Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints - Catalogue of Delights - April 2022

A few special items from Voyager’s collection to enjoy … some Private Press from the 1920’s, unusual ephemera and antiquarian rarities, treasure and pleasure.

A few special items from Voyager’s collection to enjoy … some Private Press from the 1920’s, unusual ephemera and antiquarian rarities, treasure and pleasure.


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<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Books</strong> <strong>Maps</strong> & <strong>Prints</strong><br />

<strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Delights</strong><br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

A few special items from <strong>Voyager</strong>’s collection to enjoy … some<br />

Private Press from the 1920’s, unusual ephemera and antiquarian<br />

rarities, treasure and pleasure.<br />

• A Plurality <strong>of</strong> Worlds — Striking Nonesuch Press Private Press — 1928<br />

• SO — a most unusual permutational romance by John Crombie<br />

• Shipwreck Treasure from the Tek Sing<br />

• 1898 Share Script — Consolidated Gold Mines <strong>of</strong> Western Australia<br />

• Margot Fonteyn dancing with Rudolph Nureyev<br />

• Scarce Thylacine engraving by Pierre Varin — 1830’s<br />

• Mantagu and Stephen — Van Diemen’s Land Legal Stoush<br />

• Calvert in Western Australia and the Gold Mines—with provenance<br />

• Polar Regions — Rudmose-Brown — 1927<br />

• Lightning Ridge — Signed Ion Idriess First Edition<br />

• A Naturalist on the River Amazon — Henry Bates — 1897<br />

• Flinders Petrie — Excavating at Deshasheh, Egypt in 1889<br />

• Two Letters From Norman Lindsay — Limited to 75 Copies<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />

<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong> — <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Books</strong> <strong>Maps</strong> & <strong>Prints</strong><br />

<strong>Voyager</strong> is a different sort <strong>of</strong> bookshop … we are forever changing, adding the more<br />

curious to the curious, and selecting prize items for our collection. We don’t measure our<br />

stock by numbers <strong>of</strong> items but by variety and quality.<br />

It has been a pleasure producing this <strong>Catalogue</strong>. And we hope you enjoy reading it and<br />

that it gives you a sense <strong>of</strong> what we are about … Sometimes our selections are a bit<br />

cheeky … but we hope that makes it more enjoyable.<br />

if you have an order then thank you and we will attend to it with care.<br />

Items are available on a first come first served basis. We take orders by telephone, email<br />

and through our website. When ordering quote page number and title <strong>of</strong> item.<br />

Postage and packing will be charged at cost and care is taken to get the best rate<br />

available. All items are packed to a high standard and will arrive safely.<br />

We accept Visa, Mastercard and direct deposits to our account. And issue PayPal invoices.<br />

Items are sold complete and in good condition. Anything found to be not as expected may<br />

be returned within seven days <strong>of</strong> receipt for full refund.<br />

We are now exclusively Online and Occasional <strong>Catalogue</strong> on Yumpu.<br />

Enquiries info@voyagerhobart.com or ring <strong>Voyager</strong> Bill 0411 875 508<br />

Website www.voyagerhobart.com<br />

2<br />

Wooden Hookers & Whalers<br />

A fine first edition <strong>of</strong> Harry O’May’s classic<br />

comprising two books bound as one, packed<br />

with historic detail about the Tasmanian early<br />

hookers and whalers – superb photographic<br />

record nowhere else seen.<br />

Price $40.00<br />

Fine Tasmanian Maritime<br />

Vanished Fleets — Alan Villiers<br />

Sea Stories from Old Van Diemen’s Land<br />

Published by Cat & Fiddle Press, Hobart 1974. A superb<br />

maritime history by the knowledgeable Alan Villiers. Nicely<br />

illustrated. Villiers crewed with the whale-ship Sir James<br />

Clark Ross into the Ross Sea in 1923-24. Covers Captain Kelly<br />

(see <strong>Voyager</strong> book on Kelly); The Voyage <strong>of</strong> the “Woodman”;<br />

the Loss <strong>of</strong> the “George III”; the Whaler “Essex”; Captain<br />

Tregurtha’s Log; Hobart Clippers and “Graveyard Island”.<br />

Illustrations include – The Royal William; The James Craig;<br />

The “Fram” (Amundsen) in the Derwent; The Velocity and<br />

Tasmanian Cape Horn Trader in Hard Weather.<br />

Price $60.00<br />

A smorgasbord <strong>of</strong> Tasmanian Sail

3<br />

The Naturalist on the River Amazons<br />

Henry W Bates - 1892<br />

Title continues … A Record <strong>of</strong> Adventures,<br />

Habits <strong>of</strong> Animals, Sketches <strong>of</strong> Brazilian and<br />

Indian Life, and aspects <strong>of</strong> Nature under the<br />

Equator, during Eleven Years <strong>of</strong> Travel. With<br />

a Memoir <strong>of</strong> the Author by Edward Clodd.<br />

Originally published as a two-volume set, this<br />

is the later one volume addition, published<br />

the year <strong>of</strong> the authors death.<br />

Published by John Murray, London in 1892.<br />

Octavo, xcii, 386 pages. Illustrated<br />

throughout, including a double colour page<br />

spread <strong>of</strong> Amazonian butterflies. Original<br />

green decorated cloth covered boards. A<br />

good copy <strong>of</strong> a desirable account.<br />

Henry Walter Bates (1825-1892) naturalist<br />

and explorer accompanied Alfred Russell<br />

Wallace on a famous expedition into the<br />

rainforests <strong>of</strong> the Amazon commencing in<br />

1848. Wallace returned to England in 1852,<br />

whilst Bates remained there until 1849 a full<br />

eleven years. Furthermore, unfortunately<br />

Wallace lost all his specimens on the return<br />

voyage due to fire on the ship, whilst bates<br />

returned with nearly 15,000 specimens <strong>of</strong><br />

which a massive 8,000 were new to science.<br />

Bates and Wallace were friends at school and<br />

their interest in science soon focussed on<br />

elements <strong>of</strong> natural history and the<br />

developing theories on the origin <strong>of</strong> species.<br />

When in the Amazons the two friends largely<br />

went their separate ways, to maximise the<br />

opportunities for finding new species. Bates<br />

travelled to Cameta on the Tocantins Rivers<br />

and then up the Amazon to its higher reaches<br />

making a base c<strong>amp</strong> at Tefe where he stayed<br />

for four and half years. Despite the eleven<br />

years he returned to England earlier than he<br />

would have liked due to ill health. His book<br />

took two years to write up and is regarded as<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the finest on natural history travel.<br />

Clodd was a banker and anthropologist. He<br />

mixed with the Darwin crowd, wrote a<br />

biography <strong>of</strong> Huxley, and generally saw and<br />

entertained a plethora <strong>of</strong> scientists and<br />

writers at his country residence.<br />

Price $240.00<br />

Henry Bates in the Amazon colleague <strong>of</strong><br />

Wallace, Darwin, Hooker, Huxley etc al<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Curious Map <strong>of</strong> the Eastern Hemisphere -1728<br />

A special unusual map by Antoine Calmet (1672-1757) published in 1728 for his<br />

work on the Creation <strong>of</strong> the World. Below the map <strong>of</strong> the Old World is a sphere<br />

representing the creation <strong>of</strong> the Universe with the Earth at its centre.<br />

Whilst the map highlights Africa, Europa and Asia the strong depiction <strong>of</strong> those<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> Australia discovered and mapped by the Dutch is charming with the Gulf<br />

<strong>of</strong> Carpentaria connected to New Guinea as was thought then.<br />

Calmet was a French Benedictine monk and scholar born in Lorraine. He became<br />

very learned and out <strong>of</strong> humility refused honours from the Pope. The map is<br />

believed to have been engraved by Strackman (1680-1730) who worked with<br />

distinguished cartographers De Fer and De L’ilsle<br />

Price unframed $180.00 framed in cream mat and charcoal frame $320.00<br />

Unusual early 18 th C map with good Australian relevance<br />


5<br />

A Plurality <strong>of</strong> Worlds –<br />

Bernard de Fontenelle – John Glanvill’s<br />

Translation – With a Prologue by David<br />

Garnett. Beautiful Limited Printing by the<br />

Nonesuch Press 1929.<br />

A striking production by the Nonesuch<br />

Press, England published in 1929. Octavo,<br />

x, 138 pages, bound in full vellum. The<br />

gold illumination to the front is as<br />

delicate as it is stunning.<br />

Nonesuch printed 1,200 copies and<br />

another 400 were produced by Random<br />

House in the USA. The book design was by<br />

Francis Meynell, composed by T.W. Hay<br />

at the Nonesuch Press, and printed on<br />

Van Gelder paper at the Curwen Press<br />

(what a combination). The decorations<br />

were by T.L. Poulton and were stencilled<br />

to the book one by one.<br />

The original work was published in 1686<br />

and represents an early exposition <strong>of</strong><br />

cosmic pluralism i.e., that the stars are<br />

distant suns which may have their own<br />

planetary systems and extra-terrestrial<br />

life is a possibility. The original work is<br />

regarded as one <strong>of</strong> the first texts <strong>of</strong> the<br />

“Age <strong>of</strong> Enlightenment”<br />

This copy, number 1215 has interesting<br />

Australian provenance with the bookplate<br />

<strong>of</strong> Edward Wheewall Holden – the founder<br />

<strong>of</strong> the iconic Holden Car Company.<br />

Price $190.00<br />

The bigger cosmic picture explained by<br />

Fontenelle and made beautiful by the<br />

talented Nonesuch Press.<br />

<strong>Voyager</strong> = Thoughtful Gift

My Fourth Tour in Western Australia<br />

Albert F Calvert – Illust Walker Hodgson<br />

First Edition 1897.<br />

First edition <strong>of</strong> Calvert’s most impressive<br />

book. Presentation copy from publisher<br />

William Heinemann, London to Herbert<br />

Ingram … compliments slip bound at title.<br />

The illustrator Walker Hodgson completed<br />

the tour and is described by Calvert in his<br />

Preface as “The Lion <strong>of</strong> the Party”.<br />

The copy was later purchased by Victor<br />

Deuters and gifted to his son David in 1967.<br />

Deuters was a close acquaintance <strong>of</strong> the<br />

illustrator, Walker Hodgson. With the book<br />

is a copy letter from Hodgson to Victor …<br />

for the purposes <strong>of</strong> the gift to his son.<br />

Hodgson’s letter in true “artistic hand”<br />

runs to four sides, mentions David as a boy,<br />

many reminiscences and then a lengthy<br />

section on this Calvert book … where it can<br />

be found; contents; his involvement in<br />

illustrations and also contributing the last<br />

two chapters; its good reception at the<br />

time etc. Hodgson refers to himself as “the<br />

Old Scarecrow” obviously feeling his age<br />

and signing <strong>of</strong>f with a scarecrow sketch.<br />

Large quarto, xxvi, 359 pages, catalogue.<br />

Frontispiece portrait <strong>of</strong> Calvert, numerous<br />

images from photographs, 400 illustrations<br />

<strong>of</strong> a better than period standard. Coloured<br />

folding map <strong>of</strong> Western Australia with Gold<br />

Fields. Half bound dark blue over lighter<br />

blue cloth covered boards, gilt title front<br />

and spine. A really nice clean bright copy.<br />

In the 1890’s Calvert became and authority<br />

on Australia and published important books<br />

about its early discovery and exploration.<br />

His works on Western Australia are unique<br />

and based on his own experiences. He first<br />

came to Australia in the company <strong>of</strong> his<br />

grandfather and perhaps his father, both <strong>of</strong><br />

whom were involved in mining. Their first<br />

trip under the umbrella <strong>of</strong> the General<br />

Exploration Company was unsuccessful.<br />

Further trips ensued … this the fourth trip<br />

the most expansive and best recorded. The<br />

illustrations, particularly <strong>of</strong> mining towns<br />

and activity are special.<br />

Sir Herbert Ingram was the 2 nd Baronet<br />

Ingram. His grandfather founded the<br />

Illustrated London News which his father<br />

later managed. The lithographed bookplate<br />

carries an image by none other than<br />

Alphonse Mucha.<br />

Price $790.00<br />

Calvert’s superior book on<br />

Western Australia and Gold Mining<br />

with a special enchanting provenance.<br />


V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />


Winter’s Tales<br />

Isak Dinesen (author Out <strong>of</strong> Africa)<br />

Eleven stories that surpass in feeling, atmosphere<br />

and insight both “Out <strong>of</strong> Africa” and her<br />

previous acclaimed “Seven Gothic Tales”.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Dinesen at her best in Winter<br />

8<br />

A Burnt-Out Case—Graham Greene<br />

Greene at his most powerful in the Congo –<br />

character put to the ultimate test. First edition 1961<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Classic Greene first edition<br />

Platypus – by Lesueur — Paris 1820<br />

Original hand coloured engraving <strong>of</strong> the Platypus after a drawing by Charles<br />

Alexandre Lesueur from the voyage <strong>of</strong> Nicolas Baudin. A female and male<br />

platypus, a male head appearing from the rushes and “tail up” a diving female.<br />

Price $140.00 unframed<br />

Platypus delight from the Baudin expedition

9<br />

Tek Sing Shipwreck Treasure<br />

Floral Dish — Sunk 1822<br />

Qing Dynasty floral plate recovered by Mike Hatcher from the Tek Sing shipwreck.<br />

Lovely condition. One <strong>of</strong> the larger Tek Sing dishes, 15cm (6 inches) in diameter<br />

with well executed decorative border and elaborate inner floral display. Floral<br />

features and line decoration below.<br />

Price $150.00<br />

Super ex<strong>amp</strong>le <strong>of</strong> usable Tek Sing Antique<br />

The Tek Sing Shipwreck – Background<br />

The Tek Sing (“Bright Star”) a large Chinese Junk sank in 1822 in the South China Sea at<br />

the Belvidere Shoals. She was 50m long, 10m wide, 1,000 tons, manned by a crew <strong>of</strong> 200.<br />

Sailing from the port <strong>of</strong> Amoy (now Xiamen), the Tek Sing bound for Jakarta, with a cargo<br />

<strong>of</strong> porcelain and 1,600 Chinese immigrants. After a month <strong>of</strong> poor sailing, Captain Tauko<br />

took a shortcut through the Gaspar Straits ran aground and sank on the reek.<br />

The next morning an East Indiaman captained by James Pearl sailing from Indonesia to<br />

Borneo passed through the Gaspar Straits. He found debris from the sunken Chinese vessel<br />

and survivors. They managed to rescue 190 people.<br />

In 1999, marine salvor Mike Hatcher discovered the wreck. His crew raised the largest<br />

cache <strong>of</strong> Chinese porcelain ever recovered and later auctioned by Nagle <strong>of</strong> Stuttgart.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

SO (Ten Romances) –<br />

John Crombie Kickshaws Private Press – Limited 75 copies – Unusual Permutational Book.<br />

A first and only, limited edition by the talented writer and book designer John Crombie.<br />

Published by his Kickshaws Press in Paris in 1988.<br />

A unique ex<strong>amp</strong>le <strong>of</strong> a permutational book. Bound on the left hand edge but the text runs<br />

like a maze left to right continuously page over page until each <strong>of</strong> ten romances is<br />

complete. Within the stories, at the end <strong>of</strong> each section the reader is presented with two<br />

options on new lines as to how to proceed and must make a choice. There a also vertical<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> connecting words that rhyme <strong>of</strong> free-associate with the ones above and below.<br />

The text is worthy, funny and at times a little naughty. Once you have completed the<br />

“Maze” the narrative can be read in a different order [we challenge you to remember<br />

which way you went the first time] giving the stories a whole new meaning.<br />

Unpaginated, the stories are printed separate from the three-fold heavy paper fuchsia<br />

wrapper, the latter containing an introduction which describes the method <strong>of</strong> reading.<br />

Price $160.00<br />

Crombie’s SO a most unusual book from the Paris Kickshaws Press.<br />


11<br />

Doctor on Toast – Richard Gordan<br />

Published by Michael Joseph for the Book Club, London<br />

1962 a first <strong>of</strong> type. Octavo and 198 pages <strong>of</strong> hilarity.<br />

Dr Grimsdyke is a well known genius when it comes to<br />

disasters, particularly those associated with the heart<br />

(love that is — not the vital organ). This and other<br />

obligations almost ends up in a jail term.<br />

Price $30.00<br />

Down to earth Doctoring<br />

Doctor at Large – Richard Gordan<br />

Published by Michael Joseph for the Quality Book Club,<br />

London 1953 a first <strong>of</strong> type. Octavo and 248 pages <strong>of</strong><br />

hilarity, top edge stained maroon as required.<br />

A young Doctor Gordon finds himself in the usual spot as<br />

a new entrant .. competition for promotion does not go<br />

his way. An experienced practitioner suggests that<br />

getting to know fellow doctors wives is a good tactic. Not<br />

sure the advisor had in mind Gordan’s interpretation …<br />

good clean fun viz the period.<br />

Price $30.00<br />

Doctors Gordon Larger than Life<br />

Neurological Fragments<br />

J. H. Jackson<br />

Selected by the Classic’s <strong>of</strong> Medicine Advisory<br />

Board for their usual fine treatment and<br />

republished in this form in 1983.<br />

Octavo, 227 pages including as an introduction<br />

and biographical memoir by James Taylor and<br />

“recollections” by Sir Jonathan Hutchinson and<br />

Dr Charles Mercier.<br />

Bound in full burgundy leather with lavish gilt<br />

decoration to boards, marbled endpapers, rich<br />

gilt edges and silk marker ribbon. A lovely<br />

production. Contains 21 separate studies.<br />

John Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911) was a<br />

pioneering neurologist. His work on epilepsy<br />

was <strong>of</strong> particular note.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

Jackson and his neurological fragments<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Lightning Ridge – Ion Idriess<br />

Signed Annotated First Edition.<br />

Scarce as a first edition and a unique, personally<br />

signed, copy … a gift to close friend Mrs Francis Van<br />

Cleef <strong>of</strong> Chicago … annotated “With a cheerio<br />

from Australia; Ion L Idriess Oct 1940”<br />

Apart from a couple <strong>of</strong> nicks to the dust jacket and<br />

the odd spot internally a very good if not better<br />

copy <strong>of</strong> a sought after Idriess account<br />

Published by Angus and Robertson in October 1940,<br />

octavo 251 pages with illustrations.<br />

Based on his opal prospecting exploits at<br />

Lightning Ridge, New South Wales.<br />

Price $180.00<br />

Signed Idriess First Edition.<br />


13<br />

Share Script – The Consolidated Gold Mines <strong>of</strong> Western Australia - 1898<br />

A great ex<strong>amp</strong>le <strong>of</strong> a late Victorian Gold Mine certificate produced and printed by Bishop<br />

& Co Engravers and Printers, London.<br />

The Consolidated Gold Mines <strong>of</strong> Western Australia was incorporated in 1898 with a share<br />

raising <strong>of</strong> 81,000 British Pounds, 324,000 shares <strong>of</strong> 5 shillings each. Certificate number<br />

165 for 40 shares issued to Mrs Rachael Mary Cleaver <strong>of</strong> “Beauregard” St Leonards.<br />

Signed by Directors and Company Secretary, Lawrence Spicer. Impressed company seal.<br />

In 1898 the Company was operating a gold mine at the Marble Bar, a town and rock<br />

formation in the Pilbarra, North Western Australia. Records show the mine had limited<br />

success. From a map drawn by engineer A F Calvert (see below) it is clear the Company<br />

had ambitions in a number <strong>of</strong> Western Australian gold fields.<br />

Of particular interest is that the Managing Director <strong>of</strong> the mine was author, explorer,<br />

entrepreneur Albert Frederick Calvert (1872-1946). Calvert was a prolific writer and his<br />

Explorations <strong>of</strong> Australia 1844-1896 in two volumes still holds up very well … as does his<br />

The Discovery <strong>of</strong> Australia still a standard and collectable reference. His books on<br />

Western Australia are well honed based on personal experiences and adventures. Whilst<br />

not part <strong>of</strong> it [he was back in London]… he sponsored what is known as the “Calvert<br />

Expedition” to the Heart <strong>of</strong> the Great Desert in which two adventurers sadly died.<br />

Price $290.00<br />

Interesting early Gold Mine script with a rather unique background story.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Two Letters <strong>of</strong> Normal Lindsay<br />

Full title … Two Letters from Norman Lindsay to<br />

Francis and Betty Crossle here printed for Members<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Christopher Brennan Society.<br />

Privately printed signed and numbered by Richard<br />

Pennington, limited to 75 copies this number 5.<br />

Demy octavo, 24 pages, bound in decorative<br />

wrappers. Printed in Stephenson Blake’s Perpetua<br />

type on Barcham Green hand made “Tovil’ paper by<br />

Richard Pennington at Presse de l’Abricotier Abatuu<br />

Blanzac France in September 1980.<br />

Richard Pennington was born at Rugby, England and<br />

spent a large part <strong>of</strong> his working life in Australia. He<br />

was Librarian at the University <strong>of</strong> Queensland for<br />

eighteen years from 1946. He retired to France<br />

where he purchased a hand printing set-up and<br />

operated first in Normandy then later in Blanzac.<br />

Ten years before this work he was involved in the<br />

printing <strong>of</strong> a special memoire on the Australian poet<br />

Christopher Brennan. Norman Lindsay did a portrait<br />

sketch <strong>of</strong> Brennan for the memoir ... so you can<br />

begin to understand the connection.<br />

Pennington provides a lovely six-page introduction.<br />

He knew the recipients, who had introduced him to<br />

Brennan's poetry. He describes their interest in the<br />

arts and their rather metaphysical view <strong>of</strong> life and<br />

the world ... something they had in common with<br />

Lindsay. Good content regarding their conversations<br />

about Lindsay and how Pennington came to be<br />

gifted the letters by Betty.<br />

The letters are most interesting, particularly that to<br />

Francis which runs to over 1,200 words. Lindsay<br />

clearly respects Francis as a Doctor and close<br />

friend ... as a consequence the content is extremely<br />

personal ... allowing one to understand this genius<br />

<strong>of</strong> man better. Lindsay struggles with over-reaching<br />

in his work and finds that whenever he tries to<br />

control this "problem" he usually turns to some<br />

other form <strong>of</strong> "work”, and the problem compounds.<br />

In the evenings he listens to classical music which<br />

does not help as it stimulates his mind into thinking<br />

<strong>of</strong> new elements <strong>of</strong> work yet to be done. Many<br />

rather complex metaphysical views are shared<br />

which seem to stem from deeper anxieties. He<br />

references Newman's book ... the best revelation <strong>of</strong><br />

the critical mind that I have come across but read it<br />

with considerable disgust also. Critic Newman's<br />

book on criticism was published in 1925 ... so dates<br />

the letter better than Pennington's suggestion <strong>of</strong><br />

the year before [Pennington referencing the wrong<br />

book in our view].<br />

The letter to Betty is less wordy ... just over 500 ...<br />

but perhaps more intimate. Lindsay obviously does<br />

not like Rousseau ... “one <strong>of</strong> the most evil minds<br />

that ever appeared on earth in the disguise <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Good man”. Lindsay adores Beethoven, Turner and<br />

Byron. He is close to finishing his novel Madame<br />

Life's Lovers ... which he will send shortly.<br />

Price $180.00<br />

Special Limited Private Press Lindsay Item<br />


15<br />

Margot Fonteyn and Rudolph Nureyev<br />

in an evening with the Royal Ballet<br />

An original promotion poster produced in 1963 for the Documentary Film staring<br />

the great Fonteyn and Nureyev. This was incidentally one year before their highly<br />

charged successful performances in Melbourne and Sydney.<br />

The film was produced by Anthony Havelock- Allen and Anthony Asquith and was<br />

made at the Royal Opera House, London. Dances performed by the famous couple<br />

included from Les Syphides; Le Corsaire; La Vaise and Aurora’s Wedding, the last<br />

segment from the third act <strong>of</strong> The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky.<br />

Printed by Burton, Sydney 100cm by 70cm in good condition with bright colours.<br />

Fonteyn and Nureyev were at first seen as an unusual if not unlikely pairing …<br />

Fonteyn the epitome <strong>of</strong> English poise and grace whilst Nureyev rather wild and a<br />

bit <strong>of</strong> a rascal. This unusual recipe gave rise to surely the best dance pairing ever<br />

… Nureyev said … “when we dance, we are one body … one soul”<br />

Price $160.00<br />

Fonteyn and Nureyev for inspiration ……<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

16<br />

Western Rosella – 1826<br />

(Platycerous Stanlayii)<br />

Sir William Jardine<br />

Original hand-coloured engraving o<br />

the Western Rosella published<br />

Edinburgh 1826 by Scotland’s<br />

greatest naturalist Sir William<br />

Jardine (1800-1874). One <strong>of</strong> the<br />

earliest images <strong>of</strong> the bird.<br />

Now referred to as Platycercus<br />

icterotis the Western Rosella or<br />

Moyadong is endemic to southern<br />

Western Australia. The yellow<br />

patches on the cheeks distinguishe<br />

from other members <strong>of</strong> the genus;<br />

icterotis means “yellow ear”. The<br />

first description <strong>of</strong> the bird was by<br />

Temminck and Kuhl in 1820 from a<br />

collection gained in King George<br />

Sound. It was Nicholas Vigor who<br />

classified the bird as described in<br />

this engraving. The narrative<br />

accompanying the engraving states<br />

that Vigors description <strong>of</strong> the bird i<br />

to be published in the forthcoming<br />

Zoological Journal confirming the<br />

very early nature <strong>of</strong> the engraving<br />

Published as part <strong>of</strong> Jardine’s first<br />

work “Illustrations in Ornithology”<br />

now scarce and valuable collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> bird engravings. This is a large<br />

scale edition for those familiar wit<br />

the pocket book sized engraving<br />

from the more common Jardine<br />

collection. Paper size 30cm by<br />

23cm . Strong bright colours, fine<br />

engraving <strong>of</strong> feather texture.<br />

Jardine Baronet <strong>of</strong> Applegirth,<br />

Dumfriesshire founder <strong>of</strong> the Ray<br />

Society. A superb artist in his own<br />

right he used the great illustrators<br />

<strong>of</strong> the day to complete his works -<br />

Edward Lear, Selby, Stewart,<br />

Thompson and William Lizars<br />

Price $180.00 Unframed<br />

Early image <strong>of</strong> the Western Rosella

17<br />

f<br />

s<br />

s<br />

a<br />

h<br />

Original Thylacine Engraving – by Varin – 1830’s<br />

Scarce hand coloured engraving <strong>of</strong> the extinct Tasmanian Tiger<br />

(Thylacine). A lovely iamge by Pierre Amedee Varin (1818-1883).<br />

Paired with a botanical Thunbergie … as the engravings appeared<br />

in la Dictionnaire Pittoresque d’Histoire Naturelle et de<br />

Phenomenes de la Nature published in Paris in the 1830’s<br />

28cm by 18cm in dimensions and in good condition. Thylacine<br />

lovers may wish to frame their favourite part omitting the plant<br />

Pierre Varin came from a family <strong>of</strong> engravers and illustrators from<br />

Chalons-en-Ch<strong>amp</strong>agne … a really beautiful part <strong>of</strong> France.<br />

Price $170.00<br />

Scarce Thylacine engraving … well they are<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

18<br />

Mr Bligh’s Bad Language<br />

Greg Dening<br />

What was going on in England and in the Navy. Was<br />

Bligh bad tempered <strong>of</strong> just ill prepared for what<br />

unfolded. Interesting view taken by Dening in what is a<br />

different book on Bligh. Published by Cambridge<br />

University Press. Octavo, 445 pages, illustrated with<br />

maps, diagrams <strong>of</strong> the Bounty etc. A fine copy.<br />

Price $ 40.00<br />

Bligh misunderstood and misunderstanding<br />

Bligh Master Mariner - Mundle<br />

Rob Mundle’s excellent book on Bligh. Large octavo, 368<br />

pages with endpaper illustrations and coloured illustrations<br />

inside. Published by Hachette, Sydney.<br />

The author, a sailor writes with a focus on Bligh’s unrivalled<br />

skill as a navigator. With Cook on his fateful third voyage on<br />

the Resolution; at 24 years old he took command <strong>of</strong> the<br />

navigation on the voyage home. He was 34 when his conflict<br />

with Fletcher Christian resulted in the epic 47 day open boat<br />

voyage from Tonga to Timor. At 36 he commanded HMS<br />

Pandora round the world … with a young Matthew Flinders<br />

Price $30.00<br />

William Bligh – another perspective and no less enlightening<br />

The Cruise <strong>of</strong> the “Cachalot” Round the World<br />

after Sperm Whales - Frank Bullen - 1901<br />

Published by Smith and Elder, London 1901 a second<br />

edition in the more upmarket binding with the gilt<br />

whale to the front board. Gilt titles to spine original<br />

chocolate end papers.<br />

Bullen, a homeless waif, went so sea at twelve years<br />

old. After six years he landed at New Bedford,<br />

Massachusetts were he secured a berth on the<br />

“Cachalot” a whaler that would be his home for the<br />

next three years. A ripping yarn <strong>of</strong> fact and fiction<br />

based on the authors experiences on the “Splendid”<br />

<strong>of</strong> New Bedford in whaling grounds <strong>of</strong>f “the<br />

Solanders, Vau Vau and the Australian Gulf”.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Best Whaling Story according to Kipling

19<br />

Doctor in the Swim – Richard Gordan<br />

A first <strong>of</strong> type, published by the Book Club, London in<br />

1962 the same year as the Michael Joseph edition. This<br />

one has our favourite dust jacket which gives a strong<br />

hint at the joviality contained therein.<br />

Octavo, 184 pages, in very good condition.<br />

Dr Grimsdyke reflects on his sex life [nothing lewd] that<br />

revolves around the coastal goings on <strong>of</strong> Whortleton-on-<br />

Sea. A summer holiday with Anemone and her mother<br />

Dame Hilda, a famous criminologist ..etc. Hilarious.<br />

Price $30.00<br />

It all goes on at Whortleton …<br />

Doctor in Love – Richard Gordan<br />

A first edition, published by Michael Joseph, London<br />

in 1957 edition, the fifth in the “Doctor” series.<br />

Octavo, 188 pages, in very good condition.<br />

“You can’t go about the country falling in love with<br />

girls at your age” … sage advice Grimsdyke gives to<br />

his friend Dr Gordon. Another “advisor” observes<br />

“the patients don’t like you messing about with<br />

their wives unless they know you’ve got one <strong>of</strong> your<br />

own at home”. Taking all this on board matters get<br />

complicated and … Dr Gordan finally gets his girl!<br />

Price $30.00<br />

The right girl does turn up for Dr Gordan …<br />

The Pagan Lovers – H.M.E. Cl<strong>amp</strong><br />

A first edition published by Hurst &<br />

Blackett in 1963. Octavo, 184 pages in<br />

good condition and with the super<br />

period dust jacket.<br />

An attractive widow marries again and<br />

there son and daughter meet. A<br />

complex romance by an acclaimed<br />

writer <strong>of</strong> the genre … Helen Mary<br />

Elizabeth Cl<strong>amp</strong><br />

Price $30.00<br />

The clue is in title …<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

20<br />

The Life and Adventures <strong>of</strong> Peter Wilkins<br />

[A Cornish Man] – Robert Patlock – 1884 — 2 Vols<br />

A nice set published by Reeves & Turner, London in 1884.<br />

Originally published in 1752, Robert Patlock, being an<br />

attorney <strong>of</strong> Clement’s Inn, London. A magnificent fantasy<br />

travel novel up there with Gulliver’s Travels and Crusoe with<br />

echoes <strong>of</strong> both. Admired by Arthur Southey, Charles<br />

Dickens, Thackerey, Coleridge, Scott et al.<br />

Octavo, Vol I xxxii, 172 pages; Vol II xii, 300 pages including<br />

a glossary <strong>of</strong> new words and names invented by the author …<br />

super. Dark blue cloth covered binding, gilt title to spine,<br />

page edges speckled red, internally very clean.<br />

Special illustrations, one double page folding, that show the<br />

unique wing like features <strong>of</strong> the “flying people” … or Gawry<br />

[Women] and Glums [Men] … maybe pun intended.<br />

Shipwrecked near the South Pole, Peter Wilkins makes his<br />

way through a subterranean cavern to a hidden world and<br />

meets the flying people. He saves and marries a Gawry and<br />

much adventure ensues full <strong>of</strong> unique invention and culture.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> this is narrated to a passenger on the ship Hector from<br />

the very south <strong>of</strong> South America …<br />

Southey thought the winged people “the most beautiful<br />

creatures <strong>of</strong> the imagination that have ever been invented”<br />

Price $220.00<br />

Nice set <strong>of</strong> the amazing exploits <strong>of</strong> Peter Wilkins.

21<br />

Kangaroo and Friends – Bertuch 1800<br />

An original hand coloured copper engraving <strong>of</strong> the Kangaroo<br />

with some friends. This is one <strong>of</strong> the earliest images <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Kangaroo by Bertuch published in Germany c1800. It is based<br />

on the first ever painting by the great George Stubbs<br />

supposedly from an inflated kangaroo skin<br />

Good size 40cm by 20cm on strong wove paper, nice original<br />

colour. If desired framed it will be matted in textures cream<br />

with black core, plain reddish gilt frame … very appropriate.<br />

Price $140.00 unframed or $240.00 framed<br />

Early and delightful image <strong>of</strong> the Kangaroo<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

22<br />

Mount Morgan Gold Mine - Queensland – Newton & Co<br />

Original Magic Lantern Slide – c1910<br />

Very good condition magic lantern slide from Newton & Co., London with their label.<br />

Described in manuscript in the slide border. The slide dates from around 1910. Newton &<br />

Co were at 43 Museum Street, London. They were the world’s longest established<br />

suppliers <strong>of</strong> scientific instruments formed by Sir Isaac Newton’s cousin J. Newton in 1704.<br />

At the time <strong>of</strong> this slide the proprietors were still from the Newton family. The British<br />

Museum have Newton & Co out <strong>of</strong> business at Museum Street in 1913.<br />

A classic view <strong>of</strong> this famous mine which magnifies to present incredible<br />

detail. Standard British size in fine condition. A scarce slide.<br />

Gold was discovered in 1870 by William Mackinley. He couldn’t find anyone to confirm<br />

that it was gold because <strong>of</strong> its form. After some “carry on” a chap called Gordan had a<br />

crack at it … he needed the financial muscle <strong>of</strong> the Morgan brothers who in the end<br />

diddled Gordan out <strong>of</strong> the find on a technicality.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

<strong>Rare</strong> Queensland Gold Mining Lantern Slide<br />

Another view <strong>of</strong> the Mount Morgan<br />

Gold Mine from around the same<br />

date as the slide—this is from our<br />

complete collection <strong>of</strong> cards<br />

promoting Ranger Cigarettes.

23<br />

Tasmanian Legal Stoush<br />

Montagu & Stephen Van Diemen’s Land 1836<br />

Algernon Montagu & Alfred Stephen in Supreme<br />

Court Proceedings against T.W. Rowlands;<br />

with a comment by Robert Lanthrop Murray;<br />

with Geo. Arthur’s Despatch.<br />

An interesting and at times amusing record <strong>of</strong><br />

goings on in the Hobart legal fraternity in 1836.<br />

Mrs Rowlands had been drunk according to Mr<br />

Moore which had led Mrs Rowlings to strike him<br />

on the shoulder with a whip in public, calling him<br />

a slanderer and liar … she challenged him to a<br />

duel … feisty stuff.<br />

A court cased resulted at the Supreme Court<br />

Hobart presided over by Judge Montagu. The<br />

animosity the was on display between Montagu<br />

and Attorney General Stephen was something<br />

special. The cocky young Stephen was late, ill<br />

prepared, unsuitably dressed and caught eating<br />

and drinking at the Bench … worse he questioned<br />

the authority <strong>of</strong> the Judge … the outcome we will<br />

leave that for your reading.<br />

Published in Adelaide by James Dally dated 2007.<br />

Quatro, 166 pages bound in red cloth covered<br />

boards with matching slipcase. Only 99 copies<br />

were produced … this numbered and initialled<br />

number 5 … so pretty scarce.<br />

James Dally a highly respected antiquarian<br />

bookseller in Hobart and Adelaide published a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> works under the imprint Sullivan’s<br />

Cove. The editor, Eustace FitzSymonds, was a<br />

pseudonym <strong>of</strong> James Dally. Dated after James<br />

Dally’s death which records show was 2005.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Unique Tasmanian Legal History in a fine<br />

production and James Dally’s last work<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

24<br />

Shots and Strokes in Croquet Fanwy Llyn<br />

Published by Robertson & Mullens, Melbourne in<br />

1948 and very much the “go to’ book on the<br />

very best way to play Croquet and also how to<br />

conduct oneself in life generally.<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tcover, 60 pages with diagrams where tactics<br />

and techniques explained require them.<br />

The origin <strong>of</strong> the game goes back to the game <strong>of</strong><br />

“Pall Mall played by Royalty and posh people in<br />

the reign <strong>of</strong> Charles II. In the mid 19thC it<br />

became quite popular in the form played today.<br />

Possibly the most peaceful competitive sport<br />

and usually played in beautiful surrounding … if<br />

in Brisbane have a look at the Toowong Croquet<br />

Club and tell <strong>Voyager</strong> you don’t have at least a<br />

slight yearning to join.<br />

It’s the section on “’Etiquette <strong>of</strong> Croquet and<br />

Rules Often Broken” that teaches one some life<br />

lessons better than any self help book …<br />

winners should wait for losers first to come<br />

forward with compliments etc<br />

Price $30.00<br />

Croquet and the best behaviour ...<br />

The Voyage <strong>of</strong> Jacob Le Maire and<br />

William Schouten 1615-1616:<br />

Mirror <strong>of</strong> Australian Navigation.<br />

Translated by Alexander Dalrymple<br />

Special production by Hordern House, Sydney<br />

1999. Small folio, quarter bound in quarter<br />

alum-tawed goat skin and quality marbled<br />

paper. Printed on Raleigh Oxford cream<br />

paper .. a fine copy as if new.<br />

One <strong>of</strong> 950 copies, 96 page facsimile <strong>of</strong> the<br />

original Dutch printing followed by 65 page<br />

facsimile <strong>of</strong> the Dalrymple translation. 5 black<br />

and white and 7 colour illustrations and 3<br />

colour maps on double pages. Frontispiece<br />

double hemisphere world map as published in<br />

Amsterdam in 1618..<br />

The objective <strong>of</strong> the voyage was to further<br />

the lucrative trade in nutmeg and pepper by<br />

forging a new route to the East Indies via<br />

South America and the Pacific, influenced by<br />

the account <strong>of</strong> the voyage <strong>of</strong> de Quiros, the<br />

Portuguese navigator. In doing so it was hoped<br />

that the Great South Land would be found.<br />

Forward by Justus Veeneklaas and<br />

Introductory Essay by Edward Duyker.<br />

Price $160.00<br />

Le Maire – super production …

25<br />

A.G. Mumford limited<br />

Engineers, Boiler Makers, Launch and Yacht Builders,<br />

Makers <strong>of</strong> Steam Pumps, Valves etc – <strong>Catalogue</strong> No & - 1906<br />

Edition – Reprinted for Historical Reference 1985<br />

Mumford’s were based in Colchester, England. Their<br />

Culvert Street Engineering Works was the centre for Marine<br />

Engineering development and manufacture.<br />

Foolscap in size, 117 pages <strong>of</strong> diagrams and specifications<br />

that are simply a mechanical engineers delight. Mumford<br />

were contractors to the Admiralty, War <strong>of</strong>fice, Colonies,<br />

Spanish and other foreign governments. Super illustrations,<br />

some ex<strong>amp</strong>le images are shown below.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Marine Engineers Delight - Mumford<br />

Original Woodcut Bookplate<br />

by Kalman Gaborjani Szabo<br />

noted Hungarian Artist - 1934<br />

A very stylish bookplate, original woodcut<br />

by Klaman Gaborjani Szabo (1897-1965)<br />

commissioned by Dr Arady Kalman (1893-<br />

1964). Dr Kalman was an avid bibliophile<br />

and commissioned numerous high class<br />

bookplates for his collection. An ex<strong>amp</strong>le<br />

<strong>of</strong> this bookplate is held in the Balatoni<br />

Museum and included on the Hungarian<br />

and European digital archives.<br />

15cm by 7.5 cm, smooth with high<br />

contrast from the original plate. Veros in<br />

manuscript the artists name, Hungary,<br />

1934, woodcut. A little age but really a<br />

super ex<strong>amp</strong>le.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

<strong>Rare</strong> well executed deco bookplate from<br />

named European artist.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

26<br />

Deshasheh – Flinders Petrie - 1889<br />

15th Memoir <strong>of</strong> The Egypt Exploration Fund.<br />

Small folio hardback published by order <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Committee and sold by them at Great Russell<br />

Street and Kegan Paul and Quaritch.<br />

Quarto, 51 pages plus 37 pages <strong>of</strong> plates a few<br />

<strong>of</strong> which are folding. Very good condition.<br />

The great Flinders Petrie by this time has<br />

spent many years in Egypt, accomplished<br />

many great finds and produced a number <strong>of</strong><br />

memoirs in this form. One <strong>of</strong> the least known<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> Egypt, in the west from Faynum to<br />

Minieh, was traversed and examined; two<br />

sites within that area excavated.<br />

Explores the Cemetery <strong>of</strong> Deshasheh and the<br />

Tomb <strong>of</strong> Anta, the Tomb <strong>of</strong> Shedu, the Tombs<br />

<strong>of</strong> Nenkheftka and Son.<br />

The drawings and photographs <strong>of</strong> the findings<br />

are simply superb.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Flinders Petrie – Egyptology – Highest Standard

27<br />

Engraved at Lahainaluna:<br />

A History <strong>of</strong> Printmaking by Hawaiians at<br />

the Lahainaluna Seminary, 1834-1844.<br />

David W Forbes<br />

A substantial book by the author <strong>of</strong> the<br />

recognised bibliography <strong>of</strong> all literature<br />

Hawaiian. Published by the Hawaiian<br />

Mission Children’s Society, Honolulu in<br />

2014. Quatro, xxi, 210 pages .. with<br />

folding map in rear pocket.<br />

Wonderful collection <strong>of</strong> over 120 images<br />

<strong>of</strong> copper engravings from the seminary<br />

on the island <strong>of</strong> Maui.. Views <strong>of</strong> Hawaiian<br />

Islands, towns and rural settlements,<br />

portraits, natural history, original maps<br />

and charts. The most important<br />

collection <strong>of</strong> 19thC Hawaii images before<br />

the age <strong>of</strong> photography. Includes<br />

biographical information on many <strong>of</strong> the<br />

young engravers included.<br />

Price $75.00<br />

Special Hawaiian Item — Lahainaluna<br />

The Convict Priests – Harold Perkins.<br />

First and only edition self published by the author Harold<br />

Perkins in 1984, signed by the author inside front cover.<br />

S<strong>of</strong>t cover, perfect bound, 100 pages, a fine with facsimiles<br />

<strong>of</strong> relevant documents at end.<br />

The story <strong>of</strong> three “Convict Priests’ .. Rev James Harold,<br />

Rev James Dixon and Rev Peter O’Neil. Well researched with<br />

many references giving a very readable history <strong>of</strong> their<br />

background, events leading to transportation and the lives<br />

they lived Downunder. And interesting lives they led.<br />

Price $30.00<br />

Priests could be convicts too … all so easily.<br />

Captain John Kelly <strong>of</strong> Hobart Town<br />

Published 1964 a first edition in very good<br />

condition. James Kelly was born in Parramatta in<br />

1791 the son <strong>of</strong> a convict Irishwoman. He took to<br />

the seas as soon as able – was the first man to sail<br />

round Van Diemen’s Land in a small boat, survived<br />

shipwreck at Macquarie Island and had battles with<br />

the natives in New Zealand and back in Tasmania.<br />

Kelly rose to be Master <strong>of</strong> a successful whaling and<br />

sealing fleet … and then to legend.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

James Kelly Tasmanian Legend<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

28<br />

Private Presses and Their <strong>Books</strong><br />

Will Ransom<br />

Fine reissue <strong>of</strong> this special book first printed in 1929.<br />

Published by James Cummins <strong>Books</strong>eller, New York in<br />

1992. Octavo, 493 pages, illustrated. Orange cloth<br />

covered binding with gilt title, no dust jacket as issued.<br />

A thorough piece <strong>of</strong> work by Ransom, expert on the<br />

private press movement in America and England. Starts<br />

with Caxton and includes Kelmscott, Doves, Village,<br />

Ashedene, Oriole, Merrymount, Brice Rodgers et al.<br />

James Cummins was established in 1978 and is at 699<br />

Madison Avenue. A super bookstore which has a number<br />

<strong>of</strong> specialities including, unsurprisingly Private Press.<br />

You must take time to go there when in the Big Apple.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

The Private Press movement.<br />

Doctor in Love – Richard Gordan<br />

If you like Wodehouse you will love Richard Gordan and his series <strong>of</strong><br />

“Doctor” books. A first edition, published by Michael Joseph, London<br />

in 1957, the fifth in the “Doctor” series.<br />

“You can’t go about the country falling in love with girls at your age”<br />

… sage advice Grimsdyke gives to his friend Dr Gordon. Another<br />

“advisor” observes “the patients don’t like you messing about with<br />

their wives unless they know you’ve got one <strong>of</strong> your own at home”.<br />

Taking this on board matters get complicated and …<br />

Price $30.00<br />

The right girl does turn up for Dr Gordan …<br />

Doctor in the Swim – Richard Gordan<br />

A first <strong>of</strong> type, published by the Book Club and Michael Joseph,<br />

London in 1962. One has our favourite dust jacket which gives<br />

you a strong hint <strong>of</strong> the joviality.<br />

Dr Gaston Grimsdyke reflects on his sex life [nothing lewd], that<br />

revolves around the coastal goings on <strong>of</strong> Whortleton-on-Sea.<br />

A summer holiday with Anemone and her mother Dame Hilda, a<br />

famous criminologist ..etc. Hilarious.<br />

Price $30.00 — It all goes on at Whortleton …

29<br />

Original Pochoir – Bonjour – Woodruff<br />

Gazette du Bon Ton June 1921<br />

Stylish hand coloured “Pochoir” by<br />

Andre-Edouard Woodruff for the Paris<br />

Gazette du Bon Ton.<br />

“Bonjour!” Chapeau de Camille Roger.<br />

Effective in design the chapeau being the<br />

hero. Camille Roger was a leading milliner<br />

<strong>of</strong> the period in Paris. The hat made from<br />

black horsehair, with a small veil in English<br />

lace and a ribbon <strong>of</strong> waxed satin.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

Stylish original French Pochoir with<br />

modern decorative appeal.<br />

For this classic<br />

George Barbier Pochoir<br />

see back cover<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

30<br />

The Polar Regions:<br />

A Physical and Economical Geography <strong>of</strong> the Arctic and Antarctic<br />

R. N. Rudmose-Brown – First Edition 1927.<br />

Rudmose Brown was a the Naturalist on the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

earliest ‘Heroic Era” expeditions; in the vessel “Scotia”.<br />

First edition published by Methuen, London in 1927. Octavo, x, 245 pages with 23 maps<br />

(including 2 colour folding maps), bibliography and index. Nicely rebound in half blue calf over<br />

blue buckram, a very good copy. Reference Spence 196; Rosove 1044; A.B. 2326.<br />

A thorough geographical reference <strong>of</strong> the Arctic and Antarctic by the distinguished Robert Neal<br />

Rudmose- Brown (1879-1957) Polar Explorer. He went on to be Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Geography at the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Sheffield and President <strong>of</strong> the Institute <strong>of</strong> British Geographers.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Rudmose-Brown an authority on the very North and the very South.

31<br />

The Blue Dahlia – A Screenplay –<br />

Raymond Chandler<br />

Published by Elm Tree – Hamish Hamilton,<br />

London in 1976 a first edition. Produced from<br />

the only then existing copy <strong>of</strong> the screenplay<br />

used in the movie production kept in the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> California collection.<br />

Large form octavo, v, ix, xxiii, 129 pages (the<br />

screenplay) plus 11 page appendix. Very good<br />

condition in complete dust jacket.<br />

A well put together book with a lengthy<br />

Memoir “Lost Fortnight” by John Houseman<br />

and neat Editorial Note re anomalies in the<br />

script. After the screenplay, illustrated from<br />

movie promotional stills, an Appendix …<br />

Chandler on Hollywood; Movies made from<br />

Chandler’s Plays and Screenplays written by<br />

Chandler (almost as prolific as Graham<br />

Greene .. but not quite).<br />

Many think Chandler the greatest crime writer<br />

<strong>of</strong> the 20th Century. Hollywood needed a<br />

script in a hurry for Alan Ladd to continue his<br />

rise. Chandler had a half finished book … the<br />

Blue Dahlia .. he was commissioned to adapt<br />

what he had, complete the plot etc. He<br />

immediately hit a bout <strong>of</strong> writers block … his<br />

remedy was to write whilst blind drunk for a<br />

fortnight … hence the title to the memoir. He<br />

finished … it was a hit … he got sober.<br />

Price $60.00<br />

Chandlers Dahlia wrapped up for Hollywood.<br />

Playback – Raymond Chandler<br />

A first edition <strong>of</strong> Raymond Chandler’s<br />

last novel published by Hamish<br />

Hamilton, London in 1958. Chandler<br />

died the following year.<br />

Octavo, 207 pages, unclipped dust<br />

jacket designed by Patricia Davey, chip<br />

to lower spine, a better than good copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> a desirable first edition.<br />

Private detective Marlowe appears for<br />

his final hurrah. His first appearance<br />

since “The Long Good-Bye”.<br />

Raymond Chandler’s classic descriptive<br />

writing illustrated by the first sentence<br />

<strong>of</strong> the second chapter…<br />

“There was nothing to it. The Super<br />

Chief was on time, as it always is, and<br />

the subject was as easy to spot as a<br />

kangaroo in a dinner jacket” …<br />

PS read in your head with the voice <strong>of</strong><br />

Humphrey Bogart.<br />

Price $60.00<br />

Playback …. Marlowes final … sadly.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

32<br />

Autograph Musical Quotation<br />

William Schmidt (1926-2009) American Composer, Arranger and Music Publisher.<br />

An unusual piece <strong>of</strong> music ephemera in manuscript and signed by the composer …<br />

“Opening measures <strong>of</strong> Rhapsody No 1 for Clarinet and Piano” by William Schmidt.<br />

Original piece 13 cm by 8 cm … strong “musical hand” in good condition. We love it.<br />

There is a really interesting interview online with William Scmidt. In that interview<br />

there are a few images helping to illustrate the man … one being this item.. we<br />

suspect it may have been scripted then … who knows?<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Get out your Clarinet today for William Schmidt ……<br />

Do You Ever Think <strong>of</strong> Me? – 1921<br />

Music Score by Kerr, Cooper and Burnett .<br />

Romantic music with a question from the<br />

1920’s. Original score published by Sherman<br />

Clay, San Francisco. Lyrics by Kerr and<br />

Cooper, music score by Edward Burnett.<br />

‘When love in to my dreams was creeping …<br />

I gave my heart in to your keeping”<br />

A striking period cover makes for a<br />

decorative item … also bonus songs<br />

“I’ll Keep on loving You” and the less<br />

romantic practical ‘Wandering Home”<br />

Price $20.00<br />

More than just an tune …

33<br />

Georges Lepape — Le Jazzo-flute — Bon Ton Pochoir 1922<br />

Price $120 unframed<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

34<br />

The Works <strong>of</strong> Francois Villon<br />

Translated by J.U. Nicolson<br />

Illustrated by Alexander King<br />

Superior two volume set published by Covici,<br />

New York, 1928, limited set <strong>of</strong> 960 this<br />

number 427 signed by Nicolson. Typography<br />

by McMurtie. Royal Octavo, 809 pages all up.<br />

A fine set in rich red cloth covered boards<br />

with gilt title to spine and front unmarked,<br />

black dust jackets. Top edge rich gilt very<br />

clean internally pages bright as new. Dust<br />

jackets <strong>of</strong>ten missing with this set. Striking<br />

full page sepia-tone illustrations as<br />

frontispiece and throughout the volumes.<br />

Set out side by side in French and English<br />

translation. Villon (1431 to c1463) the bestknown<br />

French writer <strong>of</strong> the late Middle Ages,<br />

a shady character whose verses chronicle his<br />

escapades. Born in Paris, he disappeared<br />

from “historical” view in 1463. Multiple<br />

encounters with the law. His real name likely<br />

Francois de Montcorbier. “Villon” appears<br />

everywhere in his writing. Born into poverty<br />

and raised by a foster father (from whom he<br />

adopted the name Villon). Bright, he received<br />

qualifications from the University <strong>of</strong> Paris at<br />

an early age. His first skirmish with the law<br />

came in 1455 when he “accidentally” killed a<br />

man during a scuffle. He was banished and<br />

then pardoned when evidence was produced<br />

that the dead party had forgiven him before<br />

the lights went out. Afterwards he was<br />

involved in a serious robbery banished again<br />

and wandered the country part <strong>of</strong> a gang <strong>of</strong><br />

thieves. In 1461, he spent the “summer” in<br />

the Bishop’s prison at Meung-sur-Loire.<br />

All <strong>of</strong> this makes for interesting poetic<br />

accounts <strong>of</strong> life as Villon experienced it. Le<br />

Testament written in 1461 is regarded as his<br />

greatest work. His narrative is sprinkled with<br />

mystery and hidden jokes and include much<br />

slang from the underworld he inhabited. His<br />

included the real names <strong>of</strong> many influential<br />

people <strong>of</strong> the time. The refrain “Mais ou sont<br />

les neiges d’antan?” (Where are the snows <strong>of</strong><br />

yester-year?) comes from the Ballade des<br />

dames du temps jadis and has been quoted<br />

from Rossetti to the hit TV program Downton<br />

Abbey. We cannot write about Villon’s<br />

influence in Film, Theatre, Poetry etc. as we<br />

would be here all year!<br />

Price $180.00<br />

All <strong>of</strong> Villon in French and English<br />

in Fine Presentation.

35<br />

Tartaria – Petrus Bertius -1603<br />

A striking miniature map likely engraved by Pieter van<br />

den Keere for the great geographer Petrus Bertius and<br />

published by Cornelis Claesz in Amsterdam in 1603 in<br />

the “Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum Libri”<br />

considered by authority King as the most beautiful set<br />

<strong>of</strong> miniature maps ever made. Scarce.<br />

Printed area 12.0cm by 9.0cm. Nice depiction <strong>of</strong><br />

mountains and a clear Great Wall <strong>of</strong> China which must<br />

have mystified Europeans at the time.<br />

Framed in gilt with gilt fillet — $240.00<br />

Charming sought after 400 years old<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

36<br />

The Private History <strong>of</strong> the Court <strong>of</strong> England<br />

A Sexual Expose – Sarah Green 1808<br />

Two volumes, second “corrected” edition published<br />

by the Author in 1808. Bound in half red leather,<br />

287 pages and 252 pages. Sound set <strong>of</strong> a rare item.<br />

A political satire, secret history and sexual expose<br />

exploring the morality <strong>of</strong> Regency Society through a<br />

historical novel based on fact. Irish born, Sarah<br />

Green had inside knowledge, allegedly.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

<strong>Rare</strong> expose on Regency Society ……….<br />

Sure to entertain ..<br />

Secret Memoirs <strong>of</strong><br />

the Duke and Dutchess <strong>of</strong> O***** (Orleans) - 1708<br />

… Intermix’d with the Amorous Intrigues and<br />

Adventures <strong>of</strong> the Most Eminent Princes <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Court <strong>of</strong> France — by Madam D’Aulnoy.<br />

First English edition 1708. Small octavo, 293. Full<br />

leather, in period style. Four raised bands with red<br />

leather title label. A delightful item.<br />

An expose <strong>of</strong> the amorous goings on <strong>of</strong> the Duke and<br />

Duchess <strong>of</strong> Orleans. The Duchess youngest daughter <strong>of</strong><br />

King Charles I. She fled England at the age <strong>of</strong> three with<br />

her governess for the French Court. She married King<br />

Louis XIV brother Philippe Duke <strong>of</strong> Orleans. Phillipe<br />

party to sexual scandals prior to the marriage which<br />

was secured after the restoration <strong>of</strong> the Monarchy in<br />

England by her brother Charles II.<br />

Madame d’Aulnoy was Marie Catherine Le Jumel de<br />

Barneville, Baroness d’Aulnoy. Lucky to keep her head.<br />

Price $340.00<br />

The secret lives <strong>of</strong> the Duke and Duchess <strong>of</strong> Orleans.<br />

Madame Bovary — Gustav Flaubert<br />

(Complete and Unabridged)<br />

Flaubert’s first novel and a doctor’s wife lives<br />

on the wild side to avoid a mundane life.<br />

This edition published in 1950 by the Random<br />

House. Octavo, 400 pages, in fine condition.<br />

Translated by Eleanor Averling and with a<br />

very helpful introduction by Henri Payre who<br />

was all things French at Yale.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Bovary a liberated woman and writing ahead<br />

<strong>of</strong> its times ...

37<br />

Photograph by Frank Hurley<br />

Mountain Daisies, Cradle Mountain Reserve<br />

A delightful detailed image <strong>of</strong> Cradle Mountain daisies - a host <strong>of</strong> them. With<br />

the depth <strong>of</strong> contrast expected <strong>of</strong> a Frank Hurley photograph. Not included<br />

in the Trove collection. Size 25 x 20 cm and overall in very good condition.<br />

Capt. Frank Hurley copyright st<strong>amp</strong> to rear and that <strong>of</strong> the Tasmania Agent<br />

General [London]. Manuscript note and signature in Hurley’s hand.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

A genuine Hurley photograph — a rarity even from warmer climes<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Mining by Ringer’s Cigarettes –1912<br />

Complete set <strong>of</strong> 50 cards circa 1912 by<br />

Imperial Tobacco to support their Ringer’s<br />

Cigarettes brand. Harder to find than the<br />

equivalent W.D. & H.O. Wills set<br />

Very good condition, now protected in<br />

standard card wallets.<br />

Several Coal Mining featuring Miner Holing;<br />

Miner Drilling and Blasting; Electric Coal<br />

Cutters; Electric Train; Taking Coal to Pit<br />

Mouth by Pony; At the Bottom <strong>of</strong> the Shaft;<br />

Sorting and Cleaning Coal and the all<br />

important Mine Surveyor.<br />

Cards specific to Australia include BHP<br />

Silver Mine Mechanical Feed and a General<br />

View <strong>of</strong> the Mine … Mount Morgan Gold<br />

(with its interesting story) and Digging and<br />

Washing Sapphires in Queensland.<br />

Also Asbestos at Thetford Canada; China<br />

Clay at St Austell Cornwall; Copper at the<br />

famous Rio Tinto Mine Spain; Diamonds at<br />

Kimberley; Tin at Perak Malaya;<br />

Turquoises from Nishapour, Persia; Rock<br />

salt in Cheshire; Rubies from Burma etc.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

50 card Mining set over 100 years old.<br />


39<br />

Field or Students Microscope c1900<br />

Larger size with three objectives – fine condition.<br />

A late Victorian student’s or field drum microscope. Fine<br />

working condition. Original wooden case. This variety<br />

would have been used by naturalist’s in the field and<br />

likely French in manufacture.<br />

Three objectives all in good condition. Good optics,<br />

retains the original lacquer, swivel mirror unblemished.<br />

Original mahogany fitted case in good condition.<br />

Price $240.00<br />

Practical antique scientific instrument<br />

Sinabada (Lady King)<br />

the Autobiography <strong>of</strong> Elinor Mouradant<br />

First edition by Greystone Press, New<br />

York in 1938. Large octavo, 377 pages,<br />

portrait frontispiece, some age on title.<br />

Else clean and a really super dust<br />

jacket in condition and design.<br />

A very unconventional life. Elinor<br />

Mordant married a Mauritian Planter<br />

who once <strong>of</strong>fered her as a stake in a<br />

card game. She left him pretty quick<br />

smart and found she had a talent for<br />

writing. This gave her the freedom and<br />

means to travel. She made the most <strong>of</strong><br />

it and ended up in the Trobriand<br />

Islands <strong>of</strong> New Guinea where she was<br />

proclaimed Monarch or Lady King<br />

(Sinabada). But there is much more<br />

before that. Beautifully written,<br />

entertaining and very readable.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

An amazing life story – like no other.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

40<br />

A Palm Beach — Barbier Pochoir —Gazette du Bon Ton -1921<br />

An original hand coloured “Pochoir” by George Barbier (1882-1932) the most desirable<br />

artist that contributed to Paris Gazette du Bon Ton. This pochoir published in 1921.<br />

“A Palm Beach” Tailleur de Worth. The costume from the famous Paris based House <strong>of</strong><br />

Worth which operated between 1857 and 1956. A three piece outfit in red poplin with<br />

a chiffon bodice covered in blue lace; the jacket embroidered in navy.<br />

Price $290.00 framed $180.00 unframed.<br />

Much sought after George Barbier<br />

Website: www.voyagerhobart.com<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

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