Ashburton Courier: March 17, 2022

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MARCH <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

2447574<br />

Marae helps isolating families<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The surge in covid cases across<br />

MidCanterbury has caught<br />

some families out, finding<br />

themselves in isolation<br />

without adequate foodor<br />

provisions.<br />

Tania Reuben and TK Paul<br />

of Hakatere Marae wantedto<br />

help andhavelaunched a<br />

charity called Manaakitanga to<br />

supply hot mealsand care<br />

packages to people in need.<br />

TK<br />

launched<br />

the<br />

Manaakitanga<br />

Facebook page<br />

after<br />

feelinghelpless seeing a<br />

family struggling to cope while<br />

in isolation.<br />

‘‘I talkedtomymotherabout<br />

wanting to help and she<br />

mentioned care packages, and<br />

it started from there,’’ he said.<br />

TK teamed up with Hakatere<br />

Marae co­ordinator Tania last<br />

Fridayand by Tuesday the<br />

operation was up and running.<br />

In thefirst two days the team<br />

had made and delivered 285<br />

hot meals.<br />

Themarae had plentyof<br />

experience organisinglarge<br />

volumes of food at short notice.<br />

‘‘Wewere the welfare centre<br />

whenthe flooding happened<br />

last year andwehold<br />

Tangihanga here so we’re used<br />

to pullingmeals<br />

together in a<br />

short amount of<br />

time,’’ Tania<br />

said.<br />

Other charitieshavegot on<br />

board to help out including the<br />

Salvation Armyfoodbank<br />

supplying foodparcels,care<br />

packages from Safer Midand<br />

South Canterbury, Kaifor Kids<br />

givingthe foodcontainers and<br />

driversfrom Volunteering Mid<br />

Canterburydelivering the<br />

meals.<br />

‘‘They have been awesome,<br />

it’s good that we all work<br />

together andwe’re on the same<br />

page,’’ Tania said.<br />

Peoplewho are in need can<br />

request help by sending a<br />

private message to the<br />

Manaakitanga Facebookpage.<br />

‘‘We’recateringfrom the<br />

first day of apositivecovid test<br />

to day five,because the<br />

feedbackisbyday four or five<br />

people are getting better<br />

by then and<br />

they are able<br />

to do their<br />

ownmeals.’’<br />

TK saidtherehad been some<br />

high priority requests ‘‘like a<br />

single mother with five<br />

children and acouple with<br />

baby twins.’’<br />

Marae cooks, led by Teariki<br />

Takairangi, havebeenbusy in<br />

the kitchenmakingmeals each<br />

day such as spaghetti<br />

bolognese with fry bread or<br />

macaroni cheese.<br />

‘‘We’re hoping to get another<br />

crewin, because we’re here<br />

from 9am until 7.30pmand they<br />

are all volunteers so it’s along<br />

day,we’re very gratefulfor<br />

their help,<br />

they are our<br />

Ringawera<br />

at the<br />

marae,’’<br />

Tania said.<br />

PAGE 2<br />

Temel’s walk<br />

for peace<br />

PAGE 14<br />

Rare Citroen<br />

restored<br />

The team at Hakatere Marae, from left Tyreece Tahapehi, Hakatere Marae co­ordinator Tania<br />

Reuben, Manaakitanga founder TK Paul, Amandlah Tahapehi and head chef Teariki Takairangi.<br />

PAGE 19<br />

League girls<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Three waters fight continues<br />

Feedback from government’s three<br />

watersworkinggroup is ‘‘predictably<br />

disappointing” says the group<br />

representing 1.5 million New<br />

Zealanders and almosthalf of New<br />

Zealand’s territorial localauthorities.<br />

Communities4LocalDemocracy is<br />

the localgovernmentaction group<br />

campaigning for betterreform for<br />

three watersand is made up of 24<br />

partner councils from around the<br />

country, including <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council.<br />

“The Governmentwell and truly<br />

stymied the workinggroup members<br />

with the termsofreference making<br />

any chance of real change<br />

impossible,” Communities 4Local<br />

Democracy chair Helen Worboys said.<br />

‘‘There was widespread hope that<br />

working party feedback mightresult<br />

in real change to the policy,and our<br />

group evencommissionedand<br />

presented alternative models that we<br />

believed meetgovernment and<br />

community objectives. Even the small<br />

movement on the ownershipside falls<br />

short of what is needed,”she said.<br />

The WorkingGrouprecommended<br />

the sole rightthat goes with<br />

ownership is the right to vote on some<br />

future speculative privatisation.<br />

“All other ownership rightsare<br />

stripped from councils and the<br />

communitiesthat theydemocratically<br />

represent. Whicheverway you cut it<br />

this proposal remains,atits heart,<br />

simply aconfiscation of community<br />

assets without compensation,<br />

everything elseiswindow­dressing.<br />

This is simply not acceptable,” Mrs<br />

Worboyssaid.<br />

Communities 4Local Democracy<br />

has presented two alternative models;<br />

councilowned with stronger<br />

regulation, and anew council owned<br />

enterprise (COE) model.<br />

The action groupbelieves both<br />

models meet all of government’s<br />

bottom line objectives –ranging from<br />

meaningful partnershipswith mana<br />

whenua to appropriate balancesheet<br />

separation.<br />

“It’s now widely accepted that the<br />

Government’s ‘onesize fits none’<br />

model won’t deliver the lasting, longtermchangeneeded<br />

in the three<br />

waters sector, it is only guaranteed to<br />

lastaslong until the next changein<br />

government. This is not arecipefor<br />

deliveringastable investment<br />

climate,”Mrs Worboys said.<br />

“Ourmodels are common­sense and<br />

community oriented ways to cost<br />

effectively meetall the requirements<br />

for the Government, have broadcross<br />

party supportand couldbeused by<br />

local communities to develop services<br />

thatwork for their unique needs.’’<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 628 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

mick.jensen@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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Sales Account Manager<br />

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021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

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daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

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03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Peace journey for anniversary<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Three years after being wounded in<br />

awhite­supremacist terror attack,<br />

survivorTemelAtacocugu usedleg<br />

power to travel from Dunedin to<br />

Christchurch to support peace and<br />

unity, rather thanhatred and<br />

division.<br />

Mr Atacocugu wasstruckbynine<br />

bullets during the<strong>March</strong> 15, 2019,<br />

terror attack. Five bullets hit his<br />

legs.The injuries hadamajor<br />

impact on his dailylife andhis<br />

ability to walk.<br />

His350kmWalk for Peacejourney,<br />

which followed the sameroute as the<br />

terrorist, arrived in <strong>Ashburton</strong>last<br />

Friday wherehewas greetedbyMid<br />

Cantabrians, including Rangitata<br />

MP Jo Luxton, <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

mayor Neil Brown and members of<br />

the HakatereMulticulturalCouncil.<br />

Mr Atacocugu,and supporters,<br />

gatheredatthe mosque in Tinwald,<br />

before walking in unity to the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>PublicLibrary for a<br />

public get together.<br />

Mr Atacocugu’s walkwas dueto<br />

end in timefor the third anniversary<br />

commemorationsat Al Noor mosque<br />

and Linwood IslamicCentre in<br />

Christchurch where 51 peoplewere<br />

killed anddozens more injured.<br />

He started walking from the<br />

Octagon, in Dunedin on <strong>March</strong> 1.<br />

However the walk wascut shortat<br />

Makikihi when he wasadmitted to<br />

TimaruHospitaldue to ablood<br />

Rangitata MP Jo Luxton, left, Walk for Peace’sTemel Atacocugu, mayor Neil<br />

Brown and supporters enter the library.<br />


infection. By then he had deep<br />

blisters on his heels.<br />

ButMrAtacocugu wasdetermined<br />

to continueand addedcycling to his<br />

plan.Hewanted the trip to erase the<br />

terrorist’s ideology and connection to<br />

Dunedin and Christchurch.Hewas<br />

also raising money the Key to Life<br />

Charitable Trust, the Child Cancer<br />

Foundation and Save the Children.<br />

Before starting his walk north Mr<br />

Atacocugusaid he felt amazing<br />

despite his injuries.<br />

‘‘I will do this for our future kids<br />

and Iwill do this for our children;<br />

nothing can stopme,’’ he said.<br />

The perpetrator of the terrorist<br />

attack travelled to Christchurch out of<br />

hatredand to serve an extremist<br />

ideology, but three yearslater Mr<br />

Atacocugu said he was making the<br />

same journeyasasurvivor to spreada<br />

messageofpeace.<br />

~Additional reportingODT<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Law change for vaccine pass<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Unvaccinated Mid Canterbury<br />

youth will be abletoenter<br />

vaccine mandated council<br />

facilitieslikeEANetworks<br />

Centre, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Public<br />

Library, <strong>Ashburton</strong>Art<br />

Galleryand <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Museum for schoolactivities<br />

whenexpected new<br />

legislation kicks in thisweek.<br />

Education Minister Chris<br />

Hipkins stated last monththat<br />

while he encouraged children<br />

who were eligible to be<br />

vaccinated,thosewho have<br />

not been vaccinated could not<br />

be deterred fromaccessing<br />

education and all ofits<br />

activities as partofits<br />

Education OutsideThe<br />

Classroom (EOTC) legislation.<br />

Councils aroundthe country<br />

sought clarification from<br />

Sport NZ and the Department<br />

of Internal Affairs whichsaid<br />

it couldnow be illegalfor<br />

venuestocontinue requiring<br />

vaccination mandatesfor<br />

children whentheywere<br />

engagedinschool activities<br />

outside the classroom.<br />

Once legislationispassed<br />

councils will notbeable to<br />

apply vaccine mandate<br />

policiestothose children.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

chiefexecutiveHamishRiach<br />

said as he understood it, all<br />

activities classified as EOTC<br />

meanthe participants are<br />

deemed to haveavaccine<br />

My Vaccine Pass needs at council­owned facilities such as EA Networks Centre and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Public Library is set to change with new Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) legislation.<br />

pass, and are therefore<br />

eligible to attend facilities<br />

with apass requirement for<br />

entry,regardless if they<br />

actually havethe passornot.<br />

‘‘Essentially, all students<br />

will be abletoattend our<br />

facilitiesaspartofEducation<br />

Outside the Classroom<br />

activities regardless of their<br />

vaccinationstatus.’’<br />

Council did not haveto<br />

consider lettingunvaccinated<br />

childreninaspartofthe<br />

EOTCprogramme because<br />

they were entitledbythe law<br />

to enter.<br />

‘‘Wewill, of course, make<br />

thischangeand make thekids<br />

welcome in response to the<br />

alterationtothe ruleswework<br />

under,’’ Mr Riach said.<br />

School Sport NZ made it a<br />

requirement that all school<br />

sport participants be fully<br />

vaccinated from December 3<br />

last year.<br />

The redlight of the Covid<br />

Protection Framework meant<br />

the end of sports events of<br />

more than 25 people without<br />

vaccine passes.<br />

Exemptions forschool<br />

activitiesmeant unvaccinated<br />

studentscould play sport or do<br />

other activitiesduring school<br />

hours, butthe common<br />

understanding of the rules was<br />

oncethe end­of­daybell rang,<br />

the exemptionsnolonger<br />

appliedand regularred light<br />

rulesapplied.<br />

The exemption to<br />

regulationsisonlylikelyto<br />

apply to activities offeredbya<br />

registeredschool, so extracurricular<br />

sport runbyclubs<br />

will not be covered.<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Roadworks at WalnutAve and East<br />

Street intersection willbeclosedfor<br />

12 hoursonSunday from 7am to<br />

7pm.<br />

Therewill be no vehicle access in<br />

or out of the intersectionatthis time<br />

with asphaltsurfacingunderway.in<br />

the event of bad weather, as is<br />

forecast,itwill be carried out on the<br />

sametime on Monday.<br />

Detourswill be in place, please<br />

followthe signs.<br />


PaulMunro has beenappointed an<br />

IndependentDirector at MHV<br />

Water.Hehas extensive board<br />

experience and is acurrent, or<br />

former directorofElectricity<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Online Distribution,<br />

LynnRiver,Orion New Zealand,<br />

ToituEnvirocare, CentralPlains<br />

Water,Spanbild Holdings,and<br />

Venues Otautahi.<br />

He alsohas morethan25years<br />

of financialand commercial<br />

experience.<br />


Former Hindsfarmers Todd and<br />

Renee Hallidayhave beennamed<br />

the <strong>2022</strong>Central Plateau Share<br />

Farmer of the Year. The couple got<br />

their awardatthe CentralPlateau<br />

annual awards dinneratthe Lake<br />

Taupō Yacht Club.The Hallidays<br />

farmed at Reporoa, thenspent<br />

sevenyears in Mid Canterbury<br />

before returningtoReporoawhere<br />

they now contract milk.<br />

They areequity partners with Phil<br />

and DianeHerdman, on a153ha<br />

property, milking 520 cows.<br />


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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Singer Jaz on national tour<br />

OffThe Rails<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

Four women go on a train trip in<br />

Europe to remember their close friend<br />

who has just died. She left them a<br />

week long rail pass each just to be sure<br />

they would do it!<br />

They lose their passports, have<br />

accidents and tiffs but eventually<br />

start torelax and have aball! The four<br />

woman are really good at showing<br />

how they feel. Add Judi Dench and<br />

FrancoNeroand it’s aperfect cast.<br />

Its afeel good movie they will make<br />

yousmile.<br />

The soundtrack of Blondie’s iconic<br />

music wasfun.Ioncesat by Blondie in<br />

aplane going to Queenstownand she<br />

wasfriendly and very bubbly.<br />

bookings ph 307 1230<br />

www.regentcinema.co.nz<br />

2450868<br />

2460677<br />

Up and coming musician Jaz<br />

Paterson is hitting the road on a<br />

nation wide tour to showcase tracks<br />

off her debut EP ACHE.<br />

She is set to performinthe main<br />

centers including her home town<br />

Geraldine.<br />

Now basedinChristchurch her<br />

love of music began in Geraldine and<br />

was fostered by her parentswho were<br />

in abandwhen shewas younger.<br />

Jaz said music lessons were<br />

encouraged for all her siblings.<br />

‘‘My brothers played drums and<br />

ukulele, andmysister learnt bass.<br />

Each of my siblings have chosen<br />

other careersnow, but music has<br />

remained important to each of us.’’<br />

Jaz was just 11 years old when she<br />

was inspired to become amusician.<br />

‘‘I went to the Waihi BushFolk<br />

Festivaland saw Aldous Hardingdoa<br />

beautiful set.<br />

‘‘I remember having amoment of<br />

wanting to be able to do what she was<br />

doing­sharingasuper vulnerable<br />

song in front of an audience. After<br />

that festival Iwenthome and started<br />

learning guitar.<br />

‘‘I think growingupinMid<br />

Canterbury is great foryoung<br />

musiciansbecause the community is<br />

small and supportive. Igot alot of<br />

opportunities that really helped me<br />

grow, as Iwas asuper shy kid when I<br />

was young,’’she said.<br />

Jaz made themost of any<br />

performing opportunities that came<br />

Geraldine­raised singer Jaz Paterson.<br />

herway as she developed her<br />

musical talent, including competing<br />

in the Smokefree Rockquestwhen<br />

she was 15.<br />

‘‘I got into performing and<br />

competitions in Timaru, Geraldine<br />

and <strong>Ashburton</strong> after Imanagedto<br />

figure out how to push past crippling<br />

nerves beforeagig.Iplayed alot of<br />

local competitions, markets, bars,<br />

cafes,openingslots for people<br />

touring through Timaru,and did a<br />

few showswith alocal bandin<br />

Geraldine.’’<br />


Her debutEPACHEis<br />

predominantly electronicbased but<br />

includes live instruments, andis<br />

described as blending shimmering<br />

synths, modern percussionand warm<br />

live instrumentation.<br />

She said the EP is about the highs<br />

and lows of her early 20s with songs<br />

about abreakup,her relationship<br />

withchurch and faith, being lonely<br />

andbeing scared to grow up.<br />

Jaz Paterson will perform in<br />

Geraldine’sLodge TheatreonApril<br />

8.<br />

Road name changes approved<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District councillors have<br />

gone against the advice of council staff<br />

and have passed amotion renaming<br />

two existing roads in the district.<br />

An application was made in<br />

Septemberlast year requesting the<br />

existing RossRoad be renamed<br />

George Ross Roadand that asection of<br />

Mill Roadberenamed Ross Road.<br />

Ross Roadisashortstretchof road<br />

in Ruapuna and Mill Road runs<br />

parallel to the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River in<br />

Westerfield.<br />

The proposal was made by members<br />

of the Ross family, including local<br />

identity Jock Ross.<br />

Family members at Ruapuna and at<br />

Lagmhor/Westerfield were in<br />

agreement and keen for the name<br />

change to come into affect.<br />

The application provided a<br />

justification for the names, primarily<br />

emphasisingthe value of the ‘Ross’<br />

name to the history of the district.<br />

There are no property addresses<br />

numbered from either road, however<br />

both are legal roads and open to public<br />

use.<br />

Council staff recommended<br />

councillors declinethe name change<br />

request because of the potential for<br />

confusion.<br />

The change wouldcause confusion<br />

because of the historical association<br />

with the former location of Ross Road<br />

and the fact George Ross Road was too<br />

closeinname to Ross Road.<br />

Staff also referred the matter to<br />

Land Information New Zealand<br />

(LINZ), which agreed with council<br />

stating‘‘itmakes little sense to move a<br />

long established and recognised road<br />

name across the district’’.<br />

Declining the request is also seen as<br />

avoiding setting aprecedent for future<br />

applications where roads were<br />

proposed to be shifted within the<br />

district.<br />

Councillor Angus McKay said<br />

representatives from both roads had<br />

agreed to the change and he couldsee<br />

no reason why the change could not be<br />

made.<br />

Councillor Rodger Letham said he<br />

noted the officer’s reportand<br />

understood the reasoning but in this<br />

case the affect was goingtobesoslight<br />

in the largerpicture.<br />

The road he himself had farmed on<br />

had changed its namefour times in his<br />

lifetime.<br />

Councillor John Falloon saidany<br />

confusion for the emergency services<br />

because of the name change was not<br />

relevant because there were no rapid<br />

numbers on either road andnothing<br />

but farmland.<br />

He could see little point in opposing<br />

the name change.<br />

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HOURS<br />

Monday<br />

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Offer ends<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Hayley sets record, bound for games<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Former<strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegestudent<br />

HayleyWhiting will representNew<br />

Zealandinweightlifting at the<br />

Commonwealth Games in Birmingham<br />

after setting anew national record and<br />

edging arival who has outshone her<br />

over the last few years.<br />

The 29­year­old,who is basedin<br />

Mount Maunganui,lifted 125kg in the<br />

clean and jerk and 98kg in the snatch in<br />

the women's 87kg class at arecent<br />

international event held in Auckland.<br />

The combined total of 223kg was 1kg<br />

better thanher mainrival Kanah<br />

Andrews­Nahu,who represented New<br />

Zealandatlast year's Olympics.<br />

Hayley said she was thrilled with her<br />

victory and was excited and planning for<br />

Birmingham.<br />

‘‘Kanah’s had the better of me over the<br />

last three or four years, so it’s nice to<br />

win when it counted.’’<br />

Hayley eclipsed the New Zealand<br />

clean and jerk record set earlier by her<br />

rival of 122kgand in the process claimed<br />

the one spot available on the New<br />

Zealandteam.<br />

She goesinto the Commonwealth<br />

Games as the number four ranked lifter<br />

in her division in the commonwealth.<br />

Hayley got involved with Crossfit<br />

while studying physiotherapyatOtago<br />

University and gaveweightlifting ago.<br />

She started lifting seriouslyin2016<br />

and represented New Zealand on<br />

Hayley Whiting set anew NZ record of 125kg in the clean and jerk and is overjoyed whenshe realises shehas achieved<br />

Commonwealth Games selection.<br />


multipleoccasions despitenot havinga<br />

coach until she met Ray Everest in 2018.<br />

She relocated to Everest’s hometown<br />

of Mount Maunganuitobeable progress<br />

in the sport.<br />

Hayley juggles running her own<br />

physiotherapy practice called Thrive<br />

Physio &Wellness with gym trainingof<br />

12 to 15 hours aweek.<br />

‘‘The time and effort I’ve put in over<br />

the last few yearshas now paidoff and<br />

I’m just so happy.’’<br />

Hayleysaid she had grown mentally<br />

stronger in recent months and had<br />

greater belief in herself and her<br />

abilities.<br />

‘‘Doingall the physical stuff is easy in<br />

alot of ways, but gettingthe mentalside<br />

right is whereI’ve struggled in the past.’’<br />

Hayleysaid weightlifting was a<br />

ruthless sport.<br />

‘‘You have six minutesonthe platform<br />

and threeattempts at each discipline, so<br />

the pressure is on to deliver.’’<br />

Hayley was atalented sprinter at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegeand also playedfor<br />

the college’stop netball team.<br />

She is 1.7m tall and weighs 83kg.<br />

Most of her family,including mum<br />

Maxine and dad Kerry, as well as a<br />

number of her friends, live in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

They will all be cheeringher on as she<br />

sets her sightsonamedal at the <strong>2022</strong><br />

Commonwealth Games,which run from<br />

July 28 to August8.<br />

Women’s Rugby World Cup on show<br />

Mid Canterbury Rugby development officer Jimmy McLeod, and<br />

budding Black Ferns (from left) Shelley Cossey, Madison Trusler­<br />

Clark and Angel Spooner with the Women’s Rugby World Cup.<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Budding Black Ferns Madison<br />

Trusler­Clark,Angel Spooner<br />

and Shelley Cossey got aclose<br />

up look last week at the<br />

Women’s Rugby WorldCup in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The cup, knowninthe rugby<br />

fraternity as Nancy, was in<br />

town for aspecial one­time<br />

viewing.<br />

It was on show at aMid<br />

Canterbury Rugby Union<br />

touch rugby festival to<br />

celebrate the final of the<br />

month­long teenage touch<br />

series.<br />

The New Zealand Black<br />

Ferns arethe current world<br />

cup winnersand the 2021<br />

World Cup, being played in<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, starts in Auckland on<br />

October 8.<br />

The Black Ferns are hoping<br />

to retain the cup on their<br />

home soil with games being<br />

playedinAuckland and<br />

Whangarei. The official<br />

nationwide tourofthe<br />

Women'sWorld Cup is being<br />

launched on April 6.<br />

Mid Canterbury<br />

DevelopmentOfficerJimmy<br />

McLeod said there was aa<br />

good turn out of people for the<br />

festival andthe chance to see<br />

the Women'sWorld Cup.<br />

The touch series hadbeen<br />

runningweekly for thepast<br />

month, targeting players in<br />

the Under 14.5 to Under18s<br />

agegroup.<br />

It was ateenage space to<br />

have atouch rugbyrun<br />

around.<br />

And it proved pretty<br />

popular.<br />

The first night 50 teenagers<br />

turned out,which dropped to<br />

around 20 in the latter weeks<br />

as more cases of covid spread<br />

in thecommunity,hesaid.<br />

While McLeodset up the<br />

grounds,hesaidthe real work<br />

was done by trainers Jonny<br />

Galbraith, Mike Spiers and<br />

Geoff Chapmanwho took the<br />

training sessions.<br />

On the final night, thecrew<br />

organised the ‘festival’ with<br />

barbecue and giveaways, and<br />

managed to have the Women's<br />

World Cup on show.The cup<br />

was going to be on show<br />

during Rippa Rugby butthe<br />

competition was postponed.<br />

McLeod’s focus now, in the<br />

lead up to rugby season, was<br />

on rugby smart courses for all<br />

coaches, managers, trainers<br />

and referees.<br />

The courses, listed on the<br />

Mid Canterbury Rugby Union<br />

website, have started butrun<br />

throughtoatop up course on<br />

April 30.<br />

Making MidCanterbury at home<br />

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NEWS<br />

6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

College staff shortage<br />

Students arebetter off coming<br />

to school for face­to­face<br />

learning than trying to do it on<br />

their ownathome, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College principal Ross Preece<br />

says.<br />

Howeverdespitethisthe<br />

college has had to implement<br />

its emergency cover planto<br />

cover staffshortages, dueto<br />

covid.<br />

Mr Preece said the<br />

emergency plan had been<br />

activated because theschool<br />

was runningout of teachers to<br />

cover classes.<br />

It had nothingtodo with the<br />

numberofstudentsaway.<br />

‘‘Wehad anumberofstaff<br />

whotested positive (for covid),<br />

we’ve alsogot anumberof staff<br />

who are homecontacts and<br />

thosepeople areout for 10 days,<br />

so it’s not like its ashort­term<br />

cover solution.<br />

‘‘It’s about our ability to put a<br />

qualified teacherinfront of a<br />

groupofstudents,’’ Mr Preece<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Our studentshave been<br />

outstanding interms of their<br />

mask use in classrooms, we’ve<br />

beendelighted withthe<br />

responsibility of thestudents as<br />

agroup.<br />

‘‘Inthe classroomthey are all<br />

wearing masks... andthe<br />

classrooms are well<br />

ventilated,’’ he said.<br />

Theplan, which startedlast<br />

Thursday, has students doing<br />

set days of online learning<br />

provided by their classroom<br />

teachers during theweek, until<br />

Ross Preece<br />

furthernotice.<br />

Year11students are away<br />

from school on Mondays,Years<br />

12 and 13 on Tuesday and<br />

Wednesday,and Years 9, 10 and<br />

Kohanga on Thursdays and<br />

Fridays.<br />

The plan was set up three<br />

weeks ago as <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s covid<br />

cases increased and made<br />

known to the school<br />

community.<br />

The community was also<br />

made aware that as more<br />

teachers needed to isolate,<br />

parents andcaregivers would<br />

begiven48­hours notice of the<br />

schoolstartingthe emergency<br />

plan.<br />

‘‘We’vetried to setitupsoit<br />

is least disruptive to<br />

particularly to oursenior<br />

students,cos they have got<br />

NCEA.<br />

‘‘Our priority was our Year<br />

11s, so theyare only being hit on<br />

one day aweekbecause we felt<br />

like they werestill getting to<br />

grips with NCEA assessment,’’<br />

he said.<br />

‘‘Our Year 9s, 10s,will be<br />

rostered homeonThursday,<br />

Friday; our Year 11s will be<br />

rostered homeonMonday, and<br />

ourYear 12s and 13s will be<br />

rostered homeTuesday,<br />

Wednesday.’’<br />

‘‘Staffwho have been<br />

released from classes will be<br />

available therefore to cover<br />

relief, so that we can ensure<br />

that all the pupils at school<br />

have aqualified teacher in<br />

frontofthem,’’ he said.<br />

Online work,set up by subject<br />

teachers since the start of the<br />

year, was available for students<br />

while they were at home.<br />

Putting the planinto action<br />

was due to thelength of time<br />

those exposedneeded to<br />

remain at home.<br />

‘‘If we wereshort staffedfor<br />

one day you could cover it, but<br />

not for prolonged periodsof<br />

time,’’ he said.<br />

Families affected by covid<br />

werebeing contacted and made<br />

awareofsupport available, and<br />

students in need of computers<br />

at homewere also being setup<br />

with school­issue equipment<br />

for their online learning.<br />

Mr Preece encouraged those<br />

able to attendschool on their<br />

rostered days to do so, as most<br />

eventswhere covid was known<br />

to havespreadhad happened<br />

during external eventsoutside<br />

the school.<br />

NPD at Tinwald<br />

Anew NPDfuel depot is<br />

under development in<br />

Tinwald and settoopenin<br />

May.<br />

It is located on land vacated<br />

by Smallbones Isuzu on the<br />

corner of Archibald and<br />

Graham streets.<br />

An NPD spokesperson said<br />

NPD Tinwald would be a<br />

premiumself serve site with<br />

potential to addaRefresh<br />

Cafeatafuture date.<br />

Thedepot will offer all fuel<br />

grades,including NPD<br />

100PlusHigh Performance<br />

Fuel, via three pump islands,<br />

two retailand one truckstop.<br />

Thespokesperson said<br />

Tinwald’s strategicand<br />

convenient location would<br />

strengthenthe company’s<br />

growing SouthIsland<br />

network.<br />

The depotisthe thirdNPD<br />

to set up in the districtwith<br />

one depot recently added at<br />

Rakaiaand one in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>BusinessEstate,<br />

north of <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

TheRakaia depot also has<br />

consent to addaRefresh Cafe<br />

on the site at alaterdate.<br />

In the first halfofthis year<br />

NPD willalso open sites at<br />

Geraldine,Christchurch and<br />

Rangioraand expandinto the<br />

NorthIsland.<br />

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NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Housing market<br />

property growth<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s average house price has<br />

increased as nationwide all signs are<br />

pointingtoagradual correction in the<br />

residential property market with rate of<br />

growth continuestoslide.<br />

The average home increased in value by<br />

just 2.3% nationally over the pastthreemonth<br />

period to the endofFebruary, down<br />

from the 6.1%quarterly growth seen in<br />

January.<br />

Figures from QuotableValueshow the<br />

national averagevalue is nowsitting at<br />

$1,053,483.<br />

This representsanaverage annual<br />

increaseof22.9%, downfrom26.8% annual<br />

growth last month.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s average valueis $518,505, up<br />

10.2 %inthe February quarter.<br />

In the Auckland region, the average value is<br />

$1,519,781 and in Christchurch $799,408.<br />

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Covid hits health services<br />

Some outpatient health<br />

appointments are being postponed as<br />

Canterbury District Health Board<br />

deal with staffing shortages due to<br />

covid.<br />

As positive community covid case<br />

numbers grow, more staff are<br />

contracting covid and having to<br />

isolate or are in household contacts<br />

or need to look after whānau with<br />

covid.<br />

Canterbury’s Covid­19 emergency<br />

co­ordination centre controller Dr<br />

Helen Skinner said as of this week<br />

the health board was only going<br />

ahead with urgent surgery, such as<br />

cancer care, and other acute surgery<br />

such as following an accident or<br />

major trauma, with only asmall<br />

volume of planned (elective) surgery<br />

and procedures going ahead.<br />

“Some outpatient appointments<br />

are also being postponed this week.<br />

Many have already been switched to<br />

virtual consults and are carried out<br />

over the phone or by video call,<br />

however we have to postpone more<br />

planned in­person appointments this<br />

week,” Dr Skinner said.<br />

“Urgent outpatient clinics such as<br />

dialysis will continue as will urgent<br />

and non­deferrable surgery and<br />

medical procedures.<br />

“We apologise in advance to those<br />

affected by these changes,” she said.<br />

People who are affected by surgery<br />

or outpatient appointments being<br />

deferred will be contacted by phone.<br />

“Over the past two weeks staff have<br />

gone all out to allow us to continue to<br />

provide as much planned care as<br />

possible, but with so many staff away<br />

we are unable to maintain our usual<br />

levels of surgery and outpatient<br />

appointments.<br />

“If you haven’t been contacted by<br />

us, please assume your appointment<br />

or surgery is going ahead,” she said.<br />

The Canterbury DHB was utilising<br />

all available staff to cover gaps in<br />

rosters.<br />

“Clinical and non­clinical staff are<br />

needed throughout the system to<br />

cover arange of roles. We are also<br />

deploying staff to help out in a<br />

number of rest homes in Canterbury<br />

and on the West Coast to ensure some<br />

of our most vulnerable community<br />

members are well supported.<br />

“It is important to note that all<br />

emergency and non­deferrable<br />

surgery and procedures are still<br />

going ahead, and anyone needing<br />

urgent and emergency care should<br />

continue to call their GP team or<br />

Healthline 0800 611 116 for health<br />

advice or dial 111 if it’s an<br />

emergency.<br />

“Our hospitals and health centres<br />

have the highest level of infection,<br />

prevention and control measures in<br />

place and we encourage everyone to<br />

continue to seek the care they need<br />

when they need it.<br />

“Hapū māmā/pregnant people<br />

should contact their Lead Maternity<br />

Carer if they have concerns or<br />

suspect they are in labour.<br />

“Once again, we apologise for the<br />

inconvenience and stress of having<br />

your surgery or appointment<br />

postponed at short notice, and hope<br />

people appreciate the need to<br />

prioritise all our available people<br />

resources to ensure safe care for<br />

everyone,” Dr Skinner said.<br />

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The Piwakawaka Walk features anumber of wooden fantails in the<br />

trees made by the community.<br />

Walk festival scaled back<br />

Organisers of the Methvenand<br />

Foothills WalkingFestivalare<br />

scalingevents back duetocovid,<br />

but arelookingforward to afull<br />

programme in 2023.<br />

The inaugural festival will run<br />

fromApril 16­24 andalongside<br />

the popular scarecrow trail.<br />

Two fun walkingcompetitions<br />

will be heldand therewillbea<br />

daily challenge setbyWellbeing<br />

Opuke.Sections of the Methven<br />

Walkway near the Opuke<br />

ThermalPools &Spa havebeen<br />

‘‘dressed’’toexploreand excite.<br />

The enchantedforest walk<br />

includes 97 fairy doorsand fairy<br />

scenesand the nearby<br />

Piwakawaka Walk features<br />

wooden fantails madebythe<br />

community.<br />

Other events, including afood<br />

andwine tour, historic walk and<br />

hikes along the Mt Somers<br />

Walkway andScotts Saddle<br />

Track, willnow featureonthe<br />

2023 programme.<br />

Theidea behindthe festival is<br />

to encourage people to getout<br />

andabout and to discover walks<br />

inthe Methven and foothills<br />

area. Organising committee<br />

chairperson LizMcMillansaid<br />

therewas too muchuncertainty<br />

to proceed with afull­blown<br />

festival this year.<br />

What was onoffer would givea<br />

taste of thingstocomeand still<br />

providesomefun for locals and<br />

visitors duringthe school<br />

holidays,she said.<br />

The2023festivalwould be<br />

heldinApril andwould offer<br />

many more walkoptions,she<br />

said.<br />

There is festivalinformation<br />

on the methvenwalkingfestival.<br />

nz website andFacebookpage.

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

9<br />

THIS<br />

WEEK’S<br />




Mid Canterbury Friendship Clubs area representative Errol Kingsbury<br />

and Mid Canterbury Ladies Friendship Club president Julie Begg with<br />

new club life member Gwen Clucas.<br />


Gwengetslife<br />

membership<br />

Gwen Clucas has been surprised<br />

withaLife Membership of the<br />

MidCanterbury Ladies<br />

Friendship Club.<br />

It was presented to her last<br />

week by Mid Canterburyarea<br />

representative ErrolKingsbury<br />

and club president Julie Beggat<br />

the club’s monthly meeting at the<br />

Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Gwen,who has justfinished<br />

three yearshelpingwith the<br />

BOOST reading programmeat<br />

Netherby School, has spent<br />

nearlytwo decades at the club<br />

since moving to <strong>Ashburton</strong> in<br />

2003.<br />

She had retiredfrom full­time<br />

teaching in Christchurch,but<br />

withnoaffiliation to the city,<br />

exceptfor her job, she moved<br />

south to be near family.<br />

In <strong>Ashburton</strong>Gwen took up<br />

relieving work at Tinwald and<br />

Allenton schools,and forashort<br />

timewas acting principalat<br />

Tinwald School; she had<br />

previouslybeen principal at<br />

Waipara Schooltoo.<br />

Gwen signed up for the thencalled<br />

Mid Canterbury Ladies<br />

Probus Club.<br />

It was agood way to get to know<br />

people, especially for those new<br />

to the area, shesaid.<br />

Such wasits popularity among<br />

professional/businesspeople,<br />

there was awaitinglist to join.<br />

Gwen went on to serve on the<br />

committee before becoming<br />

president from 2008 to 2009.<br />

At the time therewas a<br />

140­strong membership,she<br />

said.<br />

Gwen,who is thechairperson<br />

of the St Stephen’s Church Close<br />

Trust,was also Mid Canterbury<br />

Friendship Clubsarea<br />

representativefor three years<br />

andisthe club’scurrent Quiz<br />

Master.<br />

The club was popular among<br />

retiredprofessionals and<br />

business owners, henceits name,<br />

Probus.<br />

It was startedinEngland as a<br />

non­fundraising arm of Rotary<br />

Club,she said.<br />

However the use of theProbus<br />

name came under thespotlight<br />

while Gwen was president with<br />

Australian counterpartslaying<br />

claim to the naming rights and<br />

trademarkingthe name.<br />

The MidCanterbury group<br />

then renamedbut still offered its<br />

members thesame services with<br />

socialconnections through<br />

friendships andfun, guest<br />

speakers andavariety of<br />

organised trips.<br />

Thereare now four friendship<br />

clubs in thedistrict, plus twoat<br />

Geraldine.<br />

The ladies club members get<br />

together at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on the second Wednesday of<br />

each month, and havemorning<br />

tea get togethers at Taste Cafe<br />

every third Wednesday.<br />

Rally return for Paddon<br />

Geraldine­raised Hayden<br />

Paddon is set to return to<br />

international rallying.<br />

BasedinCromwell, Paddon is<br />

teaming up with co­driver John<br />

Kennardtoracefor Hyundai in<br />

the WRC2 category of theWorld<br />

Rally Championship.<br />

They will race in selected<br />

eventsofthis year’s<br />

championship, before<br />

undertakingafull seven­event<br />

campaign withagoalofwinning<br />

nextyear’s title.<br />

The car,run by Hyundai New<br />

Zealand Rallywith Paddon’s<br />

established team of engineers,<br />

technicians and team<br />

management,will join the<br />

drivers at the international<br />

events. Paddon, who will race in<br />

aHyundaii20 NRally2 car, has<br />

not competed outside New<br />

Zealand in two years. His WRC2<br />

schedule gets underway at Rally<br />

Estonia from July 14­<strong>17</strong>,<br />

followed by Rally Finland on<br />

August 4­7.<br />


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facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specialsavailable SouthIsland onlyfromMonday 14th<strong>March</strong><br />

until Sunday 27th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>orwhilestockslast. Wine andbeer<br />

available at stores with an off licence. Wine and beer purchases<br />

restricted to persons aged 18 yearsold andover.

Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />

AYERS, Lynda Rose, on<br />

<strong>March</strong>10th <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully<br />

at Rosebank Lifecare,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 91. Dearly<br />

loved sister and sister in<br />

lawofEricand Sybil,Winnie<br />

and John Kermode, Hector<br />

and Essie, Ray and Una,<br />

Leslie, Ivan and Maud (all<br />

deceased). Will be missed<br />

by her nieces and nephews<br />

who wish to extend their<br />

appreciation to Rosebank<br />

fortheir loving careofLynda<br />

over the last 5years.Lynda’s<br />

funeral service will be held<br />

at our Chapel, corner East<br />

and Cox Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on Monday <strong>March</strong> 21,<br />

commencing at 10.00 am,<br />

followed by interment at<br />

the Rangiora Methodist<br />

Cemetery, 156 Ashley<br />

Street Rangiora at2.00pm.<br />

Vaccine Passes are required.<br />

Anyone wishing to view the<br />

service online go to www.<br />

patersonsfuneralservices.<br />

co.nz ‘Funeral Notices’ and<br />

click onLynda’s notice for<br />

the link.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

AYERS, Lynda Rose, on<br />

<strong>March</strong>10th, <strong>2022</strong> peacefully<br />

at Rosebank Lifecare,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Loved and<br />

respected Aunt of Judith<br />

and Philip Crozier, loved<br />

great-aunt of Amanda,<br />

Carmen, Rowena, the<br />

late Duncan and families.<br />

Remembering the happy<br />

occasions, your special<br />

family birthday parties<br />

and the Christmas get<br />

togethers. Your special love<br />

for all the dachshunds,<br />

especially Lucy. Gone but<br />

not forgotten. Rest in peace.<br />

CUNNINGHAM, Peter, on<br />

<strong>March</strong> 11, <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully<br />

at Rosebank Lifecare,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 83 years.<br />

Much loved husband of the<br />

late Catherine. Treasured<br />

father and father-in-law<br />

to Neil Cunningham and<br />

Suzanne Compton, and<br />

Annette Cunningham.<br />

Most doting Grandad to<br />

Alycia, April and Daniel.<br />

Lovedbrotheranduncleand<br />

friend to many. Messages<br />

to the Cunningham family<br />

P O Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

7740. Due to Covid<br />

restrictions aprivateservice<br />

for Peter will be held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family Notices<br />

CUNNINGHAM: Peter<br />

(late of Owen River and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>)<br />

Dearly loved son of George<br />

and Mabel Cunningham<br />

(both deceased), and<br />

loved brother and brotherin-law<br />

of Greta and Les<br />

Read (<strong>Ashburton</strong>, both<br />

deceased), Isabel and Ted<br />

Sampson (<strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

both deceased), Jim and<br />

Margaret Cunningham<br />

(Motueka), Glenys Gillbank<br />

(Richmond), the late<br />

Noeline and Gavin Radford<br />

(Blenheim).<br />

Dearly loved uncle of all his<br />

nieces and nephews.<br />

You will be missed, but<br />

never forgotten.<br />

CUNNINGHAM: Peter:<br />

Dearly loved uncle of Ron<br />

and Vicky Sampson, Alison<br />

and the late Ian Kermode,<br />

and the late Merv Sampson.<br />

Our hunting trips up the<br />

Rakaia, Rangitata Rivers and<br />

into Fiordland will never<br />

be forgotten –lots ofgreat<br />

memories.<br />

Youwill be missed.<br />

DWYER, Peter Maurice<br />

(PD), on <strong>March</strong> 8, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

peacefully at home with<br />

his family by his side, inhis<br />

72nd year. Dearly loved<br />

husband of the late Mary.<br />

Much loved Dad of Nic,<br />

James and Siobhan, and<br />

Sarita and Joey. Adored<br />

Grandad of Finley, Sully,<br />

and Hayes. Loved brother<br />

and brother-in-law ofAnn<br />

and the late Jack Keenan,<br />

Greg and Margie, Kelvin,<br />

and the late Brian. Loved<br />

by all his nieces and<br />

nephews. Messages to the<br />

Dwyer family, POBox 472<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Due to<br />

Covid restrictions aprivate<br />

family service for PD will be<br />

held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

QUINLAN, Todd William<br />

McNab, on <strong>March</strong> 12, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

after ahard fought battle,<br />

passed away peacefully<br />

on Saturday atRosebank<br />

Lifecare, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged<br />

43 years. Dearly loved<br />

son of Barbara and Kevin.<br />

Adored and loving Dad<br />

of Madi, Jack, and Hunter.<br />

Loved brother and brotherin-law<br />

ofBrad and Jacqui.<br />

Loved uncle of Charlie, and<br />

Thomas. Messages to the<br />

Quinlan family POBox 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Aprivate<br />

servicefor Todd will be held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

ROBERTSON, Dorothy<br />

Mildred (Doff), passed<br />

away peacefully onThursday<br />

10th <strong>March</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> at Radius<br />

Millstream, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

aged 94 years. Dearly loved<br />

wife ofthe late Callum and<br />

much loved mother and<br />

mother-in-law ofJenny and<br />

Lyell Wells, Ann and Dave<br />

Richardson (Melbourne),<br />

BarbMacGregor and Warren<br />

Scott, and Euan Robertson<br />

and Kath Malone (Napier).<br />

Adored Grandma of Damon,<br />

Regan and Anna, Megan,<br />

Stuart and Claire, Kate and<br />

Stacey, and Shaun, Finn and<br />

Liam and their partners,and<br />

her 15 great-grandchildren.<br />

She will be dearly missed by<br />

us all. Our grateful thanks<br />

for the love and care Mum<br />

received by the carers and<br />

nursing staff at Radius<br />

Millstream. Also thanks<br />

to Dr Penny Holdaway for<br />

her care. It was all much<br />

appreciated. Messages to<br />

The Robertson Family, PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

At Doff’s request, aprivate<br />

servicewill be held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

SCLATER, Robert John<br />

(Jack) on 8<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, surrounded by<br />

the love of his daughters.<br />

Aged 91 years.<br />

Dearly loved husband of<br />

the late Beverley. Much<br />

loved and admired Dad of<br />

Deborah and the late Gary<br />

Ashworth, Kathryn and<br />

Brian Mills (Nelson) and<br />

Joanne and Bruce Creed<br />

(Christchurch).<br />

Treasured fun-loving<br />

Grandad of Kelsey and Nick<br />

Bewley, Meg and Cameron,<br />

Thomas, Jono and Catie,<br />

Jemma and Ryan.<br />

“A kind,gentle man, fondly<br />

remembered by all who knew<br />

him.”<br />

Our heartfelt thanks to the<br />

Terrace View staff for the<br />

respect, love and care given<br />

to Jackoverthe past month.<br />

Messages to the Sclater<br />

family, PO Box 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Aservice<br />

to celebrate Jack’s life has<br />

been held.<br />

STAPLEY, Ramon Lewis<br />

(Ray), on <strong>March</strong> 4, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

peacefully at Radius<br />

Millstream, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

aged 92 years. Dearly loved<br />

husband of Dorothie. Much<br />

loved father and father<br />

in law of Sue, Gary and<br />

Jo, Jonathan and Kirstin.<br />

Loved Grandad of Emma,<br />

Zara, and the late Jaren,<br />

and great-Grandad Ray of<br />

Kelly-Ann, Liam, Larissa, and<br />

Georgia. Messages to the<br />

Stapley family POBox 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

Due to<br />

Covid aprivate service for<br />

Rayhas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

STOCKDALE Russell Thomas,<br />

on <strong>March</strong> 10, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

peacefully at Tuarangi<br />

Home, surrounded by his<br />

family. Beloved husband<br />

of Maureen, and father<br />

and father-in-law of Paul,<br />

Christopher, Jodene and<br />

Andrew. Much loved<br />

Poppa of Josh and Daniel.<br />

Messages to the Stockdale<br />

family P O Box 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Afuneral<br />

servicetocelebrateRussell’s<br />

life has been be held.<br />

Vaccine Passes arerequired.<br />

Anyone wishing to view the<br />

service online gotowww.<br />

patersonsfuneralservices.<br />

co.nz ‘Funeral Notices’ and<br />

click onRussell’s notice for<br />

the link.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 307 7433<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Enquiries phone<br />

Mary,Jann or Karen<br />

on<br />

308 7664<br />

or call into<br />

199 Burnett Street.<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 263 6679<br />

2447549<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Tenniscoach Andre van Royen, coachingkids at Lagmhor­<br />

Westerfield War Memorial Hall courts.<br />


Tennis back<br />

after 15 years<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tennishas returned to the<br />

courtsofLagmhor­Westerfield<br />

War Memorial Hallafter a<br />

near­on 15­year absence.<br />

Around22buddingtennis<br />

players, aged five to 13 year<br />

olds, have beentaking part in<br />

introductory tennis lessonsat<br />

the courts over the past few<br />

weeks.<br />

Community membersheld a<br />

working bee to spruce up the<br />

hall’scourts for ashort four<br />

week introductory tennis<br />

programme with tennis coach<br />

Andre van Royen.<br />

Hall committee chairperson<br />

Shannon Johnson said<br />

community membershad<br />

spruced up the courts during a<br />

working bee to enable the<br />

tenniscoaching to go ahead.<br />

‘‘We’re actually doingafour<br />

week blockbecause we didn’t<br />

want to get too carried away<br />

with covid,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘We didn’t wantto<br />

overcommitsothat was our<br />

starting point and we are<br />

hopingtorestart at the end of<br />

Term 3, with aview to pulling<br />

some of the older kids into<br />

inter club (competition).’’<br />

Westerfield TennisClub was<br />

strongatone time but it had<br />

closeddown around15years<br />

ago.<br />

It was another way to get the<br />

facilities at the hall and<br />

grounds used, she said.<br />

But long term it could see<br />

kids from the areaenter the<br />

interclub competition in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

The hall is regularly used for<br />

yoga sessions, community<br />

events, meeting rooms and<br />

trainingsessions.<br />

The groundshave afew nice<br />

shadytrees and whilethe<br />

courts were‘‘pretty rough’’<br />

with tree roots creating afew<br />

uneven surfaces ‘‘and afew<br />

random bouncesofthe ball’’, it<br />

was mostly moss and<br />

overgrownhedges which were<br />

in need of attention.<br />

Therewere alsolineswhich<br />

needed repainting on the<br />

courts themselves.<br />

‘‘They are fine for what the<br />

kids are doing,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘It’s more just having some<br />

lessons, getting the community<br />

involved and giving kids an<br />

opportunity to play tennis,’’<br />

she said.<br />

‘‘They’regettingagood<br />

opportunity to learnforehand,<br />

backhand, volleysand serves,<br />

and getting anice taste of it<br />

really.’’<br />

‘‘We’ve been really lucky to<br />

have Andre comeout,’’she<br />

said.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />

Funding tops up community foodbanks<br />

The Community Trust Mid &<br />

South Canterburywill provide<br />

$124,400 in fundingtofood<br />

cupboards and foodbanks in the<br />

region for thethird consecutive<br />

year.<br />

Communitytrust trustees<br />

unanimously decidedthat the<br />

invitation­only, special round<br />

of funding will continue for at<br />

least thenext three years.<br />

The trust supports 11<br />

organisationsacross theMid<br />

and South Canterbury districts<br />

and most of thefunding tops up<br />

foodparcels that are assembled<br />

from donated and rescued<br />

foods.<br />

Items such as fresh<br />

vegetables, meat, sanitary<br />

items and nappies can be<br />

includedinparcels as need is<br />

identified.<br />

All of the groups rely on<br />

volunteers to make up and<br />

distribute thefood parcels.<br />

‘‘Over the past 12 months we<br />

have seenour clientscontinue<br />

to struggle withfinancial<br />

insecuritiesaswellasthe<br />

growing cost of food. This grant<br />

has helped us improve our<br />

basic foodparcels to suit a<br />

varietyoffamilies. We have<br />

been able to includethe more<br />

expensive items like cleaning<br />

products, toiletriesand<br />

nappieswhich has taken the<br />

pressure off our families and<br />

gives them the breathing space<br />

to get back on their feet,’’<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Salvation Army<br />

corps officer Elizabeth Walker­<br />

Ratu said.<br />

Whenpeopleaccess<br />

foodbanksnot only aretheir<br />

food needs satisfiedbut<br />

organisations alsoassess other<br />

requirements such as heating,<br />

or budgeting advice or<br />

connection witheducation or<br />

employment support.<br />

‘‘Wehave been toldby<br />

numerous foodbanks thatitisa<br />

common misconception that<br />

only homeless or unemployed<br />

peoplerequire food relief.<br />

Many of the recipientsare<br />

employedindividuals and<br />

families managing low incomes<br />

or those whoare facingshort<br />

term economic crisessuch as<br />

job loss or unexpectedmedical<br />

or maintenance bills.<br />

‘‘The face of hunger across<br />

New Zealand is diverse and<br />

Covid­19 has seen anew group<br />

of individualsfacing poverty,<br />

including foodpoverty, for the<br />

first timeand withouta<br />

knowledge of,orexisting<br />

relationships with, relief<br />

agencies andsupport services,’’<br />

Community Trust of Midand<br />

South Canterburychairman<br />

Nathan Mills said.<br />

Therecipients of the trust’s<br />

funding are the St Mark’s<br />

FoodbankRakaia, the<br />

Salvation Army <strong>Ashburton</strong>, St<br />

Vincent de Paul <strong>Ashburton</strong>, St<br />

Andrews Food Bank Geraldine,<br />

Salvation Army <strong>Ashburton</strong> Corps officers Semi Ratu and Elizabeth Walker­Ratu (left) with Community<br />

Trust Mid &South Canterbury trustees Jane Argyle­Reed and Alistair Wing.<br />

the Temuka Combined<br />

Churches Foodbank,<br />

Presbyterian Support South<br />

Canterbury, St VincentdePaul<br />

Timaru,The Salvation Army<br />

Timaru, TheSalvation Army<br />

Waimate,MackenzieDistrict<br />

EnhancementBoard and<br />

FoodbankCanterbury.<br />

Thetrust is interested in<br />

hearing from anyother<br />

foodbanks or foodcupboardsin<br />

the region, especially in rural<br />

areas,and canbe contacted on<br />

0800672 287.<br />


Family Gatherings<br />

Weddings /Anniversaries<br />

Civil Unions<br />

Funerals<br />

Bar and catering options<br />

available<br />

Technical Services<br />

Experienced in-house<br />

technician<br />

Audio/Visual equipment<br />

Lighting<br />

CorporateEvents<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong>25@7:30pm<br />

Book at our BoxOfficeoronline ateventcentre.co.nz<br />

Meetings<br />

Seminars /Workshops<br />

Conferences<br />

Caterupto200<br />

(Covid conditions apply)<br />

Bar and catering options<br />

03 307 2010 211A Wills Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

admin@ateventcentre.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 6<br />

<strong>17</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

DeputyPrincipal Message<br />

Half-Way Through Term One<br />

The middle ofthe first term indicates that one<br />

fifth of the Year 11, 12 and 13 students’ College<br />

academicyear has passed.<br />

Assessments forSenior Students<br />

Towards the end of this term senior students will<br />

have their first round of assessments due.<br />

It is important for students tobeorganised to<br />

have the work completed and handed in on time.<br />

There are deadlines to meet and, forsome Year 11<br />

students, this will be thefirst timethey have encounteredadeadlinewith<br />

no flexibility-thatisthe date.<br />

Online Work<br />

Staff have work online for students toaccess. Therefore, if students are<br />

not abletoattend school,the work is availabletoensurethey do not get<br />

behind with their studies.<br />

If senior students areabsent forotherthan Covid-relatedissues,and have<br />

an assessmentdue,they do needtoapply foranextensionofthe date the<br />

work is duetobehanded in. If possible,this should be three days before<br />

the due date or, inthe case of illness on the day, by letting the teacher<br />

know thatday thatthey will not be there.<br />

We are inchallenging times for everyone, and we will do all we can to<br />

support students achieve their grades, as outlined bythe words of<br />

our Mission Statement: ‘Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning<br />

Environment’.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Congratulations to all thestudents who have beenappointedtothe wide<br />

range of leadershiproles for<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

To make them more visible and acknowledge their role, coloured braids<br />

aroundthe blazerare partoftheirrecognition. Headand DeputyStudents<br />

have redbraid aroundtheir blazers.Acombination of redand blue stripes<br />

on the blazer sleeve indicates amember of the Student Executive team;<br />

andplain red, blue,green or orange representthe respectiveCaptains of<br />

theCollegeHouses.<br />

The AshColl Way is how wedothings at <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

under the headings of -<br />

Quality, Prideand Respect.<br />

Later this term we celebrate the ‘QUALITY’ achievements ofthe Year 12<br />

and 13 students’Level 1and 22021 NCEA results.<br />

In this Academic Blues Assembly,studentswho have achieved50ormore<br />

Excellence Credits willreceiveanAcademic Blue; and students who have<br />

achieved atotalof50ormorecombined Excellence and Merit Creditswill<br />

receiveanAcademic PerformanceAward.<br />

‘PRIDE’is beingproud of whatyou do. <strong>Ashburton</strong>College studentsshow<br />

this in the way they wear their uniform; and how and when they arrive<br />

in class -prepared and on time; and completing work totheir highest<br />

standard.<br />

We thank parents and caregivers fortheir supportinensuring their child<br />

is arriving at school on time,with the rightequipmentand uniform.<br />

‘RESPECT’ is about using polite and appropriate language, and whilst<br />

most students follow this, some students are still refining their skills in<br />

this area.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College is aplaceoflearning,and thiscovers academic<br />

knowledgeaswellasthe skills needed to be asupportive<br />

and caring member of our society.<br />

Thomas Jefferson, thirdPresidentofthe United States,<br />

famously stated that:<br />

‘I find that the harder Iwork,the more luck Iseemtohave’.<br />

Helen Shore-Taylor<br />

Deputy Principal •TumuakiTuarua<br />

Information<br />

GirlsKeen to PlayRugbyfor MCC<br />

We arecallingall girls keen to playrugbythisseason<br />

forMCC (Mid CanterburyCombined).<br />

MCCisavailabletointerestedstudents from <strong>Ashburton</strong> College,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Christian School andMtHutt College.<br />

First Practice: Monday21<strong>March</strong>, 5:30pm at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A&PShowgrounds,Brucefield AvenueorSeafield Road.<br />

If youareinterested but unabletoattend:<br />

PleasecontactDarion –College Sports Office (R Block)<br />

Or email: gy@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Staff –Welcome<br />

BarbaraBoulton<br />

Learning SupportAssistant,<br />

Food and Nutrition Technician,<br />

Fabrics Assistant.<br />

Staff –Internal Appointments<br />

Information<br />

Next Chapter Parenting -<br />

Offering the Parent Survival Kit<br />

Next Chapter Parenting offers Individual or<br />

Group Parenting Sessions via Zoom.<br />

Thecourse is ideal forindividuals (one-on-one),<br />

groups or agroup of friends.<br />

Youcan contactNextChapterParentingtoarrangesessions<br />

to suit your timeand needs.<br />

Thefull course is forten one-hourweekly sessions,<br />

at atime convenient to you, includingevenings.<br />

Do you:<br />

•Find yourselfyelling at your child moreoften thanlaughing with your child<br />

•Feel youhavelost touch withyour child<br />

•Feel frustrated andfind yourself saying the same things<br />

over and overagain withnoresult<br />

TopicsInclude:<br />

Communication Empathy Setting Limits<br />

QualityTime Consequences Choices<br />

Redirection<br />

Picking your Battleswith your Child<br />

Problem Behaviour Praise vs Acknowledgement<br />

Time In vs Time Out The Pause Sibling Rivalry<br />

Teenage Boundaries Erickson’s Stages of Growth<br />

PersonalityTypes and howitAffectsyour Children<br />

Events<br />

Olivia McLennan<br />

Learning SupportAssistant,<br />

Te WhareManaaki.<br />

Toni McKee<br />

ReadingTeacher.<br />

Patrick Neal Teacher-in-Charge Technical Vocational Pathways,<br />

including Automotive, Trades and Building.<br />

Helen Shore-Taylor Acting Head of Department Home Economics (<strong>2022</strong>),<br />

additional toher DeputyPrincipal role.<br />

Sean Stephen Acting Head of Department HardMaterials (<strong>2022</strong>).<br />

Contact:<br />

f: Next ChapterParenting<br />

www.nextchapter parenting.co.nz<br />

E: brigid@nextchapterparenting.co.nz<br />

M: 0221087214<br />

WINZFunding Assistance Where Eligible.<br />

Presentation about Afghanistan to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>College Staff<br />

Information provided by <strong>Ashburton</strong> CollegeFormer Refugee<br />

LiaisonPerson, Joanne Wakelin<br />

It was apleasure tohave our Ministry of Education Senior Migrant and<br />

Refugee Advisor, Elizabeth, Hamilton and Intern Mahtab Mahjor present<br />

to all our staff recently, via zoom, as part ofour Professional Development.<br />

Professional Development takes place most Wednesday mornings from<br />

8:20am-8:40am and covers arangeoftopics. Currently these meetings are<br />

all taking place via zoom.<br />

Joanne said that, as astaff,weare enjoyinglearningmoreaboutthe people<br />

and culture of Afghanistan; in order to help our incoming former refugees<br />

as muchaspossible.<br />

Mahtab arrivedinNew Zealand from Afghanistan in 2019, and hasrecently<br />

graduated from the University of Canterbury with aB.Com in Finance and<br />

Events<br />

Economics; and aminor in International Business. Finishing secondary<br />

school in Afghanistan in the Dari language, meant her university life ina<br />

new culturewas notaneasy journey,but she is grateful forthe support she<br />

received.<br />

Mahtab was able to share a wide range of knowledge with us, including<br />

explaining some of the political history of Afghanistan, the cultures and<br />

geographyofthis diverse country.<br />

(Pictured right): Mahtab Mahjor.<br />

One of the important messages taken from the<br />

presentation was that, as aschool, weneed<br />

to be very aware of the differences around<br />

communication between New Zealand and<br />

Afghanistan.<br />

Mahtab explained that communication<br />

amongst people in her culture is much more<br />

often implied than we are used to. Asmall nod<br />

of the head, the tone and volume of the voice,<br />

and body language can be very important ina<br />

conversation.<br />

She also emphasised that, when meeting a person from Afghanistan<br />

(especially when they are first in anew country), many are not used to<br />

handshakes.The most respectful thing for ustodo is to place our hand on<br />

our chest and greet them.<br />

Another important thing is that schools in Afghanistan are segregated for<br />

males and females. This includes all teachers and support staff. Therefore,<br />

new students from Afghanistan may find the transition to our co-ed school<br />

difficult.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Collegethanked Mahtab forher honest and open presentation.<br />

We learnt alot and certainly look forward tocontinuing to learn more on<br />

this new cultural journey as we welcome more students from Afghanistan<br />

this year.<br />

Innovative Pro-actiontothe Fore –<br />

Orientation/Opportunities<br />

In a‘normal’ year College, towards the end of February, College<br />

holds its annual Orientation morning. Upwards of fifty displays are<br />

showcased with students able to view, talk with organisers and sign-up<br />

to be involved in areas of interest to them. Thereare literally activities<br />

available for all at College and all interests and, when itispossible<br />

outside of COVID restrictions, we encourage students to become<br />

involved.<br />

Last year we were fortunate to be able to hold this outdoor fest,but this year<br />

the option of the customarycrowded chessboardwas not feasible.<br />

Undaunted and continuing to demonstrate the ability tobeflexible of<br />

thought and action, the College’s Student Executive Sports Committee<br />

and College’s ever-positive Sports Co-ordinator, collaborated. From this,<br />

the Sports Committee put together aPower Point presentation which was<br />

circulatedtothe House Leaders forshowing in Akoclasses. This has had one<br />

airing and is due to be shown again in the week of this newsletter.<br />

All credit goes to the Sports Committee for their work, and very polished<br />

production advertising sports available forCollege students to be involved<br />

in, with one page and photos for each sport. It is likely that similar<br />

information regarding cultural activities will follow at atime suitable to their<br />

calendar.<br />

The Sports and Recreation Committee members are –<br />

Lusungu Mbambo (Committee Head), Izayih Harris, Maddi Lowry,<br />

SamOrr,Lachie Jemmett,Lily Williams and Emma Lill.<br />

Advertised, andavailable to students,were many of the sports ‘<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College has to offer’-covering:<br />

Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Equestrian, Esports, Football, Golf,<br />

Golf Croquet, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Mountain Biking, Netball, Road/Track<br />

Cycling, Rowing, Rugby, Sailing, Smallbore Rifle Shooting, Softball, Squash,<br />

Table Tennis,Tennis, Volleyball.<br />

Students were encouraged to email Darion Gray on gy@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

with questions and interest in anyofthe twenty one sports advertised,orto<br />

suggest anysports not currently available to <strong>Ashburton</strong>College.<br />

Appreciation<br />

Mention is made, also, of personnel and clubs outside of the College who<br />

provide sports involvementfor Collegestudents,alongside of manyCollege<br />

staffmembers. The mahi of coaches and managers is greatlyvalued.

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

Individual Excellence in aSupportive Learning Environment<br />

News<br />

Issue 6<br />

<strong>17</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Events<br />

StudentExecutive Ronald McDonald<br />

‘House to House’CharityEvent<br />

The College’s Student Executive team<br />

is participating in this Charity event,<br />

throughout <strong>March</strong>, from Monday 07-<br />

Friday25<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Their contribution involves biking atotal of<br />

210kmthroughout the month, while gaining<br />

sponsorship and fundraising to do so.<br />

Head Girl Jorja Roulston tells us Executive<br />

Members are biking every lunchtime at<br />

different locations within College. Day<br />

One saw the event kicked off in front of<br />

the Pastoral Suite by the Chessboard.<br />

Throughout the days the action can be seen<br />

also on the field; by the Libraryand Canteen;<br />

outside the big Gym; on the Basketball Courts; outside S, H, Tand RBlocks;<br />

in frontofthe Office;outside Te WhareWānanga.<br />

On the final day, Friday 25<strong>March</strong>, their plan is to be outside McDonald’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, exercycling and fundraising from 9:00am-6:00pm.<br />

Donations –The ExecutiveWould Love Supportfor this Very Worthwhile<br />

Cause<br />

Ronald McDonald House NewZealand is challenging Kiwis to walk,run,<br />

bike orswim at least 210km while raising funds during <strong>March</strong> tohelp<br />

supportfamilies with ahospitalised child.<br />

The Student Executive’s goal is to raise at least $1000 for Ronald<br />

McDonald House.<br />

If you areinaposition todonate,the Link is:<br />

https://fundraise.rmhc.org.nz/fundraisers ashburtoncollegestudentexecutive<br />

SCAN THE QR code to help donate!<br />

As we are all aware, Ronald McDonald House in Christchurch provides<br />

an environment and support services for all family/whānau with achild<br />

needing health care, and has been available for many Mid Canterbury<br />

families.<br />

(Pictured above, left and right): Deputy Head Boy Millar Newlands and<br />

Student Executive/Community Services Committee Leader Zane Cameron<br />

testing the exercycles on Monday 07<strong>March</strong>, before the lunchtime start to<br />

the challenge.<br />

Therewon’t be so much exercycling happening in the Newlands’homethis<br />

month with one of the bikes being from Milllar’s place, and the other from<br />

the College’s Phys Ed Department.<br />

(Pictured below, left and right): Head Girl Jorja Roulston and Student<br />

Executive/Ambassador Committee Leader Alex Bateman get the daily<br />

lunchtime cycle underway.<br />

Virtual Tour Through Germanyfor Year 13<br />

StudentRon Naui<br />

‘Virtuelle Deutschlandreise’ was available through the Goethe Institut,<br />

Wellington, for students who attend aPASCH school, which <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College is.<br />

The PASCH initiative was established to awaken interest and enthusiasm<br />

for Germany, motivating young people to learn German, and creating an<br />

international network of schools. PASCH represents ‘Schools: Partners for<br />

the Future’.<br />

The Goethe Institut is forty years old and, since 1980, has been active in<br />

New Zealand.<br />

RonNaui’soutline of the opportunitywas fullofenthusiasm<br />

Ron’s plan was, pre-COVID restrictions, totravel toGermany with the<br />

College Tour group. However,such ventures have been very much on hold<br />

since2020.<br />

This three-day experience, held mid-January, provided an opportunitytobe<br />

immersed in‘things German’. Ronsaid it was‘really fun’and a‘bestdecision’,<br />

particularly giventhis is his finalyear at school and thereforeafinalchance<br />

to access atour substitute.<br />

Ronwas the only attendee from College,which he said he wascomfortable<br />

with, and it meant hemixed straight away with others in the group of<br />

sixteen students from throughout other parts of New Zealand.<br />

Ron’s summary ofthe time was more than enthusiastic, saying he found<br />

travel and attendance liberating, enjoyed the opportunity tobeimmersed<br />

inGerman cultureand language,gaining new experiences and making new<br />

friends,and overall ‘just lovedit’.<br />

The Goethe Institut personnel of Judith Geare, Head of Language<br />

Department Deputy Director; Alexandra Töniges, German Language<br />

Advisor, and Yona Sofie Brand, Language Course Officer Administration,<br />

were extremely friendly and helpful,and the Marion Hostel accommodation<br />

wasgreat –aswas the food apparently. Germancuisine really appealed to<br />

Ron, who described it as ‘awesome’.<br />

Activities included a Scavenger Hunt around the area in Wellington,<br />

including being asked by acaring passer-by ifthey were lost! Use of the<br />

German language was apriority, albeit some English was spoken. Paper<br />

crafting was another activity.<br />

Ahighlight activitywas Fliegerlied –learning adancetoaGerman children’s<br />

song.<br />

(Pictured right):<br />

Thegroup dancing<br />

to a‘kindergarten’<br />

song (Fliegerlied).<br />

Ronissecond from<br />

the leftinthe<br />

back row.<br />

(Pictured left): the group<br />

around the piano,<br />

singing German songs.<br />

Teaching DancetoSong Back at School<br />

Part of this activity isfor the attendees to teach the dance toclassmates<br />

back in their ownschools,have their teacher of German record it,and send<br />

this recording back to the Institut. Currently Ron’s Year 13 German class<br />

peers arelearningthe danceinpreparation forrecording.<br />

Teacher of German, TomKitchen, said thatin2021 the Goethe Institutthen<br />

createdavideo showing the performances of each of the schools.<br />

In Summary<br />

As Ron’s first time in Wellington this had all the ingredients of agreat<br />

three days. Ron thoroughly recommends students apply for such an<br />

opportunityinthe future, sayingitprovided the abilitytoviewprogramme<br />

events through the eyes of German people, increasing their learning and<br />

knowledge of cultureand language.<br />

(Pictured left): The<br />

group gathered on<br />

the last day, inside<br />

the Goethe Institut<br />

building,withHead of<br />

Language Department<br />

DeputyDirector,<br />

Judith Geare (back<br />

row, left).<br />

RonNaui is on the left<br />

in the middle row.<br />

Congratulations<br />

Delia Achten –Selection to Professional<br />

DevelopmentProgramme: ‘A Bit Sus’<br />

College Librarian Delia Achten has been selected<br />

as one of fifteen school librarians, New Zealandwide,<br />

to take part inaProfessional Development<br />

programme‘ABit Sus’.<br />

Anne Williams, Library Teacher-in-Charge, says that<br />

this very topical course is specifically for school<br />

librarians and seeks to understand thecomplex issue<br />

of misinformation, andtoprovide sometools to help<br />

studentsdevelop informationliteracyskills.<br />

Anne also said that information from the course<br />

currently has stimulated anumber of discussions<br />

amongst the library team, being very topical in<br />

today’sclimate.<br />

‘A Bit Sus’-Joining the Battle againstMisinformation, Rabbit Holes and<br />

InformationWarfare!<br />

Delia, asone of the selected fifteen librarians across the motu, is training<br />

in best practice for supporting youth in countering misinformation and<br />

preventing its spread.<br />

By the end of the initiative, it is intended that the course personnel will<br />

be able to offer their schools and wider school community ahigh-quality<br />

teaching programme aroundmisinformation.<br />

The important factor is for students to understand how and why<br />

misinformation is generated; how itisspread, how easy itistoget sucked<br />

down the rabbit hole ofmisinformation and to be able to distinguish<br />

between fake newsand fact.<br />

Delia said that itisknown that misinformation spreads faster and further<br />

than real knowledge, especially through social media and the corporate<br />

and political manipulation<br />

of the internet. She<br />

said that this has been<br />

demonstrated in stark<br />

fashion lately, with<br />

the spread of COVID<br />

misinformation and<br />

the Russian spin on the<br />

invasion of Ukraine.<br />

Such happenings make<br />

this programme highly<br />

relevant and urgent.<br />

Source:Wake University<br />

Wise adviceis-before youhit ‘Share’, SIFT it:<br />

• Stop. Think about whatyou have just read.<br />

• Investigate the source -who,what, whyare they saying this?<br />

• Find better coverage-comparesources. What else is out there?<br />

• Trace claims,quotes and media back to the original context.<br />

‘A Bit Sus’ isaventure between The School Library Association of New<br />

Zealand Aotearoa, in partnership with Tohatoha New Zealand. Itisfunded<br />

in partbyaNew Zealand Libraries Partnership Programme Grantand will be<br />

delivered to New Zealand schools in the coming year.<br />

Forthcoming Events<br />

Please note: dates are as at the time of publishing. Alterations, due to<br />

COVID Omicron level restrictions will be advised torelevant groups as<br />

soonasdetailsare known.<br />

<strong>March</strong><br />

18 Second PostponementDay (if needed): Aoraki SecondarySchools<br />

Athletics,Timaru,Under 16 andUnder 19 only.<br />

19 Cancelled -Polyfest,EntertainmentTriangle,North Hagley Park,<br />

Christchurch<br />

23 Otago UniversityLiaison -Zoom<br />

Cancelled -Mountain Bike Singletracks Round 4,<br />

Halswell Quarry Park, Christchurch<br />

Cancelled -Year 12/13 TertiaryDay,Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

23-25 Year 11 Outdoor Education Hike 1, Woolshed Creek Hut<br />

26-27 Cancelled South Island SecondarySchools’Touch Champs,<br />

Christchurch<br />

30 Matesand Dates<br />

Tbc –SouthIsland SecondarySchools’ Ultimate Frisbee,<br />

Hagley Park,Christchurch<br />

Tbc –Mountain Bike Singletracks Round 5, Halswell Quarry Park<br />

31-1 April Year 10 Outdoor Education Hike 1, Peel Forest<br />

Summer TournamentWeek<br />

This much-anticipated week isobviously also operating on areduced<br />

basis,with just some sports able to go ahead,aslisted below. Changes of<br />

course,still remain on the horizon.<br />

28-31 Cancelled - New Zealand SecondarySchools’Tennis Champs,<br />

Auckland<br />

28-03 April NZSS Rowing AONMaadi Cup, Lake Ruataniwha<br />

29-31 Cancelled -South Island Mountain Bike Champs,Queenstown<br />

29-31 South Island SecondarySchools’ Volleyball Champs,Christchurch<br />

29-01 April Cancelled -New Zealand SecondarySchools’Softball,<br />

Division 2, Invercargill<br />

30-02 April Cancelled -New Zealand SecondarySchools’3x3 Basketball<br />

Tournament, Auckland<br />

31 Aoraki Golf Croquet,<strong>Ashburton</strong>

NEWS<br />

14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rare Citroen restored to immaculate best<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Citroen fanaticIan Moorehas<br />

restored an incredibly rare 2CV<br />

pickup with sentimental value<br />

and it is one of only three in<br />

existence worldwide.<br />

Just130 pickups were<br />

manufacturedatthe Citroen<br />

plant in England.<br />

Halfwent to theBritish Royal<br />

Navy and the rest were sold<br />

commercially.<br />

Theywere chosenbythe navy<br />

because they were lightenough<br />

to lift on and off theship and<br />

good to take into the bushin<br />

areas like Malaysia.<br />

Ian, nowof<strong>Ashburton</strong>, used<br />

the pickup for ayearorsoon<br />

his dairyfarm in Taranaki in<br />

the mid­1960s and then sold it.<br />

He tracked it back down 50<br />

years laterand snapped it up<br />

from adealer in Bulls for $7500<br />

in 20<strong>17</strong>.<br />

‘‘It had been butcheredand<br />

modified andhad asmoke stack<br />

up the back and aRenault<br />

bonnet and very few original<br />

parts left it on,’’ Ian said.<br />

The tailgate, hood, abit<br />

behind theseatand the chassis<br />

were all that remained of the<br />

original 1955 vehicle.<br />

Overmanymonths the pickup<br />

has been stripped right back to<br />

the bare bones and<br />

painstakinglyrestored.<br />

Local panel beater Luke<br />

Darrell was employed and<br />

spent around800 hours lovingly<br />

recrafting the body work.<br />

The dashboard is from a2CV<br />

car and thebackbumperofa<br />

Morris Minor is now the<br />

pickup’sfront bumper.<br />

Amodified Morrisroof has<br />

also been used.<br />

Abonnetwas sourcedfrom<br />

Australia butstill took two<br />

months to modify.<br />

The pickup hasbeen given a<br />

military­green look andthere is<br />

aRoyal Marines insignia on<br />

each door.<br />

The 405cc, two cylinder<br />

engine is air cooled and has a<br />

centrifugal clutch.<br />

Aspare tyre is hidden on the<br />

passengersideand the fuel<br />

tank hidden on the driver side.<br />

Ian has fitted the seats and<br />

been hands­onwithparts of the<br />

restoration.<br />

The vehicle is registeredand<br />

warrantedand aqualified<br />

citroenmechanic is coming<br />

soon to do the finalengine<br />

checks.<br />

Citroen fanatic Ian Moore with his restored, and incredibly rare, 2CV pickup, one of only three in the world.<br />

‘‘There is no other car like<br />

this and I’m pleased with how it<br />

has come together,’’ Ian said.<br />

He didn’t want to think about<br />

what the restoration had cost,<br />

but it was hefty andworth it.<br />

Ian inherited 278 Citroen<br />

cars from his late uncle in the<br />

early 1970s andsold most on.<br />

His uncleran acar<br />

dealership in Taranaki and<br />

importednew vehicles into<br />

NewZealand.<br />

Over the years Ian estimates<br />

he has personally owned and<br />

driven 73 older­style Citroens.<br />

As well as the2CVpickup, he<br />

has a1937 L12, 1973 wagon,<br />

1987 2CV and 1974 DS23 in his<br />

garage.<br />

All are right hand drive and<br />

in top nick and thewagon has<br />

just beenreluctantly sold.<br />

‘‘I do have alove affair with<br />

Citroens which goes back to my<br />

uncle andhis first car in 1948.<br />

‘‘I’ve restored aCitroen every<br />

year for the last 10 years ­it’s<br />

just apassion,’’Ian said.<br />

The pick­up is very rare and<br />

there are justtwo othersknown<br />

to be in existence ­one is in<br />

Englandand another in<br />

Holland.<br />

‘‘I’ve visited and spoken to<br />

the Dutch owner and I’ve used<br />

his vehicle as atemplate for my<br />

restoration.’’<br />

Ian has aphoto album<br />

detailingthe restoration<br />

process. It is full of snippets<br />

and information about the2CV<br />

and his favourite car<br />

manufacturer, Citroen.<br />

The finalpieceof the<br />

restorationproject is the fitting<br />

of asmall ‘spitfire’ downlight to<br />

illuminatethe dashboard.<br />

The original 2CV pickup is pictured (bottom right) here in the<br />

Taranaki car yard in the 1960s.

Vaccination Clinic<br />

3vaccinations are the best protection against the effects of Omicron<br />

Eastfield Health Vaccination Clinics in the former Noel Leeming building are now operating<br />

from the ground floor of our clinic -135 Tancred Street -next to the St John shop.<br />

Children between 5and 11 years of age can now get their vaccines.<br />

We prefer if children have abooked appointment –see details below on how to make a<br />

booking.<br />

Everyone 18 years of age and over can get their booster shot 3months after their<br />

second dose.<br />

Clinic opening hours:<br />

Thursday, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong> 2:00pm to 5:00 pm Wednesday, <strong>March</strong> 23 2:00pm to 6:30pm<br />

Friday, <strong>March</strong> 18 2:00pm to 5:00 pm Thursday, <strong>March</strong> 24 2:00pm to 5:00pm<br />

Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 19 10:00am to 3:00 pm Friday, <strong>March</strong> 25 2:00pm to 5:00pm<br />

Monday, <strong>March</strong> 21 2:00pm to 5:00pm Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 26 10:00am to 3:00pm<br />

Tuesday, <strong>March</strong> 22 2:00pm to 5:00pm<br />

To book online go to: www.bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz<br />

or to book over the phone call 0800 28 29 26. Walk in’s welcome.<br />

For the latest information on vaccination eligibility go to www.covid19.govt.nz<br />

Eastfield Health is an all inclusive, family friendly practice who thrive on making health care<br />

accessible for the whole community. Visit our website to learn more about our team.<br />

We are currently enrolling new patients.<br />

03 308 1212<br />

135 Tancred Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.eastfield.health.nz<br />

Monday –Wednesday: 8.30am -6.00pm<br />

Thursday:<br />

8.30am -7.00pm<br />

Friday:<br />

8.30am -5.30pm<br />




5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,<strong>17</strong><strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 70<br />

Thinkingofbuying aproperty? Beststart with aLIM<br />

If youare lookingtobuy aproperty,<br />

it’s strongly recommended that<br />

you get a Land Information<br />

Memorandum.<br />

Known as aLIM for short, itisareport<br />

that contains all relevant information the<br />

Councilknowsaboutapropertyorsection.<br />

It caninclude historical as well as current<br />

information and canberequestedfor any<br />

property,whether it be commercial, rural<br />

or residential, with buildings or without.<br />

LIMs typically include the following<br />

information:<br />

» Special landfeatures or<br />

characteristics such as erosion,<br />

subsidence, slippage, flooding and<br />

possible contamination<br />

» Informationthe Council holdson<br />

stormwaterand sewerage drains<br />

» Rates(includingany ratesthatmay<br />

be owing)<br />

» Any consents, notices, ordersor<br />

requisitionsaffecting the landor<br />

buildings. This includes details of<br />

building consentsand resource<br />

consents<br />

» DistrictPlan zoning andany<br />

special provisions thatrelate to the<br />

landorbuildings<br />

» Resourceconsentsgranted for<br />

nearbyproperties<br />

Councils are required by law to produce<br />

LIMsupon requestwithin10workingdays.<br />

Itisagoodideatorunwith15workingdays<br />

whenyou makeanofferfor aproperty so<br />

thatyour solicitor has time to evaluatethe<br />

LIM and makeany followupinquiries.<br />

A residential LIM costs $265 and a<br />

commercial LIM is $531.<br />

ALIM is not the same as aproperty file<br />

request,whichhasbecomemorecommon<br />

with buyers recently. These only provide<br />

partial information and may be out of<br />

date.<br />

If youare buying ahouseorbuilding, it is<br />

agood idea to get aproperty inspection.<br />

These are carried out by independent<br />

specialists, some of whom have<br />

professional accreditation from the NZ<br />

InstituteofBuilding Surveyors.<br />

They will compareany building work with<br />

Councilrecordsandadviseyouofanything<br />

thatmay be unauthorised or incomplete.<br />

They will also tell you about repairs that<br />

may be required so thatyou cantakethese<br />

intoaccountwhen making your finaloffer.<br />

Some people think aLIM isunnecessary<br />

for anempty section, but it will provide<br />

Liz McMillan, Deputy Mayor<br />

LSVhelpsyoung peoplechangetheir lives<br />

Left: Councilfiles hold alot of important<br />

information about properties and<br />

sections forsale.<br />

important information such as if the<br />

property is in afloodzone or registeredas<br />

apotentially contaminatedsite.<br />

It will also tell youwhether or notthe water<br />

and wastewater connections have been<br />

paid forand what the cost is.<br />

Many people think that because they<br />

are buying a “serviced” section the<br />

connections havebeen paid for, however<br />

that isnot usually the case. The Council<br />

charges for these connections when the<br />

building consent is issued.<br />

These charges are called Development<br />

Contributions and are levied in<br />

accordance with Council policy. It<br />

includes a contribution for community<br />

infrastructure,suchasthelibrary, museum<br />

and art gallery.<br />

The amount payable for anew dwelling<br />

ranges from around $4,900 to $9,400<br />

depending upon location. In Rakaia for<br />

example, theDevelopment Contributions<br />

total$4,999 whereasinMethven the total<br />

is $7,377.<br />

Strategy andComplianceGroup Manager<br />

Jane Donaldson said people should getall<br />

informationavailable beforepurchasing a<br />

property.<br />

“It is advisable to speak to asolicitor<br />

before making an offer. Inthe current<br />

market people have been trying to make<br />

their offer more attractive bybypassing<br />

standard checks and we’re seeing more<br />

examples of problems emerging where<br />

LIMs or property inspections haven’t been<br />

part of the purchaseprocess.”<br />

Over thepastfiveweeks I’vebeen<br />

the patron of aLimited Service<br />

Volunteer (LSV) course run in<br />

conjunction with the New Zealand<br />

DefenceForce and MSD at the<br />

Burnhammilitarycamp.<br />

It’sbeenilluminating and rewarding<br />

to watch51young peoplechange<br />

their habits andmostlikely theirlives<br />

by learning newskills thatwill help<br />

thembecomevalued membersofthe<br />

workforce.<br />

While there were no <strong>Ashburton</strong> youth<br />

on this course, acouple of the trainees<br />

areinterestedincoming to ourdistrict<br />

to work –which is anotherpositive<br />

spinoff of beingapatron.<br />

Theybegan the course as nervous<br />

young people, hiddenbehind their<br />

masks, but graduatedwithpride after<br />

an official march out.Alongthe way<br />

theylearned to work as ateamand<br />

encourageeach other.<br />

Ijoinedthe course forthree field<br />

exercises, including “the longestday”<br />

which started with awake-up call at<br />

4.30am and a10km walk,and the<br />

confidencecourse, endinginatug of<br />

warbetween the twoplatoons.<br />

Twonights camping with them at Mt<br />

Whitealsoprovided agood opportunity<br />

formetoget to know the trainees<br />

better –and sharesome home-made<br />

chocolate brownies,whichwentdown<br />

atreat.<br />

Thiscoursehas providedsome<br />

great connections forall involved<br />

and employerswho see LSVona<br />

candidate’sCVshould know it is no<br />

walk in the park.<br />

Aless rewardingexperiencefor<br />

me recently as aWestern ward<br />

representativeonCouncil, has been<br />

the ongoingbattle to see the open<br />

road speedreduced on State Highway<br />

77 from the edgeofour growing town<br />

to out past the newhot pools and<br />

racecourse.<br />

At the moment this requesttolower<br />

thespeed limitonthatbusy stretch of<br />

road must be ranked on anationallist<br />

of road safety priorities andwhile it is<br />

importantinour neckofthe woods, it<br />

does notrate highly with Waka Kotahi,<br />

theGovernment transport agency.<br />

However, thereislegislationcoming<br />

that will givelocal authorities like<br />

Council achancetoget this sort of work<br />

on aregional priority action list. It’sjust<br />

aslowprocess.<br />

This is notthe onlystretch of road in the<br />

districtwhereitwould be good to see<br />

aspeed reduction–Rakaia has been<br />

looking to haveState Highway 1traffic<br />

reduced from 70km/h forsomeyears<br />

now.<br />

To make sure Methven’s requestfor a<br />

speedreductiondoes notfall off Waka<br />

Kotahi’sradar,the people of Methven<br />

arekeeping their on-line petition live.<br />

Morethan500 peoplehavealready<br />

signed it and these arepeople who<br />

liveinand around Methven andknow<br />

howbusy this stretch of highway has<br />

become–thereare more peopleusing<br />

the walkwaythatruns off the highway,<br />

visiting thenew hotpools anddriving<br />

from theirhomes in newsubdivisions<br />

in thearea.<br />

So until we canmakeittothe topof<br />

the list, please drivewith caution in our<br />

patch.<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>17</strong><strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 70<br />


Twomoreroadingprojects ticked off<br />

Two more road reconstruction sites<br />

were sealed last week, 1.8km on<br />

Christys Road and 0.5km on Valetta<br />

Westerfield Road.<br />

Contractors have been working on a<br />

number of roading projects around the<br />

district and the rehabilitation of Christys<br />

Road and Valetta Westerfield Road is<br />

costingaround$500,000,whichisaquarter<br />

of Council’sannual rehabilitation budget.<br />

The total budget allows approximately 8<br />

km of rehabilitation to be completed for<br />

the year.<br />

Both road sections had potholes and<br />

pavement failures on up to 30 per cent of<br />

the totalsealarea. The reconstruction will<br />

result in onlyminor routine maintenance<br />

and reseals overthe next 20 years.<br />

Itisacknowledgedthereare othersections<br />

of the network also in need of heavy<br />

maintenanceand rehabilitation and these<br />

will be attended to when funding allows,<br />

Local Body Elections around thecorner<br />

Preparations for this year’s Local<br />

Body Elections have begun, though<br />

voters won’t see their voting<br />

documents in the mail until mid-<br />

September.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncillorsconsidered<br />

onWednesdayifcandidates’nameswould<br />

featureinrandom or alphabetical orderon<br />

the ballot paper for seats atthe Council<br />

and Methven Community Boardtables.<br />

Historically theyhavechosen names to be<br />

in random order,likeother local councils.<br />

Work ahead of the voting period will<br />

concentrateonencouraging peopletoput<br />

theirnameforwardaspotentialcouncillors<br />

and ensuring those eligible to vote in the<br />

local bodyelectionsare registered.<br />

Candidate nominations open on July<br />

15 and Council is planning acandidate<br />

informationevening on 19 July.<br />

Nominations close on 12 August,<br />

candidate lists confirmedand then voting<br />

documents will be delivered in the week<br />

starting 16 September.Peoplewill be able<br />

to vote from 16 September until noon on<br />

but made as safeaspossiblebypatching<br />

to trytohold them untilthen.<br />

Infrastructure Services Group Manager<br />

Neil McCann said the work on Christys<br />

Road and Valetta Westerfield Road had<br />

been carried out over the past couple of<br />

months, the traditional time for roading<br />

repairs with the warmer, drier weather<br />

8October, with preliminary results tobe<br />

declared laterthatday.<br />

Chief Executive Hamish Riach said apreelection<br />

report would be releasedinJune.<br />

“This provides up-to-date information<br />

to help the community discuss the<br />

opportunities and issues facing Council<br />

and the district. Itlays out the critical<br />

information for new candidates on how<br />

theCouncil stands financially and the key<br />

projects we havefor thefuture.”<br />

Mr Riach said that while the impacts<br />

of Covid-19 would continue to<br />

be felt in the next term of<br />

Council,itwasimportantthe<br />

district balanced recovery<br />

and growth against the<br />

needs of residents and<br />

ratepayers.<br />

“We also have<br />

to think about<br />

delivering our services<br />

and regulatory functions in<br />

away thatpromotes the social,<br />

economic, environmental<br />

and<br />

culturalwellbeing of our communities.<br />

over the summer and early autumn<br />

months.<br />

“The aim wastodealwith problemareas<br />

and make the roads safer. These roads<br />

should only require surfacing in the<br />

coming years, nowthatthis work has been<br />

completed.”<br />

“Local authoritiesare constantly planning<br />

and adapting in arapidly-changing world,<br />

as the past twoyears haveshown.<br />

"Amongst alarge numberofGovernment<br />

reviews across many aspects of<br />

Council’s operations, there are really<br />

significant reforms of Three Waters, the<br />

Resource Management system and local<br />

government itself, soover the next few<br />

yearsCouncil has alot to think about<br />

and contribute t to ontop of our<br />

ownlarge work programme.”<br />

EANChit by Omicron staffing shortages<br />


Council'srubbish and recycling<br />

contractors arecontinuingtheir<br />

collections as normal at present.<br />

No collectionsare affected byOmicron<br />

at thistime, with the contractorshaving<br />

adequate staff and driverstomaintain all<br />

collections and ensurethatall recyclable<br />

materialscontinuetobetaken to the<br />

sorting centreinTimaru.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Rakaia Resource<br />

Recovery Parks continuetobefully<br />

staffed.<br />




<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil givespublic<br />

noticeofaproposal to temporarily<br />

closeroads to ordinary vehicle traffic<br />

to enable theholdingofacommunity<br />

event – <strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club Winslow<br />

Willowby RoadStandingQuarter Mile<br />

Sprint<br />

Roads proposedtobe closed:<br />


theLongbeach Road intersection<br />

to approximately 500mfromthe<br />

intersection withState Highway 1<br />

Period of Closure: From9am until 5pm<br />

on SATURDAY, 23 April <strong>2022</strong><br />

Detourswillbeavailable on adjacent<br />

roads and thesewill be signposted.<br />

This proposed closureismadeunder the<br />

Local Government Act1974 -Schedule<br />

10 (11 (e)) andwillbeconsideredatthe<br />

Councilmeeting on 06 April<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Anypersonobjecting to the proposal<br />

should lodgenoticeoftheir objection<br />

and thegrounds fortheir objectionin<br />

writing by post or emailtothe Council, 5<br />

BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> by 4PM<br />

on FRIDAY,25 <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />


GroupManager Infrastructure Services<br />


Asphalt surfacing at theWalnut Avenue<br />

traffic lightswork site willdisrupttraffic<br />

throughthe area this weekend, and next<br />

week,WakaKotahi is advising.<br />

The intersection of Walnut Avenue and<br />

East Street will be closed during the day<br />

from 7am to 7pm on Sunday 20 <strong>March</strong>.<br />

If weather conditions are poor the work<br />

maymove toMonday 21<strong>March</strong>.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is<br />

encouraging users of the EA<br />

Networks Centre to check the<br />

facility’s website or Facebook page<br />

before visiting, as staff shortages<br />

caused by Omicron continue to<br />

impactoperating hours.<br />

Council Chief Executive Hamish Riach<br />

said operating hours were being affected<br />

becausestaffacrossthesportscentrewere<br />

having to isolate,asrequired by Covid-19<br />

management protocols.<br />

“We have many staff putting in extra<br />

hours to try and minimise disruption for<br />

our customers, but some things we can’t<br />

control and shortened hours are likely to<br />

be common for aslong as the outbreak<br />

lasts.We’re sorryifyou'veturned up fora<br />

casualearly morning swim and foundthe<br />

pool notyet open,weare doing ourbest<br />

and thesafetyofcustomersand ourstaff<br />

has to be our toppriority.”<br />

Mr Riachsaid customerssigneduptothe<br />

EANC database havebeen emailed about<br />

the possibility of fluctuating hours, but<br />

acknowledges noteveryone mightreceive<br />

the alert.<br />

“Asthese changes can happen on short<br />

notice, checkingthe website or Facebook<br />

page before you visit is the best way<br />

to get the latest information and avoid<br />

disappointment.”<br />

The Council’s other public facilities,<br />

including the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery and<br />

Museum, and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public<br />

Library, had so far been coping well with<br />

staff isolation requirements, however<br />

Mr Riach warned that they could also be<br />

affectedinthe future.<br />

“Public facilities and pools around the<br />

country are all experiencing similar<br />

staffing shortages because of Omicron.<br />

Please be patient with our staffduring this<br />

time and check online beforevisiting.”<br />

Updates on hours for all Council<br />

facilities can be found at: https://www.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/communityfacilities/covid-19-opening-hours<br />

Then from Monday21<strong>March</strong> forabout<br />

fivedays, an asphalt topcoat on West<br />

Street will be laid. The work will take<br />

place between 7am and7pm, and<br />

two-waytrafficwillbemaintained on<br />

West Street,howevertraffic laneswill<br />

shift location as needed.This work will<br />

result in Walnut Avenue West,Queens<br />

Drive, andthe rail crossing being closed<br />

dayand night whilethe workisdone.<br />

Detoursand a30km/h speedlimit will<br />

be in place.<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />

Sat&Sun 7.00am -7.00pm<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>17</strong><strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 70<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Twins ‘world famous in Geraldine’<br />

Theyare “world famous in<br />

Geraldine” for their metallic<br />

discoveries, buttwinbrothers<br />

Richard and James Koia have<br />

not been metaldetecting for<br />

very long.<br />

It was not until “just before<br />

Covid hit” Richardboughthis<br />

first metal detector.<br />

He andJames soon became<br />

“very addicted”.<br />

Jamessaid friendshad asked<br />

if they hadthought of creating a<br />

YouTubechannel, but thepair<br />

were “too busyfinding stuff”.<br />

Of all the weird and<br />

wonderful things the duo had<br />

found, aBritish King George III<br />

half crownfrom 1816 stood out<br />

for them,aswell as someQueen<br />

Victoriancoins.<br />

Along with the somewhat<br />

peaceful walksalong the beach<br />

searchingheloved researching<br />

whatthey had found, James<br />

said.<br />

Thepair opted for detecting<br />

along the beach in summer and<br />

going through parks in winter,<br />

whenthe ground waswetter,<br />

becausewet groundconducted<br />

better and digging fortreasure<br />

through sunbakedsoil was<br />

quite arduous.<br />

After astorm wasthe best<br />

time to find coins along the<br />

beach, as often they had either<br />

beenwashed up or unearthed<br />

from thethick clay. They had<br />

foundplenty of treasuresin the<br />

past two years but also found<br />

many sinkers; some days all<br />

they found wasrubbish.<br />

They were happy to takethe<br />

Richard Koia digs for treasure, at right, while twin brother James watches on.<br />

rubbish homeand pop it in the<br />

recycling bin, because it was<br />

goodjusttoget outand walk,<br />

James said.<br />

The brothers haveahot tip<br />

for amateur treasure hunters;<br />

search under the clothesline, as<br />

things dropfrompockets when<br />

clothes are hung up.<br />

They were quite happy to<br />

check under clotheslines for<br />

people, and they were also<br />

happytohelp peoplewho were<br />

looking for missingthings.<br />

The two were oftentagged<br />

into posts on community social<br />

media pages when someone<br />

mentionedlosing aring, they<br />

said.<br />

Their approach wastogo and<br />

find it for the person“forfree”<br />

as they justliked to help,<br />

Richard said.<br />

They stillhad one treasure<br />

they were trying to find<br />

descendants for: afob medal<br />

foundunder sometreesat<br />

GeraldineDomain last year.<br />

“Fromthe hallmarks we can<br />

tell it was made byJoseph and<br />

Richard Griffin in Chester,<br />

England in 1902.The initials on<br />


it are HJB,” James said. It was<br />

made of silver androse gold.<br />

Afterfinding awar medal for<br />

William HusbandatBrowns<br />

Beach last year,the metaldetecting<br />

Koia brothers<br />

stumbled uponanother of his<br />

medals almost 2km away.<br />

The pair usedthe internet to<br />

track downSergeant Major<br />

William Joseph Husband’s<br />

nameanddescendants.Hewas<br />

bornin1888, served in World<br />

War1,and died in 1969atthe<br />

age of 82.<br />

The soldier’s granddaughter<br />

MarjIrving was surprisedby<br />

thefind, especially as she was<br />

not aware the two medals had<br />

been missing in the first place.<br />

Mysterystill surrounds the<br />

findand whether the medals<br />

had beenlostasaresult of<br />

flooding or if they were<br />

dropped.<br />

MrsIrving said her<br />

grandfatherhad beena“keen<br />

fisherman”, and had trained<br />

theHome Guard there during<br />

World War 2.<br />

He also “biked everywhere”,<br />

so she wondered if anyofthose<br />

things could havebeenthe<br />

reasonfor themedals’ loss.<br />

Thetwins had told MrsIrving<br />

“the first one wasn’tfar off<br />

washing back into the sea”.<br />

While another personmight<br />

sell themedalsoff, or make the<br />

family payasmall ransom to be<br />

reunited with their treasures,<br />

theKoia brothers simply<br />

wanted to return them,she<br />

said. “They’re pretty special<br />

guys.”<br />

Shefeltguilty becausethe<br />

twins did not wantanything<br />

even after all the effort they<br />

had made to find them and then<br />

findtheirowner.<br />

But after the first medal was<br />

handed over the twins left with<br />

whitebait, and after the second<br />

medal she gave them freshly<br />

caught salmon.<br />

“Our family is ever so<br />

grateful. They’re real neat guys.<br />

Goodnessknowswhatthey’ll<br />

findnext!”<br />

~Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

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So next timeyou’rein-store,saveyourselfatrip to<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Talented players have league success<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Twopromisingrugby league<br />

players have gainedselection<br />

forthe CanterburyU16s<br />

regionalsquad andhavetheir<br />

sights on higherhonours.<br />

Theteamwon theSouthern<br />

Regional Tournamentlast<br />

weekendinChristchurch, and<br />

will go on to represent the<br />

South Islandinthe national<br />

tournament.<br />

Naite Tuamoheloaand<br />

Ripena Vaeila Umaga have<br />

only been playingleague for<br />

one season but the talented<br />

duo have already beensingled<br />

outbyselectors.<br />

Thegirlsplayinthe newly<br />

formed HakatereVaineToa<br />

league teamwhichstarted<br />

September last year.<br />

Team managerMarie Maeva<br />

said rugby league is small<br />

comparedtorugby union<br />

‘‘But women's league is even<br />

smaller,thisisthe first girls<br />

side in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, the sportis<br />

quite smallinthe Mid<br />

Canterbury regionsowe’re<br />

tryingtogrowit,’’she said.<br />

Thegirls were surprisedand<br />

stoked when theygot the news<br />

of their selectionfor the<br />

squad.<br />

Naite who is just starting out<br />

in the sport,has abackground<br />

in volleyballand netballwas<br />

shockedwhensheheard the<br />

news.<br />

‘‘It was shockingbecause<br />

thisisthe firsttimeIhave<br />

played league,’’ shesaid.<br />

‘‘Iwas so surprised when I<br />

found out, Icouldn't talk, Iwas<br />

likeare yousuretheygot the<br />

right name? Iwas so happy, its<br />

likeablessing,’’ she said.<br />

Ripenasuffered aset back<br />

in theleadupto last<br />

weekend’stournament with<br />

covidhitting her family and<br />

isolation rules.<br />

Butwas laterconfirmed as a<br />

squadmember to ensurethe<br />

team had adequate coverage<br />

in the eventofcovid affecting<br />

other players.<br />

Hakatere VaineToa coach<br />

DJ Tupaea said hewas thrilled<br />

the girls hadbeenselectedas<br />

the teamis noteven oneyear<br />

old.<br />

‘‘I'mgladthe opportunityis<br />

outthere for alot of these<br />

girls, these girlswho have just<br />

started are going up against<br />

very seasoned players,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

Therewas nowmore<br />

opportunitiesfor women’s<br />

league, Ripenasaid.<br />

‘‘Weencourage younger<br />

girls to get into leagueasthe<br />

woman's league is getting<br />

biggerand womenare getting<br />

paid to play league now, so<br />

girls should takethe<br />

opportunitytotry it out,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

Photo: Ripena Vaeila Umaga<br />

(left) and Naite Tuamoheloa,<br />

both 15, selected for the<br />

Canterbury Under 16s Regional<br />

Squad girls rugby league team.<br />

PEOPLE<br />

WHO MEAN<br />


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RURAL<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Farmers scaling industry challenges<br />

MidCanterbury farmers Phillip<br />

andJocelyn Everest alongwith<br />

Paul Everest andSarahHayman<br />

have beennamed among the<br />

<strong>2022</strong>BallanceFarm<br />

EnvironmentAwards Entrants<br />

in Canterbury.<br />

The farmingcoupleshave<br />

dairyand beefproduction<br />

interestsontheir Flemington<br />

Farm, andhavebeen named<br />

alongsidefour otherCanterbury<br />

farmers; Geoff andRochelle<br />

Spark(of Eyrewell),Joand<br />

Lachie McKenzie, and Mattand<br />

ClaireSmith with Boyd<br />

Macdonald(both of Kurow).<br />

Theawards arerun by the<br />

NewZealand Farm<br />

EnvironmentTrust andtrust<br />

chairwoman Joanne van<br />

Polanensaidthe trustwas<br />

‘‘thrilled to havereceived a<br />

rangeofexcellententriesfrom<br />

across thecountry forthis year’s<br />

awards.”<br />

“It shows that despite allofthe<br />

disruptions to business andlife<br />

in general,farmersand growers<br />

across NewZealand are<br />

committedtoenvironmentally<br />

sustainablepractices.Weare<br />

thrilled to be able to recognise<br />

andshare theirstories.”<br />

Theentrants rangeacross the<br />

dairy, sheepand beef sectors.<br />

The Everestshave expanded<br />

theirFlemingtonpropertysince<br />

1989tothe255haeffective farm<br />

it is today, developing a<br />

Mid Canterbury farmers,from left,Sarah Hayman, Paul Everest, Jocelyn Everest, and Phillip Everestare entrants in the <strong>2022</strong> Ballance<br />

Farm Environment Awards Entrant.<br />


sustainabledairy andbeef farm<br />

balancingthe needsofpeople,<br />

animals,economicsand the<br />

environment.<br />

In 2010,they developed the<br />

property into adairy farmand<br />

now milk 750cowsona<br />

predominantlypasture­based<br />

system. When they established<br />

the225ha milking platformthat<br />

year,the besttechnology of the<br />

daywas incorporated<br />

consideringbothlabour andthe<br />

environment.<br />

Thegoal was tohaveone<br />

person in theshed each milking,<br />

minimisewater useand treat<br />

effluent as afertiliser.<br />

With environmental<br />

sustainability at thecoreofthis<br />

family business, they have<br />

successfully reduced<br />

greenhousegas emissionsand<br />

nitrogenlossand have<br />

established more than 20km of<br />

shelter andriparianplantings.<br />

TheEverests arealsoinvolved<br />

in several catchmentand district<br />

initiativesthat arelargely<br />

focused on improving the<br />

environment.<br />

Theawards,due tostart this<br />

month, havebeen moveduntil<br />

Juneand July to ensure the<br />

covidprotection of staff,<br />

entrantsandjudges.<br />


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Farmer confidence at all time low<br />

There was alittle bit of asurprise to<br />

see Farm Confidence Survey results<br />

hitting the lowest point in its history,<br />

Federated Farmers president<br />

Andrew Hoggard says.<br />

The survey, done twice ayear with<br />

the latest released last week, dates<br />

back to 2009.<br />

Mr Hoggard said given the current<br />

high prices of commodities the result<br />

showed farmers were ‘‘all possibly<br />

more concerned with the rapid<br />

increase in costs at the same time,<br />

and probably most significantly that<br />

rise in inflation’’.<br />

The responses from nearly 1000<br />

farmers nationwide showed 7.8<br />

percent considered current<br />

economic conditions to be good, a<br />

10.1 point decline from the July 2021<br />

Federated Farmers Farm<br />

Confidence Survey, when <strong>17</strong>.9<br />

percent considered conditions to be<br />

good.<br />

Anet 64 percent of farmers believed<br />

generaleconomicconditions would<br />

worsen over the next 12 months, a<br />

25­point deterioration from the 39<br />

percentinthe July survey.<br />

Sentiment about general economic<br />

conditions was the lowest level since<br />

the surveysbegan.‘‘The resultsare<br />

even more disturbing when you<br />

consider farmers were answering the<br />

survey before the surgeofOmicron<br />

cases in New Zealandand Russia’s<br />

invasion of Ukraine, bothofwhich<br />

will weigh on economic growth,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

While anet 61.1%offarmers<br />

reported making aprofit, a5.5­point<br />

increase on July2021, anet 11.2%<br />

expected their profitability would<br />

declineinthe year ahead, 16 points<br />

down on six monthsearlierwhen a<br />

net 4.4% expected profitability would<br />

improve.<br />

‘‘We’re getting strong returnson<br />

meatand dairy right now thanksto<br />

highglobal demand and food security<br />

concerns but clearlyfarmers are<br />

seeing alot of that revenuegoingright<br />

backout again with higherfuel and<br />

fertilizerprices,rising labourcosts,<br />

and the hot inflation that is affecting<br />

every other New Zealander.’’<br />

.<br />

The greatest concerns fromfarmers<br />

who responded wereclimate change<br />

policy and ETS (18.7% of<br />

respondents), followed by regulation<br />

and compliancecosts (13.1%), and<br />

freshwaterpolicy (9.5%). The three<br />

highest prioritiesthose farmers<br />

wanted government to addresswere<br />

the economy and business<br />

environment (15.0%), fiscal policy<br />

(12.1%) and regulation and<br />

compliancecosts (11.7%).<br />


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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

10 years of petanque<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tenyears of petanque in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>will be marked when<br />

players gather for anostalgic<br />

look back later this month.<br />

The game has grown and the<br />

standard of playincreased<br />

since agathering of strangers<br />

metinthe <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain in<br />

<strong>March</strong> 2012.<br />

The call forpeople interested<br />

in playing petanque was made<br />

by retiree Rosemary<br />

McLaughlin, whodiscovered<br />

thegamewhile onaNorth<br />

Islandtrip.<br />

Fromhumble beginnings<br />

numbershave grown to over 50<br />

today.<br />

Ahardcore group of around<br />

20 from thoseearly yearsare<br />

still involved today, including<br />

MrsMcLaughlin.<br />

‘‘Petanquefor me remainsa<br />

funand sociable game.<br />

‘‘It’sasport that is played<br />

year roundand that has always<br />

appealed to me.’’<br />

Mrs McLaughlinsaidthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> hadhelped<br />

to promotethe game from day<br />

oneand continued to take an<br />

active interest.<br />

She said back in 2012 one of<br />

thethose contacting her had<br />

been Christchurchpetanque<br />

player and coachLester<br />

Herron, whoatthetimewas<br />

presidentofthe Papanui<br />

Petanque Club.<br />

‘‘Lester wasourfirst<br />

presidentandhas so much<br />

knowledge of thegame.He’s the<br />

onewho suggested the<br />

possibility of petanque<br />

Founding MSA Petanque Club members Rosemary McLaughlin<br />

and Lester Herron.<br />

becomingasectionofthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Club&MSA,’’ she<br />

said.<br />

The clubisasub section of<br />

theMSA andaffiliated with<br />

PetanqueNew Zealand (PNZ)<br />

andisknown as the MSA<br />

PetanqueClub.<br />

Five all­weather pistesatthe<br />

MSA Bowling Club’sgrounds off<br />

RacecourseRoad were dug out<br />

in late2012 and the first boules<br />

were thrown in February the<br />

following year.<br />

Timaru were thefirstvisitors<br />

to the complex and at least six<br />

bigtournaments arehosted in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>every year, as well as<br />

around 10 club events.<br />

The facility can now<br />

accommodate upto16, three<br />

metrepistes.<br />

Three shelters have been<br />

addedinrecentyears and two<br />

shedshouse scoreboards, a<br />

gazebo and spare equipment.<br />

Lester Herron said the<br />

standard of play in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

had alsogrown over the years.<br />

Sixclubmembershad<br />

qualified and been involvedin<br />

therecentnationals, he said.<br />

‘‘I’ve alwaysemphasisedto<br />

playersthat you canlearn so<br />

much by travelling and playing<br />

at other venuesand watching<br />

thereally goodplayers play.’’<br />

Mr Heron said the MSA<br />

Petanque Club catered toall<br />

abilities andplayers were able<br />

to decide what theywantedto<br />

achieve and how often they<br />

wanted toplay.<br />

The veteranpetanque<br />

enthusiasthas amasseda<br />

photographic history of his time<br />

at theMSA Petanque Club and<br />

will screen hisphotos at 10­year<br />

celebrationplanned for<strong>March</strong><br />

27.Apicnic lunchand games in<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain will be<br />

followed by the photo screening<br />

and more games at the club’s<br />

base.<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

21<br />

Helen steps up to<br />

be football leader<br />

Mid Canterbury United has<br />

appointed HelenBeal as its new<br />

footballdevelopment officer, the<br />

first female in therole.<br />

Beal replaces Darren Cavill<br />

and coached theMid Canterbury<br />

United women’s team last year, a<br />

roleshe will continueagainthis<br />

season.<br />

She hails from Northland, is a<br />

graphic designer by profession<br />

and has played and coached<br />

footballfor anumberofyears.<br />

‘‘I am really excited by the<br />

opportunity tostep upand to<br />

support anddevelop the game in<br />

this district,’’she said.<br />

Beal said thetiming forher<br />

was good because her eldest<br />

daughter hadjust started school<br />

and her youngest wasat<br />

kindergarten.<br />

She has already taken her<br />

knowledge andenthusiasm for<br />

the game to acouple of schools<br />

and has around 10 schools on her<br />

books.<br />

Beal said sheknew of another<br />

new female development officer<br />

atone of theChristchurchclubs,<br />

but didnot know of any others in<br />

the male­dominated game.<br />

She has already madeher<br />

mark and recently introduced<br />

new footballsessions for juniors<br />

onThursday afternoonsat<br />

ArgylePark.<br />

Running until April 28,players<br />

are taken through drills andand<br />

play gamesiftime allows.<br />

No registration is neededand<br />

sessions for 4­6 year olds (Fun<br />

Kicks) go from 3.30pm until 4pm,<br />

for 7­9 year olds (Fun Kicks)<br />

Helen Beal<br />

from4pm until 4.45pm and for<br />

those 10 andabove from 4.45pm<br />

until5.30pm.<br />

Around 70 playersattended<br />

the first session across all age<br />

groups.<br />

‘‘I’m planningonintroducing<br />

something similarfor junior<br />

girls on Tuesdays. Bringing them<br />

together willgrow anddevelop<br />

skills and build confidence.’’<br />

Beal saidshe wanted more<br />

youngsters involvedinthe game<br />

and she believed there wasalot<br />

of potential to expandgirls<br />

football.<br />

‘‘I’m already loving seeing the<br />

excitement on youngfaces and<br />

the enthusiasm to play the<br />

game.’’<br />

Last year400 children played<br />

the game locally.Seniors kicks<br />

off theseason on <strong>March</strong>26and<br />

juniors in early May.<br />

Always here for<br />

farmers<br />

More than aNutrientManagementtool<br />

Nutrient losses due to leaching<br />

commonly occurs when soils are wet<br />

and draining, often after summer crops<br />

have been harvested heading into winter.<br />

Cover or catch crops are often used as<br />

amitigation tool for nitrate leaching,<br />

however the challenge is to plant acrop<br />

which actively grows during the wetter<br />

and colder months.<br />

Cates recently introduced WinterMax<br />

T100 Triticale to the market. WinterMax<br />

T100 was developed by the team at<br />

Plant Research (NZ) and Grasslanz<br />

Technology to fit aneed in the dairy<br />

sector for acatch crop that can be<br />

sown in autumn/winter and can rapidly<br />

accumulate dry matter over the winter<br />

period.<br />

Forage trials sown in April evaluating<br />

dry matter production, comparing oat<br />

and triticale, showed that WinterMax<br />

T100 produced 1350 kg DM/ha, whereas<br />

the oat varieties only produced 528 kg<br />

DM/ha 80 days after planting.<br />

WinterMax T100’sdeep root system<br />

gives this variety excellent nutrient<br />

scavenging ability and it offers superior<br />

early vigour when compared to similar<br />

catch crops such as oats and wheat.<br />

WinterMax T100 also offers ahighly<br />

nutritious early spring forage supplement<br />

by retaining green leaf throughout<br />

winter.<br />

Results of field trials show positive<br />

results in terms of nitrogen uptake. In<br />

trials comparing WinterMax T100<br />

with Doubletake Triticale, Milton Oat,<br />

and Torch Wheat it was found that<br />

WinterMax T100 was the only variety<br />

where Kg/Ha nitrogen removed at the<br />

final harvest exceeded the total Nitrogen<br />

applied (Mineral N+applied N)<br />

To find out more about this effective<br />

option for reducing nitrogen contact<br />

your local Cates agronomist or call<br />

0800 900 308.<br />

Cates was one of the first independent grain and seed companies in Mid Canterbury.<br />

We’ve been here for nearly 50 years. We’ve changed our name to better reflect who<br />

we are and how we work with farmers -Cates, New Zealand’s Seed Specialists.<br />

We remain fiercely proud of who we are, where weare and the relationships we<br />

have built over generations. We see ourselves as asuccess partner for the farming<br />

families we work with.<br />

Call us to discuss how we can be your success partner on 0800 900 308<br />

cates.co.nz<br />

Agronomist,Darcy Moore inspecting WinterMax T100 drilled into alucerne<br />

stand at the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Airport. (PHOTO TAKEN OCTOBER 2021)

22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy Group<br />

Summer time for the<br />

Astronomy Group is aquiet<br />

time for stargazing because it is<br />

light until late. At the end of<br />

December we did have abit of a<br />

late look and saw the<br />

Andromeda galaxy, 2.5 million<br />

light years away. It can only be<br />

seen from our region in<br />

summer and is low on the<br />

horizon. In January we had a<br />

visit from aformer old group<br />

member William Green. He<br />

used to be in the group 40 years<br />

ago until he moved away. We<br />

shared afternoon tea with him<br />

at the Perkin's house.<br />

For our January meeting<br />

Alistair Perkins gave atalk on<br />

Apollo 15. Part of aseries he<br />

has been doing on the manned<br />

missions to the moon. The<br />

mission had ageologist on<br />

board and amoon buggy. One<br />

astronaut wasn't able to suck<br />

water while away from the<br />

lander and it may have led to<br />

his early death. They also had<br />

to drill into the Lunar surface<br />

and had trouble with their drill.<br />

Ross Hawthorne gave atalk<br />

on Pluto with much of the<br />

information from the New<br />

Horizons mission. Pluto is a<br />

very dynamic world. It seems to<br />

have aliquid ocean of water<br />

under its ice.It has mountains<br />

4km high that are water ice<br />

instead of rock. One mountain<br />

range is named after Sir<br />

Edmund Hillary.<br />

Cryovolcanoes and the large<br />

smooth white structure with<br />

polygon shapes over it. We now<br />

have aFacebook page where<br />

you can visit us. <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Astronomy Group. Next<br />

meeting is at Menolue at<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College on <strong>March</strong> 29.<br />

See you there or for further<br />

information contact Alistair<br />

308 9219 or Ken 308 9203<br />

Mid Canterbury Ladies<br />

Friendship Club<br />

President Julie opened the<br />

<strong>March</strong> meeting held recently.<br />

After the National Anthem was<br />

sung birthdays and<br />

anniversaries were celebrated.<br />

Almoner Therese gave her<br />

report. Life Membership was<br />

bestowed on Gwen Clucas, who<br />

has been amember of the Club<br />

since 2005 and was President in<br />

2008/2009. The Annual General<br />

Meeting was held, Errol<br />

Kingsbury Area Representative<br />

overseeing proceedings. All the<br />

present officers were returned<br />

and anew committee member<br />

was welcomed. After morning<br />

tea the main speaker was The<br />

Cake Lady, Nel Tharina who<br />

demonstrated cake decorating<br />

and thoroughly entertained<br />

members with the beautiful<br />

cupcakes that were produced.<br />

The Thought for the Month “Be<br />

the person your dog (or cat)<br />

would like you to be”.<br />

Creations from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Woodworkers club.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Woodworkers<br />

Chair Dave Strong welcomed<br />

15 members to the first meeting<br />

of the new year. Aprogress<br />

report on the almost finished<br />

table now just the glass top to<br />

arrive.<br />

Amoment’s silence to pay<br />

tribute to our life member the<br />

late Jack Ross, who did so much<br />

for the club to get it under way.<br />

We helped celebrate an<br />

inaugural member’s seventh<br />

wedding anniversary.<br />

Show and Tell<br />

Dave Strong: aknotted<br />

London plane bowl and awee<br />

oak bowl.<br />

John Millichamp: spalted<br />

apricot and peach platter.<br />

Merv Peck: walnut<br />


segmented bowl, salt &pepper<br />

sets.<br />

Bruce Ferriman; neighbour’s<br />

claret, ash bowl &platter.<br />

Bill Healy spalted ash clock.<br />

Ron Donaldson: large ash<br />

platter.<br />

Roger Scammell spoke about<br />

his son, Grant, who now resides<br />

in Australia, about some of the<br />

intricate workmanship<br />

involved in creating unique<br />

furniture. It’s all very well to<br />

have marvellous ideas but then<br />

to make the item is another<br />

challenge. Certainly the<br />

designs that Roger showed on<br />

the video were head scratching.<br />

Where do these ideas, thoughts<br />

come from? Amazing material.<br />

Thanks Roger for showing us<br />

these skills and specialised<br />

furniture.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque<br />

Club<br />

It was great to get afine<br />

Sunday to hold our Club Mixed<br />

Drawn Doubles. This year we<br />

had ten teams take part which<br />

is double the usual number.<br />

Two new players took part in<br />

their first competition,<br />

finishing 5th and 6th.<br />

Neville Bensdorp and Mavis<br />

Thompson were first, Karen<br />

Bensdorp and Henry Marriott<br />

second, and third were Richard<br />

Browne and Shona Husband.<br />

The “Top of the Hill” (80 and<br />

over) doubles competition is<br />

now<br />

being held today, alongside<br />

our usual social afternoon.<br />

Next week seven of our<br />

players are heading south for<br />

the National Doubles.<br />

The final details are being set<br />

in place for our 10 year<br />

Anniversary being held on<br />

Sunday 27 <strong>March</strong>. We have had<br />

agood number of registrations,<br />

and now we only need the<br />

weather to play ball.<br />

Remember you are most<br />

welcome to join us any Tuesday<br />

and/or Thursday to learn the<br />

game.<br />

Be at 115 Racecourse Road by<br />

1pm, equipment and tuition is<br />

provided, and enjoy acuppa at<br />

the end of play. AVaccine Pass<br />

is required.<br />


Mid Canterbury Social Wheelers<br />

9th <strong>March</strong> 22. 16km. 8Riders. 1st.Paul<br />

Hands 32m 18s. 2nd. Brent Hudson 32m 18s.<br />

3rd. Jelle Hendriksen 26m 36s. 4th. Roger<br />

Wilson 27m 06s. 5th. Matt Marshall 27m 06s.<br />

6th. Tony Ward 24m 41s. F/T. 7th. Mike<br />

Hansen 24m 41s 2f/t. 8th. Nick Grijns 24m<br />

42s.3f/t.<br />

MSA Outdoor Bowling Club<br />

Half Day Triples held at MSA Outdoor<br />

Bowling Club <strong>March</strong> 11, kindly sponsored by<br />

Skip 2ItFlooring Xtra and Greg Donaldson<br />

Contracting<br />

1st :M.Quinn, R. Bennett, R. Petrie. 3wins<br />

16 ends 43 points<br />

2nd :M.Anderson, J. Kewish, D. Kinvig, 3<br />

wins 16 ends 34 points<br />

3rd :T.Inwood, J. Moffatt, A. Huband, 21/2<br />

wins, <strong>17</strong> ends, 41 points<br />

Tinwald Cycling Club<br />

Alan Broomhall built on his recent Coast to<br />

Coast exploits to muscle his way to victory in<br />

the Tinwald Cycling Club, Ross Templeton<br />

Motors, Kelly’s Bar and Café, 65km handicap<br />

event over the energy sapping 7rises course<br />

on Sunday.<br />

Broomhall and his co-markers found the<br />

front mid race and set asolid tempo throughout<br />

ensuring in was going to take abig effort from<br />

the chasing bunches to haul them in.<br />

Broomhall won the two up sprint to take the<br />

win with second place getter Don Sutton laying<br />

down his best race of the season leading into<br />

next week’s finale.<br />

Jelle Hendrikson will be happy with his<br />

days work claiming the third place spoils.<br />

Simon White produced astorming ride to<br />

lead the chasing group in to secure fourth<br />

place.<br />

Mike Hanson and Monique Brake rounded<br />

out the top six. Scratch marker Kyle Gray<br />

recorded a time of 93.02 to lift fastest time<br />

honours. Steve Hands and Larry Neal claimed<br />

second and third time respectively.<br />

The juniors and division 2raced over 18km.<br />

Zac Brookland flew the family flag taking awell<br />

earned win in atight finish to lift the Skilling<br />

Memorial Cup.<br />

Jack Gorrie backed up his recent good<br />

form with second place. Third place getter<br />

Kaidyn Broomhall made it agood day for the<br />

Broomhall stable securing the final podium<br />

spot. Zoe Spillane covered the distance in<br />

30.44 to claim fastest time honours and fourth<br />

place.<br />

Flynn Turnbull charged into fifth place. A<br />

good field of Division 2riders went to the line<br />

with Nigel Leary staying away to take the win lw<br />

+1 from Kenny Johnson, and Merv Grewar.<br />

Next week the Club will contest the final race of<br />

the season, the Mid Canterbury Championships<br />

raced over 64km around the Wakanui<br />

block.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9Hole<br />

Last week's winners of Round 2Marion<br />

Marshall Trophy were: first, winning a Hotel<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Voucher, was Chris Anderson (35)<br />

on countback from Terry O’Reilly (35). They<br />

were followed by André van Rooyen (36). Linda<br />

Baker & Chris Anderson scored Smith &<br />

Church gobblers. This week we are playing at<br />

Tinwald while <strong>Ashburton</strong> course is undergoing<br />

maintenance. The following week, 24th <strong>March</strong><br />

we will play Round 2, Jean Drummond &<br />

Gordon Clinton Trophies -Putting.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

Club Mixed Drawn Doubles. Winners:<br />

Neville Bensdorp, Mavis Thompson. Runners<br />

up: Karen Bensdorp, Henry Marriott. Third:<br />

Richard Browne, Shona Husband. Fourth: Jan<br />

Guilford, Peter Marriott.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Ladies Golf<br />

Saturday <strong>March</strong> 5th &Tuesday <strong>March</strong> 8th<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, LGU Silver –Vicki Moore –73onc/b<br />

from Fiona Williamson, Bronze I–Alison Grant<br />

–73, Pam Feutz –74, Bronze II –Erin Porter<br />

–70, Brenda Fechney -71<br />

Nearest the Pins, No 4 Gabites – Not<br />

Struck, No 8Samantha Rose Flowers –Pam<br />

Feutz, No 12 Lynn’s small Salon –Not Struck,<br />

No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> –Vicki Moore, No<br />

18 2nd Shot –Erin Porter<br />

Allenton Bowling Club<br />

On <strong>March</strong> 12 rollup format was triples:<br />

Results were as follows: 1st Alan Leis, Barry<br />

Molloy, John Bruce 3wins, 2nd Marty Watson,<br />

Robin Ford, Ken McLaren 3wins<br />

<strong>March</strong> 13, aclub tournament was held with<br />

agood number of members turning out. Format<br />

was triples with three games of 10 ends Results<br />

were as follows: 1St GBishop, JBell, IMacKay<br />

2 wins 1 draw 20 ends 33 points, 2nd D<br />

Hickman, FMcKnight, MWatson 2wins 1draw<br />

16 ends 30 points, 3rd JO’Connor, LKearns,<br />

AThomson 2wins 18 ends 48 points, 4th B<br />

Osborne, RJohnston, BBeck 2wins 16 ends<br />

34 points<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening -Feb 28th, B&CLadder,<br />

N/S 1ST Bruce & Heather Sim, 2NDJackie<br />

Chisnall &Fiona Williamson, 3RD Anne Gilbert<br />

&Ruth Logan E/W 1ST Pauline Scott &Mervyn<br />

Jones, 2ND George Brown &Ralph Thompson,<br />

3RD Amanda Evans &Karen Chettleburg<br />

Tuesday Evening -Mar 1st, ALadder, 1ST<br />

Kay Robb &Rosemary McLaughlin, 2nd Trevor<br />

Coulter &Jill Browne, 3rd Margaret &John<br />

Shearer, 4th Jan de Jong &Judith Edmond, 5th<br />

Val Palmer &Ian Doel, 6th =Rewa Kyle &Mary<br />

Buckland and Mike Holdaway &Leigh Wackrow<br />

Wednesday Afternoon -Mar 2nd, Valetta<br />

Trophy, N/S 1st Maree Moore & Rosemary<br />

McLaughlin, 2nd Kay Robb &Sue Rosevear,<br />

3rd Mary Buckland &Trish Small, E/W 1st Val<br />

Palmer & Ian Doel, 2nd Joyce Johnson &<br />

Mervyn Jones, 3rd John Shearer &John Irwin<br />

Thursday Evening - Mar 3rd, Mary Mulligan,<br />

N/S 1st Kay Robb &Ian Doel ,2ndJanine<br />

Havis &Paul Leadley, 3rd Mary Buckland &<br />

David Sewell, E/W 1st Mike Holdaway &John<br />

Fechney, 2nd Rewa Kyle &Trish Small, 3rd<br />

=Leigh Wackrow &Audrey Rooney and Maree<br />

Moore &Trevor Coulter<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club<br />

<strong>March</strong> 5Competition: SEGA GOLF (Pro<br />

Shop Tournament) International Stableford,<br />

Radius Care Winner over the field: John<br />

Fechney +12, 2nd Shaun Hope +10, 3rd Brian<br />

Fauth +10, Two’s: Paul Greer x2, Catherine<br />

Knight x2, Stewart Dunlop, Terry Kingsbury,<br />

Terry Molloy and Paul May.<br />

Nearest The Pins:<br />

Hole 4# Pat Turton<br />

Hole 8# Paul Greer<br />

Hole 12# John Fechney<br />

Hole 14# Robert Pawsey<br />

Ladies Longest Drive 18# Leigh Wackrow.<br />

Men’s Longest Drive <strong>17</strong># Steve Richards<br />

SEGA GOLF 9Hole Competition:<br />

Stableford<br />

1st: Kate White 19pts<br />

2nd: Tonee Hurley <strong>17</strong>pts.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Hyundai i30N hatch<br />

QualityEuropean<br />

Vehicle Servicing<br />

•Advanced<br />

Diagnostics<br />

•Experienced<br />

Technicians<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />

309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />

Tel: 03 3087282 •E:bruce.mcilroy@xtra.co.nz<br />


Call us for a<br />

FREE<br />

QUOTE<br />

•Collection/Delivery<br />

‘Free of Charge’<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2450978<br />

23<br />


Hyundai’shave turned up the<br />

heat on their i30N ‘hot’hatch<br />

that now offers more power<br />

and torque, further cementing<br />

its place as one of the most<br />

dynamic smallcars the<br />

company has produced.<br />

Launched fouryears ago it<br />

was the firstperformance<br />

model created by Hyundai’s<br />

dedicated High Performance<br />

Vehicle Division. In the last<br />

six months the rangehas been<br />

expanded to include the<br />

compact Kona SUV,and i20N<br />

mini sized ‘hot’ hatchthat’s<br />

become asales sensation in<br />

Europe and the UK.<br />

The recently updated<br />

Hyundai i30 Nfeatures anew<br />

design and finally an<br />

automatic transmission.<br />

Prices start at $58,990 the four<br />

modeloffering comprises a<br />

five­door hatch with the<br />

choice of manual or automatic<br />

gearboxes, with the same<br />

transmissioncombo available<br />

in avery suave looking fivedoor<br />

fastback. The handsome<br />

fastback carries a$4k price<br />

premiumover the hatch. The<br />

headline changeisthe option<br />

of an automatic. This comes in<br />

the formHyundai’s latest wettype<br />

eight­speeddual­clutch<br />

transmission. Taking the fun<br />

factor up anotch or two are<br />

paddle shifters and three new<br />

Nperformancedrive modes.<br />

Drivers can choose manual<br />

mode and shift gears via<br />

steering wheel mounted<br />

paddle shifters or thegear<br />

lever.<br />

The upgraded 2.0­litre<br />

turbocharged engine now<br />

delivers206kW. This is a<br />

modest4kW increase,but the<br />

real mover is maximum<br />

torque that rises by 39Nm to<br />

an impressive392Nm. Flat<br />

power, inflates performance<br />

in the form of greater<br />

responsiveness and stronger<br />

acceleration.There’s<br />

noticeablymore torqueand<br />

poweratlower revsmaking<br />

this new version amore<br />

chilled drive. Overall its<br />

sharper and snappier with a<br />

0­100km/h sprinttime of 5.4<br />

second, asecond quicker than<br />

the previous model.<br />

For those who believe ’hot’<br />

hatches should only be served<br />

then stirred brisklywith a<br />

swiftnifty shifting manual,<br />

will find the i3ON’s<br />

transmission gear changing<br />

Nirvana. Thishands­on gear<br />

changing delight draws the<br />

best out of the engineand<br />

allows the driver to explore all<br />

it has to offerattheir pace.<br />

There aredecent amounts<br />

of cargo carrying areabehind<br />

the backseats and enough<br />

rear legroom so you don’t<br />

need to use your knees as chin<br />

rests. The onlyniggle and it<br />

will come fromthose who are<br />

taller than average who may<br />

lament the lackofrear seat<br />

head room, and don’tlike a<br />

head massagefrom the<br />

vehiclesroof lining.For an<br />

entrylevel model the test<br />

vehicle is well appointed with<br />

LED headlights, Keyless<br />

Entry with Engine Start/Stop<br />

Button, Touchscreen Satellite<br />

Navigation with Android Auto<br />

and Apple Car Play.<br />

At low around town speeds<br />

the suspensiontends crunch<br />

its way over things like utility<br />

service coversinthe road. The<br />

stiffnessofthe suspension<br />

couldbedialled back afew<br />

notches, with more compliant<br />

spring and damper settings.<br />

This would help buff afew of<br />

thoserough edges offthe ride<br />

quality.<br />

Rating out of 10:<br />

Performance 8Handling 8,<br />

BuildQuality 7, Comfort6,<br />

Space6,Styling 7, Fuel<br />

Economy; on road test<br />

averageconsumption<br />

8.2L/100km, Value formoney<br />

7, Safety, five star ANCAP<br />

crashrating<br />

Overallpointsout of 10: 8<br />

Your under car specialists<br />

WOF WOF repairs Vehicle servicing<br />

Exhaust specialists Mechanical repairs<br />

Tyres/Alignments Batteries Towbars<br />

Open Saturdays for WOF, 8am to 12 noon<br />


03 308 9984<br />

cnr Cass and South Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.robbies.co.nz<br />

2450983<br />

2451233<br />


24/7<br />

• Engineering services/fabrication/welding by qualified technicians<br />

• Break down<br />

• All vehicle types including boats/caravans/motorhomes<br />

services<br />

• Insurance companies approved<br />

• Accidentrecovery<br />

• Headlight restoration<br />

• Specialised 4x4 recovery<br />

• Fast assessment<br />

• Insurancecompanies<br />

• Quality fast turn around on repairs<br />

approved<br />

• Loan cars / Pick up & drop off service<br />

• Securestorage yard<br />

• Life time guarantee<br />

• Vehicle relocation<br />

• Locally owned and operated<br />

• Locally owned and operated<br />

027 431 8598<br />





104 South Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

308 5238 / 027 283 1513<br />

info@panelcraftltd.co.nz<br />

FREE<br />



QUOTE<br />

Approved<br />

Repairer for<br />



24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8<br />

9<br />

10 11<br />

12<br />

13 14 15 16<br />

<strong>17</strong><br />

18 19 20<br />

21<br />

22 23<br />

24 25<br />

18/3<br />

Across<br />

1. Pleasantsmell produced by student fundraisingevent<br />

in Gaul (9)<br />

5. Moorland height spelling the reverseof<br />

decay(3)<br />

7. In twodirectionsthere arehostelries (4)<br />

8. Going overthe rood,mixinggin (8)<br />

10. He maybeone of thetop manufacturers<br />

(8)<br />

11. Aschemedevisedfor abit of land (4)<br />

13. Devils show theway of workingin<br />

thieves’ kitchens(6)<br />

15. All at oncenudesare shown playing<br />

aroundbeginning of December(6)<br />

18. Instructionnot toput something on on<br />

time(4)<br />

19. One stickingtoethicalrules of theviva<br />

voce in obscurity (8)<br />

22. Extent it is dealtwith when finishedin<br />

prison (8)<br />

23. Will come to life at thefuneral party(4)<br />

24. Knightly addresssharedbyschoolmaster<br />

(3)<br />

25. Those who keepthrowing in theirbouts<br />

(9)<br />

Down<br />

1. Wasplayfulinanamorous way (7)<br />

2. Anyinclusionofnegative willrattle one (5)<br />

3. Tended to make us rend it anyhow (6)<br />

4. Irish seer turns to it (4)<br />

5. Turnedtiller to starboardfinallyasone<br />

sang (7)<br />

6. Offsidebut, when consideredseparately,<br />

correct (5)<br />

9. Is knowing one is able to go to NewYork<br />

(5)<br />

12. Picture doesn’tget hung,italready being<br />

on the wall (5)<br />

14. Fur of verminone made up (7)<br />

16.Idlytalks about artand gets sentabout<br />

it (7)<br />

<strong>17</strong>. Afastenergot up forbrokenleg (6)<br />

18. As one puts intoport,stops it from one’s<br />

wages(5)<br />

20. Angrywithone, scold therest(5)<br />

21. Whatcan afarmer do butget bigger? (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

<strong>17</strong> 18 19<br />

20<br />

21 22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Eye up (4)<br />

4. Within (6)<br />

8. Unbranded (7)<br />

9. Barely detectable<br />

amount (5)<br />

10. Endure(4)<br />

11. Doorway(8)<br />

13. Napkin (9)<br />

<strong>17</strong>. Pretender (8)<br />

19. Costly(4)<br />

21. Commerce (5)<br />

22. Militarystorehouse (7)<br />

23. Carefree (6)<br />

24. Boring (4)<br />

Down<br />

2. Origin, beginning(7)<br />

3. Deserve(4)<br />

4. Thoughtless (13)<br />

5. Soak (8)<br />

6. Graduallyempty (5)<br />

7. Putoff (5)<br />

8. Very strong wind(4)<br />

12. Shaped like anew<br />

moon (8)<br />

14. Perpetual (7)<br />

15. Short,simplesong (5)<br />

16. By mouth (4)<br />

18. Lustrousgem (5)<br />

20. Secondhand (4)<br />



Across: 1. Ogle,4.Inside, 8. Generic, 9. Trace, 10. Last,11. Entrance,<br />

13. Serviette, <strong>17</strong>.Imposter,19. Dear,21. Trade, 22. Arsenal, 23. Blithe,<br />

24.Dull.<br />

Down: 2. Genesis,3.Earn, 4. Inconsiderate,5.Saturate, 6. Drain,7.<br />

Defer,8.Gale, 12. Crescent, 14.Eternal, 15.Ditty, 16. Oral,18. Pearl, 20.<br />

Used.<br />


Across: 1. Fragrance 5. Tor7.Inns8.Crossing10.Toymaker 11. Plot13.<br />

Demons 15.Sudden 18. Don’t 19.Moralist22. Coverage23. Wake 24.<br />

Sir 25. Wrestlers.<br />

Down: 1. Flirted2.Annoy 3. Nursed 4. Erse5.Trilled6.Right 9. Canny<br />

12.Mural 14. Miniver16. Natters <strong>17</strong>.Toggle18. Docks 20.Irate 21.<br />

Grow.<br />

TARGET<br />

entrygentrygirtgittern grey<br />

grin grit gritty gyre igniter inert<br />

INTEGRITY inter nitre nitrite<br />

reign rein rent retying ring rite<br />

tern tier tiger tinier tinter tire<br />

tiring titre treytrig trine trinity<br />

trite trying tyre<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

I T I<br />

G R E<br />

T Y N<br />

Good 18<br />

Very Good 26<br />

Excellent 32+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Cheryl<br />

Fowler<br />

Meet Cheryl Fowler, salesperson extraordinaire ofRay White<br />

Mid Canterbury -coming up 3years. Mum of1(Brittany)<br />

and living her best life for 55 years. Cheryl is an exceptional<br />

salesperson with amazing results and excels in her negotiation<br />

skills. Call Cheryl if youwant asalesperson with a<br />

Passion forPeople and Passion forHomes.<br />

0274612 614•cheryl.fowler@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03307 83<strong>17</strong><br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

21 CHURCH STREET 4 2 1<br />


This property comes with 3 bedrooms, 1<br />

Bathroom with ashower &bathtub! Separate<br />

toilet, Spacious&openplan kitchen &dining.<br />

Back yard space, would make for great<br />

outdoor entertaining area! BEO $329,000<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 23<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 2pm.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

83 AITKEN STREET 2 1 -<br />


Spacious lounge, large kitchen, off street<br />

parking+workshop/woodshed. Comfortable<br />

warm home,with aspacious feel throughout.<br />

Added bonus of astudy/office plus sleepout<br />

for guests or family. Close to shops &<br />

schools ,the ideal location for your 1st home<br />

or an investment. BEO $359,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6JHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

35 WAYMOUTH STREET 1 1 -<br />


Set on a930m2 section with huge potential<br />

in Fairton location, with lots of options.<br />

Peaceful &private yet incredibly convenient.<br />

Fairton is asmall township approximately 6<br />

km from <strong>Ashburton</strong>. If you are looking for an<br />

opportunity add value this cute 1bedroom<br />

home is amust see. BEO $269,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6CHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />






•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />

min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Set back from the road with shared driveway,<br />

2sections of flat land &positioned for the<br />

sun &Mountains. Price By Negotiation<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 15<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 2pm.<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6PHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

29 WAYMOUTH STREET 3 1 3<br />


Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in a<br />

friendly community, Fairton. • Modern o/p<br />

kitchen &dining •Double glazed •Choice of<br />

diesel fire or h/pump for heating •Spa pool<br />

•Internal access carport •2single adjoining<br />

garages with workbench •Plenty of off street<br />

parking for all the toys! BEO $399,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6EHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />


AT THE PUMP?<br />

We can tell you with aFREE,<br />

no obligation market appraisal.<br />

For all your real estate needs,<br />

give us acall today, we want to<br />

help. 0800 554 274<br />

Simply head over to our<br />

Facebook Page, for your chance to win<br />

aZGift Card loaded with $100 to help<br />

you when you’re next filling up!<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MERINZ<br />

Licensed Agents REAA 2008<br />

facebook.com/LJHooker<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company


45 ElizabethStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00am -10:30am 4 2 4 AHB30222<br />

32a Morgan Street, Methven 10:00am -10:30am 3 1 2 MVN30028<br />

61 Grove Street, Tinwald 10:30am -11:00am 3 1 1 AHB30196<br />

52 Main Street,Methven 11:00am-11:30am 3 1 1 MVN30005<br />

96 Company Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00am -12:00pm 3 1 0 AHB30230<br />

26 Princes Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15am -11:45am 3 1 1 AHB30196<br />

63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />


96 CompanyRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00am -12:00pm 3 1 0 AHB30230<br />

21/1242River Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00am-12:00pm 2 1 1 AHB30218<br />

63 GlassworksRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00pm -1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />


26 Princes Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

63 GlassworksRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 5:00pm-6:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />

Here is aperfect place to start if you’re looking for something<br />

within amodest budget. Likely to ideally suitafirst home buyer<br />

or rental investor who wants an easy care property that is fully<br />

fenced for children and pets and is centrally located for pre<br />

schools, primary school and the intermediate.<br />

*3bedrooms &sunroom area<br />

*Easy carefully fenced 502sqm +/-section<br />

*Openplan layout<br />

*Single garage with automatic door<br />

Set Date of Sale<br />

closing 22 <strong>March</strong> 2002, at<br />

3:00pm (unless soldprior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:15 -11:45am<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30196<br />

Real Estate MidCanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

193 Grove Street, Tinwald<br />

3 1 3<br />

*3bedroom Summerhill stone home<br />

*1bathroom(2toilets)<br />

*open plan kitchen, dining, living<br />

*full fenced section<br />

*shared drivewaywith one other home<br />

*operational 14 unitcattery<br />

ForSale<br />

PriceonApplication<br />

View<br />

by appointment<br />

Kim Miller<br />

027 236 8627<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30<strong>17</strong>5<br />

Real Estate MidCanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

AgentonSite<br />

AgentonSite<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only & subject to final survey and issue of clear title<br />

21/1242 River Road, Lower Hakatere<br />

2 1 0<br />

Lots 2&3,63Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Freshly renovated, rewired, plumbed and painted,thisisyour<br />

start to alifestyle of relaxation, amazing community and rural<br />

life with fishing, social activities, fresh air andthe sound of<br />

crashing waves. Lower Hakatere is made up of 50 baches that<br />

are individually owned on acommunity ownedground space.<br />

Hakatere is agreat community or just retiringinthe lifestyle!<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30218<br />

Real EstateMid CanterburyPropertyLimited Licensed(REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View<br />

Sunday11:00 -12:00pm<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

*2sections available 4350sqm &4970sqm5minutes from town<br />

*Town water,3phase electricity and communications available<br />

at theboundary of each section<br />

*Sealed drivewaytoeachsection<br />

*Great building sites &room to build ashed for the toys<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30181<br />

Real EstateMid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

By Negotiation<br />

View<br />

Agent on site<br />

Sat 19th 12:00pm -1:00pm<br />

Sun20th 12:00pm -1:00pm<br />

Wed23rd 5:00pm -6:00pm<br />

Bruce McPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 97<strong>17</strong><br />

Chrissy Milne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 1528<br />

CareyVon Lubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

SalesConsultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

MikeGrant ncre<br />

SalesConsultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 664 113<br />

Bruce McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

SalesConsultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 287 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 30783<strong>17</strong> Main Road,Tinwald 03 30783<strong>17</strong><br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 3033032

What'smy<br />

property worth?<br />

It's FREE to<br />

find out!<br />





3D VIRTUAL<br />


Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />


86a Melcombe Street<br />

Very desirable townhouse<br />

situatedperfectly foroutlook<br />

and sunshine. Extraspacious<br />

livingarea. Excellentindoor/<br />

outdoor flowfromliving and<br />

one bedroom. Large garage<br />

with internal access.<br />

Ample parking forboat,<br />

caravanetc.<br />

Enquiries Over $549,000<br />

Open Home: Sat19<strong>March</strong>,<br />

11.00 -11.30am<br />

3 1 2 ID: T320<br />

Perfect First Home/<br />

Investment<br />

Astunning property<br />

capturing all daysun.<br />


Three bedrooms, spacious<br />

livingarea, partially double<br />

glazed.<br />

Internal access from<br />

carport plus extraoffstreet<br />

parking.<br />

Enquiries Over $349,000<br />

3 1 1<br />

Buy Within The Avenues<br />

Be quick to viewthis<br />

spacious, warm and sunny<br />

frontunitsituatedwithin the<br />

Avenues. Low maintenance,<br />

fullyfenced and secure. Two<br />

heatpumpsand so close to<br />

town. Garageconverted to<br />

utility room with potential<br />

to easily convert back to an<br />

internal access garage.<br />

OffersOver$310,000<br />

2 1 1<br />

ID: E738<br />

4 2 3 ID: W729<br />

ASolidStarter<br />

Spacious three bedroom<br />

Summer Hill Stone home<br />

with hugepotential.<br />

Situatedona696m2 (approx)<br />

fullyfenced section. Large<br />

single garage and acarport,<br />

plenty of off street parking.<br />

Heatpump, log burner and<br />

HRV.<br />

Enquiries Over $419,000<br />

ID: E739<br />

Magnificent Home Here!<br />

Situatedinaverydesirable<br />

Oak Grovelocation this<br />

substantial property has so<br />

much to offer.<br />

Boasting four bedrooms,<br />

office, formal dining,two<br />

livingareas, conservatory and<br />

twobathrooms.Acovered<br />

and heatedswimming pool.<br />

tennis courts and games<br />

room plus three cargaraging<br />

(including carport).<br />

Enquiries Over $950,000<br />

42a Queens Drive<br />

•Situatedonthe Westside.<br />

ID: W728<br />

•Sunnyend property capturingall daysun with floor to ceiling windows.<br />

•Spacious interior,internal access from garage.<br />

•Verysecure, private fullyfenced section.<br />

•This property has potential forthe astutebuyer<br />

OffersOver$359,000<br />

Open Home: Saturday19<strong>March</strong>, 12.00 -12.30pm 2 1 1<br />

Built foraFamily!<br />

Very spacious four bed<br />

brick home in the heart of<br />

the Rolleston. Fully fenced<br />

sunnysectionwith plenty<br />

of space out the back! Very<br />

large open plan living with<br />

twolounges,four spacious<br />

bedrooms with plenty of<br />

storage,walk in wardrobe<br />

and ensuitetothe master.<br />

Largedouble attached<br />

garage with workbenches.<br />

Enquiries Over $799,000<br />

4 2 2 ID: ROL002<br />

JustWhatYou'reLooking<br />

For!!<br />

Three bedroom property<br />

with open plan living.<br />

Easy care section with garage<br />

pluscarport.<br />

Freshly painted, roughcast<br />

exterior and aluminium<br />

windows.<br />

An excellentfirsthome or<br />

investmentopportunity.<br />

Enquiries Over $349,000<br />

3 1 2 ID: E737<br />

GreatLocation, GreatHome!<br />

Well landscaped property<br />

in prime location close to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Domainand<br />

College. Ampleroom<br />

outdoorswith a1012m²<br />

section. Three bedrooms<br />

plus4th room off lounge.<br />

Plenty of parking with large<br />

double garage.Well worth<br />

your inspection!<br />

Vaccine Pass required for<br />

viewings.<br />

Enquiries Over $485,000<br />

3 1 2 ID: W737<br />

Unique Section<br />

Opportunity!<br />

Build... Develop, or your own<br />

fishing retreat!<br />

Handy 448m2 section with<br />

large single garage and a<br />

twobay shed; both with<br />

power. Being Sold "subject<br />

to survey" so plenty of time<br />

to plan thatnew build.<br />

Promptaction is<br />

recommended.<br />

Enquiries Over $135,000<br />

ID: R092<br />

4 1 2 ID: W726<br />

First Home Or Develop?<br />

This property has real<br />

character!<br />

Situatedonthe outskirts of<br />

Rakaia on acorner section.<br />

Real potential here forthe<br />

astuteinvestorordeveloper.<br />

Four bedrooms and cosy<br />

living.<br />

Such agreat opportunity!<br />

Enquiries Over $299,000<br />

4 1 1 ID: R091<br />

Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />

Manager<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manoj Rana<br />

022 453 1964<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

0210 752 180


28 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />





Dental Assistant–<br />

Full Time<br />

We are a family owned and operated modern<br />

dental practice based in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. We have an<br />

opportunityfor afriendly person to join our team.<br />

We arelookingfor someone who is well presented,<br />

energetic, physically fit and has the ability tobuild<br />

rapport with patients in acheerful light-hearted<br />

manner.<br />

You will support the Dentist by assisting during<br />

dental appointments and instrument sterilisation<br />

following infection controlprocedures. Full training<br />

will be provided. For this you will be able to multitask<br />

with attention to detail and be able to follow<br />

instructions.<br />

Computer skills and adriver’s licence are required;<br />

you must be fully vaccinated against Covid 19<br />

before commencing the position. If you want to<br />

work in apositive, fast paced environment where<br />

patientcareisthe number one priorityplease apply<br />

in person or send your cover letter and CV to:<br />

Bernie Jopson<br />

PracticeCo-ordinator<br />

bernie@parksidenz.co.nz<br />

03 308 7472<br />

Applications close for this position on<br />

Monday 21st <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at 5.00pm.<br />

Reporter–<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />

We arecurrentlylooking foraversatile<br />

reporter to joinour team at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong>. Allied Press Limited employs over<br />

450people on apermanentbasis across<br />

our 15 sites in the South Island. We operate<br />

across multiple media platforms(print, online,<br />

digital) delivering news, information and<br />

entertainmentthroughour variousregional<br />

andcitypublications including the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong>, TheStar (Christchurch) andthe Otago<br />

Daily Times.<br />

Thesuccessfulcandidate will have:<br />

• Excellentwriting ability<br />

• Ahigh degreeofinitiative<br />

• The ability to work autonomously, juggle<br />

multiple tasks and meet regular deadlines<br />

• AfullNZdriver’slicence<br />

• Photography, video and website skillsare<br />

desirable.<br />

• Relevant journalism qualification (or<br />

equivalentexperience) wouldbeadistinct<br />

advantage<br />

What we offer<br />

• Agreatteam environmentandan<br />

opportunitytogrowyour<br />

journalismskills<br />

• Enjoybeingpartofasmall,dedicated<br />

team.<br />

• Employeewellbeing benefits including<br />

medicalinsuranceand EAP<br />

Acopyofthe fullposition descriptioncan be<br />

foundat<br />

alliedpress.co.nz/employment.<br />

If youthink thisrole is foryou,<br />

please apply to:<br />

DanielTobin (Editor)<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

with your covering letter and CV,<br />

or post to 199 Burnett Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, 7700.<br />

2467052<br />

2467491<br />

MethvenHouse<br />

Care Giver<br />

Duetoone of our long-standing Carer’sretiring we<br />

arelooking foranexperienced Care Giver to join our<br />

team at MethvenHouse.<br />

Methven House takes great pride in providing a<br />

high level of caretoour residents whilst maintaining<br />

ahome-like environment. Therest home is licensed<br />

for 14residents, and we also have 4rental flats on<br />

site.<br />

CarerGiver<br />

•Experienced Care Giver<br />


HEALTH<br />

Administration Manager<br />

ThreeRivers Health<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

An exciting opportunity has arisen for an<br />

Administration Manager tojoin our progressive<br />

andfriendlyteamin<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

ThreeRivers Health is thelargestmedicalcentrein<br />

MidCanterburyand worksout of modernpurpose<br />

builtpremises at 7Allens Rd,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

This is akeyrole within the practiceand will directly<br />

supervise ateam of medical administrators to<br />

provide exceptional service to our patients and<br />

our colleagues<br />

Thesuccessfulapplicant will have:<br />

• Previous experience in primary health is<br />

required, ideally in asimilar role orlooking to<br />

take thenextstepinyourcareer<br />

• Excellent communication, motivational and<br />

peopleskills<br />

• Strong attention to detail and the ability to<br />

multi-task<br />

• Experience with MedTech Evolution would be<br />

an advantage butnot essential<br />

We provide<br />

• Acompetitivesalary<br />

• Modern purpose built premises<br />

• On-siteparking<br />

• Afriendlyand supportive team<br />

• Opportunityfor personal development<br />

We take our work seriously but enjoy having a<br />

laugh alongthe way. Ourteam like to stayintouch<br />

socially, and when able, have well supported<br />

socialevents.<br />

This role reportstothe Business Manager.<br />

Applications or enquiries in confidence to:<br />

chris.mcauslin@threerivershealth.co.nz<br />

•Responsible in providing personalised caretoour<br />

residents.<br />

•3x 8 Hour morning Shifts per week, Friday,<br />

Saturdayand Sunday<br />

•06.45 –1515 hours<br />

•Registered nurses on call forsupport<br />

If youhave anyquestions please contact-<br />

Sue Bell Phone:03302 8528<br />

Foranapplicationformplease email:<br />

nursemanager@methvenhouse.co.nz<br />

Closing date: Monday 1st April <strong>2022</strong> for<br />

applications (including acover letter and your CV)<br />

to MethvenHouse.<br />

2466227<br />


We seek aqualified teacher to teach fulltime<br />

in aYear 5/6class,from2nd May<strong>2022</strong><br />

(the beginning of term 2).<br />

Please email aletter of application and<br />

CV as soonaspossible to<br />

Bruce Tilby-principal@allenton.school.nz<br />

2467419<br />

2465094<br />

JobOpportunities<br />

Safetyand Wellness Lead<br />

Be our lead todevelop and implement effective systems and initiatives that<br />

will focus onour organisational safety and wellness, further promote and<br />

grow our safetyculture and turn bestpractice intoBAU.<br />

Applications close Wednesday, 23 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Recruitment Officer<br />

Experience first-hand what wepride ourselves on and then add your stamp<br />

on our recruitmentprocesses.This role provides working with agreat bunch<br />

of diverse people, flexibility, challenge and the opportunity to expand your<br />

knowledgeinotherhuman resourcespecialities.<br />

Applications close on Sunday,30<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

To find out more about these<br />

vacancies and what the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

District Council has to offer you, go to<br />

our website.<br />

www.ashburtondc.govt.nz/careers<br />



Supporting the running of Jo Luxton’s <strong>Ashburton</strong> Office, you’ll<br />

make sure everything runs smoothly day in and day out.<br />

This role is multifaceted and challenging with no two days the same. You’ll<br />

be stepping into anenvironment that is unique, exciting, and rewarding.<br />

Some of the duties you’ll be responsible for include the following:<br />

• Providing high quality advice and advocacy to constituents in your<br />

community<br />

• Building and maintaining strong relationships<br />

• Ensuring the office runs smoothly<br />

• Managing and responding to correspondence and emails<br />

• News and social media monitoring<br />

Your friends and whanau describe you ascalm, proactive and resilient. It<br />

goes without saying you’re someone who’s empathetic and respectful. You<br />

will lend your ear to constituents to make them feel heard and supported.<br />

You’rehappy to work autonomously within your Electorate/Community Offices<br />

and arewell known foryour thoughtful, patient and consideratenature.<br />

As an employee ofParliamentary Service you will be apolitical in your role.<br />

Awarenessofthe politicallandscape may be beneficial in supporting your MP.<br />

To ensure our people feel supported and enabled to develop their<br />

knowledge and careers, you will receive aParliamentary Service induction<br />

which will set you uptosucceed within this environment, as well as ongoing<br />

learning and development opportunities.<br />

This is an events-based, fixed-term role linked to the MP, working 25 hours<br />

per week. Some flexibility in hours may be required.<br />

The appointing salary band for this role is $55,752 to $69,690 per annum<br />

for afull time equivalent. Appointments will be based on your skills and<br />

experience.<br />

In order for asuccessful applicant/s to be offered this role, they will need<br />

to complywithour Vaccine Policy,the requirementtobe fullyvaccinated and<br />

agree to provide informationand evidenceregarding theirvaccination status.<br />

If you’d like toplay akey role in supporting your MP within your community,<br />

apply now.<br />

Applications close midnight on Sunday, 27<strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

If you have any questions regarding this role please contact<br />

Recruitment@parliament.govt.nz<br />

The Parliamentary Service appoints on merit and is committed to EEO and<br />

good employer principles.<br />

To apply for this job, please go to our job site<br />

https://careers.parliament.govt.nz/home and enter the job code 29474ACN.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



YouthJusticeWorker<br />

Due toour current staff member moving on from<br />

Safer Mid Canterbury wenow have the position<br />

of Youth Justice Worker available. The worker will<br />

be responsible for the delivery ofthe Community<br />

Youth Programme, Supervision with Activity and<br />

SupportedBail,all programmes thatfall under the<br />

“Fresh Start”package of youth justiceservices.<br />

Are you passionate about improving life<br />

outcomes foryoung people?<br />

Do you have experience inworking with, and<br />

alongside,young people?<br />

Are you skilled in working with hard toreach<br />

young people with multiple complex life<br />

experiences?<br />

Are you askilled communicator with excellent<br />

relationship management?<br />

Do youhaveexcellentorganisational and time<br />

managementskills?<br />

Do youhave aknowledge of and commitment<br />

to strength based processes?<br />

Do youhave knowledge of and acommitment<br />

to delivering culturally responsiveservices?<br />

If youcan answer yestothese questions we would<br />

love to hear from you. This is ahands on position<br />

supporting some of our most vulnerable young<br />

people helping them to achieve positive life<br />

outcomes. You would be part ofawider team of<br />

individuals who are passionate about improving<br />

outcomes for young people and would be given<br />

the privilege of playing asignificantrole in the lives<br />

of young people across our district.<br />

This position is for 40hours per week and covers<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District.<br />

The successful candidate will have to be able to<br />

work in aflexible manner as some work may be<br />

outside of what might be considered normal<br />

business hours. In return we offer a flexible,<br />

supportive, family friendly work environmentwith<br />

greatworking conditions.<br />

To apply for this position please go to the careers<br />

section of our website<br />

www.safermidcanterbury.org.nz to view the Job<br />

Description and download our application form.<br />

For further information please contact Ani on 03<br />

308 1395.<br />

Applications close Mondaythe 28th of <strong>March</strong><br />

2462862<br />

Hospice Mid Canterbury provides support to<br />

individuals and families throughout the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

districtwho aredealingwith alife-limiting illness.<br />

Manager of Volunteer Services<br />

We are looking for aspecial person to fill this<br />

vital role in which you will receive referrals and<br />

coordinate the support provided to clients and<br />

their families.20hoursper week,negotiable.<br />

Theperson we areseeking will be computer literate,<br />

have strong organisational and communication<br />

skills, and have the ability torelate well to others<br />

in line with our culture ofcare, compassion and<br />

respect.<br />

Therapists<br />

We are seeking suitably qualified therapists to<br />

provide complementarytherapies as independent<br />

contractors to HospiceMid Canterbury.<br />

Please contact Jane, board@hospicemc.nz, for<br />

further information or to request aJob Description.<br />

Expressions of interest close 5pm, 27 <strong>March</strong><strong>2022</strong>.<br />

ASSISTANCE/Expertise/<br />

Knowledge wanted, to<br />

assemble steel kitset garden<br />

shed. Netherby area.<br />

Please phone 03 975 8109.<br />

2466325<br />


Trades-person<br />

We areseekingasuitablyskilled and/or experiencedtrades-personinour Service<br />

Divisiontocarry out theinstallation,servicing andrepairofour products,and to<br />

provideon-farm generalon-farm engineeringservices.<br />

Forthisrolewerequire someone with;<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Soundmechanicalaptitudeand practicalability, with good weldingskills. A<br />

trade qualification wouldbeanadvantagebut is notessential.<br />

Workingexperience in mechanical servicing andrepairs,preferablyinthe<br />

agriculturalindustry. Exposure to pumpsand irrigation wouldbean<br />

advantage, butnot essential.<br />

Full driver’slicence,preferablywith Class2.Forkliftendorsement andHIAB<br />

experience wouldbeanadvantage.<br />

Physical fitnessand agility.Thisisaphysicallyactiverolewithwork done both<br />

outdoors on farmsand in ourwell-equipped workshop.<br />

Flexibilitytoworkextra hoursasrequiredtoget thejob done,and to serveon<br />

theafter-hours call-out roster(paid extra).<br />

Willingnesstowork asateam.<br />

Goodcustomer/communication skills to discuss jobrequirements and<br />

completejob administration.<br />

We offer competitive wages whichinclude overtime rates, tool andcall-out<br />

allowances,and an excellentopportunityfor personal advancement.<br />

To applyplease emailyourCVwithacoveringlettertogordon@plucks.co.nz or<br />

make contacton03-3027031for furtherinformation.<br />

ApplicantsmusthaveNZresidency or avalid NZ work visa.<br />


Canterbury Based<br />

As part of our continuedinvestmentinthe building<br />

industryBradfords arelooking to employ additional<br />

building staff to work within our <strong>Ashburton</strong> or<br />

Christchurch based teams. We require:<br />

• Leading Hands<br />

• Tradesmen<br />

• Apprentices<br />

Bradfords have adiverse range of projects across<br />

the construction sector from building maintenance<br />

and residential construction to large commercial<br />

and industrial projects. We offer varied work<br />

throughout Canterbury and an opportunity to<br />

grow within our team.<br />

If you are interested and have the required skill<br />

level contact usbye-mail attaching your CV to<br />

building@bradfords.co.nz or call intoour office at<br />

70 Bremners Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> for an application<br />

form.<br />

EveryHome<br />

EveryWeek-that’s<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />



2376123<br />

www.bradfords.co.nz<br />


BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds.<br />

Qualified Tradesmen.<br />

Phone Cawte 027 418<br />

7955.<br />

BUILDER : Specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening, landscaping<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Lindsay 027 230 0205<br />


2466852<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435<br />

1042<br />

ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHARLIES Blind Cleaning<br />

Service -same day service<br />

and repairs. Charlie can<br />

supply new blinds and<br />

racks and will hang drapes.<br />

Phone 03 307 1936 or 020<br />

4136 0342<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />

FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

29<br />


GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 2899 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />

quote. Ph 027 840<br />

0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />


A NEW LOOK<br />

that lasts!<br />

Existing kitchens, doors,<br />

furniture &appliances<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2450077<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz, member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />


Want to getrid of those<br />

unwanted slugs now?<br />

We provide a<br />

fast efficient service.<br />

Anyland sizewithin<br />

MidCanterbury<br />

Call today<br />

03 307 4552<br />

2467079<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

8314.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />



FOR: Mobile Sandblasting<br />

Painting<br />

OF: Structural Steel<br />

Trailers<br />

Farm Machinery<br />

Car Parts<br />

Shipping Containers<br />

Concrete, Brick Rendering<br />

Free quotes -Competitive rates<br />

Phone Kurt 027 332 4549 or Neil 0274 362 900<br />

2450862<br />



30 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>March</strong> <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />



ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />

Saturdays. 1<strong>17</strong> Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />





TO LEASE<br />

An established dairy farming business, wish<br />

to lease additional land within the Mid/ South<br />

Canterbury area.<br />

The land must be capable of running dairy calves<br />

andR1heifers.<br />

This family operation hasthe capacityand the skill<br />

level required tolease land, offering competitive<br />

rental andstable tenants.<br />

Ideally, longer term leasing would be preferred<br />

with aminimum area of 100 hectares dryland or<br />

50 hectaresirrigated.<br />

All enquiries will be treated with the strictest<br />

confidentiality.<br />

In the first instance, please contact<br />

RossPolson0274508372.<br />

LFIC<br />



Nowisthe time to dig in our topqualitymushroom<br />

compost to your vegetable garden. Ideal to replenish nutrients<br />

used by previous crops and improvethe soil structure.<br />

It also adds beneficial micro-organisms to thetired soil.<br />

$60 per cubic metreor$10 bag.<br />

Freedelivery within town boundary.<br />

Open 6daysaweek at our Tinwald yard,<br />

208 Maronan Road. Phone 021 129 8936 or 03 308 3331<br />




$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />

2459956<br />


SELL<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$27.50<br />

Askaboutour<br />

deliveryservice<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

<strong>17</strong> Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />



One four bedroom property and<br />

one three bedroom property.<br />

Long-termlease with greattenants.<br />

ContactKathyatthe<br />

RefugeeSettlementSupportService<br />

E: kathy.harrington-watt@ safermidcanterbury. org.nz<br />

M: 027 296 0003<br />

2467142<br />

PEASTRAW for sale. Small<br />

bales $6 each on farm,<br />

$6.50 delivered to <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone/Text 027 434<br />

0442.<br />

MOTORHOME 1989 Toyota<br />

Coaster. 2berth, fully self<br />

contained, solar panel, TV,<br />

log burner, plus full sized<br />

gas stove. Registered and<br />

warranted. Tidy condition<br />

with tow bar. $34,000 ono.<br />

Phone Keith on 03 302<br />

0836.<br />

OUTDOOR Table, four<br />

chairs and umbrella, as<br />

new. Upright freezer.<br />

Dinning Table with 6chairs.<br />

Please phone 03 308 0064<br />

after 4pm.<br />

2447571<br />

2464314<br />

2466341<br />

2447572<br />


Peter Blacklow<br />

Forall your lubricaterequirements ...<br />

PETE’S<br />

PICK<br />

Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />

&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />

Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />

Locally owned &operated family business for 69 years<br />


South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />

Email office@blacklows.co.nz FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />

SOUTH &<br />


Bus Trip around Timaru<br />

with Julian BlanchardfromHarcourts.<br />

Early starttime is 6pm on Wednesday23rd<strong>March</strong>.<br />

Meet at Caroline BayLounge.<br />

Please confirm attendancewith Kerry 021482840.<br />

www.south-canterbury.nzpif.org.nz<br />

TRAVEL<br />

TRAVEL<br />


27 Mar – MysterySundayDrive<br />

“I SeeLakes”<br />

9-12 Apr –Buller West Coast<br />

(Includes 2nights in Karamea)<br />

Getawayfromitall –call us now<br />

formoreinfomation!<br />


AWESOME OFFICE space<br />

for lease, rent or hire. Park<br />

like setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />

areas. North West<br />

town boundary. Must view.<br />

Phone 0274 754 241.<br />

RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2447553<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />

Forbookings phone<br />

03 308 0224 l 027 265 6883<br />

2466742<br />

2467050<br />



TO BUY<br />

We arelooking fora<br />

2-3 bdrmhouse in the<br />

300k-360k range,<br />

in the Netherby area.<br />

Privatesale only.<br />

Please phone<br />

022 198 0152 or<br />

022 690 8141<br />


2466750<br />

WEANER Pigs -20for sale.<br />

$100 each. Phone 021 489<br />

708<br />

FOR SALE Six bull Calves;<br />

five Ayrshire, 1 Fresian.<br />

220kg+. Very quiet. $600.<br />

027 431 0053 or 03 303<br />

7315.<br />


SELL Meadow Hay. Small<br />

bales, top quality. $10. per<br />

bale. Ph 03 302 4746,<br />

evenings.<br />


NEW Nadine Potatoes $2.<br />

per kg. Peastraw; $5.per<br />

bale or $6.per bale delivered.<br />

Phone 03 308 3195 or<br />

027 531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

POTATOES Ilam Hardys,<br />

freshly dug. $1.50kg. Large<br />

$1.00kg. X-large 50ckg.<br />

Deliver <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Tinwald<br />

Friday afternoons.<br />

Please ring EVENINGS, Ph<br />

302 7272.<br />

K<br />


XHP222 0.39kg<br />

Superb resistance to water washout<br />

and spray-off.See us foryour<br />

greasegun requirements.<br />

$6.74ea+GST 139949<br />

At the Cancer Societyweknowhow acancerdiagnosis can<br />

affectevery aspectofyourlifeand we areheretohelp.<br />

Ourservices arefreeand confidential.<br />

If youorsomeone youcareabout hascancer<br />

please contactusfor supportand information.<br />

Nau MaiKiTeKorero Wewelcomeyour call<br />

2459334<br />


MidCanterburyCentre<br />

Phone: 307 7691<br />

Facebook:@CancerSocietyMC<br />

www.cancernz.org.nz<br />




Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />


AndreGrob<br />

Chiropractor<br />

Tues 9am-5pm<br />

03 308 9516<br />

www.ashburtonchiropractic.co.nz<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />

2450047<br />


Thur <strong>17</strong>th &Fri 18th<br />

10.00 Dog<br />

10.15 Belfast<br />

12.00 Uncharted<br />

12.15 TheBatman<br />

2.10 Off the Rails<br />

3.20 Monster Family 2<br />

4.00 Blacklight<br />

5.15 Uncharted<br />

6.00 Dog<br />

7.30 TheBatman<br />

8.00 Off the Rails<br />

Sat19th &Sun 20th<br />

10.00 Monster Family 2<br />

10.00 Cliffordthe BigRed Dog<br />

11.50 Dog<br />

12.10 Belfast<br />

1.50 Monster Family 2<br />

2.10 TheBatman<br />

3.45 Off the Rails<br />

5.30 Dog<br />

5.45 Uncharted<br />

7.30 TheBatman<br />

8.00 Off the Rails<br />

Mon21st, Tues 22nd<br />

&Wed 23rd<br />

10.00 Dog<br />

10.15 Belfast<br />

12.00 Uncharted<br />

12.15 TheBatman<br />

2.10 Off the Rails<br />

3.20 Monster Family 2<br />

4.00 Blacklight<br />

5.15 Uncharted<br />

6.00 Dog<br />

7.30 TheBatman<br />

8.00 Off the Rails<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

NO COMPS<br />

TheBatman, Dog, Off the Rails<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury.<br />

Dealing with alife limiting<br />

illness? Contact us to see<br />

how we can support you.<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />

8387<br />


Monthly Meeting<br />

Monday 21st, 2.00pm<br />

at the SeniorCentre.<br />

Speaker:<br />

Douglas from<br />

Specsavers<br />

Vaccine passes and<br />

masksare mandatory<br />

Please use the<br />

sideentrance.<br />

All welcome.<br />


2466905<br />



Ahappy natured caring<br />

lady, with aslim figure,<br />

blonde hair and blue eyes.<br />

She enjoys keeping active,<br />

gardening, cooking, the<br />

outdoors and spending<br />

time with someone special<br />

in her life. She is looking<br />

for arelationship built<br />

on mutual respect,<br />

trust and honesty.<br />

To meet, please call<br />

and quote code 59.<br />

0800-446-332.<br />


ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.

Exciting and NEW<br />

House and Land Packages<br />

Available NOW from $649,000<br />

In the new <strong>Ashburton</strong> Development, Strowan Fields<br />

Lot 38<br />

190m 2<br />

| 4bdrm<br />

Lot 46<br />

<strong>17</strong>7m 2<br />

| 4 bdrm<br />

4 2 2 2 2<br />

4 2 2 2 2<br />

Lot 63<br />

<strong>17</strong>9m 2<br />

| 5 bdrm<br />

Lot 62<br />

156m 2<br />

| 3 bdrm<br />

5 2 2 2 2<br />

3 2 2 2 3<br />

Contact us today for more information!<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Display Home<br />

1Waterford Place, Tinwald<br />

Sun 12-3pm, or by appointment<br />

Michele Strange<br />

M 027 491 5266<br />

E michele.strange@jennian.co.nz



2008 TOYOTA<br />

MARKX<br />

• 2400cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 7seater wagon<br />

• 8air bags<br />

• 89,065kms<br />

NISSAN<br />

2013 NISSAN SYLPHY, 1800cc, 4doorsedan, auto, ABS, air con, 48,000kms......$10,995<br />

2015 NISSAN NOTE XDIG-S, 1200cc, auto, ABS, air con, 58,000kms...........................SOLD<br />

2012 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, hatchback,ABS, cam chain, 69,000kms .................. $10,995<br />

2016 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc,auto, cam chain, 34,000kms........................... $10,995<br />

2016 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 40,000kms .............................. $11,995<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc, auto, 4WD, ABS, camchain, 110,000kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, camchain,57,000kms .................. $10,995<br />

2009 NISSAN X-TRAIL20X, 2000cc, 4WD, auto, reverse camera, 71,000kms..... $12,995<br />

$9,995<br />

MAZDA<br />

2008 NISSAN<br />

X-TRAIL<br />

• 2500cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• 4WD<br />

• Reverse camera<br />

• 109,513kms<br />

2010 MAZDAPREMACY, 2000cc, 7seats,auto, timing chain, 126,000kms............$9,995<br />

2013 MAZDADEMIO, 1300cc, cam chain, autostop,auto, 36,000kms.................. $11,995<br />

SUBARU<br />

2014 SUBARUIMPREZAXV, 2000cc, auto4X4,reverse camera, 109,613kms..........SOLD<br />

2012 SUBARUIMPREZA, 2000cc, auto, ABS,cruisecontrol,53,195kms................ $14,995<br />

2012 SUBARULEGACY2.5iB, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS, 95,000kms........ $11,995<br />

3½ stars<br />

2012 SUBARU<br />

LEGACY 2.5iB<br />

• 2500cc, petrol<br />

• Auto, AWD<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Wagon<br />

• 95,000kms<br />

3½ stars<br />

2014 TOYOTA<br />

VITZ F<br />

• 1300cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Rear spoiler<br />

• 34,058kms<br />

5 stars<br />

$12,995<br />

$11,995<br />

GAS<br />

SAVER<br />

$11,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

2015 SUZUKI SWIFT XG-DGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 61,000kms ...........$11,995<br />

2012 SUZUKI SWIFT XG, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 60,000kms ......................$10,995<br />


2008 MISUBISHI DELICAD5, 2400cc, 8seatercoach, cam chain, 81,000kms.........SOLD<br />

2001 MITSUBISHI DION, 1500cc, ABS, 7seats,hatchback,auto, air con................$4,995<br />

2015 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2012 TOYOTA AQUA,1500cc, hybrid,auto, cam chain, ABS, 76,000 kms.............. $11,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA SPADE, 1500cc, ABS, air con, cam chain, 53,100 kms....................... $10,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA MARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS, air con, S/W,89,000kms....................$9,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags,bodykit,82,000kms $11,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA RAV4, 2400cc, 4X4, auto, alloys,ABS ....................................................... $12,995<br />

2014 TOYOTA VITZ, 1300cc, 5door,cam chain, ABS, 34,058kms .............................. $11,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2008 HONDA FITRS, 1500cc, auto,hatchback,alloys,53,000 kms......................... $10,995<br />


2013 HONDAFIT, Hybrid,auto<br />

<br />

3081396<br />


&RENTALS<br />

470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br />

www.atob.co.nz<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />

loads also available.<br />


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