April 2022 Newsletter

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www.caladiumfestival.org<br />

Caladium Arts & Cras Co-op<br />

Unique Arts & Cras Shop<br />

Original, handcrafted art and crafts<br />

For any person in your life...<br />

Or Room in your house!<br />

Get updates about programs,<br />

services, energy tips, outages<br />

and more<br />


863.946.6200<br />

GladesElectric.com<br />

Office locations:<br />

214 Hwy 70 West, Lake Placid<br />

26733 Hwy 27, Moore Haven<br />

Tues-Sat 10am-4pm Closed Sun. & Mon.<br />

132 East Interlake Blvd. Lake Placid, FL<br />

863-699-5940<br />

www.caladiumarts.org<br />

Facebook.com/CaladiumArtsCras<br />


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