live your life and be<br />
a testimony for others, and treat everyone with respect<br />
and dignity. By doing these things, you will be successful<br />
in life.<br />
Regards,<br />
Dr. Terry Lamar<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Equity and Educational Initiatives,<br />
Hoover City Schools<br />
Navigating college can be an overwhelming and<br />
very involved experience for any student. Even<br />
with the challenges you may encounter, it can<br />
also be the greatest and most rewarding time <strong>of</strong> your<br />
young adulthood.<br />
As an African American student at a predominately white<br />
institution, the challenge may seem to be even greater. As<br />
a new student on campus, I must admit it was a culture<br />
shock for me. Coming from a school system that was<br />
predominantly black, it was an adjustment coming from<br />
where you were in the overwhelming majority to a setting<br />
where you are a minority. With the culture shock, it was<br />
easy to become overwhelmed with the size and scope <strong>of</strong><br />
my new surroundings and fall behind.<br />
As new and continuing students, the following points <strong>of</strong><br />
advice can place you on the path in making the most <strong>of</strong><br />
the collegiate experience.<br />
Don’t go through your college experience on cruise<br />
control, if you are struggling academically, mentally, or<br />
any way please seek resources that are available to you to<br />
keep you on your path to success.<br />
TOO THIN.<br />
You may have the urge to get involved everywhere and in<br />
everything at Get on Board Day, but don’t let your over<br />
eagerness consume and drown you. Try to focus on what<br />
gives you the best opportunities to do good and effect at<br />
least a little change in your corner <strong>of</strong> the earth.<br />
Nurture relationships with those who encourage you,<br />
challenge you and bring out the best you and reciprocate.<br />
In the bustle <strong>of</strong> college life, it is easy to neglect these<br />
connections and take them for granted. Take a moment to<br />
slow down and experience the fullness <strong>of</strong> those positive<br />
relationships.<br />
ENJOY!<br />
You are here to gain an education, but you are also here to<br />
experience your first taste <strong>of</strong> adulthood and prepare your<br />
minds to navigate an increasingly competitive world.<br />
You are the dreams and legacy <strong>of</strong> Pollie, Autherine, Vivian<br />
and James; you are the embodiment <strong>of</strong> their sacrifice. So,<br />
take care <strong>of</strong> yourself so you may lift the students who<br />
follow you and be a shining example to them continue<br />
this rich and powerful legacy.<br />
Prince<br />
Cleaveland<br />
Class <strong>of</strong> 2003