Ashburton Courier: March 03, 2022
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MARCH 3, <strong>2022</strong> | |Phone: 308 7664<br />
2447574<br />
PAGE 6<br />
Work wanted<br />
for youth<br />
Safer Mid Canterbury volunteers Malcolm Dellow(left) and daughter Matilda with volunteer coordinator WendyHewitt. PHOTODANIELTOBIN<br />
Bikes helping refugee families<br />
PAGE 7<br />
Alook behind<br />
the curtain<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
If you have an old bike or afew<br />
rusty scooters collecting dust<br />
in yourshed the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
refugee settlement support<br />
service would love to get their<br />
hands on them.<br />
Volunteer Malcolm Dellow<br />
has been busy in his workshop<br />
transforming unwanted bikes<br />
into roadworthy, safe cycles<br />
for Afghanistan refugee<br />
families.<br />
Safer Mid Canterbury<br />
volunteer coordinator Wendy<br />
Hewitt said they gotthe<br />
contract to run the refugee<br />
settlement programme in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>in2021.<br />
‘‘We started getting families<br />
in May lastyear, the Safer Mid<br />
Canterbury settlement team<br />
organise the housing, health<br />
and education and eachfamily<br />
gets ateam of volunteers to<br />
help themsettle, like<br />
Malcolm.’’<br />
Malcolm who is semiretired<br />
describes himself as the ‘odd<br />
job’ man.<br />
‘‘I justhelpfix bits and<br />
pieces.’’<br />
Malcolm heard about a<br />
similar bike scheme in<br />
Wellington.<br />
‘‘I heard on the radio that<br />
they were teaching refugee<br />
ladies how to ridebikes in<br />
Wellington, and all the bikes<br />
weredonated and Ithought<br />
thatwas amazing.<br />
‘‘It started off with the first<br />
family. Ihad abike here, I<br />
thought Idon'tneed it, it was<br />
quite agood bikeI’ll throw the<br />
bikeinwith the other things.<br />
That's howitstarted,’’hesaid.<br />
Continued Page 2<br />
PAGE 15<br />
Record goal<br />
for speedster<br />
HONDA HF2417<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Build customers,<br />
sales and profits<br />
withus...<br />
Delivered to all homes,<br />
lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />
MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />
news<br />
Daniel Tobin<br />
Editor<br />
308 7664<br />
027 628 7679<br /><br />
Reporters<br />
Mick Jensen<br /><br />
Toni Williams<br /><br />
advertising<br />
Jann Thompson<br />
Sales Manager<br />
308 7664<br />
027 587 6351<br /><br />
Karen Gane<br />
Sales Account Manager<br />
308 7664<br />
021 510 804<br /><br />
get in touch<br />
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CreativeManager<br /><br />
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Distribution/Deliveries<br /><br />
Office<br /><br />
<strong>03</strong> 308 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
Second bridge road plan<br />
Survey work hasbegun on anew<br />
road in Tinwald linking<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’splanned secondbridge<br />
offChalmersAvenue.<br />
Theworkispartofadetailed<br />
businesscasefor thesecond bridge,<br />
adraft of whichshouldbefinished<br />
by July.<br />
It will be used by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council to negotiate<br />
fundingcontributionsfromWaka<br />
Kotahi Transport Agencyand<br />
government.<br />
Thebusinesscasesets out<br />
reasons whythe bridgeisneeded,<br />
what it will look likeand how much<br />
it willcost.<br />
Waka Kotahi andTeRunanga o<br />
Arowhenuaare among keypartners<br />
in theplanning so far,along with<br />
otherkey stakeholders.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District mayor Neil<br />
Brown said the second bridge was<br />
important forthe resilienceofthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> district, as it provided a<br />
vital link if theStateHighway1<br />
Bikes needed for good cause<br />
From Page1<br />
Bikes donated for refugeefamilies<br />
range fromalmost new ebikes to<br />
cycles thatrequire abit of work.<br />
Tinkerer MalcolmDellow canmake<br />
acompletebike out of partsfrom<br />
variousbikes. Butfemale bikes<br />
withthe low bar aremost wanted<br />
because the women often wore<br />
dresses.<br />
‘‘Theytendtolikeladies bikes<br />
rather thanthe unisexones, we<br />
haveashortage of them,’’ Malcolm<br />
said.<br />
Helmets arealso neededbut they<br />
can’t be secondhand, so cash<br />
donations or newhelmets are<br />
welcome.<br />
Malcolm’sdaughter Matildaisa<br />
Norma’s<br />
Recommendation<br />
bridge was closed,asinlastyear’s<br />
flood event.<br />
“Weare looking forwardtoseeing<br />
thedetailed business case<br />
completed because thenwecan<br />
seek thefunding we need and get<br />
workstartedassoonaswecan.”<br />
The survey work that started on<br />
February 14 is part of the<br />
preliminary design work anduntil<br />
mid<strong>March</strong>consultantsStantec will<br />
be surveyingland along thenew<br />
road alignment fromGrahams Road<br />
north towards Chalmers Avenue<br />
and ending at the Dobson Street/<br />
Chalmers Avenue intersection.<br />
The new road runs parallel with<br />
Grove Street.<br />
Surveyorswill be identifying<br />
topographicalfeaturesaswellas<br />
locatingutilities andservices.<br />
Owners of properties along the<br />
alignmentroute havebeen<br />
contactedwhere surveyorswill<br />
need accesstorecord groundlevels<br />
andfeatures,includingdriveway<br />
family supportvolunteer withSafer<br />
Mid Canterbury.<br />
‘‘She deliversthe bikes and<br />
drivesthe familiestothe<br />
supermarkets, shejustloves it.’’<br />
Volunteer coordinatorWendy<br />
Hewitt said donatedbikes gave the<br />
families aformoftransport as many<br />
do nothavetheir driverslicence<br />
yet.<br />
‘‘Every family or persongetting a<br />
bikeitimmediatelygivesthem<br />
independence andamode of<br />
transport,’’she said. Scootersare in<br />
demand withthe kids.<br />
‘‘Mostpeople throwtheirscooter<br />
awaybecausethe steering gets<br />
loose, they don't realiseit’saquick<br />
job to fix,’’ Malcomsaid<br />
Malcolm hasbeen surprised at<br />
Flavourbomb by BelindaMacDonald<br />
Fast,fresh,fun keto forKiwis<br />
Over 150 recipes from vibrantKiwi ketocook,Belinda<br />
MacDonald –joint 2014 winner of My Kitchen Rules NZ.<br />
Her new book has awonderful selection of main meals<br />
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elevations, fence andhedge<br />
locations, andutilityconnections.<br />
Mr Brownsaidcouncilhad been<br />
purchasing sections since theland<br />
designation hearingin2015and the<br />
proposed new road was shownon<br />
the District Plan.<br />
“Thesecond bridge will provide<br />
an alternative connectionbetween<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Tinwald, improve<br />
road safety for all those livingon<br />
the east side of Tinwald,and<br />
provide resilience to the South<br />
Island.Peoplewill have another<br />
waytocross the river, beitinacar,<br />
cycling, or on foot.’’<br />
Below: Anew road in Tinwald is<br />
proposed for the second bridge site.<br />
the people whohave beenmost<br />
generous.<br />
‘‘Itisoften often the people you<br />
lestexpect to be interested, people<br />
who are on their bonesoftheir<br />
bumsthemselves are the ones<br />
donating themost.’’<br />
Donatedbikes,scooters, lawn<br />
mowers andgarden tools can be<br />
droppedinto Malcolm at 38<br />
HepburnsRoadorphone027 475<br />
4241.<br />
Donations fornew helmets canbe<br />
given to Safer Mid Canterbury.<br />
246<strong>03</strong>38<br />
2388023<br />
212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
3<br />
Overall rates increase of 9.4 %expected<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is<br />
planning to defer some<br />
projects, but thedistrict’s next<br />
overall rates increase is still<br />
expected to be 9.4 per cent.<br />
After aseries of workshops<br />
over the pastmonth to discuss<br />
budget challengesbecause of<br />
Covid19 andinflation, adraft<br />
plan nowshows council will<br />
need to collect $44.265 million<br />
in rates across the district,<br />
compared to $40m collected<br />
this financial year.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District mayor<br />
NeilBrown said theoverall<br />
rates increase was about 9.4 per<br />
cent, but would vary across the<br />
district depending on where<br />
ratepayers lived and how much<br />
their properties had been<br />
affectedby recent government<br />
revaluations.<br />
“We’ve spent alot of time<br />
discussing how we canfund the<br />
things our ratepayerswant and<br />
expectwhenthe cost of doing<br />
business has risenso<br />
dramatically because of supply<br />
Photo: Neil Brown<br />
chain issues and inflation.<br />
‘‘The AnnualPlan will be a<br />
nofrills plan about spending on<br />
projects we havetodo, while<br />
maintaining daytoday<br />
services.”<br />
Council will consider<br />
approving the draft Annual<br />
Planatits April 6meeting,and<br />
because it is different from<br />
whatwas proposed in the Long<br />
TermPlan, council will also be<br />
consulting withthe community<br />
from April 7until May6and<br />
will finalise it the following<br />
month.<br />
Mr Brown saidcouncilwas<br />
committed to gettingfeedback<br />
from the community and<br />
hearingpeople’s views.<br />
“Wealso want to talk about<br />
how we arrived at these<br />
figuresand we willbeholding<br />
several meetings across the<br />
district.<br />
“A complicatingfactor this<br />
year has been thethreeyearly<br />
revaluation ofproperties,<br />
which will affect urban<br />
ratepayers more as thevalue<br />
of theirhomes has risen more<br />
so thanrural properties.”<br />
As wellasdeferringthe<br />
revamp of Balmoral Hall,<br />
council is alsoproposing to<br />
deferbuildinganew access<br />
road to the<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />
Mr Brownsaidcouncil had<br />
heardresidents'concerns<br />
aboutroadingand plannedto<br />
use$2m fromreservestoboost<br />
maintenanceand<br />
improvements on thesealed<br />
andunsealednetwork.<br />
ECan plans<br />
for big rise<br />
Environment Canterbury (ECan)is<br />
proposing a24.1percent rate increase in<br />
their draft Annual Planfor <strong>2022</strong>/23 and<br />
submissions on theplan are nowopen.<br />
ECan chair Jenny Hugheysaidthedraft<br />
plancarefullyconsidered howthe<br />
organisationand the community might<br />
accelerateaction in response to climate<br />
change.<br />
“I’mexcited aboutthe options we're<br />
proposing to encourage people to use public<br />
buses rather than private cars, given the<br />
urgentneed to reduceemissionsdue to<br />
planetary overshoot. We must alsorespond<br />
to themajor floods from lastyear,and<br />
ensure we are well placed to face more<br />
severeand frequentweather events.”<br />
The LongTerm Plan202131indicatesan<br />
18.8%increase in total rates required forthe<br />
planned activities in the<strong>2022</strong>/23year,but a<br />
24.1% increase is now beingproposed.<br />
Theactualrates increase for ratepayers<br />
will depend on the location and value of the<br />
property being rated.<br />
ECan is seeking submissions in particular<br />
on three topics, allofwhich are related to<br />
climatechange.They are: thetrialof<br />
reducedor freebus fares in Greater<br />
Christchurch;recovery from the regional<br />
impactofthe May2021floods,and howwe<br />
payfor that, as well as the distribution of<br />
costs forflood protection in the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
River/ Hakatere ratingdistrict; and future<br />
fundingfor action in response to climate<br />
change, and ensuring thecosts are fairly<br />
distributed.<br />
Submissions are open until April 3.<br />
Testing moves<br />
to South Street<br />
Demandfor covidtests in <strong>Ashburton</strong> has<br />
been so high the longstanding Covid19<br />
community testing centre has moved from<br />
the grounds of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital to a<br />
larger space at South Street.<br />
Canterbury District Health Board<br />
Emergency Coordination Centreincident<br />
controller Tracey Maisey said increased<br />
demand had been an issue at community<br />
testing centres across the Canterbury<br />
region.<br />
The new<strong>Ashburton</strong>drivein centreisat<br />
theformer <strong>Ashburton</strong> Contracting Ltd<br />
(ACL) building, at 48 South Street.<br />
Entrance to the testing centre is via the<br />
south end of William Street, and off The<br />
Terrace, opposite the Menz Shedentry.<br />
Itisopen seven days aweek, from10am<br />
to 2pm.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
Fast Freeze Option<br />
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was$749<br />
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699<br />
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Aspire15.6’’Laptop<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Contactless living increases<br />
Blacklight<br />
ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />
If you have seen any of the “Taken”movies<br />
you know what toexpect with this new<br />
Liam Neeson thriller.<br />
In Blacklight, Travis Block (Liam Neeson) is<br />
aspecial behind-the-scenes operative for<br />
the FBI whose job is to protect undercover<br />
agents. Heworks directly for the bureau<br />
director,GabrielRobinson (Aidan Quinn).<br />
He is just thinking of retiring when suddenly<br />
one of his friends is gunned down in frontof<br />
him, and his daughter and granddaughter<br />
disappear.Sohehas to jumpinto action...<br />
find out what’sgoing on beforeitistoo late!<br />
We likeany moviethatLiamNeeson is in! He<br />
is the perfect olderactionguy!<br />
Sometimes people over analyse movies<br />
when theyare just goodentertainment.<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
2450868<br />
2460672<br />
Online ordering, telephoneorders<br />
and contactless delivery are on the<br />
rise as the surge in positive covid<br />
cases increases in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Positive cases significantly<br />
increasedthisweekand with people<br />
becoming increasingly covid<br />
cautious, more businesses have staff<br />
working fromhome, on separated<br />
shiftsordifferent offices, while<br />
othershad limited public accessto<br />
buildings or changed serviceoptions;<br />
contactless andonlineservices were<br />
becoming morepopular.<br />
Frequentrapidantigen testing is<br />
also being donebysome businesses<br />
providing criticalservicesand more<br />
pupils are doing at homelearning.<br />
Tinwald Supervalue coowner<br />
Gaylene Thompson said their online<br />
orderingand delivery, in place since<br />
lockdown 2020, had customers<br />
aroundthe district, although the<br />
majoritywereonthe south side of the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> River.<br />
The shelveswerefull, people were<br />
buying sensibly (notstockpiling) and<br />
products were able to be sourced<br />
from alternative suppliers directlyas<br />
necessary.<br />
There is uncertainty, she said. ‘‘But<br />
we’ll do thebest we canwith what we<br />
canget.’’<br />
The supermarket had regular<br />
onlinecustomersbut it had been<br />
beneficial forpeople who werenow<br />
isolating or covid cautious, shesaid.<br />
Duringpast lockdowns there were<br />
up to 10 people aday phoning to<br />
ordergroceries, ontop of the online<br />
orders.<br />
The service is availablesix days a<br />
weekintown, and up to three days a<br />
weekfor ruraldeliveries, she said.<br />
Acontactless pickup optionwas<br />
also in theplanning stages.<br />
It would allow peopletoorder their<br />
Gaylene Thompson, of Tinwald Supervalue, says the shelves are full, and<br />
people are buying what they need, not stockpiling.<br />
groceries and have them delivered to<br />
them in the carpark, contactlessly.<br />
Somepeople getregular deliveries<br />
throughthe service, others buy in<br />
store but go onlinewhenitsuits, she<br />
said.<br />
There were also peoplestill<br />
phoning their delivery orders<br />
through, which was fine,Mrs<br />
Thompson said.<br />
They were usually older customers,<br />
or those withlimited or no online<br />
services at home.<br />
Covid casesacross the districthave<br />
resulted in agrowing number of cases<br />
at schoolsand some parentshad<br />
chosen to have children learning<br />
from home.<br />
The MinistryofEducationhas<br />
clearinformationfor schools to<br />
distribute to parents about protocols<br />
in place, andtheir abilitytoremain<br />
open.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegeprincipal Ross<br />
Preece, speaking to the college<br />
school community, saiditwas only<br />
naturalascasesinthe community<br />
increased, they wouldappear atthe<br />
school.<br />
‘‘Wehave really good systemsin<br />
place to respond to thisand to keep<br />
anyspread of the virus, should it<br />
appear, to aminimum.’’<br />
He said research had suggested<br />
covid transmission at schoolswas<br />
very low (lessthan four percent).<br />
‘‘This is why we remainopen at<br />
Red.It’s great for achild’s wellbeing<br />
andlearningtobeatschool with<br />
their friends andschool staff, andwe<br />
haveverygoodsystems in place to<br />
keep everyone as safe as possible.’’<br />
Aviation buffs award finalists<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>AviationMuseum is<br />
thrilled to be one of the finalists in<br />
the Excellence in Tourism Awards<br />
being held as partofthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District ANZBusiness of the Year<br />
Award.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil has<br />
partneredwith ANZand Ri Ra<br />
Events to host the inaugural event,<br />
which aims to recognise and<br />
celebrate local business excellence.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>AviationMuseum<br />
collects, restores and displays<br />
historical aircraft at its complex at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport.<br />
Included in thecollectionisNew<br />
Zealand's only Harrier Jump Jet and<br />
one of just eightSkyhawks.The<br />
museumalso has many items relating<br />
to aviation history.<br />
Museumimmediate pastpresident<br />
Warren Janett said the award<br />
nomination recognised the hardwork<br />
and dedication of members past and<br />
present overthe last40years.<br />
Themuseumhad comealong way<br />
overthattimeand considered itself<br />
to be ‘‘in the big league’’inNew<br />
Zealand when it cametoaviation<br />
exhibits.<br />
Being nominated promoted the<br />
museum and acknowledged it as<br />
being apopular attractionfor visitors<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong>,hesaid.<br />
Others up for thetourism award<br />
are Adventure Balloons NZ,Bella<br />
Vista Motel, Brinkley Resort and<br />
Southern Cross Lodge. While the<br />
finalists in anumberofcategories<br />
have beennamed,anawardsevening<br />
and blacktie gala dinnerhas been<br />
delayed because of covidrestrictions.<br />
Super<br />
HOT DEAL!<br />
$<br />
9 99<br />
MERLOT<br />
750ml<br />
Manager’s SPECIALS<br />
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Water purifiers<br />
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Reduction of nitrates and<br />
heavy metals •Giardia safe<br />
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ARTHUR<br />
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TEL 308 5397<br /><br />
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<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Ph.308 7149<br />
MSA<br /><br />
HOURS<br />
Monday<br />
Tuesday-Thursday<br />
Friday&Saturday<br />
Sunday<br />
10:00am -6:00pm<br />
10:00am -8:00pm<br />
10:00am -9:00pm<br />
10:00am -6:00pm<br />
Offer ends<br />
13 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
*Terms and conditions apply<br />
NEWS<br />
6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
Agate display at museum<br />
Agatefans are in for atreat withthe opening<br />
of anew exhibition at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museumon<br />
<strong>March</strong>6.<br />
Called From the Hills, theexhibition<br />
explores agates formedinthe Mid<br />
Canterburyfoothills over millions of years.<br />
Anyone with an interest in thedistrict’s<br />
naturalhistory will learn more abouthow<br />
agates are formed, where they are found and<br />
howthey arecut andpolished.<br />
Various agates from the museum’s own<br />
collection willbeondisplay andalso agates<br />
on loan fromlocal collector Malcolm Luxton.<br />
MrLuxton is an acknowledged authority<br />
on New Zealand agates andin2015 penned<br />
a340page bookonthe subject. The<br />
exhibition From the Hills runs until June 5.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum collections assistant<br />
Anita Badger with some of the agates set to<br />
feature in the exhibition.<br />
YMCA youth coach Kate Fogarty.<br />
Local youth need<br />
workexperience<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
YMCA youth coach Kate Fogarty is<br />
on amissiontofindlocalbusinesses<br />
willingtotakeonyoung people to<br />
helpthem gainvaluableworkplace<br />
experience.<br />
Kate has20high risk youthonher<br />
books aged 1518.<br />
High risk youthare youngpeople<br />
who have afamily history of being<br />
on thebenefit, mental health or<br />
drugs issues.<br />
Kate said herjob is about finding<br />
what their path is, where they need<br />
to go andwhattheyneedtodo,<br />
whether it is educationor<br />
employment.<br />
Shealsohelps with car licensing,<br />
including paying for the tests and<br />
driving lessons.<br />
It is ajob that has challenges but is<br />
rewarding when she sees the change<br />
in ayoung person.<br />
‘‘I’ve got acouple of youngpeople<br />
I’ve had since they were 15,they<br />
wanted out of mainstream school,<br />
they've since gainedtheir NZCA<br />
levels 1and2,oneofthem gottheir<br />
restricted licence lastweek,and<br />
came in and showed me andwedid<br />
ahappy dance,and is now enrolled<br />
in Ara, this fromakidwho was very<br />
mopey when they firstcome in<br />
here,’’ Kate said.<br />
Businesseswhohaveafter school<br />
work, casual work or justaweek of<br />
work experience areencouraged to<br />
get in touch with Kate.<br />
‘‘We need peoplewho have<br />
patience and are keentohelpyoung<br />
people withoutexperience get their<br />
foot in thedoor.<br />
‘‘Itdoesn't have to be paid, aweek<br />
of work experience is valuablefor a<br />
young person.’’<br />
Covid settingsare addinganextra<br />
hurdlefor some youth who are<br />
unvaccinated.<br />
‘‘I’m really hittingabrick wall<br />
with myyoung people who are<br />
unvaccinated,especially driver<br />
licensing, at themoment if you’re<br />
unvaccinatedyou can’t receivea<br />
professionaldriving lesson, andyou<br />
can’t sit practicaldrivingtests<br />
either,’’ she said.<br />
There is nomagic wand in dealing<br />
with high risk youth,but<br />
perseverance helps.<br />
‘‘It’s really just findingout what<br />
they enjoy andgoing with that, once<br />
you canfind the spark youcan find<br />
ajob that goeswiththat,’’ shesaid.<br />
Kate’ssupport doesn'tstop after a<br />
young personisplaced into ajob,<br />
she continues to assistboththe<br />
youth and employer, including<br />
funding gear and equipment<br />
purchases.<br />
If you have positions that maybe<br />
suitablecontact Kate at<br /><br />
Learn how you can gain the knowledge and skills<br />
locally to nurture and support pregnant women<br />
through one of life’s most meaningful events.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Locally-specific Zoom session<br />
4pm-5.30pm, Wednesday 23 <strong>March</strong><br />
Formoreinformation contact:<br />
Mel Pow<br />
021 438 376<br /><br /><br />
to receivezoomlink<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Event centre doing it tough<br />
7<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre manager Roger Farr<br />
operates alighting desk.<br />
Behind the<br />
scenes look<br />
at theatre<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre is opening<br />
it’sdoors this weekend to give thepublica<br />
lookbehind thescenesathow showbiz<br />
magic is made.<br />
Theatres around thecountryare taking<br />
part in the event in association with<br />
Musical Theatre New Zealand.<br />
Event centre managerRoger Farr saidit<br />
is about keepingthe flag flyingfor theatre<br />
performanceand venues.<br />
‘‘Because of covid settingsit’sbeen<br />
decimated andit could be anothersix<br />
months before we seeitcomeback<br />
together again,’’hesaid.<br />
Thepublicwillget the opportunity to<br />
see the work involvedbehind thescenes<br />
when aproduction isonstage.<br />
‘‘Weare offering atour of the venue, to<br />
seeinto thenooks andcranniesofhow the<br />
magiciscreated.’’<br />
There willbethe opportunity for people<br />
to be handson.<br />
‘‘They willbeable to operatelighting,<br />
soundaudio visual and what we intend is<br />
to have live performers on stage andthen<br />
peoplewillbeable to runthe lighting or<br />
sounddesk under the watchful eyeofour<br />
technicians,’’ Mr Farr said.<br />
Theactors arevolunteeringtheir time<br />
for the day.<br />
‘‘We’re very lucky in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,thereis<br />
agreat teamofperformers whoare very<br />
willing to help outwhen we needthem.’’<br />
Theeventcentre will be open this<br />
Saturday from10amto 2pm, if youwantto<br />
takepartinthe technical side you can<br />
preregister at the boxofficeorbyemail at<br /><br />
GREAT<br />
RATES<br />
PC Repairs, Set-up and Tutoring<br />
Icome to youday or evening!<br />
NewPCs<br />
and Laptops<br />
forsale<br />
•PCRepairs/Sales •Networks/Servers<br />
•Firewalls/Security •Spyware Clean-up •Training<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
RogerFarr has once againreported a<br />
‘‘rollercoaster’’six months atthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>EventCentre,drivenby<br />
covidrestrictions anduncertainty.<br />
He told <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
councillorsatasixmonthly reporting<br />
meeting that incomeoverthe period<br />
hadbeendecimated.<br />
‘‘The nextsix months willbetough<br />
andthecalendarisnotlookingpretty,’’<br />
he said.<br />
Whileuncertainty continued within<br />
theindustry,the venueremained<br />
positive in planning forthe future.<br />
Adecision has been made to push on<br />
with theupgradeoftechnicaland<br />
venuefacilities.<br />
‘‘Evaluationandplanning for the<br />
<br />
EA Networksisupdating thepricesitcharges to electricityretailersfor the electricitydeliveryservice in its<strong>Ashburton</strong> basednetwork area. Thedelivery<br />
service includes thetransmission and distribution of electricitytohomes and businesses, but does notinclude thecostofthe electricityitself. Pleaserefer<br />
to your electricity retailer fordetails of retailelectricity prices. EANetworksisthe trading name of Electricity <strong>Ashburton</strong>Limited. Our officesare at<br />
22 JB Cullen Drive,<strong>Ashburton</strong>BusinessEstate, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Youcan calluson0800 430460, send us an, or visit<br /><br />
Connection<br />
category<br />
General <br />
supply GS05 General Supplyless Capacitycharge 0.5183 0.5320 $/con/day<br />
than 5kVA<br />
GS20 General Supply 20kVA Capacitycharge 0.1500 0.3000 $/con/day<br />
GS50 General Supply 50kVA Capacitycharge 0.3000 0.7500 $/con/day<br />
G100 General Supply 100 kVA Capacitycharge 0.6000 2.5800 $/con/day<br />
G150 General Supply 150 kVA Capacitycharge 0.9000 4.6000 $/con/day<br />
Anytimesupply 0.0776 0.0689 $/kWh<br />
Controlled 16h supply 0.0160 0.0140 $/kWh<br />
Nightboost supply 0.0160 0.0140 $/kWh<br />
Night only supply 0.0000 0.0000 $/kWh<br />
Anytime injection 0.0000 0.0000 $/kWh<br />
Unmeteredstreet lighting 0.1907 0.1901 $/fixture/day<br />
Unmeteredfloodlighting 0.2819 0.2876 $/fixture/day<br />
Unmeteredverandah lighting 0.2482 0.2532 $/fixture/day<br />
Irrigation ISCH Irrigation Capacitycharge 0.3560 0.3550 $/kW/day<br />
Anytimesupply 0.0000 0.0000 $/kWh<br />
ISCF Irrigation without Capacitycharge 0.4560 0.4550 $/kW/day<br />
harmonic mitigation Anytime supply 0.0000 0.0000 $/kWh<br />
ISCM Irrigation Managed Trial Capacity charge 0.3560 NA $/kW/day<br />
(ending 31 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>) Irrigationmanaged rebate (0.1000) NA $/kW/day<br />
Anytimesupply 0.0000 NA $/kWh<br />
Industrial ICMD Industrial Supply Anytimedemandcharge 0.3297 0.3313 $/kVA/day<br />
ICDYMD Industrial Day Demand Day demand charge 0.3297 0.3313 $/kVA/day<br />
ICDPD Industrial Peak Demand Peak demandcharge 0.0700 0.0748 $/kVA/day<br />
Anytime demandcharge 0.2597 0.2565 $/kVA/day<br />
Large LUCM ANZCO Seafield Plant Fixedcharge 694.2752 693.9621 $/day<br />
Users Anytimedemandcharge 0.0759 0.0754 $/kVA/day<br />
LUPP Talley'sFairfield Plant Fixedcharge 97.3677 97.3238 $/day<br />
Anytimedemandcharge 0.0768 0.0764 $/kVA/day<br />
LUMH Mt Hutt SkiArea Fixed charge 334.2198 334.0691 $/day<br />
Peak demandcharge 0.0601 0.0576 $/kVA/day<br />
LUHP HighbankPumps Capacity charge 0.1375 0.1385 $/kW/day<br />
Generation LUHB Highbank Fixedcharge 933.2564 932.8355 $/day<br />
LUMO Montalto Fixed charge 95.6663 95.6232 $/day<br />
LUCD Cleardale Fixedcharge 69.5061 68.5883 $/day<br />
LULN Lavington Fixedcharge 19.2526 19.2439 $/day<br />
Street<br />
lighting<br />
muchneededupgrade provides afocus<br />
forstaff andmanagementand will<br />
ensurethe venueremains ahub for<br />
quality entertainment,‘‘ MrFarrsaid.<br />
He saidstaff weredown to four days<br />
aweekunder theRedlightsetting and<br />
thefocusgoingforwardwas onhosting<br />
morelocal events.<br />
TheJulytoDecember2021period<br />
included atwoweek lockdown in<br />
August andatotalof 52cancellations.<br />
Thedays useinthe mainauditorium<br />
atthe event centre forthe Julyto<br />
Decemberin2019was96,in2020itwas<br />
36and in 2021itwas 34.<br />
Mr Farr saidahuge disappointment<br />
inrecent months hadbeen the<br />
cancellationofJesusChrist Superstar.<br />
Some 1886tickets had been soldfor<br />
thelocalproduction, withthree<br />
quartersofthose now refunded.<br />
‘‘It’sbeenhumbling with the refunds<br />
that close to $7000 has beendonated to<br />
theevent centre by ticket holders.’’<br />
MrFarrsaid an application made to<br />
theArtsand CultureEvents Support<br />
SchemetounderwriteJesus Christ<br />
Superstar had been successful.<br />
Whilemany events were cancelledin<br />
thesix month reporting period,the<br />
event centredid hostthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Collegeschoolball, twocultural<br />
community events andMid Canterbury<br />
Children’s Theatre show TheLittle<br />
Mermaid.Theyearfinished with the<br />
very successfulChristmas show AllI<br />
Want for Christmas.<br />
The eventcentreisasking $310,814<br />
fromcouncil in itsdraft budget for<br />
<strong>2022</strong>/23, slightlyupon last year.<br />
Pricecategory Description Previousdeliveryprice New deliveryprice Unitof<br />
1April2021to from1April<strong>2022</strong> measure<br />
31 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
(exclGST)<br />
(exclGST)<br />
MCSL Street Lighting Unmeteredstreet lighting 0.1907 0.1901 $/fixture/day<br />
<br />
<br />
20 YearsExperience Microso Cerfied Professional<br />
Robin Johnstone 67 Aitken Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P: <strong>03</strong> 308 1440 C: 027 768 4058<br /><br />
2450948<br />
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Space tight,<br />
but staff busy<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
Office spaceistightfor Safer<br />
Mid Canterbury(SMC) staff but<br />
the community services<br />
provider continues to fill an<br />
increasing socialneed in the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District.<br />
The organisation is asking<br />
council for $243,054 of ‘‘seed’’<br />
fundingtohelp it deliver<br />
services for the coming 12<br />
months.<br />
SMC employs 32 people and<br />
has 45 regularservice<br />
volunteers. It rents asizeable<br />
space in CommunityHouse Mid<br />
Canterbury and is in<br />
discussions with the landlord to<br />
manageneeds.<br />
SMC manager Kevin Clifford<br />
said office space was closeto<br />
capacity and in the short term<br />
some staff wereworking<br />
elsewhere. While there was<br />
space in the current offices it<br />
was more difficult to operate at<br />
the moment because of covid<br />
protocols.<br />
Mr Clifford said services in<br />
general were very busy, but it<br />
had been difficult at timesto<br />
delivertosome people because<br />
of covid settings.<br />
There continued to be a<br />
strong need for the services<br />
provided and staffwere<br />
working hard to deliver them.<br />
The stressesofthe pandemic<br />
were beingfelt particularly by<br />
families and there were<br />
obviousaffects of lockdowns,<br />
prolonged social and economic<br />
uncertainty and financial<br />
pressures.<br />
The year ahead will see core<br />
services delivered and in some<br />
cases expanded.<br />
Mr Clifford said the refugee<br />
resettlement service had<br />
startedslowly because of covid<br />
but was now in full swing.<br />
Some26refugees had been<br />
welcomed and were being<br />
assistedtosettle in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
SaferMid Canterbury manager<br />
Kevin Clifford.<br />
They were settling well and<br />
beingsupported by five staff<br />
and community volunteers. He<br />
said there was morefunding to<br />
assistrefugees and new<br />
funding also for acommunity<br />
connector role whichwould be<br />
used to support people facing<br />
isolation issues.<br />
There was also more funding<br />
for the school attendance<br />
service, which woulddouble<br />
the hours to 36 hours.<br />
Restorative justice services<br />
were now deliveredto<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Timaru and<br />
Oamaru courts, which madeit<br />
more viable and brought the<br />
economic benefit back to this<br />
district, he said.<br />
For the six month period<br />
from July to December 2021,<br />
SMC’s income was $1.1million<br />
compared to $811,000 for the<br />
same period in 2020.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council’s<br />
contribution for the same<br />
periodrose by 9% and central<br />
government’s by 37%.<br />
SMC’s funding request will<br />
allow them to maximisethe<br />
outcomes of programme<br />
specific funding from other<br />
sources.<br />
Trust fundraising,<br />
offering classes<br />
Connecting Mid Canterbury<br />
Trust has come up with some<br />
imaginative ideas to raise<br />
funds and will alsooffer some<br />
fun andlearning opportunities<br />
over the next fewweeks.<br />
The trust is behind Mid<br />
Canterbury TimeBankand<br />
Keep LearningMid<br />
Canterburyand its supporters<br />
will be offering apaper<br />
shreddingservice, pinecone<br />
sales and an auctioned<br />
massage to help raise funds.<br />
There are also te reo Māori<br />
classes for beginners viaZoom.<br />
Connecting Mid Canterbury<br />
coordinator Kate White said<br />
timebankershad comeupwith<br />
the fundraising ideas andwere<br />
alsokeentodoodd jobs for<br />
businesses or organisations in<br />
exchange foradonationtothe<br />
trust.<br />
‘‘We’re asking people to get<br />
in touch and we can organise<br />
things.’’<br />
She said te reooverZoom<br />
started on <strong>March</strong> 9and there<br />
were five lessons.<br />
Zoom lessons minimised<br />
covid risks and room hirecosts<br />
andgavepeoplean<br />
opportunity forprofessional<br />
development andlearning<br />
fromwherever theywere in the<br />
district.<br />
On <strong>March</strong> 18TimeBank will<br />
teamupwith the Mid<br />
Canterbury Newcomers<br />
Network at amulticultural<br />
food festivity event to mark<br />
Neighbours Day.<br />
On April 9the partnership<br />
will continue with an Easter<br />
egghuntand visit to musical<br />
farm At Violinos.<br />
Keep LearningMid<br />
Canterbury has flax weaving<br />
lined up on <strong>March</strong> 5and 6and<br />
on <strong>March</strong> 7thereisaworkshop<br />
on using online tools that will<br />
help you work smarter.<br />
For more information check<br />
out the<br />
website, which also has alink<br />
to TimeBank events, or email<br />
to<br />
THIS<br />
WEEK’S<br />
TOMATOES Loose<br />
Product of New Zealand<br />
330ml 12 Pack Bottles<br />
2 99<br />
kg<br />
SPRITE,<br />
OR L&P 2.25L<br />
3 99 ea<br />
20 99 ea<br />
1kg (excludes Greek)<br />
4 49<br />
ea<br />
HEINZ<br />
AIOLI OR<br />
285-295ml<br />
5 79 ea<br />
750ml excludes<br />
Pinot Noir &Sub<br />
Regions<br />
14 99 ea<br /><br />
Specialsavailable SouthIsland onlyfromMonday 28thFebruary<br />
until Sunday 13th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>orwhile stockslast. Wine andbeer<br />
available at stores withanofflicence. Wine and beer purchases<br />
restricted to persons aged 18 yearsold andover.<br />
Community rallies<br />
to support Taylor<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
9<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>teenager Taylor Doyle is<br />
preparing for surgeryinAustralia.<br />
She has arare condition called<br />
MedianArcuate Ligament Syndrome<br />
(MALS) which causes abdominalpain<br />
and nausea that worsenswhen sheeats<br />
or drinks anything.<br />
DoctorsinNew Zealand havebeen<br />
unable to help herpain or nausea, and<br />
her tolerancetoeating and drinkinghad<br />
not improved.<br />
MALS occurswhen themedian<br />
arcuateligament sits too low on the<br />
aorta andcompresses the celiac artery<br />
that suppliesblood to the stomach,her<br />
parents Zalie and Karl said.<br />
‘‘This compressionalso damages<br />
nerves in the sameareacausing<br />
extreme pain that has been likenedto<br />
end stage pancreatic cancer.’’<br />
The only possible cure for MALS is<br />
surgery.<br />
However medical experiencewith<br />
MALS in NZ is almost nonexistent but<br />
DrDavid Yeo is an experiencedand<br />
knowledgeable specialist whois<br />
available to help in Sydney, Australia.<br />
‘‘Dr Yeo's recommendation is for<br />
Taylortoundergoaceliac plexus block<br />
that will numb the nerveshebelieves to<br />
be affected and if Taylor is then able to<br />
eatwithoutpain it will indicate if she's<br />
acandidate for surgeryor not,’’the<br />
couple said.<br />
‘‘If she's eligiblefor surgery he will<br />
release the ligament as well as remove<br />
anyaffected nerves.<br />
‘‘It's aserious operationthat comes<br />
withrisks but has about an 80%success<br />
rate for relieving aperson of thepain<br />
andnausea experienced as aresult of<br />
this compression.’’<br />
Thecouple have set up aGivealittle<br />
page, and individuals andbusinesses<br />
aroundtown have comeonboard with<br />
events and products, to helpget Taylor<br />
to Australia andthe care she needs.<br />
TheDoyles have agoal of $35,000.<br />
‘‘Asyou canimagine this has meant<br />
she's lostalot of weight, has been<br />
malnourished and dehydrated, has<br />
spent morethan 100 nights in hospital,<br />
has undergone an absolute batteryof<br />
testsand procedures,spentmore than<br />
six months being tube fed and missed<br />
the majority of herfirst year at college!’’<br />
Taylor’s referral for the plexus block<br />
has beenset for <strong>March</strong>16, and surgery is<br />
pencilled in for <strong>March</strong> 22; she needs to<br />
be in Sydney seven days aheadofthe<br />
Taylor Doyle, left, with her mum Zalie.<br />
procedure.<br />
‘‘After ninemonths of watchingour<br />
daughter sufferso much the possibility<br />
of acurefor her is thehopewe've been<br />
lookingfor.’’<br />
Anyoneable to donate can do so via<br />
Help Taylor EatAgain, Givealittle page.<br />
‘‘We're so humbledbythe love we've<br />
already received throughout this<br />
journeyand feelvery uncomfortable<br />
havingtoask for financial help butwe<br />
can notlet money be the only barrier<br />
standing in the way of apain free and<br />
bright future for Taylor.’’<br />
MY Vaccine Pass Venue<br />
Family Notices<br />
Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />
BAIN, Julie Diane, passed<br />
away peacefully at Radius<br />
Millstream, <strong>Ashburton</strong> on<br />
Monday, 21st February <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
with her children by her side.<br />
Dearly loved wife ofthe late<br />
Bevan. Adored and loved<br />
mother and mother-in-law of<br />
Mark and Robyn, and Justine<br />
and Laurence Hanrahan.<br />
Treasured Grandma of Olivia,<br />
and Ben; and Thomas, and<br />
Jack. Loved great-Gran of<br />
Finn, and Ted. Special thanks<br />
to Dr Holdaway and all the<br />
Radius Millstream staff for<br />
their kind, dedicated and<br />
exceptional care.<br />
Messages<br />
to the Bain family c/- P O<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
A private Memorial service<br />
will be held in the near<br />
future in accordance with<br />
Mum’s wishes and COVID<br />
restrictions.<br />
“Gone from our sight<br />
But never our memories<br />
Gone from our touch<br />
But never our hearts.”<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 3077433<br />
DANN, Patricia Mary (PAT),<br />
on February 25th <strong>2022</strong>. She<br />
passed away peacefully at<br />
Radius Millstream Resthome,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, in her 87th year.<br />
Wife to the late Dennis<br />
Dann who passed 8/8/2018,<br />
they were married 59<br />
years. Leaving behind her<br />
3 children, Susan (Oregon),<br />
Bruce (Methven), and Neil<br />
(Oregon) and their respective<br />
families, Susan and Richie<br />
Rout, Mark, Jack, Dean and<br />
Maxine; Bruce and Emma,<br />
Janna, Nicole and Caleb; Neil<br />
and Cameron, Lilly and Kellen;<br />
and great grandmother to<br />
Jaidon and Quinn Dann;<br />
Loved daughter of the late<br />
Charles and Agnes Brownand<br />
sister to the late Doug, and<br />
Ted Brown of Queenstown,<br />
and auntie to theBrown boys<br />
Nigel, Derek, Maurice and<br />
Jullian; Loved sister-in-law<br />
to Maureen Carrell (London)<br />
and auntie to Michael and Liz.<br />
No flowers by request please.<br />
Messages to theDann Family,<br />
20 Chapman St, Methven, or<br />
phone Bruceon0272299739.<br />
Thefamily would like to thank<br />
the staff at Radius Millstream<br />
for the love and care of<br />
Pat. Amemorial service to<br />
celebrate Pat’s life will be<br />
held at the‘All Saints Church’,<br />
corner MacKenzie Dr and<br />
Ruatanawha Rd, Twizel. on<br />
Saturday 5th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at<br />
11am, followed byinterment<br />
of ashes at the Twizel<br />
Cemetery, and thereafter a<br />
gathering at the Twizel RSA.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 3077433<br />
HOOD, Helen Mary (nee<br />
Sowden), passed away<br />
peacefully on February 23,<br />
<strong>2022</strong> at Radius Millstream,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, surrounded by<br />
her family, aged 85 years.<br />
Loving wife of the late<br />
Murray, mother and motherin-law<br />
ofGrant and Debbie,<br />
Odette, Richard and Debra.<br />
Grandma and Nana to all<br />
her grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.<br />
Messages to<br />
the Hood family c/- 13 Oak<br />
Grove, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700. Our<br />
family appreciates all the<br />
care and supportshownover<br />
the past few years.<br />
Special<br />
thanks for the recent care at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Christchurch<br />
Hospitals.<br />
“Doing as we pleased Mum,<br />
as yousaid.”<br />
Aprivate family service was<br />
held on MondayFebruary28,<br />
<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 307 7433<br />
PIERCE, Gerald Leslie, on<br />
February 28, <strong>2022</strong>. Passed<br />
away peacefully at Rosebank<br />
Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 86<br />
years. Dearly loved husband<br />
and best friend of June.<br />
Loved father of David, Scott,<br />
and Ben Pierce, and Lynda<br />
and Steve Saxton. A loved<br />
grandfather and Grumps to<br />
his grandchildren. Messages<br />
to the Pierce family c/- PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />
A gathering to remember<br />
Gerald will be held at<br />
Paterson’s Funeral Services,<br />
corner East and Cox Streets,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>onSaturday<strong>March</strong><br />
5, commencing at 2.00pm.<br />
Vaccine Pass required.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 3077433<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Enquiries phone<br />
Mary,Jann<br />
or Karenon<br />
308 7664<br />
or callinto<br />
199 Burnett<br />
Street<br />
ROBERTSON, Margaret<br />
Joy (Joy), on February<br />
23, <strong>2022</strong>. Passed away<br />
peacefully at <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
aged 81 years. Dearly loved<br />
mother and mother-inlaw<br />
of Christine and Kevin<br />
Pooke, Murray Rushton,<br />
and Angela Rushton. Loved<br />
Nana of Daniel, and Kim;<br />
Gena, Porsha, and Harley;<br />
Samantha, and Scott, and<br />
great-Nana of all her greatgrandchildren.<br />
Loved sister<br />
and sister-in-law ofGraham<br />
and Lorna, Nola, Neville and<br />
Rosemary, and the late Fay.<br />
Loved aunty of all her nieces<br />
and nephews. Messages to<br />
the Robertson family c/- PO<br />
Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700. A<br />
service tocelebrate Joy’s life<br />
has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 3077433<br />
SLADE, Marie Aileen,<br />
on February 20, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
passed away suddenly at<br />
Christchurch Hospital, with<br />
her family at her side, after<br />
a very short illness with<br />
Melanoma, aged 74 years.<br />
Dearly loved wife ofKelvin,<br />
much loved mother and<br />
mother-in-law ofDonald and<br />
Louise, Jennifer and Craig,<br />
and Angela and Mike Elliott.<br />
A very treasured Grandma<br />
of Josh, Ben, and Daniel;<br />
Jamie and Caitlin, and Brodie.<br />
Messages to the Slade family<br />
c/- 4Beach Road,Hampstead,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700. At Marie’s<br />
wish a private service has<br />
been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
<strong>03</strong> 3077433<br />
WOOLF, Bevan John:<br />
passed at Princes Courton23<br />
February<strong>2022</strong>, aged 84 years,<br />
after ashort illness. Many<br />
thanks to the wonderful staff<br />
at Princes Court.<br />
Lovedhusband of Eileen and<br />
father of Karina, Vanessa and<br />
Gail.<br />
In lieu of aformal service, an<br />
afternoon will be held at St<br />
Stephens Church Hall, 2pm,<br />
Sunday, 6th <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Family owned,<br />
locally owned<br />
22 MooreStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
0800 263 6679<br />
2447549<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Budding cricketer<br />
selected for<br />
national academy<br />
Coldstream cricketerHannah<br />
Kiddhas scoredthe<br />
opportunity of alifetime.<br />
She has beennamedone of<br />
the ANZNext XI.<br />
The 13yearold was<br />
selected by ANZwho searched<br />
the country to findeleven<br />
passionate young cricketers<br />
ready to take their skillstothe<br />
nextlevel.<br />
The ANZNext XI academy<br />
willshow NewZealand’s<br />
young female cricketing talent<br />
apathway intoelite level<br />
cricketand futureworld cups,<br />
as the White Ferns get ready<br />
to takeonthe world at the ICC<br />
Women’s Cricket World Cup<br />
<strong>2022</strong>from <strong>March</strong> 4April3.<br />
Hannahwillget to meether<br />
heroes,whileattending an<br />
exclusive WhiteFernsjunior<br />
training academy later this<br />
year. She willmeetthe<br />
players,train with theteam,<br />
attend expertled master<br />
classes, andlearn valuable<br />
skillsset to inspire.<br />
Hannahsaidshe was<br />
excitedtobenamedone of the<br />
ANZ Next XI andcouldn’twait<br />
to learn tips andtricks from<br />
the best.<br />
“I went outside to do abit of<br />
training to celebrate. Iwantto<br />
learn howtobowl some<br />
different variations.”<br />
Hannah, whoplaysfor<br />
Coldstream CricketCluband<br />
her school Timaru Girls’ High<br />
School, waspresentedwith an<br />
ANZ Next XI training kit.It<br />
included auniform, bat,<br />
helmet and pads.<br />
Hannahstartedplaying<br />
beach cricketwithher cricketobsessedfamily<br />
and later<br />
joinedher school teamagedeightwhere<br />
she fellinlove withthe game.<br />
“I just like everything aboutit. Ilikehow<br />
happy youfeel if you get awicket andthe<br />
team spirit,”she said.<br />
Hannah loves to openbatting like her<br />
favourite New Zealand player Sophie<br />
Devine.<br />
She’s looking forward to catching the<br />
WhiteFerns matches at theworldcup and<br />
checking outtheir strategy.<br />
Hannah willnever give awayher<br />
strategy; “it’stop secret.”<br />
“I like watchingthe games to see what<br />
theydo. Sophieisareally good batter. Itry<br />
to emulate what shedoesonthe field,”<br />
Hannahsaid.<br />
MostofHannah’s cricketingcareerhas<br />
seenher as the onlygirlonher teamwith<br />
the nearest girl’s competitionin<br />
Christchurch.<br />
But recentlyshe hadthe opportunity to<br />
playinagirls’ tournament for Canterbury<br />
Country andwas thrilledtowin.<br />
HannahKidd has beennamed one of the ANZ Next XI.<br />
“It feltreally good! We all got agood<br />
number of runs and worked wellasateam<br />
even thoughthe training match got rained<br />
off,’’she said.<br />
ANZ New Zealand chiefexecutive<br />
officer Antonia Watsonsaid it was<br />
important to supportwomeninpursuitof<br />
their goals.<br />
“We’re proudtobeable to offer these<br />
passionate young sportswomen this<br />
opportunitytomeetand train with their<br />
heroes.<br />
‘‘I’m afirm believerthatifyou cansee it,<br />
you can be it.”<br />
ANZ has beenastrong supporterof<br />
women in sport forover 10 years from<br />
grassroots to elite levelathletes, shesaid.<br />
“That’s whywe’re proudtobeputting<br />
our fullsupport behind the ICC Women’s<br />
CricketWorld Cup.<br />
‘‘It’safantastic opportunitytoshowcase<br />
our athletes to the world andprovide<br />
important opportunities to grow thenext<br />
generationofcricketers.”<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since 1982<br />
Parenting ideas<br />
and tools offer<br />
Presbyterian Support are<br />
offering arange of group<br />
programmes to give parents<br />
new ideas and tools to help<br />
them connect with their<br />
children and understand<br />
difficult emotions, also groups<br />
for young people.<br />
The Incredible Years is a<br />
14week programme,<br />
designed for parents of<br />
children aged 38 years.<br />
Parents learn how to better<br />
understand their child’s<br />
development, build ahealthy<br />
relationship with their child,<br />
encourage positive behaviour<br />
and address challenging<br />
behaviour.<br />
Parenting Through<br />
Separation, part day group<br />
workshop focuses on what is<br />
important to remember when<br />
parents separate.<br />
Parents will come away<br />
with the confidence to discuss<br />
their children’s wellbeing<br />
with their expartner, be able<br />
to discuss openly and<br />
confidently with their<br />
children about the separation<br />
and will include how to make<br />
aparenting plan.<br />
Tuning Into Kids, of<br />
children aged 310, (in<br />
collaboration with Mana Ake)<br />
and Tuning Into Teens,<br />
parenting programmes of<br />
children aged 1018,<br />
encourages parents to tune<br />
into their own emotions, to<br />
then support their child to<br />
develop their own emotional<br />
intelligence.<br />
Set in agroup environment,<br />
facilitators provide practical<br />
opportunities to practice<br />
skills and strategies learned.<br />
Budgeting MoneyMates<br />
programme is apeerled<br />
learning programme for 1012<br />
people.<br />
Facilitators guide through<br />
interactive activities, which<br />
help attendees to learn more<br />
about family budgeting, in a<br />
fun and friendly way.<br />
Seasons for Growth for<br />
young people aged between<br />
612 years.<br />
This course uses imagery of<br />
the seasons to illustrate the<br />
experience of grief, and helps<br />
young people deal with death,<br />
separation and divorce.<br />
All courses are free and<br />
facilitated by trained<br />
professionals.<br />
For more information<br />
please call 0800 477 874, (<strong>03</strong>)<br />
2616907, email<br /> or visit<br /><br />
nz<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
11<br />
Sizzle for rural families<br />
Farming Families is helping connect Mid<br />
Canterbury'srural community one meal at atime.<br />
They havebought amobilebarbecueforuse in<br />
its communities, and have volunteers making<br />
healthy, homecooked meals for the freezerto<br />
distribute to farmers ‘‘under the hammer’’.<br />
Farming Families spokesperson Bruce Taylor<br />
said thenew barbecue trailer, whichhas twohot<br />
plates, plenty of catering storage spaces anda<br />
solarpanel batterypowered sound system, is<br />
available forrural groups to book.Itcomes with a<br />
supply of meat from Anzco, who had come on<br />
board,and with the supportofFarming Families.<br />
It is available forrural events, petdays, calf days<br />
and events where people come together to<br />
connect, especiallyrural schoolcommunities.<br />
Mr Taylorsaid thebarbecue wasideal forrural<br />
school events, andmany other rural activities.<br />
He was also pleased to announcethe partnering<br />
withAnzco <strong>Ashburton</strong>who hadoffered to supply<br />
relevant food products to assist in the successful<br />
running of these events.<br />
Anzco were also supporting rural advocateCraig<br />
Wiggins, Whatever with Wiggy Charitable Trust.<br />
MrWiggins,of<strong>Ashburton</strong>, is also involved in<br />
Farming Families.<br />
‘‘Anzco have acknowledge to us adesire in<br />
assisting in grass root activities in ourrural<br />
communities, and seethisasthe beginning what<br />
we hope will be an ongoing association in aiding<br />
ourselvesincreating funand rewarding events for<br />
many of our rural communities,’’ Mr Taylor said.<br />
Farming Families wascreated by agroup of<br />
dedicated farmers and rural professionals to help<br />
createstronger relationshipswithin Mid<br />
Canterbury andbeyond.<br />
Theyalso runeventstoupliftthose inthe<br />
community, such as the Mid Canterbury Rural<br />
Ball.<br />
Mr Wiggins said Anzco were supplying export<br />
quality Angel Bay patties and meat from their<br />
agedbeefrange at no cost.Nor was there acost for<br />
the barbecue.<br />
‘‘Itwas being donetosupport thecommunity,’’<br />
Bruce Taylor and Craig Wiggins with the Farming<br />
Families barbecue available for use by Mid<br />
Canterbury rural communities.<br />
he said.<br />
Mr Wiggins and fellowcommitteememberJayne<br />
Hansengavethe barbecue itsfirst test runatthe<br />
Lauriston School campatStaveleypriorto<br />
Christmas.<br />
It wasacamp of Years 4,5and 6pupils attended<br />
by staff and parents.<br />
‘‘The schoolstaff jumpedintothe task....itwas a<br />
great evening.<br />
‘‘The schools areour hubs solet’sget our<br />
communities back connecting around school<br />
events,’’ he said.<br />
Anzco’s Chris HindsonsaidAnzco was<br />
committedtosupporting thecommunityinall<br />
ways it could.<br />
‘‘It is not something we seek recognition for but<br />
see it is an important part for building<br />
relationships with community groupsand will<br />
continuetosupport in any way we can going<br />
forward.’’<br />
We’vegot morethan<br />
youthought, forless<br />
than youthink<br />
On ourshelves you’ll findtop quality NZ brands like<br />
Sanitarium,Watties, and Meadow Fresh at thegreat<br />
priceswe’re knownfor.<br />
So next time you’re in-store, save yourself atrip to<br />
the shops and topupthe fridgeand pantry forless.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 4<br />
3<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
DeputyPrincipal Message<br />
Public Health Advice<br />
As Omicron continues to spread in our<br />
community, we are following all public health<br />
advice tokeep things running as smoothly as<br />
possible at the College.<br />
Please support us in keeping students,staffand<br />
the community safe by:<br />
• Keeping your child at home ifthey are sick or<br />
required to isolate;<br />
• Ensuring your child has amask and understands the importance of<br />
wearing it properly,particularlyindoorsand on school transport;<br />
• Encourage themtophysically distancewherepossible;<br />
• Pleasenotifythe College Office if achild is absentorbeing tested.<br />
We thank parents/caregivers, students and staff for their efforts and<br />
perseverancetodate.<br />
Growth Mindset<br />
Schools areplaces of learning.Central to learning is the importanceofa<br />
growthmindset foryourself and forothers.Aslifelong learners,agrowth<br />
mindset is based on the concept thatwecan all make progress andbuild<br />
on the current skills and knowledge we possessinany givenarea.<br />
We encourage all members of our school community to think in terms<br />
of ‘I can’t do this yet’ or ‘I am working towards …’. The opposite ofa<br />
growthmindset is afixedmindset.This wayofthinking tends to underpin<br />
statementslike ‘I can’t’or‘I’ll never be ableto’.<br />
Supporting students to approach their learning with agrowth mindset is<br />
an importantpartofwhatwedo, and this helps students to be engaged<br />
in learning forlife.<br />
Feedback and Feedforward<br />
Akey part oflearning and continuous improvement is‘feedback’ and<br />
‘feedforward’. Individuals who seek feedback on their performance and<br />
thenapplythatfeedback,tendtomake themostprogress.<br />
Iencourage students to take on boardand applythe feedback thatthey<br />
receive from their teachers. Actively seeking feedback will also stand<br />
studentsingood stead fortheir lives beyond school.<br />
As aschool, weregularlyseek feedback from our school communityona<br />
range of matters. Thank you tothose who contribute. If you ever have a<br />
pointofview that youbelievewill supportongoing improvementfor the<br />
College,please passitontothe appropriate member of staff.<br />
Nāuterourou, nākuterourou,kaora ai te iwi<br />
With your food basket and my food basket thepeople willthrive.<br />
This whakatuaki talks to community, to collaborationand a<br />
strength-based approach.<br />
It acknowledges that everyone hassomething to offer,asapiece of the<br />
puzzle,and that, by working together, we canall flourish.<br />
Information<br />
Congratulations<br />
Jono Hay<br />
Deputy Principal •Tumuaki Tuarua<br />
Please note: AkoMeetings/<br />
College Closure-Postponed<br />
College will nowbeopenfor instruction on<br />
Thursday10<strong>March</strong>.<br />
Families have received informationregarding the postponementof<br />
these student-parents/caregivers interviews.<br />
Thecurrentintentisthatthese importantinterviews will takeplace<br />
duringthe week of 04 April (Week10ofTerm 1).<br />
Thespecific date will be advised closer to the time.<br />
PresentationAssemblyand<br />
Head Students’Inaugural Speeches<br />
It wasapleasuretobeable to hold this assembly outdoors,inpleasant<br />
weather on the Chessboard, on Wednesday16February.<br />
As has becomesomewhatcustomaryoverthe past twoyears,the assembly<br />
washeld forrecipients of badges only,being mainly Year 13 students,and a<br />
small number of Year 12 students.<br />
The event was, however, live-streamed to all Ako classes, which were<br />
operating atthe same time asthe assembly. This allowed for students to<br />
hear the speeches and view the presentations.<br />
Appreciation<br />
Our grateful appreciation goes to Principal's Secretary Jodee Ross for<br />
videoing the occasion to Zoom into eachclassroom, and to Year 11 student<br />
Jared Munnfor technical support.<br />
The Assembly<br />
This eventisacelebrationand acknowledgementofstudentleadership,<br />
studentinvolvementand focus forthe year.<br />
Our Head Students gave their first speeches and student leadership<br />
badges were presented tothem, the Student and House Executive<br />
members,and to HouseCommittee members.<br />
Student leaders are recognisable by braids on their blazers –red for Head<br />
Students; red and blue sleeve strip for Student Executive members; while<br />
House Captains have aone sleevebraid, in their House colour.<br />
Congratulations<br />
Deputy Principal Helen Shore-Taylor welcomed all to the assembly and<br />
introduced the Principal,Ross Preece. Ross congratulatedstudents fortheir<br />
courage in putting their name forward for leadership positions, and noted<br />
whatapositiveevent the early-year Leadership Camp was, as reportedonin<br />
last week’s newsletter. Ross highlighted that they were following-on from<br />
the last two years of student leaders who had provided abrilliant job of<br />
supporting their peers, adapting to online methods as required by COVID<br />
restrictions.<br />
In conclusion, Ross stressed the importance ofeach student supporting<br />
their team and committee as they moved forward into ayear which had<br />
already presentedchallenges.<br />
Head Students <strong>2022</strong><br />
TheHead Students for<strong>2022</strong> then made their inaugural speeches,with<br />
all noting the privilege theyfelt at being in their roles, and saying how<br />
much theywerelooking forwardtoworking with students and staff.<br />
Jorja Roulston, Head Girl<br />
Jorjaopenedwith somechallenging words,<br />
saying that ‘there’s always going to be<br />
another mountain, you’re always going to<br />
want to makeitmove. There’salwaysgoing<br />
to be an uphill battle. Andsometimes you’re<br />
going to have to lose. It’s all about the climb’.<br />
Her words toYear 9 students started with<br />
saying that 1478 days ago, she first walked<br />
in the gates of<strong>Ashburton</strong> College as aYear 9<br />
student and started her climb.<br />
She noted that, for many, ‘you may have just<br />
started your climb, you may be part-way<br />
throughit, or perhaps you’re reaching the end.<br />
Your time at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College has the potential to be some of the best<br />
years of your life, and it is 100percent what youmake of it -you just have to<br />
be willing to keep on climbing’.<br />
Jorja referred to our‘new normal’sayingweare likely to face morechallenges<br />
and even moremountains to climb. Offeredweresomepieces of adviceto<br />
help the climb and make the summit easier to reach.<br />
These words included:<br />
• ‘surround yourself with good people, people who enjoy your company<br />
and who will encourage youtomake theright decisions,who appreciate<br />
you for just being you, and who you know will have your back. Your<br />
College journey maynot be all smooth sailing and it really helps knowing<br />
thatyou have people thatyou can talk to when youneedit.<br />
• bebrave, take that leap, sign upfor that sports team, do that Lip Sync<br />
piece. It is all of these opportunities that make your College journey<br />
worthit. Giveabsolutely everything ago-and Imean everything as you<br />
never know whereitmight lead you.<br />
• Third and finally -work hard. Youdonot need to achieve top grades or<br />
be in the top team, but Istill encourage you togive ityour best shot.<br />
Set goals for yourself, and aim to reach them because dreams are just<br />
dreams without setting goals.Greatness won’tjust be handed to you, so<br />
set your mind to something andIthink thatyou will all be surprised with<br />
whatyou can achieve.'<br />
In conclusion Jorjasaid:<br />
‘KnowthatI,along with the rest of our <strong>2022</strong> Leadership Team, will be hereto<br />
help get youupthatmountain, cheer youon, and give youthatextra push<br />
when times get tough, or to offer that celebratory high five. Let’smake<strong>2022</strong><br />
ayear forthe books.’<br />
Jack Brown, Head Boy<br />
Jack opened his speech, saying ‘I<br />
don’t know about you, but I’mfeeling<br />
22’ is awise lyric sung by the ever-so<br />
inspiring Taylor Swift.<br />
He suggested he knew it may be a<br />
stretch, but he was almost certain that<br />
Taylor meant that <strong>2022</strong> would be an<br />
amazing year, and that hecould feel it<br />
already.<br />
Jack said he could remember sitting in<br />
the very same crowdinfront of him asa<br />
Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 student, dreaming<br />
of having these fancyribbonsand flashy<br />
badges on his blazer, along with the<br />
prestigious title of being aHead Student.<br />
Perceptively he noted, though, that being a Head Student may be<br />
important, and avitalrole within our school,but‘I promise thatevery one of<br />
the students at <strong>Ashburton</strong>College plays just as importantarole in theway<br />
we function and representthe school’.<br />
Jack congratulated all students who are stepping into leadership roles this<br />
year,sayinghewas looking forwardtoworking with his Co-Head Students<br />
and all Committee Heads and Committees,being surethat, in <strong>2022</strong>, all will<br />
do an amazing job.<br />
Concluding, Jack said to all students of <strong>Ashburton</strong> College –‘Iknow you<br />
hear it every year from all the Head Students, but Itruly mean it when I<br />
saythis.Try everything and give everything ago. One of my biggest regrets<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College is not taking every opportunity. We have countless<br />
opportunities, left and right, and Ireally encourage you totake them as<br />
they’re offered toyou - whether that’s trying anew sport, or taking anew<br />
class that’sseparate from your friends.<br />
Getyourself out there, be remembered,and makeyour name heard’.<br />
TC Trusler-Clark, DeputyHead Girl<br />
TC introduced herself through her mihi –<br />
Tena kotou etewhānau,<br />
Ko takitimu tōku wake,<br />
Ko opuke tōku mounga,<br />
Ko Hakatere tōku awa,<br />
Ko ngātikahungunu tōku iwi,<br />
Ko TC tōku ingua<br />
Ta ke rangatiratana kaitekōrero,<br />
ta te ware te mahukai.<br />
Then saying –Hewakaeki noa:<br />
being awakawhich all areintogether.<br />
TC continued this theme, encouraging students to work hard asone big<br />
tribe, paddling together for the best outcomes for <strong>2022</strong>. Students were<br />
challenged to strivetoachievequality, show pride in all they do,and have<br />
respectfor teachers,peers and themselves.<br />
Noted wasthe factthatchiefsare people who areapartofthe tribe,but no<br />
differentfromeveryone else except forleading from the front, and offering<br />
guidance when needed. TCemphasised that student leaders are normal<br />
people, and encouraged students not to hesitate to approach their school<br />
leaders.<br />
TC also encouraged students to ‘give everything ago’ saying ‘there are so<br />
manydifferent opportunities foreach and everyone of you’.<br />
He aha te mea nui oteao?<br />
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.<br />
Kia Ora.<br />
What is the most importantthing in the world?<br />
Thepeople,the people, the people.<br />
Millar Newlands,Deputy Head Boy<br />
Millar opened his speech with the<br />
challenging but true thought from<br />
Denzel Washington (American Actor,<br />
Director and Producer) describing an<br />
analogy Les Brown, a motivational<br />
speaker,made,saying:<br />
‘Imagine lying on your death bed and<br />
there are ghosts that represent your<br />
unfulfilled potential, the opportunities<br />
that you passed on, the ideas you<br />
never acted on. The ghosts are angry,<br />
disappointed and sad. You could have<br />
brought ustolife they say, but instead,<br />
we’regoing to the gravetogether’.<br />
Millar then said to students, that, ‘this<br />
year my goal foryou all is to soak up all the opportunities youare givenand<br />
think about the ghosts thatcould be sitting next to youonyour death bed<br />
when your time comes’.<br />
Likening this to his thoughts of becoming astudent leader he said, when<br />
listening to previous Head Students,‘bugger doing that’.<br />
But then, one day last year, the opportunity came to ‘give this acrack’, and<br />
‘I thoughttomyselfthatwithout trying Icould never succeed; and without<br />
failing Iwouldn'thave even been trying.<br />
So -Iurge you all to make this year, your year; ayear where you don't just<br />
dream, but you set goals and make your dream areality, no matter what<br />
others sayorthink'.<br />
Millar’s goals forthis year include bringing morepride into the school, and<br />
starting traditions (which in themselves bring pride). Millar suggestedwe’re<br />
not always asproud as we should be, and that aschool is only as great as<br />
youmake it.<br />
The real truth was exposed, with the challenge that ifstudents 'knock-off'<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College, they are‘basically just knocking off themselves’, saying<br />
‘we are the school, weare the students and weare the future of this<br />
community’.<br />
Millar cited the majoritywho believe this is agreat school –<br />
aschool with so manycultures,aschool thatdoesn’t care whereyou<br />
come from, aschool with all the opportunities in the world.<br />
Areal-life example of pride waswhen the AshColl Boys’1st XV‘gets smashed’<br />
by abig Christchurch team but rock back up to training,whereeveryone is<br />
so motivated, ready to get stuck in andtrain harder. Millersaid ‘they show<br />
up and get ready to play the next game because they believe that every<br />
game is an opportunity'.<br />
There’snobiggermotivation than failing!<br />
He acknowledged thatCOVID is making things tough foralot of us, but we<br />
have to make the most of whatwe’ve got,saying ‘weonly have one shot at<br />
this journey called lifeso, whateveryou do,you have to give 100% and never<br />
let anyone drag youdown’.<br />
In conclusion, he acknowledged the other three Head Students and the<br />
Student Executive, but saying that it’s early days yet and easier to talk-thetalk<br />
than walk-the-walk but saying that, from their few meetings so far, he<br />
has huge confidencethat, as agroup,they will be able:<br />
to walk-the-talk and strivetomakethis greatschool even greater.
<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />
News<br />
Issue 4<br />
3<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Congratulations<br />
College StudentCommittees<br />
As can beseen, there isahuge range of leadership opportunities<br />
available to senior students and, in this newsletter, weintroduce you<br />
to all who have been successful in their willingness to work towards<br />
furthering influenceand activities across the College.<br />
Meet this year’s <strong>Ashburton</strong>College StudentExecutive<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Amelie Robertson, Alex Bateman,<br />
Claudia Thomas, Lusungu Mbambo, Salatielu Iakopo, Campbell McBride,<br />
HenryWallis.<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): Jonathon Kilgour, Caendal Harris, TC Trusler-Clark,<br />
Jorja Roulston, Jack Brown, Millar Newlands,ZaneCameron.<br />
StudentExecutive Committees<br />
Eachofthesecommitteesis ledbyamemberofthe StudentExecutive<br />
and each committee becomes astudent leadership group in its own<br />
right.<br />
As apartofsuccession planningand continuity, all committees have Year 12<br />
representativesonthem, otherwisethe balanceofstudents areinYear 13.<br />
Ambassador Committee<br />
CommunityServicesCommittee<br />
(Pictured above,back row,lefttoright): Orpah Sildo (Year 12 representative),<br />
Lana Clark-Powell, Hayley McQuillan-Ross (Year 12 representative),<br />
Jessalene Eclipse.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Aaliyah Power, Zane Cameron (Committee Head),<br />
Lydia Hooley.<br />
Cultural Committee<br />
(Pictured above,back row,lefttoright): Sera Ula, Edelma Kelsall,Denise Jerao<br />
(All Year 12 representatives).<br />
(Front row,lefttoright): Ngahuia Maeva, Salatielu Iakopo (Committee Head),<br />
Anjali Savaiinaea.<br />
(Absent, inset): Lucas Vainerere.<br />
Environment/Canteen Committee<br />
House ExecutiveCommittees<br />
Underway also are the newly formed House Executives, leaders and<br />
members of which do anexcellentjob of engendering House spirit and<br />
encouraging involvement for House points, all as part ofthe focus of<br />
lifting the covetedHouse Trophyatthe endofthe year.<br />
Given the year ahead we look forward to seeing their new ways of<br />
promoting the House Competition, boosting morale and getting more<br />
students involved aroundthe school.<br />
As with the Executive Committees, House Committees also have Year 12<br />
representatives as part ofsuccession planning and continuity, otherwise<br />
the balanceofstudents areinYear 13.<br />
We introducethe House Committees,with their House Captains:<br />
Blue House Committee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Molly Jones, Devon Flannery,<br />
Jed Amos, Eddie Galbraith (Year 12 representative), Ella Shanks,<br />
MollyMcKenna, (Year 12 representative), Stacey Monk (Staff House Leader).<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): CharlotteWatson, Charles Savage and MollyMilmine<br />
(House Captains), RileyTindall.<br />
Green House Committee<br />
(Pictured above,back row, lefttoright): Will Rollinson (Year 12 representative),<br />
CiaraRoss,Amelia Harris(Year 12 representative).<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): Maria Lawn (Year 12 representative), Alex Bateman<br />
(Committee Head), Kasey Higson (Year 12 representative), Skyla Cramond.<br />
AshColl WayCommittee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, lefttoright): LauraJensen and TimConnelly-Whyte<br />
(Year 12 representatives), Ashleigh Blakemore, Emma Graham.<br />
(Front row,lefttoright): Glena Prado, Amelie Robertson (Committee Head),<br />
Julianna Apoldo.<br />
Sports and Recreation Committee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left to right): Sifala Sagaga (Year 12 representative),<br />
Ethan Gray, Chris Angus, Sarah Mattson, Kyly Apaipo, Julia Bell (Staff House<br />
Leader).<br />
(Front row, left to right): Laura Cameron (Year 12 representative),<br />
Kyle Cabading, Caleb McNulty and Mya Johnston (House Captains),<br />
ZoeRitchie.<br />
Orange House Committee<br />
(Pictured above,back row, lefttoright): Jacob Wilson (Year 12 representative),<br />
CairoHawkes,Neiv Sol, Kane McDonnell.<br />
(Front row, left to right): Gianna Butler (Year 12 representative),<br />
Jonathon Kilgour(Committee Head), Luis Varias (Year 12 representative),<br />
Ball Committee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Lachie Jemmett and Izayih Harris<br />
(Year 12 representatives).<br />
(Front row, left toright): Emma Lill, Maddi Lowry, Lusungu Mbambo<br />
(Committee Head), Lily Williams.<br />
(Absent,inset): SamOrr (Year 12 Representative).<br />
StudentWelfareCommittee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Eli Orena, Laura Winchester and<br />
Henry Thomas (Year 12 representatives), Luke Pasion, Ruby Gray,<br />
MaePatterson.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Pete Lee (Staff House Leader), Libby Alford,<br />
Anna Gray and Matt Pearce (House Captains), SarahWilson.<br />
Red House Committee<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Mao Nishioka and Sophie Fine<br />
(Year 12 representatives), FelicityJohnston, ZoeBarry.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Ashton Lilley, Henry Wallis and Caendal Harris<br />
(Committee Heads), MiaJessep.<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left to right): Maddy Young, Jack Jessep,<br />
HenryGoodes (Year 12 representative), Rachel McArthur.<br />
(Front row, left toright): Imogene Felton, Campbell McBride (Committee<br />
Head), Mykel Pascual (Year 12 representative).<br />
(Pictured above, back row, left toright): Max Nicol, Riley Sa, Boaz Drye,<br />
GeorgiaKeenan (Staff House Leader).<br />
(Front row, lefttoright): Olivia Pearce (Year 12 representative), GeorgiaHart,<br />
Gemma Tapurau (House Captain), Sama Sooialo (Year 12 representative),<br />
CharlizeMcKenzie.<br />
(Absent – inset, left and right): Amy McLachlan (House Captain),<br />
Angela Burrowes.
14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
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Grapes will be showing colour with some close to fully ripe, however when they are halfcoloured don’t give them<br />
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Grapes, nearly ready to eat<br />
Vegetables<br />
Brassicas (plants of the cabbage<br />
family) planted in late December or<br />
duringJanuary will need protection<br />
from white butterfly caterpillarsand<br />
greyaphids. Adustingofderris dust<br />
once afortnightorafter rain will kill<br />
caterpillars. An alternative is to<br />
make lightweightframes and cover<br />
them with plastic mesh of the type<br />
soldtoprotect strawberries. Grey<br />
aphids are most effectively<br />
controlledbyinsecticides or by<br />
planting pyrethrum(Chrysanthemum<br />
cinerarifolium) as close as possible<br />
to brassicas. Pyrethrum’s<br />
insecticidal propertiesare in the<br />
white,daisylike flowers, not the<br />
leaves,soitisimportant to let plants<br />
flower.<br />
In areas where potato blight is<br />
found, spraying crops at regular<br />
intervals maybenecessary.<br />
Onions areready forharvesting<br />
once the leaves startturning brown<br />
or dryingup. Pullout onions, then<br />
place in asunny place to dry<br />
completely. Store them by stringing<br />
them in bunches or placing in a<br />
single layer on awirenetting rack.<br />
Keep onionsinadry, airy place<br />
where they get somelight.<br />
Flowers<br />
Freesias, grape hyacinths,<br />
fritillarias andbulbous irises —Iris<br />
reticulata, juno (I. bucharica), Dutch,<br />
Spanish and English types are<br />
springflowering bulbstoplantnow.<br />
Natives of South Africa,freesias<br />
enjoy awarm, sunnyposition with a<br />
light soil. They givegoodresultsin<br />
greenhouses, or in sunny parts of the<br />
garden. Freesia albaBurtonii is an<br />
attractive cream variety developed in<br />
NewZealand.<br />
Manyroses grow well from cuttings<br />
put in now. For rambler roses, which<br />
will havefinished flowering, keep<br />
someoftheshort,green side shoots<br />
thathave borne flowers.<br />
Bush rose cuttings can be taken<br />
fromnow until Easter. Pieces from<br />
flowerbearing shoots 15cm20cm<br />
long make the best cuttingsand can<br />
be treated like rambler rose cuttings.<br />
Fruit<br />
Grapeswill be showingcolour and<br />
someclosetofully ripe.<br />
An importanttask at thisstage is to<br />
keepvines watered until the fruit is<br />
about halfripe andgiving liquid<br />
manure every weekortwo before<br />
watering. When grapes are halfcoloured,<br />
give vines no more water<br />
until the fruit hasbeenpicked.Care<br />
must be taken to ensure grapes grown<br />
in greenhouses have good<br />
ventilation, especially oncefruit has<br />
formed.<br />
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Garrett back for speed record<br />
MICK.JENSEN<br /><br />
Ifall goestoplan motorcycle speedster<br />
Phil Garrettand his mateRob Small<br />
will return to Mid Canterbury for<br />
another tilt at the national motorcycle<br />
land speed record in May.<br />
Garrett vowed after lastApril’s failed<br />
attempt he would return for another go<br />
at the 22yearold record which stands<br />
at 307kmh.<br />
He will onceagain burn rubberona<br />
stretchofMcCrorys Road at Pendarves<br />
as he aims to clock 320kmh (200mph).<br />
Garrett,who is English born but has<br />
lived in Christchurchfor many years,<br />
said he had been quietonline in recent<br />
months, but behind the scenes he and<br />
his team had been busy.<br />
‘‘Since our failed attempt last year<br />
that saw us blow up the engine at about<br />
240kmhonour firstrun, we have had to<br />
eat alarge sliceofhumble pie and gone<br />
back the drawing board.<br />
‘‘We madeamistakewith the jetting<br />
on our bike that meantitdidn’t have<br />
enoughfuel at maximum rpm and the<br />
enginegot so hot it melted the pistons.’’<br />
Garrett said that small error had had<br />
huge consequencesand it had been a<br />
big lesson for the whole team.<br />
‘‘If Iamhonest, lookingback on it<br />
now, it was probably the best thing that<br />
could have happenedtous.’’<br />
He had received overwhelming<br />
messages of support after his story<br />
aired on TV 1and that supporthas<br />
included offersofhelp from all sortsof<br />
peopleincludingengineers,designers,<br />
and afew others he describes as ‘‘pure<br />
geniuses.’’<br />
Anumberofthose goodsorts have<br />
ended up contributing to anew plan<br />
Phil Garretttweaks his bike ahead of thefailed record attempt last April at<br />
Pendarves.<br />
and they include someonewho has<br />
offeredtopay for abig chunk of the<br />
designand build costs involved.<br />
‘‘That takes the biggest weight off my<br />
shoulders and now makes it possible<br />
for us to build the bike we want, not the<br />
bike we can afford.’’<br />
The green bike Garrett used for the<br />
2021 attempt has been redesigned<br />
completely and changed from a<br />
magneto ignition,turbo to afull EFI<br />
system with full electronic ignition and<br />
aset of Gen 2Hayabusa throttle bodies<br />
with eight injectors.<br />
All the engineinternals for the<br />
rebuild havebeen sourced from the<br />
USA.<br />
Garrettsaid covid had unfortunately<br />
rearedits head again in recent months<br />
and that had meant delaysinshipping<br />
and increasingly stringent controls on<br />
workshopsand public contacts.<br />
Adate of April1for the record<br />
attempt had proven too optimistic, so<br />
the decisiontodelay until May (68)<br />
had now been made, he said.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
15<br />
Airport plan<br />
out in April<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council aims to have<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport draft development<br />
plan out for public consultation in April.<br />
The plan will present a30year picture<br />
of how the council and the community<br />
see the airport growing over time.<br />
Currently at the informationgathering<br />
stage, council has met with airport users<br />
and airport neighbours and has<br />
circulated surveys to both groups to see<br />
what they think of initial development<br />
ideas and has asked for their ideas.<br />
The survey asked if users would<br />
support more more recreational hangars<br />
near the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum,<br />
more hangars on the far northeast<br />
boundary of the Airport, more<br />
commercial hangars along the south<br />
boundary and the concept of onsite<br />
hangar homes.<br />
The response through the survey had<br />
generally been positive and encouraging,<br />
council business support group manager<br />
Paul Brake said.<br />
The process from here was to gather<br />
and reflect on the feedback from<br />
stakeholders and to get technical input<br />
from appropriate council officers<br />
including property, town planning, and<br />
engineering advice.<br />
‘‘We will prepare adraft plan and<br />
discuss that with councillors and seek<br />
their agreement to approve it for public<br />
consultation, he said.<br />
Council aims to launch the draft plan<br />
for consultation in early April.<br />
After the consideration of submissions,<br />
further deliberation by councillors and<br />
potentially some amendments, the plan<br />
will be formally adopted at the end of<br />
June.<br />
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Thursday,3<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 68<br />
Council trims budget,9.4% rate rise<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Councillors are<br />
planning to defer some projects as<br />
they wrestle with the rising cost of<br />
doing business intheir Annual Plan<br />
<strong>2022</strong>-23.<br />
After aseries ofworkshops over the past<br />
month to discuss budget challenges<br />
because of Covid-19 and inflation, adraft<br />
plan now shows Council will need to<br />
collect $44.265 million in rates across the<br />
district, compared to $40m collected this<br />
financial year.<br />
Mayor Neil Brown said the overall rates<br />
increase was about 9.4 per cent, but that<br />
would vary across the district depending<br />
on whereratepayers lived andhow much<br />
their properties had been affected by<br />
recent Government revaluations.<br />
“We’ve spent alot of time discussing how<br />
we can fund the things our ratepayers<br />
want and expect when the cost of doing<br />
business has risen so dramatically because<br />
of supply chain issues and inflation. The<br />
Annual Plan will be ano-frills plan about<br />
spendingonprojects we have to do,while<br />
maintaining day-to-dayservices.”<br />
Council will consider approving the draft<br />
Annual Plan at its 6April meeting, and<br />
given theplan is different from whatwas<br />
proposed in the Long Term Plan, Council<br />
will alsobeconsultingwith the community<br />
from 7April to 6May beforefinalising the<br />
Annual Plan in June <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Mayor Brownsaid Councilwas committed<br />
NeilBrown, Mayor<br />
Back to basics budget for<strong>2022</strong>-23<br />
Inflation, covid-relatedstresses<br />
and new property valuations<br />
havecombined to haveabig<br />
impact on ratesthis next financial<br />
year.<br />
It’sthese Big Three thatwewant to talk<br />
about when we consult on the Draft<br />
AnnualPlan, whichweexpect to adopt<br />
in early April. Thatplan shows a9.41<br />
per cent increase on the amount of<br />
ratescollectedthis financial year.<br />
It’snot becauseCouncilhas astringof<br />
major projects on thego.<br />
The increase is the directresult of<br />
inflation, caused by covid. These<br />
financialcircumstances areoutside of<br />
our control as Councillors, but as we<br />
considerthe budget for<strong>2022</strong>-23 we<br />
havebeen able to makesavings.<br />
Noteveryone will likethem,but needs<br />
mustintheseunprecedentedtimes.<br />
In ourLongTerm Plan,weforecast<br />
rateswould rise by an average7.2 per<br />
cent based on 2.5 per cent inflation.<br />
Nowcoming up to Year 2ofthatplan,<br />
inflationhas hit a30-yearhigh at about<br />
Deferring renovation work on BalmoralHall is proposed in the Annual Plan.<br />
to getting feedback from the community<br />
and hearing people’sviews.<br />
“Wealsowanttotalkabouthowwearrived<br />
at these figures and wewill be holding<br />
severalmeetings across the district.<br />
“A complicating factor this year has been<br />
the three-yearlyrevaluation of properties,<br />
which will affecturban ratepayers moreas<br />
the value of their homes hasrisen moreso<br />
thanrural properties.”<br />
As well as deferring arevampofBalmoral<br />
Hall, Council is also proposing to defer<br />
building a new access road to the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />
6per cent and covid continues to affect<br />
supplychains andpushupprices of<br />
everything from pipestodoor handles.<br />
So the budget is about keepingup<br />
levels of serviceexpectedbyratepayers<br />
–clean drinking waterfromyour tap,<br />
the ability to flush thetoiletand drive<br />
to work on roads thatare in asafe<br />
condition.And it is about doing work<br />
thatensures Council infrastructure<br />
meets newGovernment compliance,<br />
likeupgrading someofour drinking<br />
watersupplies.<br />
We’vedeferred other work,including<br />
the planned newentranceroadinto<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain.<br />
The third issue thatwill affectpeople’s<br />
ratesistheir property ratingvaluation.<br />
The districthas justgone through<br />
itsthree-yearcycle of property<br />
revaluations –urban properties have<br />
increased in value morethan rural<br />
properties, quite the oppositefroma<br />
fewcycles ago.<br />
So ratesincreases will vary acrossthe<br />
district.<br />
We plantohold aseriesofmeetings<br />
“Wehavebeen able to find some savings<br />
across Council operations, but otherwork<br />
has been dictated byGovernment. We<br />
must makeimprovementstoour drinking<br />
waterschemes to complywith newrules.<br />
“<strong>Ashburton</strong> isfacing the same economic<br />
factorsthatthe whole worldisnavigating<br />
so this budget is about balancing needs<br />
andbeingrealistic.”<br />
He said Council had heard residents'<br />
concerns about roading and planned<br />
to use $2m from reserves to boost<br />
maintenance and improvements onthe<br />
sealed and unsealed network.<br />
withresidentstohelp explainhow<br />
we havearrived at the <strong>2022</strong>-23 rates<br />
requirement.Thesegatherings may<br />
be in person or online, dependingon<br />
covid protectionsmeasures in forceat<br />
the time.<br />
But knowthis,weare committed<br />
to hearing your ideas aboutwhat<br />
morewecouldrealistically do to<br />
makesavings while making sure the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> districtremainsthe place<br />
we want to liveand work in.<br />
Time limits<br />
in WestSt<br />
carpark<br />
extended<br />
Good news for users of the West<br />
Street carpark: You can now park<br />
for 180 minutes (three hours) for<br />
free in the centre section. The two<br />
end sections remain free forall day<br />
parking.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council operates the<br />
off-street parking facility and recently<br />
reviewed time-restricted parking in<br />
the centre ofthe carpark as part of the<br />
revitalisation of the CBD. Parking limits<br />
in the centresection have been extended<br />
from 120 minutes to 180 minutes.<br />
Council Strategy and Compliance Group<br />
Manager Jane Donaldson said the West<br />
Street carpark had 142 all day spaces,<br />
83 three-hour spaces, and two mobility<br />
spaces.<br />
“Our data shows there ishigh demand<br />
forall day parkingwith 97 per cent peak<br />
occupancy in the end sections while the<br />
central spaces haveapeak occupancy of<br />
about 60 per cent.<br />
"We considered that increasing the time<br />
limitfrom120 minutes to 180 minutes will<br />
allowvisitorsthatextra timetoenjoytheir<br />
shopping experience inthe CBD. There’s<br />
also plenty of space inthe car park for<br />
camper vans and longer vehicles.”<br />
1 Thursday,3<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 68<br />
Rainwaterrecycledfor EANC's gardens<br />
Hundreds of thousands oflitres of<br />
rainwater are being harvested each<br />
yearfromtheroofoftheEANetworks<br />
Centre (EANC) and recycled for<br />
irrigationand washdowns.<br />
Rain that falls onthe roof of the stadium<br />
and pool hall is fedbyanetwork of gutters<br />
and pipes to two33,000-litre tanks at the<br />
rear of the facility. Aday of steady rain is<br />
enough to fillthe tanks.<br />
In summer, water for irrigation is fed at<br />
night from the tanks through to gardens,<br />
lawnsand trees at the front of the centre.<br />
EANC staff have organised the area into<br />
different irrigation zones, with water<br />
supplied by drip and pop-up spray<br />
irrigation. Previous attempts to keep the<br />
grass green and trees and plants from<br />
dyingwerehamperedbyalack of water.<br />
The rain now provides enough water<br />
for irrigation and washdowns to some<br />
external serviceareas.<br />
It’spartofafocusonsmartwateruseatthe<br />
BOYA gala evening<br />
postponed by covid<br />
The ANZ Business ofthe Year Awards and gala dinner<br />
have been rescheduled to laterthisyearbecause of the<br />
increase in Covid-19 numbersand current restrictions.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil is partnering with ANZ Bank and Ri Ra<br />
Eventstoruntheinauguralawards,whichattractedanincredible<br />
70 entries from businessesacross eight different categories.<br />
Council Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish<br />
said upto400 people were expectedtoattend the gala, but<br />
it would havebeen limited to 100 under current restrictions.<br />
“Giventhe levelofinterestand ticket sales, it wasdecided<br />
topush back thegaladinner to adate wheneverybody<br />
could attend. The quality of entrantswas high and we<br />
want to ensurewecan celebrate the successes of our<br />
amazing local businesses in the bestpossible way.<br />
“We would like tothank the continued support of<br />
our primary sponsor ANZ Bank and the category<br />
sponsors Sheep Milk New Zealand, Mt Hutt, Naylor<br />
Love, CatalystPerformanceAgronomy,Lynda Stevenson<br />
Chartered Accountants, CroysLtd,HEB Construction and<br />
MediaWorks. We will work with our partnerstomonitor<br />
developmentstolock in another date.”<br />
For regular event updates, go to<br />
centre,whereinthepast therainwaterjust<br />
went intothe stormwaterground swale.<br />
The investment in irrigation means visitors<br />
are greeted by lush lawns and healthy<br />
trees and shrubs as the irrigation system<br />
is controlled by computer and happens<br />
between 11pmand 4am.<br />
Council Community Services Group<br />
ManagerSteve Fabishsaid rain thatfell on<br />
the roof wasanuntapped resource.<br />
“Recycling it for irrigation made good<br />
sense and it fits with our philosophy of<br />
usingwaterand energy wisely.”<br />
Agatesadd autumnsparkle at museum<br />
Art galleryand museum deputydirector<br />
DanielleCampbell checks some of the<br />
agatesfor display at the museum.<br />
Recycled rainwaterkeeps the EA Networks Centre gardens and lawn looking lush.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery and<br />
Museum’s autumn exhibition From<br />
the Hills: Exploring our Agates will<br />
take visitors onalocal journey that<br />
spans millions of years.<br />
People with an interest in our district’s<br />
naturalhistory will be able to learn more<br />
about howagatesare formed, wherethey<br />
arefound in Mid Canterburyand howthey<br />
arecut and polished. Variousagates from<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Museum’s collection will<br />
be on display, in addition to several that<br />
are onloan from Malcolm Luxton’s Agate<br />
Orphanage in Tinwald.<br />
The museum has over 100 agates inits<br />
collection and Mr Luxton hasover4000 in<br />
theAgate Orphanage.<br />
Feedback closes<br />
5pm, Sunday<br />
13 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Future of LakeCamp<br />
andLakeClearwater<br />
We wanttodevelop a30-yearplan for<br />
LakeCamp and LakeClearwater that<br />
will help protectthe area forcurrent and<br />
future generations.<br />
We want to hear<br />
from YOU!<br />
The new exhibition will include agates<br />
on display,photographs of agates, avinyl<br />
‘hashtag’ wall of agates that people can<br />
take photosinfront of,aninteractivemap<br />
of Mid Canterbury where people can see<br />
what types of agates have been found<br />
where, and aquiz and selection of‘fun<br />
facts’ forkids to discover.<br />
There will also be avideo of Mr Luxton<br />
talking about how he cuts and polishes<br />
agates.<br />
Theexhibition will be officially opened on<br />
Sunday 6<strong>March</strong> at 2pm and people are<br />
welcometocome along then, or viewthe<br />
exhibition any time untilSunday 5June.<br />
Find outmoreand haveyoursay at<br /><br />
Meetings areatCouncil Chambers, 137<br />
HavelockStreet, unless specified<br />
Youth Councilmeeting, Tuesday8<br />
<strong>March</strong>, 4pm<br />
Methven CommunityBoard meeting,<br />
Monday14<strong>March</strong>, 10.30am at Mt Hutt<br />
Memorial Hall<br />
Councilmeeting, Wednesday 16 <strong>March</strong>,<br />
1pm(live-streamed)<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> WaterZoneCommittee,<br />
Tuesday 22 <strong>March</strong>,1pm<br />
Council Activity Briefings, Wednesday<br />
23 <strong>March</strong>, 9.30am<br />
Audit and Risk Committee, Wednesday<br />
23 <strong>March</strong> 1.30pm(live-streamed)<br />
Wind straps aren'tjustfor windy<br />
days! Make ahabit of poppingon<br />
your windstraps everytimeyou put<br />
your wheelie bins out -ifyour bin gets<br />
knocked over,thenthe contentsofyour<br />
bin stayin.<br />
Theautomatic sorting machine at the<br />
recycling factorycan't pick up lids,<br />
they'rejusttoo thinortoo small.So<br />
please keep lids of all shapes andsizes,<br />
and allmaterials, out of your yellow<br />
recycling bin.<br />
If your yellowbin wastagged andnot<br />
emptied,thatmeans it containeditems<br />
thatcan't be recycled.You need to<br />
remove the itemsindicatedonthe tag<br />
andput your binout forcollectionagain<br />
in twoweeks.<br />
These news pagesare<br />
createdand supplied by the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council.<br />
Formoreinformationand the<br />
latest news,visitour website<br /><br />
5Baring Square West<br />
Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />
Thursday 9am -5pm<br />
180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />
Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />
Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />
20 River Terrace<br />
Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />
Sat&Sun 7.00am -7.00pm<br />
327 WestStreet<br />
10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br /> Thursday,3<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 68<br />
18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
AUTUMN<br />
Juniors take titles at regionals<br />
MountHutt Collegestudents<br />
James Clark and JackFoster<br />
have won the Aorangi FMG<br />
Junior Young Farmer of the<br />
Year title for <strong>2022</strong>, and<br />
LongbeachSchool pupils<br />
Edward Pottinger,Liam Lash,<br />
and Edward White, of the<br />
LongbeachFarmwise team,<br />
have won the Aorangi<br />
AgriKidsNZ title.<br />
The competition,atthe<br />
Mackenzie A&P Showgrounds<br />
in Fairlie last Saturday, saw50<br />
teams go headtohead in abid<br />
to takeout the Aorangi<br />
AgriKidsNZ andFMG Junior<br />
Young Farmer of theYear<br />
titles.<br />
The FMG Junior Young<br />
Farmer of the Year contestants<br />
were challenged to arangeof<br />
practical and theoretical<br />
modules, with Jack and James<br />
enjoying the challenge of the<br />
faceoff, wherethe topfive<br />
teams compete through aquiz<br />
formatcompetition.<br />
Theyalsoenjoyed the MPI<br />
module, where contestants<br />
had to identify waystoprotect<br />
apicultureinNew Zealand,<br />
“wealmost got 100% of<br />
questions correctonthe beekeepingmodule,”James<br />
said.<br />
Underthe redlight covid<br />
protectionframework, each<br />
eventwas held separately with<br />
entriescappedat35 teams on<br />
rotation to comply withthe<br />
100person capacity limits.<br />
In second place for Aorangi<br />
FMGJunior YoungFarmerof<br />
the Year wereAnnaBarrie<br />
and Grady Hopkirkfrom<br />
GeraldineHigh School.The<br />
AgriKidsNZ runnerup and<br />
thirdplace spots weretaken<br />
out by <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Intermediate School teams,<br />
the AIS Contractors madeup<br />
of AliceJohnson, Kaira<br />
Wright,and Laura Hyde,<br />
followed by theAIS<br />
HarvestersmadeupbyCallum<br />
Tait,James Lansdown, Ethan<br />
Graham.<br />
The top twoFMG Junior<br />
Young Farmer of theYear<br />
teams and top three<br />
AgriKidsNZ teams have been<br />
Mount Hutt College students James Clark, left, and Jack Foster are the winners of the <strong>2022</strong> Aorangi<br />
FMG Junior Young Farmer of the Year title.<br />
Liam Lash, Edward Pottinger and Edward White, of the Longbeach Farmwise team, have won the<br />
<strong>2022</strong> Aorangi AgriKidsNZ title. PHOTO SUPPLIED<br />
invitedtothe FMGYoung<br />
Farmerofthe YearGrand<br />
FinalinWhangareiinJuly.<br />
TheFMG Young Farmerof<br />
theYearContest Series would<br />
notbepossible without<br />
supportfromits family of<br />
sponsors: FMG,Ravensdown,<br />
WorkSafe, Ministryfor<br />
Primary Industries,<br />
Environmental Protection<br />
Authority, Honda, STIHL,<br />
MasseyUniversity, Lincoln<br />
University, New Holland,and<br />
PTS Logistics.<br />
Farmers<br />
place in<br />
finals<br />
Mid Canterbury’s FMGYoung<br />
Farmerofthe Yearhopefuls<br />
LachlanAngland and Peter<br />
O’Connor narrowly missedout<br />
on winning theAorangiFMG<br />
Young Farmer of theYeartitle.<br />
It went to Tom Adkins, of Upper<br />
Waitaki Young Farmers.<br />
Lachlan, of PendarvesYoung<br />
Farmers, placed runnerupand<br />
Peter, of Hinds Young Farmers,<br />
placed third.<br />
Tom, 23, secured himself a<br />
spotatthe FMG YoungFarmer<br />
of the Year Grand Final in<br />
Whangarei in July, afterafull<br />
day of challengesinthe<br />
regional event at Fairlie,last<br />
Saturday.<br />
TheAorangi Regional Final<br />
organisingcommitteewas<br />
madeupoflocalMackenzie<br />
Young Farmers members.<br />
Theteam putonan<br />
outstandingday, challenging<br />
contestants to arange of tasks<br />
ensuring to test their ability<br />
and knowledgeofthe foodand<br />
fibresector.<br />
Tomdid not expectthe win,<br />
“I cametogiveitagood crack,<br />
take it all in and prepare for<br />
future regionalfinals”, he<br />
explained.<br />
Tomfavouredthe headtoheadchallenges,<br />
“I enjoyed the<br />
physical aspect, beingable to<br />
getout, break asweatand get<br />
competitive.”<br />
In the leadup to the Grand<br />
Final in July, Tomsaid he will<br />
be brushing up on his cropping,<br />
machinery,and horticulture<br />
knowledge.<br />
Lachlan Anglandwas<br />
competinginhis second<br />
regional final, andPeter<br />
O’Connor his third regional<br />
final.<br />
Thecontest is based on four<br />
pillars –agriskills, agribusiness,<br />
agrisportsand agriknowledge.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
19<br />
AUTUMN<br />
The ultimate farm upcycler<br />
Farmer and contractor Charles<br />
Anderson has designed and<br />
built an ingenious bale chaser.<br />
The amateurengineer from<br />
Fairlie is alwaysworking in his<br />
yard, surrounded by farm<br />
machinery andsheds full of<br />
parts, tools and the next<br />
prototype.<br />
He has beenacontractor<br />
since hisfarm was downsized<br />
to make way fornearbyLake<br />
Opuhaand customises the<br />
equipmenttomake it more<br />
efficient and complete thejob<br />
faster.<br />
His latest invention is a<br />
selfloading and unloading<br />
baleagetrailer.<br />
Mr Andersonsaid there were<br />
other bale chasers available,<br />
but as far as he knew none of<br />
them usedhisgravity<br />
principle.<br />
‘‘I was working outat<br />
Meikleburn Station and the<br />
manager out there suggested<br />
‘why don’t you build one to<br />
speed the job up,aswewere<br />
doing alot of baleage?’ We<br />
were working half thenight as<br />
it takes time to get them on the<br />
trailer and then you have to lift<br />
them off,whereasthis one I<br />
can unloadthem without even<br />
stopping.’’<br />
He spent more than 600<br />
hours in thewinterof2019<br />
designing and building abetter<br />
way of movinground bales<br />
fromthe paddock to the<br />
wrapper.<br />
The trailer works on the<br />
principle of gravity and used<br />
the weightofthe bales.<br />
After abalewas clamped and<br />
hoisted one at atimebya<br />
clamp arm, it rolled downto<br />
the back. There were two arms,<br />
so balescouldbepicked up<br />
each side of the trailer,hesaid.<br />
The trailer carries six bales<br />
Nifty invention ...Charles Anderson’s handbuilt bale chaser was<br />
fabricated mostly from spare parts on farm.<br />
eachside when fully laden and<br />
about 50 bales can be movedan<br />
hour.<br />
Without stopping, he can let<br />
the tail door downto<br />
automaticallyrelease the 12<br />
balesin adropoff area, so they<br />
are in positionfor the wrapper.<br />
‘‘IfImight say so myself, I<br />
marvelthat it works so well. I<br />
didn’t even have anyplans,<br />
nothing on paper or anything,<br />
just built it in the yard and<br />
hadn’t aclue whetheritwould<br />
work or not. I’ve shaken afew<br />
bugs outofitsince and madea<br />
few improvements nowthatit’s<br />
in its third season.’’<br />
Thetrailer is built on the<br />
chassis of a1951 6x2 truck and<br />
has six double acting ramsand<br />
another two single acting rams<br />
to operate the tail door. About<br />
70mofhydraulic hose had to be<br />
installed.<br />
Another ram has just been<br />
added to operate the brakes<br />
downsteep slopes —one of<br />
many improvements made<br />
since he firstgot it working.<br />
He saidthe 14 hoses plugged<br />
into the rear of the 1968 Case<br />
1200 Traction King tractor was<br />
nothing short of a‘‘plumber’s<br />
nightmare.’’<br />
Onlysix of the tractors were<br />
brought into the country andhe<br />
has got the parts of one that<br />
was wrecked. Since buyingitin<br />
the mid1990s he has putina<br />
three point linkage and<br />
installed wheel mark<br />
eliminatorswith afolddown<br />
grubber.<br />
Thesameingenuity has gone<br />
into thebale chaser. Apart<br />
frombuyingthe hydraulichose<br />
and fittings, he managed to<br />
build mostofthe unit with<br />
parts lying around in his yard<br />
to keep the cost down.<br />
He does not have plans to<br />
commercialise thetrailer,but<br />
if afarmer wanted one he was<br />
prepared to coordinate its<br />
fabricationwith an engineer.<br />
Themechanicallyminded<br />
farmerhas workedonfarm<br />
machinery since he learned<br />
howto weld at the age of 13.<br />
‘‘It’s just theway Iam. Ijust<br />
loveworking with hydraulics<br />
and getting all the geometry<br />
right.<br />
‘‘And Ilike theolder stuff<br />
because Ican fix it, rather than<br />
all this computerised stuff.<br />
Something goes wrong and<br />
you’ve got to get atechnician<br />
out. If everything’s mechanical<br />
you can see what’s gone<br />
wrong.’’<br />
Among his manyother<br />
inventions, he has customised<br />
his haybaler so it will lift up<br />
heavy net wrap rolls on to the<br />
baler, anddesigned<br />
extendable antiroll armsona<br />
quadbike. They’ve often got<br />
humorous names, withthe<br />
quad modification called an<br />
Andy Anti Antic Bar.A<br />
‘‘Nor'Wester on Wheels’’drying<br />
unit is beltdriven with large<br />
plywoodfans to dry crops<br />
before aharvest or keep frosts<br />
out of an orchard.<br />
~Central Rural Life<br />
Sprouted<br />
grain for<br />
animals<br />
It is OK to feed sprouted<br />
grain to livestock,<br />
Foundation for Arable<br />
Researchsays.<br />
Sprouted grain is<br />
unsuitablefor use in the<br />
milling, brewing and food<br />
industries but it can be fed to<br />
livestock.<br />
‘‘The germination process<br />
produces heat, carbon<br />
dioxideand moisture that<br />
can reduce the energy<br />
density of the sprouted<br />
grain.<br />
‘‘However,animal feeding<br />
trials indicate thatthe<br />
feedingvalue of the sprouted<br />
grain is notgreatly reduced,<br />
if at all.<br />
‘‘In some instances, it<br />
appearsthatsprouting may<br />
actuallyimprove the feeding<br />
value.’’<br />
Sproutedwheat shouldbe<br />
processed similar to nonsprouted<br />
wheat, but<br />
sprouted grains may have a<br />
higher moisture content<br />
which canlead to spoilage<br />
andmouldgrowth during<br />
storage.<br />
Ifthere is any question<br />
about the presence of<br />
mouldsortoxins, have the<br />
grain screened.<br />
FAR hascompiled aflow<br />
chart to assist with decision<br />
making on what to do with<br />
sprouted cereal grain. It can<br />
befoundontheir website at<br /> and contains links<br />
to someoverseas<br />
information,whichwill need<br />
tobeconsidered forNew<br />
Zealand conditions.<br />
~FAR<br />
The place wherefarmers gettheir quality<br />
agricultural replacement parts andequipment<br />
Arable Plough<br />
Parts<br />
Gregoire<br />
Besson<br />
Kuhn<br />
Skimmers<br />
Kuhn Points Overum Parts Dale Shares<br />
Tungsten<br />
Kuhn Points Overum Points Kverneland<br />
Shares<br />
Plough Share<br />
Rebuilds Plough Shares PloughDiscs<br />
Kverneland<br />
Points<br />
Dowdeswell<br />
Shares<br />
Lemken<br />
Shares<br />
Harvest<br />
Parts<br />
Header<br />
Fingers Mower Blades Mower Skids Mower Skids<br />
Slasher<br />
Blades<br />
Clip on Lifter Bolt onLifter Floating Lifter<br />
Lifter Buttons<br />
Cultivation<br />
Parts<br />
Points<br />
Simba Points<br />
Goliath<br />
Points<br />
Bellota Grubber<br />
Point 12’’ x2.5’’<br />
Bellota<br />
Grubber Point<br />
10’’ x2’’<br />
Kverneland Accord Vicon<br />
TS Coulter Point<br />
Vaderstad Rexius Point<br />
Yeoman<br />
TBolts<br />
50 mm Topdown<br />
Points<br />
Points<br />
Simba ST<br />
Point<br />
James<br />
Aerator Point<br />
Coil Tines<br />
Springs<br />
Panaerator<br />
Point &Wing<br />
Twisted<br />
Points<br />
Yeoman Clamp<br />
Coil Tine<br />
Clamp<br />
Goliath<br />
Springs<br />
STines<br />
Goliath Legs<br />
Jackpot Tines<br />
Simba<br />
Wings<br />
34 Robinson Street,<br />
Riverside Industrial Park,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 6509<br />
Card<br />
20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
AUTUMN<br />
Quality lambs on sale<br />
Atrio of Mid Canterbury high<br />
country stations havewon high<br />
praise forthe quality of their<br />
lambs after going througha<br />
toughseason.<br />
About 20,000lambs from<br />
Mount Possession, Castle Ridge<br />
Station andMount Arrowsmith<br />
Station went under thehammer<br />
at last month’s <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Gorge onfarm lamb sale.<br />
Castle Ridge Station owners<br />
Pauland Kerry Harmer<br />
averaged about$159 for a<br />
yardingofabout 9300 poll<br />
Dorsetmerino cross lambs,<br />
with the top pen of ramlambs<br />
making $207 at their 16th onfarm<br />
sale.<br />
Mount Arrowsmith finished<br />
up withanaverage of $147 for<br />
their poll Dorsetmerino cross<br />
lambs and asale high of $213<br />
for their top pen, while Mount<br />
Possession had atop sale of<br />
$178 for their lineupof<br />
halfbred and blackface<br />
halfbred lambs for an overall<br />
averageof$128.<br />
Mt Possession also soldabout<br />
1000 halfbred annual draft<br />
ewesfor about$185 each.<br />
Paul Harmer said they were<br />
thrilled with the result. ‘‘It’s the<br />
best sale we’ve had and it’s<br />
good to see all the work come<br />
together because it’s awhole<br />
year’s worth of work that comes<br />
to fruitionatthe end.’’<br />
Going once Thousands of<br />
lambs went under the hammer<br />
for good prices recently at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Gorge onfarm lamb<br />
sale.<br />
He said feed was tight in<br />
early spring until rain arrived.<br />
‘‘We were probably fortunate<br />
we had some good hot days that<br />
helpedthe clovergrowth and<br />
that’s where we put weighton<br />
the lambs.’’<br />
Just 400 of their lambs wentto<br />
the store market, he said.<br />
PGG Wrightson sheep and<br />
beef representative Greg Cook<br />
said the stations wouldhave<br />
madeanextra $20to$30 ahead<br />
on top of lastyear’s prices.<br />
‘‘They were very happyand it<br />
was averygood lineup of<br />
lambs.You would go along way<br />
to seethem better.They were<br />
very good lambs and they were<br />
well paid for quality stock.’’<br />
Manyofthe primelambs<br />
went to the meat companies<br />
and the storelambs remained<br />
in MidCanterburyand central<br />
Canterbury to be finished by<br />
arableand other farmers.<br />
He said the stationsdeserved<br />
creditfor getting the lambs<br />
through in such goodcondition.<br />
‘‘The climate was abit<br />
difficult in the gorge and they<br />
hadquite awet season so they<br />
did averygood job.’’<br />
Hazlett Ltd livestock general<br />
managerEdMarfell said store<br />
lambs went to regular buyers<br />
whoreturned to the genetics<br />
because they knew they could<br />
get good results.<br />
‘‘There were 20,000 lambs on<br />
offer on one day from the three<br />
stations andthatattracted the<br />
crowd.<br />
‘‘The presentation of the<br />
livestockand howthe stations<br />
broughtthem forward was a<br />
credit to them as it hasn’t been<br />
the easiest year —it’s been wet<br />
and cold —and thelambs were<br />
as good you’ve seen.’’<br />
Highpriceswere in line with<br />
alambschedule unseenfor this<br />
time of the year.<br />
All onfarm sales have had a<br />
good run.’’<br />
~Central RuralLife<br />
Seed exports<br />
good, despite<br />
complications<br />
Seed exports are holding up<br />
well, despite ongoing Covid19<br />
complications and shipping<br />
challenges.<br />
More than 55,000 tonnes<br />
(equal to 2750shipping<br />
containers) of high quality<br />
specialty seed was sent to 70<br />
international markets last<br />
year.<br />
That was worth more than<br />
$236million, according to<br />
StatsNZ’s latest overseas trade<br />
numbers.<br />
Export revenue wasdown<br />
5% on theprevious year, with<br />
the Netherlands taking 22% of<br />
seedexports by value,<br />
Australia 11%, Germany 10%,<br />
and theUnited States8%.<br />
Pasture seedexports,<br />
including ryegrass, fescueand<br />
clover exports, were worth<br />
$133million, vegetable seed,<br />
including radish, carrot, and<br />
beet, was valued at $96 million<br />
and grain seed exports $6.5<br />
million. Most of theseed is<br />
grown andharvested in<br />
Canterbury, mainly around<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
New Zealand Grain and<br />
Thomas Chin<br />
Seed TradeAssociation<br />
general manager Thomas Chin<br />
said extra trade opportunities<br />
were created for exporters<br />
due to extreme droughtand<br />
floodingevents in arange of<br />
seedproducing regions in the<br />
northern hemisphere during<br />
2020.<br />
‘‘Our exporters have been<br />
able to keep and win new<br />
international customers<br />
because of ahighly capable<br />
group of growerswho are<br />
focusedonsupplying top<br />
quality product,which in turn<br />
delivers significant<br />
premiums,’’ he said.<br />
2462746<br />
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Qualified and experienced engineers offer options for dairy<br />
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2463374<br />
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Phone/Fax (<strong>03</strong>) 307 2354<br />
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• 25m x 4m<br />
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• Ropes optional<br />
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Phone 308 7182<br />
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211/D Alford Forest Road<br />
2462470<br />
AUTUMN<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
21<br />
Be on guard for Fusarium disease<br />
There have been widespread<br />
recent reports of Fusarium<br />
head blight (FHB) in wheat<br />
crops throughout Canterbury.<br />
Fusarium head blight of<br />
wheat, also known as head scab,<br />
is most easily recognised on<br />
immature heads where one or<br />
more spikelets in each head<br />
appear prematurely bleached.<br />
Sometimes large areas of heads<br />
may be affected, and where<br />
infection is severe, pink or<br />
orange spore masses can be<br />
seen on diseased spikelets.<br />
Fusariumdamaged grains<br />
are pink or chalky white and<br />
shrivelled.<br />
This disease can cause<br />
significant yield losses where<br />
conditions favour the disease,<br />
and grain from affected crops<br />
may be less palatable to stock<br />
than healthy grain and may<br />
contain mycotoxins (a toxin<br />
produced by fungi).<br />
It is important to know that<br />
not all species of Fusarium<br />
produce mycotoxins. F.<br />
crookwellense, F. culmorum<br />
and<br />
F. graminearum can produce<br />
mycotoxins but other species<br />
are not considered major<br />
producers.<br />
The incidence of different<br />
species of Fusarium fungi in<br />
New Zealand grain varies from<br />
year to year and by grain type,<br />
harvest date, region and the<br />
weather conditions in the<br />
season.<br />
Asurvey in 2000 found that<br />
the Fusarium species present<br />
in Canterbury were not major<br />
producers of mycotoxins.<br />
Samples from two wheat<br />
crops grown near Methven in<br />
December 2018 were identified<br />
as Monographella nivalis (snow<br />
mould), aspecies usually<br />
included with the Fusarium<br />
group of fungi that does not<br />
produce mycotoxins.<br />
However, since it is not know<br />
if all the recent reports of FHB<br />
are caused by nonmycotoxinproducing<br />
species, it<br />
makes sense for growers to take<br />
precautions to minimise the<br />
risk of harvesting and storing<br />
Fusariumcontaminated grain.<br />
Wet weather promotes<br />
Fusarium development and<br />
during flowering (GS6069)<br />
crops are particularly<br />
susceptible to head blight<br />
infection. The higher the<br />
rainfall through flowering, the<br />
higher the risk.<br />
Rainfall through December<br />
was high in Canterbury, ranging<br />
from 62mm at Chertsey to<br />
177mm at Methven.<br />
At harvest, Fusarium<br />
mycotoxins may increase if wet<br />
weather causes delays.<br />
Also, mycotoxins may<br />
increase if the grain has ahigh<br />
moisture content in storage.<br />
Suggested actions: Harvest<br />
fusariumaffected wheat crops<br />
as soon as possible once ripe.<br />
Consult the combine<br />
manual. Combine adjustments<br />
should follow the<br />
manufacturer’s manual when<br />
first going to the field. Once in<br />
the field, operators should<br />
invest the time to sample the<br />
grain and make adjustments.<br />
The most important<br />
adjustments include concave<br />
clearance, screen openings and<br />
cylinder and fan speeds. This is<br />
particularly important when<br />
dealing with compromised<br />
grain quality.<br />
If it is determined that grain<br />
quality is not an issue, more<br />
conventional settings should be<br />
used to minimise grain loss.<br />
Fan speed many, but not<br />
all, Fusariuminfected kernels<br />
are shrunken and have lower<br />
densities. Increasing the<br />
combine’s fan speed can greatly<br />
increase the number of lighter<br />
kernels blown out the back of<br />
the combine.<br />
Harvest and store grain with<br />
fusariumcontaminated grain<br />
separately.<br />
Good farm practices will<br />
minimise the risk of<br />
mycotoxins.<br />
Damp grain needs to be<br />
dried to minimise risk.<br />
~Foundation for Arable<br />
Research (FAR)<br />
Mayfield Spraying Ltd<br />
Forall your agricultural spraying and liquid<br />
fertiliser needs with competitiverates<br />
phone Tony today.<br />
Familyownedand operated.<br />
J&NHedgecutting Ltd<br />
Tony 027 248 7045<br /><br />
2463062<br />
New Zealand on show<br />
New Zealand’s expertise in sustainable food<br />
systemswere highlighted at Expo 2020’s<br />
Food, Agricultureand Livelihoods Business<br />
Forum last weekinDubai.<br />
Attended by hundredsofdelegates at the<br />
Dubai Exhibition Centre,either in person or<br />
online, the forum soughtgalvanised<br />
collective action for atransitiontomore<br />
sustainable food systems inorder to feed 10<br />
billion people by 2050.<br />
NewZealandwas selected by Expo2020<br />
Dubai and the Dubai Chamber of Commerce<br />
to cocurate the forumbecauseofits<br />
leadershipinsustainable food systems,<br />
applied science and aproven trackrecord of<br />
producing highvalue products.<br />
NewZealand’s involvement was led by New<br />
ZealandG2G,ajoint venturebetween the<br />
Ministry of Foreign Affairs andTrade–<br />
Manatū Aorere and NewZealandTradeand<br />
Enterprise–Te Taurapa Tūhono.New<br />
ZealandG2G sells NewZealand’s public<br />
sector capabilitiestointernational<br />
governments, and has brokered more than<br />
100 projects across 21 countries since2014.<br />
AlongsideNew Zealand wereparticipants<br />
from the UAE,Australia, Bahamas, Brazil,<br />
Costa Rica, Cyprus, Estonia, Ghana,Hungary,<br />
India, Morocco, Peru, Rwanda,SaudiArabia,<br />
South Korea, theNetherlands, Trinidad and<br />
Tobago, Ukraine, theUnited Statesof<br />
America,Vietnam, and Zambia.<br />
Minister of Agricultureand Minister for<br />
Trade and Export Growth,Damien O’Connor,<br />
joined the forum virtually,aswell as Minister<br />
forFoodSafety, Dr Ayesha Verrallaswell as<br />
industry experts and business leaders from<br />
New Zealand<br />
MrO’Connorsaid food production is one<br />
of the mostnoble human endeavours.<br />
‘‘It should enable thrivingrural<br />
communitiesandrewarding livelihoods. It<br />
should generate social and economic<br />
prosperity whilemaintainingand<br />
enhancing the integrity of natural<br />
resources.’’<br />
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We canassist in the following:<br />
Rotaryboomirrigators serviceand repairs<br />
Dairyshed yard work –gates, rails etc.<br />
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Full time workshop attendancefor<br />
emergencyrepairss<br />
Over countersales and courier deliveries<br />
Chains,bearings<br />
PK trailer repairs and maintenance<br />
Wire rope supply and splicing<br />
Alloyand stainless weldingng<br />
Mainline repair<br />
Pivotmechanical maintenance,<br />
gear boxesand fencewalkers<br />
General engineering<br />
Phone 308 59<strong>03</strong> weekdays l Email:<br />
On call 7days: Doug: 027282 2245, Matt (Tomo): 021 518538<br />
Nowat15Malcolm McDowell Drive
NEWS<br />
22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Wendy Smith of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club, (from left), Jill Taylor, of Ellesmere Golf Club, Barbara May, of<br />
Greendale Golf Club and Glenys Panfilow, of Waimari Golf Club, enjoy the 9hole tournament at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Golfers on the green<br /><br />
Maddi makes<br />
Canterbury U19s<br />
Talentedbikeracer Maddi<br />
Lowry, picturedbelow,has<br />
claimed agold,twosilvers<br />
andfourbronzemedals in a<br />
variety of events at the<br />
Canterbury track cycling<br />
championships.<br />
Her success at the<br />
championships, held at the<br />
Denton Velodrome, has now<br />
seen her chosenforthe<br />
Canterbury women’s under 19<br />
team.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />
Year 13 student has madean<br />
impressivecomeback after<br />
having six months off the bike<br />
following abad crash in a<br />
National TrackSeries racein<br />
Invercargill last June.<br />
‘‘I crashed during atempo<br />
points raceand landed very<br />
hard on the concrete on the<br />
inside of the wooden<br />
velodrome.<br />
‘‘My knees tookmostofthe<br />
impact andIalso damaged my<br />
hip and spine,’’ Maddi said.<br />
She had needed to make<br />
regularvisitstoasports<br />
doctor and weekly visitstoa<br />
sports physio in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
‘‘I hadtime offthe bikeand<br />
gymwork to healfor<br />
rehabilitationand Ifollowed<br />
aspecific exerciseand<br />
stretching regimegradually<br />
increasing mytimeonthe<br />
bike andgym work to getme<br />
backtofulltrainingand<br />
racing intensities,’’ she said.<br />
The17yearold only<br />
returnedtoracing just before<br />
Christmas and has made very<br />
good progress since.<br />
She is back in the<br />
Canterbury team and will<br />
compete at theupcoming<br />
National Track<br />
ChampionshipsinCambridge<br />
in mid<strong>March</strong>.<br />
Nine hole golfers from around<br />
Canterbury took part in the<br />
annual <strong>Ashburton</strong>Golf Club<br />
tournamentlastweek.<br />
The greens wereintop form<br />
andthe weather gods were<br />
smiling.<br />
Tournament MC Dick Hansen<br />
said 60 golfers; around48<br />
ladies and 12 men, were<br />
involvedinthetournament<br />
with players from<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Golf Club,Mayfield, Methven,<br />
Russley, Waimari Beach,<br />
Greendale, Ellesmere,Timaru<br />
andPleasant Point.<br />
They played as individuals,<br />
not inteams,with men playing<br />
in one opencompetitionand<br />
the ladies in one of twogrades,<br />
depending on their handicap<br />
when they registered.<br />
Amongthe ladies playing<br />
were WendySmithof<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>GolfClub, Glenys<br />
Panfilow, of Waimari Golf Club,<br />
Jill Taylor, of Ellesmere Golf<br />
Cluband Barbara May, of<br />
Greendale Golf Club. By the<br />
end of their firstholethey were<br />
in fine form, enjoyingthe<br />
outing in favourable weather.<br />
Thegreens are really good<br />
thankstothe greenkeeper and<br />
team whohavedone avery,<br />
very good job maintaining the<br />
course, Mr Hansensaid.<br />
The players were vying for<br />
prizes in categories suchasbest<br />
nett,closest to the pin and least<br />
number of putts, Mr Hansen<br />
said.<br />
It wasalsothe first time<br />
playerscould winaprize for<br />
the straightest drive, which had<br />
replacedthe longestdrive<br />
category.<br />
Thetournament, run for<br />
many years, was similarto<br />
eventsheld at other clubsand<br />
frequentedbymany players<br />
from the<strong>Ashburton</strong> District.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>tournament<br />
startedwith morning tea and a<br />
briefing before teeoff. Then<br />
finished with lunch andprize<br />
giving. ‘‘It’s agood social<br />
outing,’’ Mr Hansen said.<br />
Results;men:best nett Bryan<br />
Petrie, Methven (36). Putting,<br />
Neil Gibbs,<strong>Ashburton</strong>(13).<br />
Nearest the Pin,Sam Prince,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Straightest Drive,<br />
Stewart Bennett,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
WomenDiv1: best nettRobynne<br />
Nicoll, <strong>Ashburton</strong>(37). Putting,<br />
WendyCampbell, Methven<br />
(14). Nearest the Pin, Wanda<br />
Campbell,Methven.<br />
Straightest Drive, Robynne<br />
Nicoll,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.Women<br />
Div2: bestnett Tessa<br />
Gallagher, Mayfield(35).<br />
Putting,Val Biggs (16). Nearest<br />
the Pin,Trish Dovestone,<br />
Timaru.Straightest Drive,<br />
AlycenCournane, Pleasant<br />
Point.<br />
Whobenefits,who pays?<br /><br />
We’reproposing achangetohow flood protection costs<br />
areshared in the <strong>Ashburton</strong>River rating district.<br />
Find outmoreand have your sayonour DraftAnnualPlan<strong>2022</strong>/23.
Supporting the community<br />
96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Phone 3078317<br />
Real Estate MidCanterburyPropertyLtd Licensed REAA 2008<br />
OH BABY!<br />
Let<br />
MidCanterburyb<br />
know about your<br />
newarrival...<br /> the <strong>Courier</strong>’s monthly<br />
Baby Page completely free of charge.<br />
Simply post or email aphotoofthe new<br />
arrival along with the birth details to:<br /><br />
Photos forApril 3to<br />
be received by 12 noon<br />
TuesdayApril 1<br />
Hush, babysleeping ...<br />
Being anew parentislike nothing else you’ll ever do.<br />
Whether you’re anew mum, anew dad, oranold hand<br />
with afew years extra knowledge, being aparent islike<br />
nothing else you’ll ever do.<br />
It brings joy and surprise as you get to know your new<br />
baby, along with many sleepless nights, mostly from a<br />
crying babytrying to communicate.<br />
Crying can mean hunger or adirty or wetnappy, or they<br />
mayjust need acuddle,asong,awalk or aride to soothe<br />
them.<br />
Your babywill crytotell youwhatthey need; as youget<br />
to know them better you will learn what each cry and<br />
sound means.<br />
How you respond to baby’s crying will make baby feel<br />
secureand safe.<br />
One of the hardest times can be when your baby keeps<br />
on crying and youcan’t work out why. If youfind yourself<br />
getting upset,it’sOKtoput your babydowngently in a<br />
safeplace, walk away and take abreak.<br />
Your baby ismore likely to calm down when you are<br />
feeling calm and in control.<br />
And tolook after your baby well you need to look after<br />
yourself too which means eating well, getting enough<br />
sleep,being activeand asking forhelp when needed or<br />
if it all becomes toomuch.<br />
What youeat and drink will have abig effectonhow you<br />
feel during the dayand howwell yousleep.<br />
Sleep is one of the most importantparts of looking after<br />
yourself and your baby.<br />
Try tosleep or rest when your baby does. And try to<br />
accept thatbroken sleep and tiredness arepartofbeing<br />
aparent, especially at the beginning but it does get<br />
better.<br />
Play is work<br />
and work is fun<br />
Where Children Learn<br />
Contact: Kindergarten<br />
Association Manager<br />
Ph: 308 3779<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2460645<br />
Children’s<br />
Wear<br />
Specialists<br />
At Tiddlywinks Preschool<br />
children areencouraged to<br />
exploreand develop asense<br />
of wonder through natural<br />
resourcesand experiences.<br />
In our new purpose built facility<br />
teachers areable to “stepback”<br />
and empowerchildren to make<br />
their owndecisions and take<br />
responsibilityfor collaborative<br />
playbut still be theretoguide<br />
and supportwhen needed.<br />
We have separate under two’s<br />
andovertwo’s with ashared<br />
kaiareawhich fosters the<br />
relationships between the older<br />
and younger children as well as<br />
the teachers which in turnmakes<br />
the transition process relaxing<br />
foreveryone. Our outdoor area<br />
provides mud,water, sand,grass,<br />
loose parts,hidey holes,rocks,<br />
logs and nativetrees and plants<br />
which allowthe children to gain<br />
confidenceinthemselves,create,<br />
exploreand assess their ownrisk.<br />
We provide wetweather gear<br />
forthe children so they can be<br />
outside in all types of weather<br />
and enjoyrainy days as much as<br />
sunnydays.<br />
Contactuson<br />
307 0420 or visit our website<br /><br />
2460644<br />
<br />
<br />
The Arcade, <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>03</strong> 307 7340<br />
Asmall homely centre,<br />
with anature based philosophy.<br />
Stephanie Hansen Amanda Moore<br />
Centre Directors<br />
7Roxburgh Place Tinwald <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
phone <strong>03</strong> 307 0420<br />
24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8<br />
9<br />
10<br />
11 12 13<br />
14 15 16<br />
17<br />
18 19 20<br />
21<br />
22<br />
23<br />
4/3<br />
Across<br />
1. Thosewho releasethe greyhounds, or<br />
mules (8)<br />
7. Is beneathbending the elbow (5)<br />
8. Doesn’t go with the12(7)<br />
9. Sort of horseapig will standon(7)<br />
10. Probablythe secondhalfisskilfully<br />
rendered(4)<br />
12. Die, surethatwhat’sleftwill be changed<br />
(7)<br />
14. Mayberumpledorhavethe fold pressed<br />
in (7)<br />
17. Whatduellistusedtokeep eyeon,<br />
backing outofit(4)<br />
18. Sustains, as does Atlas the world? (7)<br />
21. Odd dog incursnotesofdebt (7)<br />
22. No returninthe coach? That’s an extra<br />
(5)<br />
23. Holybooks have an afterthought that<br />
changes(8)<br />
Down<br />
1. It couldbemargarine that’squite afeast<br />
(6)<br />
2. At entering mole, I’mfirst to offeritin<br />
sacrifice (8)<br />
3. Anguish onegets inpot (4)<br />
4. Could resorttoadutylist (6)<br />
5. It isn’tnatural to providesuch<br />
accommodation(4)<br />
6. It is adeflection that maybe veers around<br />
west (6)<br />
7. Could words be read through in a<br />
desultoryway?(7)<br />
11. Follows,asaconsequence,the final<br />
scores(7)<br />
13. Show it is wrong to do vipers outofit(8)<br />
14. Gosh! Did they come from therichman’s<br />
table? (6)<br />
15. It isn’t enough to talk about afield event<br />
(6)<br />
16. Is againstpoetry that’s Frenchand<br />
American (6)<br />
19. Putthe picture on the walltoexecute<br />
one(4)<br />
20. Otherwise it’s aLatin viva voce(4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1to9.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11 12 13<br />
14 15<br />
16 17<br />
18 19 20 21 22<br />
23 24<br />
25<br />
26 27<br />
Across<br />
1. Copy(5)<br />
4. Sentimentalsong (6)<br />
7. Single unit (3)<br />
8. Open out (6)<br />
9. Keep (6)<br />
10. Showyplant of the<br />
daisy family(13)<br />
14. Blacksmith’s tool(5)<br />
15. Of the poorestquality<br />
(5)<br />
18. Tactically(13)<br />
23. Neighbourhood (6)<br />
24. Popular dessert(6)<br />
25. Chop (3)<br />
26. Disclose (6)<br />
27. Natty (5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Calendar period (5)<br />
2. Crabby(5)<br />
3. Partofashirt(6)<br />
4. Tell off(6)<br />
5. Supple(5)<br />
6. Farewell(Fr)(5)<br />
10. Disorder (5)<br />
11. Wanderer (5)<br />
12. Ethical (5)<br />
13. Friendly(colloq) (5)<br />
16. Spoken (6)<br />
17. Talented (6)<br />
19. Ceasefire (5)<br />
20. Critical (5)<br />
21. Martian(5)<br />
22. Sweet(5)<br />
Across: 1. Mimic, 4. Ballad, 7. One, 8. Unroll, 9. Retain,10.<br />
Chrysanthemum, 14.Anvil,15. Worst, 18.Strategically,23. Suburb, 24.<br />
Trifle, 25. Axe,26. Reveal, 27. Dinky.<br />
Down: 1. Month, 2. Moody, 3. Collar,4.Berate, 5. Lithe,6.Adieu,10.<br />
Chaos, 11.Rover,12. Moral,13. Matey,16. Verbal,17. Gifted, 19. Truce,<br />
20.Acute, 21. Alien,22. Lolly.<br />
Across: 1. Slippers 7. Below 8. Remains9.Trotter 10.Ably 12.Residue<br />
14.Creased17. Epée 18.Upholds 21. Curious 22. Bonus23. Psalters.<br />
Down: 1. Spread 2. Immolate3.Pain4.Roster5.Flat6.Swerve7.<br />
Browsed 11.Results 13. Disprove14. Crumbs 15. Discus16. Versus 19.<br />
Hang 20. Oral.<br />
TARGET<br />
alive archive aver calve carve<br />
cave caver cavil chervil clave<br />
clavier crave curve evil halve<br />
have haver hive lave laver live<br />
liver rave ravel rival rive uvea<br />
uveal vail vale value valuer veal<br />
VEHICULAR veil vela velar vial<br />
vicar vice vile viral<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
L I H<br />
U V C<br />
A R E<br />
Good 21<br />
Very Good 29<br />
Excellent 37+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />
ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
Kim<br />
Miller<br />
Meet Kim Miller,owner of RayWhite Mid<br />
Canterbury for one year.Sales specialist for<br />
12 years, aMum of two for 23 years and<br />
living her best life for 52 years. Kim’s positive<br />
and professionalapproach is infectious, and<br />
along with her talented team,Kim is always<br />
getting the best results for her clients.<br />
027 236 8627•<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>•Tinwald•Methven • •<strong>03</strong>307 8317<br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
83 Aitken Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 -<br />
1946 Arnold Valley Road<br />
Moana<br />
For Sale<br />
For Sale<br />
•Spacious family lounge<br />
•Large kitchen<br />
•Moveable sleepout<br />
•Office/study<br />
•Off street parking<br />
•Workshop/woodshed<br />
•Kitchen Available<br />
•Within the Avenues<br />
Comfortable warm home, with a spacious feel<br />
throughout. Added bonus of astudy/office plus<br />
sleepout for guests or family. Close to shops and<br />
schools ,the ideal location for your 1st home oran<br />
investment.<br />
Buyer Enquiry Over $359,000<br />
All offers considered after<br />
Tuesday, 08 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
2pm.<br />
View<br />
Saturday 9.30-10.00am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
021354 885<br />
Surrounded in native bush with wildlife right<br />
on your doorstep these exceptionally private<br />
sections offer the ultimate lifestyle with the Moana<br />
township just astroll away. Situated approx. two<br />
and ahalf hours from Christchurch andapprox. 50<br />
minutes from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet<br />
for tourists and Christchurch residents. It not only<br />
attracts keen boaters butisthe ultimate setting for<br />
those who enjoy water sports/fishing or hunting!<br />
Everything is right at your doorstep.<br />
2freehold titles left (3 already sold).<br />
Lot 31.0013Ha<br />
Lot 41.4190Ha<br />
Power and phone toboundary.<br />
Asking Price $259,000 +GST<br />
(if any)<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
35 Waymouth Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
1 1 -<br />
29 Waymouth Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 3<br />
For Sale<br />
For Sale<br />
Set on a 930m2 section with huge potential in<br />
Fairton location, with lots of options.<br />
If you are looking for an opportunity add value this<br />
cute 1bedroom home isamust see.<br />
Peaceful and private yet incredibly convenient.<br />
Fairton isasmall township approximately 6km<br />
from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Awonderful community that has<br />
alocal primary school with aheated swimming<br />
pool that is available to the community.<br />
Call SuperManu for your private viewing.<br />
Buyer Enquiry Over $269,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022308 6885<br />
•Modern o/p kitchen &dining<br />
•Double glazed<br />
•Choice of diesel fire orheat pump for heating<br />
•Spa pool<br />
•Internal access carport<br />
•2single adjoining garages with workbench<br />
•Plenty of off street parking for all the toys!<br />
Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in afriendly<br />
community, Fairton, which is approx 6kms north<br />
of <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Fairton has its own popular primary<br />
school, also afree bus service to intermediate &<br />
college. Fairton school has its own solar heated<br />
swimming pool, which is also available for<br />
members of the community.<br />
Call SuperManu for your private viewing.<br />
Buyer Enquiry Over $399,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit<br />
Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company
32a Morgan Street, Methven 10:00am -10:30am 3 1 2 MVN0000<br />
61 Grove Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30am -11:00am 3 1 1 AHB30196<br />
45 ElizabethStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00am -11:30am 4 2 4 AHB30222<br />
40a Spaxton Street, Methven 11:00am -11:30am 3 1 1 MVN30005<br />
21 Dolma Street, Methven 11:30am -12:30pm 4 1 1 MVN30021<br />
13 Chapman Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -12:30pm 3 1 3 AHB30009<br />
63 Glassworks Rd, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />
21/1242 River Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00am -12:00pm 2 1 1 AHB30218<br />
63 Glassworks Rd, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />
AgentonSite<br />
45 ElizabethStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 1:00pm -1:30pm 4 2 4 AHB30222<br />
Lot2&3, 63 Glassworks Rd, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
*2sections available4350sqm and 4970sqm 5minutes from<br />
town<br />
*Town water,3phase electricity andcommunications available<br />
at the boundary of each section<br />
*Sealed drivewaytoeachsection<br />
*Great building sites, room to build ashed for the toys<br />
Don’t delay,thisisarare opportunitytosecure the lifestyleyou<br />
want andbuild the home youdeserve.<br />
ForSale<br />
By Negotiation<br />
View<br />
Saturday12:00 -1:00pm<br />
Sunday 12:00 -1:00pm<br />
Bruce McPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br /><br />
Real Estate MidCanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
193 Grove Place, Tinwald<br />
3 1 2<br />
This functional three bedroom family home with good garaging<br />
offers plenty of options for the discerning purchaser. Heat by<br />
wayofacompliant log fire and heat pump for year round convenience.<br />
The cattery offers 12 units in the main building plus 2<br />
quarantine units to the rear of the garage. Agreat option to set<br />
your own hours and be your own boss.<br />
ForSale<br />
PriceonApplication<br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br /><br />
Real Estate MidCanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
AgentonSite<br />
45A &45B Elizabeth Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
4 2 4<br />
61 Grove Street, Tinwald<br />
TwoFlats (45a &45b)can only be soldtogether.<br />
Set Date of Sale<br />
Each Flat consists of 2double bedrooms,1bathroom, Kitchen, closing 11 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />
Dining,Livingand each has two designated parking spaces. 4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
Private, well fenced individual yards.<br /><br />
Real Estate MidCanterbury Property Limited Licensed(REAA 2008)<br />
View<br />
Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />
Sunday1:00 -1:30pm<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br />
*3 Bedroom s<br />
*Solid Red Brick<br />
*ModernKitchen<br />
*FamilySized Section<br />
*Includes separate hobbyroom<br /><br />
Real EstateMid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />
Set Date of Sale<br />
closing 15 <strong>March</strong> 2002, at<br />
3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Denise Russell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 432 9717<br />
Chrissy Milne<br />
SalesConsultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027242 7677<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
SalesConsultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
MikeGrant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Mark Totty<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 664 113<br />
Bruce McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
CareyVon Lubke<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 697 6948<br />
Janene McDowell<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 287 3388<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>03</strong> 3078317 Main Road,Tinwald <strong>03</strong> 3078317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven <strong>03</strong> 3<strong>03</strong>3<strong>03</strong>2
What'smy<br />
property worth?<br />
It's FREE to<br />
find out!<br />
3D VIRTUAL<br />
Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />
20 Vasari Grange, Rolleston<br />
ID: ROL002<br />
On offer is this very spaciousfour bed brick home in the heart of the ever expanding town of Rolleston, within<br />
walking distance to all amenities. The property sits forwardofthe fully fenced sunnysection enjoying plenty of<br />
space out the back! The home offersverylarge open plan livingwith twolounges, doubleglazing,heatpump<br />
and gasheater, four spacious bedrooms with plenty of storage, walk in wardrobe and ensuitetothe master.<br />
Large double attached garage with workbenches. An added bonus is acovered entertaining area to the rear.<br />
Rollestonisonlya25km commutetoChristchurch.<br />
Enquiries Over $799,000<br />
Open Home: Saturday5<strong>March</strong>. 10.00 -10.30am 4 2 2<br />
41 Bathurst Street<br />
Spacious three bedroom<br />
Summer Hill Stone home<br />
with hugepotential. Situated<br />
on a696m2 (approx)fully<br />
fenced section. Large single<br />
garage and acarport, plenty<br />
of off streetparking. Heat<br />
pump, logburner and HRV.<br />
Enquiries Over $419,000<br />
Open Home: Sat5<strong>March</strong><br />
11.45am -12.15pm<br />
3 1 2<br />
ID: W737<br />
Magnificent Home Here!<br />
Situatedinaverydesirable<br />
Oak Grovelocation this<br />
substantial property has so<br />
much to offer.<br />
Boasting four bedrooms,<br />
office, formal dining,two<br />
livingareas, conservatory and<br />
twobathrooms.Acovered<br />
and heatedswimming pool.<br />
tennis courts and games<br />
room plus three cargaraging<br />
(including carport).<br />
Enquiries Over $950,000<br />
4 2 3 ID: W729<br />
Unique Section<br />
Opportunity!<br />
Build... Develop, or your own<br />
fishing retreat!<br />
Handy 448m2 section with<br />
large single garage and atwo<br />
bayshed; both with power.<br />
Being Sold "subject to<br />
survey" so plenty of time to<br />
plan thatnew build.Prompt<br />
action is recommended.<br />
SetSaleends15th <strong>March</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong> at 2pm<br />
Enquiries Over $135,000<br />
ID: R092<br />
DesirableTownhouse<br />
•Situatedonthe Westside.<br />
•Sunnyend property<br />
capturing all daysun with<br />
floortoceiling windows.<br />
•Spacious interior,internal<br />
access from garage.<br />
•Verysecure, private fully<br />
fenced section.<br />
•This property has potential<br />
forthe astutebuyer<br />
OffersOver$359,000<br />
29 SuffolkStreet<br />
Astunning property<br />
capturing all daysun.<br />
Three bedrooms, spacious<br />
livingarea, partially double<br />
glazed. Internal access from<br />
carport plus extraoffstreet<br />
parking.<br />
All offersconsidered after<br />
2pm, 15 <strong>March</strong><br />
Enquiries Over $349,000<br />
Open Home: Sat5<strong>March</strong>,<br />
10.00 -10.30am<br />
3 1 1<br />
1/297 MooreStreet<br />
Be quick to viewthis<br />
spacious, warm and sunny<br />
frontunitsituatedwithin the<br />
Avenues. Lowmaintenance,<br />
fullyfenced and secure. Two<br />
heatpumpsand so closeto<br />
town. Garageconverted to<br />
utility room with potential<br />
to easily convert back to an<br />
internal access garage.<br />
OffersOver$310,000<br />
Open Home; Sat5<strong>March</strong>.<br />
12.00 -12.30pm<br />
2 1 1 ID: E739<br />
86a Melcombe Street<br />
Very desirable townhouse<br />
situatedperfectly foroutlook<br />
and sunshine.<br />
Extraspacious living area.<br />
Excellentindoor/outdoor<br />
flowfromliving and one<br />
bedroom.<br />
Large garage with internal<br />
access.<br />
Enquiries Over $549,000<br />
Open Home: Sat5<strong>March</strong>,<br />
11.00 -11.30am<br />
3 1 2<br />
ID: E738<br />
ID: T320<br />
JustWhatYou'reLooking<br />
For!!<br />
Three bedroom property<br />
with open plan living.<br />
Easy care section with garage<br />
pluscarport.<br />
Freshly painted, roughcast<br />
exterior and aluminium<br />
windows.<br />
An excellentfirsthome or<br />
investmentopportunity.<br />
Enquiries Over $349,000<br />
3 1 2 ID: E737<br />
GreatLocation, GreatHome!<br />
Well landscaped property<br />
in prime location close to<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domainand<br />
College. Ampleroom<br />
outdoorswith a1012m²<br />
section. Three bedrooms<br />
plus4th room off lounge.<br />
Plenty of parking with large<br />
double garage.Well worth<br />
your inspection! <strong>2022</strong> -<br />
Vaccine Pass required for<br />
viewings.<br />
Enquiries Over $485,000<br />
4 1 2 ID: W726<br />
First Home Or Develop?<br />
This property has real<br />
character!<br />
Situatedonthe outskirts of<br />
Rakaia on acorner section.<br />
Real potential here forthe<br />
astuteinvestorordeveloper.<br />
Four bedrooms and cosy<br />
living.<br />
Such agreat opportunity!<br />
Enquiries Over $299,000<br />
2 1 1 ID: W728<br />
4 1 1 ID: R091<br />
Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />
Manager<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Manoj Rana<br />
022 453 1964<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
0210 752 180
28 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
SELL<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
2447572<br />
Glenys Panfilow, of Waimari Golf Club, putts, while <strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club's Wendy Smith<br />
watches, during the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club’s 9hole golf tournament.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bowling Club<br />
Contrary to recent and current<br />
weather conditions, Tuesday the 22nd<br />
was a glorious day for the Rakaia<br />
Farmers Tournament in which 60+ bowlers<br />
took part. As part of a composite<br />
team skipped by Mike Quinn, and which<br />
included John Drayton, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Murray<br />
Anderson and John Kewish won the<br />
tournament with 4wins and <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
Doug Kinvig, Graham Taylor, Russell<br />
Lowe and George Crack came aworthy<br />
5th with 3wins.<br />
At the Friday Triples at Allenton on<br />
the 25th, <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Doug Kinvig, Des<br />
Prendergast and Peter Quinn came 2nd<br />
with 3 wins and 14 ends. <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
Rollover Triples on Saturday was cancelled<br />
because of no-shows. Ahandful of<br />
members, unable to take part, had their<br />
own rollover in the chilly drizzle, but glad<br />
of the chance to be on agreen again! The<br />
weather did deteriorate asthe afternoon<br />
progressed, but did not stop the Lowry<br />
Cup going ahead. <strong>Ashburton</strong> members<br />
(ladies and men) withstood the ever<br />
increasing chilly drizzle to gallantly mark<br />
cards and boards for the Lowry Cup<br />
matches throughout the day. Well done to<br />
them!<br />
Competitions scheduled tobeplayed<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong> BC are the Friday Triples,<br />
sponsored by Toyota,onthe 4th <strong>March</strong> at<br />
12.30 pm, and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies<br />
Triples, sponsored by <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust,<br />
on Monday 7th <strong>March</strong> at 10 am. Names<br />
have also been asked for the white board<br />
for the Harry Lee Drawn Teams, sponsored<br />
by Pearson’s Coachlines, on the<br />
10th at 12.30 pm. All these events are<br />
subject to weather conditions and the<br />
effect of the prevailing situation in the<br />
country. In House Glassey Pairs, sponsored<br />
by Subway, has been re-scheduled<br />
for 21st <strong>March</strong>, names on board please.<br />
Confirmation of re-scheduled events not<br />
yet advised are: Ladies Prestige (unfinished);<br />
Sub Centre over 75’s triples<br />
(postponed); <strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Drawn<br />
Fours (postponed). In the meantime,<br />
good bowling everyone, but more importantly,<br />
please stay safe!<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> County Lions<br />
President Sue welcomed members to<br />
the February meeting and avisitor from<br />
the Oamaru Lions Club. District Governor<br />
Christine presented President Sue with a<br />
Certificateofappreciation of the work she<br />
has carried out during her year as<br />
President. Ten year membership Chevrons<br />
were presented to Lions Cynthia,<br />
Lynda, Gwenda, and Julie. 15 year<br />
chevron to Lion Nicola, 20 years to Lion<br />
Lynette, 25 years to Lion Helen. The club<br />
will assist with the Blind Low Vision Red<br />
Puppy appeal on 25/26th <strong>March</strong>. An<br />
updated Club Protocol booklet was given<br />
to each member. Lion Janet gave us a<br />
summary of the “EmergingLeaders Lions<br />
Course” she attended in January, along<br />
with 24 other Lions. Three days of<br />
presentations, covering all aspects of the<br />
Lions work/philosophy and looking tothe<br />
future of the organization. She came<br />
away from the course, tired but full of<br />
enthusiasm and passion to continue and<br />
encourage the work of Lions within our<br />
club, community and internationally. District<br />
Governor Christine introduced Derek<br />
Wardell who gave abrief outline of his<br />
involvement in Lions. The County Lions<br />
Club will submit his nomination for 2nd<br />
Vice District Governor for <strong>2022</strong>/23 year.<br />
Due to covid restrictions the annual Lions<br />
Convention has been cancelled but<br />
online voting will take place. Members<br />
enjoyed a lovely meal and fellowship<br />
followed by aQuiz –Lion Gill had come<br />
up with some tricky but fun questions. In<br />
May this year County Lions will celebrate<br />
the 35th anniversary of the club –asmall<br />
committee has been formed to organizea<br />
suitable celebration. Any ideas from<br />
members most welcome. With the uncertain<br />
times we are all facing at the moment,<br />
alot of activities/fundraisers are having to<br />
be postponed or cancelled, but the<br />
welfare of our members and community is<br />
paramount. The Tailtwister had her usual<br />
‘fines’ and jokes to make us all laugh and<br />
go home on ahappy note.<br />
Run and Walk <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Our annual 5km Summer Series<br />
began mid-January and was this year<br />
decided to hold it over just six weeks. We<br />
have been delighted at the community<br />
support given to our event with many<br />
familiar faces returning and many new<br />
participants joining us. We were determined<br />
to do all we could to hold our event<br />
under the Governments red setting and<br />
have been pleased we made this happen.<br />
The weather has played its part over this<br />
period and the feedback has been very<br />
positive. Being witness to participants<br />
weekly improvements is rewarding for the<br />
participants and organizers’ equally. On<br />
Tuesday 15th February our chosen charity<br />
for funds to be donated, was the<br />
Cancer Society. Then on Saturday 19th<br />
February when Relay for Life should have<br />
been held, it was decided to continuewith<br />
our own mini event at Argyle Park<br />
between 1:30pm and 3:30pm. A good<br />
number of members, friends and family<br />
turned out to walk or run laps for as little<br />
or long as they chose. The weather<br />
started out warm and calm but soon<br />
conditions changed, and the wind picked<br />
up, however we were fortunate to have<br />
finished before the rain arrived. Attendees<br />
at both events very generously<br />
donated almost $1500 for the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cancer Society. Ahuge thank you to all<br />
who attended and donated, we are proud<br />
to pass on these funds on your behalf.<br />
Our season will officially begin on Saturday<br />
12th <strong>March</strong>, so until then, keep<br />
moving everyone, and again thank you to<br />
all who have supported us in the past six<br />
weeks.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Friendship Club<br />
President Gillian welcomed members<br />
to the meeting and the National Anthem<br />
was sung. Apologies were received from<br />
eight members. Covid protocols were<br />
followed. Two members had been visited<br />
by the Almoner and another member is<br />
now in care. In Lieu of amini speaker a<br />
discussion was held on the future ofthe<br />
club going ahead and several members<br />
volunteered to help fill rolls to keep our<br />
club going as they enjoyed the personal<br />
side of asmaller club. Following morning<br />
tea our main speaker was Annalie Henson<br />
on the trip back to their homeland of<br />
Zimbabwe she and her husband made<br />
last year to visit their son and his family.<br />
In combination with an uncle they run two<br />
Tourist Lodges. They have also instigated<br />
many groups and activities toward helping<br />
other residents .Atthe time of the visit<br />
their Lodge was the only one in Victoria<br />
Falls to remain due to the Lockdown. Also<br />
due to Lockdown and the resulting lack of<br />
visitors the wild animals had encroached<br />
on the town - Baboons, Hyena's, Leopards<br />
and Buffalo were common sights.<br />
Walking down the street in the night was<br />
not encouraged as you could walk into an<br />
Elephant! Annalie also spoke of the<br />
Victoria Falls one of the seven natural<br />
wonders of the world and of the native<br />
birds and plants to be found there. Our<br />
next meeting will be on the 16th <strong>March</strong> at<br />
the Sinclair Centre at 9.45am.<br />
Dahlia Circle<br />
Our 2nd table show was held this<br />
week, 154 vases displayed, avery good<br />
number considering the wet weather<br />
leading upto the show. Judges passed<br />
comment that some of the blooms were a<br />
bit bruised but took the weather into<br />
consideration. They thanked all exhibitors<br />
for their displays and made mention<br />
about the excellent display inthe novice/<br />
beginner section. Lovely to have some<br />
new members come along and learn<br />
about Dahlias as well. While judging took<br />
place our meeting was held, followed by<br />
an informative chat for the beginners on<br />
what classes their blooms need to be in,<br />
angles of blooms and staging, great to<br />
learn this knowledge from the experienced<br />
judges. Supper followed and then<br />
everyone packed up their flowers, an<br />
enjoyable evening.<br />
Our Combined Dahlia Show with<br />
Canterbury is on 6th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>, this is<br />
our largest show for the year and it’s a<br />
great time to come along and see such an<br />
impressive display from growers. It is held<br />
at the Tinwald Hall, open to the public<br />
from 1pm onwards, raffle at the door,<br />
please sign in, wear amask and provide<br />
vaccine passes at the door. Results from<br />
the Table Show: Champion of Champions<br />
- A & J Davey, Jomanda, Champion<br />
Bloom - Open, A & J Davey, Hillcrest<br />
Candy, Champion Bloom - Novice,<br />
Maryanne Heaven, Jomanda, Champion<br />
Bloom - Intermediate, Brian Glassey,<br />
Show nTell, Champion Vase -Intermediate,<br />
Alison Donald, Western Pirate,<br />
Champion Vase -Open, A&JDavey,<br />
Jomanda.<br />
U3A<br />
Dr Rose Crossin, Department of<br />
Health, University of Otago, spoke on her<br />
research into “Understanding and<br />
Measuring Drug &Alcohol Harms in New<br />
Zealand”. Drugs (legal or illegal) are<br />
psychoactive substances that cause<br />
changes inpeople, who use known drugs<br />
such as stimulants, alcohol, and nicotine,<br />
one of the top three drugs. Harm can be<br />
acute and chronic, and can harm self or<br />
others. Addiction can cause brain disease,<br />
though use doesn’t necessarily<br />
equal harm. Biopsychological model factors<br />
include biology (genetics), psychology<br />
and social effects.<br />
“Three Pillars of Drug Policy” are<br />
supply, demand and harm reduction.<br />
Funding is not equal, with restricting<br />
supply attracting most funding, with harm<br />
reduction the least. As New Zealand has<br />
astrong drinking culture, alcohol shows<br />
the most harm, involving individuals and<br />
the community, with $7B spent in 2010.<br />
Prosecutions related to drugs don’t match<br />
the harmfulness of those drugs. The aim<br />
of the current Public Health research<br />
“Drug Harms Ranking Study” is to accurately<br />
describe, inform, deal with drug<br />
harm, design and provide effective<br />
interventions. The International Drug Policy<br />
Index 2021 places New Zealand<br />
second out of 30 countries. We need to<br />
improve equity of drug policy, harm<br />
reduction funding, and health-based<br />
measures.<br />
Saturday<br />
12 <strong>March</strong>,<br />
7:30pm<br />
Courtesy van<br />
runs every<br />
Thursday, Friday<br />
and Saturday<br />
from 4pm<br />
Join the RSA (the friendly club)<br />
12-14 Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 7175<br />
Members, guests and affiliates all welcome<br />
ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />
Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />
etc. Free light-grade metal<br />
in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />
weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />
Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />
Rd, (behind<br />
PlaceMakers). Phone <strong>03</strong><br />
308 8<strong>03</strong>3 or 027 249 6625.<br />
OLD Popular Mechanics,<br />
Gun Digest. The older the<br />
better. Phone 021 140<br />
1392.<br />
SELL<br />
AMMUNITION: 22, 12<br />
gauge, 223, 3<strong>03</strong>. Ap, Clips<br />
and Mags. Electric hedge<br />
trimmer, Chainsaw. Ph 021<br />
140 1392<br />
BOXING Magazines to give<br />
away. Phone Warren <strong>03</strong><br />
308 6185.<br />
SELL<br />
JobOpportunities<br />
Customer Services Officer<br />
Full-time, Fixed-term<br />
This 10month, fixed-term, parental leave cover will see you as afirst point<br />
of contactfor our customers, providingexceptional customer servicewhether<br />
you arefacetoface, on the phone or via email.<br />
You’llbeaconfidentcustomer focused individual with acan-do approach with<br />
great communication skills who remains calm and professional, even when<br />
the pressure is on.<br />
Applications close Wednesday, 9<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Gallery Marketing &Engagement<br />
Coordinator<br />
Promote ourexhibitionsand programmes to thecommunity andensurethat<br />
our visitor experienceissecond to none.<br />
To findout more about this vacancyand what the <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil<br />
has to offer you -gotoour website.<br />
Applications close on Wednesday,16<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
To find out more about these<br />
vacancies and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council has to offer you -goto<br />
our website.<br /><br />
2463657<br />
HAND lawn mower. Ladies<br />
and Men’s bikes (good<br />
order). Three man tent<br />
(new). Radios. DVD’s.<br />
CD’s. Golf clubs, bag, balls.<br />
Plums as well, plus more.<br />
Ph 027 693 70<strong>03</strong><br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$27.50<br />
Askaboutour<br />
deliveryservice<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2447571<br />
$140 per cord<br />
GREEN<br />
$120 per cord<br />
$150 per cord<br />
$350 per cord<br />
C.O.D. in town<br />
Adams Sawmill<br />
Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />
Phone<br />
308-3595<br />
2459956<br />
EveryHome<br />
EveryWeek-that’s<br />
Phone 308 7664<br />
199 Burnett Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2376123<br />
YouthJusticeWorker<br />
Due toour current staff member moving on from<br />
Safer Mid Canterbury wenow have the position<br />
of Youth Justice Worker available. The worker will<br />
be responsible for the delivery ofthe Community<br />
Youth Programme, Supervision with Activity and<br />
SupportedBail,all programmes thatfall under the<br />
“Fresh Start”package of youth justiceservices.<br />
Are you passionate about improving life<br />
outcomes foryoung people?<br />
Do you have experience inworking with, and<br />
alongside,young people?<br />
Are you skilled in working with hard toreach<br />
young people with multiple complex life<br />
experiences?<br />
Are you askilled communicator with excellent<br />
relationship management?<br />
Do youhaveexcellentorganisational and time<br />
managementskills?<br />
Do youhave aknowledge of and commitment<br />
to strength based processes?<br />
Do youhave knowledge of and acommitment<br />
to delivering culturally responsiveservices?<br />
If youcan answer yestothese questions we would<br />
love to hear from you. This is ahands on position<br />
supporting some of our most vulnerable young<br />
people helping them to achieve positive life<br />
outcomes. You would be part ofawider team of<br />
individuals who are passionate about improving<br />
outcomes for young people and would be given<br />
the privilege of playing asignificantrole in the lives<br />
of young people across our district.<br />
This position is for 40hours per week and covers<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District.<br />
The successful candidate will have to be able to<br />
work in aflexible manner as some work may be<br />
outside of what might be considered normal<br />
business hours. In return we offer a flexible,<br />
supportive, family friendly work environmentwith<br />
greatworking conditions.<br />
To apply for this position please go to the careers<br />
section of our website<br /> to view the Job<br />
Description and download our application form.<br />
For further information please contact Ani on <strong>03</strong><br />
308 1395.<br />
Applications close Mondaythe 28th of <strong>March</strong><br />
2462862<br />
(minimum 15 hours perweek MondaytoFriday)<br />
Weseek positive, flexiblepeoplewho arewilling to<br />
work as part of ateam<br />
Startdate: 28th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Pleasecontact our officefor anyqueries 3086495.<br />
Email aletter of application andCVto:<br /><br />
Applications closeFriday18th <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />
2463574<br />
FOR SALE Six bull Calves;<br />
five Ayrshire, 1 Fresian.<br />
220kg+. Very quiet. $600.<br />
027 431 0053 or <strong>03</strong> 3<strong>03</strong><br />
7315.<br />
PEASTRAW for sale. Small<br />
bales $6 each on farm,<br />
$6.50 delivered to <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Phone/Text 027 434<br />
0442.<br />
PEASTRAW: Standard<br />
Bales $6.per bale. Delivery<br />
available. Phone Molly on<br />
027 827 9168.<br />
AWESOME OFFICE space<br />
for lease, rent or hire. Park<br />
like setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />
areas. North West<br />
town boundary. Must view.<br />
Phone 0274 754 241.<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage <strong>03</strong> 307 0401 or<br />
phone/text 021 554 570<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
Reporter–<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />
We arecurrently looking foraversatile reportertojoin our team at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>.Allied Press Limited employs over 450 people on<br />
apermanentbasis across our 15 sites in the South Island. Weoperate<br />
across multiple media platforms (print, online,digital)delivering news,<br />
information and entertainmentthrough our various regional and city<br />
publications including the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong>,The Star (Christchurch) and<br />
the Otago Daily Times.<br />
Thesuccessful candidate will have:<br />
• Excellentwriting ability<br />
• Ahigh degreeofinitiative<br />
• The abilitytoworkautonomously,juggle multiple tasks and meet regular<br />
deadlines<br />
• Afull NZ driver’s licence<br />
• Photography, video and websiteskills aredesirable.<br />
• Relevantjournalism qualification (or equivalentexperience) would be a<br />
distinctadvantage<br />
What we offer<br />
• Agreatteam environmentand an opportunitytogrowyour<br />
journalism skills<br />
• Enjoybeing partofasmall,dedicatedteam.<br />
• Employeewellbeing benefits including medical insuranceand EAP<br />
Acopyofthe full position description can be found at<br /><br />
If youthink this role is foryou,please apply to:<br />
Daniel Tobin (Editor)<br />
with your covering letter and CV by Friday4<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>,<br />
or post to 199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>, 7700.<br />
2461060<br />
RENT ME!<br />
Ideal as an extra<br />
bedroomoroffice.<br />
Fully insulatedand<br />
double glazed forwarmth.<br />
Threeconvenientsizes:<br />
Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />
Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />
Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />
Visit our displaycabin<br />
418WestStreet or callfor a<br />
freebrochure.<br /><br />
2447553<br />
0800 58 78 22<br />
ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />
mending and trouser hemming,<br />
curtain alterations<br />
and curtain making. Call<br />
Michelle on 027 352 7248<br />
BUILD work to do? Contact<br />
Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />
Ltd. Alterations,<br />
Renovations, New builds.<br />
Qualified Tradesmen.<br />
Phone Cawte 027 418<br />
7955.<br />
CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />
flooring needs. Supplier<br />
and installer of carpet and<br />
vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />
carpet cleaning. Phone<br />
Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />
CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />
equipment and fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Phone John Cameron<br />
at Supersucker. 027 435<br />
1042<br /><br />
2450862<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
2459514<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $70<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on <strong>03</strong> 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.<br />
CHARLIES Blind Cleaning<br />
Service -same day service<br />
and repairs. Charlie can<br />
supply new blinds and<br />
racks and will hang drapes.<br />
Phone <strong>03</strong> 307 1936 or 020<br />
4136 <strong>03</strong>42<br />
CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />
professional service call<br />
Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />
Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />
118 7580.<br />
CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />
Includes full firebox inspection<br />
and internal flue<br />
camera inspection. An<br />
inspection report can be<br />
issued on completion. Call<br />
Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />
COMPUTER Problems? For<br />
prompt reliable computer<br />
servicing and laser engraving,<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
29<br />
Manager looking for position.<br />
—Ph. 021-0230-1888.<br />
PAINTER, Semi Retired<br />
required. Casual hours to<br />
suit. High quality work,<br />
great conditions. Phone/<br />
Text 027 260 1591.<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />
spyware<br />
cleanup. On-site day or<br />
evening. Low fees. Call<br />
Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can Collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />
FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />
servicing. On farm/<br />
contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />
boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />
Mack at Doors and More on<br />
027 396 <strong>03</strong>61.<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all your<br />
domestic and industrial<br />
pest control needs phone<br />
AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />
Control on <strong>03</strong> 308 8147 or<br />
027 432 5447<br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />
office relocations -<br />
call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027 224<br />
0609.<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
to get the job done right.<br />
027 765 2899 or <strong>03</strong> 307<br />
1693.<br /><br />
New or existing,<br />
level 4finish, full skim<br />
plaster or repairs<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
<strong>03</strong> 307 8870 2450087<br />
LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />
small. Call Les Smith, From<br />
The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />
quote. Ph 027 840<br />
0201 or <strong>03</strong> 308 1500.<br />
LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and<br />
bifold door roller repairs.<br />
Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />
Doors and More on 027 516<br />
7104.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete <strong>03</strong> 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete <strong>03</strong> 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes, offices<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />, member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
TILING - For all your tiling<br />
requirements including kitchen<br />
splash backs, flooring<br />
etc. (Full water proofing)<br />
Call Kevin on 027 496<br />
8314.<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />
30 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 3, <strong>2022</strong><br />
Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />
24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />
will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />
wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />
call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />
telephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />
Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />
Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />
MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />
and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: <strong>03</strong> 308 6733 Fax: <strong>03</strong> 308 6755<br />
DebraCurtin<br />
Chiropractor<br />
<strong>03</strong> 308 9516<br /><br />
Dangerous Goods Course<br />
NZTAApproved Course Provider,MITO&Competenz Assessor<br />
Dangerous Goods Course –½day courses.<br />
Locally in <strong>Ashburton</strong>oryour work place<br />
Class 2&4course course available on request.<br />
Forfurther information<br />
Phone Christine 027 245 2563<br />
QualityEuropean<br />
Vehicle Servicing<br />
•Advanced<br />
Diagnostics<br />
•Experienced<br />
Technicians<br />
2450045<br />
Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />
309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />
Tel: <strong>03</strong> 3087282•<br />
Call us for a<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTE<br />
•Collection/Delivery<br />
‘Free of Charge’<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2452591<br />
2457013<br />
Do youwanttocontrol your ownfuture?<br />
My well established lawn and<br />
garden business is forsale.<br />
Genuine enquiries to 027 206 05<strong>03</strong><br />
2461839<br />
Starting <strong>March</strong> 10th<br />
then every Thursday<br />
10am-12, 7-9pm<br />
Beginners to advanced<br />
Unlock your creative potential<br />
with tutor: Jenny Thompson<br />
CANCER<br />
027 7170 740<br />
for information<br />
An established supportgroup in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>for men and their families<br />
who areliving with adiagnosis and<br />
treatmentfor prostate cancer.<br />
Tuesday8 th <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />
CONTACT: DOUGCOLLIE 0275 100 556<br />
Email:<br />
Formoreinformation call 0800 477 678<br />
Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ<br />
MEETINGS<br /><br />
Hampstead Rugby&<br />
AllSports Club<br />
Noticeof<br />
AnnualGeneral Meeting<br />
Wednesday16th <strong>March</strong>at6.30pm<br />
Hampstead clubrooms, Bridge St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Allwelcome<br />
2460912<br />
2462205<br />
Forenquiries or apologiesplease contactMarilynon<br />
021155 7977<br />
or email<br />
ASHBURTON Pony Club<br />
Annual General Meeting.<br />
Wednesday, 23 <strong>March</strong><br />
<strong>2022</strong>, at 7.30pm, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Show Grounds meeting<br />
room. All branches please<br />
be represented. Covid<br />
Protocals to be observed.<br />
TRAVEL<br />
2462065<br />
Wakanui Hockey<br />
AGM<br />
Wednesday<br />
16 <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />
7:30pm<br />
WakanuiHall<br />
Enquiries/Apologies to<br /><br />
BrentGray<br />
Secretary 2462623<br />
TRAVEL<br />
27 Mar – MysterySundayDrive<br />
“I SeeLakes”<br />
9-12 Apr – Buller West Coast<br />
(Westport/Karamea area)<br />
23 Apr – Matilda the Musical,<br />
Isaac TheatreRoyal,Christchurch<br />
StewartIsland/Catlins –<br />
call us nowtofind out more<br />
Forbookings phone<br />
<strong>03</strong> 308 0224 l 027 265 6883<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
2463582<br />
EXPERIENCE Milford,<br />
Doubtful sounds, Earnslaw<br />
cruise, Arrowtown; small<br />
group, departs <strong>March</strong> 20;<br />
D.B.B. Hotels, six days.<br />
Includes cruises. Details,<br />
bookings, John and<br />
Kathleen Lawler, Rakaia.<br />
<strong>03</strong> 302 7328.<br />
PUBLIC NOTICE<br /><br />
AdvertisementofApplication forputting<br />
CompanyintoLiquidation<br />
This documentnotifiesyou that–<br />
1. On21January<strong>2022</strong>,anapplication forputting<br />
Naiker EnterprisesNZLimited into liquidation<br />
wasfiled in the High CourtatChristchurch. Its<br />
referencenumber is CIV-<strong>2022</strong>-409-019. The<br />
application is to be heard by the High Courtat<br />
Christchurch, 10 <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong>,10:00 AM.<br />
2. Aperson, other than the defendant company,<br />
who wants toappear atthe hearing of the<br />
application must file an appearance not later<br />
than thesecond workingday beforethatday.<br />
3. The statement of claim and the verifying<br />
affidavit maybeinspectedatthe registryofthe<br />
courtoratthe plaintiff’s addressfor service.<br />
4. The plaintiff is Zhiling Zhao, whose address for<br />
serviceis1Rimu Street, Riccarton, Christchurch<br />
8041. The plaintiff’s solicitor is Diana Samuel<br />
Georgy GhalyYoussif, whose address is 1Rimu<br />
Street,Riccarton, Christchurch 8041.<br />
Datedthis 28th dayofFebruary<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
2463654<br />
Cuts, Colours &<br />
Beauty Therapy<br />
BK Hair &Beauty would like to welcome<br />
Mandy Anderson to the team. Mandy is available<br />
Monday, Tuesdayand Wednesdayand is taking<br />
appointments now. We look forwardtowelcoming<br />
existing and new clients into the salon.<br />
2463491<br />
TheArcade,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>03</strong> 307 0668<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Returned&Services Association (Inc)<br />
Noticeisherebygiven thatthe Annual General<br />
Meeting of the Association will be held in the<br />
MooreLounge, R.S.A. Clubrooms,Cox Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>at10.00am on<br />
Sunday27th <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong><br />
Election of Officers<br />
Nominations arecalled forthe election of the<br />
following officers of the ExecutiveCommittee<br />
President<br />
Vice-President<br />
6Members<br />
Nominations open on<br />
Tuesday 1st <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong> and<br />
Closes on Thursday17th <strong>March</strong> at 5pm<br />
Closing date forNotices of Motion<br />
Thursday17th<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Voting to CommenceWednesday23rd, to Friday<br />
7pm 25th <strong>March</strong>during opening hours.<br />
Merv Brenton<br />
POTATOES Ilam Hardys,<br />
freshly dug. $1.50kg. Large<br />
$1.00kg. X-large 50ckg.<br />
Deliver <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Tinwald<br />
Friday afternoons.<br />
Please ring EVENINGS, Ph<br />
302 7272.<br />
2463087<br />
NEW Nadine Potatoes $2.50<br />
per kg. Phone <strong>03</strong> 308 3195<br />
or 027 531 91<strong>03</strong>; 81 Elizabeth<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Thur 3rd&Fri4th<br />
10.00 Deathonthe Nile<br />
10.00 Cyrano<br />
12.20 TheBatman<br />
12.20 Belfast<br />
2.15 Blacklight<br />
3.30 MarryMe<br />
4.15 Monster Family 2<br />
5.40 Belfast<br />
6.15 Blacklight<br />
7.45 TheBatman<br />
8.15 Uncharted<br />
Sat5th &Sun 6th<br />
10.00 Monster Family 2<br />
10.00 Cliffordthe BigRed Dog<br />
11.40 Cyrano<br />
12.00 Uncharted<br />
1.50 Monster Family 2<br />
2.10 TheBatman<br />
3.50 Belfast<br />
5.20 Deathonthe Nile<br />
5.45 Uncharted<br />
7.45 TheBatman<br />
8.00 Blacklight<br />
Mon7th,Tues 8th<br />
&Wed 9th<br />
10.00 Deathonthe Nile<br />
10.00 Cyrano<br />
12.20 TheBatman<br />
12.20 Belfast<br />
2.15 Blacklight<br />
3.30 MarryMe<br />
4.15 Monster Family 2<br />
5.40 Belfast<br />
6.15 Blacklight<br />
7.45 TheBatman<br />
8.15 Uncharted<br />
NO COMPS<br />
Batman, Monster Family 2,<br />
Cyrano<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
CLINIC<br />
Enhances your<br />
body’s own natural<br />
self-healing<br />
Pain relief/Speeds recovery<br />
from illness, injury and surgery.<br />
•Noneedles/safe for all ages<br />
•Good-Health Maintenance<br />
•Affordable/flexible hours<br />
•Home visits on request<br />
Janet Hayes<br />
Ph 308 6951<br />
registered practitioner<br />
24609<strong>03</strong><br />
ASHBURTON Society of<br />
Arts Summer Show, Short<br />
Street Studio. From<br />
Sunday 20th February<br />
11am -4pm, until Sunday<br />
<strong>March</strong> 13th. Guest -<br />
Georgette Thomson, and<br />
16 members exhibiting.<br />
Open weekends and when<br />
signs out. Enquiries to <strong>03</strong><br />
308 4533.<br />
HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury -<br />
here when you need us. If<br />
someone you care about<br />
has a life limiting illness.<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />
8387<br />
ASHBURTON Society of<br />
Arts Summer Show, Short<br />
Street Studio. From<br />
Sunday 20th February<br />
11am -4pm, until Sunday<br />
<strong>March</strong> 13th. Guest -<br />
Georgette Thomson, and<br />
16 members exhibiting.<br />
Open weekends and when<br />
signs out. Enquiries to <strong>03</strong><br />
308 4533.<br />
LONELY<br />
Country lady at heart,<br />
who enjoys the outdoors,<br />
cooking, swimming,<br />
fishing and road trips.<br />
With silky blonde hair and<br />
emerald green eyes. She is<br />
seeking love and happiness<br />
with agenuine gentleman.<br />
To meet, please call<br />
and Quote code 49.<br />
Making Mid Canterbury at home<br />
Outdoor —LateSeason Arrivals<br />
Baja 1400 Round Outdoor Dining<br />
Table &CaboOutdoor Chairs x6<br />
$4,093 $3,273<br />
Fiori 5-pce Outdoor<br />
Lounge Suite<br />
$3,999 $3,199<br />
Save<br />
$800<br />
Piha Outdoor 5-pce<br />
Bar Setting<br />
$2,699 $1,699<br />
Save<br />
$1000<br />
Save<br />
$820<br />
Shop Our Timeless LoungePieces<br />
Talk to us about customisng pieces<br />
from ourrangeofstunningfabrics<br />
Consul Classic Base<br />
$2,799 $2,199<br />
Richmond<br />
from $4,399<br />
Vincent<br />
from $1,550<br />
Knightsbridge<br />
from $2,895<br />
Kendal<br />
from $1,899<br />
Seddon<br />
from $2,899<br />
Harrison<br />
$6,099 $4,574<br />
Ranfurly 3Seater<br />
from $7,999<br />
Orson 3Seater<br />
$6799 $5439<br />
Alex 2.5Seater<br />
from $2,199<br />
Your Local Flooring Experts<br />
12 Months<br />
Interest-Free *<br />
*Terms, conditions and lending creiteriaapply<br />
Ourteam canguide you in<br />
choosing the right product for<br />
your space,lifestyle andbudget.<br />
Cometalk to us today.<br />
Louis &Kelli<br />
Visit Us:<br />
174 Burnett Street<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Monday–Friday: 9am –5:30pm<br />
Saturday: 10am –1pm<br />
Furnishing |Flooring |Interiors<br /><br />
<strong>03</strong>308 5269
2008 TOYOTA<br />
With 3500ccunder the<br />
bonnet and all the bells<br />
and whistles on the<br />
inside,this weepocket<br />
rocket will be the envy of all.<br />
With $1,000 off howcan yougowrong!<br />
$11,995<br />
3½ stars<br />
$10,995<br />
NISSAN<br />
2013 NISSAN SYLPHY, 1800cc, 4doorsedan, auto, ABS, air con, 48,000kms......$10,995<br />
2015 NISSAN NOTE XDIG-S, 1200cc, auto, ABS, air con, 58,000kms..................... $11,995<br />
2012 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, hatchback,ABS, cam chain, 69,000kms .................. $10,995<br />
2016 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc,auto, cam chain, 34,000kms........................... $10,995<br />
2016 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 40,000kms .............................. $11,995<br />
2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc, auto, 4WD, ABS, camchain, 110,000kms.. $12,995<br />
2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, camchain,57,000kms .................. $10,995<br />
2009 NISSAN X-TRAIL20X, 2000cc, 4WD, auto, reverse camera, 71,000kms..... $12,995<br />
MAZDA<br />
2014 SUBARU<br />
• 2000cc, petrol<br />
• Auto<br />
• 4WD<br />
• Body kit<br />
• 109,613kms<br />
2010 MAZDAPREMACY, 2000cc, 7seats,auto, timing chain, 126,000kms............$9,995<br />
2013 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc, cam chain, autostop,auto, 36,000kms.................. $11,995<br />
2006 MAZDAVERISA, 1500cc, auto, hatchback,cam chain, 88,587kms.....................SOLD<br />
SUBARU<br />
2014 SUBARUIMPREZAXV, 2000cc, auto4X4,reverse camera, 109,613kms .... $15,995<br />
2012 SUBARUIMPREZA, 2000cc, auto, ABS, cruise control, 53,195kms................ $14,995<br />
2012 SUBARULEGACY2.5iB, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS, 95,000kms........ $11,995<br />
$15,995<br />
SUZUKI<br />
2015 MITSUBISHI<br />
MIRAGE1.2G<br />
• 1200cc, petrol<br />
• Auto<br />
• ABS<br />
• Cam chain<br />
• 79,152kms<br />
2015 SUZUKI SWIFT XG-DGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 61,000kms ...........$11,995<br />
2016 SUZUKI SWIFT, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 48,000kms...................................SOLD<br />
2012 SUZUKI SWIFT XG, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 60,000kms ......................$10,995<br />
2008 MISUBISHI DELICAD5, 2400cc, 8seatercoach, cam chain, 81,000kms... $10,995<br />
2001 MITSUBISHI DION, 1500cc, ABS, 7seats,hatchback,auto, air con................$4,995<br />
2015 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, camchain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />
5 stars<br />
2012 SUBARU<br />
IMPREZA2.0I<br />
• 2000cc, petrol<br />
• Auto<br />
• SUV/4X4<br />
• Cam chain<br />
• 53,195kms<br />
$10,995<br />
TOYOTA<br />
2012 TOYOTA AQUA,1500cc, hybrid,auto, cam chain, ABS, 76,000 kms.............. $11,995<br />
2013 TOYOTA SPADE, 1500cc, ABS, air con, cam chain, 53,100 kms....................... $10,995<br />
2008 TOYOTA MARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS, air con, S/W,89,000kms....................$9,995<br />
2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags,bodykit,82,000kms $11,995<br />
2005 TOYOTA RAV4, 2400cc, 4X4, auto, alloys,ABS ....................................................... $12,995<br />
2014 TOYOTA VITZ, 1300cc, 5door,cam chain, ABS, 34,058kms .............................. $11,995<br />
2014 TOYOTA RACTIS, 1500cc, auto, cam chain, hatchback,27,000kms .....................SOLD<br />
2007 TOYOTA COROLLAFIELDER, station wagon...............................................................SOLD<br />
$14,995<br />
HONDA<br />
2008 HONDA FITRS, 1500cc, auto,hatchback,alloys,53,000 kms......................... $10,995<br />
<br />
3081396<br />
&RENTALS<br />
470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br /><br />
-about our range of rental vehicles<br />
Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />
We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />
loads also available.<br />