PEP Home Catalogue - April 2022
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E<br />
100% cotton<br />
DB fitted sheets<br />
159 99<br />
each<br />
B<br />
139<br />
Latex 99<br />
pillows<br />
each<br />
DB ball fibre duvet inners<br />
279 99<br />
each<br />
G<br />
Using a protector will help<br />
keep your mattress looking<br />
fresh and clean for longer.<br />
F<br />
E Waterproof pillow protectors 64.99 F Waterproof SB mattress protectors 179.99<br />
Waterproof 3/4 mattress protectors 199.99 Waterproof DB mattress protectors 239.99<br />
Waterproof QB mattress protectors 269.99 G SB ball fibre duvet inners 219.99<br />
QB ball fibre duvet inners 319.99 KB ball fibre duvet inners 339.99