Australian Polity, Volume 10 Number 1 & 2
March 2022 issue of Australian Polity
March 2022 issue of Australian Polity
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Southcott, Andrew
Diagnosing Australia’s health care system 2(1): 23-27
Southwick, David
Nanny state perversity 3(3): 41-42
Spigelman, James
The common law ‘Bill of Rights’ 2: 18-19
Stone, Andrew
Economic policy lessons of the current crises 8(2): 3-10
Sukkar, Michael
The irresistible case for Commonwealth fiscal restraint
5(1): 8-11
From Magna Carta to the Australian Human Rights
Commission 5(3): 13-17
Taylor, Angus
The long road to reform 5(1): 6-7
Tax hikes and not tax reforms 5(4): 18-19
Tehan, Dan
Advancing rural and regional Australia 4(1): 29-31
The great policy debate: national economic sustainability
5(2): 36-39
Tudge, Alan
Best in class 5: 19 – 20
Varghese, Peter
Why India and why now? 9(1 & 2): 12-17
Wehner, Peter
Thatcher, Reagan and Obama 3: 30
Obama’s financial failure 4: 26
Obama after the fall 5: 26
Political courage 2(1): 48
Idealism and pragmatism if foreign policy 2(1): 48
Barack Obama: political hack 2(3):36
The great divider 3(1): 36
Obama’s confession of failure 3(3): 44
The recalibration of conservatism 3(4): 36
In praise of political prudence 5(1): 32
In defense of tradition 5(2): 40-41
Jeb Bush makes his case 5(3): 36
Rubio ain’t overrated 5(4):28
Making the case for a good life 6(1): 24-25
Wilson, Caroline
Do foreign media hate China?
Xu, Vicky Xiuzhong
Uyghurs for sale 8(2): 29-31
Adoption and child protection 5(1): 15-25
Aged care
The aged care challenge 8(1): 39-40
Agriculture and food
Guarding food security in the national interest 4(1); 23-27
Nanny state perversity 3(3): 41-42
National heritage and arts lottery 5(3): 22-25
Bill of Rights
Why a charter of rights is wrong 2: 12-17
The common law ‘Bill of Rights’ 2: 18-19
In the people we trust 2:20-23
Beware of lawyers bearing gifts 2: 24
BLM – Marxist to the core 9(1 & 2): 42-48
The deregulation challenge for small business 2(2): 23-25
Taking care of childcare 3(3(1): 30-32
Reaching for better child care 3(4): 29-34
Child protection
Adoption and child protection 5(1): 15-25
Australian cannot be complacent about China 4(1): 33-34
The governance of China according to Xi Jinping 7(2): 3-10
Xi Jinping’s economic directions 7(1): 11-12
A new approach to China 7(3): 8-15
Our China strategy? 7(3): 16-18
China’s police state 7(3): 19-22
China’s deepening authoritarianism 7(3): 23-25
Uyghurs for sale 8(2): 29-31
Lafayette is not Tiananmen 8(2): 32-34
Who is Xi Jinping? 9(1 & 2): 18-20
On the Vatican and China 9(1 & 2): 24-26
Xi’s big red book 9(1 & 2): 27-29
Hidden hand – 14 grievances 9(1 & 2): 30-32
Xivinity 9(1 & 2): 33-35
Do foreign media hate China?
Gold medal totalitarians 9(3): 41-43
Lithuania calls out China 10(1 & 2): 12-14
The tyranny of distance 10(1 & 2): 18-20
Xi’s battle for absolute control 10(1 & 2): 27-29
Words mean what I choose them to mean 10( 1 & 2): 30-32
International rules snubbed 10(1 & 2): 33-35
Australian Polity 47