Australian Polity, Volume 10 Number 1 & 2

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

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the state, status of a state religion, as I said in my first

maiden speech to this place.

Just over 80 years ago, President Franklin Delano

Roosevelt spoke about what he called the four essential

human freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom from

want, freedom from fear and the freedom of worship. In

Australia, Sir Robert Menzies was so taken by those four

freedoms that he made them integral to his ‘Forgotten

People’ broadcasts. These broadcasts became the

intellectual foundation of the Party that he founded,

and I have the great privilege to now lead in this place.

In its DNA, together the Liberals and the Nationals -

our government believes in these four freedoms in the

deepness of our own DNA. The freedom to worship is

not merely the freedom to believe. It is the freedom to

think. It is the freedom to exercise our conscience. The

freedom to doubt. Indeed, the freedom not to believe.

“In so many settings,

faith strengthens lives,

it provides that sense of


This protection will give Australians of faith confidence

- confidence to be themselves and confidence in the

country they belong to. A resilient democracy that can

embrace faith and not be threatened by it. Our faith

communities contribute to our national life, all playing

a part in helping live out our great destiny as a people.

Australians - one and free.

Scott Morrison is the Prime Minister of Australia. This is

an edited version of his Second Reading Speech on the

Religious Discrimination Bill.

Australian Polity 43

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