The Swallows Charity Book, Edition 2

Lots of information and patient stories

Lots of information and patient stories

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Our monthly<br />

meetings<br />

Don’t go it alone<br />

Events<br />

Meetings<br />

Latest News<br />

Support<br />

Stories<br />

• Mobile & tablet friendly<br />

• Keep up to date with our latest news<br />

• Find dates for your diary<br />

• All the info about our events and meetings<br />

Visit us at theswallows.org.uk<br />

Our monthly meeting is for past and present patients,<br />

carers and anyone else who is affected by Head & Neck<br />

Cancer. <strong>The</strong>y are held every second Wednesday of every<br />

month from 7pm. Our aim is to give all those affected with<br />

Head & Neck Cancer the chance to meet like-minded<br />

people, chat about concerns or best practice in the dealing<br />

of this cancer. You can listen to others who have been<br />

through the journey or just find some comfort in knowing<br />

that you’re not alone.<br />

We would encourage Carers to attend these meetings as<br />

we believe they also have their own concerns and need to<br />

know how best to deal with the changes being placed on<br />

them. So, by meeting other Carers we hope to be able to<br />

offer them support and encouragement.<br />

We sometimes have a speaker at the meetings, these<br />

can range from Dietitians, <strong>The</strong>rapy & Mindfulness to local<br />

businesses offering benefits to their services. Why not<br />

come along to our next meeting and see what we’re all<br />

about, we don’t pressure you to return, we have a policy<br />

that we are there if you need us, wherever you need us!<br />

‘At a particularly low ebb and with no idea what I<br />

should do next I contacted Chris at <strong>Swallows</strong> who<br />

kindly came the same day to offer support and advice<br />

and then introduced me to the monthly meeting.<br />

Knowledge does make a difference. Knowing some of<br />

the things that are likely to happen, that other people<br />

have had similar experiences.”<br />

Patient<br />

To find your nearest meeting and venue call:<br />

01253 428 940<br />

Visit us at theswallows.org.uk<br />

Email info@theswallows.org.uk<br />

We meet<br />

every second<br />

Wednesday<br />

of the month<br />

starting at<br />

7pm<br />

2 24/7 Patient and Carer support line and text service: 07504 725 059 theswallows.org.uk<br />

3<br />


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