Australian Polity, Volume 10 Number 1 & 2

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

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AND ARTICLES (2008-2022)


Abbott, Tony

Closing the gap 3(1): 11-13

A stronger Australian community 3(2): 25-31

Margaret Thatcher and modern challenges 5(4): 11-15

Making Australia right 6(1): 12-14

Abetz, Eric

All is not fair in Fair Work Australia 3(2): 43-46

Allan, James

In the people we trust 2:20-23

Andrews, Kevin

The business of indigenous affairs 1:15-17

Liberals and the future 1:28-30

Balancing family and work 2: 28-30

Population, immigration and Australia’s future 3: 12-16

In praise of thrift 3: 27

Future shock 3: 32

Family policies that work 4: 8-19

Housing affordability deteriorates 4: 31-35

The Green’s agenda, in their own words 5: 26 – 34

Proper screening: saving lives and us millions 2(1):21-22

Civil society and the role of government 2(2): 13-16

The Greens – policies, reality and consequences 2(2):


The government’s hard gamble 2(3): 21-25

The totalitarian impulse 3(1): 21-24

Empowering civil society 3(2): 13-23

Strengthening families and rewarding work 3(3): 15-23

Making family bonds stronger 3(4): 11-14

The economic benefits of marriage 5(1): 26-31

Submarines and ships: Australia’s future defence 5(2): 7-15

The building blocks of western civilisation 5(4): 20-27

Soft on drugs, hard on families 6(1): 15-20

The marriage debate 6(1): 21-23

What makes for good government? 7(1): 3-6

Edmund Burke, Adam Smith and the challenge for the

Liberal party 7(1): 19-24

The governance of China according to Xi Jinping 7(2): 3-10

Xi Jinping’s economic directions 7(1): 11-12

Demography is destiny 8(1): 3-8

The aged care challenge 8(1): 39-40

The task ahead 8(2): 17-20

High time for Magnitsky 9(1 & 2): 21-23

On the Vatican and China 9(1 & 2): 24-26

Xi’s big red book 9(1 & 2): 27-29

Hidden hand – 14 grievances 9(1 & 2): 30-32

Xivinity 9(1 & 2): 33-35

Human rights lost in transition 9(1 & 2): 36-38

The long twilight struggle 9(3): 6-9

The people v. the privileged 9(3):10-11

Gold medal totalitarians 9(3): 41-43

The Uyghur tribunal and human rights 9(3): 43-44

The people v. the privileged 9(3):10-11The great challenge

9(3): 45-47

Key election result 10(1 & 2): 9-11

Lithuania calls out China 10(1 & 2): 12-14

Uyghur tribunal hears of rights abuses 10(1 & 2): 15-17

The Olympics and the Uyghurs 10(1 & 2): 18-20

The tyranny of distance 10(1 & 2): 21-23

US stance on Taiwan 10(1 & 2): 24-26

Xi’s battle for absolute control 10(1 & 2): 27-29

Words mean what I choose them to mean 10( 1 & 2): 30-32

International rules snubbed 10(1 & 2): 33-35

Business ethics exposed 10(1 & 2): 36-38

Blankenhorn, David

We need a marriage index 4: 20-24

Birrell, Ian

Who is Xi Jinping? 9(1 & 2): 18-20

Bishop, Julie

Charting the course of Australia-India relations 2(3):15-19

Australian cannot be complacent about China 4(1): 33-34

Bolt, Andrew

In pursuit of modern marriage 3(4): 7-8

Brandis, George

Why a charter of rights is wrong 2: 12-17

44 Australian Polity

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