Spring 2022
Discover Paris in the spring, Caen in Normandy and its marvellous markets plus Yvoire, a picturesque village on the edge of Lake Geneva in Haute-Savoie. Explore Saint-Omer, a historic city in the far north that's full of secrets and treasures, and Evian, where Frankenstein's monster stayed! Head with us to Metz in Lorraine to find out about its incredible past, La Couvertoirade, one of the prettiest villages in France, and the UNESCO heritage of Avignon. Guides, gorgeous photos, what's new in France, the best tours and delicious recipes from the legendary Le Nôtre bakery in Paris - and more.
Discover Paris in the spring, Caen in Normandy and its marvellous markets plus Yvoire, a picturesque village on the edge of Lake Geneva in Haute-Savoie. Explore Saint-Omer, a historic city in the far north that's full of secrets and treasures, and Evian, where Frankenstein's monster stayed! Head with us to Metz in Lorraine to find out about its incredible past, La Couvertoirade, one of the prettiest villages in France, and the UNESCO heritage of Avignon. Guides, gorgeous photos, what's new in France, the best tours and delicious recipes from the legendary Le Nôtre bakery in Paris - and more.
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of asparagus and sweet strawberries tempting<br />
buyers to enjoy the taste of spring.<br />
The public parks and secret gardens burst<br />
into colour as flowerbeds bloom, and<br />
strollers take a break on the famous green<br />
chairs. Puppet shows, guignol, return and<br />
in the Luxembourg Gardens, starry-eyed<br />
children sail wooden boats across the Grand<br />
Basin. Close by, flowers flourish in great<br />
pots around the Medici fountain which<br />
was commissioned by Marie de Medici,<br />
Queen of France, in about 1630.<br />
The bouquinistes open their book boxes<br />
along the Seine and bring out their<br />
piles of posters and books. The sun<br />
shines through stained glass windows<br />
of churches casting a kaleidoscope of<br />
colours inside the cool interiors.<br />
The famous green chairs you see in Paris parks were originally commissioned by<br />
the Paris Senate, Sénat, and are known as SENAT chairs. They first appeared<br />
in the Luxembourg gardens, and though you can’t buy SENAT chairs (they are<br />
exclusive to Paris), you can buy similar – Luxembourg chairs!<br />
The Good Life France | 11