Summer Adventures 2024

Summer Adventures journal is a growth roadmap for little disciples. Put it in the hands of kids and watch them take on new challenges, set spiritual goals, and grow in their understanding of God and their place in His story.

Summer Adventures journal is a growth roadmap for little disciples.

Put it in the hands of kids and watch them take on new challenges, set spiritual goals, and grow in their understanding of God and their place in His story.


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Find It!<br />

Sam and Lucy like to find fun<br />

shapes in the clouds! The<br />

beautiful world reminds them<br />

how much Heavenly Father<br />

loves them. Help them find<br />

the hidden items.

Yay for June!<br />

JUNE 1: Say Something Nice Day<br />

JUNE 4: National Doughnut Day<br />

JUNE 8: Best Friends Day<br />

JUNE 17: Eat Your Vegetables Day<br />

JUNE 18: International Picnic Day<br />

JUNE 26: Chocolate Pudding Day<br />

- 1 -


- June <strong>2024</strong> -<br />

June is a great<br />

month to dream big<br />

dreams and pray<br />

bold prayers!<br />

- 2 -

Jesus Taught Us How to Pray<br />

Inspired by the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:5:13<br />

When Jesus Christ was on the earth,<br />

He taught us how to pray.<br />

I can pray, just like He taught,<br />

every single day!<br />

I thank God for my blessings,<br />

then ask for what I need.<br />

God wants to hear about my day!<br />

He loves me much indeed.<br />

I end my prayer in Jesus’s name.<br />

I’m glad He showed the way.<br />

- 3 -<br />

Jesus taught us many things—<br />

He taught us how to pray!

pray<br />

with<br />

senses<br />

Are you ready for an exciting, multi-sensory prayer journey?<br />

Follow the prompts below to engage God with all five senses!<br />

Wrap yourself in a soft blanket.<br />

Enjoy its warmth for a few moments.<br />

In what ways does this make you<br />

think of God? Write your thoughts and<br />

feelings as a prayer here.<br />

Think of a special memory and draw<br />

it here. As you're looking at your<br />

picture, tell God as many details of<br />

that special experience as you can<br />

remember.<br />

Listen to a family member tell their story<br />

of when God became real and personal<br />

to them, or when God answered their<br />

prayer. Write here what miracle you<br />

want God to do for you.<br />

Go through your house and find 3<br />

nice-smelling things. Enjoy them for<br />

a few moments. In what ways do<br />

these smells make you think of God?<br />

Write your thoughts as a prayer here.<br />

Find something salty, something sweet<br />

and something sour to taste. Draw your<br />

favorite here. Take a few moments to<br />

thank God for the variety of tastes He<br />

gave us to enjoy.<br />

- 4 -

your journey into the<br />

presence of God<br />

- 5 -


BINGO<br />

In the eyes of God, there is no prayer too small or insignificant.<br />

Hey, Max!<br />

I can’t find Bingo,<br />

my elephant!<br />

What's wrong?<br />

I’ll help you look.<br />

We’ll never find him.<br />

Let’s ask God<br />

for help.<br />

Hmm . . .<br />

Heavenly Father,<br />

please help us<br />

find Bingo.<br />

- 6 -

Max! Look!<br />

You found him!<br />

Let’s say a prayer to<br />

say thank you.<br />

Now there’s one more<br />

thing we should do.<br />

Heavenly Father,<br />

thank you for helping us<br />

find Bingo.<br />

Can I play too?<br />

God<br />

cares about<br />

what we<br />

care about!<br />

We can<br />

pray to Him<br />

anytime,<br />

anywhere,<br />

about<br />

anything.<br />

- 7 -

how to pray<br />

Prayer is one of God's greatest gifts to you! You are able to speak directly to Him—the great God of<br />

the universe—anytime, anywhere. Stop and think about that . . . you are talking to this great big<br />

God who made the world and made you, the God who placed the stars in the sky and brings the<br />

sun up every morning. That is quite a thought!<br />



Tell your Father in<br />

Heaven what you or<br />

other people need.<br />


It's a good idea<br />

to spend a few<br />

moments quietly<br />

waiting for God to<br />

speak to you.<br />


Tell God what's on<br />

your mind—your<br />

plans, dreams,<br />

questions, wonderings.<br />

Thank God for who He<br />

is and what He has<br />

done for you, and tell<br />

Him what you<br />

love about Him.<br />


Confess your sins<br />

and mess-ups,<br />

and receive God's<br />

forgiveness.<br />

feelings<br />

Tell God what you're<br />

feeling. Pour out your<br />

worries, joys, fears,<br />

frustrations,<br />

and so on.<br />

- 8 -


Talking to My Heavenly Father<br />

I don’t talk to Him<br />

on a telephone . . .<br />

Or on a computer<br />

screen.<br />

I simply say a prayer<br />

and know that I am<br />

heard and seen.<br />

He cares about my life<br />

on Earth.<br />

He guides me from<br />

above.<br />

And when I talk to Him<br />

in prayer, I always feel<br />

His love.<br />

- 9 -

prayer<br />

adventures<br />


Tell God three<br />

words that<br />

describe you<br />

best.<br />

Tell God<br />

something that<br />

makes you feel<br />

worried and<br />

why.<br />

Ask God what<br />

makes Him<br />

angry.<br />

Tell God<br />

something<br />

that makes<br />

your family<br />

special.<br />

Tell God what<br />

you'd buy if<br />

you had<br />

$10,000.<br />

Tell God about<br />

your favorite<br />

song, or sing<br />

it to Him.<br />

Ask God<br />

what makes<br />

Him happy.<br />

Tell God<br />

something<br />

you'd like to<br />

change about<br />

the world.<br />

Tell God<br />

about<br />

someone<br />

you're<br />

missing.<br />

Tell God about<br />

a time<br />

something<br />

started badly<br />

but ended well.<br />

Tell God about<br />

your happiest<br />

memory.<br />

Tell God about<br />

the worst thing<br />

that ever<br />

happened<br />

to you.<br />

Ask God<br />

what He'd<br />

like you to<br />

help Him<br />

change.<br />

Tell God<br />

something<br />

about Him that<br />

you really<br />

appreciate.<br />

Tell God what<br />

you love<br />

doing more<br />

than<br />

anything else.<br />

Tell God<br />

about a time<br />

you felt<br />

alone.<br />

Tell God<br />

something you<br />

did that you<br />

didn't think<br />

you'd be able to.<br />

Ask God about<br />

what He's<br />

looking<br />

forward to<br />

and why.<br />

Tell God<br />

something<br />

that's<br />

bothering you<br />

at the moment.<br />

Tell God<br />

something<br />

about Him<br />

that you don't<br />

understand.<br />

Ask God<br />

how He felt<br />

when you<br />

were born.<br />

Tell God<br />

about a<br />

time when<br />

you lied.<br />

Tell God<br />

about someone<br />

who needs<br />

His help.<br />

Tell God<br />

about the<br />

yummiest<br />

thing you've<br />

ever eaten.<br />

Thank God for<br />

someone who<br />

loves you no<br />

matter what.<br />

- 10 -


Don't Give Up on God!<br />

Sometimes, when our prayers don't get answered right away, we may be tempted to quit.<br />

Resilience means not giving up, even when something is hard. It means trying again after you mess up or<br />

moving forward when bad things happen.<br />


Write your story here:<br />

Mark how you felt about your goal<br />

when it was hard in one color.<br />

Mark how you feel about it now<br />

in a different color.<br />




MAD<br />

What I was learning:<br />



PROUD<br />


Why I’m glad I didn’t give up:<br />

- 11 -<br />

keep on praying and never give up!<br />

~Jesus, Luke 18:1

I Can Pray<br />

I can pray in the morning.<br />

I can pray late at night.<br />

I can pray when I’m frightened...<br />

Or after a big fight.<br />

I can always talk<br />

to my Father above.<br />

- 12 -<br />

He is always near,<br />

and He listens with love.

Yay for JuLY!<br />

JULY 3: Compliment Your Mirror Day<br />

JULY 9: Sugar Cookie Day<br />

JULY 11: Cheer Up the Lonely Day<br />

JULY 18: Ice Cream Day<br />

JULY 21: Junk Food Day<br />

JULY 24: Cousin's Day<br />

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- July <strong>2024</strong> -<br />

JuLY is a great<br />

month to grow<br />

stronger in my<br />

faith!<br />

- 14 -

Jesus loves me this I know,<br />

for the<br />

tells me so.<br />

- 15 -

The Bible is God's Love Letter!<br />

coloring page<br />

What is your favorite story in the Bible?<br />

- 16 -

This month dive deep into God's love<br />

by reading His love letter to you.<br />

Color each square red after you read the passage.<br />

1 JOHN<br />

4:9-10<br />


3:17<br />

PSALM<br />

86:15<br />


2:20<br />

PSALM<br />

136:26<br />

ROMANS<br />

8:37-39<br />

ISAIAH<br />

54:10<br />

JOHN<br />

13:34-35<br />

PSALM<br />

63:3<br />


2:4-5<br />


3:11-12<br />

JOHN<br />

13:3-5<br />

PSALM<br />

5:11-12<br />

1 JOHN<br />

4:7-8<br />

PSALM<br />

107:8-9<br />

MICAH<br />

7:18<br />

JOHN<br />

16:27<br />

PSALM<br />

31:7<br />


3:17-19<br />


12:6<br />

PSALM<br />

103:13<br />

1 JOHN<br />

3:1<br />

PSALM<br />

109:21<br />

PSALM<br />

36:5-7<br />

ISAIAH<br />

49:15<br />

PSALM<br />

100:4-5<br />

JOHN<br />

3:16-17<br />

I am forever in love<br />

with you.<br />

~ God<br />

- 17 -

God's love is...<br />

TALLER than the TALLEST mountain.<br />

WIDER than the WIDEST _________________________________<br />

STRONGER than the STRONGEST___________________________<br />

DEEPER than the DEEPEST ________________________________<br />

BRIGHTER than the BRIGHTEST ____________________________<br />

BETTER THAN __________________________________________<br />

With your parents' permission, scan the QR code below and sing along<br />

with Duggie Dug Dug: God's love is bigger than a burger!<br />

- 18 -

In Jesus Time...<br />

many people had a hard time wrapping their mind around God's incredible love. It was<br />

just too much for them. In Luke 15, Jesus tells us a story to help us better<br />

understand God's love. Can you re-tell this story just by looking at the pictures?<br />

- 19 -

God's love is like ...<br />

Gather up your family and together discuss<br />

how God's love is like these things!<br />

PUPPY<br />


DONUT<br />



MAGNET<br />

ANCHOR<br />

RAIN<br />


PARTY<br />

- 20 -<br />

OCEAN<br />

What else is<br />

God's love like?

ible reading challenge<br />

Read to a sibling.<br />

Read under a tree.<br />

Read under the table.<br />

Read to your pet (or stuffed animal).<br />

Read to your best friend.<br />

Read on a park bench.<br />

Whisper read.<br />

Read in your pajamas.<br />

Read in bed.<br />

Read aloud.<br />

Read on a swing.<br />

Read a passage and then act out a<br />

scene from it.<br />

Read with a flashlight.<br />

Read to a parent.<br />

Read to a grandparent.<br />

Read while eating a snack.<br />

Read in a hammock.<br />

Read by the water (pool, beach, etc.)<br />

Read in a tent.<br />

Read in the car.<br />

Read on the sand.<br />

Read by a campfire.<br />

Read in a closet.<br />

Read and draw a picture of<br />

what you read.<br />

- 21 -

Choose y ur bible adventure<br />

L E T ' S G O !<br />

Each day, you get to<br />

choose which Bible<br />

adventure to take!<br />

Underline your choice<br />

and then put a check<br />

mark when you're done.<br />


HERO<br />

Stephen the Martyr<br />

(Acts 6:8-15)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Moses the Liberator<br />

(Hebrews 11:23-29)<br />



Cain the Murderer<br />

(Genesis 4:1-12)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Herod the Great<br />

(Matthew 2:1-18)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A K I N G<br />

Solomon the Wise<br />

(1 Kings 10)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Jesus the Humble<br />

(Philippians 2:3-11)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A Q U E E N<br />

Esther the Star<br />

(Esther 2:1-18)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Vashti the Rebel<br />

(Esther 1)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A N I M A L S<br />

Talking Donkey<br />

(Numbers 22:21-35)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Talking Snake<br />

(Genesis 3:1-6)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

B I R D S<br />

The Bible is our<br />

daily bread not<br />

cake for special<br />

occasions.<br />

- 22 -<br />

Rooster<br />

(Mark 14:66-72)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Ravens<br />

(1 Kings 17:2-6)

Choose y ur bible adventure<br />


Unmerciful Servant<br />

(Matthew 18:21-35)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Persistent Widow<br />

(Luke 18:1-8)<br />



Resurrection Sunday<br />

(Matthew 28:1-10)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Midnight Party<br />

(Acts 16:22-31)<br />



Rude Guest<br />

(Matthew 22:1-14)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Awkward Situation<br />

(John 2:1-11)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A F U N E R A L<br />

Widow's Son<br />

(Luke 7:11-17)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Bizarre!<br />

(2 Kings 13:20-21)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A S T O R M<br />

Jesus in the Storm<br />

(Luke 8:23-25)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Jonah in the Storm<br />

(Jonah 1)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

C H I L D R E N<br />

Samuel<br />

(1 Samuel 3:1-11)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Children and Jesus<br />

(Mark 10:13-16)<br />

God speaks<br />

through His Word<br />

when we take<br />

time to listen.<br />

- 23 -<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A B A T T L E<br />

The Unfair Advantage<br />

(Exodus 17:8-13)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

The Final Battle<br />

(Revelation 20:7-10)

Choose y ur bible adventure<br />


Prideful Prayer<br />

(Luke 18:9-14)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Sorrowful Prayer<br />

(Matthew 26:36-46)<br />


A LIE<br />

Sickly Lie<br />

(2 Kings 5:19-27)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Deadly Lie<br />

(Acts 5:1-11)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A K I S S<br />

A Kiss of Betrayal<br />

(Luke 22:47-53)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

A Kiss of Forgiveness<br />

(Luke 15:11-20)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

F R I E N D S<br />

A Midnight Visit<br />

(Luke 11:5-10)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Roof-breakers<br />

(Mark 2:1-12)<br />


SPIT<br />

Mark 7:31-37<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Mark 8:22-26<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A N G E L S<br />

Prison Break<br />

(Acts 5:17-20)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

The Lion Tamer<br />

(Daniel 6:16-22)<br />

Knowing the<br />

Bible helps us<br />

know the God of<br />

the Bible.<br />

- 24 -<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

F I S H I N G<br />

153 Large Fish<br />

(John 21:1-14)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

The Money Fish<br />

(Matthew 17:24-27)

Choose y ur bible adventure<br />



Pooping in a Cave<br />

(1 Samuel 24:1-4)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Pooping Instructions<br />

(Deuteronomy 23:12-13)<br />



That's not fair!<br />

(Luke 15:25-32)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Joseph and His Crew<br />

(Genesis 37)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A S E A<br />

Red Sea<br />

(Exodus 14)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Adriatic Sea<br />

(Acts 27:27-44)<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A M O U N T A I N<br />

Ararat<br />

(Genesis 8:1-5)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Carmel<br />

(1 Kings 18:16-39)<br />

R E A D A<br />

P S A L M<br />

Psalm 27<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Psalm 146<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A M I R A C L E<br />

Never-ending Food<br />

(1 Kings 17:7-16)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Lunch for Everyone!<br />

(John 6:1-15)<br />

Read the Bible<br />

to get to know<br />

its Author.<br />

- 25 -<br />

R E A D A B O U T<br />

A N A C C I D E N T<br />

Oops! I Dropped a Baby<br />

(2 Samuel 4:4)<br />

>< OR ><<br />

Broken Neck<br />

(1 Samuel 4:12-18)

The<br />



H<br />

ow precious is the Word of God to you? If you were offered diamonds<br />

or rubies or the Bible, which would you choose? the Bible is truly the<br />

word of God. It teaches about Jesus, salvation and eternal life.<br />

This month, do your best to read the Bible every day. Pray and think about what you<br />

are learning. AS YOU DO THIS, YOU WILL:<br />

Feel closer to your<br />

Heavenly Father.<br />

Make better decisions<br />

every day.<br />

Find strength to overcome<br />

temptations.<br />

Enjoy peace and hold<br />

strong to God's promises.<br />

Be inspired, encouraged<br />

and filled with hope.<br />

See changes and miracles<br />

begin to happen in your life!<br />

- 26 -

Yay for August!<br />

AUGUST 3: Watermelon Day<br />

AUGUST 9: Book Lovers Day<br />

AUGUST 10: Lazy Day<br />

AUGUST 16: Tell a Joke Day<br />

AUGUST 22: Be an Angel Day<br />

AUGUST 31: Eat Outside Day<br />

- 27 -


August is a great<br />

month to fall in<br />

love with Jesus!<br />

- August <strong>2024</strong> -<br />

- 28 -

Growing Tall and Strong<br />

check out psalm 1 to find out how you can be like a tree.<br />

You are like a tree, growing taller<br />

and stronger every day! On the roots,<br />

draw or write the names of people, places,<br />

and things that help you feel loved. On the<br />

branches and trunk, draw pictures or write<br />

words that describe the kind of person<br />

you want to become.<br />

- 29 -


GOD'S<br />

amazing<br />

LOVE<br />

Which example shows love?<br />

Saying, "I love you."<br />

Stopping a firing squad from shooting a<br />

man, and than taking his place.<br />

Obviously, the second example shows love. The<br />

first example is just someone saying some<br />

words.<br />

God proved His love for us.<br />

He doesn't just sit up there in heaven and say<br />

"I love you" all day long. No, He came down and<br />

lived among us in the person of Jesus. He died<br />

for our sins. And through His Spirit, He lives in<br />

us and guides us every day.<br />

That kind of love should get only one response.<br />

What's yours?<br />

The beautiful news about God's amazing love is<br />

called the Gospel. Can you think of any friends<br />

that you could share the Gospel with?<br />

As you color the picture on the next page, pray<br />

for your friend who hasn't accepted Jesus yet.<br />

- 30 -


Kindness Begins with Me<br />

No matter what, you can always choose to be kind! And many times, when you choose<br />

to be kind, others will see your kindness and choose to be kind too.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />


Color in a heart every time you help someone,<br />

say something kind, act as a peacemaker,<br />

include someone who may feel lonely,<br />

or do any other act of kindness.<br />

3.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

- 31 -

God's Love Is for Everyone!<br />

coloring page<br />

- 32 -


Jesus Loves Everyone<br />

Jesus loves everyone, and so I can too.<br />

Loving others like Jesus is what I will do.<br />

I'll be nice to my brother, who plays with my toys.<br />

I will love baby sister, who always makes noise.<br />

I will pray for my parents and encourage my friends.<br />

They'll feel loved by the God whose love never ends!<br />

- 33 -



- 34 -

The Kindest Person<br />

I've Ever Met<br />

Write about someone who has shown<br />

you extraordinary kindness.<br />

- 35 -

COLOR<br />



We look most like Jesus when we show kindness.<br />

When you serve other people,<br />

you give them a taste of God's love.<br />

When you put others first,<br />

you give them a glimpse of the heart of God.<br />

For the next five days, challenge yourself to live like Jesus, and<br />

color your world with kindness.<br />

With your parents' permission, scan the QR code below<br />

to watch and discuss a fun video.<br />

- 36 -

day 1: GIVE ME five<br />

Color a square as you complete kind acts throughout your day.<br />

Make sure to complete at least five squares!<br />

Help someone<br />

without being<br />

asked.<br />

Leave a thankyou<br />

note for the<br />

mail carrier.<br />

Let someone<br />

go first.<br />

Call a relative<br />

and ask about<br />

their day.<br />

Catch someone<br />

being kind—<br />

and praise<br />

them for it.<br />

we get<br />

the chance, let us do<br />

good to EVERYONE.<br />

- Galatians 6:10<br />


Tell someone<br />

why they are<br />

special to you.<br />

Help make dinner<br />

and/or set the<br />

table for dinner.<br />

Add encouraging<br />

messages to your<br />

sidewalks using<br />

chalk.<br />

Turn off<br />

electronics and<br />

go spend time<br />

with someone<br />

instead.<br />

Give a parent a<br />

big hug out of<br />

the blue.<br />

Tell each of your<br />

family members<br />

one thing you love<br />

about them.<br />

Write a kind<br />

message to<br />

someone in your<br />

family and leave<br />

it for them<br />

to find.<br />

- 37 -

day 2: colors of kindness<br />

FIRST—Fill in the Blank<br />

Jesus showed kindness in lots of ways. He is our example!<br />

Read the scriptures to learn about some of the ways Jesus was kind. Then fill in the blanks.<br />

John 11:32–35, 43–44<br />

Jesus cried with<br />

M A R Y<br />

when her<br />

brother died. Jesus knew He could raise<br />

her brother from the dead, but He was<br />

still sad with her.<br />

Luke 4:40<br />

It was late in the evening and Jesus<br />

was tired. Yet when a big crowd showed<br />

up, He set aside His plans and healed all<br />

who were .<br />

Mark 10:46-52<br />

Even though Jesus was busy, He took<br />

time to help a blind man named<br />

.<br />

John 19:25-27<br />

When Jesus was on the cross, filled with<br />

anguish and pain, He was still thinking of<br />

others. He asked His disciple to take<br />

care of His<br />

.<br />

Matthew 19:13-14<br />

Jesus was never too busy or too<br />

important to spend time with little<br />

.<br />

John 8:3-11<br />

When people brought a<br />

who had sinned to Jesus, and asked<br />

what kind of punishment she deserved,<br />

He stood up for her.<br />

- 38 -

NOW—Fill in the Crossword!<br />

Use this code to figure out the color for each letter in the blanks. Then find the color pattern of<br />

each word in the grid below and write in the word! (Hint: words are only across and down, not<br />

backwards or diagonal.) The first one is done for you.<br />

M<br />

A<br />

R<br />

Y<br />

Once you fill in the crossword, check answers on page 44.<br />

K<br />

I<br />

n<br />

d<br />

- 39 -<br />

n<br />

e<br />

s<br />


day 3: compliment circle<br />

Invite others to join this activity. Print enough<br />

sheets for everyone and sit in a circle. Write your name in the top right corner then pass the paper to<br />

the person next to you. Complete the sentences below about the person whose name is written on the<br />

top. Continue until YOUR sheet comes back to you and read what others wrote.<br />

I appreciate when you<br />

One thing I like about you is<br />

I think you're great at<br />

- 40 -

day 4: noticing others<br />

It's important to look for the good in others and<br />

be kind even when a person doesn't deserve it. Think of someone who made you<br />

upset or sad recently and complete this page.<br />

Person's name:<br />

One UNIQUE thing about<br />

this person<br />

One thing we have in COMMON<br />

One thing I LIKE about<br />

this person<br />

Something HARD this person<br />

might be going through<br />

- 41 -

day 5: being kind to me<br />

One person that needs a good helping of kindness is... YOU!<br />

That's right! From time to time, you need to give yourself a big scoop of kindness.<br />

Check out the bubbles below! Do you ever say some of these things to yourself—<br />

even if only in your head? Put a star next to the 2-3 that you say/think the most.<br />

Then take a pen and strike them out. In their place, write a better thought,<br />

something that God would say about you.<br />

- 42 -

FIND IT!<br />

These children volunteer to keep the shoreline near their home clean and beautiful.<br />

Find 12 seashells and 10 crabs. Then find the other hidden objects.<br />

Find these 12<br />

hidden objects.<br />

- 43 -

FUN &<br />

What goes up but<br />

never goes down?<br />

What can travel<br />

across the world<br />

while staying in the<br />

same corner?<br />

What is so<br />

delicate that<br />

saying its name<br />

will break it?<br />

Can you draw a<br />

diamond starting<br />

with the letter V?<br />

What do you always<br />

find in the middle of the<br />

ocean?<br />

I have four legs but<br />

cannot walk.<br />

What am I?<br />

I have keys but no doors.<br />

I have space but no rooms.<br />

What am I?<br />

What can you hold in<br />

your right hand but not<br />

your left?<br />

Can you draw<br />

a kite starting<br />

with the<br />

number 4?<br />

What gets harder to catch<br />

the faster you run?<br />

Why can’t your nose<br />

be 12 inches long?<br />

answers<br />





- 44 -

Let your<br />

light shine,<br />

so that others will see the good<br />

that you do and will praise<br />

your Father in heaven.<br />

~Jesus, Matthew 5:18

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