Ashburton Courier: April 28, 2022

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APRIL <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong> |www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz |Phone: 308 7664<br />

Numbers count for collector<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Rarenumber plates fromMid Canterbury<br />

take prideofplace in one of the larger<br />

collectionsofmotor car registration plates<br />

in theworld, ownedbyCanterbury man<br />

Graham Freeman.<br />

Grahamhas amasseda<br />

comprehensivecollectionof<br />

NewZealand number<br />

platesspanning over 115<br />

years.<br />

Hiscollectionhas<br />

featured in<br />

international motoring<br />

publications and the<br />

NewZealand history<br />

magazine Memories.<br />

It wasaninterest<br />

which started in the<br />

1960’sbut his collection<br />

took off in the80’s<br />

when he tried to<br />

find aplate<br />

examplefrom<br />

each year.<br />

‘‘Thissoon gotoutofhandwhen I<br />

discovered the differentprefixes, and the<br />

collectionnow amountstoover1000plates,<br />

withseveralbeing theonlyexamples<br />

known,’’ Graham said.<br />

NewZealandfirstissued registration<br />

platesin1906withprovinces being<br />

allocatedprefixeslikeAfor Auckland and<br />

Cfor Canterbury.<br />

In 1908 the system wasmodified when<br />

council andcountiescouldissue their<br />

ownregistrations.<br />

‘‘This resultedinover120<br />

registration areas withtheirown<br />

prefixes like ASHfor <strong>Ashburton</strong>and<br />

GD forGeraldine,’’ Graham said.<br />

Theblack andwhiteplatesused<br />

today, known as permanent plates,<br />

were introduced in 1964.<br />

In his collectionGraham,<br />

who lives in<br />

Christchurch,has twomatching pairs of<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>and Geraldine plates dating<br />

frompre 1925.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong>plateshaveanunusual<br />

cutout style, andweremade by the<br />

ChristensenFoundryinChristchurch.<br />

Graham foundthe plates after meeting<br />

the owneratapast <strong>Ashburton</strong> Swap Meet.<br />

‘‘Iwas invited to his placeand foundthe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>platesamongst 40others I<br />

bought,’’ he said.<br />

Bringing pairsbacktogether is one of the<br />

satisfying challengesGraham faces with his<br />

hobby.<br />

‘‘Oneofthe Geraldineplates wassourced<br />

fromthe other sideoftheworld in France,<br />

theotherwasfound in Pukekohe,’’hesaid.<br />

He is alwayslookingatexpanding his<br />

collection,ifyouhaveanyold plates lying<br />

around or would liketoviewthecollection<br />

contactGraham on 021365449.<br />

Graham Freeman with <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

Geraldine number plates from his<br />

collection.<br />

PAGE 5<br />

Observatory<br />

answers sought<br />

PAGE 17<br />

Anzac Day<br />

in pictures<br />

PAGES 37 ­47<br />

Wheels Week<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

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Build customers,<br />

sales and profits<br />

withus...<br />

Delivered to all homes,<br />

lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />

MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />

news<br />

Daniel Tobin<br />

Editor<br />

308 7664<br />

027 6<strong>28</strong> 7679<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Reporter<br />

Toni Williams<br />

toni.williams@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Contributor<br />

Mick Jensen<br />

advertising<br />

Jann Thompson<br />

Sales Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

027 587 6351<br />

jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Karen Gane<br />

Sales Account Manager<br />

308 7664<br />

021 510 804<br />

karen.gane@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

get in touch<br />

Editorial<br />

daniel.tobin@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

info@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

CreativeManager<br />

murray.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Accounts<br />

accounts@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

mary.summerfield@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office<br />

office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

03 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Deaths prompts call for<br />

rural intersection review<br />

Staff at <strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil<br />

have this weekstartedreviewing<br />

rural intersections similartothosein<br />

the fatal high­speed crash of Chante<br />

Harmer and her two young children,<br />

near <strong>Ashburton</strong> in 2019.<br />

The council review was oneofthe<br />

recommendationsofCoroner Marcus<br />

Elliott following an inquestlastyear.<br />

Council infrastructureservices<br />

group managerNeilMcCann said the<br />

Coroner’s report was releasedtothe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council on <strong>April</strong><br />

11, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The processofreviewing 79<br />

similarintersectionsaround the<br />

district had startedand willcontinue<br />

over thenext few months.<br />

‘‘We welcome recommendations<br />

that help reduce the risk of accidents<br />

on ourroads,andwewill consider<br />

the issues raised in the findings<br />

when undertaking areview of our<br />

similarintersections,’’ he said.<br />

Chante Harmer,30, died alongside<br />

her 19­month­old Te Awanuiarangi<br />

and 8­month­old Wysdom after their<br />

car collided with anothervehicleat<br />

Mitcham Road, near<strong>Ashburton</strong>, in<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2019.<br />

Ms Harmer wasdrivingtwo of her<br />

six childrenand other family<br />

members along Hepburns Rd and,<br />

after failing to give way at the<br />

intersection of Mitcham Rd,<br />

ploughed into aute.<br />

Police investigated thecrash and<br />

the matterwas referred to Coroner<br />

Elliott.<br />

At the inquestheheard details<br />

about the crash andthe intersection<br />

frompolice, the<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council andWaka KotahiNZTA.<br />

Police said the give way sign Ms<br />

Harmer was travellingtowards was<br />

clearly visible from 120m away but<br />

could easilybemissed from a<br />

distance as it ‘‘blended into the<br />

background of the Canterbury<br />

landscape’’.<br />

The intersection itself had<br />

visibilityissues for all drivers.<br />

‘‘Road signs and markingswere not<br />

adequate to providethe safest<br />

environment possible for road<br />

users,’’ the coroner wastold.<br />

Concrete irrigation culverts on<br />

both sides of the road,atall hedge<br />

and arow of poplartreesalso<br />

resulted in reduced visibility.<br />

Coroner Elliott ruled the cause of<br />

the crash was duetothe fact Ms<br />

Harmer ‘‘did not obey the give way<br />

sign’’. Ihave concludedthat the<br />

reasonMsHarmer did not give way<br />

wasthatshe did not perceive either<br />


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The intersection of Mitcham and Hepburns roads where triple fatality<br />

happened in 2019, has prompted areview into rural intersections.<br />

the give way sign, the intersectionor<br />

[the] approachingvehicle in<br />

sufficient timetostop.<br />

‘‘Although the evidence showed<br />

that Ms Harmer did become aware of<br />

the approaching vehicle and then<br />

braked, this was much toolateto<br />

prevent acollision.’’<br />

After hearing lengthy andcomplex<br />

evidence Coroner Elliott determined<br />

the intersection should have been<br />

controlledbyastop sign.<br />

‘‘However, this does notmean that<br />

the council canbesaid to have<br />

contributedtothe crash,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘I have concluded that Ms Harmer<br />

did notseethe give way sign. Even<br />

allowingfor somedifference in size,<br />

it is equallypossible that she would<br />

nothave seen astop signinthesame<br />

spot ... and the crashwould still have<br />

happened.<br />

Since the fatal crash, multiple stop<br />

signs ­and warningsigns further<br />

back ­havebeenerected.<br />

The council ­along with property<br />

owners ­had alsoworked to improve<br />

overall visibility at the intersection.<br />

CoronerElliott said in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> district alone there were<br />

79 intersectionsconsideredsimilar<br />

to the one whereMsHarmer crashed.<br />

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‘‘This crash illustratesthe danger<br />

that drivers on long, straightrural<br />

roads may notidentify thepresence<br />

of an intersectioninsufficient time to<br />

stop.<br />

‘‘Drivers should be alert to the<br />

possibility of intersectionsonrural<br />

roads and paycloseattention to signs<br />

and road markingswarning of an<br />

approachingintersection.’’<br />

Along withhis recommendation<br />

council conduct areview of their 79<br />

intersections, he further<br />

recommended WakaKotahi NZTA<br />

conduct ‘‘a review of international,<br />

national andregionalpractice of the<br />

use of traffic signsand markings that<br />

relatespecifically to controlling<br />

risks at rural crossroads’’.<br />

‘‘This should include<br />

consideration of theissues identified<br />

aboveinrelationtowarning signs,’’<br />

he said.<br />

AWakaKotahi NZTA<br />

spokesperson confirmed last week<br />

that, based on the Coroner's<br />

recommendations areview had been<br />

undertaken by consultants as wellas<br />

areview by WakaKotahi staff.<br />

The review was at the draft stage.<br />

~Additional reporting New<br />

Zealand Herald<br />

Ali &Louis<br />

2388023<br />

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Poppy wall­hanging<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

3<br />

Anationwide communitybackedpoppy<br />

initiativehas seen<br />

members of HakatereMarae<br />

receiveaone­of­a­kind<br />

handcrafted poppy wall hanging.<br />

It was to behung in a‘‘special<br />

place’’ inside themarae.<br />

Marae chairwoman Michelle<br />

Brett andco­ordinator Tania<br />

Rueben thankfully received the<br />

beautifully crafted wall hanging<br />

from creatorsDellwynMoylan<br />

andJudy Skevington last week ­<br />

on the100th anniversary ofthe<br />

RSA’s Poppy Day appeal.<br />

Dellwyn, whodesigned it,said<br />

communitygenerosity forthe<br />

national PoppyFlightproject to<br />

MidCanterbury last year saw<br />

hundreds of knittedand<br />

crocheted poppies, and stars,<br />

createdandsoldasfundraising<br />

efforts forthe Returned Services<br />

Association (RSA), Starship<br />

Hospital and New Zealand<br />

Warbirds.<br />

Knitted pieces were alsoused<br />

in art works nationally, as well as<br />

aneveningdress, and auctioned.<br />

Efforts in thedistrict which<br />

sawaround 50 volunteers knit or<br />

crochet 700 poppies and stars, in<br />

allsizes and styles, raised more<br />

than $650 dollars.<br />

Dellwyn said 42 knitted<br />

poppies were used inthe wall<br />

hanging, crafted by Judy, aclose<br />

friend and fellow Poppy Flight<br />

volunteer.<br />

‘‘We hadsuch an<br />

overwhelming response from<br />

our community as you would<br />

expect to making poppies,’’<br />

Dellwyn said.<br />

‘‘I made adecision itwould be<br />

nice to keep some in the district<br />

and make ahanging like the<br />

(national)poppy one. Idesigned<br />

it andJudy Skevingtoncreated<br />

it.’’<br />

The first poppies were<br />

attached at the AnzacDay<br />

service atHakatere Maraelast<br />

year, and it had beenadded to by<br />

peopleatthe marae inthe weeks<br />

following, she said.<br />

‘‘The border of the wall<br />

hanging acknowledges the Maori<br />

contributiontoserving our<br />

country.<br />

‘‘In each cornerofthe hanging<br />

there is asmall symbol ... (each)<br />

representing theRoyal New<br />

ZealandNavy, theNew Zealand<br />

Army,the Royal New Zealand<br />

Airforce and allthe animals that<br />

haveserved our country<br />

alongsidetheir human<br />

companions.’’<br />

Poppy Flight poppies quilt creators Judy Skevington, left, and<br />

Dellwyn Moylan, present their creation to Hakatere Marae's<br />

Michelle Brett and Tania Rueben.<br />


Flu jabs<br />

available<br />

Influenza vaccinations can now be done<br />

alongside Covid­19 vaccinations, say<br />

health officials.<br />

Getting immunised against influenza<br />

protects vulnerable communities,<br />

especially young children, olderadults<br />

andpeoplewithchronic health problems.<br />

But anyone can become seriously ill<br />

from theflu virusand for those who have<br />

not had their Covid­19 vaccination or<br />

booster, they can be done at the same<br />

time.<br />

There isnoneedtoleave agap between<br />

these vaccinations.<br />

Canterbury Medical Officer of Health,<br />

Dr Ramon Pink said people who had been<br />

vaccinated against flu and double<br />

vaccinated or boosted against Covid­19<br />

are at significantly lowerrisk of becoming<br />

seriously ill.<br />

“We know that people might feel they’ve<br />

had alot of vaccinations lately but please<br />

getthe flu vaccinationasitprovides the<br />

best protection against influenza,<br />

especially if you’re one of the people at<br />

greater riskofserious illnessifyouget the<br />

flu,”DrPinksaid.<br />

Freeinfluenza vaccinations are<br />

available for thosewho meet these<br />

eligibility criteria: pregnant people,<br />

peopleaged65yearsandolder,Māori and<br />

Pacific peoples aged 55 to 64 years, people<br />

aged 6monthstounder65years with<br />

eligiblehealth conditions, children aged 4<br />

years or under who have been<br />

hospitalisedforrespiratoryillness<br />

(includingmeasles) or have ahistory of<br />

significant respiratory illness.<br />

Fluvaccinations are available from<br />

your general practiceteamand many<br />

pharmacies. Please call your general<br />

practice team, local pharmacy or<br />

healthcare provider first to check<br />

availability and bookanappointment, as<br />

some have reduced staffing duetothe<br />

Omicronoutbreak.<br />

Dr Justin Fletcher, GP at Kaiapoi<br />

Medical Centre and member of the<br />

Canterbury Health System’s Technical<br />

Advisory Group, said peoplecould geta<br />

fluvaccination any time.<br />

“There doesn’t needtobeagap after<br />

your Covid­19 booster or after youhave<br />

recovered from Covid­19 –just as long as<br />

youare feelingwellonthedayofyourflu<br />

vaccination,”DrFletchersaid.<br />

“Fluvaccination canbehugely<br />

beneficial even if you aren’t eligible for a<br />

free vaccination.<br />

The cost is typically just $35­60 and is<br />

well worth it to avoid amiserable time<br />

with flu.<br />

It could also prevent sickness spreading<br />

to friends and family, and possiblyhaving<br />

to takemore time off work.”<br />

Many workplaces also eitherhold<br />

vaccination clinics or givestaff vouchers<br />

to get their flu vaccination.<br />




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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Sprints on despite objection<br />


ELIZABETH :APortrait In Parts<br />

ReviewedbyRowenaHart<br />

It has been billed as “A celebration ...acinematic<br />

mystery-tour up and down the decades”.<br />

That is exactly right, Ididn’t know whattoexpectand<br />

it wasagreat wayofshowing the Queens Life. Ididn’t<br />

expecttoenjoyitsomuch.<br />

The filmmaker told the story insections like ...The<br />

Coronation, Romance ...wesaw her and Philip<br />

when they were first dating ...Weddings,Becoming<br />

aMother etc etc. there was no narrator, just the<br />

clips with the subjects telling the story. People like<br />

The Beatles, David Walliams, Elizabeth Taylor, and<br />

many many more. Think how many times she has<br />

gone behind the scenes after shows and talked and<br />

shaken hands. There can’t be many celebrities she<br />

hasn’t met. One of George Harrison is very funny,<br />

he says something really silly and afterwards is very<br />

embarrassed.<br />

I hadn’t remembered that three of the Queen’s<br />

children and her sister were all divorced.<br />

That was covered very well. A reporter meeting<br />

Charles and Diana on their wedding day said “you<br />

both look so in love”...Diana shyly smiled and said…<br />

”yes!’...Charles said ...something like“whatislove?’.<br />

There issomuch to see, everyone will see different<br />

things but Iknow you will be pleased to take it all<br />

in. Enjoy!<br />

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2468873<br />

2468649<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District councillorshave<br />

agreed to the temporary closure of<br />

roads at the RiversideIndustrial<br />

Estate for nextweek’siconic<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Car Clubstreet sprints<br />

event, despite an impassioned plea<br />

fromabusiness ownerwho says he<br />

will once againloseout financially.<br />

Wastebusters ownerBrent<br />

McLarenobjected to thenotified<br />

closure,which includes McNally<br />

Street wherehis businessislocated,<br />

andspokeatcouncil lastweek.<br />

He told councillors he would lose<br />

between$2500 and$3000 froma<br />

weekend of lost trade.<br />

Autumn was his busiest timefor<br />

green waste and recycling andhe<br />

couldn't afford to close.<br />

“A lot of small businesses have<br />

been strugglingbecauseofcovid and<br />

I’m oneofthem.<br />

‘‘I’mnot anti car­racing, butunlike<br />

other businessesin the industrial<br />

estate Iamopenseven days aweek<br />

yearround,’’ he said.<br />

Mr McLaren saidhewantedthe<br />

streetsprints re­routed to allow<br />

customers access to his premises.<br />

He struggledwiththe fact council<br />

could close roads andhis major<br />

competition, the nearbycouncil­run<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>ResourceRecovery Park,<br />

wouldstill have access for its<br />

customers.<br />

Mr McLarensaidhetookover<br />

Wastebustersin2018 andhad closed<br />

duringthe street sprintslast year.<br />

In aprevious yearhehad gained<br />

alternative accessthroughan<br />

agreement with Rainer Irrigation<br />

but thatoption had comeatacost<br />

andwas not nowpractical because<br />

he had started arecycled baleage<br />

wrap initiative andneededtostorea<br />

lot of product andbaled wrap on<br />

site.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> CarClubmember<br />

WayneMuckle told councillorsthe<br />

car club was sympathetic to Mr<br />

McLaren’s situation but believed it<br />

had doneall that could be done to<br />

resolvethe issue.<br />

“We'veapproachedRainer for<br />

alternativeaccessand they’ve<br />

agreedtoit.<br />

“Wedon’t want to re­routethe<br />

racing course,orshorten the<br />

McNallyStreetsection because that<br />

would openupacan worms.’’<br />

Mr Muckle saidthe streetsprints<br />

had beenheld since1989 and the<br />

sameiconic route,usedsince 1990,<br />

presented achallenge drivers<br />

relished.<br />

The long­running street sprints was under threat of not happening this year.<br />

An unhappy Brent McLaren in front of Wastebusters on McNally Street.<br />

“We alwaysapproachbusiness<br />

owners in theindustrialestate<br />

beforeweask councilfor aroad<br />

closure.<br />

“We’vealways hadsupport before<br />

andworked through the few issues<br />

thathave arisen.’’<br />

Hesaid the <strong>Ashburton</strong>street<br />

sprintswere ablueprintfor allother<br />

streetsprints in New Zealand and<br />

were held in highregardby<br />

Motorsport NZ.<br />

The weekendevent brought an<br />

estimated $60,000 to $70,000intothe<br />

local economy.<br />

In 2021the sprints had cost more<br />

than$30,000 to operateand $25,000<br />

of that hadgone back intothe to<br />

community groups,hesaid.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> councillors were<br />

sympathetic with MrMcLaren’s<br />

position, butagreedthe right<br />

processes hadbeen followed anda<br />

possible alternative option had been<br />

provided by the car club to Mr<br />

McLaren.<br />

The roadclosures in theindustrial<br />

estate will run from7.30pm on May 6<br />

until 8pm on May8.<br />

The affected roads areSmallbone<br />

Driveand Robinson,Watson,<br />

McNallyand Rangestreets.<br />

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Events to connect<br />

communities<br />

The firstofseven ‘Connecting<br />

Community’ events around<br />

Mid Canterbury kicks off on<br />

ThursdayMay 5th at the<br />

Lagmhor Westerfield Hall.<br />

All thoseinthe broader<br />

ruralarea are invited to come<br />

along, enjoy afree dinner,<br />

connect with others and chat<br />

with local communitygroups.<br />

Childcarewill be provided<br />

so the wholefamily can head<br />

out and enjoythe evening.<br />

Connecting Mid Canterbury<br />

Charitable Trust is organising<br />

the events with six other<br />

communitygroups involved.<br />

Hinds, Methven, Dorie,Mt<br />

Somers, HakatereMarae and<br />

Wakanui will all also host<br />

similar events over the next<br />

six weeks.<br />

Trust co­ordinatorKate<br />

White said she was excited<br />

about the opportunity to bring<br />

rural peopletogether, as well<br />

as those from the smaller<br />

towns around the district, and<br />

to helppeople connect with<br />

each otherand with local<br />

initiatives.<br />

Generous local sponsors<br />

have contributed spotprizes<br />

and Lions volunteers willbe<br />

running afree sausage sizzle.<br />

All eventsare freeand run<br />

from 5.30pm until 7.30pm.<br />

Details and free tickets are<br />

available from www.bit.ly/<br />

MidCanterbury or email<br />

kate@connectingmc.org with<br />

any questions.

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

5<br />

Future of college telescope uncertain<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tucked away at thebackof<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegeisalittle<br />

brick buildingthatcould be<br />

mistaken foracaretakershut,<br />

but is in fact an observatory<br />

housingarareand historically<br />

important telescope.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy<br />

Group usethe scope to explore<br />

the heavensand group<br />

presidentKen Lucas said<br />

while theastronomygroup<br />

operates andmaintains the<br />

scope, <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

owns it.<br />

Thelarge scopedates from<br />

aroundthe 1860’s­70’s.<br />

Groupsecretary Alistair<br />

Perkins saidthe telescope is a<br />

Newtonian Reflector,named<br />

after Issac Newton.<br />

‘‘It is quiterarefor a<br />

telescope to be in ahigh<br />

school, Idon't think there are<br />

many in NewZealandthat<br />

havegot their own<br />

observatory,it’s pretty rare,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Theroofofthe observatory<br />

rolls backto revealthe stars<br />

on clear nights.<br />

The scope was originally<br />

part of the old<strong>Ashburton</strong> high<br />

schooland wasmoved tothe<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Collegesiteinthe<br />

early 1970’s.<br />

Aspecially designed<br />

mounting wasproduced for<br />

the scope at that time,made by<br />

local companyHorrell<br />

Engineering.<br />

Thefutureofthe<br />

observatory is uncertainasit<br />

is locatedonthe school<br />

grounds where the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Collegerebuild work is<br />

expectedtostartsoon.<br />

The group have askedthe<br />

collegewhatplanstheyhave<br />

for the future ofthe<br />

observatoryand telescope,but<br />

have yettoget an answer.<br />

‘‘Idon't thinkpeople realize<br />

howhistorically significant it<br />

is,’’ Alistair said.<br />

Theastronomy groupmeets<br />

onceamonth and opensthe<br />

observatory forthe public.<br />

Kenand Alistairhave<br />

witnessedplenty of<br />

fascinating thingsthroughthe<br />

scopeoverthe years, butone<br />

event standsout forthem.<br />

‘‘One of the most interesting<br />

eventswas in 1994 whenthe<br />

CometShoemaker Levy<br />

impacted Jupiter, you could<br />

actually seethe marksonthe<br />

planetand the resultsfromthe<br />

impact,the hugemarks were<br />

about thesize of earth,’’<br />

Alistairsaid.<br />

What gotKen interestedin<br />

first exploring the stars was<br />

curiosity. ‘‘I justwondered<br />

what wasout further,’’ he said.<br />

Alistair said itwas the<br />

Apollo8mission, thefirst<br />

crewed spacecraft to orbit the<br />

moon that sparkedhis<br />

imagination as ayoungster.<br />

‘‘It was24December1968, I<br />

wasout walkingonWakanui<br />

beachand Ilooked up andsaw<br />

thecrescentmoon,and I<br />

suddenly thoughtthree men<br />

areorbiting that world. It was<br />

alightbulb moment, that's<br />

what generatedmyinterest in<br />

whatwas happening up in the<br />

night sky.’’<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Astronomy Group president Ken Lucas (left) and group<br />

secretary Alistair Perkins, would like to know what plans<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College have for the telescope.<br />

2015 Holden Trax LTZ<br />

105,300km, petrol,<br />

1.8L, reversing<br />

camera,<br />

Sportec seats<br />

WAS $15,990<br />

NOW $13,990<br />

2020 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport VRX<br />

2.5L, turbo diesel,<br />

4WD, auto,<br />

52,441kms,<br />

digital dashboard,<br />

full leather<br />

WAS $54,990<br />

NOW $53,990<br />

2007 Lexus<br />

3.5L, petrol auto,<br />

push button start,<br />

alloys,<br />

proximity<br />

keys<br />

WAS $10,900<br />

NOW $9,990<br />

Nissan Navara<br />

2.5L diesel,<br />

4WD,<br />

auto,<br />

tow bar,<br />

deck<br />

liner<br />

WAS $27,990<br />

NOW $25,990<br />

2012 Nissan X-Trail<br />

2.5L petrol, auto, 4WD,<br />

cruise control,<br />

157,000kms,<br />

alloys,<br />

roof rack.<br />

WAS $16,990<br />

NOW $14,990<br />

2015 Holden Colorado<br />

2.8L diesel, 4WD, auto,<br />

one owner, deck liner,<br />

regular servicing<br />

WAS $38,990<br />

NOW $36,990<br />

<strong>2022</strong> MITSUBISHI TRITON GLSB<br />

4X4, low demo kms,<br />

hard lid, bonnet<br />

protector,<br />

towing<br />

package and<br />

deck liner<br />

$54,990<br />

New<br />

arrival<br />

2019 Mitsubishi Triton GLX-R<br />

2WD,hardlid,<br />

37,000kms<br />

$36,990<br />

New<br />

arrival<br />

1992 Ford Trader<br />

3455cc, manual<br />

diesel,<br />

tare weight<br />

2950kg,<br />

ideal for<br />

“tradies”<br />

or farm use<br />

$8,990<br />

New<br />

arrival<br />

307 90<strong>28</strong><br />


NEWS<br />

6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Have your<br />

sayonsport,<br />

recreation<br />

strategy<br />

Residents have until May 22 to offer feedbackona<br />

newdraftstrategy that plansfor thefuture of sport,<br />

activerecreationand playwithin thedistrict.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>DistrictCouncil has worked closely<br />

with Sport Mid Canterbury and local groups,clubs<br />

andorganisations to develop thestrategy.<br />

Groups and activerecreation organisations have<br />

been surveyedtoidentify the challenges they<br />

currentlyface andtocaptureideas for howthey<br />

canbestbesupported.<br />

Theprevious Sport and RecreationStrategy was<br />

adopted in 2010 and was primarilyfocusedaround<br />

thedevelopment of EA Networks Centre, which<br />

has now been operating for six years.<br />

Council also recognises that the challenges<br />

facing our sportsclubsand recreationalgroups<br />

are different thanthosein2010andwants to<br />

identify new opportunities and to refresh the<br />

strategy.<br />

The vision forthe draft Play,Active Recreation<br />

andSport strategy is ‘Everybody included,having<br />

fun, being active’.<br />

Consultationasks submitters to rank 12<br />

proposed action plan objectives, asks if the draft<br />

plan captures key issues andwants anygeneral<br />

feedback comments.<br />

Feedback willconsideredinJune,with the<br />

strategyset to beadopted at the end of that month.<br />

The strategy can be found on thecouncil website<br />

(ashburtondc.govt.nz).<br />

The easiest way to provide feedback is to<br />

complete the form on thewebsite, found on the<br />

‘Have your say’ link.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> College students and Litter Free <strong>Ashburton</strong> volunteers with some of the rubbish collected.<br />

Students help with rubbish blitz<br />

Agroup of <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

students have given up some<br />

holiday time to help Litter Free<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> clean up rubbish from a<br />

section of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River.<br />

Adozen pairs of extra hands<br />

joined regular volunteers to<br />

complete the litter blitz in double<br />

quick time.<br />

Those lending ahand were senior<br />

students, college leaders and<br />

members of the environment<br />

committee.<br />

Collectors met at the end of<br />

Melrose Road and went west up the<br />

riverbed for acouple of kilometres.<br />

Litter Free<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

spokesperson Bev Skates saidthe<br />

studentshad worked hardinhot<br />

conditions and helped to<br />

accumulatemore than 25 bagsof<br />

rubbish.<br />

Mrs Skates said the usual<br />

assortment of cans,bottles and<br />

general rubbish had beenfound.<br />

There was also an old couch,<br />

plenty of covid masks, apogo stick<br />

and plastic items.<br />

‘‘People would havetodrive out<br />

here to this beauty spottodump<br />

these things ­it’s ridiculouswhat<br />

some people do,’’ she said.<br />

The clean­up was in addition to<br />

the usualmonthly rubbish<br />

collection carried out by<br />

volunteers fromLitter Free<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Volunteers meet at 1.30pmonthe<br />

second Thursday of the month at<br />

the waterfountain on EastStreet<br />

and usually collect for an hourata<br />

varietyoflocations.<br />

<strong>2022</strong>-23<br />


The AnnualPlan is ourbudget forthe coming financial year.Itexplains what<br />

we’ll be doing, howmuchitwill cost andhow we’replanning to payfor it.<br />

We’d like<br />

feedback on<br />

two main<br />

topics:<br />


Reviewing our day-to-day services<br />

ShouldwereduceCouncil services to help<br />

ease rate increases?We’ve already reviewed<br />

operationalcosts.However, we could make<br />

deeper cutsifthe community waswilling to<br />

accept alowerlevel of service in some areas.<br />


Using reservestobring our majorroading<br />

repairsprogramme forward<br />

Shouldweuse moneyfromour forestry reservesto<br />

accelerate ourmajor roadingrepairs programme?<br />

Thiswould help us renew some keyroads and<br />

reducethe need forconstant maintenance.<br />

Visit itsourplace.nz to to find out more - finalweektohaveyoursay!

$<br />

2078<br />


Masport<br />

Wanaka Freestanding<br />

Radiant Wood Fire on<br />

Pedestal<br />

Suitable for medium to large<br />

homes (3-4 bedroom).<br />

NES, Selwyn District ECAN,<br />

ORC air shed 1 clean air approved.<br />

Flat radiant top allows cooking.<br />

Superior heat a 6mm steel firebox.<br />

<strong>28</strong>0591<br />


Keep your family cosy with<br />

Mitre 10 MEGA<br />

$<br />


Metro Fires<br />

Xtreme RadLeg Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire<br />

18kW peak heat output.<br />

Clean air approved model.<br />

Heating area 200m2 2/4 bedroom home.<br />

Metallic black HT paint finish.<br />

H: 743mm, W: 740mm, D: 554mm.<br />

<strong>28</strong>0158<br />

$<br />

1999<br />


Metro Fires<br />

WeeRad Leg<br />

Freestanding Wood Fire<br />

15kW peak heat output. Clean air approved.<br />

Heating area 150m2 2/3 bedroom home.<br />

Metallic black HT paint finish. New Zealand Made.<br />

H: 688mm, W: 615mm, D: 501mm.<br />

<strong>28</strong>0142<br />

$<br />

3100<br />

4599<br />

Masport - Nectre<br />

Bakers Oven<br />

Oven temperaturethermometer.<br />

Cast iron door with ceramic glass.<br />

Staycoolspring handle.<br />

934020<br />


Includes Fire, Flue, Shield &<br />

150mm Drop Box<br />

$<br />

2499<br />


Woodsman<br />

Brunner MKII Wood Fire<br />

14.5kW maximum average heat<br />

output. Durable 6mmm steel firebox.<br />

Stainless steel (304 grade)<br />

baffle forlonger<br />

service life.<br />

Super tough 5mm<br />

robax ceramic glass.<br />

H: 757mm,<br />

W: 615mm,<br />

D: 525mm.<br />

391045<br />

FIRE ONLY - $2189 229210<br />

FLUE ONLY - $649 232676<br />

$<br />

<strong>28</strong>99FIRE ONLY<br />

Masport<br />

Waimakariri Freestanding ULEB<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Approved forall regions in NZ inc<br />

Canterbury(ECAN CM1testing<br />

approved).<br />

Suitable forsmall to medium<br />

homes (2-3bedrooms).<br />

20 year firebox warranty.<br />

Overnight burn time.<br />

Easy clean ash pan.<br />

Roller door catch<br />

mechanism.<br />

6mm cook top.<br />

Manufactured in<br />

New Zealand.<br />

353972<br />



$<br />

2699<br />


Woodsman<br />

Coleridge Wood Fire ULEB<br />

Pedestal Metallic Black<br />

15 year firebox warranty.<br />

Suitable formedium to large<br />

living areas.<br />

6mm carbon steel<br />

fireboxfits up to<br />

6pieces<br />

of wood.<br />

ULTRA low<br />

emission.<br />

High average<br />

output 8.9kW.<br />

Functional<br />

cook top.<br />

391045<br />

$<br />

3599<br />


Masport<br />

Rakaia Freestanding ULEB<br />

Wood Fire<br />

Ultra-lowemission burner featuring<br />

Catalytic Combustion<br />

Technology.<br />

Approved forall regions in NZ,<br />

includingCanterbury(ECAN<br />

CM1 testing approved).<br />

Suitable for<br />

medium to<br />

large homes<br />

(3-4bedrooms).<br />

20 year firebox<br />

warranty.<br />

Extended burn<br />

time.Easyclean<br />

ash pan.<br />

6mm thick steel<br />

baffle.<br />

350542<br />



West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

PHONE 03 308 5119<br />

Offers valid Thursday<strong>28</strong>th <strong>April</strong> -Saturday <strong>28</strong>th May<strong>2022</strong>, or while stocks last.<br />


23 Bank Street, Timaru<br />

PHONE 03 687 2033<br />


DeeStreet, Oamaru<br />

PHONE 03 434 9860

NEWS<br />

8 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Iona sharing love of drama with classes<br />


Iona Youngs is having abreak<br />

from thebig smokeof<br />

Auckland and is backinher<br />

hometown of Geraldine and<br />

sharing herlove of drama and<br />

performance.<br />

She hasset up herown<br />

dramastudioand is giving<br />

classes at thePleasant Valley<br />

Hall to young aspiringactors<br />

aged between eightand 16.<br />

Iona didher schooling in<br />

Geraldine and after attending<br />

an intensive weekend at a<br />

drama school in Wellington in<br />

herfinal yearofhigh school<br />

decidedtopursue acareer in<br />

acting.<br />

Shestudiedfor aBachelor's<br />

degreeinperformanceand<br />

screenartsatUnitecin<br />

Auckland and graduated in<br />

2018.<br />

After graduating shelooked<br />

forany opportunitytoget<br />

involved with thefilm and TV<br />

industry andstartedonaweb<br />

series for TheSpinoff,which<br />

then led to acasting assistant<br />

role.<br />

‘‘Wewereauditioning alot<br />

of children foralocal filmand<br />

that gavemethe interestof<br />

working with children within<br />

theindustry.’’<br />

Alongside hercasting work<br />

Iona alsopicked up work as a<br />

juniorproducer for the<br />

company Swish.<br />

She hasalsobeen involved<br />

in the Netflix series<br />

SweetTooth and hasenjoyed<br />

her first taste of theassistant<br />

directorpath.<br />

‘‘I’vehad theopportunity to<br />

work with companiessuch as<br />

the BBC, Acorn TV,and TVNZ,<br />

all in various roles,including<br />

as an on­set production<br />

assistant and 3rdassistant<br />

director.’’<br />

She hasalso continued to<br />

attendacting classes and<br />

attendedauditions forvarious<br />

projects.<br />

Unfortunately covid<br />

lockdownsinAuckland have<br />

stalledher progressinthe<br />

industryinrecentmonths.<br />

‘‘During the lastlockdown<br />

the project Iwas working on<br />

for theBBC was halted and<br />

hadcontinuous push backs as<br />

we could notfilm.After 10<br />

weeksinlockdown Idecided<br />

to come backhometo<br />

Geraldine andtowork on a<br />

dairy farmfor awhile until the<br />

opportunity for more work<br />

comes back up.’’<br />

Ionasaid it hadalways been<br />

her goaltocreate adrama<br />

classes for children and<br />

teenagers andshe hadtaken<br />

the plunge by settingupthe<br />

Name in Lights Drama Studio.<br />

‘‘Therewas nothing likethat<br />

when Iwas growingupin<br />

Geraldine,and it is something<br />

thatIwould have lovedtohave<br />

doneasachild,’’ she said.<br />

Ionaoffersbothformsof<br />

acting,stage andscreen,and is<br />

creating atwisted fairytale<br />

reconstruction of Little Red<br />

Riding Hood with hereight to<br />

11 year olds, whichwill be<br />

presented toparents at the<br />

endofterm.<br />

Herteens class is working on<br />

camera work andlearninghow<br />

to generatenatural emotion,<br />

reaction,and impulseon<br />

screen.<br />

‘‘Giving theopportunityfor<br />

kids, andespecially teenagers,<br />

to be creative and in aclimate<br />

where they won’t be judged for<br />

doing something sillyor<br />

expressingtheir creativeness<br />

is so specialand unique.<br />

‘‘Italso provestokidsthat<br />

there are opportunitiesto<br />

followacareer in theartsand<br />

that theyshouldnotbeput off<br />

by anyone.’’<br />

Iona willstart anew six<br />

week term of drama classes for<br />

tweens, teens and young<br />

adults from May 3and canbe<br />

contactedbyemail at<br />

youngsiona@gmail.com<br />

Geraldine­raised Iona<br />

Youngs is back home for<br />

now and sharing her love<br />

of acting with drama<br />

classes.<br />

Connecting Community<br />

Events coming soon toahall near you!<br />

May 5-Lagmhor<br />

May 11 -Hinds<br />

May 18 -Methven<br />

Dorie -May 19<br />

Mt Somers -May 25<br />

Hakatere Marae -June 2<br />

Wakanui- June 7<br />

All events are from 5.30 - 7.30pm. Hear about Connecting Mid Canterbury's<br />

initiatives, win spot prizes, meet local organisations &connect with other people<br />

from your community.<br />

Free dinner &childcare provided, just register and come along!<br />

Details&freetickets here:<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

9<br />

For44years,<br />

oursmart<br />

insurance<br />

advice has<br />

Pickleball players in action in the EA Networks Centre stadium.<br />

Give Pickleball<br />

atryatopen day<br />

Pickleball<strong>Ashburton</strong> is hosting<br />

an open day at EA Networks<br />

Centre this Sunday to showcase<br />

the game andtogivepeople the<br />

opportunity to give it ago.<br />

Paddlesand balls willbe<br />

provided and regularplayers<br />

will be on hand to explain the<br />

rules and to offeradvice.<br />

The session is free and runs<br />

from 1pm until 3pm.<br />

Pickleballisacross between<br />

tennis,badminton andtable<br />

tennis andplayedona<br />

badmintondoubles­sized<br />

court.<br />

Regular sessions are played<br />

at EA Networks Centre on<br />

Sundays (3pm­5pm), Tuesdays<br />

(5pm­7pm) andFridays (6pm­<br />

8pm).<br />

To findout moreabout the<br />

game visitthe Pickleball<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Facebookpage.<br />

been guiding<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

businesses<br />

Council writes<br />

off water charges<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>District Councilhas<br />

written­off $18,400 of excess<br />

and historic water charges that<br />

havebilledtothe Hinds<br />

Reserve Board.<br />

Thewrite­off relatestowater<br />

consumption incurred from<br />

May 2014 to January 2016.<br />

TheHinds Reserve Board<br />

incurred excess water usage<br />

charges for anumberofyears<br />

due to aleakywater<br />

reticulation system.<br />

In 2010 the reserve board<br />

requested and received awriteoff<br />

of $7,547 forexcesscharges<br />

and advised council thatthe<br />

leaks had been addressed.<br />

Multiple leakspersisted and<br />

asecondwrite­offwas<br />

requestedfor the period May<br />

2014toJanuary 2016 when the<br />

charges totalled $21,200.<br />

The waterreticulation<br />

system at thereserveboard<br />

hassince been renewed, and<br />

theexcess waterusage has<br />

been reducedtoanormal<br />

level.<br />

Subsequent chargesafter<br />

January2016 have averaged<br />

less than$350 perquarter and<br />

council hasbased thewrite­off<br />

on thatfigure.<br />

Bike film night<br />

Talk to your Crombie Lockwood<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>team toget<br />

your insurancesorted<br />

03 307 7454<br />

161Tancred St, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

crombielockwood.co.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s RegentCinema<br />

will screen the Big Bike Film<br />

Night on May 17.<br />

The bike film collection will<br />

includeaction,drama,<br />

humourand inspiration.<br />

The treasure chest of short<br />

filmsincludes onerider’s<br />

colourful adventure through<br />

dramatic landscapes to the<br />

illumination of hot air<br />

balloons, asmall school’s<br />

ambitious plan to create a<br />

sustainable way to increase<br />

students and three friends on<br />

an epicadventureinSouth<br />

America on atreacherous<br />

2500­kilometre bike andraft<br />

trip.<br />

There is also acamp<br />

designed forfemale athletes<br />

to ride together and progress<br />

together; agroup of young<br />

rowdies expressingtheir<br />

individuality through<br />

extreme uni­cycling, abicycle<br />

that is transformedinto a<br />

work of art andone man’s<br />

journey fromIndia to<br />

Germany on atandembike,<br />

whoonhis waypicks up<br />

strangerstoinform them<br />

about modern­day slavery.<br />

The film nightrunsfrom<br />

7pmuntil9.30pm.<br />

Adult entryis$22 and it is<br />

$17.50 for those under 17 and<br />

$12.50 for under 12s.<br />


Birth<br />

WILSON, Riley and Rachel<br />

(nee Curd) are delighted to<br />

announce the safe arrival<br />

of Libby Diana, alittle sister<br />

for Heidi, born 13th <strong>April</strong><br />

weighing 2485g.<br />

Deaths<br />

HANSEN, Gwenda Miriam,<br />

on Tuesday <strong>April</strong> 26, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Peacefully, surrounded by<br />

family, atRadius Millstream,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 93 years.<br />

Dearly loved wife of 68<br />

years of the late Jack. Loved<br />

mother and mother-in-law<br />

of Marie (deceased), Brian<br />

and Margaret, Gordon<br />

and Linda, Pamela and<br />

Kevin, Glenys (deceased)<br />

and Carolyn. Loved by her<br />

grandchildren and their<br />

partners: Wilhelmina, Rupert<br />

and Cherie; Oliver and<br />

Andrea, Flora; Lewis, Sylvia;<br />

Lorna, Gibson, and Fraser<br />

and her great-grandchildren<br />

Florence, and Archie. The<br />

family acknowledges the<br />

care and support of the<br />

staff at Radius Millstream,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Messages to<br />

the Hansen Family, c/- PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740.<br />

A celebration of Gwenda’s<br />

life will be held in our<br />

chapel, corner East and Cox<br />

Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong> onFriday<br />

<strong>April</strong> 29, commencing at<br />

2.00pm, followed byprivate<br />

cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family<br />

Notices<br />

Enquiries phone<br />

Mary,Jann or Karen<br />

on 308 7664 or call<br />

into 199 Burnett St.<br />

Family Notices<br />

Deaths<br />

O’GRADY Desmond Gladstone<br />

(Des, Dinty), on Saturday<br />

<strong>April</strong> 23, <strong>2022</strong>, peacefully<br />

at Coldstream Lifecare,<br />

nearing his 92nd birthday.<br />

Dearly loved and cherished<br />

husband of Josie for 67<br />

years. Much loved father<br />

and father-in-law of Shane<br />

and Jenny, Chris and Martina,<br />

Mark and Kieran, Simon and<br />

Nicky, Paul, and Michelle.<br />

Grandfather to Kurt, Casey,<br />

Sarah, Connor, Jake, Jack,<br />

and Max. The family wish<br />

to thank Coldstream staff<br />

and Dr Penny Holdaway for<br />

the loving and outstanding<br />

care they provided.<br />

Special<br />

thanks to Father Denis<br />

Nolan for his kindness and<br />

dedication to Desmond in his<br />

final days. Messages to the<br />

O’Grady family POBox 472,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A Funeral<br />

Mass to celebrate the life of<br />

Deshas been held.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 307 7433<br />

TUNNICLIFFE, Raymond<br />

James (Ray), on <strong>April</strong> 25,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. Passed away peacefully<br />

after a short illness, at<br />

Christchurch Hospital, aged<br />

82 years. Dearly loved<br />

husband of the late Marion,<br />

and lovedpartner of Annette.<br />

Much lovedfather and fatherin-law<br />

ofMarie-Therese and<br />

Rosco Pope, Margaret and<br />

Geoff Kilpatrick, Lynette and<br />

Mick Morteson, and Barbara<br />

and Kim Tunnicliffe. Loved<br />

friend of Chris Emerson and<br />

family. Loved Grandad of his<br />

8grandchildren and his greatgrandchildren.<br />

Messages<br />

to the Tunnicliffe family PO<br />

Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />

service tocelebrate Ray’s life<br />

will be held at our chapel,<br />

corner East and Cox Streets,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> today, Thursday<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, commencing at<br />

2.00pm., followed byprivate<br />

cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Crematorium.<br />

Paterson’s<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

FDANZ<br />

03 3077433<br />

Family owned,<br />

locally owned<br />

22 MooreStreet,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

0800 263 6679<br />

2468641<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

MURCHIE,Judith Margaret:<br />

Hughie, along with Jane,<br />

Carmen and Katie, would<br />

like to extend a heartfelt<br />

thankyou to the many<br />

people who supported usin<br />

so many ways after Judith’s<br />

passing and also during her<br />

illness. Thank you to those<br />

who helped us care for her,<br />

especially Penny Holdaway,<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Nurses, Nurse Maude in<br />

Christchurch and the Nurses<br />

from Health Care NZ. We<br />

appreciated the practical<br />

support of meals, baking,<br />

managing Judith’s garden,<br />

and also those of you who<br />

sent cards,messages,flowers<br />

and other tributes to Judith.<br />

It wasveryhumbling and we<br />

know it was symbolic of the<br />

legacy of kindness Judith<br />

has leftfor us.The wonderful<br />

stories and memories shared<br />

with us have been asource<br />

of comfort. We are soproud<br />

to learn about the many<br />

things she did for others;<br />

she certainly deserves her<br />

rest and will always be<br />

remembered with great love<br />

and lots of laughter. Please<br />

accept this as a personal<br />

thank you and know that<br />

what you have done for<br />

Judith and us all means<br />

so much. We love her and<br />

miss her; she will never be<br />

forgotten.<br />

“We can be left with<br />

nothing greater than<br />

gentle memories of one<br />

who has touched many lives<br />

in manyways.”<br />

QUINLAN, Todd: Kevin<br />

and Barbara, Madi, Jack and<br />

Hunter, Brad and Jacqui<br />

would like to thank everyone<br />

for the flowers, food,<br />

cards, visits and ongoing<br />

support. Aspecial thanks to<br />

Christchurch and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Oncology, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Hospital. The capable district<br />

nurses, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Palliative<br />

Care Team, Rosebank,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Cancer Society, St<br />

Johns, Health First, Allenton<br />

Pharmacy and Uncle Jack<br />

White. Please accept this as a<br />

personal acknowledgement.<br />

In Memoriam<br />

WEST, Jennifer (Jenny)<br />

Lynette(nee Bagrie)<br />

In memoryofJennyFebruary<br />

12, 1950 –<strong>April</strong> 23, 2021.<br />

Roger, Hamish, Rachel and<br />

family want to acknowledge<br />

the love and support shown<br />

by many over the past year.<br />

Always in our hearts, gone<br />

but never forgotten.<br />

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Waterfall painting<br />

wins public vote<br />


An oil on canvas work by local artistKaren<br />

Boyce hasbeenchosen as the People’s<br />

Choice awardwinneratthis year’sZonta<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> FemaleArt Awards(ZAFAA).<br />

Theartwork, calledFalling, was<br />

inspired by popular outdoor location<br />

WashpenFalls and hasbeenpainted on a<br />

1.4m x1mcanvas.<br />

TheWillowby artist juggles abusy family<br />

lifewith aflower growing business and<br />

paints from ahome studio.<br />

Sheusedphotos of theimpressive<br />

waterfall, locatedatthe southern end of<br />

the Malvern Hills, and worked onher piece<br />

over asix­month period.<br />

‘‘I’ve always been inspired by nature and<br />

and Ilove paintingnative birdsaswell,’’<br />

Karen said.<br />

Shesaidpainting forher was about time<br />

out and an escape from the stresses of life.<br />

‘‘Artfor me tells astory. It allows me to<br />

express myself andgives me avoice.’’<br />

Karen, whohas afine arts degreeand<br />

moved to New Zealandfrom England in<br />

2006, said she was very happythat her<br />

artwork had caught the eye of visitors to<br />

the ZAFAAexhibition.<br />

More than 400 entries were received for<br />

the People’s Choice award.<br />

Thesixth annual exhibition at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> ArtGallery featured theworks<br />

of 37 female artists, 24 in thePremier<br />

award category and 13 in the Young<br />

Generation category.<br />

It ran from mid­March and closed at the<br />

Karen Boyce’s artwork, called Falling, was<br />

inspired by Washpen Falls.<br />

weekend.<br />

The Premier awardwinner was<br />

Christchurch­based Audrey Baldwinfor<br />

her work called Art Chemist.<br />

Refresh for classroom<br />

The Life Education Trust<br />

has afresh­faced,<br />

refurbishedmobile<br />

classroom.<br />

The mobile classroom is<br />

hometotrust mascot Harold<br />

the Giraffe and travels all<br />

over Mid andSouth<br />

Canterbury to teach children<br />

important life lessons.<br />

Topics explored include<br />

food andnutrition, human<br />

biology, substances, identity<br />

and resilience and<br />

relationships.<br />

The trustprovides two<br />

sessions of learning peryear<br />

per child for around8000<br />

children andoffers<br />

education outside the<br />

conventional classroom<br />

space.<br />

It is currently run by seven<br />

trustees, three in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and four in Timaru,and a<br />

part­timeadministrator.<br />

It is alsoonthe look outfor<br />

for morevolunteers to<br />

becometrustees.<br />

Being aTrustee is<br />

extremely rewarding and a<br />

real privilege, Mid<br />

Canterbury trustee Moyra<br />

Unveiling Life Education Trust Mid­South Canterbury’s new<br />

mobile classroom are (from left) photographer Geoff Cloake,<br />

chairman Jeff Paul, educator Jane Hooper, trustee Annette<br />

Bray, deputy chairwoman Clare Bruce and Timaru Signs<br />

Graphix director Peter Taylor.<br />


Whiting said.<br />

‘‘Life Educationisavery<br />

much respected and valued<br />

programmeinschools. It is<br />

notuncommon for adults in<br />

their 30sand 40s to<br />

voluntarily mentiontheir<br />

mobileclassroom<br />

experiences when talkingof<br />

their childhood years at<br />

school,’’ she said.<br />

Harold the Giraffe has left<br />

many lasting impressions<br />

and updated technology and<br />

programmes meantthatit<br />

would continue for many<br />

yearstocome, Mrs Whiting<br />

said.<br />

The Life Education Mobile<br />

classroom will begin in Mid<br />

CanterburyonJuly <strong>28</strong> when<br />

it visitsHinds school. Aweek<br />

later it will be at Tinwald<br />

School.<br />

Complete<br />

Local Care<br />

Since 1982

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

11<br />


SAVE<br />

$10<br />


SAVE<br />

50%<br />


GO Healthy<br />

GO Magnesium Sleep<br />

60s now$26.99 was$36.99<br />


GO LifeCo-Q10 Ubiquinol 100mg<br />

40s now$34.99 was$69.99<br />

80s now$54.99 was$109.99<br />

New closing<br />

times at<br />

centre pool<br />

2467810<br />

EA Networks Centre has<br />

introduced new closing times<br />

for its pools and aquatic area, to<br />

help reduce operating costs for<br />

ratepayers and better reflect<br />

patterns of use.<br />

The pools, sauna and spa are<br />

now closing two hours earlier at<br />

7pm on weekdays and 5pm in<br />

the weekends.<br />

Closing times for the stadium<br />

will remain the same, while<br />

gym hours are also under<br />

review and could change in the<br />

future.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

chief executive Hamish Riach<br />

said Covid­19 had changed the<br />

way people exercised and the<br />

facility needed to ensure it ran<br />

cost­effectively by matching its<br />

services with community<br />

demand.<br />

Recent data showed only a<br />

small handful of people were<br />

using the facility in the final<br />

hours of the day.<br />

“Like many other businesses<br />

and recreation centres around<br />

the country, covid has had abig<br />

impact on the EA Networks<br />

Centre and put pressure on our<br />

budgets. Closing slightly earlier<br />

makes good financial sense,<br />

while retaining ahigh level of<br />

service for the majority of<br />

visitors and our community.”<br />

The new hours will require<br />

some reshuffling, with evening<br />

aquacise classes moved to an<br />

earlier timeslot.<br />

The swim school will be<br />

unaffected by the changes and<br />

the pool will be able to stay<br />

open late for event bookings<br />

and swim meets. Members of<br />

the centre had been emailed<br />

about the new hours.<br />

Covid causes<br />

ECan backlog<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

(ECan) is experiencing delays<br />

in processing resource consent<br />

applications due mainly to<br />

Covid­19 related staffing<br />

challenges.<br />

ECan consents planning<br />

manager Aurora Grant said the<br />

consents team was also pausing<br />

its pre­application advice<br />

service.<br />

“Consent applications are in<br />

abacklog. This means we are<br />

unable process the most<br />

recently lodged applications as<br />

the team already has afull<br />

workload.<br />

‘‘Until staffing returns to<br />

normal, we may not meet the<br />

statutory processing<br />

timeframes for certain<br />

applications,’’ she said.<br />

The backlog will affect<br />

people who are lodging anew<br />

resource consent application or<br />

have one in progress, and those<br />

seeking pre­application advice.<br />

They should expect adelay in<br />

initial contact and longer than<br />

usual processing times.<br />

Applications are still being<br />

accepted, but will be queued<br />

until they can be processed.<br />

ECan processes the most<br />

resource consents of any<br />

regional council in New<br />

Zealand, with 900 to 1000 in the<br />

system at any one time.<br />

OH BABY!<br />

Newbaby?<br />

We publish our ‘Oh Baby’page on the first Thursdayofeach<br />

month. If you would likeyour babytofeatureplease send us your<br />

photos and details to 199 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

or email: office@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

by 12 noononthe preceding Tuesday.<br />

This serviceisfreeofcharge.<br />




5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website ashburtondc.govt.nz<br />

Thursday,<strong>28</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> | ISSUE 76<br />

Languageapp designed to helpspreadthe word<br />

Atereo Māori app developed for<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncilstaffisto<br />

be shared with the community, so<br />

others can learn more about local<br />

Māori language and protocols. The<br />

app also covers Tagalog(the primary<br />

language of the Philippines) and<br />

Samoan.<br />

The Tūwhana app came about after<br />

Council piloted a te reo Māori course<br />

for staff in 2019 to improve cultural<br />

competency, andithasbeenajointproject<br />

between the Welcoming Communities,<br />

People and Capability, and Strategy and<br />

Policyteams.<br />

People and Capability Group Manager<br />

Sarah Mosley said while the pilot course<br />

was great, participants still felt whakamā<br />

(shy) about their pronunciation of te reo<br />

Māori.<br />

“So welooked atwhat other councils,<br />

Government departments and<br />

corporationssuchasAirNewZealandwere<br />

doing, and came across app developers<br />

Kiwa.<br />

“We liked that they could customise the<br />

content to ourlocal <strong>Ashburton</strong>community<br />

by working closely with Te Rūnaka o<br />

Arowhenua, and members ofthe Filipino<br />

and Samoan communities.”<br />

The app uses three different learning<br />

styles,touch, sight andsound, and people<br />

canpractise pronunciation on demand.<br />

Mrs Mosley said the app was a great<br />

way toprovide information to awide<br />

cross-section of people throughout<br />

Council, especially those wanting to gain<br />

more confidence with basic greetings,<br />

vocabularyand customs.<br />

“Then we realised the community could<br />

use it too, as it would be free to download.”<br />

The app was used byKeep Learning Mid<br />

Canterbury recently for 34people taking<br />

part in an online te reoMāori course.<br />

Tutor Kate White said the Tūwhana<br />

app was especially useful for course<br />

participants when they were looking at<br />

pepeha (introducing yourself) or mihi<br />

(greetings).<br />

NeilBrown, Mayor<br />

Sadly, warisnot confined to thepast<br />

She said the online course, via Zoom,<br />

allowedpeople to participate live,orcatch<br />

up witharecorded lesson if theyweresick<br />

or had aworkmeeting at thetime of the<br />

lesson.<br />

“I teach te reoMāori at <strong>Ashburton</strong>Borough<br />

School and people are always asking me<br />

about adult te reo courses in <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

so Iknewtherewas ahunger forthis type<br />

of learning.”<br />

She saidthe Tūwhana app helped people<br />

learn to pronounceMāori wordscorrectly,<br />

and contributed to the success of the<br />

course.<br />

The te reoMāori learnersthemselves said<br />

the course made them more confident<br />

about using and understanding Māori<br />

greetings, and found the learning<br />

environment fun, engaging and<br />

supportive.<br />

Keep Learning Mid Canterbury is planning<br />

anothercoursestarting on 8June. It will be<br />

run on fiveconsecutiveWednesdays from<br />

11am to 12pm and people canregisterat<br />

https://bit.ly/tereojune<br />

Features of the Tūwhana app include<br />

waiata, how to prepare for avisit toa<br />

marae, and pronunciation tips; it uses the<br />

southern Kāi Tahu dialectoftereo Māori,<br />

recognisable by the use of the distinct<br />

“k”soundinsteadofthe morecommonly<br />

heard“ng” sound.<br />

Youcan search forthe app at both Android<br />

and Apple stores.Itisfree.<br />

Links are also available from the online<br />

story, at ashburtondc.govt.nz.<br />

Anzac Day provided asobering<br />

reminderabout the enduring<br />

impactofwar andconflict, and<br />

it washumblingthathundreds<br />

of people around our district<br />

attended services to paytheir<br />

respects to themen andwomen<br />

who have served to defend New<br />

Zealand.<br />

We honoured the ultimate sacrifice<br />

of our district’s citizens,who are<br />

immortalisedon520 whitecrosses,<br />

and we hope thatour ownsons and<br />

daughterswill neverknowthe firsthandhorrorsofwar.<br />

Our courageous servicepersonnel have<br />

servedintimes of warand peace, and<br />

left our shores with no guarantee of a<br />

safereturn. Sadly,weonly havetosee<br />

whatishappening inUkrainetoknow<br />

thatwar is notconfinedtothe past.<br />

Iwas proud to see many people<br />

returning in persontoAnzac Day<br />

services, andotherswho honoured the<br />

spiritofthe day with poppies and flags<br />

on their front fences.<br />

Anothersombrenotethis week was<br />

the release of the coroner’s report<br />

regarding the tragiccollisionatthe<br />

intersectionofHepburns and Mitcham<br />

Roads three yearsago that claimed<br />

three lives. We know thisreport will<br />

bring that sad event back intofocusfor<br />

thefamily,and ourthoughtsare with<br />

them throughthis tough time.<br />

We welcomeany recommendation that<br />

will help keep people safeonour roads,<br />

rural or urban. The giveway signatthis<br />

particular intersectionwas changedto<br />

astopsignfollowingthe incident, and<br />

additional warning signageinstalled.<br />

We’renow reviewingother similar<br />

intersectionsacross the district.<br />

It’salso aremindertothose of us who<br />

travel along rural roads, thatwhile<br />

many of ourintersectionsare notbusy<br />

places, we must alwaysbevigilant and<br />

approach themwith caution.<br />

At Council, the businessofconsulting<br />

on ourAnnualPlancontinues, with<br />

submissions accepted up until 5pm on<br />

Friday 6May.<br />

We areasking foryourfeedback on<br />

work we plantodointhe next financial<br />

year andatthe start of this week,more<br />

than 30 peoplehad made submissions.<br />

All thedetails about what Council is<br />

planning, andwhatotherpeoplehave<br />

said so far, is available at itsourplace.nz.<br />

Specifically we areaskingifyou want a<br />

reductioninthe levels of someCouncil<br />

services, to reduceaplanned 9.4 per<br />

cent rate rise, and ifweshould be using<br />

$1.7 millionofforestryreserveson<br />

moreroading repairs.<br />


Should we reviewour<br />

day-to-day levels of<br />

service?<br />


Should we use $1.7m from<br />

our forestry reserve to pay<br />

formajor roading repairs?<br />

Details, submissions<br />

at itsourplace.nz<br />

1 Thursday,<strong>28</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 76<br />


Creatingspacesfor ouractivecommunity<br />

The Councilisaskingfor feedback on<br />

adraft Play, Active Recreation and<br />

Sport strategy that will help ensure<br />

people have access to the activities<br />

and places they need to be happy<br />

and healthy.<br />

Community Services Group Manager<br />

Steve Fabish said being active –through<br />

play, sportand all sorts of activerecreation<br />

– fostered connections within the<br />

community and had many positive spinoffs.<br />

“When we do these things, we interact<br />

with other people inour community and<br />

withour environment, so Council needs to<br />

support the sector and help keep people<br />

active,nomattertheir age.<br />

“We’ve already talked with local sports<br />

clubs,teams and organisations about their<br />

keyissuesand priorities which hashelped<br />

us to draft the newstrategy.Now we want<br />

people in the wider community to take a<br />

lookand tell us whattheythink.”<br />

The previous strategy focused on the<br />

development of the EANetworks Centre,<br />

which opened in 2015. Mr Fabish said<br />

it was now time for anew plan with a<br />

community focus.<br />

“We now have the facility and spaces to<br />

support physical recreation, but we need<br />

to use those spaces totheir full potential<br />

and encourage high levels of active<br />

participation into the future.”<br />

The vision of the draft Play, Active<br />

Recreation and Sport strategy is<br />

“everybody included, having fun, being<br />

active” and goals include removing<br />

participation barriersand encouraging the<br />

whole whānautobeinvolved.<br />

Mr Fabish said four key challenges had<br />

emerged from discussions with local<br />

groupsand organisations.<br />

“They told us thatCovid-19had changed<br />

people’s routines and habits, and reduced<br />

activeparticipation.<br />

“They also said it was important to<br />

maintain opportunities for older people<br />

to keep active and socially connected,<br />

thatdigitaltechnologywas increasing the<br />

sedentary lives of young people and that<br />

the cost to participate wasakey barrier for<br />

organised sport.”<br />

The Play, Active Recreation and<br />

Sport consultation document can be<br />

viewed online at ashburtondc.govt.nz/<br />

haveyoursay.<br />

Copies will be distributed tosports and<br />

active recreation groups and can also be<br />

requestedbycontactingCouncil on 03 307<br />

7700 or submissions@adc.govt.nz.<br />

Submissions will be accepted until 5pm,<br />

Sunday 22 May, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Resetfor <strong>Ashburton</strong> Glowinthe Park<br />

Save the dates: <strong>Ashburton</strong> Glow in<br />

the Parkhas been rescheduledto22,<br />

23and24July.<br />

There’salso been achange of venue -the<br />

three-night light showwill nowbeheld at<br />

the Tinwald Domain, includingThe Plains<br />

Vintage Railway &Historical Museum area.<br />

CommunityServicesGroupManagerSteve<br />

Fabish said the special effects light showis<br />

looking to doubleinsize, compared to the<br />

original event planned last August, but<br />

postponed by Covid-19.<br />

“We are assisting EANetworks to run<br />

this event, tocelebrate their 100 years of<br />

serving the community as an electricity<br />

co-operative, but are hoping to make it<br />

bigger and better than the original plan<br />

and we think people will be keen to join in,<br />

given all thathas happened in the past 12<br />

months.<br />

“The Plains Vintage Railway &Historical<br />

Museum offers great old buildings that<br />

will belit up in interesting ways, and<br />

the domain and lake provide plenty of<br />

natural settings for some ofthe lighting<br />

installations.”<br />

Mr Fabish said the event was being held<br />

as awalk-through, though it could be<br />

modified tooperate as adrive-through<br />

if more restrictive Covid-19 protection<br />

measures were imposed.<br />

“Aswell as creating atrail of light features,<br />

we are working on apodcast oraudio<br />

giving peopleaguided history tour of the<br />

Plains area.”<br />

Clearing Camp of wilding pines<br />

Around 35volunteers converged atLake<br />

Camp on Saturday to help eradicate<br />

wilding pines and rowans. Both tree<br />

species compete with natives and<br />

removing them from the landscape gets<br />

rid of the seedsource.<br />

Over 1000 weeds were pulled and while<br />

the event was a boost for Council's<br />

biodiversity and pest management<br />

programme,italso fostered collaboration<br />

and social networking among community<br />

membersand council staff.<br />

Volunteers included members ofForest<br />

and Bird, the biodiversity working group,<br />

Lake Camp Hutholders Association, plus<br />

Council staffand their families.<br />

Thespeciallightingeffectswillbeprovided<br />

by Spectrum Lighting and information<br />

panels will also tell EA Networks’ story,<br />

from its beginnings as the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Electric Power Board to the present day<br />

as aproviderofelectricitylines and fibreoptic<br />

cables forinternet.<br />

Food trucks will also be onsite.<br />

Mr Fabish said thatthe eventwas timed to<br />

coincide withthe lastweekend of the July<br />

school holidays and with astart time of<br />

6pm,itwill be dark enough forthe lightsto<br />

be at their bestbut nottoo late foryoung<br />

children to be out and about.<br />

“Wewill be releasingmoredetails of this<br />

free event soon, and we hopepeople will<br />

savethe dates.”<br />


Meetingsare at CouncilChambers,<br />

137 Havelock Street,unlessspecified<br />

MethvenCommunity Board, Monday2<br />

May,10.30am at Mt HuttMemorial Hall<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictRoadSafety Coordinating<br />

Committee, Tuesday3May,<br />

9.30am<br />

CouncilMeeting, Wednesday 4May,<br />

1pm (live-streamed)<br />

Council ActivityBriefings, Wednesday<br />

11 May, 9.30am<br />

Audit &Risk Committee, Wednesday<br />

11 May,1.30pm (live-streamed)<br />

CouncilMeeting, Wednesday 18 May,<br />

1pm(live-streamed)<br />

AnnualPlan SubmissionHearings,<br />

Tuesday 24May, 9am (live-streamed)<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> WaterZoneCommittee,<br />

Tuesday 24May(live-streamed)<br />

AnnualPlan SubmissionHearings,<br />

Wednesday 25 May,9am (live-streamed)<br />




Applicationnumber: LUC21/0103<br />

Applicant: AK Tech Services Limited<br />

Address: ActonRoad, Rakaia<br />

Legal Description: LOT 5DP 456684<br />

Description of theproposal:<br />

Landuse consentatActon Road,<br />

Rakaia to address the non-compliances<br />

associatedwithconstruction of<br />

agricultural workshopand storagefor<br />

farm implementsand machinery,zoned<br />

Rural A.<br />

Hearing details:<br />

• Date: Thursday,12May <strong>2022</strong><br />

• Time: 10am<br />

• Location:<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />

Council Chambers, Havelock Street,<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Notification: The application was<br />

limited notifiedon26October2021,and<br />

submissions have closed.<br />

Forfurther information, pleasecontact<br />

ADC at 03 307 7700 andspeak to<br />

Nicholas Law(planning@adc.govt.nz)<br />

fromthe Planning team.<br />


Planning Manager<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil givespublic<br />

noticeofroadclosures forthe purpose<br />

ofallowing the <strong>Ashburton</strong> CarClub to<br />

hold “Wheels Week Street Sprints”<br />

(with the exception of emergency<br />

vehicles) forthe period indicated<br />

hereunder.<br />

Roads to be closed:<br />



• ROBINSON STREET,from<br />






STREET to theend of the street<br />



RANGE STREET:From6.00pm, Friday<br />

6May <strong>2022</strong> until 6.00am, Sunday 8May<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

PeriodofClosure: From 7.30pm, Friday<br />

06 May <strong>2022</strong> until8.00pm on Sunday 08<br />

May <strong>2022</strong><br />

Thisnoticeofclosureismade under the<br />

Local GovernmentAct1974 -Schedule<br />

10 (11(e)).Itwill be an offence under<br />

theaboveregulations forany person<br />

otherwisethanunderauthority of an<br />

authorised permit to usethe roads /<br />

streetsfor ordinaryvehiculartraffic<br />

duringthe periodofclosure.<br />


InfrastructureServices Group Manager<br />

These news pagesare<br />

createdand supplied by the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council.<br />

Formoreinformationand the<br />

latest news,visitour website<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz/news<br />


5Baring Square West<br />

Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />

Thursday 9am -5pm<br />


180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />

Sat10am-1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />


20 River Terrace<br />

Mon -Fri 6.00am -9.00pm<br />

Sat&Sun 7.00am -7.00pm<br />



327 WestStreet<br />

10am -4pm daily.Closed Public Holidays.<br />

ashburtondc.govt.nz Thursday,<strong>28</strong><strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> |ISSUE 76<br />


NEWS<br />

14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Chrome machines on show<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Show and<br />

Shine Motorcycle show is back<br />

again this Wheels Week.<br />

The Originals Motorcycle<br />

Club is hosting the show,<br />

where once again plenty of<br />

chrome machines will be on<br />

display, but at anew location.<br />

In previous years the show<br />

has been held at the Devon<br />

Tavern, but this year the RSA<br />

invited the club to use their<br />

premises.<br />

The bikes will be polished,<br />

oiled, buffed and lined up on<br />

display in the RSA’s Doris<br />

Linton Lounge on Cox Street.<br />

Originals club president<br />

Gerald McKenzie said anyone<br />

can enter their motorbike to be<br />

judged for a$10 entry fee.<br />

‘‘The10 top bikes get a<br />

framed certificate and the<br />

motorbike entrants can vote as<br />

well,’’ Gerald said.<br />

There is agold coin donation<br />

for the public to view the<br />

machines and vote for their<br />

favorite.<br />

Club member Humpty said<br />

they normally have around 35<br />

bikes on show with entrants<br />

coming from all over<br />

Canterbury.<br />

‘‘All makes and models of<br />

bikes are welcome, there are<br />

no restrictions,’’ he said.<br />

If you plan on entering your<br />

two wheeled chrome beauty,<br />

there are afew factors that can<br />

help abike stand out from the<br />

crowd, with the bike being in<br />

good order no matter what the<br />

age being important.<br />

‘‘Look at that one,’’ Gerald<br />

said, pointing to Humpty’s<br />

Harley­Davidson Fat Boy<br />

gleaming in the sun. ‘‘Look how<br />

Originals Motorcycle Club president Gerald McKenzie (left) and<br />

member Humpty outside the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA where the<br />

motorcycle show will be held.<br />

tidy that is and it’s reasonably<br />

old.’’<br />

Proceeds from the day will<br />

go to acharity.<br />

‘‘We like to give back to the<br />

community, plus it is good for<br />

us as aforum to advertise the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Motorcycle Show,<br />

which is happening on 19<br />

November,’’ Gerald said.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Show and<br />

Shine Motorcycle Show is on<br />

May 7from 11am at the RSA.<br />

More Wheels Week stories pages 37-47<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

15<br />

Food<br />

prices<br />

increase<br />

Foodprices were7.6 per cent<br />

higher in March <strong>2022</strong><br />

compared withMarch 2021,<br />

figures from Stats NZ show.<br />

Foodprice increaseswere<br />

widespread acrossthe board<br />

but led by fresh produce,with<br />

fruit andvegetable prices up<br />

18 percentinMarch<strong>2022</strong><br />

compared to the same month<br />

the year before.<br />

Forthat 12­month period<br />

general grocery foodprices<br />

increased 6.7 percent,<br />

restaurantmeals andreadyto­eatfood<br />

prices increased<br />

5.1per cent and meat, poultry,<br />

andfish pricesincreased8.7<br />

percent.<br />

Averageprices for<br />

vegetableslike tomatoes,<br />

broccoli,iceberg lettuce,and<br />

cabbagewere notablyhigher<br />

than they were in March2020<br />

and2021.<br />


NEWS<br />

16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Community gathers to remember Anzacs<br />

Thousands of people gathered at Anzac<br />

Day services aroundthe district to<br />

remember andhonourthosewho died,<br />

returned frombattle or are in armed<br />

service carrying out dutiesfor New<br />

Zealand.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSApresidentMerv<br />

Brentonsaid it was atime‘‘tocelebrate<br />

andgive thanks, to remember the lives<br />

andsacrifices they gave to create the<br />

freedoms weall experience today.’’<br />

In hisAnzac Day address Mr Brenton<br />

said beforedawnon25th<strong>April</strong> 1915, the<br />

soldiers of the Australian and New<br />

ZealandArmy Corpslanded on the<br />

shores of the Gallipoli peninsula.<br />

‘‘What lay aheadofthemwas<br />

inconceivable, the battle raged for eight<br />

months and forged abond between the<br />

twocountries thatremains today, and<br />

thereason both nationalanthems were<br />

sung.<br />

‘‘The camaraderie forged in battle<br />

maybeareasonfor the fiercely<br />

contested trans­Tasman rivalry in<br />

sporting events.’’<br />

He said 106 yearsago the Returned<br />

Services Association was established<br />

withthe aim of takingcareofNew<br />

Zealandveteransand their families as<br />

oursoldiersreturned from Gallipoli in<br />

1916. Thecasualtiesfrom that battle<br />

wereoverwhelming with <strong>28</strong>00New<br />

Zealanders and8700 Australians killed.<br />

‘‘While today’s soldiers face different<br />

challenges, oursupport to them and<br />

their families continues,‘‘ he said.<br />

Seventy percentofsupport claims<br />

today were for under45year olds,and<br />

mainly dealing with mentalheath<br />

issues. It was ‘‘anever changing world<br />

we livein.’’<br />

Merv Brenton<br />

‘‘Today we recogniseall New Zealand<br />

service menand women who have lost<br />

their lives in militaryoperations<br />

carriedout in ourcountry’s name.<br />

‘‘Wehonour those whoreturned<br />

changed by what theyhad experienced,<br />

we honour thosewho areserving today<br />

in our army, navy andair force and<br />

thank them for their service.’’<br />

Mr Brenton said across New Zealand<br />

there were around 140,000 living<br />

veterans, ranging inage fromearly 20’s<br />

to over 100 years of age.<br />

He encouragedpeople to learn their<br />

stories­‘‘thestoriesofcourage and<br />

sacrificeofour surviving World War<br />

Two veteransand thosewho foughtin<br />

Korea, Malaya andVietnam,but also<br />

the storiesofour younger veterans,<br />

those whohave served in Afghanistan,<br />

Iraq, East Timor and aroundthe<br />

Pacific.<br />

‘‘All have done whatwas asked of<br />

them bytheir country and haveserved<br />

us proudly.’’<br />

‘‘Weespecially remember those<br />

named on thecenotaph ... thosein<br />

unknown graves overseas, those that<br />

are in cemeteries here in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

and all aroundNew Zealand, those still<br />

in current service andtoall those<br />

veterans stilldaily living withthe<br />

memories of war.<br />

‘‘I personally havefamily war<br />

memories of uncles killed in actionand<br />

you willtoo,whether it be, family<br />

members, friendsorneighbours with<br />

stories andmemories, we all joinhere<br />

today as oneunited to acommoncause<br />

because of them,wecan,and to give a<br />

very bigthank you.’’<br />

Anzac Day thanks:<br />

To those that attended either of our two<br />

cenotaph services in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, any of the<br />

outlying events or even stood at dawn, a<br />

huge thank you for making the day so<br />

memorable, by your participation in aday<br />

four weeks prior wasn’t happening.<br />

It makes all the planning all the more<br />

worthwhile and to see the crowds arriving<br />

of all ages from toddlers through to<br />

veterans very satisfying and shows that<br />

those we commemorated and gave and<br />

sacrificed so much will never be forgotten.<br />

We will never forget them.<br />

Thank you all,<br />

Merv Brenton, RSA President<br />

Superior one bedroom apartment<br />

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This serviced apartment has open plan living/kitchenette, ensuite bathroom,<br />

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www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

ANZAC DAY <strong>2022</strong> IN ASHBURTON<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

17<br />

Photos Toni Williams<br />

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NEWS<br />

18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Ali back to sing on home stage<br />


Locally­raised singerand stage<br />

performer Ali Diamond will<br />

team up with Timaru’s<br />

Cameron Lines to present an<br />

intimate musical theatre show<br />

at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Event Centre.<br />

Called The Last Five Years,<br />

the show drawsonanumber of<br />

musical genres and will be<br />

performed tomorrowand<br />

Saturday.<br />

The modernmusical is an<br />

emotionally powerful story of<br />

two New Yorkers in their<br />

twenties who fall in and out of<br />

love over the course of five<br />

years.<br />

It chronicles the marriage of<br />

Cathy,playedbyAli, and Jamie,<br />

played by Cameron, from<br />

meeting to break­upand from<br />

break­up to meeting.<br />

The show's unconventional<br />

structure tells Cathy’s story<br />

backwards, while Jamie’s is<br />

told chronologically.<br />

The two characters only meet<br />

once in the middle of the show.<br />

Ali said the show featured<br />

sad and happy sections and<br />

both tears and laughter.<br />

‘‘It’s two people telling their<br />

story, so it’s veryintimateand<br />

intense.’’<br />

She and Cameron had<br />

alreadyperformed the show in<br />

Timaruand she was excited to<br />

be back on stage in her home<br />

town.<br />

Aliisnostranger to thelocal<br />

stage and hasperformed in a<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>­raised performer AliDiamond performing in The LastFive Years.<br />

number of productionsand<br />

also with <strong>Ashburton</strong> College<br />

choirs.<br />

The 23­year­oldstarted<br />

singing lessons at agedseven<br />

andafterfinishing school<br />

studied foradiploma in travel<br />

andtourism.<br />

She enjoyedatwo­month<br />

stint at DisneyWorld in the<br />

USAand worked as acharacter<br />

performer until covid forced<br />

hertoreturn home.<br />

She has sinceperformed in<br />

community theatre in<br />

Christchurch andlives in the<br />


GardenCity.<br />

Afilmadaptation of The Last<br />

Five Yearwas released in<br />

2014,starring Anna Kendrick<br />

and JeremyJordan.<br />

Ticketsfor the 7.30pm shows<br />

are available from the event<br />

centre or centre’swebsite.<br />

Sport<br />

travel<br />

money<br />

Atotal of $18,115 has been<br />

allocated to sports clubsand<br />

school teamsacross the<br />

district fromthe 2021/22<br />

Sport NZ RuralTravelFund.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council<br />

administers the fund on<br />

behalf of SportNZand<br />

money goes to support those<br />

under 18 years of age who are<br />

involved in sport.<br />

The latestrecipients<br />

include hockey, netball,<br />

rugby, football and basketball<br />

teamsfrom <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

College, cricketand rugby<br />

teamsfrom Mount Hutt<br />

College, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Celtic<br />

Rugby Club, teamsfrom<br />

Rakaia Netball Club and<br />

teamsfrom Methven Hockey<br />

Club.<br />

Because of Covid­19 there<br />

was acarryover of $7100 this<br />

year and atotal fund of<br />

$21,100 was available.<br />

There is a$15 base<br />

allocation per person in each<br />

team,$20 perpersonif games<br />

involve travelling outside of<br />

the district and $10 per<br />

person if games or practices<br />

involve travelling outside of<br />

their local community. The<br />

two travel allocations are<br />

weighted for the number of<br />

games across the season.<br />

Keep safewhen<br />

diggingor moving<br />

equipment<br />

Overhead and underground powerlines can be easy<br />

to forget about when diggingormoving farm machinery<br />

around your property.<br />

Beforeyou start digging,find out wherepower lines<br />

and cables arelocated. Contact 0800 b4u dig<br />

If you do come intocontact with live lines,call<br />

EA Networkson0800 430 460 immediately and<br />

staystill untilhelparrives.<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

19<br />

Mat, finding alove of the water again<br />

Falling in love with the water<br />

again hasseen Mathew<br />

Seymour expand his social<br />

connections, take control of his<br />

health and added joy to his<br />

week. Andhewants others to<br />

experience this too.<br />

Mathew wasborn with<br />

Cerebral Palsy which left him<br />

with weakness down hisleft<br />

side. He also lives withan<br />

intellectual disability.<br />

Havingnot been in the pool<br />

for over 15 years, agreen<br />

prescription referral from his<br />

GP, gave Matthe opportunity to<br />

overcomehis fear andget back<br />

into thewater.<br />

Mat, along withhis support<br />

worker Angie, met with Sport<br />

Canterbury’s healthy lifestyle<br />

adviser Aimee Cosgrove to<br />

address his inactivity.<br />

“His doctor hadsuggested<br />

swimming as an activity,<br />

however Matwasn'treally sure<br />

if he could do this. Ioffered to<br />

meet him at the pool. He was<br />

very apprehensiveinthe water<br />

and wasn't keen on goingpast<br />

hiswaist, he wasalso fearful<br />

that he could have aseizure<br />

(previous seizures).<br />

“During the session he started<br />

to relax and was confident<br />

enough to puthis head under<br />

thewater, andwithin 10<br />

minutes wasshowing me howhe<br />

could do handstands,” she said.<br />

His love for swimming began<br />

to grow andhewas inspired to<br />

getagroup of his friends to join<br />

him.<br />

He set up aFacebook group<br />

called,‘Mat’s Swimming Group’<br />

where he can rally his friends<br />

together to head to thepool for<br />

agroup session.<br />

This group now meets every<br />

Thursday afternoon from<br />

1.30­3pm with an average of<br />

three­five participants every<br />

week –but more people are<br />

always welcome.<br />

Swimming has also given Mat<br />

amassive boost in his well being<br />

as well as some autonomy over<br />

his health.<br />

“I’ve seensuchan<br />

improvement in Mat’s wellbeing<br />

–it’sjust somethinghecan do<br />

andgives him abit of power<br />

over something,” saysAngie.<br />

Mat also attends Mid<br />

Canterbury’s popular Walking<br />

Netball, which hasexpanded to<br />

asecond session on aTuesday to<br />

caterspecifically to people with<br />

intellectual disabilities, named,<br />

‘NoLimits Netball’ .Itwas<br />

somethingAngie helpedto<br />

develop.<br />

Although Mat struggles to<br />

participate due to his Cerebral<br />

Palsy, he canoften be found<br />

helpingout on the side­line or<br />

even umpiring thegames.<br />

Mat and Angie are now keen<br />

to ensure others in the<br />

community areaware of the<br />

green prescription service and<br />

what is out there in the<br />

community.<br />

“Before he startedGreen<br />

Prescription, we didn’t know<br />

what was available –weare at<br />

EA Networks Centre alot more<br />

now,’’ Angie said.<br />

Swimming, through aGreen Prescription, has given Mat Seymour amassive boost in his wellbeing.<br />



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NEWS<br />

20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Unique venue for SI champs<br />

GrantRounds<br />

<strong>2022</strong>/2023<br />

Closing Dates<br />

Operational Costs<br />

(programme or event)<br />

Up to $15,000<br />

Friday, 8th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Friday, 9th September <strong>2022</strong><br />

Capital Projects<br />

Up to $20,000<br />

Friday, 15th July <strong>2022</strong><br />

Friday, 3rdFebruary2023<br />

Major Grants Round<br />

Over $20,000<br />

(Phone to discuss priorto applying)<br />

Friday, 27th May<strong>2022</strong><br />

Friday, 7th October<strong>2022</strong><br />

Seeour websitefor further information and to<br />

makeanonlineapplication.<br />

www.comtrust.org.nz<br />

To discuss anyapplications<br />

Phone: 03 687 7360 or 0800 672 <strong>28</strong>7<br />

Email: crm@comtrust.org.nz<br />

2462442<br />

Preparations are ‘‘full steam ahead’<br />

forthe South Island Sheep Dog Trial<br />

Championships nextweek near<br />

Alexandra.<br />

North Otago Centre president<br />

RobbieCalder, of St Bathans,was<br />

expecting more than 200 triallists and<br />

about500 dogs to compete across four<br />

eventsonEarnscleughStation.<br />

It runs forfive days from May 2.<br />

‘‘We are full steam ahead,‘‘hesaid.<br />

TheOmakau Earnscleugh Collie<br />

Clubhas its clubrooms on the station<br />

andits annual two­day trial finished<br />

late lastmonth.<br />

Thecentre, which has 13 clubsinit,<br />

gotachampionship every decade.<br />

Thestation would host a<br />

championship for the first time.<br />

Officials from the New Zealand<br />

SheepDog Trial Association<br />

attendedthe club trials to inspect the<br />

courses to ensure everything was upto­standard<br />

to host the<br />

championships.<br />

Afew minor changes were needed<br />

butoverall the officials were happy,<br />

he said.<br />

Thecentrewas ‘‘lucky’’ the<br />

Campbell familyallowed the<br />

championship to be heldontheir<br />

station.<br />

Station co­ownerAlistairCampbell<br />

said he was ready forthe<br />

championships to be held on the<br />

2000ha property.<br />

‘‘The sooner, the better.’’<br />

Thechampionshiphad been<br />

delayedayear duetocovid<br />

uncertainty.<br />

He would compete in the<br />

championships —‘‘a couple of<br />

headersand ahuntaway’’.<br />

The family nurtured dogtrials<br />

because it gave shepherds an<br />

opportunity to train their dogsand<br />

improve in their profession.<br />

‘‘Dog trialsare massively important<br />

to us,especially on abig place like<br />

this.’’<br />

Dogtrials helped retain shepherds<br />

in the industry, he said.<br />

‘‘A lot of guys might getmore money<br />

working on awharf but the love of<br />

their dogs keeps them mustering.’’<br />

About4000 of his merinosheep<br />

would beused duringthe<br />

championships.<br />

Omakau Earnscleugh Collie Club<br />

president Elliott Heckler,of<br />

Galloway,said the championship<br />

venue was unique because it was the<br />

only one in NewZealand to run<br />

merino sheep across all its events.<br />

Merinosheep could be<br />

temperamental.<br />

‘‘You don’t get too many chances, if<br />

you doawrong move,that’s it.’’<br />

Hiswife Nikki was part of the team<br />

catering thechampionshipstoraise<br />

funds for Molyneux Turf Inc to get a<br />

full­size hockey turf installed in<br />

Alexandra.<br />

‘‘I’mgoing to liveuphere for aweek<br />

and it startsat6am withbreakfast,’’<br />

she said.<br />

Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan<br />

attended the club trials to support the<br />

club bringing the championships to<br />

the district.<br />

The event was ‘‘important’’ because<br />

it attracted people, who spent money<br />

in the district, Mr Cadogan said.<br />

‘‘You’ve got atruckload of people<br />

coming, whowillspend atruckloadin<br />

the community —it’s all good.’’<br />

At the club trial last week,the<br />

mayorgot agood­hearted ribbing<br />

from triallists aboutFraser DamRd<br />

needing to be gradedbefore the<br />

championships.<br />

‘‘I had to put my teeth back in when<br />

Igot out of my car—I’ll need to talk<br />

to the roading boys,’’ Mr Cadogan<br />

laughed.<br />

Mr Caldersaidtriallists need five<br />

qualifying pointstocompeteinthe<br />

championships butlocals needed<br />

only onepoint to qualify,which<br />

wouldallowupto20 more young<br />

triallists to compete.<br />

‘‘It’s really good at encouraging the<br />

young fullastohave agoata<br />

championship and get blooded.’’<br />

He expected triallists visiting from<br />

outside theSouth to be struck by the<br />

rocky landscapethey would be<br />

competing in.<br />

‘‘The North Islanderswill think<br />

they have cometothe moon.’’<br />

~Central RuralLife<br />

Photo: The South Island dog trials get<br />

under way in Central Otago on<br />

Monday and will feature hundreds of<br />

competitors.<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

21<br />

Finalists strive for dairy awards<br />

Hinds farmers Will Green is among the 32<br />

finalists representing 11 regions in the<br />

<strong>2022</strong> New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards<br />

next month.<br />

Will is a<strong>2022</strong> New Zealand Share<br />

Farmer of the Year finalist.<br />

Also up for grabs are the New Zealand<br />

Dairy Manager of the Year and the <strong>2022</strong><br />

New Zealand Dairy Trainee of the year<br />

titles.<br />

The national winners will be announced<br />

at ablack tie awards dinner at Te Pae in<br />

Christchurch on May 14, after afinal<br />

round of judging.<br />

Tickets are on sale now through www.<br />

dairyindustryawards.co.nz<br />

Awards general manager Robin<br />

Congdon said the finalists were the cream<br />

of the crop from all entries received.<br />

“The awards promote best practice and<br />

celebrate all entrants and finalists. It’s not<br />

just about winning, it’s aprogramme of<br />

learning, connecting and personal and<br />

professional growth,” Robin said.<br />

“This year, due to entrant withdrawals<br />

in the Share Farmer category in Hawke’s<br />

Bay/Wairarapa and Manawatū,wetrialled<br />

abenchmarking system in these two<br />

regions which allowed entrants to<br />

complete the programme and be placed<br />

accordingly,” Robin said.<br />

“Places were determined by the overall<br />

score achieved, which was then<br />

benchmarked against the scores for places<br />

across all the regions and this resulted in<br />

afirst and third place for Hawke’s Bay/<br />

Wairarapa and arunner­up for<br />

Manawatū.”<br />

Robin said there was amix of gender,<br />

age, farming experience and career<br />

backgrounds among the regional finalists,<br />

along with 18 finalists who were on awork<br />

visa –six in the dairy trainee category, 11<br />

in the dairy manager category and one in<br />

the share farmer category.<br />

“We are looking forward to celebrating<br />

success and best practice in the dairy<br />

industry at our Gala Dinner in May at the<br />

brand­new Te Pae Christchurch<br />

Convention Centre, and judging by the<br />

number of tickets sold already, many<br />

people feel the same!”<br />

The New Zealand Dairy Industry<br />

Awards are supported by national<br />

sponsors DeLaval, Ecolab, Federated<br />

Farmers, Fonterra, Honda, LIC, Meridian<br />

and Ravensdown, along with industry<br />

partners DairyNZ and MediaWorks.<br />

<strong>2022</strong> New Zealand Share Farmer of the<br />

Year finalists:<br />

Canterbury/North Otago, Will Green,<br />

34% share milker, 1060 cows, Hinds<br />

West Coast/Top of the South Kevin and<br />

Kyla Freeman, 50% share milkers, 390<br />

cows, Nelson<br />

Southland/Otago, Emma and Hamish<br />

Day, contract milkers, 700 cows, Mabel<br />

Bush<br />

Northland, Antje and Söenke Paarmann<br />

,50% sharemilkers, 450 cows, Okaihau<br />

Auckland/Hauraki ,Danielle Hovmand,<br />

Will Green<br />

contract milker, 270 cows, Patetonga<br />

Waikato, Brian Basi and Rachel Bunnik,<br />

contract milkers, 230 cows, Putaruru<br />

Bay of Plenty, Scott and Rebecca<br />

O’Brien, 50% sharemilkers, 650 &250<br />

cows, Galatea<br />

Central Plateau, Todd and Renee<br />

Halliday, sharemilkers &equity partners,<br />

520 cows, Reporoa<br />

Taranaki, Murray and Rachel Perks,<br />

24% VOSM contract milking, 445 cows,<br />

Hawera<br />

Hawke’s Bay/Wairarapa, Jono and Kerri<br />

Robson, 50% sharemilkers, 350 cows,<br />

Waipukurau.<br />

<strong>2022</strong> New Zealand Dairy Manager of the<br />

Year finalists:<br />

Canterbury/North Otago, Jaspal Singh,<br />

farm manager, 800 cows, Waimate<br />

West Coast/Top of the South Robyn<br />

Mare, farm manager, 310 cows, Greymouth<br />

Southland/Otago, Laura Murdoch, 2IC,<br />

230 cows, Mokotua<br />

Northland, Phillip Payton, farm<br />

manager, 350 cows, Te Hana<br />

Auckland/Hauraki, Jimmy Cleaver, farm<br />

manager, 360 cows, Rangiriri<br />

Waikato, Andrew Macky, farm manager,<br />

320 cows, Ohaupo<br />

Bay of Plenty, Hayden Purvis, farm<br />

manager, 400 cows, Galatea<br />

Central Plateau, Satveer Singh, farm<br />

manager, 700 cows, Tokoroa<br />

Taranak, Nick Besinga, farm manager,<br />

526 cows, Auroa<br />

Manawatu, Joel Peterson, farm<br />

manager, 520 cows, Moutoa<br />

Hawke’s Bay/Wairarapa, Amarjeet<br />

Kamboj, farm manager, 550 cows,<br />

Pahiatua.<br />

Peter O’Connor<br />

<strong>2022</strong> New Zealand Dairy Trainee of the<br />

Year finalists:<br />

Canterbury/North Otago, Peter<br />

O’Connor, 2IC, 900 cows, Mayfield<br />

West Coast/Top of the South Lisa<br />

Peeters, herd manager, 400 cows,<br />

Hokitika<br />

Southland/Otago Aidan Roe, farm<br />

assistant, 560 cows, Winton<br />

Northland, MaceeLatimer, farm<br />

assistant, 470 cows,Purua<br />

Auckland/Hauraki, Jamie McDowell,<br />

farm assistant,326 cows, Rangiriri West<br />

Waikato, Edward Roskam, farm<br />

assistant, 230 cows, Okauia,<br />

Bay of Plenty,ThomasLundman, farm<br />

assistant, 550 cows, Whakatane<br />

Central Plateau, Zoe Bryson, herd<br />

manager, 500 cows, Mangakino<br />

Taranaki, Kate Logan, herd manager,<br />

350 cows, Auroa<br />

Manawatū,Amit Sujit, farm manager,<br />

550 cows, Kiwitea<br />

Hawke’s Bay/Wairarapa, Jacob Stolte,<br />

herd manager, 350 cows, West Taratahi.<br />

The National Awards dinner:<br />

Saturday 14 May <strong>2022</strong><br />

Venue: Te Pae, Christchurch<br />

Pre­dinner drinks: 5:00pm<br />

Dinner Seated: 5:30pm<br />

Dress code: Formal<br />

Master of Ceremonies: Scotty Stevenson<br />

Tickets on sale now at www.<br />

dairyindustryawards.co.nz<br />

IN BRIEF<br />


Farming Familieshave opened<br />

ticket salesfor their Mid Canterbury<br />

RuralCommunity Dance.<br />

Theevent at the Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

on June 25 featurescountry singer<br />

JodyDireenand young musical<br />

talentMolly Harrison.<br />

It’s atime for thoseinthe rural<br />

community to get together and<br />

enjoyanight out withgreat music,<br />

greatfood and an auction.<br />

Tickets cost $80and are on sale<br />

through the FarmingFamilies<br />

Facebook page.<br />


Mayfield’s Craig Clucas haswon<br />

the On the Hoofsection of the<br />

recent Mayfield A&P Association’s<br />

gift lambcompetition. Pat Stack<br />

placed second,Ian Ludemanthird<br />

and BarryDaly fourth.<br />

The annualcompetition of<br />

individual weights, usually includes<br />

asecondOnthe Hook section, but<br />

it had beenunable to go ahead.<br />

MayfieldA&P Association’sEric<br />

Duff said despite ‘‘covid inthe<br />

community which saw the<br />

cancellation of our <strong>2022</strong>A&P show,<br />

we were still able to run our gift lamb<br />

competition whichsaw agreat<br />

turnout of 44 entries. Iwouldlike to<br />

take the opportunity to thankall our<br />

entrantsand to the guysthat<br />

collectedthe lambs from aroundthe<br />

district and the judges,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘A specialthankyou to Ross and<br />

TimPennofor donating three<br />

lambs, Ian and JillLudemanfor<br />

donating two lambs andAndy and<br />

Sonya Spencer for adonation.<br />

‘‘Also athankyou to Mayfield<br />

Transport forcarting thelambsand<br />

to Silver Fernsfor the processing.’’<br />


Another ‘nutty’idea couldlead to a<br />

brand-new almondindustry in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Plant &Food Researchis<br />

embarkingonafeasibility study to<br />

see if almonds can be grown<br />

sustainably in Hawke’s Bay. The<br />

projecthas backing fromcentral<br />

andlocalgovernment, alongside<br />

Picot ProductionsLimited–Kiwi<br />

producers of thePic’sbrand nut<br />

spreads.<br />

MPIisinvesting$67,000 through<br />

the Sustainable Food andFibre<br />

Futures fund (SFFFutures) in the<br />

$100,000 project.<br />

Plant &Food Research business<br />

managerDeclan Grahamsaid the<br />

goalistoprovidediversification<br />

opportunities for local dry stock<br />

farmersratherthan trying to<br />

replicatethe large-scale almond<br />

monocrop systemofCalifornia.<br />

Synthetic Nitrogen Fertiliser Limit<br />

What farmersneed to do<br />

To help protect and improve our waterways,<br />

alimit now applies to the amount of<br />

synthetic nitrogen fertiliser applied to<br />

pastoral land.This was introduced as part<br />

of the Essential Freshwater package.<br />

Carefully managed, fertiliser is auseful<br />

farming tool.However, itcan contribute<br />

to nutrient loss into soil and waterways,<br />

impacting water quality and in-stream life.<br />

Allfarmers<br />

•The amount of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser<br />

youapplytopastoral land cannot exceed<br />

190 kilogramsofnitrogen perhectare<br />

peryear<br />

Dairy farmers<br />

•Report your synthetic nitrogen fertiliser<br />

use to Environment Canterburyannually<br />

•Submit your first report by 31 July<strong>2022</strong> -<br />

we’ll be in touch soon about how to do this<br />

We’reheretohelp<br />

For more information, visit<br />

ecan.govt.nz/synthetic-nitrogen-cap<br />

or contact uson0800324 636.

NEWS<br />

22 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Premier netball gets back on the court<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball’s ACL<br />

Premier netball competition is<br />

set to get under way at the EA<br />

Networks Centre tonight, and<br />

it’s already shapinguptobea<br />

cracking competition.<br />

Grading games were needed<br />

to decide what teamswould<br />

play in which of the three<br />

premier grades this season,<br />

after 20 teams entered for the<br />

18 spots.<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball<br />

centremanager Erin Tasker<br />

said havingtoo manyteams,at<br />

atime whensome othersports<br />

were seeing adrop off in<br />

numbers, was agood problem<br />

to have.<br />

“All up across our premier,<br />

socialand senior (secondary<br />

school) competitions we’re<br />

actually up three teams on<br />

what we can generally take,”<br />

Taskersaid.<br />

“In terms of court spacefor<br />

our socialcompetition we can<br />

only play 24 teamsona<br />

Wednesday night but we had 25<br />

teams enter, so one of the three<br />

gradeswill have abye, and<br />

instead of three grades of six in<br />

our secondary competition<br />

we’re going to havetwo grades<br />

of six and one of eight.”<br />

When it comestothe feature<br />

ACL Premier competition,<br />

each season the top six teams<br />

who finished the previous<br />

seasoninACL Premier 1start<br />

the nextseasoninthe top<br />

grade, withthoseteams this<br />

year being Hampstead Ray<br />

WhiteA,Methven Wareings A,<br />

Celtic AuricElectrical A,<br />

United KFC A, College Aand<br />

Southern Rylib Lights.<br />

The top four spotsinACL<br />

Premier 2also go to the top<br />

four teams from the year prior<br />

–this year being Hampstead<br />

Ray White B, Mt Somers<br />

Victory A, MethvenEuroAgri B<br />

and CelticDarryl Phillips<br />

MotorCompany B.<br />

That left two spots in ACL<br />

Premier 2and all six spots in<br />

ACL Premier3openfor the<br />

taking. Grading games resulted<br />

in Allenton Aand CollegeB<br />

taking the final two spotsin<br />

ACL Premier2,and College<br />

Y10A and Methven Humm<br />

Engineeringtaking the final<br />

spotsinACL Premier 3, joining<br />

United KFC B, Methven<br />

Shearmac, Hampstead U18<br />

Development and newcomers<br />

Rakaia ProShear.<br />

Tasker saidone of the<br />

highlights before the season<br />

even started, has been the<br />

return of bothAllenton and<br />

Rakaia to premiernetball after<br />

some timeaway.<br />

“Bothofthose teams could<br />

be onestowatchasthe season<br />

goes on, too, as Allenton A<br />

showed promise in those<br />

grading games, while that<br />

Rakaia team has ahuge<br />

amount of experience,”Tasker<br />

Erin Tasker<br />

said.<br />

In 2021, Hampstead was the<br />

clubtobeat in both ACL<br />

Premier 1and 2. Although the<br />

August Deltaoutbreak meant<br />

finals could not be held,<br />

Hampstead Ray White Awere<br />

crownedACL Premier 1<br />

winners after finishing top of<br />

the table, while Hampstead<br />

Ray White Btook the ACL<br />

Premier 2title after also<br />

finishing on top.<br />

Thisyear,Hampstead Ray<br />

White Awill be lookingtomake<br />

it three yearsinarow, and<br />

they’llstart their titledefence<br />

againstSouthern Ainthe<br />

middle game on Thursday<br />

night (7.15pm), after last year’s<br />

runnersupCelticAuric<br />

Electrical Akick the <strong>2022</strong><br />

season off against College Aat<br />

6.15pm.Inthe 8.15pmround<br />

MethvenAwill takeonanew<br />

look United KFC A.<br />

In ACL Premier 2action,<br />

MethvenEuroAgri Bwill play<br />

Mt Somers Victory Lime Ain<br />

the first game of the night,<br />

before Hampstead Ray White<br />

Bwill play CollegeB,and<br />

Allenton Aplay Celtic Darryl<br />

Phillips Motor Company B.<br />

ACL Premier 3will begin<br />

with Hampstead Ray White<br />

U18 Development playing<br />

CollegeY10A, followed by<br />

Rakaia ProShear and United<br />

KFC B, and MethvenShearmac<br />

and MethvenHumm<br />

Engineering.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> ACL Premier<br />

Competition will be played<br />

over three rounds, with<br />

promotion/relegation games to<br />

be playedbetween both the<br />

first and second, and second<br />

and third, rounds.<br />

With government having<br />

recently movedall of New<br />

Zealandtothe orangesetting<br />

of the Covid Protection<br />

Framework, removing the<br />

restriction on numbersfor<br />

indoor gatherings, spectators<br />

will be abletoattend.<br />

Netball milestone<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball is set to<br />

celebrate asignificant milestone<br />

in 2023.<br />

Next year will be Mid<br />

Canterbury Netball’s centenary<br />

year and the organisation is<br />

keen to mark the occasion in<br />

style, but they need ateam to<br />

help make this happen.<br />

The century of netball in Mid<br />

Canterbury will be marked by<br />

celebrations late next year and<br />

Mid Canterbury Netball is<br />

looking for people from all<br />

corners of the local netball<br />

community to help bring it all<br />

together.<br />

While basketball was played in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> as early as 1920 by<br />

primary schools teams, on grass<br />

courts at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Domain,<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Basketball<br />

Association wasn’t formed until<br />

1923 with teams mainly being<br />

church teams and high and<br />

technical secondary school<br />

teams.<br />

The first AGM was held in 1924<br />

and the rest is awonderful,<br />

colourful history which led to<br />

where Mid Canterbury Netball is<br />

today –playing indoors at the EA<br />

Networks Centre.<br />

Anyone keen to be apart of the<br />

organising Mid Canterbury<br />

Netball’s 100 year celebrations is<br />

asked to please email centre<br />

manager Erin Tasker on<br />

info@mcnetball.co.nz.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

23<br />

Flood recovery works total $6m plus<br />


@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Floodrecovery workstotalling<br />

more than $6mhave been<br />

carried out to date in flooddamagedpoints<br />

across Mid<br />

Canterbury.<br />

But there is still more to be<br />

done, with recovery workfrom<br />

last year’s autumn floods<br />

expected to reach $8.5m across<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong>/Hakatere<br />

catchment.<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

(ECan)flood protection<br />

recovery manager Shaun<br />

McCrackensaid work had been<br />

progressing steadily with the<br />

total cost estimated for all<br />

repairs across the region was<br />

$19.7million.<br />

‘‘The total regionalcost to<br />

date for repairs to Environment<br />

Canterbury flood protection<br />

infrastructure is just over $10<br />

million,ofwhich over$6<br />

million has been spent in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>/Hakatere<br />

catchment,’’hesaid.<br />

Thework had been carried<br />

out by ECanstaff and<br />

contractors,with asmall<br />

number of landowners within<br />

the rivers also doing their own<br />

works.<br />

‘‘The total costestimatefor<br />

all repairsis$19.7 million and<br />

we expect about $8.5 million of<br />

that to be within the <strong>Ashburton</strong>/<br />

Hakatere catchment,’’ Mr<br />

McCrackensaid.<br />

Ecanwas working closely<br />

Flooding from <strong>Ashburton</strong> River last year badly many including Greenstreet properties.<br />

withtheNational Emergency<br />

ManagementAgency (NEMA)<br />

who were co­funding the work<br />

witharound $7.5 million.<br />

During the first couple of<br />

months, the focus wason<br />

implementing temporary<br />

repairstoreduce out­of­river<br />

flows from the Ashley River/<br />

Rakahuri to the Opihi River.<br />

‘‘Throughoutthe winter<br />

months, we progressed a<br />

significant amount of river<br />

berm vegetationreinstatement<br />

work.This involvedrelocating<br />

trees which hadbeen<br />

undermined andwashed<br />

downstream andreplanting<br />

them into the berm area to<br />

reinstate erosion protection<br />

vegetation.<br />

‘‘This is wheremost of the<br />

cost to date has beenincurred.<br />

‘‘Throughout thesummer<br />

months, oncetheground<br />

conditions were suitable, some<br />

of our efforts have shiftedto<br />

stopbank rebuilds.<br />

He said the two largest<br />

stopbank projects in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>/Hakaterecatchment<br />

were; the North Branch<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>River/Hakatere,<br />

upstream of Thompsons<br />

Track carried outbyRooney<br />

Earthmoving at acost of<br />

around $170k.Vegetation<br />

reinstatementisstill to start.<br />

And the South Branch<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>River/Hakatere,<br />

near BlacksRoad, carried out<br />

by GrantHoodContracting<br />

(about $175k).<br />

Mr McCracken said<br />

significant investment had<br />

been required by landowners<br />

to restore their own land<br />

outside of theriver corridor<br />

and with autumn rains ahead<br />

therewere areas of concern.<br />

‘‘All repairs are quite<br />

vulnerable to further damage<br />

andwill remain so for quite a<br />

period. This is because the<br />

vegetation we’re planting for<br />

erosion protectionwill take<br />

timetore­establish,’’ he said.<br />

‘‘In many places,the reestablishment<br />

of awide<br />

buffer of trees is needed and<br />

it will take several years<br />

before the equivalent preflooderosion<br />

protection is<br />

restored.’’<br />

Asignificant planting<br />

programme is plannedfor<br />

this winter.<br />

‘‘Wehave had great cooperationfrom<br />

adjacent<br />

landowners and our<br />

contractors have performed<br />

marvellously.<br />

‘‘The biggest challenge has<br />

been ­and will continuetobe<br />

­continued rainfall events.<br />

Much of the work remains<br />

vulnerable to erosion and it<br />

willtake time for us to reestablish<br />

arobust vegetative<br />

buffer in the riverberms.’’<br />

Allwork was due to be<br />

completedbyMay 2023;<br />

within two years of the flood.<br />

ECan has uploaded aflood<br />

recovery jobmap on their<br />

website so peoplecan see the<br />

progress.<br />

It givesan overall picture<br />

andshows thelocation of<br />

eachflood repair job, colour<br />

codedbypriority.<br />

Sherratt to lead Mid<br />

Canterbury rugby<br />

JohnSherratt hasbeen appointed head<br />

coach for the Mid CanterburyHeartland<br />

team.<br />

He will be assisted by Pete Manson and<br />

Grant Polson,alongwith team manager<br />

Jason Tennant.<br />

The new coaching group have extensive<br />

coaching resumes and have signed on for the<br />

next two years, an excitingprospectfor<br />

everyoneinvolved.<br />

MrSherratt hascoached across all levels,<br />

from schoolboy to provincial women’s rugby<br />

to professional rugby in Japan.<br />

He is currentlyhead coachwith<br />

Christchurch RugbyClub and prior to that<br />

was assistant coach for Dunedin Rugby<br />

Football clubin 2021 andthe assistant coach<br />

for the Otago Women’s side as well.<br />

Mr Sherratt hasmorethan 27 years<br />

coachingexperienceand plentyofsuccess.<br />

He hasalsoheld different roles such as<br />

selector, opponent analyst, technical<br />

adviser and brings avariety of skillstothe<br />

Mid Canterburyside.<br />

Mr Manson is nostranger to Mid<br />

Canterbury rugby fans as the Mid<br />

Canterbury ‘A’ headcoach forthe past<br />

three seasons. He also hasexperience as<br />

an assistant coach forthe Canterbury<br />

Metro Seniors and the Canterbury Metro<br />

Under 20 side between 2007 to 2015.<br />

Likewise,MrPolson was the assistant<br />

coach/technical adviserofthe Mid<br />

Canterbury Heartland team in 2015, where<br />

they finishedsecondonthe regularseason<br />

table.<br />

Draft Play,ActiveRecreation<br />

andSport Strategy<br />

Everybody included,<br />

having fun being active<br />

From backyardcricket,towalkingthe dog, to organised<br />

teamsport –play,activerecreation and sport provides<br />

our residentswiththe opportunity to enjoyabalanced<br />

lifestyle, supportswellbeing and helps build asense of<br />

connection within the community.<br />

We’vedraftedanew strategy thatwillhelp makesure<br />

everybody is included and having fun being active. We’d<br />

love to hear your feedback.<br />

Find our more andhaveyoursay.<br />

ashburton.govt.nz/haveyoursay<br />

Mid Canterbury, pictured in action last year, will be lead by anew coaching team.<br />


Scan the QR code<br />

with your camera<br />

app to visit the<br />


NEWS<br />

24 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Impressive restored Lacre on show<br />

A1908 Lacre had its firstpublic<br />

showingatlastweekend’s<br />

South Canterbury Traction<br />

Engine andTransport Museum<br />

open days.<br />

The Lacre, ajeep style<br />

vehicleused during World War<br />

1, was bought50years ago by<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> resident Dennis<br />

Quinton in atrade­off with<br />

friends.<br />

Withthe help of wifeSue he<br />

restoreditall, before it was<br />

detailed by aPleasant Point<br />

business.<br />

‘‘I know every nutand bolt<br />

intimately,’’ Mr Quinton said.<br />

After making afew mistakes,<br />

he’d quickly learnt thenuts and<br />

bolts were numbered.<br />

‘‘So, onegoes to one, two goes<br />

to two,’’ Mr Quinton said.<br />

It wasdifficulttorestore the<br />

truck ­especially in days before<br />

Google ­but he usedtosource<br />

books and information manuals<br />

to help him getthe restoration<br />

right, he said.<br />

The truckhad adaylight<br />

warrant, so it ‘‘can’t drive at<br />

night’’, he said.<br />

He could still remember the<br />

first trip to get the Lacre a<br />

warrantoffitness.<br />

‘‘The guy went to go under the<br />

truck to checkitwhileitwas<br />

running, and Ishouted ‘for<br />

Christ’s sake get out of there!’<br />

as the flywheel could scalp a<br />

person.’’<br />

Another of Mr Quinton’s<br />

projects was also in display<br />

over the weekend.<br />

In 1998 he bought atrailer<br />

Dennis Quinton in the Lacre he bought 50 years ago.<br />

with awatertank on it in<br />

Christchurch.Stripping the<br />

trailer down to see what he’d<br />

‘‘got’’, he took part numbersoff<br />

the chassis andaxle, Mr<br />

Quinton said. His searchhad<br />

him ringing the Army Museum<br />

of Western Australia,and it was<br />

able to help him identify what<br />

wasinthe shed —agun<br />

carriage from an 18 pounder<br />

field gun.<br />

He then beganrestoring the<br />

trailer,discovering that<br />

sourcing some of the parts<br />

wasn’t awalk in thepark.<br />

After one tip off,heand his<br />

wife dugthe parts for an old<br />


limber wagonout of adump by<br />

hand.<br />

Any part he couldn’t source<br />

he wouldlearn to make himself.<br />

When his health startedto<br />

deteriorate, restoration work<br />

on the truckandgun carriage<br />

took aback seat, so he andhis<br />

wifewereglad to have help to<br />

detail both vehicles, Mr<br />

Quinton said.<br />

They were pleased both<br />

projectswereabletobe seen at<br />

the recent opendays.<br />

‘‘We just wanted to finda<br />

good homefor it where people<br />

were able to see it.’’<br />

­Timaru <strong>Courier</strong><br />

Dennis knows every nut and bolt in the engine.<br />

The Lacre takes aleisurely drive around the paddock.<br />




WILL YOU?<br />

Bex felt helplesswith four young boys, living<br />

week-to-week with only bread for meals,and<br />

decidingwhich child gets thelast nappy.<br />

Bexfound awarmwelcome, and the support<br />

she needed atthe Sallies. Food andnappies,<br />

budgeting advice,emotionalsupport. She<br />

realised there ishope, and she didn’t have<br />

to do it alone.<br />

Please donate if youcan, tosupport this<br />

Red ShieldAppeal.<br />


Call 0800 53 00 00<br />

SalvationArmy.org.nz/<br />


THE<br />

geraldinenews<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong> APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

view online atgnews.co.nz<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Rodger Wilson (Foodbank coordinator), Bianca Tozer (Bellyful), Jacqui Dean MP, Tony Kippax (Anglican vicar), Karen Sorensen (Foodbank volunteer),<br />

Alistair McNaughton (Presbyterian minister). PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Increasing demand on food services<br />

due to Covid pandemic discussed<br />

the<br />

Where<br />

Where<br />

foodies choose<br />


shop<br />

shop<br />



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The Hon Jacqui Dean, MPfor the Waitaki,<br />

took an hour or so outofWednesday morning<br />

last weektomeet and greet workers concerned<br />

with food security in Geraldine.<br />

In the informal setting of a sunny South<br />

Canterbury morning in the Café Verde garden,<br />

the Geraldine Foodbank team, with Rev Tony<br />

Kippax andBiancaTozer from BellyfulGeraldine,<br />

traversed a number of current issues before<br />

briefing Jacqui on food insecurity in Geraldine.<br />

Rodger Wilson, the coordinator ofthe<br />

Geraldine Foodbank, has a social work<br />

background. He says that the foodbank is a<br />

successful organisation because of the calibre<br />

of the volunteers, whogoabove and beyond<br />

in dealingwith their clients.KarenSorensen,<br />

long-serving foodbank volunteer, says that<br />

most of their clients are working people who<br />

live from payday to payday and run into an<br />

unexpected expense or series of expenses.<br />

The foodbank is well supported by the<br />

community. Rodger says that the Mid and<br />

South Canterbury Community Trust are major<br />

supporters. Trust chairman Nathan Mills echoes<br />

the Geraldine experience when hesays,<br />

Numerous foodbanks have told us that it is<br />

a common misconception that only homeless<br />

or unemployed people require food relief. The<br />

mainrecipients are employed individuals and<br />

families managing low incomes or facing shortterm<br />

economic crises such as job loss or<br />

unexpectedmedicalormaintenance bills. The<br />

face of hunger across New Zealand is diverse,<br />

and Covid-19 has seen anew groupofindividuals<br />

facing poverty,including foodpoverty, for the<br />

firsttime andwithout a knowledgeof, or existing<br />

relationships with,reliefagencies and support<br />

services. (media statement March <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Karen says that the supply chain issues<br />

thrown upbyCovidmeanthatfamilies cannot<br />

access the budget house brands so havetobuy<br />

more expensive branded items. For some<br />

families, the additional dollar or so per item<br />

is the difference betweencoping and not coping.<br />

The Geraldinepublic is also generous in its<br />

support. According to St Andrews pastor<br />

Alistair McNaughton, the response to the Toot<br />

for Tucker Christmas campaign was the best<br />

yet. Be careful what you pray for -Iprayed<br />

for ablessing we couldnt contain, and thats<br />

what wegot. The storeroom overflowed into<br />

my office, and weve just moved out the last<br />

carton. Rodger says that, between them,the<br />

recent benefit concert by Jaz Paterson and<br />

donations received from aprevious show,<br />

even though it was cancelled, contributed<br />

around $2,000.<br />

The Covid pandemic has resulted in a<br />

steadilyincreasing demand for the services of<br />

the Bellyful organisation too. Bianca Tozer<br />

says thatthe organisation has relaxed its criteria<br />

to be more available toneed. She says that<br />

they are thesmallest branch in the country<br />

andare wellsupported bythe community.<br />

Rodger is appealing for more volunteers<br />

to spread the load on the existing Foodbank<br />

team. He invites anybody to approach him<br />

for a no-commitment conversation on<br />

027 508 8414 or emailrodger.wilson@xtra.co.nz.<br />

Jacqui Dean says that her team is available<br />

to help volunteers or individuals manage their<br />

dealings with government agencies. Email<br />

waitaki.mp@parliament.govt.nz or phone<br />

0800 679 248. Jacqui also holds aregular<br />

clinic at the Resource Centre in Peel Street<br />

(see Community Diary page 11 for details).<br />


WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>28</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />


Our cover story reminds us that although this is a<br />

great place tolive, it is not Narnia. Asubset of our<br />

fellow citizenslives withthe realityofpovertyand food<br />

insecurity. For some, the thought of asking for help is<br />

shameful. Given the tradition of Kiwi self-reliance, this<br />

is understandable, but there is another tradition - that<br />

of neighbourly help.<br />

The Geraldine Foodbank is well supportedbypeople<br />

who recognise that things happen, and it is staffed<br />

by ateam that will not judge. So, dont go hungry so<br />

you can feed your kids -ask for what you need. In<br />

common with many organisations, it is looking to add<br />

to itsteamofvolunteers. Seethe front pagefor details.<br />

We draw your attention to theGeraldine Community<br />

Board campaign to gather input for thestrategic plan.<br />

If we know where we are going as a district, we have<br />

amuchbetterchanceofgetting there.Weare being<br />

asked for our ideas. We can either contribute old school<br />

by cutting out the form on page 6and filling it out<br />

with apen,orwecan followthe link or scan the code<br />

and fill out an onlinesurvey. It is an excellentalternative<br />

to grumblingaboutthingsinthe supermarketcarpark.<br />

We wish Catalyse every good wish as they sort out<br />

our (no doubt conflicting) thoughts.<br />

The shift to Covid-level Orange caught the RSA on<br />

the hop. Itwas good to see that the Geraldine and<br />

district public turned out to the various ceremonies<br />

anyway. We also noticed individuals and family groups<br />

placing poppiesinprivate acts of respect. Remembrance<br />

is all the more poignant this year, given what is<br />

happening in Ukraine.<br />

We continuetohaveteething troubles withdeliveries.<br />

The supplementarybundle, whichshould havebeen<br />

received at GNews HQ last week,was instead sent to<br />

Te Anau. We hope they enjoyed it. Change is never<br />

easy, but we are very grateful tothe Alliance group<br />

for printing GNewswith the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. We<br />

had seriously contemplated shutting up shop given<br />

the eye-watering price increase we faced.<br />

Have agood week. HUGH &FI<br />

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Year 6Whānau leaders representing Geraldine Primary School (from left) Amalie Tozer, Finn Wilcox,<br />

Charlotte Taylor, Macy Oliver and Paris McRae. PHOTO: Supplied An informal ceremony took place atthe Geraldine library at8.30am<br />

led by Shane Minnear (right); RSA members were joined by members of the public at the 9am service atthe foot of the cenotaph.<br />

PHOTOS: Hugh McCafferty Ceremonial wreaths honour the fallen. PHOTO: Debbie Oliver<br />

Young and old honour the Anzacs<br />

This year the Geraldine RSA advertised<br />

thatthere would benopublic services on<br />

Anzac Day and that small private services<br />

would beheld at the usual four war<br />

memorials. (GNews21<strong>April</strong>). No times<br />

were given for the services.<br />

RSA President Sqn Ldr John Bray<br />

AFM saysthat the use of thewordprivate<br />

reflected the decisions taken while the<br />

country was at Covid alert level red and<br />

that the advertisement was sent to the<br />

paper at that point. When public gatherings<br />

became possible with the move to alert<br />

| McAT<br />




levelorange,there was no wishtoexclude<br />

the public. Still, safetyprecautions included<br />

encouragement of masksand no singing<br />

to minimise the possibility ofspread of<br />

infection. He says, Our communication<br />

was confusing. That said, we are grateful<br />

to the publicfor their support of the Poppy<br />

Day appeal. It was also good to see that<br />

individuals and family groups took heed<br />

of the RSA suggestion from head office<br />

to pay individual respects at memorials<br />

during the course of the day.<br />

Among themwas aserviceled by Shane<br />

Minnear, with an open invitation given<br />

on social media. It took place on the library<br />

forecourt and included the Ode recited<br />

by Colin Raynerand all five versesofthe<br />

National Anthem, including the firstverse<br />

in Māori, led by Shane.<br />

Learning of the timing of the RSA<br />

services by word of mouth and social<br />

media, around 100 people attended the<br />

Talbot Street event, with similar<br />

commemorations heldatWoodbury,Peel<br />

Forest, Rangitata Aerodrome and Ōrari.<br />



Iwas hungry, butyou fedme<br />



NEWS: hugh@gnews.co.nz | 027 920 8751<br />

ADS: ads@gnews.co.nz | 027 899 0703<br />

DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />

PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />

ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />

Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />

GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibility for errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />

arisingfromreliance on information published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />

is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />

decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br />





GIFT<br />

earrings, bangles, necklaces and rings now in store<br />

40A Talbot St, Geraldine |Carolyn 027 305 3000<br />

carolyn@mcatamneygallery.co.nz www.mcatamneygallery.co.nz

THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />


Portrait of The PoppyLady Madame Anna Guérin;<br />

A1921 French-madeBritishLegion cotton Remembrance<br />

Poppy; Kiwi women selling poppies in 1940. PHOTOS:<br />

monarchiebritannique.com; wikipedia.com; nzhistory.govt.nz<br />

One hundred years of Poppy Day<br />

FROM TOP: Visit to Carsten Borchgrevinks hut (1899) atCape Adair; natural historian Paul Sagar has been visiting the<br />

Antarctic for 50years. PHOTOS: Supplied Supplies left at Scotts Terra Nova hut (1910) were preserved inthe cold conditions.<br />

PHOTO: Natures Pic Images/Rob Suisted<br />

Local natural historian guides<br />

expedition to the Antarctic<br />

At the beginning of the year, Pleasant<br />

ValleyresidentPaulSagar was partofan<br />

expedition to the Southern Ocean. The<br />

trip, organisedbyHeritage Expeditions,<br />

took 44 passengers from Bluff tothe<br />

SubantarcticIslands and then to Antarctica.<br />

Paul was one of threeguides/interpreters<br />

on board.<br />

Paulhas been conducting researchin<br />

this part of the world for over 50 years.<br />

I have flown downtoMcMurdo,spending<br />

five summers there,but arrivingbyboat<br />

has been onmypersonal bucket list, so<br />

Iwas glad ofthe opportunity. He says<br />

that he got the call tobepart ofthe<br />

30-day cruise in January. Because of<br />

Covid, the company had to get government<br />

permissiontorun the cruise. Everybody<br />

wastested andthen quarantined before<br />

departing on 9February.<br />

As anatural historian, Pauls task was<br />

to explainthe wildlife to thepassengers.<br />

The other two guides were ageologist<br />

and ahistorian. He says that he gave five<br />

or six formal lectures, as well as explaining<br />

things informally. Im glad that we had<br />

relatively good weather because our other<br />

job was checking on passengers if they<br />

didnt show up for dinner and thenlooking<br />

after them.<br />

They visited Enderby Island, one of<br />

the Auckland Islands, an important<br />

breeding site for seabirds. The captain<br />

then decided to take advantageofaspell<br />

of good weather to headdowntothe Ross<br />

Sea. Paul says that they were able to take<br />

advantage of thegoodconditions to land<br />

at allfivehistoric huts that are there.<br />

Highlights included apolar plunge at<br />

Cape Adare, near the earliest hut built<br />

by Carsten Borchgrevinks team in 1899.<br />

Paul says that the ships doctor awarded<br />

certificates attesting to the dip in zero<br />

degrees seawater while they were mentally<br />

unstable. As acrew member, Paul says<br />

that he felt obliged to take up the challenge<br />

to set an example. At least 30 of the<br />

44 passengers joined in to be rewarded<br />

with Whittakers hotchocolateand ashot<br />

of Baileys. Some ofusrejoined thequeue<br />

for seconds.<br />

At the TerraNova Hut usedbyScotts<br />

last expedition (1910-12),Paulwas pleased<br />

to see, among the provisions there, the<br />

cheese produced by the original Geraldine<br />

Cheese Company, whose factory was in<br />

Pleasant Valley, not far from where he<br />

now lives.<br />

Paul Sagar maintains an academic<br />

interest in the Subantarctic islands and<br />

has since been onaresearch trip to Snares<br />

Island -astory for another day.<br />


The red orFlanders poppy has been linked with<br />

battlefield deaths since the Great War (1914-18).<br />

It was one of the first plants togrow and bloom on<br />

battlefields in the Belgian region ofFlanders. The<br />

connection wasmade most famously by aCanadian<br />

medical officer, Lieutenant-ColonelJohn McCrae, in<br />

his poem, In Flanders Fields. <br />

Legendhas it that McCraethrew away the poem,<br />

but afellowofficer rescued it and persuaded him to<br />

send it to the English magazine Punch;In Flanders<br />

Fields was published on 8 December 1915.<br />

(nzmilitaryhistory.govt.nz)<br />

The first Poppy Day was held inthe USA in 1919.<br />

Madame Anna Guérin, previously alecturer for the<br />

Alliance Française, and alecturer, fundraiser and<br />

humanitarian in the United States during WorldWar<br />

I(Wikipedia),then promoted itinternationally.Itwas<br />

proposed to hold aPoppyDay in New Zealandbefore<br />

Armistice Day 1921. However the ship carrying the<br />

silk poppies from Francedid notreachNew Zealand<br />

in time.The eventwas deferreduntil Anzac Day 1922.<br />

[Goingonsale] on 24 <strong>April</strong>, the first[NewZealand]<br />

PoppyDay appealwas ahuge success -manycentres<br />

sold out early in the day. Inall, 245,059 small and<br />

15,157 large poppies were sold. Ofthe £13,166<br />

(equivalent to $1.35 million in 2021) raised, £3,695<br />

($380,000)went to theFrenchChildrens League to<br />

helprelieve suffering in war-ravagednorthernFrance.<br />

The association used the balance toassist needy,<br />

unemployed returned soldiers and their families;<br />

that tradition has continued.(nzmilitaryhistory.govt.nz).<br />


H<br />

S<br />

WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>28</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />


PHOTO: maimoa.nz<br />

Parāoa parai<br />

Huka -sugar<br />

Īhi -yeast<br />

Puehu parāoa -flour<br />

Tote -salt<br />

Mīraka -milk<br />

Noni -oil<br />

Parāoa parai is amuch-loved Māori delicacy that<br />

continues tobeastaple in many homes today. This<br />

golden brown bread takes its name from the process<br />

of its cooking, parāoa being the kupu for bread, while<br />

parai meanstofry (or be fried). Thus,wehavefry bread.<br />

What is so great about parāoa parai is the simplicity<br />

of its recipe -you only need what most would agree<br />

arekitchen staplestoproduceit; not muchmorethan<br />

huka, īhi, puehu parāoa, tote, mīraka, and noni is on<br />

the list.The dough is prepared, rested, thenfried in hot<br />

oil giving itagolden brown outer and ideally leaving<br />

afluffy inner.Whenready,parāoaPparaican be served<br />

as asweet savourywithadollop of butterand asmear<br />

of jam or other spread. Golden syrup and butter ismy<br />

favourite combination.<br />

This week marks the second of the school holidays,<br />

with many ofour tamariki (children) spending quality<br />

time at home with their whānau (family). You may like<br />

to take the opportunitytotry your hand atmaking some<br />

parāoaparai using asimple recipe that canbefoundat<br />

maimoa.nz/blogs/news/the-best-fry-bread-recipe. We<br />

will put thelink on the GNews Facebook page.<br />

-Nātō rourou, nā taku rourou, ka ora aiteiwi<br />

-With your food basket and my food basket,<br />

the people will thrive<br />


CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: The rural property where the attack took place; blood-stained tufts of wool discovered atthescene;<br />

Miniature Schnauzer Tobys wound from the Tablot Street attack required several stitches. PHOTOS: Supplied<br />

Recent dog attacks upset locals<br />

Forone ruralfamily, Easter wasimpacted<br />

by an attack on their ewe lambs by two<br />

roaming dogs, leaving thefamily devastated<br />

and asking that people keep their dogs<br />

undercontrol or on their own properties.<br />

Amember of the family, who wishes<br />

to remain anonymous, saysofthe incident,<br />

Our daughter went out to her car at<br />

10.10pm onFriday and saw amob of<br />

180 ewe lambs circling. She shone a<br />

light into the paddock and saw twodogs<br />

attacking our lambs. We were ableto<br />

detainthe dogs before further harm could<br />

be done to the lambs.<br />

Thenextmorning, we gotthe lambs<br />

into the yards and found three badly<br />

mauledand three unabletowalk.Sadly,<br />

we had to put down the ones unable to<br />

walk. Thanks to vet assistance,wewere<br />

able toget the necessary antibiotics to<br />

treat the others... While the family says<br />

there isafinancial blow -the cost of<br />

treatment and loss oflambs -itisthe<br />

trauma of witnessing this attack that is<br />

so sad for them.The steam rising off the<br />

lambs circling was something we wont<br />

everforget.<br />

Wewerewithinour rightstodestroy<br />

the dogs ... but chose not to. Neither<br />

dog had aregistrationtag nor were they<br />

microchipped. After calling the police<br />

and local vet, monitoring localFacebook<br />

pages and lookingfor slow vehicles that<br />

may be looking for missing dogs, we were<br />

leftwithnooption but to callthe pound.<br />

TimaruDistrict Council Poundassured<br />

the family that the dogs would not be<br />

released until afull investigation had<br />

been undertaken. However, on Friday,<br />

just aweek after the attack, they called<br />

the pound, only to be told the dogs had<br />

already been released, registered as<br />

menacing. The familywas disappointed<br />

that they had not been informed of the<br />

result of the investigation and that the<br />

dogs hadbeenreleased.<br />


They say, Please, if your dogs maul<br />

or injure animals, and youare informed<br />

ofit, do the right thing: contact theinjured<br />

animals ownersand show some remorse.<br />

Yes, itisdisappointing that your dogs<br />

have wanderedand caused damage, but<br />

theyare your responsibility.<br />

Dog attacks are not just confined to<br />

rural areas. In early March,alocal couple<br />

was walking their dog on Talbot Street,<br />

Geraldine, when, A dog shot out of a<br />

property, crossed the road, ran directly<br />

for our Miniature Schnauzer Toby and<br />

attacked him. Toby was badly injured<br />

andhad to be rushed to thevet where he<br />

hadtostay overnight and received many<br />

stitches.<br />

The couple has not heard from the dog<br />

ownersatall, nor have they received any<br />

compensation forthe veterinary services.<br />

Theysay that they areconcerned for any<br />

childrenwalking that sameroute.<br />


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T<br />

Everypersonwho has in their possession<br />

adogoverthree monthsold is required<br />

to register their dog annually and to<br />

advise Timaru District Council (TDC)<br />

promptly of anychangeofaddressor<br />

ownership of the dog.<br />

Dog owners have aresponsibility<br />

to ensure their dogs do not wander.<br />

Those taking dogs out in public<br />

are required touse or carry aleash<br />

at all times and to use aleash in<br />

designated dog on-leash areas.<br />

Dog owners must ensure at all<br />

times that,when their dog is on their<br />

property, itiseither:<br />

a. under the direct control of an<br />

appropriateperson, or<br />

b. confined in such amanner that it<br />

cannotfreely leavethe property.<br />

All dogs first registered on or after<br />

1July 2006, except working dogs<br />

(as defined in Section2b(ii) of theDog<br />

Control Act1996) and all dogs classified<br />

as dangerous or menacing since<br />

1December 2003 are required to be<br />

microchipped.<br />

Around 60-80 reported dog attacks<br />

occur in Timaru District every year.<br />

Despite howwellyou thinkyou know<br />

a dogorhow friendly it looks, anydog<br />

is capable of attacking and causing<br />

serious harm.<br />

All dogattacksshouldbereported<br />

to the TDC Animal Control team. Call<br />

03 687 7200 (all hours).<br />

Forthe full Timaru DistrictCouncil<br />

dog control policygoto: timaru.govt.nz/<br />

council/publications/policies/dogcontrol-policy.<br />

?q<br />

0<br />



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Chicken Korma<br />

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Curied Chips<br />

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THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Kylie Fraser has been learning how totap dance which she says is a nice skill to have. PHOTO: Supplied<br />

Kylie Fraser to appear inupcoming musical<br />

Geraldine High School Year 9student<br />

Kylie Fraser (13) is looking forward to<br />

being part of the South Canterbury Drama<br />

Leaguesupcoming production, Thoroughly<br />

Modern Millie. She says, Ihave been<br />

singing for as long as Ican remember.<br />

Hearing my older sister, Elle, sing<br />

influenced me to do the same.<br />

Thoroughly Modern Millie is set in<br />

1922 and is about ayoung woman who<br />

moves toNew York City from Kansas,<br />

her one intention being to marry her<br />

wealthy boss. When her boss is slow to<br />

propose,Millie falls in lovewithsomeone<br />

who doesnt have adime to his name.<br />

I play the part of Cora, anactress<br />

living at the Hotel Priscilla. Cora is one<br />

of agroupofbubblyand giddy characters<br />

calledthe Priscilla girls.Iam also adancer<br />

in the show.<br />

There is singing, acting, normal dancing<br />

and tap dancing, which makes it avery<br />

fun show toperform in. Ithink that a<br />

broad range of ages will enjoy the show;<br />

it has something thateveryone willenjoy,<br />

from romancetosingingand high-energy<br />

dance numbers.<br />

Kylie says she has always been interested<br />

in performingonstage and startedwhile<br />

in primary school, performing in the<br />

South Canterbury Drama League show<br />

Broadway Melody,whichincorporated<br />

both children and adult performers<br />

(GNews 11.02.21). Thoroughly Modern<br />

Millie is Kylies first show within the high<br />

school age group for which she now<br />

qualifies.<br />

Currently we are having four rehearsals<br />

aweek. Iamjust having fun with my<br />

singing and acting, and will see where it<br />

takes me. Iamthe only person in the<br />

show fromGeraldineHigh School.Iplan<br />

to participate in the school talent show<br />

later in the year.<br />

Thoroughly Modern Millie is on at<br />

The Playhouse,Timaru,from5-14 May.<br />

Tickets are available at iTickets.<br />





As current members of Rotary ew, are looking f wro ard to<br />

meeting potential Rotar<br />

ians of the futur<br />

re. We<br />

have a<br />

valuable tradition to hand on, great resources and an<br />

international network to share. It is up to the next<br />

gener ationt ato ke<br />

it and run with it,shaping it t fio tanever-<br />

hcangingsociety ty.<br />

53 par4b&ar3lJ4alJs3v6b4arZ9lbb?bq4 &br bqr Jn& &brma4Jbn<br />

3l3n4 happ3nJnf3arlZ MaZ<br />

To have achat about whatshappening at Rotary<br />

before<br />

then, get in touch with Gerald on 027 229 242<br />

22orPaul on<br />

027242<br />


WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>28</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />




Developing the regions<br />


since 1978<br />

Freephone 0508 227 237<br />

Bruce 027 449 7259<br />

Email admin@barbergroup.co.nz<br />

Loya l locals<br />

love Gera ldine.<br />

Show your love and think local.<br />

KENNEDYPARK LOSES TREES Last Friday night, between 5.45pmand 7.15pm (according to alocal who walked to the<br />

CBDand back), this tall pine tree in KennedyParkinexplicably crashed to theground. With asecond tree in danger of<br />

falling, council took the precaution of closing the park until it could be felled the following day. There was no wind or<br />

rain that night,but acouncilworkernoted thatthe ground wasverywet from recentrainfall. HUGH MCCAFFERTY<br />

Our business goal is simple:<br />

to help you achieve<br />

your business goals.<br />

Offices in Geraldine (Wed) and Timaru<br />

PHONE: 03 687 9045<br />

MOBILE: 021 109 0149<br />

EMAIL: tanyaf@compassbp.co.nz<br />


THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

GeraldineSquashClub Junior PresidentTobyHow(left) takes on Craig Straw at thesocial night. PHOTO: Hugh McCafferty<br />

Squash club looking for more members<br />

The Geraldine Squash Club iskeen to<br />

attract new members and encourage<br />

previous members to rejoin. We want<br />

to encourage people to getoff thecouch,<br />

now that the danger of Covid is passing,<br />

says club secretary Peter Gauden. (For<br />

details, see ad page 11.)<br />

Petersays that the Geraldine club was<br />

very active beforethe epidemichit. After<br />

two years, some people havelost the habit,<br />

although others are coming back.<br />

Membership isgood value for money,<br />

as all members are issued with akey,<br />

which gives access tothe court at<br />

any time.<br />

Junior President Toby How says,<br />

We have shift workers who come here<br />

at silly oclock for agame. Toby enjoys<br />

the sport because twenty minutes will<br />

give you avery good workout.<br />

Peter agrees, Its agood way to get<br />

fit,and becauseits not weather dependent,<br />

its agoodsport for winter.<br />

Rachael Sullivan isintroducing<br />

racketballtothe club.Playedonthe same<br />

court, racketball uses alargerball made<br />

of sponge and asmaller racket. Peter says,<br />

Theball is easiertohit; itsgood fun and<br />

agreat way of getting fit for squash.<br />

He says that it is all part of their strategy<br />

to rebuild the club.<br />

Note: Racketball isa1980s British<br />

adaptation of the American game<br />

racquetball, developed in the 1950s and<br />

uses adifferent sized court.(Realbuzz.com)<br />


Our businesses<br />

are unique!<br />

g<br />

s<br />

Drinks and nibbles provided,<br />

and the opportunity to network<br />

and learn more about<br />

Rotary and its r rfe resh<br />

TZ fidZx; mZje ge; i ;ZxB] i;] Gej[ [$d £QY QQç Q4QQ,<br />

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WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>28</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />


SOME DIRT?<br />



• Tr ew<br />

foundations •Vegetation<br />

clearing/control •Landscaping<br />

•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />

•Certifying drainlayer<br />


Denys -027 686 2237<br />

Jared -027 277 9519<br />

or 03 692 2963 (ah)

THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 9<br />

Our Wilson Street office is permanently<br />

staffed and offers legal services to clients in<br />

the Geraldine and surrounding areas.<br />

Under the Red Level C-19<br />

Protection Framework,<br />

the office is open Monday to Friday from<br />

8.30am to 5.30pm, by appointment only.<br />

Contact us on 03 693 8207 to make an in-person<br />

or contact-less appointment with one of our team,<br />

to discuss all your legal matters.<br />

Phone 03693 8207 or email@gressons.co.nz<br />

or visit our website: www.gressons.co.nz<br />


D<br />


Geraldine builder David Keen and New Zealand Deerstalkers Association <strong>Ashburton</strong> branch member Ian McBride carry out<br />

maintenance atTop Hut. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />

DOC volunteers remove lead-head<br />

nails from huts to protect kea<br />

Geraldine Department of Conservation<br />

(DOC) rangers and volunteers have been<br />

working together onHakatere backcountry<br />

facilities. Their tasks include a special<br />

push to removelead-head nails fromhuts.<br />

DOC Geraldine recreation andhistoric<br />

supervisor Chris Dyson says that the work<br />

parties have recently completed<br />

maintenance at the DOC-administered<br />

Boundary Creek, Potts, and Top Huts,<br />

the Canterbury Mountaineering Club<br />

(CMC)-ownedCameron Hut, and on the<br />

CameronValley route.<br />

The lead extraction was acritical focus<br />

for thecrews.Chrissays, Were removing<br />

lead-head nailsinthekea zone to prevent<br />

the birds from getting lead poisoning.<br />

Senior biodiversity ranger Ian Fraser<br />

says, Kea are intelligent animals. They<br />

like to play with things, and they like<br />

chewing onlead flashings and nails <br />

Samples haveshown that quite afew have<br />

chronic low-level lead poisoning, making<br />

them less likely to thrive.<br />

If the birds really hook into lead,<br />

it kills them outright. Vet treatment of<br />

individual birds is no way to conserve a<br />

species. Removal of their access to lead<br />

is the way to go, he says.<br />

New Zealand Deerstalkers Association<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>branchmembersIan McBride<br />

and Kelvin Williams,alongwithGeraldine<br />

builderDavid Keen, have replacedBoundary<br />

Creek and Top Huts lead-headnails with<br />

tek screws. They also carried out some<br />

painting and interior timber work.<br />

Kelvin, branch treasurer, explains,<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> deerstalkers look after<br />

the maintenance of those two huts and<br />

Cookies Hut [also in the Hakatere area].<br />

Itsagood thing todofor the community,<br />

andwhile wereinthere doing some work,<br />

well try to get out for ahunt as well.<br />

It brings peopletogether in positive projects.<br />

At Potts Hut, Elaine and Greg Brake,<br />

along with ranger Mike Ziegler, got the<br />

nail-removal job done. With other Lake<br />

Clearwater residents, they have a<br />

community agreement with DOC relating<br />

to the huts maintenance and local track<br />

and weed work.<br />

Once the lead was dealt with, CMC<br />

members worked on their mountain radio<br />

whilerangersmarked parts ofthe Cameron<br />

Valley route. Chris says, Weve wanted<br />

to mark it for a few years. Weve stuck<br />

to the river as much as possible. Having<br />

awell-formed route may encourage a<br />

different kind of visitor. And it keeps<br />

people to one formed track.<br />

People interested in volunteer hut<br />

maintenance, track construction, and<br />

maintenance on public conservation land<br />

can get involved through the Backcountry<br />

Trust, which supports projects. Go to:<br />

backcountrytrust.org.nz.<br />

To learn about the Hakatere area or<br />

the DOC-administered huts and tracks<br />

in the area, go to the DOC website:<br />

doc.govt.nz. For information onaccessing<br />

CameronHut, go to doc.govt.nz/parksand-recreation.<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />



Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />

Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />

TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />

The OldPost Offic<br />

Geraldine • Open 7 da e<br />

ays<br />

PHONE 03 6939070<br />


23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />



Geraldine Community Vehicle Trust bus<br />

goes to Timaru every Tuesday |$15 Return<br />

We pick you up and drop you home<br />

DEPARTS 9.30am |RETURNS 2pm<br />


CALL 03 693 1007<br />



WHĀRANGI 10 |NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>28</strong>PAENGA-WHĀWHĀ, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Free measure and quote (no-obligation)<br />

A mobile van loaded with samples<br />

Interior design service<br />

Upholstery blinds, shutters, tracks<br />

Wool and assorted haberdashery<br />

Best price every time<br />

89 KingStreet, Temuka Phone03615 7<strong>28</strong>9<br />

www.completecurtains.co.nz<br />

What to do<br />

now that<br />

the evenings are dark?<br />

Getoff the couch, come on down to the<br />

squash courtsat144 Talbot Street.<br />

Allle levelsofe experience wholeheartedly welcome.<br />

Club night Monday and Thursday from 6pm,<br />

come down for ahit andget to know everyone.<br />

Tuesday interclub will start atthe end ofthe month.<br />

Wednesday has potential for ladies night.<br />

Friday night fish and chips kids night.<br />

ANZ futureFERNS<br />

NNZ Year 1-2 Program<br />

STARTS:<br />

Wednesday 4May<br />

Netball Courts, Geraldine Domain<br />

3.15PM-3.50PM FOR 10 WEEKS<br />

$20 PER CHILD<br />



sporty.co.nz/viewform/189486<br />

Leander Patterson: 027 465 6240<br />

geraldinenetball@gmail.com<br />

sporty.co.nz/geraldinenc/home<br />


Geraldine Netball Centre<br />


OR CONTA<br />

ACT TOBY HOW027 303 1033<br />

geraldinecommunitydiary<br />

MAY 2 022<br />



Tuesday 17 May, 10.30am, Mundells Café. Phone Rose,<br />

03 687 7583.<br />

BLACKBOARD CONCERT 7.15pm Friday 27 May.$5at<br />

door, localperformersatThe Academy. Facemasksrequired.<br />

Phone Rhys 021 462 260.<br />

BOARDGAMES 2pm Sunday 29 May ,GeraldineAcademy<br />

foyer.021 462260.(Facemasks required).<br />

BOOKS ON THE BRAIN CLUB Monday 30 May,2.30pm,<br />

Geraldine Library.Phone Liz 03 693 9336.<br />

BRIDGE CLUB Wednesdays 1pm at RSA and Thursdays<br />

7pm at Bowling Club. Phone Leslie 03 693 9801.<br />

CAFÉKNITTERS Tuesday 3May,7-9pm,Village Inn. Phone<br />

Mary 027 427 0815.<br />

CHILDREN’S CHOIR No events in <strong>April</strong> Charlotte Talbot,<br />

Academy foyer.Pre-book 021 151 3301<br />

COMMUNITYCHOIR (Adults) No events in <strong>April</strong>. Geraldine<br />

Academy Hall, $10.<br />

COMMUNITYGARDEN Tuesday 4-5.30pm and Thursday<br />

10am-12pm. All welcome. Phone Tim021 204 4951.<br />

COMMUNITYVEHICLE to Timaru, departsfrom the carpark<br />

outside Mundells Cafe Tuesdays 9.30am, returns 2pm.<br />

Phone 03 693 1007.<br />

CRAFT MARKET Saturday &Sunday 9am-3pm, Cox St.<br />

CREATIVE FIBRE GROUP Monday 10am-3pm, Vintage<br />

Car &Machinery Museum. Phone Alison 03 692 2777 or<br />

Anne 03 693 9958.<br />

CROQUET Wednesdays 10:45am, Sundays 10:30am,<br />

Geraldine Domain (Huffey St). New members and casual<br />

guests welcome. Phone Chris 021 180 3199 or Sue<br />

027 630 3990 for more information.<br />

DENFIELD GOLF CLUB Men Saturday and Wednesday<br />

12pm, Women Tuesday 10am and Saturday 12pm.<br />

FINDING OUR VOICES -DRAMA. Wednesdays at the<br />

Academy Phone Rhys 021 462 260.<br />

FLORAL ART GROUP Monday 9May,7pm,RSA rooms.<br />

Visitors welcome. Phone Liz 03 697 4868.<br />

FOUR PEAKS SEIDO KARATE general classes Tuesday<br />

6pm, Thursday5pm &Friday6pm, beginners’ class Thursday<br />

6pm. Phone Gisell 021 02<strong>28</strong> 7049 for more info.<br />

FRIENDS OF GERALDINE All welcome. Tuesday 3May,<br />

2pm, Coffee at Café Verde. Phone Angus 027 449 4410 or<br />

Faye 03 693 8744.<br />

FUNERGY FITNESS classes:StepclassMonday 6.15pm.<br />

Fighting Fit Tuesday 6.30pm. (Mon &Tues atThe Base)<br />

Retro Band Thursday 6.30pm (at Primary School Hall).<br />

Cannot offer classes until atGREEN. Phone Lynda<br />

021 264 4400.<br />

GERALDINECOMMUNITY BOARD meeting Wednesday<br />

25May,6:30pmatthe Geraldine Service Centre, adjacent<br />

to the library.Open to the public. Facemasks required.<br />

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB mixed golf Sunday 12.30pm,<br />

women’sgolfWednesday 9.30am.<br />

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SERVICE for certifying documents,<br />

Saturdays 10am-12pm at Geraldine Library. Phone Ross<br />

027 222 8434. Facemasks required.<br />

KINDERGARTEN PLAYGROUP Not operating first term<br />

of <strong>2022</strong>.Phone 03 693 8888 for information.<br />

KNITTING &CROCHETING GROUP Friday 9.30am at<br />

GeraldineLibrary.Beginners welcome. Phone 03 693 9336.<br />

LADIES FRIENDSHIP CLUB Phone Beth 03 693 8958.<br />

MEN’SFRIENDSHIP CLUB Tuesday24May,10amatRSA<br />

Rooms. Phone Alan 03 693 9488.<br />

MEN’S SHED TRUST Thursday 10am –2pm, Saturday<br />

10am–12pmat117 TalbotStreet. New members welcome.<br />

Phone John 027 681 5244.<br />

MORRIS DANCING Tuesdays, 5pm at Academy. Phone<br />

Anne 03 693 8726.<br />

PARLIAMENTARY SERVICE Jacqui Dean available at<br />

Geraldine Resource Centre by appointment. Phone 0800<br />

679 248 254.<br />

PATCHWORK GROUPS Tuesdays 7pm, phone Maureen<br />

693 83<strong>28</strong> and Thursdays 10am-3pm, phone Kathleen 693<br />

9581.<br />

PETANQUE Tuesdays 10am summer and 1pm winter at<br />

Geraldine Bowling Club. Phone Gill 03 693 7231.<br />

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Wednesday 11 May,StAndrews<br />

Hall, Peel Street. Thenumber 3. Phone Donna 03 693 7299.<br />


continues 7pm Mondays $2/person/night (contact John<br />

027 5<strong>28</strong> 0952). For Hall hire contact Joy 6938176.<br />

PLEASANT VALLEYPLAYGROUP Monday9.30am-12pm<br />

at the Old School, PleasantValley. CallSheree 022171 4562.<br />

PLUNKET NURSE in Geraldine, Wednesdays. Phone Jill<br />

027 258 9725 for appointments.<br />

POETS GROUP 7pmFriday 13 May,atthe Academy,Phone<br />

021 462 260.<br />

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME &CRAFT Wednesdays, 10.30am<br />

at Geraldine Library.Not in school holidays. Call 03 693 9336<br />

for information.<br />

RED CROSS SHOP Tuesday &Thursday 10am-3pm, and<br />

Saturday10am-12pm.<br />

ROCK’N’ROLL CLUB Thursdays, 7.30pm atRSA Rooms.<br />

Restarts 10 February.Phone Lynda 03 693 8652.<br />

ROSIE’SRECYCLED CLOTHING Tuesdays andThursday,<br />

10:30am-3:30pm<br />

SALSA DANCING Tuesday 7.30pm at the Academy<br />


SeniorCare Function Centre, Waihi Lodge. (No charge)<br />

Phone Marg 03 693 9521.<br />


10am atSeniorCare Function Centre, Waihi Lodge. All<br />

welcome, particularly seniors living alone. (No charge)<br />

Phone Marg 693 9521.<br />

ST JOHN YOUTH Tuesdays, 5.30pm -7.00pm,StJohns<br />

Rooms. Restarts Tuesday 15February. Phone Jess<br />

021 <strong>28</strong>0 4309.<br />

TABLE TOPGAMES Sunday29May,2pm at theAcademy,<br />

Rhys 021 462 260<br />

TAI CHI CHUAN Chen Style Saturday 9am, QIGONG<br />

Saturday 11am, Geraldine Bowling Club. Phone Tim<br />

021 141 9142.<br />

TOYLIBRARY Tuesday 10.30am–12pm, Saturday 2pm–<br />

3.30pm, 117 Talbot Street (behind Scout Den). Phone<br />

Georgia 027 278 8395.<br />

U3A Wednesday 11 May, 10am, SeniorCare Function<br />

Centre. Professor Joe Boden from Canterbury, Physchosocial<br />

causes and consequences of substance abuse and<br />

dependence. Viv, 027 693 9052.<br />

UKULELE JAM Tuesdays, 7.30pm at RSA rooms. Phone<br />

Margaretha 027 648 4004.<br />

WALK IN WARDROBE Saturdays, 10am-12pm at theLodge<br />

Theatre. Phone Sharon 03 693 8098 or 027 224 3673.<br />

WOODBURY LIBRARY open to public, 11am to 2pm. All<br />

welcome. To viewhistory room contactJoanne, 03 692 <strong>28</strong>66.<br />

YOGA Wednesdays, 5:45pm, at the Academy with Paula<br />

Flannery.Enquiries 021 0238 1968.<br />

YOGA WITH LEIGH Monday 5.30pm and Friday morning<br />

5.30am. Phone 021 105 0750.<br />

ZUMBA ® Tuesday 10am at RSA Rooms. Phone Gisell on<br />

021 02<strong>28</strong> 7049.<br />


ANGLICAN PARISH For inforation and service times visit<br />

geraldineanglicans.com or call 03 693 8380.<br />

CATHOLICMASS Sundays, 9am Church of The Immaculate<br />

Conception. Phone 03 615 7527 for details.<br />

FORWARD IN FAITH CHURCH Sundays 10am atRSA<br />

rooms. Phone Harry 03 693 7479.<br />

ST ANDREW’S CHURCH Phone 03 693 9503 for Sunday<br />

service times.<br />

To list an event or activity phonethe<br />

resource centre on 03 693 7001, or email<br />


Friday 20 May

THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong> |GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 11<br />

gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />

GNews NOTICES<br />

DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />

you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />

GNews,email hugh@gnews.co.nz or call or txt 027<br />

920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try to ensure<br />

any delivery issues are resolved.<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 24 Hislop Street<br />

10am til 4pm weekdays. Please wear amask. Ads<br />

are65cents per word.<br />


PLACE AGREETING TO AFRIEND 60c per word.<br />


YOUR NOTICE HERE Email ads@gnews.co.nz<br />

or drop in to 24 Hislop Street. 65c per word. Death<br />

notices: first 15 words free.<br />


FOR SALE Lounge suite with two recliner chairs,<br />

green bedroom suite, wall unit (wooden), two coffee<br />

tables,two wicker chairs, wringer washing machine,<br />

Mahindra tractor 7520 with fork, bucket and mower<br />

(can be sold together or separately),balefeeder,set<br />

of harrows, Powertech generator PT6300SE, 5500<br />

watts. Phone 03 693 2737.<br />

WOODBURYHALL Visit woodburyhall.co.nz.<br />



yourbusinessand tax requirements.Phone Raylene<br />

on 03 264 8196 or 027 274 3264.<br />


Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />


dogs. 208 Woodbury Road. Phone 03 6939929.<br />

BUILDER QualifiedLBP,20years experience,for all<br />

buildingwork. Phone Ants027 309 0798.<br />

CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />

Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />

owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />

CHIMNEY SWEEP &REPAIRS Call Dan McKerrow<br />

021 1187580.<br />

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />

Raylene 03 264 8196.<br />

COMPUTERPROBLEMS? Call GeraldineComputer<br />

Solutions: Prompt, professional, affordable.<br />

03 693 9496.<br />


Glass 03 693 9927.<br />


DISCOUNT 15% offall and labour pricesonly.Phone<br />

Geraldine Auto Restorations 03 693 1401.<br />


Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />

021 041 3318.<br />

PAINTER GERALDINE-BASED Friendly professional<br />

service, good rates, excellentlocalreferences.Phone<br />

Wolffie03693 9803 or 027962 4841.<br />

PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS Geraldine Computer<br />

Solutions. 03 693 9496.<br />

SHARPENING SERVICE Knives, scissors, blades.<br />

Geraldine Forge and Blades 029 646 6327.<br />

TECH SUPPORT GERALDINE for computer help.<br />

Shane 029 646 6327.<br />

HEALTH &<br />



Clover Honey Special1kg $15, 2kg$25. New season’s<br />

Honeycombalso available.<br />


GERALDINE BRIDGECLUBOrari Handicap Pairs<br />

Session 2,21.04.22 North South; st R Scott &<br />

VHill68.74% 2ndMThatcher &MBray 61.88%. East<br />

West; 1stLPincombe &John Kelly 58.18%,<br />

2ndPTaylor &BWhite52.41%. 20.04.22 1st RHowie<br />

&KMiles 81.25%, 2nd CHampton&MHyde68.75%.<br />

GERALDINE GOLF CLUB 23.04.22 Stableford:<br />

Senior/Inter,JMuff39pts, GLeslie38, BGallichan 36,<br />

IMacdonald 35, NDewe 34, MSheppherd 34,<br />

MMorrison33. Junior A+B AEnsor 39pts, DShefford<br />

37, MBensemann 37, CPaton 37, JShirtcliffe 36,<br />

GWaldron 35,SWheeler34(Cb)Twos#6DHobbs<br />

&MMorrison, #9 RHobbs, CSilcock&DDewe,#15<br />

DHobbs, #17 SBensemann. NTP #9 Ladies<br />

SBensemann,Men CGrant, #12 Men BCosgriff.NTP<br />

#18 Dadies 3rd shot CFawdrey Men2nd #18 MWood.<br />

Ladies MAmos36pts,SWatson 34,CFawdrey 33<br />

(Cb). 20.04.22Stableford:NLeslie 41,ATedham38,<br />

MBensemann 38,JMuff 38,TKerr 37, AShaw 37,<br />

MMacDonald36, JShirtcliff36, TPaulin 36, BWaller<br />

36.TwosJShirtcliff6,BWaller 9, CPhillips 17,ATedham<br />

12 &17. 19.04.22 LGU 3EEScott 3: Silver HOldfield<br />

87-14-73, Bronze 1LPearsall 95-26-69, PGoodman<br />

96-25-71, Bronze 2AReid 107-36-71. Twos #12<br />

RHobbs, #9 HOldfield. 9HoleBisque ParJChisholm<br />

+4, 2= KTurner&GGibson +2.NTP JChisholm.<br />


ANGLICAN CHURCH For Sundayservice times visit<br />

geraldineanglicans.co.nz.<br />


5pm Friday<br />

12pm Monday<br />


Earthworkswillbetaking place on the first loop<br />

of the Geraldine SculptureTrail from 25 <strong>April</strong> to 27 May.<br />

Users may be affectedatthe following locations<br />

during this 4-week period:<br />

Waihi River Trail -trail closed from the bottom of<br />

the bell tower ramp to McKenzie Street bridge<br />

Trail from Pedestrian Bridge to Bell Tower Ramp<br />

(below NPD) -will remain open<br />

Todd Park -accessclosed to sections of the park<br />

close to river<br />

Kennedy Park -accessclosed along river stopbank<br />

Kennedy Park -sectionofcarpark will be closed for<br />

materials stockpile<br />

Kennedy Park -trucks crossing, and vehicular access<br />

may be restricted at times<br />

Thank youfor your supportand consideration as this<br />

work is completed forthe enhancement of our community.<br />

Questions?Contact Janene Adams on 027 555 6524.<br />

eatingout<br />



WAY<br />

YS<br />

03 693 9723<br />

36 TA<br />

ALBOT<br />

STREET, T,<br />



AY<br />

4PM-8PM | theluckyclubparade.co.nz<br />

BARKER’SFOODSTORE &EATERY Retailshop space and innovative café<br />

menuincorporatingBarker’sproducts withseasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />

8.30am-4.30pm. Phone 03 6939727.<br />

BREWERY CAFÉ Hours: Monday/Tuesday closed, Wednesday 9am-5pm,<br />

Thursday/Friday/Saturdays 9am to late(kitchencloses 8pm), Sunday9am-4pm.<br />

Bookingsadvisable by phoning 03 697 4959.<br />

CAFE VERDE Licensed café in adelightful garden setting. Menu and cabinet<br />

options. Open 7days 9am-3pm.45Talbot St. Phone03693 9616.<br />

THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the Forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />

Thu-Sun and Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 6963567.<br />

MUNDELLS CAFÉ Roast is on Friday to Sunday 11.30am to 2pm. Breakfast<br />

and lunch menu are available 8am to 3pm. Izakaya /Japanese food is openevery<br />

Friday night 5.30pm-9pm.<br />

GERALDINE FARM SHOP&CAFE Open Monday-Friday8am-5pm, Weekends<br />

8.30am-5pm. Menuchoices change regularly.Somethingfor everyone. Come<br />

and check us out. Phone 03 6939514.<br />

THE LUCKY CLUB PARADE Thai Street Food Takeaways.Sit and enjoyyour<br />

food outside or in The Clubhouse. HOURS: Wednesday-Saturday 4pm-8pm;<br />

36 TalbotStreet. Phone 03 693 9723.Online ordering&delivery comingsoon.<br />

THE RUNNING DUCK Have you tried our toasted sandwich range or our<br />

popular fried chicken dishes? They fly out the door. Open Monday-Friday<br />

8am-4pm; Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-4pm.<br />

THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />

phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />

WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />

restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />

-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />



PH: 03 693 9399<br />



Laser ElectricalGeraldine,17Peel Street<br />

03 6939399|geraldine@laserelectrical.co.nz<br />


PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />

THURSDAY <strong>28</strong> APRIL TIL WEDNESDAY 4MAY<br />


ANEW ERA<br />

(PG) NO COMPS<br />

THU 7.15PM |FRI 4.30PM<br />

SAT &SUN 3PM<br />

Anostalgic, uplifting &modern documentary<br />

about HRH Queen Elizabeth II, the<br />

longest-serving monarch of all time<br />




SAT 5.30PM<br />

Sandra Bullock &Channing Tatum<br />

star in this comedy adventure<br />



SAT 7.30PM<br />



FRI 2PM FINAL!<br />

The all new children's animated feature<br />



THU &SAT 1PM<br />




THU 3.15PM |FRI 7PM<br />



PAGE 12 |GERALDINE NEWS | THURSDAY, <strong>28</strong>APRIL, <strong>2022</strong><br />

L<br />

COLY ALL<br />





Buy any childs meal and<br />

get a<br />

FREE pass forSo<br />

Agreat way tos<br />

time in the holid<br />

super<br />

special<br />


$3.9<br />


$1.99 each 99ea<br />


Buy any Top<br />

Flite bird food during <strong>April</strong> and<br />

go in the draw towinalighthousefeedhouse<br />

der<br />

OFFER ENDS 30 APRIL <strong>2022</strong><br />

rf ee delivery<br />

within the town boundary<br />

PHONE:<br />

03<br />

693 9514<br />

Check out all our<br />

wild bird options<br />



$1.99 bunch<br />

LA<br />

DAYS<br />

TS<br />

1.5kg ONIONS<br />

$2.99 bag<br />


un-peeled $1.99kg<br />


$1.99kg<br />

27<strong>April</strong> til Tuesday03May or while stocks last<br />

Specials available Wednesday 2<br />

The Farm<br />

Shop Café in Geraldin<br />

e<br />

VISIT:<br />

ger<br />

raldinefarmshop<br />

op<br />

p.co.nz<br />

56 Main North Road, Geraldinee<br />

PHONE:<br />

30 693 9514<br />

PHONE:<br />

HOURS:<br />

30 693 9514<br />

Monday-Friday 8am-5pm<br />

Saturday-Sunday 8.30am-5pm<br />

Public Holidays 9am-5pm<br />



11am-3pm<br />






WEEKLY<br />










Professional, experienced and caring veterinarians<br />

Purpose-built,modernfacilities<br />

Ample off-road parking<br />

24hr On-Call Emergency Services<br />

CLINIC HOURS: 8am-5pm, MondaytoFriday<br />

PHONE: 6939060<br />

EMAIL: clinic@gatewayvets.co.nz<br />

For<br />

all your<br />

interior<br />

plastering needs<br />

MOB 027 313 8338 • HOME 693 9013

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

37<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Action­paced wheels festival<br />

Events for the Greg Donaldson<br />

Contracting <strong>Ashburton</strong> Wheels<br />

Week Plus are on the starting<br />

line and ready to roll.<br />

The annual wheels spectacle<br />

starts on Saturday (<strong>April</strong> 30)<br />

and runs until May 15.<br />

Greg Donaldson Contracting<br />

is again the naming sponsor.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> event is ascaleddown<br />

event because of covid,<br />

but will feature thrills, spills<br />

and wheel­related action<br />

appealing to all ages.<br />

It kicks off with the roar of<br />

speedway racing.<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Speedway<br />

Association track, near the<br />

airport, will host two days of<br />

racing will include some New<br />

Zealand title races.<br />

Wheels Week committee<br />

member Peter Jacob said work<br />

on the programme of events<br />

had started in December.<br />

There had been areal chance<br />

Wheels Week might not have<br />

gone ahead because of covid, as<br />

was the case in 2020, but it had<br />

come together and excitement<br />

was in the air with the release<br />

of the official programme.<br />

‘‘We are pleased with the<br />

programme we’ve be able to put<br />

together and I’m sure the<br />

events will provide alift for the<br />

community.’’<br />

The Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Classic Car Run on May 1<br />

is expected to be bigger than<br />

usual, simply because there<br />

had been few similar events for<br />

anumber of months.<br />

He said some events, like the<br />

wheelchair basketball, which<br />

featured atravelling team of<br />

wheelchair­bound athletes<br />

from Christchurch, were<br />

dependent on how covid played<br />

out in the community.<br />

May 1will also feature the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club’s<br />

motokhana and the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Motorcycle Club TT.<br />

The world­class <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Aviation Museum will be open<br />

from 1pm until 4pm and again<br />

on May 8and 14 at the same<br />

times.<br />

The second weekend of<br />

action includes the popular<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club’s street<br />

sprints, which start on<br />

Saturday, May 7and conclude<br />

with the top 32 racing in the<br />

final on Sunday, May 8.<br />

There is also amotorcycle<br />

show and shine event on at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA the same day<br />

and the Plains Museum and<br />

historical complex will open<br />

and have their historic K88<br />

train offering rides.<br />

The Susie Morrison and<br />

Grant Gordon Memorial Trial<br />

will run in the evening on May<br />

11.<br />

The final weekend of action<br />

includes an <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Motorcycle Club ride and a<br />

family fun bike ride along the<br />

Lake Hood Track on May 14<br />

sponsored by McKay and<br />

Donaldson.<br />

Anew event this year is a<br />

tractor pull at Mayfield<br />

Domain, which is open to old,<br />

new, big, small and modified<br />

tractors.<br />

It runs over two days.<br />

Other events include an<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toyota vehicle<br />

display during the week on the<br />

green in downtown <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

wheelchair basketball at the<br />

Oxford Street Stadium (May 14),<br />

acoffee and classic vehicle<br />

show in the Robert Harris car<br />

park, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Family Go<br />

Kart Club event and Mid<br />

Canterbury 4X4 Club event (all<br />

May 15).<br />

The full programme of events<br />

can be found on the<br />

wheelsweek.co.nz website and<br />

on Facebook.<br />

0800 432 583<br />

Proud Sponsors of Wheels Week <strong>2022</strong><br />

Over 30 years experienceservicing &<br />

supporting the localcommunity.<br />

Free Phone 0800 432 583<br />

Email office@gdcgroup.nz<br />

Office 03 308 8479<br />

Web www.gdc.net.nz<br />

2Fords Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

106 Hilton Highway, Timaru


38 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

Speedway titles<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />




We have not been able to provide afull programme of events for this<br />

year and fully understand and support those that are unable to hold their<br />

events. We are pleased to be able to offer asmall list of events that do<br />

require your support to make them successful.<br />

Saturday 30th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>SpeedwayAssn: (2 days of racing) Day 1, Street Stocks, Adult Ministocks, Production<br />

Saloons, CTRA -NZSpeedway Wingless Sprint Car Title, CTRA -NZYouth Ministocks Title, CTRA<br />

-South Island TQ Title. Seafield Road adjacent to the Airport. From 12.00 pm. $15.00 adult,<br />

$25.00 for atwo-daypass, Gold Card holders $10.00/day, under 14 free (must be accompanied<br />

by an adult).<br />

Contact: Graham Ackroyd 0274 555 387<br />

Sunday 1st May<br />

Rotary Club of<strong>Ashburton</strong> Plains Classic Car Run, Registration: 9.00am –10.15am at the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Show Grounds Depart from <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10.30am. Note that everybody is welcome<br />

to participate with any car, finishatMtSomers. Cost, $20per vehicle<br />

There will be NOfoodordrinks to purchase this year, please take apicnic lunch.<br />

Forany further information please contacteither:<br />

AlanSim –sim.family@xtra.co.nz ,03308 8835<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club Motorkhana: $40.00 perperson entry fee to compete;enteron the day.<br />

Cars must be roadworthy to warrant of fitnessstandard. Location, TBC<br />

Contact: Kim Adams –027 907 4001 admin@ashburtoncarclub.org.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Speedway Assn: Day2of racing,Stockcars, CTRA-NZ Speedway Wingless Sprint<br />

CarTitle, CTRA -NZSpeedway Saloons Title, CTRA -NZYouth Ministock Title, CGrade. Seafield<br />

Road adjacenttothe Airport. From12.00 pm. $15.00 adult, $25.00 for atwo-day pass,GoldCard<br />

holders $10.00/day, under 14free (must be accompanied by an adult).<br />

Contact: Graham Ackroyd 0274 555 387<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Motorcycle Club TT: Location TBC Competitors to pay entry fee. Vintage MX &<br />

Club TT. More details on Facebook page and My Rides.<br />

Contact: Shane Christie, 027 325 4773<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum: This wonderful collection will be open for viewing from 1.00pm<br />

until 4.00pm Seafield Road. Entry $10 adult, children free.<br />

Contact: Owen Moore on 03-308 3442 or 0274 344 797<br />

Monday 2nd May<br />

Mid Canterbury Connector Community Transport Service: The service offers transport into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Township on demand (make abooking and we will come to you), Monday to Friday<br />

between 9am to 4.30pm, for people who do not have transport. Small fee applies depending<br />

on where around the district we pick you up and take you home.<br />

Booking required. Phone 03 9<strong>28</strong> 8164<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toyota: Display of vehicles on the hardstand cnr East Street &Burnett Street,<br />

Monday to Friday<br />

Saturday 7th May<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club Street Sprint <strong>2022</strong>: Riverside Industrial Estate 8.30 am. Watch one car<br />

at atime as they race against the clock, down to atwo-car run off on Sunday. Entrance fee by<br />

donation. Entry Robinson Street past Roscos.<br />

Contact: Malcolm Lovett 0274 301 065 or Daniel Tew 0272 276 637 admin@ashburtoncarclub.<br />

org.nz<br />

Originals Motorcycle Show and Shine: RSA Cox Street <strong>Ashburton</strong>, 11.30 am –4.00 pm. Open<br />

to all makes and models to be on site by 11.00am. Entry $10.00 per bike, prizes for top 10 bikes.<br />

Gold coin entry, money raised goes to charity.<br />

Contact: Gerald McKenzie, 021 259 4761.<br />

The Plains Railway &Historical Museum Complex, Maronan Road, Tinwald: 11am -4pm.<br />

K88 Train Rides, Vintage Machinery, Museum Village open, Hand Craft Display. Browse through<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Fire Museum, the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Woodworkers and Lynn Woodworking Museum -<br />

take aminiature Train Ride with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Steam &Model Engineers. Find us on Facebook.<br />

2473438<br />

National and South Island titles<br />

are up for grabs at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Speedway on Seafield Road<br />

(near the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Airport) this<br />

weekend, in what promises to be<br />

two days of exciting race action.<br />

The racing, over Saturday and<br />

Sunday, features in the Wheels<br />

Week programme.<br />

Day one of racing will see<br />

drivers lining up to vie for<br />

qualifying positions in the CTRA<br />

NZ Speedway Wingless Sprint<br />

Car Title, CTRA ­NZYouth<br />

Ministocks Title and the CTRA<br />

South Island TQ Title.<br />

There are also some great<br />

support fields and events such as<br />

street stocks, production saloons,<br />

quarter midgets and c­grade<br />

saloon cars competing which<br />

promises avery exciting<br />

weekend of racing.<br />

In all racing, drivers vary in<br />

age from 17­year olds through to<br />

veteran drivers.<br />

Racing runs both days from<br />

12.00pm until 4pm.<br />

Cost $15 adult aday, ($25 for<br />

two day pass), gold card holders<br />

$10/day, under 14 free (must be<br />

accompanied by an adult).

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

39<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Hop on service<br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />




The Mid Canterbury Connector<br />

service is offering low cost trips<br />

during Wheels Week, but<br />

bookings are essential.<br />

The connector service brings<br />

people living in the more rural/<br />

remote areas of the district into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> township ­for medical<br />

and dental appointments, to do<br />

business with council, see family<br />

and friends, access government<br />

and social services, shopping and<br />

more.<br />

The connector is acommunity<br />

van run by the Mid Canterbury<br />

Community Vehicle Trust twice a<br />

week into <strong>Ashburton</strong> for<br />

reasonable fares.<br />

Tuesday's from Mt Somers,<br />

Staveley and Methven to<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and Wednesday's from<br />

Rakaia, Wakanui and Hinds into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> and return.<br />

In the past there had been a<br />

need for the transport service as<br />

the district had no public<br />

transport system which made it<br />

harder for people in rural or<br />

remote areas who did not drive to<br />

get to <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

For more information on<br />

routes, fares and pick up places<br />

and times or to make abooking,<br />

call 03 9<strong>28</strong> 8164.<br />

Sunday 8th May<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club Street Sprint <strong>2022</strong>: Second day of racing against the clock, Be there for<br />

thetop 32, reducing to findthe top two qualifying times to find thefinalists.Riverside Industrial<br />

Estate. Entry fee by donation. Entry Robinson Street past Roscos.<br />

Contact: Malcolm Lovett 0274 301 065 or Daniel Tew 0272 276 637 admin@ashburtoncarclub.<br />

org.nz<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum: This wonderful collection of aircraft and memorabilia will be<br />

open for viewing from 1.00pm until 4.00pm Seafield Road Entry $10 adult, children free.<br />

Contact Owen Moore on 03 308 3442 or 0274 344 797<br />

Monday 9th May<br />

MidCanterbury Connector Community Transport Service: Theservice offerstransport into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Township on demand (make abooking and we will cometoyou),MondaytoFriday<br />

between 9am to 4.30pm, for people who do not have transport. Small fee applies depending<br />

on where around the district we pick you up and take you home.<br />

Booking required. Phone 03 9<strong>28</strong> 8164<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Toyota: Display of vehicles on the hardstand cnr East Street &Burnett Street,<br />

Monday to Friday<br />

Wednesday 11thMay<br />

Suzie Morrison &Grant Gordon Memorial Trial; Night Car Trial: Meet at the MSA. Entries<br />

on the night.Will need licensed driver, navigator, pens, torch or spotlight, clipboards, and road<br />

legal. Documentation starting 6.30pm, start 7.00 pm $30.00 per car.<br />

Contact: Kim Adams –027 907 4001 admin@ashburtoncarclub.org.nz<br />

2476446<br />

Your under car specialists<br />

WOF WOF repairs Vehicle servicing<br />

Exhaust specialists Mechanical repairs<br />

Tyres/Alignments Batteries Towbars<br />

Open Saturdays for WOF, 8am to 12 noon<br />


03 308 9984<br />

cnr Cass and South Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

www.robbies.co.nz<br />

2476079<br />

Saturday 14th May<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Motorcycle Club: Motorcycle Tour. Meeting at 9.30 am, leaving at10 am from<br />

Robert Harris on West St. Theride will be approximately 200kmdepending on the weather.<br />

Contact: ShaneChristie, 027325 4773.<br />

McKay &Donaldson E-Bike, Family Fun Bike Ride, Meet at 1.30pm at the south end of the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge to cycletoLake Hood. Suitable for families and individuals. Prizes<br />

Contact: Ross Butterick 0274 778 068<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Wheels WeekTractor Pull: Two days of Horsepower Hero’s sorting the operators<br />

fromthe seat warmers. Open to all tractors,Old, New, Big &Small, Modified&Super Modified.<br />

9.00am start, food and coffeetrucks available. Mayfield Domain, Entry via 15 Lismore Mayfield<br />

Road. Entry fee for Competitors,$100 pertractorper day,Entry $10 per person, under 12’s free.<br />

Contact: Robbie 0275 524 624<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum: This wonderful collection of aircraft and memorabilia will be<br />

open for viewing from1.00pm until 4.00pm Seafield Road. Entry$10 adult, children free.<br />

Contact: OwenMoore 03 3083442 or 0274 344 797<br />

Patersons FuneralServices Wheelchair Basketball: Stadium Oxford Streetat3.00 pm.Come<br />

and see the wheelchairbasketball teamtakeonalocal celebrity team. Gold coindonation.<br />

Contact: Pauline Paterson 03 3087474<br />

Sunday 15th<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Wheels Week TractorPull: Two daysofHorsepower Hero’s sorting the operators<br />

fromthe seat warmers. Open to alltractors,Old, New, Big&Small, Modified&Super Modified.<br />

9.00am start, food and coffeetrucksavailable. Mayfield Domain, Entry via 15 Lismore Mayfield<br />

Road. Entry fee for Competitors, $100 per tractor per day,Entry $10per person, under 12’s free.<br />

Contact: Robbie 0275 524 624<br />

Coffee &Classics Vehicle Show: Bring along your pride and joy, Vintage, Classic ormodern,<br />

cars, motorcycles, trucks etc at the Goodyear/Robert Harris car park West Street <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

Opposite PhatDuck. 11.00am –2.00pm. VCC event<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Family Go Kart Club: Agreat day of paddock racing, Location to be confirmed.<br />

Weather dependant.<br />

Contact: Michael Gallagher 0274 430 453<br />

MidCanterbury 4X4 Club: Play dayatthe 4WDPark locatedatthe river end of Cochranes Road<br />

justoffBeachRoad, starting at 11.30am. Weatherdependant.<br />

Contact: John McDonald 021 464 639 or Doug Cain 027 843 8416<br />



40 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Ready for Rotary rally<br />

Hundreds of cars of all<br />

makes and models are<br />

expected in the annual<br />

Rotary Club of <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />

Plains Classic, Vintage and<br />

Veteran Car Run this<br />

Sunday.<br />

The event, already abig<br />

drawcard in the Wheels<br />

Week Plus programme with<br />

hundreds of vehicles<br />

attending, is expected to be<br />

even bigger this year.<br />

It is also agreat chance for<br />

members of the public to<br />

view some impressive<br />

vehicles in one place as they<br />

register.<br />

Traditionally the rally<br />

draws in around 200 vehicles<br />

but confirmed numbers will<br />

not be known until the day.<br />

Any type of car is able to<br />

participate.<br />

Registration is on the day<br />

at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Showgrounds between 9am<br />

and 10.15am, leaving at<br />

10.30am.<br />

The destination this year is<br />

apicturesque drive around<br />

Mid Canterbury which will<br />

finish at Mt Somers. No<br />

lunches are available for<br />

purchase this year so people<br />

are encouraged to pack a<br />

picnic lunch and achair.<br />

The run will be held wet or<br />

fine. Cost is $20 per car.<br />

2377782 2476838<br />

• Stock Cartage<br />

• Bulk Cartage with specialty grain<br />

vacuum and blower truck<br />

• Fertiliser Spreading<br />

• General Freight<br />

• Hiab Truck Hire<br />

• Cool Storage<br />

• Storage warehouse for short and<br />

long term options<br />

Phone 308 4079<br />

www.ruraltransport.co.nz<br />

QualityEuropean<br />

Vehicle Servicing<br />

•Advanced<br />

Diagnostics<br />

•Experienced<br />

Technicians<br />

•Collection/Delivery<br />

‘Free of Charge’<br />

in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Bruce McIlroy Limited<br />

309MethvenHighway, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7776<br />

Tel: 03 3087<strong>28</strong>2•E:bruce.mcilroy@xtra.co.nz<br />


Call us for a<br />

FREE<br />

QUOTE<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

2476717<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

41<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Car club events ready<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club has three popular<br />

vehicle events during Wheels Week Plus,<br />

drawing competitors and support crews in<br />

from around the South Island. The events<br />

follow on from their Winslow standing<br />

quarter mile run last weekend, which is part<br />

of the club’s own wheels week tribute.<br />

Their first event on the official Wheels<br />

Week programme is the annual sealed<br />

motokhana this Sunday when it returns to<br />

familiar ground ­the Spray Marks car park at<br />

22 Dobson Street West in central <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

It was last used around five years ago.<br />

The event is followed by the two day<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Car Club Street Sprint, in<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s Riverside Industrial Estate,<br />

over May 7and 8, and the Memorial Trial<br />

(night car trial) on May 11.<br />

The events draw thousands of people into<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> ­those to compete, their support<br />

crews and the spectators who flock into the<br />

areas, especially the industrial estate, to<br />

watch.<br />

Motokhana<br />

The sealed motokhana event in the car<br />

park of Spray Marks can be entered by any<br />

driver, they do not have to be aclub member<br />

but vehicles do need to be roadworthy to<br />

warrant of fitness standard.<br />

Cost is $40 per driver. Enter on the day.<br />

Registration is from 9.30am, with astart<br />

time of 10am.<br />

It is free for spectators to watch; parking is<br />

on the road.<br />

Street Sprints over two days<br />

The ever popular street sprints ­one of the<br />

last remaining of its kind in the country ­is<br />

limited to just 65 entries on afirst in, first<br />

serve basis.<br />

The two­day event sees drivers complete<br />

two laps of a1.9km circuit around the<br />

industrial estate. It always proved alluring to<br />

drivers and those who miss the cut off<br />

number are placed on awaiting list.<br />

Faster cars are expected this year and<br />

drivers from outside the district will be<br />

giving Mid Canterbury drivers arun for their<br />

money.<br />

The sprints finals, on the second day of<br />

racing, promise some thrilling action as<br />

finalists put their skills to the test.<br />

The full day of racing is expected to draw to<br />

aclose around 5pm, and awinner known.<br />

Entry for the public on both days is agold<br />

coin donation.<br />

Memorial Trial<br />

The Suzie Morrison and Grant Gordon<br />

Memorial Trial is anight car trial open to<br />

anyone to attend.<br />

It starts and finishes at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA<br />

entrance on Havelock Street.<br />

Each vehicle needs to be road legal and<br />

driven by alicensed driver. Pens and torches<br />

are needed.<br />

Entries are taken on the night from 6.30pm.<br />

It starts at 7pm. Cost $30 per vehicle.<br />

NZ’s #1 SELLING SSV<br />




Open Saturday 7th May, 11am -4pm<br />

•Steam Train, Vintage Car &Miniature Train Rides<br />

•Fire Engines &Vintage Machinery Displays<br />

•<strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation Museum Cockpit<br />

•Hot Food Available<br />

62 Maronan Road, Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

The Plains Railway<br />

2476675<br />

One-Stop Glass Shop<br />

Locally owned and<br />

operated<br />

Repair or Replace–<br />

Your placeorours<br />

Recommend US to your<br />

insurancecompany!<br />

Auto Glass<br />

Cars Trucks<br />

Tractors<br />

Construction<br />

Caravans<br />

Classics<br />

Mirror Glass<br />

House Glass<br />

Flat Glass Perspex<br />

Mirror Cat/Dog Doors<br />

Double GlazeReplacements<br />

PictureFrames<br />

Fire Door Glass<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />


GLASS<br />

152 Wills Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Ph.308 8485<br />

office@wilsonwindscreen.co.nz<br />

2476713<br />

HD-9XU<br />

<strong>2022</strong> DEFENDER<br />





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JAMES021517151<br />



42 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Busy at The Plains<br />

For all your motor<br />

trimming needs!<br />

Pleased to support<br />

Wheels Week<br />

115Archibald Street, Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Phone/Fax: 03 307 2354 l Email: enquiries@tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />

www.tinwaldcanvas.co.nz<br />

2474173<br />

The K88Locomotive<br />

vintagesteam train<br />

(pictured belowtop)will be<br />

runningatThe Plains<br />

Railway&Historical<br />

MuseumonMay 7aspartof<br />

the Wheels WeekPlus<br />

programme.<br />

Along with rides on the<br />

vintagesteam train there<br />

willbealsobeminiature<br />

train rideswith the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Steamand<br />

Model Engineers,aswellas<br />

the museum, vintage<br />

machinery andworking<br />

stationary enginedisplays.<br />

Ahandcraftdisplay will<br />

be in the function room.<br />

The Plains is home to a<br />

widerangeofexhibits from<br />

throughoutMid Canterbury<br />

historysince European<br />

arrival.<br />

It offers insight into a<br />

historical periodwhenthe<br />

vintagerailway, thepioneer<br />

villageand rural sectorsall<br />

playedanimportant role in<br />

shaping the district we<br />

knowtoday.<br />

There are three<br />

operational steam<br />

locomotivesand aVulcan<br />

Railcar on site.<br />

Thepioneer village has<br />

itsown church ­and train<br />

station ­and in the rural<br />

history section there are<br />

vintage tractors, farm<br />

machinery andtraction<br />

engines.<br />

Thereisalso the<br />

impressive collection in the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> FireMuseum<br />

andplenty of woodmarvels<br />

in theLynn Woodworking<br />

Museum.<br />

ThePlainswillbeopen<br />

from 11amto4pm.<br />

Check outupdateson<br />

theirFacebookpage.<br />

Specialising in restoration<br />

repairs &refinishing<br />

• Restoration • Modifications<br />

• CustomFabrications • Panel Beating<br />

• RustRemoval • WOF Reports<br />

2476822<br />

Allmakes and models including horse<br />

floats,caravans and small boats<br />

16 -18Cass Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. 03 3080387<br />

www.johnsonspanelpaint.co.nz<br />

johnsons.panelpaint@gmail.com<br />

THE MID<br />



CommunityTransport Service<br />

• Doyou liveinone of the smaller towns or rural<br />

areas around <strong>Ashburton</strong>Districtand need to<br />

travel into <strong>Ashburton</strong>Township?<br />

• Got no wheels?<br />

• Then hop onto the “Mid Canterbury<br />

Connector”!<br />

Serviceoperatesondemand,<br />

MondaytoFridaybetween<br />

9am and 4:30pm<br />

Formoreinformation or to book aseat<br />

phone039<strong>28</strong> 8164<br />

Find us on facebook -<br />

MidCanterburyConnector<br />

2477521<br />



Only for duration of<br />

Wheels Week Event<br />

Just<br />

$<br />

8 .50<br />

(Frozen)<br />

Main South Road, Tinwald. Ph: 308 5774<br />

dozen<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

43<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

TwotracksforTT<br />

Riders of all ages will feature during<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Motorcycle Club Wheels<br />

Week TT event at Hatfield, near Rakaia<br />

this Sunday.<br />

The Wheels Week TT will use two<br />

natural, flowing terrain tracks for<br />

motorcross events and trail riders, and<br />

mini class riders.<br />

Riders aged from six years old<br />

through to veterans aged over 40 years<br />

will compete.<br />

It is at 113 McKays Road, with sign­on<br />

from 7.30am, and riders briefing at<br />

8.45am.<br />

Organisers require all riders to have<br />

afull Motorcycling New Zealand<br />

license, or aday license. Aone day<br />

license is available with aday club<br />

membership on site.<br />

Trophies are up for grabs in all<br />

classes; senior MX1, MX2, vets 35 ­44<br />

years and 45 years plus MX3 for first<br />

and second time riders, junior 8­11<br />

years, 12 ­16 years, mini, intro 50cc, trail<br />

and ladies among the classes available<br />

for entry.<br />

Rider entry varies from senior classes<br />

cost $70, junior $50 and mini classes<br />

$50.<br />

Hot and cold food available for<br />

purchase on the day. All welcome. No<br />

dogs.<br />

Shane Christie,left, and Clint Collett aheadoflast year’s road trip.<br />

Bikers hit highway<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Motorcycle Clubis<br />

organisingasouthbound scenic road<br />

tour on May 14 as part of the Wheels<br />

Weekprogramme.<br />

Theannual eventlast year tookina<br />

trip to Coes Ford,Governors Bay and<br />

Lyttelton before checkingout the Mike<br />

PeroMotorcycle MuseuminAvonhead.<br />

This yearthe tourwill head toward<br />

Fairlie,with someexcitingvisits<br />

planned.<br />

The trip is roughly a200kmdistance<br />

and open to anyone to join.Itisa<br />

chance for club members, and others,<br />


to have adecent ride together; and<br />

different from the usual TT racing<br />

members do. Anyonecan jointhe road<br />

tour.<br />

Riders aretomeetat 9.30am at<br />

RobertHarrisCafe on West Street,<br />

and leave at 10am. Cost $10 per<br />

person, with an optional $10 poker run<br />

entry.<br />

Theclub hasaround 70 members<br />

whotakepartinmonthly TT races.<br />

Anyone interested in joining can<br />

contact them throughtheir Facebook<br />

page.<br />

*Selected tyres only, offers end 30-4-22. Conditions apply.<br />

Bridgestone Tyre Centre<br />

Corner Cox and East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

24 HOUR CALLOUT PH 03 307 8438<br />


OIL &FILTER $<br />

149<br />


^Includes upto4.5 litres of Penrite oil and astandard oil filter.<br />

Conditions apply, see in store for details.


44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />


<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Aviation museum has landing gear set<br />

The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Aviation<br />

Museum, at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Airfield,isopening its doors<br />

to the publicthree times as<br />

part of the WheelsWeek<br />

programme.<br />

It willbeopen on May 1, 8<br />

and 14, from 1pm to 4pm.<br />

Entry$10 per adult,<br />

children free but must be<br />

accompanied by an adult.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> has astrong<br />

aviation history;itwas the<br />

site of atraining basein<br />

WorldWar 2.<br />

The museum has an<br />

extensive collection<br />

including morethan 20<br />

aircraft in two museum<br />

hangars, with moreinthe<br />

workshop.<br />

Amongthoseondisplay are<br />

aHarvard, Benson Gyro<br />

Glider, Hughes Helicopter,<br />

Olympia, Harrier GR3,<br />

Canberra B2 Bomber Cockpit,<br />

Link Trainer, Cropmaster, a<br />

Thompson Refueller and<br />

TigerMoth.<br />

The museum is also home to<br />

the Southern DC3 Trust’s<br />

historic airliner ZK AMY and<br />

acollection of Mount Cook<br />

memorabilia.<br />

GAS GAS MC 85<br />

$<br />

8,999<br />

$<br />

13,949<br />

GAS GAS EC 350<br />

Proudtosupport<strong>Ashburton</strong>Motorcycle Club Wheels Week Events<br />


187 West Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> • Phone 03 308 2055<br />

2476673<br />

Radiator Repairs<br />

We areexpertatrepairing all types of<br />

automotiveradiators – FAST<br />

ARTHUR<br />

CATES<br />





TEL 308 5397<br />

www.arthurcates.co.nz<br />


<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

Bikes to shimmer and shine for charity<br />

All that glimmers and gleans with the<br />

promise of rolling thunder is on show<br />

at the Originals Motorcycle Show and<br />

Shine at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA this<br />

Saturday.<br />

It’s anew venue for the popular<br />

annual event which is open for<br />

motorcycles of all makes and models.<br />

In the past up to 90 motorbikes have<br />

roared into town, with many put on<br />

display, including amix of road bikes,<br />

Harleys and other models across the<br />

ages. Anyone wanting to display their<br />

bikes must have them on site by 11am<br />

on the day.<br />

Entry is $10 per bike and there are<br />

prizes for the top 10 bikes on show.<br />

Public viewing from 11.30am to 4pm.<br />

It’s agold coin donation entry, with<br />

all money raised to go to charity.<br />


24/7<br />

• Engineering services/fabrication/welding by qualified technicians<br />

• Break down<br />

• All vehicle types including boats/caravans/motorhomes<br />

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• Insurancecompanies<br />

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• Life time guarantee<br />

• Vehicle relocation<br />

• Locally owned and operated<br />

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027 431 8598<br />





104 South Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

308 5238 / 027 <strong>28</strong>3 1513<br />

info@panelcraftltd.co.nz<br />

FREE<br />



QUOTE<br />

Approved<br />

Repairer for<br />


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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

47<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

30 APRIL UNTIL<br />

15 MAY <strong>2022</strong><br />

2473440<br />

New events roll out<br />

Wheels Week has two new events<br />

running simultaneously on May 14.<br />

The McKay and Donaldson E­bike<br />

Family Fun Bike ride takes place from<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> River bridge to Lake Hood;<br />

and its the start of the two day <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Wheels Week Tractor Pull at Mayfield.<br />

Riders for the fun bike ride ­onany<br />

type of pedal bike, whether an e­bike or<br />

leg powered ­will meet at 1.30pm the<br />

south end of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> River bridge<br />

for the ride along the trail to Lake Hood.<br />

The bike ride to Lake Hood and return<br />

may be an hour and ahalf round trip,<br />

depending on bike fitness.<br />

The 10km track is suitable for families<br />

and individuals, and will see spot prizes<br />

awarded courtesy of McKay and<br />

Donaldson. There is no cost to enter.<br />

May 14 is also day one of the tractor<br />

pull event, run by the Canterbury<br />

Tractor Pull Club, at the Mayfield<br />

Domain willsee organisers ‘‘sort the<br />

operators from the seatwarmers’’.<br />

The new event, already proving<br />

popular, is open to all tractors, old, new<br />

big and small,modified and super<br />

modified, but entrynumbersare<br />

limited.<br />

The event, which concludesonMay<br />

15, opens each day from 9am and food<br />

and coffeetrucks are on site.<br />

Entryfor competitors$100 per tractor<br />

and spectators $15 per person, under<br />

12s free. Access to the domain is from15<br />

Lismore­Mayfield Road. All welcome.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> mayor Neil Brown shootsduring apast wheelchairbasketball match.<br />

Wheelies on court<br />

Paterson’sFuneral Services are<br />

bringing the CanterburyWheelies<br />

teamback to town for awheelchair<br />

basketball match againstan<br />

‘<strong>Ashburton</strong>Celebrity’ team on May<br />

14.<br />

Aentertainingevent on the Wheels<br />

Week Plusprogramme,the friendly<br />

encounter hasbeenheldfor a<br />

number of years andshowcases the<br />

sport of wheelchair basketball.<br />

The Canterbury Wheeliesteamis<br />

madeupofformerNew Zealandand<br />

Canterbury representativeplayers<br />

from both junior and seniorlevels.<br />

The<strong>Ashburton</strong> teamwill be made<br />

up of community mindedpeople from<br />

around the district, witharange of<br />

skills.<br />

It will be heldatthe Mid<br />

Canterbury BasketballStadium,<br />

Oxford Street, from3pm.Spectators<br />

are welcometocome along andto<br />

cheer on players.Goldcoindonation.<br />

Talk to us about the<br />

importance of a<br />

PROUD<br />




<strong>2022</strong><br />


If your vehicle is pulling<br />

one wayorscuffing the<br />

edge of the tyres,<br />

book with Kevinor<br />

Timtocorrectyour<br />

vehicle alignment.<br />

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NEW LOOK<br />

but the same great service<br />

Aaron and Vicky Jones<br />

KB Panel &Paint has rebranded as Three-Sixty<br />

Collision but are still providing the same quality<br />

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same handy downtown <strong>Ashburton</strong> location.<br />

New owners Aaron and Vicky Jones, along with<br />

workshop manager Cory Rose, who has more<br />

than 24 years industry experience, Estimator Aden<br />

Pulham -more than 27years -and administrator<br />

Alisha Bota, are still Mid Canterbury’s collision<br />

repair specialists and the right choice for all your<br />

vehicle repair requirements.<br />

Three-Sixty Collision, located at 154 Dobson<br />

Street, are approved repairers for IAG, AA, Vero<br />

and FMG but cover all insurance customers.<br />

‘‘It’s the customer’s choice where they get their<br />

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‘‘We are happy to assist in lodging your claim and<br />

negotiating with your insurer for the very best<br />

quality repair.’’<br />

Aaron and Vicky are no strangers to the industry.<br />

They have owned the business since 2019.<br />

Aaron spent 21 years with Carrfields Machinery in<br />

various roles, and is adiesel mechanic by trade.<br />

Vicky, who helps out where needed, is also aparttime<br />

trainer with F45.<br />

‘‘We can help with all of your repair needs. We’re<br />

upfront and friendly, soyou can be confident in<br />

approaching us with any questions or for aquote.’’<br />

Centrally located in <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Three-Sixty<br />

Collision’s workshop features state of the art repair<br />

equipment and the latest industry preferred paint<br />

technology.<br />

They are members of CRA &MTA,and provide<br />

aCollision Repair Association (CRA) Repair<br />

Guarantee, soyou can be assured you made<br />

the right choice with high quality repairs, fast<br />

turnaround time and guaranteed work. They also<br />

co-ordinate towing services.<br />

Give them acall today on 307 0506, or call in to<br />

154 Dobson Street to talk about your repair needs.<br />


Approved repairer for<br />

03 307 0506<br />

154 Dobson Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

admin@threesixtycollision.co.nz<br />


www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

49<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Electronic Organ<br />

Club<br />

Our <strong>April</strong> Club night was held<br />

in the Senior Centre on Monday<br />

18th <strong>April</strong>.<br />

Don Hopwood played in on his<br />

new keyboard,thankyou Don,<br />

great to see youback playing.<br />

President Bev welcomeda<br />

small crowd but as Iriswas<br />

organising the programme we all<br />

knew we were in for agreat<br />

night.<br />

Bev sentour good wishes to<br />

any of our group members who<br />

may have Covid­19 at present.<br />

First up was Iris's group<br />

comprisingofMarg Tonthe<br />

piano, Irene, Suzie and Alison on<br />

accordions andJanet, Irisand<br />

Rose on keyboards.Weplayed a<br />

good mix of tunes including Call<br />

of the Bellbird and alively<br />

country bracket.<br />

Colin, being aman of many<br />

musicaltalents entertained us<br />

on the piano tonight, playingtwo<br />

Ukranian folk songs and their<br />

National Anthem as well as<br />

Yellow Bird andaBeatles<br />

bracket.<br />

As Iris said, we have alot of<br />

pianists in ourgroup, each with<br />

their own different style.<br />

Margaret on the spoonsand<br />

Ian on his ukelele played and<br />

sang some good old favourites,<br />

certainly got many toes tapping.<br />

Elizabeth, just back froma<br />

broken arm and acaravanning<br />

holiday was kind enough to fillin<br />

at very short notice ­she played<br />

alovely selection of love songs.<br />

Raffle winners tonight were<br />

Rose, Kate, Karen and Ann.<br />

Irene's group of Irene on her<br />

accordion, Suzie on ukelele and<br />

Karen on the piano wereonnext<br />

­Irene always manages to find a<br />

new andbeautiful tunetoplay.<br />

This time it was Roses in<br />

Bloom, adapted by Iris into three<br />

partsand harmony. Sounded<br />

great.<br />

Janetonher keyboard played<br />

afew tunes we don't hear very<br />

often, she included ‘When they<br />

Sound the All Clear as atribute<br />

to Anzac Day.<br />

Last up tonight was Ann, our<br />

4th pianist for the evening, she<br />

playedabracket of lovely<br />

classical pieces including two<br />

Easterpieces, The Old Rugged<br />

Cross and Christ to the Lord.<br />

Another lovelyone was ‘If You<br />

Believe" which has aspecial<br />

human story behind it.<br />

Many thanks to all our<br />

musicians, your talents were all<br />

verymuch enjoyed by everyone.<br />

Alison<br />

MidCanterbury Central<br />

Fellowship Club<br />

PresidentMerv welcomed 52<br />

members to the <strong>April</strong> meeting,<br />

heldatthe Senior Centre. There<br />

were 17 apologies. The members<br />

thenstoodfor amoments silence<br />

in remembrance of Allan Smith<br />

who passed away last month.<br />

The minispeakerwas Merv<br />

Cochrane who,when he joined<br />

the club, wassurprised at the<br />

number of members he knew.<br />

He named about14ofthem<br />

and his connection with them,<br />

including Roger Paterson who<br />

toldhim he would always have<br />

the last word.<br />

Merv’s schooling was at<br />

Hampstead and <strong>Ashburton</strong>High<br />

School and related some of the<br />

pranks and troubles he got into,<br />

including tickling the mans<br />

ankles with afeather in front of<br />

him when at church. After being<br />

dishonourably dischargedfrom<br />

school he worked for his father<br />

andendured a“love/hate”<br />

relationship with him for 17<br />

years. Eventually he andhis<br />

brothertook over the cartage<br />

business from their father in<br />

1978.Healso spoke about his<br />

personal life including a<br />

marriage breakupand raising a<br />

family. The business was sold<br />

after 35 years andheisnow<br />

settled into retirement with his<br />

partnerColleen.<br />

The main speakers were Clair<br />

Hardin and Rob Withers who<br />

were introduced by Ken<br />

Borland.They gaveusaninsight<br />

into the proposal to refrigerate<br />

the Staveley ice skating rink. Rob<br />

explained how the rink will be<br />

constructedincluding the laying<br />

of 18kmsof25mm piping to<br />

convey the freezing liquid. At<br />

present there are 3rinks with the<br />

largest being60mx30m and this<br />

is the one to be artificially<br />

frozen. Lastwinter theyonly<br />

managed 3days skating. The<br />

curling will be included on this<br />

rink although provision has<br />

being madefor future expansion<br />

to includethe present curling<br />

rink. During avery coldspell<br />

they will beable to turnthe<br />

refrigerationunit off and save on<br />

operation costs.<br />

Clair who works for the<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council is in<br />

charge of fund raisingfor the<br />

project. It wasoriginally<br />

estimated to cost about $350,000<br />

but today’s costing is 1.1m of<br />

which $785,000has been raised.<br />

They also have an application for<br />

$350,000 from Lotto and as they<br />

are acharitable trust. Included<br />

in plans for development is the<br />

replacement of the swing bridge<br />

and upgrading of the car park.<br />

Crosses and poppies in the Hinds Reserve.<br />

Hinds Anzac<br />

remembrance<br />

An ANZAC Serviceon<strong>April</strong>25<br />

was held at the Hinds<br />

Community Centre. Organised<br />

by the Lions Club of Hindsand<br />

Districts, with Lion Ian Jones<br />

officiating.<br />

Piper GavinMowat led a<br />

parade from theHindsscout<br />

den, where at the community<br />

centre the scoutsand guides<br />

presented the New Zealand<br />

Flag.<br />

After scripture readings by<br />

the scouts and guides,John<br />

Lowgave areading entitled<br />

Flanders Fields, Tom Ward<br />

led the gatheringinaprayer<br />

for the fallen.<br />

Three wreaths were laid<br />

under the roll of honours,<br />

followed by Gavin Mowat<br />

giving alament on his pipes.<br />

The Last Post, Ode to the<br />

Fallen, andReveille<br />

concluded the service, with<br />

piper Gavin Mowat leading<br />

the gathering leavingthe<br />

centre. The attendance was<br />

pleasing, with many young<br />

families represented.<br />

Adisplay of crossesand<br />

poppies were arranged in the<br />

Hinds Reserve in frontofthe<br />

Centennial Rock andDeer.<br />

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50 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />



www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Democracy or Division; solution needed<br />

By Sir Kerry Burke, former<br />

Speaker, Cabinet Ministerand<br />

Chair, Environment<br />

Canterbury.<br />

Iamopposed to the Bill<br />

proposing to give NgaiTahu the<br />

power toappoint two<br />

councillorstothe Canterbury<br />

Regional Council (aka<br />

Environment Canterbury/<br />

ECan).<br />

Iamopposed to the notion<br />

our country andits population<br />

shouldbeseen in binaryterms.<br />

We are not.Weare amultiracial<br />

and multi­cultural<br />

societyand our governance<br />

arrangements should reflect<br />

that.<br />

As Dame Anne Salmond<br />

eloquentlyoutlined in arecent<br />

article,the Preamble to the<br />

TreatyofWaitangi makes it<br />

clear it creates amulti­lateral<br />

agreement, notabi­lateral one.<br />

She also suggeststhatthe 1987<br />

HighCourt ruling thatthe<br />

Treatywas apartnership<br />

between the Crown and Maori<br />

alone needs further<br />

consideration.<br />

DameAnnenoted,astime<br />

passes, “non­indigenous<br />

incomers mayevenhave<br />

whanau named afterthem–the<br />

Manuels,the Stirlings, the<br />

Jacksons andthe O’Regans<br />

etc.”Wein Canterbury might<br />

add the Grennells, Christians,<br />

Solomons andTregurthans<br />

(Tirikatenes).<br />

In spite of the above, we seem<br />

to be stumblingbyadhoc steps<br />

like theNgai TahuBill and<br />

Three Waters into afuture of<br />

co­governance, abi­lateral<br />

systeminconsistent with the<br />

multi­lateral natureofthe<br />

Treatyand our society. This<br />

willrequire us togiveupthe<br />

democraticfoundationofour<br />

governance arrangements.<br />

Ihavewitnessedmassive<br />

change andgrowth in Maori<br />

involvement and progressin<br />

recent decades,someofwhich I<br />

havebeenapart of andhelped<br />

create.In1985, following a<br />

multi­sector employment<br />

summit, which Ichairedas<br />

MinisterofEmployment, I<br />

advised Cabinetwewere<br />

witnessingaMaori<br />

Renaissance, awidespread<br />

movementthathas continued<br />

to this day. We are better for<br />

this movement,provided it is<br />

seeninamulti­cultural<br />

Sir Kerry Burke<br />

context.<br />

As aRangiora High School<br />

teacher adecade andahalf<br />

earlier, Ifoundthe<br />

requirement to record Maori<br />

students as being moreorless<br />

thanhalf­Maoridifficult inthe<br />

extreme. Later,asanMPinthe<br />

Kirk Government, Ivotedto<br />

change thatlaw. Now, anyone<br />

with aMaori ancestor can claim<br />

to be Maori and,atcensustime,<br />

choose to be on theMaorior<br />

General electoral roll. Again,<br />

we are betterfor thischange.<br />

As Speaker of Parliamentin<br />

the late 1980’s, IruledMaori<br />

wasanofficiallanguageof<br />

Parliament,adecision which<br />

overturned allprevious<br />

SpeakersRulings which<br />

required Maori MPstoeither<br />

providewrittenEnglish<br />

translationsortakehalf of their<br />

speakingtimetotelltheir<br />

colleagues in Englishwhatthey<br />

hadjust saidinMaori. Today it<br />

is quite common to hear non­<br />

Maori MPs usingMaori<br />

languageexpressions in<br />

Parliament,which also has an<br />

interpretationservicesothat<br />

all MPsunderstandwhatis<br />

being said.<br />

These andother<br />

developments over nearlyfifty<br />

yearshave made New Zealand<br />

abetter countryandusabetter<br />

people. There is, however,<br />

much Ifind troublingabout<br />

Rino Tirikatene’s Private<br />

Member’sBill proposing Ngai<br />

Tahu can appointtwo<br />

unelected representatives to<br />

ECan.<br />

First, local authorities<br />

should be democratically<br />

elected. Thismeanscouncillors<br />

making planningand resource<br />

managementpolicies and<br />

decisions are directly<br />

answerabletotheir<br />

communities.<br />

It is called democracy.Itis<br />

how we do things in this<br />

country. The Tirikatene Bill<br />

changesthis fundamentally.<br />

Theappointed councillors,<br />

under thisBill, willbe<br />

spending public moneybut will<br />

be answerable only to those<br />

whoappointthem, in effect to<br />

the inner, private political<br />

dynamics of Ngai Tahu.<br />

Thisproposalreversesthe<br />

long­standing political<br />

principleof‘no taxation<br />

withoutrepresentation’and<br />

creates anew principle, one<br />

that provides for the<br />

appointees of amajor<br />

stakeholdertotax the public<br />

withoutrepresenting them.<br />

Thisproposal is an<br />

abandonmentofresponsible<br />

government,whereby central<br />

and localgovernment decision<br />

makers are answerable to their<br />

electors.<br />

Second, if the current elected<br />

ECancouncil thinks thisBill<br />

has merit, it should be the body<br />

promotingitasaLocal Bill.Its<br />

supportivecomments,<br />

seemingly because it believes<br />

therewill be fewer costs having<br />

NgaiTahu at the decisionmaking<br />

table rather than in a<br />

formal advisory role, overlook<br />

the slightly larger mattersof<br />

principle than costatstake<br />

here, things liketransparency<br />

anddemocracy.<br />

Third,RinoTirikatene, the<br />

Member of Parliament<br />

promotingthis Bill, also<br />

represents all Maori (notjust<br />

NgaiTahu) inOtago,<br />

Southland, theWest Coast, and<br />

other IwiinNelson,<br />

Marlboroughand Tasman.Ifit<br />

is goodfor Canterburytohave<br />

this change, whyisitnotbeing<br />

proposedfor the restofthe<br />

South Island?<br />

Fourth, if amajor<br />

constitutional change such as<br />

this really doeshave genuine<br />

value, it should apply to all<br />

local authorities and to all Iwi,<br />

notjust Canterbury andNgai<br />

Tahu.Inthat case, it shouldbe<br />

agovernment Bill. Fifth, Ngai<br />

Tahu is amajorresource<br />

consent holder in Canterbury.<br />

Iwi appointees would have<br />

many conflicts of interest, not<br />

leastfor urban zoning and<br />

irrigation consents.<br />

Sixth,when ECanwas<br />

conducting its representation<br />

reviewpriortothe 2007local<br />

elections,mydeputy chair,<br />

RobertJohnston,and Imet<br />

separatelywith MarkSolomon,<br />

then NgaiTahu<br />

Kaiwhakahaere.Weaskedhim<br />

whether he would support a<br />

designatedMaori constituency.<br />

He told us that they did not<br />

want aseparate constituency as<br />

they thought the Maori<br />

AdvisoryCommitteewas<br />

working well, so why changeit.<br />

Weproposed no change.<br />

Perhaps the genesis of this<br />

Bill is to do withsomerecent<br />

history. In the 2007local<br />

elections,awaveofpublic<br />

concern overthe potentialfor<br />

irrigation from theCentral<br />

Plains Water scheme to pollute<br />

domestic water supplies saw<br />

fourGreen­alignedcandidates<br />

sweep incumbents out of office.<br />

Potential irrigators feared<br />

tighter rules and conditions for<br />

theuse of water,afearthatwas<br />

conveyed to rural mayors,who<br />

sawwaterasdriving economic<br />

growth intheir districts. When<br />

theKey governmentwas<br />

elected in 2008, it andthe<br />

mayors (ledbyChristchurch’s<br />

Parker) hadcommissioners<br />

appointed. Labour and the<br />

Greens, in Opposition, opposed<br />

this action. Theywereright to<br />

do so. NgaiTahu,however,<br />

supported the National<br />

government’sactions, as did<br />

the Maori Party. Ngai Tahu<br />

thenhad aCommissioner<br />

appointed to ECan, something<br />

it now seeks to consolidate with<br />

this departure from the<br />

democratic foundationoflocal<br />

government.<br />

APossible Solution<br />

Away needs to be foundto<br />

enable Ngai Tahuto exercise<br />

its mana whenua rolewith<br />

regardtonatural resources<br />

while maintainingthe<br />

democratic baseoflocal<br />

government and the multilateral<br />

nature of the Treaty of<br />

Waitangi. TheTirikatene Bill<br />

doesnot do this.Itis,<br />

metaphorically, the tail<br />

proposing to wagthe dog.<br />

If theadvisory role Ngai Tahu<br />

found satisfactory in 2007 is no<br />

longerwanted,another way of<br />

engagement must be found. Cogovernanceisnot<br />

theanswer,<br />

despite advocatesalready<br />

referring to the ‘successes’of<br />

the (asyet non­existent) ECan<br />

model.<br />

Another democratically<br />

based solution needs to be<br />

foundbycentral government<br />

engagingwith the whole of the<br />

community.The NgaiTahuBill<br />

should be either rejectedor<br />

parked,the 1987 ‘Lands’<br />

judgementofSir RobinCooke<br />

re­visited and anew model<br />

developed,one based on the<br />

multi­lateral nature of the<br />

Treatyand the multi­cultural<br />

nature of ourcountry.<br />

At theend of the day,<br />

Parliament will have to make<br />

the final decision on the<br />

processbut, as theoutcome<br />

would bring about<br />

constitutional change,itshould<br />

be settledbyway ofa<br />

referendum. Prior to that,<br />

however, IthinkthataRoyal<br />

Commission, independent of<br />

Government (aswith the<br />

considerationofproportional<br />

representation in the1990’s)is<br />

the best way to engagewith the<br />

public and to produce<br />

proposalsfor all<br />

parliamentarians to consider.<br />

These are very seriousmatters.<br />

While this wouldtake longer<br />

than aCabinet decision later<br />

this year and enactmentsoon<br />

after, it would be abetter,<br />

transparentprocess. It might<br />

evenget the supportofall<br />

parties.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> Bridge Club<br />

Monday Evening –<strong>April</strong> 18th, Mixed grade:<br />

1st Amanda Evans & Mary Buckland, 2nd<br />

Rachel &Mike Holdaway, 3rd Janet Cuttle &<br />

Val Palmer, 4th Margaret &John Rickard, 5th<br />

Cath King &Joyce Johnson, 6th Gwen Clucas<br />

&Ann Richards<br />

1st Maree Moore & Jan de Jong, 2nd<br />

Rewa Kyle &Trish Small, 3rd Jason Vaninni &<br />

Maryke Blignault, 4th Mary Buckland &<br />

Rosemary McLaughlin, 5th Trevor Coulter &<br />

Jill Browne, 6th Wendy &Eric Parr<br />

Wednesday Afternoon- <strong>April</strong> 20th, Dup:<br />

1st Rewa Kyle & Maree Moore, 2nd Mary<br />

Buckland &Maryke Blignault, 3rd Kay Rob &<br />

Rosemary McLaughlin,4th Joyce Johnson &<br />

Val Palmer<br />

Thursday Evening – <strong>April</strong> 21st, Smith<br />

Trophy: 1st Lois Rose &Jill Browne, 2nd Pat<br />

Jordan &Jim Rooney, 3rd Sue Rosevear &<br />

Mike Holdaway, 4th Rewa Kyle & Mary<br />

Buckland, 5th Kay Robb &Johnny Wright, 6th<br />

Colin Clemens &Maryke Blignault.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque Club<br />

The annual Firefighters Tournament was<br />

played in Christchurch recently where Jan<br />

Guilford and her partner were placed third.<br />

This Trophy is played for in Christchurch<br />

on Anzac Day afternoon in memory of 9/11<br />

where alot of firefighters lost their lives, and<br />

also of our armed services and members who<br />

had died.<br />

We are trialling Saturday play over the<br />

winter months and on our first day over Anzac<br />

weekend we had over 20 members turn up<br />

which was fantastic.<br />

It was alovely day to be enjoying exercise.<br />

This Thursday, one of our new members,<br />

an experienced player who has recently<br />

moved down from Auckland, is going to be<br />

coaching players starting with the basics.<br />

It never hurts to revisit<br />

the basics and if we have developed bad<br />

habits then we have the chance to change<br />

them.<br />

This will be a regular feature of our<br />

Thursdays but for those who don’t want to be<br />

involved, the usual games will still be available.<br />

We are holding our AGM in the Card Room<br />

at the MSA on Thursday, 5May at 5.45pm.<br />

Don’t forget to come and join us on any<br />

Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday at 115 Racecourse<br />

Road, at 1pm.<br />

Mid Canterbury Social Wheelers<br />

23rd <strong>April</strong> 22, 16km Out and Home 26<br />

Riders, 1st. Kaylib Gorrie 29m 57s. 2nd. Lucy<br />

Kirwan 31m 33s. 3rd. Nigel Leary 31m 34s.<br />

4th. Katherine Gorrie 34m 55s. 5th. Dave<br />

Knight 24m 31s F/T. 6th. Marty Cuttle 24m 32s<br />

2f/t. 7th. Nick Hand 24m 32s 3f/t. 8th. Nick<br />

Grijns 26m 33s. 9th. Anton Nichols 24m 33s<br />

4f/t. 10th Rob Hooper 24m 37s 5f/t. 11th.<br />

Michelle Davidson 27m 20s. 12th. Ross<br />

Templeton 27m 22s. 13th. Richard Kirwan<br />

26m 45s. 14th. Richard Begg 26m 46s. 15th.<br />

Jelle Hendriksen 24m 48s 6f/t. 16th.Mark<br />

Smitheram 27m 33s. 17th. Doug Coley 27m<br />

21s. 18th. Alan Johns 33m 01s. 19th.Brent<br />

Hudson 33m 30s. 20th Janette Hooper 36m<br />

30s. 21st.Ron Kennedy 32m 01s. 22nd.<br />

Kenny Johnston 32m 35s. 23rd. Dave Shurrock<br />

34m 06s. 24th. Pam Harcourt 29m 07s.<br />

25th. Andrew Shepherd 33m 05s. 26th. Jack<br />

Gorrie 33m 34s.<br />

Tinwald Cycling U17 Development<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>April</strong> 22. Fords Road 2km<br />

Handicap .1st. Emma Gallagher 5m 33s. 2nd.<br />

Ryan Gallagher 4m 10s F/T. 3rd. Nick Dalley<br />

5m 03s. Graded Results, A. Grade. 1st. Ryan<br />

Gallagher, C. Grade. 1st. Nick Dalley, D.<br />

Grade. 1st .Emma Gallagher. Open T.T. 2km.<br />

1st. Ryan Gallagher 3m 57s. 2nd. Nick Dalley<br />

4m 56s. 3rd. Emma Gallagher 5m 34s.<br />

Graded Results. A. Grade. 1st. Ryan Gallagher<br />

,C.Grade. 1st. Nick Dalley ,D.Grade.<br />

1st. Emma Gallagher.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Golf Club 9Holes<br />

Last week's putting rounds for men and<br />

women: Gavin Johnston (13) won the men's<br />

Round 3Gordon Clinton Trophy, followed by<br />

Kevin Walker/Gordon Clinton (14). Janice<br />

Dulop won the women's Round 3 Jean<br />

Drummond Trophy, followed by Judy Shepard<br />

(16). Smith &Church Gobblers: Gavin Johnston<br />

&Gordon Clinton. This week, <strong>28</strong>th <strong>April</strong>,<br />

Round 3Heather Smith Trophy (stableford).<br />

Next week, 5th May, Round 4, Marion<br />

Marshall Trophy. Winter Starting Time begins<br />

in May -arrive by 9:45am for 10:00 start.<br />

Women’s Golf<br />

Tuesday 26th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> Mildred Doak -<br />

Silver<br />

Alison MacGregor –74<br />

Net Round<br />

Jenny Stoddart, Sally Lemon –73, Jenny<br />

William -74<br />

Nearest the Pins: No 4Chevalier Farm Ltd<br />

–Not Struck,<br />

No 8 Samantha Rose Flowers – Vicki<br />

Moore<br />

No 12 Lynn’s small Salon –Not Struck<br />

No 14 Todd’s of <strong>Ashburton</strong> – Fiona<br />

Williamson<br />

No 18 2nd Shot –Maryann Blair<br />

Two’s Vicki Moore –No8.



For the<br />

motoring<br />

enthusiasts<br />

For the<br />

rugby fans<br />

For the<br />

seasonal<br />

gardeners<br />

For the<br />

green<br />

thumbs<br />

Available in all good bookstores and supermarkets, orsubscribe and save up to 50% offthe RRP.<br />

0800 77 77 10 | alliedpressmagazines.co.nz


51 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18<br />

19<br />

20 21 22<br />

29/4<br />

Across<br />

1. Capital, the wayhejudged in favour of<br />

Aphrodite (5)<br />

4. Sin is –ormight be –the making of a<br />

composer (7)<br />

8. Make somethingup, or startyourlist(9)<br />

9. Gilbertian Princesswould help the first to<br />

be last (3)<br />

10. Fact of being all,yet I’m no different (7)<br />

12. Amusical tiemight damage one’s<br />

reputation(4)<br />

14. He doesn’t believeinthe ricebeing<br />

thrown (7)<br />

17. Callagreeting if the comedown is hard<br />

(4)<br />

18. Men who are thereatthe birth, oneis<br />

told(7)<br />

20. Hollow one’shands forthe trophy (3)<br />

21. Rankingequally with 1Across,asupfor<br />

revision(4,5)<br />

23. Keeps oneself out of sight, as one does<br />

sleeping on afuton(4,3)<br />

24. FromTyre men brought back ahard<br />

mineral (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Hip solocaliph composed,havinga<br />

reconciled outlook (13)<br />

2. Find adeepgulfinenteringwildparty (6)<br />

3. One posted about ten lines (8)<br />

4. Ashort marsupial (3)<br />

5. Uttersineasy assurance, upside down (4)<br />

6. It will depend on it being freezingoutside<br />

(6)<br />

7. Tryand bowusin, somehow, deep in<br />

thought (2,1,5,5)<br />

11. Howtogiveinidly around theEast (5)<br />

13. Follower of PCisidleanyhow(8)<br />

15. It is not acomplex medicinalherb (6)<br />

16. Little Leslie caninterviewthe manwith<br />

thetenancy(6)<br />

19. Work aleading lithographerdoesin<br />

stone (4)<br />

22. Is not trained as a recruit (3)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1to9.<br />

23 24<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11<br />

12<br />

13 14<br />

15 16<br />

17 18 19<br />

20<br />

21 22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Con trick (4)<br />

4. Effect(6)<br />

8. Traffic jam(5-2)<br />

9. Arc(5)<br />

10. Crazy(colloq)(4)<br />

11. Million million (8)<br />

13. Near thing (5,4)<br />

17. Determined(8)<br />

19. Quick drink(4)<br />

21. Move in an arc (5)<br />

22. Burning beacon (7)<br />

23. Opportunity(6)<br />

24. Ale (4)<br />

Down<br />

2. Totallydisorganised (7)<br />

3. Become liquid (4)<br />

4. Undetectable (13)<br />

5. Odd (8)<br />

6. Small dog (5)<br />

7. Intended(5)<br />

8. Despatched(4)<br />

12. Ruffian(8)<br />

14. Despicable person(7)<br />

15. Body-search(5)<br />

16. Eyeup(4)<br />

18. Impressively<br />

fashionable (5)<br />

20. Stuck-up person (4)<br />



Across: 1. Scam,4.Impact, 8. Snarl-up, 9. Curve, 10. Nuts,11. Trillion,<br />

13. Closecall, 17. Resolute, 19.Swig, 21.Swing,22. Bonfire, 23.<br />

Chance, 24.Beer.<br />

Down: 2. Chaotic, 3. Melt,4.Imperceptible,5.Peculiar,6.Corgi,7.<br />

Meant, 8. Sent, 12.Hooligan, 14. Lowlife,15. Frisk, 16. Ogle, 18.Swish,<br />

20. Snob.<br />


Across: 1. Paris 4. Rossini 8. Inventory 9. Ida10. Omneity 12. Slur 14.<br />

Heretic 17. Hail18. Dockers 20.Cup 21.Paripassu23. Lieslow 24.<br />

Emery.<br />

Down: 1. Philosophical2.Ravine3.Sentinel 4. Roo5.Says6.Icicle 7. In<br />

abrown study 11.Yield 13.Disciple15. Simple 16. Lessee19. Opal22.<br />

Raw.<br />

TARGET<br />

berg bier bite biter bitter brute<br />

butte butter gibe gutter guttier<br />

jibe jitter JITTERBUG jube jute<br />

rebut rejig rite rube tier tiger<br />

tire titre tribe tribute trite true<br />

tube tuber urge utter<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

T I U<br />

G E J<br />

R B T<br />

Good 16<br />

Very Good 23<br />

Excellent 30+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />

ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Denise<br />

Russell<br />

Hello I’m Denise Russell alicensed salesperson working at Ray<br />

White. I’m aMum of 2grown sons and apassionate animal<br />

loverespecially dogs. Youwill often see me out with my best<br />

friend Stella, aHuntawaydog who isvery spoilt.<br />

Ienjoymeeting and working with people to help them<br />

achieve excellent results. Ilook forward tomeeting you.<br />

027 432 9717 •denise.russell@raywhite.com<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> •Tinwald •Methven •rwashburton.co.nz •03307 8317<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury PropertyLimited Licensed (REAA 2008)

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />




•Brand New Kitchen •Large Lounge/Living •<br />

Spacious Bdrms •Int. Dble Garage •Painted<br />

throughout •Substantial Vegetable Garden<br />

•Park like Section •New Fire w/Heat Transfer<br />

•OSP •Tranquil Atmosphere. BEO $629,000<br />

All offers considered after Thursday, 05 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/73HYK<br />


46 CAMBRIDGE STREET 4 1 2<br />


Location is perfect for family living! 4bdrms<br />

plus asleepout for either ateenager, guests<br />

or ahome office. Whatever your needs may<br />

be as your family grows. Separate large<br />

garage with loads of storage. BEO $339,000<br />

All offers considered after Wednesday, 05<br />

May <strong>2022</strong> 2pm.<br />

View<br />

Saturday 10.30 -11.00am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/7HYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />


2/361 BURNETT STREET 2 1 1<br />


Freshly renovated! All the hard work has<br />

been done ready for anew owner to enjoy. 2<br />

bdrms BIW. Single garage with storage shed.<br />

Sunny, easy care courtyard &anallotment<br />

at the back. Freshly painted, new lights<br />

& fittings. New floor coverings & curtains<br />

throughout. New toilet. BEO $325,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday 11.15 -11.45am<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/71HYK<br />

21 CHURCH STREET 3 1 -<br />


This property comes with:<br />

•3bedrooms •1Bathroom with ashower<br />

and bathtub! • Separate toilet • Spacious<br />

and open plan kitchen and dining. • Back<br />

yard space, would make for great outdoor<br />

entertaining area! BEO $329,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday 12.00 -12.30pm<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6MHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

114 THOMSON STREET 3 1 1<br />


3 bdrm home with easy care fully fenced<br />

section. Just ahop skip and jump to Tinwald<br />

School! O/p living allows for easy heating<br />

via h/pump. Bath +shower with extraction.<br />

Int. access single garage. Freshly painted<br />

roof, ready for its new owner. BEO $279,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6THYK<br />

29 WAYMOUTH STREET 3 1 3<br />


Space galore with 3dble bdrm home in a<br />

friendly community, Fairton. • Modern o/p<br />

kitchen &dining •Double glazed •Choice of<br />

diesel fire or h/pump for heating •Spa pool<br />

•Internal access carport •2single adjoining<br />

garages with workbench •Plenty of off street<br />

parking for all the toys! BEO $449,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6EHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />


•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />

•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />

Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />

Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />

to survey) BEO $539,000<br />

All offers considered after Tuesday, 19 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2022</strong> 2pm. (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6ZHYK<br />

33 CHALMERS AVENUE 3 2 2<br />


Spacious elegant kitchen, Sep. lounge, O/p<br />

dining/living, Double tiled ensuite & full<br />

bthrm, Indoor/outdoor flow to the private<br />

patio. Double int. garage with laundry.Set<br />

on a manicured low maintenance private<br />

section, this stylish home offers the lucky<br />

buyer comfortable easy living. BEO $639,000<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6RHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />



•1.31ha &1.26ha Bareland •Residential D•1<br />

min to Mayfield shops •26min to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Set back from the road with shared<br />

driveway, the spectacular property covers 2<br />

sections of flat land &positioned for the sun<br />

&Mountains. Opportunity to subdivide down<br />

to 4000m2 (subject to survey). PBN<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6PHYK<br />



These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />

ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />

just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />

from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />

tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />

is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />

Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View<br />

By Appointment<br />

ljhooker.co.nz/6GHYK<br />

Agent<br />

Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />

Agent<br />

Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />

Julie Srhoy<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

021 354 885<br />

Manu Otene<br />

Sales &Listings<br />

022 308 6885<br />

LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit www.ashburton.ljhooker.co.nz<br />

Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company

THURSDAY <strong>28</strong>TH APRIL<br />

85 Racecourse Road, Methven 5:30-6:15pm 3 2 1 MVN30029<br />


360 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 3 2 2 AHB30248<br />

37 Geoff Geering Dve, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-11:00am 4 2 2 AHB30244<br />

24 Trellech Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 3 1 2 AHB30148<br />

1/63 Short Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 1 AHB30252<br />

59 Oxford Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 1 AHB30242<br />

85 Racecourse Road, Methven 11:30-12:15pm 3 2 1 MVN30029<br />

63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm Sections AHB30181<br />

13 Hillier Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-12:30pm 3 1 2 AHB30255<br />

5GlasseyStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:45-1:15pm 4 2 2 AHB30226<br />

1/63 Short Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

2 1 1<br />


63 Glassworks Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:00-1:00pm Sections AHB30181<br />

Ashort stroll to the shops and street frontage makes this town<br />

house agem, positioned to capture all daysun this home is<br />

perfect for those downsizing, retirees ,investor or first home<br />

buyers. Versatile living area with modern kitchen, that has had<br />

arefit with fabulous work surface &cabinetry with heaps of<br />

storage. Flowing to athe spacious living area that has room<br />

for the dining table &lots wall space for furniture layout.<br />

Freshly updated bathroom with all the essentials &two double<br />

bedrooms with lots of light &great storageThis home is cosy<br />

&well aired with aheatpump &DVS system.Aindoor laundry<br />

with afew steps out the back door &asingle garage.<br />

ForSale<br />

Price onApplication<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30252<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

59 Oxford Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 1<br />

There are some areas that need abit of TLC, but this givesyou<br />

the opportunity to buy at price that is rarely seen in todays<br />

market.This property provides the potential foryou to get onto<br />

the property or investment ladder and add equity yourself.<br />

Don’t delay as this one is sure tobepopular !!<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AH30121<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 3rd May <strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

3:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:30 -12:00pm<br />

Armand vander Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

37 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

4 2 2<br />

24 Trellech Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

3 1 2<br />

Turn Keyready 4bedroom plus media/office located in one<br />

of <strong>Ashburton</strong>s desired locations at Geoff Geering Drive. A<br />

fabulous qualitybuilt Grant Love home situated onaexcellent<br />

family sized section is available.The sun will be shining in your<br />

wonderful open plan living/dining and executive kitchen.<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30244<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

ForSale<br />

Offers over$810,000<br />

View<br />

Saturday10:30 -11:00am<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

*Great family home in aquiet cul-de-sac in Allenton<br />

*3generous double bedrooms all with built-in robes<br />

*New carpet throughout<br />

*Internal access double garage with auto door<br />

*Open plan kitchen/dining living plus separate lounge<br />

*Secure back yard<br />

rwashburton.co.nz/AHB30148<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />

SetDate of Sale<br />

closing 10 May<strong>2022</strong>, at<br />

4:00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View<br />

Saturday11:00 -11:30am<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Kim Miller<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Denise Russell<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 432 9717<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 461 2614<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 220 15<strong>28</strong><br />

Carey VonLubke<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 697 6948<br />

Armandvan der Eik<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 597 527<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mike Grant ncre<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Mark Totty<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

021 664 113<br />

BruceMcPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 <strong>28</strong>7 3388<br />

96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br />

rwashburton.co.nz<br />

36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032

What'smy<br />

property worth?<br />

It's FREE to<br />

find out!<br />





3D VIRTUAL<br />


Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />




124 Michael Street, Rakaia<br />

ID: R093<br />

It's been aloving family home forover30years, but nowisthe timetohand over the keys!<br />

Situatedonthe East side of Rakaia townhip this very large home on a<strong>2022</strong>m² section. Built buy alocal builder<br />

this home possesses four bedrooms, spacious living with vaulted ceilings, open plan kitchen/dining and ahuge<br />

double garage with mechanics pitand drivethrugaragedoor,plus extensivegardens, alarge vege plot anda<br />

swimming pool. Enjoy, subdivide (subject to your owndue diligence) or landbank, the choice is yours! Don't<br />

miss thisopportunity,viewing is amust! SetSaleends10th May<strong>2022</strong><br />

Enquiries Over $649,000<br />

12B Churchill Avenue<br />

ID: W730<br />

Desirable townhouse situatedinasoughtafterAllentonlocation. Well presented, sunnyaspect, two<br />

heatpumpsplus HRVkeepsthis home super cosy.<br />

Updatedkitchen with newgas cooktop, twogood sizedbedroomsand aconservatory makethis weebeauty a<br />

mustsee!<br />

These properties areindemand...call nowfor your appointmenttoview.<br />

OffersOver$379,000<br />

Open Home: Saturday30<strong>April</strong>, 10.00 -10.30am<br />

Open Home: Saturday30<strong>April</strong>, 10.30 -11.00am 2 1 1<br />


4 1 2<br />

All Sold..ButNow One is<br />

Available!<br />

•Arare opportunity to<br />

purchase adesirable<br />

section in the Camrose<br />

subdivision locatedin<br />

the growing township of<br />

Methven.<br />

•Verynicely positioned<br />

maximisingviews to the<br />

mountains.<br />

OffersOver$265,000<br />

ID: M107<br />

15 Oak Grove<br />

ID: W729<br />

Situatedinaverydesirable Oak Grovelocation this substantial property has so much to offer.<br />

Boasting four bedrooms, office, formal dining,two living areas, beautiful conservatory and twobathrooms this<br />

exceptional home comes with everything afamily could ask forand more! The coveredand heatedswimming<br />

pool,tennis courts and games room arethe icing onthe cake!<br />

Three cargaraging (including carport), aprivate well and composting station, allona1383m² private,secure<br />

section. This is onenot to be missed, call foranappointmenttoviewtoday!<br />

Enquiries Over $850,000<br />

Open Home: Saturday30<strong>April</strong>, 11.00 -11.30am<br />


4 2 3<br />


JustWhatYou'reLooking<br />

For!!<br />

Three bedroom property<br />

with open plan living.<br />

Easy care section with<br />

garage plus carport.<br />

Freshly painted, roughcast<br />

exterior and aluminium<br />

windows.<br />

An excellentfirsthome or<br />

investmentopportunity.<br />

Enquiries Over $349,000<br />

3 1 2<br />

ID: E737<br />

Large Family Home In AGreat Location!<br />

ID: ROL002<br />

Getmorehouse foryour moneywith this very spacious 4bed home. Built in 2007 this home is situatedina<br />

quiet location but within walking distance to allamenities.<br />

The property possesses 2livingareas, open plan dining and kitchen, masterbedroom with walk-in wardrobe<br />

and ensuiteand large double garage with workbenches. An added bonus is acovered entertainingareatothe<br />

rear with access from the mastersuiteand lounge, with plenty of garden to the rear.<br />

It's definitely worth alook.<br />

Motivatedvendors!<br />

Enquiries Over $749,000 4 2 2<br />

So...you’re thinking<br />

of moo-ving?<br />

Well you better hoof it to<br />

Real Estatete New Zealand!<br />

Scan the QR code and book<br />

your FREE no-obligation<br />

market appraisal today!<br />

Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! We donate from everypropertysold!<br />

Manager<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Trevor Hurley<br />

0275 435 799<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Stephen Watson<br />

027 433 9695<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Manoj Rana<br />

022 453 1964<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Dannii May<br />

0210 <strong>28</strong>1 3310<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Deborah Roberts<br />

0210 752 180

15,268 reasonss<br />

to advertise<br />

with us!<br />

You can trust us to deliver what we promise!<br />

20,000<br />

2021<br />

15,268<br />

circulation<br />

10,000<br />

0<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong><br />

2021<br />

Did not<br />

release<br />

audit.<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

Last<br />

Audit<br />

2019<br />

4306<br />

circulation<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Guardian<br />

The latest NZ Audit Bureau of<br />

Circulations report is out and<br />

it shows that the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> is the highest circulating<br />

newspaper in our region.<br />

Get our proven circulation working for your business today.<br />

Call usnow for afree advertising consultancy —grow more<br />

customers, sales and profits for your business.<br />

Here’s what our customers have to say:<br />

Advertising is effective and hassle-free with<br />

the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>. Thanks totheir large<br />

distribution, we are able to advertise locally<br />

throughout Mid Canterbury, as well as in<br />

Selwyn and Timaru. In our business, it’s<br />

important to attract customers from out<br />

of town as much as it is locally. Being able<br />

to deal with just one person while having<br />

the ability to promote our events out of Mid<br />

Canterbury soeasily, is adefinite advantage.<br />

-Casey, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Trust Event Centre<br />

With the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />

being delivered from Rakaia to<br />

Geraldine, Ireceive total coverage<br />

in the Mid Canterbury region,<br />

making it anobrainer that I<br />

choose to spend my advertising<br />

dollars with them.<br />

Iknow itworks due to the amount<br />

of people who mention the<br />

advert, or bring it in with them.<br />

-Keith, AtoBAutos Ltd<br />

We utilised the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong> to<br />

advertise our newSmithsCitystore<br />

opening recently and have to saywewere<br />

extremely pleasedwith the response.<br />

Theresponse from the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

<strong>Courier</strong> really put our store on the map<br />

and customers were coming in with the<br />

paper, asking for the specials, our sales<br />

surpassed our expectations.<br />

-DaveBoyte Marketing Manager, Smiths City<br />

Phone 308 7664<br />

Email jann.thompson@ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Office 199 Burnett street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />

Tips to safely<br />

make food<br />

last longer<br />

If you’re isolating at home, want<br />

to reduceyour trips to the<br />

supermarket, or simply make<br />

your food dollars stretch further,<br />

thereare somesimple food<br />

safety tips that can help, says<br />

New Zealand Food Safety deputy<br />

director general Vincent<br />

Arbuckle.<br />

“New Zealanders throw out an<br />

estimated 220 tonnes of food<br />

each year. Avoiding waste can<br />

help you get more use from your<br />

food and it’s oneofthe little<br />

things we can do to reduce our<br />

potential exposure to the Covid<br />

virus and keep ourselves and<br />

communitiessafe.”<br />

Use By and BestBefore labels:<br />

“The key thing to remember is<br />

that the Use By label is about<br />

safety, whereasthe BestBefore<br />

label is aboutquality.<br />

“Thatmeans if something is<br />

past its UseBydate, it should<br />

definitely be thrown out.These<br />

products don’talwaystakeona<br />

bad smellorlook bad,sothe<br />

label is theonly means to<br />

determine if they shouldn’t be<br />

eaten.<br />

“What some people don’t know<br />

is that foods that are past their<br />

Best Before date are stillsafe to<br />

eat, but are no longer at their<br />

peak quality. Deciding whether<br />

the product is up to scratch is a<br />

personal preference, but many<br />

people will find these foods are<br />

perfectly acceptable.<br />

“Our advice is that if youfind a<br />

jar of something down the back<br />

of the cupboardwhich is past its<br />

Best Before date, you might have<br />

more options than youthink.<br />

“While Bestbefore remains a<br />

good guidelinefor the quality of<br />

food, the “sniff test” is stilla<br />

reliable thing you can do at home<br />

to double­check if food is<br />

suitable to eat. If it doesn’t smell<br />

or look right it should be thrown<br />

out no matter what the label says.<br />

If in doubt, throw it out.”<br />

NZFShas more information on<br />

food labels and how to interpret<br />

them on our website, here.<br />

Handling leftovers:<br />

By keepingyour fridge at the<br />

right temperature and ensuring<br />

your food is stored correctly you<br />

can get the most out of your<br />

leftovers.<br />

“Freezing foodcan further<br />

extend its useability. However,<br />

freezing won’t kill most<br />

pathogens so only fresh or<br />

freshly cookedfood should be<br />

frozen.<br />

“Try to takethe time to thaw<br />

out frozenfood in the fridge<br />

rather thanthebench because<br />

that will ensure it always<br />

remains at asafe temperature.<br />

“Food should onlybereheated<br />

once, anditshouldbepipinghot<br />

to ensure potentially harmful<br />

bacteria is killed.<br />

“Fridges should be keptata<br />

steady temperature between 2<br />

and 5degree Celsius. Avoid<br />

overfilling fridges because that<br />

can stop cool air from circulating<br />

around the food. Alsodon’t use<br />

your fridge to cool hot food as<br />

that can raise the temperature of<br />

other foods inside the fridge.<br />

“As arule of thumb, let hot<br />

food cool at room temperature<br />

for 30 minutes before storing it in<br />

the fridge. Leftovers should be in<br />

the fridge within two hours of<br />

cooking or preparation if<br />

salads.’’<br />

Staying safe: Five<br />

ways to wellbeing<br />

The Five Ways to Wellbeing<br />

continue to be agood guide to<br />

look at and remember, especially<br />

as covidstresses continue<br />

throughthe community.<br />

GIVE:Think of others, if<br />

people are in needdon’tbe<br />

scared to reachout, this maybe<br />

picking up groceriesorother<br />

jobs that theybeunable to carry<br />

out. We know we are agood<br />

communityatgiving so let’s do it<br />

again.<br />

BE ACTIVE:Unless you areat<br />

homekeeping warmbecauseyou<br />

are ill, remember we have great<br />

outdoors, backyards and even<br />

indoors to keep active. We can<br />

keepasafe distance from others<br />

andstill keepactive.<br />

KEEP LEARNING: We may<br />

wellreachastage thatschools<br />

and many jobsare based at<br />

home, makesureyou are ready<br />

to do yourlearningand work<br />

online. Might be agood timeto<br />

do some onlinelearning about<br />

somethingyou always wanted to<br />

do, but never had time.<br />

CONNECT:Obviously this may<br />

be limitedwith personalcontact<br />

but we have never beenbetter<br />

equippedtoconnect through<br />

other means such as Zoom,<br />

Skype, Facebook and several<br />

other tools, even the goodold<br />

telephone. Makeapointof<br />

connectingwithloved ones and<br />

mates more oftenthanusual.<br />

If you are knockingon<br />

neighbour’s doors to see if they<br />

areOKrespect safe distances<br />

andpersonalhygiene,but it is a<br />

good timetokeep connected or<br />

make anew connection.<br />

TAKENOTICE: Maybe, just<br />

maybe this willbeachance for<br />

societytoslowdown andfocus<br />

on what is really important to us<br />

all.<br />

Loved ones,our outdoors,<br />

community, the simple things<br />

thatweall too often dismissor<br />

takefor grantedinaworldthat<br />

hasbecome materialisticand<br />

stupidly busy.<br />

Remember, if you feel the<br />

need to talk about yourmental<br />

wellbeing phone,txt 1737 any<br />

time. (This is for yourselforto<br />

get advice about others). You can<br />

alsocontact yourlocal doctor<br />

(GP); phone first to findout about<br />

their procedure for coronavirus.<br />

Otherhelplinenumbers: Crisis<br />

MentalHealthCare0800 222955,<br />

Covid­19 helpline 0800 3585453.<br />


ALTERATIONS; Sewing<br />

mending and trouser hemming,<br />

curtain alterations<br />

and curtain making. Call<br />

Michelle on 027 352 7248.<br />

BUILD work to do? Contact<br />

Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />

Ltd. Alterations,<br />

Renovations, New builds<br />

and repairs. Qualified<br />

Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />

027 418 7955.<br />

BUILDER : Specialising in<br />

home renovations and<br />

repair work. We also do<br />

decks, fences and retaining,<br />

plastering and painting,<br />

gardening, landscaping<br />

and tree removal. Call<br />

Lindsay 027 230 0205<br />

CARPET Cleaning. Powerful<br />

equipment and fast drying.<br />

Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />

Experienced owner/operator.<br />

Phone John Cameron<br />

at Supersucker. 027 435<br />

1042.<br />

CARPET 2YOU -for all your<br />

flooring needs. Supplier<br />

and installer of carpet and<br />

vinyl, re-stretch and repair,<br />

carpet cleaning. Phone<br />

Mike Gill 027 491 4210.<br />

CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />

servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />

surrounding districts, $70<br />

per chimney. Phone<br />

Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />

and leave amessage.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweep - for a<br />

professional service call<br />

Dan McKerrow, Chimney<br />

Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />

118 7580.<br />

CHIMNEY Sweeping.<br />

Includes full firebox inspection<br />

and internal flue<br />

camera inspection. An<br />

inspection report can be<br />

issued on completion. Call<br />

Allan on 027 209 5026.<br />

COMPUTER Help - need<br />

personalised help with<br />

computer programs,<br />

backups? Trouble with your<br />

PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />

Internet, printer or internet/<br />

electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />

021 120 9292<br />

COMPUTER Problems? For<br />

prompt reliable computer<br />

servicing and laser engraving,<br />

contact Kelvin, KJB<br />

Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />

Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />

308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />

card accepted.<br />

COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />

training, setup wirelessnetworks,<br />

spyware<br />

cleanup. On-site day or<br />

evening. Low fees. Call<br />

Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />

Firewalls and PC’s Ltd, 308<br />

1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />

CONCRETE Services -<br />

Driveways, paths, patios,<br />

mowing edging. Decorative<br />

Concrete Specialist operating<br />

locally with 30 years<br />

experience. No job too big<br />

or small. Contactless service<br />

offered. Phone Paul<br />

021 152 1966.<br />

ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />

farm equipment<br />

service and maintenance,<br />

WOF repairs, machining<br />

and welding. Odd jobs a<br />

speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />

Can Collect. Phone<br />

Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />

FIRE Extinquisher sales and<br />

servicing. On farm/<br />

contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />

boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />

Mack at Doors and More on<br />

027 396 0361.<br />


FLY control and spider<br />

proofing. For all your<br />

domestic and industrial<br />

pest control needs phone<br />

AJ Kerr at <strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest<br />

Control on 03 308 8147 or<br />

027 432 5447<br />

FURNITURE Removals. For<br />

all your household removal<br />

needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />

office relocations -<br />

call Nudges Furniture<br />

Removals, phone 027 224<br />

0609.<br />

GARDENING, mowing,<br />

pruning, fertilising, projects<br />

or general spruce ups? Call<br />

Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />

to get the job done right.<br />

027 765 <strong>28</strong>99 or 03 307<br />

1693.<br />

sprucegardens@xtra.co.nz<br />

LAWN Mowing. No job too<br />

small. Call Les Smith, From<br />

The Ground Up, for acompetitive<br />

quote. Ph 027 840<br />

0201 or 03 308 1500.<br />

LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />

Keys/locks, sliding and<br />

bifold door roller repairs.<br />

Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />

Doors and More on 027 516<br />

7104.<br />


A NEW LOOK<br />

that lasts!<br />

Existing kitchens, doors,<br />

furniture &appliances<br />

The Finishing Company<br />

03 307 8870 2471051<br />

PAINTER for all your painting<br />

needs. No job too small,<br />

inside or outside. Professional,<br />

friendly service.<br />

Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />

027 200 1619.<br />

SPRAYING Fencelines etc.<br />

Wood splitter for firewood<br />

rings available. Call JCR<br />

Livestock Services Division<br />

027 267 1959.<br />

SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />

Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />

control for homes, offices<br />

and cars. Phone Craig<br />

Rogers 307 6347, www.<br />

windowtinter.co.nz, member<br />

of Master Tinters NZ.<br />

TILING - For all your tiling<br />

requirements including kitchen<br />

splash backs, flooring<br />

etc. (Full water proofing)<br />

Call Kevin on 027 496<br />

8314.<br />

TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />

block, glare, heat control,<br />

safety, security, privacy,<br />

frosting films, solar protective<br />

window films. Free<br />

quotes, 20 years local service.<br />

Phone 0800 368 468<br />

now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br />

tintawindow.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

that works!<br />

Talk to Jann or<br />

Karentodayabout<br />

ways youcan reach<br />

potential customers<br />

or advertising with<br />

thatspecial difference<br />

-professional service<br />

with asmile.<br />

Phone: 308 7664<br />

199 Burnett St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

ashburtoncranes2015@gmail.com<br />

2376119<br />

2468875<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />


57<br />


Intermediate /Senior Accountant<br />

Brophy Knight Limited isawell established and<br />

forward thinking chartered accounting firm. This<br />

is agreat opportunity tojoin afirm that will allow<br />

youtoreach your full potential with exciting career<br />

developmentopportunities.<br />

To help manage our increasing client demands<br />

we are looking for anexperienced intermediate /<br />

senior accountant with the relevant qualifications<br />

orexperiencetojoin our team. Aminimum of three<br />

years experienceinaCA environmentispreferred.<br />

You will be compiling financial statements and<br />

ensuring that all tax related obligations are met for<br />

adiverse portfolio of clients from SME’s, trust and<br />

partnerships through to larger entities at various<br />

stages of the business life-cycle.Inadditionyou will<br />

also be preparing monthly management accounts<br />

for select clients. You will be exposed to awide<br />

range of clients and youwill receiveregular training<br />

to keepuptodate with technology and all relevant<br />

New Zealand legislativechange.<br />

BrophyKnightwill be able to offer youacompetitive<br />

market based salary, avibrant brand new office<br />

environment and the opportunity to work in a<br />

success driven firmalongside agreat team who will<br />

invest in your career development.<br />

The successful applicant will have the opportunity<br />

to work alongside Directors to meet existing client<br />

needs and also grow the clientbase.Buildingstrong<br />

business relationships with our clients has been<br />

the key to our success.The successful applicantwill<br />

need the interpersonal skills required to continue<br />

these clientrelationships.<br />

Brophy Knight Limited isamember ofthe NZCA<br />

group. This is agroup of Independent Chartered<br />

Accounting firms throughout New Zealand<br />

committed to best practice and improving the<br />

member firms ability to meet client needs. The<br />

NZCA association also gives staff access to alarge<br />

group of their professional peersand good training<br />

opportunities<br />

Startdate would be immediate.<br />

If youthink this is the type of job foryou we would<br />

love to hear from you.<br />

CoverLetter and CV to:<br />

Heather Ford, BrophyKnightLimited<br />

Email: heatherf@brophyknight.co.nz<br />

2477445<br />



Hunting and Fishing stores throughout the country<br />

have been market leaders in their field for many<br />

years now. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Hunting and Fishing is no<br />

exception.<br />

We have afull-time retail sales position available for<br />

the rightcandidate in our busy sporting goods store.<br />

Ideally, the successful applicant will have abroad<br />

base knowledge of fishing and hunting product,<br />

camping, tramping and clothing or at least a<br />

willingness to learn. This position would be ideally<br />

suited to someone interested in outdoor pursuits.<br />

The applicant would ideally have excellent people<br />

skills and be able to communicate with a wide<br />

varietyofage groups,aretail background would be<br />

an advantage,however not essential,asfull training<br />

will be given.<br />

We are alocally owned store, with agreat team<br />

working environment, if you have aninterest inthe<br />

outdoors and wish to development your passion<br />

into asales career, then we invite you to forward<br />

your current CV and acover letter outlining past<br />

experienceto;<br />

TheManager<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong>Hunting and Fishing<br />

PO Box181, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740<br />

ashburton@huntfish.co.nz<br />

Applications close 15th May <strong>2022</strong><br />



58 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>28</strong>, <strong>2022</strong><br />

www.ashburtoncourier.co.nz<br />


Deliverers Wanted!<br />

Need some extracash??<br />

Whynot get fit earning it!<br />

Be partofadynamic team from areputable and<br />

well-respectedcompanyand deliver advertising<br />

material andnewspapers to localhouses.<br />

Interested?<br />

We requirehonest,reliable<br />

people, aged11orover,<br />

in your area NOW!<br />

Email your interest to:<br />

deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

including yourname,address,<br />

suburb or town,email address and<br />

acontactphonenumber<br />

EngagementAdvisor:<br />

to supportattendance<br />

This is afixed-termposition of up to 20 hours per<br />

week forthe <strong>2022</strong> school year.<br />

Ideal commencementisfor the<br />

beginning of Term 2(2May <strong>2022</strong>).<br />

Althoughthe position is term-time only,flexibility is<br />

required to work within times thatmeet theneeds<br />

of the families.<br />

Therole is to supportwhānau overcome<br />

barriers to regular schoolattendanceand<br />

achievementand liaise between<br />

schools and whānau.<br />

Thesuccessful applicantmustundertake Police<br />

vetting requirements.<br />

Applications close noon, Friday29<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Forinformation package enquiries and<br />

applications please contact<br />

Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary, <strong>Ashburton</strong>College<br />

at rj@ashcoll.school.nz<br />

Application is by wayofletterof<br />

application and CV.<br />

Ref:ENGAD22<br />


MUSCOVY Adult Ducks-<br />

Pied and White, Peking<br />

Bantum chickens and Buff<br />

turkeys. Hinds area and<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> enquiries.<br />

Please phone Heather 027<br />

244 1102.<br />


2475976<br />

FRESH Potatoes; Nadine<br />

and Agria $2.per kg.<br />

Peastraw; $5.per bale or<br />

$6.per bale delivered.<br />

Phone 03 308 3195 or 027<br />

531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />

Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />


<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Plains Rotary<br />


$7 per smallbale or<br />

$40 medium square, delivered.<br />

Harvested this year.<br />

Fordetails and ordering go to<br />

https://plainsrotary.org.nz/linseed-straw-order/<br />

or phone Philip 0278 247050<br />

SELL<br />

LPG<br />


Small LPG cylinders<br />

Off Street Parking<br />

Available<br />

Arthur Cates Ltd<br />

26 McNally Street<br />

Ph 308 5397<br />

Riverside Industrial Estate<br />


9kg cylinders<br />

$<strong>28</strong>.50<br />

Anysizecylinder filled<br />

17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone 307 2707<br />

2468593<br />

2470268<br />


2478213<br />

2476342<br />

PEASTRAW $5. abale, Linseed<br />

straw $4. a bale,<br />

sheep manure $8. a bag.<br />

Medium square bales also<br />

available. Call Ian<br />

027-<strong>28</strong>6-3697 or Dave<br />

027-6011-426. A Hinds<br />

Lions project.<br />

SELL<br />

PINECONES. Good quality<br />

$6. per bag. Delivery in<br />

urban area, $1per bag.<br />

Minimum 3 bags. Phone<br />

Murray 029 236 7723. An<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Menzshed Project.<br />

SHOTGUN - Winchester<br />

Field Sporter, 12 gauge<br />

XTR. As new. Please<br />

phone 027 640 3981<br />

SHOTGUNS x2 (pump), 22<br />

Rifle BA, Ex army web<br />

slings, Gun books, Falcon<br />

books, Militaria, MB Belts,<br />

Ammo Tins etc. Electric<br />

chainsaw. Phone 021 140<br />

1392.<br />

SELL Meadow Hay. Small<br />

bales, top quality. $10. per<br />

bale. Ph 027 602 4885.<br />






Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />

hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />

24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />

will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />

wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />

If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />

call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />

telephone health advice.<br />

All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />

passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />

New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />


Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />

East Street will be open on ...<br />

Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />

Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />

Public holidays from 10am until 1pm<br />

At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />

MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />

and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />

Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />

Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />

Brought<br />

toyouby<br />

CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />


DRY Firewood. WINZ<br />

quotes. 3 way mix,<br />

Bluegum, Silver Poplar, Old<br />

Man Pine 6m 3 $695 .Delivered<br />

to most of Mid-<br />

Canterbury. Phone 027 297<br />

7563<br />



$140 per cord<br />

GREEN<br />


$120 per cord<br />



$150 per cord<br />



$350 per cord<br />

C.O.D. in town<br />

Adams Sawmill<br />

Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />

Phone<br />

308-3595<br />

2459956<br />

OLD Man Pine. Very dry, well<br />

split. $400. 4m 3 trailer,<br />

delivered <strong>Ashburton</strong> to<br />

Hinds. Ph 027 444 4521.<br />


ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />

Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />

etc. Free light-grade metal<br />

in-yard dumping 9am-5pm<br />

weekdays &9.30-11.30am<br />

Saturdays. 117 Alford Forest<br />

Rd, (behind<br />

PlaceMakers). Phone 03<br />

308 8033 or 027 249 6625.<br />

MENTAL Health Wellness. "I<br />

promise to listen, care and<br />

believe in you" Phone Pete<br />

on 027 <strong>28</strong>0 0889. Dip<br />

Social Work, Dip Life<br />

Coaching. 30 years Tradie<br />

business experience. Member:<br />

A.N.Z. Coaching<br />

Alliance. www.peteyoung.<br />

co.nz<br />


RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroomoroffice.<br />

Fully insulatedand<br />

double glazed forwarmth.<br />

Threeconvenientsizes:<br />

Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />

Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />

Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />

Visit our displaycabin<br />

418WestStreet or callfor a<br />

freebrochure.<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

2472174<br />

0800 58 78 22<br />

STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />

Self storage, variety<br />

of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />

Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />

phone/text 021 554 570<br />

STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />

units available, long or<br />

short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />

Facilities. Contact us<br />

on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />

ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br />

co.nz<br />


ETON ST Saturday 30th<br />

<strong>April</strong>. Furniture, Household<br />

items, Books, Magazines,<br />

Old lamps, Clothing, Glassware,<br />

etc. After 9am.<br />

Thurs <strong>28</strong>th, Fri29th<br />

&Sat 30th<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

11.45<br />

12.00<br />

2.10<br />

2.20<br />

4.00<br />

4.05<br />

5.45<br />

5.50<br />

7.50<br />

8.10<br />

Sun 1st<br />


TheBad Guys<br />

Cinderella and the Little Sorcerer<br />

DowntonAbbey 2<br />

Sonic 2<br />

TheLast Bus<br />

TheBad Guys<br />

TheDuke<br />

Elizabeth<br />

DowntonAbbey 2<br />

TheUnbearableWeight of MassiveTalent<br />

Fantastic Beasts 3<br />

TheLost City<br />

10.00 TheBad Guys<br />

10.00 Cinderella and the Little Sorcerer<br />

11.45 TheBad Guys<br />

12.00 TheLastBus<br />

1.40 Sonic 2<br />

3.55 Elizabeth<br />

4.20 TheDuke<br />

5.40 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

6.10 TheUnbearableWeightofMassive Talent<br />

8.10 TheLost City<br />

8.15 Morbius<br />

Mon2nd,Tues 3rd<br />

&Wed 4th<br />

11.00 TheLastBus<br />

11.00 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

12.40 TheDuke<br />

1.30 TheLost City<br />

2.20 Elizabeth<br />

3.40 TheBad Guys<br />

3.50 Sonic 2<br />

5.30 DowntonAbbey 2<br />

6.00<br />

7.45<br />

8.00<br />

TheUnbearableWeightofMassive Talent<br />

FantasticBeasts3<br />

TheLost City<br />

NO COMPS<br />

Cinderella and the Little<br />

Sorcerer,Elizabeth,<br />

DowntownAbbey 2<br />

TheUnbearable Weight of<br />

MassiveTalent<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

PG<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

ANY INFORMATION regarding<br />

the ’South Canterbury<br />

Rifles’ around the late<br />

1800’s to early 1900’s.<br />

Especially William St.<br />

George Douglas who was<br />

<strong>Ashburton</strong> Post Master at<br />

that time. Contact Nigel<br />

Douglas Ph 022 0607 635<br />

or email niggled48@gmail.<br />

com<br />

HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury -<br />

here when you need us. If<br />

someone you care about<br />

has a life limiting illness.<br />

Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />

8387<br />


AGM<br />

Monday16thMay,7pm<br />

Senior Citizens Centre<br />

206 Cameron Street<br />

ContactGeorgie King<br />

rst.treasurer.midcanterbury@gmail.com<br />


2476833<br />

SUZUKI Jimny JXB 2014,<br />

Silver, manual 5 speed.<br />

One lady owner. 41,000km,<br />

WOF, Rego, service history.<br />

Excellent condition<br />

inside and out. $14,990.<br />

Phone 027 470 9294.<br />

1999 XJ8JAGUAR<br />


SapphireBlue<br />

$9,000 ono.<br />

Regretfully selling.<br />

Allinfophone<br />

Marie 03 302 6120<br />

leave amessage.<br />


2478088<br />

ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />

types, specializing in<br />

Decramastic and Long Run<br />

Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />

roofs not a problem. —<br />

Spraymaster 027-433-7780.

stay ahead of the game!<br />

Uniden UH755-2DLX<br />

2-WayRadio System<br />

•Twin pack,hand held radio<br />

•5wattmax TX output/up to<br />

17kmrange<br />

•80freeUHF channels<br />

•IH54 rated waterresistant<br />

chassis<br />

Was$449.99<br />

NOW<br />

$339 .99<br />

SAVE $50<br />

BurrisDroptine<br />

10x42 Binos<br />

•Rugged design, yetcomfortable<br />

and lightweightfor extended<br />

glassing<br />

•Easy grip exterior rubber armouring<br />

makes them easy to hold even in<br />

wetconditions or with gloves<br />

Was$599.99<br />

NOW<br />

$499 .99<br />

SAVE $100<br />

ACRResqlink 400<br />

Personal LocatorBeacon<br />

•Global coverage with powerful 406<br />

MHzsignal &121.5 MHzhoming<br />

capability<br />

•GPS &GNSSintegrated signal<br />

technology allows accurate<br />

positioning<br />

•Strobe &infrared strobe lights<br />

facilitate nighttimeorlowvisibility<br />

rescues.<br />

Was$549.99<br />

NOW<br />

$499 .99<br />

TatonkaNorix<br />

48L Pack<br />

•Great pack forovernight<br />

trips<br />

•VComfortVario harness<br />

with adjustable length<br />

•Top &front loading<br />

•Large zipped front<br />

opening<br />

•Comeswithraincover<br />

Was$329.99<br />

NOW<br />

$249 .99<br />

Hinderland<br />

70LPack<br />

•Straightforward<br />

indestructible back pack<br />

•V2Carrying System for<br />

medium to heavy loads<br />

•Rain cover included<br />

•Ergonomic padded<br />

shoulder straps<br />

Was$449.99<br />

NOW<br />

$299 .99<br />

H&F Thermacore<br />

Men’sRange<br />

•Fabric provides superior<br />

insulation &moisture<br />

management, helping<br />

to keep youdry and<br />

optimising heatretention.<br />

•Infused with an antimicrobial<br />

finishing treatmenttocombat<br />

natural body odours.<br />

ANY 2ITEMS FOR $49.99<br />

OR EACH ...CAMO $39.99 BLACK $29.99<br />

Peet Original<br />

Boot Dryer<br />

•Dries onepair of<br />

footwear at atime<br />

•Silentthermal<br />

convection process<br />

H&F DogBed<br />

•King sizelightweight<br />

dog bed<br />

•Dirtand water resistant<br />

•Heatretaining insulation<br />

Check out our<br />

latest Autumn catalogue for<br />

awide range of shotguns,<br />

aummunition and accessories to<br />

fulfil your waterfowling<br />

needs<br />

ONLY<br />

$119 .99 ONLY<br />

$119 .99<br />


Phone 03 308 5117 l 393 West St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />




2013 TOYOTA<br />

AQUA S<br />

• 1500cc, hybrid<br />

• Auto<br />

• 2wheel drive<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• 87,990kms<br />

2012 SUBARU<br />

LEGACY 2.5IB<br />

• 2500cc, petrol<br />

• Auto, AWD<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• Wagon<br />

• 95,000kms<br />

Clean<br />

car<br />

rebate<br />

$11,995<br />

NISSAN<br />

2016 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, 34,000kms........................... $10,995<br />

2016 NISSAN NOTE, 1200cc, auto, cam chain, ABS, 40,000kms .............................. $11,995<br />

2008 NISSAN X-TRAIL25X, 2500cc,auto, 4WD,ABS, cam chain, 110,000kms.. $12,995<br />

2012 NISSAN LATIO 1.2G, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 57,558kms .................. $10,995<br />

2009 NISSAN X-TRAIL20X, 2000cc,4WD,auto, reverse camera, 71,000kms..... $12,995<br />

2013 NISSAN TIIDALATIO, 1200cc, auto, ABS, 41,000kms ....................................... $10,995<br />

MAZDA<br />

2010 MAZDAPREMACY, 2000cc, 7seats,auto, timing chain, 126,000kms............$9,995<br />

2013 MAZDADEMIO 13, 1300cc,auto, sedan, cam chain, 75,816kms .................. $11,995<br />

2011 MAZDADEMIO 13-SKYACTIVE, 1300cc, auto, 2WD,cam chain,<br />

58,000kms........................................................................................................................... $10,995<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELA, auto, cam chain, 61,000kms ....................................................... $11,995<br />

SUBARU<br />

2012 SUBARULEGACY 2.5iB, 2500cc, auto, AWD, wagon, ABS,95,000kms........ $11,995<br />

SUZUKI<br />

3½ stars<br />

2013 MAZDA<br />

DEMIO<br />

• 1300cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• Hatchback<br />

• ABS<br />

• 46,279kms<br />

3½ stars<br />

2005 TOYOTA<br />

ALLION A18<br />

• 1800cc, petrol<br />

• Auto<br />

• ABS<br />

• Cam chain<br />

• 75,816kms<br />

2 stars<br />

$11,995<br />

Clean<br />

car<br />

rebate<br />

$11,995<br />

$7,995<br />

2015 SUZUKI SWIFTXG-DGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 61,000kms ...........$11,995<br />

2012 SUZUKI SWIFTXG, 1200cc, auto, ABS,cam chain, 60,114kms ........................ $9,995<br />


2001 MITSUBISHI DION, 1500cc, ABS, 7seats,hatchback, auto, air con................$4,995<br />

2015 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 1200cc, auto, ABS, cam chain, 79,152kms ............... $10,995<br />

TOYOTA<br />

2013 TOYOTA SPADE, 1500cc, ABS, air con, cam chain, 53,100 kms....................... $10,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA MARK X, 2400cc, 7seater, ABS, air con, S/W,89,000kms....................$9,995<br />

2008 TOYOTA BLADE MASTERS, 3000cc, auto, 6air bags,bodykit, 82,000kms $11,995<br />

2005 TOYOTA RAV4, 2400cc, 4X4, auto, alloys,ABS ....................................................... $12,995<br />

2017 TOYOTA YARIS, 1300cc, auto, NZ new,cruisecontrol,42,500kms .......................SOLD<br />

2004 TOYOTA ECHO, 5door, auto, 105,000kms.....................................................................SOLD<br />

2005 TOYOTA ALLION, 1800cc, auto, sedan, ABS,75,000kms.......................................$7,995<br />

2013 TOYOTA AQUA S, 1500cc, auto, 5door,ABS, cam chain, 87,990kms ............ $11,995<br />

HONDA<br />

2008 HONDA FITRS, 1500cc, auto,hatchback,alloys,53,000 kms......................... $10,995<br />

2010 HONDA INSIGHT G,1300cc, alternative, auto, 5door, cam chain .................. $9,995<br />

KIA<br />

2006 KIA CERATO, 2000cc, auto, 2wheel drive, one owner,74,461kms......................$7,995<br />


2014 SUBARU IMPREZA, 70,000kms<br />

2009 MAZDAAXELASPORT, 5door,79,000kms<br />

<br />

3081396<br />


&RENTALS<br />

470 West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

A/H Keith Drummond 0274 367 646<br />

www.atob.co.nz<br />


-about our range of rental vehicles<br />

Family,Sports, School or Social Trips<br />

We have 8, 10 &12seaterminivans available.Cars and 3trucks forsmall or big<br />

loads also available.<br />


Our whole team working for you.<br />

Youget the expertise and energy of all our team<br />

every time you buy, sell or rent from us!<br />

RayWhiteMid Canterbury<br />

03 307 8317 | 96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com | rwashburton.co.nz<br />

Real Estate Mid CanterburyProperty Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

S O L D<br />

Sellers getthe<br />

Cherry on Top<br />

with RayWhite<br />

Congratulations,toour clients who LISTED and SOLD their homes with us. OurSellersjoined the RayWhite<br />

Team virtually on Wednesdaythe 13th<strong>April</strong> <strong>2022</strong> to choose their ‘Cherry on the Top’ from behind the<br />

yellow door. With aGrand Prize of$5000 up for grabs, the competition was hot and the excitement was<br />

real! Every Seller went away with aPrezzy Cardvalued at $250 and the $5000 Grand Prizewas won by<br />

Dianne Winchester who recently sold her property at 176 Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> with us.<br />

Thankyou to all our Sellers whochosetolist and sell with RayWhite.<br />

Diannene Winchester<br />

How much<br />

is your<br />

home<br />

worth?<br />

RayWhiteMid Canterbury<br />

03 307 8317 | 96 Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com | rwashburton.co.nz<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

Whether you are thinking about selling, or you are curious<br />

about the value of your home in the current market,<br />

RAYWHITE can offer you afree, no obligation<br />

property appraisal.<br />

This includes:<br />

What’s recently sold in your area<br />

What’s forsale by comparison<br />

Market trends<br />

What your property could be worth<br />

The best marketing methods foryou<br />

Contact us to book your free appraisal today

RayWhite<br />

Property<br />

Management<br />

Property Management ismore than just looking after<br />

maintenance and collecting rent. Your Property<br />

Manager is theretoprotect your investment.<br />

Makethe<br />

rightmove.<br />

When we look after your property, we ensure that<br />

through regular inspections and reporting, you know<br />

the home is ingood shape, so there are no nasty<br />

surprises.<br />

Get intouch with our Property Managers tosee how<br />

we can help protect your investment.<br />

Get Loan Market<br />

working foryou.<br />

Mark Caldwell<br />

MortgageAdviser<br />

&FinanceExpert<br />

027 249 6377<br />

mark.caldwell@loanmarket.co.nz<br />

loanmarket.co.nz/mark-caldwell<br />

RayWhiteMid Canterbury<br />

03 307 8317 | 96 Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />

ashburton.nz@raywhite.com | rwashburton.co.nz<br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)<br />

CareyVon Lubke<br />

027697 6948<br />

rentals.ashburton@raywhite.com<br />

Janene McDowell<br />

027<strong>28</strong>7 3388<br />


Proudly Sold<br />

6GlasseyDrive,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

32a Morgan Street, Methven<br />

37 Eton Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 61 Grove Street,Tinwald<br />

176 Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

18 Country Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />

Kim Miller<br />

027 236 8627<br />

Armand van der Eik<br />

021 597 527<br />

Bruce McPherson<br />

027 438 4250<br />

Denise McPherson<br />

027 242 7677<br />

Cheryl Fowler<br />

0274 612 614<br />

ChrissyMilne<br />

027 290 6606<br />

Denise Russell<br />

0274 329 717<br />

Lynne Bridge<br />

027 410 6216<br />

Mark Totty<br />

021 664 113<br />

Big Mike<br />

021 272 0202<br />

Margaret Feiss<br />

021 751 009<br />

ShirleyFitzgerald<br />

027 220 15<strong>28</strong><br />

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

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