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17TH APRIL<br />
O N L I N E P R O G R A M M E<br />
F O X H I L L<br />
WHEELS<br />
24mx is not liable for price changes, typo’s or changed availablitly of products in the ad<br />
C O N T E N T S<br />
29. TRACK MAP<br />
F O X H I L L<br />
A B O U T T H E C I R C U I T<br />
F o x h i l l M o t o P a r k b o a s t s s o m e o f t h e s t e e p e s t h i l l s i n B r i t i s h M o t o c r o s s . I t<br />
p r o v i d e s h a r d p a c k s a n d s t o n e s u r f a c e s a n d h a s s o m e o f t h e b e s t s p e c t a t o r<br />
v i e w i n g a r e a s i n t h e c o u n t r y .<br />
W E L C O M E O F F I C E – R I D E R<br />
S I G N I N G O N<br />
S a t u r d a y 1 6 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 -<br />
1 2 . 0 0 p m - 1 9 . 0 0 p m<br />
S u n d a y 1 7 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 -<br />
0 7 . 3 0 a m - 0 8 . 3 0 a m<br />
T E C H N I C A L<br />
S a t u r d a y 1 6 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 - 1 5 . 0 0 p m - 1 9 . 0 0 p m<br />
S u n d a y 1 7 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 - 0 7 . 3 0 a m - 0 8 . 3 0 a m<br />
S I T E O P E N I N G & C L O S I N G T I M E S<br />
F r i d a y 1 5 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 . 0 0 p m – 2 0 . 0 0 p m –<br />
R i d e r s , T r a d e , S p e c t a t o r C a m p i n g<br />
S a t u r d a y 1 6 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 - 1 2 . 0 0 p m –<br />
2 0 . 0 0 p m – R i d e r s , P r e s s , T r a d e , S p e c t a t o r<br />
C a m p i n g<br />
S u n d a y 1 7 t h A p r i l 2 0 2 2 - 0 7 . 0 0 a m – R i d e r s ,<br />
P r e s s , T r a d e , S p e c t a t o r s
Race Director: Steve McCauley<br />
Clerk of Course: Chris Warren<br />
Chief Marshal: Alan Crook<br />
Chief Technical Officer: Mark Aspden<br />
Chief Timing Officer: Lynsey Hamer<br />
Chief Medical Officer: Robert Ashton<br />
Incident Officer: Margaret Stephens<br />
Logistics: Max Edmunds<br />
Media Manager: Darren Bachelor<br />
<strong>Official</strong> Commentator: Max Hind<br />
Club Commentator: Roger Warren<br />
<strong>Official</strong> Presenter: Bradley Wheeler<br />
Event Secretary: RHL Activities<br />
Race Team Admins: Willow Matthews & Rhys Roberts
Coming into the second round of the Revo ACU British Motocross<br />
Championship Fuelled By Gulf Race Fuels we stop at <strong>Foxhill</strong>, one of<br />
the most historic tracks in Britain. The track is known for the way it<br />
is shaped by the valley and the jumps that lie within it. The hardpack<br />
base and fast flowing nature of the circuit proves hard on the body<br />
but also provides some great racing. In this round of the<br />
Championship, we see the SW85, BW85, 250cc, MX2 and MX1<br />
classes. <strong>Foxhill</strong> Moto Park is an established motocross venue in the<br />
British Scene, since 1983 it has played host to varying levels of<br />
events, from Club rounds to the British Championship and even the<br />
MXGPs.<br />
At Culham, Robbie Daly walked away with the overall in the SW85 class<br />
with two race wins under his belt, he will be a contender for the podium<br />
at <strong>Foxhill</strong>. This will be Robbie’s first British Championship round at the<br />
memorable circuit. Robbie will have to fight for the win as current<br />
second and third placed Championship riders, Alfie Geddes-Green and<br />
Archie Jay Girdham, will be looking to steal the red plate away. Blake<br />
Ward-Clarke sits fourth in the Championship after Culham and will be<br />
looking for a podium this time out.<br />
The BW85 class promises some great racing with a whole list of<br />
experienced riders eager to land themselves on the podium. GRT Impact<br />
KTM rider Billy Askew is the man on top after RD1. Billy raced at <strong>Foxhill</strong> last<br />
year and grabbed himself second overall, he will be looking to go one<br />
better this year. Jake Walker who currently sits second, six points behind<br />
Billy, will be looking to continue his fine form and contend for the win at<br />
<strong>Foxhill</strong>. Josh Vail and Charlie Bubb currently sit third and fourth in points<br />
will also be ones to watch at the coming round.<br />
Tyler Westcott asserted himself as the man to beat in the MXY2 class this year at RD1 taking the<br />
overall in convincing fashion. Tyler finished third at <strong>Foxhill</strong> in 2021 so should have plenty of<br />
confidence heading into the venue this season. Travis Steels finds himself second in points and<br />
seven points back after RD1, he will be looking to steel a win this time out. Jak Taylor came<br />
second at <strong>Foxhill</strong> last year in the 125 class, lets see what he can do on the four-stroke machine<br />
this year.
Conrad Mewse took the overall in dominant fashion at Culham and leads the<br />
Championship heading into <strong>Foxhill</strong>. He comes in to RD2 in fine form, however, in 2021<br />
<strong>Foxhill</strong> was one of two rounds in which Conrad didn’t take the overall. He will be looking<br />
to change that stat this time around. Isak Gifting currently sits second in the<br />
Championship, six points behind Mewse after the opening round. It will be the Belgian<br />
riders first visit to the <strong>Foxhill</strong> venue. Will we see Jamie Law grab himself another third<br />
overall finish now he has finally got that illusive first British podium under his belt?<br />
Crendon Fastrack Honda rider, Jay Hague, showed speed at RD1 and will be a contender<br />
for the podium.<br />
The MX1 category at Culham was dominated by our reigning<br />
Champ, Tommy Searle. Searle took advantage of the rough<br />
and technical conditions to go 1-1, securing the overall and the<br />
Championship lead. Searle finished second overall at <strong>Foxhill</strong>s<br />
in 2021 but will be looking to go one better this year to<br />
continue his fine form in 22. Harry Kullas was the man to beat<br />
at <strong>Foxhill</strong>s last year as he took the overall. He currently sits<br />
fourth in the championship and will be looking to give his title<br />
campaign a boost with a similar result around the historic<br />
venue this year. Shaun Simpson ended up on the podium at<br />
Culham despite feeling under the weather, which poses the<br />
question, what is he capable of when he's feeling 100<br />
percent? Jake Milward showed speed and stamina at RD1, he<br />
will be one to watch at <strong>Foxhill</strong>.<br />
N A P<br />
LTD<br />
N<br />
Established 1997<br /><br />
SUNDAY<br />
85BW<br />
85SW<br />
250CC<br />
MX2<br />
MX1<br />
08:45<br />
09:08<br />
09:31<br />
10:04<br />
10:39<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
5 MINUTES<br />
10 MINUTES<br />
10 MINUTES<br />
10 MINUTES<br />
10 MINUTES<br />
10 MINUTES<br />
15 MINUTES<br />
15 MINUTES<br />
15 MINUTES<br />
RACE ONE<br />
85BW 11:04<br />
85SW 11:33<br />
250CC 12:02<br />
MX2 12:36<br />
MX1 13:18<br />
14 MINS +1 LAP<br />
14 MINS +1 LAP<br />
20 MINS +1 LAP<br />
25 MINS +2 LAP<br />
25 MINS +2 LAP<br />
RACE TWO<br />
85BW 14:10<br />
85SW 14:39<br />
250CC 15:08<br />
MX2 15:42<br />
MX1 16:24<br />
14 MINS +1 LAP<br />
14 MINS +1 LAP<br />
20 MINS +1 LAP<br />
25 MINS +2 LAP<br />
25 MINS +2 LAP<br />
R N D 1 W I N N E R S<br />
R N D 1 W I N N E R S<br />
H O L E S H O T<br />
I had a great day at culham, it was nice to get some good results to start the season off positive.<br />
I have been working on the hard pack for a couple of weeks now so I can be ready for <strong>Foxhill</strong>. I don’t<br />
think the two stroke will be the right bike around the hard slick dirt but il be giving it my all.<br />
Hopefully I can come away with another couple of top5’s and enough fuel money to get back up the<br />
road to Cumbria<br />
Yes please.<br />
Apico, Apico husqvarna, Dulson training, rss suspension, goggletek, NME engines, Cti knee braces<br />
and everyone else who keeps the wheels turning for me.<br />
Special thanks to my parents for hardly missing a race in my long career, James Martin,Dylan Brown<br />
and stew Johnstone for spinning the spanner’s and Janette and Livvy for putting up with me never<br />
being at home.<br />
After a successful first round at culham, im feeling confident coming into round 2. I enjoy the track at<br />
foxhills and have been really enjoying riding and training. The plan for foxhills as always is to be<br />
consistent, finish on the podium and have fun!<br />
I would like the thank the new combined BDR Racing Ansatech Team, Cisport, Eatmydirt Custom<br />
Graphics, Redline Motorcycles, Mick Gardner Racing, Ed Bradley, Doncaster Moto Parc, Moto Verde,<br />
Moto101 UK, Bridgestone Tyres, Cambrian Tyres, Ripnroll Goggles and most of all my dad. Wouldnt<br />
be possible without everyone.<br />
I am feeling good, ready for the next round. I am putting work in on & off the bike to reach my full<br />
potential. I was very happy to be in the top 10 however, I feel like I can achieve some even better<br />
results . For the next round I would like to stay in the top 10 & push further up the pack<br />
I would like to thanks Store114,<br />
Royal Apparel, Trak Industries, Reactive Parts, Carlton Husband, Justin Morris Training, Oakley riders<br />
Uk, James Watts Coaching, Moto33 suspension, maxxis tyres, SJP moto.<br />
RSF<br />
roofing<br />
0778815467 | 02392614375
JAMIE<br />
#40<br />
Jamie Wainwright is a rider in the Revo Seven Kawasaki team and he currently<br />
sits 13th in the MX2 Championship table. We spoke to Jamie about his career so<br />
far and his plans for the Championship.<br />
How does it feel coming back to the British championship after the off season? What are the standards of racing<br />
like this season? It feels good to be back racing especially with a new team and championship I’m looking forward<br />
to see where I can finish. The standard of racing is a lot higher to what I’m used to but I believe I can be right in the<br />
mix after showing my pace at Culham.<br />
How have you been training with the team? What has the team support been like?<br />
So throughout the off season we have done a lot of testing as it was a big change to Kawasaki from KTM the team<br />
have shown me a lot of support already which makes it easy and comfortable for me.<br />
What is it like training along side Dylan Walsh, one of the top contenders for the British title?<br />
With only a little time spent with Dylan we have got on good. Riding with him the past few weeks I've learnt a lot<br />
and it’s good to have someone like that as a team mate.<br />
Going back a couple of years you’ve come up the ranks strong and fast, were you expecting to be in a top class<br />
British team in your near future? Was it a goal of yours to join a team?<br />
My goal was to get to British, never mind joining one of the biggest teams so for me Im happy to have this<br />
opportunity from Mark & Sam and I’ll be giving it 100% to achieve the best I can.<br />
Going back to the start, where has your love of motocross come from? Who/ what motivates you to keep<br />
going?<br />
So my family is a big part of my career which makes it fun weekends with us all there. I think the<br />
achievements Ive made and still doing is making me push for even more.<br />
What are your plans for this season?<br />
To enjoy my riding and keep pushing! It would be good to get on the podium.<br />
What are your plans for the next couple of years?<br />
I don’t plan to far in front but I'd say stay healthy and race the British again would be<br />
good.<br />
A mixed set of results for you at round 1 Jamie, 29-7<br />
scorecard on Sunday left you with 13th overall. Can we get<br />
your thoughts on how the day went?<br />
Yes it was a tough day for me but I had a lot of positives to<br />
take away. I had good starts all day and my pace was good<br />
especially in the second one. Whilst running top three for<br />
half of the race, I made some silly mistakes that cost me in<br />
the first race and didn’t help in the second but it’s was only<br />
round one so a lot to improve on yet.<br />
Whilst growing up, who was the rider you idolised the<br />
most?<br />
Thinking back I’d say Everts was one of my favourite<br />
riders to watch due to his talent and smoothness<br />
on a bike.
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The race 1 result cost you your chance at a top 10 overall finish and a good haul of points, can you give us your insight into<br />
what happened in that first race?<br />
I was running top five towards the start of the race until I started to get tired which caused me to drop back to 8th . On<br />
the last lap a rider in front of me went down and I had nowhere to go ending up hitting the bike, this damaged my starter<br />
button and ended race one.<br />
The track was notably rough through the course of Sunday, tough conditions for the first round of the season, how did<br />
your fitness hold up at least in race 1 and do you think your training in the off season paid off?<br />
I didn’t expect the track to get so rough and technical, it was a shock to the system especially for the first round to. My<br />
fitness was okay on the bike but we still need to work on some things.<br />
Due to how rough the track was at Culham many riders were making set up changes especially with suspension settings.<br />
Could you give us an insight into any changes you and your team made to the bike through the course of the day?<br />
We didn’t actually make any major changes to the bike, all we did was set the sag to the right height for the track and then<br />
personal touches to levers ect.<br />
Although the misfortune in the first race at Culham, you showed real speed all day and gave everyone an idea of what<br />
you’re capable of for the rest of the season. What is your goal for this year, and have you got any targets for the season?<br />
I was really happy with my speed and I believe that I can be a top contender. My goal would be to finish in the top 5 and to<br />
get as many points throughout the year as possible.<br />
We head to <strong>Foxhill</strong>s for round 2 of the series, in the past has this been a good venue for you and how are you going to<br />
prepare in the weeks leading up to the event?<br />
I have only rode foxhills a handful of times so I will be preparing myself way before the round with the team on some hard<br />
pack terrains.<br />
You have been on team supported machinery before, but could you give us an insight into what the main differences are<br />
being under a manufacturer supported effort like Revo Kawasaki?<br />
Being with revo kawasaki is a massive step for me compared to what I’m normally used to. The team are very professional<br />
and have put a lot of time and work in behind the scenes to help me improve. We have also been testing and riding a lot<br />
more which is something I have never really done.
F O X H I L L<br />
M O T O P A R K<br />
Hosted by the Langrish Club, the British Championship, once again heads back to <strong>Foxhill</strong> MX Track for the <strong>2022</strong><br />
season. The track first hosted the British Championship back in 2019. After two failed attempts due to weather<br />
conditions, the event in 2019 was a huge success that brought in a huge crowd. Being so successful in 2019 the<br />
British championship returned in 2021 after a season out due to Covid-19.<br />
The event in 2021 was again hugely successful,<br />
which attracted a massive crowd with spectacular<br />
racing from all classes that attended.<br />
This year we will see the addition of the SW85 class<br />
tackle the highland track along with the BW85, 125cc,<br />
250cc, MX2 and MX1 class return for the <strong>2022</strong><br />
season.<br />
In 2021 Shaun Simpson contended for the MX1 class<br />
and although taking his first race win of the season<br />
he was unsuccessful outridden by Harri Kullas who<br />
was crowned as the MX1 champion of <strong>Foxhill</strong>. Steven<br />
Clarke invaded the MX2 class winning both the<br />
Expert and MX2 championship with a total score of<br />
45 points over the round.<br />
Despite hosting one of the best British motocross tracks in the country, Langrish Club has not always raced here. Before <strong>Foxhill</strong>,<br />
the club raced at the memorable Manor Farm track, home to the Ken Hall trophy and Ken Hall International after they were<br />
handed the track from Waterlooville club in 1999. It was the intentions of Langrish club to take Ken Hall International to its 50th<br />
birthday. The event was then retired in 2016 and with that, Langrish Club took a one year break before moving down to <strong>Foxhill</strong><br />
after the Manor Farm track was sold.<br />
Since Langrish Club took over the track, Paul Cook and Ron Field the track builder at <strong>Foxhill</strong> added a new section at the entrance<br />
to the valley, re-designed the finish area, repositioned the start and added two more turns before the valley section and a lake<br />
was built to hold water to keep the track in its best condition. The most changes made to the track since 2008 when the amenity<br />
was further developed and improved with the eventual aim to provide the best racing facility.<br />
<strong>Foxhill</strong> Moto Park although currently managed by the Langrish Club, has been a major venue in the British motocross<br />
industry since 1983. During which the venue has hosted events for every level of the sport from youth riders and<br />
armatures through to the professional and MXGP riders, like Stephan Everts who competed at the round in 2021.
S W 8 5 E N T R Y L I S T
B W 8 5 E N T R Y L I S T
SWORD<br />
Ex motocross rider Stephen Sword is now a<br />
mechanic at the Hitachi KTM fuelled by Milwaukee<br />
team. For the <strong>2022</strong> season he is taking two riders;<br />
Isak Gifting and Kay Karssemakers under his wing<br />
to maximise their potential<br />
What is your job/ role in the industry now?<br />
Job role is rider coach/coordinator for Hitachi KTM<br />
fuelled by Milwaukee team.<br />
What is the British championship like<br />
now compared to when you used to race?<br />
The British has changed a fair bit over the pasted<br />
few years and especially over the last 15 years.<br />
British motocross is strong but it needs the time<br />
to grow stronger again. It’s something I’ve always<br />
been proud to be a part of and support. I love the<br />
racing and the sport so I always want to see it<br />
going in the right direction and in a positive way.<br />
What is your favourite memory as a rider in the British championship?<br />
I’ve been lucky enough to have lots of great memories on and off the track in the British championship<br />
over the years. The one that stands out is my first British Championship title going down to the last<br />
race with Billy Mackenzie.
SWORD<br />
What are your favourite tracks to ride? Coach at?<br />
Favourite tracks to ride would be <strong>Foxhill</strong>, Canada heights<br />
and lyng. I love coaching at any track.<br />
What is your proudest moment as a coach?<br />
Its only my third year as a rider coach but my proudest moments would be helping the riders when<br />
the going is tough and things aren’t maybe going so well. It’s very rewarding when you are able to<br />
turn a not so good day into a great day by the end.<br />
Helping Conrad Mewse to 8th in the mx2 world championship and winning his second<br />
British title was a good feeling too.<br />
Who are you coaching currently?<br />
Current riders I coach are Isak Gifting and Kay<br />
Karssemakers in MX2. Also Cole McCullough in emx125.<br />
Any tips for riders in the championship at the moment?<br />
This year the goal is to guide and push our riders to win the British title.<br />
All I would say to anyone racing , is to give 100% commitment into all the preparation that goes<br />
into achieving your goals.<br />
CHA<br />
1<br />
2<br />
3<br />
@kecks drop their new Tommy<br />
Searle clothing line.<br />
#TS100 #kecks #kecksunderwear<br />
CK<br />
TTER<br />
@RevoACUBritishMX<br />
@ACUBritishMX<br />
@RevoACUBritishMX<br />
@livemotocross Culham edit is now<br />
available on youtube<br />
@talktemplantracingracingteam<br />
rider Ashton Dickinson race<br />
report after Culham.<br />
1. 2021 MX1 top contenders Tommy Searle and<br />
Harri Kullas battling it out at the first round of<br />
the <strong>2022</strong> season at Culham.<br />
2. The Apico Factory Racing Husqvarna<br />
team saw MX2 competitor Jamie Law to<br />
the podium at Culham, setting themselves<br />
up for a great season.<br />
3. Factory Image Racing attended the first round<br />
the British Championship, they will also be in<br />
attendance at <strong>Foxhill</strong>, make sure to check them o
M X Y 2 E N T R Y L I S T<br />
M X 2 E N T R Y L I S T
M X 1 E N T R Y L I S T
START<br />
8th MAY<br />
C A D D E R S H I L L<br />
L Y N G<br />
B W 8 5 , 1 2 5 C C , M X 2 & M X 1<br />