Frontline Fellowship News Edition 1 of 2022
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NEWS<br />
<strong>2022</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> 1 PO BOX 74 NEWLANDS 7725 CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICA ISSN-1018-151x<br />
Thanksgiving for 40 years <strong>of</strong> God's Grace and<br />
Guidance, Provision and Protection<br />
"Give thanks to the Lord, call<br />
on His Name; make known<br />
among the nations what He has<br />
done...<br />
Give thanks to the Lord for<br />
He is good; His love endures<br />
forever." 1 Chronicles 16:8,34<br />
Sacrificial Support & Service<br />
As <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
celebrates 40 years <strong>of</strong> God's grace<br />
and guidance, provision and<br />
protection, we want to recognise<br />
those who sacrificed for, served<br />
and stood by this mission. The<br />
prayer warriors, supporters,<br />
volunteers, co-workers, interns<br />
and missionaries who went above<br />
and beyond the call <strong>of</strong> duty,<br />
whose labour <strong>of</strong> love has edified<br />
and empowered God's people<br />
as we strive to seek first God's<br />
Kingdom and His righteousness,<br />
making disciples and teaching<br />
obedience to all things that the<br />
Lord has commanded. Those<br />
who had the stamina to remain<br />
steadfast and persevere against<br />
all odds will be rewarded by the<br />
Lord <strong>of</strong> the Harvest.<br />
Anthony Duncan<br />
In particular, we honour the<br />
memory <strong>of</strong> Anthony Duncan<br />
who died in the service <strong>of</strong><br />
Christ, December 1994. When<br />
four <strong>Frontline</strong> vehicles were<br />
sent into the field, but only one<br />
vehicle came back. In the early<br />
morning mist <strong>of</strong> 14 December<br />
1994, <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong> Field<br />
Continued on page 3<br />
Behind Enemy Lines—Preaching in the Nuba Mountains <strong>of</strong> Sudan—1998
Worker, Anthony Duncan, was<br />
killed in a head-on collision.<br />
Anthony was part <strong>of</strong> our<br />
mission team which succeeded<br />
in smuggling over a tonne <strong>of</strong><br />
medical supplies and Bibles into<br />
Angola. They were ambushed<br />
when exiting Angola and jailed in<br />
Namibia. The vehicle I drove up<br />
to Zambia needed to be diverted<br />
after our Biblical Worldview<br />
Seminar in Lusaka, to rescue<br />
our workers stranded in<br />
Caprivi (Namibia). As my<br />
mentor, Francis Grim<br />
declared: “A missionary<br />
must be ready to<br />
preach, pray, or die,<br />
at a moment’s<br />
notice!” Those<br />
who knew<br />
Anthony<br />
were<br />
struck<br />
by his<br />
radiant faith and his vibrant<br />
devotion for our Lord Jesus<br />
Christ. He died in the service <strong>of</strong><br />
Christ, after having faithfully<br />
ensured that suffering Christians<br />
in Angola had received lifegiving<br />
medicines and the lifetransforming<br />
Word <strong>of</strong> God,<br />
which an international shooton-sight<br />
blockade was seeking<br />
to deny them. Anthony chose<br />
to obey God rather than man.<br />
Anthony Paul Duncan could truly<br />
say: “I have fought the good<br />
fight, I have finished the race,<br />
I have kept the Faith.”<br />
2 Timothy 4:7<br />
Fathers in the Faith<br />
We are all indebted to our fathers<br />
in the Faith, the pioneers who<br />
prepared the way for us and<br />
the examples <strong>of</strong> excellence who<br />
inspire us. God's Hall <strong>of</strong> Faith<br />
in Hebrews 11 points us to the<br />
great cloud <strong>of</strong> witnesses in Bible<br />
history. Abraham, the father <strong>of</strong><br />
the faithful and a missionary<br />
who left his home country, his<br />
father's house and travelled to<br />
a new land which God guided<br />
him to. Moses, Joshua, David,<br />
Daniel inspire us to this<br />
day. The apostles Peter<br />
and Paul and their<br />
fellow missionaries,<br />
Anthony Duncan<br />
Soldier, Game Ranger, Missionary<br />
Timothy and Titus, John Mark<br />
and Luke. The great missionaries<br />
<strong>of</strong> history - Patrick, Columba,<br />
Boniface, William Carey, David<br />
Livingstone, Hudson Taylor,<br />
C.T. Studd, Mary Slessor. The<br />
Reformers - John Wycliffe,<br />
Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli,<br />
John Calvin. Great preachers and<br />
teachers like George Whitefield,<br />
Jonathan Edwards and Charles<br />
Spurgeon. And in our lifetime<br />
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn,<br />
Richard Wurmbrand, Brother<br />
Andrew, Bill Bathman, Dr James<br />
Kennedy, Dr RC Sproul and Rev<br />
Rhodesia Heritage Library in Cape Town<br />
2 FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP <strong>2022</strong> EDITION 1<br />
Ingrid Eva Hammond<br />
Erlo Stegen. Their testimonies<br />
and teachings continue to<br />
challenge us to go deeper into<br />
God's Word, to go further in our<br />
adventure <strong>of</strong> discipleship, to<br />
widen our missionary vision and<br />
to deepen our devotion.<br />
Raised in Rhodesia<br />
As my mother taught me to<br />
read before I went to school and<br />
as my parents were avid book<br />
readers, I had the privilege <strong>of</strong><br />
being brought up in a home<br />
where reading books was part <strong>of</strong><br />
our daily life. As a schoolboy in<br />
Rhodesia, my best friends were<br />
animals and books. I am greatly<br />
indebted to my mother who<br />
taught me to love reading and I<br />
am grateful for the many authors<br />
whose books enriched my life<br />
and helped prepare me for this<br />
mission. I am also grateful for<br />
the privilege <strong>of</strong> being brought up<br />
in such a magnificent country as<br />
Rhodesia. Our Prime Minister,<br />
Ian Smith, is an example <strong>of</strong><br />
integrity. He was a man <strong>of</strong> his<br />
word. He said what he meant<br />
and he meant what he said. My<br />
first history teacher in high<br />
school, Mr Reese-Davies, taught<br />
me to question everything. To<br />
always ask: Why? To refuse to<br />
accept the standard narrative,<br />
or the textbook version <strong>of</strong><br />
history, but to always seek out<br />
and understand the context. I<br />
am grateful for a real education<br />
which taught me to think<br />
critically.<br />
Doc Watson<br />
Conversion to Christ<br />
Praise God for Rev Doc Watson,<br />
who, as Pastor <strong>of</strong> Pinelands<br />
Baptist Church, organised the<br />
evangelistic outreach in the local<br />
cinema, where I was confronted<br />
with the Gospel and converted to<br />
Christ. Doc Watson was a patient<br />
and dedicated Bible teacher who<br />
discipled me and also insisted<br />
that I go to Theological college.<br />
Doc Watson later became the<br />
first Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
– a position he<br />
held for 16 years<br />
until the Lord<br />
called him home.<br />
Bill McDougall,<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Leprosy<br />
Mission, trained<br />
me in ministering<br />
in old age homes<br />
and with people<br />
on the streets. His<br />
wise counsel and<br />
example was very<br />
helpful in my early<br />
discipleship.<br />
Hospital Christian <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
It was a privilege to be mentored<br />
by Francis Grim, the Founder <strong>of</strong><br />
Hospital Christian <strong>Fellowship</strong>,<br />
who established missions in<br />
over 110 countries. Uncle<br />
Francis taught me how to live<br />
by faith and how to prevail in<br />
prayer through days and nights<br />
<strong>of</strong> intensive intercession. As<br />
I conducted my first mission<br />
into Mozambique while under<br />
En route to Mozambique—1982<br />
Hospital Christian <strong>Fellowship</strong>, I<br />
dedicated my book, In the Killing<br />
Fields <strong>of</strong> Mozambique to Francis<br />
Grim.<br />
Baptist Theological Seminary<br />
My favourite lecturer<br />
at Baptist Theological<br />
College, was Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />
Fritz Haus. He taught<br />
Old Testament Exegesis.<br />
Dr. Haus was a Godfearing,<br />
dedicated Christian<br />
Missionary. A veteran <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Second World<br />
War, he had led<br />
Bible studies and<br />
prayer meetings<br />
in North Africa as<br />
part <strong>of</strong> Rommel’s<br />
Afrika Korps. For<br />
over 60 years he<br />
planted Churches<br />
throughout South<br />
Africa. Dr Fritz<br />
Haus introduced<br />
me to the doctrines<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Reformation<br />
and the Christology<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Old<br />
Testament. Therefore, I dedicated<br />
my Old Testament Survey Book to<br />
Dr Fritz Haus.<br />
Gospel Defence League<br />
Mrs Dorothy Scarborough, who,<br />
with her husband Dr Charles<br />
Scarborough, served under the<br />
London Missionary Society<br />
in the Gilbert Islands <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Pacific ocean, founded Gospel<br />
Defence League and has been a<br />
steadfast friend, Board member<br />
Francis Grim Erlo Stegen With Bill Bathman at the Battlefront in Sudan<br />
and supporter <strong>of</strong> our mission<br />
over the last 39 years. Her wise<br />
counsel and insights have been<br />
invaluable for our mission.<br />
KwaSizabantu Mission<br />
Rev Erlo Stegen has been a<br />
tremendous inspiration and<br />
example <strong>of</strong> dedication and<br />
devotion. Uncle Erlo and his<br />
family and co-workers have<br />
been our very best friends.<br />
Friends in need. We praise God<br />
for His abundant grace which<br />
has been poured out through<br />
the multitude <strong>of</strong> ministries<br />
that continue to flow from<br />
this extraordinary mission in<br />
KwaZulu. The two editions <strong>of</strong> my<br />
book, Putting Feet to Your Faith,<br />
are dedicated to Erlo Stegen.<br />
James Kennedy<br />
Dr James Kennedy was a faithful<br />
friend and Board member<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong>. His<br />
Evangelism Explosion has been<br />
a key part <strong>of</strong> our mission for<br />
the last 40 years. Dr Kennedy<br />
Dr James Kennedy<br />
regularly had me as a guest on<br />
his radio and TV programmes,<br />
welcomed me as a guest speaker<br />
to Coral Ridge Presbyterian<br />
Church, even in his pulpit. He<br />
donated thousands <strong>of</strong> books to<br />
our mission. Dr Kennedy also<br />
wrote recommendations for<br />
several <strong>of</strong> my books including:<br />
Faith Under Fire in Sudan,<br />
Biblical Principles for Africa,<br />
Character Assassins – Dealing<br />
with Ecclesiastical Tyrants and<br />
Terrorists and The Greatest<br />
Century <strong>of</strong> Reformation.<br />
R C Sproul<br />
The teachings <strong>of</strong> RC Sproul,<br />
one <strong>of</strong> the greatest Christian<br />
Theologians and Apologists<br />
<strong>of</strong> the 20th century, have<br />
greatly enriched our ministry.<br />
Dr R C Sproul responded to<br />
my challenge to produce a<br />
Reformation Study Bible in<br />
time for the Reformation 500 in<br />
2017. He even donated 2000<br />
copies <strong>of</strong> this Reformation<br />
Study Bible for us to distribute<br />
to college libraries, pastors<br />
and missionaries throughout<br />
Africa. I dedicated the second<br />
edition <strong>of</strong> Greatest Century <strong>of</strong><br />
Reformation to RC Sproul.<br />
David Noebel<br />
Dr David Noebel <strong>of</strong> Summit<br />
Ministries and the Christian<br />
Anti-Communism Crusade<br />
first encouraged me to come<br />
to the United States after my<br />
release from prison in Zambia<br />
in 1987. Dr Noebel made<br />
me a regular guest speaker at<br />
Summit Ministries for 25 years.<br />
His Understanding The Times<br />
and The Battle for Truth books<br />
became textbooks for our Biblical<br />
Worldview Summits throughout<br />
Africa.<br />
Brent Noebel<br />
The third edition <strong>of</strong> Faith Under<br />
Fire in Sudan was dedicated to<br />
Brent Noebel who, although<br />
blind for the last 21 years <strong>of</strong> his<br />
life, had such great vision that<br />
he raised most <strong>of</strong> the funds that<br />
enabled <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong> to<br />
deliver hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands<br />
<strong>of</strong> Bibles and New Testaments,<br />
Christian school textbooks,<br />
audio Bibles and Christian films<br />
to Sudan.<br />
Bill Bathman<br />
By God's grace, I had the privilege<br />
<strong>of</strong> travelling throughout Europe,<br />
East and West with Rev Bill<br />
Bathman, learning from one <strong>of</strong><br />
the most gifted Evangelists it has<br />
ever been my privilege to serve<br />
under. In Germany, Switzerland,<br />
Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech<br />
and Slovakia, Yugoslavia, Croatia,<br />
Easter Sunday Service in Romania—1989<br />
Lenora Hammond (née Bathman)<br />
Romania, Bulgaria and Albania,<br />
throughout North America and<br />
into Mexico, throughout South<br />
Africa and South West Africa/<br />
Namibia, Angola, Zambia,<br />
Zimbabwe, Kenya and Sudan. Bill<br />
Bathman served as Chairman <strong>of</strong><br />
the Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
for 14 years. More than anyone<br />
else, Bill Bathman invested<br />
in this mission: time, talents<br />
and treasure. He was the most<br />
active board member involved<br />
in camps and courses, teaching<br />
and counselling, strategy and<br />
street evangelism, raising funds<br />
for field vehicles, organising<br />
speaking itinerary opportunities,<br />
open air preaching, Missions<br />
across the border, even at the<br />
battlefront in Sudan and on<br />
Africa Overland Missions. I<br />
dedicated the first edition <strong>of</strong><br />
Faith Under Fire in Sudan to<br />
Bill and Harriet Bathman. Of<br />
course he greatly enriched all<br />
<strong>of</strong> our lives by entrusting his<br />
Upper Room—Bathman Memorial Hall<br />
Meeting with Commander Salva Kiir <strong>of</strong> the SPLA, now President <strong>of</strong> South Sudan<br />
youngest daughter, Lenora,<br />
into my care. The Upper<br />
Room – Bathman Memorial<br />
Hall is another testimony to<br />
the tremendous vision and<br />
sacrifice <strong>of</strong> Bill Bathman and<br />
his daughter Lenora, who<br />
poured her inheritance into<br />
the building expansions here at<br />
Continued on page 12<br />
Above: At the Battlefront in Equatoria—1996<br />
Below: In the Nuba Mountains <strong>of</strong> Sudan—1999<br />
6 FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP <strong>2022</strong> EDITION 1<br />
40 Years on the<br />
<strong>Frontline</strong><br />
8<br />
10<br />
Livingstone House. "It is good<br />
to give thanks to the Lord and<br />
to sing praises to Your Name,<br />
O Most High; to declare Your<br />
lovingkindness in the morning<br />
and Your faithfulness every<br />
night." Psalm 92:1-2<br />
Crossing Yei River Battlefront—1997<br />
First Hand Eyewitness<br />
History<br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> - Behind Enemy<br />
Lines for Christ, is a first hand,<br />
eyewitness account <strong>of</strong> war and<br />
persecution during tumultuous<br />
events. From the Bush War in<br />
Rhodesia to the Border war in<br />
South West Africa and Angola, to<br />
the killing fields <strong>of</strong> Mozambique,<br />
capture, interrogation,<br />
imprisonment, smuggling<br />
behind the Iron Curtain, the<br />
Seven year Jericho Prayer March<br />
that led to the Fall <strong>of</strong> the Berlin<br />
Wall, the collapse <strong>of</strong> the Iron<br />
Curtain, Revolution in Romania,<br />
Missions to Albania, the most<br />
atheist country in Europe, the<br />
Holocaust in Rwanda, under<br />
artillery and rocket fire and aerial<br />
bombardment in Sudan, to the<br />
successful struggle for secession<br />
<strong>of</strong> South Sudan, <strong>Frontline</strong> - Behind<br />
Enemy Lines for Christ covers<br />
40 incredible years <strong>of</strong> <strong>Frontline</strong><br />
<strong>Fellowship</strong> missions throughout<br />
38 countries and eight wars in<br />
Africa and Eastern Europe.<br />
The Present Crises<br />
This book is very relevant to<br />
this time <strong>of</strong> war in Ukraine,<br />
Critical Race Theory in the<br />
classroom, BLM riots in the<br />
streets, manipulative propaganda<br />
on the mainstream media,<br />
hypocrisy and double standards<br />
by politicians and sinister<br />
globalist intrigues to undermine<br />
Faith and freedom worldwide.<br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> - Behind Enemy Lines for<br />
Christ provides unique insights<br />
from recent history into a wide<br />
range <strong>of</strong> controversial issues,<br />
including communism, the abuse<br />
<strong>of</strong> relief aid, Islamic Jihad, the<br />
dangers <strong>of</strong> liberation theology,<br />
the catastrophic consequences<br />
<strong>of</strong> compromise and cowardice,<br />
the treachery <strong>of</strong> the United<br />
Nations in Angola, during<br />
the Rwandan genocide and in<br />
undermining freedom <strong>of</strong> religion<br />
in Sudan, along with inspiring<br />
stories <strong>of</strong> Christian courage<br />
and tenacity amidst intense<br />
conflict and tribulation. It will<br />
empower readers to recognise<br />
the tactics <strong>of</strong> Marxists and<br />
provide facts needed to counter<br />
the disinformation and guilt<br />
manipulation <strong>of</strong> globalists today.<br />
More importantly it will inspire<br />
greater resistance to revolution<br />
and to the nefarious agenda <strong>of</strong><br />
those who are working for a one<br />
world government, one world<br />
economic system and one world<br />
interfaith religion (Revelation<br />
13).<br />
Behind the <strong>News</strong> Headlines<br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> - Behind Enemy Lines<br />
for Christ includes many behindthe-scenes<br />
and behind-thenews<br />
headlines events and<br />
dramatic confrontations with<br />
terrorists, false teachers and<br />
even heads <strong>of</strong> state. Including<br />
when Col Jan Breytenbach and I<br />
walked into Angola to confront<br />
communist forces with the<br />
Gospel <strong>of</strong> Christ, clashes with<br />
archbishop Desmond Tutu and<br />
president Nelson Mandela,<br />
international intrigues with<br />
Kenneth Kaunda, treachery and<br />
betrayal. It presents the epic<br />
saga <strong>of</strong> <strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
missionaries serving persecuted<br />
Christians and evangelising in<br />
war-zones throughout Africa and<br />
Eastern Europe. It has a powerful<br />
message <strong>of</strong> hope, with many<br />
examples <strong>of</strong> successful initiatives<br />
that resulted in captives being set<br />
free, communists and jihadists<br />
converted to Christ, once closed<br />
countries now open to the<br />
Gospel, successful secessions<br />
and dramatic transformations <strong>of</strong><br />
The First Shipment <strong>of</strong> Bibles in Moru delivered to the Cathedral in Lui—2000<br />
communities and countries.<br />
Resistance & Reformation<br />
It is our prayer that this book<br />
on the realities <strong>of</strong> communist<br />
terrorism and tyranny, Islamic<br />
Jihad, persecution <strong>of</strong> the<br />
church, globalist treachery, the<br />
infiltration and subversion <strong>of</strong><br />
the church by false prophets and<br />
Marxists in religious disguise<br />
and the steadfast resistance <strong>of</strong><br />
many courageous Christians,<br />
along with incredible answers<br />
to prayer, will inspire a new<br />
generation to fight the good<br />
fight <strong>of</strong> Faith and make Christ’s<br />
Great Commission their Supreme<br />
Ambition, even behind enemy<br />
lines, in Restricted Access Areas.<br />
We pray that those who read this<br />
book will be convinced <strong>of</strong> the<br />
importance <strong>of</strong> joining this Back<br />
to the Bible for Reformation and<br />
Revival movement. “ … And you<br />
know in all your hearts and<br />
in all your souls that not one<br />
thing has failed <strong>of</strong> all the good<br />
things which the Lord your God<br />
spoke concerning you. All have<br />
come to pass for you; not one<br />
word <strong>of</strong> them has failed.”<br />
Joshua 23:14<br />
Dr. Peter Hammond<br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
PO Box 74<br />
Newlands, 7725<br />
Cape Town<br />
South Africa<br /><br />
www.<strong>Frontline</strong><br />
With Col Jan Breytenbach<br />
at the border<br />
12<br />
FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP <strong>2022</strong> EDITION 1<br />
Outreach at the<br />
Africa Overland Mission<br />
A Macedonian Call<br />
Please also pray for more volunteers to join us<br />
in this incredible privilege and opportunity<br />
<strong>of</strong> serving persecuted churches, evangelising<br />
in Restricted Access Areas and working for<br />
Reformation throughout Africa. The needs<br />
are great and the opportunities to serve and<br />
strengthen churches under severe pressure,<br />
are urgent.<br />
“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the<br />
labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Harvest to send out labourers into<br />
His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38<br />
Please pray for our ongoing<br />
outreaches and missions and for<br />
the inspiring and life-changing<br />
Great Commission Course<br />
(24 June – 13 July <strong>2022</strong>). Over<br />
the last 24 years, participants <strong>of</strong><br />
the GCC have come from as far<br />
afield as Australia and America,<br />
Britain and Botswana, Canada<br />
and Congo, Ghana and Germany,<br />
Namibia and New Zealand,<br />
Malawi and Mozambique, Sudan<br />
and South Africa, Zambia and<br />
Zimbabwe. This is an intensive,<br />
practical, hands-on, threeweek<br />
course, incorporating<br />
daily PT, intensive Bible study<br />
and lectures most mornings,<br />
outreaches and practicals<br />
every afternoon, including film<br />
Evangelism, Muslim Evangelism,<br />
mass literature distributions<br />
at railway stations and bus<br />
stations, personal, oneon-one<br />
Evangelism and<br />
either outreaches, or<br />
more training in<br />
the evenings<br />
and topped<br />
up with<br />
regular<br />
late-<br />
night hikes, culminating in a hike<br />
up and over Table Mountain.<br />
The GCC also includes numerous<br />
practical tests, evaluations<br />
and missionary assignments<br />
to stretch minds and muscles.<br />
"Expect great things from God!<br />
Attempt great things for God!"<br />
– William Carey (1792)<br />
14 FRONTLINE FELLOWSHIP <strong>2022</strong> EDITION 1<br />
Christian Liberty Books<br />
Resources for Reformation and Revival<br />
PO Box 358 Howard Place 7450 Pinelands, Cape Town, South Africa<br />
Tel: 021 689 7478 Fax: 086 551 7490<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Frontline</strong> <strong>Fellowship</strong><br />
PO Box 74 Newlands 7725<br />
Cape Town South Africa<br />
Tel: +27 21 689 4480<br /><br />