BID Update to Share with Colleagues 31.03.22

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a quick summary of key activity being delivered <strong>to</strong> improve Bognor Regis for<br />

Here's<br />

from your levy payments. You can view and download the detailed <strong>BID</strong> Team<br />

businesses<br />

covering all activity from 2nd February <strong>to</strong> date on our website:<br />

report<br />

www.brbid.org/newsletters<br />

Town: The <strong>BID</strong>, <strong>with</strong> funding support from the Safer Arun Partnership, has<br />

Welcoming<br />

completed the installation of the enhanced CCTV coverage across the <strong>to</strong>wn<br />

now<br />

meaning more opportunities <strong>to</strong> identify offenders in response <strong>to</strong> reports of crime<br />

centre,<br />

anti social behaviour.<br />

or<br />

Town: Fantastic news - WSCC have given permission for the installation of<br />

Welcoming<br />

lighting at York Road - we’ll let you know the installation date very soon.<br />

fes<strong>to</strong>on<br />

Town: The <strong>BID</strong>'s colourful banners will be going up in London Road and<br />

Welcoming<br />

Street from next week, <strong>with</strong> a scheduled installation date of 6th April.<br />

High<br />

Known Town: We're in the process of drawing <strong>to</strong>gether information from all the<br />

Well<br />

event organisers making plans for the Platinum Jubilee - some are still waiting<br />

different<br />

official sign off before they can be promoted. But here's a reminder <strong>to</strong> take part in<br />

for<br />

Bognor Regis Carnival Association’s shop window competition<br />

the<br />

Town: Through the <strong>BID</strong>, Bognor Regis levy paying businesses are supporting<br />

Welcoming<br />

4 Ukraine”, the ukulele community raising money for the Ukrainian Refugee<br />

"Ukes<br />

There’ll be 30 ukulele players performing on London Road on Saturday 2nd<br />

appeal.<br />

between 11am and 12 noon, raising funds for the Disasters Emergency Committee's<br />

April<br />

for 2022-23: If you weren't able <strong>to</strong> attend the preentation, remember you can access<br />

Plans<br />

<strong>BID</strong>’s plans for 2022 – 23 on the website: https://www.brbid.org/objectives<br />

the<br />

2 Ballot update: Thanks <strong>to</strong> those businesses that fed in<strong>to</strong> the <strong>BID</strong>’s Term 2 viability<br />

Term<br />

We’re now analysing the results and will be sharing the draft business plan <strong>with</strong> levy<br />

survey.<br />

in June, <strong>with</strong> plenty of opportunities for you <strong>to</strong> feed back your views and shape the<br />

payers<br />

for a second term running from 2023-28.<br />

proposal<br />

B O G N O R R E G I S B U S I N E S S I M P R O V E M E N T D I S T R I C T<br />

Weekly <strong>Update</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Share</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Colleagues</strong><br />

@bognorregisbid<br />

31st March 2022<br />

www.brbid.org | info@brbid.org | 01243 826354<br />

<strong>BID</strong> NEWS<br />

Dear Businesses,<br />

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

need of some social media training? Or perhaps some of your team need a refresh in<br />

In<br />

safety or first aid? Whitehead Ross have a fantastic team that can support the<br />

food<br />

development of your staff and upskill your employees! Whitehead-Ross<br />

professional<br />

and Training are providing fully-funded training <strong>to</strong> employees of SMEs in the<br />

Education<br />

<strong>to</strong> Capital LEP. If you’re keen <strong>to</strong> find out more, or want <strong>to</strong> book some training, please<br />

Coast<br />

caroline@brbid.org<br />

email:<br />

can find out more information on their website:<br />

You<br />

https://www.wrecltd.co.uk/courses/#upskilling-employees-coast-<strong>to</strong>-capital<br />

great <strong>to</strong> say "Welcome!" <strong>to</strong> Yanni's Fish<br />

It's<br />

Chip Restaurant, who are now open on<br />

and<br />

Visit:<br />

<strong>to</strong><br />

https://www.brbid.org/footfallreports<br />

and download the latest monthly<br />

view<br />

reports for Bognor Regis <strong>to</strong>wn<br />

footfall<br />

you can use <strong>to</strong> shape your business -<br />

that<br />

opening times, staff scheduling, busiest<br />

eg,<br />

of the week, impact of events and<br />

days<br />

the effects of different<br />

promotions,<br />

connected <strong>to</strong> Bognor Regis <strong>BID</strong> throughout 2022 by following us on Facebook,<br />

Stay<br />

and website via the links below!<br />

Instagram,<br />

https://www.facebook.com/bognorregis<strong>BID</strong><br />

https://www.instagram.com/bognorregisbid<br />

you're thinking about a refreshing your<br />

If<br />

or business frontage, remember you<br />

shop<br />

apply for funding <strong>to</strong>wards shop front<br />

can<br />

improvements.<br />

https://www.arun.gov.uk/leap for full<br />

Visit:<br />

and how <strong>to</strong> apply.<br />

details<br />

www.brbid.org<br />

31st March 2022<br />


Opportunity: Fully funded training from Whitehead Ross<br />


JUST ONE THING ...<br />

the Esplanade in Bognor Regis.<br />


centre.<br />

an eye on footfall figures over time<br />

Keeping<br />

help you identify trends and patterns<br />

can<br />

Pho<strong>to</strong>: Bognor Rock Shop's new, bright and bold signage!<br />

weather.<br />


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