CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
CD is an independent and impartial magazine and is the medium of communication between foreign representatives of international and UN-organisations based in Vienna and the Austrian political classes, business, culture and tourism. CD features up-to-date information about and for the diplomatic corps, international organisations, society, politics, business, tourism, fashion and culture. Furthermore CD introduces the new ambassadors in Austria and informs about designations, awards and top-events. Interviews with leading personalities, country reports from all over the world and the presentation of Austria as a host country complement the wide range oft he magazine.
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Spring <strong>2022</strong><br />
Nr. 1 | March - May<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
FRANCE<br />
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Liebe Leserinnen, liebe Leser! | Dear Readers!<br />
Langsam, aber doch, bekommen wir unser gewohntes<br />
Leben zurück. Wer kürzlich durch Wiens Innenstadt<br />
spazierte, hörte da und dort bereits andere<br />
Sprachen und konnte Gäste beobachten, die fröhlich<br />
eines der zahlreichen Museen sowie die beliebten Kaffeehäuser<br />
besuchten. Schon die „Wien Tourismus“-Konferenz<br />
im vergangenen Herbst zeigte deutlich die Wichtigkeit<br />
des Tourismus in und für Wien auf. Kein Wunder<br />
also, schließlich macht dessen Wertschöpfung in Wien<br />
4,7 Milliarden Euro aus. Nicht zu vernachlässigen ist dabei<br />
die Diplomatie mit der zusätzlichen Wertschöpfung<br />
von 1,35 Milliarden Euro – die außerhalb der internationalen<br />
Community oft nicht so wahrgenommen wird, wie<br />
sie es sich eigentlich verdienen würde.<br />
Unsere Titelgeschichte, die unter tatkräftiger Unterstützung<br />
der Französischen Handelskammer CCFA zustande<br />
kam, ist der „Grande Nation“ gewidmet – denn<br />
Frankreich hat noch bis Ende Juni den EU-Ratsvorsitz<br />
inne, zu lesen ab Seite 18. Das Land selbst ist ein Motor in<br />
Europa und steht für prägnante Modeschöpfer, großartige<br />
Gourmandisen sowie für das gewisse „Savoir Vivre“<br />
im Allgemeinen. Eine besondere französische Note zieht<br />
sich daher wie ein roter Faden durch diese gesamte Ausgabe:<br />
mit unserem zweiten Länderporträt der Republik<br />
Côte d’Ivoire, das 1960 von Frankreich unabhängig wurde<br />
(ab Seite 38), über die Horte französischer Kulinarik-<br />
Freuden in Wien (Seite 110) bis hin zu unseren schicken<br />
Lifestyle-Tipps, ab Seite 124.<br />
Die Ehre eines persönlichen Interviews wurde uns<br />
diesmal von Wirtschafts- und Digitalisierungsministerin<br />
Margarete Schramböck (Seite 64) sowie von Martin Selmayr,<br />
dem Leiter der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission<br />
in Österreich (ab Seite 48), zuteil.<br />
„Frühling ist, wenn die Seele wieder bunt denkt“ lautet<br />
ein Aphorismus. Genießen Sie das unvergleichliche<br />
Lebensgefühl im großartigen Wien, das heuer eine der<br />
besten Museumsmeilen sein Eigen nennen darf (zu lesen<br />
ab Seite 88). Parallel dazu ist man auch auf dem besten<br />
Weg zur „Smart City“ zu werden. Unser Redaktions-Kollege,<br />
Trend-Autor Bernhard Ecker, den wir im CD-Team<br />
herzlich willkommen heißen, hat die Hintergründe recherchiert,<br />
ab Seite 70.<br />
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine wunderbare Frühlingszeit<br />
und viel Lesevergnügen mit dieser Ausgabe!<br />
Slowly, but surely, we’re getting back to our normal<br />
lives. Anyone who recently walked through Vienna’s<br />
city centre should already have started hearing the<br />
foreign languages again and observe visitors as they happily<br />
stroll past the city’s many museums and beloved coffee<br />
houses. The “Wien Tourismus” conference last autumn<br />
emphasised the importance of tourism in and for<br />
Vienna. It should thus come as no surprise that tourism<br />
adds 4.7 billion euro to Vienna’s economy. And don’t forget<br />
diplomacy, which adds another 1.35 billion euro and<br />
often doesn’t get the credit it deserves outside of the international<br />
community.<br />
Our cover story, created with the active support of the<br />
Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce (CCFA), is dedicated<br />
to “La République” this time – for France will hold<br />
the presidency of the EU Council until the end of June.<br />
Read more on this from page 18. The country itself is a<br />
driving force in Europe and stands for outstanding fashion<br />
designers, great gourmets and a certain “savoir vivre”. A<br />
particular French touch also runs like a unifying thread<br />
through this entire <strong>issue</strong>: from our country portrait on<br />
Ivory Coast, which gained independence from France in<br />
1960 (from page 38), to Vienna’s hotspots for French culinary<br />
delights (page 110) and our chic lifestyle tips, from<br />
page 126.<br />
The honour of a personal interview was bestowed upon<br />
us this time by Digitalisation Minister Margarete Schramböck<br />
(page 64), as well as Martin Selmayr, Head of the Representation<br />
of the European Commission to Austria<br />
(from page 48).<br />
“Spring is when the soul thinks in colour again”, an old<br />
aphorism says. Enjoy the unrivalled lifestyle in wonderful<br />
Vienna, which this year gets to call one of the best museum<br />
districts its own (more from page 88). At the same<br />
time, Vienna is also well on its way to becoming a ‘smart<br />
city’. Our new editorial colleague, ‘Trend’ author Bernhard<br />
Ecker, whom we warmly welcome to the CD<br />
team, has more starting on page 70.<br />
We wish you a wonderful springtime<br />
and much reading pleasure with our new<br />
<strong>issue</strong>!<br />
Herzlichst, | Yours,<br />
Andrea Fürnweger<br />
Herausgeberin | Publisher<br />
Mag. Alexander Bursky<br />
Herausgeber | Publisher<br />
4 Cercle Diplomatique 3/2021
<strong>CERCLE</strong> <strong>DIPLOMATIQUE</strong> –<br />
Nr. 330<br />
Ausgabe | Issue <strong>01</strong>/<strong>2022</strong><br />
March – May<br />
Cover story<br />
FRANCE<br />
Seite | page 18<br />
Xyxyxyxy Golfstaat Katar<br />
hat es zuwege gebracht,<br />
Kultur, Bildung und Sport als<br />
wichtigste Mittel in seinen<br />
heimischen wie externen<br />
Strategien einzusetzen.<br />
The Gulf State Qatar<br />
managed to establish<br />
strategies making culture,<br />
educathe most important<br />
tools in its domestic and<br />
foreign strategy.<br />
10<br />
12<br />
18<br />
38<br />
44<br />
46<br />
48<br />
56<br />
58<br />
60<br />
64<br />
70<br />
76<br />
84<br />
88<br />
94<br />
96<br />
98<br />
Die neuen Botschafter | The new Ambassadors<br />
Akkreditierung durch Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen.<br />
Accreditation by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen.<br />
Offizielle Empfänge | Official Receptions<br />
Die Empfänge der vergangenen Wochen. The receptions of the last few weeks.<br />
LE MONDE<br />
Coverstory Frankreich | Cover story France<br />
Benchmark der Welt. Benchmark of the world.<br />
Côte d‘Ivoire<br />
Mehr als Kakaobohnen und Elefanten. More than cocoa beans and elephants.<br />
Kommentar | Commentary<br />
Das Platin-Jubiläum von Königin Elisabeth II. The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.<br />
Kommentar | Commentary<br />
2021 - Ein Jahr dramatischer Entwicklungen. 2021 - A year of dramatic developments.<br />
Interview<br />
Martin Selmayr, Leiter der Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission in Österreich.<br />
Martin Selmayr, Representative of the European Commission to Austria.<br />
Essay<br />
Kernenergie als ein die EU spaltendes Thema. Nuclear power as an EU divisive <strong>issue</strong>.<br />
Essay<br />
Die Geister die ich teilte. The spirits that I shared.<br />
News<br />
Neuigkeiten aus aller Welt. Latest update from around the globe.<br />
Interview<br />
Margarete Schramböck, Ministerin für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort.<br />
Margarete Schramböck, Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs.<br />
Smart City Wien | Smart City Vienna<br />
Digitale Werkzeuge für mehr Lebensqualität. Digital tools for more quality of life.<br />
Power Grid | Stromversorgung<br />
Auf dem Weg zur Energiewende. Towards the great energy transition.<br />
Wirtschaftsnews | Business news<br />
Neues aus Österreich. News from Austria.<br />
Wachsender Kulturcluster | Growing cluster of cultural institutions<br />
Neue Museen in Wien in Sicht. New museums in sight in Vienna.<br />
Botschafter der Musik | Ambassadors of Music<br />
Südafrikas Operndiva Pretty Yende. South Africa‘s opera diva Pretty Yende.<br />
Vision Dialogue<br />
Gerda Ridler, Direktorin der Landesgalerie Niederösterreich.<br />
Gerda Ridler, Director of the State Gallery Lower Austria.<br />
Festival Visit<br />
Haydnregion, Niederösterreich. Haydnregion, Lower Austria.<br />
100<br />
102<br />
104<br />
108<br />
110<br />
118<br />
124<br />
126<br />
130<br />
140<br />
144<br />
146<br />
150<br />
154<br />
156<br />
158<br />
160<br />
5<br />
6<br />
161<br />
Museum Visit<br />
Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />
Vision Dialogue<br />
Philippe Sutter, Französisches Kulturinstitut. Philippe Sutter, French Institute in Vienna.<br />
Kunst | Arts<br />
Kulturelle Highlights im Frühling. Cultural highlights in spring.<br />
Connaisseur | Connoisseur<br />
Essen und trinken mit Stil. Wine and dine in style.<br />
Kulinarisches Frankreich in Wien | Culinary France in Vienna<br />
Die besten Lokale und Geschäfte. The best restaurants and shops.<br />
Global Adviser<br />
Verreisen, logieren und besuchen. Where to go, where to stay and what to see.<br />
Seniorenresidenzen | Senior residences<br />
Seniorenresidenz Josefstadt.<br />
Lifestyle<br />
Trends für den Frühling. Trends for the spring season.<br />
Immobilien | Real Estate<br />
Die schönsten Penthäuser Wiens. Vienna‘s most beautiful penthouses.<br />
Ambassador‘s Drive<br />
Südafrikas Botschafter auf CD-Testfahrt. South Africa‘s Ambassador on a test drive.<br />
Motor<br />
Unter Strom! Electrifying!<br />
Weekender<br />
Am Arlberg. At the Arlberg.<br />
Weekender<br />
Burgenland<br />
Upcoming<br />
Wo es uns gefällt. Where we love to be.<br />
Buchempfehlungen | Must read<br />
Lesenswertes über Österreich. Books worth reading about Austria.<br />
Mein Österreich | My Austria<br />
Der Botschafter der Türkei. The Ambassador of Turkey.<br />
Etikette | Etiquette<br />
Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer über gute Tischsitten.<br />
Thomas Schäfer-Elmayer on good table manners.<br />
Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird im Deutschen auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung<br />
weiblicher und männlicher Sprachformen verzichtet und das generische Maskulinum<br />
verwendet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.<br />
For reasons of better readability of the German texts, the simultaneous use of female and<br />
male language forms is avoided, the generic masculine is used and apply equally to all<br />
genders.<br />
Titelbild | Cover<br />
Außenansicht des Louvre Museums in Paris. | Exterior view of the Louvre Museum in Paris.<br />
Editorial<br />
Inhalt | Contents<br />
Impressum | Imprint<br />
Nächtliche Ansicht des<br />
Eiffelturms in Paris. Night view<br />
of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.<br />
Sämtliche Interviews und Texte wurden Mitte Februar <strong>2022</strong> geführt und geschrieben.<br />
All interviews and articles were conducted and written in mid-February.
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Wir begrüßen die neuen Botschafter herzlich in Österreich: Willkommen!<br />
We cordially welcome the new Ambassadors to Austria!<br />
H.E.<br />
Troy<br />
Lulashnyk<br />
Ambassador of Canada<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
H.E.<br />
Mireya<br />
Muñoz Mera<br />
Ambassador of the Republic<br />
of Ecuador<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
Stefano<br />
Beltrame<br />
H.E.<br />
Ambassador of the Republic<br />
of Italy<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
H.E.<br />
Ikram bin<br />
Mohammad Ibrahim<br />
Ambassador of Malaysia<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
Tsengeg<br />
Mijiddorj<br />
H.E.<br />
Ambassador of Mongolia<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
H.E.<br />
Vasyl<br />
Khymynets<br />
Ambassador of Ukraine<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
H.E.<br />
Lindsay Skoll<br />
Ambassador of the United<br />
Kingdom<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
H.E.<br />
Victoria<br />
Reggie Kennedy<br />
Ambassador of the United<br />
States of America<br />
Credentials: January <strong>2022</strong><br />
(No disclosure to birth date)<br />
Married, two children<br />
Education<br />
1992 Political Science (BA), University of<br />
Winnipeg<br />
1995 Political Studies (MA), University of<br />
Manitoba<br />
Professional Career<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 - 2021 Director general of the Israel,<br />
West Bank and Gaza, Egypt and Maghreb<br />
Bureau<br />
2<strong>01</strong>4 - 2<strong>01</strong>7 Canada’s ambassador to Egypt<br />
2<strong>01</strong>1 - 2<strong>01</strong>4 Canada’s ambassador to<br />
Ukraine<br />
2006 - 2<strong>01</strong>1 Director general of the<br />
Non-Proliferation and Security Threat<br />
Reduction Bureau, responsible for<br />
international security programming related to<br />
threat reduction, counterterrorism and<br />
combatting international criminal activity<br />
2002 - 2006 Director of the Global<br />
Partnership Program, where he helped<br />
manage the Cold War legacy of weapons and<br />
materials of mass destruction and related<br />
expertise in the former Soviet Union<br />
1999 He joined the Department of Foreign<br />
Affairs and International Trade<br />
(No disclosure to personal data)<br />
Education<br />
1989 -1990 studied at the Diplomatic<br />
Academy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br />
of Ecuador<br />
Professional Career<br />
December 2020 appointed as Ambassador<br />
of Ecuador to Israel<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 Director of United Nations System<br />
Ambassador Muñoz was Undersecretary of<br />
Multilateral Affairs<br />
2<strong>01</strong>5 -2<strong>01</strong>7 Consul of Ecuador in The Hague<br />
and Deputy Representative of Ecuador to<br />
international organisations based in the<br />
Netherlands<br />
2<strong>01</strong>2-2<strong>01</strong>4 Deputy Chief of Mission at the<br />
Embassy of Ecuador in Colombia<br />
2009-2<strong>01</strong>1 Director of Global Trade<br />
2008 Environmental Directorate at the<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ecuador<br />
2003-2008 Negotiator of Ecuador to the<br />
World Trade Organization – WTO- in Geneva,<br />
Switzerland<br />
1995 -1999 appointed to the Embassy of<br />
Ecuador in Washington D.C.<br />
Born on December 8, 1960<br />
(No disclosure to personal status)<br />
Education<br />
1985 Master’s Degree in Political Science<br />
(110/ 110 “cum laude”), University of<br />
Padua<br />
1985 Postgraduate studies in Diplomacy<br />
and International Relations,<br />
University of Padua<br />
Professional Career<br />
2<strong>01</strong>9 -2021 Head of the Diplomatic<br />
Institute, Rome<br />
2<strong>01</strong>8 -2<strong>01</strong>9 Diplomatic Advisor to the<br />
Minister of Interior, Rome<br />
2<strong>01</strong>3 -2<strong>01</strong>8 Consul General of Italy,<br />
Shanghai<br />
2<strong>01</strong>0 -2<strong>01</strong>3 Diplomatic Advisor to the<br />
President of the Region Veneto, Venice<br />
2006 -2<strong>01</strong>0 Italian Embassy, Head of the<br />
Economic, Finance and Scientific Affairs<br />
Section, Washington DC<br />
2003 -2006 Italian Embassy, Deputy Chief<br />
of Mission, Teheran<br />
20<strong>01</strong> -2003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs,<br />
Middle East and North Africa Department,<br />
Chief of Staff, Rome<br />
1998 -20<strong>01</strong> Italian Embassy, First Secretary,<br />
Bonn/Berlin<br />
1993 -1998 Italian Embassy, Deputy Chief<br />
of Mission, Kuwait<br />
1991 -1993 Ministry of Foreign Affairs,<br />
Department of Economic Affairs, Rome<br />
Born on October 4, 1970<br />
Married, four children<br />
Education<br />
1994 BA (Honours) in Political Science,<br />
International Islamic University<br />
Malaysia<br />
1998 United Nations Disarmament<br />
Fellowship Programme<br />
2000 Certificate in Diplomatic Studies<br />
(Foreign Service Programme), Oxford<br />
University<br />
Professional Career<br />
2<strong>01</strong>8 -2021 High Commissioner of Malaysia<br />
to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan<br />
2<strong>01</strong>5 -2<strong>01</strong>7 Undersecretary for Multilateral<br />
Security Affairs, MFA Malaysia – concurrently<br />
served as Co-Chair of the ASEAN Regional<br />
Forum Inter-sessional Meeting on<br />
Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and Sous<br />
Sherpa to the Nuclear Security Summit<br />
2<strong>01</strong>3 -2<strong>01</strong>5 Minister/Deputy Chief of<br />
Mission, Embassy of Malaysia in Washington,<br />
DC<br />
2<strong>01</strong>0 -2<strong>01</strong>3 Minister Counsellor/Deputy<br />
Chief of Mission, Embassy of Malaysia in<br />
Brussels<br />
2008 -2<strong>01</strong>0 Principal Assistant Secretary,<br />
Multilateral Political Affairs Division, MFA<br />
Malaysia<br />
2007-2008 Special Officer to the Secretary<br />
General, MFA Malaysia<br />
2003 -2007 First Secretary, Permanent<br />
Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations,<br />
New York<br />
Born on October 20, 1982<br />
Married, two children<br />
Education<br />
1990 -1999 Secondary school, Erdenet city,<br />
Mongolia<br />
1999 -2003 Bachelor of Arts, National<br />
University of Mongolia<br />
Professional Career<br />
August 2<strong>01</strong>6 - November 2021 Director,<br />
Department of Europe, Ministry of Foreign<br />
Affairs of Mongolia<br />
July 2<strong>01</strong>5 - August 2<strong>01</strong>6 Director,<br />
Department of Europe and Americas, Ministry<br />
of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia<br />
January - July 2<strong>01</strong>5 Deputy Director,<br />
Department of Europe and Americas, Ministry<br />
of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia<br />
2<strong>01</strong>3-2<strong>01</strong>4 Deputy Director, Department of<br />
Americas and Africa, Ministry of Foreign<br />
Affairs of Mongolia<br />
2<strong>01</strong>0-2<strong>01</strong>3 Third and Second Secretary,<br />
Embassy/Permanent Mission of Mongolia in<br />
Vienna<br />
2009-2<strong>01</strong>0 Third Secretary, Department of<br />
Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />
Mongolia<br />
2008-2009 Third Secretary, Protocol<br />
Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />
Mongolia<br />
2005-2006 Attaché, Consular Department,<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia<br />
2004-2005 Attaché, Department of<br />
Americas, Middle East and Africa,<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia<br />
Born on January 13, 1970<br />
Married, one child<br />
Education<br />
1987-1993 Faculty of Romance-Germanic<br />
Philology, Department of German Studies,<br />
National University of Uzhhorod<br />
1997 Faculty of Economics, National<br />
University of Uzhhorod<br />
20<strong>01</strong>- 2002 Diplomatic Academy at the<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,<br />
Master‘s degree in foreign policy<br />
2008 Doctorate on the topic of<br />
Ukrainian-German relations. Obtaining the<br />
doctoral degree<br />
Professional Career<br />
2<strong>01</strong>5 - 2021 Head of the 1st Territorial European<br />
Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />
Ukraine<br />
2009 - 2<strong>01</strong>5 Envoy-Counsellor, Embassy of<br />
Ukraine in Berlin. In 2<strong>01</strong>2 and 2<strong>01</strong>4 Chargé<br />
d‘Affaires of the Embassy of Ukraine<br />
2008 - 2009 Deputy Head, Head of the Office<br />
of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine<br />
2007 - 2008 Head of the Department for<br />
Social and Humanitarian Affairs in the<br />
Department for Cultural and Humanitarian<br />
Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of<br />
Ukraine<br />
2003 - 2007 First Secretary of Embassy,<br />
Embassy of Ukraine in Berlin<br />
20<strong>01</strong> - 2003 Head of the Department for<br />
Ukrainian Diaspora, National Minorities and<br />
Religions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine<br />
Born on September 26, 1970<br />
Married, three children<br />
Education<br />
1992 BA (Joint Honours) in History with<br />
Russian, University of Nottingham<br />
1993 TEFL Diploma (Distinction), Edinburgh<br />
2002 Japanese Language Training<br />
2003 Korean Language Training<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 Russian Language Training<br />
2<strong>01</strong>9 was awarded the CMG (Companion of the<br />
Order of St. Michael and St. George) in HM The<br />
Queen’s 2<strong>01</strong>9 New Year’s Honours List for her<br />
services to British foreign policy<br />
Professional Career<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7-2020 Minister and Deputy Head of<br />
Mission, Moscow<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7 Russian Language Training<br />
2<strong>01</strong>6 UK Coordinator, Zika Virus Response<br />
2<strong>01</strong>2-2<strong>01</strong>5 High Commissioner to Seychelles<br />
2<strong>01</strong>0-2<strong>01</strong>2 Head (Climate), Climate Change<br />
and Energy Department<br />
2<strong>01</strong>0 Senior Policy Secretary to the Gulf and<br />
UAE Initiatives, Middle East and North Africa<br />
Directorate<br />
2007-2009 Maternity Leave<br />
2006-2007 Head, NE Asia Policy, Cabinet<br />
Office<br />
2004-2006 Deputy Head of Mission,<br />
Pyongyang<br />
2003-2004 Joint Assessments Staff, Cabinet<br />
Office<br />
20<strong>01</strong>-2002 Head, Korea and Mongolia<br />
Section, North East Asia and Pacific Directorate<br />
Born on February 26, 1954<br />
Widowed<br />
Education<br />
B.A. in English from Newcomb College, New<br />
Orleans, Louisiana<br />
J.D. from Tulane Law School, New Orleans,<br />
Louisiana<br />
Recipient of numerous civic awards and<br />
honours, including eight honorary degrees<br />
Professional Career<br />
* Attorney based in the Boston, Massachusetts,<br />
and Washington, D.C. offices of the<br />
global law firm Greenberg Traurig LLP<br />
* Member of the Board of Directors of the<br />
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, where<br />
she advocated for public policies that<br />
contribute to economic success and generate<br />
economic opportunity for people and<br />
businesses in the region<br />
* Co-Founder and President Emerita of the<br />
board of directors of the Edward M. Kennedy<br />
Institute for the United States Senate, a<br />
non-partisan, non-profit organization that<br />
educates the public about the U.S. system of<br />
government<br />
* Trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the<br />
Performing Arts where she chaired the<br />
Education Committee for more than a decade<br />
Served for many years on the Board of<br />
Overseers of Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts<br />
* Serving on the Board of the Brady Campaign<br />
to Prevent Gun Violence for ten years and<br />
co-founding a non-profit organisation,<br />
Common Sense About Kids and Guns<br />
10<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Official receptions<br />
Find more<br />
photos online<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
December 2021<br />
Inauguration of the new Federal Chancellor and new Federal Ministers<br />
With the resignation of former Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Karl Nehammer was appointed to this position.<br />
Left: Magnus Brunner (new Federal<br />
Minister of Finance), Gerhard Karner,<br />
(new Federal Minister of the Interior),<br />
Alexander Schallenberg (again Federal<br />
Minister for European and Int. Affairs)<br />
with the new Federal Chancellor Karl<br />
Nehammer, Federal President Alexander<br />
Van der Bellen, Vice Chancellor Werner<br />
Kogler, Martin Polaschek, the new<br />
Federal Minister of Education, Science<br />
and Research and Claudia Plakolm, State<br />
Secretary (from left).<br />
Inspiration<br />
gestaltet Zukunft.<br />
Der neue Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron.<br />
Future is an attitude<br />
Jänner 2021<br />
Federal Minister Alexander Schallenberg visited Lebanon<br />
The Minister for European and International Affairs visited two Austrian development cooperation projects and dropped in<br />
on the Austrian UN Blue Helmet contingent in Camp Naqoura.<br />
Left: Federal Minister Alexander<br />
Schallenberg with Lebanon‘s<br />
President Michel Aoun.<br />
Right: During a talk with Najib<br />
Miqati, a Lebanese politician and<br />
businessman, and three-time Prime<br />
Minister of Lebanon whose current<br />
term began in September 2021.<br />
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Stromverbrauch kombiniert in kWh/100 km: 16,6-20,9 (WLTP); CO₂-Emissionen kombiniert in g/km: 0. Angaben zu den Stromverbräuchen<br />
und CO₂-Emissionen bei Spannbreiten in Abhängigkeit von der gewählten Ausstattung des Fahrzeugs. Symbolfoto. Stand 02/<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
12 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 13
January <strong>2022</strong><br />
Official Visit of the Federal President from Switzerland<br />
The country is Austria‘s fourth largest trade partner and has the worldwide second biggest community of Austrians abroad.<br />
January <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Spanish royal couple visited Vienna<br />
The Spanish King and the Queen came to Vienna for a working meeting and the opening of an<br />
exhibition at the Belvedere.<br />
The Vienna<br />
Rothschilds<br />
A Thriller<br />
Left: Federal President<br />
Alexander Van der Bellen<br />
with his Swiss counterpart<br />
Ignazio Cassis (left) who<br />
signed a strategic<br />
partnership in 2021.<br />
Left: The King of Spain, Felipe VI (2nd l.) and Doña Letizia, Queen of Spain<br />
(very left) on their official visit to Austria, pictured here with the Austrian<br />
Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and his wife Doris Schmidauer.<br />
January <strong>2022</strong><br />
Kazakh visit in Vienna<br />
The discussion focused on the events in Kazakhstan.<br />
January <strong>2022</strong><br />
Diplomatic reception the new way<br />
For the second time, the New Year‘s reception took place only virtually.<br />
Alexander Schallenberg,<br />
Federal Minister for<br />
European and International<br />
Affairs, received Mukhtar<br />
Tileuberdi, Deputy Prime<br />
Minister and Foreign<br />
Minister of Kazakhstan.<br />
Left: Federal President<br />
Alexander Van der Bellen (left)<br />
and the Apostolic Nuncio to<br />
Austria, Archbishop and doyen of<br />
the Diplomatic Corps and its<br />
highest representative, Pedro<br />
López Quintana, both gave a<br />
virtual speech to the Diplomatic<br />
Corps.<br />
Spain‘s King Felipe VI and his wife<br />
Letizia were received with<br />
military honours by Federal<br />
President Alexander Van der<br />
Bellen at the Hofburg in Vienna,<br />
followed by a working meeting<br />
and lunch.<br />
In the late afternoon, after an act<br />
of remembrance for the victims of<br />
National Socialism, among them<br />
also Spanish victims, Felipe and<br />
his wife Letizia opened the art<br />
exhibition “Dalí-Freud. An<br />
Obsession“ at the Belvedere.<br />
making vienna worth living.<br />
14 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
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Küss die Hand,<br />
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#FeelsLikeAustrian<br />
LE<br />
MONDE<br />
The French Republic has long been a benchmark for the<br />
world – its language, its cuisine, its wines and its elegant<br />
fashion have many followers. But France is also a country<br />
with a tradition of ground-breaking reforms.<br />
FRANCE<br />
Text: Stephan Burianek<br />
ON THE<br />
MARCH!<br />
Elegant beauty: Bird's eye<br />
view of Boulevard<br />
Haussmann, with the<br />
famous Opéra Garnier in the<br />
background.<br />
18 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
One of the world's most<br />
beautiful restaurants: Le Train<br />
Bleu in the Gare de Lyon railway<br />
station in Paris, right: The Mont<br />
Blanc is Europe's highest<br />
mountain.<br />
FACTS &<br />
There is no need to explain the value of the<br />
French culture for the world. The French language<br />
is an essential factor in diplomatic relations,<br />
and it is no coincidence that this magazine bears<br />
a Francophone title. There are good reasons for<br />
calling the motherland of this world language a<br />
Grande Nation, and anyone who followed the news<br />
lately knows that the French Republic is determined<br />
to maintain its influence on a global level.<br />
An abstract of the remarkable history could start<br />
with the founding of the Académie française by the<br />
powerful statesman Cardinal de Richelieu in 1635,<br />
with the aim to standardise and to cultivate the French<br />
language, providing among others binding publications<br />
a mandatory dictionary. From this point on<br />
French became the “lingua franca”, replacing Italian as<br />
the main language at European courts. At the same<br />
time the rationalistic philosopher René Descartes<br />
wrote, still in Latin, a book that contained the three<br />
famous words “Cogito ergo sum” – “I think, therefore<br />
I am”, establishing a long tradition of philosophers that<br />
shaped the rational and critical thinking of the French<br />
elites, and later of the whole nation, for centuries.<br />
Until today, a good educational background and an<br />
intellectual appearance is considered an important<br />
vector not only for job candidates in any sector, but<br />
especially demanded by the public for officials. The 40<br />
brains trust members of the still existing Académie<br />
française who represent the crème de la crème of the<br />
nation’s intellectuals are mainly writers and philosophers.<br />
Many state presidents and ministers, even in<br />
the current government, wrote books, the most famous<br />
among them is most likely President Charles de<br />
Gaulle. This said, it seems almost logical that the<br />
French ambassador to Austria, Gilles Pécout, is a renowned<br />
historian (see the interview starting on page 32).<br />
FRANCE<br />
Official name: French Republic<br />
(République française)<br />
Administration: 18 regions<br />
(Europe and overseas), 5 overseas<br />
collectivities, 1 overseas territory,<br />
1 special collectivity (New<br />
Caledonia)<br />
Capital: Paris<br />
Government: unitary semipresidential<br />
Area: 632,734 km 2<br />
Population: 67,422,000<br />
GDP per capita: 39,907 USD<br />
(2020)<br />
The Vallon des Auffes is a traditional fishing haven in Marseille.<br />
A chimera demon at the<br />
Cathedral Notre-Dame.<br />
Progress throughout centuries: Eiffel Tower<br />
with high-rise buildings in the La Défense<br />
business district of Paris.<br />
20<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
FACTS<br />
Business relations<br />
between France<br />
and Austria<br />
Entwickelt, um Maßstäbe neu zu setzen: der vollelektrische EQS<br />
mit elegantem One-Bow-Design, bis zu 780 km* Reichweite,<br />
luxuriösem Innenraum und zukunftsweisender Technologie.<br />
France is the second<br />
largest economy within<br />
the EU and Austria’s fifth<br />
important export market<br />
worldwide. The Austrian<br />
supply of machines and<br />
exports into the<br />
automotive and aviation<br />
industries has decreased<br />
since the pandemic<br />
(automotive: -20.4 percent<br />
in 2020, aviation: -29<br />
percent), but tripled in the<br />
railway industry. More<br />
than 460 Austrian<br />
companies have<br />
subsidiaries in France,<br />
employing 18,900 people.<br />
While France is Austria's<br />
5th most important export<br />
market (6.1 billion Euro in<br />
2020), it ranks only 10th<br />
in Austria's import<br />
statistics (3.7 billion).<br />
France mainly exports<br />
aircrafts and cars,<br />
pharmaceuticals, gas<br />
turbines and vehicle parts,<br />
food and beverage<br />
products (wine & cheese),<br />
and beauty products. Next<br />
to the urban expansion<br />
project Le Grand Paris, the<br />
future large-scale projects<br />
that bear chances for<br />
Austrian companies will<br />
be the Alpine World Ski<br />
Championships 2023 in<br />
Courchevel-Méribel, and<br />
the Olympic Summer<br />
Games 2024 in Paris.<br />
Old and new history: The Louvre Museum with the Louvre Pyramid (above, left), the Luma Arles art center (above, right), and the<br />
splendid Palace of Versailles (large picture).<br />
Cardinal de Richelieu not only found the Académie<br />
française, but also transformed France into a centralistic<br />
state, with Paris as starting and final point of<br />
radiating traffic ways. The capital of France has many<br />
traditions, one of which is being both a sanctuary and<br />
a swanky place of residence for foreigners of the world.<br />
It was a safe haven for Polish aris-tocrats, for example,<br />
who fled their homeland after a failed uprising against<br />
the Russian occupation. Later, after the Russian Revolution,<br />
Paris served the same purpose for many Russians.<br />
And who would not want to live in Paris, if one<br />
could afford it? The city has become a synonym for<br />
romance, which might be also thanks to many Hollywood<br />
movies spreading this cliché. By many, it is<br />
considered the most beautiful city on this planet. The<br />
classicistic facades that line the big avenues, however,<br />
are the result of a radical urban renewal project<br />
which started around 1850 by the prefect as well as<br />
city planner Georges-Eugène Haussmann. They<br />
testify that in order to clear the way for the future,<br />
rational albeit unpopular measures sometimes have<br />
to be taken – sometimes necessary in a country, in<br />
which compromises are often interpreted as signs of<br />
a certain weakness.<br />
In German, “to live like God in France” is a famous<br />
phrase describing a person living in a paradise world.<br />
One can list a plenty of reasons for this. From a geographical<br />
point of view, the mainland that is often<br />
called the “Hexagon” due to its shape has it all: dense<br />
forests, high mountains, hilly vineyards, beautiful lakes<br />
– and even two seasides: the palm-lined Mediterranean<br />
cost and the rough Atlantic coast. And, of<br />
course, there is also Oversees France (“La France<br />
d’outre-mer”), consisting of thirteen colonial leftover<br />
territories, among them Réunion in the Indian Ocean,<br />
French Guiana in South America, or the islands of<br />
French Polynesia in the South Pacific Ocean.<br />
According to Atout France, the national tourism<br />
board, despite the pandemic situation the Grande Nation<br />
has defended its position as the world’s leading<br />
destination with 34 million visitors in 2020, and approximately<br />
45 million visitors in 2021 – a position<br />
France has been holding for more than twenty years.<br />
Before the pandemic, for comparison, France registered<br />
90 million international arrivals and 440 million<br />
overnight stays, 78 percent of which resulted from EU<br />
countries.<br />
When it comes to nature, culture, and cuisine visitors<br />
find high-quality options all over the Republic.<br />
Floating with a ship along the Canal du Midi in the<br />
Languedoc region, or cycling by the famous castles of<br />
Mehr erfahren unter mercedes-benz.at/eqs<br />
>><br />
22<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
EQS: Stromverbrauch gesamt (kombiniert): 16,6–21,1 kWh/100 km; CO 2<br />
-Emission gesamt (kombiniert): 0 g/km.<br />
Ermittelt nach WLTP. Tippfehler vorbehalten. Abbildung ist Symbolfoto.<br />
*Stromverbrauch und Reichweite sind abhängig von der Fahrzeugkonfiguration.
Ancient Roman aqueduct Pont<br />
du Gardin in Southern France<br />
(right), Arc de Triomphe in Paris<br />
(right, below).<br />
Sanofi is an international healthcare<br />
company with headquarters in Paris.<br />
In Austria, around 180 employees<br />
work with dedication to benefit people’s<br />
health.<br />
For us, flexibility is a top priority:<br />
between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., all employees<br />
can freely schedule their workday<br />
and work at any location in Austria;<br />
for example, at the new offices in the<br />
myhive tower located at Wienerberg,<br />
which distinguishes itself as a working<br />
lounge with a feel-good factor.<br />
The cliffs of Étretat; French<br />
cheese.<br />
French traditional cafe located on the Place de la Sorbonne in<br />
Paris.<br />
the Loire Valley are classics with a long touristic tradition.<br />
Exploring the extinct volcanos of the Chaîne des<br />
Puys in central France’s Auvergne region, by mountain<br />
bikes or by paragliders has become more popular<br />
in recent years. And of course there are many sustainable<br />
ways of travelling, the most environmentally<br />
friendly of which is probably a new trend called “forest<br />
bathing” – a natural therapy by spending time in the<br />
woods, for example in a national park in Burgundy.<br />
Apropos Burgundy: Even in the country’s most famous<br />
wine regions travellers find sleepy peasant villages<br />
with an authentic atmosphere enhanced by medieval<br />
churches and down-to-earth winemakers.<br />
Gourmets nevertheless will always find a good bistro<br />
for lunch or a fabulous haute cuisine restaurant on the<br />
countryside, and some will even carry the Michelin<br />
Guide, a French factotum, with them. And probably<br />
they will get in touch with some of the artisanal cheeses<br />
each region has to offer. The richness in cheese is<br />
legendary since President Charles de Gaulle is said to<br />
have concluded that it is hard to rule a country “with<br />
248 cheese variants”. There are probably more.<br />
Travellers might notice that the famous national<br />
motto “Liberty, equality, fraternity” – a slogan that<br />
became popular during the French Revolution and a<br />
legacy deriving from the Age of Enlightenment – is<br />
written above every French school door. As peaceful<br />
as these three terms sound, they are at the same time<br />
inevitably in conflict to each other, as Joseph De<br />
Weck indicates in his new book “Emmanuel Macron.<br />
Der revolutionäre Präsident” (“The revolutionary<br />
President”, available only in German). The author<br />
traces back the remarkable success story of President<br />
Emmanuel Macron to a nation that has seen its paradise<br />
crumbling due to decades of political stagnation.<br />
It was indeed a remarkable victory for the candidate<br />
Macron, who almost came out from close to scratch.<br />
With his own, newly founded party “En Marche!”<br />
(now: “La République en Marche”) he won the presidential<br />
election in May 2<strong>01</strong>7 with a campaign that managed<br />
to build up hopes for a nation that has been<br />
confronted with an increasing social dissatisfaction<br />
and with Islamist terror attacks in the past. In intellectual<br />
and at the same time absorbing speeches, he hit<br />
the spot of many citizens, promising them a better future<br />
in case they would all stand together to reform<br />
and develop the country under his command. The<br />
youngest president in the history of France has already<br />
proven that with a solid and rational philosophical<br />
foundation he distinguishes himself from populistic<br />
dazzlers in Europe.<br />
It seems impossible to assign him to either the<br />
right or the left side of the political spectrum. On one<br />
hand he follows an extremely economy friendly path.<br />
On the other hand he undertook remarkable steps in<br />
order to raise the social standard of many people. He<br />
considerably raised the minimum level of wages and<br />
retirement pensions, doubled the paternity leave days,<br />
halved the size of school classes in socially difficult<br />
districts, recruited more teachers, and raised their in-<br />
Sanofi-Aventis GmbH<br />
Turm A, 29. OG<br />
Wienerbergstraße 11<br />
1100 Vienna<br />
service.austria@sanofi.com<br />
www.sanofi.com<br />
Another fact that sets Sanofi Austria<br />
apart as a family-friendly company is the<br />
government‘s »Work and Family« seal<br />
of approval. The 14-week paid family<br />
leave introduced worldwide in <strong>2022</strong> is a<br />
good example. This provides expectant<br />
parents with the flexibility to adjust to<br />
family life and welcome their new child<br />
with the care and comfort it deserves.<br />
Sanofi looks to the foundation of the<br />
family structure to contribute together<br />
to quality of life and health. And it is<br />
this passion that unites all employees.<br />
540 schools in 138 countries<br />
from nursery to high school<br />
giving acces to the best international universities<br />
3 teaching languages and more than 60 nationalities<br />
uniting excellence and inclusion<br />
Lycée Français de Vienne<br />
Liechtensteinstraße 37A<br />
1090 Vienna<br />
Phone +43 (0) 1 317 22 41<br />
messagerie@lyceefrancais.at<br />
lyceefrancais.at<br />
aefe.fr<br />
Entgeltliche Einschaltung<br />
© Sanofi_Florian Schaller<br />
24<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
>><br />
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Little Venice in Colmar, Alsace.<br />
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Human Brain Organoids für CNS drug development<br />
Nancy was the capital of the Duchy of Lorraine, later it became the French<br />
capital of Art Nouveau (clockwise from above left): Room in the Museum of<br />
the École de Nancy, the opera house on the classicist Place Stanislas, and<br />
one of many Art Nouveau doors.<br />
Mont Saint Michel Abbey,<br />
Normandy.<br />
come.<br />
This list indicates that the French President has farreaching<br />
powers. Moreover, Macron has shown remarkable<br />
staying power qualities from the very beginning:<br />
When the Yellow Vests Protests peaked during<br />
winter 2<strong>01</strong>8/2<strong>01</strong>9, for example, he started what he<br />
called a “Grand National Debate”, the result of which<br />
can still be found on the website granddebat.fr: 10,134<br />
local meetings were held, and Emmanuel Macron toured<br />
the country in order to personally face the questions<br />
of the protesters, who demanded a reduction of<br />
petrol prices and taxes.<br />
Besides this, the economic reforms implemented<br />
by Macron soon made an impact: In 2<strong>01</strong>9, the year<br />
before the pandemic hit the world, France took the<br />
European lead in foreign investments, followed by<br />
Great Britain and Germany. The unemployment rate<br />
fell down to 8.1 percent in February 2020, compared<br />
to 9.5 percent in April 2<strong>01</strong>7.<br />
Macron also raised the international esteem by representing<br />
clear positions. For example, he takes a<br />
clear stand against EU countries that undermine the<br />
division of powers and the freedom of press, and he<br />
has shown allergic reactions with respect to NATO<br />
partners who revealed a lack of solidarity. The retirement<br />
of Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel last December<br />
is broadly considered as a chance for the<br />
French President to gain the upper hand over the leadership<br />
of the European Union. Before taking over the<br />
Presidency of the Council in January this year, Macron<br />
declared his will to push-on necessary reforms<br />
(see interview with H.E. Gilles Pécout). He is determined<br />
to continue the mostly successful EU history that<br />
was ingeniously initiated by the French Minister of<br />
Foreign Affairs Robert Schuman 72 years ago.<br />
The EU Presidency is seen as a good opportunity<br />
for Macron to show his international leadership abilities<br />
also to the French, as he is generally expected to<br />
become re-elected in April this year. If he will do so,<br />
he is on a good way to secure a historical place next to<br />
his personal heroes, the former French Presidents<br />
Charles de Gaulle and François Mitterrand. Under<br />
the supervision of Macron, France could resume its<br />
role as a bridge builder within the EU and as a benchmark<br />
for the Western world.<br />
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um dieses Ziel zu erreichen.<br />
26<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Weitere Informationen unter<br />
Alain de Krassny<br />
was born in 1942 in Nice and is a French<br />
entrepreneur residing in Vienna. He<br />
studied at the École Nationale Supérieure<br />
de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) until 1966,<br />
obtaining his diploma. De Krassny<br />
received his Master of Science in physical<br />
organic chemistry in 1969 at the<br />
University of California, Berkley, USA, and<br />
his Master of Business Administration in<br />
1972 at Insead in Fontainebleau. From<br />
1972, de Krassny worked at Rhône-<br />
Poulenc. In 1987, he became a member of<br />
the board of the company’s subsidiary<br />
Donau Chemie, which he took over from<br />
Rhône-Poulenc and Creditanstalt as part<br />
of a management buyout in 1997. In 2009,<br />
he withdrew from daily business<br />
operations. In 2<strong>01</strong>4, he took over the<br />
insolvent French chemicals company Kem<br />
One, Europe’s second-largest PVC<br />
producer. He sold the company again<br />
following a successful industrial<br />
rebuilding process.<br />
Additional information:<br />
Céline Garaudy / CCFA<br />
Am Heumarkt 10, 1030 Vienna<br />
Tel.: +43 1 71147 1380, garaudy@ccfa.at<br />
www.ccfa.at<br />
Intercultural networking – France up close<br />
In times like these, a lot of creativity is needed to keep networks active and functioning, particularly without<br />
the possibility of larger events and gatherings. The Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Vienna and its<br />
president and founder Alain de Krassny, as well as Céline Garaudy and the small team behind the Chambre de<br />
Commerce Franco-Autrichienne (CCFA), Austria’s only Francophile business network, have managed these<br />
challenges perfectly.<br />
What makes the Francophile network of the<br />
Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce so special?<br />
The Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce – better<br />
known as the Chambre de Commerce Franco-<br />
Autrichienne (CCFA) – aims to foster and deepen the<br />
relations and exchange of information between Austria<br />
and France, especially between business people and<br />
entrepreneurs from the two countries.<br />
Founded in 1989, our private organisation is based<br />
in Vienna and today counts around 300 members,<br />
including French business branches settled in Austria<br />
as well as Austrian firms and individuals. We have<br />
never had to rely on government subsidies and even<br />
during the past two years of the pandemic we have<br />
chosen not to take advantage of any public aid. The<br />
solidarity between our members is very strong. Not a<br />
single member has left us – on the contrary, we have<br />
supported smaller members to enable them to remain<br />
part of the CCFA.<br />
When I was elected president in 1991, my first plan<br />
was to create a dynamic team. In 1998, Céline Garaudy<br />
took over the direction of the Franco-Austrian<br />
Chamber of Commerce. She and I quickly became a<br />
well-coordinated team: I had the network and<br />
connections, and she had the skills it took to look after<br />
our members as well as to expand membership (we<br />
now have not only large corporations as members, but<br />
also privately-owned companies, start-ups, etc.). We<br />
agreed that we did not want to grow too quickly; on<br />
the one hand, because we did not want to take any<br />
financial risk, and, on the other hand, so that we could<br />
focus our attention on our existing members. I can say<br />
that our small, dynamic team behind the CCFA – with<br />
only two additional employees in addition to Céline<br />
Garaudy, namely Virginie Van Reepinghen as head of<br />
communications and Katja Feist as assistant – is<br />
extremely committed and multi-talented.<br />
The CCFA doesn’t solely run via membership fees<br />
but also provides professional services to French<br />
and Austrian companies.<br />
Yes, the Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce<br />
provides the following services to French companies:<br />
domiciling of companies, placement of commercial<br />
agents/employees, provision of business information<br />
and market-relevant data about both countries,<br />
provision of the chamber’s French and Austrian<br />
network of contacts – and all of this in cooperation<br />
with the business department of the French Embassy,<br />
the Business France agency and the so-called “Conseillers<br />
du Commerce Extérieur”.<br />
Your motto is “Ensemble c’est mieux! – stronger<br />
together.” How have you coped with the past two<br />
years?<br />
Considering both the global and local effects of the<br />
coronavirus pandemic, as well as the decision of the<br />
Austrian government to manage its spread, the<br />
Franco-Austrian Chamber of Commerce already<br />
cancelled all of its events in March 2020 and<br />
immediately set up substitute services to look after<br />
our members.<br />
Together with Céline Garaudy, whom would I like to<br />
thank in particular for her leadership during this crisis,<br />
our goal was to ensure that the consequences of the<br />
pandemic for our members and the chamber as a<br />
whole would be kept to a minimum. Even though we’ve<br />
had to suspend our events and face-to-face meetings<br />
for some time, this did not mean that the CCFA could<br />
not continue its work in some form or another. Our<br />
team remained in contact with our members via phone<br />
and email throughout.<br />
Our biannual magazine “CALÉIDOSCOPE” and our<br />
online publications (website NEWS section, Facebook<br />
page, LinkedIn page) have kept our network very<br />
active. “CALÉIDOSCOPE” is sent to all of our members<br />
and is also available free of charge in some<br />
institutions, such as the French Embassy, the French<br />
Consulate and the French Institute in Vienna,<br />
businesses with client traffic, chambers of commerce<br />
in France, etc. As a member, you also have the<br />
opportunity to place articles in the magazine and thus<br />
introduce your business to other members quickly and<br />
efficiently, present new products or announce other<br />
news about your business, but also to look for new<br />
business partners. Advertisements can also be placed<br />
at affordable rates. Furthermore, every member can<br />
Gemüse<br />
für<br />
also introduce him or herself free of charge in the<br />
annual members’ directory, which is also made<br />
available to everyone, on an A6 page. “CALÉIDO-<br />
SCOPE” is, of course, also published online on<br />
www.ccfa.at<br />
How do you define “networking à la française” –<br />
drinking champagne while doing business?<br />
Distinguished events, as they are known in Parisian<br />
circles, gala events with prominent guest speakers<br />
from politics and business, oyster and champagne<br />
evenings, corporate presentations, cultural exchange<br />
visits, sports activities – once or twice a month, these<br />
types of meetings provide the opportunity for both<br />
cultural and business exchange, as well as the chance<br />
to form new contacts and business relationships.<br />
Our events are in German and are usually held in<br />
Vienna. And for those who aren’t quite convinced yet:<br />
You can always get in touch with the chamber<br />
management to arrange to take part in an event as<br />
part of a “taster session”!<br />
A well-functioning team: Alain de<br />
Krassny with Céline Garaudy.<br />
Lipizzaner horses at the Lipica<br />
stud farm.<br />
JETZT<br />
auch in<br />
Österreich<br />
28<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
The CCFA Board.<br />
GEMÜSE<br />
Köstlich auf Baguette<br />
oder als Sauce für Pasta<br />
Erhältlich bei: Billa Plus, Interspar, Spar Gourmet<br />
Mehr dazu auf<br />
www.cassegrain.at<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 29
France in fascinating numbers<br />
With<br />
90 million<br />
international visits in 2<strong>01</strong>9 (and 45 m. in 2021) France is<br />
the number one destination of the world<br />
40<br />
Académie française members manage and control the French language<br />
The typical French ate<br />
26.5 kg cheese in 2<strong>01</strong>8 and drank 50.7 litres of wine in 2<strong>01</strong>7<br />
The Eiffel Tower weighs<br />
10,100 tons in total, with the foundation included<br />
The French national football team is the current<br />
world champion, having won the world cup<br />
2 times<br />
in total<br />
The French railway system counts more than<br />
29,000 kilometres<br />
30<br />
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H.E. Gilles Pécout<br />
“We absolutely have to decarbonise our economies.”<br />
Interview: Stephan Burianek<br />
Photos: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
The Ambassador of France to Austria talks about the goals of the French Presidency of the Council of the<br />
EU, about developing the business relations between France and Austria, and about his view of nation<br />
building as a historian.<br />
CD: You are a renowned historian specialised in<br />
Italian and European history, and besides a<br />
historical atlas of France you wrote a book about<br />
the development of the unification of Italy, the<br />
Risorgimento. How did you become interested in<br />
this topic?<br />
Gilles Pécout : As a historian of Italy and<br />
Europe in the 19th century I was interested<br />
by the new process of nation building in<br />
that time period. It is always interesting to<br />
reflect upon a process of nation and state<br />
building, even now as a diplomat, and above<br />
all as a diplomat currently inaugurating the<br />
French Presidency of the Council of the European<br />
Union.<br />
I had the opportunity to write a book about<br />
frontiers in Europe and I am fully convinced<br />
that there is no antinomy between a national<br />
process and something international, with<br />
values that are shared. As a historian, I have<br />
studied how a national process could at the<br />
same time be a European one. The Italian<br />
unification was an international process,<br />
with French and international help. It is proven<br />
that in the long 19th century a national<br />
process was a national and an international<br />
feeling at the same time. This is a lesson for<br />
us now in a historical way – methodically<br />
and ideologically – to think Europe both as<br />
a global process and a national one.<br />
France, in contrast, has been a strong centralised<br />
country for a much longer time. It is interesting,<br />
however, that for many years we have seen strong<br />
secession movements in Europe. From a historian<br />
point of view: Are unified countries more solid<br />
than smaller, hence more nationalistic countries?<br />
From both a historical and a current<br />
point of view I think that the most important<br />
element for a nation state is the sense of<br />
belonging, and we could have a common<br />
sense of belonging even with diversity<br />
within the same country. The second important<br />
vector is the spreading of democracy.<br />
That’s why centralised democratic states<br />
could manage to unify or to stay strong. The<br />
question of the dimension of the state is another<br />
one: The 19th and part of the 20th century<br />
were the centuries of the great empires<br />
and great states – with and without democracy,<br />
and with and without liberalism. A<br />
great empire or a great state does not manage<br />
to stay strong when liberalism and democracy<br />
are forces against the power. We know,<br />
for instance, that after the great empires of<br />
the 20th century, like the Soviet Union, we<br />
had many smaller states, but in these states it<br />
was possible to develop a new democratic<br />
sense. Hence, the dimension is not important.<br />
By the way, the reflexion of the German<br />
theorist Justus Möser about the early modern<br />
capitalism shall be remembered.<br />
France is holding the Presidency of the Council of<br />
the European Union until June this year. In the<br />
beginning of the term President Emanuel Macron<br />
made clear his will to push on reforms for a further<br />
development of the EU. What are the goals and<br />
visions for Europe that France is seeking to achieve?<br />
It is not only about reforming the EU, it is<br />
in fact to assure that Europe could work as a<br />
political and sovereign entity, as well as an<br />
autonomous but not closed economic entity,<br />
and as a community of shared values. It is<br />
about rebuilding what has to be rebuilt. For<br />
this, the first key notion for President Macron<br />
is to be sure to have a political European<br />
continent which is able to work upon the<br />
system of Schengen, which is not a reform<br />
but a rebuilding of Schengen, in order to secure<br />
our outer borders, and at the same time<br />
to increase the obligatory mobility within<br />
Europe.<br />
The second great key notion of President<br />
Macron is to conciliate a new concept and a<br />
far reaching vision of progress and growth,<br />
which is linked to our values concerning the<br />
environment and durability, as well as to our<br />
social values. In the programme of President<br />
Macron we have an important social part in<br />
the part of the recovery and growth, for instance<br />
about the inequality between women<br />
and men, the minimum wage, or the protection<br />
of workers in digital platforms.<br />
The third key notion should be about the<br />
sense of belonging on the basis of common<br />
values and the rule of law, and the fact to assure<br />
to belong to a same culture. “Same culture”,<br />
of course, does not mean that this culture<br />
does not accept diversity. In this<br />
context, I would like to cite the famous EU<br />
motto “United in diversity”.<br />
The consequences are very concrete legal<br />
actions in context with measures regarding<br />
the digital protection and regarding minimal<br />
wages, and above all the set of rules<br />
about the necessity of decarbonising our<br />
economy.<br />
Half of Europe’s nuclear power plants are situated in<br />
France. Against this background it seems logical<br />
that France wants to classify electricity generated<br />
by nuclear power as “green” energy – an undertaking<br />
that is being already pursued by the European<br />
Commission. But how can this find approval among<br />
the member states of the EU, especially with<br />
Austria, and among the EU population?<br />
We know that this is an important question<br />
for our bilateral relationships with Austria.<br />
We will have to explain the French position<br />
in this regard, which is also the<br />
European one: We absolutely have to decarbonise<br />
our industries, and the states in front<br />
of this aim do not all have the same means.<br />
In France, we will have to increase our electric<br />
mix in the framework of our energy<br />
mix, and for this we have to consider that<br />
nuclear energy is one of the possible transition<br />
energy types. The French government<br />
has committed the will of very well checking<br />
all the power plant systems, and it has pointedly<br />
declared that, for instance, the coal-<br />
was professor and director of the<br />
Department of History École normale<br />
supérieure in Paris. He holds the chair of<br />
Political and Cultural History of 19th century<br />
Italy and Mediterranean Europe at the<br />
Sorbonne. In 2<strong>01</strong>6, he was appointed rector<br />
of the Île-de-France Academic Region and<br />
rector of the Academy of Paris. He became<br />
the Ambassador of France in Austria in<br />
September 2020.<br />
32 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
S<br />
fired power plants will be closed, with the<br />
last one to close already in 2023. So, there is<br />
a precise programme for this project. We are<br />
sure that our will of developing and increasing<br />
the nuclear energy is necessary, albeit<br />
with very precise and rigorous limits. This<br />
said, France is not the only country considering<br />
the nuclear energy to become a transition<br />
mean of energy.<br />
Unvergessliche Ferien an der Opatija Riviera in Kroatien.<br />
In which matters do you regard Austria as strong<br />
partner within the EU and globally?<br />
The diplomatic relationships between<br />
our two countries are really good. We have<br />
developed a top level dialogue, as our<br />
governments are used to meet and talk.<br />
With respect to important international<br />
dossiers like in the Euro-Mediterranean affairs,<br />
the crisis of Northern Europe, or the<br />
situation between the Ukraine and Russia,<br />
Austria and France are aligned.<br />
Could Austria’s permanent neutrality laid down in<br />
its constitution interfere with rebuilding the<br />
Schengen Agreement?<br />
Despite the historically respectable, great<br />
Austrian dogma of neutrality, Austria is participating<br />
in training programmes in our<br />
common defence against terrorism, and an<br />
Austrian general is currently at the head of<br />
EUTM Mali. One of our most important <strong>issue</strong>s<br />
of shared programmes is the fight<br />
against terrorism. Last November, we had a<br />
great conference here in Vienna, launched<br />
by the Federal Minister for Women and Integration<br />
Susanne Raab, and our French Minister<br />
Marlène Schiappa was present. We<br />
have many common objectives.<br />
Due to its colonial history, France has left its<br />
marks in many regions, especially on the African<br />
continent. For several years now, China has raised<br />
its influence in African countries, also with regard<br />
to rare-earths elements located there. How does<br />
France evaluate the situation in Africa nowadays,<br />
and are there plans to intensify the relationships<br />
with certain African countries?<br />
Of course we have a historical, specific<br />
relationship with many countries in Africa.<br />
We are present in the Northern African sta-<br />
90<br />
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34 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
tes, for example. We have to make sure that<br />
the French interests do not work against the<br />
local interests, and we also have duties. Take<br />
the Covid crisis situation, for instance: Because<br />
of our specific relationships France<br />
had a leading position in helping African<br />
countries. Due to the use of the same language,<br />
we have a particular mission, and we<br />
are also maintaining intellectual, cultural,<br />
and educational relationships with Francophone<br />
countries.<br />
Yes, China is present in Africa, but this is<br />
not new. The question is to be sure that by<br />
our presence all the internal economic, social,<br />
and cultural balances are respected, and<br />
also that China is not the only one power<br />
there.<br />
The economic ties between Austria and France are<br />
strong. However, do you see a potential for more<br />
development?<br />
We have great and important business<br />
relations, but at the same time symmetrically<br />
they are not very well balanced. We can<br />
observe that in the last years France became<br />
a very important land of investment for<br />
Austrian interests in many sectors, vice versa<br />
this is not so much the case. We have to<br />
develop the market into this direction.<br />
Hence, together with large organisations on<br />
both sides, I started to organise more frequent<br />
meetings between our industrial and<br />
trade players.<br />
Maybe the reason for this disequilibrium is based<br />
on the fact that Austrians tend to be more<br />
informed about the Grande Nation than vice<br />
versa. Do you see a way to change this?<br />
There are no branches of French business<br />
schools in Austria. I have already star-<br />
ted to discuss this <strong>issue</strong> with French and<br />
with Austrian institutions, and I am sure we<br />
will manage to set up something in Austria.<br />
Studying in Austria will provide a way for<br />
young and future business managers to understand<br />
not only the Austrian market but<br />
also the Balkan and Middle European markets.<br />
I would like to add that increasing our<br />
academic, cultural and educational relationships<br />
– both regarding the number of<br />
French students present in Austria, and vice<br />
versa – is part of our mission. This is not a<br />
small question, but important for our future.<br />
Will this topic be present during the French<br />
Presidency of the Council of the EU?<br />
Two main topics will be particularly dealt<br />
with. The mobility of young people and the<br />
capacity to have a European professional insertion.<br />
Many conferences will be organised<br />
in order to think about this particular topic,<br />
and in Austria a great forum “L’Europe des<br />
Etudiants et des Chercheurs” (“Europe of<br />
Students and Researchers”) will take place.<br />
Then the biodiversity and Green Deal in coordination<br />
with each member state of the EU.<br />
We will launch the “Journées Vertes Européennes<br />
de Vienne” (“Green European Days of<br />
Vienna”). The first will be about transmission<br />
and education about biodiversity, the second<br />
about the green negotiation and the question<br />
how to include the biodiversity in the diplomatic<br />
negotiations, starting by the point of<br />
the Ocean Summit, and the third manifestation<br />
will be about green financing. Our partners<br />
will be the University of Vienna, the Natural<br />
History Museum of Vienna, Amundi<br />
Austria, and French foundations.<br />
Ë-JUMPER<br />
07.03. – 31.03.<br />
Ë-JUMPY<br />
AB<br />
€<br />
279/MONAT*<br />
36 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
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Angebot der PSA Bank Österreich, Niederlassung der PSA Bank Deutschland GmbH für Unternehmer - unterliegt nicht dem VKrG. Weitere Details bei Ihrem CITROËN-Händler. Satzfehler vorbehalten.
More than cocoa beans and elephants<br />
Right: Abidjan is the administrative capital,<br />
with a trade center and a port.<br />
Far right: export crop coffee.<br />
FACTS &<br />
The West African state still relies on the export of agricultural products as world leader of cocoa.<br />
Periods of political unrest seem to have been overcome.<br />
Text: Otmar Lahodynsky<br />
Among West African states, Côte d’Ivoire currently<br />
stands out as a zone of stability. While<br />
the armies of several neighbouring countries -<br />
from Mali to Burkina Faso to Guinea - have seized power<br />
and demonstrations are taking place against France<br />
and its colonial past, democratic structures in Côte<br />
d’Ivoire have been consolidated. A year ago, the presidential<br />
elections were held in an orderly fashion and<br />
without any objections, which had often occurred in<br />
the past. Even the Covid-19 pandemic seems to be largely<br />
under control in the country of 26 million inhabitants.<br />
Only the remarkable economic growth – a recordbreaking<br />
eight percent annual increase was achieved in<br />
the last ten years until 2020 – was dampened. In addition,<br />
there was a drop in the price of cocoa beans, for<br />
which the country is the world market leader with an<br />
annual production of two million tonnes.<br />
In Côte d’Ivoire, its name stems from the former<br />
hunting of elephants, the agricultural sector still provides<br />
the largest share of exports and gross national product.<br />
Cocoa beans became the main export crop, cultivated<br />
by more than one-quarter of the population, and<br />
by the late 1980s, after overtaking neighbouring Ghana,<br />
Côte d’Ivoire became the world’s leading producer<br />
of cocoa beans used worldwide for chocolate. The<br />
country also ranks first on the African market with<br />
bananas, pineapples, cashew nuts and coconuts.<br />
It was the country’s first president, Félix Houphouët-<br />
Boigny, who ruled for more than 30 years after independence<br />
from France in 1960, and who oriented the<br />
economy towards agriculture at a time when some states<br />
in the region were still relying on state-financed industrialisation.<br />
And for a long time, Côte d’Ivoire was<br />
able to live well from export earnings from cocoa, coffee,<br />
nuts and fruits. In the 1980s, the country achieved<br />
one of the highest per capita incomes of all sub-Saharan<br />
states without oil exports.<br />
During the latter half of the 20th century, Côte<br />
d’Ivoire had one of the highest population growth rates<br />
in sub-Saharan Africa and in the world. Its high rate<br />
was also based on the huge influx of immigrants from<br />
surrounding impoverished countries.<br />
For almost 30 years, Houphouët-Boigny’s Democratic<br />
Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI) dominated the<br />
country’s politics as the only permitted party. It was not<br />
until 1990 that a multi-party system was introduced.<br />
In 1990, Houphouët-Boigny was once again elected<br />
Côte d‘Ivoire<br />
Official name:<br />
Republique de Côte d‘Ivoire<br />
Form of government: Unitary<br />
presidential republic<br />
Population: 26 Million<br />
Capital: Yamoussoukro<br />
Seat of government: Abidjan<br />
Area: 322,463 km²<br />
Official language: French, local<br />
African dialects<br />
Religion:<br />
• Christian (Catholic and<br />
evangelical): 37.2%<br />
• Islam: 44%<br />
• Traditional Faiths: 10.5%<br />
• Non religious: 8.1%<br />
Ethnic groups:<br />
• 41.1% Akan<br />
• 27.5% Dyula, Maninka<br />
• 17.6% Voltaiques / Gur<br />
• 11% Kru<br />
• 2.8% Others<br />
including 100,000 Lebanese and<br />
45,000 French)<br />
Currency: West African CFA<br />
franc<br />
GDP per capita: 6,103 US-Dollar<br />
A well known tourist destination: the Assinie beach resort,<br />
located in the South of the country on the Atlantic Ocean.<br />
Right: Tabaoulé, a<br />
sea-resort in the<br />
South–West of the<br />
country.<br />
38<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 39
Right: The Basilica<br />
Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix in<br />
Yamoussoukro is the biggest<br />
Christian church in the world.<br />
Very right: The country is the<br />
world’s biggest producer of<br />
cocoa beans for chocolate.<br />
View of the city Abidjan.<br />
president under suspicious circumstances. He died in<br />
1993 and left behind one of the country’s most important<br />
landmarks: The Basilica Notre-Dame de la Paix in<br />
the new capital Yamoussoukro – an even larger replica<br />
of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, making it the largest<br />
Christian church in the world. Pope John Paul II<br />
consecrated the basilica in 1990. It was financed largely<br />
by the private assets of the president, whose wealth was<br />
based on his family’s shares in gold mines. He also<br />
founded the new capital, Yamoussoukro, in the centre<br />
of the country.<br />
Between 1987 and 1993, the state slid into recession.<br />
A devaluation of the currency, the CFA franc, and debt<br />
cuts by creditors brought it out of the crisis. The devaluation<br />
stimulated the export of Ivorian agricultural<br />
products again, so that an economic up-swing began.<br />
But all was interrupted by political unrest. The trigger<br />
was the duel between the elderly president and his<br />
challenger, Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivoirian Popular<br />
Front (FPI). Gbagbo, a leftist teacher and historian, became<br />
president only in 2000 and later, after a failed<br />
coup, civil war broke out leaving the country divided<br />
into the rebel-held north and the south controlled by<br />
soldiers close to Gbagbo. Peacekeeping troops from<br />
France, the Economic Community of West African<br />
States (ECOWAS), and later the United Nations created<br />
a buffer zone.<br />
In 2<strong>01</strong>0, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara<br />
was elected President but the result was not recognised<br />
by the incumbent. New and fierce fights broke out between<br />
the two camps. After international military intervention<br />
led by France and a cut-off of international loans,<br />
Gbagbo was taken into custody. Later he was<br />
brought before the International Court of Justice in<br />
The Hague for crimes against humanity, but was acquitted<br />
by it.<br />
Ouattara, a statesman with international experience<br />
as a leading manager at the International Monetary<br />
Fund (IMF), concentrated on modernisation of the<br />
country. After a change of the constitution he was elected<br />
for a third term in 2020, and the parliamentary<br />
elections in 2021 also went off quietly. His new government<br />
began with the implementation of ambitious projects<br />
– new railway lines and motorways are planned,<br />
but also the construction of schools and hospitals. The<br />
country has financial resources for all these projects:<br />
But the government decided that oil and gas fields detected<br />
offshore will be exploited later and thus saved for<br />
future generations. Tourism, which was hit badly by the<br />
pandemic, is catching up again. Main attractions are<br />
beaches, rainforests and savannahs together with a variety<br />
of wildlife in national parks. And elephants –<br />
which are depicted on the national coat of arms - are<br />
protected – together with their ivory teeth.<br />
Above: The city of San<br />
Pédro also has a port.<br />
Below: View of the Taï<br />
National Park.<br />
Right: Islands in Assinie.<br />
Very right: A floating island<br />
in Abidjan.<br />
40<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
H.E. Roger A. Kacou<br />
“We achieved one of the best growth rates in the world.“<br />
The Ambassador of Côte d’Ivoire about the fast development of his country and the many<br />
challenges for Western Africa – from desertification, infrastructure projects to Covid-19.<br />
Interview: Otmar Lahodynsky<br />
Photos: Lukas Charwat<br />
CD: Currently, there have been carried out many<br />
military coup d’etats in Western Africa: After<br />
coups in Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso the army<br />
of Guinea Bissau tried to take over – this time in<br />
vain. What is the reason behind this?<br />
Kacou: In the first years after independence<br />
of Western African states – when there<br />
was a lot of instability – the army intervened<br />
quite often. But in the last 20-30 years<br />
in Western Africa democracy became quite<br />
strong, so it is very strange that all of a sudden<br />
a series of military coups take place in<br />
this region. It was highly comdemned by the<br />
international community, first by ECOWAS<br />
(Economic Community of West African<br />
States), then by the African Union (AU).<br />
Could the AU become in the longer run an<br />
organisation like the European Union with a<br />
common currency and a single market?<br />
In ECOWAS they are already working on<br />
a common currency and decided the name<br />
of it – the Eco. In ECOWAS we already have<br />
free movement of goods and persons. In the<br />
AU, they plan a similar free trade zone with<br />
free movement of people but it is more difficult<br />
with 55 member states. But they are<br />
working on it. It is a big task and I cannot<br />
give you any time-schedule for it.<br />
How stable is the political situation in Côte d’<br />
Ivoire?<br />
Our country is quite stable now after it<br />
has gone through ten years of instability between<br />
2000 and 2<strong>01</strong>0. In 2<strong>01</strong>0, President<br />
Gagbo lost the elections and refused to recognise<br />
his defeat. Later, he was arrested and<br />
brought to the International Court of Justice<br />
in The Hague. Then he was acquitted. President<br />
Alassane Ouattara was elected in 2<strong>01</strong>1<br />
and in 2020 for a third term. The economy<br />
of Côte d’ Ivoire is doing fine. We even<br />
achieved one of the best growth rates worldwide<br />
between 2<strong>01</strong>2 and 2<strong>01</strong>9: an average<br />
growth of 8.5% annually!<br />
What were the reasons for this success?<br />
President Ouattara is a well known, liberal<br />
economist, he was number 2 of the IMF<br />
(International Monetary Fund). He opened<br />
up the country to trade and competition, attracted<br />
foreign investment with a very attractive<br />
Investment Code. We have big plans<br />
to improve the infrastructure with new<br />
roads, railways, schools and hospitals.<br />
The UNHCR stated that Côte d’Ivoire is a country<br />
where nobody has a reason to ask for political<br />
asylum abroad. So why are refugees still leaving<br />
your country?<br />
There is no reason why people should<br />
leave Côte d’Ivoire. So they are mostly economic<br />
refugees. Some of them only pretend<br />
to come from our country. When they arrive<br />
in Europe and find no jobs, they suffer a lot.<br />
Is cocoa still the main export item of Côte<br />
d’Ivoire?<br />
We are by far the world’s biggest cocoa<br />
producer with 2.2 million tons a year. We are<br />
also number two in cashew production,<br />
with 1 million tons a year and cola nuts. Our<br />
agriculture is very effective. We are number<br />
one in Africa with bananas, pineapples, the<br />
rubber tree and also cotton.<br />
According to a new Swiss study, many crops of<br />
Côte d’Ivoire will soon be affected by climate<br />
change.<br />
It is true that the desert of Sahara is growing,<br />
but for a long time, we fight against<br />
that, and we even have a Ministry of Reforestation.<br />
We planted millions of new trees. In<br />
the colonial times, they destroyed a lot of<br />
our forests because of timber production.<br />
Climate change is a big concern for our<br />
government, not only to protect our agricultural<br />
ressources. In May <strong>2022</strong>, the country is<br />
organising the COP 15 in Abidjan, the fifteenth<br />
session of the Conference of the Parties<br />
of the Convention of the United Nations<br />
Convention to combat desertification, gathering<br />
heads of states and ministers from all<br />
over the world.<br />
How has Covid-19 affected your country?<br />
Covid is a disaster worldwide for the<br />
number of lives lost, and for what it has<br />
done to the world economy. But strangely,<br />
Africa is not so much affected as the rest of<br />
the world. Côte d’Ivoire, with more than 26<br />
million inhabitants, has around 800 deaths<br />
since the outbreak of Covid. The reason for<br />
that could be that the African population is<br />
very young. The average age in Côte d’Ivoire<br />
is 19! We also got vaccines and help from the<br />
Covax system of the WHO. I dare to say:<br />
Covid is under control in Africa.<br />
Is the EU giving enough aid to Africa?<br />
Well, aid could always be bigger. But EU<br />
funds for ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific)<br />
states work well. We also get bilateral<br />
help from several European countries, also<br />
from the US and China. But they also come<br />
here to invest because of the return.<br />
Is China a big investor for Côte d’Ivoire?<br />
Not as much as in some other African<br />
states. We try to have a good balance between<br />
different donors.<br />
Your country has a lot of natural resources.<br />
We have iron, bauxite, gold, plus oil and<br />
gas offshore. But till now, we don’t touch the<br />
reserves of oil and gas as long as we have<br />
enough revenue from our agricultural exports.<br />
We have an excellent refinery for oil<br />
in Côte d’Ivoire. So we can even import low<br />
quality oil to be refined locally.<br />
You have been Minister of Tourism before you<br />
came here as ambassador. Is Tourism catching up<br />
after Covid-19?<br />
Côte d’Ivoire is a beautiful country –<br />
very rich, with natural sites and 570 km of<br />
beaches at the Atlantic Ocean. We are home<br />
of many tribes with their own culture, traditional<br />
dresses, regional dishes, music and<br />
dance. We have an ancient mosque in the<br />
north. And the biggest Christian basilica in<br />
the world: Notre Dame de la Paix in our<br />
new capital Yamoussoukro, even bigger<br />
than St Peter’s in the Vatican.<br />
Do you experience problems with islamic terror<br />
groups?<br />
No, apart from 2 or 3 minor incidents.<br />
Our borders are well controlled. So for tourism,<br />
we offer political stability, low crime<br />
rates and good infractructure including<br />
hospitals and airports. So we fulfill all requirements<br />
to attract foreign visitors.<br />
Ambassador Kacou with CD’s<br />
author Otmar Lahodynsky in the<br />
embassy, in front of a painting<br />
made by the ambassador‘s wife,<br />
Marie-Lucie.<br />
Roger Albéric Kacou, holder of a university degree in economics and hotel<br />
management, started his career as international hotel manager.<br />
From 2<strong>01</strong>2- 2<strong>01</strong>7, he served as Minister for Tourism. Since 2<strong>01</strong>8, he is<br />
ambassador in Austria.<br />
42 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
2021 – a year of dramatic developments<br />
2021 was a momentous year with extraordinary developments that will continue to challenge us<br />
in <strong>2022</strong>. From a European perspective, several events stand out in particular.<br />
Text: Walter Feichtinger<br />
You can watch Walter Feichtinger‘s videos on:<br />
cercle-diplomatique.com<br />
Walter Feichtinger<br />
graduated from the<br />
Theresian Military Academy<br />
in 1979, was in command of<br />
Panzer Battalion 10 and<br />
received his doctorate in<br />
political science from the<br />
University of Vienna in<br />
2002. From 20<strong>01</strong> on, he was<br />
security and defence policy<br />
advisor in the Federal<br />
Chancellery, Secretary<br />
General of the Austrian<br />
Officers Association and<br />
most recently head of the<br />
Institute for Peacekeeping<br />
and Conflict Management.<br />
The retired Brigadier now<br />
runs the Center for Strategic<br />
Analysis (CSA) in Vienna<br />
with a team, founded in<br />
2008 as an informal<br />
platform for topics of<br />
geopolitical and security<br />
policy relevance.<br />
csa-austria.eu<br />
The year 2021 began with a dramatic start, namely,<br />
the storming of the United States Capitol.<br />
An angry mob tried to use violence to prevent<br />
Joe Biden from taking office. A tragic day not just for<br />
the United States, but for all other democracies as well.<br />
For the images went around the world in a flash and<br />
played right into the hands of those who prophesize<br />
the decline of the US and exalt the superiority of authoritarian<br />
systems. In that way, what had initially begun<br />
as a mere domestic <strong>issue</strong>, quickly turned into a geopolitical<br />
one. For the US and China are increasingly dividing<br />
the world’s countries into democratic and authoritarian<br />
spheres of influence. The classification of<br />
democracy vs. autocracy is increasingly becoming a<br />
central selection criterion when it comes to forming<br />
new alliances. By inviting 110 countries to the Summit<br />
for Democracy, President Biden attracted both attention<br />
as well as disgruntlement. This trend had already<br />
begun to manifest itself in 2020 at the beginning of the<br />
coronavirus pandemic when it came to either dishing<br />
out blame or presenting oneself as an effective partner<br />
in times of need.<br />
The drama in the United States and the resulting<br />
political bipolarity have also had serious geopolitical<br />
implications, overshadowing developments in the<br />
South China Sea. In Hong Kong, repressions of the<br />
protests movement, an amendment to election law as<br />
well as economic pressures brought an abrupt halt to<br />
the vision of “one country, two systems”. Beijing’s de<br />
facto seizure of power over the defiant special administrative<br />
region no longer provokes significant resistance.<br />
For attention has already shifted to Taiwan,<br />
which mainland China has classified as a “renegade<br />
province”, and which it wants to incorporate as quickly<br />
as possible. Many observers view the events in Hong<br />
Kong as a prelude and dress rehearsal for Taiwan.<br />
Clears signs of this have already begun to manifest<br />
themselves. China is exerting political as well as economic<br />
pressure on Taiwan and its partners and is increasingly<br />
sending military jets into Taiwanese airspace. It<br />
appears that China’s intention is to wear down the<br />
government in Taipei while scaring off potential supporters.<br />
The hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan in the<br />
summer of 2021 was another event that led to geopolitical<br />
confusion. Even though the withdrawal had already<br />
been negotiated between former US President<br />
Trump and the Taliban as early as February 2020, the<br />
departure unfolded chaotically. The rapid advance of<br />
the Taliban and the surrender of the Afghan government<br />
and the security forces resulted in an image disaster<br />
and a loss of a key geostrategic base for Joe Biden.<br />
For the time being, China and Russia, as well as<br />
Iran and Pakistan, regard themselves as the winners of<br />
the situation, now that their archrival, the United States,<br />
has had to retreat. Future developments, as well as<br />
the security of the whole region, will depend on whether<br />
the Taliban regime can provide stability and prevent<br />
the emergence of safe havens for terrorists and<br />
extremists.<br />
The negotiations on the resumption of nuclear talks<br />
with Iran, which began in April, are of similar importance.<br />
The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JC-<br />
POA) – as it is officially called – is ultimately about<br />
whether or not Iran may produce nuclear-weaponsgrade<br />
uranium. A horror scenario not only for Israel<br />
and Saudi Arabia, but for the entire Middle East. The<br />
mere suspicion that Iran may be in possession of nuclear<br />
weapons would lead to a nuclear arms race in the<br />
region. Despite the change of government in Tehran,<br />
there should still be interest in reaching such an agreement.<br />
The US likely views the situation similarly, as it is<br />
now once again participating in the talks after its initial<br />
withdrawal under President Trump in 2<strong>01</strong>8. This increases<br />
the talk’s chances of success, even if the biggest<br />
disagreements remain between Iran and the US – a<br />
“grand bargain” appears unlikely, but continued talks<br />
could offer a way out.<br />
However, the Russian deployment of troops on the<br />
Ukrainian border is what has attracted the most attention.<br />
Over several months, the Kremlin moved military<br />
troops and combat equipment to its western border.<br />
By the end of 2021, the number of soldiers is said to<br />
have reached 100,000. But it was only around the turn<br />
of the new year that President Putin got upfront and<br />
presented his demands to the US. He made it clear<br />
once again that Russia feels threatened, demanding a<br />
de facto restoration of the geopolitical order of 1997<br />
(no eastward NATO expansion!). Apart from the fact<br />
that this approach was more akin to political blackmail<br />
than a real effort at negotiation, most of the demands<br />
themselves are completely over the top and do not<br />
comply with international standards and international<br />
law. Moscow knows this – so why this “spectacle”?<br />
In any case, Putin has succeeded in shaking up the<br />
US, Europe and Ukraine, and putting himself in the<br />
international limelight once again. His stakes are very<br />
high, for, in the case of a real military intervention, he<br />
would drive even the most reluctant sceptics into<br />
NATO. In Finland and Sweden, this debate has already<br />
been started. It is probably time to enter into a serious<br />
political and above all security policy dialogue with<br />
Russia. However, Russia’s aggressive tactics – see the invasion<br />
of South Ossetia in 2008, the annexation of<br />
Crimea in 2<strong>01</strong>4 and Russia’s support for the separatists<br />
in the Donbas – remain absolutely unacceptable. An<br />
offer of continued talks must therefore not be a pardoning<br />
or endorsement of this new militarily led foreign<br />
policy. Talks should be held privately instead of sending<br />
one-sided messages via conferences and interviews.<br />
Less impressive, but infused with considerable political<br />
volatility, are the Serbian secession efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina.<br />
It is well known that the representative<br />
of the Republika Srpska (RS) entity rejects the<br />
Dayton Agreement and wants to dissolve the entire<br />
state and add RS to Serbia. At the end of 2021, RS went<br />
even further and decided to withdraw from state institutions.<br />
The constituent republic intends to exit the<br />
army, the justice system and the tax system within six<br />
months.<br />
Without sounding alarmist – this would cross a red<br />
line. Not only could such a move lead to the collapse of<br />
the entire state of Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it would<br />
also greatly endanger peace efforts pertaining to Kosovo.<br />
The European integration process has already proved<br />
to be very difficult and long-winded. Critical developments<br />
such as these should therefore not be<br />
overlooked or ignored because they could result in serious<br />
setbacks.<br />
What does all of this mean for <strong>2022</strong>?<br />
The key trends of 2021 are likely to continue. The<br />
2021 began with a dramatic start, namely, the storming of the United States Capitol.<br />
rivalry between the US and China will probably not<br />
change in the foreseeable future. This should become<br />
especially apparent in the Indo-Pacific and in the two<br />
countries’ bilateral economic relations. But for now, all<br />
eyes are on Russia. Recent developments indicate that<br />
Putin is less interested in negotiatons but in creating<br />
facts on the ground. It‘s not unlikely that he will send<br />
Russian troops to conquer the whole Donbass exerting<br />
pressure on Ukraine and the western world. The situation<br />
is similar when it comes to the nuclear talks with<br />
Iran; the Russian representative sees a solution within<br />
reach within the year’s first quarter. A positive result<br />
here could lead to a significant easing of tensions in the<br />
Middle East. The cold winter has already put the Afghan<br />
people and the Taliban regime to a hard test. The<br />
result will show whether those in power will be able to<br />
guarantee the survival of their people, security and stability,<br />
or whether the country’s neighbours will feel<br />
compelled to intervene. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the<br />
international community appears to have finally understood<br />
the serious nature of recent developments –<br />
but that is not a guarantee for real solutions.<br />
In summary, it can be said that while global warming<br />
is increasing, the political climate has become<br />
frostier. In that sense, it would be important for the<br />
warming in the spring to be followed by a political<br />
thaw, too.<br />
46 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
A Platinum Jubilee with new records,<br />
many celebrations and pudding<br />
Text: Arian Faal<br />
It seems unbelievable but true: Elizabeth II has reached the first 70 year reign of a<br />
British monarch. The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in <strong>2022</strong> is planned to be a celebration<br />
for which she might be remembered for centuries.<br />
Mehdi Arian Hamidi Faal<br />
Foreign Editor of CD<br />
studied at the University of<br />
Vienna (Education, French,<br />
History) and graduated with<br />
distinction in 2000.<br />
Dissertation in History and<br />
Politics, French, 2000-20<strong>01</strong> -<br />
finished with distinction. Since<br />
1995, various teaching<br />
assignments at different<br />
education centres such as Dr.<br />
Rampitsch and 18 schools in<br />
Vienna.<br />
From 2004 to 2<strong>01</strong>8: Foreign<br />
politics correspondent at<br />
Wiener Zeitung<br />
2<strong>01</strong>2-2<strong>01</strong>5: Freelance journalist<br />
at APA<br />
For a couple of years, he has<br />
been also lecturer at the<br />
Theresan Military Academy<br />
and at the Diplomatic<br />
Academy Vienna.<br />
It does not happen every day that we talk about a<br />
Platinum Jubilee. It is kind of unique and stunning<br />
and therefore all the spotlights are on UK<br />
and its unmatched anchor of stability, the Queen, this<br />
year. ‚Let’s have some programme the world has never<br />
seen before‘, seems to be the motto: Several colourful<br />
street parties, a unique chance to see the<br />
Queen‘s homes up close, a four day UK bank holiday<br />
weekend from June 2-5, a Pudding Contest and a<br />
special concert with some of the world’s leading entertainment<br />
stars are on top of the festival schedule.<br />
Elizabeth II stands for a very long era, for security,<br />
stability and for strength.<br />
The mentioned Platinum Jubilee is indeed a milestone<br />
with historical importance. Celebrations<br />
throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth<br />
and around the globe are going to be a tribute to her<br />
70 years of reign (1952-<strong>2022</strong>). Before we go back and<br />
have a look at the past, let’s talk about records again:<br />
This year, on February 6, Elizabeth II added one more<br />
record to her long list in the Guinness Book of Records.<br />
At the unbelievable age of 95, she became the<br />
longest serving British monarch, the oldest one and<br />
the very first one being able to celebrating her Platinum<br />
Jubilee, marking seven decades of service to the<br />
people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the<br />
Commonwealth.<br />
Only three monarchs are documented to have reigned<br />
more than 70 years: the Sun King Louis XIV of<br />
France, Johann II of Liechtenstein and Bhumibol<br />
Adulyadej of Thailand, who passed away in 2<strong>01</strong>6.<br />
Elizabeth II is already the longest-serving British<br />
monarch in history, overtaking the legendary Queen<br />
Victoria (1819-19<strong>01</strong>, Queen from 1837-19<strong>01</strong>) in 2<strong>01</strong>5,<br />
and the longest-serving female monarch. She would<br />
surpass Louis XIV in less than three years.<br />
If you ask politicians and journalists what is coming<br />
to their mind about the Queen, you get answers<br />
like “neutral“, “discrete“, “royal“, “exceptional“, “everlasting“,<br />
“stability“, “a life for the crown“ or “timeless“.<br />
Some younger journalists even mentioned the netflix<br />
series “The Crown“.<br />
But who is Elizabeth II? She leads the Commonwealth<br />
with 54 countries. 32 of the smallest countries<br />
with less than 1.5 million population are part of the<br />
Commonwealth. 2.5 billion people live in those 54<br />
countries and more than 60 percent of them are<br />
younger than 29.<br />
8 Popes, 14 US Presidents and 14 Prime Ministers<br />
The Queen is a very respected woman with a commitment<br />
to serving her people. A stable character with<br />
a passion for animals (above all dogs, yes, a corgi is her<br />
favourite, and horses) and a person who is still enjoying<br />
horseback riding at the age of 95!<br />
There is no doubt about the fact that this woman<br />
has seen a lot. She met with 5 popes (Francis, Benedict<br />
XVI, John Paul II, John XXIII and Pius XII) and during<br />
her lifetime we had 8 popes in office.<br />
Former French President Jacques Chirac once told<br />
me that he had the biggest respect for ‚Her Majesty the<br />
Queen‘ and for her ability to handle all kind of different<br />
politicians. One day he was chatting with Elizabeth<br />
II about her meetings with all the US Presidents<br />
over the years. “I told her: you have seem them all,<br />
what can I tell you?”, he added with a smile. Elizabeth<br />
kept contenance, looked at Chirac and said: “A lot, indeed.”<br />
Elizabeth II has spent time with 13 of the last 14 US<br />
Presidents. Only Lyndon B. Johnson missed that<br />
chance of meeting the Queen. And when it comes to<br />
England itself, she had 14 Prime Ministers in 70 years,<br />
from Winston Churchill (1951-55) to Boris Johnson<br />
(since 2<strong>01</strong>9).<br />
The reason why some articles about the Queen<br />
mention 14 and others 15 Prime Ministers is that Harold<br />
Wilson served from 1964 to 1970 and from 1974<br />
to 1976 and is the one with two terms.<br />
The future outlook<br />
Back to Elizabeth II: How can a person be so professional<br />
over all these years? The key could be that she<br />
always follows the very first golden rule of her reign<br />
‚never comment on politics‘. Justin Welby, the Archbishop<br />
of Canterbury, told the BBC , “She takes her duties<br />
seriously, but she doesn’t take herself very seriously.”<br />
Mark Landler from the ‚New York Times‘ described<br />
in a recent article how it all began: “Seventy years<br />
ago (...), a young English princess climbed into Treetops,<br />
a remote game-viewing lodge in Kenya, built<br />
into the limbs of a fig tree overlooking an elephant<br />
watering hole. The next morning, she came down as a<br />
queen, though she only learned of the death of her father,<br />
George VI, later that day.“<br />
70 years later, she is commemorating this milestone<br />
alone, having lost her beloved husband of 73 years,<br />
Prince Philip, in April 2021.<br />
What we can’t deny is the fact that there are<br />
some black clouds tarnishing the Jubilee: Elizabeth II<br />
had some health <strong>issue</strong>s lately and was forced to reduce<br />
her activities. Then we still have the pandemic and its<br />
impacts on everybody’s daily life, including the royal<br />
one. The Queen also got infected by the Corona virus.<br />
Another one of those clouds are ‚family troubles‘:<br />
The second son of the Queen, Prince Andrew, fights a<br />
lawsuit in a New York court on accusations that he<br />
sexually abused a teenage girl while a guest of the disgraced<br />
financier Jeffrey Epstein. After the medial tsunami<br />
on this case, the Queen stripped Andrew of his<br />
honorary military titles recently. And Andrew stopped<br />
all his representative duties for the Crown. Andrew<br />
is not the only headache for Elizabeth II. Her<br />
grandson Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, remain<br />
estranged from the family, and have started a new life<br />
in the US. They both have quitted their royal duties<br />
and are seen by the press kind of the ugly ducklings<br />
since a painful interview with Oprah Winfrey last<br />
year. During this talk they complained and accused<br />
some members of the family (not the Queen and her<br />
late husband) of being mean to Meghan.<br />
Yet, the Queen can be very proud that her country<br />
loves her. She remains enduringly popular: Her 76 percent<br />
approval rating is No. 1 among the British royals,<br />
according to a poll last year by the market research<br />
firm YouGov. Charles polled at 45 percent; Prince William,<br />
the next in line, at 66 percent; and the once popular<br />
Harry at 39 percent (cf. New York Times, BBC).<br />
Is the Queen after 70 years of reign thinking about<br />
retiring? Not at all. She wrote a note on the occasion of<br />
her Jubilee and made it very clear that she will remain<br />
the unmatched anchor of stability: “As we mark this<br />
anniversary, it gives me pleasure to renew to you the<br />
pledge I gave in 1947 that my life will always be devoted<br />
to your service.”<br />
The Queen was also thanking the public and her<br />
family for their support, looking forward to Platinum<br />
Jubilee celebrations over the year. She mentioned her<br />
father, her late husband and her mother, the legendary<br />
Queen Mom, and last but not least also Charles and<br />
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.<br />
In a message released on the eve of the 70th anniversary<br />
of her becoming monarch, the Queen said<br />
that “when, in the fullness of time, my son Charles<br />
becomes king, I know you will give him and his wife<br />
Camilla the same support that you have given me; and<br />
it is my sincere wish that, when that time comes, Camilla<br />
will be known as Queen Consort as she continues<br />
her own loyal service.”<br />
Camilla’s role has been always discussed after<br />
Charles and the mother of William and Harry, the late<br />
Princess Diana, got divorced in 1996.<br />
Last but not least this Platinum Jubilee is a moment<br />
of a silent alarm for all of us: a reminder that an era<br />
might be over soon. Do you share the imagination<br />
that as long as some people are alive the world is stable<br />
and ok, with continuity? Let’s say that e.g. Kirk<br />
Douglas, Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren, Betty<br />
White, the Dalai Lama, The Queen, Barbara Eden,<br />
Vera Lynn, Pope Benedict, Qaboos of Oman, Henry<br />
Kissinger and Jimmy Carter were on my fictional list.<br />
Some of them are gone, others are in their nineties. A<br />
dry wake up call with a message: Nothing is everlasting.<br />
Let’s hope that Elizabeth II remains in good<br />
health and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.<br />
Coronation portrait of Queen<br />
Elizabeth II and her husband<br />
Prince Philip, Duke of<br />
Edinburgh in 1953.<br />
The photo was taken by the<br />
famous British photographer<br />
Cecil Beaton.<br />
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H.E. Martin Selmayr<br />
“Europe must learn the language of power.”<br />
The EU-ambassador to Vienna on the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the new Franco-German<br />
dynamics in Europe and the difficult debates concerning the fundamental values of the EU.<br />
Interview: Gerhard Bitzan und Otmar Lahodynsky<br />
Photos: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
CD: France’s presidency of the Council of the European<br />
Union and the newly formed German<br />
government could help reinvigorate the European<br />
Union. Where could the Franco-German<br />
partnership bring about important change?<br />
Selmayr: It is always good for Europe<br />
when Germany and France work closely together,<br />
but of course we also need the other<br />
EU member states. This was evident in<br />
2020: when Merkel and Macron led the way<br />
with the European recovery fund, all EU<br />
member states came together to mobilise<br />
800 billion euro to rebuild the European<br />
economy in the wake of the coronavirus<br />
pandemic. This year, money from the fund<br />
will start to flow into the first concrete projects<br />
and reforms, especially in the areas of<br />
digitalisation and climate neutrality.<br />
The other key areas in which Germany<br />
and France are cooperating closely in a truly<br />
European spirit are defence and security.<br />
Under the French presidency, the EU will<br />
adopt a white paper on European defence<br />
called “Strategic Compass”. It contains a<br />
common threat scenario developed with the<br />
input of the military staffs and intelligence<br />
services of all member states. The EU wants<br />
to be better prepared for future threats. The<br />
preface of EU foreign policy chief Joseph<br />
Borrell contains two key sentences: “Europe<br />
should take its fate into its own hands” and<br />
“We must learn the language of power”. In<br />
March, we will hold the very first EU summit<br />
on defence. We are a peace-loving continent,<br />
but along with our diplomatic power,<br />
we also need to strengthen our military power,<br />
or we will lose our relevance in the<br />
world.<br />
Obviously, this meeting will have to deal a lot<br />
with the consequences of the Russian aggression<br />
in the Ukraine.<br />
We need to deal with this already today,<br />
every day. The independence, sovereignty<br />
and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its<br />
internationally recognised borders is an integral<br />
part of Europe’s security order as agreed<br />
after the cold war, also by Russia. The<br />
annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2<strong>01</strong>4 was<br />
a first, dramatic violation of international<br />
law, and now, we see a further blatant violation<br />
of international law and of the Minsk<br />
agreements in Eastern Ukraine. We Europeans<br />
believe in diplomacy, and this is why<br />
France and Germany had initiated the Normandy<br />
format to sit together with Russia<br />
and Ukraine to settle the conflict. However,<br />
with the recognition of the non-government-controlled<br />
areas of Donetsk and<br />
Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine as “independent<br />
entities” on 21 February, the Kremlin has<br />
chosen aggression over diplomacy. In this<br />
situation, Europe and its Allies are united<br />
and firm: We stand with Ukraine. And we<br />
are imposing massive sanctions on those responsible<br />
for these aggressive acts.<br />
Some experts believe that the EU has only applied<br />
weak sanctions against Russian threats.<br />
Suspending financial transactions to and from<br />
Russia via the SWIFT system, for example, could<br />
be a clear sign that military action would be too<br />
costly for Putin.<br />
The entire arsenal of sanctions is now on<br />
the table and is being deployed in response<br />
to the illegal actions of Russia. This, of<br />
course, also includes sanctions concerning<br />
financial streams. It goes without saying that<br />
in an interconnected world, sanctions are<br />
always a double-edged sword, but Putin’s aggressive<br />
behaviour against Ukraine leaves us<br />
no choice. The EU has already tabled a first<br />
package of sanctions on 22 February. The<br />
arsenal of sanctions developed together with<br />
has been the European Commission’s<br />
representative to Austria since<br />
November 2<strong>01</strong>9. Prior to this, the EU<br />
ambassador served as Secretary-General<br />
of the European Commission as well<br />
as Head of Cabinet of former European<br />
Commission President Jean-Claude<br />
Juncker.<br />
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“The EU must be strong<br />
militarily as well.”<br />
our Allies includes the freezing of the assets<br />
of certain Russian oligarchs, direct sanctions<br />
on key Russian financial institutions and restricting<br />
the access of the Russian state to<br />
the EU’s capital and financial markets as<br />
well as trade from the two breakaway regions<br />
to and from the EU. If Russia does not<br />
move back to international law, it will effectively<br />
be cut off from key global markets for<br />
a very long time.<br />
Another leverage is the “Nord Stream 2” natural<br />
gas pipeline. Could stopping the launch of the<br />
pipeline be an effective tool as well?<br />
Nord Stream 2 is not a purely commercial<br />
project – for Putin, it is also a geopolitical<br />
prestige project. Our sanctions therefore<br />
have to include Nord Stream 2 as well. I prefer<br />
pipelines that connect people and economies<br />
– but a pipeline that is not based on<br />
solidarity cannot assume operations if Russia<br />
continues to blatantly violate international<br />
law in Ukraine.<br />
Back to the pandemic fund: Critics fear that it<br />
mutualises the debts of individual member states.<br />
The new German government is also showing<br />
more flexibility when it comes to applying the<br />
criteria of the Stability and Growth Pact.<br />
Debt mutualisation is a very ideological<br />
term. In the European treaties, when we<br />
founded the monetary union, we ruled out<br />
doing what the US did in 1790. At that time,<br />
the previous debts of the 13 founding states<br />
were absorbed by the new central government.<br />
We explicitly ruled this out in Europe.<br />
What is possible and provided for in the European<br />
treaties, are jointly financed projects.<br />
This could be chip production or the joint<br />
financing of climate strategies. This is exactly<br />
what our new joint future fund “Next Generation<br />
EU” does. In other words, we must<br />
not mutualise the burdens of the past, but<br />
we will invest together in the future. If we<br />
combine our strength as Europeans, we will<br />
get much better conditions on the financial<br />
markets. Our EU finance commissioner Johannes<br />
Hahn is currently selling European<br />
bonds like hot cakes from Dubai to Singapore<br />
and Tokyo.<br />
Where does European pharmaceutical production<br />
stand, also in regard to fighting the pandemic?<br />
In the early days of the pandemic, there<br />
was a panic that we would have to import all<br />
pharmaceuticals from abroad. Today, the situation<br />
looks markedly different. The most<br />
successful vaccine was developed by a European<br />
company, BioNTech, with strong EU<br />
backing. More than 80 % of the adult population<br />
in the EU is now fully vaccinated.<br />
And we have exported 1.4 billion effective<br />
vaccine doses to the rest of the world, which<br />
neither the US nor China has done. Europe<br />
has become the world’s pharmacy. And we<br />
are currently building production facilities<br />
in Africa so that the vaccines can be produced<br />
locally there as well.<br />
There is probably not going to be an EU-wide<br />
vaccine mandate?<br />
Vaccination policy is first and foremost a<br />
matter for the national governments. However,<br />
the consensus in Europe is to vaccinate<br />
as many people as possible so that we can<br />
finally bring this pandemic to an end. There<br />
is also a consensus that this requires a combination<br />
of incentives and legal mandates.<br />
What Austria is now doing with compulsory<br />
vaccination makes sense. It is also important<br />
to note that our digital covid certificate,<br />
which the EU introduced in a record time<br />
of only two months, has enabled everyone<br />
vaccinated to travel and take part in life<br />
again. Vaccination instead of lockdowns –<br />
that is the European strategy.<br />
For years, there have been tensions in the EU with<br />
Poland and Hungary when it comes to fundamental<br />
European values. Do you see a chance for a<br />
solution here?<br />
We have to resolve this conflict, because<br />
this <strong>issue</strong> is not about some minor detail, but<br />
about the very essence of the EU. Within the<br />
EU, each member state must have fully independent<br />
courts that apply both national and<br />
EU law. We are, after all, a community based<br />
on the rule of law. I live here in Vienna as a<br />
foreign EU citizen, and I feel just as comfortable<br />
here as I do in Belgium or Germany or<br />
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Vienna in the background: Martin Selmayr with<br />
CD authors Otmar Lahodynsky (pictured right)<br />
and Gerhard Bitzan at the “Das LOFT” at the<br />
SO/Vienna.<br />
Spain, because I know that if anything<br />
should happen, if I get involved in a traffic<br />
accident, civil or criminal proceedings, I can<br />
trust that I have the same civil rights here as<br />
I do at home. This is the foundation of our<br />
European Union and of trust between our<br />
European nations. Without this trust, business<br />
and travel across borders cannot work.<br />
What happens if Poland doesn’t pay its millions in<br />
fines, as the Minister of Justice has already<br />
announced?<br />
The European Commission is constantly<br />
speaking with Polish government representatives,<br />
and we are not giving up hope that<br />
Poland will ultimately make a decision in<br />
favour of our community based on the rule<br />
of law. Poland is strongly intertwined with<br />
the other EU member states. A considerable<br />
part of its working population and its businesses<br />
are active in neighbouring countries<br />
and dependent on legal protection and basic<br />
fundamental rights there. Poland is a voluntary<br />
member of the European Union: it has<br />
submitted itself voluntarily to the European<br />
Court of Justice, and it voluntarily adheres<br />
to EU law. When Poland sticks to these voluntary<br />
commitments, it can count on support<br />
and solidarity from the other member<br />
states. I am sure that the EU is stronger with<br />
Poland, and that Poland is stronger in the<br />
EU.<br />
Recently, nuclear energy has been endorsed as a<br />
green energy source that could receive EU funding.<br />
However, there is opposition to this from Austria<br />
and Germany. Will the majority decide here?<br />
Climate policy has been subject to majority<br />
voting in the EU Council for a long<br />
time, which fortunately allows Europe to act<br />
decisively in this field. And the majority has<br />
decided on a climate taxonomy in a 2020 EU<br />
law. Germany has agreed to it, Austria has<br />
abstained from the vote. What is happening<br />
now is therefore not very surprising and actually<br />
quite logical: We Europeans have<br />
committed ourselves to achieving the Paris<br />
climate goals and reducing greenhouse gas<br />
emissions to net zero. Whether you like it or<br />
not – if you want us to phase out fossil fuels,<br />
which currently account for 70% of our<br />
energy supply, then around 10% of our global<br />
energy mix will initially have to come<br />
from nuclear energy, which hardly produces<br />
any CO2. The dispute over nuclear energy is<br />
legitimate. I, too, am no friend of nuclear<br />
energy. But to think that we can reach the<br />
Paris climate goals by phasing out coal and<br />
oil and at the same time shutting down every<br />
nuclear power plant in Europe, is not realistic.<br />
All EU member states are also part of<br />
the Euratom treaty, including Austria. Nobody<br />
is obliged to use nuclear power. But<br />
one has to respect that other member states<br />
may opt for nuclear energy. And the majority<br />
of member states have done so.<br />
Could Austria succeed with a lawsuit against the<br />
EU nuclear decision?<br />
Our independent European Court of Justice<br />
makes decisions on lawsuits. We in the<br />
European Commission have done our<br />
homework and have studied the criteria laid<br />
down by the European legislators very carefully.<br />
A lawsuit that seeks to ban investments<br />
in nuclear power in other member states has<br />
no chance of success under EU rules. This<br />
was already decided by the European Court<br />
of Justice in September 2020, thus ruling<br />
against a suit by Austria.<br />
Emmanuel Macron has recently made a new<br />
proposal concerning the EU’s lacklustre asylum<br />
policy. Are we finally going to see some progress<br />
with this difficult <strong>issue</strong>?<br />
If you believe that one decision can solve<br />
the migration problems of Europe and the<br />
world, then you are mistaken. Migration<br />
will continue to be a complex challenge on<br />
our agenda for the next one hundred years.<br />
What does make me confident is that there<br />
is now an alliance of several EU member states<br />
that are showing solidarity with each<br />
other. Every time unaccompanied minors or<br />
families of asylum seekers arrive in Malta,<br />
on Lampedusa or on the Greek islands, there<br />
are always 9 to 15 member states that volunteer<br />
to take them in. Austria so far has<br />
categorically refused to take part in this<br />
scheme. This is Austria’s right, but Austria<br />
Mit Unterstützung vom<br />
Partner Technisches Museum Wien<br />
Ein europäisches Kooperationsprojekt<br />
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52 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
should also recognise that there are many<br />
member states that not only take part in the<br />
necessary protection of the EU’s external<br />
borders, but also show solidarity when it comes<br />
to taking in refugees. Without such solidarity,<br />
a common asylum policy will never<br />
work.<br />
How do you personally assess the French proposal<br />
for a Schengen reform?<br />
I personally think that the initiative by the<br />
French President to link asylum to Schengen<br />
is very intelligent. We all appreciate the freedom<br />
of movement within the EU. But it only<br />
works when we also have a common EU asylum<br />
policy. Making it clear that those who do<br />
not participate in the common asylum and<br />
refugee policy may also be excluded from<br />
Schengen in the medium term may be a wake-up<br />
call to some. We are in need of a few<br />
such wake-up calls, and the French President<br />
knows exactly what he is doing.<br />
Talks with the countries of the Western Balkans<br />
have been progressing very slowly; they are<br />
starting to lose patience. Has the EU lost its<br />
influence there?<br />
We should not be intimidated. From the<br />
EU, there are 40 times more investments in<br />
the Western Balkans than from China, Russia<br />
and Turkey combined. We must remain<br />
calm and determined. The Western Balkans<br />
have a clear European perspective. Economically<br />
speaking, however, these countries<br />
are still lagging behind the EU, and it will<br />
take time for them to catch up with EU standards<br />
concerning the political system and<br />
the rule of law. This process could take 8, 10<br />
or more years, if we are honest. EU accession<br />
does not mean membership in a golf<br />
club, but in a community of shared values<br />
and rights. We need therefore increased efforts<br />
on all sides so that we can one day see<br />
the whole European family united in the EU.<br />
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54 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Nuclear power as<br />
an EU divisive <strong>issue</strong><br />
Those who mean the EU’s Green Deal also mean the expansion of nuclear power<br />
- apparently much to the surprise of Germany and Austria, the main opponents of<br />
this energy source in the EU. On February 2 this year, the European Commission<br />
declared nuclear energy as green; investments into nuclear power-plants are<br />
compatible with EU-law.<br />
Karin Kneissl<br />
studied law and Arabic at<br />
the University of Vienna.<br />
She later served as an<br />
Austrian diplomat in the<br />
office of the Legal Advisor,<br />
Cabinet of the minister,<br />
Middle East Desk and was<br />
posted among others in<br />
Paris and Madrid. Later on,<br />
she worked as an<br />
independent correspondent<br />
on energy affairs, analyst<br />
and university lecturer<br />
(Vienna, Beirut). She served<br />
Austria as Foreign Minister<br />
in 2<strong>01</strong>7-19. Thereafter, she<br />
returned to her independent<br />
work. She has written 10<br />
books and numerous papers<br />
and articles about<br />
geopolitics, energy and<br />
international relations.<br />
kkneissl.com<br />
It was the oil crisis of 1973 that gave a massive push<br />
to the expansion of alternative energy sources.<br />
These include nuclear power on the one hand and<br />
the so-called renewables, such as hydropower, wind<br />
and solar energy, on the other. The goal then was to be<br />
less dependent on geopolitical risks in the Middle<br />
East, where the most important oil producers were located<br />
at the time.<br />
The ecological dimension of fossil energy was of<br />
little importance. It was primarily a matter of geopolitical<br />
costs. Those who are currently talking about a<br />
renaissance of nuclear energy, on the other hand, have<br />
climate neutrality in mind. Final storage of uranium<br />
waste and nuclear power plant accidents with devastating<br />
consequences are not important in these considerations.<br />
Climate neutrality hovers over everything.<br />
EU taxonomy and the nuclear opponents<br />
When the European Commission in early February<br />
standardised its taxonomy, a catalogue of permissible<br />
investments in the sense of the “Green Deal”, nuclear<br />
energy and natural gas were listed as “green forms<br />
of energy”. This means that investments can and<br />
should be made in such projects under certain conditions.<br />
This is tantamount to a recommendation to financial<br />
investors to invest in nuclear and gas plants.<br />
Accordingly, a lot of new bureaucracy will be imposed<br />
on fund managers and, in fact, on all entrepreneurs:<br />
for the purpose of climate neutrality by 2050,<br />
every step towards this goal must be documented accordingly.<br />
The fact that nuclear power is no longer just an alternative,<br />
but downright “green”, is driving the opponents<br />
of this form of energy, especially in Germany<br />
and Austria, to the barricades. However, the representatives<br />
of these two states were clearl outvoted in the<br />
EU bodies, where majority rule applies to these <strong>issue</strong>s<br />
and not unanimity as in foreign policy. As foreign minister,<br />
I didn’t think much of abolishing unanimity, as<br />
you risk losing out big time on crucial <strong>issue</strong>s.<br />
France’s electricity supply is over 70 per cent nuclear;<br />
and this makes France virtually the world champion<br />
in reducing CO2 emissions. Paris has now also<br />
made a U-turn in its course with an expansion of nuclear<br />
energy. Under President François Hollande, nuclear<br />
power plants were to be shut down in the shadow<br />
of the Fukushima disaster. The latter was ultimately<br />
not possible as planned for cost reasons, because even<br />
a closed power plant has operating costs.<br />
The status of nuclear power is completely different<br />
in Austria and Germany. In Austria, a new nuclear power<br />
plant was not even put into operation in 1978 by<br />
referendum, but was immediately converted into a<br />
museum. Since then, there has been a nuclear phobia<br />
in Austria, which has repeatedly led to bilateral confrontations<br />
with neighbours such as the Czech Republic<br />
and Slovenia. At the same time, Austria imports<br />
nuclear power from these countries. Double standards<br />
are thus part of the Austrian energy mix.<br />
In Germany, the Red-Green government under<br />
Gerhard Schröder and Joschka Fischer decided to<br />
phase out nuclear power, which CDU Chancellor Angela<br />
Merkel initially stopped in 2<strong>01</strong>0 at the request of<br />
industry, only to herald the energy turnaround a few<br />
months later with a total phase-out of nuclear power<br />
as a result of the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima,<br />
Japan. This zigzag course was subsequently<br />
further intensified by also shutting down natural gas<br />
power plants and increasing German CO2 emissions<br />
more than ever before as a result of massive use of coal<br />
power. It is a particularly strange irony of recent history<br />
when the most important EU state and the home of<br />
the eco-movement is one of the biggest polluters and<br />
on the other hand now has to watch its own anti-nuclear<br />
course being turned upside down by the rest of<br />
the EU and above all the Commission under Ursula<br />
Von der Leyen, a long-term member of the German<br />
government.<br />
The return of nuclear power is no surprise<br />
This renaissance of nuclear power has been on the<br />
horizon at the EU level since the first fundamental debates<br />
on climate protection some 20 years ago. Since<br />
2004, the responsible Brussels Directorate General has<br />
been working on the precursors of the Green Deal<br />
presented in 2020. I often pointed this out in lectures<br />
to an informed audience, but only received incredulous<br />
indignation. Germany and Austria both consider<br />
themselves morally superior to everyone else when it<br />
comes to the “right” energy policy.<br />
This denial of reality is now proving to be a fierce<br />
boomerang for the governments of both states, where<br />
the Greens are on board as coalition partners. Vienna,<br />
as so often, is threatening legal action to calm the<br />
home front, and Berlin already experienced a tangible<br />
defeat within the EU. These political facts, however,<br />
do little to change another fact, that neither the problem<br />
of final storage has been solved nor the long list of<br />
other shortcomings of nuclear power has been cleared<br />
up. The essential control over the raw material uranium<br />
is held by China, Russia and partly by the USA<br />
and France.<br />
In the name of sacrosanct climate neutrality, nuc-<br />
lear power is once again acceptable. However, this political<br />
announcement within the framework of the taxonomy<br />
must actually be followed by the necessary<br />
investments. For one major reason for the sharp price<br />
jumps in energy supply is “underinvestment”. The<br />
long overdue investments are missing in all areas, especially<br />
for the expansion of the electricity grid. After<br />
all, electricity generation is not the real problem, it is<br />
the transmission of electricity. Here, Germany in particular<br />
needs to take action, which in the summer of<br />
2<strong>01</strong>1 was estimated at around one trillion euros.<br />
It could be that soon many rear windows on German<br />
and Austrian motorways will once again display<br />
the familiar sticker “Nuclear power? No thanks!” sticker<br />
will soon be displayed on many motorways. If<br />
these are e-cars, the theatre will only become more<br />
grotesque, because the mobility turnaround calls for<br />
more nuclear power plants.<br />
A nuclear power plant in a<br />
landscape in Europe.<br />
56<br />
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The spirits that I shared<br />
If history has taught us anything, then it is this: Those who control the news, those<br />
who control our perception of reality, also control the course of history.<br />
Fritz Jergitsch<br />
was born in Vienna in 1991,<br />
studied economics in<br />
Utrecht and created the<br />
satirical magazine “Die<br />
Tagespresse” in 2<strong>01</strong>3. In his<br />
new book, he shows what<br />
makes social media<br />
companies like Facebook<br />
and Twitter tick and<br />
describes how autocrats<br />
and others abuse social<br />
media to spread fake news.<br />
Jergitsch has won numerous<br />
awards, including: Austrian<br />
Cabaret Prize – Special<br />
Prize, 2<strong>01</strong>6: “Internet<br />
Personality of the Year” in<br />
the category Media Creator,<br />
2<strong>01</strong>7: “Journalist of the Year”<br />
in the category Entertainment,<br />
2<strong>01</strong>8: Forbes Europe<br />
“30 under 30” in the<br />
category “Media”, 2<strong>01</strong>9:<br />
“Digital Superheroes 2<strong>01</strong>9”<br />
in the category “Media”.<br />
The text is an excerpt from<br />
his new book.<br />
In 2<strong>01</strong>2, I was enjoying my life as a lazy economics<br />
student in Utrecht, a picturesque student town.<br />
Located in the geographical centre of the Netherlands,<br />
Utrecht is best-known for its idyllic canals and<br />
its iconic 112-metre-tall Dom Tower. One evening,<br />
when – instead of studying – I was scrolling through<br />
my Facebook News Feed like a zombie, I spotted a<br />
strange article that had been shared over and over<br />
again: “Line crossed: 39-kilometre-deep record jump<br />
declared invalid.” Pictured on the article: Felix Baumgartner,<br />
who, just one day earlier, had set the world<br />
record for the highest parachute jump ever recorded.<br />
Puzzled, I clicked on the article and read what appeared<br />
to be a deadly serious news report about<br />
Baumgartner having stood 7 millimetres before the<br />
jump line before jumping. I soon realised that I had<br />
fallen for a story by the German satirical magazine<br />
“Der Postillon”.<br />
I immediately took a liking to the magazine’s style<br />
of mocking current events through satirical exaggeration.<br />
Of course, little Austria had, once again, been<br />
deprived of its own satirical website (at least as far as I<br />
knew). “Well, if nobody’s running a satirical website<br />
here, perhaps I should start one,” I pondered. But in<br />
the same thought, I dismissed the idea, because I<br />
didn’t think that my articles would be funny enough<br />
for anyone to care.<br />
But the idea stuck around, and so I began writing<br />
satirical articles about current events on a regular basis.<br />
After several dozen reports, I decided to get down<br />
to business and registered the domain “dietagespresse.<br />
com” on 5 May 2<strong>01</strong>3. Within a few days, I had set up<br />
the blog and posted the first articles online.<br />
But how do you direct the masses to your brandnew<br />
website? I registered an anonymous account on<br />
the Austrian news website derstandard.at, which is<br />
well-known for its lively discussion forum. Over several<br />
days, I observed which news items were being discussed<br />
the most, wrote a satirical article about one of<br />
them and then posted a link to it in the forum. “The<br />
Tagespresse has hit the nail on the head,” I commented<br />
on 29 May 2<strong>01</strong>3 on an article about the legalisation of<br />
same-sex marriage, adding a link to my satirical post<br />
with the headline “Same-sex marriage: two million<br />
French families already destroyed”. A member of the<br />
Greens shared the article on Facebook. Within a few<br />
hours, I had received 20,000 clicks. A few dozen strangers<br />
began to follow the Facebook page and the Twitter<br />
account of the Tagespresse. I watched the visitor<br />
statistics in disbelief. Getting my content out there was<br />
easier than I had thought, and my fire was kindled.<br />
And so, I kept writing. Now back in Vienna with<br />
my completed bachelor’s degree, I embarked on writing<br />
about a new topic. Around that time, Edward<br />
Snowden had caused a global stir with his revelations<br />
about the NSA’s surveillance programme. He first fled<br />
to Hongkong and then disappeared entirely. The whole<br />
world speculated about his whereabouts. In reference<br />
to Austria’s long asylum processing procedures,<br />
I penned an article with the following headline: “Trusting<br />
in the justice system’s inertia, Edward Snowden<br />
arrives in Vienna.” I edited an image of Snowden with<br />
tinted sunglasses, quoted a customs official at the airport<br />
who “confirmed” Snowden’s arrival to the Tagespresse<br />
and linked to the post on Facebook.<br />
A little later, my real-time analysis tool showed that<br />
20 people were currently reading the article. “Not<br />
bad,” I thought. To my great astonishment, this number<br />
soon rose to 40. I was delighted about what had<br />
been my biggest success to date. Happily, I went to the<br />
kitchen and made myself a coffee. I had earned it!<br />
When I got back, it was already 100 people. I started<br />
to get excited. What’s going on here? But that’s<br />
when the article started to really take off. When it was<br />
around 200 people who were viewing my website at<br />
the same time, I noticed the first foreign-language<br />
tweets from reputable journalists on Twitter: “Edward<br />
Snowden has arrived in Vienna – confirmed by border<br />
official,” one American account posted on Twitter<br />
while linking the Tagespresse. My excitement began to<br />
turn into horror: What had I done? I could already see<br />
the angry mob protesting at my door with their pitchforks,<br />
asking for my head. What you have to keep in<br />
mind is that while all of this was happening, I was sitting<br />
at the computer in my mother’s living room, where<br />
I was still living at that time.<br />
Eventually, the number of readers shot up to 500.<br />
New tweets about Snowden’s presence in Vienna started<br />
appearing every second and in all kinds of different<br />
languages. An account of the hacker group “Anonymous”<br />
announced a press conference with the<br />
whistleblower at Vienna International Airport. At<br />
some point, the number of simultaneous readers had<br />
reached around 1,200. Around this time, the Austrian<br />
Foreign Ministry got involved, offering clarification<br />
after several requests from the international media:<br />
“Edward Snowden is not in Vienna.” That was it for<br />
my server. Since the Tagespresse had also dragged several<br />
other websites into the abyss along with it, I was<br />
banned by my hosting provider, forcing me to rent my<br />
own server. “Online satire from Austria fools the<br />
world,” read a headline of an article by the Austrian<br />
news website Der Standard.<br />
Without social media, my story wouldn’t have been<br />
possible. Just a few years earlier, reaching so many<br />
people in such little time would have required wealthy<br />
backers, expensive printing equipment and well-paid<br />
editorial staff, as well as a sales and a marketing department.<br />
I, on the other hand, had barely invested<br />
100 euro and a few hours of work.<br />
The internet has revolutionised the ways in which<br />
we exchange information with one another. Today,<br />
communication is cheaper, less complicated and most<br />
importantly faster than ever before in human history.<br />
When we send out an email, it reaches its destination<br />
at the speed of light thanks to the power of fibre optic<br />
cables – we have de facto exhausted the limits of the<br />
physical world.<br />
When we began to connect with one another over<br />
the internet in the 1990s, we were euphoric. We<br />
thought that the era of propaganda and fake news had<br />
come to an end. For what could populists do now that<br />
people could network with one another, exchange information<br />
and communicate without censorship? It<br />
could only mean a win for democracy. It felt like a historical<br />
certainty, since it would now be possible to refute<br />
lies with a single mouse click – or so we thought.<br />
But when in 2<strong>01</strong>6 a reality TV star was elected into<br />
the White House with the help of fake news, his time<br />
in office ended with his supporters storming the United<br />
States Capitol and he still had the support of 45<br />
percent of Americans, when Myanmar’s military<br />
government legitimised the genocide of an entire ethnic<br />
group through Facebook campaigns, when during<br />
a pandemic the likes of which we hadn’t seen in over<br />
100 years millions of people believed that the virus<br />
that was making them sick was actually just a concoction<br />
by some nefarious elites, then even the biggest<br />
optimists should realise that something has gone seriously<br />
wrong.<br />
At the beginning of the 2020s, it has become increasingly<br />
clear that our socio-political hopes of what the<br />
new technologies would bring had not been fulfilled.<br />
We are far from living in an enlightened society in<br />
which lies and propaganda don’t stand a chance and<br />
autocrats lose their power because the public holds a<br />
merciless mirror up to them. On the contrary: Social<br />
networks, algorithms and tech companies have given<br />
the powerful new tools to manipulate the masses as<br />
they see fit and to turn them against each other while<br />
pursuing their own agenda.<br />
My intention, however, is not to offer an alarmist<br />
demonisation of these new technologies. The internet<br />
and social networks have brought immeasurable benefit<br />
to society. WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook<br />
bring us closer to each other, YouTube entertains us<br />
with a virtually unlimited selection of videos, Reddit<br />
stimulates debates, TikTok makes billions of people<br />
laugh, and Tinder brings strangers together.<br />
BOOK TIP<br />
How social media threaten our<br />
freedom<br />
Published by Residenz,<br />
ISBN: 97837<strong>01</strong>735334<br />
58<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 59
Latest update from around the globe<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Airlines<br />
New CEO for Austrian Airlines<br />
Annette Mann, Head of Corporate Responsibility for the entire<br />
Lufthansa Group, changed to Austrian Airlines on 1 March. She<br />
completes the team with the two current members of the Executive<br />
Board, CCO Michael Trestl and COO Francesco Sciortino. The business<br />
economist, who grew up in Simbach, on the Austrian border, was most<br />
recently responsible for the area of Corporate Responsibility and<br />
responsible for the further development, management and realisation<br />
of a holistic and group-wide sustainability programme.<br />
austrian.com<br />
EXPO 2021<br />
Hightech with Austrian knowhow<br />
A total of 51 selected innovations presented in the iLab – the knowledge platform inside<br />
the Austrian Pavilion at the World Expo in Dubai – show how high-tech solutions can<br />
change the world for the better. Visitors to the Expo can discover outstanding exhibits in<br />
so-called InnovationTowers, which are also explained in more detail digitally in videos.<br />
“Numerous Austrian companies are already using forward-looking digital possibilities to<br />
meet global challenges and consolidate their international competitiveness through<br />
these innovative approaches to solutions,“ said Minister of Economic Affairs and<br />
Business Location Margarete Schramböck.<br />
expoaustria.at<br />
Cherry blossom<br />
Pink feast for the eyes<br />
One of the highlights of the year in Japan is<br />
the hanami season in Yanaguchi, when the<br />
cherry blossoms bathe the parks and<br />
surrounding nature in a delicate pink.<br />
Hanami, usually in the polite form<br />
O-Hanami, is the Japanese tradition of<br />
celebrating the beauty of cherry trees in<br />
blossom every spring with so-called<br />
“cherry blossom festivals“. This idyllic<br />
moment is very popular with the Japanese,<br />
and they gather in parks all over the<br />
country (currently observing the rules of<br />
distance) to picnic.<br />
setouchitrip.com<br />
Start-up<br />
Climate-friendly heating<br />
With its heating and cooling panels, the eco<br />
start-up abaton provides the answer to one of<br />
the biggest challenges in implementing the<br />
climate goals: The abaton technology makes a<br />
valuable contribution to phasing out fossil fuels.<br />
The ecotech start-up of the two founders<br />
Benedikt Goehmann and Maximilian Gruber has<br />
now also been nominated for the Austrian<br />
start-up prize PHÖNIX, one of the most<br />
important awards for location-relevant<br />
innovations.<br />
abaton.studio<br />
IN WIEN<br />
das tv-OsterkOnzert<br />
der wieNer symphOniker<br />
16. & 17. APRIL <strong>2022</strong><br />
60 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
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Margarete Schramböck<br />
„Elektroautos können nicht fliegen.“<br />
“Electric cars can’t fly.”<br />
Die gebürtige Tirolerin studierte<br />
Betriebswirtschaft, war dann in<br />
mehreren Technologiefirmen tätig,<br />
unter anderem als CEO von A1 Telekom<br />
Austria. Derzeit ist die ÖVP-Politikerin<br />
Ministerin für Digitalisierung und<br />
Wirtschaftsstandort.<br />
Born in Tyrol, Schramböck studied<br />
business administration and then<br />
worked for several technology<br />
companies, including as director of A1<br />
Telekom Austria. As a member of the<br />
Austrian People‘s Party, she is now<br />
Minister for Digital and Economic<br />
Affairs.<br />
Die Wirtschaftsministerin über die Notwendigkeit von Straßen, Europas Rolle als Forschungsund<br />
Innovationsstandort und Österreichs Weg zu einem führenden Digitalisierungs-Land.<br />
The Austrian Minister of Economic Affairs on the necessity of roads, Europe’s role as a research<br />
and innovation hub and Austria’s path to becoming a digital powerhouse.<br />
Interview: Gerhard Bitzan<br />
Photos: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
CD: Zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie gab es<br />
Prognosen, dass in Österreich ein Wirtschaftseinbruch<br />
von bis zu 80 Prozent droht. Jetzt, zwei<br />
Jahre danach, scheint die Lage doch deutlich<br />
besser. Wie sehen Sie als Wirtschaftsministerin<br />
die heimische Wirtschaft heute?<br />
Schramböck: Die wirtschaftliche Lage<br />
ist in Österreich trotz Pandemie zufriedenstellend.<br />
Wir haben natürlich je nach Branche<br />
unterschiedliche Entwicklungen. Wir<br />
haben Branchen, die viel weniger betroffen<br />
sind, denen es sehr gut geht und die eher<br />
mit anderen Themen zu kämpfen haben als<br />
mit der Pandemie. Die Industrie hat immer<br />
durchgearbeitet, auch das Gewerbe ist in<br />
unterschiedlichen Bereichen sehr stark ausgelastet.<br />
Aber wir haben Branchen wie den<br />
Tourismus oder die Gastronomie - vor allem<br />
in den Städten - die phasenweise stark<br />
betroffen waren. Dennoch ist die österreichische<br />
Wirtschaft besser durch die Krise<br />
gekommen als zum Beispiel die deutsche.<br />
Wir wachsen auch stärker, und Impulse, die<br />
wir gesetzt haben, wie die Investitionsprämie,<br />
sind ganz stark angenommen worden.<br />
Weltweit kämpfen Unternehmen mit fehlendem<br />
Nachschub, Lieferketten sind blockiert. Wie<br />
können wir in Europa so eine Entwicklung<br />
verhindern?<br />
Die Covidkrise hat wie unter einer Lupe<br />
gezeigt, was eigentlich schon vorher klar<br />
war: Wir müssen in Europa in den unterschiedlichsten<br />
Bereichen mehr selbst produzieren.<br />
Im Pharmabereich, in der Mikroelektronik,<br />
im Bereich der sonstigen<br />
zentralen Produkte der Zukunft wie Batterien<br />
oder Wasserstoff. Das muss in Europa<br />
wieder verstärkt gemacht werden. Das geht<br />
heute schon deutlich leichter, weil es nicht<br />
mehr so stark auf den Faktor Arbeit ankommt<br />
und wie teuer dieser ist, sondern auf<br />
neue innovative Produktionsprozesse.<br />
Welche Projekte hat Österreich in Angriff<br />
genommen?<br />
In Österreich ist da schon einiges weitergegangen.<br />
Wir haben im Bereich der Mikroelektronik<br />
gemeinsam eine Chipcharta<br />
entwickelt und beschlossen, die wir auch<br />
auf europäischer Ebene eingebracht haben.<br />
Und wir haben in Österreich von staatlicher<br />
Seite große Investitionen unterstützt. Wir<br />
sind bei den IPCEI (Important Projects of<br />
Common European Interest) aktiv, da haben<br />
wir sowohl in die Produktion von Infineon<br />
in Kärnten investiert, als auch bei<br />
AT&S in der Steiermark. Auch im Bereich<br />
der Pharmabranche bereiten wir ein solches<br />
Projekt vor. Dort ist es auch gelungen, die<br />
Abwanderung der letzten Antibiotika-Produktion<br />
der gesamten westlichen Welt zu<br />
verhindern.<br />
Wie können sich europäische Unternehmen in<br />
der Zukunft im internationalen Wettbewerb<br />
besser behaupten?<br />
Wir in Europa können in Bezug auf Forschung,<br />
Innovation und Entwicklung<br />
punkten. Das hat sich in Covid-Zeiten wieder<br />
gezeigt, die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse<br />
zur Produktion von Impfstoff kamen aus<br />
Europa. Und darauf müssen wir weiterhin<br />
setzen. Neue Produkte im Umweltbereich,<br />
im medizinischen Bereich, das ist das, wo<br />
wir uns unterscheiden können von den<br />
USA, aber auch von China. Da müssen wir<br />
auch weiter investieren und wir müssen<br />
diesen Bereich auch schützen. Eine zweite<br />
Rolle, die Europa spielen kann, ist im Setzen<br />
von Standards im Internet, die weltweit<br />
Gültigkeit bekommen. Wir haben das<br />
schon beim Datenschutz ganz klar gezeigt<br />
und werden das auch bei der Kontrolle von<br />
großen Plattformen zeigen.<br />
Die EU ist gerade dabei, die Marktmacht der<br />
Tech-Giganten zu begrenzen. Sie haben vor<br />
kurzem Brüssel aufgefordert, dabei etwas mehr<br />
Ambition zu zeigen. Was fordern Sie?<br />
Die grundsätzliche Ausgestaltung ist<br />
gut, denn wir begrenzen damit die Marktmacht<br />
großer Online-Giganten zum Schutze<br />
zehntausender kleiner Unternehmen.<br />
Wo man aus unserer Sicht noch ambitionierter<br />
sein könnte, ist im Bereich der Verpflichtungen<br />
für die Gatekeeper. Es braucht<br />
nicht nur faire Zugangsbedingungen bei<br />
den App-Stores, sondern auf allen Kernplattformdiensten<br />
der Gatekeeper. Und<br />
gleichzeitig muss endlich eine Überarbeitung<br />
des Wettbewerbsrechts an sich angegangen<br />
werden. Hier werde ich auch nicht<br />
müde, das regelmäßig einzufordern.<br />
Sie sind „Ministerin für Wirtschaftsstandort und<br />
Digitalisierung“. Mit welchen Maßnahmen<br />
unterstützen Sie den Standort Österreich?<br />
Ganz konkret geht es darum, gemeinsam<br />
mit den Unternehmen in anderen Ländern<br />
aufzuschlagen und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten<br />
zu öffnen. Das haben wir früher<br />
schon gemacht, siehe China, Singapur oder<br />
Korea. Jetzt müssen wir uns neue Märkte<br />
erschließen und das ist etwas, was ich zum<br />
Beispiel mit den Reisen in den Oman und<br />
auch Saudiarabien gerade mache. Das heißt,<br />
64 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
mir geht es darum, die Unternehmen in ihren<br />
Exportaktivitäten zu unterstützen und<br />
auch zu schauen, wenn sie Probleme bei<br />
diesen Wertschöpfungsketten haben.<br />
Der zweite große Bereich ist eine grundsätzliche<br />
große Standortstrategie. Die wird<br />
jetzt gerade umgesetzt. Mehr als 500 Unternehmen<br />
sind schon beteiligt gewesen, auch<br />
Organisationen und Wissenschaftler und<br />
-innen. Dabei wurden sieben große Leuchtturmprojekte<br />
definiert. Eines davon sind<br />
neue Energiepartnerschaften. Wir werden<br />
mit Ländern, die vielleicht heute nicht unsere<br />
Partner sind, Partnerschaften abschließen<br />
müssen, um dafür zu sorgen, dass wir<br />
genügend erneuerbare Energie haben, zum<br />
Beispiel auch grünen Wasserstoff. Den werden<br />
wir für unsere Industrie brauchen und<br />
auch für unsere mittelständischen Unternehmen.<br />
Derzeit dreht sich viel um Green Economy: Sind<br />
Österreichs Unternehmen bei diesen Themen<br />
gut unterwegs?<br />
Die Unternehmen sind da besonders innovativ.<br />
Wir sind ja Weltmarktführer in unterschiedlichsten<br />
Bereichen, was Green<br />
Tech betrifft. Wir haben erneuerbare Energie<br />
schon gelebt, da war in anderen Ländern<br />
nicht einmal die Rede davon. Wir haben<br />
da viel Know-how aufgebaut im Bereich<br />
der Planung, im Bereich der Prozess-Optimierung,<br />
beim Management dieser Projekte<br />
bis hin zu ausgewählten Technologien.<br />
Vor kurzem war ich in Abu Dhabi und dort<br />
hat ein österreichisches Unternehmen den<br />
Markteintritt gemacht mit ganz speziellen<br />
„Ecoturbinos“, mit denen man in Hotels<br />
Wasser sparen kann. Da gibt es Entwicklungen<br />
und Technologien, die wir in alle Welt<br />
exportieren können.<br />
You are the “Minister for Digital and Economic<br />
Affairs of Austria.” What measures are you taking<br />
to support Austria as a business location?<br />
Very specifically, it’s about taking our<br />
companies abroad and creating business<br />
opportunities. We have already been doing<br />
that, I’m referring to China, Singapore<br />
and South Korea. Now, it’s about tapping<br />
new markets, and that is something<br />
I’m doing right now with my visits to<br />
Oman and Saudi Arabia. In other words,<br />
I am focused on supporting businesses<br />
and their export activities as well as seeing<br />
when they’ve got problems in these<br />
value chains.<br />
The second major area is a general location<br />
strategy. We are implementing it<br />
right now. More than 500 companies<br />
have already gotten involved, as well as<br />
various organisations and scientists.<br />
Here, we have defined seven major flagship<br />
projects. One of them is new energy<br />
partnerships. We will have to enter into<br />
new partnerships with countries that<br />
may not be our partners today in order to<br />
ensure that we will have enough renewareich<br />
zu erreichen, wenn man weiter Infrastruktur<br />
ausbaut. Und dazu zählen die<br />
Kraftwerke. Es braucht Wasserkraft, um die<br />
Ziele zu erreichen, es braucht Wind und es<br />
braucht Solar. Und das sind alles Infrastrukturen,<br />
die aufgebaut werden müssen. Auch<br />
die Infrastrukturen, damit man sein E-Auto<br />
laden kann. Wir werden Infrastruktur auch<br />
beim Thema Wasserstroff ausbauen müssen.<br />
Die Nachfrage nach grünem Wasserstoff<br />
unserer großen Industrieunternehmen,<br />
aber auch der Handelsbetriebe, ist<br />
groß.<br />
Und natürlich gilt auch für einen Wirtschaftsstandort,<br />
dass Elektroautos nicht<br />
fliegen können und auch die werden Straßen<br />
brauchen. Es geht hier darum, nicht die<br />
persönliche Mobilität zu verbieten, sondern<br />
es so zu tun, dass es klimafreundlich ist,<br />
und kein oder ein geringerer CO2 Ausstoß<br />
da ist. Das schaffe ich mit Elektromobilität<br />
und mit Wasserstoff. Beim Lobautunnel bin<br />
ich sehr gespannt auf die Alternativen meiner<br />
Regierungskollegin, denn sie hat ja selber<br />
angekündigt, dass sie Alternativen auf<br />
den Tisch legen wird und ich hoffe, das<br />
wird bald geschehen.<br />
Was sind die Aufgaben einer „Ministerin für<br />
Digitalisierung? Welche Maßnahmen haben Sie<br />
schon durchgesetzt?<br />
Österreich ist unter den Top Zehn der<br />
europäischen Länder, was die Digitalisierung<br />
betrifft. Das hat der letzte DESI-Index<br />
gezeigt, der viele Kriterien hernimmt - von<br />
der digitalen Bildung über digitale Infrastruktur<br />
bis zur digitalen Verwaltung. Und<br />
da sind wir von Platz 13 auf Platz zehn vorgerückt.<br />
Wir haben es auch geschafft, in der<br />
digitalen Verwaltung, also einem Teilbereich<br />
der Digitalisierung, unter die Top-3<br />
Nationen in Europa zu kommen. Was ist<br />
jetzt zu tun? Ein großer Schritt ist die digitale<br />
Bildung, also alle auf dieser Reise mitzunehmen<br />
und da ist es uns gelungen, sowohl<br />
das Pflichtfach Digitalisierung auf die<br />
Spur bringen als auch die Ausstattung der<br />
Kinder mit digitalen Endgeräten. Covid hat<br />
gezeigt, wie wichtig das ist. Und es geht<br />
auch um die Erwachsenenbildung. Wir ha-<br />
Als Ministerin fördern Sie die heimische<br />
Wirtschaft, zugleich setzt sich eine Regierungskollegin<br />
für scharfe Klimamaßnahmen, wie den<br />
Stopp der Lobauautobahn, ein und verärgert<br />
damit viele Unternehmen. Wie ist dieser<br />
Widerspruch möglich?<br />
Aus meiner Sicht wird es nur möglich<br />
sein, die Klimaziele in Europa und Österben<br />
die Plattform „Fit for Internet“ und die<br />
„Allianz für digitale Bildung“ und wir haben<br />
die Lehrberufe, die mit digitalen Inhalten<br />
angereichert wurden.<br />
Das zweite wichtige Thema ist die digitale<br />
Verwaltung. Covid hat deutlich gezeigt,<br />
dass wir Behördenwege digital machen<br />
können, von zuhause aus und das ist gelungen<br />
mit dem digitalen Amt. Die Seite Oesterreich.gv.at<br />
hat etwas mehr als drei Millionen<br />
Zugriffe pro Monat. Wir sind dabei,<br />
noch im ersten Halbjahr die digitale Identität<br />
einzuführen, die jedes Neugeborene bekommt.<br />
Der Pilot läuft gerade. Woran wir<br />
auch stark arbeiten, ist das System „once<br />
only“, was bedeutet, dass Daten im staatlichen<br />
System nur einmal erfasst werden<br />
müssen und nicht jedes Mal wieder.<br />
Cercle Diplomatique: At the beginning of the<br />
coronavirus pandemic, there were forecasts that<br />
Austria could face an economic downturn of up to<br />
80 percent. Now, two years later, the situation<br />
looks a lot better. As minister of economic affairs,<br />
how do you assess the state of the economy<br />
today?<br />
Margarete Schramböck: The Austrian<br />
economy is doing fine at the moment,<br />
despite the pandemic. We are, of course,<br />
seeing different developments in different<br />
sectors. We’ve got some industries,<br />
for example, that were less affected by<br />
the pandemic and have been doing<br />
rather well or have been struggling with<br />
other <strong>issue</strong>s. Heavy industry pulled<br />
through since the beginning, and trade<br />
continues to be very active in different<br />
areas. But there are some industries such<br />
as tourism and gastronomy – especially<br />
in the cities – that were hit hard at certain<br />
times. Nevertheless, the Austrian<br />
economy has performed better through<br />
the crisis than, for example, the German<br />
economy. We are also growing more<br />
strongly, and measures that we have taken,<br />
such as the investment premium,<br />
have been very well received.<br />
Across the world, companies are struggling with<br />
supply shortages and blocked supply chains. How<br />
can we prevent this from happening in Europe?<br />
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought<br />
to light what had actually already been<br />
very clear much earlier: we need to become<br />
more self-sufficient in Europe, especially<br />
when it comes to pharmaceuticals,<br />
microelectronics, and products of<br />
crucial importance for the future, such as<br />
batteries and hydrogen. These things<br />
have to be made in Europe again. And<br />
doing so is much easier today, because<br />
production is no longer completely dependent<br />
on labour and its cost but on<br />
new innovative production processes.<br />
What measures have been undertaken in Austria?<br />
A lot is being done in Austria. In the<br />
field of microelectronics, we have jointly<br />
developed and adopted a chip charter,<br />
which we have also introduced at the European<br />
level. The government has also<br />
supported large investments. We’re active<br />
in the IPCEI (Important Projects of<br />
Common European Interest), where we<br />
have invested in the production capacities<br />
of Infineon in Carinthia and AT&S in<br />
Styria. We’re working on a similar project<br />
in the pharmaceutical industry. There we<br />
also succeeded in preventing the exodus<br />
of the last antibiotic production facility<br />
in the Western world.<br />
How will European companies be able to better<br />
compete internationally in the future?<br />
We Europeans score well when it comes<br />
to research, innovation and development.<br />
This has become evident during<br />
the coronavirus pandemic because the<br />
knowledge underpinning the production<br />
of the vaccine came from Europe. This is<br />
what we must continue to focus on. Innovations<br />
in areas like green technologies,<br />
medicine, this is where we can differentiate<br />
ourselves from the US, but also from<br />
China. We must continue to invest in these<br />
areas and we have to protect these<br />
fields, too. A second role that Europe can<br />
play is setting standards online that then<br />
become valid worldwide. We’ve already<br />
demonstrated this very clearly when it<br />
comes to data protection and will continue<br />
to do so by regulating the big platforms.<br />
The EU is currently in the process of limiting the<br />
market power of the tech giants. You have recently<br />
called on Brussels to a show a little more<br />
ambition. What exactly are you calling for?<br />
The basic approach right now is good,<br />
because we’re limiting the market power<br />
of large online giants to protect tens of<br />
thousands of smaller businesses. Where<br />
we think we could be a bit more ambitious<br />
is setting obligations for gatekeepers.<br />
We need not only fair access conditions<br />
for app stores but on all the<br />
gatekeepers’ core platform services. And,<br />
at the same time, we must finally overhaul<br />
the competition law itself. I never<br />
get tired of calling for this.<br />
Im Marmorsaal des Ministeriums:<br />
Ministerin Schramböck mit CD-<br />
Autor Gerhard Bitzan.<br />
In the ministry’s marble hall: Minister<br />
Schramböck with CD author Gerhard<br />
Bitzan.<br />
66<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 2/2021 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 67
ble energy in the future, for example<br />
green hydrogen. We will be needing it for<br />
our heavy industries as well as for our<br />
medium-sized enterprises.<br />
At the moment, there is a lot of talk about the<br />
green economy – how are Austrian companies<br />
doing in this area?<br />
Our companies are particularly innovative<br />
here. We’re global market leaders<br />
in several areas when it comes to green<br />
tech. We have already been working with<br />
renewable energy when other countries<br />
weren’t even talking about it. We’ve built<br />
up a lot of expertise when it comes to planning,<br />
process optimisation and managing<br />
these projects and the selected technologies.<br />
I was recently in Abu Dhabi<br />
where an Austrian company entered the<br />
market with so-called Ecoturbinos which<br />
help hotels to save water. We’ve got developments<br />
and technologies that we can<br />
export all over the world.<br />
As minister, you’re focused on the growth of the<br />
domestic economy, while one of your government<br />
colleagues has at the same time advocated<br />
tougher climate measures, such as stopping<br />
the Lobau motorway, which angered many companies.<br />
Isn’t this contradictory?<br />
As far as I’m concerned, it will only be<br />
possible to reach Europe’s and Austria’s<br />
climate goals if we continue to expand<br />
our infrastructure. This also includes power<br />
plants. To achieve said goals we’ll<br />
need wind, and we’ll need solar. These<br />
infrastructures still have to be built. We’ll<br />
also need the infrastructure to charge our<br />
electric cars. And we will also expand our<br />
infrastructure when it comes to hydropower.<br />
There is great demand for green hydrogen<br />
from our large industrial companies<br />
and other firms.<br />
When it comes to the economy, it’s important<br />
to remember that electric cars<br />
can’t fly and will still be needing roads.<br />
The point here is not to ban private mobility<br />
but to lay it out in such a way that<br />
it’s climate-friendly and that it produces<br />
very little CO2. We can do that with elec-<br />
tromobility and hydrogen. In terms of the<br />
Lobau tunnel, I am looking forward to<br />
my colleague’s proposals, as she herself<br />
has announced that she is working on alternatives<br />
and I’m hoping that this will<br />
happen soon.<br />
What are the responsibilities of a “minister of<br />
digitalisation?” What kinds of measures have<br />
you already pushed through?<br />
Austria ranks among the top ten European<br />
countries when it comes to digitalisation.<br />
This was revealed by the last DESI<br />
Index, which looks at many different criteria<br />
– from digital education and digital<br />
infrastructure to digital administration.<br />
We moved up from the 13th to the 10th<br />
place. When it comes to digital administration,<br />
which is a sub-area of digitalisation,<br />
we’ve managed to make it into the top<br />
three. So, what needs to be done now?<br />
One big step is digital education, which is<br />
another way of saying that we’re taking<br />
everyone with us on this digital journey,<br />
and here we have succeeded in pushing<br />
for digitalisation as a compulsory school<br />
subject and equipping children with digital<br />
end devices. Covid-19 has shown how<br />
important that is. And it’s also about<br />
adult education. We’ve got platforms like<br />
“Fit for Internet” and “Allianz für digitale<br />
Bildung” (Alliance for Digital Education)<br />
and we’ve got apprenticeships that have<br />
been enriched with digital content.<br />
The second key topic is digital administration.<br />
Covid-19 has clearly shown<br />
that we can make bureaucratic processes<br />
digital so that they can be carried out<br />
from home – we’ve done this with the digital<br />
public offices. The website Oesterreich.gv.at<br />
gets a little over three million<br />
hits per month. We are working on introducing<br />
a digital identity system that will<br />
be assigned to every new-born within the<br />
first half of the year. We’re piloting this<br />
system right now. We’re also working<br />
hard to ensure that the system is “once<br />
only”, meaning that data will only have to<br />
be recorded in the system once and not<br />
each time.<br />
Das erste vollelektrische SUV von Ford<br />
wird Sie mit seinem revolutionären Design,<br />
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MACH-E<br />
Ihr MVC MOTORS Verkaufsteam berät Sie gerne!<br />
www.mvcmotors.at<br />
ab EUR<br />
* Gemäß Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) können bis zu 610 km Reichweite bei voll aufgeladener Batterie erreicht werden –<br />
je nach vorhandener Konfiguration und gegen Aufpreis. Die tatsächliche Reichweite kann aufgrund unterschiedlicher Faktoren (Wetterbedingungen,<br />
Fahrverhalten, Fahrzeugzustand, Alter der Lithium-Ionen-Batterie) variieren. ** Unverbindlich empfohlener, nicht kartellierter Listenpreis inkl. USt, NoVA und<br />
2 Jahre Garantie (beginnend mit Auslieferungsdatum), unbegrenzte Kilometer. Auf Batterie und Hochvoltkomponenten 8 Jahre, unbegrenzte Kilometer.<br />
**<br />
**<br />
48.900,–<br />
68 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Brünner Straße 66<br />
1210 Wien<br />
Simmeringer Hauptstraße 261<br />
1110 Wien<br />
Guldengasse 1A<br />
1140 Wien<br />
Wiener Straße 152<br />
2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Smart in the City<br />
Text: Bernhard Ecker<br />
Im November 2021 wurde Wien als erste<br />
Stadt weltweit für ihren digitalen<br />
Humanismus bei Künstlicher Intelligenz<br />
ausgezeichnet.<br />
In November 2021, Vienna became the first<br />
city in the world to receive an award for its<br />
digital humanism concerning the use of<br />
artificial intelligence.<br />
Im Zentrum steht der Mensch –<br />
für die Stadt Wien ist Digitalisierung<br />
kein Selbstzweck, sondern<br />
Mittel, um die Lebensqualität zu<br />
verbessern.<br />
People take the centre stage – for<br />
the City of Vienna, digitalisation is<br />
not an end in itself, but a means to<br />
improve people’s quality of life.<br />
Digitales Wien in Zahlen<br />
Digital Vienna in numbers<br />
580 Amtshelferseiten | Official help pages<br />
–<br />
340 Online-Services wie Terminreservierungen,<br />
Urkundenbestellungen oder „E-Bezahlen“<br />
| online services such as appointment bookings,<br />
ordering documents or E-paying<br />
–<br />
230.000 aktive Installationen der „Stadt Wien<br />
live“ - App<br />
| active installations of the “City of Vienna live“<br />
app<br />
–<br />
4.100.000 Fragen an WienBot<br />
| questions to WienBot<br />
–<br />
140.000 „Mein.Wien“ Besucher im Dezember<br />
2021<br />
| “My.Vienna“ visitors in December 2021<br />
–<br />
94.446 online beantragte Parkpickerl<br />
| parking permits ordered online<br />
–<br />
3.851.308 Corona-Testtermine<br />
| Corona test dates<br />
–<br />
3 Unicorns (Startups mit einer Bewertung von<br />
mindestens einer Milliarde Euro)<br />
| Unicorns (start-ups with a valuation of at least<br />
one billion euros)<br />
–<br />
5.000 Meetings im Rahmen des Startup-Events<br />
ViennaUP<br />
| Meetings within the framework of the<br />
ViennaUP start-up event<br />
–<br />
44% der Kindergartenanmeldungen online<br />
| of kindergarten registrations online<br />
–<br />
77% der Gewerbeanmeldungen online<br />
| of trade registrations online<br />
–<br />
81% der Hundeanmeldungen online<br />
| of dog registrations online<br />
–<br />
bis zu / up to 1.350 Videokonferenzen täglich<br />
der Stadt-Wien-Mitarbeiter<br />
| daily videoconferences of City of Vienna<br />
employees<br />
Wien will mit digitalen Werkzeugen die Lebensqualität der Einwohner<br />
verbessern. Voraussetzung dafür ist ein Innovationsbiotop, in<br />
dem große und kleine Unternehmen gleichermaßen Platz haben.<br />
Vienna wants to employ digital tools to improve its citizens’ quality of life.<br />
The prerequisites for this include an innovation biotope with space for<br />
both large and small enterprises.<br />
Und dann waren es plötzlich drei.<br />
Anfang Februar <strong>2022</strong> gelang dem<br />
Wiener Hightech-Unternehmen<br />
TTTech Auto eine Finanzierungsrunde in<br />
Höhe von 250 Millionen Euro. Damit ist die<br />
auf Software für autonomes Fahren spezialisierte<br />
Firma insgesamt nun eine Milliarde<br />
Euro wert – in der Tech-Sprache darf sie<br />
sich offiziell „Unicorn“ nennen. Gleich zwei<br />
weitere solche „Einhörner“ mit fabelhaften<br />
Bewertungen hat die Bundeshauptstadt im<br />
letzten Jahr hervorgebracht: die Nachhilfe-<br />
Vermittlungsplattform GoStudent, inzwischen<br />
über drei Milliarden Euro wert, und<br />
den Krypto-Broker Bitpanda.<br />
Natürlich ist die Fixiertheit auf Unicorns<br />
Teil eines Hypes. Doch dass Wiens<br />
Digitalszene innerhalb kürzester Zeit<br />
gleich dreimal internationale Schlagzeilen<br />
machte, ist auch ein Indikator für die Innovations-<br />
und Wirtschaftskraft des Digitalisierungsstandorts.<br />
Oder wie TTTech-<br />
Gründer und CEO Georg Kopetz, ein<br />
glühender Verfechter des Standorts, es ausdrückt:<br />
„Man sollte Europa nicht abschreiben.“<br />
Wenige Monate vor dem Beginn der<br />
Corona-Pandemie, im Herbst 2<strong>01</strong>9, präsentierten<br />
Wirtschafts- und Finanzstadtrat<br />
Peter Hanke und Bürgermeister Michael<br />
Ludwig die Digitale Agenda 2025. Anspruch<br />
dieses Strategie- und Arbeitsprogramms:<br />
Wien zur Digitalisierungshauptstadt<br />
Europas zu machen.<br />
Mittel zum Zweck<br />
Dabei geht es weniger um Platzierungen<br />
in internationalen Rankings als um eine<br />
Einbettung digitaler Technologien in bisherige<br />
Stärkefelder. „Digitalisierung ist ja<br />
kein Selbstzweck“, sagt Klemens Himpele,<br />
als Wiens Chief Information Officer (CIO)<br />
für die Umsetzung der Strategie zuständig.<br />
So wie die Wiener an funktionierende öffentliche<br />
Verkehrsmittel oder Müllentsorgung<br />
gewohnt sind, sollen sie auch mit verlässlichen<br />
digitalen Services umsorgt<br />
werden. Himpele spricht vom Ziel, „Lebensqualitätsweltmeister“<br />
zu bleiben. Digitale<br />
Werkzeuge sind in dieser Betrachtung<br />
Mittel, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen.<br />
Das betrifft zum einen die täglichen<br />
Wege für die Bürger. Derzeit arbeiten Himpele<br />
und sein Team an der Mammutaufgabe,<br />
die 340 Online-Services, von Terminreservierungen<br />
bis zu Urkundenbestellungen,<br />
auf dem Portal „Mein.Wien“ zu bündeln.<br />
Diesen One Stop-Shop Realität werden zu<br />
lassen, ist ein Herzstück des großen digitalen<br />
Sprungs nach vorne.<br />
Indem auf diese Weise Wege abgekürzt<br />
werden, gewinnt man Zeit und Lebensqualität,<br />
ist Stadtrat Hanke überzeugt: „Strategisch<br />
gesehen geht es einerseits um eine<br />
Stadt der kurzen Wege und andererseits<br />
darum, den Menschen Zeit zu schenken.<br />
Unter dieser Prämisse ist die Digitalisierung<br />
in Wien zu forcieren.“ Es geht also<br />
um mehr als nur um die Transformation<br />
von Behördenwegen ins digitale Zeitalter:<br />
So sollen über „Mein.Wien“ auch aktuelle<br />
Informationen über die unmittelbare Wohnumgebung<br />
der Nutzer – über ihr Grätzel<br />
– ausgespielt werden.<br />
Zum anderen gilt es, die Wirtschaft ins<br />
digitale Boot zu holen, das seinerseits von<br />
den Technologievorreitern der Stadt gezogen<br />
wird. Die klassischen Leitunternehmen<br />
an der Schnittstelle zwischen Digitalisierung<br />
und Produktion, vom<br />
70 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
3D-Blick nach außen (links), Ansiedlungen<br />
von IT-Größen drinnen (Bild unten: Event bei<br />
Huawei Technologies Austria): Die Smart City<br />
lebt vom beständigen Austausch.<br />
3D innovators to the left, IT giants to the right<br />
(pictured below: event at Huawei Technologies<br />
Austria): smart cities thrive on continuous<br />
exchange.<br />
Bis zu 1.350 Videokonferenzen halten die Mitarbeiter der Stadt Wien – hier Finanz- und Wirtschaftsstadtrat<br />
Peter Hanke – täglich ab. Up to 1,350 video conferencing calls are held daily by the employees of the City of<br />
Vienna – pictured is Finance and Business City Councillor Peter Hanke.<br />
Innovationsriesen Siemens über den Kompressortechnik-Konzern<br />
Hoerbiger, den<br />
Flugsicherungsspezialisten Frequentis bis<br />
hin zur IT-Größe Kapsch, werden nicht<br />
etwa von den Start-ups beiseite gedrängt,<br />
sondern spielen mehr denn je eine wichtigere<br />
Rolle im Ökosystem der Stadt. Denn<br />
an ihnen orientiert sich eine kleine Wirtschafts-Armada:<br />
Fast 6.800 Unternehmen<br />
mit 60.000 Beschäftigten sind in Wien im<br />
Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik<br />
beschäftigt. Der Sektor setzt<br />
mit fast 18 Milliarden Euro dreieinhalb<br />
Mal so viel um wie der Tourismus.<br />
Dieses Pingpong zwischen Groß und<br />
Klein gilt auch für die Finanzbranche, die<br />
in ihren Services inzwischen fast durchgehend<br />
digitalisiert ist: Neben den etablierten<br />
Playern wie Erste Bank, Raiffeisen oder<br />
Wiener Städtische sind auch Newcomer-<br />
Erfolgsstorys wie jene von Bitpanda möglich<br />
geworden.<br />
Innovationsbiotop<br />
Unverzichtbar ist in diesem Innovationsbiotop<br />
das Zusammenspiel mit der<br />
Technischen Universität (TU). Nicht von<br />
ungefähr hat TTTech sein Headquarter in<br />
unmittelbarer Nähe zur TU aufgebaut. In<br />
deren ausgegründeten Firmen nehmen inzwischen<br />
digitale Elemente eine immer<br />
größere Rolle ein. „Gerade aus der TU<br />
Wien heraus sind in den letzten Jahren<br />
Spin-offs im Bereich der Additiven<br />
Technologien/3-D-Druck entstanden, die<br />
als Hidden Champions teilweise sogar zu<br />
globalen Marktführern aufgestiegen sind“,<br />
ist Stadtrat Hanke stolz. Beispiel dafür ist<br />
etwa die auf das 3D-Drucken von Hochleistungskeramiken<br />
spezialisierte Firma<br />
Lithoz.<br />
So wie immer mehr digitale Highflyers<br />
aus Wien in die Welt gehen, sind in den<br />
letzten Jahren aber auch viele Unternehmen<br />
nach Wien gekommen. So hat der chinesische<br />
IT-Gigant Huawei seine Österreich-Niederlassung<br />
2006 mit nur einer<br />
Handvoll Mitarbeiter gegründet. Inzwischen<br />
beschäftigt Huawei Technologies<br />
Austria über 100 Menschen. Eine der<br />
jüngsten Neuansiedlungen ist die Programmierschule<br />
Codecool Austria, die<br />
dem Fachkräftemangel an vorderster Front<br />
begegnen will.<br />
Digitaler Humanismus<br />
Dennoch hat Corona es notwendig gemacht,<br />
die 2<strong>01</strong>9 definierten Ziele immer<br />
wieder anzupassen. Die große Gesundheitskrise<br />
hat die Alltagsaspekte der Digitalisierung<br />
in den Vordergrund gerückt.<br />
Die Mitarbeiter der Stadt halten inzwischen<br />
bis zu 1.350 Videokonferenzen täglich<br />
ab. Zugleich musste die Infrastruktur<br />
für Informationen und Anmeldungen<br />
rund um die Themen Testen, Impfen und<br />
Contact Tracing bereitgestellt werden.<br />
Insbesondere dass inzwischen über 3,9<br />
Millionen Testtermine weitgehend klaglos<br />
und effizient abgewickelt worden sind, hat<br />
der Stadt zahllose Berichte auch in internationalen<br />
Medien eingebracht, Motto: „Wie<br />
machen das die Wiener bloß?“ Immer im<br />
Auge des Taifuns stand CIO Himpele, der<br />
zugibt, dass mit dem Corona-bedingten,<br />
beschleunigten Digitalisierungsschub<br />
„auch die Erwartungshaltung gestiegen<br />
ist.“<br />
Nicht unter den Tisch fallen gelassen<br />
wurde jedoch bei aller Hektik der Anspruch,<br />
für die Menschen da zu sein, und<br />
nicht bloß Technologie um der Technologie<br />
willen voranzutreiben. Himpele ist hörbar<br />
stolz, wenn er erzählt, dass Wien als<br />
erste Stadt weltweit für ihre verantwortungsvolle<br />
Implementierung von KI-Ethik<br />
zertifiziert wurde. Hintergrund ist der Ansatz,<br />
Services nicht nur effizient, sondern<br />
beim Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz<br />
(KI) auch human zu machen: Algorithmen<br />
brauchen ebenso Regeln wie der Straßenverkehr.<br />
Dieser digitale Humanismus soll auch<br />
die Start-up-Szene beseelen, auch wenn sie<br />
mit ihren bunten Veranstaltungen während<br />
der Pandemie die Plattformen wechseln<br />
musste. Dennoch erreichte die ViennaUP,<br />
ein von der Wirtschaftsagentur<br />
initiiertes Festival, 2021 digital 25.000 Teilnehmer<br />
aus 60 Ländern. <strong>2022</strong> soll das Spektakel<br />
für Start-ups, Investorinnen, Technikbegeisterte,<br />
Kreative und Visionäre, das vom<br />
27. Mai bis 3. Juni stattfindet, jedoch auch in<br />
Präsenz begeistern. Und bei den gesetzten<br />
Schwerpunktthemen Smart City, Impact<br />
Entrepreneurship, Life Sciences, Creative<br />
Industries und FinTech ist es gut möglich,<br />
dass bei diesem Event die nächsten Einhörner<br />
der Stadt gesichtet werden.<br />
And then there were three. At the beginning<br />
of February <strong>2022</strong>, the Viennese hightech<br />
company TTTech Auto managed to<br />
raise funding for an additional 250 million<br />
euro. As a result, the company, which specialises<br />
in software for autonomous vehicles,<br />
is now worth one billion euro – in the language<br />
of the tech start-up scene, it can now<br />
officially be referred to as a “unicorn”. Vienna<br />
has produced two other such “unicorns”<br />
with fabulous valuations in the past year –<br />
the tutoring platform GoStudent, now<br />
worth over three billion euro, and the crypto<br />
broker Bitpanda.<br />
The fixation on unicorns is, of course,<br />
part of the hype machine. But the fact that<br />
Vienna’s digital scene made international<br />
headlines three times in such a brief period<br />
is also an indicator of the digital hub’s innovative<br />
and economic power. Or, as TTTech<br />
founder and director Georg Kopetz, an ardent<br />
advocate for the city, puts it: “Don’t write<br />
off Europe.”<br />
A few months before the start of the coronavirus<br />
pandemic, in the autumn of 2<strong>01</strong>9,<br />
Vienna business and finance city councillor<br />
Peter Hanke and Mayor Michael Ludwig announced<br />
the Digital Agenda 2025 initiative.<br />
The goal of said strategy and operating programme<br />
is no less than to make Vienna the<br />
digital capital of Europe.<br />
Means to an end<br />
The real goal, however, is not placements in<br />
international rankings but to employ digital<br />
technologies in existing areas of strength.<br />
“Digitalisation is not an end in itself,” says<br />
Klemens Himpele, Vienna’s chief information<br />
officer (CIO), who is responsible for the<br />
implementation of the strategy. Just as the<br />
Viennese are used to well-functioning public<br />
transport and waste disposal systems, they<br />
should also be provided with reliable digital<br />
services. Himpele says the goal is to remain<br />
the “quality of life world champion” and digital<br />
tools are the means to achieve this goal.<br />
For one thing, this will have a direct effect<br />
on citizens’ daily affairs. Himpele and<br />
his team are currently working on the mammoth<br />
task of bundling 340 different online<br />
services, from booking appointments to requesting<br />
certificates, into the “Mein.Wien”<br />
portal. Implementing this one-stop shop is<br />
at the core of this great digital leap forward.<br />
By reducing distances in this way, citizens<br />
will gain time and quality of life, says city<br />
councillor Hanke: “Strategically speaking,<br />
the goal is to shorten distances within the<br />
city on the one hand and on to give people<br />
back time on the other. This is the principle<br />
under which we are pushing for digitalisation<br />
in Vienna.” So, it is about more than just<br />
adapting administrative matters to the digital<br />
era: “Mein.Wien” will also provide users<br />
with up-to-date information about their immediate<br />
surroundings – their “Grätzel”.<br />
On the other hand, it is just as important<br />
to bring businesses into the digital realm,<br />
which, in turn, will be led by the city’s tech<br />
pioneers. The leading companies at the interface<br />
between production and digitalisation,<br />
from the innovation giant Siemens to<br />
the compressor technology group Hoerbiger,<br />
the air traffic management specialist<br />
Frequentis to the IT giant Kapsch, are not<br />
going to be pushed aside by the start-ups but<br />
are going to play a bigger role in the city’s<br />
ecosystem than ever before. This is because<br />
a small economic armada has formed<br />
around them: Nearly 6,800 firms with<br />
60,000 employees work in the field of information<br />
and communication technology in<br />
Vienna. At almost 18 billion euro, the sector<br />
turns over three and a half times as much as<br />
tourism.<br />
This back-and-forth between large and<br />
small enterprises also applies to the financial<br />
sector, whose services have been almost<br />
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Eventsecurity & Covid-19-Beauftragter<br />
Die jüngsten zwei „Einhörner“ der Stadt: Das Nachhilfe-Portal GoStudent und TTTech, spezialisiert auf Software für Autonomes Fahren (Gründer Stefan Poledna,<br />
links, und Georg Kopetz). The city’s newest “unicorns”: the tutoring portal GoStudent and TTTech, which specialises in software for autonomous vehicles (pictured:<br />
founders Stefan Poledna, left, and Georg Kopetz).<br />
completely digitalised: Next to the established<br />
players, such as Erste Bank, Raiffeisen or<br />
Wiener Städtische, newcomer success stories,<br />
such as that of Bitpanda, have also become<br />
possible.<br />
Innovation biotope<br />
In such an innovation biotope, close coordination<br />
with the Vienna University of<br />
Technology (TU Wien) is crucial. It is no<br />
coincidence that TTTech has set up its headquarters<br />
so close to the university. Companies<br />
that had their beginnings there are increasingly<br />
shifting their focus on digital<br />
technologies. “In recent years, several spinoffs<br />
in the fields of additive technologies and<br />
3D printing emerged from TU Wien, some<br />
of which have become hidden champions<br />
and global market leaders,” councillor Hanke<br />
proclaims proudly. One example of this is the<br />
company Lithoz which specialises in 3Dprinting<br />
of high-performance ceramics.<br />
Just as more and more digital highflyers<br />
from Vienna are going out into the world,<br />
other companies have started coming to Vienna<br />
in recent years. Chinese IT giant Huawei,<br />
for example, set up its Austrian branch<br />
in 2006 with only a handful of employees.<br />
Huawei Technologies Austria now employs<br />
over 100 people. One of the newest additions<br />
is the programming school Codecool Austria,<br />
which has taken aim at the shortage of<br />
skilled workers in the sector.<br />
Digital humanism<br />
Nevertheless, the goals that were defined<br />
in 2<strong>01</strong>9 have had to be adjusted in the wake<br />
of the coronavirus pandemic. Said crisis has<br />
brought everyday digitalisation matters into<br />
the foreground. City staff now hold up to<br />
1,350 video conferences daily. At the same<br />
time, a completely new infrastructure had to<br />
be created for receiving information about<br />
and registering for testing, vaccinations and<br />
contact tracing.<br />
Specifically, the fact that 3.9 million coronavirus<br />
test appointments have been handled<br />
largely efficiently and without complaints<br />
has earned the city countless news reports,<br />
even in the international media. The question<br />
is always: “How are the Viennese doing<br />
it?” In the middle of it all stood CIO Himpele<br />
who admits that with the acceleration of<br />
digitalisation as facilitated by the coronavirus<br />
pandemic, “expectations have also risen.”<br />
However, despite all the hustle and bustle,<br />
it was important to emphasise that the end<br />
goal was the benefit of the citizens and not<br />
just technology for technology’s sake. Himpele<br />
is visibly proud when he recounts that<br />
Vienna was the first city in the world to receive<br />
the AI Ethics certificate for its responsible<br />
implementation of these technologies.<br />
The idea is to make digital services not only<br />
efficient, but, when employing artificial intelligence<br />
(AI), to also make them humane:<br />
algorithms need rules, just like road traffic<br />
does.<br />
This digital humanism should also inspire<br />
the start-up scene, despite the fact that it<br />
has had to shift its colourful events to online<br />
platforms. Still, the ViennaUP, a festival initiated<br />
by the Vienna Business Agency, reached<br />
25,000 participants from 60 countries in<br />
2021 – virtually, of course. The <strong>2022</strong> edition<br />
of the festival for start-ups, investors, technology<br />
enthusiasts, creatives and visionaries,<br />
which will be held from 27 May to 3 June,<br />
will finally catch a glimpse of the real world.<br />
And with the planned focus topics such as<br />
smart cities, impact entrepreneurship, life<br />
sciences, creative industries and FinTech, it is<br />
very possible we’ll get to see one of the city’s<br />
next unicorns at the event.<br />
EVENT<br />
© iStock/Dabal77; Getty Images/iStockphoto<br />
INFO:<br />
Die ViennaUP ´22 soll zwischen 27. Mai und 3. Juni<br />
Technikbegeisterte und Visionäre anziehen.<br />
The ViennaUP ’22 is set to attract technology enthusiasts<br />
and visionaries from 27 May to 3 June.<br />
derfahnder.at • +43/664/44 99 464<br />
74 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Auf dem Weg zur Energiewende<br />
Towards the great energy transition<br />
Österreichs Stromwirtschaft zwischen Ökostrom, Politik und Blackout-Debatten.<br />
Austria’s electric power industry between renewable energies, policymakers and blackout debates.<br />
Text: Gerhard Bitzan<br />
Am 8. Jänner 2021 stand Europa vor<br />
einem Beinahe-Blackout. Exakt um<br />
14h04 fiel in einem Umspannwerk<br />
in Kroatien eine Kupplung aus, innerhalb<br />
von Sekunden verlagerten sich Stromflüsse,<br />
Leitungen fielen aus, in mehreren Ländern<br />
mussten Netzbetreiber eingreifen. Knapp<br />
eine Stunde später war das Problem gelöst.<br />
Es ist noch mal gut gegangen, aber das<br />
Thema steht jetzt vermehrt in der Diskussion,<br />
vor allem bei Vertretern der kritischen<br />
Infrastruktur und strategischen Unternehmen.<br />
Ganz vorne dabei ist das<br />
Bundesheer, denn Verteidigungsministerin<br />
Klaudia Tanner warnt regelmäßig vor den<br />
Gefahren von Blackouts: Deshalb führte<br />
das Heer mehrfach Übungen durch und<br />
will bis zum Jahr 2025 100 Kasernen auf<br />
autarken Betrieb umstellen. Dennoch: Die<br />
Fachleute aus dem Energie-Bereich sind<br />
sich einig, dass eine echte Gefahr für einen<br />
totalen Blackout, also für überregionale<br />
Stromausfälle über einen längeren Zeitraum<br />
hinweg, nicht gegeben ist.<br />
Wie sieht es tatsächlich mit der Stromsicherheit<br />
in Österreich aus? Grundsätzlich<br />
funktioniert die sichere Versorgung nach<br />
einem Prinzip: Stromproduktion und<br />
Stromverbrauch müssen sich in jeder Sekunde<br />
genau die Waage halten und übereinstimmen<br />
und das im ganzen europäischen<br />
Netz. Es muss also immer genausoviel<br />
Strom produziert werden, wie gerade verbraucht<br />
wird. Nur dann ist das System stabil.<br />
Überwacht und koordiniert wird das<br />
von der Austrian Power Grid AG (APG),<br />
einem der zwei großen Strom-„Player“ Österreichs<br />
und mit seinem Netz das Rückgrat<br />
der Stromversorgung. Ganz wichtig ist<br />
in dem Unternehmen die intensive europäische<br />
Kooperation über alle Grenzen hinweg,<br />
wie auch die beiden APG-Vorstände<br />
Gerhard Christiner (Technik) und Thomas<br />
Karall (Kaufmännisches) betonen (s. CD-<br />
Interview).<br />
Der zweite große „Player“ im heimischen<br />
Stromsystem ist die Verbund AG. Sie<br />
ist Österreichs führendes Stromunterneh-<br />
APG-Techniker warten die<br />
Infrastruktur der Netze.<br />
APG technicians maintaining<br />
the grid infrastructures.<br />
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Wasser, Wind und Sonne:<br />
Der Verbund sorgt für<br />
erneuerbare und saubere<br />
Energie.<br />
Water, wind and sun:<br />
Verbund provides renewable<br />
and clean energy.<br />
men und hundertprozentige Mutterfirma<br />
von APG. Vorstandsvorsitzender ist Michael<br />
Strugl. Der Verbund ist Stromanbieter<br />
und gleichzeitig größter Erzeuger des<br />
Stroms durch Wasserkraftwerke in ganz<br />
Österreich. Dazu gibt es noch eine Vielzahl<br />
kleinerer Netzbetreiber und Stromerzeuger.<br />
Doch die Energiewirtschaft steht derzeit<br />
inmitten einer fundamentalen Transformation,<br />
hin zu einer Energiewende. Es<br />
gilt die Klimakrise zu bekämpfen, die Pariser<br />
Klimaziele zu erreichen und Österreich<br />
klimafit zu machen. Alle Akteure des<br />
Strom- und Energiesystems wollen dazu<br />
einen großen Beitrag leisten. Die Voraussetzung<br />
dafür ist mit dem Gesetz zum Ausbau<br />
der erneuerbaren Energie gegeben: Bis<br />
zum Jahr 2030 sollen demnach zusätzlich<br />
27 TWh nachhaltige Energie produziert<br />
werden, damit der gesamte Strombedarf<br />
im Jahr 2030 aus erneuerbaren Quellen<br />
stammt. 100 Prozent Ökostrom lautet die<br />
Devise.<br />
Schon bisher hat Österreich einen großen<br />
Teil des Stroms aus umweltfreundlicher<br />
Wasserkraft produziert, jetzt wächst<br />
auch der Anteil an Solarstrom und an<br />
Windkraftstrom. Das Problem: Die Produktion<br />
von erneuerbarer Energie unterliegt<br />
großen Schwankungen. Dazu sollen,<br />
wie erwähnt, große Mengen zusätzlicher<br />
Energie produziert werden. Der Knackpunkt<br />
ist die Infrastruktur, die dieser zusätzlichen<br />
Belastung nicht gewachsen ist<br />
und so rasch wie möglich ausgebaut werden<br />
müsste. Gefragt sind neue Stromnetze,<br />
vor allem 380 kV-Leitungen, um große<br />
Mengen an Strom von einem Ende Österreichs<br />
zum anderen zu transportieren –<br />
und über die Grenzen hinaus. Gefragt sind<br />
neue und größere Speicher; gefragt sind<br />
aber auch Flächen für neue Energieträger.<br />
Windräder und Photovoltaikanlagen brauchen<br />
schließlich auch Platz.<br />
Aber nur zu oft stockt der Ausbau dieser<br />
Infrastruktur an bürokratischen Hürden,<br />
an endlos langen Genehmigungs-Prozeduren<br />
und oft stockt der Ausbau solcher Leitungen,<br />
weil es Einsprüche gibt oder langwierige<br />
Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfungen<br />
notwendig sind.<br />
Eine große Herausforderung für die<br />
Strom-Wirtschaft, die sich immer wieder<br />
an die Politik wendet, aktiver zu werden<br />
und gesetzliche Vorgaben zu erleichtern<br />
sowie auch an die Bevölkerung, bei diesem<br />
Ausbau kooperativer mitzuhelfen. Verbund-Chef<br />
Michael Strugl hat erst kürzlich<br />
wieder mehr Tempo beim Ausbau der erneuerbaren<br />
Energien, sowie straffere Verfahren<br />
und mehr Mut bei den Entscheidern<br />
in der Politik gefordert (siehe<br />
CD-Interview).<br />
Dabei stehen wir erst am Beginn des<br />
Ausbaus von Kraftwerken, Windkraft,<br />
Laufwasserkraft etc. „Bis 2040 gehen wir<br />
sogar von einem Bedarf von 200 TWh sauberem<br />
Strom aus, um die vollständige<br />
Elektrifizierung aller Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereiche<br />
abzudecken – eine Mammutaufgabe.<br />
Neben dem massiven Ausbau<br />
der erneuerbaren Energie muss daher die<br />
Strominfrastruktur um- und ausgebaut<br />
werden, damit das Gesamtsystem Strom<br />
sicher und managebar bleibt,“ sagen die<br />
APG-Vorstände Christiner und Karall.<br />
On 8 January 2021, Europe was facing<br />
a near blackout. At exactly<br />
2.04 pm, a clutch failed in an<br />
electrical substation in Croatia and within<br />
seconds, power flows shifted and entire<br />
lines failed. Grid operators had to intervene<br />
in several countries. Less than an<br />
hour later, the problem had been resolved.<br />
Everything worked out in the end, but<br />
the topic is now seeing intense debate, especially<br />
among the representatives of critical<br />
infrastructures and strategic companies. At<br />
the forefront is the Austrian Armed Forces,<br />
and Minister of Defence Klaudia Tanner regularly<br />
warns of the dangers of blackouts.<br />
This is why the army conducted several<br />
exercises and plans to make 100 of its barracks<br />
self-sufficient by 2025. Nevertheless:<br />
energy sector experts agree that there is no<br />
real threat of a total blackout, i.e., superregional<br />
power failures over an extended period<br />
of time.<br />
So, what is the actual situation in Austria<br />
when it comes to the security of the country’s<br />
national grid? Generally speaking, secure<br />
supply is based on the following principle:<br />
both electricity production and consumption<br />
must balance each other out exactly every<br />
second across the entire European grid.<br />
In other words, the same amount of electri-<br />
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Michael Strugl Vorstandsvorsitzender Verbund AG<br />
Chairman of the Board of Verbund AG<br />
Kann in Österreich<br />
die Energiewende bis<br />
2030 gelingen und<br />
wo sind die größten<br />
Hindernisse?<br />
Der Schlüssel für die<br />
Bewältigung der<br />
Klimakrise ist die<br />
Energiewende – weg<br />
von klimaschädlichen<br />
Energieträgern hin zu sauberer, erneuerbarer<br />
Energie. Die Zukunft gehört Wasserkraft, Wind- und<br />
Sonnenkraft. Unverzichtbar dafür sind klare und<br />
berechenbare politische Rahmenbedingungen. Um<br />
die Energiewende zu schaffen und die österreichischen<br />
Klimaziele zu erreichen, müssen österreichweit<br />
die Erneuerbaren um in Summe 27 TWh<br />
ausgebaut werden. Für die Aufrechterhaltung der<br />
Versorgungssicherheit gilt es, Netzinfrastruktur und<br />
Energiespeicher im gleichen Tempo auszubauen.<br />
Sie fordern mehr Tempo beim Ausbau der<br />
Erneuerbaren. An wen ist das gerichtet? An die<br />
Politik?<br />
Europa will bis 2050 klimaneutral werden, Österreich<br />
bereits 2040 keine CO2-Emissionen mehr<br />
verursachen. Ab 2030 soll der Gesamtstromverbrauch<br />
in unserem Land bilanziell gänzlich aus erneuerbaren<br />
Energiequellen gedeckt sein. Um die Ausbauziele bis<br />
2030 zu erfüllen, sind alle in diesem Land gefragt: von<br />
der Politik über die Industrie und die Wirtschaft bis zu<br />
jedem Bewohner, jeder Bewohnerin. Wir alle können<br />
und müssen dazu beitragen, die Energiewende<br />
gemeinsam zu schaffen.<br />
Kann die Energiewende spurlos an uns<br />
vorübergehen?<br />
Das Gelingen der Energiewende liegt im globalen<br />
öffentlichen Interesse. Daher: Weg vom Klima des<br />
Verhinderns, hin zu einem Klima des Ermöglichens. Ein<br />
wesentlicher Aspekt dabei sei Ehrlichkeit, denn die<br />
unsichtbare, spurlose Energiewende wird es nicht<br />
geben, wenn wir die heimische, erneuerbare<br />
Erzeugung für die Zielerreichung bis 2030 um 27 Mrd.<br />
Kilowattstunden ausbauen müssen – das ist mehr als<br />
das Doppelte der Jahresstromerzeugung an der Donau.<br />
Welche Maßnahmen soll die Regierung<br />
treffen?<br />
Für eine erfolgreiche Energiewende sind nicht nur<br />
Ängste vor Komfort- und Wohlstandsverlusten zu<br />
überwinden, sondern auch hausgemachte Hürden,<br />
wie etwa länderspezifisch unterschiedliche<br />
Vorgaben oder Widerstand gegen Klimaschutz-<br />
Infrastrukturprojekte.<br />
Can Austria succeed in transforming its energy<br />
grid by 2030 and what are the biggest hurdles<br />
here?<br />
The key to tackling the climate crisis will be the great<br />
energy transition – away from climate-damaging<br />
sources of energy and towards clean, renewable<br />
energies. The future belongs to hydropower, wind and<br />
solar energy. Here, a clear and predictable political<br />
framework is key. To achieve the energy transition and<br />
for Austria to reach its climate goals, renewable use<br />
must be expanded by a total of 27 TWh across Austria.<br />
And to maintain a secure supply, our grid infrastructure<br />
and energy storage systems will have to be expanded at<br />
the same time.<br />
You call for a more rapid expansion of<br />
renewables. Who is this demand directed at,<br />
polititians and policymakers?<br />
Europe’s goal is to be climate-neutral by 2050 and<br />
Austria wants to stop producing CO2 emissions as early<br />
as 2040. By 2030, we want our country’s total energy<br />
consumption to be covered by renewables. To reach<br />
these goals, we’re appealing to everyone in the country:<br />
from policymakers and industry leaders to every single<br />
citizen. All of us can and must play our part to achieve<br />
the energy transition together.<br />
Can we make it through the energy transition<br />
without a trace?<br />
The success of the energy transition is in the global<br />
public interest. We must therefore move away from a<br />
climate of obstruction and move towards a climate of<br />
enabling. A key part of this is honesty, because the<br />
energy transition won’t be invisible and traceless if we<br />
want to expand our domestic renewable energy<br />
generation by 27 billion kilowatt hours by 2030 – that’s<br />
more than double what the Danube generates in<br />
electricity annually.<br />
What measures should the government take?<br />
To successfully transform our energy grid, we will not<br />
only have to overcome fears of loss of comfort and<br />
prosperity, but also unique domestic hurdles, such as<br />
province-specific requirements or resistances against<br />
climate protection infrastructure projects.<br />
city has to be generated as is being consumed.<br />
Only then the system is stable.<br />
All of this is monitored and coordinated<br />
by Austrian Power Grid AG (APG), one of<br />
Austria’s two big electricity players. Its grid<br />
makes up the backbone of Austria’s power<br />
supply. Intensive European cooperation across<br />
all borders is crucial for the company, as<br />
the two APG board members Gerhard<br />
Christiner (technology) and Thomas Karall<br />
(commercial) emphasise (see CD interview).<br />
The second big player in the domestic<br />
power grid is Verbund AG. It is Austria’s leading<br />
electricity company and the exclusive<br />
parent company of APG. The chairman is<br />
Michael Strugl. Verbund is both an electricity<br />
provider and simultaneously the biggest<br />
producer of electricity via hydropower<br />
plants in all of Austria. Additionally, there is<br />
also a large number of smaller grid operators<br />
and electricity producers.<br />
But the energy industry is currently undergoing<br />
a fundamental transformation and<br />
heading towards an energy transition. The<br />
goal is the fight against the climate crisis, to<br />
reach the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement<br />
and to make Austria climate-neutral.<br />
Every participant in the electricity and energy<br />
grid is playing their part. The nationwide<br />
initiative is based on the Expansion of Renewable<br />
Energy Act. According to the law, an<br />
additional 27 TWh of sustainable energy are<br />
to be produced by the year 2030, meaning<br />
that the country’s entire energy demand will<br />
come from renewable resources. The goal is<br />
100% green electricity.<br />
Austria has already been generating a large<br />
part of its electricity from environmentally<br />
friendly hydropower – and the share of<br />
solar and wind power is also growing. The<br />
problem: renewable energy generation is<br />
subject to fluctuation. And as mentioned,<br />
the goal is the production of large amounts<br />
of additional energy. The sticking point is<br />
the fact that our current infrastructure is not<br />
up to the task and therefore must be expanded<br />
as quickly as possible. What’s therefore<br />
needed is new power grids, especially 380<br />
kV lines, to transport large amounts of elec- >><br />
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Gerhard Christiner, Thomas Karall Vorstände der Austrian<br />
Power Grip (APG) Members of the board of Austrian<br />
Power Grid (APG)<br />
Nachbarländern und darüber hinaus. In täglichen<br />
Abstimmungen im Rahmen der Regional Security<br />
Center erfolgt die Netzbetriebsführungsplanung für<br />
den nächsten Tag. So ist es möglich zum Beispiel<br />
Engpässe in einem Netz durch Maßnahmen in einer<br />
anderen Regelzone zu beheben. Ein Muster gelebter<br />
europäischer Kooperation für die sichere<br />
Stromveresorgung.<br />
Im Mittelpunkt steht die APG-Steuerzentrale.<br />
The APG control centre takes the centre stage.<br />
Gerhard Christiner<br />
Thomas Karall<br />
Zum Beinahe-Blackout vor einem Jahr<br />
Die Frequenzstörung vom 8.1.2021 hat uns vor Augen<br />
geführt, dass lokale, unvorhersehbare Ereignisse zu<br />
ernsten Krisensituationen führen können.<br />
Gleichzeitig haben die vorgesehenen Schutzmechanismen<br />
auf europäischer Ebene bzw. die von den<br />
TSO´s (Übertragungsnetzbetreiber) europaweit<br />
akkordierten Maßnahmen gezeigt, dass wir über<br />
gute Instrumente auf nationaler und internationaler<br />
Ebene bei derartigen Krisen verfügen. Doch eines ist<br />
klar: durch die Transformation des Energiesystems<br />
hin zu einem nachhaltigen und erneuerbaren steigen<br />
die Anforderungen an das Gesamtsystem enorm.<br />
Zum Ausbau der Netzkapazitäten<br />
Generell ist der Ausbau der Netzkapazitäten die<br />
größte Herausforderung. Es geht einerseits darum,<br />
die steigende Produktion aus Erneuerbaren auch ins<br />
Netz integrieren zu können und sie damit auch zum<br />
Verbraucher zu bringen und andererseits die<br />
Elektrifizierung von Wirtschaft, Industrie und<br />
Gesellschaft zu ermöglichen. Wir müssen es<br />
schaffen der Bevölkerung anhand praktischer<br />
Beispiele die Zusammenhänge des energiewirtschaftlichen<br />
Systems der Zukunft verständlich zu<br />
machen. Jedem muss klar sein, dass der Strommast<br />
vor meiner Türe mit meinem E-Bike oder meinem<br />
Netflixabbo untrennbar zusammenhängt. Es muss<br />
das Gesamtsystem erklärt und aktiv kommuniziert<br />
werden.<br />
Zur Rolle Europas bei der Netzsicherheit<br />
Das Übertragungsnetz hat aufgrund seiner<br />
Aufgabenstellung Europa in seiner DNA. Unser Netz<br />
ist mit sechs Nachbarstaaten direkt verbunden. Seit<br />
langem koordinieren wir unseren Netzbetrieb in<br />
Abstimmung mit den Betreibern mit allen<br />
On the near-blackout one year ago<br />
The frequency disturbance of 8 January 2021 showed us<br />
that local, unpredictable events can lead to serious crisis<br />
situations. At the same time, the protective measures on<br />
the European level as well as the measures agreed on by<br />
the TSOs (transmission system operators) across Europe<br />
have shown that we’ve got the right tools on both the<br />
national and international levels to deal with such crises.<br />
But one thing is clear: transforming our energy system<br />
into one based on sustainable and renewable energies<br />
will increase the demand on the overall system<br />
enormously.<br />
On the expansion of grid capacities<br />
Generally speaking, the expansion of our grid capacities<br />
is our greatest challenge. On the one hand, it is about<br />
being able to integrate the increased production of<br />
renewables into the grid and being able to deliver it to<br />
the consumer. On the other hand, it is also about<br />
enabling the electrification of businesses, heavy<br />
industries and society. We must succeed in communicating<br />
the interdependence between the economy and our<br />
energy system to the public using clear, practical<br />
examples. It must be clear to everyone that the pylon<br />
outside their door is inextricably linked to their electric<br />
bicycle and their Netflix subscription.<br />
On Europe’s role in grid security<br />
Thanks to its clear mission, the transmission grid has<br />
Europe all over its DNA. Our grid is directly connected to<br />
six neighbouring countries. For a long time now, we have<br />
been coordinating our grid operations with our<br />
neighbouring countries and beyond. Next-day network<br />
operations are planned in daily coordination meetings<br />
with the regional security centres. This makes it possible,<br />
for example, to eliminate bottlenecks in one grid by<br />
addressing <strong>issue</strong>s in another control area. A model of<br />
European cooperation to ensure a secure power supply.<br />
tricity from one side of Austria to the other<br />
– and across borders, too. New and larger<br />
storage facilities will also be needed, as well<br />
as land for the new energy sources. After all,<br />
wind turbines and photovoltaic plants take<br />
up space.<br />
But all too often, infrastructure expansions<br />
such as these reach standstill due to bureaucratic<br />
hurdles, endlessly long approval<br />
procedures and often expansions of such lines<br />
are slowed down severely because of objections<br />
or lengthy environmental impact<br />
assessments.<br />
This is a major challenge for the electricity<br />
industry, which keeps appealing to politicians<br />
to get more involved and ease regulatory<br />
burdens, as well as to the public to help<br />
with the expansion. Verbund director Michael<br />
Strugl has called for increased speed<br />
when it comes to expanding renewable<br />
energies, as well as more streamlined processes<br />
and procedures, and more courage on<br />
the part of decision-makers.<br />
Yet, we are only at the beginning of the<br />
expansion of our power plants, wind power,<br />
run-of-river power, etc. “By 2040, we expect<br />
a demand of 200 TWh of clean electricity to<br />
cover the full electrification of all areas of<br />
life and business – a mammoth task. Next<br />
to the massive expansion of our renewable<br />
energy sources, we will therefore also have<br />
to adapt and expand our power infrastructure<br />
so that the total power grid remains<br />
secure and manageable,” say APG board<br />
members Christiner und Karall.<br />
Die Spezialisten am Bau<br />
Seit über 125 Jahren ist die Anton Traunfellner GmbH als eines der führenden<br />
mittelständischen Bauunternehmen in Niederösterreich ein fester Bestandteil<br />
der österreichischen Baukultur im Hoch-und Tiefbau.<br />
Die Tradition eines der wenigen großen familiengeführten, mittelständischen Bauunternehmen<br />
verbunden mit Innovation und Handschlagqualität zeichnen das Bauunternehmen<br />
seit jeher aus.<br />
Verlässlichkeit und höchste Qualitätsstandards sind zentrale Bausteine unserer<br />
Unternehmensphilosophie. Dafür steht die Familie Traunfellner seit mehr als<br />
125 Jahren mit ihrem Namen.<br />
Damit das auch in Zukunft so bleibt, investieren wir permanent in die Qualifikation<br />
aller Mitarbeiter und in modernste Technik.<br />
Scheibbs | Lilienfeld | St. Pölten | Wien | Purkersdorf<br />
antontraunfellner.at<br />
Anton Traunfellner Ges.m.b.H.<br />
Erlaufpromenade 32-34<br />
A-3270 Scheibbs<br />
82<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Neues aus Österreich<br />
News from Austria<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Sport-Event | Sports event<br />
Und wir laufen wieder! | Here we run again!<br />
Am 23. und 24. April <strong>2022</strong>, laufen zehntausende Menschen beim Vienna City<br />
Marathon (VCM) durch die Straßen Wiens. Nach dem Comeback im<br />
vergangenen September als erster großer Stadtmarathon in Europa seit<br />
Beginn der Pandemie, ist Österreichs größtes Aktivsportereignis wieder<br />
zurück am traditionellen Frühjahrs-Termin. Der Zuspruch bei den Läufern ist<br />
groß. Für alle VCM-Bewerbe liegen in Summe bereits 22.000 Anmeldungen<br />
vor (Stand 23. Februar). „Wir sind ein großer Impulsgeber für Sport und<br />
Bewegung in Österreich“, so Veranstalter Wolfgang Konrad.<br />
On 23 and 24 April <strong>2022</strong>, tens of thousands of people will run through the streets<br />
of Vienna at the Vienna City Marathon (VCM). After its comeback last September<br />
as the first major city marathon in Europe since the start of the pandemic, Austria‘s<br />
biggest active sports event is back on<br />
the traditional spring date. The<br />
popularity among runners is great.<br />
There are already 22,000 registrations<br />
for all VCM events (as of 23<br />
February). “ We are a great stimulus<br />
for sport and exercise in Austria,“ says<br />
organiser Wolfgang Konrad.<br />
vienna-marathon.com<br />
Wellness<br />
Größter Alpen-Whirlpool | Largest whirlpool in the alps<br />
Es ist der größte Indoor-Whirlpool der Alpen, den das Wellnesshotel Tauernhof im<br />
Salzburger Großarl im Zuge eines 10,5-Millionen-Euro Umbaus eröffnete: Auf<br />
einer blubbernden Wasserfläche von rund 50 Quadratmetern und angenehmen 32<br />
Grad erleben die Gäste des familiengeführten Hotels im Infinity Warmsprudelbecken<br />
damit eine ganz neue Art der Entspannung. Spektakulär ist dabei unter<br />
anderem auch der Panoramablick, den die Gäste vom 75 Quadratmeter großen<br />
und beheizten Infinity-Außenpool genießen.<br />
It is the largest indoor whirlpool in the Alps, which the Wellnesshotel Tauernhof in<br />
Grossarl, Salzburg, opened in the course of a 10.5-million-euro renovation: on a<br />
bubbling water surface of around 50 square metres and a pleasant 32 degrees, the<br />
guests of the family-run hotel experience a completely new kind of relaxation in the<br />
infinity warm bubble pool. The panoramic view that guests can enjoy from the<br />
75-square-metre heated outdoor infinity pool is also spectacular.<br />
tauernhof.com<br />
Wein aus Österreich | Wine from Austria<br />
Traumjahrgang | Dream vintage<br />
Jetzt können wir dann die guten Weingläser aus dem Schrank<br />
nehmen – denn der heurige Wein-Jahrgang soll laut der<br />
Österreich Wein Marketing einer der besten sein! Ausgereifte,<br />
kristallklare Weine aus perfektem Traubengut: Das sind die<br />
Charakteristika des Jahrgangs 2021, über den man wohl noch<br />
lange sprechen wird. Ein herrlicher Herbst sorgte für balancierte,<br />
elegante Weißweine mit tiefer Frucht und rassiger Struktur sowie<br />
für kraftvolle, spannungsgeladene Rotweine – und das in allen<br />
österreichischen Weinbaugebieten. Zum Wohl!<br />
Now we can take the good wine glasses out of the cupboard -<br />
because this year‘s vintage is supposed to be one of the best<br />
according to Österreich Wein Marketing! Mature, crystal-clear<br />
wines from perfect grapes: these are the characteristics of the<br />
2021 vintage, which will probably be talked about for a long time.<br />
A glorious autumn ensured balanced, elegant white wines with<br />
deep fruit and racy structure as well as powerful, exciting red<br />
wines – and that in all Austrian wine-growing regions. Cheers!<br />
oesterreichwein.at<br />
Business<br />
Halle als Unternehmenskonzept |<br />
Hall as a business concept<br />
Mit der baulichen Erweiterung um eine Montagehalle setzt das<br />
Vorarlberger Haustechnik- und Anlagenbau-Unternehmen<br />
Wagner den Schritt in ein neues Geschäftsfeld und damit auch in<br />
ein neues Unternehmenskonzept: Das Angebot wird ergänzt um<br />
die industrielle Produktion einbaufertiger Anlagenmodule.<br />
Edelstahlverrohrungen, etwa für Kraftwerkskühlungen oder<br />
Wärmerückgewinnungsanlagen, werden nach Kundenwunsch<br />
geplant und produziert, um dann einbaufertig zu Modulen<br />
montiert zu werden.<br />
With the structural expansion to include an assembly hall, the<br />
Vorarlberg-based building services and plant engineering<br />
company Wagner is taking a step into a new business field and<br />
thus also into a new corporate concept: the range of services is<br />
supplemented by the industrial production of ready-to-install<br />
plant modules. Stainless steel piping, for<br />
example for power plant cooling or heat<br />
recovery systems, is planned and produced<br />
according to customer requirements and then<br />
assembled into modules ready for installation.<br />
efre.gv.at<br />
Enjoy our popular afternoon tea in true British style.<br />
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84 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
KÄRNTNER RING 1, 1<strong>01</strong>0 WIEN<br />
#bristolvienna<br />
SAVOIR<br />
VIVRE<br />
13 JULY - 14 AUGUST <strong>2022</strong>
Neue Museen in Sicht<br />
New museums in sight<br />
Text: Evelyn Rois & Bruno Stubenrauch<br />
Das neue Museum der Heidi Horten Collection eröffnet im Frühjahr <strong>2022</strong>. Zusammen mit<br />
dem wachsenden Kulturcluster rund um das Wien Museum Neu wird dem Kulturstandort<br />
Wien ein kräftiger Schub verliehen.<br />
The new Heidi Horten Collection museum is set to open in the spring of <strong>2022</strong>. Together with the<br />
growing cluster of cultural institutions around the Wien Museum Neu, Vienna is receiving a<br />
powerful boost as a cultural hub.<br />
Museumsboom.<br />
Museums boom.<br />
Wiens weltweit ausstrahlende Attraktivität<br />
als Kulturdestination<br />
fußt – neben seiner unumstrittenen<br />
Position als Welthauptstadt der klassischen<br />
Musik – in der herausragenden<br />
Qualität und Dichte seiner Museen. Allein<br />
auf dem kurzen Spaziergang von der Wiener<br />
Staatsoper zum Parlamentsgebäude reihen<br />
sich, wie die sprichwörtlichen Perlen<br />
auf der Schnur, zahlreiche Museen von absolutem<br />
Weltrang aneinander, von der Albertina<br />
über den Prunksaal der Nationalbibliothek<br />
und das Weltmuseum bis zum<br />
Natur- und Kunsthistorischen Museum.<br />
Hinzu kommen zahlreiche weitere bedeutende<br />
Museen des Museumsquartiers wie<br />
das Leopold Museum, das MUMOK, das<br />
AzW oder die Kunsthalle Wien. Auf der anderen<br />
Seite der Ringstraße ergänzt die Hofburg<br />
u.a. mit der Kaiserlichen Schatzkammer,<br />
dem Haus der Geschichte Österreich<br />
oder dem Ephesos Museum die, wie Wien<br />
Tourismus Direktor Norbert Kettner bei<br />
der Wiener Tourismus Konferenz im November<br />
2021 betonte, höchste Museumsdichte<br />
der Welt. „Kunst ist das Asset von<br />
Wien. Man muss als Destination immer irgendwo<br />
an der Weltspitze sein und Wien ist<br />
es in der Kultur.“ Diese einzigartige Zusammenballung<br />
von bedeutenden Museen findet<br />
nun im Frühling <strong>2022</strong> mit der Eröffnung<br />
des Privatmuseums der Heidi Horten<br />
Collection eine äußerst spannende Erweiterung.<br />
Visionäre Architektur für herausragende Kunst<br />
Beim Eintritt in das im Innenhof des<br />
Hanuschhofes gelegene neue Museum ist<br />
man zuerst einmal vom Raumerlebnis des<br />
aufwändig adaptierten historischen Baus<br />
mit seinem neun Meter hohen Luftraum,<br />
in den zwei frei schwebende Ausstellungsebenen<br />
eingelassen sind, überwältigt.<br />
Gleichermaßen beeindruckend sind die<br />
bedeutenden Kunstwerke der Heidi Horten<br />
Collection von Gustav Klimt bis Andy<br />
Warhol. Die hochkarätige Sammlung von<br />
Milliardenerbin und Kunstsammlerin<br />
Heidi Goëss-Horten reicht vom Wiener<br />
Die Heidi Horten Collection<br />
bespielt das Stöcklgebäude<br />
im Hanuschhof.<br />
The Heidi Horten Collection<br />
uses the Stöckl building at the<br />
Hanuschhof.<br />
Heidi Goëss-Horten zeigt in ihrem Museum Werke<br />
von Munch und Schiele bis zur Gegenwartskunst.<br />
Heidi Goëss-Horten shows works from Munch and<br />
Schiele to contemporary art in her museum.<br />
88<br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Das Wien Museum wächst um zwei Stockwerke und<br />
1.500 m 2 Ausstellungsfläche.<br />
The Wien Museum grows by two floors and 1,500 m 2<br />
of exhibition space.<br />
Die Kulturmeile rund um den Musikvereinsplatz<br />
erfährt einen kräftigen Schub.<br />
The cultural mile around the Musikvereinsplatz is<br />
getting a big boost.<br />
Jugendstil über Schlüsselwerke des deutschen<br />
Expressionismus und der Pop Art<br />
bis zu Werken des 21. Jahrhunderts. In<br />
knapp zwei Jahren wurde die ehemalige<br />
Registratur des benachbarten Palais der<br />
Albertina zur passenden Bühne für die<br />
Heidi Horten Collection umgebaut. Das<br />
dreistöckige Hofgebäude wurde dabei „zu<br />
einem maßgeschneiderten, flexibel handhabbaren<br />
Raum für den herausragenden<br />
Kunstschatz veredelt“, wie das für den<br />
Umbau verantwortliche Architektenteam<br />
„The Next Enterprise“ auf ihrer Webseite<br />
darlegt. Hinzu kommt der neu gestaltete<br />
Vorplatz als Standort für einige der monumentalen<br />
Skulpturen der Sammlung. Der<br />
Entschluss, ihre seit Anfang der 1990er<br />
aufgebaute, heute mehrere hundert Werke<br />
umfassende Sammlung permanent zu zeigen,<br />
hat sich für Heidi Goëss-Horten spätestens<br />
seit dem durchschlagenden Erfolg<br />
der Ausstellung ihrer Sammlung unter<br />
dem griffigen Titel „Wow! The Heidi Horten<br />
Collection“ mit mehr als 350.000 Besuchern<br />
2<strong>01</strong>8 im Leopold Museum zur<br />
Gewissheit verdichtet. Mit dem Hofgebäude<br />
im Hanuschhof wurde dann der<br />
passende, „very special place“ gefunden,<br />
wie es Agnes Husslein-Arco, Direktorin<br />
des neuen Museums, ausdrückt. Großes<br />
Vorbild für das ambitionierte Unterfangen<br />
ist natürlich die berühmte Peggy Guggenheim<br />
Collection im Palazzo Venier dei<br />
Leoni in Venedig, wie Husslein, die die<br />
Sammlung seit ihren Anfängen begleitet,<br />
betont. Auch von Seiten der Stadt Wien ist<br />
man sehr erfreut über die Ergänzung der<br />
Wiener Museumslandschaft, wie Kulturstadträtin<br />
Veronika Kaup-Hasler anmerkt:<br />
„Es ist erfreulich, wenn Private Verantwortung<br />
für die Gesellschaft wahrnehmen<br />
und damit etwas „zurückgeben“. Man<br />
denke dabei im Kunstbereich an die<br />
Sammlungen Essl und Leopold, aber auch<br />
an die Sammlungs- und Ausstellungstätigkeit<br />
des Bank Austria Kunstforums<br />
oder der ERSTE Stiftung. Wichtig ist, dass<br />
auch private Sammlerinnen und Sammler<br />
die Herkunft ihrer Kunstwerke durch aktive<br />
Provenienzforschung klären und ausweisen.“<br />
Aufstrebende Kulturmeile<br />
Ein paar Schritte weiter, vorbei an der<br />
Wiener Staatsoper Richtung Karlsplatz, ist<br />
derzeit ebenfalls einiges in Bewegung geraten.<br />
Am augenfälligsten: das gerade im<br />
Umbau befindliche Wien Museum Neu.<br />
Mit dem Aufbau des Stahlfachwerks für<br />
das schwebende Obergeschoss sind nun<br />
erstmals die spektakulären, neuen Dimensionen<br />
des Museums sichtbar. Die zwei<br />
Stockwerke bringen nicht nur fast 2.500 m 2<br />
zusätzliche Ausstellungsfläche, sie ermöglichen<br />
auch, das Wien Museum komplett<br />
neu zu denken, wie Direktor Matti Bunzl<br />
ausführt: „Das neue Museum mit der frei<br />
zugänglichen Terrasse, mit dem großen<br />
Eingangspavillon und nicht zuletzt mit<br />
dem neuen Restaurant und seinem Gastgarten<br />
öffnet sich dem Karlsplatz hin. Es<br />
entsteht ein Stadtmuseum der Zukunft, ein<br />
lebenswerter, öffentlicher Raum für alle.“<br />
Verantwortlich für den effektvollen Umbau<br />
sind Certov, Winkler + Ruck Architekten,<br />
deren Entwurf auch deswegen überzeugte,<br />
weil er die dringend benötigte<br />
Erweiterung des Museums umsetzt, ohne<br />
dem Karlsplatz selber Areal wegzunehmen,<br />
wie Bunzl ausführt. Wenn alles klappt wie<br />
geplant, wird die völlig neu konzipierte<br />
Dauerausstellung zur Wiener Stadtgeschichte<br />
nach der für Herbst 2023 angesetzten<br />
Wiedereröffnung des Wien Museums<br />
dann ohne Eintritt zugänglich sein.<br />
Rund um den Karlsplatz durchlaufen gerade<br />
mehrere Kulturinstitutionen größere<br />
Metamorphosen. 2<strong>01</strong>9 wurde nach umfassendem<br />
Umbau die Albertina modern im<br />
Erdgeschoß des Künstlerhauses eröffnet,<br />
im Französischen Saal, wo früher das Theater<br />
Brut residierte, haben die Bauarbeiten<br />
für eine zusätzliche Spielstätte der Wiener<br />
Staatsoper bereits begonnen. Dass sich das<br />
Wien Museum Neu in eine gerade stark<br />
aufgewertetes Kulturquartier einfügt, weiß<br />
auch Direktor Matti Bunzl zu schätzen:<br />
„Mit dem Musikverein und dem neuen<br />
Künstlerhaus mit Albertina modern und<br />
Kinderoper, und auf unserer Seite der<br />
Technischen Universität und der Karlskirche,<br />
entsteht eine große, aufregende Kulturmeile.“<br />
Investitionen in die Kultur<br />
Wien wächst also nicht nur von seiner<br />
Einwohnerzahl, sondern auch kulturell<br />
ständig weiter. Auch an anderen wichtigen<br />
Kulturinstitutionen der Stadt werden wesentliche<br />
Erneuerungen umgesetzt: Die<br />
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek renoviert<br />
ab Juli ihren weltberühmten Prunksaal.<br />
Das Untere Belvedere feiert gerade<br />
mit einer groß angelegten Ausstellung zur<br />
komplexen Beziehung zwischen dem bedeutenden<br />
Surrealisten Salvador Dalí und<br />
Sigmund Freud seine Wiedereröffnung<br />
nach der umfassenden Renovation. Wien<br />
weiß seinen Rang als international führende<br />
Kulturmetropole, trotz schwieriger Zeiten,<br />
auch für die Zukunft zu behaupten.<br />
Vienna’s international appeal as a<br />
cultural destination is based on the<br />
outstanding quality and density of<br />
its museums – next to its undisputed position<br />
as the world capital of classical music. A<br />
short walk from the Vienna State Opera to<br />
the Austrian Parliament Building reveals<br />
numerous world-class museums strung together<br />
like pearls on a chain, from the Albertina<br />
Museum, the Austrian National<br />
Library’s State Hall and the Weltmuseum<br />
Wien to the Natural History Museum Vienna.<br />
Then there are the countless museums<br />
that make up the “MuseumsQuartier”, like<br />
the Leopold Museum, the MUMOK, the<br />
AzW and the Kunsthalle Wien. On the<br />
other side of the Ringstrasse boulevard, the<br />
Hofburg Palace – with its Imperial Treasury,<br />
the House of Austrian History and the<br />
Ephesos Museum – complements what<br />
Wien Tourismus director Norbert Kettner<br />
at the Wiener Tourismus Konferenz in November<br />
2021 called the highest density of<br />
museums in the world. “Art is one of<br />
Vienna’s key assets. As a destination, you’ve<br />
got to be number one in something, and Vienna<br />
is number one in culture.” Now, this<br />
unique conglomeration of museums will<br />
receive an additional exciting expansion in<br />
the spring of <strong>2022</strong> with the opening of the<br />
Heidi Horten Collection private museum.<br />
Visionary architecture for outstanding art<br />
90<br />
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Direktor Bunzl und Kulturstadträtin<br />
Kaup-Hasler sind erfreut über das<br />
aufgewertete Kulturquartier.<br />
Director Bunzl and City Councillor for<br />
Culture Kaup-Hasler are delighted with<br />
the upgraded cultural quarter.<br />
Mit Szene Österreich schafft die<br />
wortwiege in Wiener Neustadt<br />
bis 13.3.<strong>2022</strong> eine Bühne für<br />
österreichische Literatur-Juwelen<br />
Neues Museum: Heidi Horten Collection.<br />
New museum: Heidi Horten Collection.<br />
Upon entering the new museum located<br />
in the inner courtyard of the Hanuschhof,<br />
you are first overwhelmed by the spatial experience<br />
of the elaborately renovated historical<br />
building, with its nine-metre-high<br />
open space embedded with two free-floating<br />
exhibition levels. Equally impressive are<br />
the artworks that make up the Heidi Horten<br />
Collection, from Gustav Klimt to Andy<br />
Warhol. This high-profile collection by billionaire<br />
heiress and art collector Heidi Goëss-<br />
Horten ranges from Jugendstil paintings to<br />
masterpieces of German Expressionism and<br />
from Pop Art to 21st-century works. In just<br />
under two years, the former registry of the<br />
neighbouring Albertina Palace was restructured<br />
to serve as the perfect stage for the<br />
Heidi Horten Collection. The three-story<br />
courtyard building was “refined into a custom-tailored,<br />
flexible space for the exceptional<br />
works of art,” as the architectural team<br />
responsible for the reconstruction, The Next<br />
Enterprise, states on its website. Then there<br />
is also the redesigned forecourt, which serves<br />
as a location for some of the monumental<br />
sculptures of the collection. For Heidi<br />
Goëss-Horten, the decision to put her collection<br />
– which she has been building since<br />
the 1990s and today comprises several<br />
hundred works – on permanent display became<br />
clear no later than after seeing the success<br />
of her exhibition with the snappy title<br />
“Wow! The Heidi Horten Collection”, which<br />
received more than 350,000 visitors in 2<strong>01</strong>8.<br />
INFO:<br />
hortencollection.com<br />
wienmuseumneu.at<br />
With the Hanuschhof courtyard building,<br />
she found a “very special place” for it, as Agnes<br />
Husslein-Arco, director of the new museum<br />
puts it. One of the inspirations for the<br />
ambitious project was, of course, the famed<br />
Peggy Guggenheim Collection at the Palazzo<br />
Venier dei Leoni in Venice, as Husslein,<br />
who has accompanied the collection since<br />
its early days, emphasises. The City of Vienna<br />
has also been very pleased with the new<br />
addition to Vienna’s museum landscape, as<br />
City Councillor for Culture Veronika Kaup-<br />
Hasler notes. “It’s great when private citizens<br />
assume responsibility towards society by ‘giving<br />
something back’. In terms of art, I also<br />
think of the Essl and Leopold collections, as<br />
well as of the collections and exhibitions by<br />
the Bank Austria Kunstforum and the ERS-<br />
TE Foundation. It’s important that private<br />
collectors clarify and establish the origins of<br />
their artworks through active provenance<br />
research.”<br />
Rising art district<br />
A few steps further, past the Vienna State<br />
Opera and towards Karlsplatz, there’s a lot<br />
going on at the moment – most noticeably at<br />
the Wien Museum Neu. With the erection<br />
of the new steel framework for the floating<br />
upper floor, the spectacular new dimensions<br />
of the museums have now become visible<br />
for the first time. The two extra floors provide<br />
not only 2,500 square metres of additional<br />
exhibition space; they’ve also made it<br />
possible to completely rethink what the<br />
Wien Museum is, as director Matti Bunzl<br />
explains, “The new museum has a freely accessible<br />
terrace, a large entrance pavilion, as<br />
well as a new restaurant with a garden, and<br />
opens up towards Karlsplatz. The result is a<br />
city museum of the future, a liveable, public<br />
space for all.” The team behind the effective<br />
remodelling is Certov, Winkler + Ruck Architekten,<br />
whose design proved decisive because<br />
it implements the museum’s muchneeded<br />
expansion without taking away<br />
space from Karlsplatz itself, as Bunzl emphasises.<br />
If everything works out as planned,<br />
then the completely reconceptualised<br />
permanent exhibitions on the history of Vienna<br />
will become accessible without admission<br />
following the reopening of the Wien<br />
Museum in autumn 2023. Several cultural<br />
institutions around Karlsplatz are currently<br />
going through similar metamorphoses. In<br />
2<strong>01</strong>9, the Albertina Modern reopened on<br />
the ground floor of the Künstlerhaus following<br />
extensive renovations, and construction<br />
work has already begun on an additional<br />
venue for the Vienna State Opera in the<br />
French Hall, where the Theater Brut used to<br />
reside. Director Matti Bunzl appreciates the<br />
fact that the Wien Museum Neu fits perfectly<br />
into the recently upgraded quarter, “With<br />
the Musikverein and the new Künstlerhaus<br />
with the Albertina Modern and the Kinderoper.Wien,<br />
and with the TU Wien and the<br />
Karlskirche church on our side of the area,<br />
we’re witnessing the creation of a large and<br />
exciting cultural district.”<br />
Investing in culture<br />
So, Vienna is not only growing in terms<br />
of its population, but also culturally. Major<br />
renovations are taking place at key cultural<br />
institutions across the city: Starting in July,<br />
the Austrian National Library will begin<br />
restoring its world-famous State Hall. The<br />
Lower Belvedere is currently celebrating its<br />
relaunch following major renovations with<br />
an exciting exhibition on the complex relationship<br />
between surrealist painter Salvador<br />
Dalí and Sigmund Freud. Vienna will likely<br />
maintain its rank as a leading international<br />
cultural metropolis, despite difficult times,<br />
in the foreseeable future.<br />
Nach zwei erfolgreichen BLOODY-CROWN-Festival-<br />
Spielzeiten baut die wortwiege ihr Theater in den<br />
historischen Kasematten Wiener Neustadt aus.<br />
Ab <strong>2022</strong> bietet die WORTWIEGE KASEMATTEN<br />
einen Spielplan in zwei Zyklen:<br />
Europa in Szene und<br />
Szene Österreich.<br />
www.wortwiege.at<br />
The present deluxe edition<br />
provides a fascinating crosssection<br />
of the musical history<br />
of the Vienna Philharmonic, featuring,<br />
as it does, recordings extending<br />
from the 1950s to the recent past.<br />
wortwiege-Kurzfilm mit<br />
SO, 06.03.<strong>2022</strong> & SO, 13.03.<strong>2022</strong><br />
11:30 UHR<br />
Eine Pilgerfahrt zu<br />
Beethoven<br />
Unendlichkeit<br />
Do, 30.06.<strong>2022</strong><br />
19:30 Uhr<br />
Weitere Termine & Tickets:<br />
www.webshop-wn.at<br />
ÜBERNACHTUNGSPAKETE - Rundum sorglos mit den exklusiv- zusammengestellten Paketen in Wiener Neustadt.<br />
Ob zahlreiche und prämierte Kultur-Veranstaltungen, die geschichtsträchtigen Gebäude, das Flair in der Innenstadt<br />
oder die vielen Bewegungsmöglichkeiten in und um Wiener Neustadt - in den Packages ist für jeden etwas dabei.<br />
www.tourismus.wiener-neustadt.at<br />
This legacy in sound showcases<br />
significant works from the classical,<br />
romantic, modern and contemporary<br />
repertory, all of which are among the<br />
great highlights of the orchestra’s<br />
performance history. Concerts with<br />
It also includes rarities from the<br />
unforgettable conductors and with<br />
archives and live recordings of world<br />
leading soloists who are closely<br />
premieres that have not previously<br />
associated with the orchestra are<br />
been released.<br />
brought back to life in this way.<br />
92<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Culture Talk Pretty Yende<br />
Die südafrikanische Operndiva Pretty Yende im Cercle Diplomatique-Exklusivinterview über Leidenschaft und Liebe für die<br />
Oper und das Lied jenseits dessen, was Augen sehen und Ohren hören.<br />
South African opera diva Pretty Yende in an exclusive interview with Cercle Diplomatique on passion and love for the art form as<br />
well as the song – beyond what eyes see and ears hear.<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
4<br />
Sie haben in den vergangenen 10 Jahren die Opernwelt im<br />
Sturm erobert.<br />
Ich schätze mich glücklich, dass alle meine kühnsten Träume in<br />
Erfüllung gegangen sind und weiterhin in Erfüllung gehen. Ich bin<br />
dankbar für die Ziele, die ich erreicht habe und die sich seitdem<br />
auf eine höhere Ebene weiterentwickelt haben, da man wächst<br />
und erkennt, dass die Reise der Seele grenzenlos ist. Und ich bin<br />
dankbar dafür, dass ich mir nicht mehr die Frage stellen muss, ob<br />
ich das Zeug dazu habe, in dieser Branche zu arbeiten, oder ob<br />
ich dazugehöre. Meine Gabe hat mir den Weg geebnet und tut<br />
dies auch weiterhin. Ich habe es also nicht „geschafft“, sondern<br />
ich schaffe es, lebe es mit großer Dankbarkeit und Demut und<br />
freue mich auf das, was noch vor mir liegt.<br />
Im Mai singen Sie die Elvira in Bellinis „I Puritani“ an der<br />
Wiener Staatsoper. Was ist Ihr Zugang zu dieser zwischen<br />
Liebe und Wahnsinn hin und her gerissenen Figur?<br />
Ich hatte das Privileg, diese Rolle schon einige Male zu singen,<br />
von meinem Debüt am Opernhaus Zürich bis zur Met, wo ich für<br />
eine kranke Kollegin einsprang. Meine Herangehensweise an jede<br />
Rolle ist, dass ich immer versuche, sie einfach zu halten und die<br />
Partitur und das Libretto im Vordergrund sein zu lassen. Bellini<br />
ist wirklich ein Komponist, der sich jedes Mal mit meiner Seele<br />
verbindet, wenn ich seine herrlichen melodischen Linien singe.<br />
Und wenn ich auf Aspekte eines Charakters stoße, die mir<br />
wirklich fremd sind, z.B. „der Wahnsinn“, beschließe ich, diesem<br />
Aspekt zu „entfliehen“ und einfach dem zu vertrauen, was der<br />
Komponist zu Papier gebracht hat. Die Hilfe des Regisseurs ist<br />
eine weitere gute Möglichkeit, Ansichten zu diskutieren und<br />
Ideen zu kombinieren, um die Figur so authentisch wie möglich<br />
wirken zu lassen.<br />
Sie gelten als Ausnahmesängerin, die das Publikum zu<br />
begeistern vermag. Was macht Ihren Zauber aus?<br />
Ich glaube, dass es wirklich die gemeinsame Leidenschaft und<br />
Liebe für die Kunstform ist. Überall auf der Welt, wo ich das<br />
Privileg hatte, meine Gabe mit anderen zu teilen, war diese Art<br />
der Verbindung etwas ganz Besonderes und Wertvolles. Wann<br />
immer ich singe, gibt es ein Lied, das über das hinausgeht, was<br />
die Augen sehen und die Ohren hören. Es ist mein Herz, das sich<br />
mit allen Herzen jener verbindet, die sich in der Gegenwart<br />
dieser Gabe befindet, und ich fühle mich immer sehr privilegiert,<br />
dieses kostbare Lied zu haben – jenseits der schönen Melodien<br />
und Geschichten der Charaktere, die ich verkörpern darf.<br />
Ein Traum von Ihnen ist ein Auftritt auf der großen Leinwand<br />
in Hollywood.<br />
Ich finde es beflügelnd, Grenzen für das Gute zu „sprengen“, und<br />
es bereitet mir Freude, Charaktere zu verkörpern, die einen<br />
großen Einfluss auf das Lehren und Lernen in unserer menschlichen<br />
Gemeinschaft haben. Ich sehe, wie viel Einfluss meine Gabe<br />
auf der weltweiten Opernbühne hatte und immer noch hat, und<br />
eine meiner liebsten Leidenschaften war schon immer die<br />
Schauspielerei, so dass ich sofort danach strebte, meine Gabe<br />
auch auf der großen Leinwand zu teilen. Und genau das wird jetzt<br />
passieren! Ich bin schon ganz aufgeregt und kann es kaum<br />
erwarten, die guten Nachrichten zur richtigen Zeit zu verkünden.<br />
In the past 10 years you have taken the opera world by storm.<br />
I absolutely feel so happy that all my wildest dreams have come true<br />
and continue to come true. I am grateful for the goals met and have<br />
since became another level ground for more, as one grows and<br />
realizes that the journey of the soul is limitless. And I am grateful to<br />
no longer question if I have what it takes to be in this industry or<br />
whether I belong. My gift has made way for me and continues to do<br />
so. So I have not “made it”, I am making it, living it with immense<br />
gratitude and humility and looking forward to what lies ahead for me.<br />
In May you will sing Elvira in “I Puritani” at the Wiener<br />
Staatsoper. What is your approach to this character who is torn<br />
between love and madness?<br />
I have had the privilege of performing this role a couple of times,<br />
from my debut at the Zurich Opera House to the Met, jumping for an<br />
ailing colleague. My approach to every role is that I always try to<br />
keep it simple and let the score and libretto be the beginnig of it all.<br />
Bellini is truly a composer who connects with my soul every time I<br />
sing his glorious melodic lines. And when I come across aspects of a<br />
character that are truly unfamiliar, i.e. “the madness”, I decided that I<br />
would treat that aspect as an “escape” just keeping faith in what the<br />
composer put to paper. The help of the director is an other great way<br />
to discuss views and combine ideas to let the character be as<br />
authentic as possible.<br />
You are considered an exceptional singer able to enchant the<br />
audience. What do you think makes your magic?<br />
I believe that it is truly the shared passion and love for the artform.<br />
Everywhere in the world I‘ve had the privilege to share my gift, that<br />
kind of connection has been truly special and very precious.<br />
Whenever I sing, there‘s a song beyond what eyes see and ears hear.<br />
It is my very heart that gets to connect with each heart in the<br />
presence of that gift and I always feel very privileged to have that<br />
precious song beyond the beautiful melodies and stories of the<br />
characters I get to embody.<br />
A dream of yours is to appear on the big screen in Hollywood.<br />
I am always excited about “breaking boundaries” for Goodness and I<br />
am looking forward to embody characters that have a big impact on<br />
teaching and learning as far our human community is concerned. I am<br />
seeing how much of an impact my gift has been and continues to be<br />
on the operatic global stage and one of my favorite attributes has<br />
always been acting, so immediately I aspired to share my gift on the<br />
big screen. And it is absolutely about to happen! I am super excited<br />
about it and cannot wait to share the good news in due course.<br />
Great Voices: Pretty Yende /<br />
Nadine Sierra<br />
Wiener Konzerthaus<br />
03.03.<strong>2022</strong><br />
konzerthaus.at<br />
I Puritani<br />
Oper von Vincenzo Bellini<br />
Pretty Yende - Elvira<br />
Wiener Staatsoper<br />
20., 24., 28.05., 02.06.<strong>2022</strong><br />
wiener-staatsoper.at<br />
Pretty Yende in „La Traviata“,<br />
Wiener Staatsoper.<br />
Aufgewachsen in einer kleinen Stadt in Südafrika, öffnete ein Fernsehspot mit dem<br />
Blumenduett aus Delibes‘ Lakmé die Welt der Oper für Pretty Yende. Nach ihrem<br />
Studium an der Accademia Teatro alla Scala gewann sie den Internationalen Belvedere<br />
Gesangswettbewerb 2009, und es folgten rasch Engagements an die großen<br />
Opernhäuser der Welt. Heute zählt Pretty Yende zu den prägenden Operndiven der<br />
Gegenwart.<br />
Growing up in in the small town of Piet Retief, a television spot featuring Delibes‘<br />
flower duet from Lakmé marked South African soprano Pretty Yende‘s life changing<br />
introduction to the world of opera. After studying at the Accademia Teatro alla Scala<br />
and winning the International Belvedere Singing Competition in 2009, engagements<br />
at the world‘s major opera houses quickly followed. Today, Pretty Yende is one of the<br />
defining opera divas of the present.<br />
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„Interaktion ist mir besonders wichtig.“<br />
“Interaction is especially important to me.”<br />
Gerda Ridler | Landesgalerie Niederösterreich | State Gallery of Lower Austria<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
leitet seit <strong>2022</strong> die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich. Vor<br />
ihrer Bestellung nach Krems war die Kunsthistorikerin<br />
und Kulturmanagerin Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des<br />
Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums und Gründungsdirektorin<br />
des Privatmuseums Ritter bei Stuttgart.<br />
Die neue Direktorin der Landesgalerie<br />
Niederösterreich möchte das Haus in<br />
fünf Jahren zu einem der führenden<br />
Kunstmuseen Österreichs machen.<br />
The new director of the State Gallery of<br />
Lower Austria wants to make the institution<br />
one of Austria’s leading art museums<br />
within the next five years.<br />
Sie haben <strong>2022</strong> die Leitung der Landesgalerie Niederösterreich<br />
übernommen, zweieinhalb Jahre nach der Eröffnung<br />
des neuen Museumsbaus auf der Kunstmeile Krems. Was<br />
ist Ihre Vision für dieses noch junge Museum?<br />
Meine Aufgabe besteht in der Weiterentwicklung<br />
eines eigenständigen Profils. Dies möchte ich mit einem<br />
konsequenten Ausstellungsprogramm erreichen.<br />
Die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich ist: 1. Bühne für<br />
die Kunstschätze des Landes Niederösterreich, 2. Bühne<br />
für heimische Künstlerinnen und Künstler und 3.<br />
Bühne für internationale installative oder partizipative<br />
Kunstprojekte. Meine Vision ist, dass sich die Landesgalerie<br />
Niederösterreich in fünf Jahren in die Riege der<br />
führenden Kunstmuseen in Österreich einreiht.<br />
Eine mutige Ansage. Wie wollen Sie dieses ambitionierte<br />
Ziel erreichen?<br />
Ich möchte die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich im<br />
regionalen Kontext fest verankern und sie als offenes<br />
und lebendiges Haus der Begegnung und des Austausches<br />
der Künstlerschaft und des Publikums positionieren.<br />
Im Verbund mit der Kunstmeile Krems bildet<br />
die Landesgalerie Niederösterreich einen der attraktivsten<br />
Standorte für bildende Kunst in Österreich.<br />
Acht unterschiedliche Kunstinstitutionen unter dem<br />
Dach der Kunstmeile Krems bieten ein vielfältiges<br />
Programmangebot. Die reizvolle Gegend der Wachau<br />
und die touristischen und kulturellen Highlights in<br />
der Umgebung sehe ich als weitere Erfolgsfaktoren.<br />
In der Schiene der heimischen Positionen zeigt die<br />
Landesgalerie ab April Isolde Maria Joham, die 2021 den<br />
Würdigungspreis des Landes Niederösterreich erhalten hat.<br />
Isolde Maria Joham ist zu Unrecht aus dem Blickfeld<br />
der Kunstöffentlichkeit verschwunden. Mit unserer<br />
Ausstellung kann diese beeindruckende Künstlerin<br />
und ihr umfangreiches Oeuvre wiederentdeckt<br />
werden. Mein Fokus richtet sich künftig auf die Präsentation<br />
sowohl junger Talente wie auch arrivierter<br />
Positionen. Es werden aber auch Kunstschaffende<br />
eine Bühne erhalten, die bisher aus unserer Sicht zu<br />
wenig Anerkennung für ihr Schaffen erhalten haben.<br />
Oftmals sind davon Frauen betroffen, die vielfach im<br />
Schatten der österreichischen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung<br />
stehen.<br />
Mit einer raumfüllenden Installation von Chiharu Shiota<br />
startet im Juni die neue Reihe aktueller internationaler<br />
Positionen. Was ist Ihnen dabei wichtig?<br />
Alle internationalen Projekte sollen einen partizipativen<br />
oder installativen Charakter haben. Dabei<br />
sollen regionale Themen in künstlerische Kontexte<br />
eingewoben werden. Die Interaktion mit dem lokalen<br />
Publikum ist mir besonders wichtig, denn sie kann<br />
gemeinschaftsfördernd und identitätsstiftend wirken.<br />
Mit welchen Highlights kann die große Sammlungspräsentation<br />
zum Jubiläum „100 Jahre Niederösterreich“ mit dem<br />
Fokus auf Kunst nach 1960 punkten?<br />
Diese Ausstellung kann als positives Signal an die<br />
Künstlerschaft verstanden werden, denn wir öffnen<br />
das gesamte Haus für die Gegenwartskunst. Aus dem<br />
Sammlungsbereich „Kunst nach 1960“ haben wir<br />
vornehmlich großformatige Gemälde, skulpturale<br />
Arbeiten und zeitbasierte Medien ausgewählt, die<br />
großteils noch nie öffentlich gezeigt wurden.<br />
You took over as director of the State Gallery of Lower<br />
Austria in <strong>2022</strong>, two years after the museum’s launch on the<br />
Kunstmeile Krems. What is your vision for the museum,<br />
which is still rather young?<br />
My task is to continue to develop the museum’s<br />
profile. I would like to achieve this through a consistent<br />
exhibition programme. The State Gallery of Lower<br />
Austria is 1) a stage for Lower Austria’s artistic<br />
treasures, 2) a stage for local artists and 3) a stage for<br />
international installations or participatory art projects.<br />
My vision is that the State Gallery of Lower Austria<br />
will become one of Austria’s leading art museums<br />
within the next five years.<br />
A bold announcement – how do you plan on implementing<br />
such an ambitious goal?<br />
I want to firmly anchor the State Gallery of Lower<br />
Austria in a regional context and position it as an open<br />
and vibrant place for encounters and exchange between<br />
artists and the public. Together with the Kunstmeile<br />
Krems, the State Gallery of Lower Austria is part<br />
of one of the most attractive visual arts hubs in all of<br />
Austria. The eight artistic institutions under the umbrella<br />
of the Kunstmeile Krems boast a very diverse<br />
programme. And I view the charming Wachau Valley<br />
and the touristic and cultural highlights around here<br />
as an additional plus.<br />
Speaking of local exhibitions – beginning in April, the State<br />
Gallery will be showing an exhibition on Isolde Maria Joham,<br />
who received the Lower Austria Appreciation Award in 2021.<br />
Isolde Maria Joham has unjustly vanished from the<br />
public eye. With our exhibition, the impressive artist<br />
and her extensive oeuvre will finally receive their due.<br />
In the future, we will continue to focus on younger as<br />
well as established artists. However, we will also be<br />
lending our stage to artists who we feel have received<br />
too little recognition for their work. This has often<br />
been an <strong>issue</strong> with women, who have repeatedly been<br />
overlooked by Austria’s art history.<br />
The museum’s new series of international exhibitions kicks<br />
off in June with a room-sized installation by Chiharu Shiota.<br />
What do you think is most important here?<br />
All of our international projects will either be installations<br />
or be participatory in some way or another.<br />
We want to see regional themes interwoven into artistic<br />
contexts. Interaction with local audiences is especially<br />
important to me, because it can help build communities<br />
and form identities.<br />
What will be some of the highlights of the Grand Presentation<br />
of the Collection, which will mark the 100th anniversary<br />
of Lower Austria and will focus on art after 1960?<br />
The exhibition can be understood as a positive gesture<br />
to the artistic community, because we’re opening<br />
up our entire gallery to contemporary art. We<br />
have selected mainly large-format paintings, sculptures<br />
and time-based media from our collections, many<br />
of which have never been shown before.<br />
Landesgalerie<br />
Niederösterreich |<br />
Highlights <strong>2022</strong><br />
Isolde Maria Joham<br />
02.04.<strong>2022</strong>-09.10.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Große Sammlungspräsentation<br />
Kunst nach 1960 aus den<br />
Landessammlungen<br />
Niederösterreich<br />
21.05.<strong>2022</strong>-05.02.2023<br />
Chiharu Shiota<br />
11.06.<strong>2022</strong>-23.04.2023<br />
Kurt Ingerl, Struktur<br />
(oben).<br />
Chiharu Shiota, The Key<br />
in the Hand.<br />
has been director of the State Gallery of Lower Austria<br />
since <strong>2022</strong>. Prior to her appointment in Krems, the art<br />
historian and culture manager was scientific director of<br />
the Upper Austrian Provincial Museum and founding<br />
director of the private Museum Ritter near Stuttgart.<br />
Markanter Bau:<br />
Landesgalerie Niederösterreich.<br />
Striking building: State<br />
Gallery of Lower Austria.<br />
Isolde Maria Joham<br />
wird <strong>2022</strong> mit einer<br />
großen Soloschau<br />
gewürdigt.<br />
Isolde Maria Joham<br />
will be honoured with<br />
a large solo show in<br />
<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
INFO:<br />
lgnoe.at<br />
96<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Gebrüder Haydn, die Fünfte!<br />
Haydn brothers, the fifth!<br />
Festival Haydnregion Niederösterreich | Lower Austria<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Die Haydn Philharmonie im<br />
Schloss Petronell.<br />
The Haydn Philharmonic Orchestra<br />
in Petronell Castle.<br />
Internationaler Haydn-<br />
Wettbewerb in Schloss<br />
Rohrau.<br />
International Haydn Singing<br />
Competition at Rohrau<br />
Castle.<br />
Das Klassikfestival Haydnregion Niederösterreich<br />
startet in seine 5. Saison und spannt<br />
<strong>2022</strong> einen weiten musikalischen Bogen mit<br />
31 Konzerten, vom Frühling bis zum Jahresende. Die<br />
große Vielfalt der Formate, vom A capella Gesang<br />
über Kammermusik, Messen und Festkonzerte in<br />
großer Orchesterbesetzung bis hin zu Gesprächen,<br />
ist einer der Schlüssel für den Erfolg der Haydnregion<br />
Niederösterreich, wie Festivalleiter Michael Linsbauer<br />
betont: „Neue und speziell für die Konzertreihe<br />
konzipierte Programme mit immer wieder neuen<br />
Interpretinnen und Interpreten, an den unterschiedlichsten,<br />
oftmals einzigartigen Locations garantieren,<br />
dass das Publikum immer wieder überrascht und<br />
begeistert wird und sich keine Routine einschleicht.“<br />
Saisonstart ist am 27. März unter dem Motto „Haydn<br />
und die Frauen“: Publikumsliebling Chris Pichler gestaltet<br />
einen hochkarätig besetzten Kammermusikabend<br />
im Haydn Geburtshaus in Rohrau. Weitere Höhepunkte<br />
sind das „Festkonzert – 100 Jahre<br />
Niederösterreich“ am 14. Mai im Schloss Petronell<br />
mit der Haydn Philharmonie und Selina Ott an der<br />
Trompete oder der internationale Gesangswettbewerb<br />
unter dem Juryvorsitz von Kammersängerin<br />
Angelika Kirchschlager Ende Mai. Haydns Oratorium<br />
„Die Schöpfung“, u.a. mit Starsopranistin Daniela<br />
Fally, steht am 3. Juni in der Pfarrkirche zur Hl.<br />
Dreifaltigkeit in Bruck a.d. Leitha am Programm.<br />
Experimentellere Klänge versprechen die Konzerte<br />
des kolumbianischen „Cuarteto Q-Arte“ und der<br />
Formation „The Erlkings“ im Sommer.<br />
„Ich freue mich, dass sich der Konzertzyklus<br />
Haydnregion Niederösterreich fünf Jahre nach der<br />
Gründung unserer Festivalregion und der Wiedereröffnung<br />
des Haydn Geburtshauses in Rohrau fix in<br />
der österreichischen Festival-Landschaft verankert<br />
hat“, zeigt sich Festivalleiter Linsbauer erfreut. Das<br />
Festival ist auch angetreten, Michael Haydn, Joseph<br />
Haydns jüngerer Bruder, langjähriger Hofkomponist<br />
in Salzburg und enger Freund Mozarts, zurück ins<br />
Festivalleiter Michael Linsbauer und Kammersängerin<br />
Angelika Kirchschlager.<br />
Festival director Michael Linsbauer and chamber singer Angelika<br />
Kirchschlager.<br />
Rampenlicht zu holen, unterstreicht Linsbauer:<br />
„Dass neben Joseph Haydn auch sein jüngerer Bruder<br />
Michael, der „Salzburger Haydn“, seine Wurzeln<br />
in Rohrau hat, wurde tatsächlich lange Zeit ausgeblendet.“<br />
Kompositionen des Komponisten sind daher<br />
so etwas wie die musikalische Signatur im Programm<br />
der Haydnregion Niederösterreich<br />
geworden. <strong>2022</strong> gelangt neben zahlreichen kammermusikalischen<br />
Werken Michael Haydns etwa seine<br />
selten gespielte Ouvertüre zur Oper „Andromeda e<br />
Perseo“ zur Aufführung. 14 verschiedene Bühnen<br />
bespielt das Festival <strong>2022</strong>, von der antiken Römertherme<br />
über den barocken Festsaal bis zum zünftigen<br />
Heurigen-Innenhof, so Linsbauer. „Besonders<br />
freue ich mich auf drei neu dazugekommene Spielstätten:<br />
Die stimmungsvolle Leopoldskapelle im Naturpark<br />
Mannersdorfer Wüste, den fantastischen<br />
barocken Festsaal von Schloss Ebergassing und ein<br />
überaus atmosphärisches Künstleratelier in Petronell-Carnuntum.“<br />
The classical music festival “Haydnregion<br />
Niederösterreich” is entering into its fifth<br />
season, covering a broad musical spectrum<br />
with 31 concerts lasting from spring to the end<br />
of the year. The great variety of the festival’s formats,<br />
which range from a cappella to chamber music,<br />
masses and festive concerts with large orchestras to<br />
dialogues, is one of the keys to the success of the<br />
Haydnregion Niederösterreich, as festival director<br />
Michael Linsbauer emphasises, “New programmes<br />
specifically conceptualised for our concert series<br />
with new performers each year and a diverse set of<br />
often unique locations ensure that our audience is<br />
always taken by surprise and that no routine ever<br />
creeps in.” The season kicks off on 27 March with<br />
the theme “Haydn and Women”. Audience favourite<br />
Chris Pichler will present a top-class chamber music<br />
evening at Haydn’s birthplace in Rohrau. Additional<br />
highlights include the “Festival Concert – 100 Years<br />
of Lower Austria” on 14 May at Schloss Petronell<br />
with the Austro-Hungarian Haydn Philharmonie<br />
and Selina Ott on trumpet or the International<br />
Haydn Singing Competition with a jury headed by<br />
chamber singer Angelika Kirchschlager at the end of<br />
May. Haydn’s oratorio “The Creation”, with star soprano<br />
Daniela Fally, among others, can be experienced<br />
on 3 June at the Parish Church of the Holy<br />
Trinity in Bruck an der Leitha. More experimental<br />
sounds can be heard at the concerts of the Colombian<br />
string quartet “Cuarteto Q-Arte” and “The Erlkings”<br />
in the summer.<br />
“I am delighted that five years after the founding<br />
of our festival region and the reopening of Haydn’s<br />
birthplace in Rohrau, the Haydnregion Niederösterreich<br />
concert series has firmly established itself in<br />
the Austrian festival landscape,” attests festival director<br />
Linsbauer. The festival has also set out to<br />
bring Michael Haydn, Joseph Haydn’s younger<br />
brother, long-time court composer in Salzburg and<br />
close friend of Mozart’s, back into the limelight, emphasises<br />
Linsbauer. “The fact that Joseph Haydn’s<br />
younger brother Michael, the “Haydn of Salzburg”,<br />
also had his roots in Rohrau, is indeed something<br />
that people have overlooked for a long time.” The<br />
composer’s creations have thus become something<br />
like the festival’s signature. In <strong>2022</strong>, in addition to<br />
numerous chamber music pieces by Michael Haydn,<br />
his rarely performed overture to the opera “Andromeda<br />
e Perseo” will also be presented. The <strong>2022</strong> festival<br />
will span 14 different stages, from ancient Roman<br />
thermal baths and a baroque festival hall to a<br />
rustic Heuriger courtyard, says Linsbauer. “I am<br />
particularly looking forward to the three newly added<br />
venues: the enchanting Leopoldskapelle in the<br />
“Die Wüste Mannersdorf ” nature park, the fantastic<br />
baroque ballroom of Schloss Ebergassing and an exceptionally<br />
atmospheric art studio in Petronell-<br />
Carnuntum.”<br />
Highlights Festival<br />
Haydnregion<br />
Niederösterreich<br />
„Haydn und die Frauen“<br />
Haydn Geburtshaus Rohrau,<br />
27.03.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Festkonzert – 100 Jahre<br />
Niederösterreich<br />
Schloss Petronell-Carnuntum,<br />
14.05.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Internationaler Haydn-<br />
Wettbewerb<br />
Rohrau, 27.-29.05.<strong>2022</strong><br />
„Die Schöpfung“,<br />
Pfarrkirche zur Hl. Dreifaltigkeit,<br />
Bruck a.d. Leitha, 03.06.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Season opening:<br />
Biliana Tzinlikova,<br />
Festkonzert: Selina Ott.<br />
Cuarteto Q-Arte, Daniela Fally,<br />
The Erlkings.<br />
INFO:<br />
haydnregion-noe.at<br />
98<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
„Kunst ist existenzrelevant.“<br />
“Art is existentially important.”<br />
Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />
Text und Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Thomas D. Trummer,<br />
Direktor Kunsthaus Bregenz | Director of the Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />
Aktuelle Ausstellungen<br />
Current exhibitions<br />
25 Jahre Kunsthaus<br />
Bregenz.<br />
25 years Kunsthaus Bregenz.<br />
Das Kunsthaus Bregenz feiert <strong>2022</strong> sein 25.<br />
Jubiläum und bespielt zeitgleich mit der Biennale<br />
di Venezia bis Anfang Juli die historische<br />
Scuola di San Pasquale in der Lagunenstadt.<br />
In Venedig zeigt das KUB Otobong Nkanga und<br />
Anna Boghiguian, die in ihren Arbeiten brennende<br />
Fragen der Gegenwart thematisieren. Beide Künstlerinnen<br />
sind <strong>2022</strong> auch in großen Einzelpräsentationen<br />
in Bregenz zu erleben. Veranstaltungen, Diskussionsrunden<br />
und Talks mit ausgewählten Gästen,<br />
etwa den Biennale-Vertreterinnen Österreichs, Jakob<br />
Lena Knebl und Ashley Hans Scheirl, komplettieren<br />
das ambitionierte Programm des KUB Außenposten.<br />
This year, the Kunsthaus Bregenz celebrates<br />
its 25th anniversary and will host a show at<br />
the historic Scuola di San Pasquale in Venice<br />
until the beginning of July at the same time as the<br />
Venice Biennale. The KUB will present Otobong<br />
Nkanga and Anna Boghiguian, whose works<br />
address burning contemporary <strong>issue</strong>s. Both artists<br />
will also have large solo presentations in Bregenz in<br />
<strong>2022</strong>. Events, round-table discussions and talks<br />
with selected guests, such as the Austrian Biennale<br />
representatives Jakob Lena Knebl and Ashley Hans<br />
Scheirl, complete the ambitious programme of the<br />
KUB outpost in Venice.<br />
Zu seinem großen Jubiläum<br />
realisiert das Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />
das ehrgeizige Projekt einer<br />
Ausstellung in der Scuola di San<br />
Pasquale in Venedig.<br />
In Venedig finden sich viele der<br />
besten Künstlerinnen und Künstler<br />
der Gegenwart versammelt. Wir sind<br />
sehr stolz, dass wir dieses Gebäude<br />
während der Biennale anmieten<br />
konnten. Die Scuola di San Pasquale<br />
ist schlicht und lichtdurchflutet, mit<br />
ähnlicher Anmutung wie das KUB.<br />
Neben der Ausstellung planen wir<br />
dort ein reichhaltiges Begleitprogramm.<br />
Zehn Tage lang wird es jeden zweiten Abend Veranstaltungen<br />
geben. Ein traumhaftes Ambiente!<br />
Mit Anna Boghiguian und Otobong Nkanga zeigt das KUB<br />
in Venedig zwei Positionen der Gegenwartskunst vom<br />
afrikanischen Kontinent.<br />
Boghiguian wurde in Ägypten und Kanada sozialisiert, Nkanga in<br />
Nigeria und Frankreich. Beide werfen einen ungewohnten Blick<br />
auf die Geschichte. Nkanga beschäftigt sich mit den Fragen der<br />
Verantwortung gegenüber der Natur, mit Identität und mit dem<br />
Raubbau an lebensnotwendigen Ressourcen. Anna Boghiguian<br />
entwickelt für Venedig ein Schachspiel mit beinahe lebensgroßen<br />
Figuren. Sie thematisiert Konflikte, Ausgrenzung, hinterfragt<br />
Herrschaftsansprüche und Geschichte. Persönlichkeiten der<br />
österreichischen Geschichte nehmen die Rolle der Schachfiguren<br />
ein: Marie Antoinette, Felix Salten, der Autor von „Bambi“,<br />
Theodor Herzl und der Lagerarzt von Mauthausen, Aribert Heim,<br />
auch „Dr. Tod“ genannt. Er lebte bis zu seinem Tod 1992<br />
unbehelligt in Boghiguians Heimatstadt Kairo und verteilte<br />
samstags Bonbons an die Kinder.<br />
Zurück nach Bregenz: Wo steht das KUB in seinem 25. Jahr<br />
im internationalen Kunstbetrieb?<br />
Das Kunsthaus Bregenz konnte durch seine Architektur von<br />
Anbeginn große Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen. Architekt Peter<br />
Zumthor wurde für seine Arbeit mit dem Pritzker-Preis gewürdigt,<br />
dem Nobelpreis für Architektur. Dazu kommt die Ausstellungsgeschichte.<br />
Viele, die heute die Bücher der Kunstgeschichte füllen,<br />
hatten in Bregenz große Auftritte: Miriam Cahn, Maurizio<br />
Cattelan, Tacita Dean, VALIE EXPORT, Peter Fischli, Jeff Koons, Ed<br />
Ruscha, Thomas Schütte, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel,<br />
Lawrence Weiner und viele andere mehr.<br />
Worin liegt für Sie die gesellschaftspolitische Rolle eines<br />
Museums, das Gegenwartskunst zeigt?<br />
Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir gerade in schwierigen Zeiten die<br />
Kunst besonders nötig haben. Sie ermöglicht uns alternative<br />
Sichtweisen, macht uns Krisen begreiflich, erzählt Geschichten<br />
über Geschichte. Kunst mag vielleicht nicht systemrelevant sein,<br />
aber sie ist existenzrelevant. Ohne ihren Blickwinkel fällt es uns<br />
schwer, der Welt einen Sinn abzuringen.<br />
On the occasion of its big anniversary, the Kunsthaus Bregenz<br />
is realising an ambitious project – an exhibition in the Scuola di<br />
San Pasquale in Venice.<br />
Many of the greatest contemporary artists are gathered in Venice.<br />
We are very proud of the fact that we were able to rent this building<br />
at the same time as the Venice Biennale. The Scuola di San Pasquale<br />
is unpretentious, flooded with light and has a similar feel to the<br />
KUB. Next to the exhibition itself, we’re also planning a rich<br />
complementary programme there. For ten days, we will have events<br />
every other evening. A brilliant setting!<br />
With Anna Boghiguian and Otobong Nkanga, the KUB will be<br />
presenting two exhibitions by contemporary artists from Africa<br />
in Venice.<br />
Boghiguian was socialised in Egypt and Canada, Nkanga in Nigeria<br />
and France. Both have unique takes on history. Nkanga explores<br />
questions such as our responsibility towards nature, our identities<br />
and the overexploitation of our natural resources. Anna Boghiguian,<br />
on the other hand, is developing a chess game for Venice with<br />
nearly life-sized figures. She addresses themes such as conflict,<br />
exclusion, questions claims to power and history. Figures from the<br />
course of Austrian history become figures on the chessboard: Marie<br />
Antoinette, Felix Salten, author of “Bambi”, Theodor Herzl and<br />
Aribert Heim, camp doctor of Mauthausen, also known as “Dr<br />
Death.” He had lived unknowingly in Boghiguian’s hometown of<br />
Cairo until his death in 1992 and on Saturdays distributed candy to<br />
children.<br />
Back to Bregenz: Where does the KUB stand after 25 years in<br />
the international art scene?<br />
Thanks to its unique architecture, the Kunsthalle Bregenz was able to<br />
attract a lot of attention from the very beginning. For his work,<br />
architect Peter Zumthor was honoured with the Pritzker Architecture<br />
Prize, the Nobel Prize of architecture awards. And then there is our<br />
great exhibition history: Many of those who are dominantly featured<br />
in books on art history today had major appearances in Bregenz:<br />
Miriam Cahn, Maurizio Cattelan, Tacita Dean, VALIE EXPORT, Peter<br />
Fischli, Jeff Koons, Ed Ruscha, Thomas Schütte, Cindy Sherman,<br />
Rosemarie Trockel, Lawrence Weiner and many more.<br />
What do you see as the socio-political role of a museum that<br />
shows contemporary art?<br />
I am convinced that it is in difficult times that we need art the most.<br />
Art offers us alternative perspectives, helps us understand crises,<br />
tells stories about history. Art may not be systemically important<br />
— but it is existentially important. Without its vantage point, it<br />
becomes difficult to make sense of the world.<br />
Otobong Nkanga<br />
bis 06.03.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Dora Budor<br />
19.03 – 26.06.<strong>2022</strong><br />
KUB in Venedig<br />
20.04 – 04.07.<strong>2022</strong><br />
25 Jahre KUB<br />
15. – 17.07.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Jordan Wolfson<br />
15.07 – 09.10.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Otobong Nkanga,<br />
„Unearthed“; Dora<br />
Budor.<br />
Das KUB zeigt Anna<br />
Boghiguian in Venedig.<br />
The KUB shows Anna<br />
Boghiguian in Venice.<br />
INFO:<br />
kunsthaus-bregenz.at<br />
100 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 1<strong>01</strong>
„Kultur ist ein wesentlicher Faktor des Aufschwungs.“ | “Culture is an<br />
essential part of the upturn.”<br />
Philippe Sutter | Französisches Kulturinstitut | Institut français d‘Autriche<br />
Interview: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
INFO<br />
Ist seit September 2021 Botschaftsrat für Kultur, Bildung<br />
und Hochschulwesen und Direktor des Institut français<br />
d‘Autriche.<br />
Der neue Direktor über die Vielfalt des<br />
frankophonen Kulturraums und die<br />
wichtige Rolle des Kulturaustausches<br />
in der EU.<br />
The new director of the French Institute<br />
in Vienna on the diversity of the francophone<br />
cultural sphere and the important<br />
role cultural exchange plays in the EU.<br />
Im ersten Halbjahr <strong>2022</strong> hat Frankreich die Europäische<br />
Ratspräsidentschaft inne. Welche Kulturthemen stellt das<br />
Institut français d‘Autriche dazu in den Vordergrund?<br />
Die französische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft fördert<br />
ein menschliches Europa das stolz auf seine Kultur ist<br />
und für die Zukunft seiner Jugend eintritt. Die Literatur<br />
und die Vielfalt der Ideen sind dabei wichtige<br />
Schwerpunkte. Wir hatten bereits spannende Debatten,<br />
etwa beim Dialog mit Schriftsteller Laurent Gaudé<br />
oder bei der Diskussionsrunde über das Erbe von<br />
Stefan Zweig. Am 23. April laden wir Eva Menasse<br />
und Olivier Guez für eine Konferenz über Europa<br />
ein. Im April und Mai <strong>2022</strong> findet zum 24. Mal<br />
das Festival du Film Francophone statt. Interkulturelle<br />
Beziehungen prägen auch das „Concert des continents<br />
: Europe-Afrique <strong>2022</strong>“, eine einzigartige Zusammenarbeit<br />
zwischen KünstlerInnen aus Afrika<br />
und der Philharmonie der Universität Wien am 19.<br />
Mai im Musikverein.<br />
Wie spiegelt sich das facettenreiche Kino der französischsprachigen<br />
Welt im Programm des Festival du Film<br />
Francophone <strong>2022</strong> wider?<br />
Zuerst ist dieses Festival ein wunderbares Schaufenster<br />
des frankophonen Kinos, dessen große Vielfältigkeit<br />
mit rund 30 Vorführungen präsentiert<br />
wird. Die meisten der französischen Filme, die dieses<br />
Jahr gezeigt werden, haben beim Festival de Cannes<br />
2021 auf sich aufmerksam gemacht. Wir möchten<br />
junge Regisseurinnen wie Hafsia Herzi fördern und<br />
zeigen eine Auswahl sehr unterschiedlicher Filmgenres:<br />
Komödie, Sozialdramen und Dokumentarfilme.<br />
Das Festival ist ein gemeinsames Projekt mehrerer<br />
französischsprachiger Botschaften in Österreich. Ist die<br />
Kooperation auf kultureller Ebene eine Stärke des<br />
frankophonen Raums?<br />
Seit 1999 haben wir eine sehr enge Zusammenarbeit<br />
mit unseren Kolleginnen und Kollegen von Belgien,<br />
Kanada und der Schweiz entwickelt, um für das<br />
Filmschaffen des französischsprachigen Raums zu<br />
werben. Es geht nicht nur darum, die frankophone<br />
Kreativität und Diversität zu fördern, sondern auch<br />
die französische Sprache als kulturelle Brücke zwischen<br />
unterschiedlichen Staaten und Regionen zu<br />
stärken. In mehreren künstlerischen Disziplinen erweist<br />
sich diese Kooperation als äußerst bereichernd<br />
für das gegenseitige Verständnis innerhalb des frankophonen<br />
Raums. Mit unseren frankophonen Partnern<br />
arbeiten wir jedes Jahr auch an der Förderung<br />
von Comics im Rahmen der Wiener Buchmesse. In<br />
Österreich ist dadurch ein großes Interesse an der<br />
französischen Sprache zu beobachten.<br />
Sie sind seit 2021 Direktor des Institut français d‘Autriche.<br />
Welche Schwerpunkte möchten Sie setzen?<br />
Ich möchte zuerst die Mehrsprachigkeit als wichtigen<br />
Faktor der Mobilität und des europäischen und<br />
internationalen Austausches deutlich fördern, etwa<br />
durch eine vertiefte Zusammenarbeit mit den Schulen<br />
und Universitäten in Österreich. Darüber hinaus<br />
möchte ich gerne die Verbindung zwischen kulturellen<br />
Akteuren und innovativen Unternehmen unserer<br />
beiden Länder im digitalen Bereich, Kino, Museen<br />
und Literatur stärker fördern. Die Kultur ist ein wesentlicher<br />
Faktor des Aufschwungs, der Stärke und<br />
der Zugehörigkeit der EU, in der Österreich und<br />
Frankreich sehr wichtig sind.<br />
In the first half of <strong>2022</strong>, France will hold the presidency of<br />
the Council of the European Union. What cultural topics will<br />
the French Institute be focusing on?<br />
The French presidency of the EU Council will promote<br />
a Europe that is proud of its culture and that<br />
stands up for the future of its youth. Key priorities include<br />
literature and the diversity of ideas. We’ve already<br />
seen exciting discussions, such as a dialogue with<br />
author Laurent Gaudé or a panel discussion on the<br />
legacy of Stefan Zweig. On 23<br />
April, we’re inviting Eva Menasse<br />
and Olivier Guez to a<br />
conference on the topic of<br />
Europe. In April and May<br />
<strong>2022</strong>, we will hold the Festival<br />
du Film Francophone for<br />
the 24th time. And intercultural relations will also<br />
characterise the “Concert des continents: Europe-Afrique<br />
<strong>2022</strong>”, a unique collaboration between artists<br />
from Africa and the Vienna University Philharmonic,<br />
which will be held on 19 May at the Musikverein.<br />
How is the diverse cinema of the French-speaking world<br />
reflected in the programme of the Festival du Film Francophone<br />
<strong>2022</strong>?<br />
First of all, our festival is a wonderful showcase for<br />
francophone cinema, whose great diversity will be represented<br />
by more than 30 screenings. Most of the<br />
French films that will be shown this year first attracted<br />
attention at the Cannes Film Festival 2021. We want to<br />
promote young directors like Hafsia Herzi and will<br />
showcase a selection of very different genres, from comedies<br />
to social dramas and documentary films.<br />
The festival is a joint project between several French-speaking<br />
embassies in Austria. Is cooperation on a cultural level one of<br />
the strengths of the francophone sphere?<br />
Since 1999, we have developed a very close cooperation<br />
with our colleagues in Belgium, Canada<br />
and Switzerland to promote film production in the<br />
French-speaking world. This is not only about promoting<br />
francophone creativity and diversity but also<br />
about strengthening the French language as a cultural<br />
bridge between different countries and regions.<br />
In several artistic disciplines, our collaboration has<br />
also proved to be very enriching in terms of<br />
strengthening mutual understanding in the francophone<br />
world. We also work with our francophone<br />
partners on promoting comic books at the Buch<br />
Wien international book fair every year. As a result,<br />
we’re seeing great interest in the French language in<br />
Austria.<br />
You’ve been director of the French Institute in Vienna since<br />
2021. What areas are you focusing on?<br />
First, I would like to promote multilingualism as<br />
an integral part of mobility and European and international<br />
exchange, for example, by deepening our<br />
cooperation with schools and universities in Austria.<br />
On top of that, I would like to promote the cooperation<br />
between cultural actors and innovative companies<br />
of our two countries in the fields of digitalisation,<br />
cinema, museums and literature. Culture is<br />
essential part of the EU’s recovery, strength and cohesion,<br />
and both Austria and France play a very important<br />
role here.<br />
Le Grand Tour - Konferenz über<br />
das literarische Europa<br />
mit Eva Menasse und Olivier<br />
Guez<br />
Literaturhaus, 23.04.<strong>2022</strong><br />
„Concert des continents :<br />
Europe-Afrique <strong>2022</strong>“<br />
Wiener Musikverein, 19.05.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Festival du Film Francophone<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
26.04.-05.05.<strong>2022</strong><br />
fffwien.at<br />
Festival-Highlight: der<br />
Film „Bonne Mère“ von<br />
Hafsia Herzi, FFF’22.<br />
Festival highlight: the film<br />
“Bonne Mère“ by Hafsia<br />
Herzi, FFF‘22.<br />
has been embassy counsellor for culture, education and<br />
higher education, as well as director of the French<br />
Institute in Vienna, since September 2021.<br />
Literatur, Musik, Film in<br />
der Mediathek des Institut<br />
Français.<br />
Literature, music, film in the<br />
media library of the Institut<br />
Français.<br />
INFO:<br />
institutfrancais.at<br />
102 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 103
Kultur-Highlights | Cultural highlights<br />
Frühling | Spring <strong>2022</strong><br />
Text: Evelyn Rois<br />
Geschichte einer<br />
Wiener Familie | History<br />
of a Viennese family<br />
Bankier des Staatskanzlers Metternich, Gründer zahlreicher Bildungs- und Wohltätigkeitsstiftungen, Geisel der Gestapo ... Der Name Rothschild steht für das ganze Spektrum<br />
jüdischer Erfahrungen in Wien, vom gesellschaftlichen Erfolg bis zur Verfolgung und Enteignung im Nationalsozialismus. „Die Wiener Rothschilds. Ein Krimi“ im Jüdischen<br />
Museum Wien (bis 05.06.<strong>2022</strong>) geht dieser bewegten Familiengeschichte nach.<br />
Bankers to State Chancellor Metternich, founders of countless educational and charitable foundations, Gestapo hostages… The name Rothschild is representative of the entire<br />
spectrum of the Jewish experience in Vienna, from social success to persecution and expropriation under National Socialism. “The Vienna Rothschilds. A Thriller” at the<br />
Jewish Museum Vienna (until 05.06.<strong>2022</strong>) explores the family’s eventful history.<br />
jmw.at<br />
Carry Hauser, o.T., 1969.<br />
Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven,<br />
Say!<br />
Cisnes reflejando<br />
elefantes, 1937.<br />
104 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Surrealismus und Traumdeutung | Surrealism and dream interpretation<br />
In den 1920er-Jahren entdeckte Salvador Dalí die Schriften Sigmund Freuds und war von ihnen besessen!<br />
Unter ihrem Einfluss entwickelte er seine einzigartige Bildsprache. Vergeblich versuchte der Maler, sein<br />
Idol in Wien zu treffen. Erst 1938 kam auf Vermittlung Stefan Zweigs eine Begegnung in London zustande.<br />
„Dalí – Freud. Eine Obsession“ im Unteren Belvedere erzählt mithilfe zahlreicher internationaler Leihgaben<br />
die Geschichte dieser Manie, die ein entscheidender Motor für Dalís Schaffenskraft war. Bis 29.05.<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
In the 1920s, Salvador Dalí discovered the writings of Sigmund Freud and became obsessed with them! It<br />
was under their influence that he developed his unique visual language. The painter tried to meet his idol<br />
in Vienna – but without success. It was only in 1938, through the mediation of Stefan Zweig, that the two<br />
could finally meet in London. With the help of numerous international loans, “Dalí – Freud. An Obsession”<br />
at Vienna’s Lower Belvedere tells the story of his preoccupation, which was a key force behind his creative<br />
output. Until 29.05.<strong>2022</strong>. belvedere.at<br />
Hockney in Wien |<br />
Hockney in Vienna<br />
David Hockney zählt zu den<br />
herausragendsten und eigenwilligsten<br />
Stimmen der Gegenwartskunst.<br />
Das Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien<br />
zeigt mit „David Hockney: Insights |<br />
Reflecting the Tate Collection“<br />
erstmals in Österreich eine<br />
repräsentative Werkschau des<br />
britischen Künstlers. Hauptwerke<br />
Hockneys aus der Sammlung der<br />
Tate werden durch Meilensteine aus<br />
dem druckgrafischen Werk des<br />
Künstlers ergänzt. Bis 19.06.<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
David Hockney is one of the most<br />
exceptional and idiosyncratic voices<br />
of the contemporary art world.<br />
With “David Hockney: Insights |<br />
Reflecting the Tate Collection”, the<br />
Bank Austria Kunstforum is for the<br />
first time presenting a comprehensive<br />
exhibition about the British<br />
artist in Austria. Major works by<br />
Hockney from the Tate Collection<br />
are complemented by milestones<br />
from the artist’s printmaking<br />
oeuvre. Until 19.06.<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
kunstforumwien.at<br />
Bilder gegen den Faschismus | Pictures against fascism<br />
Mehr als 150 Grafiken, Zeichnungen und Gemälde umfasst die Kunstsammlung des<br />
Dokumentationsarchivs des österreichischen Widerstandes. Die Werke erzählen von<br />
Widerstand, Krieg und Verfolgung zwischen 1934 und 1945, vom Leben und Sterben in<br />
Lagern, von Gewalt gegen Regimegegner, Juden und Roma, aber auch vom Kampf gegen<br />
Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus. In der Sonderausstellung „Wider die Macht“ im Haus<br />
der Geschichte im Museum Niederösterreich wird die Sammlung nun erstmals umfassend<br />
präsentiert (bis 15.<strong>01</strong>.2023).<br />
The art collection of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance comprises more<br />
than 150 graphics, drawings and paintings. The works tell of resistance, war and<br />
persecution from 1934 to 1945, of life and death in the camps, of violence against regime<br />
opponents, Jews and Roma, as well as of the struggle against National Socialism and<br />
fascism. The collection is now being presented in full for the first time as part of the special<br />
exhibition “Against Power” at the Haus der Geschichte of the Museum Niederösterreich<br />
(until 15.<strong>01</strong>.2023). museumnoe.at<br />
„Ein türkisches Wunder“ macht den<br />
Saisonauftakt der Konzertreihe<br />
classic.Esterhazy. Der türkische<br />
Ausnahmepianist und Komponist Fazil<br />
Say und Dirigent Robin Ticciati sind<br />
die hochkarätigen musikalischen<br />
Gäste am 11.03.<strong>2022</strong>. Dieses Konzert<br />
markiert zugleich den Antritt des<br />
Chamber Orchestra of Europe als<br />
neues Residenzorchester im Schloss<br />
Esterházy in Eisenstadt.<br />
“A Turkish miracle” is kicking off the<br />
new season of the classic.Esterhazy<br />
concert series. Turkish piano virtuoso<br />
and composer Fazil Say and<br />
conductor Robin Ticciati will be the<br />
high-profile guests on 11.03.<strong>2022</strong>,<br />
marking also the inauguration of the<br />
Chamber Orchestra of Europe as the<br />
new resident orchestra at Esterhazy<br />
Palace in Eisenstadt.<br />
esterhazy.at<br />
Fazil Say<br />
Robin Ticciati<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 105
Stratege, Diplomat, Mäzen |<br />
Strategist, diplomat, patron of the arts<br />
Legendäre Handelsroute | Legendary trade route<br />
Bigert & Bergström<br />
Eduardo Leal<br />
Poulomi Basu<br />
Fotografie im Sucher |<br />
Photography in focus<br />
Vom 09.–27.03.<strong>2022</strong> steht ganz Wien im Zeichen der<br />
Fotografie. Anlass: das internationale Fotofestival „Foto<br />
Wien“. Von der Festivalzentrale im Atelier Augarten bis<br />
zum Kunsthaus Wien finden an mehr als 140 Orten<br />
Ausstellungen statt. „Fotografinnen im Fokus“ und<br />
„Rethinking Nature / Rethinking Landscape“ sind die<br />
Schwerpunkte des diesjährigen Festivals.<br />
From 9 til 27 March, all of Vienna will be fixated on the<br />
topic of photography. The occasion: the international<br />
photography festival “Foto Wien”. From the festival<br />
headquarters at the Atelier Augarten to the Kunst Haus<br />
Wien, exhibitions will be held at more than 140 different<br />
locations. The exhibitions “Focus on Women Photographers”<br />
and “Rethinking Nature / Rethinking Landscape”<br />
will be the focal points of this year’s festival.<br />
fotowien.at<br />
Michaela Bruckmüller<br />
Pixy Liao<br />
Gemalte Menagerien | Painted menageries<br />
Exotische Tiere standen als Subjekt wissenschaftlicher<br />
Expeditionen ebenso wie als repräsentative Bewohner der<br />
kaiserlichen Menagerien im Fokus höfischer Darstellungen.<br />
„Des Kaisers schönste Tiere. Bilder aus den habsburgischen<br />
Sammlungen“ präsentiert vom 24.03–26.06.<strong>2022</strong> im<br />
Prunksaal der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek<br />
Tierdarstellungen aus vier Jahrhunderten. Mit Höhepunkten<br />
wie der erstmals umfassend gezeigten, bedeutenden<br />
zoologischen Bildersammlung, die für Kaiser Ferdinand I.<br />
angefertigt wurde.<br />
Exotic animals were often the focus of courtly depictions,<br />
whether as the subjects of scientific expeditions or as the<br />
prestigious inhabitants of the imperial menageries. From 23<br />
March until 26 June, the exhibition “The Emperor‘s Most<br />
Beautiful Animals. Paintings from the Habsburg Collections”<br />
will display animal portraits from over four centuries<br />
at the Austrian National Library’s State Hall in Vienna.<br />
Highlights include an important collection of zoological<br />
paintings made for Emperor Ferdinand I, shown here in full<br />
for the first time.<br />
onb.ac.at<br />
Fürst Joseph Wenzel I. von Liechtenstein war nicht nur kaiserlicher<br />
Feldmarschall und Gesandter, er war auch ein bedeutender Mäzen<br />
und Kunstsammler seiner Zeit. Anlässlich seines 250. Todestages<br />
widmen ihm die Fürstlichen Sammlungen im Gartenpalais<br />
Liechtenstein – bei freiem Eintritt – die Sonderausstellung „Treuer<br />
Fürst – Joseph Wenzel und seine Kunst“. Zwei monumentale Veduten<br />
von Canaletto und weitere Meisterwerke sind dabei als Leihgaben<br />
erstmals seit ihrem Verkauf in den 1950er-Jahren wieder in Wien zu<br />
sehen. <strong>01</strong>.–31.03.<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Joseph Wenzel I, Prince of Liechtenstein was not only an imperial field<br />
marshal and an envoy; he was also an important patron and art<br />
collector of his time. On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of his<br />
death, the Princely Collections at the Liechtenstein Garden Palace are<br />
dedicating the special exhibition “The Constant Prince – Joseph<br />
Wenzel and his art” to him – with free<br />
admission. Two monumental vedutas<br />
by Canaletto and other masterpieces<br />
are on loan and can be seen for the<br />
first time in Vienna since their sale in<br />
the 1950s. From <strong>01</strong>.03.<strong>2022</strong> to<br />
31.03.<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
palaisliechtenstein.com<br />
POINT.<br />
No matter whether it’s a city trip,<br />
a romantic weekend or a business<br />
meeting – with Austria Trend Hotels<br />
you always have the perfect start.<br />
Canaletto, Ansicht des<br />
Canale Grande, 1724.<br />
Khosbayar Narankhuu. Maria-Katharina<br />
Lang.<br />
„Staub & Seide. Steppen- und Seidenstraßen“<br />
im Weltmuseum Wien (bis<br />
03.05.<strong>2022</strong>) geht der Vielzahl von<br />
Assoziationen nach, die das klingende Wort<br />
Seidenstraße weckt. Die Ausstellung zeigt<br />
herausragende Sammlungsstücke und<br />
Leihgaben von den historischen Verkehrsrouten<br />
ebenso wie Werke zeitgenössischer<br />
Kunstschaffender und schlägt den Bogen bis<br />
zu Chinas „Belt & Road Initiative“ der<br />
Gegenwart.<br />
“Dust & Silk. Steppe and Silk Roads” at the<br />
Weltmuseum Wien (until 03.05.<strong>2022</strong>)<br />
explores the many associations evoked<br />
when one hears the term “Silk Road”. The<br />
exhibition presents outstanding collection<br />
pieces and loans from the historical<br />
transport route as well as works by<br />
contemporary artists, building a bridge to<br />
China’s “Belt & Road Initiative” of the<br />
present.<br />
weltmuseumwien.at<br />
Hundreds of adventures on our doorstep.<br />
And a perfect day ahead.<br />
106 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Vienna<br />
Salzburg<br />
Linz<br />
Graz<br />
Innsbruck<br />
Ljubljana<br />
Get inspired at austria-trend.at<br />
Start here.
Essen und trinken mit Stil<br />
Wine and dine in style<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Herzige Bärenbande |<br />
Delightful bear gang<br />
Die HARIBO Goldbären feiern heuer ihren 100. Geburtstag. 1922 erfand Hans Riegel in<br />
Bonn (daher der Firmenname Haribo) die „Tanzbären“, die erste Bärenfigur aus<br />
Fruchtgummi. 1960 wurden sie in Goldbären umbenannt und sind 1961 nun in fünf Geschmacksrichtungen (Ananas, Zitrone, Orange, Himbeere und Erdbeere)<br />
erstmals in einem goldenen Sackerl mit transparentem Sichtfenster erhältlich. 2007 folgt Apfel als neue Sorte. Weltweit werden pro Tag circa 160 Millionen der<br />
süßen Bären produziert.<br />
The HARIBO Goldbears are celebrating their 100th birthday this year. In 1922, Hans Riegel from Bonn (hence the name HARIBO) invented the “Tanzbären” (dancing<br />
bears), the first bear-shaped fruit gums. In 1960, they were renamed “Goldbears” and in 1961, they were released with five different flavours (pineapple, lemon,<br />
orange, raspberry and strawberry) in their characteristic golden bag with a transparent window. In 2007, apple was released as a new flavour. Globally, around 160<br />
million tasty bears are produced every day. haribo.com<br />
Italienischer Klassiker | Italian classic<br />
Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2<strong>01</strong>9 spezialisiert sich Eggers & Franke zunehmend als Aperitivo-Experte am österreichischen Markt. Mit Punt e Mes als<br />
internationalem Klassiker, soll der Markt weiter bereichert werden. Italiens Vintage Aperitif ist 1870 in Turin durch Zufall entstanden – die<br />
Kombination aus einer Portion Wermut sowie einer halben Portion Bitter bildet somit eine gute Balance zwischen lieblichen Zitrusaromen und<br />
bitteren Gewürznoten.<br />
Since its foundation in 2<strong>01</strong>9, Eggers & Franke has increasingly specialised as an aperitivo expert on the Austrian market. With Punt e Mes as<br />
an international classic, the market is to be further enriched. Italy‘s vintage aperitif was created by chance in Turin in 1870 - the combination<br />
of a portion of vermouth as well as half a portion of bitters thus forms a good balance between lovely citrus aromas and bitter spicy notes.<br />
egfra.at<br />
Evolution am Würstelstand | Sausage stand evolution<br />
„Alles Wurscht“ heißt es in feuerroten Lettern über dem Fenster des Würstelstandes<br />
am Börseplatz in Wien, aus dem kulinarische Besonderheiten gereicht werden.<br />
Top-Küchenchef Sebastian Neuschler, der u.a. in der ehemaligen Cantinetta Antinori<br />
nahe dem Stephansdom aufkochte, erneuert hier lieb gewordene Traditionen – mit<br />
knackigen Calamari Fritti, Beef Tatar und Limonaden hausgemacht sowie französischem<br />
Champagner, gezapftem Schremser Bier, Frizzante vom Fass und einigen selbst<br />
produzierten Saucen. Die Käsekrainer, der Trüffelleberkäse und die Bosna stammen<br />
von kleinen Fleischereien aus Niederösterreich. Zukünftig geplant sind zudem Frozen<br />
Joghurt und Slushies für die Kids im Sommer wie auch eine Selektion von Omas<br />
Blechkuchen als Dessert.<br />
“Alles Wurscht” it says in glowing red letters atop the window of the sausage stand<br />
on Börseplatz which now serves real culinary specialities. Chef Sebastian Neuschler,<br />
who has, among other restaurants, cooked at the former Cantinetta Antinori near St<br />
Stephen‘s Cathedral, is renewing cherished traditions – with crispy calamari fritti,<br />
beef tartar and in-house lemonades as well as French champagne, Schremser beer<br />
and Frizzante on tap and several sauces he also makes himself. The Käsekrainer and<br />
Bosna sausages, as well as the truffle Leberkäse, are all sourced from small butchers<br />
in Lower Austria. Future plans include frozen yoghurt and slushies for the kids in<br />
summer as well as a selection of grandma’s sheet cakes as dessert.<br />
instagram.com/alles.wurscht<br />
Süßes von Oma & Opa | Sweets from<br />
grandma & grandpa<br />
Die Vollpension Wien hat sich als Generationencafé mit drei fixen<br />
Standorten bestens etabliert. Nun haben die rüstigen backenden<br />
Seniorinnen und Senioren einen kleinen Kiosk, finanziert durch ein<br />
erfolgreiches Crowdfunding, am Schwedenplatz dazubekommen: Dort<br />
gibt es köstliche Buchteln und Kaffee zum Mitnehmen. Einer der ersten<br />
Kunden war übrigens Wiens Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig.<br />
Vollpension Wien has established itself as a café for all generations and<br />
now boasts three permanent locations. Now, the senior bakers have<br />
launched a small kiosk on Schwedenplatz in Vienna, financed by a<br />
successful crowdfunding campaign. There, you can get delicious<br />
Buchteln and coffee to go. One of their first customers was Vienna’s<br />
mayor Michael Ludwig.<br />
vollpension.wien<br />
Neu in Wien | New in Vienna<br />
Besondere Reis-Currys,<br />
1<strong>01</strong>0 / Special rice curries<br />
kalou.at<br />
Bar für 30 Gäste, 1<strong>01</strong>0 / Bar<br />
for 30 guests<br />
robertosbar.com<br />
Kaffee für Architektur-<br />
Aficionados, 1070 / Coffee<br />
for architecture lovers<br />
instagram.com/drinkatempress<br />
Österreichisch-französischer<br />
Mix, 1<strong>01</strong>0 /<br />
Austrian-French mix<br />
everybodysdarling.at<br />
Genuss von morgens bis<br />
abends, 1060 / Indulgence<br />
from morning to night<br />
stadtallee.at<br />
Stadtallee.<br />
Alkoholfreier Genuss |<br />
Non-alcoholic pleasure<br />
Die Ernährungswissenschafterin Eva Derndorfer und<br />
die Kochbuch-Autorin Elisabeth Fischer zeigen mit<br />
diesem Buch, dass auch alkoholfreie Drinks vollmundig<br />
sein können. In den Shaker darf dabei alles an<br />
Geschmack, was die Natur so hergibt – würzige<br />
Kräuterdestillate mischen sich mit fruchtigen<br />
Säften und erfrischendem Tee, herb-süße Gewürze mit<br />
den besten Gemüseessenzen.<br />
In their new book, nutrition scientist Eva Derndorfer<br />
and cookbook author Elisabeth Fischer show that<br />
alcohol-free drinks can hit the spot as well. Everything<br />
that nature has to offer can go into the cocktail shaker<br />
– aromatic herbal distillates mix well with fruit juices<br />
and refreshing teas, tart-sweet spices with the best<br />
vegetable essences.<br />
Brandstätter Verlag<br />
ISBN: 978-3-7106-0595-6<br />
108 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 109
Oh, là, là – c’est si bon!<br />
Text: Daniela Pötzl<br />
Frankreich ist in Wien als Nation<br />
kulinarisch so stark vertreten wie<br />
kaum eine andere.<br />
France is more strongly represented<br />
as a nation in Vienna than almost<br />
any other.<br />
Wenn das Fernweh sich breit macht und<br />
man Lust auf mehr Savoir Vivre in seinem<br />
Leben hat, ist es hoch an der Zeit,<br />
wieder mal Frankreich zu besuchen. Da der Urlaub<br />
aber mitunter noch in weiter Ferne liegt, begibt man<br />
sich in Wien am besten in eines der tollen Lokale<br />
und Feinkosthandlungen, die einem Pariser Chic,<br />
köstliches Essen, und mit grandiosen Weinen und<br />
ausgesuchte Gourmandisen Verwöhnung pur bieten.<br />
Wir haben uns für Sie auf die Suche gemacht, wo<br />
man sich auf die französische Art verwöhnen lassen<br />
kann und haben eine hochklassige Auswahl für Sie<br />
zusammengestellt - viele Klassiker, aber auch einige<br />
neue Horte frankophiler Gastfreundschaft.<br />
Die Èpicerie Fine & Bistrot befindet sich in der<br />
Passage im Palais Ferstel und bietet neben<br />
Verköstigung vor Ort auch Köstliches zum<br />
Mitnehmen für Zuhause. The Èpicerie Fine & Bistrot<br />
is located in the passage in Palais Ferstel and offers<br />
both on-site tasting and delicious goods for taking<br />
home.<br />
beaulieu-wien.at<br />
Das Restaurant von Patron und<br />
Küchenchef Denis König ist ein<br />
Klassiker unter den französischen<br />
Lokalen der Stadt. Neben<br />
Fleischgerichten zählen auch<br />
Meerestiere zu den Klassikern.<br />
Patron and chef Denis König‘s<br />
restaurant is a classic among the<br />
city‘s French eateries. In addition to<br />
meat dishes, seafood is also a<br />
classic here.<br />
le-salzgries.at<br />
Die Servitengasse im 9. Bezirk erinnert ja als<br />
solche schon sehr stark an Paris. Das<br />
französische Café und Bistro besticht nicht<br />
nur durch sein geschmackvolles Interieur.<br />
Zum Café au lait genießt man am besten<br />
verschiedene französische Leckereien wie<br />
Gougères Gebäck oder fluffige Croissants.<br />
Die Servitengasse im Servitenviertel im 9.<br />
Bezirk erinnert ja als solche schon sehr stark an<br />
Paris. Das französische Café und Bistro besticht<br />
nicht nur durch sein geschmackvolles Interieur.<br />
Zum Café au lait genießt man am besten<br />
verschiedene französische Leckereien wie<br />
Gougères Gebäck, fluffige Croissants u.v.m.<br />
Berggasse 25, 1090<br />
BOULE @ MQ<br />
An lauen Abenden ist eine Partie Boule<br />
im Museumsquartier – mit Freunden<br />
oder Arbeitskollegen – ein netter<br />
Abendausklang. On balmy evenings, a<br />
game of boule in the Museumsquartier –<br />
with friends or colleagues from work – is a<br />
nice way to end the evening.<br />
mqw.at<br />
When wanderlust sets in and you want more<br />
savoir vivre in your life, it‘s high time to<br />
visit France again. But since holidays are<br />
still a long way off, the best thing to do in Vienna is to<br />
go to one of the great restaurants and delicatessens<br />
that offer Parisian chic, delicious food and pure indulgence<br />
with great wines and selected gourmandises.<br />
We‘ve gone in search of places where you can indulge<br />
yourself the French way and have put together a topclass<br />
selection for you - many classics, but also some<br />
new havens of Francophile hospitality.<br />
Auch das Café Français ist<br />
mittlerweile ein Klassiker und<br />
bietet die lustigste Frühstückskarte,<br />
die man in Wien wohl finden<br />
kann. So bekommt man dort z.B.<br />
das Frühstück „Très Tschick“, Café<br />
Express und eine Frühstückszigarette.<br />
Aber auch Müsli und French<br />
Toast verwöhnen.<br />
The Café Français has also become<br />
a classic and offers the funniest<br />
breakfast menu you can find in<br />
Vienna. For example, you can get<br />
the breakfast “Très Tschick“, Café<br />
express and a breakfast cigarette<br />
there. But you can also indulge in<br />
muesli and French toast.<br />
cafefrancais.at<br />
>><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Joëlle Raverdy begann mit wunderbaren Caterings und hat nun auch<br />
ein kleines Lokal in der Landstraßer Hauptstraße im 3. Bezirk. Dort<br />
kann man nicht nur vor Ort ihre köstlichen Quiches und Tartelettes<br />
verkosten, sondern viele andere Köstlichkeiten aus Frankreich mit<br />
nach Hause nehmen. Auch Caterings werden zudem weiterhin<br />
angeboten.<br />
Joëlle Raverdy started with wonderful caterings and now also has a<br />
small outlet in Landstraßer Hauptstraße in the 3rd district. There you<br />
can not only taste her delicious quiches and tartelettes on the spot, but<br />
also take home many other delicacies from France. Caterings are also<br />
still offered.<br />
joelle-catering.com<br />
Das neue Restaurant im Hotel Motto von Top-Gastronom Bernd<br />
Schlacher liegt hoch über der Stadt und bietet an warmen Tagen auch<br />
eine Dachterrasse. Das Restaurant ist vom frühen Morgen bis spät<br />
Nachts geöffnet und verwöhnt mit spannenden Frühstücksvarianten,<br />
aber auch frischen Meeresplatten und Austern.<br />
The new restaurant at Hotel Motto by top gastronome Bernd Schlacher<br />
is located high above the city and also offers a roof terrace on warm<br />
days. The restaurant is open from early in the morning until late at night<br />
and spoils you with exciting breakfast variations, but also fresh seafood<br />
platters and oysters.<br />
chezbernard.at<br />
Hier ist Anna Idzik Chef-Patissière und verwöhnt mit Süßem, das einen mit der Zunge<br />
schnalzen lässt. Die außergewöhnliche Bäckerei im Herzen des 6. Bezirks besticht<br />
neben den süßen Köstlichkeiten, wie wunderbaren Macarons, auch mit hervorragendem<br />
Kaffee.<br />
Anna Idzik is the head pastry chef here and spoils you with sweet treats that make your<br />
tongue click. The extraordinary bakery in the heart of the 6th district impresses not only<br />
with its sweet delicacies, such as wonderful macarons, but also with its excellent coffee.<br />
petipari.at<br />
Das Restaurant Le Bol gibt es in Wien gleich zweimal, in der Naglergasse und am<br />
Neuen Markt. Letzteres wurde bei Redaktionsschluss gerade noch auf Vordermann<br />
gebracht, renoviert und wird im Sommer mit einem neu gestalteten Außenbereich<br />
beeindrucken. Wir freuen uns schon jetzt auf die Sommerkarte, die vom Frühstück bis<br />
zum Abendessen alles bietet.<br />
There are even two Le Bol restaurants in Vienna, one in Naglergasse and the other on<br />
Neuer Markt. At the time of going to press, the latter was still being spruced up, renovated<br />
and will impress with a newly designed outdoor area in the summer. We are already<br />
looking forward to the summer menu, which offers everything from breakfast to dinner.<br />
lebol.at<br />
Schon allein die Inneneinrichtung ist hier ein stimmiges Gesamtkunstwerk<br />
wie auch die wunderbar schmeckenden Torten von Julia<br />
Kilarski, die auch optisch ein Genuss sind. Die studierte Juristin<br />
sattelte um, folgte ihrem Herzen und ließ sich zur Patissière<br />
ausbilden.<br />
The interior alone is a harmonious work of art, as are the wonderfully<br />
tasty cakes by Julia Kilarski, which are also a visual delight. The law<br />
graduate changed careers, followed her heart and trained as a<br />
patissière.<br />
cremedelacreme.at<br />
Royi Shwartz absolvierte das Culinary Institute of America in New<br />
York und hat schon in den besten Restaurants der Welt gekocht. Nun<br />
macht er Crepes der besonderen Art. Der gebürtige Israeli hat seine<br />
ganz eigenen Zutaten entwickelt, der Teig für die Crepes etwa beruht<br />
auf Sauerteig-Basis. Genießen kann man die Köstlichkeiten in seinem<br />
kleinen Outlet in der süßen oder pikanten Richtung.<br />
Royi Shwartz graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in New<br />
York and has cooked in the best restaurants in the world. Now he makes<br />
crepes of a special kind. The Israeli-born chef has developed his very<br />
own ingredients; the dough for the crepes, for example, is based on<br />
sourdough. You can enjoy the delicacies in his small outlet in the sweet<br />
or savoury direction.<br />
royiscreperie.com<br />
>><br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
MA BELLE<br />
Das Ma Belle Bistro & Bar bietet authentische, französische Küche<br />
auf höchstem Niveau. Im Ambiente eines modernen französischen<br />
Bistros kann man ausgewählte traditionelle Gerichte, eine umfassende<br />
Frühstück/Brunch-Auswahl bis 16:00 Uhr oder das täglich<br />
wechselnde Mittagsmen genießen. Es wird jeweils von einer<br />
französischen Regionalküche sowie vom aktuellen saisonalen Thema<br />
inspiriert.<br />
The Ma Belle Bistro & Bar offers authentic French cuisine of the highest<br />
standard. In the ambience of a modern French bistro, you can enjoy<br />
selected traditional dishes, a comprehensive breakfast/brunch selection<br />
until 16:00 or the daily changing lunch menu. Each is inspired by a<br />
French regional cuisine as well as the current seasonal theme.<br />
ma-belle.at<br />
Maria Neubauer ist die Seele des Hortes von vielen französischen Köstlichkeiten in der<br />
Porzellangasse. Sie interessiert sich von jeher für hochwertige Lebensmittel – warum<br />
also die Leidenschaft nicht zum Beruf machen? In ihrem Geschäft kann man z.B. die<br />
Schokoladen von Patrice Chapon erwerben, exklusiv in Wien.<br />
Maria Neubauer is the soul of the hoard of many French delicacies in Porzellangasse. She<br />
has always been interested in high-quality food – so why not turn her passion into a<br />
profession? In her shop you can buy Patrice Chapon‘s chocolates, for example, exclusively<br />
in Vienna.<br />
selection-neubauer.at<br />
Das Restaurant in Döbling beeindruckt durch den Spirit vergangener<br />
Zeiten im toll renovierten Biedermeier-Juwel und begeistert mit<br />
persönlichem und charmantem Service sowie einer raffinierten<br />
Auswahl an Speisen und Getränken. Fein sind auch die Brasserie<br />
Brunches, immer Sonntags ab 10 Uhr. Nun kann man zudem den Salon<br />
für 65 Personen, das Separée für 12 Personen<br />
und den Speisegarten für 175 Personen exklusiv mieten.<br />
The restaurant in Döbling impresses by the spirit of bygone times in the<br />
beautifully renovated Biedermeier jewel and inspires with personal and<br />
charming service as well as a refined selection of food and drinks. The<br />
brasserie brunches are also great, always on Sundays from 10 am. Now<br />
you can also book exclusively the salon for 65 people, the separée for<br />
12 people and the dining garden for 175 people.<br />
brasserie-zoegernitz.com<br />
>><br />
114 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
DOSAGE<br />
Friso Schopper ist hier der charmante Gastgeber, der sich ganz den<br />
blubbernden Perlen verschrieben hat. Dabei setzt er ausschließlich<br />
auf Winzerchampagner kleiner Hersteller (knapp 30 Häuser, 150<br />
verschiedene Champagner) zum Abholen oder online auf frisoshop.<br />
com mit Zustellung. In der Bar selbst gibt es ca. 90 verschiedene<br />
Champagner. Friso Schopper is the charming host here, who has<br />
dedicated himself entirely to bubbling bubbles. He relies exclusively on<br />
vintner champagnes from small producers (almost 30 houses, 150<br />
different champagnes) for pick-up or online at frisoshop.com with<br />
delivery. There are about 90 different champagnes in the bar itself.<br />
dosage.at<br />
© „Endlich da“ Neugeborenenfotografie<br />
Gerd Sievers, Koch und Kulinarik-Autor, begeistert mit seinem Bistro, Delikatessladen<br />
und der Schaumweinbar am Vorgartenmarkt mit ausgefallener Bistrokarte. Immer<br />
wieder werden da auch französische Köstlichkeiten serviert, wie z.B. die Klassischen<br />
Weinbergschnecken, die er nach dem Rezept aus seinem eigenen Kochbuch zubereitet.<br />
Gerd Sievers, chef and culinary author, delights with his bistro, delicatessen and sparkling<br />
wine bar at Vorgartenmarkt with an unusual bistro menu. French delicacies are also served<br />
there time and again, such as the Classic Vineyard Snails, which he prepares according to<br />
the recipe from his own cookbook.<br />
diepalette.at<br />
Christine und Berndt Martin haben sich ganz Südfrankreich<br />
verschrieben und bieten bereits seit 2008 französische Lebens- und<br />
Esskultur an. In ihrem netten Geschäft kann man auch gut verweilen<br />
und sich durch die sorgsam ausgesuchten Weine und Schaumweine<br />
kosten. Christine and Berndt Martin have dedicated themselves entirely<br />
to the South of France and have been offering French lifestyle and food<br />
culture since 2008. In their nice shop you can also linger and taste your<br />
way through the carefully selected wines and sparkling wines.<br />
delices-du-midi.at<br />
Excellent medical care for every life span<br />
Experiencing tradition, expertise and advanced care in a welcoming and safe environment<br />
For more than 100 years, the renowned Goldenes Kreuz Private Clinic has been distinguished by the best medical care,<br />
nursing competence, the highest patient safety and its dedication to ensuring its patients’ comfort.<br />
The largest private obstretics clinic<br />
in Austria offers a comprehensive range<br />
of services around:<br />
• Pregnancy<br />
• Prenatal care<br />
• Childbirth: 24/7 presence of an<br />
obstetrician and an anesthesiologist<br />
• Postnatal/postpartal time<br />
• Newborn care/neonatology: Permanent<br />
on-call service of a neonatologist<br />
As the first address for gynecology<br />
care, Goldenes Kreuz has the<br />
following departments:<br />
• Gynecology and Obstetrics<br />
• Neonatology<br />
• Certified Breast Health Center<br />
• Fertility Center<br />
• Endometriosis Center<br />
• Prenatal care practice „TwoCare“<br />
The following departments and areas<br />
complete the medical offer and<br />
interdisciplinarity:<br />
• Surgery<br />
• Internal Medicine<br />
• Anesthesia and Intensive Care<br />
• Physical Medicine<br />
• X-ray and Diagnostic Imaging<br />
• Laboratory IMCL / Synlab<br />
There are a number of controls and measures in place at our hospital to ensure patient and employee safety. In times of<br />
pandemic, these routines are completed by strict regulations with regard to COVID-19.<br />
Find out more on our website and take a virtual walk through our delivery suites and rooms.<br />
116 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Privatklinik Goldenes Kreuz • Lazarettgasse 16-18 • 1090 Wien • www.privatklinik-goldenes-kreuz.at/en/<br />
Ein Unternehmen der PremiQaMed Group<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Verreisen, logieren und besuchen<br />
Where to go, where to stay and what to see<br />
Das Beste aus aller Welt. | The best from around the world.<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Budapest<br />
Haus der ungarischen Musik<br />
Das Liget Projekt ist ein Prestige-Unterfangen der Stadt<br />
Budapest. In der weitläufigen Parkanlage entsteht gerade ein<br />
Cluster von Museen. Soeben eröffnet wurde das Museum für<br />
ungarische Musik. Es ist eine sehr luftige und elegante<br />
Angelegenheit mit einem Emmentaler-Dach, aus dessen fast<br />
100 Löchern Bäume wachsen. Der japanische Architekt Sou<br />
Fujimoto schuf so eine faszinierende Symbiose aus Architektur<br />
und Natur.<br />
The Liget Budapest Project is a prestige project by the city of<br />
Budapest. A cluster of museums is currently being built in the<br />
extensive park area. The House of Music, Hungary just opened<br />
recently. It is an airy and elegant affair with a Swiss-cheese-style<br />
roof with trees growing through its close to 100 holes. The<br />
Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto thus created a fascinating<br />
symbiosis of architecture and nature.<br />
ligetbudapest.hu<br />
Malediven | Maldives<br />
Coco Bodu Hithi Resort<br />
Das Coco Bodu Hithi Resort befindet sich im Nord-Malé-Atoll, nicht weit entfernt von der<br />
Hauptstadt Malé. Naturliebhaber, Gourmets und Entspannungssuchende werden hier<br />
gleichermaßen beglückt. Dafür sorgen ein ausgeklügeltes Design-Konzept, ein respektvoller<br />
Umgang mit der auf der Insel beheimateten Flora und Fauna, zahlreiche Restaurants<br />
und Bars, Wohlfühl-Behandlungen im Coco Spa sowie Ausflüge in die spektakuläre<br />
Unterwasser-Welt rund um die Insel. Die 100 Villen verfügen alle über einen eigenen Pool<br />
und vereinen Elemente der traditionell maledivischen Architektur mit zeitgemäßem<br />
Design. Das Wassersportzentrum bietet von Windsurfing und Jet Skiing bis zu<br />
Bootstouren in den Sonnenuntergang zahlreiche Aktivitäten. Bei einem Tauch- oder<br />
Schnorchelausflug kann man sowohl das prachtvolle Korallenriff bewundern als auch die<br />
Bekanntschaft der vielen in der Lagune heimischen Schildkröten machen.<br />
The Coco Bodu Hithi Resort is located in the Maldives’ North Malé Atoll, not far from the<br />
capital city of Malé. Here, nature lovers, foodies and relaxation seekers can all find what<br />
they’ve been looking for. This is ensured through a sophisticated design approach, a<br />
respectful treatment of the island’s flora and fauna, countless restaurants and bars, wellness<br />
treatments at the Coco Spa as well as excursions to the spectacular underwater world<br />
surrounding the island. The 100 villas all have their own pool and combine elements of<br />
traditional Maldivian architecture with contemporary design. The water sports centre offers<br />
numerous activities, ranging from windsurfing and jet skiing all the way to sunset boat trips.<br />
Go on an exciting diving or snorkelling trip, admire the stunning coral reefs and get to know<br />
the many turtles that are native to the lagoon.<br />
cococollection.com<br />
Florenz | Florence<br />
Hotel Savoy<br />
Sollten Florenz und die Toskana in den nächsten Monaten auf dem Reiseplan stehen,<br />
dann empfiehlt es sich, im Hotel Savoy ein Zimmer zu reservieren. Nicht nur die<br />
Location ist nahezu unschlagbar. Das elegante Hotel der immer sehr zuverlässigen<br />
Rocco Forte Gruppe befindet sich nur wenige Gehminuten von Dom, Uffizien, Palazzo<br />
Vecchio und Palazzo Strozzi entfernt auf der Piazza della Repubblica. Die Zimmer und<br />
Suiten, die neulich von Rocco Fortes Schwester Olga Polizzi einer stilsicheren und<br />
stylischen Überarbeitung unterzogen wurden, verbinden florentinisches Erbe mit<br />
modernem Stil. Und präsentieren sich nun einem hellen, erfrischenden Look.<br />
If Florence and Tuscany are on your itinerary in the upcoming few months, we<br />
recommend booking a room at the Hotel Savoy. Not only the location is almost<br />
unbeatable. The elegant hotel of the always very reliable Rocco Forte Group is located<br />
just a few minutes‘ walk from the Duomo, Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo<br />
Strozzi on the Piazza della Repubblica. The rooms and suites, recently given a stylish<br />
makeover by Rocco Forte‘s sister Olga Polizzi, combine Florentine heritage with modern<br />
style. And now present a bright, refreshing look.<br />
roccofortehotels.com<br />
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Paris<br />
Yves Saint Laurent aux Musées<br />
Weil vor genau 60 Jahren der Designer Yves Saint Laurent zum<br />
ersten Mal seine Models über den Laufsteg schickte, haben sich<br />
sechs Pariser Museen zusammengetan, um den großen<br />
französischen Modeschöpfer zu ehren und zu zeigen, was seine<br />
Kreationen so einzigartig, so revolutionär und so zeitlos gemacht<br />
hat. Und so sind nun bis 15. Mai im Centre Pompidou, im Musée<br />
d’Art Moderne de Paris, im Louvre, im Musée d’Orsay, im Musée<br />
National Picasso-Paris sowie im Musée Yves Saint Laurent Paris Arbeiten des Meisters zu bewundern.<br />
Since it has been exactly 60 years since Yves Saint Laurent first sent his models down the catwalk, six Parisian museums<br />
have decided to join forces to celebrate the great French fashion designer and to show what made his creations so<br />
unique, revolutionary and timeless. The master’s works can now be seen at the Centre Pompidou, the Musée d’Art<br />
Moderne de Paris, the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, the Musée National Picasso-Paris as well as the Musée Yves Saint<br />
Laurent Paris until 15 May.<br />
museeyslparis.com<br />
Moskau | Moscow<br />
GES-2<br />
Das ehemalige Kraftwerk für die Moskauer Straßenbahnen wurde vom italienischen Architekten Renzo Piano, zu dessen<br />
bedeutendsten Werken das Centre Pompidou in Paris zählt, zu einem mächtigen Kunst- und Kulturzentrum umgebaut. Das<br />
GES-2, das unweit vom Kreml auf der Insel der einstigen Schokoladenfabrik Roter Oktober liegt, beherbergt Ausstellungsräume,<br />
Theater, Konzertsaal, Kino, Workshops, eine Bibliothek, Restaurants und noch einiges mehr.<br />
The former power station for Moscow’s tramway network has been transformed into a mighty arts and culture centre by<br />
Italian architect Renzo Piano, whose most significant works include the Centre Pompidou in Paris. The GES-2, located not far<br />
from the Kremlin on the same island that is<br />
also home to the former Red October<br />
chocolate factory, now houses exhibition<br />
spaces, a theatre, a concert hall, a cinema,<br />
workshops, a library, restaurants and much<br />
more.<br />
v-a-c.org<br />
Buchtipp | Book tip<br />
Great Escapes Alps<br />
Auf eine Bergtour in die Alpen nimmt uns dieses<br />
Buch mit und stellt die besten Unterkünfte der<br />
Region vor. Historische Gasthöfe sind ebenso<br />
dabei wie schicke Designhotels, behagliche<br />
Pensionen ebenso wie elegante Palazzi, auch<br />
Klöster, Schutzhütten und Chalets haben in dem<br />
großzügig illustrierten Buch Platz gefunden. Wer<br />
also in nächster Zeit einen Ausflug in die Berge<br />
plant, der sollte bei seiner Vorbereitung dieses<br />
Buch konsultieren.<br />
This book takes us on a tour through the Alps<br />
while presenting the region’s best accommodations.<br />
The generously illustrated book features<br />
historical inns, chic design hotels and cosy<br />
guesthouses, as well as elegant noble mansions,<br />
monasteries, refuges and chalets. Anyone<br />
planning a trip to the mountains in the near future<br />
should consult the book in preparation.<br />
taschen.com<br />
The Thierseerhof in Hinterthiersee offers pure relaxation.<br />
A place to reconnect with yourself and the natural world.<br />
Let the pleasant surroundings guide you to your inner peace<br />
of mind.<br />
Our hotel meets the highest quality standards — generous<br />
rooms and suites with garden views, as well as a gorgeous,<br />
light-flooded wellness area, invite you to relax and unwind.<br />
The hotel furnishing takes inspiration from the natural<br />
world, providing a serene ambience. Nothing distracts. Instead,<br />
everything is focused on ensuring that you get to enjoy a<br />
relaxing holiday experience in the Tyrolean mountains.<br />
In addition to the quiet location and our wellness philosophy,<br />
which runs like a thread through the entire establishment,<br />
our family-run four-star hotel also impresses when it comes<br />
to space with enough room for 100 guests. The restaurant<br />
boasts 120 seats, while the terrace also provides plenty of<br />
room for everyone. The large spa features a sauna area, a<br />
Those who keep moving never arrive.<br />
heated pool and plenty of loungers spread across several<br />
relaxation areas, while the large, adjacent garden is a true<br />
oasis of peace. The many outdoor activities available in the<br />
cycling and hiking region surrounding the hotel will make<br />
sure that you get to enjoy deep, relaxing sleep, while our<br />
large collection of books and magazines round off our offer.<br />
The guiding principles of our four-star hotel are peace,<br />
lasting relaxation and joie de vivre all year round. Our<br />
accommodation and wellness programme are perfectly<br />
complemented by our award-winning cuisine run in accordance<br />
with the Green Chefs Association and the “Bewusst<br />
Tyrol” (“Tyrol Conscious”) standard, featuring predominantly<br />
local and seasonal produce. Electric charging stations for EVs<br />
further underline our dedication to sustainability.<br />
Pure relaxation — pause, breathe in deeply and leave your<br />
everyday woes behind. This is what the Thierseerhof in the<br />
idyllic village of Hinterthiersee near Kufstein, around one<br />
hour from Munich, Innsbruck and Salzburg, invites you to do.<br />
120 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Familie Juffinger<br />
Hinterthiersee 74, A – 6335 Thiersee<br />
+43 (0)5376 / 5510<br />
Madrid<br />
Rosewood Villa Magna<br />
Unaufhaltsam erweitert die Luxushotelgruppe Rosewood aus<br />
Hongkong ihr Portfolio in Europa. Nun war Madrid dran. Nach einer<br />
15-monatigen Renovierung hat Rosewood den opulenten Palacio<br />
de Anglade im Stadtteil Salamanca als Rosewood Villa Magna<br />
eröffnet. Das Hotel vereint das Ambiente einer zeitgenössischen<br />
spanischen Villa mit modernem Luxus.<br />
The luxury hotel group Rosewood from Hong Kong is inexorably<br />
expanding its portfolio in Europe. Now it was Madrid‘s turn. After a 15-month renovation, Rosewood has opened the<br />
opulent Palacio de Anglade in the Salamanca district as Rosewood Villa Magna. The hotel combines the ambience of a<br />
contemporary Spanish villa with modern luxury.<br />
rosewoodhotels.com<br />
London<br />
Francis Bacon @ Royal Academy<br />
of Arts<br />
„Man and Beast“ nennt sich die Ausstellung, die<br />
noch bis 17. April in der London Royal Academy<br />
of Arts zu sehen ist und die zeigt, wie aktuell<br />
das Werk Francis Bacons gerade heute noch<br />
immer ist. Wie kein anderer hat es der 1992<br />
verstorbene Künstler verstanden, Leid, Schmerz,<br />
Grausamkeiten in Bilder zu packen. Das Tier im<br />
Menschen. Das Tier im Tier. Wut und Zorn.<br />
Überwältigend!<br />
The exhibition “Man and Beast” can still be seen<br />
at the London Royal Academy of Arts until 17 April<br />
and illustrates why Francis Bacon’s works are now<br />
as relevant as ever. Like no other, the artist, who<br />
died in 1992, understood how to put suffering,<br />
pain and cruelty into visual form. The beast within<br />
man. The beast within the beast. Anger and rage.<br />
Overwhelming!<br />
royalacademy.org.uk<br />
Istrien | Istria<br />
Grand Brioni Hotel<br />
Ein traditionsreiches Luxushotel an der istrischen Küste wird zu neuem<br />
Leben erweckt. Das Grand Brioni Hotel befindet sich auf einer<br />
bewaldeten Halbinsel am Rand von Pula. Ursprünglich in den 1970er<br />
Jahren errichtet, wurde es zum Treffpunkt von Prominenz aus Politik<br />
und Kultur. Die neue Inkarnation verspricht stilvollen Luxus, ein<br />
elegantes Ambiente, schöne Tage am Meer und herrliche Ausblicke<br />
aufs Wasser bis hin zur legendären Inselgruppe Brioni, die dem Hotel<br />
den Namen gegeben hat.<br />
A traditional luxury hotel on the Istrian coast is being given a new zest of<br />
life. The Grand Brioni Hotel is located on a wooded peninsula on the<br />
outskirts of Pula. Originally built in the 1970s, it became a meeting place<br />
for celebrities from politics and culture. The new incarnation promises<br />
stylish luxury, an elegant ambience, beautiful days by the sea and<br />
magnificent views of the water all the way to the legendary Brioni group<br />
of islands, which gave the hotel its name.<br />
hotelgrandbrioni.com<br />
DIVERSE.<br />
HUNGARY.<br />
Prag | Prague<br />
The Julius Hotel<br />
Julius Meinl ist eine Wiener Institution. Der Gourmet-Tempel am Graben ist der berühmteste Feinkostladen der Stadt.<br />
Nun erweitert Julius Meinl sein Geschäftsfeld und eröffnet ein Hotel - nicht in Wien, sondern in Prag. The Julius heißt<br />
es, und es bietet 168 Studios und Apartments, die zum Teil mit kleinen Küchen ausgestattet sind und die sich sowohl für<br />
kurzen als auch längeren Aufenthalt eignen. Mit seinen Co-Working-Spaces, Lounges und dem Restaurant ist das Hotel<br />
vor allem für Geschäftsleute attraktiv.<br />
Julius Meinl is a Viennese institution. The gourmet temple on Graben is the city‘s most famous delicatessen. Now, Julius<br />
Meinl is expanding its business and opening a hotel - not in Vienna, but in Prague. It‘s called The Julius and it offers 168<br />
studios and flats, some of which are<br />
equipped with small kitchens and are<br />
suitable for both short and longer stays.<br />
With its co-working spaces, lounges<br />
and restaurant, the hotel is particularly<br />
attractive for business people.<br />
thejulius.eu<br />
Turn your holidays into<br />
a magical experience!<br />
visithungary.com<br />
122 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Très chic<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Typgerechter Farbenreichtum<br />
| A wealth of colours for every type<br />
La Pausa<br />
Gabrielle Chanel ließ in den<br />
1920er-Jahren eine provenzalische<br />
Villa bauen, die für sie eine Oase<br />
der Erholung wurde: La Pausa. Die<br />
neue Make-up-Kollektion<br />
orientiert sich an den natürlichen<br />
Erdtönen und der mediterranen<br />
Sonne dieses Rückzugsorts am<br />
Meer und sorgt für einen<br />
strahlenden, natürlichen Glanz.<br />
In the 1920s, Gabrielle “Coco”<br />
Chanel commissioned the<br />
construction of a villa that would<br />
become her personal oasis of<br />
peace. It was called “La Pausa”.<br />
The new make-up collection takes<br />
its cue from the natural earth<br />
tones and the Mediterranean sun<br />
at her seaside retreat and provides<br />
a natural, radiant glow.<br />
chanel.com<br />
Leuchtende Präzision | Glowing<br />
precision<br />
Die Neuauflage dieser 2<strong>01</strong>7 von Bell & Ross lancierten<br />
Serie mit dem Modell „BR 05 Horolum“ („Horo“ steht für<br />
Uhrmacherei oder Zeit und „Lum“ für Licht) orientiert<br />
sich in der Linienführung und im Uhrenfinish an<br />
zeitgenössischer Architektur. Die Zeiger und Indizes sind<br />
mit Super-LumiNova® C5, der stärksten photolumineszenten<br />
Variante, beschichtet.<br />
The new edition of the 2<strong>01</strong>7-launched watch series by<br />
Bell & Ross with the model “BR 05 Horolum” (“Horo”<br />
stands for watchmaking or time and “lum” for light) is<br />
inspired by contemporary architecture in its design and<br />
overall finish. The hands and indices are coated with<br />
LumiNova® C5, the strongest photoluminescent variant.<br />
bellross.com<br />
Mit insgesamt 45 Nuancen von Nude bis Rot – 25 davon sind neu – ist der ikonische Lippenstift „L’Absolu<br />
Rouge Cream“ von Lancôme für jede Gelegenheit der richtige Begleiter. Die klassische Formel wurde mit<br />
noch pflegenderen Inhaltsstoffen angereichert. Weiters erfreulich: der Lippenstift ist ab sofort auch<br />
nachfüllbar.<br />
With a total of 45 shades ranging from nude to red – including 25 new ones – the iconic lipstick “L’Absolu<br />
Rouge Cream” by Lancôme is the right companion for every occasion. The classic formula has been<br />
enriched with even more nourishing ingredients. Another brilliant feature: The lipstick can now also be<br />
refilled. lancome.de<br />
Modische Leichtigkeit | Fashionable lightness<br />
Die aktuelle Modekollektion und auch die Accessoires von Hermès sind<br />
von Minimalismus und Lebendigkeit geprägt. Designerin Nadège<br />
Vanhee-Cybulski verströmt mit ihren Kreationen Optimismus. So weckt<br />
auch der Panamahut mit Bändern und floralen Elementen in<br />
fröhlich-ausgewogenen Farben frühzeitig die Lust auf<br />
Sonnentage.<br />
Hermès’s current fashion collections and accessories are<br />
characterised by their minimalism and liveliness. With<br />
her creations, designer Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski exudes<br />
pure optimism. The Panama hat with ribbons and floral<br />
elements in cheerful, balanced colours will make<br />
you yearn for warmer summer days.<br />
hermes.com<br />
„SOS-Pflege“ und jugendlicher Glanz |<br />
“SOS care” and youthful glow<br />
Der neue „Abeille Royale Intense Repair Youth Oil-in-Balm“ von<br />
Guerlain wurde speziell für trockene Haut entwickelt. Ist die Haut durch<br />
Maskentragen, klimatische Bedingungen oder Überlastung strapaziert,<br />
versorgt der Cicawax-Complex mit Feuchtigkeit und Nährstoffen. In der<br />
Verpackung aus recyceltem Glas finden sich 95 % Inhaltsstoffe<br />
natürlichen Ursprungs.<br />
The new “Abeille Royale Intense Repair Youth Oil-in-Balm” by Guerlain<br />
was specially developed for dry skin. If your skin has been stressed by<br />
mask wear, climate conditions or exhaustion, then the Cicawax<br />
Complex will supply it with much-needed moisture and nutrients. 95%<br />
of the ingredients are of natural origin and the packaging is made from<br />
recycled glass.<br />
Exklusiv bei Marionnaud und guerlain.com<br />
Strahlkraft | Radiance<br />
Blau ist bei Schmucksteinen eine der beliebtesten Farben.<br />
Es passt zu jeder Jahreszeit, zu vielen Kleidungsstücken<br />
und steht in exklusivem Kontrast zur Haut der Trägerin. Ein<br />
exklusives Beispiel ist der Ring aus Weißgold mit<br />
Diamanten (0,23 ct) und Blautopas (7,84 ct) von Rozet &<br />
Fischmeister am Wiener Kohlmarkt 11.<br />
Blue is one of the most popular gemstone colours. It’s right for<br />
any occasion, all kinds of styles of clothing and contrasts<br />
exquisitely with the wearer’s skin. An exclusive example of this<br />
is the white gold ring with diamonds (0.23 ct) and blue topaz<br />
(7.84 ct) by Rozet & Fischmeister on Kohlmarkt 11 in Vienna.<br />
rozetundfischmeister.at<br />
Residences by the lake<br />
In harmony with nature you live opulently<br />
on two floors in an idyllic setting on the<br />
hotel‘s own swimming lake. The Residence<br />
by the lake impresses with natural<br />
materials, sustainable building culture<br />
and a homely atmosphere. Indulge in the<br />
luxury of the in-house sauna with shower.<br />
Outside, the private bathing jetty and<br />
your own terrace beckon you to relax. In<br />
the spacious living area on the ground<br />
floor there is a large cozy corner, a cozy<br />
dining table group, a kitchenette, a wine<br />
cabinet and a beautiful fireplace for the<br />
most pleasant holiday feeling.<br />
The art of decelerating can begin - the<br />
Residence by the lake invites you to relax<br />
undisturbed. Enjoy the freedom of two<br />
spacious bathrooms and the crackling<br />
fireplace.<br />
Embedded in a fantastic natural landscape,<br />
exclusive holiday fun awaits you outside as<br />
well. From the ecologically built residence<br />
you have a view of the lake on one side<br />
and the newly created eco park with the<br />
innovative „Pannonia Hills“ on the other.<br />
Visit us: https://vilavitapannonia.at/en/<br />
accommodation/residences-lake<br />
124 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
VILA VITA Pannonia ****<br />
Storchengasse 1 I 7152 Pamhagen<br />
Burgenland I Austria<br />
+43 2175 2180-0 I www.vilavitapannonia.at
Raffinierte Formgebung | Refined<br />
design<br />
Blütezeit | Prime time<br />
„Hémicycle“ von Ligne Roset ist ideal für<br />
institutionelle und private Räumlichkeiten. Es<br />
entstand in einer Kooperation mit Philippe Nigro<br />
und dem französischen Mobilier National, das<br />
weltweit Botschaften und diplomatische<br />
Vertretungen ausstattet und das Erbe der<br />
Möblierung französischer Schlösser und<br />
öffentlicher Bauten hütet.<br />
The “Hémicycle” armchair series by Ligne Roset is<br />
ideal for institutional and private spaces. It was<br />
created in collaboration with Philippe Nigro and<br />
Mobilier National, the French body known for<br />
furnishing embassies and diplomatic missions<br />
around the world and guarding the heritage of<br />
furnishing French palaces and public buildings.<br />
ligne-roset.com<br />
Stilvoll aufatmen | Breathe in style<br />
Die Raumlüfter des Tiroler Unternehmens zirb. sind durch<br />
den Duft der Zirbe und zusätzlicher ätherischer Öle die<br />
perfekten Home- und Office-Accessoires für gesundheitsbewusste<br />
Designliebhaber. Bemerkenswert ist auch die<br />
plastik- und styroporfreie Verpackung, die als weitere<br />
Deko und Zirbenkissen verwendet werden kann.<br />
The room ventilators by the Tyrolean company “zirb.” are the<br />
perfect home and office accessories for health-conscious<br />
design enthusiasts thanks to their natural scent derived from<br />
Swiss stone pine and various essential oils. Also worth<br />
noting is the plastic- and Styrofoam-free packaging, which<br />
can be re-used as decorative items or pinewood pillows.<br />
zirb.at<br />
Der Stuhl „Amelia“ mit Samtbezug und Eichenfüßen des oberösterreichischen Labels sedda ist ein<br />
fröhlicher Blickfang im Wohn- und Essbereich. Seit 1961 steht der Firmenname für hochwertige<br />
Polstermöbel. Die aktuelle Kollektion <strong>2022</strong> ist durchdrungen von einer modernen Interpretation<br />
des Mid-Century-Gedankens.<br />
The “Amelia” chair with velvet upholstery and oak feet by the Upper Austrian company “sedda”<br />
makes for a cheerful eye-catcher in any living or dining area. Since 1961, the brand name has stood<br />
for high-quality upholstered furniture. The current <strong>2022</strong> collection is permeated by a new take on<br />
mid-century modern furniture design. sedda.at<br />
Zu Hause & im Museum | At home & at the museum<br />
Die visionären Entwürfe von Vitra wie der klassisch „Suita“-Dreisitzer von Designer Antonio Citterio sind<br />
zeitgemäß und langlebig. Der geometrisch klar gezeichnete Korpus und die Kissen schweben auf schlanken<br />
Füßen und laden zum Verweilen ein. Wer im Rahmen der Ausstellung „Home Stories. 100 Jahre, 20 visionäre<br />
Interieurs“ tiefer in die Welt des Vitra-Designs eintauchen möchte, kann das noch bis 29. Mai im Möbelmuseum<br />
Wien machen.<br />
The visionary designs by Vitra, like the classic “Suita” three-seater by designer Antonio Citterio, are both<br />
contemporary as well as ever-lasting. The geometrically consistent body and the pillows float on the slender<br />
legs and invite you to relax for as long as you like. If you would like to<br />
delve deeper into the world of Vitra Designs as part of the exhibition<br />
“Home Stories. 100 Years, 20 Visionary Interiors”, then you can do<br />
so until 29 May at the Vienna Furniture Museum.<br />
vitra.com<br />
moebelmuseumwien.at<br />
100-Jahr-Jubiläum | 100-year anniversary<br />
Sneakers, Clogs, Stiefel, Sandalen u. v. m.: Das 1922 gegründete<br />
Kärntner Unternehmen woody ist bekannt für seine handgefertigten<br />
Schuhe mit biegsamer Holzsohne, optimaler Dämpfung und kreativem<br />
Design. Weitere Vorteile sind die temperatur- und feuchtigkeitsregulierenden<br />
Funktionen, die sich aus der Verwendung natürlicher<br />
Materialien ergeben.<br />
Sneakers, clogs, boots, sandals and a whole lot more: the Carinthian<br />
company woody is renowned for its handmade shoes with flexible<br />
wooden soles, optimal cushioning and creative designs. Additional<br />
advantages are the temperature- and moisture-regulating functions<br />
that result from the use of natural materials.<br />
woody.co.at<br />
Pastelltrend | Pastel trend<br />
Neben der Pantone-Farbe des Jahres (Very Peri) mit einem<br />
leichten Lila-Touch feiern auch viele andere Pastelltöne in<br />
diesem Frühjahr ihre Renaissance. Diese Jacke von Ecoalf<br />
– einem der führenden nachhaltigen Labels in Europa, das<br />
kürzlich 99,1 Punkte im Ranking der B Corp Zertifizierung<br />
einheimste – ist ein modisch-ökologisches Statement.<br />
Next to the Pantone colour of the year (Very Peri) with a<br />
light touch of purple, many other pastel shades are<br />
likewise going through a renaissance this spring. This<br />
jacket by Ecoalf – one of Europe’s leading sustainable<br />
fashion labels, which recently earned a score of 99.1 points<br />
in the B Corp certification ranking – is both a fashion and<br />
an environmental statement.<br />
ecoalf.com<br />
from 526,00 €<br />
for 4 nights<br />
per person incl. gourmet half-board<br />
Between 14.04. and 19.04.<strong>2022</strong><br />
Easter in Warmbad<br />
Easter at the Warmbaderhof. Spring is upon us in Warmbad-Villach. Come and celebrate the authentic<br />
Carinthian Easter traditions with us.<br />
126<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Hotel Warmbaderhof*****<br />
Kadischenallee 22-24,<br />
A-9504 Warmbad-Villach<br />
T: +43 (0) 4242 30<strong>01</strong>-10<br />
reservierung@warmbad.at<br />
www.warmbaderhof.com<br />
• 4 nights / 5 days including gourmet half board, with breakfast buffet and multi-course dinner<br />
• Good Friday Pastry workshop: Let‘s learn how to make the traditional Carinthian Easter cake:<br />
“Reindling“, with Pâtissiers Michaela Neumayr and Stefan Heiser<br />
• Easter Saturday: Traditional blessing of Easter foods in the Warmbad chapel<br />
• 1 „Reindling“ as an Easter gift in each room<br />
• Easter market in Villach and egg hunt in the Warmbad-Villach nature park<br />
• Triple spa experience: unlimited use of the hotel‘s own VIBE Spa, the “Thermal-Urquellbecken”pool,<br />
and all areas of the KärntenTherme (pools, spa, and fitness)<br />
• All Warmbaderhof inclusive services<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 127
Ehrliches Interesse für Menschen | Sincere interest in people<br />
Brigitta Hartl-Wagner | Direktorin Senioren Residenz Josefstadt | Director of the Senioren Residenz Josefstadt<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Die nimmermüde Direktorin der Senioren Residenz<br />
Josefstadt lässt <strong>2022</strong> mit der Vortragsreihe „Wiener<br />
Kleinode“ aufhorchen.<br />
Ihr Credo ist es, mit zukunftsweisenden<br />
Konzepten ein Unternehmen<br />
zu führen und so die<br />
Lebensqualität von Residenten<br />
sowie das Arbeitsumfeld der<br />
Mitarbeiter zu steigern.<br />
Her guiding principle is to run a<br />
forward-looking business that<br />
enhances the quality of life of its<br />
residents as well as the work<br />
environment of its employees.<br />
Es zu schaffen, in der Branche des Senioren-<br />
und Pflegebereichs positiv<br />
aufzufallen, ist ein Talent von Brigitta<br />
Hartl-Wagner. Durch ihr Engagement<br />
und die aktive Unterstützung ihres Teams<br />
erfindet sich die Senioren Residenz Josefstadt<br />
immer wieder neu. So leitete sie bereits<br />
vor mehr als drei Jahren das Wohnbuddy-Projekt.<br />
Seit Oktober 2<strong>01</strong>8 wohnen<br />
in der Senioren Residenz Josefstadt zwei<br />
Studenten zu erschwinglichen Preisen und<br />
der Bereitschaft, fünf Stunden pro Woche<br />
Interaktion mit den älteren Bewohnern zu<br />
leben. Die Konversationsstunden in Italienisch<br />
und Englisch sowie Sprechstunden<br />
für Fragen rund um PC und Smartphone<br />
oder die Begleitung zu Arztterminen etc.<br />
werden gerne angenommen. Was ursprünglich<br />
für ein Jahr angedacht wurde,<br />
geht aufgrund des positiven Feedbacks immer<br />
wieder in die Verlängerung.<br />
Pandemie-Zeiten trotzen<br />
Auch von weltweit unvorhergesehenen<br />
Herausforderungen lässt Hartl-Wagner<br />
sich nicht unterkriegen. Obwohl die Corona-Pandemie<br />
die Öffnung des Hauses für<br />
externe Besucher und Teilnahme an kulturellen<br />
Veranstaltungen sowie Exkursionen<br />
einschränkte, gelang es, die Senioren Residenz<br />
Josefstadt als lebendigen Ort weiter<br />
pulsieren zu lassen. „Jedes Quartal feiern<br />
wir mit unseren Residenten, die länger als<br />
zwei Jahre bei uns sind, ihr Einzugs-Jubiläum“,<br />
so die proaktive Direktorin. Gemeinsam<br />
mit ihr und der Bewohnervertretung<br />
wird mit Sekt und Brötchen angestoßen.<br />
Und auch Kunst und Kultur sind weiterhin<br />
ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Aktivitäten.<br />
Start der „Wiener Kleinode“<br />
„In diesem Jahr haben wir eine neue<br />
Kooperation mit der Fremdenführerin<br />
Mag.a Katharina Saudino gestartet, die unter<br />
dem Titel ‚Wiener Kleinode‘ läuft. Es<br />
werden verschiedene Themen mit Wien-<br />
Bezug präsentiert“, erzählt Hartl-Wagner<br />
von einer der wichtigsten Neuheiten. Bereits<br />
stattgefunden hat der Vortrag „Klimt<br />
und die Frauen“ mit interessanten Geschichten<br />
aus dem Leben des Künstlers.<br />
Die erfahrene Expertin, die seit 2000 als<br />
Fremdenführerin tätig ist, bietet unterhaltsame<br />
Erzählungen, die sie mit Bildern untermalt.<br />
So erfuhren die Anwesenden welche<br />
führende Rolle die Frauen im Leben<br />
des Künstlers spielten. „Gustav Klimt, ein<br />
Leben lang unverheiratet, wohnte bis zum<br />
Schluss bei der Mutter und den Schwestern.<br />
Täglich umwarben den sportlichen<br />
Künstler hingebungsvoll viele junge Modelle,<br />
nannten ihn den ‚König‘. Seinen<br />
Charme versprühte der berühmte Maler<br />
auch in hohen Kreisen. Die junge Alma<br />
Mahler bezeichnete ihn später als ‚Liebeswunder‘<br />
und geduldig saßen die Damen<br />
der besseren Gesellschaft ihm Modell.<br />
Vierzehn Nachkommen meldeten sich<br />
beim Nachlassverwalter, aber keiner davon<br />
erbte das Genie des einzigartigen Gustav<br />
Klimt“, erzählt Saudino. Derartige Highlights<br />
sind Teil des Erfolgsgeheimnisses<br />
von Hartl-Wagner.<br />
So verwundert es nicht, dass die Senioren<br />
Residenz Josefstadt für viele internationale<br />
Gäste zu einem neuen Zuhause wird.<br />
Globalität wird im Haus am Hamerlingplatz<br />
aktiv gelebt. Hier macht sich auch der<br />
Karriereverlauf von Hartl-Wagner, der unter<br />
anderem Stationen in der Hotellerie<br />
umfasste, bezahlt. Oder wie sie selbst es<br />
formuliert: „Mein Gespür für Menschen<br />
beruht auf ehrlichem Interesse. Erfolg ist<br />
für mich, dass hier jeder Verantwortung<br />
übernimmt und ein wenig auf den anderen<br />
schaut.“<br />
Managing to stand out positively in<br />
the senior and care sector is one<br />
of Brigitta Hartl-Wagner’s talents.<br />
With her commitment and the active<br />
support of her team, the Senioren Residenz<br />
Josefstadt retirement home constantly manages<br />
to reinvent itself. There is, for example,<br />
the Wohnbuddy (living buddy) project<br />
that she has been leading for over three years.<br />
Since October 2<strong>01</strong>8, two students have<br />
been living at the Senioren Residenz Josefstadt<br />
at affordable rates provided that they<br />
are willing to spend at least five hours per<br />
week interacting with the older residents.<br />
The residents love the Italian and English<br />
language practice hours as well as the PC<br />
and smartphone question and answers sessions.<br />
The young people also accompany<br />
them to doctor’s appointments, etc. What<br />
started out as an initiative that wasn’t meant<br />
to last longer than a year has been extended<br />
over and over again thanks to the<br />
positive feedback.<br />
Defying the pandemic<br />
Hartl-Wagner did not let unforeseen<br />
global challenges bog her down. Although<br />
the coronavirus pandemic limited external<br />
visits and participation in cultural events<br />
and excursions, the Senioren Residenz Josefstadt<br />
remained vibrant as ever. “Every<br />
quarter, we celebrate the move-in anniversary<br />
of our residents who’ve been with<br />
us for more than two years,” says the proactive<br />
director. Together with her and the<br />
residents’ representation, they then toast<br />
with champagne and nibbles. And art and<br />
culture continue to be an important part of<br />
their activities, too.<br />
Start of the “Viennese Gems” series of talks<br />
“This year, we launched a new partnership<br />
with tourist guide Katharina Saudino<br />
under the title ‘Wiener Kleinode’ (Viennese<br />
Gems). The series of talks and lectures will<br />
cover a number of topics related to the city<br />
of Vienna,” says Hartl-Wagner about one of<br />
the newest developments. One such talk<br />
about “Klimt and Women” with interesting<br />
stories from the artist’s life has already been<br />
held. The seasoned expert, who’s been active<br />
as a tourist guide since 2000, offers entertaining<br />
stories accompanied by pictures.<br />
The residents learned, for example, about<br />
the role of women in the artist’s life. “Gustav<br />
Klimt, who never married, lived with<br />
his mother and sisters until the very end.<br />
Every day, the artist was surrounded by devoted<br />
models who would refer to him as<br />
their “king”. The famed painter also exuded<br />
his charm in higher circles. The young<br />
Alma Mahler would later describe him as a<br />
“miracle of love” and women from across<br />
Viennese high society would patiently sit<br />
for him. Fourteen descendants would later<br />
get in touch with the executor of his estate,<br />
but none of them inherited the genius of<br />
the one and only Gustav Klimt,” recounts<br />
Saudino. Highlights like this are part of the<br />
secret of Hartl-Wagner’s success.<br />
So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise then<br />
that the Senioren Residenz Josefstadt has<br />
also become a new home for many international<br />
guests. Cosmopolitanism is very important<br />
at the residence on Hamerlingplatz.<br />
This is also where Hartl-Wagner’s career,<br />
which included many stations in the hotel<br />
industry, has paid off. Or, as she puts it herself,<br />
“My intuition when it comes to people<br />
is based on sincere interest. For me, the greatest<br />
success has been the fact that everyone<br />
here assumes a little bit of responsibility<br />
and looks out for each other.”<br />
The tireless director of Senioren Residenz Josefstadt<br />
plans on entertaining and enlightening residents in <strong>2022</strong><br />
with the lecture series “Viennese Gems”.<br />
128 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Weitere Programmpunkte von Fremdenführerin<br />
Katharina Saudino in diesem Jahr: „Schani Strauss –<br />
Ein Walzerkönig, der nie tanzte“ und „Sigmund Freud<br />
– Patriarch und Revolutionär“.<br />
Other programme elements by tourist guide Katharina<br />
Saudino include “Schani Strauss – the ‘Waltz King’ who<br />
never danced” and “Sigmund Freud – patriarch and<br />
revolutionary.”<br />
INFO:<br />
residenz-josefstadt.at<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 129
Schönheiten über den Dächern von Wien<br />
Treasures across Vienna’s rooftops<br />
Text: Michaela Hocek<br />
Mit unserer Auswahl der imposantesten<br />
Penthäuser Wiens wollen wir einen<br />
Überblick geben, wohin sich das<br />
Wohnen im Top-Segment entwickelt.<br />
With this selection of Vienna’s most<br />
impressive penthouses, we give an<br />
overview of where the high-end residences<br />
segment is heading.<br />
Revitalisierte Stilaltbauten sind begehrte Immobilienobjekte<br />
in den inneren Bezirken der<br />
Bundeshauptstadt. Wo Politik, Diplomatie<br />
und Wirtschaft in direkter Nachbarschaft Entscheidungen<br />
treffen und auch kulturelle Highlights nur<br />
wenige Gehminuten entfernt sind, siedeln sich zahlungskräftige<br />
Kunden aus dem In- und Ausland<br />
weltweit generell gerne an.<br />
Wien macht da keine Ausnahme und ist aufgrund<br />
der gebotenen Lebensqualität weiterhin ein hochbegehrtes<br />
Ziel für Menschen, die mitten im Geschäftsleben<br />
stehen oder auch für jene, die bereits die stilleren,<br />
späten Jahre ihres Lebens genießen. Einer der<br />
wichtigsten Gründe dafür sind die Standorte begehrter<br />
Penthouse-Adressen in Wien oder wie Sonja Kaspar,<br />
Leiterin der Otto Immobilen Boutique, es ausdrückt:<br />
„Im internationalen Vergleich sind die<br />
Penthouse-Lagen sehr attraktiv, da die Distanzen in<br />
Wien im Vergleich mit anderen Metropolen kurz<br />
sind. Zudem ist Wien eine sehr grüne Stadt und gilt<br />
auch als sehr sicher. Sie bietet ein vielfältiges kulturelles<br />
Angebot sowie Spitzengastronomie. Zudem<br />
sind die Wohnungspreise im internationalen Vergleich<br />
immer noch im unteren Bereich angesiedelt.“<br />
Um hier einige Vergleichswerte zu nennen: Im<br />
„One Hyde Park London“ freute sich der britische<br />
Immobilienentwickler Project Grande im Vorjahr<br />
über den Verkauf eines 225-Millionen-Euro-Penthouse.<br />
Im New Yorker Art déco-Tower 100 Barclay<br />
in Downtown Manhattan wurden für den 1.400<br />
Quadratmeter großen „Palace in the Sky“ 49 Millionen<br />
Euro veranschlagt. Im extrem bodenversiegelten<br />
Hongkong wurde das letzte Apartment in einem<br />
15-Etagen-Wolkenkratzer, dem sogenannten „Opus<br />
Hier überzeugen intelligente Raumanordnung, eine Dachlandschaft mit 133 Quadratmetern und<br />
Schlafzimmer mit Zugängen zu einer separaten Terrasse.<br />
Features include intelligent room arrangements, a 133-square-metre roofscape and bedrooms with<br />
access to a separate terrace.<br />
130<br />
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Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Inmitten der Altstadt,<br />
umringt von Kunst, Kultur<br />
und Kulinarik: Das erwartet<br />
die zukünftigen Bewohner<br />
des Grand Kinsky.<br />
In the middle of Vienna’s old<br />
town, surrounded by art,<br />
culture and haute cuisine:<br />
this is what awaits the future<br />
residents of the Grand<br />
Kinsky.<br />
Hongkong“ am Hausberg The Peak, um 55 Millionen<br />
Euro verkauft – Meerblick inklusive. Zugegeben,<br />
dieser fehlt in Wien einigermaßen schmerzlich, an<br />
Luxus mangelt es jedoch keineswegs wie die folgenden<br />
fünf Beispiele zeigen.<br />
Grand Kinsky und OpernResidenz<br />
Diese beiden Projekte sind in der Nachbarschaft<br />
von Staatsoper, Burggarten, Albertina, Musikverein,<br />
eleganten Einkaufsstraßen und Haubenküche einzigartige<br />
Wohnadressen. „Bei den vier Penthäusern<br />
im Grand Kinsky in der Schellinggasse 7 ergibt sich<br />
die besonders hohe Lebensqualität durch die Pools<br />
am Dach, durch Weinkeller, Fitness und digitalen<br />
Conciergeservice im Foyer“, so Kaspar.<br />
Die OpernResidenz in der Goethegasse 1 wartet<br />
ebenfalls mit dem technischen und wohnlichen<br />
Komfort des 21. Jahrhunderts auf, obwohl die Immobilie<br />
bereits 1863 vom österreichischen Architekten<br />
Anton Heft errichtet wurde. Neben neun Appartements<br />
wurden hier zwei Penthäuser errichtet. Die<br />
Handschrift der Silberstein Architekten sowie das<br />
Miteinbeziehen von Einwaller Interiors und Interior<br />
Moments Isabelle Farrokhnia schaffen ein einzigartiges<br />
Ambiente in den drei Meter hohen Räumen.<br />
Sicherheit ist hier durch ein modernes Alarmsystem,<br />
einen rund um die Uhr anwesenden Portier und eine<br />
Polizeistation im Haus gegeben. Für weitere Annehmlichkeiten<br />
sorgen Kooperationen mit Premium-Dienstleistern<br />
in der Umgebung – vom Catering<br />
bis zum Kleiderservice.<br />
Börseplatz 1<br />
Die ehemalige k. u. k. Telegrafen Centrale wurde<br />
1870 bis 1873 errichtet. Zwischenzeitlich konnten<br />
Theaterbegeisterte im Rahmen der Paulus Manker-<br />
Inszenierung „Alma – A Show Biz ans Ende“ das<br />
Gebäude, den verschiedenen Handlungssträngen<br />
rund um Alma Mahlers Leben folgend, vier Stunden<br />
lang relativ frei erkunden und bestaunen. Heute beeindrucken<br />
in zentraler und speziell am Wochenende<br />
ruhiger Lage sechs Skyview-Penthouses, die zeigen,<br />
was architektonische Kühnheit der Gegenwart<br />
hervorbringt: Die Dachkonstruktion aus französischem<br />
Eisen ist imposant und verleiht diesem Immobilienprojekt<br />
Unikatcharakter in ganz Wien. Das<br />
Gebäude selbst wird über eine herrschaftliche Freitreppe<br />
betreten und auch hier grüßt der Concierge<br />
alle Eintreffenden – für Bewohner inklusive diverser<br />
Serviceleistungen. Fünf Penthäuser in der Größe von<br />
127 bis 484 Quadratmeter sind noch verfügbar.<br />
Selbstverständlich wurden auch hier Terrassen realisiert.<br />
Über den Linden<br />
Ein einzelnes Penthouse in der Lindengasse 52 im<br />
siebenten Bezirk, realisiert von STRABAG Real Estate,<br />
ist ein weiteres Juwel, will man in zeitlos-moderner<br />
Architektur einen atemberaubenden Ausblick<br />
genießen. Hier macht man sich mit Bedacht auf das<br />
Verschmelzen von Innen- und Außenräumen eine<br />
transparente Architektur zunutze. Die Eckdaten<br />
spiegeln die Großzügigkeit der Raumaufteilung wider:<br />
Der Wohn- und Essbereich von 72 Quadratmetern<br />
bei einer Gesamtfläche von 230 Quadratmetern<br />
wirkt ebenso einladend wie die 98 Quadratmeter<br />
Dachterrasse (gesamte Terrassenfläche 197 Quadratmeter).<br />
Drei Schlafzimmer und drei Bäder sind ideale<br />
Voraussetzungen für individuelle Tagesabläufe<br />
der zukünftigen Bewohner – und in der Event- und<br />
Office-Base kann zusätzlicher Raum in Anspruch<br />
genommen werden. Der gemeinschaftliche Wellnessbereich<br />
kann auf Wunsch auch in privaten<br />
Timeslots gemietet werden.<br />
Marina Tower<br />
Wer gerne fernab vom innerstädtischen Trubel<br />
mit Blick aufs Wasser und dennoch in bester Infrastrukturanbindung<br />
leben möchte, wird bei Wiens<br />
derzeit höchstem Wohnturm fündig, der Ende Jänner<br />
fertiggestellt wurde. 41 Stockwerke, die 140 Meter<br />
hoch in den Himmel ragen, sind eine beeindruckende<br />
Leistungsschau der Architekten Zechner &<br />
Zechner. Das im Joint Venture von BUWOG und<br />
IES Immobilien beheimatete „Sunset“-Penthouse<br />
wurde beim European Property Award mit dem<br />
5-Star-Award in der Kategorie Apartment/Condominium<br />
for Austria ausgezeichnet. Insgesamt wurden<br />
sechs Penthäuser über drei Ebenen errichtet,<br />
von dem jedes über eine eigene Ausstattungslinie<br />
und Ausrichtung auf die Perspektiven der Stadt verfügt.<br />
Revitalised period buildings are highly<br />
sought-after properties in Vienna’s inner<br />
districts. Wealthy clients from across Austria<br />
and abroad like to congregate in neighbour-<br />
Karina Schunker<br />
GF/CEO EHL Wohnen<br />
„Von der Penthouse-Wohnung<br />
im 39. Stock mit Blick<br />
auf die Stadt bis hin zum<br />
idyllischen Luxusapartment<br />
direkt am Donauwasser –<br />
die besonderen Facetten<br />
einer Immobilie erzeugen<br />
und erwecken heutzutage<br />
das besondere Wohngefühl.“<br />
“From a penthouse<br />
apartment on the 39th floor<br />
with a view of the city to an<br />
idyllic luxury flat right on the<br />
Danube – it is unique<br />
characteristics such as these<br />
that create each property’s<br />
individual residential<br />
ambience.”<br />
132<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 133
DESIGN<br />
DAYS<br />
BE PART<br />
OF IT!<br />
In der ehemaligen k. u. k. Telegrafen Centrale sind noch fünf<br />
Penthäuser (von 127 bis 484 Quadratmeter) verfügbar.<br />
Five penthouses (ranging from 127 to 484 square metres) are<br />
still available at the former Telegrafen Centrale building.<br />
hoods that are close to centres of political, diplomatic<br />
and business influence and within walking<br />
distance of major cultural institutions. Vienna is no<br />
exception to this, and thanks to the high quality of<br />
life enjoyed here, the city continues to attract people<br />
from the world of business and those enjoying<br />
the later, quieter parts of their lives. One of the<br />
most important reasons for this is the highly<br />
sought-after penthouses in Vienna, or, as Sonja<br />
Kaspar, head of Otto Immobilien Boutique, puts it:<br />
“In international comparison, Vienna’s penthouses<br />
are extremely attractive, because travel distances<br />
within Vienna are so short compared to other big<br />
cities. In addition, Vienna is also a very green city<br />
and very safe. It also boasts a fantastic cultural<br />
scene and top-notch gastronomy. Property costs are<br />
also on the lower side when compared internationally.”<br />
To list a few comparative figures: British property<br />
developer Project Grande recently sold a<br />
penthouse at the One Hyde Park London for 225<br />
million euro. The 1,400-square-metre Palace in the<br />
Sky in the Verizon Building in Downtown Manhattan<br />
was priced at 49 million euro. In Hong Kong,<br />
where space is hard to come by, the last apartment<br />
in the so-called Opus Hong Kong, a 15-floor<br />
skyscraper on Victoria Peak, sold for 55 million<br />
euro – sea view included. Vienna, admittedly, lacks<br />
the latter, but the city doesn’t lack luxury penthouses,<br />
as the following five examples demonstrate.<br />
Grand Kinsky and OpernResidenz<br />
These two projects are unique residential<br />
DESIGN<br />
IN A<br />
FRAME<br />
From 6 th to 8 th of May <strong>2022</strong>, Grafenegg will once again turn into a fascinating,<br />
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134 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
Be part of it and enjoy the trends with more than 200 top brands specialised in<br />
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Private Freiflächen auf 139 Metern Höhe sind ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal<br />
der Penhäuser auf drei Ebenen am Wiener<br />
Handelskai entlang des Donau-Ufers.<br />
Private yet open spaces at a height of 139 metres are the unique<br />
selling point of the penthouses on three levels on Handelskai in<br />
Vienna along the bank of the Danube.<br />
addresses in the immediate vicinity of the Vienna<br />
State Opera, the Burggarten park, the Albertina<br />
Museum, elegant shopping streets and award-winning<br />
restaurants. “The four penthouses at the<br />
Grand Kinsky on Schellinggasse 7 offer a particularly<br />
high standard of living thanks to the pools on<br />
the roof, wine cellar, gym and digital concierge service<br />
in the lobby,” says Kaspar.<br />
The OpernResidenz on Goethegasse 1 also<br />
boasts 21st century technical and residential comforts,<br />
though the construction of the building dates<br />
all the way back to 1863 and Austrian architect Anton<br />
Heft. Next to nine apartments, there are also<br />
two penthouses. The signature design choices by<br />
Silberstein Architekten and the involvement of<br />
Einwaller Interiors and Interior Moments Isabelle<br />
Farrokhnia create a unique ambience in the threemetre-high<br />
rooms. Safety is provided by a state-ofthe-art<br />
security system, a doorman available<br />
around the clock and a police station inside the<br />
building. Additional amenities are provided by<br />
partnerships with premium local service providers<br />
– from catering to a clothing service.<br />
Börseplatz 1<br />
The former Telegrafen Centrale building was<br />
built between 1870 and 1873. Theatre fans were<br />
able to explore and marvel at the building relatively<br />
freely for four hours as part of the Paulus Manker<br />
production “Alma – A Show Biz ans Ende” while<br />
following the different storylines around the life of<br />
Alma Mahler. Today, the six sky-view penthouses<br />
– located in a central and quiet location – show<br />
what contemporary architecture is capable of: the<br />
roof construction made from French iron is imposing<br />
and gives the property a character that is<br />
unique in Vienna. The building itself is entered<br />
through the magnificent open stairs where the<br />
concierge greets all arrivals – residents can also<br />
make use of a variety of amenities and services.<br />
Five penthouses ranging in size from 127 to 484<br />
square metres are still available. Additional terraces<br />
have been added to the property as well.<br />
Lindengasse<br />
A penthouse on Lindengasse 52 in Vienna’s seventh<br />
district, realised by STRABAG Real Estate, is<br />
another jewel for those seeking a breath-taking city<br />
view amid timeless modern architecture. The merging<br />
of interior and exterior space lends itself to a<br />
kind of transparent architecture. The property’s<br />
measurements reveal the generous proportions of<br />
the layout: With 72 square metres, the living and<br />
dining area with is just as inviting as the 98-square-<br />
Smart Aging is no secret anymore.<br />
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A-1<strong>01</strong>0 VIENNA, GOETHEGASSE 1<br />
Opernresidenz Vienna<br />
Exclusive Penthouse<br />
with 360° city view<br />
207 m 2 for sale<br />
Sonja Kaspar<br />
Leiterin Otto Immobilien<br />
Boutique / Head of the Otto<br />
Immobilien Boutique<br />
Wie ist die Penthouse-Situation aktuell in Wien?<br />
Es gibt gute Nachfrage nationaler und internationaler<br />
Interessenten. Allerdings ist es für internationale Kunden derzeit<br />
schwierig zu reisen und es werden persönliche Besichtigungstermine<br />
auf später verschoben.<br />
Welche Entwicklungen hinsichtlich Preise, Anforderungen<br />
und Lage erwarten Sie für <strong>2022</strong>?<br />
Die Nachfrage nach Innenstadtwohnungen ist weiterhin groß,<br />
die Preise sind stabil. Außenflächen spielen eine noch größere<br />
Rolle aufgrund von verstärkter Homeoffice-Tätigkeit, Kindern,<br />
die mehr Zeit zu Hause verbringen etc. Zu den klassischen<br />
Lagen im 1. oder 19. Bezirk werden immer mehr auch<br />
alternative Lagen nachgefragt. Hier spielen folgende Kriterien<br />
eine wichtige Rolle: Wohnen am Wasser, Wohnen im<br />
Wohnturm, Services im Haus (Fitness, Conciergeservice etc.),<br />
ein Pool am Dach und auch Eventterrassen und -küchen. Es<br />
werden auch in anderen Bezirken wie z.B. dem 3. oder dem 22.<br />
Bezirk bereits Preise weit über der 10.000 Euro pro<br />
Quadratmeter erzielt.<br />
Das Spiel aus Freiheit und Rückzug gelingt in diesem Penthouse mit luftiger Raumkonzeption<br />
und Niedrigenergiestandard besonders stilgerecht.<br />
The penthouse’s interplay between freedom and refuge succeeds with its airy spatial concept and<br />
low energy usage.<br />
What is the current situation in Vienna when it comes to<br />
penthouse apartments?<br />
There is a good amount of demand from both domestic and<br />
international buyers. However, it is currently rather difficult for<br />
international clients to travel, and personal viewings are being<br />
postponed until later.<br />
What developments do you expect to see in <strong>2022</strong> in terms<br />
of price, demand and locations?<br />
Demand for flats in the city centre remains high,<br />
prices are stable. Outdoor spaces are playing<br />
an increasing role due to people working<br />
from home, children spending more time<br />
at home, etc. In addition to the classic<br />
locations in the 1st and 19th district,<br />
alternative locations are becoming<br />
increasingly popular as well. The<br />
following criteria are especially<br />
important: living by the water,<br />
living in a residential tower,<br />
building amenities (gym,<br />
concierge service, etc.), a<br />
roof pool, as well as event<br />
terraces and kitchens.<br />
Prices way above 10,000<br />
euro per square metre are<br />
being seen in other<br />
districts, such as the 3rd<br />
and the 22nd.<br />
138 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong><br />
INFO<br />
Top-Anbieter von<br />
Luxus-Penthäusern<br />
in Wien<br />
Leading penthouse<br />
providers in Vienna<br />
buwog.at<br />
ehl.at<br />
findmyhome.at<br />
hendrichrealestate.com<br />
luxury.otto.at<br />
strabag-real-estate.com<br />
wohnkompanie.at<br />
estina.at<br />
metre roof terrace (total terrace area 197 square<br />
metres) – at a total area of 230 square metres.<br />
Three bedrooms and three bathrooms set the scene<br />
for the future residents’ routine – additional space<br />
can be taken up in the event and office base. The<br />
communal wellness area can also be rented through<br />
private time slots if desired.<br />
Marina Tower<br />
Those who like to be a little further from the city<br />
centre’s hustle and bustle and prefer a view of the<br />
water with excellent infrastructure connections will<br />
find what they are looking for in Vienna’s tallest residential<br />
tower, just completed at the end of January.<br />
With 41 floors rising 141 metres into the sky, the<br />
tower is an impressive achievement by architects<br />
Zechner & Zechner. The “Sunset” penthouse is a<br />
joint venture by BUWOG and IES Immobilien and<br />
won the 5-Star Award in the Apartment/Condominium<br />
for Austria category at the European Property<br />
Awards. A total of six penthouses were built on<br />
three levels, each with its own unique furnishing<br />
and orientation towards the city.<br />
Overture to the highest pleasure.<br />
• In Vienna’s best location - in direct vicinity of the<br />
Vienna Opera, Albertina, Hotel Sacher<br />
• Porter 7/24<br />
• High security standard<br />
• Exclusive furnishings<br />
• Ready for occupancy<br />
www.opernresidenz.at<br />
Living pleasure<br />
at the pulse of the city<br />
• Commission-free sale directly<br />
from the developer<br />
• verkauf@wohnkompanie.at<br />
• Tel.: +43 664 881 65 135
Auf der Straße: Mercedes EQS. Am Steuer: S. E. Rapulane Sydney Molekane.<br />
On the road: Mercedes EQS. Behind the wheel: H. E. Rapulane Sydney Molekane.<br />
Der Botschafter von Südafrika auf CD-Testfahrt. The Ambassador of South Africa performs a test drive for CD.<br />
Interview: Stephan Burianek<br />
Photos: Adrian Almasan<br />
wir zu mir“, schlägt S.E. Rapulane Sydney Molekane<br />
vor, als er vor der Botschaft der Republik Südafrika in<br />
„Fahren<br />
der Grinzinger Sandgasse in den neuen Mercedes EQS<br />
steigt. Der Botschafter, der auch für die Länder Slowakei und Slowenien<br />
zuständig ist, residiert im Währinger Cottage-Viertel. Das ist<br />
eine kurze Strecke, dabei könnten wir im EQS wahrscheinlich bis<br />
nach Salzburg und wieder retour fahren: Obwohl die sportlich-elegante<br />
Limousine von einem Elektromotor angetrieben wird, ist die<br />
rein elektrische Reichweite mit 784 Kilometern enorm.<br />
Molekane ist zumeist als Beifahrer unterwegs, außer in Südafrika,<br />
dort fährt er häufig selbst. Das war schon in Paris so, wo er vor<br />
der Übersiedelung nach Wien im Jahr 2<strong>01</strong>9 ebenfalls der Botschafter<br />
war. Die fehlende Fahrpraxis fällt kaum auf, im EQS schweben<br />
wir, so wirkt es, fast von selbst dahin. Der Wagen ist erst seit Ende<br />
des vergangenen Jahres auf dem Markt und bietet sämtliche technischen<br />
Raffinessen der Gegenwart, wie etwa eine bewegliche Hinterachse,<br />
die einen geringen Drehradius ermöglicht. Innen ist die<br />
gesamte Frontbreite mit einem Hyperscreen verkleidet, der, je nach<br />
gewählter Ausstattung, bis zu drei Bildschirme integriert hat.<br />
Bei der Residenz angekommen, greift Molekane zum Handy<br />
und informiert seine Frau Brenda, die sogleich mit der gemeinsamen<br />
Tochter Palesa nach unten eilt, um den Wagen zu begutachten.<br />
Im Gegensatz zu ihrem Mann sitzen die beiden Damen auch in<br />
Wien häufig selbst vor dem Steuer eines Mercedes-SUVs. Brenda<br />
Molekane studiert das Wageninnere interessiert, und auch die<br />
Tochter ist begeistert: „Kaufst Du uns den?“<br />
Auf der Rückfahrt kommt der südafrikanische Botschafter auf ein<br />
ernstes Thema zu sprechen: Die Weigerung von EU-Staaten, über<br />
die Welthandelsorganisation in Genf die Rechte der Pharmaunternehmen<br />
am geistigen Eigentum von Corona-Impfstoffen aufzuheben,<br />
um Afrika und Indien die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich mit regional<br />
hergestellten Medikamenten selbst versorgen zu können. In<br />
Partnerschaft mit dem in Wien ansässigen Dokumentations- und<br />
Kooperationszentrum Südliches Afrika (SADOCC) versucht Molekane,<br />
die in dieser Sache zu den Verweigerern zählende Republik<br />
Österreich von der Notwendigkeit dieser Idee zu überzeugen. Immerhin<br />
haben sich Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen und<br />
Gesundheitsminister Wolfgang Mückstein bereits im Sinne des Anliegens<br />
ausgesprochen. Letztlich liegt die Kompetenz allerdings bei<br />
der EU, der Weg ist daher noch weit. Dabei besteht ein dringlicher<br />
Handlungsbedarf: „Bei uns liegt die Impfrate immer noch bei weniger<br />
als zehn Prozent“, so der Botschafter.<br />
Während wir vor einer roten Ampel warten, bemerken wir auf<br />
dem Hyperscreen ein vermeintliches Kuriosum: Dort ist plötzlich das<br />
Live-Video einer Frontkamera zu sehen – mit ähnlichem Ergebnis<br />
wie beim üblichen Blick durch die Windschutzscheibe. Wir fragen<br />
uns beide, wozu ein solcher Dienst gut sein soll. Sollte es Menschen<br />
geben, die beim Fahren – quasi wie in einem realen Computerspiel –<br />
lieber auf den Bildschirm schauen als durch die Fensterscheibe? Wäre<br />
das überhaupt erlaubt? Die Antwort gibt uns unmittelbar nach der<br />
140 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong>
Fahrt Christian Ebetshuber, Area Sales Manager bei<br />
Mercedes Benz: Wir hatten die Ampelstopp-Funktion<br />
entdeckt. Sie ermöglicht dem Fahrer bei schlecht einsehbaren<br />
Ampeln auf umständliche Verrenkungen zu<br />
verzichten. Man lernt nie aus!<br />
drive to my place,” suggests H.E. Rapulane<br />
Sydney Molekane as he gets into the<br />
“Let’s<br />
new Mercedes EQS in front of the embassy<br />
of the Republic of South Africa on Grinzinger Sandgasse.<br />
The ambassador, who also represents Slovakia<br />
and Slovenia, resides in the Cottageviertel quarter in<br />
Vienna’s 18th district. That’s a short distance, yet we<br />
could probably drive all the way to Salzburg and back<br />
in the EQS if he wanted to – although the sporty, elegant<br />
sedan is powered by an electric engine, its allelectric<br />
range of 784 km is very impressive.<br />
Molekane usually drives in the passenger seat, except<br />
in South Africa, where he likes to drive himself.<br />
The situation was the same in Paris, where he was ambassador<br />
prior to coming to Vienna in 2<strong>01</strong>9. However,<br />
the lack of driving practice is barely noticeable; driving<br />
in the EQS almost feels like floating. The car has<br />
only been on the market since the end of last year and<br />
offers all the contemporary technical refinements one<br />
would expect, like a movable rear axle, which allows<br />
for a smaller turning radius. In the interior, the entire<br />
dashboard is covered with a Hyperscreen, which, depending<br />
on one’s configuration, integrates up to three<br />
screens into one.<br />
Arriving at the residence, Molekane reaches for his<br />
mobile phone and calls his wife Brenda, who immediately<br />
comes down with their daughter Palesa to inspect<br />
the car. Unlike her husband, Brenda and her<br />
daughter like to sit behind the steering wheel of their<br />
Mercedes SUV, even in Vienna. Brenda Molekane carefully<br />
studies the car’s interior, and her daughter is<br />
also visibly impressed: “Can we get one?”<br />
On the way back, the South African ambassador<br />
brings up a more serious topic: the refusal of EU<br />
member states to lift various pharmaceutical companies’<br />
intellectual property rights over the coronavirus<br />
vaccines through the World Trade Organisation in<br />
Geneva to allow Africa and India to produce their<br />
own vaccines locally. In partnership with the Viennabased<br />
Southern Africa Documentation and Cooperation<br />
Centre (SADOCC), Molekane is trying to convince<br />
the Republic of Austria, which is one of the<br />
INFO:<br />
mercedes-benz.at<br />
Der Botschafter vor seiner Residenz (oben), im Mercedes<br />
Benz EQS (unten) sowie im Bild Mitte mit CD-Herausgeber<br />
Alexander Bursky (2.v.l.), CD-Autor Stephan Burianek (links)<br />
und Christian Ebetshuber, Area Sales Manager Mercedes Benz<br />
Österreich (rechts).<br />
The ambassador in front of his residence (top), in the Mercedes<br />
Benz EQS (bottom) as well as in the middle picture with CD<br />
editor Alexander Bursky (2nd from left), CD author Stephan<br />
Burianek (left) and Christian Ebetshuber, Area Sales Manager<br />
Mercedes Benz Austria (right).<br />
Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit | Dawn of a new era<br />
Mit dem EQS bietet Mercedes-Benz nun eine vollelektrische Variante seiner S-Klasse. Ungewöhnlich<br />
für eine Limousine ist das sportliche „One-Bow-Design“ aus aerodynamischen Gründen. Der EQS fährt<br />
unglaublich leise und bietet nicht zuletzt durch die luxuriösen Sitze, dem Luftfahrwerk und der<br />
Hinterachsenlenkung einen perfekten Fahrkomfort. Außerdem ist die Kofferraumgröße mit 610 Litern<br />
größer als bei der herkömmlichen S-Klasse. Es gibt nun keine Motorhaube mehr, das Wasser für die<br />
Waschanlage wird an der Seite eingefüllt. Der EQS ist der neue Maßstab für Elektroautos.<br />
With the new EQS, Mercedes-Benz now offers an all-electric version of its S-Class. Unusual for a<br />
saloon car is the sporty “one-bow design” for aerodynamic purposes. The EQS drives incredibly<br />
quietly and offers excellent driving comfort, not least thanks to the luxurious seats, air suspension<br />
and rear-axle steering. In addition, the boot size of 610 litres is larger than the conventional<br />
S-Class. The EQS doesn’t have a bonnet, and the screen wash is filled in at the side. The EQS is the<br />
new benchmark for electric cars.<br />
Technische Daten / Technical data<br />
Elektromotor-Leistung | Electric motor performance<br />
Höchstgeschwindigkeit (km/h)<br />
Top speed (km/h)<br />
Batteriekapazität | Battery capacity<br />
Druckfrisch aus Österreich<br />
Seit mehr als 150 Jahren produzieren wir als österreichischer<br />
Familienbetrieb Druckwerke von höchster Qualität.<br />
Mit unserem Bekenntnis zu Tradition, regionaler Produktion<br />
und nachhaltigem Wirtschaften schaffen und sichern<br />
wir Arbeitsplätze in Österreich. Darauf sind wir stolz.<br />
Ihr Peter Berger – peter@berger.at<br />
Vertrauen Sie auf<br />
heimisches Know-how<br />
215-484 kW (292-658 PS)<br />
210-220 km/h<br />
91-108 KWh<br />
Beschleunigung 0-100 km/h (sek.) 3 ,8-6,6 Sekunden<br />
| Acceleration 0-100 km/h (in seconds)<br />
Preis Price ab | from € 115.880 (450+) bzw. ab | € 140.100<br />
(580 4Matic)<br />
Sie wollen auch auf Druckqualität aus<br />
Österreich setzen? Wir freuen uns,<br />
Sie beraten zu dürfen.<br />
Zentrale Horn<br />
+43 2982 4161-0<br />
Büro Wien<br />
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Vertretungen in<br />
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www.berger.at<br />
objectors, of the necessity of the matter. After all, President<br />
Alexander van der Bellen and health minister<br />
Wolfgang Mückstein have already spoken out in favour<br />
of the idea. In the end, the decision lies with the EU,<br />
so there is still a long way to go. Yet, there is an urgent<br />
need for action: “In our country, the vaccination rate<br />
is still below 10 percent,” says the ambassador.<br />
While we wait in front of a red light, we notice something<br />
curious on the Hyperscreen: Suddenly, we<br />
see the live video stream of a front camera – which<br />
looks similar to the usual view through the windscreen.<br />
We both wonder what the point of the feature<br />
is. Are there people who while driving prefer to look at<br />
the screen rather than the windshield as if looking at a<br />
video game? Is that even allowed? After our test drive,<br />
Christian Ebetshuber, area sales manager at Mercedes<br />
Benz, quickly answers our question: We had discovered<br />
the traffic light stop feature. It helps drivers to<br />
avoid having to make awkward contortions at poorly<br />
visible traffic lights. You never stop learning!<br />
Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 143
Unter Strom!<br />
Electrifying!<br />
Text: Rois & Stubenrauch<br />
Jeep Wrangler 4xe Plug-in-Hybrid:<br />
Design-Ikone trifft Elektromobilität |<br />
Design icon meets electromobility<br />
Motor Engine<br />
Elektromotor / Electric<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Heckantrieb / Rear wheel<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 215 (292)<br />
Reichweite Range<br />
545-660 km<br />
Verbrauch Consumption<br />
19,3-15,7 kWh/100km<br />
Preis | Price<br />
noch keine Angabe | not<br />
yet specified<br />
Mit dem neuen Jeep Wrangler 4xe Plug-in-Hybrid macht der US-amerikanische Autohersteller einen weiteren großen Schritt in die Elektomobilität. Die neueste Generation<br />
des Jeep Kult-Klassikers startet in Europa ausschließlich als Plug-in-Hybrid mit zwei Elektromotoren und einem zwei Liter Reihen-Vierzylinder-Aggregat und ist mit der<br />
kombinierten Systemleistung von 280 kW die leistungsstärkste, effizienteste und nachhaltigste Version der Design-Ikone.<br />
With the new Jeep Wrangler 4xe Plug-in Hybrid, the American carmaker is<br />
Motor Engine<br />
R4 Benziner und 2 Elektromotoren / R4 petrol and 2 electric<br />
taking an-other big step towards electromobility. The newest generation of<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Allrad /All-wheel<br />
the Jeep cult classic is launching in Europe exclusively as a plug-in hybrid with<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP)<br />
280 (380) Systemleistung / system performance<br />
two electric engines and a two-litre in-line four-cylinder power unit. With a<br />
Reichweite Range<br />
vollelektrisch 45-53 km / fully electric 45-53 km<br />
combined system output of 280 kW, this is the design icon’s most powerful,<br />
Kraftstoffverbrauch Fuel consumption 4,1-3,5 l/100km<br />
efficient and sustainable version.<br />
Energieverbrauch Energy consumption 23,9-22,1 kWh/100km<br />
Preis | Price ab | from: € 78.790,–<br />
Škoda Enyaq Coupé iV: Sportlich, elektrisch, funktional |<br />
Sporty, electric, functional<br />
Audi Q4 e-tron Sportback: Dynamischer Alleskönner |<br />
Dynamic all-rounder<br />
Škoda erweitert seine Elektromodellpalette: Der am 31.<strong>01</strong>. der Weltöffentlichkeit<br />
präsentierte, neue Škoda Enyaq Coupé iV besticht mit kraftvoller und sportlicher<br />
Linienführung und einem edlen, dunkel getönten Panorama-Glasdach über die<br />
komplette Dachfläche. Mit cw 0,234 hat das Enyaq Coupé iV den besten<br />
Luftwiderstandswert seiner Klasse. Viel Platz, kurze Ladezeiten und die hohe<br />
Funktionalität sind weitere Assets des elektrischen Top-SUVs des tschechischen<br />
Automobilherstellers.<br />
Škoda is expanding its electric range: Announced to the world on 31 January, the<br />
new Škoda Enyaq Coupé iV impresses with its powerful and sporty design and<br />
its elegant, dark-tinted panoramic glass roof which extends across the entire top.<br />
With a drag coef-ficient of 0.234, the Enyaq Coupé iV is the most aerodynamic<br />
car in its class. Plenty of pace, fast charging times and a wide range of<br />
functionalities are additional assets of the Czech carmaker’s top electric SUV.<br />
MERCEDES-EQ EQE: Elektromobilität auf dem nächsten Level | The next level of electromobility<br />
Seiner erst kürzlich vorgestellten Luxuslimousine EQS lässt Mercedes-EQ jetzt den ebenfalls auf der neuen, für Elektrofahrzeuge<br />
entwickelten Plattform aufbauenden EQE folgen. Die sportliche, vollelektrische Business-Limousine übernimmt die markante, einen<br />
gleichmäßigen Bogen beschreibende Silhouette, die ihr die kraftvolle Anmutung eines Coupés verschafft. Rahmenlose Türen und<br />
das durchgehende Lichtband am Heck sind weitere Design-Highlights des EQE. Der großzügig bemessene Innenraum kommt mit<br />
allen bereits für die Luxuslimousine entwickelten Hightech-Lösungen, wie dem MBUX Hyperscreen, einem innovativen, die ganze<br />
Fahrzeugbreite umfassenden Instrumentendisplay. Die Einstiegsvariante EQE 350 geht mit Heckantrieb und 215 kW an den Start,<br />
weitere Elektromotoren mit bis zu 500 kW und Allradantrieb folgen.<br />
Mercedes-EQ is following up its recently released EQS luxury saloon with the new EQE, which is based on the same new platform<br />
specifically developed for electric ve-hicles. The sporty, all-electric business saloon boasts a striking silhouette character-ised by an<br />
even arc, giving it the powerful appearance of a coupé. Frameless doors and the continuous light band at the rear are additional<br />
highlights of the new EQE. The generously proportioned interior comes with all the high-tech solutions already devel-oped for the<br />
luxury saloon, such as the MBUX Hyperscreen, an innovative dashboard display that covers the entire width of the vehicle. The<br />
entry-level EQE 350 comes with rear-wheel drive and 215 kW. Additional models with electric engines with up to 500 kW and all-wheel<br />
drive are set to follow.<br />
Der markante Spoiler am Fließheck zeigt es schon an: Der Audi Q4 e-tron Sportback<br />
geht es dynamisch an. In 5,7 Sekunden beschleunigt das SUV auf 100 km/h.<br />
Innovative Features wie die intelligenten Touchfunktionen des Sportlenkrades,<br />
kamerabasierte, virtuelle Außenspiegel oder das erstmals in einem Audi eingesetzte,<br />
hochklassige Soundsystem von Sonos sorgen für pures Fahrvergnügen. Auf der<br />
praktischen Seite des kompakten Allrounders stehen bis zu 1.490 l Gepäckvolumen,<br />
das Augmented-Reality-Head-up-Display und eine Reichweite von 446 km zu<br />
Buche.<br />
The striking spoiler on the hatchback says it all: The Audi Q4 e-tron Sportback<br />
takes dynamism to a new level. The SUV goes from 0 to 100 in 5.7 seconds.<br />
Innovative fea-tures, such as the sport steering wheel’s intelligent touch function,<br />
the camera-based virtual exterior mirrors and the premium sound-system by<br />
Sonos, used for the first time in an Audi, ensure optimal driving pleasure. On the<br />
practical side, the compact all-rounder boasts up to 1,490 litres of storage volume,<br />
an augmented reality head-up display and a range of up to 446 km.<br />
Elektromotor / Electric<br />
permanenter Allradantrieb quattro / perma-<br />
Motor Engine<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
nent quattro all-wheel<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 230-300 (313-408)<br />
Reichweite Range<br />
347-446 km<br />
Energieverbrauch Energy consumption<br />
26,3-21,6 kWh/100km<br />
Preis | Price ab | from: € 72.990,–<br />
Motor Engine<br />
Elektromotor / Electric<br />
Antrieb Drive<br />
Heck- und Allradantrieb / Rear- and all-wheel<br />
kW (PS) kw (HP) 132-220 (179-299)<br />
Reichweite Range<br />
bis 545 km<br />
Verbrauch Consumption<br />
18,5-17,2 kWh/100km (Škoda Enyaq Coupé iV RS)<br />
Preis | Price<br />
Der Enyaq Coupé iV startet in der sportlichen<br />
Variante RS ab | from: € 59.950,–<br />
144 Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> Cercle Diplomatique 1/<strong>2022</strong> 145
Sonne und Schnee<br />
Sun and snow<br />
Text: Gerald Sturz<br />
Am Arlberg dauert die Skisaison bis weit in den Frühling hinein. „Sonnenskilauf “<br />
heißt das dann. Und das ist ein Erlebnis, das sich kein engagierter Skisportler<br />
entgehen lassen sollte.<br />
On the Arlberg mountain massif, the ski season lasts well into the spring. The locals<br />
call it “Sonnenskilauf ” – or “sun skiing” – and it’s an experience that no skiing fan can<br />
miss.<br />
Wenn die Tage länger werden, die Sonne<br />
immer wärmer vom Himmel strahlt und<br />
das Wetter freundlicher und frühlingshafter<br />
wird, muss man seine Skier nicht wieder in<br />
den Keller stellen, um auf den nächsten Winter zu<br />
warten. Denn am Arlberg beginnt dann jene Skisaison,<br />
die viele für die schönste halten. Schnee gibt es<br />
dank der Höhenlage immer noch zur Genüge, durch<br />
das Zusammenspiel von eisigen Nächten und wärmeren<br />
Frühlingstagen entsteht eine griffige bis cremige<br />
Schneeschicht, die vollendeten Fahrspaß verspricht,<br />
die Lifte und Seilbahnen halten den Betrieb<br />
aufrecht und zwischen zwei Abfahrten kann man<br />
sich ganz entspannt vor einer der Berghütten in die<br />
Sonne setzen und die warmen Strahlen genießen.<br />
Sonnenskilauf nennt sich das Ganze. Es ist ein Erlebnis.<br />
Für alle begeisterten Skifahrer ist es eines, das<br />
man sich auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen sollte.<br />
Ski-Enthusiasten versetzt die Erwähnung des Namens<br />
Arlberg ohnehin in Verzücken. Nicht ohne<br />
Grund zählt diese Gebirgslandschaft an der Grenze<br />
zwischen den Bundesländern Tirol und Vorarlberg<br />
zu den beliebtesten Skiregionen Österreichs. Zwischen<br />
den Ortschaften St. Anton, St. Christoph, Stuben,<br />
Lech und Zürs spannt sich mit mehr als 300<br />
Kilometer markierten Skiabfahrten, 200 Kilometer<br />
hochalpinen Tiefschnee-Abfahrten und 88 Bergbahnen<br />
und Liften das größte zusammenhängende Skigebiet<br />
Österreichs, das fünftgrößte der Welt. Der<br />
Arlberg ist der Realität gewordene Traum eines jeden<br />
alpinen Skisportlers.<br />
Von Mitte März bis Ende April nun, dann also,<br />
wenn die meisten anderen Skiresorts bereits ihren<br />
Betrieb eingestellt haben, kommen Skifahrer und<br />
Snowboarder aus aller Welt auf den Arlberg. Fast<br />
schwerelos gleiten sie über den griffigen, leicht zu<br />
fahrenden Schnee, auf dem sich selbst Ungeübte<br />
wohl fühlen. Und was gibt es Schöneres, als vormittags<br />
elegante Schwünge zu ziehen und nachmittags<br />
in einem Liegestuhl auf einer der zahlreichen Sonnenterrassen<br />
den Blick auf das umliegende Bergpanorama<br />
bei strahlend blauem Himmel zu genießen?<br />
Der Arlberg ist ein Gebiet, das für alle etwas zu<br />
bieten hat. Das elegant-entspannte Gourmetdorf<br />
Lech, das prominente Ski-Hideaway Zürs, das familiäre<br />
Stuben, das sportive St. Anton und das geschichtsträchtige<br />
St. Christoph – jeder dieser Orte<br />
hat sein ganz eigenes Profil. Und so pilgern jedes<br />
Jahr hippe Freerider auf den Arlberg ebenso wie europäischer<br />
Hochadel, der den Arlberg traditionell als<br />
diskretes Refugium zu schätzen weiß.<br />
Auch abseits der Piste ist in diesen frühlingshaften<br />
Monaten einiges los. In diesem Jahr selbstverständlich<br />
unter Berücksichtigung der gebotenen<br />
Vorsichtsmaßnahmen. Ein ganz besonders Vergnügen<br />
bereitet der Arlberg den Feinschmeckern. Vor<br />
allem zwei Restaurants in der kleinen Ortschaft Zug<br />
haben sich zu Hotspots anspruchsvoller Gourmets<br />
entwickelt. Der Rote Wand Chef ’s Table, wo mit Max<br />
Natmessnig einer von Österreichs spannendsten<br />
jungen Küchenchefs ans Werk geht, sowie das Jakob<br />
& Ethel im Klösterle, in dem eine Köchin aus Singapur<br />
und ein Koch aus Südtirol, die im legendären<br />
schwedischen Restaurant Fäviken zusammenfanden,<br />
alpine Traditionen mit zeitgemäßen Techniken verbinden.<br />
Dem Gourmet-Führer Gault Millau ist das<br />
nicht entgangen und so weisen die fünf Arlberg-Orte<br />
gemessen an der Bevölkerungszahl die höchste<br />
Dichte an Haubenlokalen in Österreich auf.<br />
Zwei Events sorgen für musikalische Unterhaltung.<br />
Vom 3. bis 18. April erzeugt das „Tanzcafé Arlberg<br />
Music Festival“ in den eleganten Lecher und<br />
Zürser Hotels und Bars und auf deren Sonnenterrassen<br />
nostalgisches Après-Ski-Feeling und vom 8. bis<br />
10. April bringt das „New Orleans Meets Snow”-<br />
Festival coole Südstaaten-Atmosphäre nach St. Anton<br />
am Arlberg.<br />
Den Abschluss der Saison bildet schließlich das<br />
Fahrvergnügen.<br />
Curving fun.<br />
Was gibt es für einen Skifahrer Schöneres,<br />
als auf perfektem, jungfräulichem<br />
Schnee ins Tal zu kurven? Am Arlberg<br />
hat man gute Gelegenheiten dazu.<br />
What could be better for a skier than<br />
curving around in the valley on perfect,<br />
virgin snow? On the Arlberg you have<br />
good opportunities to do so.<br />
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Viel Sonne und eine traumhafte<br />
Gebirgskulisse.<br />
Lots of sun and a dreamlike<br />
mountain backdrop.<br />
INFO:<br />
Ski Arlberg<br />
skiarlberg.at<br />
Tourismusverband St. Anton<br />
am Arlberg<br />
stantonamarlberg.com<br />
Lech Zürs Tourismus<br />
lechzuers.com<br />
Kultrennen „Der Weiße Rausch“, das in diesem Jahr<br />
am 23. April stattfindet. Gut 500 Teilnehmer treffen<br />
sich auf 2.645 Meter Höhe zum Massenstart. Skifahrer,<br />
Snowboarder und Telemarker sausen vom Vallugagrat<br />
hinab ins Tal. Zwischen hier und dem Ziel in<br />
St. Anton liegen 1.350 Höhenmeter und ein zehrender<br />
150 Meter langer Zwischenaufstieg.<br />
Der „Weiße Rausch“ zählt – wie der „Weiße Ring“<br />
in Lech, Zürs, Zug und Oberlech, der im Jänner gefahren<br />
wird – zu den spektakulärsten und herausforderndsten<br />
Wettbewerben für Amateur-Skifahrer.<br />
Und beide Rennen sind längst Kult.<br />
When the days start getting longer again,<br />
the sun warmer and the weather friendlier,<br />
there is no need to leave your skis in<br />
your garage until the next winter. As a matter of fact,<br />
on Arlberg mountain, spring marks the beginning of<br />
what is many people’s favourite skiing season. Thanks<br />
to the mountain massif ’s altitude, there is still plenty<br />
of snow left, and the interaction between icy nights<br />
and warm spring days creates a special, creamy layer<br />
of snow with excellent grip, guaranteeing loads of skiing<br />
fun. The lifts and cable cars are, of course, still<br />
operational, and between runs, you can sit down in<br />
front of one of the mountain huts and take in the<br />
warm sun. It’s called “Sonnenskilauf ” (sun skiing),<br />
and for skiing fans, it’s an experience that shouldn’t be<br />
missed.<br />
When skiing aficionados hear the name “Arlberg”,<br />
they usually have a hard time containing themselves<br />
– and not without reason, for the mountain massif on<br />
the border between the provinces of Tyrol and Vorarlberg<br />
is one of Austria’s most beloved skiing regions.<br />
Between the villages of St. Anton, St. Christoph,<br />
Stuben, Lech and Zürs, you will find more than 300<br />
km of marked ski runs, 200 km of high-alpine deepsnow<br />
descents, 88 mountain railways and lifts, making<br />
it the biggest contiguous ski resort in all of Austria,<br />
and the fifth-biggest in the world. The Arlberg is<br />
every alpine skier’s dream come true.<br />
From mid-March to the end of April, when most<br />
other ski resorts have already closed, skiers and<br />
snowboarders from all over the world make their way<br />
to Arlberg. Almost weightlessly, they then glide across<br />
the grippy snow that even inexperienced skiers<br />
will feel at ease skiing on. And what could be better<br />
than making elegant turns in the morning and then<br />
taking in the view of the surrounding mountain panorama<br />
in the afternoon while relaxing on a deck chair<br />
on one of the numerous sun terraces under a perfect<br />
blue sky?<br />
The Arlberg area has something to offer for everyone.<br />
The elegant and laid-back gourmet village of<br />
Lech, the popular skiing hideaway of Zürs, the well-<br />
known Stuben, the sporty St. Anton and the historic<br />
St. Christoph – each one of these places offers their<br />
own unique character. And thus, every year, the hippest<br />
skiers and freeriders make their way to Arl