Australian Polity, Volume 10 Number 1 & 2
March 2022 issue of Australian Polity
March 2022 issue of Australian Polity
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Humpty Dumpty’s reflection in Lewis Carroll’s
Through the Looking Glass that words mean
what you chose them to mean clearly applies
to the Chinese Communist Party. Having previously
informed the world that freedom, democracy, and human
rights are not universal values, Xi Jinping’s regime now
insists that democracy ‘with Chinese characteristics’
contains none of the principles that constitute it. This
should be the final confirmation, if still required, that the
CCP is a totalitarian regime dedicated to preserving its
own existence, rather than the dignity and freedom of
the Chinese people.
Speaking recently, Li Zhanshu, the Chairman of the
Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,
enunciated in detail what Xi had outlined previously.
Regarded as the number 3 official in the CCP, Li listed
five ideas that are rejected by the CCP, namely, “so-called
‘constitutionalism’, multi-party elections, the division of
powers, the bicameral system, and the independence
of the judiciary.” What remains of democracy after the
removal of these foundational pillars?
The answer is the same one to most questions about
the Chinese regime: the CCP leadership is supreme and
must be protected at all costs. Li spelt this out clearly
in enunciating six doctrines of Chinese ‘democracy’,
insisting that adherence to ‘the Party’s overall leadership
as the highest political principle’ and ‘firmly upholding the
authority of the Party Central Committee and centralised
and unified leadership.’
The second doctrine is the rejection of western democracy.
The other doctrines reveal how undemocratic the regime
is. The Chinese people must believe and promote the
notion that the system empowers them and makes them
the master of their own destiny. As usual, the principles are
circular. The CCP leads the People’s Congress according
to the fifth principle. Finally, the Chinese people are
instructed to ‘tell good stories about Chinese democracy’!
Not that any other narratives are permitted in China.
The Party is implementing regulations to ban all media
not funded by the CCP. Only officially approved ‘news’,
including about financial and economic issues, will be
permitted. Already severe restrictions on foreign media
have been tightened. Journalists seeking to cover the
Winter Games are being obstructed. In addition, all
Chinese media personnel are now required to undertake
90 hours ‘continuing education’ each year to retain their
accreditation. Anyone who attempts an independent
voice, such as the former Hong Kong media proprietor,
Jimmy Lai, who is on trial this week, is silenced. Human
rights organisations such as Amnesty International and
Human Rights Watch are withdrawing from Hong Kong,
citing the draconian new security laws as the reason. The
digital platforms, LinkedIn and Yahoo, have abandoned
operations in China and others may follow. Even Wikipedia
has drawn a line, banning seven pro-Beijing editors and
removing the administrative powers of another 12. The
only narrative allowed in China is Xi Jinping thought.
The time has come to actively promote real democracy.
First, the Chinese regime should be called out continually
for what it is. The aphorism - wrongly attributed to Mark
Twain - that ‘a lie can have travelled half-way around
the world before truth get its boots on’ is pertinent.
Democratic nations are tiring of the CCP’s bullying
behaviour and rejecting its ‘wolf warrior‘ diplomacy. A
recent EU Parliamentary resolution encouraged ‘the EU
and Member States to deepen cooperation with Taiwan
in confronting disinformation from malign third counties’
specifically naming China.
Secondly, democracies must support each other when
confronted by the CCP. Again, this is increasingly occurring,
as nations realise that strength lies in cooperation.
Collaboration has increased militarily. Canada, for example,
which has been somewhat ambivalent towards China,
engaged in a right of passage naval exercise with the
US in the China Sea recently. The UK, the Netherlands
and even Germany have participated in naval exercises
in the Western Pacific.
Perhaps the most interesting shift is occurring in Europe
as the political elite slowly realise that the lure of trade has
its limitations. Led by smaller nations, such as Lithuania,
Slovakia and the Czech Republic, the EU is waking to
the reality of the CCP. Last week, an inaugural European
Parliamentary delegation visited Taiwan. ‘We came here
with a simple message: Taiwan is not alone. Europe is
standing with you in the defence of freedom, democracy
and human dignity,’ said Raphael Glucksmann, Chair of
Australian Polity 31