Australian Polity, Volume 10 Number 1 & 2

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

March 2022 issue of Australian Polity

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because they have been witness to regional military

expansion, a build-up on a scale and at a pace that, in a

historical context, has rarely been seen before. Indeed,

like-minded nations are waking up to difficult truths. That

vigilance is not, in and of itself, a sufficient strategy to

counter coercion. That in times of tension and uncertainty,

peace cannot be maintained from a position of weakness.

And that threats to sovereignty and security demand

action, not indifference.

That is why like-minded nations are not standing still in

the face of precarious circumstances in the Indo-Pacific.

Every defence initiative counts cumulatively towards

deterring aggression, strengthening regional stability

and maintaining peace.

“Like-minded nations are

taking steps to buttress

their own security,

bolster defence

co-operation bilaterally

and multilaterally, and

build partnerships.”

Peter Dutton is the Australian Defence Minister. The

article was first published in The Australian.

8 Australian Polity

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