The Teaching and Educational Strategy of Mathias Corvinus Collegium

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Educational</strong><br />

<strong>Strategy</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong>

1. General teaching principles <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong><br />

1.1. Preamble<br />

<strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong> (MCC) is the leading talent promotion<br />

institution in the Carpathian Basin. It has been providing education<br />

<strong>and</strong> training since 1996 <strong>and</strong> runs free talent promotion programs from<br />

the upper primary school level to adult age.<br />

Our institution is also a knowledge center: in addition to our training<br />

courses, we organize mobility programs, provide a wide range <strong>of</strong><br />

scholarships for our students, publish books, conduct academic research,<br />

organize international <strong>and</strong> national conferences <strong>and</strong> discussion forums,<br />

<strong>and</strong> promote academic dialogue <strong>and</strong> a culture <strong>of</strong> public debate.<br />

MCC provides enthusiastic young people who are willing to act for the<br />

nation <strong>and</strong> their communities an opportunity to develop their talents,<br />

to learn from the best Hungarian <strong>and</strong> foreign experts, regardless <strong>of</strong><br />

their geographical or financial situation. <strong>The</strong> opportunities are provided<br />

free <strong>of</strong> charge for the benefit <strong>of</strong> Hungary <strong>and</strong> for the well-being <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Hungarian nation as a whole.<br />

1.2. <strong>The</strong> Aim <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> this strategy document is to set out the educational <strong>and</strong><br />

teaching principles <strong>of</strong> MCC which have been crystallized over the decades<br />

<strong>of</strong> its operation <strong>and</strong> which were summarized <strong>and</strong> formulated through<br />

a pr<strong>of</strong>essional debate conducted in 2021-2022. <strong>The</strong> ever-exp<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

training portfolio <strong>of</strong> MCC requires continuous development <strong>of</strong> the sections<br />

describing our operational structure; at the same time we regard our<br />

education <strong>and</strong> teaching principles as a timeless set <strong>of</strong> values.<br />


This strategy document also enables us to organize our teaching <strong>and</strong><br />

educational activities along the same quality st<strong>and</strong>ards, taking into<br />

account local needs at all training levels <strong>and</strong> locations <strong>of</strong> MCC.

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Teaching</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> is a set <strong>of</strong> interdependent <strong>and</strong><br />

interrelated guidelines. This strategy document defines the entire<br />

training system <strong>of</strong> MCC, <strong>and</strong> all those who are involved in the educational<br />

<strong>and</strong> pedagogical work at MCC carry out their talent promotion <strong>and</strong><br />

community-building activities in this spirit.<br />

1) Linear training structure - with multiple levels <strong>of</strong> entry<br />

2) Community responsibility, national commitment<br />

3) Multidisciplinary approach<br />

4) Practice-oriented approach, relevance, continuous knowledge management<br />

5) International scientific horizon<br />

6) Small group, personalized learning<br />

7) Complex <strong>and</strong> diversified pedagogical tools<br />

8) Combining digital <strong>and</strong> face-to-face learning (blended learning)<br />

9) Tutorial teaching system<br />

10) Person-centered <strong>and</strong> multifaceted performance assessment system<br />

11) Multi-component continuous quality control<br />

12) Adaptive <strong>and</strong> motivating learning environment<br />

1.3. Our teaching principles<br />

As a talent education institution, <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong> designed<br />

its education system according to the latest pedagogical principles. Its<br />

operating model is based on the traditions/best practices <strong>of</strong> traditional<br />

Hungarian colleges for advanced studies, as well as the experience<br />

<strong>of</strong> Anglo-Saxon social science education <strong>and</strong> the methodological<br />

achievements <strong>of</strong> innovative formal <strong>and</strong> non-formal pedagogy.<br />

Our institution implements a complex educational talent development<br />

program. In the spirit <strong>of</strong> lifelong learning, it <strong>of</strong>fers development<br />

opportunities from upper secondary school to post-doctoral level.<br />

Its public life academies, events, <strong>and</strong> academic competitions provide<br />

opportunities to engage with its programs beyond the curriculum. <strong>The</strong><br />

general characteristics <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Collegium</strong>’s educational system can be<br />

summarized in the following 12 principles:<br />

1) Linear training structure - with multiple levels <strong>of</strong> entry<br />

<strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong>’s training structure <strong>of</strong>fers its students<br />

talent development programs tailored to their age needs, individual<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional interests <strong>and</strong> skills, <strong>and</strong> the stages <strong>of</strong> their public <strong>and</strong> higher<br />

education studies. <strong>The</strong> Talent Pathway takes our students through the<br />

Young Talent Program, the High School Program <strong>and</strong> the University<br />

Program (junior training Program, MCC schools, leadership training,<br />

MCC research center membership) to doctoral <strong>and</strong> post-doctoral levels.<br />

Each part <strong>of</strong> the training program has its own entry points, so you<br />

can join the Young Talent Program at the beginning <strong>of</strong> fifth grade,<br />

the High School Program at any time during your secondary school<br />

studies, <strong>and</strong> the University Program in the first year (junior training)<br />

or second year (MCC schools) at university. Having completed studies<br />

in the MCC school system, students can opt for joining one <strong>of</strong> the MCC<br />

research centers where students are provided personalized mentoring<br />

<strong>and</strong> opportunities to connect to the world <strong>of</strong> scientific research. In the

framework <strong>of</strong> the Leadership Training Program, students who have<br />

completed their studies in the MCC school system, as well as external<br />

applicants, have the opportunity to acquire leadership skills. Following<br />

the University Program, prospective doctoral students may join our<br />

PhD program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> structure <strong>of</strong> the training system allows students to follow a full<br />

talent development pathway under the auspices <strong>of</strong> MCC, from the<br />

age <strong>of</strong> 10 to the post-doctoral level, <strong>and</strong> to become part <strong>of</strong> an alumni<br />

community that provides continuous training opportunities <strong>and</strong> a<br />

supportive pr<strong>of</strong>essional environment.<br />

To achieve this goal, the elements <strong>of</strong> our curriculum are closely<br />

interlinked <strong>and</strong> motivate our students to reach new levels <strong>of</strong> the talent<br />

development pathway.<br />

YOUNG<br />

TALENT<br />


HIGH<br />

SCHOOL<br />









POST<br />







MCC PhD<br />


2) Community responsibility, national commitment<br />

<strong>The</strong> community approach is an educational principle that has been<br />

determined in line with the mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong>. <strong>The</strong><br />

fundamental aim <strong>of</strong> the educational activities <strong>of</strong> our institution is – at all<br />

its levels <strong>and</strong> in all its forms – to train people who are aware <strong>and</strong> capable<br />

<strong>of</strong> acting in their immediate <strong>and</strong> wider communities. We believe that the<br />

knowledge <strong>and</strong> skills acquired by our students <strong>and</strong> trainees should serve<br />

not only their own personal goals but, first <strong>and</strong> foremost, they should<br />

be put at the service <strong>of</strong> traditional communities such as the family, local<br />

communities <strong>and</strong>, above all, the Hungarian nation as a whole.<br />

ROMA<br />

TALENT<br />


MCC’s Training System, 2022.<br />

Students in the Young Talent Program <strong>and</strong> the High School Program have<br />

the opportunity to discover local values, Hungarian history, folk traditions<br />

<strong>and</strong> cultural treasures, which leads them to start thinking in terms <strong>of</strong><br />

the nation. Students in our university-level program get acquainted with<br />

national strategic goals, build close contacts with Hungarians abroad, <strong>and</strong><br />

have the opportunity to gain personal experience at home <strong>and</strong> abroad<br />

which contributes to the development <strong>of</strong> an active <strong>and</strong> responsible<br />

attitude towards the Hungarian nation.<br />

Our institution’s training system constitutes a knowledge network <strong>and</strong><br />

cross-border community covering the entire Hungarian community in the<br />

Carpathian Basin. Its educational <strong>and</strong> research activities are carried out<br />

in all training locations along the same quality st<strong>and</strong>ards. In this context,<br />

we <strong>of</strong>fer talented young Hungarians from all over the Carpathian Basin<br />

the opportunity to join our talent development training system.<br />

In all elements <strong>of</strong> our training system, we establish close pr<strong>of</strong>essional<br />

links between our training locations so that our students can build<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional, cultural, <strong>and</strong> personal relations with each other within <strong>and</strong><br />

beyond our borders through a variety <strong>of</strong> meeting points (conferences,<br />

seasonal academies, camps).<br />

3) A multidisciplinary approach<br />

All courses at <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong> are based on a pedagogical<br />

approach that synthesizes <strong>and</strong> crosses various disciplines. In the<br />

framework <strong>of</strong> the Young Talent Program, students get acquainted with<br />

all kinds <strong>of</strong> disciplines, while courses in the High School Program are<br />

embedded in a social science context. In the University Program, in<br />

addition to the specialization in the disciplines covered by the MCC<br />

schools, our students have the opportunity to learn about the major<br />

(political, economic, psychological, philosophical) problems with which<br />

the world deals. At the level <strong>of</strong> the Leadership Training Program, we<br />

combine the latest psychometric <strong>and</strong> neurophysiological findings with<br />

up-to-date knowledge on leadership training <strong>and</strong> skills development.<br />

We are constantly exp<strong>and</strong>ing our training system to keep pace with<br />

the latest developments in social sciences <strong>and</strong> technology. Our aim is<br />

not only to preserve the knowledge accumulated by our experts over<br />

decades but also to implement the latest scientific findings into our<br />

educational activities. We also seek to be a catalyst for scientific research

<strong>and</strong> to facilitate the wider social dissemination <strong>of</strong> this knowledge<br />

through effective communication. To this end, we help our students to<br />

develop a holistic approach to science that takes a comprehensive view<br />

<strong>of</strong> all scientific disciplines.<br />

within medium-sized <strong>and</strong> large enterprises. We also help them to find a<br />

job at a leading company in the labor market. We also <strong>of</strong>fer individual<br />

consultations <strong>and</strong> career support to members <strong>of</strong> the MCC alumni<br />

community.<br />

4) Practice-oriented approach, relevance, continuous<br />

knowledge management<br />

At all levels <strong>of</strong> education, our institution strives to show how scientific<br />

disciplines intersect with our everyday lives, prepare our students<br />

to adapt to the changing social <strong>and</strong> technological environment, <strong>and</strong><br />

develop an innovative <strong>and</strong> entrepreneurial spirit. To this end, in the<br />

framework <strong>of</strong> our High School Program, we organize international <strong>and</strong><br />

domestic tours for our students. Health awareness <strong>and</strong> drama courses<br />

in the Young Talent Program are held in a real-life, external institutional<br />

setting, while key business figures share their experience with the<br />

students <strong>of</strong> our University Program thus helping them deepen their<br />

knowledge <strong>of</strong> economics. Our Leadership Training Program is one-<strong>of</strong>a-kind<br />

in the region as it provides talented young graduates with an<br />

opportunity to develop a leadership mindset or exp<strong>and</strong> their leadership<br />

toolkit in the framework <strong>of</strong> a tailor-made, practice-oriented, high-techsupported<br />

training course. Members <strong>of</strong> the MCC research centers take<br />

part in research projects under the supervision <strong>of</strong> mentors.<br />

<strong>The</strong> practice-oriented approach <strong>of</strong> our training programs involves joint<br />

projects <strong>and</strong> cooperation with external partners as well as educational<br />

partnerships with universities <strong>of</strong> science.<br />

<strong>The</strong> above principles are framed by our commitment to support our<br />

students in their career choices <strong>and</strong> to help them achieve their career<br />

goals. In the framework <strong>of</strong> our Young Talent Program <strong>and</strong> High School<br />

Program, we provide our students guidance to help them choose the<br />

right career path for them. For students in the University Program <strong>and</strong><br />

for those who take part in the Leadership Training Program, we provide<br />

individual consultations to identify particular fields in which they can<br />

start working towards their goals. Our students can test their skills in<br />

a real market environment through internships <strong>and</strong> part-time positions<br />

5) International academic horizons<br />

We integrate our university-level courses into the international<br />

academic arena by inviting guest lecturers, organizing international<br />

conferences, <strong>and</strong> providing scholarships <strong>and</strong> study trips abroad for our<br />

students. Active participation <strong>of</strong> our students <strong>and</strong> academic staff in the<br />

international scientific dialogue is a priority for us.<br />

Through our fellowship programs (Budapest Fellowship Program, MCC<br />

Fellowship Program, MCC Scholarship Program, MCC Visiting Fellowship<br />

Program, etc.), we mobilize a pool <strong>of</strong> expertise that is outst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

even by international st<strong>and</strong>ards. We invite internationally renowned<br />

experts <strong>and</strong> we encourage our students to gain experience at the most<br />

prestigious training centers, research institutions, <strong>and</strong> international<br />

organizations abroad.<br />

This teaching principle reflects our commitment to helping our students<br />

to underst<strong>and</strong> the scientific <strong>and</strong> public contexts from an international<br />

perspective, learn about good practices <strong>and</strong> innovations in their field,<br />

<strong>and</strong> adapt them to their own academic <strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional activities.<br />

6) Small group, personalized learning<br />

In our training courses, teaching activities are held mainly in small<br />

groups. Small group sizes ensure the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> knowledge<br />

transfer <strong>and</strong> skills development. Accordingly, courses in the Young<br />

Talent Program for 7th <strong>and</strong> 8th graders are held in groups <strong>of</strong> 12. Working<br />

day <strong>and</strong> weekend workshops <strong>of</strong> the High School Program also have<br />

10-15 participants, while courses at different levels <strong>of</strong> the University<br />

Program are also launched with a maximum <strong>of</strong> 15 participants. As for<br />

the Leadership Training Program, in addition to small group seminars,<br />

leadership skills development is delivered on an individual basis <strong>and</strong>

tailored to the needs <strong>of</strong> each student. Language courses at all levels<br />

are held in small groups.<br />

<strong>The</strong> small-group format allows for personal mentoring <strong>and</strong> the complex<br />

monitoring <strong>of</strong> personal development in all segments <strong>of</strong> the training<br />

system as well as the acquisition <strong>of</strong> small-group cooperation techniques<br />

at the skills level.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire pr<strong>of</strong>essional community <strong>of</strong> MCC is made up <strong>of</strong> closely<br />

cooperating small groups, the composition <strong>of</strong> which varies according to<br />

the training objectives, so that our students can learn to work together<br />

both in a wider <strong>and</strong> narrower community.<br />

7) Complex <strong>and</strong> diversified pedagogical tools<br />

At all levels <strong>of</strong> education at MCC, knowledge transfer <strong>and</strong> skills<br />

development are implemented in a complex way, using a combination<br />

<strong>of</strong> various teaching methods. Course formats (lectures, seminars, small<br />

group work, background discussions, etc.), classroom management<br />

(individual, pair, group, project work, debate) <strong>and</strong> the educational<br />

framework (residential or <strong>of</strong>f-site courses, camps, study visits, etc.)<br />

are determined in accordance with educational objectives <strong>and</strong> adapted<br />

to student needs.<br />

At all levels, our teachers apply pedagogical approaches adapted to the<br />

age group, nature, <strong>and</strong> outcome objectives <strong>of</strong> the training <strong>and</strong> use a<br />

variety <strong>of</strong> working methods in their teaching activities.<br />

Our objective is to identify <strong>and</strong> support the use <strong>of</strong> methodological<br />

strategies that best match individual abilities, <strong>and</strong> the effective use <strong>of</strong><br />

didactic methods adapted to the character <strong>of</strong> the groups being trained.<br />

We continuously develop the pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills <strong>of</strong> our teaching<br />

community <strong>and</strong>, with the pr<strong>of</strong>essional support <strong>of</strong> the MCC Learning<br />

Institute, incorporate the latest pedagogical methodologies into our<br />

teaching activities.<br />

8) Combining digital <strong>and</strong> face-to-face learning (blended learning)<br />

At MCC, face-to-face teaching is complemented by an e-learning<br />

learning support system at all training levels. At the university level,<br />

we also use project assignments, personal development sessions <strong>and</strong><br />

an online test system. <strong>The</strong> online courses in the High School Program<br />

allow students to join our training program from anywhere in the<br />

Carpathian Basin. <strong>The</strong> weekend sessions <strong>of</strong> the Young Talent Program<br />

focus on mindset formation <strong>and</strong> are complemented by an e-learning<br />

system that ensures a deeper knowledge <strong>of</strong> the subject matter <strong>and</strong><br />

reflects the learning progress <strong>of</strong> students. In the Leadership Training<br />

Program, the blended learning systems are paired with a challengebased<br />

learning methodology to provide students with knowledge that<br />

can be applied in everyday life.<br />

While face-to-face learning <strong>of</strong>fers opportunities for mindset <strong>and</strong> skills<br />

development <strong>and</strong> the acquisition <strong>of</strong> cooperative techniques, e-learning<br />

is a tool for acquiring deeper knowledge, monitoring personal progress,<br />

<strong>and</strong> providing pr<strong>of</strong>essional feedback.<br />

9) <strong>The</strong> tutorial learning system<br />

<strong>The</strong> tutorial learning system is a feature <strong>of</strong> our institution’s educational<br />

activities as a whole <strong>and</strong> is implemented at several levels in our teaching<br />

practice. New students receive senior student mentors who assist<br />

them during their first year <strong>of</strong> study. <strong>The</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong> experience related<br />

to student projects or the tutorial system also takes place from one<br />

generation <strong>of</strong> students to the other, <strong>and</strong> in the tutorial system, our<br />

students prepare each other to carry out the related tasks. Students who<br />

have completed their training in the Young Talent Program will be present<br />

as high school assistants during weekend training sessions <strong>and</strong> summer<br />

camps. In the Leadership Training Program, students lead project teams<br />

<strong>and</strong> mentor students <strong>of</strong> the University Program by applying the coaching<br />

methodologies they have acquired.<br />

More broadly, graduates <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Collegium</strong> return to our institution at

various stages <strong>of</strong> their careers or even permanently as employees,<br />

teachers, or external partners to incorporate their knowledge <strong>and</strong><br />

experience in the training <strong>of</strong> the new generations <strong>of</strong> students.<br />

10) Person-centered <strong>and</strong> multi-faceted performance<br />

assessment system<br />

In addition to the summative assessment for each course, we provide<br />

feedback to our students at all training levels in the form <strong>of</strong> written <strong>and</strong><br />

oral consultations on their personal development. Our skills development<br />

system, which tracks the academic progress <strong>and</strong> personal development<br />

<strong>of</strong> our students, allows us to create a personal development portfolio for<br />

the entire MCC training process, monitoring <strong>and</strong> helping to develop areas<br />

<strong>of</strong> talent at the appropriate points. <strong>The</strong> Leadership Training Program goes<br />

beyond psychometric methods <strong>and</strong> supports the monitoring <strong>of</strong> personal<br />

development through neurophysiological assessments.<br />

Our continuous <strong>and</strong> stimulating performance assessment is based<br />

on regular personal consultations <strong>and</strong> mutual reflections conducted<br />

with students, <strong>and</strong> aims to develop a self-reflective personality with<br />

autonomous thinking.<br />

11) Multi-component, continuous quality control<br />

Ensuring outst<strong>and</strong>ing quality in our educational activities is a<br />

cornerstone <strong>of</strong> our institution. To this end, courses at all training levels<br />

are continuously reviewed <strong>and</strong> shaped according to feedback from<br />

students <strong>and</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essional management responsible for quality<br />

assurance.<br />

We regularly evaluate the performance <strong>of</strong> instructors on the basis <strong>of</strong> a<br />

detailed set <strong>of</strong> criteria <strong>and</strong> consult them on the results. Our aim is to have<br />

a dedicated teaching staff recognized in their field <strong>of</strong> expertise, wellestablished<br />

in the domestic <strong>and</strong> international academic environment,<br />

who have their own educational vision <strong>and</strong> modern pedagogical tools to<br />

deliver courses at all levels.<br />

We are continuously exp<strong>and</strong>ing our pool <strong>of</strong> teachers in accordance<br />

with the expansion <strong>of</strong> our training system. At all training levels, we<br />

help the pr<strong>of</strong>essional development <strong>of</strong> our teaching community through<br />

training courses <strong>and</strong> workshops presenting the latest pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>and</strong><br />

methodological findings.<br />

12) An adaptive <strong>and</strong> motivating learning environment<br />

Our <strong>Collegium</strong> has a flexible pedagogical system that focuses on<br />

student needs, international educational trends <strong>and</strong> the intersections<br />

with public or everyday life. Thus we exp<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> revise the flexible<br />

parts <strong>of</strong> our courses year by year, <strong>and</strong> we invite speakers, organize<br />

debates <strong>and</strong> round tables, according to student needs. For the High<br />

School <strong>and</strong> Young Talent Programs, we incorporate student needs into<br />

the curriculum through field trips <strong>and</strong> experiential programs. As for the<br />

Leadership Training Program, a series <strong>of</strong> study tours in the Carpathian<br />

Basin, Europe <strong>and</strong> overseas ensure that students acquire the latest<br />

leadership methods.<br />

Taking into account the European architectural philosophical tradition<br />

<strong>and</strong> modern pedagogical research on the importance <strong>of</strong> physical space<br />

planning, our institution has created an inspirational educational<br />

environment at all training levels. In addition to technical conditions<br />

that meet modern pedagogical requirements, we provide our students<br />

with the possibility <strong>of</strong> creating a collaborative environment, for example<br />

in a school classroom, a high school workshop or a classroom <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Young Talent Program, while the laboratory <strong>of</strong> the Leadership Training<br />

Program allows for daily mental skill development.

2. <strong>The</strong> general educational principles <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong><br />

„Far more important than the transmission <strong>of</strong> abstract knowledge<br />

is that the parental home <strong>and</strong> the school may cultivate <strong>and</strong> develop in<br />

young people a sense <strong>of</strong> duty, inner energy <strong>and</strong> willpower.”<br />

Count Klebelsberg Kunó<br />

„To teach virtue we must educate the emotions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> this means learning »what to feel «<br />

in the various circumstances that prompt them”<br />

Sir Roger Scruton<br />


2.1. Our educational principles, the aim <strong>of</strong> educational work<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mathias</strong> <strong>Corvinus</strong> <strong>Collegium</strong> is based on<br />

the teaching concept <strong>of</strong> the institution <strong>and</strong> develops its personal <strong>and</strong><br />

community impact in close connection with it. We believe that talent<br />

development is not only about imparting pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge <strong>and</strong><br />

developing skills, but also about developing the whole personality<br />

through community experiences <strong>and</strong> a consciously designed system <strong>of</strong><br />

activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> <strong>of</strong> MCC is to develop the personality<br />

as a whole, to train individuals who are open to dialogue, who feel<br />

responsibility for their communities (nation, local community, family,<br />

friends), are willing to act for these communities, who are familiar<br />

with the cultural <strong>and</strong> historical traditions <strong>of</strong> Hungary, <strong>and</strong> who are able<br />

to get informed about the world. Our objective is to help students to<br />

develop self-expression skills, <strong>and</strong> critical thinking, gain a high degree<br />

<strong>of</strong> intellectual autonomy, develop a sense <strong>of</strong> individual responsibility <strong>and</strong><br />

entrepreneurial spirit, <strong>and</strong> continuously widen their intellectual horizons<br />

<strong>and</strong> gain excellent problem-solving skills.

We believe that personal development can only be effective through<br />

community-based experiences. To this end, our <strong>Collegium</strong> organizes<br />

varied programs that have, beyond the educational elements, culture-,<br />

science- <strong>and</strong> art-related aspects as well as activities for healthy physical<br />

development.<br />

Our <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> focuses primarily on undergraduate students<br />

living together in the institution. Nevertheless, its basic elements are<br />

also applied at other training levels. <strong>The</strong> strategy aims to develop<br />

the personality as a whole; its theoretical <strong>and</strong> practical elements<br />

are implemented primarily through community programs, but selfdevelopment<br />

<strong>and</strong> self-education - the framework <strong>of</strong> which is provided by<br />

our University Program - also play a crucial role in it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> range <strong>of</strong> practical program elements associated with the educational<br />

objectives can be exp<strong>and</strong>ed in accordance with commonly agreed values<br />

<strong>and</strong> skills to be developed, as well as local needs. <strong>The</strong> cornerstones<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> are to be implemented in the local <strong>and</strong><br />

trans-regional student communities, <strong>and</strong> in cooperation with the local<br />

community.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Education <strong>Strategy</strong> is primarily intended to be an incentive, therefore,<br />

the strategy does not determine the number <strong>of</strong> programs required <strong>and</strong><br />

participation is not compulsory, but the overall responsibility for the wellfunctioning<br />

<strong>of</strong> each educational program, to achieve the fullest possible<br />

participation <strong>and</strong> a high level <strong>of</strong> community activity at individual level lies<br />

with the local pr<strong>of</strong>essional leadership which oversees the implementation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the strategy <strong>and</strong> facilitates the community process.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program elements are adapted to local conditions, pr<strong>of</strong>essional,<br />

cultural <strong>and</strong> technical capacities. Resources for the programs are<br />

provided not only by local pr<strong>of</strong>essional management but also by the MCC<br />

school system, academic staff, <strong>and</strong> institutes. <strong>The</strong> individual modules<br />

<strong>and</strong> program elements are not sharply separated from each other, as<br />

the historical, technical, public <strong>and</strong> cultural phenomena around us are<br />

presented <strong>and</strong> experienced both in their own context <strong>and</strong> in collaboration<br />

with one another.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program elements serve as guiding lines <strong>and</strong> can be enriched to take<br />

specific educational objectives into account. <strong>The</strong> strategy also allows for<br />

student initiative, <strong>and</strong> explicitly encourages self-organized community<br />

activity based on our shared values.<br />

2.2. Modules <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong><br />

For each module, MCC has defined skills to be developed, knowledge<br />

content to be passed on, <strong>and</strong> values to be highlighted, which are linked<br />

to optional <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>able program elements <strong>and</strong> to comprehensive<br />

programs that can be implemented everywhere.<br />


VALUES,<br />






GOALS<br />



Module 1: Hungarian cultural competences<br />

Module 2: Central Europe<br />

Module 3: Western Civilization<br />

Module 4: Cultural Decoding<br />

Module 5: Self-expression<br />

Module 6: Mental Health <strong>and</strong> Body Awareness<br />

Module 7: Art<br />

Module 8: Local patriotism

Module 1: Hungarian cultural competences<br />

Strengthening the Hungarian cultural <strong>and</strong> historical identity <strong>of</strong> our students<br />

is a priority objective <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong> in order for students to<br />

become citizens who take responsibility for the interests <strong>of</strong> all Hungarians<br />

<strong>and</strong> are active in their communities.<br />

To this end, our programs are designed to explore Hungarian historical<br />

heritage, folk traditions, <strong>and</strong> cultural treasures so that our students can<br />

gain a living, intensive experience <strong>of</strong> Hungarian values <strong>and</strong> become<br />

conscious representatives <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> this module is not only to learn about Hungarian historical<br />

<strong>and</strong> cultural traditions but also to cultivate <strong>and</strong> modernize this folkloric<br />

cultural heritage. <strong>The</strong> educational aim is to develop <strong>and</strong> strengthen an<br />

all-Hungarian mindset, <strong>and</strong> to strengthen Hungarian consciousness <strong>and</strong> a<br />

sense <strong>of</strong> community through personal, practical experiences.<br />

Values, skills <strong>and</strong> goals: historical awareness, broadening <strong>of</strong> the<br />

literary <strong>and</strong> historical horizons, folk art skills, development <strong>of</strong> a patriotic<br />

approach, development <strong>of</strong> a value-conscious <strong>and</strong> critical national spirit,<br />

respect for traditions <strong>and</strong> future-oriented thinking.<br />

Optional program elements: a series <strong>of</strong> historical lectures, a historical<br />

problem-solving competition, a pub quiz, getting acquainted with the lives<br />

<strong>and</strong> work <strong>of</strong> Hungarian scientists <strong>and</strong> artists in the field (visits to memorial<br />

sites, buildings, <strong>and</strong> exhibitions), excursions to various regions in Hungary<br />

<strong>and</strong> abroad, <strong>and</strong> organization <strong>of</strong> workshops to raise cultural awareness, etc.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: travel to Hungarian-inhabited regions<br />

abroad (through eventual inter-city cooperation), tour in Transylvania,<br />

<strong>and</strong> visit the MCC community in Transylvania.<br />

Module 2: Central Europe<br />

It is important to raise our students’ awareness <strong>of</strong> the Central<br />

European context, values, <strong>and</strong> intellectual activity. <strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the<br />

module is therefore to strengthen regional identity, develop geopolitical<br />

awareness, underst<strong>and</strong> the cultural <strong>and</strong> historical interconnectedness<br />

<strong>of</strong> the V4 countries, <strong>and</strong> also underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> live the historical fate that<br />

binds us to the ethnically <strong>and</strong> culturally diverse Central Europe.<br />

Our aim is to enable our students to place Hungary, our country, in<br />

a Central European context, <strong>and</strong> to communicate the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

regional cooperation <strong>and</strong> possible means to cooperation.<br />

Values, skills, objectives: geopolitical awareness, knowledge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

neighboring countries, underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> Hungary’s place in the region,<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> European cultural <strong>and</strong> religious traditions, regional<br />

patriotism.<br />

Optional program elements: experience programs across the<br />

country, travelogues, themed evenings, the cuisine <strong>of</strong> nations (cooking<br />

evening), mock parliament, diplomatic problem-solving competitions,<br />

thematic debates, etc.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: experience <strong>and</strong> study trip to a V4 country.<br />

Module 3: Western Civilization<br />

This module guides our students to underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> experience<br />

European cultural <strong>and</strong> intellectual-historical traditions at the community<br />

<strong>and</strong> individual level.<br />

<strong>The</strong> module, therefore, aims to provide an experiential underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

<strong>of</strong> the European civilizational heritage <strong>and</strong> to raise awareness <strong>of</strong> today’s<br />

challenges <strong>and</strong> the survival <strong>of</strong> these traditions. It will help students<br />

to explore the value systems <strong>of</strong> the European cultural area that are<br />

rooted in ancient traditions, the various layers <strong>of</strong> cultural history, <strong>and</strong><br />

important cultural <strong>and</strong> intellectual achievements <strong>of</strong> the present.<br />

Values, skills <strong>and</strong> objectives: knowledge <strong>of</strong> the European civilizational<br />

heritage, the history <strong>and</strong> values <strong>of</strong> Christianity, its cultural traditions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> an awareness <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> ideas <strong>and</strong> political philosophy<br />

Optional program elements: Trip to a European country, political<br />

club, research workshop, reading circle, philosophical discussion group,<br />

public debates (with guest speakers), discussion with ambassadors, etc.

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: Study trip in Europe during the training<br />

period.<br />

Module 4: Cultural Decoding<br />

<strong>The</strong> constant broadening <strong>of</strong> one’s cultural horizon <strong>and</strong> cultural awareness<br />

are important to human formation. MCC aims to lay the foundations for<br />

the intellectual enrichment <strong>of</strong> our students by developing their artistic<br />

sensitivity <strong>and</strong> building their cultural capital. This module thus aims<br />

to develop a conscious <strong>and</strong> high-quality cultural consumer attitude.<br />

By broadening the cultural experience <strong>of</strong> our students, we aim to<br />

develop individual interpretative paths <strong>and</strong> a strong cultural <strong>and</strong> media<br />

awareness.<br />

<strong>The</strong> educational aim is to introduce both modern <strong>and</strong> classical cultural<br />

values <strong>and</strong> to develop the ability to distinguish between mass <strong>and</strong> niche<br />

culture.<br />

Values, skills <strong>and</strong> objectives: awareness <strong>of</strong> different artistic<br />

concepts <strong>and</strong> layers <strong>of</strong> culture, individual interpretative skills, critical<br />

receptiveness, analytical mindset, need for high quality cultural<br />

products, media awareness, knowledge <strong>of</strong> the values <strong>of</strong> world religions<br />

<strong>and</strong> civilizations, development <strong>of</strong> digital literacy.<br />

Optional program elements: visits to cinema <strong>and</strong> theatre, film club,<br />

newspaper editing, studio visits, podcasting, visit to a museum, drama<br />

sessions, Bible drama, bibliotherapy workshop, Bible study group, slam<br />

night, visits to religious communities, meetings with actors <strong>of</strong> cultural life.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: participation in the realization <strong>of</strong><br />

a cultural or media project (film shooting, newspaper or website<br />

production, organizing a cultural event).<br />

Module 5: Self-expression<br />

A high level <strong>of</strong> personal communication skills is the basis for any<br />

public activity for community purposes. For this reason, therefore, the<br />

continuous development <strong>of</strong> the communication skills <strong>of</strong> our students is<br />

one <strong>of</strong> our key educational objectives.<br />

<strong>The</strong> module aims to develop skills that can be used to develop individual<br />

ways <strong>of</strong> expressing oneself (oral <strong>and</strong> written communication, debating<br />

skills, presentation techniques, cooperative skills). Our aim is to<br />

develop open-minded students who are autonomous thinkers prepared<br />

for dialogue, ready for scientific or everyday discourse, <strong>and</strong> skilled in<br />

artistic self-expression.<br />

<strong>The</strong> community activities at MCC are a continuous space <strong>of</strong><br />

communication in which we provide ample opportunity not only for<br />

two-way communication but also for planned <strong>and</strong> spontaneous student<br />

expression as well as pr<strong>of</strong>essional <strong>and</strong> informal dialogue.<br />

Values, skills <strong>and</strong> objectives: oral <strong>and</strong> written communication skills,<br />

debating skills, presentation techniques, strengthening artistic selfexpression,<br />

protocol skills, active use <strong>of</strong> foreign languages.<br />

Optional program elements: debating evening, presentation<br />

competition/training, rhetoric club, language club, protocol evening,<br />

drama club, communication training.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: debate clubs organized by the MCC<br />

Debate Academy.<br />

Module 6: Mental Health <strong>and</strong> Body Awareness<br />

<strong>The</strong> continuous complex development <strong>of</strong> our students <strong>and</strong> the<br />

maintenance <strong>of</strong> a high level <strong>of</strong> spiritual, mental, <strong>and</strong> physical fitness is<br />

an essential element <strong>of</strong> our education.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> this module is to develop students’ ability for physical <strong>and</strong><br />

mental self-reflection, to develop the need for continuous physical<br />

activity <strong>and</strong> the practice <strong>of</strong> it, to develop nutritional awareness, <strong>and</strong> to<br />

develop individual <strong>and</strong> community awareness <strong>of</strong> the environment.<br />

To this end, we aim to provide a framework for balancing work <strong>and</strong><br />

leisure, learning <strong>and</strong> relaxation, active rest <strong>and</strong> necessary regeneration.<br />

Values, skills, objectives: development <strong>of</strong> emotional intelligence,<br />

mental hygiene, advanced pro-social skills, environmental awareness,<br />

nutrition awareness, health awareness, healthy body image, healthy<br />

self-image, regular individual <strong>and</strong> team sports activities.

Optional program elements: self-awareness sessions, mindfulness,<br />

team sports (hiking, tennis, squash, sailing, football, basketball,<br />

volleyball, chess, shooting, fencing, ping-pong), individual sports<br />

(aerobics, strength training, running, yoga), health day, visit to a<br />

hospital, charity action, environmental awareness programs.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: continuous mental health support <strong>and</strong><br />

individual counselling through a personal development system.<br />

Module 7: Art<br />

Our aim is to continuously broaden the cultural horizons <strong>of</strong> our<br />

students, gain experience through creative activities in different artistic<br />

disciplines. <strong>The</strong> module thus aims to encourage artistic self-expression,<br />

interiorize artistic values <strong>and</strong> share cultural experiences.<br />

Through the cultural decoding module <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Educational</strong> <strong>Strategy</strong>, we<br />

foster in our students the need for art interpretation <strong>and</strong> appreciation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> this module is the active experience <strong>of</strong> artistic self-expression<br />

<strong>and</strong> regular, interactive processing <strong>of</strong> cultural content.<br />

Values, skills, objectives: development <strong>of</strong> basic musical skills,<br />

individual taste, critical receptive attitude, broadening <strong>of</strong> literary <strong>and</strong><br />

visual arts horizons, accumulation <strong>and</strong> artistic expression <strong>of</strong> personal<br />

experience, conscious cultural consumption.<br />

must be personally committed to their communities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> the module is to build an attachment to the region, a sense <strong>of</strong><br />

local patriotism, an underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> local historical <strong>and</strong> contemporary<br />

values, <strong>and</strong> active dialogue <strong>and</strong> cooperation with the value-creating<br />

actors in the local community.<br />

Our training camps at Lake Balaton <strong>and</strong> in Transylvania play a special<br />

role in the local patriotic approach <strong>of</strong> MCC as they help students to<br />

discover not only the cultural, natural, <strong>and</strong> architectural values <strong>of</strong> Lake<br />

Balaton <strong>and</strong> Székelyföld (Szeklerl<strong>and</strong>), but also the local community <strong>and</strong><br />

traditions <strong>of</strong> these regions.<br />

Values, skills, goals: awareness <strong>of</strong> local values, underst<strong>and</strong>ing the<br />

historical perspective <strong>and</strong> local challenges <strong>of</strong> the present, discovering<br />

local communities, local businesses, local problem solving (transport,<br />

administration, education, culture, daily life).<br />

Optional program elements: visit to a local business/start-up/lab/<br />

manufacture, quiz on the city, series <strong>of</strong> lectures by local celebrities,<br />

visit to a local winery, a joint project with a local organization (church,<br />

foundation, cultural institution, scouts, etc.)ű.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: visit to the training sites in Révfülöp <strong>and</strong><br />

Transylvania.<br />

Optional program elements: joint music performance, dance<br />

evenings, music therapy, visit to concerts <strong>and</strong> museums, exploring<br />

local cultural values, experiential painting, creative writing, etc.<br />

St<strong>and</strong>ard program element: participation in an active trans-regional<br />

artistic program.<br />

Module 8: Local patriotism<br />

At MCC we strive to strengthen students’ local patriotic identity through<br />

the discovery <strong>of</strong> local values <strong>and</strong> involvement in the life <strong>of</strong> the local<br />

community. In order to care for the needs <strong>of</strong> all Hungarians, students

@<br />



+36 1 372 0191<br />

3–7 Tas vezér utca, Budapest 1113<br />

info@mcc.hu<br />

1518 Budapest, Pf. 155<br />


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