Spring 2022

Discover Paris in the spring, Caen in Normandy and its marvellous markets plus Yvoire, a picturesque village on the edge of Lake Geneva in Haute-Savoie. Explore Saint-Omer, a historic city in the far north that's full of secrets and treasures, and Evian, where Frankenstein's monster stayed! Head with us to Metz in Lorraine to find out about its incredible past, La Couvertoirade, one of the prettiest villages in France, and the UNESCO heritage of Avignon. Guides, gorgeous photos, what's new in France, the best tours and delicious recipes from the legendary Le Nôtre bakery in Paris - and more.

Discover Paris in the spring, Caen in Normandy and its marvellous markets plus Yvoire, a picturesque village on the edge of Lake Geneva in Haute-Savoie. Explore Saint-Omer, a historic city in the far north that's full of secrets and treasures, and Evian, where Frankenstein's monster stayed! Head with us to Metz in Lorraine to find out about its incredible past, La Couvertoirade, one of the prettiest villages in France, and the UNESCO heritage of Avignon. Guides, gorgeous photos, what's new in France, the best tours and delicious recipes from the legendary Le Nôtre bakery in Paris - and more.

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Think of Caen and most likely the things that pop into your mind will include William<br />

the Conqueror, whose power base was here, and Caen Memorial.<br />

Caen is the biggest city in, as well as the capital of, lower Normandy. It’s a town<br />

with a vibrant vibe, history, grand architecture, a fantastic foodie culture and a real<br />

community spirit – it’s all about the markets.<br />

There is a market every day of the week here but the two big ones are on Friday and<br />

Sunday mornings…<br />

The Market of<br />

Saint-Sauveur<br />

The Friday morning market in Place Saint-<br />

Sauveur is a stone’s throw from the famous<br />

Abbaye aux Hommes, built as a penance<br />

by William the Conqueror. The Pope<br />

excommunicated the then Duke of Normandy<br />

for marrying his cousin Matilda of Flanders<br />

in 1053, but he was forgiven by founding the<br />

Abbey in 1063, whilst Matilda founded the<br />

nearby Abbaye aux Dames in about 1060.<br />

Both buildings, each to the side of the castle<br />

of Caen, were paid for with booty stolen<br />

from England. And both Matilda and William<br />

were interred in their abbeys. Marble<br />

plaques mark the spots, though William’s<br />

now only contains a single thigh bone, the<br />

rest of his bones were scattered during the<br />

French Revolution.<br />

The Good Life France | 17

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