Nor'West News: April 21, 2022

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connecting you with your neighbourhood<br />

1 – 3 July<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

Christchurch Arena<br />

THURSDAY, APRIL <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Architecture’s hidden gems<br />

FORTY ONE of the city’s<br />

“most exceptional works of<br />

architecture” will be opened up<br />

for the public to explore next<br />

weekend.<br />

On Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 30, to<br />

Sunday, May 1, people can<br />

walk through and view a range<br />

of different buildings from<br />

Brooklands to Governors Bay as<br />

a part of the Open Christchurch<br />

festival.<br />

The architectural experience<br />

will include the Harewood<br />

Crematorium (above) on<br />

Wilkinsons Rd, designed by<br />

Warren & Mahoney. A private<br />

Tokyo-style residence that<br />

offers an insight into the future<br />

of urban living and has won<br />

awards for its immersion of<br />

Māori language and values will<br />

also feature in the line-up.<br />

“We are really excited to offer<br />

a new selection of the<br />

city’s most exceptional<br />

works of architecture for<br />

people to enjoy this year,”<br />

said festival director<br />

Jessica Halliday (right).<br />

“It’s only because of the<br />

generosity and commitment of<br />

our building partners that<br />

we’re able to have such a<br />

diverse programme.<br />

“We hope people<br />

embrace it with the same<br />

extraordinary enthusiasm<br />

that they did last year.”<br />

•Turn to page 5<br />

Sarah<br />

Pallett<br />

MP for Ilam<br />

My team and I are here to<br />

help. Please get in touch with<br />

my office if you need any<br />

assistance.<br />

0800 sarah 4 ilam (0800 727 244)<br />

sarah.ilamMP@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Shop 5, 376 Ilam Road, Bryndwr<br />

sarah4ilam<br />

Authorised by Sarah Pallett MP,<br />

Parliament Buildings, Wellington

2<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Advertise locally and<br />

target customers most<br />

likely to shop with you!<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Effective Ad packages start from just $99<br />

(inclusive full colour ad, creative setting,<br />

photography and proofing).<br />

No contracts required.<br />

Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Harewood • Burnside • Bishopdale • Bryndwr<br />

Fendalton • Merivale • St Albans • Mairehau<br />

Papanui • Casebrook • Redwood • Styx Mill<br />

Regents Park • Northwood • Belfast • Strowan<br />

29,389 homes every week.<br />


Monique Maynard<br />

Ph: 0<strong>21</strong> 372 481<br />

monique.maynard@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Te Ao Hou: Travelling<br />

Exhibition<br />

Thursday, all day<br />

Redwood Library<br />

A moment to celebrate the tenacity<br />

and elegance of the Māori spirit<br />

through this display that centres the<br />

magazine Te Ao Hou: The New World,<br />

published 1952-75. The publication<br />

also showcases the pōwhiri process<br />

(welcoming visitors onto the marae)<br />

and encourages readers to engage with<br />

the articles and images to celebrate,<br />

converse and dwell in the presence of<br />

the voices represented.<br />

Redwood School exhibition –<br />

poppies<br />

Friday, all day<br />

Redwood Library<br />

Redwood School pupils’ artwork<br />

features in this month’s community<br />

display at Redwood Library. A tribute<br />

to Anzac Day, the artwork displays<br />

a vibrant use of crayons and water<br />

colours.<br />

Bolivia Card Game<br />

Thursday, 1-3pm<br />

Ōrauwhata: Bishopdale Library and<br />

Community Centre<br />

Go along to Ōrauwhata Bishopdale<br />

Library for a fun and friendly<br />

card game from Bolivia. All are<br />

welcome.<br />

Finger puppet friends, Tuesday, all day, Fendalton Library. Head<br />

down to Fendalton Library to make your own finger puppet with craft<br />

supplies. Free, no bookings required.<br />

Rummikub Club<br />

Thursday, 1-3pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Go along to Fendalton Library and<br />

play Rummikub – an exciting, interactive<br />

strategy game.<br />

Knit ‘n’ yarn<br />

Thursday, 2-3.30pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Go along to Fendalton Library to<br />

enjoy a chat with others as you knit.<br />

For anyone who loves to knit or wants<br />

to learn.<br />

JP clinic<br />

Saturday, 10am-noon<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

A justice of the peace will be<br />

available to witness signatures<br />

and documents, certify document<br />

copies, hear oaths, declarations,<br />

affidavits or affirmations, as well<br />

as sign citizenship or rates rebates<br />

applications. No charge.<br />

Majong Group<br />

Friday, 2-4pm<br />

Fendalton Library<br />

Interested in playing Mahjong? For<br />

beginners and advanced players, if<br />

you have your own set please take it<br />

along, otherwise go along and join in<br />

a friendly game every Friday. Please<br />

request to be put on the waitlist. Held<br />

in the Fendalton Library Community<br />

Room.<br />

Not-for-profit organisations<br />

can send their What’s On listings<br />

to norwest@starmedia.kiwi<br />

the reassurance of quality<br />

The Russley Village is known for premium design, layout and extensive facilities that deliver an<br />

uncompromised lifestyle during retirement. The reassurance of quality is built into everything we<br />

do. At the Russley, you will live in a safe and supportive community, with freedom and independence,<br />

while knowing that the Ashley Suites care facility is on-site to provide care up to hospital level.<br />

Offering a blend of crafted independent villas, terraced houses, apartments and care, The Russley<br />

is a complete and comprehensive community.<br />

you simply have to see to fully appreciate

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 3<br />

Bid to ease concerns over cycleway<br />

CHANGES MAY be made to<br />

the Wheels to Wings cycleway<br />

design after concerns from the<br />

community.<br />

A hearings panel, chaired<br />

by Mayor Lianne Dalziel, has<br />

finished listening to public<br />

submissions on the plans for the<br />

cycleway, which will provide<br />

a route through Papanui,<br />

Bishopdale, Harewood, the<br />

airport area, the recreational<br />

cycling<br />

facilities at<br />

McLeans<br />

Island, and the<br />

destinations in<br />

between.<br />

“We have<br />

spent a<br />

number of<br />

Lianne<br />

Dalziel<br />

days over the<br />

past couple<br />

of months<br />

listening<br />

to people speak to their<br />

submissions and considering the<br />

written submissions we received<br />

and the revised design scheme,”<br />

said Dalziel.<br />

“There were some really well<br />

considered submissions and it<br />

is clear this is a very engaged<br />

community.<br />

“Some concerns were raised by<br />

submitters about the potential<br />

loss of parking around Nunweek<br />

Park.<br />

“To address this, we’re<br />

recommending that staff look<br />

at the viability of putting the<br />

MORE CHANGES: Safety improvements may be made to the Harewood Rd section of the<br />

Wheels to Wings cycleway near the entrance and exit to Mitre 10. IMAGE: NEWSLINE<br />

cycleway on the park side of the<br />

trees in Nunweek Park.<br />

“This option would actually<br />

allow us to increase the parking<br />

around Nunweek Park, as we<br />

could then put in angle parking<br />

along Harewood Rd.’’<br />

The panel also recommended<br />

safety improvements are made<br />

to the Harewood Rd section of<br />

the cycleway by the entrance<br />

and exit to Mitre 10, city council<br />

staff investigate building a raised<br />

safety platform on Harewood<br />

Rd at the signalised pedestrian/<br />

cycle crossing between Matsons<br />

Ave and Chapel St and the<br />

city council work to ensure<br />

the delivery of other transport<br />

projects in the area are aligned<br />

with the cycleway.<br />

Said Dalziel: “The hearings<br />

panel was particularly impressed<br />

by the time and effort that a<br />

group of submitters put into<br />

developing their own alternate<br />

design scheme.<br />

“We did seriously consider<br />

this alternate option but an<br />

independent review has raised<br />

significant safety concerns with<br />

it.<br />

“After considering all the<br />

submissions and seeking<br />

additional information from<br />

staff, the hearings panel is<br />

recommending the council<br />

approve the revised design<br />

scheme, with some changes.<br />

“The hearings panel’s full<br />

recommendations will be<br />

published online this week. They<br />

will be considered by the council<br />

in May. If the council approves<br />

the panel’s recommendations,<br />

the project will move to the<br />

detailed design phase,” Dalziel<br />

said.<br />

The city council has under<br />

taken two rounds of public<br />

consultation on the Wheels to<br />

Wings cycle route. During the<br />

first round in early 20<strong>21</strong>, the city<br />

council received more than 1300<br />

submissions.<br />

While some of the 1300<br />

submissions supported the plans<br />

for the cycleway, others raised<br />

concerns about aspects of the<br />

proposed route and the impact it<br />

would have on parking, property<br />

access and congestion.<br />

In response to that feedback<br />

and ongoing discussions with<br />

key stakeholders, directly<br />

affected businesses and residents,<br />

some initial changes were made<br />

to the plans for the cycle route.<br />

The revised plans were made<br />

public in late October 20<strong>21</strong> and<br />

a second round of consultation<br />

initiated, which resulted in a<br />

further 86 submissions being<br />

received.<br />







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Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

More housing choice<br />

is the way forward<br />

Population growth, housing issues – including affordability – and climate change<br />

are prompting a re-think of some of Ōtautahi-Christchurch’s planning rules.<br />

Our proposed plan change<br />

We need to build a wider variety of homes, and more of them, to suit<br />

our changing housing needs.<br />

For lower emissions – and future generations – we must build upwards,<br />

particularly in and around our commercial centres within easy reach of<br />

work, school and the shops.<br />

Where we’ll grow<br />

The proposed Draft Housing and Business Choice Plan Change<br />

creates a number of residential and commercial zones in the city<br />

and enables more and higher housing to be developed. Developments<br />

may still be subject to a resource consent.<br />

Check out our interactive maps* to find out what the proposed changes<br />

mean for you and your property. Visit ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

(Draft Housing and Business Choice Plan Change).<br />

Growing in the right places<br />

While we must follow the Government’s direction, we’re proposing that<br />

some areas have qualities, known as Qualifying Matters. This means the<br />

rules enabling increased development would not apply, or would be<br />

limited, and development remains subject to resource consent approval.<br />

This could be because of their significant heritage or character value, or<br />

because of specific hazards like rockfall, erosion, tsunami or flooding.<br />

Protecting our trees<br />

We’re proposing Financial Contributions from anyone wanting to<br />

develop land and who does not retain or plant 20 per cent tree canopy<br />

cover on a site. We’ll use these contributions to plant more trees on<br />

Council-owned land.<br />

The Government wants us to grow up!<br />

Belfast<br />

We’ve been given direction by the Government to enable more housing.<br />

This means in most urban residential zones of the city people will<br />

be allowed to build up to three houses per section, and up to<br />

12 metres high (three storeys, depending on building design) without<br />

a resource consent.<br />

Even greater building development – both residential and commercial<br />

– would be allowed within and around the central city and suburban<br />

commercial centres.<br />

To find out more about the Government legislation visit<br />

ccc.govt.nz/enablinghousing<br />

Prestons*<br />

Bishopdale<br />

Papanui<br />

Shirley*<br />

Key<br />

City Centre Zone: unlimited height<br />

High Density Zone: 32 metres enabled (10 storeys, depending on building design)<br />

High Density Zone Precinct: 20 metres enabled (six storeys, depending on<br />

building design)<br />

Town Centre that may emerge into a Metropolitan Centre: 20 metres enabled<br />

(six storeys, depending on building design)<br />

Town Centre: 20 metres enabled (six storeys, depending on building design)<br />

Local Centre (Large): 14 metres (four storeys, depending on building design)<br />

Local Centre (Significant): 20 metres enabled (six storeys, depending on<br />

building design)<br />

Medium Density Zone Precinct: 14 metres enabled (four storeys, depending<br />

on building design)<br />

Rest of the city – Medium Density Zone– enables at least 12 metres<br />

(unless Qualifying Matters apply).<br />

*For areas outside of the vacuum sewer wastewater constraints only.<br />

Merivale<br />

Ōtakaro Avon River<br />

Ōtakaro Avon River<br />

Church Corner<br />

Riccarton<br />

Ōtakaro Avon River<br />

City<br />

Centre<br />

Linwood<br />

Sydenham<br />

Barrington<br />

North Halswell<br />

Have your say<br />

We welcome your feedback on our Housing and Business Choice, Coastal Hazards, Heritage and Radio Communication<br />

Pathways draft plan changes from 11 <strong>April</strong> until 13 May <strong>2022</strong>. This will help us shape the draft changes needed to bring<br />

our District Plan in line with government direction, ahead of formal consultation before 20 August.<br />

Register for one of our online information sessions<br />

ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

* You may need to view these maps at a different time if demand is high.

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 5<br />


OPEN: Head to the<br />

Harewood Crematorium<br />

(above) on <strong>April</strong> 29 to light<br />

a candle and reflect on the<br />

year.<br />

VISIT: The former Addington Gaol on Lincoln Rd will feature in a tour during Open<br />

Christchurch <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


Doors open to the public<br />

•From page 1<br />

Buildings of different ages,<br />

styles and uses will be open for<br />

the public to experience for free,<br />

apart from a handful of private<br />

residences that require a booking<br />

fee.<br />

Other highlights will include<br />

culturally, historically and<br />

architecturally important<br />

buildings that are not usually<br />

open for free to the public.<br />

Buildings, such as the former<br />

Addington Gaol, the industrial<br />

treasure Wood’s Mill and 65<br />

Cambridge Tce, are among some<br />

of the architecture on display.<br />

The festival will be presented by<br />

Te Pūtahi Centre for Architecture<br />

and City Making.<br />

Members of the public<br />

are invited to the Harewood<br />

Crematorium on the evening of<br />

<strong>April</strong> 29 to light a candle and<br />

reflect on the year, before the full<br />

programme starts the following<br />

day.<br />

Four guided walks will explore<br />

Ngāi Tahu identity and its history<br />

in Christchurch and Lyttelton,<br />

and there will be more than 20<br />

activities, including talks, tours<br />

and workshops, to round out the<br />

programme.<br />

The buildings will be open<br />

at different times across the<br />

weekend, with a timetable of<br />

activities and some advance<br />

bookings required.<br />

Residents and visitors who want<br />

to participate are encouraged to<br />

study the programme and website<br />

and create their own itinerary of<br />

highlights.<br />

•Information on<br />

the programme and<br />

bookings can be found at<br />

openchch.nz<br />

VIEW: The Ōruapaeroa/<br />

Travis Wetland bird hide is<br />

a popular spot for walkers.<br />

VENUE: Taylors Mistake<br />

Surf Lifesaving Club<br />

(below) took out the 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Canterbury Architecture<br />

Award for Public<br />

Architecture.<br />



as unique as you are<br />

Welcome to The Sterling, Kaiapoi, a vibrant,<br />

growing retirement village in the heart of the<br />

thriving Silverstream community in Kaiapoi.<br />

The Sterling isn’t a gated village, it’s an innovative<br />

borderless community, where village life is lived<br />

on your terms.<br />


Here you can enjoy the many nearby amenities<br />

- relax in the public cafe with friends, spend time<br />

with the grandkids at the playgrounds or explore<br />

Silverstream’s extensive green spaces,<br />

river walks and cycleways.<br />

The choice is always yours at The Sterling.<br />

To discuss villa options or to book a tour of our<br />

showhome please visit www.thesterling.co.nz,<br />

email hello@thesterling.co.nz or call Michelle on<br />

0508 783 754.<br />

Visits by appointment only<br />

(Covid traffic light restrictions apply)<br />

VISIT us<br />

6 Camellia Lane,<br />

Kaiapoi, 7630<br />

TALK to us<br />

0508 783 754<br />

hello@thesterling.co.nz<br />

LEARN more<br />


6<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

The Clocks Bookshop is an<br />

independent bookstore.<br />

We specialise in Children’s, Cooking, and Crime and mystery books and also have a terrific range<br />

of general fiction and non-fiction titles too. Sorry no toys, games or stationery, just wonderful books!<br />

Cooking at Home:<br />

Or, How I Learned<br />

to Stop Worrying<br />

About Recipes (And<br />

Love My Microwave)<br />

David Chang,<br />

Priya Krishna<br />

The chef of Momofuku<br />

cooks at home…$60<br />

Sambal Shiok: The<br />

Malaysian Cookbook<br />

Mandy Yin<br />

Brilliant collection of 75<br />

Malaysian-inspired recipes.<br />

A ‘goodfood Australia’<br />

Best Cookbooks of 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Selection. $55<br />

Cook As You Are:<br />

Recipes for Real Life,<br />

Hungry Cooks and<br />

Messy Kitchens<br />

Ruby Tandoh<br />

'Practical, straight-talking,<br />

endlessly inspirational - this is<br />

Ruby at her best.' Nigel Slater<br />

$45<br />

Sometimes I Feel ...<br />

Sarah Maycock<br />

An exploration of feelings<br />

- bravery, strength,<br />

curiosity and happiness -<br />

in a beautifully illustrated<br />

picture book. Ages 3+ $19<br />

The Lighthouse<br />

Princess<br />

Susan Wardell<br />

A vibrant modern fairytale<br />

about a lighthouse-keeper<br />

princess who rescues a<br />

boy in a storm. The 20<strong>21</strong><br />

Storylines Gavin Bishop<br />

Award-winning picture<br />

book. Stunning! $20<br />

Scissorella<br />

Clare Helen Walsh &<br />

Laura Barrett<br />

Cinderella meets papercutting,<br />

with a strong<br />

feminist twist. A ‘Guardian'<br />

Best Children’s Books of<br />

20<strong>21</strong> Selection. With Peep<br />

through pages. Ages 3-7<br />

$33<br />

Clarice the Brave<br />

Lisa McMann<br />

‘A fine, unusual story.<br />

Adventure for the 8-12s<br />

$18<br />

Black Cake<br />

Charmaine Wilkerson<br />

Crossing continents and<br />

juggling lives, Black Cake<br />

is a moving and powerful<br />

debut which spans sixty<br />

years in the life of one<br />

Caribbean/American<br />

family. $37<br />

Lessons in Chemistry<br />

Bonnie Garmus<br />

Two chemists, a dog with a<br />

big vocabulary, and a popular<br />

cooking show are among<br />

the elements of this unusual<br />

compound. ‘A more adorable<br />

plea for rationalism and<br />

gender equality would be hard<br />

to find.’ ~ Kirkus Reviews $37<br />

Mala's Cat<br />

Mala Kacenberg<br />

A moving Holocaust memoir<br />

about the unlikely friendship<br />

between a young Jewish girl<br />

and a stray cat and their<br />

survival against the odds. $38<br />

Check out our range of<br />

Scandinavian crime, or<br />

Nordic Noir. Dramatic plots<br />

set in the exotic landscapes<br />

of Norway, Iceland,<br />

Denmark and Sweden.<br />

The Clocks Bookshop has more than 70 Agatha Christie titles in stock<br />

and a huge range of classic crime novels by authors such as P.D. James,<br />

Colin Dexter, Reginald Hill, Dorothy L. Sayers, the Belgian Master,<br />

Georges Simenon, and Francis Durbridge.<br />

The Clocks Bookshop specialises in Crime, Mystery and Spy Novels.<br />

Come in and have a sleuth around. Lots of the likes of Ian Rankin,<br />

Ann Cleeves, James Lee Burke, John Le Carre, Mick Herron, and<br />

Christchurch’s own, Paul Cleave.<br />

12 Normans Rd, Strowan, Christchurch, 8052 | Phone 03 355 0995<br />

books@theclocksbookshop.co.nz | www.theclocksbookshop.co.nz

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 7<br />

Credible finish for Finch in first superbike race<br />

GRAND PRIX: The action was tight during the Supersport<br />

300 title race as No.15 Dennis Charlett, of Redwood, and<br />

No.27 Jesse Stroud, of Hamilton, fought for the lead.<br />

Stroud eventually snatched the title on the run to the flag.<br />



Finch in action in the<br />

New Zealand Grand<br />

Prix superbike race at<br />

Ruapuna on Sunday.<br />



MEDIA<br />

• By John Cosgrove<br />

BISHOPDALE’S Dale Finch<br />

made the New Zealand Grand<br />

Prix superbike winners work for<br />

their trophies during Sunday’s<br />

main race at Ruapuna.<br />

He latched onto the back of the<br />

leaders right from the start and<br />

kept hounding them all the way<br />

to the finish line with a strong<br />

fourth place in only his first race<br />

meeting at the top level of superbike<br />

racing.<br />

The NZGP meeting marked<br />

a return by Motorcycling Canterbury<br />

to hosting the Grand<br />

Prix title races here over Easter<br />

weekend.<br />

Finch, the current NZ supersport<br />

600 national champion,<br />

made the step up to superbikes<br />

when he was offered a Kawasaki<br />

ZX-10R to race here this year.<br />

He is well known in motorcycle<br />

racing circles in Canterbury, over<br />

the years winning races and titles<br />

in three disciplines – speedway,<br />

motocross and road racing.<br />

About four years ago he tried<br />

his hand at road racing where in<br />

his own words he quickly “got a<br />

bit serious” about it.<br />

“We wanted to focus on winning<br />

the championship,” he said,<br />

and in 20<strong>21</strong> he won the national<br />

600 supersport title.<br />

In only his first outing in the<br />

superbike class he finished a<br />

creditable fourth in the NZGP<br />

title race, close behind winner<br />

Alastair Hoogenboezem, of<br />

Templeton (1st, Yamaha), Tony<br />

Rees of Tauranga (2nd, Honda),<br />

and Scott Moir, of Taupo (3rd,<br />

Yamaha).<br />

But Finch almost didn’t make<br />

the meeting as a Covid-enforced<br />

family separation saw him<br />

overseas, only arriving back in<br />

the country at the start of<br />

<strong>April</strong>.<br />

“When I was training for the<br />

supersport championship, I was<br />

dedicating all my spare time to<br />

winning the championship, so<br />

my fiancée Ali asked that if I won<br />

the championship could I do<br />

something for her.<br />

“She wanted to visit her home<br />

town of Coffs Harbour in NSW<br />

so as soon as we won it, she<br />

headed off while I stayed on in<br />

Auckland for three weeks before<br />

I planned to fly out and meet<br />

her and my two young children<br />

there.<br />

“But we went into lockdown<br />

and I couldn’t get over there, so I<br />

spent eight months here without<br />

her and the kids,” he said.<br />

Finch finally managed to get<br />

over to Australia in December.<br />

While there, he was offered a<br />

superbike to ride so he asked Ali<br />

if they could come back to New<br />

Zealand.<br />

He said it had been a year since<br />

he last rode competitively and his<br />

muscles were reminding him of<br />

the g-forces involved in top-level<br />

motorcyle racing.<br />


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Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Collector’s hunt for rare bottles<br />

COLLECTOR: Josh Svensson with a rare blue soda syphon<br />

and a Christmas tree oil bottle.<br />

• By Kristie Boland<br />

ONE MAN’S rubbish has turned<br />

out to be another man’s fortune.<br />

Twenty years of digging, hours<br />

of research and a keen eye for the<br />

uniqueness of an old glass bottle<br />

has ensured a comfortable retirement<br />

fund for Josh Svensson.<br />

What started as a competition<br />

among young brothers to find the<br />

best glass bottle turned into a collection<br />

of over a thousand glass<br />

bottles, a lot of which were found<br />

in Lyttelton.<br />

Svensson is an antique glass<br />

bottle collector who specialises in<br />

bottles from Lyttelton.<br />

“Some one called me a hoarder,”<br />

said Svensson.<br />

But with a collection worth<br />

more than $80,000, most would<br />

agree it’s a hobby worth having.<br />

“My brother-in-law used to<br />

collect them in the 80s. One day<br />

when I was 12 he took me and<br />

my brothers out fossicking. We<br />

crawled under an old house and<br />

found some old bottles,” Svensson<br />

SAID.<br />

From then, he was hooked.<br />

“It became a competition between<br />

my brothers and myself of<br />

who can find the coolest bottles,”<br />

he said.<br />

The competition went on for<br />

years. One of Svensson’s brothers<br />

decided to sell up a few years<br />

ago and used the money made<br />

from selling his collection to put<br />

towards a deposit on a house.<br />

A selection of New Zealand fizzy drink bottles, known as<br />

the torpedo bottle, from the 1850s-1900.<br />

Svensson is in the lower age<br />

demographic of bottle collectors<br />

in New Zealand, he said there is<br />

about 200-300 across the country,<br />

30 or so in Christchurch.<br />

Before recycling and bottle<br />

collection was a thing, people<br />

used to dig holes in their<br />

backyards to dispose of rubbish<br />

they could not burn, like glass<br />

bottles.<br />

“People used to just throw them<br />

away, out of sight out of mind if<br />

they were too lazy to dig a hole,”<br />

said Svensson.<br />

Lyttelton was once home to<br />

multiple different soft drink manufacturers<br />

including brands such<br />

as JF Wyatt, NC Schumacher, and<br />

R Milsom.<br />

The glass bottles were made<br />

in England and filled in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

• Turn to page 10<br />

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Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

PICK IT UP...<br />


Bottle collecting a corker idea<br />

• From page 8<br />

Svensson has spent hours online<br />

researching old newspapers and old maps<br />

and spent time down at the museum.<br />

He previously lived in Charteris Bay<br />

where he would jump in the water at low<br />

tide and hunt for his treasure.<br />

“Often when the boats used to come in<br />

back in the day they would empty their<br />

bottles off the side into the water, some<br />

stuck around in the mud flats,” he said.<br />

Svensson has a metal probe that he uses<br />

to poke into the ground and determine<br />

if there is clay or dirt that’s never been<br />

touched.<br />

“If it goes down easy and hits a glass<br />

item you know someone has dug a hole<br />

there before,” he said.<br />

But it’s not just glass bottles Svensson has<br />

found while digging – he has come across<br />

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Available for FREE every Fossicking for glass bottles was a<br />

Friday at convenient popular thing to do back in the 70s<br />

pick up points near you! Svensson said, but there are now strict<br />

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across a dumping site, then you’ve got a<br />

limited opportunity, they’ll give you a<br />

call and they’re often happy to get a box<br />

of beers in return for some empties,” said<br />

263 x<br />

Svensson.<br />

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2008 Victory Vegas<br />

Customised x USa<br />

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Stoneware ginger beer bottles from 1890 to 1930.<br />

year, and there’s a national bottle show.<br />

It takes more than just a keen eye to<br />

figure out what bottles are of value. Some<br />

are worth $5, some $15,000.<br />

“You have to know about it so it takes<br />

years of experience to figure out what’s<br />

what,” Svensson said.<br />

Svensson has about 1000 bottles in his<br />

collection now. He has found half of them<br />

and the other half he has bought.<br />

During the 20 years he has been<br />

collecting, Svensson added up he’d spent<br />

about 40k on the collection, the most<br />

expensive being $1000 for a single bottle.<br />

“I see it as an investment. I enjoy<br />

collecting the bottles but just the history<br />

behind it as well, I’m just a fan of history<br />

in general.”<br />

Svensson worked out last year his<br />

collection is valued at more than 80k.<br />

“Not bad for a bit of rubbish aye,”<br />

he said.<br />

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Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />





1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12 13 14<br />

15 16 17<br />

18<br />

240<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Every row, column and box should<br />

contain the digits 1 to 9.<br />


WordBuilder<br />

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6<br />

T G E<br />

I W H<br />

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including plurals, can you make from the six<br />

letters, using each letter only once? No foreign<br />

words or words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There's at least one six-letter word.<br />

TODAY<br />

Good 14 Very Good 17 Excellent <strong>21</strong><br />

Solution 139: adage, age, aged, dag, dam, DAMAGE,<br />

dame, egad, gad, gam, game, gamed, gem, mad,<br />

made, mag, mage, mead, mega.<br />

How many words of three or more<br />

letters, including plurals, can you make<br />

from the six letters, using each only<br />

once?<br />

No words beginning with a capital are<br />

allowed. There’s at least one six-letter<br />

word.<br />

Good 14 Very Good 17 Excellent <strong>21</strong><br />

19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22<br />

23 24<br />

25 26<br />

Across<br />

7. Pertinent (8)<br />

9. Be thrifty (6)<br />

10. Suggestion (4)<br />

11. Unparalleled (10)<br />

12. Logic (6)<br />

14. Plausibility (8)<br />

15. Syndicate (6)<br />

16. Group of six (6)<br />

19. Recall (8)<br />

<strong>21</strong>. Sign up (6)<br />

23. Brotherhood (10)<br />

24. Join in fabric (4)<br />

25. Subtle difference (6)<br />

26. Appreciative (8)<br />

Decoder<br />

Down<br />

1. Mock (6)<br />

2. Arrears (4)<br />

3. Forbearance (8)<br />

4. Hope for (6)<br />

5. Decorative (10)<br />

6. Hinted, unsaid (8)<br />

8. Spasm, tic (6)<br />

13. Snake-like (10)<br />

15. Happy (8)<br />

17. Ordinary (8)<br />

18. Exasperating (6)<br />

20. Excluded, prohibited (6)<br />

22. Large and lavish (inf) (4-2)<br />

24. Pace (4)<br />

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N W F H E S G X Q J T P B<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

V L O U C I Z D A Y K M R<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

L<br />

E<br />

E<br />

A F Shuker<br />


No.140<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

L<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

E<br />

All puzzles copyright<br />

T H E P U Z Z L E C O M P A N Y<br />

www.thepuzzlecompany.co.nz<br />

5 15 10 10 <strong>21</strong> 4 <strong>21</strong> 13 15 7 9 10<br />

8 <strong>21</strong> 5 <strong>21</strong> <strong>21</strong> 9<br />

17 10 <strong>21</strong> 18 9 5 8 7 23 15 10 15<br />

Crossword<br />

Across: 7. Relevant,<br />

9. Scrimp, 10. Hint, 11.<br />

Inimitable, 12. Reason, 14.<br />

Credence, 15. Cartel, 16.<br />

Sextet, 19. Remember, <strong>21</strong>.<br />

Enlist, 23. Fraternity, 24.<br />

Seam, 25. Nuance, 26.<br />

Grateful.<br />

Down: 1. Deride, 2. Debt,<br />

3. Patience, 4. Aspire, 5.<br />

Ornamental, 6. Implicit, 8.<br />

Twitch, 13. Serpentine, 15.<br />

Cheerful, 17. Everyday, 18.<br />

Trying, 20. Barred, 22. Slapup,<br />

24. Step.<br />

WordBuilder<br />

eight, eth, get, git, hew, hie,<br />

hit, teg, the, thew, tie, tig,<br />

twig, weigh, WEIGHT, wet,<br />

whet, whit, white, wig, wight,<br />

wit, with, withe.<br />

Sudoku<br />

Each number in our DECODER grid represents a different<br />

letter - there is a number for all 26 letters of the alphabet.<br />


Enter the given letters into all squares with matching numbers.<br />

The challenge now is to work out which letters are represented<br />

Each number represents a different letter of the alphabet. Write the<br />

by the other numbers. As you get the letters, enter them into<br />

given letters into all squares with matching numbers. Now work out<br />

the main grid, and the reference grid. To keep track of the<br />

which letters are represented by the other numbers.<br />

letters you have found, cross them off the alphabet provided.<br />

19 5 9 1 18 14 20 18 25 5<br />

17 22 8 2 9 13 3 12 9<br />

13 18 4 14 6 16 6 18 8 25 14<br />

18 9 24 26 1 18 13 9<br />

8 3 24 18 16 2 3 9 24 19 19<br />

H E R<br />

6 5 10 14 24<br />

19 9 5 13 4 12 18 5 7 18 12 9<br />

11 12 19 18 <strong>21</strong><br />

18 25 2 4 5 11 10 15 9 6 2<br />

24 15 3 2 18 16 12 6<br />

5 4 4 14 15 6 2 2 6 14 20<br />

17 18 13 8 19 18 18 14 17<br />

10 19 9 8 23 9 5 18 14 24<br />

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

R<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

H E<br />


No.139<br />

140<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13<br />

M J Q L V U F O E N C X I<br />

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 <strong>21</strong> 22 23 24 25 26<br />

W Y D B P T Z S A K G R H<br />

A F Shuker<br />

Supplied by KNIGHT CREMATORIUM<br />


20 Crescent Grove, London SW4 7AH<br />

Tel: 020 7622 1467 Fax: 020 7622 1522<br />

Email: info@knightfeatures.co.uk<br />

9 11 15 22 18 4<br />

3 8 16 11 22 12 4 <strong>21</strong> 14 <strong>21</strong> 17 5<br />

<strong>21</strong> 5 12 15 6 26<br />

13 <strong>21</strong> 1 9 11 11 <strong>21</strong> 4 9 5 <strong>21</strong><br />

8 13 8 10 4 10 25<br />

2 8 16 20 13 10 15 24 4 8 3 <strong>21</strong><br />

3 24 9 13 6 3 3<br />

12 9 4 3 7 5 8 17 20 7 8<br />

9 6 10 <strong>21</strong> 3 17<br />



Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 13<br />


MONDAY APRIL 25, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Remembering our Anzacs<br />

“The darkness, calm and chill of the early morning; the sound of<br />

the single tap of the drum of the parade; the emotionless faces<br />

of the catafalque guard, and the mournful notes of Last Post<br />

sounded by a lone bugler, combine to give a feeling of deep<br />

solemnity. It is the intensity of the symbolism which contributes<br />

to its powerful impact upon participants; indeed what underlies its<br />

popularity. In a country with few public rituals, the Dawn Service<br />

continues to provide a sense of occasion as a meaningful ritual of<br />

remembrance.”<br />

rsa.org.nz<br />

Thursday 16th of <strong>April</strong><br />

Friday 17th of <strong>April</strong><br />

Saturday 18th of <strong>April</strong><br />

Wednesday 22nd of <strong>April</strong><br />

Thursday 23rd of <strong>April</strong><br />

Friday 24th of <strong>April</strong><br />

Saturday 25th of <strong>April</strong><br />

Every year Anzac Day is observed on <strong>April</strong> 25 by communities<br />

throughout New Zealand and Australia to remember those who have<br />

served and those who lost their lives in war. The term ANZAC is the<br />

acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and was first<br />

used in World War 1. These groups of soldiers back then were known<br />

as ‘the Anzacs’.<br />

Anzac commemorations may consist of one or more ceremonies –<br />

one at dawn (timed to coincide with the initial landings at Gallipoli<br />

by Australian troops who were the first ashore) and/or one later<br />

in the morning. The ceremonies are rich in tradition and generally<br />

begin with a parade of returned servicemen and military personnel<br />

followed by cadets, youth groups and local dignitaries. War veterans,<br />

proudly sporting their medals lead the parade, which leads to a local<br />

cenotaph or memorial gate where the ceremony includes a service<br />

with hymns, laying of wreaths, dedications, prayers and the Last Post<br />

played on a bugle. Morning tea follows and allows people to share<br />

memories and catch up with friends and neighbours.<br />

Anzac Day was first observed by servicemen in 1916 to mark the<br />

anniversary of New Zealand and Australian soldiers landing on the<br />

Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915. It soon became a day where all New<br />

Zealanders and Australians took time to remember the men and<br />

women who perished in the Great War. In 19<strong>21</strong>, Anzac Day became<br />

an official holiday and by 1922 it was declared a full public holiday<br />

where shops, banks and hotels remained closed for the day.<br />

Symbol of remembrance<br />

The red (or Flanders) poppy is a symbol of remembrance and hope<br />

all over the world and, in some countries, is worn on Armistice<br />

Day, however in New Zealand the red poppy is commonly worn<br />

on Anzac Day. The first Poppy Day appeal was on <strong>April</strong> 24 in 1922,<br />

where funds from the sales of small and large silk poppies helped<br />

relieve suffering in war-ravaged northern France. A paper version<br />

of the poppy is now sold by the Royal New Zealand Returned<br />

Services Association on Poppy Day to raise awareness for Anzac<br />

Day and funds for returned soldiers and their families and local<br />

communities.<br />

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:<br />

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.<br />

At the going down of the sun and in the morning<br />

We will remember them.’<br />

Proud to support <strong>2022</strong> ANZAC remembrance<br />



Tower Junction, Hornby, Marshland

14<br />

Add pickled beetroot<br />

to your Kiwi burger<br />

Kylee Newton<br />

has a soft spot<br />

for preserves.<br />

The Britishbased<br />

Kiwi<br />

explains how<br />

to pickle<br />

beetroot so<br />

you can make<br />

the ultimate<br />

Kiwi burger,<br />

perfect for<br />

autumn<br />

Kiwi burger<br />

Serves 4<br />

Ingredients<br />

400g minced beef at room temperature<br />

4 Tbsp rapeseed (canola) or sunflower<br />

oil<br />

1 large red onion, finely sliced into discs<br />

or semi-circles<br />

4 thin slices of Emmental, Gouda<br />

or Jarlsberg cheese<br />

4 eggs<br />

4 burger buns<br />

4 Tbsp tomato sauce or tomato chutney<br />

4 Tbsp Dijon or wholegrain mustard<br />

12 large tomatoes, sliced<br />

8-12 slices of pickled beetroot (see below)<br />

4 large iceberg or round lettuce leaves<br />

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper<br />

Directions<br />



then gently squash the patties down with<br />

a fish slice to the diameter of your burger<br />

buns and cook for a further 10 minutes.<br />

Flip the patties, season again, and place<br />

a slice of cheese on top of each patty so<br />

it gently hugs when melted. Cook for 1<br />

minute for medium rare, or 2 minutes for<br />

medium. Remove the patties and set aside<br />

to rest while you cook the next batch.<br />

For the fried eggs<br />

Heat the remaining oil or butter in a<br />

non-stick frying pan over a medium-high<br />

heat. Crack in the eggs and as soon as you<br />

hear them start to sizzle cover with a lid.<br />

Fry for 30 seconds, then turn off the heat<br />

and leave covered for a further 30 seconds.<br />

Depending on how runny you like your<br />

egg, you can cook them for longer.<br />

When the patties are cooked, gently toast<br />

the burger buns in the same pan, pressing<br />

the sliced sides into the pan for 20-30<br />

seconds.<br />


RD Petroleum (RDP) is a familiar sight<br />

for farm and rural residents around the<br />

Canterbury region, however now days urban<br />

residents also enjoy the same excellent<br />

customer service for which RDP is known for<br />

in rural communities, through their home<br />

heating diesel.<br />

RDP began its home heating diesel delivery<br />

service to the lower South Island’s main urban<br />

centres of Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin<br />

and Invercargill a number of years ago.<br />

Customer demand has continued to increase<br />

year upon year, and RDP has responded<br />

with specialised improvements to its delivery<br />

equipment.<br />

The trucks that deliver RDP’s home heating<br />

diesel in each urban centre are drawn from<br />

the company’s extensive vehicle fleet. This<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Keep cosy with<br />

RD Petroleum<br />

this winter<br />

means they have the latest communication<br />

and GPS tracking technology on board, so<br />

the operations team always know where they<br />

are and how far away they are from their next<br />

delivery stop.<br />

RDP’s home heating diesel trucks come<br />

equipped with a specially-designed hose,<br />

through which the diesel is pumped from<br />

the truck into house tanks. The length of<br />

the hose allows the trucks to access tanks<br />

without having to enter the property, avoiding<br />

damaging the driveway. RDP is the place to<br />

go if you require diesel conveniently delivered<br />

to your home and as a loyal RDP customer<br />

you’re offered discounted pricing and can<br />

become eligible for value-added benefits.<br />

For all enquiries please phone<br />

0800 44 00 14, or visit the RDP website at<br />

https://www.rdp.co.nz/home-heating or<br />

signup at apply.rdp.co.nz/home-heating<br />

Divide the meat into 4 equal amounts<br />

and roll each into a ball. Sandwich each<br />

ball between 2 pieces of baking paper,<br />

and using a rolling pin, roll them out into<br />

patties about 1cm smaller in diameter than<br />

your burger buns. Set aside.<br />

Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a large<br />

frying pan over a medium-high heat. Add<br />

the onions and fry for 5-6 minutes, until<br />

soft and a little charred. Remove from the<br />

pan and set aside.<br />

Keeping a medium-high heat, add the<br />

patties, two at a time. Generously season<br />

with salt and pepper. Cook for 30 seconds,<br />

To stack your burgers<br />

Spread tomato sauce on the bottom<br />

buns and mustard on the tops. Place each<br />

cheese-coated patty on a bottom bun, then<br />

top with the fried egg, 1-3 slices of tomato,<br />

2-3 slices of pickled beetroot, lettuce and<br />

lastly some of the fried onions, before<br />

finishing with the bun tops.<br />

Note: Some of us say it’s not a Kiwi<br />

burger without a pineapple ring. For this<br />

sweeter version, char some pineapple slices<br />

in a griddle pan or under the grill and add<br />

to the stack in place of the tomato.<br />

Pickled beetroot<br />

Makes a 750ml jar<br />

Ingredients<br />

450g-500g beetroot, peeled, thinly<br />

sliced/diced (blanched in boiling water)<br />

or grated<br />

450ml (scant 2 cups) white wine vinegar<br />

100ml (1/3 cup) filtered water<br />

50g (1/5 cup) white sugar<br />

1 tsp sea salt<br />

1 tsp black peppercorns<br />

2 bay leaves<br />

8 cloves, gently toasted<br />

3 green cardamom pods, gently smashed<br />

2-3 pared strips of lemon zest<br />

Directions<br />

Combine vinegar, water, sugar, salt and<br />

spices in a large, non-reactive pan, keeping<br />

any fresh herbs or lemon zest to one side<br />

until the jarring stage. Place over a medium<br />

heat, stirring until the sugar and salt<br />

dissolve and the spices infuse. Bring to the<br />

boil and simmer for 5 minutes, then allow<br />

the brine to cool slightly.<br />

Pack your prepped beetroots into<br />

appropriately sized, clean, cool jars. Try<br />

to fit in as much as possible without<br />

squashing or forcing too tightly, leaving a<br />

gap of about 1cm from the top rim.<br />

Pour the brine over the beetroot.<br />

Gently tap out any trapped bubbles, or<br />

use a chopstick to manoeuvre the bubbles<br />

out, making sure you get out as many as<br />

you can (this trapped air can encourage<br />

fermentation). Top up with brine again<br />

so the produce is entirely covered, up to<br />

23mm from the very top, and seal with a<br />

sterilised dry lid.<br />

The preserved beetroot will need to<br />

be stored unopened in a cool, dark place<br />

for about 34 weeks before opening. Once<br />

opened, store in the fridge for greater<br />


Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 15<br />


Get the balance<br />

right this winter<br />

Enviro Master has been helping<br />

Cantabrians get the balance right when it<br />

comes to choosing the perfect heat pump or<br />

air conditioning system for their home or<br />

office since 2002.<br />

Their team of expert sales people, qualified<br />

electricians, heating and refrigeration<br />

engineers, help to supply and install<br />

Christchurch’s widest range of heat pumps,<br />

and because they have no affiliation with any<br />

one brand, you can be assured their advice<br />

on the benefits and differences between each<br />

product is unbiased.<br />

They will recommend the most energyefficient<br />

and cost-effective system for your<br />

individual situation, and will have you<br />

regulating the heat in your home or office in<br />

no time.<br />

Nowadays, customers are often wanting<br />

whole home solutions to be able to maintain<br />

even temperatures throughout the home<br />

both in Winter and Summer. This can be<br />

achieved by using ducted systems or multi<br />

systems and Enviro Master are experts in<br />

designing, installing and commissioning<br />

these systems.<br />

Help is currently available with a<br />

government subsidy covering 80 per cent of<br />

the cost of a new heat pump up to $3000.<br />

The subsidy is part of the Warmer Kiwi<br />

Homes initiative and is available to Home<br />

owner/occupiers with a Community<br />

Services Card, a SuperGold combo card or<br />

who live in a low-income area as determined<br />

by deciles 8-10 on the New Zealand<br />

Deprivation Index.<br />

The applicant’s home must also have been<br />

built before 2008, have insulation up to code<br />

(insulation subsidies also available) and have<br />

no fixed heating in a living area, such as an<br />

existing operational heat pump or fireplace.<br />

With new regulations now in place for<br />

Landlords to provide heating in rentals,<br />

it’s time to ensure you are meeting the new<br />

standards.<br />

Inadequate heating and ventilation can<br />

lead to mould growth and dampness in your<br />

property, leading to costlier maintenance<br />

and an unhealthy living environment.<br />

Providing a fixed heater with a higher heat<br />

output and lower running costs, like a heat<br />

pump, will enable your tenants to heat the<br />

area effectively. Enviro Master are well<br />

experienced with the Tenancy Services<br />

software to ensure that you are meeting your<br />

requirements.<br />

To ensure you choose the right system<br />

for your home or business, one of Enviro<br />

Master’s experts will visit to assess your<br />

individual situation, offer advice and<br />

answer any questions you may have. This<br />

consultation is at no cost to the customer<br />

and is always provided before a heat pump is<br />

installed.<br />

Anyone wondering about their eligibility<br />

for a subsidised heat pump are welcome to<br />

get in touch for details and help with the<br />

application process. To find out more, call<br />

Enviro Master on (03) 366 0525 or visit<br />

their website www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

Reduce condensation and<br />

dampness in your home<br />

Damp air in houses condensates on cold<br />

surfaces, such as single glazed windows<br />

or wall linings. With double glazing and<br />

insulation, this moisture will remain<br />

suspended in the air or condensate on<br />

the coolest surfaces available, such as in<br />

cupboards. Window condensation results<br />

in a “ponding” on windowsills, which<br />

discolours paintwork, rots sills and creates<br />

mould on curtains, walls and clothing.<br />

Damp air and other contaminants can also<br />

aggravate respiratory conditions including<br />

asthma.<br />

According to BRANZ (Building Research<br />

Association of New Zealand) one in seven<br />

New Zealand homes have damp wall linings<br />

caused by surface condensation, and in 46%<br />

of homes mildew occurs.<br />

In a typical four-person household,<br />

each family member will contribute<br />

approximately 2.25 litres of moisture in the<br />

air each day through showers, baths, boiling<br />

kettles and cooking – adding up to well<br />

over 60 litres per week.<br />

The Dry-Matic from Smooth-Air, is a<br />

cost effective, proven positive pressure<br />

ventilation system for controlling<br />

condensation and humid air. The Dry-<br />

Matic works by drawing fresh air from<br />

the attic space, diluting, displacing and<br />

replacing humid and contaminated air with<br />

drier, filtered air to reduce or eliminate<br />

surface condensation and dampness.<br />

Dry-Matic units are attic mounted and<br />

can be fitted in both existing houses and<br />

new buildings, operating effectively with<br />

just one vent installed (for houses up to<br />

275 sqm). Reasonably simple to install,<br />

the units can provide relatively inexpensive<br />

relief to thousands of homeowners who face<br />

the depressing sight of windows streaming<br />

with condensation on a daily basis.<br />

In an age dominated by the importance<br />

of minimising the carbon footprint of<br />

buildings and their impact on the wider<br />

environment, it is easy to forget that the<br />

indoor environment is just as important to<br />

occupants. The Dry-Matic both improves<br />

the indoor environment, as well as saving<br />

energy. By using filtered attic air, the<br />

Dry-Matic uses solar heated air during the<br />

day, and reduces the amount introduced at<br />

night. The incoming drier air is easier to<br />

heat, as it is not laden with moisture.<br />

Whilst there are a number of competitors<br />

that offer various solutions, Dry-Matic<br />

systems offer all the benefits at very<br />

competitive pricing.<br />

Smooth-Air provide a wide range of<br />

ventilation products to equip the building<br />

industry with solutions to tackle the<br />

debilitating problem of moist air that<br />

should not persist in the <strong>21</strong>st century.<br />

Call Smooth-Air Products: 0800<br />

SMOOTH (0800 766 684), they will put<br />

you in touch with one of their certified<br />

installers who will come out to check what<br />

you need and give you a no obligation,<br />

relaxed, no heavy sales pitch, free quote.<br />

Or alternately visit their showroom at 264<br />

Annex Road (off Blenheim Road). There<br />

is also a detailed description of the Dry-<br />

Matic on www.smooth-air.co.nz, look for<br />

the Dry-Matic link.<br />


SALE NOW ON!<br />

Amazin’ Autumn Deals!!<br />

80%<br />

SubSidy<br />

Warmer KiWi HomeS<br />

Programme<br />

*Eligibility criteria apply<br />

• We will offer you the best quality brands and<br />

option of heat pump for your home/business<br />

• Providing Heat Pump solutions for over 20 years to Cantabrians<br />

• We personally guarantee all our products & installs for 5 years<br />

(providing annual maintenance has been completed)<br />

Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />

Smooth-Air<br />

Ventilation Equipment Suppliers<br />

totrade<br />

retail<br />


Ventilation Systems<br />

&<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”<br />

Positive<br />

pressure<br />

ventilation<br />

For a drier<br />

healthier home<br />


T. 03 376 4608 E info@foamconcrete.nz<br />

W. www.foamconcrete.nz<br />

0800 SMOOTH<br />

(0800 766 684)<br />

sales@smooth-air.co.nz<br />

264 Annex Rd<br />

Riccarton<br />

Christchurch<br />

03 343 6184<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

7.30am - 5pm<br />


16<br />

continuing education<br />

Adult and Community<br />

Education Courses at<br />

Papanui High School<br />

The rebuilt WEA<br />

Having spent a year with builders on day, giving participants a place to get away<br />

site at the WEA, they now have a newly and try something new.<br />

strengthened building, with solar panels To find out more, you can visit www.<br />

and a modern teaching kitchen, which still cwea.org.nz or the WEA office at 59<br />

retains its heritage character.<br />

Gloucester Street between 9:30 am and<br />

The Term 2 programme offers 50 classes 3:00 pm Monday to Friday.<br />

and workshops including, art and science,<br />

gardening and cooking, travel and politics,<br />

as well as some new offerings:<br />

Find Out About … – lunchtime<br />

talks looking at local and government<br />

organisations, with speakers this term from<br />

The Press, Habitat for Humanity and the NZ<br />

Police.<br />

Together We Grow – a kiwi made<br />

documentary telling the inspirational story<br />

of a thriving hub helping to build resilience<br />

into its local community by growing,<br />

sewing, repairing and sharing.<br />

Yoga Retreat – Jennifer O’Neill teaches<br />

Nidra and Hatha Yoga regularly at the<br />

WEA, but this ‘Retreat’ will be for a whole<br />

As daylight saving ends and the evenings<br />

become longer it is the ideal opportunity<br />

to take up a new hobby, gain new skills and<br />

confidence, meet new people, keep mentally<br />

active or follow a particular passion by<br />

joining one of Papanui High School’s exciting<br />

range of Adult and Community Education<br />

Courses for Term 2 beginning from Monday<br />

9 May. There are a wide range of courses<br />

available and the rewards from getting<br />

together with a group of likeminded people<br />

to learn something new are very beneficial.<br />

One of the new courses on offer for Term<br />

2 is Paverpol Sculpture, this fun class will<br />

use an environmentally friendly fluid to<br />

make fabric rock hard and create a beautiful<br />

decoration or sculpture using a wire frame<br />

that can be used both indoors and outdoors.<br />

We also have a range of Cooking classes<br />

available so if you are wanting to broaden<br />

your culinary skills and tempt your taste<br />

buds we can offer Spanish, Indian, Thai or<br />

our Experience Different Flavours of the<br />

World cooking courses. We are also offering<br />

a new Baking course for Term 2 which will<br />

teach students how to make a range of family<br />

classics and café favourites.<br />

If being in the kitchen is not for you, then<br />

you may be interested in joining one of the<br />

many other courses available from Stone<br />

Carving, Woodwork, a range of Language<br />

classes, Ukulele and Guitar, Dressmaking,<br />

Beekeeping, Basic Car Maintenance,<br />

Photography, Pilates, Yoga, English for<br />

Speakers of other Languages, Special Effects<br />

Makeup and more.<br />

For further information and enrolment<br />

in these or any of our courses please visit<br />

our website www.papanui.school.nz<br />

email ace@papanui.school.nz or telephone<br />

our office on 03 352 0701<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Kate Shepherd House<br />

– book now for a tour<br />

with morning tea

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> [Edition datE] 3<br />

17<br />

continuing education<br />

Rise up with Risingholme<br />

Term 2 Courses<br />

The events of COVID-19 have shone<br />

a light on protecting and maintaining<br />

our well-being and made us aware of the<br />

importance of social connectedness, family,<br />

lifestyle, and community. With all of this<br />

in mind, Risingholme has coordinated a<br />

Wellbeing Series of courses to support the<br />

community in their next steps out of the<br />

covid cloud.<br />

Your brain is like your body – it gets<br />

stronger when you exercise it. There is a<br />

lot of research that suggests learning new<br />

skills keeps your brain young and fit. In one<br />

study, 256 people with mild to moderate<br />

anxiety took part in community education,<br />

the courses covered a wide variety of topics,<br />

from yoga to creative writing. The study<br />

found that after completing the courses,<br />

most participants reported feeling less<br />

isolated during their courses. They also<br />

experienced better wellbeing and less severe<br />

symptoms, and this improvement lasted for<br />

12 months.<br />

By doing a Risingholme course, you can<br />

find a new hobby, make new friends, and<br />

upskill your life by taking on an enjoyable<br />

challenge. At Risingholme we offer fun<br />

short courses in so many areas that can not<br />

only fit around your life, but better it!<br />

Whether you are looking to improve your<br />

mindset, fitness, creativity, find a new job or<br />

learn mindfulness techniques, below is a list<br />

of new and established Wellbeing courses<br />

that you will enjoy:<br />

• Reiki Mindfulness<br />

• Wellbeing through Creativity<br />

• Fitness and Wellbeing<br />

• Pursuit of Happiness - Goal Creation for<br />

Women<br />

• Discovering more about your Creative Self<br />

• Work Readiness for Women<br />

• Zentangle – A Mindfulness Art Practice<br />

• Yoga<br />

Our courses help to keep you focussed<br />

by helping you to get out of the house.<br />

Your interests may be creative, practical, or<br />

something distinctly personal. Whatever<br />

your interests are, there is sure to be a<br />

Risingholme course for you. What matters<br />

is that it is something you find meaningful<br />

and enjoyable.<br />

Expert tuition in small class sizes<br />

Courses range from language, music,<br />

art, sewing, woodwork, and cooking to<br />

name a few!<br />

Ignite a new passion<br />

Meet new people (without the kids!)<br />

Term two kicks off in early May <strong>2022</strong><br />

For more info on our courses, or to<br />

enrol, please go online or ph 03 332 7359<br />

W: www.risingholme.org.nz/Courses/<br />

E: info@risingholme.org.nz<br />

We look<br />

forward to<br />

seeing you in<br />

person this term.<br />

Rise up with<br />

Risingholme<br />

in <strong>2022</strong>!<br />

Adult and Community Education Term 2, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Come learn with us<br />

Risingholme offers a wide<br />

range of short courses, each<br />

term, at a range of venues<br />

Risingholme Community Centre<br />

Creativity for Wellbeing, Drawing and Sketching, Fermented Foods,<br />

Guitar, Mixed Media, Painting with Acrylics, Patchwork and Quilting,<br />

Pattern Drafting, Pottery, Screen Printing, Sewing, Spanish and Go, Te<br />

Reo Maori, Upholstery, Wood Sculpture, Woodwork, Yoga, Zentangle,<br />

Creartive Art, Picture Framing, Creative Watercolour, Getting your<br />

Art Out There, Upcycling Furniture, Fitness and Wellbeing, Pursuit of<br />

Happiness - Goal Creation for Women, Discovering more about your<br />

Creative Self, Work Readiness for Women, Wellbeing through Creativity,<br />

and NZ Sign Language.<br />

Riccarton High School<br />

Calligraphy, Drawing and Sketching, Indian Cuisine, NZ Sign Language,<br />

Painting with Acrylics, Pattern Drafting, Photography for DSLR, Russian<br />

Language, Sewing Skills, Te Reo Maori, Photoshop, Egyptian Cuisine,<br />

Italian Cuisine and What’s for Dinner Tonight.<br />

Hornby High School<br />

Crochet, Sewing, and Te Reo Maori.<br />

Full details available on www.risingholme.org.nz<br />

Risingholme office at 22 Cholmondeley Ave, Opawa, Chch<br />

Phone 03 332 7359 | Email info@risingholme.org.nz<br />


18<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Exhibitors<br />

wanted!<br />

1 – 3 July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Christchurch Arena<br />

Reach over<br />

10,000 potential<br />

customers across<br />

three days!<br />

You could feature in Canterbury’s most<br />

highly marketed Home and Leisure show.<br />

This is the perfect opportunity to reach<br />

new customers, generate ongoing leads<br />

and boost your brand’s awareness.<br />

Stands are available in a range of sizes<br />

to suit all budgets. We also have a new<br />

exhibitor pack and monthly payment<br />

options available to get you started.<br />

Your business or services may also fit into<br />

one of our unique zones, including:<br />

NZ OWNED<br />




<br />


ONLY<br />

WE havE sTands avaiLabLE To suiT aLL budgETs!<br />

Contact Lisa now on 0<strong>21</strong> 800 809 or email lisa.lynch@starmedia.kiwi for a no obligation quote.<br />

Payment options available. Terms & Conditions apply.

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong> 19<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

with<br />

We are hiring Bakery<br />

Production staff for a<br />

leading bread factory<br />

Take home a FREE loaf<br />

of bread every shift!<br />

Multiple shifts available,<br />

weekdays & weekends.<br />

Pick the shifts that<br />

work for you!<br />

No experience<br />

necessary!<br />

Interested?<br />

Call the industrial team<br />

on 03 365 3112<br />

or email<br />

christchurch@enterprise.co.nz<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />

TOOLS, Garden garage,<br />

saw benches, Lathes. Cash<br />

buyer Phone 355-2045<br />

TOOLS, Garden garage,<br />

saw benches, Lathes. Cash<br />

buyer Phone 355-2045<br />


GLASS & GLAZING 2017 LTD<br />


• PET DOORS<br />



• MIRRORS<br />







322 7999 OR 0<strong>21</strong> CAT DOOR<br />

(228 3667)<br />

ROOF<br />

PAINTING 24/7<br />

Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


20% OFF other<br />

roof quotes<br />

Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

water blasting.<br />

Moss and mould<br />

treatment $300.<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

BETTER<br />


Better job. Better<br />

Price. Better ring Grant<br />

0277402508<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers Bay.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


New builds, alterations,<br />

decks, fencing. 30 yrs in<br />

the trade has given me<br />

ability to build to a high<br />

standard. Free quotes. Ph<br />

Brent 027 241 7471<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

CHIM<br />

CHIM<br />


We’ll sweep your<br />

logburner’s flue, check<br />

firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />

& controls. We’re experts<br />

on coal-rangers, and can<br />

sweep any sized open fire.<br />

We quote & undertake<br />

repairs, flue extensions &<br />

install bird netting. 0800<br />

22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />

nz<br />


Prompt, quality. Call Jack<br />

027 206 0080<br />


local professional, int/ Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper, call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035<br />


Free quotes & advice.<br />

Trade cert, 36 yrs exp. Int/<br />

Ext. John 0<strong>21</strong>1 975 597<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks -<br />

Wall incl tile removal, Ph<br />

Dave 027 334 4125<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD or<br />

USB. Video taping<br />

special occasions, www.<br />

grahamsvideo.co.nz ph 03<br />

338-1655<br />


& all camera tapes<br />

converted to DVD or<br />

USB. Video taping<br />

special occasions, www.<br />

grahamsvideo.co.nz ph 03<br />

338-1655<br />

30 years + experience<br />

Older house<br />

restorations:<br />

no problem!<br />

Quotes: FREE!<br />

Rates: Reasonable<br />

Paint supplied at<br />

trade price!<br />


Light industrial also<br />

Roger Brott<br />

Painter & Decorator<br />

0<strong>21</strong>-1966-311<br />





Phone Kevin Steel<br />

• Interior/Exterior<br />

• New Homes & Repaints<br />

• Quality workmanship assured<br />

• Correct preparation always undertaken<br />

• 20+ years experience<br />

• Earthquake repairs<br />

(Painting/Plastering/Wallpapering/Tiling)<br />

Ph 027 <strong>21</strong>6 8946<br />

www.facebook.com/kevinsteelpainters&decorators<br />

Email: kpsteel@xtra.co.nz<br />



• Father & son Plumbing Business with over<br />

40 years experience.<br />

• Bathroom alterations a specialty.<br />

• Cylinder replacements.<br />

• We do all small jobs.<br />

Call us now for fast friendly service.<br />

Get your problems sorted out<br />

quick smart - on time!!<br />


Phone Eugene now<br />

Phone 03 377 1280 | Mobile 0<strong>21</strong> 898 380<br />


Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />

• Scrap metal buyers<br />

• Canterbury owned & operated<br />

• Top prices paid $$$<br />

• Open Saturday morning<br />

Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

www.happyscrappy.co.nz<br />

03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />


CRAIGS<br />

TREES<br />

Our services include:<br />

Tree felling<br />

Branch chipping<br />

Trimming and pruning<br />

Crown reduction<br />

Stump grinding<br />

P: 027 2299 454<br />

E: craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.craigstrees.co.nz<br />

Fully insured<br />



20<br />

Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />


Interior Decorating Trends for Autumn<br />

As autumn weaves its magic in<br />

our gardens, there are several<br />

home decor trends that are also<br />

set to flourish in this season of<br />

regeneration.<br />

A large part of successful interior<br />

styling is the ability to adapt to<br />

the changing seasons and with its<br />

implied comfort factor and colour<br />

scheme, featuring vibrant hues<br />

of gold and russet, autumn is no<br />

exception.<br />

You don’t have to spend a fortune<br />

transitioning your interiors to reflect<br />

seasonal trends but blending the latest<br />

looks that are suited to your existing<br />

décor and enhancing with your personal<br />

style will always make a statement.<br />

Global interior experts, including the<br />

stylists at Victory Curtains and Blinds,<br />

share their views about key home trends<br />

gaining popularity in autumn <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Raw materials<br />

Furniture and accessories made from<br />

natural products like wicker and wood<br />

reflect rawness while also making a space<br />

look stylish and modern. Chunky and<br />

textured wall hangings create the perfect<br />

ambience for the living room. Solar lamps<br />

made from waste materials also add a<br />

Are you working out your potential rental returns?<br />

It may seem a simple task but working<br />

out the potential rental returns on an<br />

investment property requires doing a bit<br />

of homework and is more than a simple<br />

calculation. Here are a couple of things to<br />

consider when working out your sums.<br />

As you would expect, every property<br />

investor aims to own a property with a<br />

high yield that will also deliver a large<br />

capital gain, as well as returning a strong<br />

rental return and of course needs very<br />

little maintenance. There are lots of terms<br />

such as rental yields, gross yields, net<br />

yields and capital gains, and what is most<br />

important to you will vary dependent on<br />

your own circumstances. As someone<br />

who does like to err on the side of caution,<br />

I advise my clients to really look at the<br />

net yield – what will your ‘actual’ income<br />

be once you deduct expenses such as<br />

maintenance, insurance, professional<br />

service fees undertaken etc. however<br />

in most cases this is not a realistic<br />

expectation and difficult to achieve.<br />

SOLD Properties<br />

warm glow while providing sustainable<br />

lighting alternatives.<br />

Warm shades<br />

As it cools down outside, bringing some<br />

warmth into your interior is a must.<br />

Adding pops of colour such as orange,<br />

yellow and caramel shades is ideal for<br />

achieving warmth as it will evoke feelings<br />

of nature while also brightening up your<br />

space. Change any neutral coloured<br />

accessories for orange flecked throws,<br />

cushions and wall hangings.<br />

Natural lighting<br />

Regular access to daylight and views will<br />

remain key to home living this autumn.<br />

Layering window treatments such as<br />

sheer blinds and curtains are a smart way<br />

You will often hear the net yield described<br />

as the rate of return. While there will be<br />

variances in these costs, your accountant<br />

will be able to provide you with some<br />

guidelines around estimates.<br />

To calculate your net yield take the annual<br />

rental income and minus the annual<br />

expenses or loss of rental income from<br />

this. Then divide this number by the<br />

property value and multiply this number<br />

by 100.<br />

For example:<br />

Property value $600,000, expected rent<br />

$500 a week and expenses/loss $5000.<br />

$26,000 ($500 x 52 weeks = annual rental<br />

income) - $5000 (annual expenses/loss)<br />

÷ $600,000 (property value) x 100. Yield<br />

= 3.5%<br />

Expenses can include buying and<br />

transaction costs (property purchase<br />

price, legal fees, building inspections,<br />

any start-up loan fees), annual costs<br />

such as vacancy costs (loss of rent and<br />

to enhance natural lighting while<br />

still offering a sense of privacy.<br />

More house plants!<br />

Bringing the outdoors indoors is<br />

another trend that continues to<br />

flourish. Decorating the bedroom<br />

with indoor plants is especially<br />

beneficial for heightened sleep<br />

quality as plants promote clean air<br />

and help to reduce stress levels.<br />

House plants can also provide a<br />

quirky look when added to your<br />

interior.<br />

Standout patterns<br />

Patterned wallpaper in the dining room<br />

is a growing interior trend. Using a<br />

patterned wallpaper doesn’t necessarily<br />

mean the look has to be overpowering - it<br />

just has the ability to add depth to a wall.<br />

Matching your wallpaper with the same<br />

colour palette as the dining room will<br />

unify the scheme and bring the walls to<br />

life!<br />

Vanessa Golightly,<br />

Business Owner<br />

and Licensee Agent<br />

Ray White Papanui<br />

027 664 9292<br />

advertising), repairs and maintenance,<br />

property management fees, insurance<br />

and rates. Of course the bonus is that as<br />

expenses these can be off-set against your<br />

income when it comes to taxes.<br />

Katrina Green,<br />

Operations Manager<br />

Property Management<br />

027 606 0030<br />

Feature Property<br />

3/56 Geraldine Street, Edgeware<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

Vanessa Golightly<br />

Licensee Agent &<br />

Business Owner<br />

027 664 9292<br />

Stuart Morris<br />

Licensee Agent<br />

& Auctioneer<br />

027 422 6395<br />

Katrina Green<br />

Property Management<br />

Operations Manager<br />

027 606 0030<br />

Ben McNab<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

& Auctioneer<br />

027 427 7232<br />

Olivia Hendry<br />

Executive Assistant &<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 337 250<br />

Claire Morris<br />

Licensee Agent &<br />

Business Owner<br />

027 662 4822<br />

Tracy Thomson<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

027 440 3035<br />

Maria Paterson<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

027 543 4689<br />

Hasna Ngara<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 262 4943<br />

Richie Eggelton<br />

Licensee Salesperson<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 089 65594<br />

Rodney King<br />

Mortgage Broker<br />

0274 555 863<br />

19 Geraldo Place, Russley<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

66a Winters Road, Redwood<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

55 Good Street, Rangiora<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

Staci Burnett<br />

Mortgage Broker<br />

027 233 9989<br />

Georgia Tuuta<br />

Executive Assistant<br />

25 Derby Street, St Albans<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

10 Sharnbrook Lane, Casebrook<br />

Vanessa Golightly & Maria Paterson<br />

24 Sawtell Place, Northcote<br />

Tracy Thomson & Hasna Ngara<br />

Level 1, 7 Winston Avenue, Papanui<br />

Phone (03) 352 0567 | rwpapanui.co.nz | /RayWhitePapanui Morris & Co Limited | Licenced REAA 2008

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