DRIVE NOW March/April 2022
Australia's only Magazine for the Commercial Passenger Transport Industry. News and views for Drivers, Owners and Operators of Taxi, Hire Car, Limousine, Ride Share, Booked Hire Vehicles, Rank and Hail Cars.
Australia's only Magazine for the Commercial Passenger Transport Industry. News and views for Drivers, Owners and Operators of Taxi, Hire Car, Limousine, Ride Share, Booked Hire Vehicles, Rank and Hail Cars.
MARCH/APRIL 2022 - EDITION 53 National Magazine Taxis, Hire Cars, Wedding Cars, Limousines Owners, Drivers, Partners, Operators Suppliers, Networks, Booking Service Providers
- Page 4 and 5: drivenowmag drivenowmag drivenowmag
- Page 6 and 7: VIC News MPTP Review REPORT TABLED
- Page 12 and 13: VICTORIA news Industry battles cont
- Page 14 and 15: Industry battles continue - and so
- Page 16 and 17: Industry battles continue - and so
- Page 18 and 19: We all know the financial devastati
- Page 20 and 21: NEW SOUTH WALES news QLD News New E
- Page 22 and 23: Here are some ways to build connect
- Page 24 and 25: Will Elon Musk End The Fossil Fuel
- Page 26 and 27: 26 March/April 2022 Western Austral
- Page 28 and 29: NSW News Over 50 MPs sign PLEDGE Mo
- Page 30 and 31: NEW SOUTH WALES news NSW TAXI INDUS
- Page 32 and 33: NEW SOUTH WALES news NSW TAXI INDUS
- Page 36 and 37: Be Safe on the Roads at Easter With
- Page 42 and 43: How successful is Australia's COVID
- Page 44 and 45: overseas news Drivers say they can
- Page 46 and 47: Only $ 35 for 50 words Payment deta
MARCH/APRIL <strong>2022</strong> - EDITION 53<br />
National<br />
Magazine<br />
Taxis, Hire Cars,<br />
Wedding Cars,<br />
Limousines<br />
Owners, Drivers,<br />
Partners, Operators<br />
Suppliers, Networks,<br />
Booking Service<br />
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24<br />
6<br />
HELP<br />
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48<br />
6 Multi Purpose Taxi Program report.<br />
12<br />
Industry battles continue - and so does<br />
Rod Barton MP.<br />
20 New electric vehicle plan.<br />
21 Reporting drivers misconduct.<br />
27<br />
Black & White Cabs is the new TUSS<br />
processor.<br />
NSW<br />
28 Over 50 MPs sign pledge.<br />
29<br />
30<br />
Government is considering increased<br />
compensation package.<br />
Highlights from NSW Taxi Industry<br />
Conference <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
34 Report on the inquiry into Road Safety.<br />
36 Be safe on the roads at Easter.<br />
38 Australia’s auto awareness needs a tune-up.<br />
44 Drivers say they can’t take much more!<br />
47 20,000 new Uber drivers.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
drivenowmag drivenowmag<br />
drivenowmagazine drivenowmagazine<br />
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Mrs Toni Peters<br />
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Drivers, Owners, Operators,<br />
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All Australian States and<br />
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4 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
FROM THE<br />
Editor<br />
The Victorian Economy and Infrastructure<br />
committee has released their findings in a report<br />
on the review of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program<br />
(MPTP), which Rod Barton MP, Leader of the<br />
Transport Matters Party, says outlines the failures<br />
of Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV).<br />
The review clearly identified that the MPTP is a<br />
program that has developed and nurtured trust,<br />
flexibility and safety. It is about passengers who<br />
have a disability enjoying a great relationship with<br />
their driver as they get from point A to B.<br />
Rod Barton says, “During the inquiry, we learned<br />
a lot about cross-subsidisation. What this means<br />
in the industry is that wheelchair accessible taxi<br />
services can only be provided by an operator if they<br />
are cross-subsidised by work that is somewhat more<br />
profitable than normal taxi work.”<br />
“The problem with what the regulator (CPVV) has<br />
done is that they did not do the work on the impact<br />
of opening up the MPTP 80,000 vehicles. We heard<br />
from taxi operators that this means it became that<br />
much harder to keep Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles<br />
on the road, with many operators already removing<br />
their vehicles because they could not continue<br />
running at a loss.”<br />
The good news is that the report embodies twenty<br />
recommendations that the government ought to<br />
uptake to ensure the streamlining and continuance<br />
of a successful Multi Purpose Taxi Program in<br />
Victoria. Now we just have to wait six months for<br />
the government’s comments on this report.<br />
Meanwhile, in New South Wales, it appears that the<br />
taxi industry may be on the brink of a win with<br />
regards to licence compensation. It has been<br />
fantastic to witness so many industry personnel and<br />
local MPs supporting the claim for greater<br />
compensation by signing the NSW Taxi Industry<br />
Pledge. But unfortunately, the government can no<br />
longer refute that the industry reforms have and<br />
will continue to strip away drivers' and owners'<br />
hard-earned savings.<br />
Martin Rogers – CEO of NSW Taxi Council, said, “We<br />
welcome the news that the NSW Government is<br />
considering an increased compensation package for<br />
the NSW Taxi Industry. We are actively engaging<br />
with the NSW Government to understand the finer<br />
details of the package and look forward to receiving<br />
more information from the NSW Government<br />
regarding the proposed compensation package.”<br />
Congratulations to the NSW Taxi Council on a great<br />
effort to bring together a cohesive, united front and<br />
stand up for what they believe is fair and equitable<br />
compensation for the loss in value of NSW Taxi<br />
Licences.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
VIC News<br />
MPTP<br />
Review<br />
The Multi Purpose Taxi Program<br />
(MPTP) has been providing<br />
subsidised travel for Victorians with<br />
a disability since 1983. The MPTP<br />
helps all Victorians to live a full<br />
life, by supporting access to vital<br />
medical care or helping to maintain<br />
social contact with family and<br />
friends.<br />
In 2017, the Victorian Government<br />
began to expand the MPTP. Initially<br />
only for traditional taxi travel, a<br />
wider variety of service providers,<br />
such as ridesharing services, can<br />
now participate in the Program.<br />
This has led to greater choices for<br />
MPTP members.<br />
However, the expansion has also<br />
raised some concerns.<br />
One of the main areas of concern<br />
identified by this report is<br />
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles<br />
(WAVs). The Committee learnt<br />
that around 15% of MPTP members<br />
rely on WAVs for their transport<br />
needs. Appallingly, the regulator,<br />
Commercial Passenger Vehicles<br />
Victoria (CPVV), does not know<br />
how many WAVs are currently<br />
operating on Victoria’s roads. This<br />
is due to a number of factors—<br />
primarily poor data management<br />
at CPVV and the impact of the<br />
COVID-19 pandemic.<br />
The Legislative Council<br />
Economy and Infrastructure<br />
(LCEI) Committee has made<br />
recommendations to address<br />
this problem immediately, as<br />
well as regarding CPVV’s ongoing<br />
responsibilities.<br />
Rod Barton, Leader Transport<br />
Matters Party and member<br />
of the LCEI Committee said,<br />
“Unfortunately, despite the CPVV<br />
being the industry regulator, it was<br />
made clear in findings of this report<br />
that they have no idea how many<br />
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles<br />
are active in Victoria or if they are<br />
based in regional or metro areas.<br />
In fact, you can say that for the<br />
entire industry.”<br />
“Furthermore, the Committee<br />
found that the CPVV is likely<br />
unaware of how critical aspects of<br />
the Multi Purpose Taxi Program<br />
are functioning. This was made<br />
clear through many, many data<br />
errors as well as different numbers<br />
being provided and information<br />
that, once found false, had to be<br />
redacted.”<br />
The LCEI Committee has also made<br />
recommendations on areas such as:<br />
• safety<br />
• concerns about ‘surge’ pricing<br />
• the expected impact of the<br />
National Disability Insurance<br />
Scheme (NDIS).<br />
These issues are integral to<br />
ensuring the ongoing success of<br />
the MPTP in providing the level of<br />
service its members deserve and to<br />
ensure trust and confidence in this<br />
important program are maintained.<br />
6 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
VICTORIA news<br />
Below is a summary of the findings and recommendations by the Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee<br />
(LCEI Committee). The full report on the Inquiry into the Multi Purpose Taxi Program can be found at It<br />
includes full details on the findings, recommendations and rationale by the LCEI Committee. The Government has six months to<br />
respond in writing to any recommendations made.<br />
FINDING 1: The purpose of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program is to provide greater transport access to people<br />
with a disability and people with mobility and accessibility needs through the provision of subsidised commercial<br />
passenger vehicle fares.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 1: That Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria identify and address ongoing issues<br />
regarding data management with the Multi Purpose Taxi Program. Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria<br />
should report to the Minister for Public Transport within six months of this report being tabled to outline:<br />
• where the weaknesses in data management are occurring within the organisation<br />
• what actions have been taken to rectify the problems.<br />
FINDING 2: The new ‘Invitation to Supply’ process for parties wishing to join the Multi Purpose Taxi Program as<br />
a Data Collection Provider has improved the accessibility of information for applicants. It provides clear, detailed<br />
information about the end-to-end application process and the requirements for successful completion.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 2: To ensure that the Data Collection Provider Expansion Project is meeting its aim<br />
to be open, transparent and fair to all potential providers, Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria should<br />
undertake regular consultations with applicants on their view of the process. In particular, Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria should:<br />
• consult with applicants on opportunities for improving support during the application process<br />
• establish consistent project timelines, including indicative turnaround times for Commercial Passenger<br />
Vehicles Victoria to provide feedback/progress reports. These timelines should be clearly communicated to<br />
applicants.<br />
FINDING 3: The Multi Purpose Taxi Program’s Uber expansion trial ran from 25 <strong>March</strong> 2020 to 5 July 2020. The<br />
trial involved six participants who undertook a total of 174 trips.<br />
FINDING 4: The purpose of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program’s Uber expansion trial was primarily to test the<br />
suitability of Uber’s technology for the program. However, the trial also assessed the experiences of trial<br />
participants. For a trial assessing user experience, whether wholly or in part, six participants is not suitable. A larger<br />
participant pool would be necessary to properly assess members’ experiences, especially given the diverse range<br />
of experiences among people with a disability.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 3: That Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria commission an independent survey of<br />
Multi Purpose Taxi Program members’ experiences using Uber.<br /> <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
FINDING 5: In relation to the subsidy charge rule<br />
applied during Uber’s 2020 MPTP live trial, evidence<br />
found by the Committee does not show:<br />
• that the subsidy charge rule was changed solely<br />
to benefit Uber’s entry into the program. Rather,<br />
that changing the subsidy rule was a broader<br />
consideration of the expansion project<br />
• that the charge rule applied during the trial was<br />
tested by any providers other than Uber.<br />
FINDING 6: Increasing the number of Data Collection<br />
Providers available within the Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program has reduced single supplier risk and expanded<br />
market options for vehicles offering Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program services.<br />
FINDING 7: The entry of rideshare operators into<br />
the Multi Purpose Taxi Program market has increased<br />
consumer choice and service availability for many Multi<br />
Purpose Taxi Program members.<br />
FINDING 8: The future viability of the Multi Purpose<br />
Taxi Program is difficult to assess because:<br />
• due to COVID-19, there is a lack of reliable data on<br />
the impact of the expansion of service providers<br />
on the industry<br />
• the long-term impact of increased competition on<br />
service supply is unknown.<br />
FINDING 9: Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria<br />
does not have an accurate picture of the number of<br />
wheelchair accessible vehicles operating in Victoria<br />
or their distribution across regional and metropolitan<br />
areas.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 5: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria:<br />
• undertake an audit of the number and location<br />
of wheelchair accessible commercial passenger<br />
vehicles currently operating in Victoria and<br />
report its findings within three months<br />
• work with booking service providers and<br />
owner-drivers to undertake an audit of the<br />
number and locations of wheelchair accessible<br />
vehicles that were in operation during the six<br />
months from October 2021 to <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
• implement a process to accurately capture<br />
data on the number and location of wheelchair<br />
accessible vehicles in operation (at least 1<br />
trip per calendar month) in the market on an<br />
ongoing basis.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 4: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria undertake an audit to<br />
assess whether the expansion of services operating<br />
under the Multi Purpose Taxi Program has led to:<br />
• a significant decrease in services due to market<br />
dilution reducing profits<br />
• drivers prioritising peak periods where profits<br />
are higher, leaving off-peak periods underserviced.<br />
If the audit shows substantial risks to the ongoing<br />
viability of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program, the<br />
Government should, in consultation with industry<br />
stakeholders, immediately develop and implement a<br />
mitigation strategy.<br />
FINDING 10: The availability of wheelchair accessible<br />
vehicles is a long-standing issue that has seen some<br />
improvement in recent years. However, a proper<br />
understanding of this issue will only be fully understood<br />
once the COVID-19 pandemic has fully passed.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 6: That the Victorian<br />
Government work with the commercial passenger<br />
vehicle industry and other Australian governments<br />
to achieve the response times for accessible<br />
taxi services requirement in line with the<br />
Commonwealth Disability Standards for Accessible<br />
Public Transport 2002.<br />
8 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
FINDING 11: Adequate training, including for ongoing<br />
skills maintenance, of W-endorsed commercial<br />
passenger drivers to correctly operate equipment<br />
protects the safety of passengers and ensures trust in<br />
the Multi Purpose Taxi Program.<br />
FINDING 12: The cost to purchase and maintain a<br />
wheelchair accessible vehicle is significantly higher than<br />
it is for a standard sedan. However, this difference is<br />
lowered by financial support provided by the Victorian<br />
Government in some cases.<br />
FINDING 13: The current approach to disability<br />
awareness and inclusion training is inconsistent and<br />
inadequate. It fails to ensure that services provided to<br />
people with a disability across the whole commercial<br />
passenger vehicle industry meet required standards.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 7: Should a decrease in the<br />
number of wheelchair accessible vehicles operating<br />
in Victoria become evident, that Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria act immediately, in<br />
consultation with commercial passenger vehicle<br />
industry stakeholders, to ensure numbers are<br />
sustainable and sufficient to meet community needs.<br />
This action may include requiring a set percentage of<br />
a commercial passenger vehicles operator’s fleet to<br />
be wheelchair accessible vehicles.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 8: That the Victorian<br />
Government consider raising the lifting fee for<br />
wheelchair accessible vehicles to:<br />
• encourage existing operators to remain in the<br />
Multi Purpose Taxi Program<br />
• incentivise new wheelchair accessible vehicle<br />
operators in the Program.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 9: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria consider options<br />
to develop and implement ‘preferred supplier’<br />
accreditation for service providers that consistently<br />
achieve best practice approaches to accessible<br />
transport service provision. This accreditation<br />
should be subject to ongoing independent quality<br />
assessment measures.<br />
FINDING 14: Finalisation of the draft driver training<br />
framework was delayed as a result of COVID-19<br />
impacts. The current status of a new driver training<br />
framework, including an updated timeframe for its<br />
release and implementation, is unknown.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 10: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria finalise, release and<br />
implement a new Driver Training Framework as soon<br />
as possible.<br />
Martin Meters - Oz Cab Store<br />
Phone: 03 9335 1551<br />
• 1TB Memory<br />
• 1080P External Color Camera<br />
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• Led Camera Status<br />
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Priced from:<br />
$1500+GST<br />
Standard Vic Spec.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
FINDING 15: The primary function of security cameras<br />
installed in commercial passenger vehicles is to provide<br />
an evidentiary record of any incidents that occur. The<br />
need for this safeguard applies whether the vehicle is<br />
registered for booked or unbooked travel.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 11: That the Victorian<br />
Government require all commercial passenger<br />
vehicles that operate in the Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program to install a security camera compliant with<br />
specified standards.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 12: That the Victorian<br />
Government review and implement a consistent<br />
set of minimum vehicle safety and accessibility<br />
requirements to apply to all vehicles that operate in<br />
the Multi Purpose Taxi Program.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 13: That the Victorian<br />
Government ensure the bests interests of Multi<br />
Purpose Taxi Program members are protected to<br />
ensure they can access the most suitable options<br />
for their personal circumstances, in particular Multi<br />
Purpose Taxi Program members who do not have<br />
the personal capacity to make decisions about<br />
their own travel arrangements.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 14: That the Victorian<br />
Government consider introducing a maximum fare<br />
for Multi Purpose Taxi Program trips for all service<br />
providers. The maximum should not be greater than<br />
the fare set by the Essential Services Commission.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 15: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria undertake a review of<br />
complaints handling processes in the Multi Purpose<br />
Taxi Program. The review should:<br />
• consider how the processes can best be<br />
improved to promote greater accessibility,<br />
responsiveness and positive outcomes for<br />
people with a disability<br />
• consider whether complaints handling for<br />
the Multi Purpose Taxi Program should be<br />
centralised and managed by Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria<br />
• be undertaken in consultation with the<br />
disability community and the commercial<br />
passenger vehicle industry<br />
• be finalised with recommendations for<br />
improvement within 12 months.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 16: That Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicles Victoria review and, where<br />
necessary, update application processes for the<br />
Multi Purpose Taxi Program to:<br />
• ensure proactive communication on application<br />
outcomes is built-in<br />
• provide a mechanism for support coordinators/<br />
advocates to liaise with Commercial Passenger<br />
Vehicles Victoria if required<br />
• simplify requirements to obtain a replacement<br />
card<br />
• improve guidance to medical practitioners.<br />
10 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
SCHEME<br />
FINDING 16: The commercial passenger vehicle<br />
industry was significantly negatively impacted by<br />
measures put in place in response to the COVID-19<br />
pandemic. The introduction of travel restrictions and<br />
lockdowns substantially decreased demand for services<br />
during these periods causing ongoing financial strain<br />
for many industry participants. However, this was<br />
eased for some by Victorian Government financial<br />
support.<br />
FINDING 17: The ongoing impact of the COVID-19<br />
pandemic makes it difficult to accurately assess<br />
the impact of COVID-19 or potential post-COVID-19<br />
pathways for the commercial passenger vehicle<br />
industry.<br />
FINDING 18: Ensuring the ongoing financial viability<br />
and service delivery of the commercial passenger<br />
vehicle industry, including the Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program, should be a key consideration in the Victorian<br />
Government’s post-COVID-19 industry recovery<br />
strategies.<br />
FINDING 19: The roll out of transport funding from<br />
the National Disability Insurance Scheme will have<br />
an impact on the operation of the Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program. There may be risks to the viability of the<br />
Program due to:<br />
• changes in market demand as clients transition<br />
to transport funding under the National Disability<br />
Insurance Scheme<br />
• the absence of a lifting fee for wheelchair<br />
accessible vehicles when transporting National<br />
Disability Insurance Scheme clients, potentially<br />
resulting in suppliers leaving the market and<br />
demand not being met.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 17: That the Victorian<br />
Government work with other Australian States and<br />
Territories to implement a nationally consistent<br />
approach to transport subsidy programs.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 18: That the Victorian<br />
Government advocate to the National Disability<br />
Insurance Agency for the National Disability<br />
Insurance Scheme to provide subsidised transport<br />
for all clients that supports social connection and<br />
participation in the community.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 19: That the Victorian<br />
Government continue to work with the National<br />
Disability Insurance Agency to ensure that the<br />
roll out of transport funding under the National<br />
Disability Insurance Scheme ensures wheelchair<br />
users receive equal services to all other transport<br />
users, including the retention of wheelchair lifting<br />
fees for commercial passenger vehicles.<br />
RECOMMENDATION 20: That the Victorian<br />
Government requires commercial passenger<br />
vehicle drivers that undertake Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program work to get a National Disability Insurance<br />
Scheme Worker Screen Check. In implementing this<br />
requirement, the Government should establish a<br />
clear transition plan for the industry in line with the<br />
transition plan it established for other industries<br />
under the Victorian Safety Screening Policy: for<br />
registered NDIS providers operating in Victoria.<br />
FINDING 20: The Victorian Government has<br />
committed to developing an integrated transport<br />
strategy under the Transport Integration Act 2010 (Vic).<br />
The roll out of transport funding under the National<br />
Disability Insurance Scheme presents an opportunity to<br />
renew efforts to implementing the strategy to ensure<br />
people with a disability can choose the transport option<br />
which best suits their needs.<br />
The full report on the Inquiry into the Multi Purpose Taxi<br />
Program can be found at It includes<br />
full details on the findings, recommendations and rationale<br />
by the LCEI Committee. The Government has six months to<br />
respond in writing to any recommendations made.<br /> <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
VICTORIA news<br />
Industry<br />
battles<br />
continue<br />
- and<br />
so does<br />
Rod!<br />
Rod Barton MLC<br />
Leader, Transport Matters Party<br />
Tuesday 22 nd February <strong>2022</strong> marked the fifth anniversary of the introduction of the Commercial Passenger<br />
Vehicle Industry (CPVI) Bill 2017.<br />
It is a timely opportunity to remind those affected by the consequences of this Bill what I and the<br />
Transport Matters Party have achieved since this time and what we continue to advocate for as political<br />
representatives for stakeholders of the commercial passenger vehicle industry.<br />
When Transport Matters Party (TMP) was formed, our main agenda was to achieve success in the 2018<br />
Victorian state election so that we were better positioned to work collaboratively with the winning<br />
government to address the failures of the CPVI Bill. Our mantra was to leave no stone unturned.<br />
The Bill had very little consideration for the concerns of stakeholders past, present and future. It did<br />
not sufficiently recognise the investment of incumbent industry participants who paid a considerable<br />
price for following rules and regulations for decades and who ultimately were severely penalised and<br />
handicapped by the industry reforms. The level playing field that was promised them never eventuated.<br />
12 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
VICTORIA news<br />
Neither did the CPVI Bill consider<br />
the ongoing viability of the<br />
industry, or basic regulations<br />
necessary to provide a safe, fair,<br />
competitive and efficient service<br />
to all of its consumers regardless<br />
of which type of service they use.<br />
Most notable was the absence<br />
of any compensation in the Bill<br />
for the compulsory acquisition<br />
of perpetual taxi and hire car<br />
licences which were treated as<br />
assets to this point.<br />
As well as this, the CPVI Bill<br />
failed to anticipate the many<br />
negative consequences for<br />
active industry participants who<br />
continue to be impacted by its<br />
shortcomings. This is in addition<br />
to the poor protections for<br />
consumers against extortion as<br />
a result of fare deregulation and<br />
implications for safety due to soft<br />
requirements in the rideshare<br />
sector.<br />
Among many other<br />
responsibilities associated with<br />
representing my electorate of the<br />
Eastern Metropolitan region, my<br />
team and I work relentlessly on<br />
behalf of the industry to address<br />
these issues.<br />
It would be well<br />
known by now that<br />
my hard work and<br />
that of key players<br />
involved in forming<br />
the Transport<br />
Matters Party began<br />
long before the<br />
election.<br />
We were instrumental in<br />
developing the legal case against<br />
Uber, which has led to the<br />
establishment of the class action<br />
being run by Maurice Blackburn.<br />
The claim against Uber is for lost<br />
income and loss in licence values<br />
for participants in the taxi and<br />
hire car industry incurred as a<br />
result of Uber’s alleged illegal<br />
conduct.<br />
The competence and tenacity<br />
of team TMP was evident not<br />
just in leading this cause but<br />
also in securing over $20 million<br />
from Harbour Litigation Funding<br />
which has enabled the action to<br />
proceed at no cost to registrants.<br />
From these beginnings and<br />
because of the foresight of the<br />
executive team, the class action<br />
now has over 8,000 registrants<br />
and has expanded to include<br />
claims for industry participants<br />
in New South Wales, Queensland<br />
and Western Australia and<br />
Victoria. It is purported that<br />
this will be one of the largest<br />
class actions this country has<br />
ever seen. The part I played<br />
in initiating this fills me with<br />
immense pride.<br />
Establishing TMP was not an easy<br />
task by far but thanks to all our<br />
supporting members and the skill<br />
shown by the executive team to<br />
secure favourable preference<br />
voting arrangements, the battle<br />
against all odds was won, and a<br />
seat was secured in the Eastern<br />
Metropolitan region at the 2018<br />
Victorian state election.<br />
This was achieved in the face of<br />
circulating rumours and threats<br />
from the opposition of the<br />
day who tried to sabotage our<br />
campaign.<br />
Nevertheless, we won<br />
in spite of the damage<br />
that was tried.<br />
For a long time, we were led to<br />
believe that we had a friend in<br />
the opposition who seemingly<br />
showed support for the industry<br />
and the injustice that had<br />
occurred when the reforms were<br />
implemented. Outwardly, this<br />
has always been the message<br />
that has been conveyed, but true<br />
advocacy goes beyond holding<br />
a microphone on the steps of<br />
parliament and a few supportive<br />
social posts.<br />
Words are just wind, and the<br />
industry was being blown away.<br />
We soon learned that there was<br />
little activity behind the scenes.<br />
On the other hand,<br />
my focus and that of<br />
TMP has not waivered<br />
since entering<br />
parliament.<br />
Hansard will show that I have<br />
raised industry concerns in<br />
every parliamentary sitting week<br />
since I was elected in 2018. I<br />
have used every opportunity<br />
to advance our cause and to<br />
remind the government of why I<br />
was elected and what it is that I<br />
hope to achieve on behalf of my<br />
stakeholders.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Industry battles continue - and so does Rod!<br />
According to Hansard, I alone<br />
delivered 106 speeches during<br />
this parliamentary term which<br />
mentioned the word taxi and<br />
raised issues concerning the<br />
industry.<br />
By comparison, there was a total<br />
of seven mentions from all other<br />
political parties combined for the<br />
same period, mostly in response<br />
to motions and speeches I<br />
presented. There is a lot of<br />
smoke and mirrors in parliament<br />
but the proof lies clearly in the<br />
actions taken.<br />
I am the Lone<br />
Ranger. There is no<br />
other member of<br />
parliament actively<br />
fighting for this<br />
cause, and I do<br />
this without any<br />
meaningful support<br />
from any other party.<br />
Despite my best efforts,<br />
many important battles<br />
remain ongoing. For example,<br />
addressing the inadequacy<br />
of compensation for the<br />
compulsory acquisition of<br />
perpetual taxi and hire car<br />
licences due to the 2017 reforms<br />
remains a complicated and<br />
sensitive matter that is yet to<br />
conclude.<br />
During the height of the<br />
pandemic, the government had<br />
little band width for anything<br />
other than the unfolding and<br />
continuous crisis that COVID-19<br />
created.<br />
Although disappointing,<br />
COVID-19 has understandably<br />
delayed a resolution addressing<br />
our concerns. However, now<br />
that the urgency surrounding the<br />
pandemic has eased, we seek<br />
your patience in these matters<br />
as we re-commence discussions<br />
and push for an outcome in the<br />
coming months. This will finalise<br />
the government’s response to<br />
the parliamentary inquiry into<br />
the 2017 industry reforms, which<br />
included a recommendation to<br />
review the transitional funding<br />
package for perpetual taxi and<br />
hire car licence owners.<br />
While our most important and<br />
difficult battle has proceeded<br />
slowly in the background, we<br />
have had many wins along the<br />
way which would not have been<br />
possible without the continued<br />
support of our members and the<br />
invaluable work of my team. See<br />
next page for details.<br />
14 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
specific to the Victorian<br />
Made touting illegal in Victoria.<br />
Worked with the government and relevant authorities to retain the issue of VH series plates for<br />
hire cars.<br />
Secured amendments to ensure a parliamentary inquiry proceeded to review the Commercial<br />
Passenger Vehicle industry reforms of 2017.<br />
Continue to work with the government to develop their final response to the recommendations<br />
arising from the inquiry.<br />
Successfully liaised with the Australian Taxation Office in a review of the tax treatment of<br />
Fairness Fund payments made to industry stakeholders. This led to hundreds of thousands of<br />
dollars in taxes being refunded to industry members.<br />
Being appointed to an advisory panel providing recommendations to the Transport Minister in<br />
response to the impact of Covid-19 on the CPV industry.<br />
Secured a $22 million COVID-19 support package for the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry.<br />
Successfully lobbied to have the CPV industry included in the May 2021 lockdown business<br />
support grants valued at $5000. These continued throughout the year.<br />
Secured a parliamentary inquiry into the Multi Purpose Taxi Program, which is yet to deliver its<br />
recommendations.<br />
Successfully lobbied the government to have the taxi and hire car industry included in the<br />
eligibility for the Business Costs Assistance Program during lockdowns. These grants were valued<br />
at up to $2800 per week.<br />
Successfully lobbied members of the Legislative Council to pass my motion to acknowledge the<br />
damage caused to taxi and hire car licence holders by the 2017 reforms.<br />
Repeatedly and successfully used my position in parliament to highlight the failings of the<br />
industry regulator and applied significant pressure for improvements which subsequently led to<br />
the resignation of CEO Aaron de Rosario.<br />
Successfully supported countless industry stakeholders in their dealings with government bodies<br />
and navigating through red tape to accomplish positive results.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Industry battles continue - and so does Rod!<br />
These outcomes and many others<br />
would simply not have been<br />
realised without my involvement<br />
and the advocacy of the Transport<br />
Matters Party. My role in parliament<br />
has given me a platform to provide<br />
the industry with a voice which<br />
would not otherwise be heard.<br />
It is an election year, and we<br />
are already seeing a repeat of<br />
the behaviour ahead of the last<br />
election, with the opposition<br />
whispering sweet nothings in the<br />
ears of our stakeholders. While<br />
we appreciate their sympathetic<br />
view, we should also consider their<br />
slim track record for achieving<br />
successful outcomes on behalf of<br />
the industry. Let there be no doubt<br />
that I am on my own.<br />
Words are cheap, and a mere<br />
reminder of the financial<br />
destruction caused by the reforms<br />
does nothing to change the lives<br />
of anyone. Actions are what are<br />
needed. The opposition must be<br />
held to account to explain precisely<br />
how they intend to rectify matters.<br />
Prior to the last state election, this<br />
amounted to a pledge to review<br />
the Fairness Fund and lacked<br />
any firm commitment to award<br />
compensation to licence holders.<br />
Since TMP was formed and my<br />
election to parliament, I have<br />
taken my commitment to seriously<br />
representing the industry. The<br />
primary aim has always been to<br />
try to repair the past and work<br />
to improve the industry for all<br />
stakeholders going forward. The<br />
list of our achievements is evidence<br />
that this has not changed.<br />
“<br />
I will continue to<br />
fight your battles<br />
for as long as I am<br />
given a platform in<br />
parliament to do so.<br />
However, I cannot<br />
do this alone – there<br />
is strength only in<br />
numbers.<br />
16 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
I know what it is like to have<br />
your struggles, experiences<br />
and opinions ignored. That<br />
is why I came to Parliament<br />
to fight for our community,<br />
accountability, and fairness.<br />
Phone: (03) 9850 8600<br />
Email:<br /><br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
RodBartonMP<br />
We all know the financial<br />
devastation and the ongoing<br />
lifetime of financial hardship<br />
the Dan Andrews government<br />
has caused to thousands of taxi<br />
families with their taxi industry<br />
reforms, where we have lost the<br />
value of our taxi licences. But it<br />
does not stop there for those who<br />
are still in the taxi industry and<br />
operate a taxi.<br />
But government reforms have<br />
had a further ongoing financial<br />
effect on taxi operators - on their<br />
daily income by not being able to<br />
operate a taxi 24/7 because of the<br />
lack of drivers. This is because<br />
drivers can now become their own<br />
taxi operator by simply making an<br />
application to government and<br />
paying a small fee.<br />
This has dramatically changed<br />
the taxi industry in that it is<br />
now predominantly made up of<br />
owners/ drivers mainly working 12-<br />
hour shifts five days per week.<br />
So why are taxi operators still<br />
paying historic network fees for<br />
access to their Booking Service<br />
Providers (BSP) [previously called<br />
taxi networks] 24/7, 365 days of<br />
the year, if they do not require the<br />
services of their BSP 24/7, 365 days<br />
a year?<br />
Why should taxi operators be<br />
forced to pay for services that<br />
are not required when taking an<br />
annual four week holiday and<br />
cannot get drivers and have no<br />
income for that?<br />
Or their taxi is off the road due to<br />
the owner/driver being sick or due<br />
to a car accident?<br />
We cannot work 365 days a year<br />
without a break!<br />
It is time for BSPs to get<br />
with the changes!<br />
I would like the taxi industry to<br />
change and move with the times<br />
and review their network fee<br />
charges to taxi operators to make<br />
it fair for all players.<br />
For example, there are seven<br />
hundred and twelve 12-hour shifts<br />
per calendar year. Based on a five<br />
day working week of 12 hour shifts<br />
equals 260 shifts; less four weeks<br />
of annual holidays of 20 shifts<br />
equates to a taxi operator only<br />
working a total of 240 shifts per<br />
year.<br />
That leaves four hundred and<br />
ninety 12-hour shifts not worked,<br />
and taxi operators are forced<br />
to pay for a service that is not<br />
required.<br />
It is totally unfair when BSPs are<br />
grossly overcharging fees to taxi<br />
operators where services are not<br />
required. We face should reflect<br />
on the service provided. Changes<br />
need to be made by the BSPs and<br />
have networks fees charged to<br />
taxi operators based on payment<br />
for service for each 12-hour shift<br />
for a taxi operator’s vehicle he’s<br />
logged on, which would cater and<br />
be fairer for all players.<br />
Transition to retirement to<br />
retain taxi operators longer.<br />
Many taxi operators leave the<br />
taxi industry because there is<br />
no flexibility for transition to<br />
retirement when they wish to<br />
work three or four days or shifts<br />
per week but quit the industry due<br />
to paying the total fixed monthly<br />
annual network fees.<br />
In the past, taxi operators could<br />
transition to retirement by simply<br />
engaging drivers to work their<br />
cabs. Still, today this is not a viable<br />
option, notwithstanding that<br />
one cannot get drivers to do so<br />
anyway.<br />
If the BSPs were to restructure<br />
their fees to reflect payment for<br />
service every time a taxi driver logs<br />
on for a 12-hour shift, this would<br />
address issues of transition to<br />
retirement. It’s time for change!<br />
Peter Manikus<br />
Owner/Operator since 1976<br />
18 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
scan<br />
me<br />
See the world in colour.<br />
Australia’s largest taxi network<br />
Free training<br />
EFTPOS paid every day<br />
A 4.8 star booking app on over<br />
2 million phones<br />
Around the clock support<br />
Monitored alarm system<br />
COVID support<br />
Vehicle and insurance finance<br />
available<br />
Build regular clients with MyDriver<br />
And that’s just the start. To find out more, contact us today.<br />
1800 546 687<br />
Get our app. Go your way.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
NEW SOUTH WALES news<br />
QLD News<br />
New<br />
EV Plan<br />
The Queensland Government's<br />
new $55 million EV package<br />
will send a strong signal to the<br />
global industry that the Sunshine<br />
State is an appealing place to be,<br />
according to the Electric Vehicle<br />
Council.<br />
The new package includes $3000<br />
incentives for EV purchases and<br />
$10 million for new charging<br />
infrastructure.<br />
"Queensland was the first<br />
Australian state to develop<br />
an EV strategy and today's<br />
announcement shows there's<br />
still strong momentum toward<br />
an electric future in the Sunshine<br />
State," said Electric Vehicle Council<br />
chief executive Behyad Jafari.<br />
"Instead of filling up on foreign<br />
oil, Queensland drivers should be<br />
filling up on the abundant sunshine<br />
and wind their state offers.<br />
"We know Queensland drivers<br />
already have great enthusiasm<br />
about the idea of switching to an<br />
EV; this package will help convert a<br />
lot of that enthusiasm to action.<br />
"Now what we need is for the<br />
federal government to back<br />
Queensland's efforts and support<br />
it with overdue reform like the<br />
introduction of fuel efficiency<br />
standards."<br />
Mr Jafari noted that while this<br />
package was welcome there<br />
was still ample room for future<br />
progress.<br />
"Direct company incentives would<br />
also attract more EV supply chain<br />
investment to the state. And with<br />
a strong manufacturing presence<br />
in the state, the Queensland<br />
Government might also consider<br />
ways to support the uptake of<br />
electric trucks.<br />
Online Australian<br />
Training<br />
Courses<br /><br />
Limousine, Taxi, Hire Car, Ride Share<br />
Fatigue Management<br />
23 Lessons | $49.00<br />
Limousine, Taxi, Hire Car, Ride Share<br />
COVID-19 Hygiene Awareness<br />
for Transport Drivers<br />
22 Lessons | $ FREE<br />
20 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
REPORTING <strong>DRIVE</strong>RS<br />
QUEENSLAND news<br />
Any Booking Entity Authorisation<br />
(BEA) holder who ends a work<br />
arrangement with a driver due<br />
to serious misconduct, must<br />
immediately let Department of<br />
Transport and Main Roads (TMR)<br />
know.<br />
This includes ending the work<br />
arrangement if the driver:<br />
• has committed a driver<br />
disqualifying offence<br />
• did not provide a public<br />
passenger service safely<br />
while driving a motor vehicle,<br />
such as driving unsafely<br />
• has committed an offence<br />
against a provision of<br />
relevant transport legislation<br />
relating to using a motor<br />
vehicle, such as the driver<br />
providing an unauthorised<br />
taxi or booked hire service<br />
• was a threat to the safety<br />
of any person, particularly<br />
a child or other vulnerable<br />
member of the community<br />
• If you end a working<br />
arrangement for other minor<br />
matters, for example, if the<br />
driver isn't meeting customer<br />
service standards, then you<br />
don't need to notify the<br />
department.<br />
Notifying TMR is easy, here's how:<br />
• Fill out the Notification of<br />
Driver Disaffiliation form.<br />
Give as much information as<br />
you can. This will help avoid<br />
double handling.<br />
• Send the completed form to<br /><br />
For more information about the<br />
requirements, please visit the<br />
Personalised Transport Industry -<br />
Driver Disaffiliation webpage.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Here are some ways<br />
to build connection<br />
into your routine...<br />
Create a list:<br />
Think about who in your world,<br />
personal or professional, near or far<br />
who might be struggling.<br />
Dedicate the time:<br />
Make asking, "are you OK?" part of<br />
your routine.<br />
Choose your channel:<br />
R U OK?<br />
is encouraging everyone to<br />
stay connected as we all navigate<br />
the challenges of <strong>2022</strong><br />
There’s a lot going on right now, both at home and abroad, that we can’t control.<br />
In these times, it’s normal to experience feelings of hopelessness, uncertainty or<br />
to feel overwhelmed.<br />
However, one thing we can control is reaching out to our friends, family, and<br />
colleagues to check in with one another and stay connected.<br />
We can benefit from chatting things out, sharing what’s happening in our<br />
worlds and perhaps gaining some new perspectives.<br />
Communicate in a way that works<br />
for you both: make a phone call,<br />
send an SMS, video call, email or, if<br />
you can meet in person you might<br />
want to go for a walk together, chat<br />
over the fence or catch up for a<br />
cuppa.<br />
Connecting with someone can help them feel more grounded amidst what<br />
might feel like chaos and remind them that you’re there to listen and support<br />
them when needed.
Transport Matters<br />
It affects you, your family, your job,<br />
your community, your safety and<br />
your environment.<br />
Your HELP is<br />
needed to spread<br />
the message...<br />
Help Transport Matters Party advocate<br />
for improved road safety, public transport<br />
and a viable commercial passenger<br />
vehicle industry by joining as a member<br />
or gifting a donation.<br />
We stand for fairness, for community and we<br />
strive to deliver solutions to Victoria’s biggest<br />
transport issues.<br />
Transport Matters Party's (TMP) success relies on the support<br />
of Victorians residing everywhere. With your support we will<br />
succeed in getting the word out that we are here to make a<br />
difference and we will be a driving force for change.<br />
For more information visit:
Will Elon Musk End The<br />
Fossil Fuel Industry? by David Waterworth<br />
How responsible is Elon Musk in<br />
causing the disruption that is now<br />
evident throughout the world. In a<br />
nutshell, very much so. EVs have been<br />
around since the invention of the<br />
automobile but never have they been<br />
as desirable till the introduction of the<br />
Model S and the serious shift it created<br />
in people's imaginations.<br />
Are oil and car executives hiding<br />
their heads in the sand? (Looking for<br />
more oil reserves perhaps?) Is Musk<br />
right about the end of the fossil fuel<br />
industry? UK-based research and<br />
analysis group Rethink Energy (no<br />
affiliation with RethinkX) believes so.<br />
In a recent email from Lead Analyst<br />
Peter White, he states: “Come<br />
2027/8 the Electric Vehicle sales will<br />
overcome the rise of pandemic fossil<br />
fuel recovery and oil will get squeezed.<br />
Bankruptcy for oil follows swiftly. If<br />
total car sales do NOT recover from<br />
the pandemic (which I expect) within<br />
five years, then oil begins to falter<br />
sooner. Only one or two oil companies<br />
survive 2030, but as ailing players<br />
whose time has come. Our forecasts<br />
assume total car sales globally recover<br />
to pre-pandemic levels in 5 years, and<br />
that 2025 or 2026 oil sales get close<br />
to 2019 levels, and then fall away<br />
rapidly at a rate of 5% per annum (the<br />
pandemic was only 9.5%).”<br />
White anticipates the potential of the<br />
US EV market accelerating faster than<br />
the rest of the globe. New players<br />
like Tesla, Rivian, Fisker, and Lucid<br />
have optimistic expansion plans.<br />
Both Ford and GM are announcing<br />
new EVs regularly and are desperate<br />
to keep market share. Ford’s F-150<br />
Lightning and Mustang Mach-E are<br />
good examples where demand has<br />
outstripped production and plans have<br />
had to be frequently upgraded.<br />
Volkswagen will soon be building<br />
EVs on American soil, and Asian<br />
manufacturers are aiming to import<br />
as well (Vinfast from Vietnam is a<br />
recent example). This year’s Super<br />
Bowl had eight commercials for EVs<br />
— and they were worth watching.<br />
Automakers are collaborating with<br />
battery manufacturers, and many new<br />
factories are being built.<br />
By 2036, 100% of all cars sold in the US<br />
will be electric vehicles, and by 2037<br />
more than half of all the cars on US<br />
roads will be EVs. By 2049, all cars in<br />
the US will be zero-emission vehicles,<br />
the great bulk of them EVs.<br />
So..... Will Musk End Fossil Fuels?<br />
Yes, I think Musk will end the fossil<br />
fuel industry, or at least be one of the<br />
major destructors.<br />
24 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
New EV<br />
With<br />
1100 km<br />
Range<br />
Range anxiety? Well, you don’t need<br />
1100kms of range to do the daily<br />
drive (Australian average daily drive<br />
= 38kms), but it sure would help on a<br />
trip from Sydney to Melbourne, where<br />
you wouldn’t even need to stop for a<br />
battery top-up.<br />
Solar 3.0:<br />
This New<br />
Technology<br />
Could Change<br />
Everything<br />
Perovskite, named after Lev Perovski who discovered the mineral<br />
in the Ural mountains in 1839, solar cells are being researched<br />
globally and are on the verge of being incorporated into<br />
commercial applications.<br />
Perovskite solar tech has a much higher efficiency than the<br />
typical silicon cells that we see on rooftops today which are<br />
about 20% efficient. By comparison Perovskite cells have an<br />
efficiency double that with a real-world level of around 30%+<br />
and are up to 15 times cheaper to produce. It is predicted that<br />
incorporating these cells into vehicle bodies will be the way<br />
the majority of EVs will be built in the future, harvesting energy<br />
directly from the sun. Already Lightyear, Sono Motors and Aptera<br />
Motors are incorporating existing solar tech into their models.<br />
Hozon is the parent company of Neta<br />
Autos, and by the end of this year,<br />
they are going to be one of the biggest<br />
car manufacturers in the world - and<br />
nobody's heard of them!<br />
Neta has three models of EVs<br />
available in China and their sales are<br />
skyrocketing. The 1100kms Neta S is a<br />
stunner, chock full of tech and due first<br />
deliveries at the end of the year.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
26 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Western<br />
Australia<br />
news<br />
The new TUSS<br />
Processor<br />
Black & White Cabs Pty Ltd was the successful respondent in a recent open tender to appoint a<br />
contractor to manage Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) voucher processing in WA.<br />
Black & White Cabs will begin processing TUSS vouchers from 1 May <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Swan Taxis will continue to process and pay TUSS vouchers until this date and will accept vouchers<br />
until 5.00pm Friday, 22 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Submitting vouchers in <strong>April</strong><br />
The outgoing contractor, Swan Taxis, will accept TUSS<br />
vouchers for processing until 5.00pm Friday, 22 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> –<br />
no vouchers will be accepted from any drivers or on-demand<br />
booking services (ODBSs) after this day.<br />
To guarantee your vouchers are processed in time, please<br />
hand them to Swan Taxis directly at:<br />
7 Harvey Street,<br />
Victoria Park WA 6100<br />
If you can’t attend the Swan Taxis office, you can post your<br />
vouchers. Make sure to post your vouchers as early as<br />
possible, as Australia Post is currently experiencing delays.<br />
Friday 15 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> is the deadline to send your vouchers. You<br />
may choose to use Express Post to help ensure your vouchers<br />
arrive on time.<br />
Any intended voucher submissions from Saturday 23 <strong>April</strong><br />
onwards must be postponed until Sunday 1 May <strong>2022</strong>.<br />
Submitting vouchers<br />
from May onwards<br />
From 1 May <strong>2022</strong>, drivers and<br />
ODBSs should submit completed<br />
TUSS vouchers in person or by<br />
post to:<br />
Black & White Cabs,<br />
1/33 Frederick Street,<br />
Belmont WA 6104<br />
or by post to:<br />
Black & White Cabs, PO Box 184,<br />
Belmont WA 6984<br />
Once validated, Black & White<br />
Cabs will credit the driver's<br />
nominated Australian bank<br />
account within 5 working days.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
NSW News<br />
Over 50<br />
MPs sign<br />
PLEDGE<br />
More than 50 Members of Parliament<br />
(MP’s) from the Upper House and the<br />
Lower House of the NSW Parliament<br />
across several political parties<br />
have signed the NSW Taxi Industry<br />
Pledge, supporting fair and proper<br />
compensation for all Taxi Licence<br />
Owners in NSW.<br />
The NSW Taxi Council appreciates the<br />
support and assistance from the NSW<br />
Taxi Licence Owners who have reached<br />
out to their Local MP to get the NSW<br />
Taxi Industry Pledge signed. Thank you.<br />
We also express our gratitude to more<br />
than 50 NSW MP’s who have signed<br />
the NSW Taxi Industry Pledge across a<br />
number of Parties.<br />
Taxi Licence Owners in NSW have lost<br />
the value of their NSW Taxi Licences<br />
since the NSW Government changed<br />
the rules governing the Taxi Industry in<br />
2016. Transport for NSW are preparing<br />
a Bill on further reforms in the Pointto-Point<br />
Transport Industry to be<br />
introduced into the NSW Parliament in<br />
<strong>2022</strong>. The NSW Government proposes<br />
to cancel all existing Taxi Licences<br />
with inadequate compensation and<br />
issue unlimited annual licences for a<br />
small fee, abolish operating areas, and<br />
deregulate fares.<br />
The NSW Taxi Council continues to<br />
coordinate with Taxi Licence Owners<br />
across NSW to make an appointment<br />
with their Local Member of Parliament<br />
and request their Local MP adds their<br />
name, electorate, signature and date to<br />
the NSW Taxi Industry Pledge, showing<br />
their support towards fair and proper<br />
compensation for the loss in value of<br />
Taxi Licences in NSW.<br />
So far, over 50 MP’s have signed the<br />
NSW Taxi Industry pledge and it is<br />
critical we keep the push going.<br />
To find a list of NSW MP’s who have<br />
signed the NSW Taxi Industry pledge,<br />
please visit the NSW Taxi Council<br />
website here - https://www.nswtaxi.<br /><br />
28 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
NEW SOUTH WALES news<br />
The Australian Newspaper reported<br />
in <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> that a billiondollar<br />
compensation package<br />
is being developed by the NSW<br />
Government for the Taxi Licence<br />
Owners in NSW, who have suffered<br />
a loss in value of their Taxi Licences,<br />
since the NSW Government<br />
changed the rules governing the<br />
Taxi Industry in 2016. The NSW Taxi<br />
Council has requested a meeting<br />
with the NSW Government to<br />
provide more details on the news<br />
story published by the Australian.<br />
Martin Rogers – CEO, NSW Taxi<br />
Council said, “We welcome the<br />
news that the NSW Government<br />
is considering an increased<br />
compensation package for the<br />
NSW Taxi Industry. We need to<br />
see the details of the package to<br />
see what it means for each of our<br />
members, the Taxi Licence Owners<br />
across NSW. We would like to<br />
thank our members across NSW –<br />
the Taxi Licence Owners for their<br />
continued support in bringing this<br />
matter to the awareness of their<br />
Local Member of Parliament.”<br />
The NSW Government destroyed<br />
the savings of Taxi licence owners<br />
in how they legalised rideshare<br />
in 2015 and subsequent reforms<br />
in 2016 and fair and proper<br />
compensation, is the vital, first<br />
step for the NSW Government to<br />
get right. The NSW Taxi Council<br />
proposed a workable, no-net cost<br />
solution to the NSW Government.<br />
Furthermore, the NSW Taxi Council<br />
requested Taxi Licence Owners<br />
across NSW to reach out to their<br />
Local Member of Parliament to<br />
sign the NSW Taxi Industry Pledge,<br />
in support of fair and proper<br />
compensation. We have had 58<br />
Members of Parliament across all<br />
political parties sign the NSW Taxi<br />
Industry Pledge.<br />
Mr Rogers said, “There is evidence<br />
of cross-party support in the NSW<br />
Parliament to address the matter.<br />
The NSW Taxi Industry welcomes<br />
the ‘sympathetic ear’ of the NSW<br />
Transport Minister – David Elliott<br />
and his further comments on<br />
having the industry’s back and the<br />
need to resolve the matter of Taxi<br />
Licence Compensation”.<br />
“We are actively engaging with the<br />
NSW Government to understand<br />
the finer details of the package<br />
and look forward to receiving<br />
more information from the<br />
NSW Government regarding the<br />
proposed compensation package”,<br />
Mr Rogers added.<br />
The NSW Government needs<br />
to ensure fair and proper<br />
compensation for Taxi licence<br />
owners. With any further reforms<br />
ensuring a regulated system<br />
remains, that supports a Taxi<br />
industry that encourages future<br />
business investment and provides a<br />
viable, reliable and affordable travel<br />
option for passengers across all of<br />
NSW.<br />
This article was prepared based on the<br />
news story - “$1bn for NSW cabbies to<br />
soften Uber blow” published in The<br />
Australian by Yoni Bashan in <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
NEW SOUTH WALES news<br />
CONFERENCE <strong>2022</strong><br />
The NSW Taxi Industry State<br />
Conference has been the<br />
cornerstone for bringing<br />
together the NSW Taxi Industry<br />
stakeholders over the years.<br />
The NSW Taxi Industry State<br />
Conference -<strong>2022</strong> – ‘’Embracing<br />
the Future Together’’ was held<br />
on 27-28 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2022</strong> at WEST HQ<br />
(Novotel), Rooty Hill, Sydney, with<br />
industry stakeholders across the<br />
whole of NSW attending. It was<br />
the first time we were able to<br />
meet face to face in 2 and ½ years.<br />
The <strong>2022</strong> Conference offered the<br />
Delegates, Exhibitors, Sponsors,<br />
Speakers and Industry Partners<br />
from all over NSW, who attended<br />
the event, an opportunity to<br />
meet-up, shake hands, share<br />
ideas and have an enjoyable<br />
time across the two days. It also<br />
provided a great opportunity<br />
for the industry suppliers to<br />
showcase their products and<br />
services in a professional and safe<br />
environment.<br />
30 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
NEW SOUTH WALES news<br />
CONFERENCE <strong>2022</strong><br />
Geoff Ferris – Chairman, Taxis<br />
NSW & President, Country Taxi<br />
Operators Association and<br />
Martin Rogers – CEO, NSW Taxi<br />
Council opened the Conference<br />
by welcoming all the delegates<br />
and stakeholders from the<br />
NSW Taxi Industry attending<br />
the event and provided current<br />
industry insights and updates.<br />
The delegates also took a<br />
moment to remember the valued<br />
and respected stakeholders of<br />
the NSW Taxi Industry who have<br />
sadly passed away in the past<br />
two years.<br />
Craig Rispin – Business Futurist<br />
and Innovation Expert gave<br />
the keynote speech for the<br />
Conference focussing on the<br />
current and future trends<br />
impacting the NSW Taxi<br />
Industry.<br />
Craig motivated the delegates<br />
to come up with 20 topics<br />
which they would like to discuss<br />
over the two days at the<br />
Conference in the Open Space<br />
Interactive Sessions.<br />
The format for the <strong>2022</strong><br />
Conference – Open Space<br />
Interactive Sessions was very<br />
well received and appreciated<br />
by the delegates attending<br />
the event, as everyone had an<br />
opportunity to share their ideas<br />
and raise questions.<br />
Delegates were also able to<br />
have an open discussion with<br />
other industry Stakeholders,<br />
developing solutions together.<br />
This resulted in a suite of ideas<br />
and solutions which would<br />
benefit the delegates and the<br />
NSW Taxi Industry more broadly.<br />
In total, twenty Open Space<br />
Interactive Sessions were held<br />
over two days of the Conference.<br />
Centering on the Speaker<br />
sessions, Steve Gamble –<br />
Man Anchor, explained the<br />
importance of health and wellbeing<br />
to the delegates, focusing<br />
on mental health.<br />
Leonie Kyriacou - Partner, Pigott<br />
Stinson Lawyers, provided an<br />
Industry update on the current<br />
safety and regulatory matters<br />
impacting the NSW Taxi Industry.<br />
Furthermore, Nick Abrahim –<br />
Deputy CEO, NSW Taxi Council,<br />
presented on the Disability<br />
Reference Group (DRG) – a<br />
reference group including<br />
representatives from the NSW<br />
Taxi Industry and the Disability<br />
sector,focused on addressing<br />
passengers’ needs with a<br />
disability. On behalf of the DRG,<br />
Nick and the support from Point<br />
to Point Transport Commission<br />
also launched the video on<br />
“Assistance Animals in the Point<br />
to Point Transport Industry”.<br />
Anthony Wing – Point to Point<br />
Transport Commissioner, NSW<br />
also provided an Industry update.<br />
32 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
NEW SOUTH WALES news<br />
Greg Kay – Head of Memberships<br />
& Partnerships, NSW Taxi Council<br />
presented the participants of the<br />
“Taxi Connect” Programme with<br />
the Achievement Certificates,<br />
for successful completion of the<br />
programme over 2020-2021.<br />
Additionally, the Q&A Panel<br />
Discussion at the <strong>2022</strong><br />
Conference was an opportunity<br />
for delegates to engage with the<br />
panellists - Anthony Wing, Point<br />
to Point Transport Commissioner;<br />
Leonie Kyriacou, Partner,<br />
Pigott Stinson Lawyers; Blair<br />
Davies, Australian Taxi Industry<br />
Association and Rod Barton,<br />
MLC - Transport Matters Party<br />
(Victoria) and raise important<br />
questions about the NSW Taxi<br />
Industry.<br />
Brian to the NSW Taxi Industry<br />
over the years.<br />
The NSW Taxi Industry State<br />
Conference <strong>2022</strong> concluded with<br />
a Hawaiian theme Gala Dinner,<br />
loaded with fun and games<br />
involving cookies, balloons,<br />
coconuts and pineapples, live<br />
music and delicious food.<br />
The NSW Taxi Council is thankful<br />
to all the delegates, speakers,<br />
industry partners, exhibitors, and<br />
sponsors for their support and<br />
contribution to a successful NSW<br />
Taxi Industry State Conference<br />
<strong>2022</strong> and looks forward to<br />
welcoming everyone to the 2023<br />
annual NSW Taxi Industry event.<br />
Overall, the delegates attending<br />
the event walked away with<br />
100 ideas discussed over the<br />
two days of the Conference via<br />
various Speaker Sessions and<br />
Open Space Interactive Sessions<br />
with a view to Embrace the<br />
Future Together.<br />
Moreover, a significant highlight<br />
of the <strong>2022</strong> Conference was<br />
honouring Brian Wilkins –<br />
President, NSW Taxi Industry<br />
Association and Country Director,<br />
Taxis NSW with a Lifetime<br />
Achievement Award, recognising<br />
the extraordinary contribution by<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
The Parliament of Australia Joint<br />
Select Committee on Road Safety<br />
has tabled the final report for its<br />
inquiry into Road Safety.<br />
The report examines factors<br />
contributing to fatal and serious<br />
injuries on Australian roads and<br />
considers opportunities to improve<br />
road safety outcomes through<br />
measures which:<br />
• support the design,<br />
construction, and<br />
maintenance of high-quality<br />
road infrastructure that<br />
minimises the likelihood and<br />
severity of road crashes;<br />
• encourage the uptake of<br />
modern vehicles fitted with<br />
proven safety features;<br />
• effectively manage speeds to<br />
safe levels and deter unsafe<br />
behaviours;<br />
• ensure all road users are<br />
equipped with the knowledge<br />
and skills to identify and<br />
respond appropriately to road<br />
safety risks;<br />
• embed road safety as part<br />
of ‘business as usual’ in<br />
public and private sector<br />
organisations;<br />
• promote safety for gig<br />
economy participants who use<br />
the road as a workplace;<br />
• enhance road safety in the<br />
heavy vehicle sector; and<br />
• contribute to effective postcrash<br />
response and trauma<br />
support.<br />
The report also identifies a need<br />
for effective leadership and<br />
oversight in relation to road safety<br />
at the national level, noting that<br />
efforts to improve road safety in<br />
the past have been stymied by<br />
poor governance, a lack of clearly<br />
defined responsibilities for reducing<br />
road trauma, and failures to report<br />
progress towards set targets in a<br />
meaningful way.<br />
In addition, the report highlights<br />
the importance of high-quality<br />
research and reliable, accurate<br />
data to understand the road safety<br />
environment and the design,<br />
implementation, and evaluation of<br />
innovative measures to improve<br />
road safety outcomes.<br />
The report includes 61<br />
recommendations relating to these<br />
matters.<br />
Committee Chair, the Hon Darren<br />
Chester MP, said that “road trauma<br />
touches the lives of all Australians,<br />
whether as victims of a road crash<br />
or as family members, friends, first<br />
responders, or members of the<br />
wider community.”<br />
“The committee’s report outlines<br />
a series of measures that may be<br />
taken to improve road safety in the<br />
short term, while also highlighting<br />
some of the steps that should<br />
be taken if we are to achieve<br />
sustainable reductions in road<br />
trauma into the future,” he added.<br />
Mr Chester also stated that “while<br />
the committee’s report outlines<br />
several areas where road safety<br />
can be enhanced, what is crucial is<br />
that governments at all levels take<br />
responsibility for reducing fatal<br />
and serious injuries on our roads,<br />
including implementing as a matter<br />
of urgency recommendations of<br />
this and other inquiries.”<br />
34 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
TRADE<br />
Ph: 1300 309 237<br />
Tailored Hire Car Insurance Including:<br />
-Vehicle & Business Liability Cover<br />
-Downtime Cover Available<br />
-Own Choice of Repairer<br />
-24/7 Emergency Claims Assistance<br />
-Dedicated Account Manager<br /><br />
AFSL: 284342<br />
TAA is a non profit body run by members for members.<br />
Visit our website at<br />
CAR<br />
WASH<br />
MELROSE <strong>DRIVE</strong>, TULLAMARINE<br />
Hot drink available at Melrose Lounge - Taxi Holding Area<br />
Collect voucher from Unigas Office<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Be<br />
Safe<br />
on the<br />
Roads<br />
at<br />
Easter<br />
With thousands of families heading away on<br />
road trips to tourist hot spots or many taking the<br />
opportunity to relax at home, RACV Policy Lead<br />
- Safety, Elvira Lazar and RACV General Manager<br />
Home, Darren Turner, have provided some timely<br />
advice.<br />
“We’re all really excited about the Easter holidays<br />
and the opportunities for travel and reunion. At<br />
this time, we need to take a moment to think about<br />
safety on the road and in the home,” Ms Lazar said.<br />
“Take the time to plan your trip before you depart,<br />
attempting to take major, more well-maintained<br />
roads where possible.”<br />
“To stay aware of potential emergency warnings<br />
and community information that could impact<br />
travel, utilise resources such as the RACV Arevo app,<br />
and the VicEmergency app – the official Victorian<br />
Government app.”<br />
“Schedule some breaks to ensure you’re well rested<br />
and have patience for your fellow motorists. Before<br />
you head off, make sure your insurance policies and<br />
RACV roadside assistance are up to date and that<br />
the water, oil and tyre pressure are all where they<br />
should be.”<br />
In addition to ensuring their road trip is as safe as<br />
possible, there’s a lot that can be done to ensure<br />
Victorians do not return home to a different kind of<br />
tragedy, says Darren Turner.<br />
“There are measures we can take to protect our<br />
homes and possessions while we are away,” Mr<br />
Turner said.<br />
“Make a trusted neighbour aware of your absence,<br />
and wherever possible, set a timer for some lights<br />
to come on at night. Double-check that every single<br />
door and window is locked properly.”<br />
“For those planning to make up for lost time<br />
with more than one holiday in <strong>2022</strong>, it’s worth<br />
considering installing an alarm system to protect<br />
your home and its contents – for a small monthly<br />
fee, your peace of mind will improve whether you’re<br />
going away for a weekend or three weeks.”<br />
36 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
MARCH/APRIL <strong>2022</strong> - EDITION 53<br />
National<br />
Magazine<br />
VIC<br />
Taxis, Hire Cars,<br />
Wedding Cars,<br />
Limousines<br />
Ascot Vale<br />
Westbourne<br />
Motors<br />
Ballarat<br />
Ballarat Taxis,<br />
Crown Cabs,<br />
Transport Security<br />
Cameras<br />
Bendigo<br />
Bendigo Taxis<br />
Brunswick East<br />
Platinum Taxis<br />
Campbellfield<br />
Taxi Hire Services<br />
Clayton South<br />
Schmidt Elec.<br />
Labs<br />
Clifton Hill<br />
SilverComm<br />
Coburg North<br />
Silver North Taxi<br />
Management<br />
Collingwood<br />
Silver Top Taxis<br />
Doncaster<br />
Rod Barton, MP<br />
Fitzroy<br />
Equity Transport<br />
Group<br />
Geelong North<br />
Geelong Taxi<br />
Network<br />
Lara<br />
Avalon Airport<br />
Arrivals Terminal<br />
Owners, Drivers,<br />
Partners, Operators<br />
Suppliers, Networks,<br />
Booking Service<br />
Providers<br />
Mildura<br />
Mildura Taxis,<br />
Crown Cabs,<br />
Transport Security<br />
Cameras<br />
Moorabbin<br />
Eastmoor Taxis<br />
North Melbourne<br />
13cabs,<br />
Alex Taxis,<br />
Live Taxi<br />
Oakleigh<br />
13cabs<br />
Port Melbourne<br />
Oiii,<br />
Netcabs<br />
Reservoir<br />
Exclusive Cab<br />
Management<br />
Shepparton<br />
Shepparaton Taxis<br />
Thomastown<br />
13cabs,<br />
Southern Cross<br />
Chauffeurs<br />
Tullamarine<br />
Black & White<br />
Cabs,<br />
Crown Cabs,<br />
Melrose Lounge<br />
Cafe,<br />
Taxi Hire Services,<br />
Transport Security<br />
Cameras<br />
Vermont<br />
Vermont Autogas<br />
West Melbourne<br />
Embassy Café<br />
Wodonga<br />
Wodonga Taxis<br /><br />
QLD<br />
Albion<br />
Delta Taxi Management,<br />
Taxicomms<br />
Archerfield<br />
Transport Security Cameras,<br />
SLYYK Premium Transport<br />
Service<br />
Brisbane Airport<br />
Black & White Cabs<br />
Kelvin Grove<br />
KG Taxi Management<br />
Marcoola<br />
Suncoast Cabs<br />
Maryborough<br />
Black & White Cabs<br />
Mermaid Waters<br />
13cabs Gold Coast<br />
Southport<br />
Black & White Cabs<br />
Salisbury<br />
Occhi's Business Class Taxis,<br />
Crown Cabs<br />
Toowoomba<br />
Black & White Cabs<br />
Virginia<br />
QLD Limo Action Group,<br />
Transport Security Cameras<br />
Wooloongabba<br />
13cabs Brisbane<br />
SA<br />
Adelaide Airport<br />
13cabs - Adelaide<br />
Mile End<br />
Adelaide Independent<br />
Taxis<br />
Wayville<br />
Equity Transport<br />
Kilburn<br />
Suburban Taxis<br />
Mile End South<br />
Taxi Council of SA<br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
WA<br />
NSW<br />
Alexandria<br />
13cabs,<br />
NSW Taxi Council<br />
Arncliffe<br />
Sanitisation<br />
Station<br />
Bankstown<br />
Mikhael & Co<br />
Mech Repairs<br />
Cromer<br />
Manly Warringah<br />
Cabs<br />
Granville<br />
Premier Cabs<br />
Dubbo<br />
Dubbo Bus Lines<br />
Kingsgrove<br />
St George Cabs<br />
Leumeah<br />
Sanitisation<br />
Station<br />
Mascot<br />
RSL Cabs,<br />
GM Cabs<br />
Victoria Park<br />
Swan Taxis Pty Ltd<br />
Belmont<br />
Black & White Cabs<br />
13cabs<br />
Greenfields<br />
Mandurah Taxis<br />
Osborne Park<br />
Nova Communications<br />
Perth Airport<br />
Perth Airport Taxi Rank<br />
Wangara<br />
Transport Security<br />
Cameras<br />
Mayfield West<br />
13cabs<br />
Newscastle<br />
13cabs<br />
North Parramatta<br />
Sanitisation<br />
Station<br />
Padstow<br />
Black & White<br />
Cabs<br />
Prestons<br />
13cabs, Taxi Tech<br />
Seven Hills<br />
Sanitisation<br />
Station<br />
Tamworth<br />
Sanitisation<br />
Station<br />
Wagga Wagga<br />
Wagga Taxis<br />
West Gosford<br />
Central Coast<br />
Taxis<br />
Wolli Creek<br />
Legion Cabs<br />
Wollongong<br />
lllawarra Taxis<br />
ACT<br />
Aerial Taxis<br />
Canberra Cabs<br />
Canberra Elite Taxis<br />
TAS<br />
131008 Hobart<br />
Taxi Combined<br />
Services<br />
NT<br />
13cabs Alice<br />
Springs<br />
Casuarina Blue Taxis<br />
Darwin Radio Taxi<br />
NEEDS A<br />
TUNE-UP<br />
Almost two-thirds (64%) of Aussies consider<br />
themselves excellent drivers, but nearly a<br />
quarter (23%) ask their parents how to keep<br />
their car maintained.<br />
With a love for road trips, motorsports and driving<br />
video games, Aussies are confident when it comes<br />
to hitting the road. But new research from mycar<br />
Tyre & Auto reveals that although Aussies are<br />
enthusiastic about driving, some are still unsure of<br />
what our cars actually need.<br />
As a nation that feels at home behind the wheel,<br />
Aussies say the more years of experience a licence<br />
holder has, the more confident they feel in both<br />
their driving ability and their knowledge of road<br />
rules, with 45–54-year-olds most likely to call<br />
themselves excellent drivers (70%). However, over a<br />
third of Aussies (35%) don’t know what tyre is best<br />
for their vehicle and their driving style.<br />
Despite half of the nation playing or streaming<br />
video games (46%), most choose to add more<br />
power (33%) and change their car’s aesthetics (31%)<br />
before upgrading their wheels and tyres (25%) when<br />
playing driving games.<br />
To truly understand the difference between<br />
driving in real life and in-game, mycar Tyre & Auto<br />
partnered with popular video game personality<br />
Stephanie 'Hex' Bendixsen to experience a series<br />
of driving challenges IRL. From heavy braking to<br />
tight cornering in the wet, Hex learnt first-hand the<br />
impact good tyres can make.<br />
"When I'm driving in video games there's no<br />
consequence for losing traction. But when it comes<br />
to safety in real life, I think I underestimated the<br />
difference good tyres with plenty of tread can<br />
make. You don't have to be an expert to feel the<br />
difference when it comes to that grip and security.<br />
38 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
It's something I learned on the<br />
track and might even carry over<br />
into my gaming,” said Hex.<br />
The research also found Aussies<br />
are opinionated when it comes<br />
to what makes both good and<br />
bad drivers, labelling the top five<br />
attributes of excellent drivers as:<br />
• Being cautious (79%)<br />
• Being courteous to others<br />
on the road (75%)<br />
• Never texting while driving<br />
(74%)<br />
• Ensuring your car is serviced<br />
and roadworthy (73%)<br />
• Making sure your passengers<br />
always wear a seatbelt (72%)<br />
Unsurprisingly, the top five<br />
identifiers of bad drivers are the<br />
opposite:<br />
• Driving recklessly (87%)<br />
• Using your mobile phone<br />
when driving (83%)<br />
• Being distracted behind the<br />
wheel (82%)<br />
• Having poor knowledge of<br />
the road rules (74%)<br />
• Driving an unroadworthy<br />
and unserviced car (64%)<br />
There are a few everyday road<br />
risks that make Aussies sweat,<br />
with wet road driving named the<br />
most nerve-wracking scenario<br />
(59%) followed by heavy/busy<br />
traffic (44%) and high speeds on<br />
motorways (27%).<br />
So it’s clear Aussies place a great<br />
deal of importance on on-road<br />
safety. However, fewer have the<br />
same assurance when it comes<br />
to their understanding of car<br />
maintenance.<br />
While 84% of the nation plans on<br />
servicing their car this year, less<br />
than one-third consider whether<br />
their tyres are suitable for the<br />
journey ahead and just over half<br />
get their tyres checked regularly.<br />
For those who don’t keep up<br />
with their logbook servicing, 29%<br />
say they will wait until their car<br />
has an issue, a further 29% don’t<br />
know the type of maintenance<br />
their car needs, 20% don’t see the<br />
point in it and 17% don’t have the<br />
time.<br />
Managing Director of mycar Tyre<br />
& Auto, Adam Pay, said having<br />
good, well-maintained tyres on<br />
your car is essential to keeping<br />
you safe on the road, especially<br />
in situations like wet road driving<br />
and high-speed motorways.<br />
“Tyres can sometimes be an<br />
afterthought when it comes to<br />
taking care of our vehicles, but<br />
the fact is, they are one of the<br />
most important components<br />
when it comes to car safety.<br />
Tyres that maintain the correct<br />
air pressure and have a safe<br />
tread depth are more effective<br />
when turning, accelerating and<br />
braking.”<br />
“With the current wet weather<br />
across much of the nation, this<br />
has never been more apparent.”<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Driver JOBS<br />
Is it time to enjoy the great outdoors, beautiful weather<br />
and laid back lifestyle? Then the magnificent border<br />
area of Tweed Heads / Coolangatta is the place for you.<br />
Earn a few dollars while you are here by driving one<br />
of our modern taxis. Plenty of shifts available. Phone<br />
0439 769 259 now!<br />
Single car Owner /Operator looking for a motivated<br />
driver who is flexible on shifts available, and wants<br />
to get on with the business of making money. New to<br />
town or looking to become a Taxi Driver, no problem, as<br />
in-depth training can be provided to help reach your full<br />
earning potential. Contact Darren 0407 597908 to learn<br />
more of what’s on offer.<br />
All shifts available – 7 days per week. Please phone Tuna<br />
Guclu on 0419 484 666.<br />
All shifts available. Home changeover available all over<br />
Brisbane. Set Pay or 50/50 Commission. Limited Set pay<br />
cars available. Albion Cab Centre. Call Ronnie today on<br />
0411 864 392.<br />
\<br />
Day shifts (5-7 days). Call Georgina on (08) 9230 0400.<br />
Drivers wanted full time or part time in Morley and Perth.<br />
Contact Tuna Guclu on 0419 484 666.<br />
TAKE THE <strong>DRIVE</strong>R’S SEAT IN BROOME’S<br />
Airfares included to Broome and accommodation<br />
provided. Drive for an established Taxi business and enjoy<br />
the fantastic lifestyle of Broome. APPLY <strong>NOW</strong> to drive with<br />
us in Broome. Email:<br />
Taxi Driver Positions Available. Day and night shifts<br />
available every day of the week. Send us your email<br />
address and we will forward an information pack. Email<br />
-<br />
Existing positions available for Taxi drivers. Day and<br />
night shift available. Phone 0456441538.<br />
Nelson Bay Taxis are looking for additional driver to<br />
assist in the transport of passengers on the Tomaree<br />
Peninsula and beyond.<br />
New drivers will need to have held a full NSW Driver<br />
Licence for a minimum of two years, have a clear<br />
Criminal History and hold or are willing to obtain an ABN<br />
that is registered for GST. A WWCC would also be an<br />
beneficial.<br />
Please contact Nelson Bay Taxis on 02 4984 7766 during<br />
office hours to register your interest.<br />
Taxi Driver Wanted for 13cabs Toyota Camry Hybrid.<br />
Taxi has Full Comprehensive Insurance, leather seats,<br />
rubber mats and weather-shield. Very well maintained<br />
taxis.<br />
Change over in Punchbowl, Lakemba or Belmore. Day/<br />
Night/Weekend or Weekly. Full Time, Part Time or Casual.<br />
Immediate Start.<br />
On Going Opportunity. Reasonable pay in. (You must have<br />
13cabs Authority card. If you don’t have, call 13CABS to get<br />
one please). Phone or SMS 0418 612 692.<br />
Nelson Bay Taxis are looking to hire additional drivers<br />
in preparation for COVID restrictions easing. Drivers are<br />
required to assist in the transport of passengers around<br />
the Tomaree Peninsula to medical appointments, shopping<br />
trips and social engagements.<br />
You must have held a full NSW driver licence for at least<br />
12 months and willing to get an ABN and be registered for<br />
GST. Forward your resume to<br />
or phone (02) 4984 6699.<br />
40 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
Lots of opportunities than Melbourne to operate an<br />
INDEPENDENT taxi in Shepparton. No expensive local<br />
network fees. Ralph 0473 189 190.<br />
& <strong>DRIVE</strong>RS<br />
Send details (word limit=50) of your<br />
<strong>DRIVE</strong>R or JOB advertisement to<br /><br />
or sms 0400 137 866 and we will print<br />
your advert here for 3 months.<br />
Shepparton Taxis Pty Ltd now has opportunities to<br />
join our fleet as a taxi operator. A limited amount of<br />
leases are available. If you are interested in operating<br />
your own taxi please contact (03) 5331 4367 or email<br /><br />
Day shift or night shift MAXI taxi driver with 13cabs.<br />
Reliable and well maintained maxi taxi with single<br />
private operator. Permanent bookings available.<br />
Changeover in flexible locations. New drivers<br />
welcome. Please call 0411223454<br />
Driver wanted full time for Silver Top car. Please call<br />
Harvey 0404 847 699.<br />
Hungry Driver Wanted. All shifts available - Day, Night<br />
part-time and full time. Phone 0409 357 614.<br />
Must be 25+ years old. At least 3 years experience. East<br />
Doncaster changeover. Call or SMS Tony on 0413 393<br />
594 or email<br />
Friday or Saturday Night Driver wanted. Immediate<br />
start. Call 0416 821 840.<br />
<strong>DRIVE</strong>R CAREERS<br />
If you’re thinking of a career as a taxi driver, come and<br />
join Adelaide’s largest taxi company. Great income<br />
potential with all shifts available in all metro areas. Call<br />
ADELAIDE INDEPENDENT TAXIS on (08) 8202 1200 to<br />
book your free information session.<br />
Are you a taxi driver looking to become your own<br />
boss? If you are, talk to us about leasing a taxi plate<br />
and working with Canberra’s biggest taxi fleet. We<br />
will help you through the process of becoming an<br />
accredited taxi operator and starting your own<br />
business. Contact or call our<br />
Office (02) 6126 1500.<br />
Embassy<br />
Cafe<br />
WE’re open<br />
547 Spencer Street<br />
West Melbourne<br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
How successful is Australia's<br />
COVID-19 booster rollout?<br />
Is it enough ahead of Winter?<br />
Isabelle Lane and Amy Hall recently wrote an article for SBS regarding vaccines and boosters<br />
against COVID-19 coming into the Winter months in Australia. We have reprinted an excerpt of<br />
their article here, for your perusal.<br />
Australia's COVID-19 cases are<br />
surging as Omicron BA.2 'gains<br />
momentum'. Here's what it means<br />
Epidemiologists say Australia is in<br />
the midst of what is effectively a<br />
"second wave" of Omicron, this<br />
time driven by the more infectious<br />
BA.2 variant.<br />
Australia's COVID-19 case numbers<br />
are surging again as the Omicron<br />
BA.2 sub-variant spreads across<br />
the nation, and epidemiologists<br />
fear the growing outbreak could<br />
again put the nation's healthcare<br />
system under strain.<br />
Currently, an estimated 60% of<br />
COVID-19 infections in Australia are<br />
from the BA.2 variant, 39% from<br />
BA.1, and 1% from other variants<br />
including Delta.<br />
The 'effective reproduction' or<br />
Reff number has also been rising,<br />
which means "people infected<br />
with COVID-19 have been infecting<br />
a greater number of people",<br />
explained epidemiologist Nancy<br />
Baxter, head of the Melbourne<br />
School of Population and Global<br />
Health at the University of<br />
Melbourne.<br />
"In the past, when the outbreak<br />
was shrinking, one person was<br />
transmitting it to less than one<br />
person on average. Now it's<br />
definitely above one. In many<br />
states it's gone to 1.2, which<br />
means that the outbreak is gaining<br />
momentum now," Professor<br />
Baxter said.<br />
“In NSW a month ago, we had<br />
cases per day as low as 5,000.<br />
Today, we have around 24,000. So<br />
there's clearly something different<br />
happening.”<br />
“We're starting to see hospital<br />
numbers and ICU numbers go up,<br />
and we know that those metrics<br />
trail the rise in cases. So we'd<br />
expect hospitalisations to be<br />
trending upwards as well and will<br />
42 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
continue to do so until after the<br />
peak is reached."<br />
What’s driving the<br />
transmission?<br />
The BA.2 variant is more infectious<br />
than the original Omicron<br />
strain, but eased restrictions<br />
and changing behaviour are<br />
also contributing to its spread,<br />
Professor Baxter said.<br />
“Our behaviour has changed<br />
because we've lifted restrictions,<br />
lifted protections, so we have<br />
people going back to work, lifted<br />
mask mandates, changed the<br />
close contact rules and these<br />
types of things. All of these things<br />
have driven opportunities for<br />
transmission,” she said.<br />
Will the healthcare<br />
system cope?<br />
The BA.2 wave will likely have<br />
a higher peak than BA.1, which<br />
will put pressure on health care<br />
services, Professor Esterman said.<br />
Professor Esterman noted federal<br />
and state governments, except<br />
South Australia, which has<br />
retained mask mandates, have<br />
little appetite for reimposing<br />
COVID-19 restrictions, but may<br />
be forced to do so as the BA.2<br />
outbreak worsens.<br />
"We're at the beginning of the end<br />
of the pandemic, but we're not<br />
there yet.”<br />
While intensive care units (ICUs)<br />
are expected to "be able to<br />
manage" the BA.2 outbreak,<br />
"There could be more stress on<br />
the system, particularly for people<br />
who are unwell but not ICU<br />
unwell", Professor Baxter said.<br />
COVID-19 is “not going<br />
away”, and the risk<br />
of reinfection is real,<br />
Professor Baxter said.<br />
“Instead of thinking about the<br />
inevitability of COVID and why<br />
bother trying, you should be<br />
thinking about how many times<br />
you want to get COVID. You<br />
probably don't want to get COVID<br />
as often as you get a cold,” she<br />
said.<br />
“So what can I do to<br />
reduce my chance of<br />
getting infected? That's<br />
vaccines for sure and<br />
boosters, but it's also<br />
being smart.”<br />
“In the next three or four weeks,<br />
states and territories and the<br />
federal government will have to<br />
consider reimposing public health<br />
measures because our hospital<br />
numbers will get too high,” he<br />
said.<br />
Contact your local GP or pharmacy TODAY!<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
overseas news<br />
Drivers say they can’t<br />
take much more!<br />
by Natalie Goodwin<br />
OTTAWA, CANADA - Taxi drivers in<br />
Ottawa are worried the industry<br />
may die after experiencing<br />
multiple blows over many years.<br />
“The pandemic, it just put the<br />
last nail in the coffin of the taxi<br />
industry,” said Latif Dadshani, who<br />
has been driving a cab since 1990.<br />
Hit hard by low-ridership during<br />
the pandemic, people hoping<br />
to drive cabs are now looking at<br />
soaring gas prices and a backlog of<br />
licensing fees, in addition to having<br />
to share the streets with ridehailing<br />
companies.<br />
“I don’t know what’s going to<br />
happen to us,” Dadshani said.<br />
Numbers from the city show the<br />
total licensed drivers went from<br />
1,950 in the year 2019 to 1,125 in<br />
2021. In 2014, there were 2,776<br />
drivers.<br />
It’s been a tough road, Dadshani<br />
said, since the bylaw was changed<br />
in 2016 to allow for ride-hailing<br />
companies like Uber and Lyft.<br />
“It was just like putting my hand<br />
behind my back - tied in a boxing<br />
ring,” he said.<br />
He usually rents out the two taxi<br />
plates he owns, although now he<br />
is having trouble finding anyone<br />
willing. Taxi plates issued by the<br />
City of Ottawa have become less<br />
valuable in recent years.<br />
Latif Dadshani says the value of his taxi plates is all but lost. (Buntola Nou/CBC )<br />
44 <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>
Not all of those licence owners<br />
are necessarily driving, according<br />
to the drivers’ union. It said their<br />
membership shows a decline of<br />
drivers actually on the road —<br />
before the bylaw allowed ridehailing,<br />
there were more than<br />
1,500, now they have about 700.<br />
Dadshani said allowing for<br />
unlimited trips on a ride-hailing<br />
app diminished the value of taxi<br />
plates — something you used to<br />
be able to retire on.<br />
He has not sold his plates, but said<br />
before ride hailing, plates would<br />
sell for $350,000 or more; after<br />
it was around $50,000, now it’s<br />
about $8,000.<br />
The taxi industry has filed a<br />
class action lawsuit against the<br />
city for allowing the ride-hailing<br />
companies, which is set to go to<br />
court in <strong>April</strong>. Quebec provided<br />
compensation to drivers after it<br />
deregulated the industry in 2019.<br />
Rising costs prohibitive<br />
The cost to drive a cab also<br />
concerns some drivers. During the<br />
pandemic Coventry Connections,<br />
the company that runs Blueline,<br />
WestWay and Capital continued to<br />
charge the dispatch fee.<br />
It runs upwards of $500 a month,<br />
meaning some had to pay<br />
thousands of dollars to return to<br />
work. Abulhamid Hussein ended<br />
up paying $3,731 for the months he<br />
was off. He also said he could no<br />
longer find a second driver for his<br />
accessible van, so was stuck with<br />
less income too.<br />
Hussein, who isn’t driving currently<br />
because of a ticket in Quebec that<br />
is preventing him from getting<br />
insured, says the large dispatch<br />
fee, plus insurance fees of $850<br />
a month aren’t helping drivers<br />
get back on their feet. And now<br />
there’s an added pinch — gas<br />
prices are skyrocketing.<br />
“Nobody wants to pay 1,400 every<br />
single month…compared to Uber,<br />
it is very hard.”<br />
Approved in every state<br />
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MDVR Box is capable of connecting 4 cameras<br />
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<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Only $ 35 for<br />
50 words<br />
Payment details are<br />
listed on page 4<br />
Discount Taxi Equipment<br />
Specialists<br />
Everything you need for an Independent Taxi<br />
• Rent or Buy - installments available for Approved<br />
Customers<br />
• Low Cost Taxi Cameras<br />
• G5 Taximeters - protect your privacy and keep<br />
control of your business<br />
• Automated CPVV Booked Trip Reports<br />
• Duress Alarm and Tracking<br />
• EFTPOS and MPTP installations<br />
• Roof Lights and Spot Lights<br />
• Roof Racks<br />
• 2 year warranty on all installations<br />
• Decals and Tactile door numbers<br />
• Professional Back-up Service<br />
• More than 40 years experience fitting Taxis<br />
Schmidt Electronic Laboratories Pty Ltd<br />
907 Princes Highway, Springvale, Vic.<br />
Ph: (03) 9546 6990 — Email:<br />
Website:<br />
CPV Centre<br />
• Latest Taxi Camera Technology - 1080 1TB HD<br />
• RIDESHARE Mini Internal Cameras<br />
• Taxi Domes - Stickers - Tactile / Braille Numbering<br />
• Independent Taxi SET-UP<br />
• Cabcharge supply - installation - repairs<br />
• 30 years Master Mechanic Equipment Installation<br />
• Car Window Tinting<br />
COMPETITIVE PRICES<br /> - Call us on: 0434 423 423<br />
Transport Security Cameras<br />
Approved industry cameras<br />
* Latest Technology MDVR, internal & external<br />
* 1 Tb heavy duty Hard Drive<br />
* Audio & video capable<br />
* Warranty 100% on all parts & equipment<br />
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* Over 28 years experience in the Transport Industry<br />
We will BEAT any Price<br />
Book your next appointment on our website at<br /> or<br />
phone/SMS: 0419484666.<br />
FOR SALE: Taxis of Hamilton<br />
Office building, plant and equipment. 6 sedans. 3 WAT<br />
vehicles. 2 Caprice Hire Cars. With contracts. POA.<br />
Contact: Wayne 0409 332 368 or Jan 0407 858 188.<br />
Leases Wanted - Brisbane<br />
We are expanding in Brisbane. We will pay $100 to lease<br />
assignments. Call into our office in Salisbury & ask for Tuna<br />
Guclu or call 0419 484 666 to discuss price & terms.
overseas news<br />
20,000 new Uber drivers<br />
on the horizon after London licence<br />
renewal drives recruitment push<br />
by Michael Murphy |<br />
By the end of the year Uber could<br />
have up to 20,000 new drivers<br />
working on their platform as they<br />
continue their recruitment drive<br />
following the announcement that<br />
Transport for London granted<br />
them a 30 month operator's<br />
licence to work in the capital.<br />
Jamie Heywood, Uber’s boss in<br />
northern and eastern Europe, told<br />
the Evening Standard that demand<br />
for trips was up by more than 10<br />
per cent in London compared with<br />
pre-pandemic levels — and by far<br />
more at the weekends.<br />
He said: “For us our challenge is,<br />
as it has been since the pandemic<br />
eased, to continue to get more<br />
drivers onto the platform... we<br />
have fewer drivers than we need<br />
to meet the demand we’re seeing<br />
so we are trying to recruit drivers<br />
in as many ways as possible<br />
“We’re comfortable with our<br />
pricing... But obviously if things<br />
change, if costs change, if demand<br />
changes, we’ll go back in and take<br />
another look at it.”<br />
TaxiPoint recently reported that<br />
Transport for London made the<br />
decision, just days before Uber's<br />
licence was due to run out, to<br />
issue them a new licence to run<br />
for 30 months. The decision<br />
came after Uber faced criticism<br />
for its business model. But<br />
following a High Court ruling, the<br />
controversial app was made to<br />
restructure it's model to fall in line<br />
with TfL's licensing regulations.<br />
Uber have said that their aim<br />
is 20,000 new drivers on their<br />
platform before the start of 2023.<br />
Advertisers’<br />
Directory<br />
AMS Ivanhoe Lawyers.................. 14<br />
Depot Maestro............................... 35<br />
DRVR Training................................ 20<br />
Embassy Cafe................................ 41<br />
Martin Meters Oz Cabs Store.........9<br />
Melbourne Airport Car Wash....... 35<br />
Melway............................................ 16<br />
National Immunisation Program. 48<br />
13cabs............................................. 19<br />
R U OK?............................................ 22<br />
Rod Barton MP............................... 17<br />
Simplex Insurance......................... 35<br />
SmartMove..................................... 33<br />
TIAIB....................................................2<br />
Transport Alliance Australia....... 35<br />
Transport Matters Party............... 23<br />
Transport Security Cameras....... 45<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
HELP<br />
IN <strong>2022</strong><br />
The INFLUENZA vaccine is recommended for<br />
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Ask about the infuenza<br />
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